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Materials: For Scarf: 2 skeins Yarn Bee Diva Sequin (180 yds ea.) or any fingering or DK weight Needles: Size 9 for sample, but any size will work (yardage may change) Small crochet hook One stitch marker Blocking pins/needles WAVES OF THE ATLANTIC by Dragonylace 1 Design by Dragonylace (Deborah Wilson)...Not for Sale, but please., share em wi iends! Sepmber, 2013

Waves of the Atlantic.PDF.shawlette - Knitting · Best Wishes, and Happy Knitting, ... Two lace patterns

Mar 17, 2018



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Page 1: Waves of the Atlantic.PDF.shawlette - Knitting · Best Wishes, and Happy Knitting, ... Two lace patterns


For Scarf: 2 skeins Yarn Bee Diva Sequin (180 yds ea.) or any fingering or DK weight

Needles: Size 9 for sample, but any size will work (yardage may change)

Small crochet hook

One stitch marker

Blocking pins/needles

WAVES OF THE ATLANTIC by Dragonflylace 1

Design by Dragonflylace (Deborah Wilson)...Not for Sale, but please., share them with friends! September, 2013

Page 2: Waves of the Atlantic.PDF.shawlette - Knitting · Best Wishes, and Happy Knitting, ... Two lace patterns

This is a very quick knit. You do not have any complicated pattern, stitches, or charts to follow. After you read through the instructions and get to the “first wave”, you won’t even need the instructions. You have only 4 stitches in this lovely little scarf: knit, purl, and yarn over and knit 1 into the front and back (increase). If you choose to make this with lace weight, the yardage and needles will be completely different, so experiment!!! Have fun with it!

You can make this as wide or long as you wish. I just knitted until I ran out of the 2 balls of yarn I had in my stash. [This is an example of what you can do if you see an idea...I plan on tweaking the stitches on this and perhaps giving you some alternatives...just give me a hurting hands give my mind a chance to think up new stitch combinations and motifs.....laughs and giggles.

Getting started:

Gather your materials together and find a nice place to sit and glider/rocker was perfect. Read all the instructions through before you begin. Chances are, this is the only time you will need them. If you want to make the rosette on the end for a shawl pin as I did, you will follow all the instructions as given. If you do not want a rosette, I will tell you where to begin. Also, I will tell you how to make it into a shawl at the end.

Cast on 5 stitches. Leave about a 10 in tail to be used to make the rosette. Use any method you like. Odd rows are knit and even rows are purl.

Section 1: Row 1: KnitRow 2: PurlRepeat Rows 1 and 2 until you have 10 rows. (hint: I used a row counter)-------------Row 11: Knit 1 into the front and back to increase 1 stitch (K1fb); YO, K1, YO, K.1..repeat across, ending with K1.Row 12: Purl across, catching all YOs from Row 11. (you now have 10 sts)-------------Hint: if you do not want a rosette, start with casting on 20 stitches and follow from now forward.

Section 2: Repeat rows 1-12 (20 sts)

Section 3: Repeat rows 1-12 (40 sts at the end) BUT, make a 2 st garter edge on each side, so even rows: K2, Purl across, ending with K2. This will allow the work to lie flat and not curl. It also gives a nice finished look. You will continue this 2 stitch garter row for the remainder of the scarf.

Section 4: Repeat rows 1-12 (80 sts) On row 11, place a stitch marker after the 40th stitch. This will help you keep the “40 stitch count” constant!-------------------------------------------------- Row 13: (counts as Row 1, see below) Bind off the first 40 stitches (be sure to count that last stitch on your needle when you are binding off as a stitch, or you will have 41 only want 40 sts. Remember you put in a stitch marker). Knit the last 40 stitches.....this counts as the 1st row in the next section.You can now see your first “WAVE”...hanging off your needle as a bind off section.Row 14: Counts as Row 2 of the next section (see below)......K2, P36, described above. I know it sounds confusing for Rows 13 and 14 to count as your first 2 rows of the next section, but once you do this, it will make sense. Just let me know if you have problems.--------------------------------------------------

WAVES OF THE ATLANTIC by Dragonflylace 2

Design by Dragonflylace (Deborah Wilson)...Not for Sale, but please., share them with friends! September, 2013

Page 3: Waves of the Atlantic.PDF.shawlette - Knitting · Best Wishes, and Happy Knitting, ... Two lace patterns

From this point forward, you will only have 40 stitches for your main layering sections and at the end of Row 11, you will have 80 sts again. Purl the 80 sts on Row 12 and BIND OFF 40 on Row 13. Continue this pattern for rows 1-14...remember that rows 13 and 14 are actually the first 2 rows of the next section. Continue making new “Waves” until you reach desired length. I made 13 waves for the sample.

Block following instructions for the type of yarn you chose...regular soaking method for natural fibers and soft steam...not ironing...for acrylics. Make your rosette AFTER blocking. I did not block the 1st 2 sections...I wanted them to curl for the rosette...but I didn’t want to flatten the rosette, so I just left these sections out of the blocking wires.

TO MAKE A ROSETTE: Curl the first section and most of the second section in a loose ball. Pull the tail through to the wrong side of the scarf...then use it to gently sew around the outside to the inside of the rose to secure...weave in any extra yarn. If you need more yarn, just add in a short strand and secure your Rose.

Another finishing idea is to add a beaded loop to the end of each “Wave”, or to roll the end up and make a little rosette at the end of each wave...or crochet on a rose at the end of each wave.

I love this scarf/shawl and plan on using it for my single would look great in mohair or silk; one of those cases where you only have a small amount of a single skein. Have fun and be creative...let me see your Waves of the Atlantic interpretations!!!

Best Wishes, and Happy Knitting,Dragonflylace


WAVES OF THE ATLANTIC by Dragonflylace 3

Design by Dragonflylace (Deborah Wilson)...Not for Sale, but please., share them with friends! September, 2013

Page 4: Waves of the Atlantic.PDF.shawlette - Knitting · Best Wishes, and Happy Knitting, ... Two lace patterns


1. Adding Lace sections for the scarf:

Use one of these two (or both) ideas for adding lace inserts. Besides starting with 20 stitches instead of 5, every thing for this scarf is the same as the original Waves.

Two lace patterns alternating with a stockinette section. This project started with 20 stitches instead of the original 5 stitches.I used about 200 yds of DK weight baby alpaca.

Top Lace is YO, K2tog; then alternate on the next row with K2tog, YO. I started each row with a 2 garter stitches to reduce curling.

Bottom Lace is (K1, P1, K1) in one stitch, K3 tog; then on the next row, K3tog, (K1, P1, K1) in one stitch. This is called the Trinity Knot Stitch. I also used a 2 garter border on each side for this lace pattern.

WAVES OF THE ATLANTIC by Dragonflylace 4

Design by Dragonflylace (Deborah Wilson)...Not for Sale, but please., share them with friends! September, 2013

Page 5: Waves of the Atlantic.PDF.shawlette - Knitting · Best Wishes, and Happy Knitting, ... Two lace patterns

2. Making Waves of the Atlantic as a Shawlette. This took almost exactly 420 yds of fingering weight yarn. Colorway Traveling Vine, Cherry Hill Yarn. The lace section is the Trinity Knot, explained above. See sideline instructions for making it larger.

Use the same general instructions for the Waves pattern. Here is how you alter it: Cast on 40 stitches...Continue with Rows 1-12 of pattern. Now proceed to double your stitches using Row 13 (new row 1, remember?); (80 stitches) only bind off 20 stitches instead of 40. You now have 60 stitches. Row 14: k2, purl 56, k2. Now begin your Trinity Knot pattern for rows 3-10 (if you choose to add the lace.)

At this point, I changed to a 24 inch circular needle to make it easier for me to work with the increased number of stitches.

On the next Row 11 (the increase row...evenly space out an increase of 40 stitches across. {kfb, *k2, yo, k1, yo* repeat between * to * across to last 2 stitches and end with k2. Row 12, k2, p96, k2. You now have 100 stitches. Row 13 (new 1): Bind off 20 stitches; then knit across. You now have 80 stitches. This will now be your base number of stitches, just like you used 40 in the original Waves. Row 14 (new 2) k2, p76, k2. Now continue alternating stockinette sections with Trinity Knot sections. Or you could do: Stockinette - Trinity Knot - Yo, K2tog...and have 2 different lace sections like the pink scarf shown in #1 above. {Note: if you do not have an exact number of 80, don’t worry, just BO 20 stitches and it will be fine. Have Fun! Also, I increase this way to retain the “progressively larger idea of the scarf...into a

shawlette.Once you get to 100 stitches and bind off 20, you will have 80 stitches....this is now your "base number of stitches". It makes the shawlette larger and more substantial. When you get to the increase row, Row 11...increase only 20 stitches evenly across. and then row will purl back.Now when you start the new section (Row 13 + Row 1 and Row 14= Row 2 ) you will bind off 20 stitches...knit across; then K2, p. 76, k2 for the next row. This gives you the "wave" is smaller than the scarf, but leaves you more stitches on the needle, thus making it larger and giving you a shawl instead of a scarf.}

WAVES OF THE ATLANTIC by Dragonflylace 5

Design by Dragonflylace (Deborah Wilson)...Not for Sale, but please., share them with friends! September, 2013