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Waste Management Awareness -BBMP-BANGALORE

Dec 06, 2014



My Friend and Colleage JAYASANCKAR Has worked this Best in class Presentation. BANGALORE RESIDENTS MUST USE THIS and PL spread this across city as per new BBMP Norms.
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13th October 2012

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Why do we need Waste Management? Types of Waste How to do waste management in our

layout? Waste segregation Process Waste disposal Mechanisms Benefits FAQ’s

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Why do we need waste management?

To properly segregate wastes and dispose as per nature of Waste.

To reduce waste that gets land filled and reduce pollution to air and water

Different processes- composting, recycling, incineration can be applied to different kinds of waste generating Manure, new products, energy etc

If we don’t ..Now , we will be made to abide by law

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8.5 million population daily generates 3,500 tonnes of garbage and the government spends nearly Rs.402 crore per year just to dump it in landfills on the city's outskirt

Big Opportunity exists in saving money by waste minimization at home

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Legal Drivers BBMP framed the solid waste management bylaws

which says that all citizens must segregate garbage at source and not dump the waste in either plastic or non-biodegradable bags.

Fine of Rs 500 on citizens who burn garbage and those who do not segregate meat wastes.

Citizens who throw garbage in public places or vacant sites will be fined Rs. 200

Fine of Rs 100 for  those ,who do not segregate waste.

Deadline - OCTOBER 1 2012 We are overdue!!

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6 Types of Waste

Wet waste Dry waste Hazardous Sanitary Garden Debris


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Wet waste Cooked Food Uncooked food Fruits Vegetable Peels Flower waste

BBMP collects daily from door or nearest collection point.

Do not collect in Plastic bags

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Dry waste Glass Wire Cloth Leather Rubber Thermacol Metal Paper Plastic Wood Rexine Fabric Hand over to collectors after

weekly/monthly collection at home

Anything that can be kept for an extended period without decomposing

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Hazardous Waste

Tubelights & Bulbs Batteries Cleaning Agents Paint Oils Aerosol Cans Cosmetics Insecticides Medicines Syringes Thermometers E-Waste

Collect Quarterly at Home /Deposit at designated collection points

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Sanitary Waste Sanitary Napkins Disposable Diapers Bandages Any material contaminated

with Blood

Hand over with Wet Waste Wrap up in newspaper with Red


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Garden Waste Fallen Leaves Trimmed Branches Lawn Trimming Weeds

Collect weekly/monthly and deliver to nearest composer

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Debris Waste Dust Debris Drain Silt Ashes Broken Bricks Mortar Broken glass Construction Waste Demolition Waste

BBMP collects for a Fee

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How to manage waste ?

Preparation/Infrastructure Awareness Sustenance

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Preparation/Infra structure Determining Service provider – BBMP/Private ? Determining the collection mechanism to be

adopted at the apartmentCollection frequency Mode of collectionMode of disposal of wasteNumber and placement of common bins in the apartment

premises Number of primary segregation

required from individual housesTraining for house-keeping staff

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Awareness / Initiation Awareness presentation for us and

housemaids is the need of hour Bins and bags should have been

procured by this time, and support to adherence should be in place now.

Once the segregation starts, more residents to take up volunteering roles to promote the practice.

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Sustenance / Follow-up Self audit/Inspection to be performed

within the home ,to ensure all family members are segregating waste and also aware of its significance

Place the Awareness poster at home to verify when in doubt… the details came in news paper .. If you do not have Google for it…

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Waste Segregation Process Keep separate containers for dry and wet waste in

the kitchen Keep two bags for dry waste collection- paper and

plastic , for the rest of the household waste Keep plastic from the kitchen clean and dry and

drop into the dry waste bin. Keep glass /plastic containers rinsed of food matter

Send wet waste out of the home daily. Store and send dry waste out of the home , once a week.

Keep a paper bag for throwing the sanitary waste

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Waste Disposal Mechanisms

Landfill: A landfill, also known as a dump site for the disposal

of waste materials by burial under the waste management procedures.

Landfill for the waste material is associated with many severe problems such as land and groundwater contamination, engagement of land which would have been otherwise useful for the agriculture/other infrastructural activity, release of methane which is a potent green house gas

Your drinking water depends on what you throw on the land/soil

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Waste Disposal Mechanisms Incineration: 

It involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials which further converts the waste into ash, flue gas, and heat.

Flue gases involve various pollution gases like oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen, etc.

Some of these gases causes green house effects resulted in climate change and global warming.

What your burn ? Is what you breathe!!

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Waste Disposal Mechanisms

Recycling: It includes collection, processing and utilization

of waste material. Conversion of waste materials into new

products/potentially useful materials reduces the consumption of fresh raw materials (virgin materials).

It subsequently results in natural resource conservation.

You can earn less if you save!!

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Reduction and recycling of HHW conserves resources and energy.

Proper disposal prevents pollution that could endanger human health and the environment.

Reuse of hazardous household products can save money and reduce the need for generating hazardous substances

Leave this earth clean… for the next generation

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Videos on Waste Management

Solid waste Management Mess in Bangalore

kHhs Documentary on Waste management in


Uik House hold waste segregation at Mantri

Tranquil Apartments,Bangalore


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“WOW “ Kormangala 3rd Block

“Wealth off Waste” (WoW), the residents of the area are segregating dry waste into reusable bags.

Project got initiated with a concrete and prolonged efforts of volunteers, collecting waste every Saturday to make it a habit among residents to keep their waste in a plastic bag.

The waste collectors are also happy with the fact that they have been able to earn over Rs 50,000 from re-cycling of the waste

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During walk Observation …

Consider this as constructive feedback

Neighbor plot Why should I


You should,… else you

breed disease

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Overflowing of Waste

Consider this as constructive feedback

Good association Initiative , But why would I


Are we really Proud Owners!!

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FAQ’s Will dry waste smell if I store it for a week?

Not if it is clean and dry. Make sure that plastic sachets of milk, curds, oil, idli batter, any food item, are cleaned of all their contents and dried before being put in the dry waste bag. Then they will not stink.

Will I have cockroach, rats and flies problems?

Only if any food residue or organic matter is present in the dry waste. Clean dry waste will not attract any vermin.

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FAQ’s How do I store pizza and cake boxes?

Clean the pizza or cake boxes of all food residue – with a wet kitchen cloth, or rinse them quickly in water and let them dry out before putting them in the dry waste container.

How do I store pickle, sauce bottles?Sauce bottles should be rinsed thoroughly with

water. Pickle bottles can be cleaned with soap and water, as they contain oil. Basically, no food residue must be left in the bottles. Clean them as you would to reuse them. (You can use wipe with a newspaper piece to remove the oil)

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What do I do with milk packets, dosa packets, and yoghurt containers?Clean them thoroughly. Open out the milk,

yoghurt and dosa batter packets completely at one end, and wash out all the residue (hot water helps clean milk packets better). They can be put to wash with the dishes in the sink, then dried on a like, and put into the dry waste bag.

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FAQ’s If I order take away from a local

darshini- do I have to rinse the plastics bags/containers?Oh yes. Any plastic containing any food has to

be rinsed, or washed with soap and water if required, and dried before being put into the dry waste bag.

Should I rinse my juice containers/ tetra packs?Yes, otherwise ants will be attracted to the

sugar in the juice.

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FAQ’s Will my biscuit/bread packet attract ants? How do I

store them? Make sure all the bread / biscuit crumbs are shaken out of the

packet, so they do not attract ants. If the biscuits are too oily, the packet may need to be washed with soap and water.

What do I do with old clothes/ shoes/ handbags/belts/toys? If they are still in usable condition, they should be given to

some organization that collects them. If they are totally unusable, or very damaged, they are still categorized as dry waste.If clothes are soiled with body fluids, they become sanitary waste. If they are soiled with paint, or any chemicals, they are HHW (household hazardous waste).

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FAQ’s – Dry Waste What do I do with old bed linen/ mattress/

pillows etc?Same as above.

What do I do with my old furniture/ broken glass table?Old furniture can be recycled, if not, along with broken

glass it can disposed of as debris or rubbish (inerts). What do I do with old crockery / non-stick

pans etc?If they are not broken, they are recyclable dry waste.

If broken, debris or rubbish (inerts).

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FAQ’s – Dry Waste What do I do with my old taps/ broken sanitary

ware?Old taps – recyclable dry waste. Broken sanitary ware –

debris or rubbish (inerts). What do I do with my old brooms/ floor cleaning

cloths/ dry mops/ bathroom cleaning brush? If it is clean and dry, plastic portions can be recycled and

the rest can be considered as sanitary waste. What is the best method of storing dry waste?

Store it in a bag in the utility area after cleaning and drying till it is picked up.

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FAQ’s – e-Waste

How do I store e-waste?Store them in separate container which is

kept closed, away from moisture and in which nothing else is put.

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FAQ’s-Wet Waste Can I compost at home?

Of course. Home composting can be easily done in Daily Dump’s pot system, or in any aerated container.

I don’t have time to compost at home, what are my alternatives?If you live in a large apartment building, a

community composting system like tank composting or an OWC could be set up for all the wet waste from the residents. If not, the wet waste can be given out every day to the BBMP.

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FAQ’s-Wet Waste

If I don’t use a plastic liner, how do I dispose my food waste in the bin?Before the advent of the bin liner, we would

all put our garbage directly in the bin, and wash it everyday. That is what we will have to do now. The bin can be lined with a newspaper liner or a layer of sawdust if you don’t want to put the wet waste directly into it.

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FAQ’s – BioMedical Waste What is biomedical waste?

This includes used menstrual cloths, sanitary napkins, disposable diapers, bandages and any material that is contaminated with blood or other body fluids.

How do I dispose sanitary pads, diapers, condoms/soiled cotton??They should be wrapped in a newspaper,

marked with a red cross, and given everyday to the BBMP.

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FAQ’s – BioMedical Waste What do I do with waxing strips?

Used waxing strips are sanitary waste - they should be wrapped in a newspaper, marked with a red cross, and given to the BBMP.

How do I dispose human hair/nails?Sanitary waste. Wrap in a newspaper, mark

with a red cross, and give everyday to the BBMP

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FAQ’s – Hazardous Waste What are hazardous wastes?

HHW or household hazardous wastes include three sub-categories – E-waste; toxic substances such as paints, cleaning agents, solvents, insecticides and their containers, other chemicals; and biomedical wastes like used syringes, expired medicines, thermometers, used cosmetics etc..

How do I dispose expired medicines/ injections? Expired medicines and injections, used syringes come

under HHW or household hazardous wastes. They should be stored separate from other categories of waste and given to the BBMP once every quarter.

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FAQ’s – Hazardous Waste What about razor?

It is HHW or household hazardous waste, like used syringes, etc. It should be stored separate from other categories of waste and given to the BBMP.

I have just painted my room. How do I dispose half used paint cans?They come under HHW or household hazardous

wastes. They should be stored separate from other categories of waste and given to the BBMP once every quarter.

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FAQ’s – Hazardous Waste Under what category do I place cosmetics?

They come under HHW or household hazardous wastes. They should be stored separate from other categories of waste and given to the BBMP once every quarter.

What about pesticides, cleaning solutions, mosquito repellants?Same as above.

What do I do with my tube lights and other bulbs?Same as above.

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Thanks for your time

Welcome to join our waste management campaign!!