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North East Regional Waste Management Group Waste Education Strategy 2012 - 2015

Waste Education Strategy - · WASTE EDUCATION STRATEGY | PAGE 3 Forward NevRwaste has a strong and successful history in delivering community engagement [ programs

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Page 1: Waste Education Strategy - · WASTE EDUCATION STRATEGY | PAGE 3 Forward NevRwaste has a strong and successful history in delivering community engagement [ programs

North East Regional Waste Management Group

Waste Education

Strategy 2012 - 2015

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Forward .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Purpose of the waste education strategy ...................................................................................... 4

The role of the waste education strategy: ..................................................................................... 5

Defining community engagement and education in the waste space .......................................... 6

Guiding principles in NevRwaste’s program design ...................................................................... 7

Objectives of the Waste Education Strategy ................................................................................. 8

Objective 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Objective 2 ................................................................................................................................... 10

Objective 3 ................................................................................................................................... 11

Objective 4 ................................................................................................................................... 12

Objective 5 ................................................................................................................................... 13

Monitoring/Evaluation and Reporting ......................................................................................... 14

Monitoring of strategic objectives ............................................................................................... 15

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 16

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NevRwaste has a strong and successful history in delivering ‘community engagement’ programs and

projects which address Member’s priorities and align with the objectives of the RWMP. Defining a

waste education strategy which identifies objectives for the Region, how to plan for, best address, and

implement these objectives is integral to the future success of waste education programs and projects.

By defining the Region’s objectives in waste education, NevRwaste ensures clarity when working

towards achieving the Region’s goals in waste education whilst clearly identifying what NevRwaste is

accountable for delivering. The next three years will see NevRwaste work towards achieving more in

the areas of: waste avoidance/reduction, organic waste diversion and away from home recycling

through our community engagement and education programs and projects. Each program/project will:

align with RWMP, Business Plan, State Targets, Member’s priorities. Each program/project will ensure:

all priority areas are addressed within the program of activities, ensure consistency of message and

delivery of waste education programs within NevRwaste Region, ensure all programs are of Regional

significance and assist Members to deliver State plan (targets) at local Government level.

Community engagement and waste education programs/projects have the capacity to positively

influence community behaviours and perceptions towards waste minimization. By continued

collaboration and consultation with key stakeholders, a waste education strategy which clearly defines

the Region’s waste education objectives, NevRwaste contends that our community can, and will,

practice more efficient use of materials in their lifestyles and activities.

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Purpose of the waste education strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to provide the framework for waste education in the NevRwaste’s

Region and detail the practical actions, programs and projects which will be undertaken over the next

three years (2012-2015). The education strategy is intended to be used by NevRwaste to guide future

Regional planning and explicitly align projects (existing and future) with strategic documents such as

the: Victorian Government’s Towards Zero Waste Strategy (TZW), The Regional Waste Management

Plan (RWMP), NevRwaste Business Plan (BP) as well as Members own strategic plans and directions.

The need for a Regional Waste Education Strategy has been driven by NevRwaste and its Members to

achieve consistency and clarity when engaging with and educating our various communities as well as

fulfilling our legislated role by aligning with State policies, strategies and targets.

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The role of the waste education strategy:

NevRwaste’s focus in recent years has been on developing, delivering and implementing larger scale

education projects that have greater reach, address priorities and deliver significant outcomes for

multiple Members. This approach means that NevRwaste is moving away from working with

individuals and small community groups and instead is investing our limited resources into the delivery

of projects with wider audiences and reach in order to gain better outcomes and greater impacts.

The role of the waste strategy is to provide a clear strategic direction to waste education projects and

programs in order to:

Establish Regionally consistent waste messages

Target Regional problems and issues & find regional solutions which are evidence based in

targeting barriers to behavior change

Achieve ‘Bang for Buck’ thus creating efficiency: resources, reach (saturation/wider audiences),

outcomes and impacts

Provide resources: development of templates, toolkits for easy, local adaption

Provide networking opportunities to: other State agencies, local networks, funding

opportunities, local knowledge, local experts and other waste officers (eg: Technical Advisory

Committee meetings)

Provide opportunities for professional development and training

Research and profiling of specific community groups

Act as a conduit for the dissemination of information such as: case studies, research, other

project outcomes

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Defining community engagement and education in the waste space

Education ultimately is a tool for change. Beyond simply a distribution of information, instruction or

knowledge, education can bring about increased: understanding, participation, awareness,

engagement and skill to elicit behavior change. Education takes many forms, including these


Face to face

Print materials: signage, posters, flyers, stickers, brochures etc

Tangible infrastructure: bins, caddies, bin caps etc

Electronic sources: website/s, apps etc

Media: print/television/radio

Formal training

Informal training: workshops, tours etc

Community events, promotions, displays etc

Education as a tool for behavior change is supported and enhanced by:


Economic levies




Research (scientific and social)

Best practice



Social norms

Networking and partnerships

Effective education needs to be supported by a range of tools and approaches, which is influenced by

the: issue, target audience and available resources.

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Guiding principles in NevRwaste’s program design

All NevRwaste programs and projects will use the following principles in guiding the design,

development, implementation of projects and programs:

Ensure each program/project is aligned with Regional Waste Management Plan (RWMP),

Business Plan, State Targets and Members priorities

Ensure all priority areas (Members priorities and State priorities) are addressed within the

program of activities

Ensure consistency of message and delivery of waste programs within NevRwaste Region

Ensure all programs are of Regional significance

Ensure Members have strategic tools to deliver State plan (targets) at local Government level

Ensure programs/projects do not conflict with local and State Government programs/projects

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Objectives of the Waste Education Strategy

Through the consultation process, the following objectives were identified as crucial areas NevRwaste

needs deliver in for its waste education programs and projects.

Objective 1. Deliver programs which educate and engage communities on issues of waste

avoidance and reduction

Objective 2. Develop and deliver programs which address organic waste separation

Objective 3. Develop a targeted approach to away from home recycling

Objective 4. Develop Regional programs which target Regional issues with consistent messaging

Objective 5. Provide research and best practice information to Members

The following action plan outlines the education strategy objectives determined by NevRwaste’s

Member’s priorities with corresponding actions NevRwaste will undertake over the next three years.

This is not an exclusive project list, instead the action plan focuses on the specific Business Plan (2012-

2015) priority area of ‘community engagement and education’. Similarly, each year projects are

extended and added to depending on external funds and changing priorities as identified by Members.

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Objective 1

Deliver programs which educate and engage communities on issues of waste

avoidance and reduction

Strategy Project/Program Name

Specific NevRwaste Education Activities

Timing 2012- 2015

Members Involved

Link to Statewide waste avoidance program

Possibly: ‘Love Food Hate Waste’

Continue to lobby SV for Statewide waste avoidance program

Seek funding opportunities to resource such programs

TBC (forecast to begin in 2013)

All Councils and RMBs

Deliver waste avoidance messages to school communities


Participate in 4 SED days per year

Present to 16 student groups per year

Ensure reduction message is delivered at SED days

Deliver and develop curriculum resources for schools with focus on waste reduction (eg: Rubbish Free Lunch)

Ongoing 2012-2015

All Councils and RMBs

Resource Smart (RS)

Support Resource Smart AuSSI Vic program in Hume Region through becoming an active member of the Hume Consortium steering committee

Ongoing 2012- 2014

All Councils and RMBs

Support RS in the Hume by becoming a trained facilitator in the waste module

By the end of 2013

Support local schools through the waste module of RS


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Objective 2

Develop and deliver programs which address organic waste separation

Strategy Project/Program Name

Specific NevRwaste Education Activities Timing 2012- 2015

Members Involved

Support Member Councils in future third kerbside organics bin

N/A Support Councils in setting contract specifications for organics collections

Assist in the coordination of the educational components of the third bin roll out

Collaborate with contractors, Members & project partners to ensure consistency in message

Support Councils through best practice models

Ongoing All Councils

Support a third kerbside organics (food & garden) bin for Northern Councils

3rd Bin Roll Out (Northern Councils/Hume Contract)

Assist in the coordination of the educational components of the third bin roll out

Collaborate with contractors, Members & project partners to ensure consistency in message

Assist in the integration of SVs project support

Start July 2013 - 2015

Wodonga & Indigo

Support and coordinate food recovery program at the Alpine Resorts

‘The Living Bin’

Continue to support the project by coordinating partners & assessing program

Facilitate Resort specific meetings

Evaluation of education materials and continued improvement of collaterals

Assessment of the extension into apartments

Develop apartment specific education materials

Continued support, coordination & development of promotional materials

Started 2010, ongoing to 2015

All Alpine Resorts & Alpine Shire

Support and coordinate trialing of AWTs for food waste

Alpine Onsite solutions

Coordinate trial site for AWT onsite solution

Support trial RMB with technical experts, communication, promotion and educational elements

Assist trial RMB in monitoring & evaluation

Source funding for 3 remaining sites in 2014 to implement onsite solutions

2012-2015 All Alpine Resorts & Alpine Shire

Support and coordinate programs for Councils who do not have kerbside organics systems

Compost Champions

Coordinate educational collaterals (‘Bin Kit’) for project

Run steering committee meetings

Deliver community workshops

Support promotion of project

Develop education materials

Oversee evaluation, monitoring and reporting of the project

Consider potential for roll out of program to other relevant councils

2012-2013 Benalla

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Objective 3

Develop a targeted approach to away from home recycling

Strategy Project/Program Name

Specific NevRwaste Education Activities Timing 2012- 2015

Members Involved

Coordinate the roll out of further PPR systems in major public venues in the North East

PPR at Rec Reserves

Ensure project delivers consistent infrastructure & signage in line with PPR Best practice guidelines

Conduct pre and post audits of grounds and evaluate program

Coordinate & facilitate promotional, educational components of the program

Provide findings to Members in updates & final report

Started 2010 – completed 2012

All Councils (except Towong)

Continue to seek further PPR funding opportunities

N/A Source funding opportunities and prepare applications for grants on behalf of all Members

Ongoing 2012-2015

All Members and RMBs

Coordinate the roll out of further PPR systems at the Alpine Resorts in the North East

Alpine PPR Ensure project delivers consistent infrastructure & signage in line with PPR Best practice guidelines

Collate pre and post audits of Resorts and evaluate program

Coordinate & facilitate promotional, educational components of the program

Provide findings to Members in updates & final report

Start 2011- due to be completed 2012

All Alpine Resorts and Alpine Shire

Coordinate the roll out of further PPR systems in streetscapes and public places in the North East

NBN (National Bin Network)

Ensure project delivers consistent infrastructure & signage in line with PPR Best practice guidelines

Coordinate evaluation of the program Coordinate & facilitate promotional,

educational & communication components of the program

Provide findings to Members in updates & final report

Phase 1 2012-2013 Phase 2 2013-2014

All RMBs & Councils

Coordinate research into Away From Home (AFH) behavior to ensure targeted approach to AFH recycling

AFH Research(Behaviour Study)

Seek funding for research and prepare grant application

Prepare research project brief Oversee and manage research Coordinate reports Provide findings to Members in updates &

final report

TBC due to commence 2012-2013

Selected Councils & RMBs Selected peak tourism areas

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Objective 4

Develop Regional programs which target Regional issues with consistent


Strategy Project/Program Name

Specific NevRwaste Education Activities Timing 2012- 2015

Members Involved

Integrate consistent waste education messages into all NevRwaste programs/projects

All Develop consistent communication plans for all programs/projects

Ensure all programs/projects have consistent & concise waste education messages

Evaluate & monitor effectiveness of messaging & communication tools

Ongoing All

Ensure Member’s priority areas are addressed within the program of activities


Consultation with Members through regular TAC meetings, email correspondence and review annually with each Member priority areas

Annual collation of (Members and Business Plan) priority areas

Annual review of programs against priority areas

NevRwaste to consult & meet with external partners (SV/PSF etc) as relevant

Ongoing 2012-2015 (Will occur annually to coincide with the annual reporting and Business Planning cycle)

All Members and RMBs

Ensure consistency of message and delivery of waste programs within NevRwaste Region

Regional Householder Education campaign

Develop Regional program and education materials to be adapted for Region’s Councils

Collaborate with various partners and Members to source funding, materials and roll out

Complete Regional roll out of educational materials

Evaluate and present final report

Began 2010 – due to finish 2012

All Councils

Ensure consistency of message and delivery of waste programs within NevRwaste Region

Get It Right On Bin Night

Coordinate Regional roll out of the Statewide program

Cost delivery package for educational/mass media components of project

Collaboration with Members re: roll out of media

Deliver program across Region

Due to commence 2013, likely to run until 2015

All Councils

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Objective 5

Provide research and best practice information to Members

Strategy Project/Program Name

Specific NevRwaste Education Activities

Timing 2012- 2015

Members Involved

Ensure Members have the strategic tools and information to deliver State and Local targets


Consult with Members regularly to determine what tools are needed to enable & increase their ability to meet State and local waste targets

Assist Members to develop own waste strategies/plans

Develop tools such as templates, guides and toolkits to enable Members to ensure own programs are in line to deliver State & Regional targets

Ongoing 2012-2015

All Members & RMBs

Dissemination of best practice guides, research, toolkits

N/A Disseminate research and best practice guides, research & toolkits

Identify and seek funding & training opportunities for Members

Ongoing 2012-2015

All Members & RMBs

Conduct research/trials on behalf of Members

360L Bin Trial Kerbside bin audits

Develop communication package around introduction of new infrastructure to trial participants

Pre & post audits to measure recycling, waste & contamination rates

Design, conduct and collate community surveys

Coordinate a combined household audit

Report results to inform the planning of future progr1am/projects

2012-2014 2012-13

Wangaratta TBC

Regular communication with Members

N/A Updates provided at TAC meeting

Updates provided at Board meeting

Regular updates through: website, newsletter & email

Regular consultation with Members & collation of priority areas

Ongoing 2012-2015

All Members & RMBs

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Monitoring/Evaluation & Reporting

Monitoring and evaluation is essential for assessing the success of NevRwaste projects and programs

and is built into all NevRwaste’s program and project planning.

NevRwaste will continue to:

Identify deliverables and outcomes for each project

Monitor progress on targets and outcomes by gathering data in a variety of forms: qualitative,

quantitative, budget expenditure and achievements within set timelines

Collate regular reports (including external reporting such as Milestone reports) to assist with

project monitoring and evaluation

Complete progress reports and project updates presented to TAC and the Board

Review reports to evaluate the project’s success and identify necessary actions for future


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Monitoring of strategic objectives

The monitoring of how NevRwaste is tracking in accordance with its overall waste education strategic

objectives is imperative to success. Ensuring the programs and projects NevRwaste is planning for and

implementing are meeting the strategic objectives needs to be evaluated on an annual cycle. All waste

education programs/projects will be evaluated and this will be reported back to the TAC and Board on

an annual basis to guarantee NevRwaste is on track to align and meet the varying targets and priorities

it is responsible for delivering.

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Education and engagement programs and projects have the capacity to influence community

behaviours and perceptions towards waste. By involving key stakeholders, NevRwaste contends that

our community can, and will, practice more efficient use of materials in their lifestyles and activities.

NevRwaste, in conjunction with its Members will continue to utilize existing resources to strengthen

partnerships and build new networks with various sectors of our community to achieve: reduction in

household waste generation, householders using kerbside and drop off systems properly and improved

away from home recycling and reduction in litter.