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XANDER COSGRAVE FOR AUDITOR A Manifesto for Warps 2014/15

Warps manifesto Xander

Mar 12, 2016



An Awesome Manifesto, for An Awesome Auditor
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Page 1: Warps manifesto Xander


A Manifesto for Warps 2014/15

Page 2: Warps manifesto Xander

Xander for Auditor 2014/15A Manifesto for 1 Auditor and 6-8 Committee members.

Hi Folks, I’m Xander and this year I’m running for auditor of the Nerdiest Society in UCC, WARPS. I’ve been a gamer my entire Life, and I think I can bring the Drive, Skill and Experience to WARPS Next year that will make it even More Successful.

Before I get into what I want to do, I’m going to make a brief mention on what I’ve done so far, both with WARPs and other societies to show you that I’m not just wandering in off the street.

This Year I’ve been on Several society committees, they are as follows;Obviously I’ve been On the Warps and Warpcon Committees, In Warps I organised several collaborative events with societies such as SCI-Fi and IR, which were both popular, and helped raise the image of the Society on Campus. As Staff Coordinator for WARPCON, I learned how to organise timetabling, and generally make sure things that needed to be done, actually got done. I’ve been Auditor of UCC Young Greens, So I have experience being an auditor, and although we didn’t make as big an Impact as I wanted this year, when I took over we were about to be deleted, and I managed to stop that. I was an OCM on the IRSOC Committee this year, and was elected Internal Convener at Last Weeks AGM. During my time as an OCM, I helped organise Several large events on Campus such as Model Dail and NatMUN, Several Collaborative MUN Sessions such as the ‘Game of Thrones MUN’ and even a game of Spot the Dictator For R&G Week.Finally I Was also Events officer for Sophia Society this year, and organised several house meetings and screenings to help place a solid base under this new society.

So I can safely say, I probably know what I’m doing, and since some other people have seen fit to re-elect me, I was probably fairly good at it. Right now though, I want to get into what I want to do with WARPS This coming year.

1. The first thing I want to do, is start a second Bi-weekly Gaming night on tuesdays, Lots of students go home for the weekends on thursday evening, and I want to open up WARPs to more people, this games night will be more geared towards newer players, to try and bring more people into WARPS next year. Logistically it shouldn’t be too hard for us to book a room every two weeks, and have one committee member show up to keep an eye on things. So i think this is an achievable goal that will help increase our membership and presence on campus.

2. Bring some week by week connectivity to WARPS. By this I mean I want there to be some connection from each gaming session to the next, and I have several Ideas on how to do this.

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-Start Some Internal Campaigns. I Like the drop in and out possibilities for new players, but maybe we could have a campaign running, so people can learn about developing and leveling characters, and have a sense of group unity.-Use Long term games. Some games, like Diplomacy, Neptunes pride and that sort of 4X strategy game can be played on a week by week basis, they’re competitive, we can run them through gaming and facebook, something like the old Play By mail games, but updated. -Start a board games league or two. Over the year, we have tonnes and tonnes of people playing the same popular games, so why not make it a bit more competitive? adding a league into warps for people who want to do it makes things a little more interesting, and brings a sense of achievement throughout the year.

3. Promote WARPS on Campus. By this I mean maybe having more postering going up for events, and having more collaborative events with other societies, as well as really pushing our already Successful R&G week Assassins game. I think we should maybe try to do different themes for each session of weekly gaming, or maybe invite other societies along. We could try and get the debating societies to come for a night of Cards against Humanity, Apples to Apples or diplomacy. Or we could even get together with Film Soc and Sci-Fi to do some screenings of ‘The Gamers’ or similar nerdy films. We could also do with more promotion for our big events like games days, and maybe put up posters for WARPCON and our trips away throughout the year.

4. Finally, I want to do a big week long event, A Nerd Week, with other societies of similar interests to us, I think it will be a great way to promote Gaming, Nerdiness and all things awesome, WARPCON is far beyond a purely UCC Event, so We need to do something that Ties WARPS Back into UCC, and spreads our name on campus. I think these are all achievable goals, that we should be able to do with not too much extra effort, but they’ll have a big impact on campus and the society. If we have a bigger impact on campus, we get more money from the guild, which is more funds for us to do cool stuff, and that’s cool. So hopefully you’ll think that these are good ideas, and then vote for me at the WARPS AGM.Cheers,Xander Cosgrave.

TL;DR Xander has some cool ideas, they’ll probably work, so Vote for him.