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WARNING Before playing this game, read the Xbox 360 ® console and accessory manuals for important safety and health information. Keep all manuals for future reference. For replacement console and accessory manuals, go to Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games Photosensitive seizures A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games. These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects. Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms—children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room; do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued. If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.

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Jul 30, 2018



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WARNING Before playing this game, read the Xbox 360® console and accessory manuals for important safety and health information. Keep all manuals for future reference. For replacement console and accessory manuals, go to

Important Health Warning About Playing Video GamesPhotosensitive seizuresA very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including fl ashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.

These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.

Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms—children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room; do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued.

If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.

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Family Settings




Xbox LIVE® is your connection to more games, more entertainment, more fun. Go to to learn more.

Before you can use Xbox LIVE, connect your Xbox 360 console to a high-speed Internet connection and sign up to become an Xbox LIVE member. For more information about connecting, and to determine whether Xbox LIVE is available in your region, go to

These easy and � exible tools enable parents and caregivers to decide which games young game players can access based on the content rating. Parents can restrict access to mature-rated content. Approve who and how your family interacts with others online with the Xbox LIVE service, and set time limits on how long they can play. For more information, go to


03 Xbox LIVE










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Button Explanation



Press buttons in succession listed from left-to-right.

+ Press buttons simultaneously.

[] Quickly press buttons in succession listed from left-to-right.

W Hold a directional button.

W Tap a directional button.

Return to a “neutral” state, where no input is made on the left stick or the directional buttons.

Select CONTROLLER SETUP in the OPTIONS menu to change button con� guration.

Left stick: Scroll through menus

Right stick: Tag (switchwith partner)

START button: Open the Pause Menu

Right Bumper: Tag (switch with partner)

Left Bumper: Tag (switch with partner)

button: Left punch

button: Right punch

button: Right kick, Cancel

button: Left kick, Con� rm

Directional pad: Scroll through menus, character movement

Tag (switch with partner) Tag (switch with partner) Scroll through menus Tag (switch with partner)

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Right Bumper: Tag (switch with partner)



Tag out with your partner. The character currently not in battle will slowly recover health within the red portion of their health meter.

W W W (while tagging in)Perform a Sliding Dash while tagging in.

W W W + (while tagging in)Perform a Running Cross Chop while tagging in.

To successfully execute a Tag Combo, press right before hitting an opponent with a bound move. Tag in your partner to continue your combo. Tag combos can only be executed after certain launch moves.

To successfully execute a Tag Assault, press right before hitting an opponent with a launch move. Your partner will temporarily join the � ght to continue your combo. The player-controlled character is designated by a white outline. Players can continue to hold duringa Tag Assault to have the partner automatically perform an assist combo.

Perform a throw involving both of your characters while taggingin your partner.

Tag out with your partner. The character currently not in battle will

Perform a throw involving both of your characters while tagging

TAG THROW: + (while close to opponent)




This is a special move that all characters can use. Upon successfully hitting with a Direct Tag Assault attack, your partner will appear on-screen for a Tag Assault.


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REQUIREMENTS: - Partner is in rage mode (health bar is � ashing red). - Current character is down or in a position to ukemi.

If both of the following requirements are met, a player can performa Tag Crash, where your partner appears attacking while the current character safely escapes off-screen. Be warned that by utilizing Tag Crash, your recoverable health and partner’s Tag Rage will be depleted.

Play the arcade version of TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT TM 2.

Battle against a series of ghost characters.

Players can � ght head-to-head of� ine.

Form a team and � ght against another player or the CPU in team-on-team combat. Defeating a single character will result in a small health recovery for the next match-up.





Clear a series of stages as quickly as possible.

Defeat as many opponents as possible with a limited amount of health.

Review and practice each character’s unique moves and combos. Players can also train defensively against speci� c characters as well.

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Gain various techniques and equip your combot with them on your quest to become the ultimate weapon.

This game supports 3D, the 3D functionality can only be used together with a 3D TV and related 3D glasses.

Up to four players can experience couch VS tag battles against one another. A minimum of two players must play together on one side if they wish to � ght CPU opponents. The tagged out player can also tag themselves back in during the battle by pressing .

Of� ine player rank will change in ARCADE BATTLE and GHOST BATTLE. Players will also receive � ght money to use to purchase customisation parts.



Play online based on the following rules to promote or demote your online rank. - Victory Condition: 3 rounds - Time Limit: 80 seconds - Stage: Random

Select from the following menu options to � ght against other people online.These matches do not affect your online rank.

QUICK MATCH: Search for an opponent to � ght.CUSTOM MATCH: Set various parameters and search for an open session.CREATE SESSION: Host a match with speci� c settings and have opponents join.



Gain various techniques and equip your combot with them on your quest

- The ultimate beginner’s mode!

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Viktig hälsovarning om att spela videospelAnfall orsakade av ljuskänslighetEn mycket liten andel av befolkningen kan drabbas av epilepsiliknande anfall som kan utlösas av vissa visuella bilder, inklusive blinkande ljus eller mönster som kan fi nnas i videospel. Även människor som aldrig tidigare har drabbats av liknande anfall eller epilepsi kan lida av en icke diagnostiserad åkomma, som kan utlösa dessa ”ljuskänslighetsanfall” medan de tittar på ett videospel.

Dessa anfall kan uppvisa olika symptom, inklusive yrsel, synstörningar, ryckningar i ögon eller ansikte, krampryckningar eller skakningar i armar eller ben, förvirring, oklarhet, eller tillfällig medvetandeförlust. Anfallen kan även orsaka medvetslöshet eller krampanfall, som kan leda till personskador vid fall eller hopstötning med föremål i närheten.

Sluta omedelbart att spela videospel och konsultera läkare om du upplever något av ovan nämnda symptom. Föräldrar ska hålla uppsikt över eller fråga sina barn om de upplevt något av ovan nämnda symptom – det är vanligare att barn och ungdomar drabbas av dessa anfall än vuxna. Risken att drabbas av epileptiska anfall som orsakas av ljuskänslighet kan minskas genom att vidta följande försiktighetsåtgärder: sitt längre från skärmen, använd en mindre skärm, spela i ett väl upplyst rum och spela aldrig när du är sömnig eller trött.

Rådgör med läkare innan du börjar spela om du eller någon släkting tidigare haft anfall eller lider av epilepsi.

VARNING Innan du spelar detta spel bör du läsa igenom den viktiga säkerhetsinformationen i instruktionsboken till Xbox 360®-konsolen och bruksanvisningarna till tillbehören. Spara alla bruksanvisningar. De kan behövas vid ett senare tillfälle. Om du behöver ersätta bruksanvisningen till konsolen eller tillbehören kan du gå till

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Xbox LIVEMed Xbox LIVE får du tillgång till � er spel, mer underhållning, mer kul. Mer information � nns på

Innan du kan använda Xbox LIVE måste du ansluta Xbox 360-konsolen till Internet med en höghastighetsanslutning och registrera dig för Xbox LIVE-tjänsten. Du kan se om Xbox LIVE � nns där du bor och hur du ansluter till Xbox LIVE genom att gå

Med dessa enkla, � exibla verktyg kan föräldrar bestämma vilka spel unga spelare ska få tillgång till beroende på spelets innehåll. Föräldrar kan begränsa åtkomsten till vuxet innehåll. Godkänn vem och hur din familj får umgås med andra online med Xbox LIVE-tjänsten, och ställ in tidsgränser för hur länge de får spela. Mer information � nns på

Ansluta dig

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Tryck på knapparna i följd från vänster till höger.

+ Tryck på knapparna samtidigt.

[] Tryck snabbt på knapparna i följd från vänster till höger.

W Håll ned i en riktning.

W Tryck snabbt i en riktning.

Återgå till "neutralt" läge där ingenting görs med vänster styrspak eller styrknappen.

Välj CONTROLLER SETUP (kontrollinställningar) i menyn OPTIONS (alternativ) för att ändra knappinställningarna.

Vänster styrspak: Bläddra genommenyer

Höger styrspak: Tag (switch with partner)

START-knapp: Öppna pausmenyn

Höger kantknapp: Byta (med din spelpartner)

Vänster kantknapp: Byta (med dinspelpartner)

-knapp: Vänsterslag

-knapp: Högerslag

-knapp: Högerspark, avbryt

-knapp: Vänsterspark, bekräfta

Styrknapp: Bläddra genommenyer, � ytta karaktär

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Tärkeä videopelien pelaamista koskeva terveysvaroitusTietoja valoyliherkkyyden aiheuttamista epileptisistä kohtauksistaHyvin harvat ihmiset voivat saada epileptisen kohtauksen tietyntyyppisistä visuaalisista kokemuksista. Tällaisia kokemuksia voivat olla esimerkiksi vilkkuvat valot tai videopeleissä esiintyvät kuviot. Jopa henkilöillä, joilla ei aiemmin ole ollut kouristuskohtauksia tai epileptisiä kohtauksia, saattaa olla taipumus “valoyliherkkyyden aiheuttamiin kouristuskohtauksiin” videopelejä pelatessaan.

Kohtauksilla voi olla useita eri oireita, kuten huimaus, näkökentän muuttuminen, silmien tai kasvojen nykiminen, käsien tai jalkojen nykiminen tai vapina, keskittymiskyvyn puute, sekavuus tai hetkellinen tajunnan menetys. Kohtaukset saattavat aiheuttaa tajunnan menetyksen tai kouristuksia, jotka voivat johtaa loukkaantumiseen esimerkiksi kaatumisen tai esineisiin törmäämisen seurauksena.

Lopeta pelaaminen heti ja hakeudu lääkärin hoitoon, jos sinulla on joitakin näistä oireista. Vanhempien on tarkkailtava lapsiaan näiden oireiden varalta ja kysyttävä lapsilta oireiden ilmaantumisesta. Lapsilla ja teini-ikäisillä on aikuisia suurempi todennäköisyys saada epileptinen kohtaus. Voit vähentää epileptisten kohtausten vaaraa toimimalla seuraavasti. Istu kauempana näytöstä, käytä pienempää näyttöä, pelaa hyvin valaistussa huoneessa äläkä pelaa väsyneenä tai rasittuneena. Jos sinulla tai sukulaisillasi on ollut aiemmin tällaisia kohtauksia tai epilepsiaa, neuvottele lääkärin kanssa ennen pelaamista.

VAROITUS Ennen tämän pelin pelaamista lue Xbox 360®-konsolin ja lisälaitteiden käyttöohjeista tärkeät turvallisuutta ja terveyttä koskevat tiedot. Säilytä kaikki käyttöohjeet myöhempää käyttöä varten. Voit ladata konsolin ja lisälaitteiden käyttöohjeet osoitteesta

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Family Settings (Perheasetukset)

Xbox LIVEXbox LIVE-palvelun avulla saat entistä enemmän pelejä, viihdettä ja huvia. Lisätietoja on osoitteessa

Ennen kuin voit käyttää Xbox LIVE -palvelua, yhdistä Xbox 360 -konsolisi Internetiin laajakaistayhteydellä ja rekisteröidy jäseneksi. Saat selville, onko Xbox LIVE -palvelu saatavilla alueellasi ja lisätietoja Xbox LIVE -palveluun yhdistämisestä käymällä

Näiden helppokäyttöisten ja joustavien työkalujen avulla vanhemmat ja hoitajat voivat päättää sisältöluokituksen perusteella, mitä pelejä nuoret pelaajat voivat käyttää. Pääsyä aikuisille tarkoitettuun sisältöön voidaan rajoittaa. Määritä, miten ja kenen kanssa perheesi on vuorovaikutuksessa Xbox LIVE -palvelussa. Voit myös asettaa rajoituksia pelaamiseen käytetylle ajalle. Lisätietoja on


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Painikkeiden selitys:


Paina painikkeita järjestyksessä vasemmalta oikealle.

+ Paina painikkeita samanaikaisesti.

[] Paina painikkeita nopeasti järjestyksessä vasemmalta oikealle.

W Pidä suunta-alusta painettuna.

W Näpäytä suunta-alustaa.

Palauta neutraaliin asentoon, älä liikuta vasenta sauvaa tai paina suunta-alustaa tänä aikana.

Voit muuttaa ohjainasetuksia siirtymällä OPTIONS (Asetukset) -valikkoon ja valitsemalla vaihtoehdon CONTROLLER SETUP (Ohjainasetukset).

Vasen sauva: Valikoissa liikkuminen

Oikea sauva: Tag (switchwith partner)

START-painike: Näytä pysäytysvalikko

Oikea bumper-painike:Tag (vaihto joukkuetoveriin)

Vasen bumper-painike: Tag (vaihto joukkuetoveriin)

-näppäin: Vasen lyönti

-näppäin: Oikea lyönti

-näppäin: Oikea potku, peruuta valinta

-näppäin: Vasen potku, vahvista valinta

Suunta-alusta: Valikoissa liikkuminen, hahmon liikuttaminen

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Aviso Importante de Saúde Relativamente à Utilização de VideojogosAtaques de Epilepsia FotossensívelUm número muito reduzido de pessoas pode ter um ataque epiléptico ao serem expostas a determinadas imagens visuais, incluindo luzes ou padrões intermitentes que poderão aparecer em videojogos. Mesmo pessoas sem quaisquer antecedentes de tais ataques ou de epilepsia poderão sofrer de sintomas não diagnosticados que podem provocar estes “ataques de epilepsia fotossensível” ao verem videojogos.

Estes ataques poderão ter diversos sintomas, incluindo tonturas, alterações da visão, espasmos nos olhos ou na cara, espasmos ou tremor nos braços ou nas pernas, desorientação, confusão ou perda de consciência passageira. Os ataques podem também provocar a perda de consciência ou convulsões que podem resultar em ferimentos devido a quedas ou no embate em objectos próximos.

Pare de jogar imediatamente e consulte um médico se observar algum destes sintomas. Os encarregados de educação devem observar os seus fi lhos ou consultá-los relativamente aos sintomas acima descritos — as crianças e adolescentes têm maior probabilidade do que os adultos de sofrerem desses ataques. O risco de ataques de epilepsia fotossensível pode ser reduzido ao ter em atenção as seguintes recomendações: Sente-se a uma distância maior do ecrã; utilize um ecrã mais pequeno; jogue numa sala bem iluminada; não jogue quando se sentir sonolento ou fatigado.

Se tiver um historial, ou se houver um historial na sua família, de ataques ou epilepsia, consulte um médico antes de jogar.

AVISO Antes de jogar este jogo, leia os manuais da consola e dos acessórios da Xbox 360® que contêm informações importantes relativamente à segurança e saúde. Guarde todos os manuais para referência futura. Para obter manuais de substituição para a consola e acessórios, visite

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Restrições de Acesso

Xbox LIVEO Xbox LIVE é a tua ligação a mais jogos, mais entretenimento e mais diversão. Visita para mais detalhes.

Antes de poder utilizar o Xbox LIVE, deve ligar a sua consola Xbox 360 a uma ligação Internet de banda larga ou de alta velocidade e subscrever o serviço Xbox LIVE. Para determinar se o Xbox LIVE se encontra disponível na sua área e para obter informações acerca de como se ligar ao Xbox LIVE, visite a página

Com estas ferramentas simples e � exíveis, os encarregados de educação podem decidir os jogos aos quais os jogadores jovens podem aceder com base na classi� cação do respectivo conteúdo. Os encarregados de educação podem vedar o acesso a conteúdos classi� cados com adultos. Aprove quem e como a sua família interage com outras pessoas online com o serviço Xbox LIVE. De� na também durante quanto tempo eles podem jogar. Para mais informações, visite


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Explicação dos botões:


Prime os botões na sequência listada da esquerda para a direita.

+ Prime os botões simultaneamente.

[] Prime rapidamente os botões na sequência listada da esquerda para a direita.

W Segura um botão de direção.

W Bate num botão de direção.

Regressar a um estado “neutro”, sem qualquer comando sobre o manípulo analógico esquerdo ou os botões de direção

Seleciona INSTALAÇÃO DO CONTROLADOR no menu de OPÇÕES para alterares a con� guração do botão.

Manípulo Analógico Esquerdo: percorreros menus

Manípulo Analógico Direito: Tag (switch with partner)

Botão START: Abrir o Menu de Pausa

Botão Superior Direito: Tag (trocar como companheiro)

Botão Superior Esquerdo: Tag (trocarcom o companheiro)

Botão : Murro à esquerda

Botão : Murro à direita

Botão : Pontapé à direita, Cancelar

Botão : Pontapé à esquerda, Con� rmar

Botão Direccional: percorrer os menus, movimento da personagem

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Customer Service Support

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This software uses fonts produced by JIKJISOFT Inc. JIKJISOFT and font names are trademarks or registered trademarks of JIKJISOFT Inc.

Fonts used in-game are provided by Bitstream Inc. All rights reserved.

The typefaces included herein are developed by DynaComware.

©Morisawa Inc.

TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT™ 2 uses Havok™. © Copyright 1999-2012, Inc. (and its Licensors). All Rights Reserved. See for details.

TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT™ 2 uses Havok™. © Copyright 1999-