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TEACHING ENGINEERING Phillip C. Wankat Frank S. Oreovicz Purdue University

Wankat & Oreovicz - Teaching Engineering {379s}

Nov 22, 2015



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    Phillip C. WankatFrank S. Oreovicz

    Purdue University


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz


    With his characteristic cleverness, George Bernard Shaw armed several generations ofcynics with his statement Those who can, do; those who cant, teach. But in todays world,engineering professors have to be able to do engineering and to teach engineering. How theyprepare for this task is the subject of this book, which grew out of our conviction that newfaculty are entering the university well prepared and well mentored in doing research, butalmost totally at sea when it comes to the day-to-day requirements of teaching. At best,graduate students obtain only a second-hand knowledge of teaching, rarely having theopportunity to conduct an entire class for an extended period of time. If their role models aregood or, better yet, master teachers, then some of the luster may wear off and they may gainvaluable exposure to the craft. More often than not, the opposite occurs. An individual witha desire to teach has to rely on his or her own interest in teaching, and later discovers, with themounting pressure of producing publications and research, that he or she can give onlyminimal attention to the classroom. This is a risky way to ensure the future of our discipline.

    In 1983 we developed and taught for the first time a graduate course, Educational Methodsfor Engineers, geared toward Ph.D. candidates who were interested in an academic career. Oursources came from a variety of disciplines, journals, and books because we immediatelynoticed that no textbook was available which focused solely on engineering. Classic texts suchas Highets and McKeachies became starting points and we scoured the literature for whatwas available in engineering. With a grant from the National Science Foundation in 1990 weexpanded the course to include all of engineering, conducted a summer workshop, and beganthis book much earlier than we otherwise could have. Although the writing of this book wassupported by NSF, all of the views in this book are the authors and do not represent the viewsof either the National Science Foundation or Purdue University.

    Many people have helped us, often unknowingly, in developing the ideas presented in thisbook. The writings and lectures of the following engineering professors have helped to shape



  • PREFACE xi

    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    our thinking: Richard Culver, Raymond Fahien, Richard Felder, Scott Fogler, GordonFlammer, Lee Harrisberger, Billy Koen, Richard Noble, Helen Plants, John Sears, BillSchowalter, Dendy Sloan, Karl Smith, Jim Stice, Charles Wales, Patricia Whiting, DonWoods and Charles Yokomoto.

    At Purdue, Ron Andres suggested the partnership of W & O; others influential include RonBarile, Kent Davis, Alden Emery, John Feldhusen, Dick Hackney, Neal Houze, LowellKoppel, John Lindenlaub, Dick McDowell, Dave Meyer, Cheryl Oreovicz, Sam Postlethwait,Bob Squires, and Henry Yang, plus many other faculty members. Our students in classes andworkshops tested the manuscript, and their comments have been extremely helpful. ProfessorJohn Wiest audited the entire class and his discussion and comments helped to mold this book.Professor Felders critique of the book led us to reorganize the order of presentation. ProfessorPhil Swain was extremely helpful in polishing Chapter 8. Without question, the work of MaryMcCaulley in extending and explicating the ideas of Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs-Myers formed our thinking on psychological type and its relevance to engineering education.Catherine Fitzgerald and John DiTiberio provided first-hand exposure to Type theory inaction.

    In the early formatting stages, Margaret Hunt provided invaluable assistance; StephenCarlin drew the final figures and did the final formatting of the text. Betty Delgass providedthe index as well as helpful suggestions and comments on both style and substance. We alsowish to acknowledge the careful and helpful close reading by the McGraw-Hill copy editors,as well as the patient guidance through the publishing process provided by editors B.J. Clarkand John Morriss. Through it all, our secretaries, Karen Parsons and Paula Pfaff, tirelesslydealt with two authors who often made changes independently.

    Finally, we dedicate this book to our families in appreciation for their patience and support:To our wives, Dot and Sherry, for listening to our complaints; and to our childrenCharlesand Jennifer, and John and Mary-Kate: with their future in mind we wrote this book.


    Absences, 239, 240Abstract conceptualization, 292, 294Academic advising, 201-203

    See also Advising; CounselingAcademic freedom, 324-326, 341-342Academic job hunting, 348-352Accommodation, as cognitive process, 267, 295-296Accreditation, of programs, 60-62Accreditation Board for Engineering and

    Technology (ABET), 60-62, 169-70, 185Activating experience, in RET, 29Active experimentation, 292, 294Active learning, 7, 290

    and tutoring, 198-199Activity list, for goal, 11-12Advising

    academic, 201-203of research, 205-210See also Counseling

    Affective domain, 51-52Algebra, and problem-solving, 76AAUP Declaration of Principles (1915), 325American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

    -MBTI Engineering Consortium, 257-258Prism, 338, 349teaching programs, 3

    Analysis, cognitive, 50, 131-132symbolic algebra programs for, 155

    Application, cognitive, 50, 54, 131-132Assimilation, cognitive, 267-268, 295-296Attending, 51Attention, focusing, 95, 191-192Attention signals, 193Attitude, 246-252Audience, of lecture, 98Audiographics, 146Audiotutorial (AT), 161-163Auditory learning, 291-292Authority figure, 270

    and multiplicity position, 272-273Auxiliary function, 250-252


    Basic duality position, 270-271Behavioral objective 47-48Belongingness need, 299-300Black box syndrome, 156Blackboard

    electronic, 146use in lecture, 97-98

    Brainstorming, 80-81, 117, 118Buzz group, 121


    Cafeteria ratings, 310Capstone course, 62, 170Case study, 33

    and design problems, 171-172, 175Catastrophe syndrome, 25, 29Cheating

    cure for, 238in large classes, 109prevention of, 235-238by professors, 311See also Discipline; Ethics

    Checking results step, of problem-solving, 72Chronicle of Higher Education, 349Class size, and evaluation, 308, 315Class visits, as evaluation, 309, 319Cognitive development

    alternatives to growth, 275-276comparison: Piaget and Perry theories, 269Perrys theory of, 269-280Piagets theory of, 264-268transitional phase of, 266-267

    Cognitive dissonance (see Disequilibrium; Dissonancetheory)

    Cognitive domain, 49-51Collegiality, 335Commitment, 274-275Communication

    in academic advising, 203as course component, 33and design projects, 175and doctoral research, 209grades as, 229in guided design, 177as laboratory goal, 182listening, 189-194nonverbal, 52, 96, 192-193oral, 96

    See also Oral reportsand projects, 228TAs command of English, 16writing research papers, 209

    Competitionversus collegiality, 335versus cooperation, 135

    Complex dualism and advanced multiplicity position,272-273

    Comprehension, 49




    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    Computer(s)in design courses, 169, 171graphics, 17homework problems, 227prerequisites for use of, 152programming, 17simulation games, 287software, and textbook, 58software tools, 153-156use of, 16-17

    Computer-aided design (CAD) programs, 156Computer-aided instruction (CAI), 156-159Concept application phase, of learning cycle, 287Concept map (network), 286Concrete experience, 292, 294Concrete operational stage, 265-266Conflict, in discussion, 120Connected knowledge, 273-274Consensus, rules for reaching, 127-128Constructed knowledge, 275Constructivism, 268, 284-288Content

    of course, 46, 55-56hierarchy of, 6of lecture, 91-92objectives of, 54

    Content boredom, of faculty, 339Contract grading, 134Control, locus of, and motivation, 302Convergent thought, 75, 295-296Cookbook approach, 180-181Cooperation, versus competition, 135Coping, personal, 205Copyrights, 57Cost-benefit analysis, of research, 23Counseling

    for personal problems, 203-205and type theory, 254See also Advising

    Course(s)audience for, 33design, 168-179

    See also Design coursesdeveloping content of, 55 -56goals and objectives of, 34, 46-48incorporating creativity into, 83-84independent study, 137-138laboratory, 179-184

    See also Laboratory coursesand lecture method, 110-111sample outline for, 353-354types of, 32-33

    Course Instructor Evaluation Questionnaire (CIEQ),310

    Cover letter, for application, 349-350Creativity

    calling for, 80in design course, 171inefficiency of, 27in problem-solving, 79-84and research ideas, 23and self-actualization, 301techniques for, 80-84and test-scoring, 222

    Crisis intervention counseling, 203-205Critical path, 13Culture, and nonverbal communication, 192-193Curiosity, as motivator, 301-302


    Debate, modified, 129-130Decision-making, 249-250Deduction

    versus induction, 289in textbook, 58

    Define step, of problem-solving, 71Deliverable

    of project, 228in small group learning, 122

    Demonstration, during lecture, 97Desensitization, and stress, 25Design course(s), 33, 168-179

    and accreditation, 61-62clinic, 178-179problems of definition, 168-169developing problems for, 171-172and dualism position, 271goals of, 169-170guided design, 171, 174, 176-178laboratory in, 181-182and multiplicity position, 272projects for, 173-175teaching of, 170-173

    Desk calendar, 13Development

    in research, 339in service or administration, 339-340in teaching, 338-339

    Diagnosis, 53Discipline

    non-cheating problems of, 238-240policies for, 37problems with, 41See also Cheating; Ethics


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    Discovery method, 78Discrimination, of test, 223Discussion, 114-121

    advantages of, 116-117conducting, 118-121disadvantages of, 117topics for, 117

    Disequilibrium, cognitive, 268, 284-285Dissociation, 276Dissonance theory, and evaluation, 307Distractor, in multiple-choice question, 219Divergent thought, 75, 295-296Do-it step, of problem-solving, 72Doctoral student, advising of, 208-210

    See also Graduate studentDominant function (MBTI), 250-252Drill-and-practice mode, of CAI, 157Dualism: multiplicity prelegitimate position, 271


    Economics, and design course, 171Education

    accreditation constraints, 60-62Hougens principles of, 342-344and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 252-258and Piagets model of cognitive development,

    266-267and Perrys model of cognitive development,

    276-280nontraditional students, 2self-paced instruction, 134-135See also Teaching

    Efficiencyand goal-setting, 11-12limitations to, 26-27methods for, 17-18and priorities, 12-13in research, 22-24and stress, 24-26in teaching, 20-22to-do list, 13-14and travel, 18-20and work habits, 14-18

    Electronic blackboard, 146Electronic mail, 146Emotional consequence, in RET, 29-30Empathy, in counseling, 204Encapsulation, 276English, TAs command of, 16Engineering education (see Education)Engineering practice, 339Enthusiasm, 7

    and student ratings, 317See also Intellectual excitement

    Environment, work, 18, 24-25Equipment, laboratory, 183

    for beginning academic, 349Escape, cognitive, 276Esteem, need for, 300Ethics

    AAUP statement of, 341, 341-342and academic freedom, 341-342of bad teaching, 3and cheating, 236code of, 241and data, 341as discussion topic, 117and exploitation of students, 341intellectual honesty, 342professional 340-342and professional evaluation, 341of proposal writing, 24and punishing level of rapport, 5in relation with support staff, 16teaching of, 240-242and type theory, 254

    Evaluationby alumni, 319-320as cognitive level, 50of computer-aided instruction, 157-158formative, 306-309

    in PSI, 136and multiplicity position, 272of projects, 228-229as separate from teaching, 7as skill, 54-55by students

    administration of, 311-312buying ratings, 317-318and extraneous variables, 315-317in interviews, 318reliability of, 312-313types of, 309-311validity of, 313-315

    summative, 307-309of teaching, 41, 306-323of technological instruction, 147See also Grading; Testing

    Experiments, 181See also Laboratory course

    Exploration phase, of learning cycle, 287Explore step, of problem-solving, 71Extrinsic motivation, 297Extroversion (Extraversion), 246, 247-248

    and learning style, 290and travel, 19

    Eye contact, 103


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz


    Faculty development, 337-340Fax, 146Feedback

    grades as, 229in guided design, 176as learning principle, 7and need satisfaction, 300in self-paced instruction, 133, 134by student volunteers, 104-105to students oral response, 102-103for students, by video, 150-151tests as, 215, 218, 222-223

    Feedback lecture, 108Feeling type, of personality, 249-250

    and listening, 190-191Field dependence, in learning, 289Field trip, 138-139

    electronic, 145, 147and visual learning, 291

    Final exams, 215-216See also Evaluation; Testing

    Financial support, of graduate student, 206Focus of attention

    by student, 95on student, 191-192

    Functionsdominant and auxiliary, 250-252of personality, 246-252

    Formative evaluation, 306-309


    Gender differencesand academic advising, 201and authority figures, 270in commitment, 275in discussion participation, 119in group dynamics, 122, 124, 126in language perception, 271See also Women

    Generalization step, of problem-solving, 72Generation, of routines, 53Global learning, 289-290Goal(s)

    activity list for, 11-12of courses, 34, 46-48of design courses, 169-170of laboratory courses, 179-180setting of, and efficiency, 11-12

    Grade leveland academic advising, 202and field trip, 139

    and frequency of testing, 215and tutoring, 148

    Grading, 41-42, 213, 229-232absolute standards for, 231on a curve (normative), 231and esteem, 300of group projects, 173of guided design projects, 178and learning groups, 124method of, 35, 37, 230-232purpose of, 229-230scales of (in T scores), 230in self-paced instruction, 134and student ratings, 316and teaching assistant, 16See also Evaluation; Testing

    Graduate studentadvising of, 206-210courses for, 32non-performing, 2 40supervision of, 23

    Group(s)assigning students to, 123-124and design problems, 172-173developing a memory board, 286elements of success, 126and feedback to videotypes, 151formal, cooperative, 123-127and grading, 124informal, cooperative, 121-123modified debate, 129-130panels, 128-129and problem-solving, 78quiz shows, 130reasons for malfunctions in, 172-173small, cooperative, 117structured controversy, 127-128study, 226

    Growth contract, 337-338Guided design, 171, 174, 176-178


    Hawthorne effect, 302Help sessions, 220Heuristics

    and creativity, 82-83and problem-solving, 73-75

    Homework problems, 20-21, 38, 40, 213-214, 226-227and knowledge structure, 286late, 239-240range of, 226

    Honor code, 52, 221


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    Hostilityas discipline problem, 239and humor, 191

    Hougens principles, for engineering education, 342-344

    Housekeeping chores, during first class, 36-37Humor

    and creativity, 82and hostility, 191in lecture, 99and tutoring, 200


    In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman), 15Independent study, 137-138Individualization, of teaching style, 7Individualized instruction

    and mastery learning, 132and tutoring, 198

    Inductionversus deduction, 189in lecture, 93in textbook, 58

    Industrial cooperative program, 178Information processing, 288-289

    serial or global, 289-290Instructional Assessment Form (IAS), 310Instructional Development and Effectiveness Assess-

    ment System (IDEA), 310, 312Intellectual excitement, 4-5Interaction, personal, 14-16

    developing style of, 36, 40in discussion, 115, 116in formal learning group, 126in large class, 109See also Interpersonal rapport

    Interactive laser videodisc (ILV), 159-161Interdisciplinary projects, 174Internal beliefs, in RET, 29-30Internalization, 51Internship, and design clinic, 178-179Interpersonal rapport, 4-5

    in lectures, 103-105and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 254and personal counseling, 204See also Interaction, personal

    Interpretation, 53Interview trip, 350-351Intrinsic motivation, 297Introversion, 246, 247-248

    and learning style, 290Intuitive type, of personality, 246, 248-249

    and engineering education, 253


    Jack Armstrong syndrome, 340Judging type, of personality, 246, 250

    and listening, 191Judgment (MBTI), defined, 244K

    Keller plan, 133-135Key relations chart, 286Keyboarding, 17, 52Kinesthetic learning, 290-291Knowledge

    affective domain, 51-52constructed, 275and creativity, 80domains of, 49-53as level of cognitive domain, 49linkages of, 68problem-solving, 53psychomotor domain, 52separate and connected, 273-274traditional view, compared to constructivism,

    285Kolbs learning cycle, 290, 292-296

    modified, diagram of, 293


    Laboratory course(s), 33, 179-184advantages and disadvantages of, 183-184and constructivism, 285design, 181-182details of, 182-183experiments, 181goals and objectives, 179-180in skills course, 179structure of, 180-182and student ratings, 316

    Lateness, 239Lateral thinking, 81Learning

    activities, 294auditory, 291-292constructivism, 284-288formal, cooperative group, 123-127informal, cooperative group, 121-123kinesthetic, 290-291Kolbs cycle of, 292-296with lecture method, 90McCarthys 4MAT system of, 293-296mastery, 131-133and personality, 244-259


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    Learning (continued)Piagets theory of, 267-268practice-theory-learning model, 279principles of, 6-7, 197self-paced, 133-135theories of, 284-305visual, 6-7, 291

    Lecture method, 32-33, 34advantages of, 89-90answering questions, 100asking questions, 101-103compared to tutoring, 196, 197and constructivism, 285-286and content selection, 91-92disadvantages of, 90-91and efficiency, 20feedback to, by student volunteers, 104-105feedback lecture, 108guest speakers, 106-107handling large classes, 108-110and interpersonal rapport, 103-105nontechnological alternatives to, 114-142notes for, 94organization of, 92-93as part of a course, 110-111as performance, 93-99postlecture quiz, 105-106preparation for, 21-22, 39-40presentation skills for, 95-99props for, 97-98speaking skills, 96

    Liberal arts, and intellectual growth, 279Listening

    attention signals, 193compared to non-listening behavior, 194probes, 193as teaching skill, 189-194

    Literature review, 208, 209Long-answer test, 219


    McCarthys 4MAT system, of learning, 293-296Mail, handling of, 18Maslows hierarchy of needs, 298-302Master's degree, research advising for, 207-208Mastery learning 131-133

    instruction for, 132instructor-paced, 136-137in Keller plan, 133, 134

    Measure of Intellectual Development (MID), 277Memory board, 286Mental structure, 267

    Mentoringof assistant professors, 2as faculty development, 338professor-professor, 43

    Minorities, 2as doctoral recipients, 336and field sensitivity, 289formal learning group, 126-127and personality type, 257

    Minute paper, 321Mixed scanning strategy, 74Modeling, for teaching, 338Modules, learning, 133, 134Motivation

    and esteem needs, 300initial, and ratings, 315intrinsic and extrinsic, 297and McCarthys 4MAT system, 294Maslows theory of, 298-302and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 254positive expectations as, 7and problem-solving, 71student problems with, 297-298

    Multiple-choice tests, 106, 219-220Multiplicity subordinate or early multiplicity position,

    271-272Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator, 258Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 14, 190-191,

    207, 244-259application to engineering education, 252-258and design team selection, 172difficulties with testing, 258-259summary table of, 247


    NSF/IEEE Center for Computer Applications inElectromagnetic Education, 156

    National Survey of Faculty (1989), 328, 332-333National Technological University (NTU), 145Needs, Maslows theory of, 298-302Nonparticipation, 120Nonverbal communication, 52, 96, 192-193Note-taking

    in laboratory, 182by students in class, 40by teaching assistant, 15


    Objective knowledge (see Separate knowledge)Objective(s)

    in affective domain, 55behavioral, 47-48


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    Objectives (continued)psychomotor, 55taxonomies of, 49-53and teaching styles, 53-55for thermodynamics course, 48

    Observation, learning by, 2Office hours, 14, 41, 111, 190

    of teaching assistant, 15-16and tutoring, 195

    Old Master program, 107Open book tests, 217, 236Oral report

    as final exam, 216videotaping, 150See also Communication

    Organization, of values, 51Overhead projector, 97-98Overparticipation, 120


    Panel discussion, 128-129Paraphrasing, 193Passive learning, 290Pattern recognition, 83Pendulum style of teaching, 295Perception

    defined, 244and stress, 25

    Perceptive type, of personality, 246, 250and listening, 191

    Perceptual illusion, 83Perfectionism, 17-18Performance, lecture as, 93-99

    preparation for, 94-95Perrys theory of cognitive development, 269-280Personality type(s)

    distribution of, in engineering, 255-257history of type theory, 245-246of instructor, and ratings, 317and learning, 244-259

    Personalized system of instruction (PSI), 133-135Piagets theory of cognitive development, 264-268Piggybacking, 18Plagiarism, 236, 238Plan step, of problem-solving, 71Plus-minus-interesting (PMI) approach, 74, 84Pop quiz, 216Positions, in intellectual development, 270-275Postdoctoral position, 349Practice-theory-practice learning model, 279Predictors, grades as, 229-230Preoperational period, 265

    Prerequisite(s), 32as corequisite, in independent study, 138

    Presenting problem, 203, 204Priorities

    ABC system, 12-13setting of, and efficiency, 11

    Probes, 193Problem-solving

    blocks to, 75concept map of, 67in constructivism, 286by discussion, 118format for, 76-77getting unstuck, 73-75MBTI model for, 263novice and expert, 68-70overview of, 66-68strategies for, 70-72taxonomy for, 53teaching, 75-79and tutoring, 199

    Procedural knowledge, 273Procrastination

    in instructor-paced mastery course, 136-137in projects, 228in self-paced instruction, 135

    Proctor(s)costs of, 135for testing, 221, 236undergraduate, 133

    Professionalism, and ethics, 241Professor(s)

    as behavior model, 6changing jobs, 351-352changing role of, 337cognitive style of, 296establishing professional demeanor, 42-43faculty environment, 331-337form of address, 36-37and master teachers, 93as new faculty member, 42-43and peer consultation, 42, 308, 319personal revelation in lecture, 104professional concerns of, 324-347as research advisor, 205-210role of

    in discussion, 119in formal learning group, 125in guided design, 177

    self-rating of, 314, 319shortage of, 336and student ratings, 316-317See also Teaching


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    Programming, computer, 154Project Athena (MIT), 159Projector, overhead, 97-98Projects, 228-229Promotion

    criteria for, 327-330increasing odds of, 330-331structure of process, 326and student evaluations, 308and teaching 3

    Props, for lecture, 97-98Psychological Types (Jung), 245, 246Psychomotor domain, 52Public Broadcasting System (PBS), 145Publishing

    and teaching quality, 334and tenure, 327-329

    Punishing style, 5

    QQuestions, and lecture method, 99-103Quiz shows, 130R

    Rational emotive therapy (RET), 25, 29-30Reading assignments, 227Real-life projects, 174-175Receiving, of information, 51Reflection versus impulsivity, 288Reflective observation, 292, 294Regrades, 224-226, 240Rehearsal, for lecture, 94Relativism: commitment foreseen position, 274-275Relativism position, 273-274Relaxation techniques, 25-26Reliability

    of MBTI, 259of student ratings, 312-313

    Required courses, 32Research

    development in, 339efficiency in, 22-24plan for, 349and quality of teaching, 335-336and teaching correlation, 3and tenure, 327-329

    Research advisor, 205-210for graduate student, 206-210for undergraduate, 206

    Research group, 208Research proposal, 23-24, 209-210Residence halls, and pluralism, 270, 279, 299

    Responding to information, 51Resum, writing of, 348-350Retention, of learning, 116, 291-292Retention, of students, and type theory, 255Retreat, cognitive, 276Reversal process, 81-82Rhetorical question, 101Right brain/left brain dominance

    and creativity, 83and McCarthys learning system, 294

    Routines, 53


    Scientific learning cycle, 268, 286-288Secretary, and work habits, 15Security, during testing, 220-221, 236Seating arrangement, 37Self-actualization, 301Self-feedback, 151Self-paced instruction, 133-135

    problems of, 135Seminar, 32Sensorimotor period, 265Sensing type, of personality, 246, 248-249

    and engineering education, 253Separate knowledge, 273, 275Serial learning, 289-290Service, 339-340Sexual exploitation, 341Short-answer test, 219Show cause, 62Silence, as encouragement, 193Simulation mode, of CAI, 157Skills course, 178-179Small Group Instructional Diagnosis (SGID) method,

    318Socratic approach, 102

    group-based, 125Software, computer, 153-156

    CAD programs, 156equation-solving programs, 154-155simulation programs, 156symbolic algebra programs, 155-15620-80 rule, 153

    Speakerphone, 146Speaking skills, 96Spreadsheets, 17, 153-154Stage direction, in lecture notes, 94Standard scores, 223-224Stem, of multiple-choice question, 219Strategy, 53

    compared to tactics, 27


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    Stressand cheating, 236in faculty, 334handling of, 24-26and tests, 214, 216, 217, 220

    Structured controversy, 127-128Student(s)

    adapting to level of, 42as audience, 33as evaluators, 307-308, 309-318focus on, 191-192fostering creativity in, 84grade level

    and field trips, 139and tutoring, 148

    graduate (see Graduate student)guiding of, 6nontraditional, 2oral responses during class, 101-103peer tutoring, 7and Perrys theory of cognition, 269-280problem-solving ability, 68-70questions from 37, 39retention of, and type theory, 255

    Student Instructional Report (SIR), 310Study groups, 226Success, need for, 300-301Summarizing, 193Summative evaluation, 307-309Symbolic algebra, computer program for, 155-156Synectics approach, 82Synthesis, cognitive, 50, 54, 132

    in design course, 171


    T score, 224, 225Tactics, compared to strategy, 27Teaching

    activities, 294affective elements, 5class routines, 39-42computer-aided instruction, 156-159design courses, 170-173

    See also Design coursedichotomous styles of, 288-290discovery method, 78efficiency in, 20-22of ethics, 240-242evaluation of, 306-323

    See also Evaluationand faculty growth, 338the first class, 31-45

    good, components of, 4-5and intellectual growth, 278-279and listening skills, 189-194methods

    and MBTI, 253-254and media, 143, 144selecting, 34

    pendulum style of, 295philosophy of, 5-6and promotion, 329and publication pressure, 334reasons for instruction in, 1-3and research pressures, 335-336sample course outline, 353-354the second class, 38-39style, and objectives, 53-55two-dimensional model of (Lowman), 4-5See also Education; Professor

    Teaching assistantforeign student as, 16as guest lecturer, 107and homework problems, 21and laboratory, 183managing of, 15-16office hours, 41, 111, 195role of

    in formal learning group, 125in guided design, 177in large class, 109-110

    student ratings of, 316as teaching evaluator, 307and test scoring, 222, 223and testing 221, 236

    Technological media, 143-167audiotutorial (AT), 161-163computers (see Computer)costs of, 146, 158, 161guidelines for use, 144interactive laser videodisc, 159-161television and video, 145-147

    Televisionadvantages of, 145-146drawbacks of, 146instructional hints for, 149-150

    Temporizing, 276Tentative course schedule, 20, 35, 37Tenure, 324-326

    criteria for, 327-3301989 National Survey of Faculty, 328and service, 330and teaching, 3

    Term introduction phase, of learning cycle, 287Test files, 218, 236


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    Testing, 213-214administering test, 220-221critique of test, 223-224final exams, 215-216grid for preparation, 216-217methods of, 40open book, 217, 236postlecture quiz, 105-106reasons for, and frequency of, 214-216regrades, 224-226scoring, 221-224security, 220-221, 236standardized, 320writing problems and questions, 217-220See also Evaluation; Grading; specific

    type of testTextbook, 56-60

    advantages of using, 56-57choice of, 35, 37, 57-59ethics of choice, 341and lecture method, 92publish-on-demand, 59writing of, 59-60

    Textbook Authors Association, 60Thinking type, of personality, 249-250

    and listening, 191Thought

    convergent and divergent, 75, 295-296independence of, 273

    Time, and design course, 173Timing, in lecture, 98-99To-do list, 13-14Touch-type (see Keyboarding)Transcendental meditation (TM), 26Transformation, as cognitive process, 267-268Travel, 18-20Trial-and-error, 70Troubleshooting, 200Tutorial mode, of CAI, 157Tutoring

    advantages and disadvantages of, 195-196compared to lecturing, 196, 197defined, 194goals of, 196-197locations for, 195methods for improving, 197-200by peers, 7problems of, 200by telephone, 195with videotaped instruction, 148-149

    Type, defined, 245


    Validityof MBTI, 259of student ratings, 313-315

    Valuing, 51-52Variety, in lecture, 95-96Videotapes, 147

    as evaluation, 320for feedback to students, 150-151instructional hints for, 149-150tutored instruction, 148-149

    Visiting, 14-15Visual learning, 6-7, 291


    Whimbey-Lochhead pair method, 77-78as cooperative group method, 121

    Womenand discussion format, 119as doctoral recipients, 336as faculty, 338and field sensitivity, 289and group dynamics, 124, 126as nontraditional engineering students, 2and Perrys cognition theory, 269, 270and personality type, 257and subjectivisim, 272

    Word processing, 16-17Work environment, 18Work ethic, 297Work habits, 14-18` and computer use, 16-17

    controlling interruptions, 14-15rewards and breaks, 18

    Writing, and creativity, 82


    z score, 224, 225


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

  • It is possible to learn how to teach well. That is the thesis of this book. We want to help newprofessors get started toward effective, efficient teaching so that they can avoid the newprofessor horror show in the first class they teach. And by exposing them to a variety oftheories and methods, we want to open the door for their growth as educators. Since one goalis immediate and the second is long-term, we have included both immediate how-toprocedures and more theoretical or philosophical sections. Written mainly for Ph.D. studentsand professors in all areas of engineering, the book may be used as a text for a graduate-levelclass or by professionals who wish to read it on their own. Although our focus is engineering,much of this book should be useful to teachers in other technical disciplines. Teaching is acomplex human activity, so its impossible to develop a formula which guarantees that it willbe excellent. But by becoming more efficient, professors can learn to do a good job and endup with more time to do other things such as research.

    The majority of engineering professors have never had a formal course in education, andsome can even produce a variety of challenging rationalizations why such a course isunnecessary:

    1 I didnt need a teaching course.2 I learned how to teach by watching my teachers.3 Good teachers are born and not made.4 Teaching is unimportant.






    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    5 Teaching courses have not improved the teaching in high schools and grade schools.6 Engineers need more technical courses.7 If I am a good researcher, I will automatically be a good teacher.8 Even if a teaching course might be a good idea, none is available.

    1 The first criticism can be answered in several ways. Just because someone did not needa teaching course does not logically imply that he or she would not have benefited from one.What is more important, times have changed. In the past, young assistant professors receiveda good deal of on-the-job training in how to teach. New assistant professors were mentoredin teaching and were expected to teach several classes a semester. Now, mentoring is inresearch, and an assistant professor in engineering at a research university may teach only onecourse a semester. In the past the major topic of discussion with older professors was teaching;now it is research and grantsmanship. Because of these changes, formal training in teachingmethods is now much more important. Van Ness (1989) has presented a detailed descriptionof the changes in chemical engineering education which closely match changes in other areasof engineering education.

    The problems facing engineering education have also changed. According to demographicstudies, the number of traditional engineering studentswhite, male eighteen-year oldsisexpected to go through a minimum from 1992 to 1994 and then increase very slowly(Hodgkinson, 1985; Reynolds and Oaxaca, 1988). In order to have enough engineers toremain internationally competitive, we must recruit, teach, and retain nontraditional studentssuch as women and underrepresented minorities. There is also a moral imperative for reachingout to these nontraditional students. They offer different challenges and require differenteducational methods. A related problem is how to encourage enough U.S. citizens, particu-larly women and minorities, to earn a Ph.D. and then become educators. Many students seethe workloads of assistant professors as oppressive and do not want the sword of the tenuredecision hanging over their heads. A course on efficient, effective teaching would reduce thetrauma of starting an academic career and help these students to see the joys of teaching.

    2 You undoubtedly learned something about teaching from your teachers, but what if theywere bad teachers? Even if you did have good teachers, this method at best gives the newprofessor a limited repertoire and does not provide for any of the necessary practice. Thisapproach also does not help you incorporate new educational technology into the classroomunless you have had the rare opportunity to take a course from one of the pioneers in theseareas. An opinion contrary to this is given by Highet (1976, p. 112), who argues that a courseon education during graduate study is not needed since students can learn by watching goodand bad teachers.

    3 Some of the characteristics of good teachers may well be inborn and not made, but thesame can be said for engineers. We expect engineers to undergo rigorous training to becomeproficient. It is logical to require similar rigorous training in the teaching methods ofengineering professors. Experience in teaching engineering students how to teach shows thateveryone can improve her or his teaching (e.g., see Wankat and Oreovicz, 1984; Stice, 1991).Even those born with an innate affinity for teaching or research can improve by study and


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    practice. Finally, in its extreme, this argument removes all responsibility and all possibilityfor change from an individual.

    4 There is no doubt that teaching is very important to students, parents, alumni,accreditation boards, and state legislatures. Unfortunately, at many universities research ismore important than teaching in the promotion process. When assistant professors are deniedtenure, it is because of lack of research, not because they have not been good teachers. Anefficient teacher can do a good job teaching in the same amount of time an inefficient teacherspends doing a poor job. New professors who study educational methods will likely be betterprepared to teach and will be more efficient during their first years in academia.

    5 There is a general trend toward reducing the number of courses in pedagogy andincreasing the number of content courses for both grade school and high school teachers.However, there is no trend toward zero courses or no practice in how to teach. The optimumnumber of courses in teaching methods undoubtedly lies between the large number requiredof elementary school teachers and the zero number taken by most engineering professors.

    6 The demand for more and more technical courses is frequently heard at both theundergraduate and graduate levels. At the graduate level some of the most prestigiousuniversities require the fewest number of courses. Thus, arguments that instructors must covermore technical content lack conviction at the graduate level. Courses on teaching can be verychallenging and can open up entirely new vistas to the student. A course on teaching methodswill be useful to all students even if they go into industry or government since logicalorganization and presentation of material are important in all areas.

    7 Unfortunately, most research shows that there is almost no correlation between effectiveteaching and effective research (see Section 17.3 for a detailed discussion). Frequently heardcomments to the contrary often appear to be based on examples of good researchers who are alsogood teachers, while ignoring examples of good teachers who do not do research and examples ofgood researchers who are poor teachers. This should not be interpreted as a statement thatengineering professors should not do research. Ideally, they should strive to do both teaching andresearch well, and they should be trained for both functions.

    8 There are a few courses in teaching in engineering colleges (e.g., Wankat and Oreovicz, 1984;Stice, 1991), and at the University of Texas at Austin the teaching course has been offered since1972 (Stice, 1991). Many, if not most, universities offer teaching workshops either before thesemester starts (e.g., Felder et al., 1989) or during the semester (e.g., Wentzel, 1987). Professionalsocieties such as the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) also frequently offereffective teaching programs.

    There are additional good reasons for learning how to teach. Teaching when you dont knowhow may be considered unethical! Canon 2 of the Accreditation Board for Engineering andTechnology (ABET) states, Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their compe-tence (see Table 12-1). Since teaching is a service, teaching when one is not competent is probablyunethical. Also, the ASEE Quality of Engineering Education Project concluded, All personspreparing to teach engineering (the pretenure years) should be required to include in theirpreparation studies related to the practice of teaching (ASEE, 1985, p. 156).


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    Exactly what characterizes a good teacher? Many adjectives come to mind when thisquestion is asked: stimulating, clear, well-organized, warm, approachable, prepared, helpful,enthusiastic, fair, and so forth. Lowman (1985) synthesized the research on classroomdynamics, student learning, and teaching to develop a two-dimensional model of goodteaching. The most important dimension is intellectual excitement which represents theteachers obligation to knowledge and society (Elbow, 1986, p. 142). This dimensionincludes content and performance. Since most engineering professors think content is the mostimportant, making this dimension the most important agrees with common wisdom in theprofession. Included in intellectual excitement are organization and clarity of presentation ofup-to-date material. Since a dull performance can decrease the excitement of the mostinteresting material, this dimension includes performance characteristics. Is the professorenergetic and enthusiastic? Does the professor clearly show a love for the material? Does theprofessor use clear language and clear pronunciation? Does the professor engage the studentsso that they are immersed in the material?

    The second dimension identified by Lowman is interpersonal rapport which is the teachersobligation to students (Elbow, 1986, p. 142). Professors develop rapport with students byshowing an interest in them as individuals. In addition to knowing every students name, doesthe professor know something about each one? Does he or she encourage them and allow forindependent thought even though they may disagree with the professor? Is the professoravailable for questions both in and out of class? Although engineering professors do notuniformly agree that interpersonal rapport is important, students consistently include thisdimension in their ratings of teachers (see Section 16.3.2). Note that at times the content andrapport sides of teaching conflict with each other (Elbow, 1986).

    How do these two dimensions interact? The complete model is shown in Table 1-1.Lowman (1985) divides intellectual development into high (extremely clear and exciting),medium (clear and interesting), and low (vague and dull). He divides the interpersonal rapportdimension into high (warm, open, predictable, and highly student-oriented), medium (rela-tively warm, approachable, democratic, and predictable), and low (cold, distant, highlycontrolling, unpredictable). To interpersonal rapport we have added a fourth level belowlowpunishing (attacking, sarcastic, disdainful, controlling, and unpredictable)since we


    IntellectualExcitement Punishing Low Moderate High




    6'. Intellectual Attacker3'. Adequate Attacker1'. Inadequate Attacker

    Interpersonal Rapport

    6. Intellectual Authority3. Adequate

    1. Inadequate

    8. Masterful Lecturer5. Competent

    2. Marginal

    9. Complete Master7. Masterful Facilitator4. Warm fuzzy

    TABLE 1-1 TWO-DIMENSIONAL MODEL OF TEACHING (Modified from Lowman, 1985)


    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    have observed professors in this category.The numbering system in Table 1-1 indicates that professors improve their teaching much

    more quickly by increasing their intellectual excitement than by developing greater rapportwith students. For example, a professor who is high in interpersonal rapport and low inintellectual excitement (position 4) will be considered a poorer teacher than a professor whois high in intellectual excitement and low in interpersonal rapport (position 6). Because theirstrengths are very different, these two teachers will excel in very different types of classes.The professor in position 4 will do best with a small class with a great deal of studentparticipation, whereas the professor in position 6 will do best in large lecture classes. Ourimpression based on a very unscientific sample is that most engineering professors are in thebroad moderate level of intellectual excitement and are at all levels of interpersonal rapport.The difference between these teachers and those at the high level of intellectual excitement isthat the latter either consciously or unconsciously pay more attention to the performanceaspects of teaching. Fortunately, all engineering professors can improve their teaching in bothdimensions, and position 5 (competent) is accessible to all. Although becoming a completemaster is a laudable goal to aim for, teachers who have attained this level are rare.

    Hanna and McGill (1985) contend that the affective aspects of teaching are more importantthan method. Affective components which appear to be critical for effective teaching include:

    Valuing learning A student-centered orientation A belief that students can learn A need to help students learn.

    These affective components are included in the model in Table 1-1. High intellectualexcitement is impossible without valuing the learning of content and a need to present thematerial in a form which aids learning. High interpersonal rapport requires a student-centeredorientation and a belief that students can learn.

    A few comments about the punishing level of interpersonal rapport are in order. Since moststudents will fear such a professor, they will do the course assignments and learn the materialif they remain in the course and arent immobilized by fear. However, even those who do wellwill dislike the material. In our opinion and in the opinion of the American Association ofUniversity Professors (see Table 17-3), this punishing behavior is unprofessional. The onlyjustification for a punishing style is to train students for a punishing environment such as thatconfronted by boxers, POWs, sports referees, and lawyers. Professors who stop attackingstudents immediately move into the level of low interpersonal rapport and receive higherstudent ratings.

    Teaching is an important activity of engineering professors, both in regard to content andin relation to students. New professors are usually superbly trained in content, but often have



    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    very little idea of how students learn. This book is based on what may possibly be arevolutionary hypothesis: Young professors will do a better job teaching initially if theyreceive education and practice in teaching while they are graduate students or when they firststart out as assistant professors. They will be more efficient the first few years and will havetime for other activities.

    The teaching methods covered in this book go beyond the standard lecture format, althoughit too is covered. Unfortunately, for too many teachers lecturing is often synonymous withteaching. In an attempt to broaden the readers repertoire of teaching techniques, we includeother teaching methods which may be more appropriate for some courses. Because advisingand tutoring are closely tied to teaching, we also include these one-to-one activities. And sincewe believe that learning to become a good problem solver and learning how to learn are twomajor goals of engineering education, we also cover methods for teaching students to attainthese goals.

    Engineering professors invariably serve as models of proper behavior. Thus, an engineer-ing professor should be a good engineer both technically and ethically, not using his or herposition to persecute or take advantage of students. We agree with Highet (1976, p. 79) thatin general students are likely to be immature and that our chief duty is not to scorn them forthis inability to comprehend, but to help them in overcoming their weakness. A well-developed sense of fairness is almost uniformly appreciated by students.

    Our position on human potential is that people want to learn. Therefore, we search for waysto stop demotivating students while realizing that a few discipline problems always exist.Teaching is an important activity of engineering professors. Since they must also be involvedin varying amounts of research, administration, advising, committee work, consulting, and soforth, we emphasize both effectiveness and efficiency.

    Throughout this book we will base teaching methods on known learning principles. Manycomments on what works in teaching are scattered throughout. In this section we will list manyof the methods that are known to work. The ideas in this section are based on Chapters 13 to15, papers by Chickering and Gamson (1987), Durney (1973), Irey (1981), and Wales (1976),books by Lowman (1985), Elbow (1986), McKeachie (1986), and Peters and Waterman(1982), and the government brochure What Works (1986).

    1 Guide the learner. Be sure that students know the objectives. Tell them what will benext. Provide organization and structure appropriate for their developmental level.

    2 Develop a structured hierarchy of content. Some organization in the material shouldbe clear, but there should be opportunities for the student to do some structuring. Contentneeds to include concepts, applications and problem solving.

    3 Use images and visual learning. Most people prefer visual learning and have better



    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    retention when this mode is used. Encourage students to generate their own visual learningaids.

    4 Ensure that the student is active. Students must actively grapple with the material. Thiscan be done internally or externally by writing or speaking.

    5 Require practice. Learning complex concepts, tasks, or problem solving requires achance to practice in a nonthreatening environment. Some repetition is required to becomeboth quick and accurate at tasks.

    6 Provide feedback. Feedback should be prompt and, if at all possible, positive. Rewardworks much better than punishment. Students need a second chance to practice after feedbackin order to benefit fully from it.

    7 Have positive expectations of students. Positive expectations by the professor andrespect from the professor are highly motivating. Low expectations and disrespect aredemotivating. This is a very important principle, but it cannot be learned as a method. Amaster teacher truly believes that her or his students are capable of great things.

    8 Provide means for students to be challenged yet successful. Be sure students have theproper background. Provide sufficient time and tasks that everyone can do successfully butbe sure that there is a challenge for everyone. Success is very motivating.

    9 Individualize the teaching style. Use a variety of teaching styles and learning exercisesso that each student can use his or her favorite style and so that each student becomes moreproficient at all styles.

    10 Make the class more cooperative. Use cooperative group exercises. Stop grading ona curve and either use mastery learning or grade against an absolute standard.

    11 Ask thought-provoking questions. Thought-provoking questions do not have to haveanswers. Posing questions without answers can be particularly motivating for more maturestudents.

    12 Be enthusiastic and demonstrate the joy of learning. Enthusiasm is motivating andwill help students enjoy the class.

    13 Encourage students to teach other students. Students who tutor others learn morethemselves and the students they tutor learn more (What Works, 1986). In addition, studentswho tutor develop a sense of accomplishment and confidence in their ability.

    14 Care about what you are doing. The professor who puts teaching on automaticcannot do an outstanding job.

    15 If possible, separate teaching from evaluation. If a different person does theevaluation, the teacher can become a coach and ally whose goal is to help the student learn.

    At the end of each chapter we will step aside and look philosophically at the chapter. Thesemetacomments allow us to look at teaching from a viewpoint that is outside or abovethe teacher. In class we use metadiscussion to discuss what has happened in class. In thischapter we set up a strawman who argued against courses on teaching methods and thenknocked him down. The strawman is real in some universities, and we have met him many



    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    times while developing the course this book is based on. This book is written in a pragmatic,how-to-do-it style. There are philosophical and spiritual aspects of teaching which are givenlittle attention. A good counterpoint to this book is Palmers (1983) book on the spiritualaspects of education.

    After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

    Discuss the goals of this book. Answer the comments of critics. Explain the two-dimensional model of teaching. Discuss some of the values which underlie your ideals of teaching. Explain some applications of learning principles to engineering education.

    1 Many additional critical comments can be made about the need for a teaching course.Develop both a critical comment and your response to this comment.

    2 Good teachers must remain intellectually active. Brainstorm at least a dozen ways aprofessor can do this during a forty-year career.

    3 Discuss the values which influence your teaching.4 Determine the positions in Table 1-1 of engineering professors you have had as an

    undergraduate or graduate student. What could these professors have done to improve theirteaching? (If this assignment is turned in, do not identify the professor by name.)

    ASEE, Quality of Engineering Education Project, Eng. Educ., 153 (Dec. 1985).Durney, C. H., Areview: Principles of design and analysis of learning systems, Eng. Educ., 406 (March 1973).

    Chickering, A. W. and Gamson, Z. F., "Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education,"AAHE Bull., 3 (March 1987). (AAHE is the American Association for Higher Education.)

    Elbow, P., Embracing Contraries: Explorations in Learning and Teaching, Oxford University Press,New York, Chapter 7, 1986.

    Felder, R. M., Leonard, R., and Porter, R. L., Oh God, not another teaching workshop, Eng. Educ.,622 (Sept./Oct. 1989).

    Hanna, S. J. and McGill, L. T., A nurturing environment and effective teaching, Coll. Teach., 33(4),177 (1985).





    Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz

    Highet, G., The Immortal Profession: The Joys of Teaching and Learning,Weybright and Talley, NewYork, 1976.

    Hodgkinson, H. L., All One System. Demographics of Education: Kindergarten Through GraduateSchool, The Institute for Leadership, Washington, DC, 1985 (pamphlet).

    Irey, R. K., Four principles of effective teaching, Eng. Educ., 285 (Feb. 1987).Lowman, J. Mastering the Techniques of Teaching, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1985.McKeachie, W. J., Teaching Tips, 8th ed., D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA, 1986.Palmer, P. J., To Know as We Are Known: A Spirituality of Education, Harper Collins, San Francisco,

    1983.Peters, T. J. and Waterman, R. H., Jr., In Search of Excellence: Lessons from Americas Best-Run

    Companies, Harper and Row, New York, 1982.Reynolds, W. A. and Oaxaca, J. (Co-chairs), Changing America: The new face of science and

    engineering, Interim Report of the Task Force on Women, Minorities, and the Handicapped inScience and Technology, Washington, DC, 1988.

    Stice, J., The need for a how to teach course for graduate students, Proceedings ASEE AnnualConference, ASEE, Washington, DC, 65, 1991.

    Van Ness, H. C., Chemical engineering education: Will we ever get it right? Chem. Eng. Prog., 85(1), 18 (Jan. 1989).

    Wankat, P. C. and Oreovicz, F. S., Teaching prospective faculty members about teaching: A graduateengineering course, Eng. Educ., 84 (1984).

    Wales, C. E., Improve your teaching tomorrow with teaching-learning psychology, Eng. Educ., 390(Feb. 1976).

    Wentzel, H. K., Seminars in college teaching: An approach to faculty development. Coll. Teach., 35,70 (1987).

    What Works, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC, 1986. (Copies can be obtained by writingto What Works, Pueblo, CO, 81009).




    Efficiency has long been a topic of considerable interest in the popular press. If you pickup an airline magazine out of boredom as you circle the airport for the fifth time, chances arethere will be an article on some aspect of efficiency. Despite this popular interest, however,most professors and students are inefficient. A little formal study of efficiency and somepractice can tremendously improve ones productivity.

    Most new professors work long hours and still feel they dont have time to do everythingthey want or need to do. By being more efficient they could do more research and do a betterjob of teaching. An efficient teacher can do a good job teaching a course in less time than ittakes an inefficient teacher to do a mediocre job. It is also important to train both graduate andundergraduate students to become professionals. Engineers are more effective if they aretrained to be efficient. We contend that part of this training should be done in school (it doesnot hurt to be an efficient student either).

    Being efficient requires both an attitude and a bag of tricks. We have placed this chapternear the beginning so that the importance of efficiency can be emphasized throughout thebook. The bag of tricks will be discussed in this chapter and to a lesser extent throughout thebook. This chapter is a considerable extension and revision of Wankat (1987), and it drawsupon the books by Lakein (1973) and Covey (1989) for many of the basic ideas.



    People need a reward for being efficient. What will you gain if you get the task done wellin less time? To achieve what you want, you first need to set goals. If you are serious aboutdeveloping a more efficient and productive work style, you need to set both short- and long-term goals. Do this for work and leisure. To illustrate, a young professors lifetime goals mayinclude the following:

    Be promoted to associate professor and then to professorBecome a recognized technical expertBe recognized as an outstanding teacherProvide for childrens educationSpend a sabbatical in EuropeRemain in good healthDevelop a happy marriage

    This is a reasonable but certainly not all-inclusive list. Your goals may be different, ofcourse, because only you can develop that list.

    A lifetime is, one would hope, a long time. Action plans are easier to develop for shorter-term goals, so a two- or three-year list of goals such as the following may be useful.

    Remain in good healthPublish five papers in refereed journalsBe promoted to associate professorTake a Caribbean cruise

    Even shorter term lists such as semester lists are useful. Achieving just one or two majorgoals in a semester requires an unusual level of persistent effort. Lakein (1973) and Covey(1989) have much more information and examples on setting goals. In order for this chapterto be useful you need to write down your own goals (and later activities and priorities). Eitherstart now or do the homework when you are finished with the chapter.

    Once various goals have been listed, it is time to set priorities. This involves juggling theorder of the goals until you find an order which satisfies you now. Dont try to set prioritiesfor all time. Goals are made to be changed. A reasonable choice for a number-one priorityis to maintain good health since it makes achieving the other goals much easier.

    Lists of goals have the advantage of keeping you focused on the big picture. However, theydont tell what you need to do. For this you need a list of activities which will help you achieveyour goals. For example, the following list will probably help someone achieve the goal ofgood health:



    Stop smokingLose ten poundsJog or swim three times per weekControl stress and learn relaxation techniques (see Section 2.7.)Have a physical examination

    Activity lists can be developed for each of the goals. In some cases a certain amount ofingenuity may be required to develop a list of appropriate activities. When the desired goalrequires a decision by others, such as being promoted, it is helpful to determine what therequirements are for achieving this goal. Unfortunately, these requirements are often movingtargets, and it is impossible to get a firm commitment on what is required. For instance, thecriteria for promotion usually do not list the number of papers required. However, by askingseveral full professors you should be able to get an approximate idea of the number and typeof publications required. This gives you information for your activity lists which can be usedin planning the right activity for reaching your goal.

    Once you have worked out goals and activities, you need to set priorities for the activities.Not everything can be done at once. The professor desiring promotion may give that goal ahigher priority than taking a long vacation. The long vacation can be seen as a reward foraccomplishing the first goal. Professors usually must work on several goals at once. If researchis a major priority, the most hours may be put into this activity, but other activities also mustbe worked on. Maintaining good health requires a steady commitment. At the same time,courses must be well taught. Committee meetings must be attended, and so forth.

    Meeting goals is a day-by-day commitment. An ABC system can be used to set priorities(Lakein, 1973). List the important items to do in the near future as As. Include work itemswhich have to be done such as writing a series of lectures or a proposal. Also include activitieswhich will help you achieve your lifetime goals and which you chose to work on this week.Note that writing a proposal eventually helps you achieve the goal of being recognized as atechnical expert. It is also important to include on the A list large, long-term projects such aswriting a book. A mix of things that you have to do and things that you want to do makes workmore pleasurable. The A jobs should be worked on during periods of peak efficiency. Puttingan item on the A list does not mean that you will finish it today or this week or even this year.Instead, think of it as a commitment to spend a minimum of five minutes on the activity. Thepurpose of this is to break down overwhelming tasks into little pieces to prevent procrastina-tion. The five minutes may grow into several hours of effort once you get started.

    The A items can be listed in order of priority, A1, A2, and so forth. Lakein (1973) suggeststhis ordering, but weve never found it to be necessary. B items are either less important or lessurgent. If there is time, you can work on them this week. If not, the Bs and perhaps some ofthe As will wait for next week. C items are even less important and are held in reserve.Sometimes these items take care of themselves and there is no need to work on them. Priorities



    change. A paper due August 15th may be a C in June, a B in July, an A in August, and an A1on August 14th. Personally, I prefer to make the rough draft an A in June, the final draft anA in July, and finish everything two weeks ahead of time.

    It is useful to realize that importance and urgency are not necessarily equivalent. Keepingup with the literature in your speciality is important, but it is rarely urgent. Priorities help youto be sure that these important but not urgent things are done. There are urgent but lessimportant chores such as committee work, writing thank-you notes, and preparing expensereports which must be done. Do these all at one time when your energy is running low andyou need a break from important activities. In setting up priorities it is useful to think aboutcritical paths for large projects. Think about what needs to be done in what sequence so thatthe whole project can be completed quickly. This is illustrated in Fig. 2-1 for an experimentalresearch project. It is important to do the preliminary design quickly so that equipment can beordered. New graduate students often do not realize that it may take from one month to morethan a year for equipment to arrive. If ordered early, the equipment may be available whenthe experimenter is ready for it.

    The tools for ensuring that high-priority items are worked on are to-do lists and deskcalendars. A to-do list delineates the activities that you want to work on within a given timeperiod. Good choices are daily, weekly, and semester to-do lists. A semester to-do list, whichis the least detailed, includes only major projects such as papers, proposals, and books. Thislist is glanced at when weekly lists are prepared. A weekly to-do list includes the activities youwant to do that week. Many of the activities may be assigned duties. These assigned duties areindirectly related to your lifetime goals since doing them well will help you keep your job andperhaps be promoted. Include some discretionary activities related to your high-priority goals.Also include nonwork activities which are important to reaching your goals, such asswimming three times a week.

    Begin the week by listing the highest priority activities. Put these on daily to-do lists ona desk calendar or appointment book. If you dont get to an activity on Monday, work on it onTuesday. On Friday, check to see what As havent been worked on. Either work on them then,or move them to next weeks list. You may find that you no longer want to bother listing B orC items since youll likely always have more A items than you can finish. You also may wantto omit routine meetings and class meetings. Routine meetings can be put on a desk calendaror appointment book and taken care of as they occur. Phone calls and letters can also berecorded on the desk calendar. One suggestion is to arrange your schedule so that you haveno meetings on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. This gives you a chance to work onitems on the to-do list early in the week, and a chance to clean up at the end of the week.



    PreliminaryOverall Design










    One problem with priorities and to-do lists is that you may become too work-oriented andforget to stop and smell the roses. If this continues, you will start to burn out. Lakein (1973)suggests writing smell the roses on the to-do list. Loosening up on the rigidity of the list mayalso work. Consider most items on the list as a guide and dont worry if you dont work ona particular task. Try to be productive without being rigid about following a schedule. Whenyou become saturated with one project, switch to something else. This is often a good timeto initiate people contact or to do nonurgent but important chores.

    Once we have set goals and developed activity lists to help us reach those goals, we areready to consider the details of how we do our work. These work habits have a major effecton how efficiently we satisfy our goals and thus are the subject of many books on timemanagement and efficiency (e.g., Covey, 1989; Lakein,1973; Mackenzie, 1972).

    Visiting. Since much of a professors time is spent interacting with various people, yourwork habits involving people are important. You need to determine when and where you workmost efficiently by yourself and with others. Some professors prefer to have blocks of time inthe morning to work alone, while others prefer the afternoon. For some an hour at a time issufficient, while for others much longer periods are desirable. Some professors find interrup-tions very disturbing, while others enjoy them. When you work with others, do you prefer aformal schedule or an informal drop-in policy? These individual preferences are somethingthat only you can determine. A useful way of looking at these individual preferences is withthe Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which is discussed in Chapter 13.

    Once you have discovered the most efficient way to work, arrange your schedule anddevelop methods to control interruptions and visitors. Listed office hours are very useful. Ifa student comes in at another time when you are busy, say, I only have a couple of minutesnow, but Id be happy to spend more time with you during my office hours. This approachis most acceptable to the student if you have office hours four or five days a week and you havethe reputation of being in your office for your office hours. A second method to controlinterruptions is to say no. It is easier to say no if you have a good reason such as preparing aclass in one hour (share this reason with the student), and if you can offer the student analternate time. If access to your office is controlled by a secretary, he or she can say no tointerrupters.

    Another method for controlling interruptions is to hide. A second office or an office at homecan be a good place to do work which requires solitude. For some reason, most students do notbecome upset if they cant find a professor, although they may become very upset if they findthe professor and he or she does not have time to talk. Controlling the length of visits is alsoimportant. Students and colleagues often want to chat. They may not be busy and may not

    2.3. WORK HABITS

    2.3.1. Interactions with People


    realize that you are. When the visit has lasted long enough, stop it. Stand up. Say, Its beennice talking to you, but I have to get back to work. Escort your visitor to the door. This canbe done politely but firmly.

    Secretaries. Unless you have had industrial experience, you probably have neverworked extensively with a secretary and have never been in charge of a teaching assistant (TA).Thus working with these people is your first chance to be a manager. The situation is furthercomplicated since you are undoubtedly not the only boss and are probably one of the lessimportant bosses from the viewpoint of your secretary and your TA. How can you best use theircapabilities to help both of you do your jobs better?

    Peters and Waterman (1982), in their best selling book In Search of Excellence, note thatoutstanding companies obtain productivity through people. A productive professor treatssecretaries and TAs with respect. Realize that they have other things to do besides your jobs.Plan ahead and help them plan ahead. Develop a win/win atmosphere where both you andthe secretary or TA can work efficiently (Covey, 1989). Give your secretary class assignmentsa day or two before they have to be handed out, not fifteen minutes before class starts. Tellyour secretary clearly when they are due. Build in sufficient time so that you can proofreadthe papers before they are copied. Ask your secretary to proofread the material before it isgiven to you. Work with your secretary so that he or she understands what you want. Forinstance, Greek letters may be a mystery to your typist. Explain what they are and point themout on a template.

    Try to make your secretary a partner with you even though he or she also works for five otherprofessors. Ask if one time is better for getting a project done than another. Give a warningwhen there is a big project such as a proposal coming up. If something is not needed quickly,tell your secretary when it is due. (It hardly seems fair to let something sit on your desks formonths and then demand that the secretary finish it immediately.) If you consistently givematerials on time, then when there really is a big rush, your secretary will reward your fairnesswith an all-out effort. When someone has really gone out of the way to help you with a project,reward him or her appropriately. Praise never goes out of style. Finally, remember thatplease and thank-you are magic words.

    Some universities do not provide secretarial assistance to professors because of budgetaryconstraints. This is a very short-sighted view which squanders the much more valuableprofessorial resource.

    Teaching Assistants. Teaching assistants can be extremely helpful to professors, par-ticularly in large classes. However, new teaching assistants often have no experience ingrading and they need to be trained. Your goal is to make the teaching assistant a partner inteaching the course. Discuss the following with the TA before the semester starts.

    1 Your expectations. TAs have a paid job and should be expected to earn their money.Usually their duties start before the semester starts and continue until grades are due. The TAmay not realize that he or she has contracted for this time.

    2 Attendance and note taking at your lectures. Otherwise, the TA will be very rusty ingrading and helping students.

    3 Proctoring tests and recording grades.4 Office hours. Help the TA set required office hours at times that are convenient to both

    the students and the TA. Expect the TA to be available during office hours but protect him or


    her from excessive demands from students at other times. 5 Grading. Explain in detail how you want grading done. Remember this is probably a

    learning experience for the TA also. For the first few assignments grade a few problems toserve as examples. Check over the TAs grading and give feedback so that he or she canimprove as a grader. Expect a reasonable turnaround on grading, but tell the TA in advancewhen a heavy grading assignment will be coming. If students ask for regrades, work with thegrader. Listen to the TAs reasons for assigning grades. Try to balance consistency in gradingwith fairness.

    6 Student interaction. If laboratory or recitation sections are involved, encourage the TAto prepare ahead of time and to learn the names of students.

    7 Efficiency. Arrange the TAs workload so that it can be done in the amount of time theperson is being paid for.

    8 Communication. Students who cannot communicate in English should not be used inpositions where they will have extensive contact with students.

    9 Personal behavior. For foreign student TAs you may need to explain clearly that U.S.standards of behavior towards women are different from those in many other countries.Explain these standards and note that they will be enforced.

    10 Training program. If one is available, encourage or insist that your TA enrolls. If oneis not available, consider starting one (Righter, 1987).

    Other Support Personnel. There are always other personnel in the department who canbe helpful to you or who can cause you problems. They include janitors, shop personnel,laboratory instructors, instrumentation specialists, storeroom clerks, business office person-nel, computer systems people, and so forth. If you treat them and their work with respect, thenthey will be helpful. In some departments they have significant student contact, and they mayknow the students better than do most of the professors. If this is the case, they can be veryhelpful if you have any problems with particular students.

    Whiting (1987) makes the point that a professor must be honorable and honest in alldealings with secretaries, TAs, and other support staff. Thus, do not ask them to do personalfavors or anything illegal or unethical. Respect their privacy and what little personal spacethey have. Ask permission before you borrow any equipment or use any of their equipmentsuch as personal computers. Finally, be sure that your TAs and research assistants also treatthe support staff appropriately.

    A computer can be an excellent time saver if it is used for activities that require a great dealof time. Professors often spend a large fraction of their time writing. Composing a draft ona word processor or typewriter is much faster than writing it by hand if you can touch-type.Prepare the first draft of all manuscripts on a computer. Make a hard copy and write correctionsand additions on it. Then ask your secretary to make the corrections. This procedure will takesignificantly less time than hand writing the first draft, and it results in a better final manuscript

    2.3.2. Using a Computer


    since revisions are easier to do with a word processor. Your secretary will also find thisprocedure faster and less work than typing from a handwritten manuscript.

    Obviously, efficient use of a word processor requires that you touch-type. The advantagesof typing the rough draft of manuscripts are so great that it will pay you to spend the timeneeded to learn to touch-type and to learn to use a word processor. In addition, all studentsinterested in engineering should be strongly encouraged to learn to touch-type (now called keyboarding). Even if you know how to touch-type and how to use a word processor, composingon a computer will seem awkward at first. Use an extensive outline as a guide while composingon a computer. Most people can write both quicker and better if they write the first draft asquickly as possible and then spend a significant amount of time revising (Elbow, 1986).

    Computer graphics used to be a time sink since the programs were difficult to use, andunless you used a program often you had to relearn it every time. If this is the only softwareavailable to you, it would probably be more efficient to have someone else prepare figures.Computer graphics on a user-friendly computer such as an Apple Macintosh is much easierto learn and to remember. In this form computer graphics has become a time saver. However,if someone else is available to do the graphics it would probably be more efficient to give thema rough sketch to be drawn on a computer.

    Spreadsheets are starting to be used to a significant extent in engineering education. Theyare easier to use than programming from scratch and thus tend to be more efficient. Regularuse of a spreadsheet will enable the professor to become quite proficient with it, and thespreadsheet will be a time saver. If the spreadsheet is used only on rare occasions, then it islikely to be a time sink instead of a time saver. Students should also be taught to usespreadsheets (see Chapter 8).

    In many areas a computer can be a time waster and not a time saver. Programming is a verytime-consuming process. Writing programs for classes or developing computer-aided instruc-tion is unlikely to save time because programs have to be polished before being given tostudents. The use of unpolished programs in a class often results in breakdowns (always atinconvenient times) which the professor must try to fix. It is certainly more efficient to useprograms that someone else has written and debugged. If you must write your own programs,write fewer programs and spend more time on them so that they work even when abused bystudents. Setting up files on a computer is a second area where the computer can become atime waster. The problem with files is that they can become an end unto themselves, and theyare seldom used for a productive purpose. The files, a C-priority, become more important thanthe A-priority jobs which the files should support. A third trap which is common for studentsbut not professors involves computer games. Games are fun for relaxation, but dont foolyourself by thinking they are educational. There are many other examples of nonproductiveuses of a computer which any computer hacker can list.

    Covey (1989), Lakein (1973), Mackenzie (1972) and Roberts (1989) suggest a variety ofmethods for improving the use of time. One of the most important is to avoid perfectionism.Manuscripts can be revised forever, and the reader will never think they are perfect. At some

    2.3.3. Miscellaneous Efficiency Methods


    point you have to let go and put out a less than perfect, but not sloppy, manuscript. This samereasoning is applicable to other work such as lectures.

    A second very important principle is to reward yourself and take breaks. Most peoplebecome very inefficient if they try to work all the time. You might recommend to your graduatestudents that they take at least one day a week off and do no work on that day. This will payoff in terms of long-term efficiency, and overall work production will actually increase despiteworking fewer hours. Most people also need vacations (even assistant professors). Over afive- or six-year period an assistant professor will probably enjoy life more and get more doneif he or she takes at least one week of vacation every year instead of working all the time.

    One important efficiency method is to use the same work several times: a process calledpiggy backing. The most obvious application of this is teaching the same course several times.Then the work spent in setting up the course is reused when you teach it the second and thirdtimes. Another related application of piggy backing is teaching courses in your research area.Then time spent on research will help you present a more up-to-date course, and time spenton the course will help you better understand your research area. Another example is toprepare a literature review. This work can be published, serve as the literature review of aproposal, be presented as a paper, or serve as the basis for several lectures.

    Change your work environment or your task when you get bogged down. Carrying workto the library, college union, or local hangout can provide just the change you need. Switchingtasks can also provide a needed break. If proofreading has you down, try reading a technicaljournal for half an hour.

    Another suggestion is to use odd moments to do useful work. Can you do useful work whileyou commute to work? (Note that relaxation may be the most useful thing to do.) Plan workfor trips (see Section 2.4). Take a book or papers to grade to the doctors office. Figure outwhat works for you for those ten- or fifteen-minute periods which are not long enough for aserious project.

    Mail can be handled more efficiently. The general rule is to minimize the number of timesyou handle it. There is no law which says that you must open junk mail. If you do open a pieceof mail, try to complete your response immediately. If this is not possible, at least be sure thatyou do something to move it forward each time you pick it up. Very often a phone call or a Faxwill be the most efficient way to take care of mail. You can help your correspondents be moreefficient by putting your telephone number, your Fax number, and your computer address onyour correspondence.

    Carry a small notebook or pocket calendar at all times. Then you can write downappointments and transfer them to your desk calendar later. This helps you to avoid missingmeetings. The notebook can also be used to jot down ideas, record references, list names ofpeople you meet, and so forth.

    Travel can consume so much time that a separate section on travel efficiency seems to becalled for. It can be exhilarating and broadening, but also exhausting. Many of the effects of

    2.4. TRAVEL


    travel are shown in Fig. 2-2. The interest and energy generated is very high when you seldomtravel (say, once or twice a semester). As you travel more often, the interest in each tripdecreases. The first trip to Europe is very exciting; the fifth trip in the same year is a lot lessso. Every trip involves a certain amount of hassle in developing plans, buying tickets,arranging for classes while you are gone, and so forth. In addition, when you return you haveto catch up on the work you missed while you were gone. These hassles and the work you haveto make up lead to a tiredness factor. Cumulatively, tiredness increases as you make more andmore trips. The combination of interest and energy generated by the trip and energy drainedby the trip is the efficiency curve shown in Figure 2-2. This curve goes through a maximumat a certain number of trips per semester. An additional factor is the effect of your travels onyour spouse or significant other. (Even some pets dont like to be left alone.) However, aspouse who travels with you may be more positive about traveling.

    There are no numbers on Fig. 2-2 since the values depend upon individual circumstances.If youre not feeling well, one trip may be too many. If your home life is unhappy, getting awaymay energize you, and the more trips a semester the better. Also, extroverts tend to liketraveling more than introverts do, probably because the hassles are not as draining for them.The point of Fig. 2-2 is that there is probably an optimum amount of travel for you.


    Tiredness orHassle Factor

    Spouse'sTolerance Interest in Trip

    Number of Trips/SemesterFIGURE 2-2 EFFECTS OF TRAVEL


    From the point of view of your career and teaching, travel can be either over- or underdone.Not traveling may lead to stagnation, parochialism, and a lack of name recognition for yourresearch. There are several dangers in traveling too much. Certain responsibilities such asoffice hours, committee meetings, and academic advising really cannot be made up. Profes-sors who are gone too much risk the danger that their classroom effectiveness may decline (seeSection 2.5). The important question to ask is, does this travel help me reach my long-termgoals? Sometimes travel may help you reach some goals, such as seeing the world, but hinderyour reaching other goals such as writing a book. It will probably take one day to catch up foreach day you are gone. If you are gone a week, it will take a week to catch up, and that willbe two weeks where you do only routine and urgent tasks and dont get a chance to work onimportant goals. If you decide that you are traveling too much, then learn how to say no to theless important trips. It helps to develop a standard letter for declining invitations.

    Once you know that you are going to travel there are some tricks to increasing yourefficiency. First, a good travel agent is very important. Not all travel agencies and not all agentswithin a given agency are equal. Shop around until you find one who will work with you, andthen stay with her or him. If you work with a large agency, be sure to get the name of the agentso that you can always contact the same person. Currently, planning ahead, getting your ticketsearly, and being flexible as to the dates you travel can save money. Registration fees atconferences are lower if you register early.

    Use the time spent on airplanes to get some work done. A long flight may represent thelongest period of uninterrupted time that youll have in months. Bring a combination ofwriting projects and reading, such as a book or some articles to review. If possible, also bringsome light technical reading. When the flight is at night after a busy day, you may decide thata review of the day and relaxation are more important goals than doing more work.

    Courses can be organized so that they are efficient for the student, the professor, and theTA. First, develop the goals and objectives for the course. Coverage should be reasonable.Then decide upon the basic course organization. The lecture method is most commonly usedsince it is widely believed to be the most efficient use of a professors time. This may be truethe first time a course is taught, but other methods can be equally efficient the second andsubsequent times the course is taught. The other methods may also be more efficient forstudents since they may learn and remember more material. Develop a tentative courseschedule before the semester starts, and hand it out to the students and the TA at the first classsession. This allows them to plan for tests and projects. Calling it a tentative course schedulegives you flexibility you may need if it becomes necessary to adjust the schedule.

    Homework and tests can be developed in efficient or inefficient ways. Solving problemsbefore they are used practically eliminates using problems which either cannot be solved orare too easy. As a rule of thumb, a professor should be able to do the test in one-quarte