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.BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BENSONu, JOSFPIB, nOUfiY AND) SIGN tAIST- .u Fit C nmln nirect- opusc a Lalyotte 9yuaro. Copperand Lira, ;a, m iul for abu rrr .,,it it onau vl,,Ooa, a2T BROWN, TIJ.. U(A.1P11NT1 ANDI JOIN11R, 122 U L'ordlll :rrcsl in' thanks It o bin 4 and tlto public lb, past tales, and aallclbn enllnuanra nP titr.:rpnlranngrR _13 RFAVX, G. A., AS'P'OINIiY-AT-LAW, No, ID Camp .systreet, New Otlra nl OGERT 0.0.(( .II SINTH I I a IDNT7 AND IiOM. CARTER ' O ,tst JC , . IH. SEAIPRS IN STAPr.11 a1 nd Fally 't U arill uY 1ll kiud,, corner Cammo ilan Tcbuopitonbtn x II(IPC _ WINSYII I1ANIDRI ,1eRNDES P41RV. MLed Frllll*. M lcex, etc., etc., No. 1U C:ommon ll trret. CtOOKS)III N1NJ . M E M X A Co., C07MMISSIO N AND 'I1I CIAN'T1, WN'I tpoht ,,u 1d 11,11, Daslcra In Foreign and Doomed, fe .lllllor, Wlaes, etc., earner Girod and(:mmmrcu lretta, Ne~w Orleans. rl!I 1"v fIO VERSE 11Co., 1i1tOCLI1S AND D11AL511 'V 1 R Wl{STERI: IIO)1011, lmo, art iboundt d byp C0 ... !, Now I.evpo, Commltonnd Ftltonsttett _ CORNELILUt WIll. ATTOIIINP5' ANDl COUNSEL- 'V LOlt-A'l't Ptt, .tN ,'I. S. CU\1MISSIONER, Rotr al ntreet, aver fit,., Plt,(-Ollee, e -~~-~~~' ~ ~ ~ - -- -- ~-~~--- -- -- - .v Ii. HAAKE1, SUR11I0N AN!) PH1YSIC7IiAN. IN- qtire at theo.121 of the City hIlloll, or lt No. 97CI'ootale. let strot. n l DAMEgZ 1ON it CO. ;, J. D. I)h A LEESIN :AI(PET- 1/ igs, Oil Clothu, ec., No. 2U Clrnrtres sort.27 ICurrtunboufie :styrene. D~WIGHT. EDB~i7N 7P., ATTORNiY AND U 00UNS.l(oRAT-LAW, NIpttttleoilit, PuriPit of At. mmtptii. IS llIt a ._____ tSll 6ttt ILsfaarchc, ferrebilnll andHt. .Mnry. Itafer toW. 1. Ilcwveii '1:q.; 1e+.xra. Slark, SYlnUfe A Co,; line. C. Voorhies; Ilan. E }:. E!tridsc. _ 1116m 7fNS J IIAIIICINGTON'S DI~1iNRAL O- PTYPI(, crnCI-IEIAS4 p an,1 . Kard rolll(tllp eitr1,, 1,11 DOIiCIE .541 7iCU IIIIRITINA AND IOOk- 10td 1PINt t .lttsttd, NCi 1i LI nOl NtrI7t. Dollxrur'x supparior Steel Puna for sale,inlargeand emailquno- titiee. a127 RE tST&CO..Ii. N , Jr., Co.I 5017 N7RA L OM- F H.IS KIONAP &ANTS. No. CH CANDLER DE- ICM~ELU E.R.GEI R, . IC.. BUTI,DFR. RCircus street,nestf to tbae corner of Flauin, , ew Orleans. la~l p tiring a:nd Store gluting donls wlthaeatuear and dis- "jlnfc t onthle Irrosr r~arolablo tems. nu3U EDIMIJIU1.'F, LESSEIY Ki o., I t~I, -S R.M anld Spirite Tllrpentbre. Iit Mr, moo, Catar na LrdOi.. N 9 "uv..,ine Mr-ee, New OrlellnH. lcllly +T. IOSTa35 CO., lAI,F:I'alS IN BOOTS, SHOEOFS, RRO- a: ililh}tat,.Olpp:, rte., Nu. t IlgillillextrllC: 1 H. S.NANPP W. S.Y CHIANDLER,, DF:N- . T.SUR(FOS 15 ntn trecf. 1n!O !!'t UIO THOSY. F. WHOLE.T"NII.F ANDI RETAIL, i I Uu~der httine Fam" iirtfclis, corner Canail and St. Chnr!ea HIQUEL &JAMIISON STA IE AND FANCY DRY •AII N'EIR (D C. A Po. A IAPoRTEIA AND DEAL- T 'l[ , E RIN ILARD\KARE, CUTLERY, et., N. 2G Iga- Hinc an 40 Grav1er Gtr AtT. '0uODIN. W.11.VD o• Co. SUC('ESSNORS TO GORDON H OUI Tr, DEAERH IN WLUEtcR--Oie Cand Narl Front l evee, cor, r of Dealord tre. keep cEnnstnntly on "Ad WheA A Arms, IscskelFlalnk, Brace StAAff, ]Decking, IDonge '1• Sherathn, Toncne lind Grooved Pill. ard Cyprn:.,.Orak OLMES & CLAUSS 1 GROCERS ANDDEALERS IN WESrEIN PIRODUCE, Nos. 14 New L.A, a ndl4 Lc^houpito•tl; , tre*. oa35 lyddkw *EN, DESR(UN & Co, S. & A., C.EAFRES- IL Stcuallbnat and Family Supplies, corner ~aAzine andorNt- L:It.RABLD, P. A P DEAlEFD IN STAPLE AND TIAIIBY IIORACE, STATUpE AND'FAsNC;Y DRY G mA,,,A,, mbr,,iderieS , er., Nn. 15 C(n np Ntreet. 77.OW I.•I• It. K., ATTORNEY-AT1-LAW, No. 13 HILL, ArLEXANDER, I')EITIIER AND DEAL,. ER IN W\ATLfI S, .IIFFtAlNYl:, (ANS. I'ErOI.S, CUTLERY, FANCY ARTICLES, etc., etcA, N,. 56 C:ap -TIE P..• .& CV., CDEAEIERS IN GROrC'ERIES, L D)RUGS, CIIIAEEICALS, , FAPERc, AA., i and 73 Tchou-. .EN-I.RSON & .AINEN, DEIIALFRS IN CIII- H NA, (iASS. EAITII EN\VAAA, eA,,., •5lCa, t. , 'NSOSN, GO. •V. Co., SIII'PIND AGENTS H AND IA)AIIISSION MEa1RCANTS, Z2 CFmp Fpt. &'-Y D 0 0R ROOUIICII, J1EWELRS, corser Canl I ENDIG.. BRENJ., AUCTINAEII A NDl AI'PR-FI- -~l, N1.:13 Camp rr ... . . TELLIt, Ell1OOKSEILIE.R, ITNDE TIIE ST. LOUIS K i•.I. II'II , MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, NEAI-AI'E.tS, IEl PI' UFAIFAT1AONS. ) 2a23plml -TNNED'. S. I, ,4C., COIMMISSIOAN ER- 1 .t::i( 1 N'Ir. No. 20 )'oydraa street. New Orlcr: t . -FAlI.EVY, ALI, IEl AOIFAIlOIN EIRCII.ANT. 31 I .r i uAi. ltillt., WiLndow jIA~., CmAnt,. EnAli.h, I anS AIs':l , ,lllAPc IAh Fire Brick NA e , e ,. , t ,. No 73 1a,- i PE'OIS & CO., J., DEALERS IN NTAIAE ANDI 1AVI.L.. F. C., ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW, NO. 13 v E ishanl e L't" e, opprit ethe 'ont-Ofice, New, Orleans. I -LNIES, JOS l . adl C.,, COAMNISRI'N ,RE. LI NA ArS AND) IEAI,ERS IN N•E.TERAN PRODUCE, N ,. 8, .. I.i,, pit,l, An A , : t .' - . . L ] TIGHTON & BAIIBOT, CLOTIIIERS, corner oA EVIERICI, WVlI. E. & Co., ('CTTON FAA'- LI 'O.S ANDA CAORIISSIOIN MI EIC:lIAANTS, No,. ii Old ,OOIF , ,t. N., IA II:TS, AENTIERIINi'S FUNIS'Ai- .IN RISo. 0 I. w.AAAAiAA:,DRUGGI-T, OILS, Al,1 ~,I,S, -,1tt. m l, ., AIAAANiS12 AAAIAAiti S r,' IS. p lfIZAt, R.. &G.,..E..,T•,N:ANUYS2.A•AIF., R0 I: O 'U Al, I H., 151t1,,,, rl e.,r At ol T.A. A,. .A.,1 1'.AL ,l.' .D (,NTITlENSAA FANC;Y iARTICI.ES: ,AND •.'F!:IKIAY •YAFLE. . AI'EIT- 31R it., 1101 tASm l . e5-A, 3.ATI'TAIIMAKFIA 1AlIND AiE .\I.A IN ,AIAAAIA t,:O IPll AN, FANI SY I RTi, ,ES AN '1 I TCIEAS. Al! jAwelry arcS reS l .lOIW.(-AN, J. C., ABOOS ANID STATIOSNERY, Ix UNIPOE, A. A . Co., \1\'S AND BOYSn' CIAI- NOI .tII :., 111 A ESEF, IL ANG STATIONA:I, NI('l)SA RI. F., IIAPORTEIIR .\ANI) IAAIAER IN ll',nr,,,+e I •lldic. I rld , All lNo. 90 t'u ll np A - I ,AA t •N• ltIIS . W AY, CILOTIIIERIS, core r C a'np and ,I unnmtln filrretx . 1)lILI II EI, GOODRICHI & Co., A'Ir"toN FAt'- ST11)RS .\AN I (N)MIISSION MERCII.\A.NTS 43 (-arAllA-S let stree, con Aer of At'ni ll n Are IA, l Ap atirA. ,nld,eA, DITKCIN, 11 a&Co ,- OAIAI:lS IN FIOTIIINGi All) ILURNI',IIINI(. GOOS, N,. 57 II IIIee. a27 1) OIIINSON~ & c(., I ll. Xl0II.eSA7,E ANDR I 1L J.N.i iir,' ,.-ADI a1nd 1,amily snppiep, I,. 10N G 77)) II1YSIOD. I D.AI EIIS IN SILKS ANDIS FN !_L O' L 111 P GOODS. corner (Loyal and C anal atrnret5. a0 ))AILSI~II)DE HENRY, (gilcepwr to F. N. Ililr- IL slrol; NO'CAI1 'UUII)(, No. 23 snneruirri l lllec. New ql A b'MOND,, W. C., FAMILY GIIOIDER, NSo. 71 lmp MELl" J. &., Co.,DI E FIIS I\ IHARIrII lID, 1L etc., Fnllltrrct. href,6 eell( rirvier and ::atelier lrlr ietti 1TEWART CHAIRLES A., DMIALE IN IINI aId AIS Fhi 1,111 Furnitlrc, No,. 1i1 and 173 ITiSnil stret. C,CANLAN & CO., D. P., DI:1i2)IlS IN MIII.l 55ery ud Finie FYy IDry Good,, No,. I'.',ial 11Ghartrc* crest. AVACA E, J. I.M.A C,, COMMISSION MFsIRCHANSS AND) 1; IN FISLs 51,'I NDU:s (lANIsPROVISION D,.L- F:RS, No26l'ydra, ritrrrtt New )rie~e.. m,"9 G.w. Hew*V. w. w. aLI.w. s. r. =new. 01HA5 ID . w, & C,., COIMMISSION AND FO1R- IJ WARIDINA MII(VCIIANTS, Ni. 21 PoydrII street, 1111 Or leana. niy5 sHAW, FRANK, Jr., &Co., COMMI'SSIOiN AND JFIIIWAII)ING IIERCIlIANTI, 'AD IAND DALIRS IN WESTERN PIDIIUCEI, NoEO TOh pitSIsnas ,,s o1 CTR.NGIER, F., & Co., FASHIONEII IL F0110. S13'I(IINI, FUI:INISIININS DEEDS, TIIEISIS, U RI RG IIASS.p etI., rno ltlsOOS, RUNK, CRPE STrOUu, JOHIN A& Co., MARIIILE WAREHOUS, NoPi. 146 Common Street, het,,eeoCeroadelet aad 11aronr1 firrPLY. a101y BEAM AANN, I[. D. A Co. CO~aiMISSIONLFORMVARDID 5 IN' D \CESI')RN PRODUCE: MF:R MANTS, and dlal-in Oil,, Ills, Alehol,etc., 3I0j PsySdrSIDrct. aI SICKLEIS & Co.. )II0IGS, SIEIIIEINRS SURGlIC I INSFIIIIIIINT', etI., whol5al Iand rtIaiI, Esy. 35and 9o C: :it etrect. a0 QLARK, STAIFUPEL & Co., iIAR W111 :, LA 11ON, Isc., No. 61 Canal 1tr11t, Agents for iPage' Saw S ~IZER, GEO. W., NIII 01lN.INS AGll 1 IACULT I1,... WAIIILIIIUSEl , orner of 11111 rlae aud poIIIis sOreIIs. all STEEL .l . 13., BOO01SIglLLE.I? AND STATGIONER, t NEo. OJ c '.uup xtrec:. T YLPOU SPEWELL, T., IMIOIRTEIR All) IIN D L T to in Blhll'illl e and ILiquors, NoSi. l; l(1yal t, cot. r' D, S. , , i CO.. WIIO!INSAIT ANDRIETAIL IDi ALFAN IN INITSA, OILS, PAINT NlLll, WIN. DOW GLASS, Ri D:US1IEDf, andd Colurn of illi kindl,, tWalnla- TVALEAPITINIJ. B.,.& CI,., IIDiALEIiAINi BiOOTS, " tANINLE'1N S IIIo ii iun llnun street. IV OORHIES, GRIGGS & Co., CI)MMi.ASiiN V AND FUR WARDING MERICIIANTrS, 15 s'rrest. _ _ _ W ISITE. ICK , 1. , 11001. 1 I\ lit U:S, N II N I&tlj% n IlliI . 0., 1511i'ldI l AND Ii I i INIiIO II orlla.'i -iierl. 'ment Meudici uce, Paint, Oii, etc., conLSet pumio j o a &d , nc C0TY{o street.. W HTIITE. THOS. L., BOO1S5EI.I~i LR AND,STA-- N ionie. o. 101. 'anal strut(. 'IRAI)O'I & OI GI1E. IIAFDYPdl ,/,ND0111 lY ,I.", 1)rne, l'ertumery, Fte., tlc., N- 2 1 and lBU1:i':i- VVISlINIEN SINat 5il0I' l _iiIiI11 LEVI wttsoNi, Parisi, r-pides, I.a..l. it. poomnoT, New Orleans. Z p7IATATE IIAN & CO, TOT.PAN ANIIR WI YYAND U~d1Jal0 31Gi~filN'POar*'Cel s treet, NewY Orleans. _ _ _ _ s2 0 VDIIA. IS IN I...i .. AI ... I A ILIIY enT DUDES srmr ,Do 8G IUGIL' RARD d1XF.AND'SDII' lYCANIER.N..33P`xotnga12 >stca nulll }( TEL1I1NJ. 3IU,. I'OTER AN VY D1.:fIEIiS IN ,I AtEY Tlt, etc., torus' MatEaalae and Common ?itreet r # _ &y[ C. FLUERi, NNISOIII'AISIR, iIl TOIIOPIIII 1CtulRI Jtrea, 'e (Orlemh, t Oanim rrd Ifraelnl far s in readine~e. Coffins lined with lend, for trunsportion, at short ' V Vc n . 1u21l y TO EMUVAL."-TuI' illidrsibinid Le1s mu irid to No.8 SL Uuiun rlreer.Irlween ti. Clllolan nod Crludsr arra s wLhere ha will d.,."r his wholea time to liia p ofrssioollH bUlneCs, a - hl~oillrart-I~on.. S~nry 11.1, , and Uuwmbaiuoncr t'oi Deairly ar el) stateZ in the1 UGIM. 1'14 al .6wTT~~Ci~jiF NE W ORlLEANS .DAILY, CRESCEN T. PUBLISIHED EVERY DAY, SUNDAY EXCEPTED; BY NIXON & ADAMS, AT NO. 70 CAMP STREET. VOLUME IX. MONDAY MORNING, MARCHt24, 1856.. .. NUMBER 17. SEA-GOING VESSELS. TEXAS AND MEXICO. Willleave THURSDAY , 2i0+ lost., at 8 o'clS k, A.N. FOR BRAZOS SANTIAGO -DS- RSCT'-L'Te New U OS..Un .nd exainI. A. Mail LIno, Tihe ne and mnIgniicent asamnhip Nau- tus, Hrs n H. Thoipsion, commsansd, sill Ileave s abo55. punctuall5y. or freisht or passage, halvingelegant asute-roo aeommodutionun, allply to HlARMS M ISPIOAN fSrth,7 Jullo tresst, sipoilte tism Steamship ILisidip. MJAll frseght clhipped ly tlhe Nutilus sill he delivired to Captainn I(clluedy, of'the hlenner Gruiuuplir unless otherwise direted. J>:r3'SLIpcnr must prnvino themselves withl the steamer's bills Sf iuAish.Nootheir fnn will twssnlg ed,. sit To suit onTIYERSDAV. pritl int. at 8 o'clock, A. M. NOR VERA CRUZ.-UI. S.MAIlf I.INF. Forbea, e-hander. will lea-' for Verot G1a I55VC, pnn5515 lyt c11 rry inghe 15 S. .F fii Agssls. infslcrur aaaee, ha vnn( nt accomm .17tion s RR bn llIrrerlc rrrogn, lpyI t BhAllRIS Y DIORGAN foot o .in Sntrett allpoate thle Stelamslip Lanlding, Iap"No freigh will be received without an order irom the AgentsR. m17i NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS U. S. MAIL. l.INE.- FOR LALVESITON AND IATAOO lDA HAY.-Thiu followigp new and mngnifent iit billp will AereSIter lIea t n SIUNDAYssil TURSIJIDAY, at8 o'Iclock. A.M.,punctuallly. Chaprles I or'RI55 IlInry Pla.e,Commander. DIS zlsu, Juhsin . I.s lTss do. Loslxlans, Wan. II. nsifuot, do. Fssvsuralssus, Itisg Ssipslani dis Dslivering feight fir .11 a sll, p iIsWe.11 TsIus, at tse end or thS Hhips Ttskles, I'swdprhorn, Lower Indi1n5oli. l 'Shippsrs will plpsi providll themselves l ith the steati sr's hills, of Isdlst, ssno otir fAssI will 1 signed. ItARItIS S ;lJORDAN, footoS Julls r5reet. P. S.-Thls blioc hiavig simblidlls its on Pilot on Ptlu - va Iluir, ihe steamer, will Ieresfter be taken inahd out ,iner e! suprinteenI n of itHs own CalpCtpins. 555 it' NICARAGUA. rails on TiE•..I)A rh. 2,rci185. FOR SAN JUAN DEL NORTE 8 NICA. RAGUIJA-1-The r 't 8 ailing hark Lowell; Edward-, master, will saiI n9 abov e. For cabin l.1eaga on.I, •i, to t284 GEe. W. }1YNSON & CO., 82Camp t:r18et. ----- -------- --- ~ ~ - ---- - NEW YORK. FOR NEWV YORK--IREGULAR LINE- The Al new cooner Ida, Coron, m 8ar, having nearlil her cargoon bor, 1will tve quickdlLpatch. For balance of freight or paage,apply to fe 8... ). 41. W:18Y8 _ & CO.. 8?C8mp 8tre81t. PRIIIADELPHI A. P- FOR PHILADELPIHIA - REGULAR , 1.,I NE.-The Al ,lend 8 Iake8tb hrk Tammany, ntemalln, ansnter, htav'ing R large portiol"I o her cargo engaged, will Lave quick dispatch. For b8lance of freight or passage1, applyto8 oll G10. W. 8(NS0V.2 CO., 82 Camp ree8t. FOR PHIILADELPIIIA - R EGUI.AR • I•R.l-The Al regular pr8ckt b 8rig 8Ia8 (4Oueen, .lulnmater8 , bing a large portion8of he8r cargo 888 will Iv88 di8retch88. For freight 8 or pa1sage, apply to m13 G88O. 8. IllYN:ON A 1., 82 8;np street. FOR PHILADELPHIA - REGULAR ,Line--Te Al 8A818i8ar 88rokt1 brig D4nltel Molo- 88 lny, V8i8.l.len,, 88888ng a 1rg8e p4ttlon o8her 8ar 8o:l board, will h8ave di8patlch, For 8fieght or passage, i848 3 GE8. W. IIYN8ON 88 CO., 8 C.amp street. BOSTON. NOR BOSTON-TIlE IIEG IAR I ACKET s8hip Parth0enon, 8pt. Driver, ha8bln imearys all 8her cargo88engage8. 'ill h888e q8l(8:k dispatch. For bah, : 'e of t'r88i88t or 8 n8l-.g. 88DI8p8 to 88 8;8O. 8,. I84O88& 88l8., 82 888('8P 8tr1eet. RaiI• MONDAY Marn'h "t.-- SFOR BOSTON.--RE8(1JLAR I.INE--TIIE 888regular P8cket hip Nor4n18 H8olmes8 mat8r, hay ng nearly all her curo ou board, will have quick .8888,8s above. For balne o88reiglt 8r p888888e, pPLy88 On banrd or to 821 80. _8W. 1YS; 8_• 0 o., 882 C 1p street. FOIR BOSTON--RE(1ULAAL 1,10E-T18E 8s8lendid pocket sLip Delhi. 8napp. 88888ster 8av. 'n'a la]rge portion of her cargoengaged will have g ! di8arh.F8or blmece of 8're88814 or pa8Sage, applyto 8 ,n21 8;8O. 88. 118888S 28 888.. 8,288888( 8888888. L1VFRPOOL FORLIVERPOOL- F111 I ST SA11ING I At slip PaluthslIlre, Jlnonsy, nlllttr. having For,,l,,,l,31if J1. , i.' ni)- to n4 .J. If. A.S3 IboRIogo CO., 171 Common 1 t. FR- LIVERPOOL-T111 I Al SIIIII AN ship ylhlllgo Nelso., 3:n riin 111130333 1lil ing Fog l; : her I eNilab..1 , 1,1, 303t.w33 h dispat,, h. ForIeight of X Ll Lttll pl i ord o b1:7 J1. i0. AIIBRIUll. 1. CO., 1:313Comon street. FOIRLIVERPOOL-TIF All FAST SAIL- lol,1 tl3 Luther, g3 eng3 r 3111m1111 hain art other cargio cnbogerl, will meet vidll r6- Purch. Forfrulrit, .1,111 to 1m03 _5. I3. ASITBRII3i SA CO., 13) 33om3, nt. FOR LIVF.RPOL 1110F AL 31133RI AS shit Ahland, M olore, maste, having the Crrentr .r3 her cargo ngaged, will me3et 3 itl dippAOcltI Fi~o, tretlt orp?~npr'l n Pic to ml5, J. IA. lllDlUiOE A CO., 122.0 C-or1n . et. FOR LIVERPOOL-THil. I ,R FAST .3113'Lark 03ulli, AboAtt, 331033cr, 13.i 33. .- enerprtor her ,nlgo engagedl, w\illmeet withlt liinp. 111or b,:lilrr of l fllllll , P" A M (33.,13 03y to3 FOR LIVERPOOL-The Al .7 11-TIAS 1.ljo, ZLbllllh \l1,lcni. part of I~al:I; rgo wlFII:( ill meet WHitt; Immenldiate Ji* patehl. Fur ("right,( ntlpi-t, r l II. A3-1 1111111011 CO., 131 33mmonCl . 01. F`OR L1VERIPOOL.-TE FAST ,111 meeilllrt with llti'I'mlitb For f eigbtnr pniingc. ap- ply to fel6 J. If. API1IIRIDG 1113 O.,11) Corn- i ,t GENOA. JJ~t FOR GEONOA-Tl3 AIli.AIILN' 1.03AST 033'ing Pocket .hit , qullb113.corze T. 1. 33lri lt Il ar o 13her ctrlo en330 d,01. 3tll thee wlthdtln teh. F'orhiliaocc of freighlt or p:n-mgr, iPply on h,:ll, or to -. 311, d,.3.. , 13 I IIR,,Alo,C C'0.. 0 31l C3313 31,3.31t. H A VRE. BOR IIAVRE.-T1133 SCI.001311 Al 1,31133,1b3ilt shit 13.333 1l F..,t; Barge lsolly ~trhoing ne nil hI ler calrgo lrqgled, xill Lllrr witlh imml~int erli ASlllli Filr +:F: H; l~l 31333 ,3O3133333,3133311, 331 e13t, 1c.1 nor n lopit .n I 3rd 31hat t V su 3,' 1l03i1dn1.on,, apply In the Csptuih o hoard, ait Post fib' Fourth Distr~ict. fu-2, FOR IIAVRE.-THE1 S1IL'E.NIDI0 Al A,\n,.111o,3,iLr SLLntnrI tI'llin,nln33r, h3 1g the _ c1311erPar f 313 car3 o engageA , 031 hA e qui11 k 0ioO 13orIr.-llt "]!ply to All J. 1. ASIIUHII & Cl., 1A 00., mon str0et. FOR IIAVRE:.-T111 PAC1KE1T S1IP Rlichmoood, C13313in, 133.311, Ilo,31, n11.1 r3p3a31 lwr caro crlsaiird, will havle quicek dislgittOlFor 131 0U33. iW. IIYN'Ni A CO., 3,mpstreet. WVANTED TO CHARTER-A GOOD t 33el of n0131,3113W 13,rel3 . C3333nrtir31l-1, pplp to J. I1. ASHI03ll31 A CO., ltll 190 V, too erred. FOR SALE, 33ICfIIT OR C011RTF.333 Tho1331-.sniffing b,31k LoII.LI, 131 10,1,s, 30013011 331331311-, c133331it3; ,.13133yeo3s o1, h1sbeen ,ec.ntbp urcrlhii lcd anld repanired, with; n nex Sulla\F pine Ixttonl, re-fia,- Lalllcll, new spars, sails, .- fin n +t "o~Ddibg,, complete; note teddy to faire cargo Fnrtclns lpi'l to dl G. W.H 1' NSON k Co., 82 Camp street. 311.3,331331111.11 RAILROAD TRAVELING. NEW ORLE.ANS. JACKi- NU RAILROAD, (:Rt P NR' CtIIEpN he N lelw t on Calliope street, corner Cs stree t, ear nar the New Rn ail 1ASSRNGER TRAINSIran the city ddailt ttt 9 A. N. Rletches (REl, at 1 I'. MI. I.en. O,,n idily I P N. RIrt thte ctntI' P. I. Parsanbnrs tolvltldultd loaded at all tntcrruedilnte tt, ps.l l'-l's- l,,l cnts pel mile, eachwly. Children and servants, half price. FAEIOIHT TRAIN from theUity to Osyka nnd all internal ditlt t tations, o .ert T"" III' Thnrsdy Sa lt ,R antl from OsDyln to NKrr OrlensI and alliutRrmEdiutO slutiRAs, 'r3v MRun- dy I5'ea and d I llirLd,' Ipy-'eSoR Ticktsi,',e, nnypli'ItiRn, a IS ,lodlztt I'S 11T'Rxcnrsto. Picketls nthanlf Pirice toan}s ation on thle road, for Dilssangers goinn ldItllllr t il nle II I:F Id ittA I'll 'T, h(nI at "e"" . II. IIRERliST, 1,1 001. Tri-Weedly Lin a.i STAGEF;S TO JACKISO\. Miss. II NEW ORELEANS. OPE- lIIS IOISAS ANtI GSREAT REST- ET - I RtSEINIIAIIRSSSD T B Il ,iI, ,Ita ll CtttIII IN htltRAlo Thisr Ioad will bo open for yashsngtgcrs anti reri;htfrom Algiers to Mayon lt Ilo~llf a t" n", of 1 bU\ Ly-three Obl') On and afterT SlO e I MlAII NEIT. IPASFISEN l TRAtINS IavesIthe yrpol a .ltt icrs every dy t A............5)A. I U:leula every day al.. .......... Sd LI.\. 11. Arrie flOInou lsty ll' '1111y lIS 'I...............1. UI 1'. M. I'S1'lttttl IC(R : It-tI tI II lI hutT ...... t..t.........hy .. 1 P. ID. trriveISIIr I' ( .. Mliii, ft gi.t... .. 5:a P. ill at Algiers............. .. 5.30 P. it. lare ea FII ......... .. .. . ... ... . .. .$ A eryISS ilconc wA. 0.eOPdE,oce Tris, II Lrn thafoot of ti. nlln streeteveryr mot ninle, xtS 'riocl: 1 n stilt. Frrelr L, will be receivall for Ibr-uil 1IIn L, intrnllcdi lleOtir- tiuli bt the (:mpnny on the wharf a rt the feat of' St. lmi ah st... every day untttd o'clock 0. MI. -OlARII SI' DI muRt beITid by th~e shillpr la, nnd Initht Athe delivered r t 11 other SttosgtanByu e limmes treaLaorl .Ct S 'pplrrebnnt", 7'igat ville and Bay- B Ilaell' (where, the Cnlyl) brR've I'5Rttlt) mlIst be prepaIid' I'ri'to'l Rldet nnld Rate rrruf Freighlt (n Pamphlet fornc for cit. 1,lutino, to be, l tnd Sn npptilananilra tk o hyt IIt mpxn!- 0:5tt At I'. 'SEER. Vice il,,,, Iden .O. AU.. b`.--IIOART) OF nIRIICTOilS 1.'aElTS IN "111 ' 'llor.ORs't" Cor IMITO by i Ib; P rn Bll ier, 1''stdent; ohll Nlrolr, '1'rp~ine: tsiS by I l 1Ilyllg I I. II. ISRlY. 0 rtt Iemet ' miS 111101re 1. EDIT A S eTESON'Stce I-Ir, CItherile ti- eIroI. CSI'AE . -h.. enli et, ' .d . I Wilta, S . loS Sexton-lbaneic erritt. MlelglK' s'Bmuli Lewis,\T ' Tl nul, (:cn.Belmont, 11. Goldman ;C. 13. Buw~ditch J. 11. 15'nr- Ol, FIlt. a SIll, . r, l lll lLly'lO' Sa5^"5',II .TS 1N"U 01) F F.FSOWS' RET" Otti be Pro- curId b}" IRply "R to IF. SAtyOORIY, ahid iklSel C .'s, R E't nalst~reet; at I). . U t S ' TETSON'S, M Campjritrt: I to II. SIII.I.SYAUCA u,. U.S. , Mint, an at tle SycrelrJyD. ttcc, in lldd Fllws' Ilboy , orner Ctl mp lo d LnfRodtte street. Thubprice to me l rrr of Stockholding Lodgei will olw $ per talt; mall otI,,s, $5P per vlylt, bligInformation relative to the: purchase of Lot;i, can be hadd on alpplication, to the cerrhrn"r ap15 JA~hri FU IENF.AUX, Secretary O. F. Rest. rT2O TSUGAR WlrOLRS.TIE DE'ALER IiN FOR- Oiet l ad lluatir Malt o~td ry, No. 30 IlnrIiCrsLreet 0Ne' (Irlanr+, keeps cnnstnntll on lt hnd,in good shipplingi ord r, yc YorA alnl hiladelphiE Al , Porter xad I'll.impnk t der, bd b the, barrel orhng,8shcid, orin bottle?, nscl-cdinlxrxcr or casks, to suit panahasur,. AI po imsport, Scotelr Al, and London Futtler. pg Yrompe xnd particular attention bald to all orders re r~l di'Gll P7.AhV`'ELS.--TIIII, SI:I I(SI(II1R1IS 1 xr p the xrrd torecreiver or-ders t'or PtIIl..lli'.L'lli. tiU OAR ii EITIES~, jr till:Tlrless,;I Pnrir,,. t d at much l ie;- price. >L.(;U"TUI(,15 UlCIION. 1 F51., 4. Eal 1,55lit W 5(50' ,U,',l, . dtti t V O t~ STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES. OHIO RIVER. Will leave ONDAY. 21th inst., nth .'cloakt 1'. M. I"OR LOUISVILLE..TIII FINE lR- xidnir passenger packet stainer Sultanan Inpt.. [;. Ilalalloyy will leave for Imulxville and all Intermndinte lrd il:Eg, o . lboce ForCmightr or Iny"ge, apply on Ilal . or to iISfl(TOIIN & KEEFFE, 29 T'1l11llplllal street. ,; tola of thle Cablin can bre seen and State rooms secured 4Yd1 tnkafmighlt furSty mpbi,,, Cairo and Pndneali. l. Willleave onTUM "1AY, tjlh M ill ,5 cl.,kP. M1. ~kf~FOR LOUIYVI E-Tl-T I F FART runningy passenger mcic R11,o41t, J. Ward, ill5~~;Kl leave a, abov~e, an~d for 11fntrnnedihte landlirgs. Nior fn;:gh~t ar passage reply v n.lxonrd or to IIi(I'ERTIIN & KRIIFFI, o9 2'J Tellopilolrlua street, I~ D Apln of thle cable canr be seen and st T0ale om ecuredd UPPER MISSISSIPPI. W'll leae on WF.UNKSDIAY, the 26th insit., at 5Pi. NI. REGULARIST. LOUIS PACKET, JI)he F. Ii I DEe pasenger iteamer N II.r ~Si.ku, G. R. F'nrll muster, will leave for Nt. I.miis and all inucrmediatc landings, nn .boys. For Creigllll or pa-g.y apply onboard, or to JUlN E. iIYDF. & CO., 6G Podrml rt. n7- A plan of thle cablin can hie seen and state rooms securedr by nIlpplgi I n the agentls. m`Ll LOWER MISSISSIPPI. Wiltl av22 WIDNE2SDAY 26thA 2 ,a at 5 o'clock2 P.12. NEW ARi2tANGIESENTFOR 1220. F2or ltplds.-3The re12021r alternate Snt2rd20 pocket feldl1t.-Th.u new light draught and 22122010 p1237122l2te12mer IIILFAS3, 12eo. W.Taylor, moto2, will l 121o an her next trip as abov,, for2!222pTl2, 112enn, Dcl1, Friar's faint, N1p21,on. Gines' and 022ton22 L2,dlngt, Col-. -12.2 (122il.Iku 5tsh1i22tl22 Ink, 15ro2idenep,, 7052522g, thOi e I 512,1. For freight1 or pa212212, Laving 222accom 212321122, ilplyon boa. to IIIWIS SNAPP & CO., 377 Front tree t fla'-Te Itelfast will remain Int the trade thle entire reason, and particulalr ;xtlentian givenl toall way ap$ plunlnrioll Llliill nn* he I5 12112t will take "ma2ngerl alsd h025ght forfit. 2 20 I,2012,iII,, 1212cin22ti and 222l121112, con1nectin g2 2223122112with pack2t- for 011me 111,212. 1121 Will le222 TIUESDAY, 215t int.. at 5 21cloc P. D7 t REGULAR MIEDMPHIS SATURDAX - -YU t-o I'22k22-2221 11 1,Bi fit12in, 222222222 ill11, and all Inn2l0I2,I ,DAY BI,2.It-.T 212212122.1212021 packet Ig2aom s, I,. 0 cDonoughl, mase, ill 12 ready to relceie 0121201 22 1ion2102y 'or1122, an2 le2.2222 above. For 2 ' 5121t orpa721122 2172n bo20rd1, 12to m22 JOflt E. 1151 D" CO... fai 1aydrla street. gy-Th, n12221r 2 il2115e freight for 121 53211211ith the riilegerof re ob,, m bil at Slenlgia onthe'Slanlvllld and ~orn- 1,111.1 1 1 22 G. Cline, J25ll Oll1p12ll. , City of 2211, vile Will leave WEDNESDAY, 2511SI, in~t.. at 5 o'clocki P. )1. REGULAR OllEr'IPHIS 1'.2KIT. lim Fr Alcmphia. Itlenx,Napoleon, Greenillies, pod a112andingsII 12in t1 0ld.-'henea regu212 r 1 21222r p22251 In2om2 2 , 1,. 31222221220h, toast2r, will leave 222.12122. l'or 2lre i 22i or l1121.2ag,22. Pl7 o22I122O, 2r to 2. 11. 13r1131, 122011 L.121e 1tr112. DA5 22221221mar will t12ke 2reigh1 f2r N,25lle, with,the 72121122e of 21b1!721ent at 3112,7phi, on122e 222,231122 and Hem- phl:i21,111k22s22.,ohn 2. [;1ine, JII ,2 011171uu, Ci02 of H21nt11121 YAZOO RIVEIR. W 2ill leave on'10.1ESDA21, 215h1i21.t, 2222,1225 P. 31. FOR LEFLORE, 012121071W02221D, 3.1. k-a t o Tctllrs, Ya7UO City,Sntnrin,YiCchbllrk Natcherz andall, ioanlre iate Innrlilpa-Pgnlalir Y-ac RiverPacket LEWIr S WHIITYMAN~N -Thee new and light dralftpttaenger 00, ntremer Lo~IR a Whitemanl, Wllllntri master Iv i now inpar rceiving fIreighlt, and wilt leave as above, For freighlt or pasrn-r. apply- ore hoalrd, or to _'LI JO1I S N . llYD t CO., 66 P.7-d-, street. to ^Bkillper- canl depend on thie ]i-1,iteau going jthrough to L nor ad Greenwood w ithourt foil. Will leav-e ion W RD N RT).\ , gib illrt.. at 5 o'clock P'. M. FOR TAZO6 AND TALLIAH.\TTIHIE Yazoo 13eil, I. U:. tItrcrn, .shier, will Icavr .1ahoy., for Mlouth of C'oldwateor, lillatobaa I~rflore. G-nweaordJ Sidon,'lCcliaia Y,-- Cit.l- a411 ali intcrncrlirrte thle YanLno Delp will take: frajmbt for G:renadal, withl thle prix- iFdge of -h~lipping an keeli.., Forfreightt or lia'sag:b, . pli'iT on boalrd, orto mLf E I SNA\PP & CO. 3; Fronlt it. BjPTbr Yazoo Bells will takle freight fbr Girenadal, if cn iiEcan- 11,01 a orG~iTrIsaw0od. THE LAKE. U. S. IAIL.-)O". TIo NDPScILLr. MUD)- i,nille nd rl o.-uioton--Th, areamliel Vltr- elllln Pearl, (;apmin J. %V- Roffman, le-,e the lake end +t' thrie l on:chutrnlbi i Railiroad on JION'DAYS, WEDNESDAY'S ;a~ aid P'R [17.1YS on the n iriral of thle IU ,'clock8 A. M. ar.,. Returning, l eaes :l\oimgnlo on TUIES. I)AYS. I'LIUISDI)AYs and SATUIIIDAYS at 6;z o'clock iA %L., :aid arrives a it theU Railroad intimeu to takea the I o'clocki P. II. cs))r. Forfreigh)t o:SPSSSSSI)lg nn board, or to ImI8 if II. i'. LOVY IIIIl, 9`SIsl-,].sstreet, kl U.S.HI.1IL Il~iE.--VVinter ;jrrmnemetf--Tho ~aF-~ FOR MOUBILE DIRECT, DAILY splndi low-IreSure pIacks t ste51 er Cuba., i1 A.IReirn m.-tcr: Blor~lla, 5. B. Frost, master, andVre. g~lr, A. L. ,Iryss. 555ter, hiring benb h exlpre. l for the i trade, lsill lrior licoiliiiilogionS, one of tihis bsif llmmoru ill leve the ILelicuid if the lhlllnrtmiu nilrend daily en the arrivl of thie 4 o'clock .. M. css. R5555ing, iill t-I at 5I5 s..i5ala on ' lo' Ti and Thsi iday eieniusii Cabin Fear to 11.bit........:.........................$ Deck .................................... ............ R. TliII)jE, Ageis,10Biank 1isce. New Oskunns, 'TislttbsS I. 185. LAKE SIIORE PACKET SITEiMSR' Creole.-s I i Asrishsiciment.-i lbs Fur 0...ih hS rinTh15 , and) i) 1,)-med) is lndinIII elitSiTigSs ih tripls nT r asP ya t~ala on Tuerdny and Satm- dar of ouch w~ee,. Thhe s .lendid I.w pres.,,,, p ISket ster (',.aleTm. Sil TI) UllrhintlIl, mu ISilt exprecaly for hi, trIde, with sn)prior ncrolniildnlioli- ill tear thle Lake entl of the Yontchlarrtraiu onl thl arrival et the LaRke of thle car:, ns follmr+: Leave.: Yon "hnrama n Ranilroad,' lx.,- G Ocnn Splrillrc TU5, DAY"S..... 1'. 3f. cMusTiUDNIEIDAY EISNIN:I , SATURDAY-:,... .. Y. Leas UNAYEENN. HIl T)sda iiand I51urddy~he will go S faTr as P i1ca5S)ln u15 R. GEDDISOS. Agints, 10))Bk I ikl pLA E DEPOT NO. 136 COciIMfO sT.llw T-Pe% h, isdisiigi hIT on hoId, lad nsinl kifp, fll I alotl~tiTl iLA ~T~Ii, Cli)itillg~ii SIE)TIATSICS o iiidi.rrpiil)Ti)IIs ll~lhnd FIS 511.) IiITIIUANTS'. Pti.,tl linrinS leed IrSili.Ihrrt)IT drelilS~i MS. ITS T'iniloli)TS, lIsRriTTS ,trcl. II .1 .i~i)SdlSl~ iito iClllndil~llU lniT~itThidil) and their Sl.ave, ounS reilT sible term. SI c in ie lbbli.d il the cit}. I~I iii xr lllsd ha niri tt ewll b paill t SSBlars. idl i III)M i F FIIISIYT 15i6 Common ii a ,e:. Rles'I'lali'sI Sliss. 3 CT. ; Curry 6:; C . ll iasi all N. i -iTdllsI.,ld: ZESTI. (AS11 iPRICE :III iK NpII TI) HIS151T CASH i P55155 pnd for I.IELY Y)UNiI NEGIROES n ly H''OM P11115 111, ~ liiY ^Y 11* S N6TiTUTI S6N.-6)5) o, 61t 61515 1ree-))KcopK)) 5,6516Ku Ay1 If 1)51 LeSaig 1165, i 15161 5,51,6,1651.~ Thyey s15)r 5, 1))666) 5psttfK)5. .yl b yp I6 55erectin o Ds551,ib 650Kr~ Dol~ls, 6516r 6y5 Ill) bsl i,16 'ilK 651 Isyellt))sythe Kulai,),1t61'5Iy Simits by IKl Al) sI I~cr nio 56,5)1 10)) l 1161)5 ioh) ,, hs 136,1516 651151, t 6565e f . ssn n 01 l o L.,i),1,16551 1)itY ll NISI 11515s. All I 611151 5 5)16 lsoft civd 5,on )51) 1 61K IIIirr en 15)1 NaT.51se 61,o yluely 65lsissEoclIyoro b op 651511151551)61 6,)sso ~lltus, A. 5). Oslly, 1)ii'.bK, '6Sel, W:. N. S5KK,,ul .oo.5lstsn , 15.6.~ ons. Wil),y15151 nlogoS, 5'. N.1)Ps 0 6, 5)51. A. 'lsrL, mlr. A. A65so, 11. Annd~r. I,5,1). 1. Wilbo. W. N. 51665111011 Prss1656t. A.11. KELLY, WM~. VOII)I.5, i~Pi56 6.1I. SUMNER, - ~1 N.1.-15111K 65 lbs As) 65 Ios,,pI,65)so, s,6 115-1,1,1 5 S T IEA E-SORA E-T511 ASIECISFS WArRE- 1101)666s;;.-A F. )2156'111AN A ALL~., .111511,5 L6 i,,slc 65,t lno ro Io u Shy b,,)6 11 116 1160 151,6,), 66 16,661 AIao`Nlt ~p,,,,s lre lml )K),60611,6 1,OrccyliS,,,,5)515l6u s)dpiC ilsl. 15,11,511116lg 6), 6,rrni ,ses, s,, 6)6,5. 6516 151,1 B RANDIES.-6RaZES5C, OTaISI), I1US'LY & CO., sigh) 56itiun 6)6)1111r 5,151. A~l, 15 5 1,61)165ISIIil ,l,,t)),,51lad55)l ,)5,)1 ,6))1,)6)))) 6'51,)slm. oihnl,y J16)115 C. 1)1. hIARVEY .5 135., 4013,116,, 111111. T OBY'S CITY ANDSO65THERIN EXPRESS S-R))nl)),))is~ ,,15L5,,,r 55,6.' i.-56516165)sSl thy r\- Ayl)65))P6165515 Ro h 'se~it al ~iml(o mll,6)1).)1p)) 1l,6),,ilg)61 6561,il, ,)))))),; lo)).g,.))5i' )'1)Ssyl) lhy )566y~g10 )1. Chlub6 ,,ul By ie 4)565,,) 65Ibl~gsg 1,1.o,6 6565,5,:: by 561, 661,t,. by 6))Shoi,11 I) ,Sly 5'6y)1))6,)t,66n 5561)5l)i )'nlpl))65 A OscyghJs 61,5)51) Iltely 611665l) SI 6166,1651)l, 5651516,11, 5)666056,,) ,,,yll l)551566lf , '56651. Al 1165)16) )5o,,y,,sy'y 6ill byhiptlls)I116' )l)yl))6, imsIn~cl 1,1)1 661525016 5'Lltr yy,: PIP16 shy SIlly. 61655,6516551,61)111' re 11)1116616))1)56 loly 1Kin le~ tteaiofrCoi.),- btslb 51)166565 6o5,yd . ly ,655,6yur, 6~))) 611.)) 1 6,6ty, 67.',ypltl lyl,,y 51) rliy,,,yl, 6111 6) hy PLI)))y615)165 1.6)66)6L~d 5)615 651pyi~r 11) ti1 1'166)1")')-)611'-',65155, 1)b5ly,),)o6)))nt1: P,6 lcsrr 106)65)16)60 p6656)665 1, , r!ir 151,,y).),. 6)6g.1)6) 05)616661) )lel~i y~ 616116,61166. 1. l p SIFNT 55E'65151 M~ac~iRiNJv RHOR sE , 1 y ,1 ,,)N,,. 7551,'61yy ,,5cl))6n 66l)) ,yI)),lyal)))l 6111 6)t o EfNi'\: 151 I~E 755;Ubi lL 655 51)11' 55,,I, ,,,o,~l ,, 6 , 6 y , ,,, 1 s 6)1,61',55:rlP6''5 i 7511 II lM 611,,, 6)11) 5,5, 6,,,.,), 111)5) !l~~i'r. ).5))116 6)))l,~ 166,6, ))16otill~6 551365516)ro Tldiyy))Kylr~l)516, ),lky)6'lIrl)051)5),), sflcb y165),)16651),t 1,1,,, ~ol.,,)nt, 6511,1,, 5,,,).6)55 55)n~l 6)15))))isl1 61 5'6)),)))165)ulnI))5,'llpl),)t5, 5516,),).)l hs5ir;ifiK 655*,1) Sri dica 55)1' ng 5,,611yl~l. l6b,05)16,1 ,)Ihl 5ie)6))b wr,yy,, Sly iI) 665) )))))il: rly;lbKS6) 6,5l 16)1 eRlrltl~ 1)1. C. 1)11,16,1)66, Asyncll,\r~ 1155,, 61.1 611)).)el,6y1cr,65y51,616.)), C~RANE'S PATENT fI IIET ALIC BlURIALL GASKET.-1'.-- . 11. COOK B CO..lroprietors nnd Whlolesaler Dealer, in Cnmet's Metalllic }facal Cnskott, for the ltata of Louiaielsnnll n Mississippi. V r -Oee anad Samnple }looms, l.. 53St. Charleas street, oppo- ite tlm St. Charir hotel, TawOrleans.- d'a1 tt CRESCENT CITI SOAP WORKSI-DEIPOT, Noa. 11 LxlfoyrLe street. 1 The snhscriherr bore' commenced inl this cityg the mnnufneture of n Ho;!p far F'nmily, Shipor Stealmboat a whIvlich they pre -an tothie pnhllcl for its glprornl, ill compectition writh (ht ne~sr .napsr ofelalllisled reputoiion. IL comlbiner roomT with free- domfrom thle diragrecnble c~ects of orditlnry-,borp i n"',andll aili he found, upon triall, to poslsess washinfi proprrtiei In pec- tertioll, and i. Guncmntaclt mellnin no infiredieut in !ulfciunt p ntnlty toIn~itru thefinust fa~bric of In~dies' splinlml. i b , nrlvamafies of oair mrir:, iint* and others, beill q able to sup~ply thrmaels esnmal customers Bh nnt eriullls Fndl if n:0 a filam:", and [he soWst ilirr rrllps'ilull?' soi'c~i ::r' rlre }n1Q Jut c LL ZuL Y x U') STEAMB3OAT DEPARTTJRES. FOR RED RIVER. Will leave on MONDAY 24th 41 ,0 ntL 'Is P M. FOR LE 4 ORE,GiIIIENWUoD . 510DO, adalintfemleniaf c Ianlllng'-Yteelll nr -N*,0 River Plck,,t LEWIS WHIIT MA N-Th,,ew o ndaaviR ran nh;r passengyer steamer. Lewis Whiteman, Wallace, masoter, wilt leave s oboes- For freigllt or ssag1, apply o heard, or to T. 1. 514 1 oNt 12New Lvee. Will leave onMONDAY 2-1h init.. at 51 0lo1?. 4.M FOR LAKE BISTENEAR-L2-115 ' will lcre a above takingifrOi (oht t , Sliolen, (loo(: t hlila , (inmpll, (lrand EIsr, iltl 1opp. Alexndmria inttrmedilate landing. Fo , reight or passae, applly on bud,. or to o22 .i. 5. .OIINST'lN A CO..10hront 1gp. Will leve nn MINDAY.2llth inst.. at 5 o'clock 1.'1. FOR JEFFEILSONS IT 1[I. AND. hnnOt,, fort 111,115, All lip, Shreveprtl Goond l at 01, doot Eoo, Ahlecollan nl intorme- dipite ltndongllt-S ,perior passeontgtrsmet St. CharloS, Applkgato m,,,ol, will leave oiblove. For Ireigit or passage applyJ on board, or to mlo , 1.EWI S SNAPP 5 CO., 37 Front 1 1eet. P. S.-The St. Oihrles mill takefi1hllt for Fort Towson atd U~pper RedRiver, with privilege of re~hippine. Igg-lhha steaer tS. 12-oile still pay no llh i skiontstdon her tccount, almenIsy an order from the aiptnif or cla1k. S A M ' APPI.EGATFR" Will lolso MONDAY, 24t1, 11. R 5,at5 o'loc1 P. St. FOR JEFFER O , 5112ITHlANDT. Benton, Part Caddo, Athn - hlree ort, Grand~ 1ayou', Glrand Esore, Alot1,1,irin and1 all iltfe mediate landings.-The superor light draught steamer Slt. Charles, S. Applegate, mastecr, will leave as alone. For freight orPassage, apply on boa~rd, or to 0111 T. B. SMlTH. 12Newr t1Pge. Will leave on TUESDAY 25It inst_ at 115 1,1 P. N. FOR SHREVE)ORTC (lt Bayou, ill itt ,igditnliOditelanlgs.-Th11 f1e flst run- nins Passenger steamer C. Hayes. 4.00 S11ight, mntO 101, will lev2 as 411ve. For f11ightor passe1, apply il b1nrd, o1to m 024 lEWIS SNAPP k CO. 3 7 Fstst. WWll leave AWEDSSD AY. 2thhinst.. t 5 o'clock P. . FOR RED RIVER.-TIIE FINE light steamer Conpromilse, BI W. .Kay, master, wil lenave tfor Jetfertt i, Smithltaud, ihreveport, Gr-nd Bayou, 'ompte, Grand Eeore, Alexn-dru, "orton' I.nading,andall intermediate h.mdingr, as above. tor freight or pansag,anply on board or to S LEWIS SNAI'P &tO., 37Front treetl. "12e Comprom sc willtake freight for at mve the Raft with ;be privileec reslhipping; !ave I.ade arrangements with the tenmrrs Whllhe :liHn, Atida and Fenny Fern; freight will go trolugh withmut detention. m22 Will leaseonTIIHURSDAY the 27th inst., at 5 P. 1I. FOR UPPER RE DRIVER.- li;i-- The finesttamer R. MDI. Jones, Capt. . S. Johnson leave asa utve forFnllen Whbite Cliffs, Brown's L~anding;andnll intlermedate landings. For freight nr passage apply onboanl, foot of Blenvlle street,or to mtil SIIAW . ZUNTS,. 41 and 42 Fulton street. Will lea1 e o. FR-IDAY. "27th Int.,tt ,t o'clock, P.Yi-- taches and Alexandlria. Thle regulthiatrpsnger stearner Plota, Parker, master, w-d leave a sarve. Fur freight or passage, ap fly on board, or to m22 11. M. ROBIN. ON k (CO., lI Gfavier atreet OUACHIT-A RIVER. - W'ill leave onTIEgiiDAY. ISli inst., t 5 o'clock It. MI. REGiUL.•LR OUACIITA PIAiCKET. Lkr" Tllh splendid fatt running pa--eneer steclner D. -i :S'' Staey, Moore nmister, will leave a! above for Alabama Landing, OCuchita City, miouth of R}ayonI .art hol- mew nd ,'Arlolm:e, alnrie, Sabine,Trenton, olintroe, Collin- ,in. Pine Bluff.,, Ilarrisonhurg, ant all intenuediate lantlrng,. ior freight or passage, apply on Ior1l, or to m22 T. 1i. ,S3IITl, 12 New Levee. Will leav-e o TIJESItAY. 2511 lnst., at 5 o'hlick P. AI. For Camnden. Bleachl Hil .Little Bay, e Samp ,- REGULAR ORA.CIIITA PhLCETi nle, Wilmington, Pnigeon lills, 3ltrie Sa line, .nlabanut I.ading, .Innrr,, Trenton, 'ohllbiu, Hlnrrlronhnrg FOR B4EVIF RTVER.-TIL FAST TENNESSEE RIVER. Willh-Ile on WEIiNE 1I).hl. 3ilt 3lalih. 3t5 ti i-loc 11. At. FOR TENNESSEE RIVER-TIll fir.,lt. It .l er a andInP•.lih sine7er tiht raf .teamD, .rnn Irlen. moaster, will leave :,, u above for Eastporv. Florence frih op'nseu, app For frbeird, or t aoage hav g e)-saeia ieommodntior ap 3PPy 37 n LOoird l orto ~Th 1l Wl SNtf'P & to.. Frontstreet. Wh eaheroke TaES A reighthe fo iil in., alempbt 5 Helok. Hickman, Newadr.d, atiro, Pa.trcalerk, NwshilleaveI r tdily landings- o2o REGULAR PACKETS. REUBLd.AR BAYOU SARA 1ACKETI Twit, w \eek.--The United~ Sudes M ailsteamerr P. C. ainllis, Jas. . SIlresuets r, wil lfeneN,, f Url 11115 rverv SNITIAY MS:IINS iS Stit 9cear and evensge, l)mos )A n. o' an loc allk S 1' tie Fr P1-9h hItyn Baton RBoan . Ionaldsrl\ll. ai l i~cnelif 8~lnr- 1Ci11 remain Ilrrmnuilltll inthec trade. 1"'o enl o aaig alpply onboard, or to ,15 LEWIS SNAFP A CO., 7i Prnt trcrt. REGULAR PACKET STEAMEIF, R Mlsgsolinl-Fsor ic Yburkbg, arrWstosN, N is-Si rt I gess . rand-TIl 1lllotIlsi l111iSs intcmlrjiais Ic ldinFlmg Q cicgamt anal swift rnouinfi pns'eun jFt packet stea1smer MagI..5Ia, Cat. St. EdlsTIlunn n, slerl lvsfor tihe sabove 111ery TUESDY tit5 olock Forfreight orpassage, npl)v on hoard, or to no23 T. 1. ,MT1H, 12 New Levre street. PORT H4UDSONAND Wt ATER- 11)5 S~lKSE'S Nsi Lstss'lEmlkile ss, spsddr. aIIdlilI rep++trcd and newly pailllcd, will .same h Ier tripsSn ther nfblr trade, lea'-)1New O ~rle~lll e\ery IHIDl.\Y at0o'clock .\. 1t., ts+ 11,1rc 59 ,OSlDTA tit5so'lockEI5 5 51. +tL-Tfe I[ntuoil will be rundy' to take freifiht every Miondayr 1 ere Tlghhs}-ptsosssI all Uo ISgs ts dsells f, orei, tssyss - tislal P1lilllssssi IliBson souge.Lobdell's Store, forLt Hud- son, \{':)trb and nil intermpings pending.. For geiSltupai~, hilVingsubperioll accommodations, apply an board. 023 Got T OBACCO-Sttsessr breads Virginia manulfactured, a sll, onhaul, fursale by JOB3m C5. 1. HIAIRVEY &CO., 40Union st. W INDO GLASS: ASSOR T ED SIZESJIERTSE WINDOW hand +dl the timer, direct from the mlanufacturers. For sale byr jasI 5ru . M1. IIARVEY 5 CO.. 40 Union sstIr. TlIE STYLE OF OUR FIRlI IS THIS DAY C LIANUF:U TO .\. R'. BUS{WOI1TI k CO.) STANTON 5 CO. esw OrltcsE, t,,snsssy 1, S1S. A W. BOSWO1ETH 8' CO.. WHOLESALE AIM RI. etl I)IIlerI In ICE. Hloinesls o N5tr, 7o1, 1s,,nd is F titAIMee ; Deplot, between I'odra' and Lafayette street' Tao larlseITee Imsys., S. ThInass s11511. I5a IIo5,ls, head Ns'w IBasils, andiNo.. 1&1.s 1r steet. AlIsh ee Depot, NSo. iI' ssIthnrtsIsn I il-Ad, uptrr sie, oplossite till I'111en5551 Salsss. New OIIstas. jIsOl Es, STEAM BA,-TTERY AND CLARIFIER FOR1 SA L E.-One Copper Isater, sixfeet in dismstsr bI 1wo an 5111 halt feet dIsp, sith 1wo 1opper 1 orms of two in pipe;: four Ciari~crh: 'even be ulls fee, qalrr! and two feet Seep, wsith copper sepesi nllsle ow and n 1l te Ilnl15ipr, and all thle valt ev and arekls togoodorder. Almo, nra 12vlqorntori :and ,attery (ew) oLf thl ntll : npprlllI1 o1111111S)1io 15a1d of 551Ec11 apsleitsl for makiunten hogshead,su g a1r per day1 forstle on mel4 tf S.Hf. OTMIAN, 91a Nntebbi: r. ORANGE AND LEMON TREES- I, 14.loa, 010 Oran" Trio,. 2000Sicily Lemon fores. 22.041) reoleo Tres.. 2. 00 HVana Ornmge Tree,. 4,000 OIIpul. Jsopooni 1Trro. 1,0410 4 0 glg emonTreen. 1.004 (coon Silooo'1oroo. .010 iMlaondari p O latge TrFe-. A vnripty of allkinds of Tropicall Frurits and Plants-suchel as 'ig, .,omnioo, r4 and yellow ; fine 0000,, P11nt0, '11am10010, ate .,p Otr - he above will be packed with the utmost care. Orders rent to No. 90 (rnopstreet,to 0. F. NICHOLS, Importer of toll Linds of Proroee ties tm fromn the Y]Iediterranernu GRECIAN PAINTING.--MISS S. C. WILCOX Shu,opeed rool t, e fo0.0tion ofl i,,n tOjs hr:lti- iIArt,now talght fo1 I he est than in this cityy. The Aloro it.0 of foulr week,+ only being repairedl~ut to Icloire it intill its ooo'eeller, render it dr .0,110 popoar ,Ary-Thu Indies are rcrpuctfullyl incited to visit her rooms att No. 'S1('pop street,Io.Iooooo St. Jooj..h nodoloord streets. *B 110151 open 0010110 1. M.' to:!1. .10 f}. S.-.hiss . wll give I 'rio Lcssous to pupils at their re~ideorr, if reryuirrrd. ja1. 3mu Pall f. AND N1t. ROBERTI'S 6 L0;1RDING ,4IIOoI, FOIL YOU.(: \l1IF'SlNew haven, oCon.- Rooud ojhOt iSat-tioji in :dl 1!:c a-lil I lbh It he1'1 toy1h. wiithillitin, Frelh,, Ifalic!n an1 d '012sh-pez nauut S.0. (lolc, it' desired, byomp,11ol teaches. Rev. JeremiahD;+v, lute President of Yale College. It '. Cros ohlo oowell. Coo~a. 11. TICIP. 000011. 1l~e }1rt. r. 'Pt oohe, PaeYollo tolu Prot. . 0,11,imlu, S0., Ynlo l.Ilp~o '4n1. 1'. ,,.oovr, 10,f., Nov, sOr,,, d1;40. E NORTIICULLOJI, .\T'1'0 It S Ii aT- ,AW,\rI LT. LoIb.,1` all toot'ei llll buiures in St. Inrtoy oult Avo.lo1oC" 01l)p boe eotoustd Lo hisooc. Olloo at S0}'- rec..CtaO. Waterman, hnrlisilrs mrrrhnnt ; . N.. Sb-lb fIr, -,.t II). tiltlne"ommission ,motoenc ;of0t o. 1101ht 1.)0 y- tt I 1 Nixon, Adoma oo. . Co0t C ) elo. P .i.tONTCH Nt. 210 XIL:ioA IX ". I"t71. O-, dlO.d pIood.I h I oIo: W ) O1o pl~odo' tooe, betl e 41 eor toad4 0.00, 0.Sop I,,,,1ro. J1obl o f-d....pti as on shortl nmticc mid r alroatill tunas.. Stoiel liftd up. Count-made of131e1. N'aluut o slnltolaoy ,out Cisterns madeld andi repaired, and Pinilantlt d for one year.T Sash Doanand Rlll Ilinll i ode at epairilied. bio tic-aurh m 1 00iI 000011 ti'1al kinds m1de to order. Slo p ep 10011 e of all size, eousuu i cly f. el8 ] a aic I-ii laintr i and llrsggir~a cul;:alwalga suppplied withl a pure n rtielc tit $_ 50 per scab,. by .tpplringto SI1(: 1,4 S CO.,StOi.aal street, O.N. MOHOISON, IS 01111,in 1 .[. 0. I. WIIOCIO0I;C, 43. 110g.zn s fc6 ant 'l. CANNON, (:rioio, scree(. 7'1R.INIS SI iV, Jr., &Cp., coMM1ISSION ANIO P N K R\VIIRIAA.,I AND I .ISEALS 11 IN \II PFH F. FHOSLLUCE, No. 5 ,llooupit o t, New Orlean. 0101tF YOST'S PATENT PLOUG1(51 01 SCRAPER. I THE3 (:IO[A\T 1.AR0OR-OVS1N I3IFI.OSENT.-TIhe bon he usd on any and,, everykI, d of , oil whel, re any ' .r can be used, and are highlyl rennnmerldrrl 'oi sat b "1 50,ATCIIMfAN IIOIPlf Ft. 41 0IogoC)to, p.1.000(100100 m9 ]:n " l9 4 Jnngarillr corner C:ommon steer!. (IAS, ( AS, G , GAS-TIle SUIISCOLMEH IIAV- rI0 ohmined th r1 IX 1,11 pemission from the o Ot Com- pany. begsto Rnunun-r tha.t heis noaw prelunced to furnish and 1ut 0p 0OAS FI1TUR1PIIn t h most 01pproved stoyle, and 01 modleram riooo 01o,(!ioooa canXe I0r at h0sOld Stand, the 1105ss Foounry. No. :11 St. CharlesIstreet. 411 10 H. 11011,5 rpIVIIIILL&AITIKEN, SAs FIPTF"RS, No. 1000. ebobrles s0re00, Now Orl0ans, kep, coootnnt0y oS bond a 1arge 00004o10111of C1 'Xlbiers, Poudmot., Brackets, Fillars, Piple, oiul Fltttdrgr of nil "lad.~ A largo0 assormlent of PForlor and Coo1,ing STOVES and I Ai-o. Patlo,"1t PortlXI ON, ,ppaoratus, to ohi, gas from, towlhjch hely in0,il0he atten0tion ofSooooar Plbooooo. 1o24 I l..IIlt-ill-Ln I',lr tlul .boo hoe ,iii.dnr t or s;leby tortli) 6 ll. liEINNED N UV, POyirao S1reet, ~t rhuans aui!l Oflrzsctl a TW IS Co flV.O. W.fl•.f.__ Concerning that which has transpired in the world's e history on corresponding days in past years, with other materpertinmnt Ithereto, prepared expressly b for the readers of the Double Sheet Crescent. Like a bright fire which, when lit for the first pe- riod, burns slowly with much crackling and discom- fort; then blazes up in great pyrotechnical glory; I then emits beat and warmth and comfort from its glowing bosom; the year increases towards its peri- helium and period of perfection. Now the- whole b manufactory of nature has drawn forth its most cun- g ning medicaments; -its inost potent juices and alem- bics; isdoing a gigantic carpentry upon the oak ; is painting more softly than Correggio npoh the green soward and tinting the heavens like Titian or Paul Farnese. We are, standing a week's remove from our last halt, older by so many days; better or worse ; wiser or as stupid as then. Monday, MIarch 24.-St. Irenalas, of Sirmium, A.. D., 304 ; St. Simon, an infant martyr, and St. William, of Norwich. The chrysoplenum opposilifo- lium, or golden sacrifrage, dedicated to St. Irenous, - is the plant. In 1580, the first bombs ever used were thrown upon the town of Wachtendonck, ih Guelderland. The invention is commonly attributed to Galen, Bish- op of Munster. In 1726, Daniel Whitby, a learned commentator on the New Testament, died. He was born at Rushden, in Northamptonshire, in 1638, and was eminent for ability and honesty. Tuesday, March 2.--The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Cammin, Abbot, A. D. 653. The marigold, cidlendula oficinalis, dedicated to the event. The Roman Catholic festival of the Annunciation is commonly called Lady Day, in England, which is an abridgement of the old phrase "Our Lady's Day." This is a gaudy day in the Romish Church, and Hail iMarny resounds in all the masses. The ceremonies that attend it are numerous and highly impressive. In England, the day is more immediately remem- bered as the first quarter-day in the year. In 1688, parochial charity schools were established for the education of the children of poor persons in London and its vicinity. In 1809, Anna Seward, the friend of Dr. Darwin and authoress of a life of him, died in theBishophs palace, at Litchfield. She was a poetess of some ease and ability. In 1846, General Taylor having reached Point ia- bel, a harbor on the Texas coast nearest the mouth I of the Rio Gmrande, proceeded with a portion of his stores to a'position opposite MIatamoran,where he en- trenched himself and constructed a fort which he called Fort Brown, after its intended commander. WVedlesday, MIarch 26-St. Lodger, Bishop of I Iunster, 800; St. Braulio, Bishop of Saragossa, 646. The lurid henbancs-hyoscyamus scopolia-is the plant dedicated tothe latter saint. The renowned inhabitants of Nieuve-Armsterdame, now New York, provoked by the cunging and thrift of their Connecticut neighbors. determined to exter- minate them--or, at least, so far destroy their influ- encewitl the Indians that they could not enjoy so great a monopoly as before in the trade of peltry. Irving describes them assembling, at this time, full of ire, patriotism,beerand avariciousness, determined to root out their opponents. The celebrated leader was prevented from marching, or' riding, by the ten- breeches he wore, and the whole motley army, after imitating the English King, who, -- " wlth ticeh te 1hou-a-d mein !.•Iclalsd dotn ngain '-- returned to their good vrows, their beer, pipes and tobacco. In 1829, the waters of the Bay of Fundy, which rise to an enormous height at every full tide, rose nearly one hundred feet, and overflowed the whole adjacent country, destroying a considerable amount of property. Thursday, March 27.-St. John of Egypt, a hermit, :l94, and St. Rupert, or Iober, Bishop of Saltzhourg, are the Saints, and the sweet-scented jon- quil, dedicated to the former, is the flower. St. John was awonderful saint, and every way the equal of those Eastern anchorites, song by Southey He walled himself up at the top of a rock, where he remained from the fortieth to the ninetieth year of his age, anld, says Butler, " drew the admiration of the whole world on him by the lustre of his miracles and the fame of hispredictions." In1801. the peace of Amiens, between France and England, was signed in France-which ranks as ligh- ly among treaties as Fontenoy and Waterloo do. among battles. By it the peace of Europe was tem- porarily re-established, and the nations so long wasted with warhad a space to reccrit. Frllday-, Iarrih 28--Three martyrs, Priscus, Malchus and Alexander, 260; St. Sixtus, 3d ; and St. Gontramm, a king and confessor. The doerorium plan- lagianlem, dedicated to Priscus, is the flower. In 1380, on this day, gunpowder was first used in Europe by the Venetians against the Genoese. The Germans give the discovery to Berthold Schwartz, but Roger Bacon, who died in 1278, certainly knew concerniug it. In 1754, there was a famous guerilla fight among some of the mountain fastnesses of Spain; in which, a celebrated matador, named Juan, who had been searched for by the alguazils everywhere, was taken captive, condemned and executed. lis band was un- like that of Robin Hoed and Little John, of Sherswood Forest, in that it added murder to robbery and hintin- idated the peasantry rather than aided them. Juan had been a spy in the Carlist service before establish- ing his own wild monarchy. In 1801, Sir Ralph Abercrombie died in Egypt. He received his death wound on the 21st, during his mem- orable victory over the French, at Alexandria. In 1802, Pallas, a new planet, was discovered by Dr. Olbas, of Bremen,in Germany. Sat lnrlay, Mlarch 20-St. Jonas and Eustachius, St. Gundleus and St. Mark, are the day's •atrons.-- The Oxslip, dedicated to St. Eustachius; and the fumctery to St. Jonas, are put down in the Floral DI)ectory. In 1815, Raymond Lulle, the most celebrated chem- istand alchemist of his period, was stoned to death by the natives of Mauritania, whither he had gone on a mission at the age of eighlty. He had his attention directed to chemistry by the power of love. , The old chronicle says: " A lady, very handsome, with whom he was in love, refused to marry him. One day when lie renewed his solicitations, she shewed her bosom inflanmed with a cancer. Lulee departed, re- solved to conquer both the cancer and the lady. tHe had the good fortune to cure and marry her. After her death he attached himself to the church. in f•Ul, the conflict of the York and Lancaster factions was decided by a battle near York. It com- menced in a snow-storml, was contested until the af- ternoon, and enlded in favor of York. Thirty-eight thousand men were left dead on the field, of whom twenty-eight were Lancastrians. Sundayn , March 30--St. Jolmn Clinmachus, St. Zozimus, St. lRegulus. Rough Caramena, dedicated to the former, and the lesser daffodil,dedicated to St. Zozimus, are the plants of the day. St. John Climach•s was caverned as a hermit in a rock near Mount Sinai, until ihe was seventy-five. One of the citizens of an adjoinirg place approached, wishing to become a saint, too. St. John kept him standing at the door eight years, on probation. It is related of St. John, that hse once listened to a woman who had committed so dread a sinthtat sle dared only h lint at it verbally. So she wrote it down and gave t t him. St. John died, and the woman dreaded lest her paper should fall into less conscientious hands. She accordingly besieged him with prayers 1 to come forth fTnd tell what he had done with the a previous paper. St. John had no rest, and at last ' came forth with a bishop on each side of him, and d shew the woman the paper on which she had written o with her writing marked out, and in its place was plainly written, " all thy sins are forgiven, and put alrm by the prayer of St, John, my sorvant' BECEN!T MPU ACATI l. tl CRrTrrowe, on WoXAN's T DauS o asnnTnrrns. By LA e J. Curtis. New York: DeWit s veno rt. n Walter Scott was ofthe opinin that no alnal ei carry a key which tonehed all its w aus andopened all of its springs, in the shape ofa titlepage.. 1 later and better novels, as he oomewhere remars, e gave no clue to their labyrinths ai~ were betterre- eived. The alias of Christine is veryifdednte, but f even in its dimness sufficient to carry a shadowof its character. Christine ts a talented yoanglady,wmo, being inspired to write poetry and romance, fonmi these labors incompatible with milking the cows. She has a sister whose highest ambition is to obtain the tastdrop in the cow's udder, and see Ghristine cheer. fal. Further along various fortunes befall the two, with a balancing in favor of Bessie ; for the latter has health and contentment, against all the tinal and gawd which covers the former! Some portions arf really very excellent, while others are greatly in need of revision. We areindebted to the publishers for a copy, through Mr. B. M. Norman, under the St. Charles Hotel, and 14Camp street. TOE ILIAD OF HOMER-literally translated, with ex- tlanatorynots. By Theodore A. Buckley. New York : Harper &o Bros. Those whowishto study the epic of Homer in all its strength and signficancy, must still abide by the ori- ginal. Those who wish to skim the snrface and merely comprehend that which is said, will find the translation of the Iliad very satisfactory and a good reflex of the original. Themeteris lost, and theesy rhythmical flow of the old Greek gives way to our dry prose ; but if it lbes its n'c, it retains allth intel- lectual backbone and virile force, and gives the rea- der a proper idea of he l lind poet of Scio. The notes are very few, but sufficient ifEschinbosand Donnegan, or Pickering are at hand. ITALIAN SIGHTS ANDPAPALFPnDcTS 1,w ogh AmericanSpectacles. JamesJacksonJarvis. Sew q York : Harper & Brothers. . The present volume is a companion to "Parisian Sights," and is fully as interesting and instructive as its predecessor. It treats of public and private; po-I litical and religions; single and wedded life in Italy. V The character of the country and the character of a the people are both given; the Saints' days aid cere. i monies ; the fasts and feasts, with the history ofmany t past ages, and much strong contrast concerning the I present. The author is evidently an enterprising, educated, observing and intelligent American traveler; withal a little inquisitive, and inclined to discover all i that hlie can. His story is told plainly and straightfor- wardly, as all such stories should be told, and the reader will find the volume exceedingly interesting. It is illustrated with many engravings descriptive of the letter-press, which enhances its interest, an], as i a volume, is one of those pleasant, gossiping compo- sitions which the hurry and great travel of our times has substituted for earlier labors in the same vine yard. t is beautifully printed, and the illustrations are good. IItsTO•o or IIRNANDO ConTEZ. By John S Abbott. New Yrrk : Harper & Brothers. - The little volume in which.Mr. Abbott suo .p e history of the expedition of Cortez is as curioidsind interesting as a novel. The story is familiar to all men; but for the young, who have not perused it, it com- t bines the attractiveness of Cooper with the value of I Bancroft. It is beautifdlly printed, and adorned with a great many illustrations. r Tno WosneRs or SCIEaCE; or Young Humphrey Davoy. Writtena for boys--by Henry Mayhew. New York : Iarper & Brothers. A more useful book could hardly hays been written than this one, and it will be of use toevery young reader, as showing how much has been accomplished by study and exertion, even where the advantages wefeveryJsmall, It speakd of the early exertions of Humphrey Davy, a man who by the pursuit of his own inventions, made himself a great name and repu- tation, and did avast deal of good in the world. The workhiswell printed and largely illustrated. TnE OLD DO IOvor; or theSouthanipton Massacre. A novel, ibyo. P. R. James, Esq. New York: Harper & Brothers. The indefatigable novelist and romancer has given to the world another story of much merit and consid- erable length, respecting life as it was in the Old Dominion many years ago. The story is well and easily told, and will doubtless be read with interest. It is printed uniformnly with the other works of Har- per's library of novels. For copies of the preceding works we are indebted to J. C. Morgan, adjoining the Post-Office, of whom they may be purchased. MIss ALLEYNE'S COMP•IssENTARY CONCERT.-The announcement, in another column, informs the public t of the cdmnplimentary benefit concert and ballad en- I tertainment of Miss Alleyne, which will take place on Monday evening at Odd Fellows' f Hall. MemsrsMa- earthy, Adlkins, Alley•e, and Pothonier are engaged to add interest to the occasion, and the programme shows a very diversifsd and highly attractive bill ; one that deserves and will doubtless receive the favor t of the public. Ballad concerts are of recent date, but all who remember those of Dempster and his compeers w-ill be apt to attend the present one, which promises as rich a feast of good things as any that has been held before us for a long time. Tickets, with secured seats, may be obtained at Hewitt's, No. 39 Camp street, at Werlein's, No. 5 Camp street, and also at the principal Hotels. Paorrs M•NAs•saoE T of T. TE1 ra.--Dr. Frede- rick II. Knapp, No. 155 Canal street, has put us under obligations to him for a copy of his valuable little hand-book, containing remarks on the proper management of the teeth- a subject concerning which there is much ignorance of a very exspensive nature. The work contains many certificates of its correct- nessand its anthor's success. IttcHER BALL.-The fancy dees and masquerade ball, given at Masonic Hall, on Saturday night, by the Israelites' Charitable Association, was a very hand- some and pleasant aflir. The generalities were, good music, good humor, elegant dresses and fanciful masks ; the specialities were divers and sundry dark- eyed, raven-tressed daughters of Israel, whose an- gelic smiles and sylph-like movements held us captive for several delightful hours. The object for which the ball was given was praiseworthy; a handsome sum was netted; and we hope that all future rer- anions of the Association may be as profitable and as pleasant. HosnssLE ! IF TuEc.-A friend of ours, peeping over our shoulder, and securely confining our pedal extremities, perpetrates the following : Says he: "Walking, the other night, a damp, murky, muddy night, in company with a beautifuland accomplished young lady, but whose charms were marred by a very bad cold in the head, I - ventured to remark-' horribly bad night.' Fancy my feelings, as the response came, ' Yes! dam(p) bad night!'" Get out, we exclaimed, and he went ! YOUNG MEN's SOCIETY MASEDa BALL.-We ac- knowledge the courtesy of a ticket of invitation to the Young Men's Society Masked Ball, which will take place at the Odd Fellows' Hall to-morrow eve- 3 ning, the 23th. It will undoubtedly be a very recherche afiair, and we shall have great pleasure in attending. ItIT onL-ATOIC MLEDICIE.-'We are trunder obliga- tions to Lancelot Hope Everett, M. D, aind Surgeon, for a copy of his treatise concerning the theory, prin- I ciples and practice of Vital-Atomic Medicine and Surgery, a practice which, from the peculiarities that attend it, iseaid to be superior to all others, and sue- Scessfid where its competitors wholly fail, The work is a curious one and conveys some teachings not to be I found elsewhere. REV. Dr. DEWEY'S LECTrrns.-W6e are under obli- gations for tickets to the course of tweltO lectures about being delivered in this city by Rev. Orville Dewey; D. D., upon Man in his various relations to God and his fellow man ; his love and hatred, b, enjoy- ments and his sufferings. The field is a broad one and includes a great deal of metaphysical treatment. Our knowledge of Dr. Dewey's scholarship and stand- ing is an all-sufficient guarantee othat his lectures will be thorough, instructive ane interesting. We shll andeavv;to atteado vtr tO tomtia t Varneen'l. The regard wich liven in ehdoar of i~ al fori .. of honorabe•lives and bllameles laor, after that which was earthly f thdtt 'ks gam back to earth and the mortal has-asumed itmoartsJiy was very touchingly exhibited in the funeral eereee$ a ofthe' late Virgil loullemet, which ocurred yta- man, honorable by no political adjunt t tat higher imposition of handswhosr .sgnet I , I s abown in the character aon which it isa warm and charitable heart-a pure and The funeral ceremonies of Mr.Bolfemet the resideng oe,,f Gaurge W. Shaw, ,; M G.3dof the'LO t.0'.; and were attended by ipagy members of his own and sister lodges-; by variona enmpn ents nd, the Grand Lodge; and by the Ho "a a iatiion, of which the deceased was Preadent. Ai htb oue, the usual appropriate and touchingeer- ean wereperformed : after which, the mournful cortege proceeded to Odd Fellows' Rest, .where. the funeral ceremonies of the order were performed, in a very impressive ma~sger, by Rev. Mr.,Gnthenhbdimn Itis a saingular fet and striing coincidence that laapublicly remarked at blafanerel,that Mfr. Beot- met. like the great foonder of the .Howard. Aina"ltd "and it wee the tt in t tn weu missionjst 5 Mr. Connit , was very kindly o given to disinter a body from was shown, both by the Goe ats, whose services were called into Nlow, "life's fitful fever o'er, Iee we the hands of friends, and hrethnime ht sepheolah and if, when that sleep is ended he isjodgor% rule piayed forbya sother- -'that merry I to othes show That ter• shtowt me' ' not last, nor leastin the starry catalogue of good me and will be the name of Virgil Boullemet. Re- •qieecun iatjt . ".. AsrAoArso-What would not the gentleigany picores who live in the poler regions, bounded on the East by Long Island Sound, anbd on the Wet by in- erminable "promising sites for smail viage," give, inst at this particular season,to enjoy, ane of thise quiet dinner parties which.are occurring daily near the modth--what fitter place for a feant? of the oather'of WatFen-where re-fiish give 'a colenre ros;to everything pround them, and :the rubyidf claret mingles ia colors with the gold arrows of - nine Vieux-Ceps?-where venisOn, as jicy andai t as the bodditag grasrtich i ,teiniut,peeeddetline delscate angelof tne i wnhi. 4 lyeeia o , onlythatnoo-many nna yoal ewdeinto too mpRlt a spaee ?- fpi boos of neon ' oare sprinkled about the ti !ni t n 4q c and pillars from the hqana tree point toward tle stars,.while the Nobilis asparagu anua lato brachiajaocta l , As every pleasure is heightened bycontrast, wecan conceive how those whose daintiest fare isthe pro- dnct of previous months, most feel the water gather- ing within their gills over this "bill offare"-lto them, imlaginary and unreal, but recently :realized by ys, fully and entirely, with sundry concomitant, left unnamed, that ourown felicity may not produce any degree of sorrow to those who ae less fortunate. So much of generosity remains withbus"; but no philan- thropy can cause us to overlook,altogether, thegenial fact, and the genial friend to whoine generoity we are indebted for our exultation. May the ~giver of such gratification live many years to einoy that which iseb well worthy of enjoyment and-if one sincere selfish- ness can find pardon-may we live long in his neigh- borhood to enjoy-that is-to relate the •greeable facts. The noctes ambrbsianes and dies borealis are married in such events. No ELECTION-A proclamation from Mayor Lewis ppears in another column. According to it, there rilif be no municipal election to-dMY; his'honorbving ceen offically informeo that thenew city charter, costponing'the city election until the first Monday in oone, had become alaw. For our part wohave no gteat •igrets to expresw overthe postponement, notwithstanding it was an uncalled for andunscrupulous piece of partizan ty- many. Our party will be better prepared for the eIec- tion in June than it is no, and we will be justassure of triumph then, as we would be were it to take place 0-day. Neither party having prepared for battle, both would have been in a pretty fix had they been :onstrained to an election nolens volens. It would cave been a promiscuous and miscellaneous rough- cd-tumble sort of an affair, but the Americans would cave come out victorious; sure ! BwEscss.--We commence the week with receipts if cotton, amounting since our last issue; to 21,505 )ales. Hea•y arrivals of produce from the West, vith many `fieand large vessels, added to the list of atarday last, giving all facilities for transportation- ogether with a flush and abundant supply of amorey o move the immense fabric of business now progress- eg in our 'city, we think we are doing tolerable vell, and expect to make something more than a chow before the 31st day of August next. Corrox.-The receipts for the 48 hour ending at 6 o'clock last evening were, by the Ruby, from George- town. Pearl river, 357 bales; Morgan, from Texas, 120; Choctaw, Tennessee river, 2,008; Ed. Walsh, Meme phis, 605 ; Red River, Point Pleasant, 1,011; Ingomar, Memphis, 3,029; Belfast, Memphis, 3,582; Frank Keeling, Jefferson, Texas, 802; C. Hayes, Shreve- port, 1,533 ; W. Bagaley, Montgomery, 950; Sultana and others, 112; Ed. Howard, Cumberland river, 1,055; Delia, St. Martinsville, 343; R. W. M1eR e, Shreveport, 2,030; R. M. Jones, Fulton, Ark., 928 Lewis Witeman, Yazoo river, 2,160; Jackson Rail- road, 105; Laurel Hill, 24; Amanda, Jefferson, Texas, 1,110-total, 21,505 bales; sugar, 1,284 hhds.; 976 barrels molasses; tobacco, 588 hhds. CA saLLE.-There will be two translations of "Ca- mille" this evening. Mrs. Hayne sustains that character at the St. Charles, with Messrs. Pope, Mark Smith and Wright as assistants. MissM•atilda Heron plays it at the Gaiety, with Mr. Browne,Thayer and Chippendale. New scenery, properties and decora- tions are announced at the latter place. TanE MAILS.-The Northern and Eastern mails, due on Saturday, failed from beyond Augusta. That due on yesterday failed from beyond Washington City. The Havre steamer Fulton, of the 13th, will be fully due at New York to-morrow. DEGREES CONFERRED.--Sixty-for Students. in the Mledical Department of the University of Louisiana, received diplomas and the Degree of M. D., on Santr- day. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Hunt, whose congratulatory speech on the occasion was eloquent and impressive. Dr. Castellanos deliv- ered the valedictory of the graduates in an appropri- ate and admirable manner. * Senator Slidell will accept our thanks forval- uable public documents. .irWe are under obligations to the officers of the NewOrleans and St. Louis packets Crescent City and Grand Turk, for late St. Louis papers. iWe are under obligations to thE Hon. John A. Quitmau formany Congressional favors. an-The steamboat Post Boy, lately employed on the lakes and the Alabama river, was sold on Sat- urday at auction for$2,750. es"We are indebted to commercial friends for late circulars from England,, received per Arabia, which will be found in another column. It w*•be observed breadstaff particularly are falling. Tan GRnEA HRx se, Rau- n -_Po,". Arm Pshlirn THE GREti& BR~sbj. RyEYDY--P,"O Bono Publico Every moHqlshout have a box in the lon", handy in case of toeldentsBto the toflolto."' Reddiong OoRssia Solve is a Boston remedyo thirty years' staoding, tod i reommeoded bypbysieltto. It ioo sure and speedyarn or buotH, pilsot LbOs, orns, 0 elonh , chilhlainsaond oldoOtO every kintd-,for facer sores, nlc0n,itch, ohodW, neotthl Oth, bontotm, soret nipples, (recommooded by onsooZoithaow, Otte-, festers, Itol bites, spider stings, frotzn iohb," O~lt rhleo, curvoy, soreand ractked tips, sore nose, wartto d flOskhouao, it is a most tO noble remedy and cure; whotbcnb toetioed toby thbooaoooI. woh have uoed ot in the ityt of Boston an icinlit for theo to thirpyyear. In no onsootoototl thttslooo tdo tobtiotuqp.. otoreroowith ao ph Ooicilo'opootriptloo. It,is adei thmo- pourest o attolat , from a oooohobooohtforoooit-t rotloh growing intbo'ocontry--to oy the bprophohatota habo I _ talttlasst, Orogyomen, phtyosician, s00 Opt 9tatyo.qtO ors-hotooousodioootthoelvoh and reoootooolt Redodingo- Ruia oolve is pt in lago o hotho tj honop cover with a picture of to horse and a disabled sohldiu o)4 picture io .1so enoraved on Ohi wrappet. Sorit, 36 hot. holdhingA Co. For stlo hy J. Wright & (k,., o 0, Wopodmlto Sad oo 1 ool ftt tll peJp OthYT,

W ORlLEANS .DAILY, CRESCEN T. · 2017-12-15 · .BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BENSONu, JOSFPIB, nOUfiY AND) SIGN tAIST-.u Fit C nmln nirect- opusc Lalyotte a 9yuaro. Copperand Lira, ;a, iul

Aug 08, 2020



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Page 1: W ORlLEANS .DAILY, CRESCEN T. · 2017-12-15 · .BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BENSONu, JOSFPIB, nOUfiY AND) SIGN tAIST-.u Fit C nmln nirect- opusc Lalyotte a 9yuaro. Copperand Lira, ;a, iul

.BUSINESS DIRECTORY.BENSONu, JOSFPIB, nOUfiY AND) SIGN tAIST-.u Fit C nmln nirect- opusc a Lalyotte 9yuaro. CopperandLira, ;a, m iul for abu rrr .,,it it onau vl,,Ooa, a2T

BROWN, TIJ.. U(A.1P11NT1 ANDI JOIN11R, 122U L'ordlll :rrcsl in' thanks It o bin 4 and tlto public

lb, past tales, and aallclbn enllnuanra nP titr.:rpnlranngrR _13


.systreet, New Ot lra nl


CARTER ' O ,tst JC , . IH. SEAIPRS IN STAPr.11a1 nd Fally 't U arill uY 1ll kiud,, corner Cammo ilan

Tcbuopitonbtn x II(IPC _

WINSYII I1ANIDRI ,1eRNDES P41RV.ML ed Frllll*. M lcex, etc., etc., No. 1U C:ommon ll trret.

CtOOKS)III N1NJ . M E M X A Co., C07MMISSIO N AND'I1I CIAN'T1, WN'I tpoht ,,u 1d 11,11,

Daslcra In Foreign and Doomed, fe .lllllor, Wlaes, etc., earnerGirod and (:mmmrcu lretta, Ne~w Orleans. rl!I 1"v

fIO VERSE 11Co., 1i1tOCLI1S AND D11AL511'V 1 R Wl{STERI: IIO)1011, lmo, art iboundt d byp C0 ...!,Now I.evpo, Commltonnd Ftlton sttett _

CORNELILUt WIll. ATTOIIINP5' ANDl COUNSEL-'V LOlt-A'l't Ptt, .tN ,'I. S. CU\1MISSIONER, Rotr alntreet, aver fit,., Plt,(-Ollee, e-~~-~~~' ~ ~ ~ - - ---~-~~--- -- -- -.v Ii. HAAKE1, SUR11I0N AN!) PH1YSIC7IiAN. IN-

qtire at the o.121 of the City hIlloll, or lt No. 97 CI'ootale.let strot. n l

DAMEgZ 1ON it CO. ;, J. D. I)h A LEES IN :AI(PET-1/ igs, Oil Clothu, ec., No. 2U Clrnrtres sort.27 ICurrtunboufie


D~WIGHT. EDB~i7N 7P., ATTORNiY ANDU 00UNS.l(oRAT-LAW, NIpttttleoilit, PuriPit of At.

mmtptii. IS llIt a ._____ tSll 6tttILsfaarchc, ferrebilnll and Ht. .Mnry. Itafer to W. 1. Ilcwveii'1:q.; 1e+.xra. Slark, SYlnUfe A Co,; line. C. Voorhies; Ilan. E}:. E!tridsc. _ 1116m


. Kard rolll(tllp eitr1,, 1,11

DOIiCIE .541 7iCU IIIIRITINA AND IOOk-10td 1PINt t .lttsttd, NCi 1i LI nOl NtrI7t.

Dollxrur'x supparior Steel Puna for sale, in large and email quno-titiee. a127


ICM~ELU E.R.GEI R, .IC.. BUTI,DFR. RCircuss treet, nestf to tbae corner of Flauin, , ew Orleans.

la~l p tiring a:nd Store gluting donls wlth aeatuear and dis-

"jlnfc t on thle Irrosr r~arolablo tems. nu3U

EDIMIJIU1.'F, LESSEIY Ki o., I t~I, -S R.Manld Spirite Tllrpentbre. Iit Mr, moo, Catar na LrdOi.. N 9

"uv..,ine Mr-ee, New OrlellnH. lcllly

+T. IOSTa35 CO., lAI,F:I'alS IN BOOTS, SHOEOFS, RRO-a: ililh }tat,. Olpp:, rte., Nu. t Ilgillille xtrllC:

1 H. S.NANPP W. S.Y CHIANDLER,, DF:N-. T.SUR(FOS 15 ntn trecf. 1n!O


i I Uu~der ht tine Fam" iirtfclis, corner Canail and St. Chnr!ea



Hinc an 40 Grav1er Gtr AtT.

'0uODIN. W.11.VD o• Co. SUC('ESSNORS TO GORDONH OUI Tr, DEAERH IN WLUEtcR--Oie CandNarl Front l evee, cor, r of Dealord tre. keep cEnnstnntly on"Ad WheA A Arms, IscskelFlalnk, Brace StAAff, ]Decking, IDonge'1• Sherathn, Toncne lind Grooved Pill. ard Cyprn:.,.Orak



Lc^houpito•tl; , tre*. oa35 lyddkw*EN, DESR(UN & Co, S. & A., C.EAFRES-IL Stcuallbnat and Family Supplies, corner ~aAzine andorNt-


TIAIIBY IIORACE, STATUpE AND'FAsNC;Y DRYG mA,,,A,, mbr,,iderieS , er., Nn. 15 C(n np Ntreet.

77.OW I.•I• It. K., ATTORNEY-AT1-LAW, No. 13


CUTLERY, FANCY ARTICLES, etc., etcA, N,. 56 C:ap




&'-Y D 0 0R ROOUIICII, J1EWELRS, corser Canl

I ENDIG.. BRENJ., AUCTINAEII A NDl AI'PR-FI--~l, N1.:13 Camp rr . . . . .

TELLIt, Ell1OOKSEILIE.R, ITNDE TIIE ST. LOUISK i•.I. II'II , MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS,NEAI-AI'E.tS, IEl PI' UFAIFAT1AONS. ) 2a23plml-TNNED'. S. I, ,4C., COIMMISSIOAN ER-1 .t::i( 1 N'Ir. No. 20 )'oydraa street. New Orlcr: t .


31 I .r i u Ai. ltillt., WiLndow jIA~., CmAnt,. EnAli.h,I anS A Is':l , ,lllAPc IAh Fire Brick NA e , e ,. , t ,. No 73 1a,-


1AVI.L.. F. C., ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW, NO. 13v E ishanl e L't" e, opprit e the 'ont-Ofice, New, Orleans.


N ,. 8, ..I.i,, pit,l, An A , : t .' - . .





Al,1 ~,I,S, -,1tt. m l, ., AIAAANiS12 AAAIAAiti S r,' IS.

p lfIZAt, R.. &G.,..E..,T•,N:ANUYS2.A•AIF.,R0 I: O 'U Al, I H., 151t1,,,, rl e.,r At ol T.A. A,. .A.,1


AI'EIT- 31R it., 1101 tASm l . e5-A, 3.ATI'TAIIMAKFIA1AlIND AiE .\I.A IN ,AIAAAIA t,:O IPll AN, FANI SYI RTi, ,ES AN '1 I TCIEAS. Al! jAwelry arcS reS l


UNIPOE, A. A . Co., \1\'S AND BOYSn' CIAI-



ll',nr,,,+e I •lldic. I rld , All lNo. 90 t'u ll np A - I ,AA t

•N• ltIIS . W AY, CILOTIIIERIS, core r C a'np and,I unnmtln filrretx .


let stree, con Aer of At'ni ll n Are IA, l Ap atirA. ,nld,eA,


1) OIIINSON~ & c(., I ll. Xl0II.eSA7,E ANDR I1L J.N.i iir,' ,.-ADI a1nd 1,amily snppiep, I,. 10N G

77)) II1YSIOD. I D.AI EIIS IN SILKS ANDIS FN!_L O' L 111 P GOODS. corner (Loyal and C anal atrnret5. a0

))AILSI~II)DE HENRY, (gilcepwr to F. N. Ililr-IL slrol; NO'CAI1 'UUII)(, No. 23 snneruirri l lllec. New

ql A b'MOND,, W. C., FAMILY GIIOIDER, NSo. 71 lmp

MELl" J. &., Co.,DI E FIIS I\ IHARIrII lID,1L etc., Fnllltrrct. href,6 eell( rirvier and ::atelier lrlr ietti

1TEWART CHAIRLES A., DMIALE IN IINIaId AIS Fhi 1,111 Furnitlrc, No,. 1i1 and 173 ITiSnil stret.

C,CANLAN & CO., D. P., DI:1i2)IlS IN MIII.l55ery ud Finie FYy IDry Good,, No,. I'.',ial 11 Ghartrc*crest.


F:RS, No 26 l'ydra, ritrrrtt New )rie~e.. m,"9G. w. Hew*V. w. w. aLI.w. s. r. =new.01HA5 ID . w, & C,., COIMMISSION AND FO1R-

IJ WARIDINA MII(VCIIANTS, Ni. 21 PoydrII street, 1111Or leana. niy5




IIASS.p etI., rno ltlsOOS, RUNK, CRPE

STrOUu, JOHIN A& Co., MARIIILE WAREHOUS,NoPi. 146 Common Street, het,,eeo Ceroadelet aad 11aronr1

firrPLY. a101y

BEAM AANN, I[. D. A Co. CO~aiMISSIONLFORMVARDID5 IN' D \CESI')RN PRODUCE: MF:R MANTS, anddlal-in Oil,, Ills, Alehol, etc., 3I0j PsySdrSIDrct. aI

SICKLEIS & Co.. )II0IGS, SIEIIIEINRS SURGlIC IINSFIIIIIIINT', etI., whol5al Iand rtIaiI, Esy. 35 and

9o C: :it etrect. a0

QLARK, STAIFUPEL & Co., iIAR W111 :,LA 11ON, Isc., No. 61 Canal 1tr11t, Agents for iPage' Saw

S ~IZER, GEO. W., NIII 01lN.INS AGll 1 IACULTI1,... WAIIILIIIUSEl , orner of 11111 rlae aud poIIIis

sOreIIs. all

STEEL .l . 13., BOO01SIglLLE.I? AND STATGIONER,t NEo. OJ c '.uup xtrec:.

T YLPOU SPEWELL, T., IMIOIRTEIR All) IIN D LT to in Blhll'illl e and ILiquors, NoSi. l; l(1yal t, cot.


DOW GLASS, Ri D:US1IEDf, andd Colurn of illi kindl,, tW alnla-

TVALEAPITINIJ. B.,.& CI,., IIDiALEIiAINi BiOOTS," tANINLE'1N S IIIo ii iun llnun street.



W ISITE. ICK , 1. , 11001. 1 I\ lit U:S, N II N

I&tlj% n IlliI . 0., 1511i'ldI l AND Ii I i INIiIOII orlla.'i -iierl. 'ment Meudici uce, Paint, Oii, etc.,

conLSet pumio j o a &d , nc C0TY{o street..


N ionie. o. 101. 'anal strut(.

'IRAI)O'I & OI GI1E. IIAFDYPdl ,/,ND0111lY ,I.", 1)rne, l'ertumery, Fte., tlc., N- 2 1 and lBU1:i':i-

VVISlINIEN SINat 5il0I' l _iiIiI11

LEVI wttsoNi, Parisi, r-pides, I.a..l. it. poomnoT, New Orleans.Z p7IATATE IIAN & CO, TOT.PAN ANIIR

WI YYAND U~d1Jal0 31Gi~filN'POar*'Cel s treet,

NewY Orleans. _ _ _ _ s2 0VDIIA. IS IN I...i .. AI ...I A ILIIY enT DUDES

srmr ,Do 8G IUGIL' RARD d1XF.AND'SDII'lYCANIER.N..33P`xotnga12 >stca nulll


VY D1.:fIEIiS IN ,I AtEY Tlt, etc., torus'MatEaalae and Common ?itreet r # _

&y[ C. FLUERi, NNISOIII'AISIR, iIl TOIIOPIIII1C tulRI Jtrea, 'e (Orlemh, t Oanim rrd Ifraelnl far s

in readine~e. Coffins lined with lend, for trunsportion, at short' V Vc n . 1u21l y

TO EMUVAL."-TuI' illidrsibinid Le1s mu irid to No.8SL Uuiun rlreer. Irlween ti. Clllolan nod Crludsr arra s

wLhere ha will d.,."r his wholea time to liia p ofrssioollH bUlneCs,a - hl~oillr art-I~on.. S~nry 11.1, , and Uuwmbaiuoncr t'oi

Deairly ar el) stateZ in the1 UGIM. 1'14al .6wTT~~Ci~jiF




Will leave THURSDAY , 2i0+ lost., at 8 o'clS k, A. N.FOR BRAZOS SANTIAGO -DS-

RSCT'-L'Te New U OS..Un .nd exainI. A. MailLIno, Tihe ne and mnIgniicent asamnhip Nau-

tus, Hrs n H. Thoipsion, commsansd, sill Ileave s abo55.punctuall5y. or freisht or passage, halvingelegant asute-rooaeommodutionun, allply to

HlARMS M ISPIOAN fSrth,7 Jullo tresst,sipoilte tism Steamship ILisidip.

MJAll frseght clhipped ly tlhe Nutilus sill he delivired toCaptainn I(clluedy, of' the hlenner Gruiuuplir unless otherwisedireted.

J>:r3'SLIpcnr must prnvino themselves withl the steamer's billsSf iuAish. No otheir fnn will twssnlg ed,. sit

To suit on TIYERSDAV. pritl int. at 8 o'clock, A. M.NOR VERA CRUZ.-UI. S. MAIlf I.INF.

Forbea, e-hander. will lea-' for Verot G1aI55VC, pnn5515 lyt c11 rry inghe 15 S. .F fii

Agssls. infslcrur aaaee, ha vnn( nt accomm .17tion sRR bn llIrrerlc rrrogn, lpyI t

BhAllRIS Y DIORGAN foot o .in Sntrettallpoate thle Stelamslip Lanlding,

Iap"No freigh will be received without an order irom theAgentsR. m17i


mngnifent iit billp will AereSIter lIea t n SIUNDAYssilTURSIJIDAY, at 8 o'Iclock. A. M., punctuallly.

Chaprles I or'RI55 IlInry Pla.e, Commander.DIS zlsu, Juhsin . I.s lTss do.Loslxlans, Wan. II. nsifuot, do.Fssvsuralssus, Itisg Ssipslani dis

Dslivering feight fir .11 a sll, p iIs We.11 TsIus, at tse endor thS Hhips Ttskles, I'swdprhorn, Lower Indi1n5oli.

l 'Shippsrs will plpsi providll themselves l ith the steatisr's hills, of Isdlst, ss no otir fAssI will 1 signed.

ItARItIS S ;lJORDAN, foot oS Julls r5reet.P. S.-Thls blioc hiavig simblidlls its on Pilot on Ptlu -

va Iluir, ihe steamer, will Ieresfter be taken in ahd out ,inere! suprinteenI n of itHs own CalpCtpins. 555 it'

NICARAGUA.rails on TiE•..I)A rh. 2,rci185.


NICA.RAGUIJA-1-The r 't 8 ailing hark Lowell; Edward-,master, will saiI n9 abov e. For cabin l.1eaga on.I,

•i, tot284 GEe. W. }1YNSON & CO., 82 Camp t:r18et.----- -------- --- ~ ~ - - - - - -


The Al new cooner Ida, Coron, m 8ar, havingnearlil her cargoon bor, 1will tve quick dlLpatch.

For balance of freight or paage, apply tofe 8... ). 41. W:18Y8 _ & CO.. 8?C8mp 8tre81t.


, 1.,I NE.-The Al ,lend 8 Iake8tb hrk Tammany,• ntemalln, ansnter, htav'ing R large portiol"I o her cargo

engaged, will Lave quick dispatch. For b8lance of freight orpassage1, apply to8

oll G10. W. 8(NS0V.2 CO., 82 Camp ree8t.

FOR PHIILADELPIIIA - R EGUI.AR• I•R.l-The Al regular pr8ckt b 8rig 8Ia8 (4Oueen,.lulnmater8 , bing a large portion8of he8r cargo

888 will Iv88 di8retch88. For freight 8 or pa1sage, apply tom13 G88O. 8. IllYN:ON A 1., 82 8;np street.

FOR PHILADELPHIA - REGULAR,Line--Te Al 8A818i8ar 88rokt1 brig D4nltel Molo-88 lny, V8i8.l.len,, 88888ng a 1rg8e p4ttlon o8 her

8ar 8o:l board, will h8ave di8patlch, For 8fieght or passage,

i848 3 GE8. W. IIYN8ON 88 CO., 8 C.amp street.


s8hip Parth0enon, 8pt. Driver, ha8bln imearys all8her cargo88engage8. 'ill h888e q8l(8:k dispatch. For

bah, : 'e of t'r88i88t or 8 n8l-.g. 88DI8p8 to88 8;8O. 8,. I84O88& 88l8., 82 888('8P 8tr1eet.


888regular P8cket hip Nor4n18 H8olmes8 mat8r,hay ng nearly all her curo ou board, will have quick

.8888,8s above. For balne o8 8reiglt 8r p888888e, pPLy88 Onbanrd or to

821 80. _8W. 1YS; 8_• 0 o., 882 C 1p street.

FOIR BOSTON--RE(1ULAAL 1,10E-T18E8s8lendid pocket sLip Delhi. 8napp. 88888ster 8av.

'n'a la]rge portion of her cargo engaged will haveg ! di8arh.F8or blmece of 8're88814 or pa8Sage, apply to8 ,n21 8;8O. 88. 118888S 28 888.. 8,288888( 8888888.

L1VFRPOOLFORLIVERPOOL- F111 I ST SA11ING IAt slip PaluthslIlre, Jlnonsy, nlllttr. having

For,,l,,,l,31if J1. , i.' ni)- ton4 .J. If. A.S3 IboRIogo CO., 171 Common 1 t.

FR- LIVERPOOL-T111 I Al SIIIII ANship ylhlllgo Nelso., 3:n riin 111130333 1lil ingFog l; : her I eNilab..1 , 1,1, 303t.w33 h dispat,, h.

For Ieight of X Ll Lttll pl i ord ob1:7 J1. i0. AIIBRIUll. 1. CO., 1:313Comon street.

FOIRLIVERPOOL-TIF All FAST lol,1 tl3 Luther, g3 eng3 r 3111m1111

hain art other cargio cnbogerl, will meet vidll r6-Purch. For frulrit, .1,111 to

1m03 _5. I3. ASITBRII3i SA CO., 13) 33om3, nt.

FOR LIVF.RPOL 1110F AL 31133RI ASshit Ahland, M olore, maste, having the Crrentr

.r3 her cargo ngaged, will me3et 3 itl dippAOcltIFi~o, tretlt or p?~npr'l n Pic to

ml5, J. IA. lllDlUiOE A CO., 122.0 C-or1n . et.

FOR LIVERPOOL-THil. I ,R FAST.3113' Lark 03ulli, AboAtt, 331033cr, 13.i 33.

.- enerprt or her ,nlgo engagedl, w\ill meet withltliinp. 111or b,:lilrr of l fllllll , P" A M (33., 13 03y to3

FOR LIVERPOOL-The Al .7 11-TIAS1.ljo, ZLbllllh \l1,lcni. part ofI~al:I; rgo wlFII:( ill meet WHitt; Immenldiate Ji*

patehl. Fur ("right,( ntlpi- t,r l II. A3-1 1111111011 CO., 131 33mmonCl . 01.


,111 meeilllrt with llti'I'mlitb For f eigbt nr pniingc. ap-ply to

fel6 J. If. API1IIRIDG 1113 O., 11) Corn- i ,t


JJ~t FOR GEONOA-Tl3 AIli.AIILN' 1.03AST033'ing Pocket .hit , qullb113.corze T. 1.

33lri lt Il ar o 13her ctrlo en330 d,01. 3tll theewlth dtln teh. F'or hiliaocc of freighlt or p:n-mgr, iPply onh,:ll, or to

-. 311, d,.3.. , 13 I IIR,,Alo, C C'0.. 0 31l C3313 31,3.31t.


BOR IIAVRE.-T1133 SCI.001311 Al

1,31133,1b3ilt shit 13.333 1l F..,t; Barge lsolly~trhoing ne nil hI ler calrgo lrqgled, xill Lllrrwitlh imml~int erli ASlllli Filr +:F: H; l~l

31333 ,3O3133333,3133311, 331 e13t, 1c.1nor n lopit .n I 3rd 31hat t V su 3,' 1l03i1dn1.on,, apply In the

Csptuih o hoard, ait Post fib' Fourth Distr~ict. fu-2,

FOR IIAVRE.-THE1 S1IL'E.NIDI0 AlA,\n,.111o,3,iLr SLLntnrI tI'llin, nln33r, h3 1g the_ c1311erPar f 313 car3 o engageA , 031 hA e qui11 k

0ioO 13or Ir.-llt "]!ply toAll J. 1. ASIIUHII & Cl., 1A 00., mon str0et.

FOR IIAVRE:.-T111 PAC1KE1T S1IPRlichmoood, C13313in, 133.311, Ilo,31, n11.1 r3p3a31lwr caro crlsaiird, will havle quicek dislgittOl For

131 0U33. iW. IIYN'Ni A CO., 3,mpstreet.

WVANTED TO CHARTER-A GOODt 33el of n0131,3113W 13,rel3 . C3333nrtir31l-1, pplp toJ. I1. ASHI03ll31 A CO.,

ltll 190 V, too erred.

FOR SALE, 33ICfIIT OR C011RTF.333Tho1331-.sniffing b,31k LoII.LI, 131 10,1,s, 30013011331331311-, c133331it3; ,.13133yeo3s o1, h1s been ,ec.ntbp

urcrlhii lcd anld repanired, with; n nex Sulla\F pine Ixttonl, re-fia,-Lalllcll, new spars, sails, .- fin n +t "o~Ddibg,, complete; noteteddy to faire cargo Fnr tclns lpi'l to

dl G. W. H 1' NSON k Co., 82 Camp street.311.3,331331111.11


he N lelw t on Calliopestreet, corner Cs stree t, ear nar the New Rn ail

1ASSRNGER TRAINS Iran the city ddailt ttt 9 A. N.Rletches (REl, at 1 I'. MI. I. en. O,,n idily I P N.RIrt thte ctntI' P. I. Parsanbnrs tolvltldultd loaded atall tntcrruedilnte tt, ps.l

l'-l's- l,,l cnts pel mile, each wly. Children and servants,half price.

FAEIOIHT TRAIN from the Uity to Osyka nnd all internalditlt t tations, o .ert T"" III' Thnrsdy Sa lt ,R antl fromOsDyln to NKrr OrlensI and all iutRrmEdiutO slutiRAs, 'r3v MRun-dy I5'ea and d I llirLd,'

Ipy-'eSoR Ticktsi,',e, nnypli'ItiRn, a IS ,lodlztt I'S11T'Rxcnrsto. Picketls nt hanlf Pirice to an} s ation on thle road,

for Dilssangers goinn ldItllllr t il nle II

I: F Id itt A I'll 'T, h(nI at"e"" . II. IIRERliST, 1,1 001.Tri-Weedly Lin a.i STAGEF;S TO JACKISO\. Miss. II



T B Il ,iI, ,Ita ll CtttIII IN htltRAloThisr Ioad will bo open for yashsngtgcrs anti reri;htfrom Algiers

to Mayon lt Ilo~llf a t" n", of 1 bU\ Ly-three Obl') On and afterTSlO e I MlAII NEIT.


IavesIthe yrpol a .ltt icrs every dy t A............5)A. IU:leula every day al.. .......... Sd LI.\. 11.

Arrie flOInou lsty ll' '1111y lIS 'I...............1. UI 1'. M.I'S1'ltt ttl IC(R :

It-tI tI II lI hutT ...... t..t.........hy ..1 P. ID.trriveISIIr I' ( .. Mliii, ft gi.t... .. 5:a P. ill

at Algiers............. .. 5.30 P. it.lare ea FII ......... . . . . . ... ... . .. .$A eryISS ilconc wA. 0.e OPdE,oce Tris, II Lrn

tha foot of ti. nlln street everyr mot ninle, xt S 'riocl: 1 n stilt.

Frrelr L, will be receivall for Ibr-uil 1IIn L, intrnllcdi lle Otir-tiuli bt the (:mpnny on the wharf a rt the feat of' St. lmi ah st...

every day un tttd o'clock 0. MI. -OlARII SI' DI muRt beITid byth~e shillpr la, nnd Initht At he delivered r t 11 other SttosgtanByu e limmes treaLaorl .Ct S

'pplrrebnnt", 7'igat ville and Bay- B Ilaell' (where, the Cnlyl)brR've I'5Rttlt) mlIst be prepaIid'

I'ri'to'l Rldet nnld Rate rrruf Freighlt (n Pamphlet fornc for cit.

1,lutino, to be, l tnd Sn npptilananilra tk o hyt IIt mpxn!-0:5tt At I'. 'SEER. Vice il,,,, Iden


1.'aElTS IN "111 ' 'llor.ORs't" Cor IMITO byi Ib; P rn Bll ier, 1''stdent; ohll Nlrolr, '1'rp~ine:

tsiS by Il1Ilyllg I I. II. ISRlY. 0 rtt Iemet ' miS

111101re 1. EDIT A S eTESON'Stce I-Ir, CItherile ti-eIroI. CSI'AE . -h.. enli et, ' .d .I Wilt a, S . loS

Sexton-lbaneic erritt. MlelglK' s'Bmuli Lewis,\T ' Tlnul, (:cn. Belmont, 11. Goldman ;C. 13. Buw~ditch J. 11. 15'nr-

Ol, FIlt. a SIll, .r, l lll lLly'lO'Sa5^"5',II .TS 1N "U 01) F F.FSOWS' RET" Otti be Pro-

curId b}" IRply "R to IF. SAtyOORIY, ahid iklSel C .'s, R E'tnal st~reet; at I). . U t S ' TETSON'S, M Campjritrt: I

to II.SIII.I.SYAUCA u,. U. S. , Mint, an at tle SycrelrJyD. ttcc, inlldd Fllws' Ilboy , orner Ctl mp lo d LnfRodtte street.Thubprice to me l rrr of Stockholding Lodgei will olw $ per

talt; mall otI,,s, $5P per vlylt,blig Information relative to the: purchase of Lot;i, can be hadd

on alpplication, to the cerrhrn"rap15 JA~hri FU IENF.AUX, Secretary O. F. Rest.

rT2O TSUGAR WlrOLRS.TIE DE'ALER IiN FOR-Oiet l ad lluatir Malt o~td ry, No. 30 IlnrIiCrsLreet 0Ne'

(Irlanr+, keeps cnnstnntll on lt hnd,in good shipplingi ord r,

ycYorA alnl hiladelphiE Al , Porter xad I'll.impnk t der, bd bthe, barrel or hng,8shcid, or in bottle?, nscl-cdinlxrxcr or casks, tosuit panahasur,. AI po imsport, Scotelr Al, and London Futtler.

pg Yrompe xnd particular attention bald to all orders re

r~l di'Gll P7.AhV`'ELS.--TIIII, SI:I I(SI(II1R1IS1 xr p the xrrd to recreiver or-ders t'or PtIIl..lli'.L'lli. tiUOAR ii EITIES~, jr till: Tlrless,;I Pnrir,,. t d at much l ie;-

price. >L.(;U"TUI(,15 UlCIION. 1 F51., 4.Eal 1,55lit W 5(50' ,U,',l, . dtti t V O t~


Will leave ONDAY. 21th inst., nth .'cloakt 1'. M.I"OR LOUISVILLE..TIII FINE lR-xidnir passenger packet stainer Sultanan

Inpt.. [;. Ilalalloyy will leave for Imulxvilleand all Intermndinte lrd il:Eg, o . lboce For Cmightr or Iny"ge,apply on Ilal . or to

iISfl(TOIIN & KEEFFE, 29 T'1l11llp lllal street.,; tola of thle Cablin can bre seen and State rooms secured

4Yd1 tnkafmighlt fur Sty mpbi,,, Cairo and Pndneali. l.

Will leave on TUM "1AY, tjlh M ill ,5 cl.,kP. M1.~kf~FOR LOUIYVI E-Tl-T I F FARTrunningy passenger mcic R11,o41t, J. Ward,

ill5~~;Kl leave a, abov~e, an~d for 11 fntrnnedihtelandlirgs. Nior fn;:gh~t ar passage reply v n.lxonrd or to

IIi(I'ERTIIN & KRIIFFI,o9 2'J Tellopilolrlua street,

I~ D Apln of thle cable canr be seen and st T0ale om ecuredd

UPPER MISSISSIPPI.W'll leae on WF.UNKSDIAY, the 26th insit., at 5Pi. NI.

REGULARIST. LOUIS PACKET,JI)he F. Ii I DEe pasenger iteamer N II.r~Si.ku, G. R. F'nrll muster, will leave for Nt.

I.miis and all inucrmediatc landings, nn .boys. For Creigllll orpa-g.y apply on board, or toJUlN E. iIYDF. & CO., 6G Podrml rt.

n7- A plan of thle cablin can hie seen and state rooms securedrby nIlpplgi I n the agentls. m`Ll

LOWER MISSISSIPPI.Wilt l av22 WIDNE2SDAY 26thA 2 ,a at 5 o'clock2 P.12.

NEW ARi2tANGIESENTFOR 1220.F2or ltplds.-3The re12021r alternate Snt2rd20pocket feldl1t.-Th.u new light draught and

22122010 p1237122l2te12mer IIILFAS3, 12eo. W. Taylor, moto2,will l 121o an her next trip as abov,, for 2!222pTl2, 112enn, Dcl1,Friar's faint, N1p21,on. Gines' and 022ton22 L2,dlngt, Col-.

-12.2 (122il.Iku 5tsh1i22tl22 Ink, 15ro2idenep,, 7052522g,thOi e I 512,1. For freight1 or pa212212, Laving 222accom

212321122, ilply on boa. toIIIWIS SNAPP & CO., 377 Front tree t

fla'-Te Itelfast will remain Int the trade thle entire reason, andparticulalr ;xtlentian givenl to all way ap$ plunlnrioll Llliill nn* he I5 12112t will take "ma2ngerl alsd h025ght for fit. 2 20I,2012,iII,, 1212cin22ti and 222l121112, con1nectin g2 2223122112withpack2t- for 011me 111,212. 1121

Will le222 TIUESDAY, 215t int.. at 5 21cloc P. D7t REGULAR MIEDMPHIS SATURDAX- -YU t-o I'22k22-2221 11 1,Bi fit12in, 222222222ill11, and all Inn2l0I2,I ,DAY BI,2.It-.T

212212122.1212021 packet Ig2aom s, I,. 0cDonoughl, mase,

ill 12 ready to relceie 0121201 22 1ion2102y 'or1122, an2le2.2222 above. For 2 ' 5121t or pa721122 2172n bo20rd1, 12to

m22 JOflt E. 1151 D" CO... fai 1aydrla, n12221r 2 il2115e freight for 121 53211211ith theriilegerof re ob,, m bil at Slenlgia onthe'Slanlvllld and ~orn-

1,111.1 1 1 22 G. Cline, J25ll Oll1p12ll. , City of 2211, vile

Will leave WEDNESDAY, 2511SI, in~t.. at 5 o'clocki P. )1.REGULAR OllEr'IPHIS 1'.2KIT.

lim Fr Alcmphia. Itlenx, Napoleon, Greenillies, poda112andingsII 12in t1 0ld.-'he nea regu212 r 1

21222r p22251 In2om2 2 , 1,. 31222221220h, toast2r, will leave222.12122. l'or 2lre

i22i or l1121.2ag,22. Pl7 o22I122O, 2r to

2. 11. 13r1131, 12 2011 L.121e 1tr112.DA5 22221221mar will t12ke 2reigh1 f2r N,25lle, with, the

72121122e of 21b1!721ent at 3112,7phi, on122e 222,231122 and Hem-phl:i21,111k22s22.,ohn 2. [;1ine, JII

, 2 011171uu, Ci02 of H21nt11121

YAZOO RIVEIR.W 2ill leave on'10.1ESDA21, 215h1i21.t, 2222,1225 P. 31.

FOR LEFLORE, 012121071W02221D, 3.1.k-a t o Tctllrs, Ya7UO City, Sntnrin, YiCchbllrkNatcherz andall, ioanlre iate Innrlilpa-Pgnlalir

Y-ac River Packet LEWIr S WHIITYMAN~N -Thee new and lightdralft pttaenger 00, ntremer Lo~IR a Whitemanl, Wllllntrimaster Iv i now in par rceiving fIreighlt, and wilt leave as above,For freighlt or pasrn-r. apply- ore hoalrd, or to

_'LI JO1I S N . llYD t CO., 66 P.7-d-, ^Bkillper- canl depend on thie ]i-1,iteau going jthrough toL nor ad Greenwood w ithourt foil.

Will leav-e ion W RD N RT).\ , gib illrt.. at 5 o'clock P'. M.FOR TAZO6 AND TALLIAH.\TTIHIE

Yazoo 13eil, I. U:. tItrcrn, .shier, willIcavr .1ahoy., for Mlouth of C'oldwateor, lillatobaa I~rflore.G-nweaordJ Sidon, 'lCcliaia Y,-- Cit.l- a411 ali intcrncrlirrte

thle YanLno Delp will take: frajmbt for G:renadal, withl thle prix-iFdge of -h~lipping an keeli.., For freightt or lia'sag:b, . pli'iT onboalrd, or to

mLf E I SNA\PP & CO. 3; Fronlt it.BjPTbr Yazoo Bells will takle freight fbr Girenadal, if cniiEcan- 11,01 a or G~iTrIsaw0od.


i,nille nd rl o.-uioton--Th, areamliel Vltr-elllln Pearl, (;apmin J. %V- Roffman, le-,e

the lake end +t' thrie l on:chutrnlbi i Railiroad on JION'DAYS,WEDNESDAY'S ;a~ aid P'R [17.1YS on the n iriral of thle IU,'clock8 A. M. ar.,. Returning, l eaes :l\oimgnlo on TUIES.I)AYS. I'LIUISDI)AYs and SATUIIIDAYS at 6;z o'clock iA%L., :aid arrives a it theU Railroad in timeu to takea the I o'clocki P.II. cs))r. For freigh)t o:SPSSSSSI)lg nn board, or to

ImI8 if II. i'. LOVY IIIIl, 9`SIsl-,].sstreet,

kl U. S. HI.1IL Il~iE.--VVinter ;jrrmnemetf--Tho


splndi low-IreSure pIacks t ste51 er Cuba., i1A. IReirn m.-tcr : Blor~lla, 5. B. Frost, master, and Vre.

g~lr, A. L. ,Iryss. 555ter, hiring benb h exlpre. l for thei trade, lsill lrior licoiliiiilogionS, one of tihis bsif

llmmoru ill leve the ILelicuid if the lhlllnrtmiu nilrenddaily en the arrivl of thie 4 o'clock .. M. css. R5555ing,iill t-I at 5I5 s..i5ala on ' lo' Ti and Thsi iday eieniusiiCabin Fear to 11.bit........:.........................$Deck .................................... ............

R. TliII)jE, Ageis, 10 Biank 1is ce.New Oskunns, 'TislttbsS I. 185.

LAKE SIIORE PACKETSITEiMSR' Creole.-s I i Asrishsiciment.-i

lbs Fur 0...ih hS rinTh15 , and) i) 1,)-med) is lndinI IIelitSiTigSs ih tripls nT r asP ya t~ala on Tuerdny and Satm-dar of ouch w~ee,.

Thhe s .lendid I.w pres.,,,, p ISket ster (',.aleTm. SilTI) UllrhintlIl, mu ISilt exprecaly for hi, trIde, with sn)priorncrolniildnlioli- ill tear thle Lake entl of the onl thl arrival et the LaRke of thle car:, ns follmr+:

Leave.: Yon "hnrama n Ranilroad,' lx.,- G Ocnn SplrillrcTU5, DAY"S..... 1'. 3f. cMus TiUDNIEIDAY EISNIN:I ,SATURDAY-:,... .. Y. Leas UNAYEENN.

HIl T)sda iiand I51urddy~he will go S faTr as P i1ca5S)lnu15 R. GEDDISOS. Agints, 10))Bk I ikl

pLA E DEPOT NO. 136 COciIMfOsT.llw T-Pe% h, isdisiigi hIT on hoId, lad nsinl kifp,

fll I alotl~tiTl iLA ~T~Ii, Cli)itillg~ii SIE)TIATSICSo iii di.rrpiil)Ti)IIs ll~lhnd FIS 511.) IiITIIUANTS'. Pti., tl

linrinS leed IrSili.Ihrrt)IT drelilS~i MS. ITS T'iniloli)TS,lIsRriTTS ,trcl. II .1 .i~i)SdlSl~ iito iClllndil~llU lniT~itThidil)and their Sl.ave, ou nS reilT sible term. SI c in ie lbbli.d il thecit}.

I~I iii xr lll sd ha niri tt ewll b paill t SSBlars.idl i III)M i F FIIISIYT 15i6 Common ii a ,e:.

Rles'I'lali'sI Sliss. 3 CT. ; Curry 6:; C . ll iasiall N. i -iTdllsI.,ld: ZESTI. (AS11 iPRICE :III iKNp II TI) HIS 151T CASH i P55155 pnd for I.IELY


H''O M P11115 111, ~ liiY ^Y 11*S N6TiTUTI S6N.-6)5) o, 61t 61515 1ree-))KcopK))5,6516Ku Ay1 If 1)51 LeSaig 1165, i 15161 5,51,6,1651.~

Thyey s15)r 5, 1))666) 5psttfK)5. .yl b yp I6 55erectin o

Ds551,ib 650Kr~ Dol~ls, 6516r 6y5 Ill) bsl i,16

'ilK 651 Isyellt)) sythe Kulai,),1t61'5Iy Simits by IKl Al) sII~cr nio 56,5)1 10)) l 1161)5 ioh) ,, hs 136,1516 651151, t6565e f . ssn n 01 l o L.,i),1,16551 1)itY ll NISI 11515s.

All I 611151 5 5)16 lsoft civd 5,on )51)1

61K IIIirr en 15)1

Na T.51se 61,o yluely 65 lsissEoclIyoro b op 651511151551)61

6,)sso ~lltus, A. 5). Oslly, 1)ii'.bK, '6Sel,

W:. N. S5KK,,ul .oo.5lstsn , 15.6.~ ons.

Wil),y15151 nlogoS, 5'. N. 1)Ps06, 5)51. A. 'lsrL,

mlr. A. A65so, 11. Annd~r. I,5,1). 1. Wilbo.W. N. 51665111011 Prss1656t.A. 11. KELLY,WM~. VOII)I.5, i~Pi566.1I. SUMNER, - ~1

N. 1.-15111K 65 lbs As) 65 Ios,,pI,65)so, s,6 115-1,1,1 5

S T IEA E-SORA E-T511 ASIECISFS WArRE-1101)666s;;.-A F. )2156'111AN A ALL~., .111511,5 L6 i,,slc

65,t lno ro Io u Shy b,,)6 11 116 11 60 151,6,), 66 16,661AIao`Nlt ~p,,,,s lre lml )K),60611,6 1,OrccyliS,,,,5)515l6u

s)d piC ilsl. 15,11,5 11116lg 6), 6,rrni ,ses, s,, 6) 6,5.6516 151,1

B RANDIES.-6RaZES5C, OTaISI), I1US'LY & CO.,sigh) 56itiun 6)6)1111r 5,151. A~l, 15 5 1,61)165ISIIil

,l,,t)),,51lad55)l ,)5,)1 ,6))1,)6)))) 6'51,)slm. oihnl,yJ16)115 C. 1)1. hIARVEY .5 135., 40 13,116,, 111111.

T OBY'S CITY ANDSO65THERIN EXPRESSS-R))nl)),))is~ ,,15L5,,,r 55 ,6.' i.-56516165)sSl thy r\-

Ayl)65))P6165515 Ro h 'se~it al ~iml(o mll,6)1).)1p)) 1l,6),,ilg)616561,il, ,)))))),; lo)).g,.))5i' )'1)Ssy l) lhy )566y~g10 )1.

Chlub6 ,,ul By ie 4)565,,) 65Ibl~gsg 1,1.o,6 6565,5,:: by 561,

661,t,. by 6))Shoi,11 I) ,Sly 5'6y)1))6,)t,66n 5561)5l)i )'nlpl))65A OscyghJs 61,5)51) Iltely 611665l) SI 6166,1651)l, 5651516,11,

5)666056,,) ,,,yll l)551566lf , '56651.Al 1165)16) )5o,,y,,sy'y 6ill by hiptlls)I116' )l)yl))6, imsIn~cl

1,1)1 66 1525016 5'Lltr yy,: PIP16 shy SIlly. 61655,6516551,61)111' re

11)1116616))1)56 loly 1Kin le~ tteaiofrCoi.),- btslb 51)1665656o5,yd

.ly ,655,6yur, 6~))) 611.)) 1 6,6ty, 67.',ypltl lyl,,y 51)

rliy,,,yl, 6111 6) hy PLI)))y615)165 1.6)66)6L~d 5)615 651pyi~r 11) ti11'166)1")')-)611'-',65155,

1)b5ly,),)o6)))nt1: P,6 lcsrr 106)65)16)60 p6656)665 1, , r!ir

151,,y).),. 6)6g.1)6) 05)616661) )lel~i y~ 616116,61166. 1. l

p SIFNT 55E'65151 M~ac~iRiNJv RHOR sE


y,1 ,,)N,,. 7551,'61yy ,,5cl))6n 66l)) ,yI)),lyal)))l 6111

6)t o EfNi'\: 151 I~E 755;Ubi lL 655 51)11' 55,,I, ,,,o,~l,,



1 s 6)1,61',55:rlP6''5 i 7511 II lM 611,,, 6)11) 5,5,

6,,,.,), 111)5) !l~~i'r. ).5))116 6)))l,~ 166,6, ))16otill~6

551365516)ro Tldiyy))Kylr~l)516, ),lky)6'lIrl)051)5),), sflcby165),)1 6651),t 1,1,,, ~ol.,,)nt, 6511,1,, 5,,,). 6)55 55)n~l

6)15))))isl1 61 5'6)),)))165)ulnI))5,'llpl),)t5, 5516,),).)l

hs5ir;ifiK 655*,1) Sri dica 55)1' ng 5,,611yl~l. l6b,05)16,1 ,)Ihl5ie)6))b wr,yy,, Sly iI) 665) )))))il: rly;lbKS6) 6,5l 16)1 eRlrltl~

1)1. C. 1)11,16,1)66, Asyncll,\r~1155,, 61.1 611)) .)el,6y1cr,65y51,616.)),

C~RANE'S PATENT fI IIET ALIC BlURIALLGASKET.-1'.-- . 11. COOK B CO..lroprietors nnd Whlolesaler

Dealer, in Cnmet's Metalllic }facal Cnskott, for the ltata ofLouiaielsnnll n Mississippi.

V r -Oee anad Samnple }looms, l.. 53St. Charleas street, oppo-ite tlm St. Charir hotel, Taw Orleans.- d'a1 tt


1 The snhscriherr bore' commenced inl this cityg the mnnufnetureof n Ho;!p far F'nmily, Ship or Stealmboat a whIvlich they pre-an to thie pnhllcl for its glprornl, ill compectition writh (ht ne~sr.napsr of elalllisled reputoiion. IL comlbiner roomT with free-dom from thle diragrecnble c~ects of orditlnry-,borp i n"', andllaili he found, upon triall, to poslsess washinfi proprrtiei In pec-

tertioll, and i. Guncmntaclt m ellnin no infiredieut in !ulfciuntp ntnlty to In~itru the finust fa~bric of In~dies' splinlml.i b , nrlvamafies of oair mrir:, iint* and others, beill q able to

sup~ply thrmaels es nmal customers Bh nnt eriulll s Fndl if n:0

a filam:", and [he soWst ilirr rrllps'ilull?' soi'c~i ::r' rlre}n1Q Jut c LL ZuL Y x U')


Will leave on MONDAY 24th 41 ,0 ntL 'Is P M.FOR LE


adalintfemleniaf c Ianlllng'-Yteelll nr -N*,0

River Plck,,t LEWIS WHIIT MA N-Th,,ew o nd aaviR rannh;r passengyer steamer. Lewis Whiteman, Wallace,masoter, wilt leave s oboes- For freigllt or ssag1, apply oheard, or to T. 1. 514 1

oNt 12New Lvee.

Will leave on MONDAY 2-1h init.. at 51 0lo1?. 4.MFOR LAKE BISTENEAR-L2-115

' will lcre a above takingifrOi (ohtt

, Sliolen,(loo(: t hlila , (inmpll, (lrand EIsr, iltl 1opp. Alexndmriainttrmedilate landing. Fo , reight or passae, applly on bud,.or to

o22 .i. 5. .OIINST'lN A CO..10hront 1gp.

Will leve nn MINDAY.2llth inst.. at 5 o'clock 1.'1.FOR JEFFEILSONS IT 1[I. AND.hnnOt,, fort 111,115, All lip, Shreveprtl Goondl at 01, doot Eoo, Ahlecollan nl intorme-

dipite ltndongllt-S ,perior passeontgtrsmet St. CharloS,Applkgato m,,,ol, will leave oiblove. For Ireigit or passageapplyJ on board, or to

mlo , 1.EWI S SNAPP 5 CO., 37 Front 1 1eet.P. S.-The St. Oihrles mill tak efi1hllt for Fort Towson atd

U~pper Red River, with privilege of re~hippine.Igg-lhha steaer tS. 12-oile still pay no llh i skiontstd on

her tccount, almenIsy an order from the aiptnif or cla1k.S A M ' APPI.EGATFR"

Will lolso MONDAY, 24t1, 11. R 5,at5 o'loc1 P. St.FOR JEFFER O , 5112ITHlANDT.

Benton, Part Caddo, Athn - hlree ort, Grand~1ayou', Glrand Esore, Alot1,1,irin and1 all iltfe

mediate landings.-The superor light draught steamer Slt.Charles, S. Applegate, mastecr, will leave as alone. Forfreight or Passage, apply on boa~rd, or to

0111 T. B. SMlTH. 12Newr t1Pge.

Will leave on TUESDAY 25It inst_ at 115 1,1 P. N.FOR SHREVE)ORTC (lt Bayou,

ill itt ,igditnliOditelanlgs.-Th11 f1e flst run-nins Passenger steamer C. Hayes. 4.00 S11ight, mntO101, will lev2 as 411ve. For f11ight or passe1, apply ilb1nrd, o1to

m 024 lEWIS SNAPP k CO. 3 7 Fstst.

WWll leave AWEDSSD AY. 2thh inst.. t 5 o'clock P. .FOR RED RIVER.-TIIE FINE

light steamer Conpromilse, BI W. .Kay,master, wil lenave tfor Jetfertt i, Smithltaud,

ihreveport, Gr-nd Bayou, 'ompte, Grand Eeore, Alexn-dru,

"orton' I.nading, and all intermediate h.mdingr, as above.

tor freight or pansag, anply on board or to

S LEWIS SNAI'P &tO., 37 Front treetl.

"12e Comprom sc willtake freight for at mve the Raft with

;be privileec reslhipping; !ave I.ade arrangements with the

tenmrrs Whllhe :liHn, Atida and Fenny Fern; freight will go

trolugh withmut detention. m22

Will lease on TIIHURSDAY the 27th inst., at 5 P. 1I.


li;i-- The fine sttamer R. MDI. Jones, Capt. . S.Johnson leave asa utve for Fnllen Whbite Cliffs,

Brown's L~anding;andnll intlermedate landings. For freight

nr passage apply onboanl, foot of Blenvlle street, or to

mtil SIIAW . ZUNTS,. 41 and 42 Fulton street.

Will lea1 e o. FR-IDAY. "27th Int.,tt ,t o'clock, P.Yi--taches and Alexandlria. Thle regulthiatrpsnger

stearner Plota, Parker, master, w-d leave a

sarve. Fur freight or passage, ap fly on board, or to

m22 11. M. ROBIN. ON k (CO., lI Gfavier atreet

OUACHIT-A RIVER. -W'ill leave on TIEgiiDAY. ISli inst., t 5 o'clock It. MI.


Lkr" Tllh splendid fatt running pa--eneer steclner D.-i :S'' Staey, Moore nmister, will leave a! abovefor Alabama Landing, OCuchita City, miouth of R}ayonI .art hol-

mew nd ,'Arlolm:e, alnrie, Sabine, Trenton, olintroe, Collin-,in. Pine Bluff.,, Ilarrisonhurg, ant all intenuediate lantlrng,.ior freight or passage, apply on Ior1l, or tom22 T. 1i. ,S3IITl, 12 New Levee.

Will leav-e o TIJESItAY. 2511 lnst., at 5 o'hlick P. AI.

For Camnden. Bleachl Hil .Little Bay, e Samp ,-


nle, Wilmington, Pnigeon lills, 3ltrie Sa line,

.nlabanut I.ading, .Innrr,, Trenton, 'ohllbiu, Hlnrrlronhnrg



Will h-Ile on WEIiNE 1I).hl. 3ilt 3lalih. 3t 5 ti i-loc 11. At.FOR TENNESSEE RIVER-TIll

fir.,lt. It .l er a andInP•.lih sine7er tiht raf.teamD, .rnn Irlen. moaster, will leave :,, u above forEastporv. Florence frih op'nseu, app For frbeird, or t aoagehav g e)-saeia ieommodntior ap 3PPy 37 n LOoird l or to~Th 1l Wl SNtf'P & to.. Front street.

Wh eaheroke TaES A reighthe fo iil in., alempbt 5 Helok.Hickman, Newadr.d, atiro, Pa.trcalerk, NwshilleaveI r tdilylandings- o2o


REUBLd.AR BAYOU SARA 1ACKETITwit, w \eek.--The United~ Sudes M ail steamerr

P. C. ainllis, Jas. . SIlresuets r, willfene N,, f Url 11115 rverv SNITIAY MS:IINS iS Stit 9cearand evensge, l)mos )A n. o' an loc allk S 1' tie Fr P1-9h hItynBaton RBoan . Ionaldsrl\ll. ai l i~cnelif 8~lnr-1Ci11 remain Ilrrmnuilltll in thec trade. 1"'o enl o aaigalpply on board, or to

,15 LEWIS SNAFP A CO., 7i Prnt trcrt.

REGULAR PACKET STEAMEIF, RMlsgsolinl-Fsor ic Yburkbg, arrWstosN, N

is-Si rt I gess . rand-TIl 1lllotIlsi l111iSsintcmlrjiais Ic ldinFlmg Q cicgamt anal swift rnouinfi pns'eunjFt packet stea1smer MagI..5Ia, Cat. St. Edls TIlunn n,slerl lvsfor tihe sabove 111ery TUESDY tit 5 olock

For freight or passage, npl)v on hoard, or tono23 T. 1. ,MT1H, 12 New Levre street.

PORT H4UDSON AND Wt ATER-11)5 S~lKSE'S Nsi Lstss'lEmlkile ss,spsddr. aIIdlilI

rep++trcd and newly pailllcd, will .same h Ier trips Sn ther nfblrtrade, lea'-)1New O ~rle~lll e\ery IHIDl.\Y at0 o'clock .\. 1t.,ts+ 11,1rc 59 ,OSlDTA tit 5so'lockEI5 5 51.

+tL-Tfe I[ntuoil will be rundy' to take freifiht every Miondayr1

ere Tlghhs}- ptsosssI all Uo ISgs ts dsells f, orei, tssyss -

tislal P1lilllssssi IliBson souge. Lobdell's Store, forLt Hud-son, \{':)trb and nil intermpings pending..

For geiSltupai~, hilVingsubperioll accommodations, applyan board. 023 GotT OBACCO-Sttsessr breads Virginia manulfactured, a

sll, on haul, fur sale byJOB3m C5. 1. HIAIRVEY &CO., 40 Union st.


ED SIZESJIERTSEWINDOW hand +dl the timer, direct from the mlanufacturers. Forsale byr

jasI 5ru . M1. IIARVEY 5 CO.. 40 Union sstIr.


STANTON 5 CO.esw OrltcsE, t,,snsssy 1, S1S.

A W. BOSWO1ETH 8' CO.. WHOLESALE AIMRI. etl I)IIlerI In ICE. Hloinesls o N5tr, 7o1, 1s,,nd is

F tit AIMee ; Deplot, between I'odra' and Lafayette street'Tao larlse ITee Imsys., S. ThInass s11511. I5a IIo5,ls, head

Ns'w IBasils, andiNo.. 1&1. s 1r steet.AlIsh ee Depot, NSo. iI' ssIthnrtsIsn I il-Ad, uptrr sie,

oplossite till I'111en5551 Salsss. New OIIstas. jIsOl Es,


E.-One Copper Isater, six feet in dismstsr bI1wo an 5111 halt feet dIsp, sith 1wo 1opper 1 orms of two in

pipe;: four Ciari~crh: 'even be ulls fee, qalrr! and two feet

Seep, wsith copper sepesi nllsle ow and n 1l te Ilnl15ipr, and allthle valt ev and arekls to good order. Almo, nra 12vlqorntori :and,attery (ew) oLf thl ntll : npprlllI1 o1111111S)1io 15a1d of 551Ec11apsleitsl for makiun ten hogshead, su

ga1r per day1 for stle on

mel4 tf S. Hf. OTMIAN, 91a Nntebbi: r.

ORANGE AND LEMON TREES-I, 14 .loa, 010 Oran" Trio,.2000 Sicily Lemon fores.22.041) reoleo Tres..

2. 00 HVana Ornmge Tree,.4,000 OIIpul. Jsopooni 1Trro.1,0410 4 0 glg emon Treen.1.004 (coon Silooo'1oroo.

.010 iMlaondari p O latge TrFe-.

A vnripty of all kinds of Tropicall Frurits and Plants-suchel as'ig, .,omnioo, r4 and yellow ; fine 0000,, P11nt0, '11am10010,

ate .,p Otr- he above will be packed with the utmost care. Orders

rent to No. 90 (rnop street, to0. F. NICHOLS, Importer of toll Linds of Proroee

ties tm fromn the Y]Iediterranernu

GRECIAN PAINTING.--MISS S. C. WILCOXShu, opeed rool t, e fo0.0tion of l i,,n tOjs hr:lti-

iI Art, now talght fo1 I he est than in this cityy. The Aloroit.0 of foulr week,+ only being repairedl~ut to Icloire it in till its

ooo'eeller, render it dr .0, 110 popoar,Ary-Thu Indies are rcrpuctfullyl incited to visit her rooms att

No. 'S1 ('pop street, Io.Iooooo St. Jooj..h nodoloord streets.*B 110151 open 0010110 1. M.' to:! 1. .10f}. S.-.hiss . wll give I 'rio Lcssous to pupils at their

re~ideorr, if reryuirrrd. ja1. 3mu

Pall f. AND N1t. ROBERTI'S 6 L0;1RDING

,4IIOoI, FOIL YOU.(: \l1I F'SlNew haven, oCon.-

Rooud ojhOt iSat-tioji in :dl 1!:c a-lil I lbh It

he1'1 toy1h.

wiithillitin, Frelh,, Ifalic!n an1 d '012sh-pez nauut S.0.

(lolc, it' desired, by omp,11ol teaches.Rev. Jeremiah D;+v, lute President of Yale College.

It '. Cros ohlo oowell.Coo~a. 11. TICIP. 000011. 1l~e}1rt. r. 'Pt oohe, PaeYollo toluProt. . 0,11,imlu, S0., Ynlo l.Ilp~o'4n1. 1'. ,,.oovr, 10,f., Nov, sOr,,, d1;40.

E NORTIICULLOJI, .\T'1'0 It S Ii aT- ,AW, \rI LT.L oIb.,1` all toot'ei llll buiures in St. Inrtoy oult

Avo.lo1oC" 01l)p boe eotoustd Lo hisooc. Olloo at S0}'-

rec..CtaO. Waterman, hnrlisilrs mrrrhnnt ; . N..Sb-lb fIr, -,.t II). tiltlne"ommission ,motoenc ;of0t o.

1101ht 1.)0 y- tt I 1 Nixon, Adoma oo. . Co0t C ) elo.P

.i.tONTCH Nt. 210 XIL:ioAIX ". I"t71. O-, dlO.d pIood.I h I oIo: W ) O1o

pl~odo' tooe, betl e 41 eor toad4 0.00, 0.Sop I,,,,1ro. J1obl

o f-d....pti as on shortl nmticc mid r alroatill tunas..Stoi el liftd up. Count-made of 131e1. N'aluut o slnltolaoy,out Cisterns madeld andi repaired, and Pinilantlt d for one year.TSash Doan and Rlll Ilinll i ode at epairilied. bio tic-aurh m 1

00iI 000011 ti'1al kinds m1de to order. Slo p ep 10011 e of all

size, eousuu i cly f. el8 ]

a aic I-ii laintr i and llrsggir~a cul;:alwalga suppplied withl

a pure n rtielc tit $_ 50 per scab,. by .tpplring to

SI1(: 1,4 S CO.,StOi.aal street,

O. N. MOHOISON, IS 01111,in 1 .[.

0. I. WIIOCIO0I;C, 43. 110g.zn s

fc6 ant 'l. CANNON, (:rioio, scree(.


\II PFH F. FHOSLLUCE, No. 5 ,llooupit o t, NewOrlean. 0101tF


bon he usd on any and,, every kI, d of , oil whel, re any ' .r canbe used, and are highlyl rennnmerldrrl 'oi sa t b

"1 50,ATCIIMfAN IIOIPlf Ft.41 0IogoC)to, p.1.000(100100m9 ]:n " l9 4 Jnngarillr corner C:ommon steer!.

(IAS, ( AS, G , GAS-TIle SUIISCOLMEH IIAV-rI0 ohmined th r1 IX 1,11 pemission from the o Ot Com-

pany. begs to Rnunun-r tha.t he is noaw prelunced to furnish and1ut 0p 0OAS FI1TUR1PIIn t h most 01pproved stoyle, and 01modleram riooo

01o,(!ioooa can Xe I0r at h0s Old Stand, the 1105ss Foounry.No. :11 St. CharlesIstreet.

411 10 H. 11011,5

rpIVIIIILL&AITIKEN, SAs FIPTF"RS, No. 1000.ebobrles s0re00, Now Orl0ans, kep, coootnnt0y oS bond a

1arge 00004o10111of C1 'Xlbiers, Poudmot., Brackets, Fillars,Piple, oiul Fltttdrgr of nil "lad.~

A largo0 assormlent of PForlor and Coo1,ing STOVES and

I Ai-o. Patlo,"1t PortlXI ON, ,ppaoratus, to ohi, gas from,towlhjch hely in0,il0he atten0tion of Sooooar Plbooooo. 1o24 I

l..IIlt-ill-Ln I',lr tlul .boo hoe ,iii.dnr t or s;leby

tortli) 6 ll. liEINNED N UV, POyirao S1reet,

~t rhuans aui!l Oflrzsctl a

TW IS Co flV.O. W.fl•.f.__

Concerning that which has transpired in the world's ehistory on corresponding days in past years, withother materpertinmnt Ithereto, prepared expressly bfor the readers of the Double Sheet Crescent.Like a bright fire which, when lit for the first pe-

riod, burns slowly with much crackling and discom-fort; then blazes up in great pyrotechnical glory; Ithen emits beat and warmth and comfort from itsglowing bosom; the year increases towards its peri-helium and period of perfection. Now the- whole bmanufactory of nature has drawn forth its most cun- g

ning medicaments; -its inost potent juices and alem-bics; isdoing a gigantic carpentry upon the oak ; ispainting more softly than Correggio npoh the greensoward and tinting the heavens like Titian or PaulFarnese. We are, standing a week's remove fromour last halt, older by so many days; better or worse ;wiser or as stupid as then.

Monday, MIarch 24.-St. Irenalas, of Sirmium,A.. D., 304 ; St. Simon, an infant martyr, and St.William, of Norwich. The chrysoplenum opposilifo-lium, or golden sacrifrage, dedicated to St. Irenous, -is the plant.

In 1580, the first bombs ever used were thrownupon the town of Wachtendonck, ih Guelderland.The invention is commonly attributed to Galen, Bish-op of Munster. In 1726, Daniel Whitby, a learnedcommentator on the New Testament, died. He wasborn at Rushden, in Northamptonshire, in 1638, andwas eminent for ability and honesty.

Tuesday, March 2.--The Annunciation of theBlessed Virgin Mary. St. Cammin, Abbot, A. D.653. The marigold, cidlendula oficinalis, dedicatedto the event.

The Roman Catholic festival of the Annunciationis commonly called Lady Day, in England, which isan abridgement of the old phrase "Our Lady's Day."This is a gaudy day in the Romish Church, and HailiMarny resounds in all the masses. The ceremoniesthat attend it are numerous and highly impressive.

In England, the day is more immediately remem-bered as the first quarter-day in the year.

In 1688, parochial charity schools were establishedfor the education of the children of poor persons inLondon and its vicinity.

In 1809, Anna Seward, the friend of Dr. Darwinand authoress of a life of him, died in theBishophspalace, at Litchfield. She was a poetess of someease and ability.

In 1846, General Taylor having reached Point ia-bel, a harbor on the Texas coast nearest the mouth Iof the Rio Gmrande, proceeded with a portion of hisstores to a'position opposite MIatamoran, where he en-trenched himself and constructed a fort which hecalled Fort Brown, after its intended commander.WVedlesday, MIarch 26-St. Lodger, Bishop of I

Iunster, 800; St. Braulio, Bishop of Saragossa, 646.The lurid henbancs-hyoscyamus scopolia-is theplant dedicated to the latter saint.

The renowned inhabitants of Nieuve-Armsterdame,now New York, provoked by the cunging and thriftof their Connecticut neighbors. determined to exter-minate them--or, at least, so far destroy their influ-ence witl the Indians that they could not enjoy sogreat a monopoly as before in the trade of peltry.Irving describes them assembling, at this time, full ofire, patriotism,beerand avariciousness, determined toroot out their opponents. The celebrated leader wasprevented from marching, or' riding, by the ten-breeches he wore, and the whole motley army, afterimitating the English King, who,

-- " wlth ticeh te 1hou-a-d mein!.•Iclalsd dotn ngain '--

returned to their good vrows, their beer, pipes andtobacco.In 1829, the waters of the Bay of Fundy, which

rise to an enormous height at every full tide, rosenearly one hundred feet, and overflowed the wholeadjacent country, destroying a considerable amount ofproperty.Thursday, March 27.-St. John of Egypt, a

hermit, :l94, and St. Rupert, or Iober, Bishop ofSaltzhourg, are the Saints, and the sweet-scented jon-quil, dedicated to the former, is the flower.

St. John was a wonderful saint, and every way theequal of those Eastern anchorites, song by SoutheyHe walled himself up at the top of a rock, where heremained from the fortieth to the ninetieth year ofhis age, anld, says Butler, " drew the admiration ofthe whole world on him by the lustre of his miraclesand the fame of his predictions."In 1801. the peace of Amiens, between France and

England, was signed in France-which ranks as ligh-ly among treaties as Fontenoy and Waterloo do.among battles. By it the peace of Europe was tem-porarily re-established, and the nations so long wastedwith war had a space to reccrit.

Frllday-, Iarrih 28--Three martyrs, Priscus,Malchus and Alexander, 260; St. Sixtus, 3d ; and St.Gontramm, a king and confessor. The doerorium plan-lagianlem, dedicated to Priscus, is the flower.

In 1380, on this day, gunpowder was first used inEurope by the Venetians against the Genoese. TheGermans give the discovery to Berthold Schwartz, butRoger Bacon, who died in 1278, certainly knewconcerniug it.

In 1754, there was a famous guerilla fight amongsome of the mountain fastnesses of Spain; in which,a celebrated matador, named Juan, who had beensearched for by the alguazils everywhere, was takencaptive, condemned and executed. lis band was un-like that of Robin Hoed and Little John, of SherswoodForest, in that it added murder to robbery and hintin-idated the peasantry rather than aided them. Juanhad been a spy in the Carlist service before establish-ing his own wild monarchy.

In 1801, Sir Ralph Abercrombie died in Egypt. Hereceived his death wound on the 21st, during his mem-orable victory over the French, at Alexandria.

In 1802, Pallas, a new planet, was discovered by Dr.Olbas, of Bremen,in Germany.

Sat lnrlay, Mlarch 20-St. Jonas and Eustachius,St. Gundleus and St. Mark, are the day's •atrons.--The Oxslip, dedicated to St. Eustachius; and thefumctery to St. Jonas, are put down in the FloralDI)ectory.

In 1815, Raymond Lulle, the most celebrated chem-istand alchemist of his period, was stoned to deathby the natives of Mauritania, whither he had gone ona mission at the age of eighlty. He had his attentiondirected to chemistry by the power of love. , The oldchronicle says: " A lady, very handsome, with whomhe was in love, refused to marry him. One daywhen lie renewed his solicitations, she shewed herbosom inflanmed with a cancer. Lulee departed, re-solved to conquer both the cancer and the lady. tHehad the good fortune to cure and marry her. Afterher death he attached himself to the church.

in f•Ul, the conflict of the York and Lancasterfactions was decided by a battle near York. It com-menced in a snow-storml, was contested until the af-ternoon, and enlded in favor of York. Thirty-eightthousand men were left dead on the field, of whomtwenty-eight were Lancastrians.

Sundayn , March 30--St. Jolmn Clinmachus, St.Zozimus, St. lRegulus. Rough Caramena, dedicatedto the former, and the lesser daffodil, dedicated to St.Zozimus, are the plants of the day.

St. John Climach•s was caverned as a hermit in arock near Mount Sinai, until ihe was seventy-five.One of the citizens of an adjoinirg place approached,wishing to become a saint, too. St. John kept himstanding at the door eight years, on probation. It isrelated of St. John, that hse once listened to a womanwho had committed so dread a sinthtat sle dared onlyh lint at it verbally. So she wrote it down and gave

t t him. St. John died, and the woman dreadedlest her paper should fall into less conscientioushands. She accordingly besieged him with prayers


to come forth fTnd tell what he had done with thea previous paper. St. John had no rest, and at last

' came forth with a bishop on each side of him, andd shew the woman the paper on which she had written

o with her writing marked out, and in its place wasplainly written, " all thy sins are forgiven, and putalrm by the prayer of St, John, my sorvant'

BECEN!T MPU ACATI l. tlCRrTrrowe, on WoXAN's T DauS o asnnTnrrns. ByLA e J. Curtis. New York: DeWit s veno rt. nWalter Scott was ofthe opinin that no alnal ei

carry a key which tonehed all its w aus and openedall of its springs, in the shape ofa titlepage.. 1later and better novels, as he oomewhere remars, egave no clue to their labyrinths ai~ were betterre-eived. The alias of Christine is veryifdednte, but feven in its dimness sufficient to carry a shadow of itscharacter. Christine ts a talented yoanglady,wmo,being inspired to write poetry and romance, fonmithese labors incompatible with milking the cows. She

has a sister whose highest ambition is to obtain thetast drop in the cow's udder, and see Ghristine cheer.fal. Further along various fortunes befall the two,with a balancing in favor of Bessie ; for the latterhas health and contentment, against all the tinal andgawd which covers the former! Some portions arfreally very excellent, while others are greatly in needof revision.

We areindebted to the publishers for a copy, throughMr. B. M. Norman, under the St. Charles Hotel, and14 Camp street.TOE ILIAD OF HOMER-literally translated, with ex-

tlanatorynots. By Theodore A. Buckley. NewYork : Harper &o Bros.Those whowishto study the epic of Homer in all its

strength and signficancy, must still abide by the ori-ginal. Those who wish to skim the snrface andmerely comprehend that which is said, will find thetranslation of the Iliad very satisfactory and a goodreflex of the original. Themeteris lost, and theesyrhythmical flow of the old Greek gives way to our dryprose ; but if it lbes its n'c, it retains allth intel-lectual backbone and virile force, and gives the rea-der a proper idea of he l lind poet of Scio. Thenotes are very few, but sufficient ifEschinbosandDonnegan, or Pickering are at hand.ITALIAN SIGHTS ANDPAPALFPnDcTS 1,w ogh

AmericanSpectacles. JamesJacksonJarvis. Sew qYork : Harper & Brothers. .The present volume is a companion to "Parisian

Sights," and is fully as interesting and instructive asits predecessor. It treats of public and private; po-Ilitical and religions; single and wedded life in Italy. VThe character of the country and the character of athe people are both given; the Saints' days aid cere. imonies ; the fasts and feasts, with the history ofmany tpast ages, and much strong contrast concerning the Ipresent. The author is evidently an enterprising,educated, observing and intelligent American traveler;withal a little inquisitive, and inclined to discover all ithat hlie can. His story is told plainly and straightfor-wardly, as all such stories should be told, and thereader will find the volume exceedingly interesting.It is illustrated with many engravings descriptive ofthe letter-press, which enhances its interest, an], as ia volume, is one of those pleasant, gossiping compo-sitions which the hurry and great travel of our timeshas substituted for earlier labors in the same vineyard. t is beautifully printed, and the illustrationsare good.IItsTO•o or IIRNANDO ConTEZ. By John S

Abbott. New Yrrk : Harper & Brothers. -The little volume in which.Mr. Abbott suo .p e

history of the expedition of Cortez is as curioidsindinteresting as a novel. The story is familiar to all men;but for the young, who have not perused it, it com- tbines the attractiveness of Cooper with the value of IBancroft. It is beautifdlly printed, and adorned witha great many illustrations. rTno WosneRs or SCIEaCE; or Young Humphrey

Davoy. Writtena for boys--by Henry Mayhew. NewYork : Iarper & Brothers.A more useful book could hardly hays been written

than this one, and it will be of use toevery youngreader, as showing how much has been accomplishedby study and exertion, even where the advantageswefeveryJsmall, It speakd of the early exertions ofHumphrey Davy, a man who by the pursuit of hisown inventions, made himself a great name and repu-tation, and did avast deal of good in the world. Theworkhiswell printed and largely illustrated.TnE OLD DO IOvor; or theSouthanipton Massacre.

A novel, ibyo. P. R. James, Esq. New York:Harper & Brothers.The indefatigable novelist and romancer has given

to the world another story of much merit and consid-erable length, respecting life as it was in the OldDominion many years ago. The story is well andeasily told, and will doubtless be read with interest.It is printed uniformnly with the other works of Har-per's library of novels.

For copies of the preceding works we are indebted toJ. C. Morgan, adjoining the Post-Office, of whomthey may be purchased.

MIss ALLEYNE'S COMP•IssENTARY CONCERT.-Theannouncement, in another column, informs the public tof the cdmnplimentary benefit concert and ballad en- Itertainment of Miss Alleyne, which will take place onMonday evening at Odd Fellows'

f Hall. Memsrs Ma-

earthy, Adlkins, Alley•e, and Pothonier are engagedto add interest to the occasion, and the programmeshows a very diversifsd and highly attractive bill ;one that deserves and will doubtless receive the favor tof the public. Ballad concerts are of recent date, butall who remember those of Dempster and his compeersw-ill be apt to attend the present one, which promisesas rich a feast of good things as any that has beenheld before us for a long time.

Tickets, with secured seats, may be obtained atHewitt's, No. 39 Camp street, at Werlein's, No. 5Camp street, and also at the principal Hotels.

Paorrs M•NAs•saoE T of T. TE1 ra.--Dr. Frede-rick II. Knapp, No. 155 Canal street, has put usunder obligations to him for a copy of his valuablelittle hand-book, containing remarks on the propermanagement of the teeth- a subject concerning whichthere is much ignorance of a very exspensive nature.The work contains many certificates of its correct-ness and its anthor's success.

IttcHER BALL.-The fancy dees and masqueradeball, given at Masonic Hall, on Saturday night, by theIsraelites' Charitable Association, was a very hand-some and pleasant aflir. The generalities were, goodmusic, good humor, elegant dresses and fancifulmasks ; the specialities were divers and sundry dark-eyed, raven-tressed daughters of Israel, whose an-gelic smiles and sylph-like movements held us captivefor several delightful hours. The object for whichthe ball was given was praiseworthy; a handsomesum was netted; and we hope that all future rer-anions of the Association may be as profitable and aspleasant.

HosnssLE ! IF TuEc.-A friend of ours, peepingover our shoulder, and securely confining our pedalextremities, perpetrates the following :

Says he: "Walking, the other night, a damp,murky, muddy night, in company with a beautifulandaccomplished young lady, but whose charms weremarred by a very bad cold in the head, I -ventured toremark-' horribly bad night.' Fancy my feelings,as the response came, ' Yes! dam(p) bad night!'"

Get out, we exclaimed, and he went !

YOUNG MEN's SOCIETY MASEDa BALL.-We ac-knowledge the courtesy of a ticket of invitation tothe Young Men's Society Masked Ball, which willtake place at the Odd Fellows' Hall to-morrow eve- 3ning, the 23th. It will undoubtedly be a very rechercheafiair, and we shall have great pleasure in attending.

It IT onL-ATOIC MLEDICIE.-'We are trunder obliga-

tions to Lancelot Hope Everett, M. D, aind Surgeon,for a copy of his treatise concerning the theory, prin-I ciples and practice of Vital-Atomic Medicine and

Surgery, a practice which, from the peculiarities thatattend it, iseaid to be superior to all others, and sue-Scessfid where its competitors wholly fail, The workis a curious one and conveys some teachings not to beI found elsewhere.

REV. Dr. DEWEY'S LECTrrns.-W6e are under obli-gations for tickets to the course of tweltO lecturesabout being delivered in this city by Rev. OrvilleDewey; D. D., upon Man in his various relations to Godand his fellow man ; his love and hatred, b, enjoy-ments and his sufferings. The field is a broad oneand includes a great deal of metaphysical treatment.Our knowledge of Dr. Dewey's scholarship and stand-ing is an all-sufficient guarantee othat his lectures willbe thorough, instructive ane interesting. We shllandeavv; to atteado

vtr tO tomtia t Varneen'l.The regard wich liven in ehdoar of i~ al fori ..

of honorabe•lives and bllameles laor, after thatwhich was earthly f thdtt 'ks gam back to earthand the mortal has-asumed itmoartsJiy was verytouchingly exhibited in the funeral eereee$ a ofthe'late Virgil loullemet, which ocurred yta-man, honorable by no political adjunt t tathigher imposition of hands whosr .sgnet I , I sabown in the character aon which it isawarm and charitable heart-a pure and

The funeral ceremonies of Mr.Bolfemetthe resideng oe,,f Gaurge W. Shaw, ,; MG.3dof the'LO t.0'.; and were attended by ipagymembers of his own and sister lodges-; by varionaenmpn ents nd, the Grand Lodge; and by the Ho"a a iatiion, of which the deceased was Preadent.

Ai htb oue, the usual appropriate and touchingeer-ean wereperformed : after which, the mournfulcortege proceeded to Odd Fellows' Rest, .where. thefuneral ceremonies of the order were performed, in avery impressive ma~sger, by Rev. Mr.,Gnthenhbdimn

Itis a saingular fet and striing coincidence thatlaapublicly remarked at blafanerel,that Mfr. Beot-met. like the great foonder of the .Howard. Aina"ltd

"and it wee the tt in t tn weumissionjst 5

Mr. Connit ,was very kindly o

given to disinter a body fromwas shown, both by the Goeats, whose services were called into

Nlow, "life's fitful fever o'er, Iee wethe hands of friends, and hrethnime ht sepheolahand if, when that sleep is ended he isjodgor%rule piayed forbya sother-

-'that merry I to othes showThat ter• shtowt me' '

not last, nor leastin the starry catalogue of good meand will be the name of Virgil Boullemet. Re-•qieecun iatjt . "..

AsrAoArso-What would not the gentleiganypicores who live in the poler regions, bounded on theEast by Long Island Sound, anbd on the Wet by in-

erminable "promising sites for smail viage," give,inst at this particular season,to enjoy, ane of thisequiet dinner parties which.are occurring daily nearthe modth--what fitter place for a feant? of the

oather'of WatFen-where re-fiish give 'a colenreros;to everything pround them, and :the rubyidfclaret mingles ia colors with the gold arrows of -nine Vieux-Ceps?-where venisOn, as jicy andai tas the bodditag grasrtich i ,teiniut,peeeddetlinedelscate angelof tne i wnhi. 4 lyeeia o ,onlythatnoo-many nna yoal ewdeintotoo mpRlt a spaee ?- fpi boos of neon ' oaresprinkled about the ti !ni t n 4q cand pillars from the hqana tree point toward tlestars,.while the

Nobilis asparagu anua lato brachiajaocta l ,As every pleasure is heightened by contrast, wecan

conceive how those whose daintiest fare is the pro-dnct of previous months, most feel the water gather-ing within their gills over this "bill offare"-ltothem, imlaginary and unreal, but recently :realized by

ys, fully and entirely, with sundry concomitant, leftunnamed, that our own felicity may not produce anydegree of sorrow to those who ae less fortunate. Somuch of generosity remains withbus"; but no philan-thropy can cause us to overlook, altogether, thegenialfact, and the genial friend to whoine generoity we areindebted for our exultation. May the ~giver of suchgratification live many years to einoy that which isebwell worthy of enjoyment and-if one sincere selfish-ness can find pardon-may we live long in his neigh-borhood to enjoy-that is-to relate the •greeablefacts. The noctes ambrbsianes and dies borealis aremarried in such events.

No ELECTION-A proclamation from Mayor Lewisppears in another column. According to it, thererilif be no municipal election to-dMY; his'honorbvingceen offically informeo that the new city charter,costponing'the city election until the first Monday inoone, had become alaw.

For our part wohave no gteat •igrets to expreswover the postponement, notwithstanding it was anuncalled for and unscrupulous piece of partizan ty-many. Our party will be better prepared for the eIec-tion in June than it is no, and we will be justassureof triumph then, as we would be were it to take place


Neither party having prepared for battle, bothwould have been in a pretty fix had they been:onstrained to an election nolens volens. It wouldcave been a promiscuous and miscellaneous rough-

cd-tumble sort of an affair, but the Americans wouldcave come out victorious; sure !

BwEscss.--We commence the week with receiptsif cotton, amounting since our last issue; to 21,505

)ales. Hea•y arrivals of produce from the West,vith many ̀ fieand large vessels, added to the list ofatarday last, giving all facilities for transportation-ogether with a flush and abundant supply of amoreyo move the immense fabric of business now progress-eg in our 'city, we think we are doing tolerablevell, and expect to make something more than achow before the 31st day of August next.

Corrox.-The receipts for the 48 hour ending at 6o'clock last evening were, by the Ruby, from George-town. Pearl river, 357 bales; Morgan, from Texas, 120;Choctaw, Tennessee river, 2,008; Ed. Walsh, Memephis, 605 ; Red River, Point Pleasant, 1,011; Ingomar,Memphis, 3,029; Belfast, Memphis, 3,582; FrankKeeling, Jefferson, Texas, 802; C. Hayes, Shreve-port, 1,533 ; W. Bagaley, Montgomery, 950; Sultanaand others, 112; Ed. Howard, Cumberland river,1,055; Delia, St. Martinsville, 343; R. W. M1eR e,Shreveport, 2,030; R. M. Jones, Fulton, Ark., 928Lewis Witeman, Yazoo river, 2,160; Jackson Rail-road, 105; Laurel Hill, 24; Amanda, Jefferson,Texas, 1,110-total, 21,505 bales; sugar, 1,284 hhds.;976 barrels molasses; tobacco, 588 hhds.

CA saLLE.-There will be two translations of "Ca-mille" this evening. Mrs. Hayne sustains thatcharacter at the St. Charles, with Messrs. Pope, MarkSmith and Wright as assistants. Miss M•atilda Heronplays it at the Gaiety, with Mr. Browne, Thayer andChippendale. New scenery, properties and decora-tions are announced at the latter place.

TanE MAILS.-The Northern and Eastern mails, dueon Saturday, failed from beyond Augusta. That dueon yesterday failed from beyond Washington City.

The Havre steamer Fulton, of the 13th, will befully due at New York to-morrow.

DEGREES CONFERRED.--Sixty-for Students. in theMledical Department of the University of Louisiana,received diplomas and the Degree of M. D., on Santr-day. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Hunt,whose congratulatory speech on the occasion waseloquent and impressive. Dr. Castellanos deliv-ered the valedictory of the graduates in an appropri-ate and admirable manner.

* Senator Slidell will accept our thanks for val-uable public documents.

.irWe are under obligations to the officers of theNewOrleans and St. Louis packets Crescent Cityand Grand Turk, for late St. Louis papers.

iWe are under obligations to thE Hon. John A.Quitmau for many Congressional favors.

an-The steamboat Post Boy, lately employed onthe lakes and the Alabama river, was sold on Sat-urday at auction for $2,750.

es"We are indebted to commercial friends for latecirculars from England,, received per Arabia, whichwill be found in another column. It w*•be observedbreadstaff particularly are falling.

Tan GRnEA HRx se, Rau- n -_Po,". Arm PshlirnTHE GREti& BR~sbj. RyEYDY--P,"O Bono PublicoEvery moHqlshout have a box in the lon", handy in case

of toeldentsBto the toflolto."' Reddiong OoRssia Solve is aBoston remedyo thirty years' staoding, tod i reommeoded

bypbysieltto. It ioo sure and speedyarn or buotH, pilsotLbOs, orns, 0 elonh , chilhlainsaond oldoOtO every kintd-,forfacer sores, nlc0n, itch, ohodW, neotthl Oth, bontotm, soretnipples, (recommooded by onsooZoithaow, Otte-, festers, Itolbites, spider stings, frotzn iohb," O~lt rhleo, curvoy, sore andractked tips, sore nose, wartto d flOskhouao, it is a most tO

noble remedy and cure; whotbcnb toetioed to by thbooaoooI.woh have uoed ot in the ityt of Boston an icinlit for theo tothirpy year. In no onsootoototl thttslooo tdo tobtiotuqp..otoreroowith ao ph Ooicilo'opootriptloo. It, is adei thmo-pourest o attolat , from a oooohobooohtforoooit-t rotlohgrowing in tbo'ocontry--to oy the bprophohatota habo I _talttlasst, Orogyomen, phtyosician, s00 Opt 9tatyo.qtOors-hotooousodioootthoelvoh and reoootoooltRedodingo- Ruia oolve is pt in lago o hotho tj honopcover with a picture of to horse and a disabled sohldiu o)4picture io .1so enoraved on Ohi wrappet. Sorit, 36hot. holdhingA Co. For stlo hy J. Wright & (k,., o 0,Wopodmlto Sad oo 1 ool ftt tll peJp OthYT,