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?r-v ie all practicable reductions in the contingent ex- *r penses of the department V and requests the r- ednor to 9end his account for paymnei. The editor, generous fellow ! declares ho will not tie embarrass the government, in me pr»*ent tr> .condition of its finance*, by sending in the he bill, as he very much doubts whether they ip- have the means of paying him —and begs the po- secretary not to make himself uneasy on for the. subject, as he is entirely willing to wait pri- until the Treasury is able to meet the de- ih°> n n n d ! itls- > i of From the Boston Journal' rtier Telegraphs.—The New Bedford Gazette 11. soys that the line of telegraphs between the Nantucket and Wood's,Hole, is now conv » the [>lt*ted under the superintendence ol J. R. act Parker, and are to go into operation this day. It is in contemplation by merchants of New ight- Bedford, to procure a continuation of this pur-line »>f telegraphs through Xamthofi, Tar- paulin C»ve, .ind West's island lo New Bed- men! ford—which can f>e easily done. the, Dealkby Hydrophobia. — Captain Darxd afterf B. Kins;* ol West Troy, died on Saturday e of j {ast, from the bite of a dog, received" * early jlast week. Captain K. was attacked on j VVednesday with unequivocal symptoms of 9. j this disease, and died, in excruciating agony. here i fie has left a family to mourn his departure.— The i Albany Daily Adv. the From Bennuila.—The Bermudian of the Mr. 16th itlt. received by British Brig f'reeae, aa*. cer-1 nounces the death at sea on the 27th Janua» sor- I ry, of Sir Charles Paget, commander-in-chief of the British naval forces on the Halifax, Newfoundland and West India stations. His remains were to be interred in the naval cem- et»y in Bermuda. The same paper announ- ces the death ofCapl. PoJingbroke, ofH. M. ship Crocodile, by fever, and Dr. E. Scott, surgeon of the Cornwallrs. s fare. say, ICK," Unity, i Ex- seen ump- over with 'Can f has Cl*y ruous •d the alii- , con- i has ve no gress nm a{ there p, in Captain Johnson, of the pilot boat sehr. [Joseph Leggett, informs that on the 10th nit. t the purser of the United States ship Boston* was run through the collar of bis coat, and one inch into his neck, while going to the Theatre Tacon, at Havana, by one of the* guard.. On arrjving at the Theatre be was spoken to by the first Lieutenant of hi* ship, and Hsked if he was injured,— opon whieh* the officer of ahe f»uard made a pass at him with his sword, and cut his band slightly.— The officer was ultimately nrresicd, and .re- duced to rhe ranks for 10 years; and tho 'soldier, who committed the outrage, sentenc- ed to J5 years solitary confinemri.t. The Boston was detained three*days hy tho nfiuir. t dan imttn. "Stw ORLEANS, Feb, 22. arret j From Mexico—Raisiw*. of the JSIericai** We] Blockade.—We learn bv the arrival of the itlonjbargue Clarion, fmro Havana, whence jrittfc;. We afloat in thai city r>n the day of her s*ai!ing, "rtnit *ihat tiie blockade of Vera'Cnrz had been rnis- lated ed by the French. The captain of the ClW- $ °l: ion says the rumor was credited at Havana i from several circumstances : one, that rt Bremen hrig had arriyvd the ihv before from enco Vera Cruz ; another, that the French Consul New ^ Havana had ceased sending fresh proviso anted ions to the squadron. Two Knrjiish lino of* ag°, battb- ships had also arrived at Havana from •oner Vera Cruz, destined tor Halifax, which goea •went to strengthen the rumor. — Picayune. atom,' FROM THE HAST. The latest accounts we have from the East >ho\e of any interest, are through the correspond- aimot , m* ,,f t he Advertiser and Atlas. Letters char- were received at Bangor, on Friday after- I tin- noon--by the Express line of Vide lies—in t-*n hours and a ha'f from Houlton, a distance court, „f 120 miles, which state it would be neces- sarvto cut a ro;id from seven to twenty five mib-s fur Gen. Hoslsdon's troop* to join Mr~ Jai vi-.' torce, whi«;h road must nt one point !t')pro:ii'!i within a lew r<xis of the undisputed Boundary, af which p"iot u was anticipated there mu>t be.a brush with the enemy. It w M ri-ported a # H<»ulu»n, that a regiment of Ma) Kimleers bad arrived at Halifax from Cmk. aoc wore ordered to tie at Fr*-dericktoi> oo \\ i-dnesday l-^st, and to proefpd forthwith vt. the >» th" duput.d territory, and 500 British »ous IT tr.x»p^ ft!.in Quebec, Uad arrived at M*da- isumcJ- wa»kn village, having bem ordered lo New ovise uV Biunsw;<k before the difficulties commenced. A d; of 26 men sent by Mr. .fsrvi-t fo break up a h<>r<ie of trespassers on Fish Kiver, hid returned, having succeeded m thesr ..ij.r! mid taken .'t oxen 4 horses and i\\<' Him a-* prisoners, ill uf \»hom bed been bro ij:j! . :•> ;;." c.unp. C '^.-1" o-ti.ld i, inking forward his militia *i •"< ,r •>' /»•!*. id addition to ihe 700 en- •-'• •'- •'-. .i on the Aroosiiiok, (Jen. Hodsdon's b'-gjv.'.-^ti' iOOD'meii »[ Houlton. and Gen. !•« «t«. !- liri'* bngad*of 1000, who are on the "t i' :: n. Aug.ista, another 1000 ore under i.Mnii.h, i«z 10U from Oxford, who are to . ,v« .it WIJ'UJ.U on Wednesday, 40O fron> U and itotn Cumberland.— Boslvn in I tie ad fur- •of be B. L. F. \ ; -. i- r e vv t s br Bar kepi t'V v that : rr. fi. .\ <'.:: i- 7r* .in. vS. " From th* Smirtn Gazrlle. Cutl<Hiy oi the Maine l.r.mlt —In the ye»r f Re*rdre« passed t>oth Jbranch- f< ,.»,' tb«- t- gi-> ature ol M^*sach'.rsetts,. ami !«c«-iv-v! ib««. figntfure ol the (i.>vt**nor, the •<i< . •• «'•• i>: v«.bic , c onmenced .is follows : •• \\ T ,s, i : ,Ti^r truct o| the North Kas- |.-ro fr; :! .rY ot ihr I'ntu-d states, Lflung. io^ HI coii)i|,.>n hi the it »'e* ut Maine ai.d ^j.i».s<n,'bii"efs, aid ^ng within the boots <»f the farmer »fate, h.**. tor m«i.v vears past, in c>:.»*q ii-txp of a eiaun of Grral Bni.un, Ittt* IUI-I emiertd to ike rxct.Usi.vt custody of iff Sf w ' .'.'J < H>tU->k (iovcmiHtnl. *r the Then i<oe i*»olved rf:»t it ts essentia! t» the •nt. ba> '"d-i .-; ju> h <c. uwasuies should ^ * ^** i2 as .»,' ken !<v :ae executive <*f the I owed J»;a'es, to to makt °utai:i a rtj>re*cii!a:io(i U ti.t interests uad i>, .m in- 1.1 e-*• fie va} •*u^b sh> i •light* of Massachusetts in the agency and guardianship of the territory in question. StM t- WEEKLY. SATniAtUiOK. SATURDAY, MARCU 9,1839. Arrived at Newport, March 2d, ship Wag- .et, Brown, P. 0., coast of Chili, 9,0 days, ^00 bis. Nov. 13," spoke Panama, 6 w. B^c. 4, America* 3 w. Ahoufthe 10th of Nov. heard from the Daniel Webster 1300 *.; had lost the Ca^ain, (Harlow) drawn «#erboard by a tow-^ne. New Brunswick, was aid-de-camp to the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Water- loo, and lost an arm in the service of his country. He married Miss Caton of Balti- more, grand-daughter of Charles Carroll, and sister to the Marchioness of Wellesley and Marchioness of Caermaiihcn.—JVetc- burypoft Herald. Andrew Jackson and JSlarlin Van Buren, came up hand in hand* yesterday morning before the Recorder, at the Sessions, where they confessed among other pecadillos of their line, that they were both guilty ofpelit larceny. They were respectively despatched to the Wkiie House on BlackwelFs Island for 6 months. The culptits were both black in the face.—JV*. F. Gaz. The report of the death of Mrs. Woodruff, widow of the late Col. Woodruff, executed at , PERSONS AFFUCTEB WITH QLT More Cheap g^^ilXrtn I«,;;„* ••• Among them may be found back, blue- gl f :~ Coins.-. ._ f l r n .-_j. * J Q{ died blue , adalaide, oltve, brown m , (J A nc ••* r ~ p.tfcn niid the British Mm- . wiuu« wi ,w^ .«>- ^ Mr. /«« Buren and ta_ Kingston, turns out incorrect *U at Washington, have both aovtseo me i 0 idrmwal of the troops, &<* from the dis .ted district, bv both parties, we presume ,ere will be no figbtlbg, unless the Gover- or of Maine shall jrecollect, that the last rrr oi\ LO w s PI m T S.—I* w ****** r * ' S e of Ihe mind, accompanied by ind.go.tirp wherein the greatest evils a,o apprehended « P « * - " ,.,.„,! I Among them may oe ioui.u ,| l|1 w-gr« l ui.«od J l*»««W^ d g e 0 i ; T OTMOJ* black wool died blue,'adalaide, oltve, brown m ^ A ncie„t mjdic* - - .^ . ' r l L aLd, Will find in the use of the -ALBION b ac f' *.°°\- yreen invisible green broad- i to ba confined oil.o^_ JI -r fe ave catmus remedies known for that troublesome .... ^ , ylue . bhc k, wool died, pla.d > c0IllCS l h e na ,ne hypocondnuais. eon plaint, as hundreds or ^ * » ^ ^ Bild ". ^ c ^„nrres ; black, and j ^ T|/e ^ ^ ^piomw are ready to testily, to ,ts hav ^"™* f ™> wnlIe mt ; rin( „ brochns Ihibel, musbn, are ^ in the stonvich^buweU, - n d ^ c bet.erpurpoec than any th.ngth.ThaJ ever ^ ^ ladies' black lt?Ilon;J> costivene^ sna,nW.c p a ^ ^ used. 1 nis applic^dtoti never causes t^ least pain, ahhough rt softens ^ £ & fditto silk ditto ; ditto merino colored worsted I - ^ o n ^ ^ . ^ any thu.g J>a draws it out by the roots. ^ f ^ V w ^ S i ' ditto ; ditto ditto ditto cotton ditto- bleached, d ^ nd vigor or :conrage A ^J>^* ndmf , ate ease as soon as applied, and is as .borough { ^ ^ ^ g|ale and mcrino colored cotton J- irnin d beeiwier in.taUle, ^°^!; d J u a Mm as it is gentle in its effects. R _ I bose ; misses' white cotton hose ; children s t> A gentleman near Greenfield writes :- M h h a s cured a Corn, which for years had caused me inconceivable pam and trouble, (alter trying various: other remedt*. ;J L an^!^ tomlUen ^ M i e s ' plain white silk gloves;! c^s Asedentarv moot " ^ - v ^ ^ having received such rebel myse ^ • ^ dJUo bhck ditto di(lo . dtHo picnic d, «1 jy e ^ ^ . ^ ^ t ^ inlercon?e , or e,c,c,. all, hmvever obstinate the complatnt, to maKet ( duto diUo white duln duio ; ditto a a n /jlgB()lu f e habltj preat ' MC » eatirjg a..d dr.nk,nj trial of the Albion Corn Plaster, and 1 have _S & d arlic | e . Uneu, ihe imtnoticr:i te use of mercury, violent PJ'fJ«»»« DIED, At Deep River, Ct. the 1st inst., Miranda, wife of R. W. Miller, (daughter of Col Wat- rous Beckwith, late of Lyme, Ct.) or oi *»aiu« c-— »• u r i^c^»>"""» - . those who have nsea u m' u , i vw t . Ldmiuistra.ion of tbli country, and which , - ; j _ ^"^cript to the adver- Ue^ article jorcornstkey haveever metwith. ra2 ged in, through n i d and mtre, the pres-1 ^ ^^ll^^^^^eT, for the sale of the! Price 50 cents a box, wtthd.rectmns. „t one, came into power by " ^ ^ sMACK RosE . RRIT ISH ANTISEPTIC press their gratitude as I am." Scotrh and pishop lawn,., linen cambric ; An Agent, in writing for a further supply plain, figured Swiss and book muslins, sars- of the Albion Corn Plaster, observes—*• I net and India cambric ; thread edgings, and have made sale cf all you sent me, and find insertings ; blue, black and figured gto dc »;« ...;r„ 0t , 0i lobe, as naples and ditto ditto plain silks ; black ma- tionia Italian ditto ; plain and figured color- the article to bo all it professes to be, as those who have used it find tt to prove the ihe lmtnoticraie use oi, violent p_-^ the ^oppression of some hnbituat discharge, ^as th« obstruction of the menses,) or long continued erup- tion ; relaxation or debility of one or more importart orgind within the abdomen, in a fieqaent cause. TREATMENT. The pr^n.cipal objects of o-eatmcrj are, to remove indi«estioa, to strengthen the body, and to enliven tlie t-pirit-s which iiray be promoted by merican Rights, to British demands.-Y The nboVC boat run by. David 'h*t Mr VanBurcn not only gave up the Hempsl ea'd until sold, but no debts contract- W'-L ~ -v. - *r ^- b " 1 ! *< ,r T e . 1 :::, t XS&tt -- uooi, IUlta. diuo ; plain and figured co.or- „„„ „, . . „ „ , . ^ y , « - u e , . ^ , y J - j ^ , ed » . t a ; White. g « y an - ^ " ',; b ^ , ^ '- .^U s o in .be m.»t hambie ana ..... j- , j (erm mr r _.ckr.o«ledging that *ey ««».but mere •<»».'»- r CHARLES SJHTlt. •til nun .... e» o ^pretensions of this government, and that Bri- •taiti should m>t be too severe upon this coun- Hry % on that account, especially as the people Jiad condemned the la<t and former Admin-! March 9, 1839, . sheetings, Bv the Piece, of a superior quality, just y veli. JiNO. BECKWITH, Ag'l. litratioos, for such'and similar imjits/ pre- j re f * ' . 1 March 8. lhcJO. tensions. If the affair was left solely with Mr. Van i - i > .„.,i.. ;t ' A pair of gr<-v HOIISICS ; live years old kind in double, and single harness—good under the "addle. For further particulars l enquire of SAM URL A. SEAL Y $ CO, March 8. . / * JBuren, we have no doubt, be would settle t an five minutes to ihe entire satisfaction of— j Great Britain THE BRITISH ANTISEPTIC Dentifrice. Renders the teeth beautifully and per majiently white, embellishes the enamel, re- moves the foetor arising from decayed teeth, usually' termed offensive breath, prevents their decay, and tooth ache, eradicates the scurvy from the gums, and imparts a most desirable sweetness to the breath. •f£j=* An experienced druggist pronounces this Tooth Powder ono of the best ho has ever met with, either Foreign or Domestic. Price 50 cents. i f-> DR. RELFE'S PILLS For Females. For Obslrxiclions, Debility, Hypochondria Green Sickness, Giddiness and Palpatalion '•'.•U f Oi ed silks; wntte, grecu «.-—•• -••-: C()riversttnor ,. .x.. c « v • . l2 bleached, unbleached and colored Canton fc^iaied by theoccaMo,,al use ot a m^^e, r e n t \ V e know nothing better calculdied to oblau this end. thai, Dr. Wm-I'vans' Afer.eiu 1 .Ih— b«in" mild and certain m thtir opeiauon. ' o^wols beinp oace cleaned, his inesumab l e t . . ^ - mile Tills, [which are ionic, anodyne, and *Bi "paUeic are an in.alliblo ren.edy, n.d w.lhoit flannels. A good assortment of seasonable calicoes, with prices that cannot fail to suit, and al- most all kinds of other goods in their line, which will behold cheap. nn«mni>ir are an iinauiui.. .^. j. 'T l "„rSng\;7-ha 5 e , will find it for « . , J e ^ « d . P « . b . - . . u. d.c ,heir in.crest to call and examine their stock. p«M,c leir unci MI tu viv.. . . N. 1J. Groceries sold at usual low prices. TIFFANY & HART. Sag Harbor, Oct. 9th, 1S38. ^ft M W 0 Hh'd Staves, for.said at the ™^* Albany prices, with the addition of Veight charges, by CORNS. SLEIGHT. Sag Harbor, 2d Match, 1S39. Some physicians have recommended a free use of mercury, but itshouid not be resorted to ; as in a'ur.y cases it will aggravate Ihu syrijjitoii.s. The niedical office oi Dr. \VM. EVANS w. :t No. 1(10 (Mialtiarn si. where bt^ ('amomile, as we 1 as liis excellent Family Aperient I'ilU, may be ot - lained. Sold ahoby lus advertised country agent:. Agents are wanted, south and west. Pkonest principle, for the'soke of parly, was ftlimsejf the author of the following scandalous ^production against Thomas. Jefferson. And thofl, the acorn of every patriot name. Thy country'* rain, and her council'* shame ! Poor »ervile thinz'. derision of the brave! Who er«t from Tarletonfl»"dto Carter'g cave; Thno. who, when menae'd by peifiduoui' Gaul, Diddl prostrate to her wh'uktr'd minion fall ; Go. wretch, resign tho presidential chair, Di-*:!o«e thf »» , cr»»t loeasorf*, ft>ul or fair. •Go, »earch with curious eye, h»r horned frog?, .Mid the wild wa<te« of Luui»Hnt«n bogtt; - Dig for ho»« bone*, lhy glory nnd thy theme, (io. «can. t*hito«tvpbi*t. thy •*•*»* charms Antl »tnk supinely vn her >«r,hlc arm^; But quit lo ah'isr hands the helm of stata, Noi inage rum on any country's fale '. COBBLERS AND TINKERS. -i- >> / ' i i i i iTu i> fvr i i t n e ' i ' i i i vn " uuctve to me neauu WMIWH,.— -.-- \J t i l L.Ut\.li<i> t r«ii«'l rll.'iMjr. . /. r'.„,., m 'n'(;An''.«Ji«i r,. ., . ,. a- , • in cases of pregnancy or Consumption, tcften Children generally sutler much uneas»- ., t , i , i ** . J „ , . ' "">" must nnt be taken. r'^'Z.'tu. ., J c .u • . o IVL . \lhev must not betaken. ness lrom the cutting ot their teeth. Whats' * . ^. ^^. t _ aver.dangerous or fatal symptoms attend thi- process of nature, they are produced invari llbn onVt inflamei Price $1 50 per box. . T (T5*- None are oenutne unless signed A. KlTom o„ thewranper, (We ^P«e»r JX ^. . r»_ n««tL-AV.V bv whom I process oi i«nu.«i..».v; - - - , . a A kU.VUtui^ .ou• «w " • ^ r - . - j v v Wv whom bly from the highly irritated and .inflamed; d ^cesser to Dr. ^^J^^i 'c ndi ion of the parts, therefore the ^ a r e f o r 9 a , e , at his Counlipg f°°^.^ TSiionof^reare to abate them l"mmation,and to soften, sooth, and relax, mtmenl , b y T . BROWN, Sag Harbor. he. GUMS. If I hat is effected the.nTnnti.aj JamJ^TS^^ _ _ - P n th ore-erved from subsequent fever, inflatula- Cn. S p, S n,,,a,cc„ UR h,,,.,. : h,n ?1 .endo ;;: For sale.t Will be sold at Public Auction, on Satur- day, the 30th' inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M. on the premises, the LOT AND .STORE, situate in the village of Sag Harbor, adjoin- ing the wharf. The lot is 30 feet by 60. The building is new and convenient for a store and dwelling. Terms made kndwn on the day of sale. REEVES & PELLETREAU. Sag Harbor, March 1,1839. 85 4>ylaw, ~ TO BB SOD AT Public Auction, At the Suffolk House, Sag Harbor, at 2 o'clock, P.M. on Saturday,the l'frth of March- next. . The following lots, or pieces of land, with the growth theron, viz: a piece of land,called i«/t ao fnllrjws : north PRINCIPAL OFFICES For the sale oj Dr. W. Evans' CAMMO'MILE & APERIENT PILLS. New York ; 100 Chatham street. Philadel- phia;. 19, North Eighth street. Loa 3t>, CornhilV street. READ THE FOLLOWING INTER- ESTIN&ANDASTOISISH- l^NG FACTS. The following hre among itptcards of Itcenfr five Thousand Cures performed by the xv.t of Dr W. Evans' Medicines. Principal Ofhetia aim ChathamstrttUtf.Y.wht%* the Doctor may be consulted personally, cj bu letter (Post Paid) from any part oj tho United States; $c. Persons requiring medicine and advice, must enclose a bank . note, or o~d*r. Lowell, Nov. lotlSJG- Dear Sir-Knowing by experieocbahoiy P '« that the ted receive of e roec eh |t on hand a general asssortment oi I ; GrOCerieS 9 I ^ " " Z ^ S ^ o C "Rufos Rose, de- ! Among which tnay be found the *ollowm g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Halsey and^st Olicrt; eiencc in;u uie ieu , ^ , * VJ *"_ .^»n P f.t' , r,,ull,of modicioeB, I cheer fully off ^ n ^^SV ,ublic, inbe».alfofD,_Wm.Lva„ ! 'Camvehe a P Pills in oetiaii oi JL/I. T» •«. - .„ nrn P.lls. 1 have beet, ailhcied for the \»5llen years with digress in the head aad client;, often «» bad. a« to deprive n.e of steep lor Ulree/r our nights in *ac ,, A ! cession but have never foorrd lel.el by any ol »y tnegrowu.-.»—, " ^ - r - , U( ;f fneilds'prccriptions, until L wife ..*- ibe .dver- Ihe iialsey lot, bounded as l o l l o p j t.eroents i„_the paper. vtei^JSZZffi^Z iisemeius m .mc yv^^... , send lor some, wlncti I did, and obtained two, j?xe« and bottles, Which leculted in almost completely restoring rne to health,although I have not yet entirely finished them. consider this any benefit to yourself, or the public, you have my cheerfu permission to publish it. Your's respectfully, THOMAS K. GOODHUE, Centrist : I | I-" ASTHMA, THREE YEARS STANDING Mr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill, afflicted wUh Ut i'bove distressing malady. Symptoms; Great ltfnguor.flatnlency, disturbed rest,nervous herd ache, *mend the senate." Need e.»ough, by jingo* ! III«(»><II malady—Convulsions. i Sold at No. 100 Chatham st. and by 0 . j O. Wickham & Co. Sag Harbor. K \er. EJ que. - i n their Total tag Total number in Male Penitentiary, • Blackwcll UUrtd, <lo - Total number in Female do do. do. -4 Do. do. Betlevue,do Do. do. Cny Prwon, do. 1 In 1S3S, same dale, Alms House, as above, l),>. do. do. Do. do. d*>. Do. do. d<>. 11.% do. do. Male P.MW)vdo. F e m a l e d<>. Belle^jue, Bitde^cll, Jan. 19, 1839. CairetD*! W«U* S.J. j tr/-i>- S„ J„b a Harvcv. ,-.o« 1-Kut. do«-nor o j .!«.«• ^3 Evans' Office. 100 Chatham! ^NEVv HOPS AND "CLOVER SEED, \ 4 or sale at the Cash Store. Sag Harbor, Feb 8, 1839. 79 4 w Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

W'-L ~ -v. - *r ,r • T :::, t XS& 9/Sag Harbor NY Corrector/Sag Harbor NY...the purser of the United States ship Boston* was run through the collar of

Sep 06, 2019



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Page 1: W'-L ~ -v. - *r ,r • T :::, t XS& 9/Sag Harbor NY Corrector/Sag Harbor NY...the purser of the United States ship Boston* was run through the collar of


ie all practicable reductions in the contingent ex-

*r penses of the department V and requests the

r- ednor to 9end his account for paymnei. T h e

editor, generous fellow ! declares ho will not

tie embarrass the government, in me pr»*ent

tr> .condition of its finance*, by sending in the

he bill, as he very much doubts whether they

ip- have the means of paying him —and begs the

po- secretary not to make himself uneasy on

for the. subject, as he is entirely willing to wait

pri- until the Treasury is able to meet the de-

ih°> nnnd !

i t l s - >

i of From the Boston Journal' rtier Telegraphs.—The New Bedford Gazette 11. soys that the line of telegraphs between the Nantucket and Wood's ,Hole, is now conv

» the [>lt*ted under the superintendence ol J . R. act Parker, and are to go into operation this day.

It is in contemplation by merchants of New ight- Bedford, to procure a continuation of this pur - l ine »>f telegraphs through Xamthofi, Tar­

paulin C»ve, .ind West's island lo New Bed-men! ford—which can f>e easily done.

the, Dealkby Hydrophobia. — Captain Darxd

afterf B. Kins;* o l West Troy, died on Saturday e of j {ast, from the bite of a dog, received" * early

jlast week. Captain K. was attacked on j VVednesday with unequivocal symptoms of

9. j this disease, and died, in excruciating agony. here i fie has left a family to mourn his departure.— The i Albany Daily Adv.

the From Bennuila.—The Bermudian of the Mr. 16th itlt. received by British Brig f'reeae, aa*. cer-1 nounces the death at sea on the 27th Janua» sor- I ry, of Sir Charles Paget, commander-in-chief

of the British naval forces on the Halifax, Newfoundland and West India stations. His remains were to be interred in the naval cem-et»y in Bermuda. T h e same paper announ­ces the death ofCapl. PoJingbroke, o f H . M. ship Crocodile, by fever, and Dr. E . Scott, surgeon of the Cornwallrs. s



ICK," Unity, i Ex-seen

ump-over with

' C a n f has

Cl*y ruous •d the


, con-i has ve no gress

nm a{ there p, in

Captain Johnson, of the pilot boat sehr.

[Joseph Leggett, informs that on the 10th nit. t

the purser of the United States ship Boston* was run through the collar of bis coat, and one inch into his neck, while going to the Theatre Tacon, at Havana, by one of the* guard.. On arrjving at the Theatre be was spoken to by the first Lieutenant of hi* ship, and Hsked if he was injured,— opon whieh* the officer of ahe f»uard made a pass at him with his sword, and cut his band slightly.— The officer was ultimately nrresicd, and .re­duced to rhe ranks for 10 years ; and tho

'soldier, who committed the outrage, sentenc­ed to J5 years solitary confinemri.t. T h e Boston was detained three*days hy tho nfiuir.

t dan i m t t n .

"Stw O R L E A N S , Feb, 22.

arret j From Mexico—Raisiw*. of the JSIericai**

We] Blockade.—We learn bv the arrival of the

it lonjbargue Clarion, fmro Havana, whence jrittfc;.

We afloat in thai city r>n the day of her s*ai!ing, "rtnit *ihat tiie blockade of Vera'Cnrz had been rnis-lated ed by the French. T h e captain of the ClW-$ °l: ion says the rumor was credited at Havana

i from several circumstances : one, that rt Bremen hrig had arriyvd the ihv before from

enco Vera Cruz ; another, that the French Consul New ^ Havana had ceased sending fresh proviso anted ions to the squadron. T w o Knrjiish lino of*

ag°, battb- ships had also arrived at Havana from •oner Vera Cruz, destined tor Halifax, which goea •went to strengthen the rumor. — Picayune.

a t o m , ' FROM T H E HAST.

The latest accounts we have from the East >ho\e of any interest, are through the correspond-aimot , m* ,,f the Advertiser and Atlas. Letters char- were received at Bangor, on Friday after-

I t in- noon--by the Express line of Vide lies—in t-*n hours and a ha'f from Houlton, a distance

court, „f 120 miles, which state it would be neces-sa rv to cut a ro;id from seven to twenty five mib-s fur Gen. Hoslsdon's troop* to join Mr~ Jai vi-.' torce, whi«;h road must nt one point !t')pro:ii'!i within a lew r<xis of the undisputed Boundary, af which p"iot u was anticipated there mu>t be.a brush with the enemy. It w M ri-ported a# H<»ulu»n, that a regiment of Ma) Kimleers bad arrived at Halifax from Cmk. aoc wore ordered to tie at Fr*-dericktoi> oo \ \ i-dnesday l-^st, and to proefpd forthwith

vt. the >» th" duput .d territory, and 500 British »ous IT tr.x»p^ ft!.in Quebec, Uad arrived at M*da-isumcJ- wa»kn village, having bem ordered lo New ovise uV Biunsw;<k before the difficulties commenced.

A d ; of 26 men sent by Mr. .fsrvi-t fo break up a h<>r<ie of trespassers on Fish Kiver, hid returned, having succeeded m thesr . . i j . r! mid taken .'t oxen 4 horses and i\\<' Him a-* prisoners, ill uf \»hom bed been bro i j : j ! . :•> ;;." c.unp.

C '^ . -1" o-ti.ld i, inking forward his militia

*i •"< , r •>' /»•!*. id addition to ihe 700 en-

•-'• •'- •'-. .i on the Aroosiiiok, (Jen. Hodsdon's b'-gjv.'.-^ti' iOOD'meii »[ Houlton. and Gen. !•« «t«. !- liri'* bngad*of 1000, who are on the "t i' : : n. Aug.ista, another 1000 ore under i.Mnii.h, i«z 10U from Oxford, who are to

. ,v« .it WIJ'UJ.U on Wednesday, 40O fron> U and itotn Cumberland.— Boslvn

in I t i e

ad fur-•of be

B. L.

F. \ ; - . i-

r e vv t s b r Bar k e p i t'V v that :

r r .



<'.:: i -

7r* . in.

vS. "

From th* Smirtn Gazrlle.

Cutl<Hiy oi the Maine l.r.mlt —In the ye»r f Re*rdre« passed t>oth Jbranch-

f< ,.»,' tb«- t- gi-> ature ol M^*sach'.rsetts,. ami !«c«-iv-v! ib««. figntfure ol the (i.>vt**nor, the •<i< . •• «'•• i>: v«.bic , c onmenced .is follows :

•• \ \ T ,s, i :,Ti^r truct o| the North Kas-

|.-ro f r ; :! .rY ot ihr I'ntu-d s tates , Lflung.

io^ HI coii)i|,.>n hi the it »'e* ut Maine ai.d

^j.i».s<n,'bii"efs, aid ^ n g within the boots

<»f the farmer »fate, h.**. tor m«i.v vears past,

in c>:.»*q ii-txp of a eiaun of Grral Bni.un,

Ittt* IUI-I emiertd to ike rxct.Usi.vt custody of

iff Sf w ' .'.'J< H>tU->k (iovcmiHtnl. • • • • •

*r the • Then i<oe i*»olved rf:»t it ts essentia! t» the

•nt. ba> '"d-i .-; ju>h<c. uwasuies should ^ * ^** i2 as .»,' ken !<v :ae executive <*f the I owed J»;a'es, to to makt °utai:i a rtj>re*cii!a:io(i U ti.t interests uad

i>, .m in-

i» 1.1 e-*•

• fie va}

•*u^b sh>

i •

•light* of Massachusetts in the agency and guardianship of the territory in question.


S A T n i A t U i O K .

SATURDAY, MARCU 9 , 1839 .

Arrived at Newport, March 2d, ship Wag-

. e t , Brown, P . 0 . , coast of Chili, 9,0 days,

^ 0 0 bis. Nov. 13," spoke Panama, 6 w.

B ^ c . 4 , America* 3 w. Ahoufthe 10th of

N o v . heard from the Daniel Webster 1300

* . ; had lost the Ca^a in , (Harlow) drawn

«#erboard by a tow-^ne.

New Brunswick, was aid-de-camp to the

Duke of Wellington at the battle of Water­

loo, and lost an arm in the service of his

country. H e married Miss Caton of Balti­

more, grand-daughter of Charles Carroll,

and sister to the Marchioness of Wellesley

and Marchioness of Caermaiihcn.—JVetc-

burypoft Herald.

Andrew Jackson and JSlarlin Van Buren,

came up hand in hand* yesterday morning

before the Recorder, at the Sessions, where

they confessed among other pecadillos of

their line, that they were both guilty ofpelit

larceny. They were respectively despatched

to the Wkiie House on BlackwelFs Island

for 6 months. T h e culptits were both black

in the face.—JV*. F . Gaz.

T h e report of the death of Mrs. Woodruff, widow of the late Col. Woodruff, executed at

, PERSONS AFFUCTEB WITH QLT More Cheap g ^ ^ i l X r t n I«,;;„* ••• Among them may be found back , blue- gl „f

:~ • C o i n s . - . . _ f l r n . - _ j . * JQ{ d i e d b l u e , adalaide, oltve, brown m , ( J Anc

r» ••* r ~ p.tfcn niid the British Mm- . wiuu« wi ,w^ .«>-^ Mr. / « « Buren and t a _ Kingston, turns out incorrect

*U at Washington, have both aovtseo me i 0

idrmwal of the troops, &<* from the dis

.ted district, bv both parties, we presume

,ere will be no figbtlbg, unless the Gover-

or of Maine shall jrecollect, that the last

rrr oi\ LO w s PI m T S.—I* w ****** r * ' S e of Ihe mind, accompanied by ind.go.tirp

wherein the greatest evils a,o apprehended « P « * - " , . , . „ , ! I Among them may oe ioui.u — — , | l | 1 w - g r « l u i . « o d J l * » « « W ^ d g e 0 i ; T OTMOJ* black wool died blue, 'adalaide, oltve, brown m ^ Ancie„t mjdic* - - . ^ . ' r l L aLd,

Will find in the use of the -ALBION b a cf ' * . ° ° \ - y r e e n invisible green broad- i to ba confined oil.o^_ J I -r fe a v e

catmus remedies known for that troublesome .... ̂ , y l u e . b h c k , wool died, pla.d >c0IllCS l h e na,ne hypocondnuais.

eon plaint, as hundreds or ^ * » ^ ^ B i l d". ^ c ^ „ n r r e s ; black, and j ^ T | / e ^ ^ ^piomw are ready to testily, to ,ts h a v ^ " ™ * f ™ > w n l I e m t ; r i n ( „ brochns Ihibel, musbn, a r e ^ i n t h e stonvich^buweU, - n d ^ c bet.erpurpoec than any t h . n g t h . T h a J ever ^ ^ ladies' black l t ? I l o n ; J > costivene^ sna,nW.c p a ^ ^

used. 1 nis applic^dtoti never causes t ^

least pain, ahhough rt softens ^ ™ £ & fditto silk ditto ; ditto merino colored worsted I - ^ o n ^ ^ . ^ • any thu.g J > a

draws it out by the roots. ^ f ^ V w ^ S i ' ditto ; ditto ditto ditto cotton ditto- bleached, d ^ n d v i g o r or:conrage A ^ J > ^ * n d m f , ate ease as soon as applied, and is as .borough { ^ ^ ^ g | a l e a n d m c r i n o colored cotton J-irnind beeiwier in.taUle, ^ ° ^ ! ; d J u a Mm

as it is gentle in its effects. R _ I bose ; misses' white cotton hose ; children s

t > A gentleman near Greenfield writes : -

M h h a s cured a Corn, which for years had caused me inconceivable pam and trouble,

(alter trying various: other remedt*. ;JL a n ^ ! ^ t o m l U e n ^ M i e s ' plain white silk gloves;! c ^ s Asedentarv moot " ^ - v ^ ^ having received such rebel myse ^ • ^ d J U o b h c k d i t t o d i ( l o . d t H o picnic d, «1 j y e ^ ^ . ^ ^ t ^ i n l e r c o n ? e , or e , c , c , . all, hmvever obstinate the complatnt, to m a K e t ( d u t o d i U o w h i t e d u l n d u i o ; ditto a

an/jlgB()lufe h a b l t j p r e a t 'M Ce« » eatirjg a..d dr.nk,nj

trial of the Albion Corn Plaster, and 1 have _ S & d a r l i c | e . Uneu, i h e i m t n o t i c r : i te use of mercury, violent PJ'fJ«»»«

D I E D , At Deep River, Ct. the 1st inst., Miranda,

wife of R. W. Miller, (daughter of Col W a t -

rous Beckwith, late of Lyme, Ct.) or oi *»aiu« c-— »• — u r i^c^»>"""» - . those who have nsea u m'u , i vw t . Ldmiuistra.ion of tbli country, and which , - ; j _ — ^ " ^ c r i p t to the adver- U e ^ article jorcornstkey haveever metwith.

r a 2 g e d in, through n i d and mtre, the pres-1 ^ ^ ^ l l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e T , for the sale of the! Price 50 cents a box, wtthd.rectmns.

„t one, came into power by " c r n c . n g ^ ^ s M A C K R o s E . R R I T I S H A N T I S E P T I C

press their gratitude as I am." Scotrh and pishop lawn,., linen cambric ; An Agent, in writing for a further supply plain, figured Swiss and book muslins, sars-

of the Albion Corn Plaster, observes—*• I net and India cambric ; thread edgings, and

have made sale cf all you sent me, and find insertings ; blue, black and figured gto dc »;« . . . ; r „ 0 t , 0 i l o b e , as naples and ditto ditto plain silks ; black ma-

tionia Italian ditto ; plain and figured color-the article to bo all it professes to be, as those who have used it find tt to prove the

ihe lmtnoticraie use oi, violent p_-^ the ^oppression of some hnbituat discharge, ^as th« obstruction of the menses,) or long continued erup­tion ; relaxation or debility of one or more importart orgind within the abdomen, in a fieqaent cause.

TREATMENT. The pr̂ n.cipal objects of o-eatmcrj are, to remove indi«estioa, to strengthen the body, and to enliven tlie t-pirit-s which iiray be promoted by

merican Rights, to British demands.-Y T h e n b o V C boat wil l .be run by. David

'h*t Mr V a n B u r c n not only gave up the H e m p s l e a ' d until sold, but no debts contract-

W'-L ~ -v. - *r ̂ -b"1! *< ,r • Te.1:::, t XS&tt - -

uooi , IUl t a . diuo ; plain and figured co.or- „„„ „, . . „ „ , . ^ y , « - u e , . ^ , y J - j ^ ,

ed » . t a ; White. g « y an - ^ " ' , ; b ^ , ^ ' -

. ^ U s o in .be m.»t hambie ana . . . . . j - , j ( e r m

mr r _ .ckr .o« ledg ing that *ey ««».but mere •<»».'»-r C H A R L E S S J H T l t . • t i l nun. . . . e» o

^pretensions of this government, and that Bri-

•taiti should m>t be too severe upon this coun-

Hry% on that account, especially as the people

Jiad condemned the la<t and former Admin-!

March 9, 1839,

. sheetings, Bv the Piece, of a superior quality, just

yveli. JiNO. BECKWITH, Ag'l. l i t rat ioos, for such'and similar imjits/ pre- j r e f *

' . • 1 March 8. lhcJO. tensions.

If the affair was left solely with Mr. Van i -• i > .„.,i.. ;t ' A pair of gr<-v HOIISICS ; live years old

— kind in double, and single harness—good under the "addle. For further particulars

l enquire of SAM URL A. SEAL Y $ CO,

March 8.

. / * JBuren, we have no doubt, be would settle t

an five minutes to ihe entire satisfaction of— j

Grea t Britain


Dentifrice. Renders the teeth beautifully and per

majiently white, embellishes the enamel, re­

moves the foetor arising from decayed teeth,

usually' termed offensive breath, prevents

their decay, and tooth ache, eradicates the

scurvy from the gums, and imparts a most

desirable sweetness to the breath.

•f£j=* An experienced druggist pronounces

this Tooth Powder ono of the best ho has

ever met with, either Foreign or Domestic.

Price 50 cents.

i f -> DR. R E L F E ' S P I L L S

For Females. For Obslrxiclions, Debility, Hypochondria

Green Sickness, Giddiness and Palpatalion '•'.•U f Oi

ed s i lks ; wntte, grecu <« « . -—•• - • • - : • C ( ) r i v e r s t t n o r , . .x..c« v • . l 2

bleached, unbleached and colored Canton fc^iaied by theoccaMo,,al use ot a m ^ ^ e , r e n t \ V e know nothing better calculdied to oblau this end. thai, Dr. Wm-I'vans' Afer.eiu 1 .Ih— b«in" mild and certain m thtir opeiauon. ' o^wols beinp oace cleaned, his inesumab l e t . . ^ -mile Tills, [which are ionic, anodyne, and *Bi "paUeic are an in.alliblo ren.edy, n.d w.lhoit

flannels. A good assortment of seasonable calicoes,

with prices that cannot fail to suit, and al­

most all kinds of other goods in their line,

which will behold cheap. nn«mni>ir are an iinauiui.. .^. j .

' T l " „ r S n g \ ; 7 - h a 5 e , will find it for « . , J e ^ « d . P « . b . - . . u. d.c

,heir in.crest to call and examine their stock. p«M,c leir unci M I tu viv.. . . N . 1J. Groceries sold at usual low

prices. T I F F A N Y & H A R T .

Sag Harbor, Oct. 9th, 1S38.

^ f t M W 0 Hh'd Staves, for.said at the ™^* Albany prices, with the addition of

Veight charges, by CORNS. SLEIGHT.

Sag Harbor, 2d Match, 1S39.

Some physicians have recommended a free use of mercury, but itshouid not be resorted to ; as in a'ur.y cases it will aggravate Ihu syrijjitoii.s.

The niedical office oi Dr. \VM. EVANS w. :t No. 1(10 (Mialtiarn si. where bt̂ ('amomile, as we 1 as liis excellent Family Aperient I'ilU, may be ot -lained. Sold ahoby lus advertised country agent:. Agents are wanted, south and west.

Pkonest principle, for the'soke of parly, was

ftlimsejf the author of the following scandalous

^production against Thomas. Jefferson.

And thofl, the acorn of every patriot name. Thy country'* rain, and her council'* shame ! Poor »ervile thinz'. derision of the brave! Who er«t from Tarleton fl»"d to Carter'g cave; Thno. who, when menae'd by peifiduoui' Gaul, Diddl prostrate to her wh'uktr'd minion fall ; Go. wretch, resign tho presidential chair, Di-*:!o«e thf »»,cr»»t loeasorf*, ft>ul or fair.

•Go, »earch with curious eye, h»r horned frog?, .Mid the wild wa<te« of Luui»Hnt«n bogtt; -

Dig for ho»« bone*, lhy glory nnd thy theme, (io. «can. t*hito«tvpbi*t. thy •*•*»* charms Antl »tnk supinely vn her >«r,hlc arm^; But quit lo ah'isr hands the helm of stata, Noi inage rum on any country's fale '.

COBBLERS AND T I N K E R S . . » • - i - >>

/ ' i i i i iTu i> fvr i i t n e ' i ' i i i v n " uuctve to me neauu WMIWH,.— -.--• \J t i l L.Ut\.li<i> t r«ii«'l rll.'iMjr. . /. r'.„,.,m'n'(;An''.«Ji«i

r,. ., . ,. a- , • in cases of pregnancy or Consumption, tcften Children generally sutler much uneas»- ., t , i , i

** . J „ , . ' "">" must nnt be taken.

r'^'Z.'tu. ., J c .u • . o IVL . \lhev must not betaken.

ness lrom the cutting ot their teeth. Whats ' * . ^ . ^^ . t _

aver.dangerous or fatal symptoms attend thi-

process of nature, they are produced invari l l b n onVt i n f l a m e i

Price $1 50 per box. . T

(T5*- None are oenutne unless signed A. K l T o m o„ thewranper, (We ^ P « e » r J X ^ . . r»_ n««tL-AV.V bv whom I process oi i«nu.«i..».v; - - - , . a A kU.VUtui^ .ou• «w " • ^ r - . - j v v Wv whom

bly from the highly irritated and .inflamed; d ^cesser to Dr. ^ ^ J ^ ^ i ' c ndi ion of the parts, therefore the ^ a r e f o r 9 a , e , at his Counlipg f ° ° ^ . ^ T S i i o n o f ^ r e a r e to abate t h e m l"mmation,and to soften, sooth, and relax, m t m e n l , by T . B R O W N , Sag Harbor. he. G U M S . If I hat is effected the.nTnnti.aj J a m J ^ T S ^ ^ _ _ — -


n th ore-erved from subsequent fever, inflatula-C n . S p , S n , , , a , c c „ U R h , , , . , . : h , n ? 1 . e n d o ; ; :

For sale.t Will be sold at Public Auction, on Satur­

day, the 30th' inst., at 2 o'clock, P . M. on

the premises, the LOT AND .STORE,

situate in the village of Sag Harbor, adjoin­ing the wharf. The lot is 30 feet by 60. The building is new and convenient for a store and dwelling.

Terms made kndwn on the day of sale. R E E V E S & P E L L E T R E A U .

Sag Harbor, March 1,1839. 85 4>ylaw, ~ TO BB SOD AT

Public Auction, At the Suffolk House, Sag Harbor, at 2

o'clock, P .M. on Saturday,the l'frth of March-

next. .

The following lots, or pieces of land, with the growth theron, viz: a piece of land,called

i«/t ao fnllrjws : north


For the sale oj

Dr. W. Evans' C A M M O ' M I L E & A P E R I E N T P I L L S .

New York ; 100 Chatham street. Philadel-

phia;. 19, North Eighth street. Loa

3t>, CornhilV street.

R E A D T H E F O L L O W I N G I N T E R -E S T I N & A N D A S T O I S I S H -

l^NG F A C T S . The following hre among itptcards of Itcenfr

five Thousand Cures performed by the xv.t of Dr W. Evans' Medicines. Principal Ofhetia a i m ChathamstrttUtf.Y.wht%* the Doctor may be consulted personally, cj bu letter (Post Paid) from any part oj tho United States; $c. Persons requiring medicine and advice, must enclose a bank

. note, or o~d*r.

Lowell, Nov. lotlSJG-Dear Sir-Knowing by experieocbahoiy P

'« that the ted receive of e roec eh |t

on hand a general asssortment oi

I ; GrOCerieS9 I ̂ " " Z ^ S ^ o C "Rufos Rose, de-

! Among which tnay be found the *ollowmg ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Halsey a n d ^ s t

Olicrt; eiencc in;u uie ieu , ^ , * V J *"_ • .^»nPf.t' , r,,ull,of modicioeB, I cheer fully o f f ^ n ^ ^ S V

,ublic, inbe».alfofD,_Wm.Lva„ ! 'Camvehe a P Pills

in oetiaii oi JL/I. T» •«. - .„ n r n

P.lls. 1 have beet, ailhcied for the \»5llen years with digress in the head aad client;, often «» bad. a« to deprive n.e of steep lor Ulree/r our nights in *ac

,, A ! cession but have never foorrd lel.el by any ol »y t n e g r o w u . - . » — , " ^ - r - , U(;f fneilds'prccriptions, until L wife . .*- ibe .dver-Ihe i i a l sey lot, bounded as l o l l o p j t.eroents i„_the paper. vtei^JSZZffi^Z iisemeius m .mc yv^^... ,

send lor some, wlncti I did, and obtained two, j?xe« and bottles, Which leculted in almost completely restoring rne to health,although I have not yet entirely finished them. consider this any benefit to yourself, or the public, you have my cheerfu permission to publish it. Your's respectfully,



Mr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill, afflicted wUh Ut i'bove distressing malady. Symptoms; Great ltfnguor.flatnlency, disturbed rest,nervous herd ache,

*mend the

s e n a t e . " Need e.»ough, by jingo* !

I I I « ( » > < I I

malady—Convulsions. i Sold at No. 100 Chatham st. and by 0 . j O. Wickham & Co. Sag Harbor.





- i n their

Tota l


Tota l number in Male Penitentiary, •

Blackwcll UUrtd, <lo

- To ta l number in Female do do. do.

- 4 Do. do. Betlevue,do Do. do. Cny Prwon, do.

1 In 1S3S, same dale, Alms House, as


l),>. do. do. Do. do. d*>. Do. do. d<>. 11.% do. do.

Male P.MW)vdo.

Female d<>.


Bitde^cll ,

J an . 19, 1839.

CairetD*! W«U* S . J . j tr/-i>-S „ J „ b a Harvcv. ,-.o« 1-Kut. d o « - n o r o j .!«.«• ^ 3

Evans' Office. 100 Chatham! ^NEVv HOPS AND "CLOVER S E E D ,

\4or sale at the Cash Store. Sag Harbor, Feb 8, 1839. 79 4 w

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069