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August 6 2017 12th Sunday after Pentecost WORSHIP INVITE NURTURE GROW SERVE Bethlehem First UMC Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

W INVITE NURTURE GROW SERVE - ChristianWorldMedia.comearth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against

Nov 01, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: W INVITE NURTURE GROW SERVE - ChristianWorldMedia.comearth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against

*Please stand as you are able. Worship Bulletin │

August 6 2017

12th Sunday after Pentecost


Bethlehem First UMC

Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

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Worship Bulletin │ 2


Thank you for worshipping with us today. Our ushers and greeters are happy to help you find your way. You may also pick

up a map of the church in the Narthex, at the front entrance of the Sanctuary, or in the Stars Café near the church office,

just outside of the Worship Center.

If you are visiting with us for the first time today, we are glad you are here. Please complete one of our Connection Cards

and drop it in one of the boxes near the doors as you leave. As a first time guest, we invite you to take one of the small

books, “Three Simple Rules” by Rueben P. Job, located at the Welcome Center in the Narthex or on the table outside the

Worship Center, as a welcome gift to you.

Our purpose at Bethlehem First UMC is to "Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." We do this

by making Worship a priority. By offering an intentional Invitation to follow Jesus Christ. By making time to Nurture Godly

friendships. By committing to Grow in our faith. And striving to make a difference in the lives of others through Service.

We want every member of Bethlehem First UMC to earn their WINGS. To follow Christ faithfully and live their faith boldly

as together we transform our community through the love and grace of Jesus Christ. We would love for you to join us on

this journey of transformation.


WonderLand childcare is available for newborns through age 4 during Sunday school and all Sunday morning worship

services. Newborn to Walking, Room 121 | Walking to Age 3, Room 110 | Age 3 & 4, Room 109.

For Your Convenience

Restrooms are located in the narthex (front lobby), the Commons Area, near Room #114, and next to the Stars Cafe.

Greeters with yellow lanyards are available to answer questions and help you find your way around.

Index Worship

8:30 Worship Service ...................................................................................... 3

9:30 Worship Service ...................................................................................... 4

11contemporary Worship Service .................................................................. 4

Sermon Notes .................................................................................................. 5

11:00 Traditional Worship Service ................................................................. 6

BFUMC Happenings

Bethlehem Happenings ...................................................................... 8

Prayer Concerns ................................................................................ 10

Week at a Glance .............................................................................. 11

Contact Information............................................................ Back Cover

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*Please stand as you are able. Worship Bulletin │ 3

Prelude Susan Wages

Welcome and Opening Prayer Rev. Matt Parker

*Hymn How Great Thou Art UMH 77

*Affirmation of Faith The Apostle’s Creed UMH 881

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Praise and Thanksgiving Rev. Parker

Prayer Concerns and The Lord’s Prayer Rev. Parker Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we

forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Offering/Offertory Rev. Parker

Message “Faith Amidst Our Troubles” Amanda Padovano

John 11:1-36 (pg. 760)

Sacrament of Holy Communion UMH 12 Rev. Parker We practice "open communion," welcoming all who love Christ, repent of their sin, and seek to

live in peace with one another. You do not need to be United Methodist or a member of Bethlehem First United Methodist Church to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

All are invited to come to the Lord’s Table.

*Benediction Rev. Parker

Usher/Greeter: Shirley Alcorn

8:30 Holy Communion Service

A worship service that meets every Sunday

morning in the Chapel. This intimate service

offers hymns, prayer, a message, and Holy


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Worship Bulletin │ 4

We Gather Ring of Fire 9:30 Band Welcome Rev. Matt Parker We Worship 9:30 Band

Holy is the Lord In Christ Alone

Presentation of Bibles Ben Wilcox We Give Rev. Bernat

Red Sea Road

“__________________________” | ____________________

Matt Parker @revmattparker

“The Purpose of Scripture” | James 1:19-27

WELCOME | We are glad you chose to worship with us today! Please enjoy some coffee and refreshments in the Stars Cafe before the service begins. During the service, you will have a chance to respond to the message using your Connection Card. Please complete the card and return it to us in the baskets at the rear of the Worship Center. For our first-time guests, we have a special gift available for you as you leave the Worship Center.

NEW MESSAGE SERIES: “One Book” | For centuries, Christian believers have turned to the Bible as the primary source of how we interpret God. This one book (or collection of 66 books) contains everything we need to know for salvation. Yet so many people do not know how to read and interpret the Bible. In this four week series, we will discuss the purpose of scriptures, the authority of scripture, and the interpretation of scripture as we discover the importance of this one book.

CELEBRATION OF COMMUNION | Today, we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. Communion is a time we remember the sacrifice of Jesus’ death on the cross and celebrate the grace of God working in our lives today. We believe this sacrament is “an outward and visible sign and inward and spiritual grace.” An invitation with instructions will be given by the pastor following the message. We practice “open communion” and welcome all those who love Christ, repent of their sin, and seek to live in peace with one another. You do not need to be United Methodist or a member of Bethlehem First UMC to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

#SUNDAYSONGS | Music for today’s gathering: “God is For Us,” “You Have Won Me,” “Bless Your Name,” “How Marvelous,” and “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone).”

We Hear Rev. Bernat “Good Reception”

Luke 8:4-15 Sacrament of Holy Communion Rev. Bernat

Sweet Hour of Prayer

We Respond & Go


You are invited to come to the altar this morning, before or after the worship service, and as you touch the shawl please say a prayer that Tom will have peace and comfort through Jesus Christ. The prayer shawl was given by the Crochet Group at BFUMC.

Ushers/Greeters: Joyce McCready, Linda Smith

Audio/Visual: Becky Adcock, Al Mieger, Bruce Smith

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*Please stand as you are able. Worship Bulletin │ 5

Attention 9:30 & 11:00 Traditional Worshippers │You may follow along with Pastor Frank’s message notes using the YouVersion Bible App on your phone. Download the app from the Google Play or Apple Store, open the app and click on Live Event, then select Bethlehem First UMC.

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Worship Bulletin │ 6


CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Brent Bohanan

Come, hear the One whose voice gives us salvation Those who have ears, let them hear!

Come hear the one whose voice gives us peace Those who have ears, let them hear!

Come hear the One whose voice gives us purpose Those who have ears, let them hear!

Hear the voice of God today Speak, Lord, your servants listen!


Holy God, your voice speaks to us the words that give us salvation, the way that leads us to

everlasting life. Today we long to have our hearts and minds set on you so that we may know your

voice and hear your life-giving direction. In this time of worship may we listen for your voice, trusting

that you will guide our steps in ways that save us from walking the rocky paths. In the breaking of the

bread and the sharing of the cup may we, your servants, listen. In the name of the Father, Son and the

Holy spirit. Amen.


*OPENING HYMN For the Beauty of the Earth UMH 92, Vv. 1-3, 6

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostle’s Creed UMH 881

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only

Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under

Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he

ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence

he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the

forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

*GLORIA PATRI UMH 70 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

GREETING Rev. Frank Bernat

11:00 AM

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*Please stand as you are able. Worship Bulletin │ 7



Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as

we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from

evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

*OFFERTORY HYMN Open My Eyes, That I May See UMH 454


OFFERTORY ANTHEM At Calvary Chancel Choir

*DOXOLOGY UMH 95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below;

praise him above, ye heavenly hosts; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

SCRIPTURE READING Luke 8:4-15 (pg. 731) Rev. Bohanan

MESSAGE “Good Reception” Rev. Bernat


We are a church of open communion and everyone is welcome. When the pastor invites you forward, please come as you are able, the ushers will direct you. If you would like to receive Holy Communion in your pew, please let one of the ushers know. Gluten Free elements are available on the altar to the right.

*HYMN OF INVITATION & DEDICATION UMH 664, v. 1 Sent Forth By God’s Blessing


*CHORAL BENEDICTION God Be with You till We Meet Again UMH 672

God be with you till we meet again; by his counsels guide, uphold you, with his sheep securely fold you; God be with you till we meet again.


Hearing Assistance is available for this morning’s worship service. Please ask one of the greeters or

ushers for a receiver and they will be happy to assist you.

Today’s entire worship service is available online at

Acolytes Michael Brannon, Maggie Scarborough

Greeters Lenell Carr, Nadine Goodman, Larry Laske, Sophie Logan, Malcolm Mercer, Susan Mercer,

Miatta Sirleaf, Pam Shaw, Terry Shaw

Ushers Dwight Austin, Charles Autry, Allen Bower, Ron Deal, John Fleeman, Jeff Kennedy, Lamar

Pugh, Don Wages

ALTAR PRAYER │ The altar is open for prayer before, during, and after the service. A pastor is available, should you want someone to pray with you

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BFUMC Happenings │ 8

August 6, 2017

The Fall Reveal | Today | 12:30 - 1:00 PM

All parents and youth are invited to The Fall Reveal today, from 12:30-1:00pm in the Worship Center! Come

learn about all of the fall events, retreats, and services! A 15% Discount Coupon will be given to each parent

(1 per Youth) that attends this meeting. The coupon can be used one time for any Youth Retreat or Mission

Trip in the future. Be sure to bring your calendars!

Zach Drummond │770-867-3727 ext. 25 │[email protected]

Lay Servant/Speaking Classes | August 12 & August 19 | 7:00 PM

The Athens-Elberton District is offering Lay Servant/Speaking classes on Saturday, August 12, and August 19.

Sessions each week are 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sign up today for Basic, Worship, or Methodist Heritage. Make

your check of $40 payable to Athens Elberton District, and mail to Kay Haugen, 131 Ridgewood Dr., Jefferson,

GA 30549.

Shirley Alcorn │678-227-2914 │[email protected].

#BeTransformed in a Grow Group | Registration for Fall Groups Begins Today!

Get connected to a Grow Group this fall and discover what it means when we say "transformation happens

best in community!" We have 12 new groups beginning in September and sign ups will be available online this

Sunday. There are also several existing groups meeting throughout the week that you can be join at any time.

For more information or if you need assistance registering, please contact Rev. Matt Parker at

[email protected]. You may also discover more at

Starting Point | Sunday, August 27 | 5:00 PM

Are you interested in connecting with a Grow Group but do not know where to start? Plan to join us for

Starting Point on Sunday, August 27, at 5:00 PM. This informal gathering is the perfect opportunity to meet

new people, get to know some of our Grow Group leaders, and learn more about what groups are available

and where you can plug in. If you are not sure you are ready to commit to a Grow Group, that’s OK! Attending

Starting Point does not automatically commit you to anything. Come and enjoy the desserts, games, and fun

with others. And maybe by the end of the night you will have the right place to get started in a Grow Group.

Visit our website at to register for Starting Point.

Upward Soccer | Registration Now Open

Upward Soccer registration has begun and will accept registrations through Thursday, August 24. Evaluations

will be held on Tuesday, and Thursday, August 29 and 31, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Our first practice will be

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BFUMC Happenings │ 9

Tuesday, September 12, followed by the first game on Saturday, September 23rd. An Awards

Celebration will be held on Saturday, October 28. Attention parents and all adults.

We need volunteers throughout the soccer season. So, please join us for this soccer season. Beth

Grodzicki │[email protected].

Anissa Sullivan │[email protected]

Volunteers Needed

Gateway Gardens is an Assisted Living and Memory Care Facility at 138 Gateway Lane, Bethlehem , GA

30620. They have invited us to help these residents in any way your talent might be. Whether it is

helping with craft projects, puzzles, games, reading, story telling, or just sitting and talking Each Sunday

at 3:00 p.m., we have church service for the residents with a sermon, songs, and prayer. Bethlehem

First UMC has committed to leading this service time each Sunday. We are looking for people to help on

Sunday afternoon on a rotation schedule. You do not need to be a certified speaker. We also need

people to play piano, guitar, or another instrument. The facility has a wide screen TV with music and

words to songs to accommodate Sundays without live music. We are trying to get a list of volunteers

and schedule monthly the Sunday they will lead the church service. The residents look forward to our

coming! We leave the facility feeling blessed knowing we shared Christ with people who otherwise

would not have had church.

Shirley Alcorn │ 678-963-9831 │[email protected].

Calling All Walk to Emmaus Attendees!!!

We want to coordinate our Emmaus efforts at Bethlehem First UMC by rounding up everyone who has

attended either a Walk to Emmaus or a similar 3-day experience like Walk to Emmaus. We are in the

process of developing a roster with everyone's name, phone number, and email address. E-mail Kim

Furlow at [email protected] with your contact information. Please do not assume we know who you are!

We would like to meet in late August/early September to plan for activities with sponsorship and

gatherings, so please send your information soon! De Colores!

Ways you can give to BFUMC:

Offering plate during worship services.

Mail in check or drop off at the reception desk.

On-line giving via the church website,

Electronic payments from your banking institution.

Wills and Trusts.



Sunday School ............................................. 75 9:30 Children .......................... Family Worship On-Line Worship ......................................... 63 Nursery ........................................................ 37 8:30 Worship ............................................... 15 9:30 Worship ............................................. 162 11:00 Children ........................ Family Worship 11contemporary ....................................... 149 11:00 Traditional ....................................... 143 Total Sunday Worship .............................. 569

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BFUMC Happenings │ 10

Barker, Ernest Carlise, Alysla Helton, Natalie Jacob, Scott McFarland, Noah, Rebeccca McKinley, Teresa Parr, Virginia & Family Segars, Frances Smith, Lucille Standridge, Shauan Williams Family

On-Going Abbett, Ann, Suda, and Supi Allen, Richard Barnwell, Vance Beaird, Dianne Bennett, Diana Black, Colin Boyd, J.P. Boyd, Phil Brannon, Elizabeth Bretz, Sandy & Dale Brown Family Buchanan, Gail Bullock, Beverly, Annie and Janie Carrier, Rhonda, Curley Cash Family Clark, Dr. Brian Collins, Charlene “Sally” Collins, Preston Crawley, Randy Dean, Adam Domangue, Christine Eckels, Michael Family of Firman, Michelle Flanigan Family

Fowler, Sue Gatz, Jermey & Family Geren, Allie Godina, Megan Gorsuch, Shelly & Lyn Gunter, Family Harris, Harriet Harrison Family Haupert-Johnson, Bishop Sue Helms, Nicole Holder, Rhonda Holland, Annette Howard, Esther Brown Ingram, Leanne Monk Jackson, Marie James, Fred Jenkins Family Jordan, Sue Jung, Linda Houck Lawrence, Michael Levesque, Evajol & Dave Lockridge, Larry Loyz, Ignacious Luciano, Kim McCauslan, Harriet McCutcheon, Jim & Family McDaniel, Helen McElroy, Keith Monk, Leanne Ingram Moore, Martha, Shirley Nash Family Nistal, Johanna & Albin Parist, Debbie Partee, Mary Nell Peace, John Pitts, Louise Powell, David, Genie, & Jonny Phillips, Suzanne & Chris & Family

Price, Charles, Karen & Family Pruett, Frances & Leeon Reynolds, Robert Jr. Riggs, Michelle, Amanda, & Libby Ritch, Doug Roberts, Judy & Family Rooks, Dwayne Ross, Glen Schaefer, Tim & Tammy Schulz, Dawn Sigman, Angel, Wade, Dezi, Mason Smith, Dee Smith, Hazel Speed, Andrew Spratlin, Tom & June Stafford, Tracy Stephens, Joyce Stockwell, Judy Stokes, Virginia Thompson, Rachel Thompson, Mary Willie Thompson, Wayne Thornton, Emily Vinas Family Watts, Eli Wiley, Javid, Layden Wilson, Aimee Wommack, Rebecca Young, Ava

Back to School

Communion leadership

Recreation & fitness program

Safety and return of all those who serve

Village of Hope

"A thank you to the volunteers for the car show, we all worked together and it was a successful day in many ways, and a thank you to all the people that made cookies, cake and fudge...the people loved them and what was left was used for the fair on Sunday morning..... a BIG Thank you.........God is Good....All the Time....."

Also, thank you Rich & Patty Boyd and Jerry Parr for chairing this very successful event. Thanks to Marci & Jim, and Clara Harrison, and Jim Hartley for the barbecue plates served and sold.

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BFUMC Happenings │ 11

Week at a Glance

Worship Every Sunday Morning

8:30 Communion, Chapel │ 9:30 Contemporary, Worship Center │ 11contemporary, Worship Center 11:00 Traditional, Sanctuary

9:30 AM Sunday Morning Grow Groups

Adult - Friendship, 123 │ JOY (Ladies), 127 │ Just Say Jesus, 125 │ Open Door, 124 │ Shared Journey, 128 Wesley, 101 │ College & Career Class, 126 Children ~ Large Group/Small Group Format │ PreK--4th Grade, Fellowship Hall Youth ~ Middle School, Gym │High School, Gym

11:00 AM Sunday Morning Grow Groups

Adult Sunday School @ 11:00 AM │ Hot Topics, 127 Children ~ Large Group/Small Group Format │ PreK--4th Grade, Fellowship Hall

For a detailed schedule of events, log in on our website at “The INN” and click calendar, or

contact the church office 770-867-3727. All church meetings (with exception of SPRC) are

open to anyone who would like to attend.

Childcare Info on Page 2

CH-Chapel • FH– Fellowship Hall • GM-Gym • SA-Sanctuary SC-Stars Cafe • WC-Worship Center


Musical Rehearsal for Installation Svc. 4:00 PM SA


Finance Team Mtg. 7:00 PM 114


Crochet Group How to Use Your Bible Class Chancel Choir Practice

9:00 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM

128 FH



Church Bldg. Closed for Extermination UMM Breakfast-Chic-fil-A; Bethlehem

All Day 8:00 AM


Installation Svc. For New D.S. 2:00 PM SA

The Week at a Glance

Anissa Sullivan 709 Christmas Ave.

Bethlehem, GA 30620 770.867.3727 ext.15

LifeFitness Equipment

FREE: Fitness Consultation with a Personal Trainer

Locker Rooms & Showers Available, no charge

Visit us for 2 weeks FREE

2 Week Free Pass (14 Days) w/Access Card

Requires a credit or check made out for $10.00 to BFUMC. If you do not join after the 2 week free period and do not return your Access Card we will charge the $10.00 for the card.

For a tour of the Fitness Center or more information, please contact our Fitness Director.

[email protected] 770-867-3727 ext. 15

Installation of our New Athens-Elberton District Superintendent

Dr. Rev. Brian Clark

Sunday, August 13, 2017 2:00 PM

at Bethlehem First UMC Reception will follow.

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Our Staff

After School Ministries Director, Melanie Spilman 770.867.3727 ext. 16 [email protected]

Audio/Video, Mark Nichols ......................................... 404.606.7671 (cell) [email protected]

Children’s Ministry Director, Ben Wilcox................ 770.867.3727. ext. 18 [email protected]

Custodian, Jack Chilcote ........................................... 770.712.7336 (cell)

Executive Assistant, Karen Whitehead .................... 770.867.3727 ext. 11 [email protected]

Finance Director, Nikki Shelton ............................... 770.867.3727 ext. 20 [email protected]

Fitness/Rec Director, Anissa Sullivan ....................... 770.867.3727 ext. 15 [email protected]

Office Assistant, Gretchen Hill ................................. 770.867.3727 ext. 10 [email protected]

Office Assistant, Jenny Pohl ..................................... 770.867.3727 ext. 21 [email protected]

Preschool Director, Lizzy Sheffield ...................................... 770.867.3724 [email protected]

Security, J.P. Boyd ................................................................ 770.867.9551

Youth Ministry Director, Zach Drummond .............. 770.867.3727 ext. 25 [email protected]

Our Clergy

Rev. Frank Bernat, Senior Pastor 770.867.3727, ext. 23, 770.362.7998 cell [email protected] Rev. Matt Parker, Associate Pastor 770.867.3727, ext. 22, 404.538.2567 cell [email protected]

Music Minister, Karen Smith 770.867.3727 ext. 12, 830.513.2029 (cell) [email protected]

9:30 Worship Leader, Mitch King 770.722.4759 cell [email protected]

11contemporary Worship Leader, Caleb Kimsey 770.815.8168 cell [email protected]

Organist, NeeCee Delk 706.224.5998 (cell)

Pianist, Katrina Wilson 404.732.7308 (cell)

Church Office Hours

Monday—Thursday ............ 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Friday ................................. 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


At Bethlehem First UMC, we have a common mission: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We offer a loving, nurturing environment in which to serve and worship Christ, and to grow spiritually. We would love to have you join us each Sunday.


If you would like to learn more about Bethlehem First UMC, please visit our website,, speak with one of our pastors, call the church office, 770.867.3727, or email us, [email protected].


Are you interested in exploring membership at Bethlehem First UMC? Join us Sunday, September 10, for Coffee with Pastors, at 5:00 p.m., room 125, to learn more about what membership looks like at Bethlehem First and discover if this is the next step for you. During your time with the pastors, you will learn about the history and theology of our church, expectations of members, and have a chance to ask questions about the church. A cup of coffee does not obligate you to membership. For more information, ask one of our pastors about Coffee with Pastors.