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W W. - Materialisations at Huddersfield. - Light 1905, pag. 63. W. A. A. - Memoir of the Late Mrs. De Morgan. - Light 1892, pagg. 55-59. W. A. E. - The Mystery of Resurrection. “The Messenger’s” Explanation in “Cleophas Scripts”. - Light 1935, pag. 563. W. E. M. - G. R. S. Mead - A Sketch. - Light 1953, pagg. 329-330. W. J. O. - Lourdes Cures. Not Miracles, But Due to Psychic Healing. - Light 1936, pag. 296. W. Z. - “Our Children in the Beyond”. A Strange Experiences. - Light 1905, pag. 413. WACHSMUTH G. - Le forze plasmatrici eteriche nel cosmo, nella Terra e nell’uomo. Una via all’indagine di ciò che è vivente. - Casa Editrice Atanor, Todi 1929, pagg. 335. WACHTMEISTER CONSTANCE and OTHERS - Reminiscences of H. P. Blavatsky and “The Secret Doctrine”. -Theosophical Publishing Society, London 1893, pagg. 162. WADE F. E. - Or Was it a Dream? - T. 3/1960, pagg. 17-20. WADE JOS. M. - Unusual Phenomena. - Light 1897, pag. 77. WADHAMS P. and FARRELLY B. A. - The Investigation of Psychokinesis Using -Particles. - J.S.P.R. Vol. 44, 1967- 1968, pagg. 281-289. WADIA B. P. - Cinq Conférences traduites de l’Anglais et publiées par Un Groupe d’Etudiants Théosophes. - L’Europe retrouverá-t-elle son âme? - Bruxelles 1924, pagg. 88. WAGENER GIMENO A. - Die Pentagram-Und Karmadiagnose. - Herman Bauer Verlag, Freiburg 1999, pagg. 224. WAGNER AUGUST H. - Reincarnation. - I.J.P. 3/1968, pagg. 285-294. WAGNER EDDA - Ein sprechender Spuk. - Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie, August 1932, pagg. 342- 346. WAGNER LUCIA POHLER - Psicosi e esperienza mistica. - La Ricerca Psichica 3/1995, pagg. 37-55. WAHU A.

W. A. E.€¦ · - Neue Versuche von Harri Price mit Rudi Schneider. - Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie, Mai 1932, pagg. 193-195. - Interessante Versuche mit einem ungarischen Medium.

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  • W

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    W. J. O.- Lourdes Cures. Not Miracles, But Due to Psychic Healing. - Light 1936, pag.296.

    W. Z.- “Our Children in the Beyond”. A Strange Experiences. - Light 1905, pag. 413.

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    N. L2279 Collocazione (WALDEN PETER

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