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Calculating Volumetrics for a “Net thickness” 3D Grid based on a Cut- off Value & Ranking based on that Volumetrics Result Petrel Uncertainty Workflow

Volume Calculation Uncertainty

Nov 22, 2015




Volume Calculation Uncertainty
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  • Calculating Volumetrics for a Net thickness 3D Grid based on a Cut-off Value & Ranking based on that

    Volumetrics Result

    Petrel Uncertainty Workflow

  • Scenario

    Preliminary study needed to identify areas of focus (which will then be

    modeled in detail)

    The net thickness has been measured at each well location for the

    whole basin/region/etc.

    The objective is to calculate the volumetrics for the areas where the

    net thickness will be greater than a threshold value (in this example, 15

    m will be the cutoff value)

    This area is

    to be ignored

    This area has

    thickness >15m,

    so we want to

    calculate the

    volume for it

  • Part I

    Creating the Base Case: a Net Thickness

    Simple 3D Grid

  • Initial Set-Up

    In this presentation, these thicknesses have been converted to a point

    set (right-click on the Well Top Attribute > Convert to points)

    Well also be using two surfaces: one 0-thickness one for the bottom of the 3D grid, and one 15m one for the cutoff value

    Some points are below

    the cutoff value

  • Creating the 3D Grid

    Use Make simple grid and choose Skeleton only, typing in 0 as the base limit and a value above your net points data range for the top


  • Subdividing the 3D grid

    Use the surfaces and the

    point set as input, making

    sure that the cutoff surface

    is a base

    That way, the top zone will be thicknesses above the

    cutoff value only

  • Creating Properties: Zonation Information

    Create a Zone Property: Geometrical modeling >

    Zone Index > From all zones (in hierarchy)

    The bottom zone ends up with a code of

    1 in this case; well need to convert that to a code of 0 so that the following steps


    Go to the Properties Calculator and convert the bottom zone to a

    code of 0:



    Attach to General discrete template

  • Editing the Property

    Go to the new propertys Settings > Operations tab and select the Sum vertically option

    Make sure that Sum inside zones only is toggled off & hit Run

  • Calculating Volumetrics

    Go to Volume calculation and create a

    new case & fill it with constant values

    that have been estimated for the

    field/area/basin (alternatively, you could

    model the properties but this is meant as

    a very broad first pass)

    Under the Facies option, use the discrete property created earlier

    In the Report Settings, make sure to have the Facies selected

    When you run the volumetrics, youll get a result for the Code 1, which will

    be for areas where the Net thickness

    is greater than the threshold value

  • Part II

    Running Uncertainty on this Net

    Thickness 3D Grid

  • Initial Uncertainty and Optimization Workflow

    The original workflow will be missing some of the more manual steps

    that were used in getting the results

    Make sure to add in uncertainty (convert

    fixed values to variables)

    Some sample parameters that

    can be used for uncertainty in

    the Make horizons process

  • Editing the Uncertainty Workflow

    You will need to add to the uncertainty WF the

    Geometrical Modeling process and select to edit

    the Zones property

    You will also need to add in the

    Property Calculator statement and

    the Sum Vertically Operation (use

    the same settings as when you

    were creating your base case)

    You will need to figure out which row

    & column the volume values are

    sitting on in the Volume output sheet

    (look at your base cases Volumetric report to find out)

  • Results of the Uncertainty Workflow

    Once you run the uncertainty workflow, you can sort the cases in the

    Variables spreadsheet based on this volume of interest

  • Optional: Output Net Thickness Surfaces

    If you wish to save output surfaces, create a folder in your Input pane (i.e., Output Net Surfaces)

    Add in lines to extract the surfaces: Convert horizon to surface, Set name to rename the surfaces, and Move to store them in the Output Net Surfaces folder