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S UMMER 2010 V OLUME 2010, I SSUE 4 The Messenger SAINT DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Dea National Acolyte Festival 2 Bringing Back a Piece 3 Updates and Thank yous 5 Celebration Garden 6 DeaconSpeak 8 Vacation Bible Camp 9 Hot New Addition 10 Budget Box News 10 Do Unto Others 3 Special Dates 11 Bean Supper Success 4 Bible Adventure 7 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: SAINT DAVID’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 138 York Street (Rt. 1, South) P.O. Box 165 Kennebunk, Maine 04043 Tel.: 207 985 3073 Website: E-addresses and phone numbers: Dan Riggall, Rector [email protected] 985-3073 Kristina M. Conley, Deacon 985-3073 Gail S. Chandler, Deacon 985-3073 Thomas Kovacevic, Pastoral Musician 985-3073 Cathy Zub, Parish Administrator [email protected] 985-3073 William G. Rhines, Jr. Verger Cathy Zub, Messenger Editor [email protected] Dear Friends, As you all know, in May we hosted an ecumenical program here at Saint David’s called Fishes and Loaves. During the five weeks of the program we had an average attendance of twenty people from four different churches in the area. The purpose of Fishes and Loaves was to remind us of our relation- ship to the ocean and the issues and problems that confront the world’s oceans and those who work on them to provide us seafood for our tables. We viewed the excellent film A Sea Change which informed us of the problem ocean acidification, and we learned of how other coastal communities in Maine are directly aiding the fishermen of their area. At the end of the program, all of us who participated agreed that we would like to investigate the possibility of starting a community fishery co-op here in Kennebunk. Such a program would work in much the same way as a farmers’ market with individuals making purchases directly from fishermen, except that in a fishery co-op people would purchase “shares” of fish delivery each week. We are working with the Maine Council of Churches and the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance to determine what the level of interest might be for establishing a fishery co-op here in Kennebunk In the late summer/early fall we will be surveying the community in some fashion, so if you’re interested, please keep watching for more information. Shalom, Dan Riggall

VOLUME 2010, ISSUE 4 SAINT DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH … year, on Columbus Day weekend, the Washington National Cathedral hosts

Jul 13, 2020



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Page 1: VOLUME 2010, ISSUE 4 SAINT DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH … year, on Columbus Day weekend, the Washington National Cathedral hosts





National Acolyte Festival 2

Bringing Back a Piece 3

Updates and Thank yous 5 Celebration Garden 6

DeaconSpeak 8 Vacation Bible Camp 9 Hot New Addition 10 Budget Box News 10

Do Unto Others 3

Special Dates 11

Bean Supper Success 4

Bible Adventure 7


SAINT DAVID’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 138 York Street (Rt. 1, South)

P.O. Box 165 Kennebunk, Maine 04043

Tel.: 207 985 3073 Website: E-addresses and phone numbers:

Dan Riggall, Rector [email protected]


Kristina M. Conley, Deacon 985-3073

Gail S. Chandler, Deacon 985-3073

Thomas Kovacevic, Pastoral Musician


Cathy Zub, Parish Administrator

[email protected] 985-3073

William G. Rhines, Jr. Verger

Cathy Zub, Messenger Editor [email protected]

Dear Friends, As you all know, in May we hosted an ecumenical program here at Saint David’s called Fishes and Loaves. During the five weeks of the program we had an average attendance of twenty people from four different churches in the area. The purpose of Fishes and Loaves was to remind us of our relation-ship to the ocean and the issues and problems that confront the world’s oceans and those who work on them to provide us seafood for our tables. We viewed the excellent film A Sea Change which informed us of the problem ocean acidification, and we learned of how other coastal communities in Maine are directly aiding the fishermen of their area. At the end of the program, all of us who participated agreed that we would like to investigate the possibility of starting a community fishery co-op here in Kennebunk. Such a program would work in much the same way as a farmers’ market with individuals making purchases directly from fishermen, except that in a fishery co-op people would purchase “shares” of fish delivery each week. We are working with the Maine Council of Churches and the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance to determine what the level of interest might be for establishing a fishery co-op here in Kennebunk In the late summer/early fall we will be surveying the community in some fashion, so if you’re interested, please keep watching for more information. Shalom, Dan Riggall

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Every year, on Columbus Day weekend, the Washington National Cathedral hosts a National Acolyte Festival. This year, we will be taking some of our own acolytes to Washington, DC to attend the 30th Annual Festival. The Festival is open to acolytes of any age from Episcopal Churches all over the country. Each year, hundreds of acolytes gather at the Cathedral for a weekend of fun, fellowship and worship. All attendees can process with their parish’s crosses, banners and flags at a special Saturday service to honor their service as acolytes. The Bishop of Washington presides at the service, during which all the acolytes re-dedicate themselves to this ministry of service. Lunch is provided on the Cathedral grounds following the service.

Last year, there were so many acolytes attending that the procession alone lasted over 45 minutes. The youngest acolyte in attendance was only six years old, and the oldest was 81.

In addition to the service of Rededication, there are a variety of workshops for the acolytes. These include sessions about the Cathedral Gargoyles, the history of Episcopal Liturgy, including liturgical vestments, and an examination of the Sacra-ment of Holy Eucharist.

Acolytes are encouraged to stay for the regular services the next day. This is a wonderful opportunity to see the Cathedral Acolytes and Vergers in action as they perform their duties during a very large and well-executed service.

During the week before the Acolyte Festival, the Cathedral is hosting the annual Verger’s Conference. I will be attending that conference (my first one since becoming a verger), and will finally have the opportunity to meet many of my associates from around the country. We will be having our own workshops and discussions about a variety of topics and issues that are relevant to the Verger ministry.

This promises to be an exciting and rewarding weekend for those attending, and we will keep all of you informed as our plans develop. We will also be looking to you for support and sponsorship, and for help in arranging housing and transpor-tation for this event. This is the first time that people from St. David’s have attended this Festival, and we want it to be a fun, rewarding and enriching experience for all those who will be going.

Bill Rhines, Verger

National Acolyte Festival and Verger’s Conference

Coffee Hour Dates Available

There are open dates in July and August for hosts for the 9:30 am coffee hour. As well, the 1st and 3rd Sundays are open for the 8:00 am service.

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Those of you who have been at church the last few weeks have noticed the embroidered frontal that adorns the altar. This frontal is a piece of St. David’s history. While we now have the luxury of owning matched sets of liturgical vestments (altar and lectern frontals, Chalice veils and burses, and clergy vestments) to go with each of the seasons of the church year, this was not always the case. Those members who attended church in the “old building” (now the home of the Presbyterian Church) might remember that this embroidered frontal was the only one we had, and was used for weddings and funerals, as well as for the rest of the church year. (Below is a picture of me and Linda standing in front of the altar at the old church that shows this frontal. The picture is from our wedding in 1988.) This shorter frontal allows people to see the altar without it being hidden by fabric. The altar was brought from the old build-ing, and is one of the few remaining fixtures that we use that has not been replaced with oak (which explains the white paint). According to the church records, the frontal was donated to St. David’s in 1976 by the Rev. and Mrs. E. Robert Newton. Some parishioners who remember the Rev. Newton report that in his later years, he served as one of the summer clergy at St. Ann’s, and was known for zoom-ing around town in his red Corvette. Now you know. Bill Rhines

Bringing back a piece of our past

Did you know that We Care Dry Cleaners of Maine, in Kennebunk, cleans our liturgical vestments, including the altar vestments, chasubles and some of our linens, for free? Not only does this save us a lot of money over the course of the year, but it also keeps the vestments fresh and makes them last longer. The word from the Altar Guild is that they do a wonderful job.

Turn about is fair play. Just as they support us, we urge you to take your own dry cleaning to them to help them continue this valuable service. And while you’re there, be sure to thank them for their generosity.

We Care Cleaners is located at 1 Storer St., Kennebunk, directly across from the entrance to Lafayette Center.

Do Unto Others...

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Our June 19th Bean Supper was such a success,

we’ve decided to do it again!

Brooke Dojny, cookbook author and former assistant to Martha Stewart, has written a book called Dishing Up Maine, which showcases Maine dishes including Maine Baked Beans. For the best Baked Beans she recommends “Going to a Church Supper!”

Saint David’s Baked Bean Supper, “Take II” Saturday, August 14

5:30—7:00 pm

Dear Saint David’s Choir Members, On behalf of the Vestry of Saint David’s I would like to convey our thanks for the great work that was done to sponsor the recent very successful Ham & Bean Sup-per.

The event attracted 115 people who filled the Great Hall. Many attendees were not members of St. David’s. It truly was a fun evening with plenty of deli-cious food and it provided a great opportunity for peo-ple to meet and get to know each other.

And, in addition to all that, it raised over $750 for our church. Many thanks to all of you for the hard work you did to sponsor such a successful event.

Jan E. Inglis,

Clerk of the Vestry St. David’s Episcopal Church

Hosted by

St. David’s


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St. David's Book Sale took place on Saturday, May 29 and made a profit of $779.00. Thank you to everyone who donated books for the sale and thank you to everyone who bought books. I am always impressed by the quality of the books that are donated to our sales. Thank you to the dedicated readers who sorted through the boxes and bags of books. Actually, it is always a special time as we handle the books and give impromptu 'book talks' to one another! I thank: Janet Phelps, Ginny Welch, Carolyn Ker-shaw, Jeanne Burke, Barbara Clark, Janet O'Don-nell, Bootsie Stewart, and Ann Browne. Many thanks to Cathy Zub who handled all of the adver-tising and assisted in countless tasks. Jeanne Burke and I packed up the remaining books and Justin Riggall and his friend Scott, loaded them onto Justin's truck and took them to Biddeford, where they were donated to the Hospice Book Store and Goodwill. Again, thank you to everyone who participated in this effort. Fran Riggall

Book Fair a Success!

On May 16, Saint David’s hosted the graduation of 6 students of the Education for Ministry program. The graduates shared collects and a doctrine they had written. Per-haps you were there and perhaps this program caught your attention. Pam Turk will hold an informational meeting on Tuesday, August 3, at 1 pm in the Library. This is an opportunity to register for the fall session or to just find out more about EFM. Scholarships are available to help with tuition and the four year curriculum is portable. Former students will be on hand to answer questions and share their experiences. It is a fantastic opportunity to share and discover with fellow Christians as you grow in your faith and walk with God. Due to conflicts with evening classes, this year the course will be offered Thursday mornings beginning September 9th at 9 a.m., and will continue through May 2011. Join us on Tuesday August 3rd at 1pm to explore the possibilities of a new faith journey. Remember, this is an interdenominational course, so all are welcome. Please call Pam Turk at 985-6962 with questions.

Education for Ministry for Fall

Thank you to all who partici-pated in this year’s United Thank Offering Ingathering. The total amount sent to the Diocese was $980.25. Janet Phelps

St. Elizabeth's Pantry is in desperate need of diapers! Tuesday, June 8 was St. David's day to donate diapers and we had only two packages of diapers. I was there and I heard more than one young mother ask if there were any diapers. Diapers are expensive and I urge you to buy a package the next time you go shopping and leave them in the front hall closet when you come to church. St. Elizabeth's Pantry is a vital out-reach ministry of St. David's. Call the church office for more information. Thank you. Fran Riggall

Rejoice evermore. Pray with-out ceasing; for this is the will of God.

1. Thessalonians 5:16-18

St. Elizabeth's Pantry

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Our sincere thanks to David and Nancy Monks for the donation of a beautiful trellis and three planters for the side wall of the church that faces the garden. David made the trellis and planters, and with the able assistance of Jack Wilde, secured the trellis to the wall. The planters are filled with Clematis, (from Sheila Cunningham), and jasmine vines.

Meanwhile, Sheila weeded the entire garden single handedly and what a job!

Alice Ferran transplanted some Astilbe from her garden and Bill Rhines delivered some much needed top soil.

“At play in the fields of the Lord”, were Priscilla Madore, Beatrice White, Mary Ann Moulton, Fran Riggall, Bootsie Stewart, Nancy Monks, Sheila Cunningham, Gail Alling and Ann Browne – plant-ing the garden and digging dandelions from the lawn.

We are able to grow only shade plants in the garden because of the trees, but the area is enhanced by several arrangements in containers. There is a new umbrella to shade oneself and we hope everyone will bring their coffee to the garden and enjoy the new look.

The Celebration Garden Has a New Look!

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Bible Adventure in 2009-2010 was a successful first year. Thank you to all who taught: Linda Gallagher, Michelle Kenis-ton, Jessica Mazzei and Cynthia McDonnell.

Either Deacon Kris Conley or Deacon Gail Chandler led the reading of the Bible Paraphrase each Sunday. Most children were irregular in attendance due in part to the variety of other Sunday activities now available to them. The general re-sponse from children when they were present was usually posi-tive and sometimes enthusiastic. A major goal of this ministry is for children to enjoy being at St. David's, to feel their pres-ence there is valued and to see the parish taking steps to

be more open to them Some modifications suggested by parents and others will be included when Bible Adventure resumes in September.

Bible Adventure will begin each Sunday with a gathering of all chil-dren. One of the parish deacons will lead the antiphonal reading of a Bible Paraphrase, usually a portion of the Gospel appointed for that day. A paraphrase is an idea-for-idea revision of the Gospel, different from a translation which is a word-for-word revision. Para-phrases were used to present the Gospel to congregations in the first few hundred years of Christianity when most people were illiter-ate. Children today who are just beginning to read might also be helped by paraphrase readings. Following the suggestions received last year, children will be invited to participate in some simple sing-ing, offer informal prayers, and exchange the Peace with one an-other during this initial gathering, In response to another suggestion received from parents, teaching about the Holy Eucharist as well as worship in gen-

eral will be offered to the children during the Bible Adventure year beginning in September. On three designated Sundays, the Bible Paraphrase will be the Gospel reading for a Eucharist celebrated in style and language more appropriate for children. Teaching will be in the form of dialog between the celebrant and the children as the liturgy progresses. Following the initial gathering children will be invited to classes grouped according to age. Each of these groups will move to the church after concluding its class work, joining their families and friends in the congregation to receive Holy Communion.

I am grateful that Dan has asked me to minister with the children of the parish and their families. This past year has been as rewarding and fulfilling for me as any other year has ever been. I'm looking forward to September! - Dick Anderson

Bible Adventure to Resume in September

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As many of you know I enjoy writing poetry and this year I took the plunge by attending a five-day poetry workshop at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, MA. It was taught by Kimiko Hahn, author of eight poetry books. One of the interesting new forms I learned about is some-thing called haibun; a combination of poetic prose, often journal or travel entries, and haiku. The style was popular in 17th c. Japan with its most notable author Matsuo Basho. My first attempt at haibun follows below. May summer bring its many blessing to you – family, friends, flowers, and even gentle rains. July 12, 2005 Summer, dry. Weather Channel 33 predicts drought. Doppler radar shows green, indicating rain from the west. Hope-fully it will reach us as I have watched the flowers wilt well before noon and a no watering order has been issued. My astilbe, which needs wet soil, looks dulls, like washed blue jeans. I miss its vibrant red. The dust of my driveway flies freely, needing only the hint of air, filling my nose, my eyes; making me sneeze. July 13, 2005 This morning it is raining lightly - a gift. The dry grateful cracks swallow morning’s soothing rain and the earth is healed. After dressing I will walk to the edge of the woods, along the bridle path, and see if there are blackberries or blueberries for my morning cereal.

Peace, Kris

DeaconSpeak Kris Conley

Let the summer begin…

Happy 4th of July ! Have a wonderful summer.

Deadline for September/October newsletter is August 17th.

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August 16—20, 2010

ALL HANDS ON DECK! New friends! * Lip-smacking snacks!

Amazing crafts! * Swashbuckling bible adventures! Incredible music! * And more…

IT’S A LOT OF FUN If you’ve never experienced Vacation Bible Camp at Christ Church in Kennebunk, you are in for a special treat. We will feel the sea spray on our faces as sails snap overhead. We’ll experience the deep rolling waters of God’s love. It’s easily the best time we’ll have all summer!

REGISTER TODAY Registration forms are available on our website at or you can find them on the Information Table in the Great Hall. Feel free to copy and pass out to friends as well. The cost is $20 per child and $15 per child for a fam-ily of 3 or more. Of course, confidential financial aid is available too. Just contact Reverend Riggall at 985-3073.

CREW LEADERS NEEDED We are looking for crew leaders and assistants, (anyone who has completed 6th grade and older), to shepherd our campers through the program.

QUESTIONS? Call Cap’n Cat (aka Cathy Zub), at 985-2565 or email at [email protected].

Christ Church

6 Dane Street




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The Budget Box is all dressed up in red, white, and blue, ready for the upcoming July Fourth holiday. The “decorators” who create the attractive clothing displays have outdone themselves this time. Stop in and check it out! While you are there, thumb through the racks of great seasonal items. You will be surprised at the variety and quality of the inventory. Did you know that every time you donate, consign, or shop at the Budget Box, in addition to supporting the operations budget at Saint David’s, you will also be contributing to a wide array of outreach activities? Carolyn Gowdy has written to Nafisa, the Afghan woman whom we are supporting through Women for Women International, and we are looking forward to hearing from her. The Budget Box also has a partnership with Safe Haven Animal Shelter. Perhaps you have been there when a cat or two have been “visiting” for the day (in a cage, of course). So far, about 20 cats and kittens have been adopted as a result of being seen at the Budget Box. Just a reminder—When you are sorting through your clothes each season, please remember the Budget Box.

Budget Box News

A Hot New Addition to the Kitchen St. David’s recent passed the 20th anniversary of the steeple being placed on our present building. To many of us who have been members since then, it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long already. Reality hits home, however, when we real-ize that we need to begin to replace some things that are as old as the building itself. This is the case with some of our kitchen appliances.

The stove that we had been using for all those years finally had to go. It was a giant cast-iron beast that served us well, but was on its last legs. Not only was it scary looking, but it kept the kitchen heated year-round with its nine pilot lights. It was impossible to keep clean, was an ongoing maintenance problem, and as Bill O’Brien and Dave Monks will confirm, was not even able to cook the pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. One of the problems we were faced with was that it would have cost as about $500 just to get rid of it. A few months ago, a couple of things came together (timing is everything) that allowed us to finally bring our kitchen up to modern standards.

A few months ago, a couple of things came together (timing is everything) that allowed us to finally bring our kitchen up to modern standards. A visiting tradesman knew of a Lodge (Masonic, I think) that was willing to haul the old stove away for free. Chris McLean and All About Kitchens were able to provide two modern appliances at a very generous discount. This was an opportunity that was too good to pass up.

Now that the new appliances are in place, we need to finish paying for them. The cost of the change, including the appli-ances and installation came to about $1800. We have had a number of very generous donations that have left us with an outstanding balance of about $600. We also had a parishioner donate griddles for the stoves, so we’re all set for the next Shrove Tuesday supper. Now it’s time for us to get out from under that residual debt.

Donations for the stoves of any amount are welcome. It all adds up. Checks can be made out to “St. David’s Church” with “stoves” written in the memo line. They can be left in the offering plate, given to any member of the Vestry, or left in the col-lection pot at the coffee hour.

With hospitality being such an important part of our life at St. David’s I believe that this has been a very worthwhile invest-ment. I thank you all for your generosity.

Bill Rhines, Warden

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Special Dates in August August 3rd at 1 pm…………………………………..……………..EFM Registration and Information Session August 14 from 5:30—7 pm………………………………………. Baked Bean Supper, (Take II) August 16—20 from 9 am to Noon……………………………….Vacation Bible Camp, Christ Church


Life Celebrations * denotes Anniversary

all others are Birthdays

July August 1—Barbara Clark 1—Helen Webb*

3—Jeanine Bodnar 5—Gillian Charbonneau

4—Michelle Keniston 8—Jenifer Stewart

7—Susan Gunter 9—Griffin Robinson

8—Mary Hauser 10—Joe Havens

9—Sam & Barbara Clark* 12—Hannah Keene

11—Michael and Victoria Donaghy* 12—Kayla Fadiman

19—Rae Dwight 13—Skylar and Brady Holder

21—Gordon and Carolyn Kershaw * 13—Maude Banta

22—Sharron Eastman 18—Sarah McLean

23—Gail Freeman 19—Sarah Armentrout

30—Audrey Anderson 22—Joe and Gale Mazzei*

22—Spencer Gray

23—Bryan Hauser

25—Laura Bohlmann 26—Chris McLean 30—Jen Fadiman 30—Wilda Thurlow

31—Tecla Howden

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A Prayer for the Catastrophe in the Gulf

As the catastrophic oil accident in the Gulf continues, O God, for the wonders of technology, we give you thanks. For the limits of technology we pray for awareness. For the arrogance of technology, when it harms your Creation, we pray for humility. For the victims of this technology, we pray for forgiveness. For the recklessness which prevents careful preparation for accidents, we pray with repentance and for enlightenment. And for our capacity to learn from this huge mistake and to minister compassionately as a society to those harmed by it, we give you thanks. Amen.

Written by The Rev. John Widdows Episcopal Diocese of Maine