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Volume 2 Number 35 August 30 1967 Win their latest L.P. IDMMDTIOI AB LAST SHOW SEPTEMBER Lost wHk saw the 1cond act of the drastic move by Channel O (Melbourne}, of sentencing their second pop tHnoge show to the guillotine. KOMMOTION HAS BEEN SENTENCED TO DEATH SEPTEMBER 28th , 1967 As reported last week , this is Hr iously going to affect t he Australian pop scene, as it is impouible for group and artists to gain exposure Interstate unless they ore known . Kommotion and Goll we,.. able to do this. It is up to the r.adan to make sure that somewhere, somehow Melbourne television stat ions areforced to make room for a new tHnoge television show. SO WRITE TO GO-SET NOWI

Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30

Nov 01, 2021



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Page 1: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30

Volume 2 Number 35

August 30 1967 Win their

latest L.P.


LAST SHOW SEPTEMBER Lost wHk saw the 1• cond act of the drastic move by Channel

O (Melbourne}, of sentencing their second pop tHnoge show to the guillotine.


As reported last week , this is Hriously going to affect t he Australian pop scene, as it is impouible for group and artists to gain exposure Interstate unless they ore known. Kommotion and Goll we,.. able to do this .

It is up to the r.adan to make sure that somewhere, somehow Melbourne television stations areforced to make room for a new tHnoge television show.


Page 2: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30

1. (I) All You NHd h Love Biby You 're A Rich Min Seatles I \ U

2. ( 2) San Fnnci,co-Flower, h, Your H1 ir ~CO?! 'lic,..en: ,e ' rn

3 . ( .d ) Up Up And Away 5t h J ·mens,cn" ,u 4 . ( 3) Whiter Shade Of Pale Procol Ha r"Jm ll tll

5. ( 5 J Chapel In The Moonllghl Dean Man in s \U llul ACT 6 . (8 ) Woman Yo.i ' re Breaking Me Groop ' All i...1 \l\'A -" T

7 . ( 6) Theme f or A New Love Davy Jones I \II bu1 W,\ , , T

8 . ( 11) To Love Somebdy .. Bee GE!es I \U llul ACT

9 .( 1~) Don ' t Sleep In Th" S1.1bw,1y Petula Clark' \'. ss111 . SA. WA

10.( I Q ) Theme from The Mon ken . M on ... ces E P I \ ', 1"S\I\', ACT. 0 11 . (Q) I Take It 8 9'k ... Sandy Posey f , .• ACT. Q . M . 1

12.( 15) The Wind Cries M.ry Jimy Hendrt ll E11p. s AU NI SSW 13.( 17) Jackson .... Nancy Smatra & lee Hazelwood ~ AU WA

14 .( 10 ) Silence Is Gol!Hn . Tren1eloes ll AU but _, .

15 . ( 20) Cirri• Ann .. . .... Hottiu' All bal S A s. WA 16.(18) Henen And Hell .... Euybuts • SSW, ACT. Q, WA

17 .(37) Cry Soft ly Lonely One .. . ... Ray Orbison 2 ' '· "-' · 1u 18.( 12) Then I Kissed Her . ... Beach Boys 1 , ·. -'Cl'. Q. T 19.( 23) Respect . . .. Aretha Franklin 1 \ ', NSW. M 20.( 2.d ) I Wenne Be fret Monkees 4 SSW. ACT, T

21 .(27) Stunge Srew ................ . Cream • s s w. SA, WA 22 .( 13) Ding Dong The Wi tch Is Dead ... 5th Estate' ' '· ACT. Q

23 . ( 7) W.iterloo Sunset .. ... . .. K,nks 1' \ '. ACT. Q , WA

24.( 29 ) Airplane Song Royal Guardsmen 1 " · ACT. Q. SA. T 25 .( 21 ) This Is My Song .. Pe1ula Clark H ' '· s s 111-, ACT. T 26 .{21) Paper Sun . . . . Tr.:iff',c 4 ,;,;:,r, "CT· S:\ 27.( 36) If I Were A. Rich Min ,! & f:loyd t , :,;11,·. AC.,-. T

28 .( 27 ) She'd R.ilher Be With Me 1 umes 1 ,,. .,.. . ACT. Q . T 29.( 34) Can ' t Take My Eye:. Off You Frankie Valli t s:,; 11, , Q 30.(31) Mr . Pleasant . .... . .... . . .. Kioks 1 , ·. \l. SA. 111·;. 31. ( 28) My Aim Is To Pleue You ..... E,:ecurives I ss1o1·. Q

32.( 33) Ccme On Dowro To My 8011 .... .... . ... 1:very Mo1her ·s Son' i..sw . ACT, Q

33.(- l Heroes Arod Villians .. . .......... Beach Boys I ss11,·, SA 34 .( 16) Groovin ' . .. Young Rasca ls 11 " · ACT. Q

!!:~ ~ i ~~:y LegQtld Girl .. .' ........ : E1:~s'~~:~\~; : ~: :.-~~ S :\ . T

37 .(32) Minnie The Moocher ..... . ........ Cherokees 11 v. 111·.-

38 .(-l A. Girl Like Yo1,1 ..... Young Rascals 1 '

39.{-} It Must Be Him Vikki Carr I ' '

40.( ) I' ll Neller F,1II In Love Again .. Tom Jones 1 -"'A. T

Kt:l:C IKII TU \11' \T'c;tl , O.y I Me-! Mu nr· •

TIIIS 11,·t :t :K· n,.. n,,w ,,,;,. .....,. Mn1 lr •• Wr 1.<wr Y<N 0..ndt>lion~ 10 tho-or bel l!ff<>l1 ln • k"'lt while t::ar.11 .,...,, rncb w11i, • -IIW'III <>I \he, l~h"' •ide's mlrudl/CUOn lll'W tt.~ fur J1m1 llendn•. l'<>fula Clar, . Tnlfflc, lli•ral G...,r1t.,.roi,m, t·......,_.., Vall,, !l­l'tt.,I~. ML.,..·• and 1'11µ;1 ·• . N,•w V•udn\11,. BllnCI ttrr, n.a,r~ Hrnni. .. ""''e • l'O'ITlallr uf Srei[uU'J toll"' "'-~t ,-·• • thr Tn,cv, t>a,·,. r,,~,lftW'd with 1hrlr pre\11'11<1 Tiun1 mana1,., ll1p..,.t., ul " Plra"'n1\'lLll,.)"Sundllr " "b) larthrbetl<', ..., . .,,n !hat •""'P ,;,,llod Tllt: M ....,, dlr~ In 1hr IJl!,.r ..,.,11th- ,.1 'M "G~,r,a ·• wn ,.,le- un u,.. ,...,., "' " Haby Pl......, Dunl Gu~. ~ Hrl) la,,l J""f ~c;~....., .. ~lartf'd M'lhn1 11, r m....l III M••lbo""'"'"" .-ru •• bo-1 111..,.,.,..~lullt rrv1• ,n !IOP US by L..., Shad..w•ul Kn11n1 tfow. ci,,,,p,1r T}M,m hlo¥HJ1i bruk .. n up mun, t/o;o11 • ynu MIIU, ,.., 11,,d "Olon•~ Ir, !hr U,~llind Tup 10 SUn,ly 1toi. 1,...k w1,1 br • shmdlrd ul 1n1> rn It,, wm .. , IUld f.,mM't ,.,...1,,1 wnh T,orm Vlll\ Mu rn,,un , •·• lkiw dn•n,: .,...11 1n llw U /'ol With IU> ..,11,pt'f'IMd

11,_ , ,.n t :yrd c:1r1 ·· f'.uytw.t~ · ~11 ...,,-..,. And llrll - ,um, u11 :llrn •"""""" ,,..,.,_ Tum J,~..-• .,..,,,. -• r.,,_..1i,,,n lfuml"'rd,nrk ~ ll r.1 '"'~"" .,. r~ny IMM'J'

:::.~ .. •~! .. ";'.~~I~ SB,Ur .,,..,.~ ..,. II ~ .. ... ... l~>bbt r ..... u y II t•~· , .... 1 lou , ... ...,h 10

_ ,,,_,,._ ,,,_,,,_ ,.,_ ,,,_ ,.,_,,,~


:: s::::•:~:: ~=-D:=l M" " B-'nll.Wf

I. l ,..,.,.. M, t:~ttytiuni r....,p...,11,,r,­l, c.-1 ...... 1 Rurt,r If••

II - H-111 HI PP)·

, ·,~. 1,~ rna111· ,.,...,.,,. ""' nu1n1n1

~• ~i:~:;:::,IOn ~.~ ~=~;I G~ * ~ ::~s~h,~c :• ~!~:..,•--~-: l 'nu ~":;"'llarn, ~ : ~II~~

I• . l'- •,.. 1;..111111 N,nl)...,. J,"'11" Bon l' Thal '• Riehl II . lllan!Phl 'lff ,'lfh>d J.., k.., 0...hannun C L•hanu you r oonr 11 I IMr k DC'- n· 11. plJ


L ,'lfuNf' ,...,., ,._ul a nd Mal')" A - Su do w~

···- ···-···-···-···-···-···-··'~

GO-GO PETE WATSON Go-Go to the greatest new band t have

e\'et seen. Pete Watson'!! RockhoU5e. This band brought the house d0"'-'J\ al Rende%• \'OU5 last w~•k and 11,•1II bri r:g dowil man)' more m the future it 1 'm ar.y judge.

Rockhou~ Fan. Mitcham. \ ' It.

GO-GO BLUES RAGS ANO HOLLERS Go-Go to the great Blue!!, Rais and

Hollers !or thei r terrific sta1e act and sound. I have seen them a!>Out thrt!O limes and I would like to express my feel· in&:s so that everyone will know how talented lhey are.


No-Go to Toowoomba Radio for not playing la!!t 50n g.1 by - Spencer Davis. Master 's Apprentices, Loved Ones. Chri '§ Farlowe, Four Tops and Animals. Go-Oo UP &nu 4.BC ror playing all switched on ,oumb.

Swiic.M-d oo SwlnJtr, Toowoomba, Q. GO.Ge' GLEN INGR"Yi

A million and one No-Go's to Go-Set !or not having a s tory about Glen Ingram and the Clan and, of counie, a big pin-up. Could some sweet persc,n please put a hint to someone.

G.I. & C. Fanatical Fan, Nor1b Sbore.

NO-GO DEAKI NS NoCo's to the Deakms - what has

happened to you? Where are you? We are fa.'lS o! yours still waiting to know whelhcr you are stlll together or have split up. We an- in the Ian club and ha,·e heard nothing about you , from you and nothing from the fan club since you returned from Suva. Don't you thlnk thtl fan club shouJd let us know whether there is still a group called .. The Deakins".

Ob1appoink-d Deakin Fan,.

GO-GO DEAN CONNELL Go-Go Dean Connell - Go-Go any pro,

moter who boOkS the most 1as. rave. Cab, hippiest art ist I ha\·e ever ~n. Dean Connell. All I can say is Gc>Go-Go.

Manha, Pl'f'!ilon. Vic.

GO-GO NORMI E tor Norm!e for his latest record,

It's a c redit to him. It 's fabul OUl. Also for him touring America Ir: th\! near future , lot's of Luck , No rmie.

__ .. _. EDITORIAL ·:: .. :':::;;: ,

Melbourroe -....... ,.. ·-I ~~.;~;.:: ~··· -~ ... -1

~I;llf ::: ~,o,. - •o•• I ,.~, cu, .. ~, I


~-·-· """ -· ~~~r .. , ·:~t:"ii:t l .... ....... i

!~s~:.~! Adelaide

U 1fM U ll l I

PHOTOGRAPHY Melbou rne _ ..

UIUN 11,n c

' "' .,:.'';;",::: 1

- ··-·I

3UZ TOP 15 6KY TOP 15 I . IMH l'RANCISOO, Stol.t Mc:KMale 2. A WHITI:R S ILU)E OP PALE, Pma,,I Huwn ) . AU. YOU HEED IS t.C"Vlt. The S.Un 4. UP, UP AND AWAY. ntlh Dimen1,h;1n t TKOAE P0R A l'ff:W LOVE. D.,.y .tonn; I . ~ !'ROM THE MO HKIXS, Tlw

, . WOMAN' YOU1lE BR!:AKIHG ME, Tn. a..., I . I WAS MADE TO LO\'E H ER. S~

Wood,, I WIND CRIES M"RY, Jim, ll<'ndn•

10 RESl"EC'T, Al"HN Fnnkhn II . CRY SOf'TLY LONELY ONE.. Hu)' Or b11,0111 12 TIIL N I K l55£0 HER. Bff,ch ~ ll ~:~ DONG TH E . ITCH IS DEAD, Pinn

14 I TAKE IT BACK. Sandy Pwey 15 WINDY , TIM A-lion


A RICH ~AN. 8".lln 2 SAN t'RAN CISC'O ~ • McK~n,s,-l " wmn; M S H/\DE OP l'ALE, " "'"'' H1rum 4 ur. ur AND "WA\' , t'lllh D,ffil!TllllJn

: ~.~';_~~~ : ;j~.MltL~~l~•Y~E~ n,,, Grnup

~ :!.nT": l~'1~!1Arl I IN Tl ,f' MOONLIG HT

I S II.F:NC'f: 1,- 1~11.D£S TI,,- Tr..""'1'""• I I T"Kt; IT l\"C'K X.My .-._)

10 s 11E·n RArHDI IIE WITII Ml.,~ T\mlr,, II ~!:::, ,":~·XJWS TO M\. IIOAT, F,,.,. , y

: ; n:f~l;I ~ ,,;:;~DN:i:•M.I~: 1:!'.~ ~:-:• It OINn oosi: TUC ll'ITC'II I :. Ot:.O.D •~1,r, 1:1.,.,,. U TO LO\ ''£: SO~ffOODY n,.. 11..., U...•

I . AU. \·ou NEED IS LOVE, Bftit!u 2 CH I NA DOU.. !l,lln, Wlmrnan I IN TH E CHAl'EI. IN TH t; MOONLIC:11

Dnn Ma,U,, 4 OONT SLD:P IN nu; :'lllBWAY. )"'1',;

Clarlt 5. A WltlTER S IL\DE Of' rAU: PT'l,ll;'UI H• ru .. I HEAVE N AND HEU.. &.,yt,,,•1~ l TH E TltACKS 0 >' MY TEAR.'i . T..,.,,l'I,. I MINNIE THE ~100Cltt;R. Chf'rolt...,_ I . UP, UP AND AWAY. Mh Dlmt1Won


II TO LOVt; SOMEUOD\' . u.,.. ~ 12. MR PU:A.!IANT. K1nk, IJ. WHAT C".000 AM I . f"Nuta ci.,,

2UW TOP 15 I .\LL YOU SEW 11, l.O\ 'E. lkoolla :! SAN FRAN( J,-('ll -•II Mf'K,•n, ,.. l A w111n:11 "IIAm: OP rAu:. Prnrul ll ~run, t UI• Cl• AND AWA\. Sth Dlml'fl'l10n ) IIEAVES MW IIEl.L, Ea,ybt'Jil1 I .!Ill.ENCi:: IS (;()I.DES, T fffllelun l S II E 'D IIAllt l.:M !JE WITlt ME, Turtlro I WOMA N \ 'ot!'IU: IIRl:AKING ME. (lroop I DJSO oo:-m Tm: WITCII IS D1':AO.


Ill L~~ ;ht-~:Ss.:1\ll'N Tr• M\' hOAT,

II I T"KI': IT RACK. JSandy Pnw)' 11 TIIES I K1S.Sl:D IIF.M, 11 .. .-h R<-,·, IJ WATl:JUJlfl Sl'SSl:T Kmk• 14 l\~RIIIE ASN. 111 ,n,..,, U T II F.M,:; f'IM A Nl:V.' lJ)\'E. 0.vy .Jon,i,1

SAD TOP 15 l ALL \ 'Ul 1 Sli:EO II> 1.0\'t; IIAII\' \ 'Ult HI

A MIC H ~IA N, Jl,.•tl"• l WOMAN \'OU"Ri: llftt:AKI SU ME, n,..

•·= 3 ~~:~ ;.i~U:!(l\)NlAIS 11110 11 E'NC'll,'(al

t UP. Uf' A~C ,.,,,.,.,._ t'llllo Dlmtn•lun S nn: JM)AT T II AT I MOW 1.1.,111 I II ERCIBS ANll \ ' IU.AINS, llr;,1:11 fl<,y. l £'?:t,- l'!U:l.l' IS TIU: St:U\t,'AY , ,..._,.1r,

- ~11:.rEH f'U:ASANT Kink>

:f ~~:~~l~:;~:~r~I~:~sr:~.- . u.-.,, Mu1111

U H~1•1:t.'1' Ar..lha ....... ,,1m It ~!;_N"E\' r M l' AI.L IN LO\' t: AOAIN 1.,n

IS ':o LO\'E SOMF:IJODY. """ r-.

I G SET v,EDNESDAf AUGLiSl 30. l'U:i7-PAGE 3 riJ I asters Apprenti1:es

b~~ ~:=:: 11,..,,. . .., 1~ ""thlni p,o.-1lrul1,1, , ,.... ~• 111P • ·rhf'r , ,.to,,n •·ou ""' )'rna ....,11 :I' ~• ~;;~tic-. lhi'- 1 ... ,.,, , bl,I)• fnl ,

,M,•,~,11q)', thr )!,·,nnir Rur~ 1111\'-~"" t,1 m, "muk• -<> I

•" ••·I""'' .. 11.1 .. R""""' Rurn• I ,, 1• ""' 11rn1<•r.d. •~• •Hld• • "'""'d

, 1~~• ,..,., Mun ntr t• •1111 n,,•

•• ~••Ill •• s.,,m,r "" ~me<' .,,.. ,,.,._,,,, bf.•n~ ~lormlf' t,;,d r,,..t

I,• .,,1• ,MUI\U~' -~ ,p,•n,hm: .... , ... 1111 n~•nth• '" ~ ;~land , •nd m 1h1• un,.­W• lP:1tn1 n err/II di•al mur, a t1UU1 .,..,.,.·n,;,,nship lh;rn to,, p,..,.,.ru,lY

n,,.,.. I~ nnh · on4' ••f In •hkh Kunnlr ran nkh up: 1:.0 an .... u . ,n, u,,. hie tl,.,..n,. c•ln npr rlrnn ~nu lmpra.· .. hi~ 8tac't pr""'naUtr: I ban nc fnr• In .. ylnt; ihla .. ffonnlf' ra,ald 1l1nc• 1 br ul\Nt • prn,onal f rirnd 111 n,r:f', Ind -.OM

••·• hap~• lo- lllm c•ln thr i...S.t Pop Pall Award than I .

And m anr cue whn., ~.,w: n,otnlns hi• popu.t•rlly In Au:ilr.lla wht ahowd he ao owerwu! That w1ll come latu. I hope In Rofvuf''ll l'aM! much l•trr , a, Ronn>e u a prnon and pir~nn&hty wowd be ;;;';l~oaiw::. 1n t.'ua country II hf'

I •m llOI •llh Jtonn,e Suma Ind. m rac1. I •m not i.c•ltlM any JI01l a m~t . mlilM:1an ;)f .-.-lb.I . to !he n..ntrary. I ha,,, alw•p ,one ollt ,•l l!ll'-11oht!lpth<,mw~r and wht"'fftpw,aiblr.butwt.nll n ,mn down to n,mpat!IOM and one ~• • ppruaclwd hf Go-Set Mapzlne tu make tNm un thrl r brhalf, llw-n I"" only Jiff )~>I.I 1/W pk:tun u I - h In drnn11 so. I mlDI natW'lt,lly hurt lhe lffllnp o( mall)'


r .. ict dllmn ll , I t,,1,1·r -., • ')J .,.,,.• lor lO)Yar. I ww~ runnln,:<1n ,iai;r 1n1nidur1n~ 1hr llud<ly lloltle•. nr Lml,, K1c-har rt.. flc- . when a lot "' m) frll<1•· rol lr to¥ur> ..-~,,. tn napplM. and LI I •m nr~ rnOUNl . ., i.~ .. ,. _,,.,. un 1hr p0u ....,,w, t"" tdl nl!' whn i,.•

,.:w:,; 111' l ,\,"t: RA S llt:U. 1 .. ....i ,...,.._ and'""" lur, , .,..

. ,,II lnlk>•i"l \ ,,_tr;,U~•~ 11111,, lllun<t.r bomt,.,hl•ll •hh Ilk- ccklC'TI ,.,ff',. ,.lwn •• n ,to,, U,..,., Al Ibo' ••••! .,, 1hr ,·11rrrnt MoM..,.• l<Ml r. t ,,,,... ,:.,..~ '" 11 ,.,..,lulu l,,r an IP,

:: ·,~:'::.~": .. ~~::::~!"':, ~.:: ~ i:: ilub, lhrn N'pl,.mllPr '!Chh IC N"

l""orn l Au,tr•II• al 1hr Tndr t'ffl '" ~1. , .... ,~. l lwn ,,,.,,,.,. I• a f( IC l'•rh 11, makr "" app,'a rann In llw :~,1~:~ llrndrl,• . tlirn un t•

tsnnr to,,.,..,,., 1,.,.., 110n,.. in be• ... ,...., unw,,, Li-nnc- •'II-• moN!

•tor1lk"d to Win th<' "Ou"-'1 Award-1,ut • ·u fl11ht.....-d 1i.1 Uw ,u~lr:>han 1""""Cf'"' •nd lll"r Ian,.

•;:.':";~~:~,~'.;~~-'.. ,~•::.::,tr:. I~::: " Lymw )'Kir.Utt 1n,m 1hr "'")' 11\ry ... ....t lll"t II\ n0111tr•11tl•t1<!fL•

\ 'uu m1,:ht br pl,•1•,•••d h• IIMlr. th,< I !~r,,k,·r• 'I"''""' )lo• rmunn1t' IUt•~• '" " ,., k,•d In tlo a , h"" In Dalla., ,.,•1111 ... ·.1,,., . .. , .. 1,,.,u ... n ... ,.,k,..,• ""'' An'l<'n("llll• "' 11 ... ~ .,.,,u rr ,..,. . ., o b11t • pubhl'II)' b.,.,.l a. •nt irou\l <'Ol.1111 p.111>1bl)' wl,h h> 1111,·r n,,,1, n..,., ,t1111<' ..-111.,..,.. i.-,..,~, ,n a lull ,..,..rr }alrkrt. _.,t'd "I' by full 1,a1r lKI~ m • 11 lht- An"'" .,.., 1nodr mat,JWnr• llowr•'l'I. .,,.., r Sl•tt--. 1011r wun•1 be un11I •Iler ,-,~rn,trr

/ol"I IPl't:TK Am...,1t11111w,,111"""•••m•t

I,;, n Sp;u• ,.. o:u m1 1n·~r....,., an)" !ak,•r•~ Ru11nl., llum•· ,,,-w l'N.'t.lnl 1•1,1 ,:t rM L t,,,11 h~• m,,rh drum_• I 'll •ll•·nith ,,f Au•,r•UIU> ' '-'"""~• 1,, n1e1,.,,.,,,.,..i,." ... n.,·, ,~

Tb111,• t"r ~ S,,.. I,~<' undtl 111 W I 11,o,~ Juo1<·• ~!,.._ _,.~,• I" \ \'U

Ou n .. ,.,. , , ...... •Ub)l..-1 ,..,,, .. 11 mm1•I mall,· a ,~u• IM' b\ , ,i,:

• •hfl.l h,,.._,...,. ,,1 !'111,"I''• M,-11~•'1'• ...... ,,..,, ~.,. ... ... ~. , .,,,.., ~n. .. ,1<1 ... ,, ,,1,n..-.,,.u11;o,)·• ... •lt1,.lf,, r t•

~~::· :::~:, 1::·~ •7,~·: ..... :~~ ~~~!::.: f ••urirl htu,•ll·r• at~,.,, l'"I' Hll'-h

u•·t-,n1 11~0,• h1 lr,..lu11,: nia,.u11 ••• J111un,- t •~ r,,,., o1 ll1 bb&nr~

11.l11>mt,,..• • •,uld h-f tu 11,., 111

~~;~~~:"'i. :,nd ~~'r!..::h~ .. :;..~ SIIII lh<nk Ouddy Dl&1lU'CI

•t~,ulll " In '


Due to the fantastic acceptance in Sydroey of t he Master Apprentices they are now bein9 hailed as lhe secorod E.isybeats .

Success has C"me quickly for the Mastera throughout A ... stra lia, a nd man y critics were re.idy to cl eim that they were just ,1 flash iro the pan . It 's almosl his tory now that the Masters proved t hem wrong ( myMlf in­cluded ), t hey hne gone from stran9th to strength , and are now regarded as a lop line act .

Their first single .. Undecided" made the too 10 in al l Suites, but their follow-up t it led " ~uried and Dead" s truck t rouble in Mel­bourne . As :.isual a certain radio st at ion though! ii wasn't good enough and refusied to pu l ;. -: • thEi r play list.

L,.. , h is, " Buried and Dead" reached the top 1de on all ot her charts 1hroughou1 Australia.

Thi Masters also take the credit fo r wri t­ing both songs, which st amps them as a com• pletely o rigi nal gro•1p .

Thei r new single titled "Living In A Child'• DrHm " is enti rely d ifferent 10 the two previous records, and is al ready an underbubbler on the Syd ney charts .

La,.1 weekend they performed in Hri i• bane and Sydney wi1h Ronnie Burns, and the shows nearly turned into complete riots .

SIRAUSS 540 BRIDGE RD., RICHMON:i - Ph. 42 5576

h your sound like the m<1s ters ·, Lan you really say )'Our amp 1s del1verm9 full e1·c11 throughou t the \, hole 1011 al spcc1ru111? Is vour amp reliable thrcugh snow, he,u

ar1d ra m? If so vou c11her afreadv o wn" STR.4 lJSS o r you spen t upwdrds o f $800 fo r \'Ou r am1• M os: !Cp groups today Ml" v~,ng STRAUSS equ,pml"ril SC' gf't :he ,,,essage ,1nd a r r,1nge a ric•nC" tC'di'lv

LEAD GUITARISTS \V,• h ,1\ti ,,1~e 111 h e~ 111•11\h.•,1 a nam(' .,, 1he baH d"IP fidri

n .. " y,,(' "1" ci irc.:t,ng c-u r .iltt'r11 1on t.O\ ,·<lro ~c,ur corne r ~• f the ~ldCK' 1 i' 'It"" ST~.\USS le,1d ,1mp ,s what \Ou \l' !1('(>11 kxi l..1ng- for give us d ring IC'id<'I) .,,1d y.:iu can plug 111 hl " )lm1y ne"" STRAUSS for a demonstr ation


,:.~~\~1;f ~:,:; ?·? · ':~~: ~('l~: ·

Top Pop Albun,, from S~/;O r·, ·.,

J 1;, /.,,: ·, ,1 ., • /. "· I~:, ,•d / ',•1 I •• ,

111 t•t~, II ,\ 11 I "" • ,, I( • ~ I ,, I\ ~"

I 000 i TO CHOOSE FAOM ~'t<l'srz 101 80U lt0:E SI !1.' HIO L•~--f CI YIC


GO-GQ.GO to Joh11 Nitnwth _,., ol N......i 111>1"""""'" - So. .. w_.. All~""" ol f'""nr -, ~ t,:.-..i ,_"_ ....... , . ~ . ... - 1t111alr .......

h11•thorn Mu1l1 CMit,.,

Page 3: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30

PAGE 4-WEOt-.E5Vt.-i' .:.UGlJ5T 30 \Q67

SEEHERS liET TU SHOW o, ... .,, "''·· "' . 1...,,.th~ l ' .'\, <.tkc~ I-Ml•

for April· "!~) ,,..,, ,.,.,. u.., s-t,,en ti&•·~ LukMI ~•Bl:tCT\' pro, pOo,1,1 Tbt BriUl>ll "'~ d'lloa CUIUWI BBCI • ·..,_l,,1ed11•~"' ~ I MU-- \ho•~d­... Aprll ,l>d M•7. t-.

ln ~ ..-i\UrlM, dia roup lff pnpartn11 for aa alt&CIJ·""""""' ti .II. col• t.,c. 1.0U r l!J' wludl U.., wtUbel,.v,nii; f:n&'-ndOD ~ber.10­-,er. Eddi~ J•tNIU• bM i&WI ~11-. rffl\afUl>III t!lat ..,en thou&h \JllJI lou r haa not)'ttbecUft,llM')'N,N a:NM17 _., lnnled bKll

lor.-herww " Howeftr. I feel lllA.,.

lhall llav1 todecllne U. otrtr Tbe BBCI wnet :_~,we,....

e It ... a .......... a c . .-1 S1ee tn f'erUJ recently whee Ken Jacbon. ~ with The NamelOll!I married Miu Kerry M~S•·ttlUe. Moal of Perth'• pop world WUT

in attendanct" alon1t: with pcraonalltles rrom all radio, TY and newspapers.

'---Ray Charles Show Hit---The K i.y Charie1o Show had

tht: aud.i l'.nct- MnamlnJ for more: ill ~h: lbourne's fltsllval ll all la!!t 11,ec:II., and that's ex:actly ¥1ihat lhl!'y iavr; them.

Ra)· Charh.-s was b n lhant. his croaking. hollcnng voice broui;ht lhe culd hall \' I•

bran.Uy alive with such nwn• proved that she hau II voice hers as " Hit the Road Jack" or her o•,1:n. "What any solo ' I Can't Stop Lo\lng You'" artist In Australia would and "Georgia On My Mind". give to have a four-girl har•

But his female backing mony like that on their g:roup the Raeletks stole the records. It was a prote'i• show. ThC! perh.-ct hannony slonal Show that gave ) 'OU and unity had the crowd to the ft.-eling that it was mone)' their feet. and each girl well spent.


~;V\k &~


A,te l,i;htlo••)lenro, •dertt:MIObehe>III t.<M su t,,) h,'sCo,mo

C0111~ <.Qhd ,1.1e ••d•O• 11e1,g'>t!d bf WOlld l,omOt;S llu,i;ne,-

r,.,,,, .. r , .. ,I,,. en1i•nee,e11Dv wo,IQ lan10u \ M,' \ ub>'h1

Cu-1t,o Co,11, t,>J•<'• o!le•,. tOtflb<n.,t,on 11.i,,J IO De.ii Sn1,>t1

,, • .,1,,c .ond \ f1M.,M• ·n11 cle"I!" r ,u, • IN! ;1 n,11,o..,,erlul<-01J"d

th,, . ,. •. .,,. , 1,-ea , .1n1h,!en,ngeve•yh1•••



Would you be!iev a David Mcallum Show Band?

Marchill( onto the pop scene tr-rad• 1hr brau 1ound or Oavld McCallum Show Band, -..itb mu1ic that ls 10 en\crtainin&: that :,ou would 11Wear that you were aitt1n1 on a park brnch any Sunday afternoon enJoyin&: t he warmth of the sun, the chirp, 1- of bird• and tM sweet brusy sound or • city band.

The band leader, Mr. David McCallwn romied this sever,-piece ba.1d to create a fWl image to the Melbour-ie pop scene. as well as providing ,1 new style in music.

Due to the versaWity of the musicl1.ns. the band can

play any type of musi,· fit the mood of the ~, c And If need be, they play three entirely ditft r brackets or music in tht' o night.

Toe line-up or the i:h band is as follows: Bill Jin ~ . leftrl guitar : Mal, o HOJ)I:, bass guitarist . K Boip:ht , s.tx ; Peter T1 trombone; Ian Sand : trumpet; C~lin Seh h vocal. and Dave McCai;t on drums.

Dave hopes that even will join with thef"'I In ltL fun image and ju!:" let '" hair down and enjo)' i sw=: music or me.

Record sales on the way up again

Slnce the release Of lht' Beatles, S(I. Pcppf'n f'f'cord S&Jet: have lmpron•d. ,\ month q:o the disc- i;hups • ·ere tlndini it ha1 d to st> II singles. Id alone L.P.'s, but oninll sale!i o\·cr lht' past month ban• lmprovt"d. ~~~t seller. a t the mcment

are, Beatles, J im! Hend rix,

New record for lmoge

Sonll'hotl~··i. lma,:t·, v,h 11 a r t" in th ,• rmmin!: fur Ou· titlt· a,- th ,· 11111i- t 11rombi111t JfOUp ror 'Ii': .trt• i11 lh l' mitltllr uf r1·,·11 nlin,i: llwir llt'Xt sini,:h·. Ai, )t'l tht• rr L·urllin,: t·,11n1mn, n ·fm,1• tu re-kast' lht• tith.•:, uf llw sungi!i, but frum "'hat (Ou-St'I heard ..., hrn irwill·d 111 tlwh rt't' t.ortlini: i.t·"n, tlt1•n· i• dellni tt'ly a hit In thl' 111:1kh11:

Someb(ldy's lmllJ:C hU\' I

i;1uned 11 lari;:e Mclbournl

Mumma ·s and th•• Pa;11 -Youni Rascals. Pa, Hnrum. Supremes. l\lonk and Petula Clurke.

On the lucal lllitrkPt. L~ t Randell , Bee Gees, Rllll Bums, Johnny Young, :,.1 ters Apprentlc-es, Tw1 !1,:h Cherok .. -es. Nonnie R,• and the Vibrants.

Wot's up in Ram-Jam?

\'ct nnutht•t Mclbuun w pop 1:roup haw urnwd bat·k trom Sydrwy \qth lht• :, \orj' thut th,• ,., ... 11,• ,.., dt'ltd. tlm• lime 1t twmi,: thi• Hum Jum Bii; 81m(i

""Tht•n• l .. hnn•I~· llll)Wh, .. rt· 111 S)'dn..-y wlwn· 11 JXJII i: rvu1, can i;t•t work or n:po:.urt• :.aid H m,1>t•ll , !t•ml Mni,;cr • Sydllt')' 11111)' l'rl·atc WIili scenes at pop '>P'-'t' l, but that is us f:.r 11.-. It l'Ut.·:, You cun hurdl v bhunc th,. 1ccm1~crs its 1Jw1•· Ill jus l no bli;: d11nces or •.t1s-·o·s Thul caler !or their cn11•r,u111

On the other hand c lub., urn Jant-Mstic. w, l.'t! tved fllntastlc reap1 1> 111 lhc club we pla)·t.>d 11! , this is whcrt' the mon1•} i lor Sydney pcrformt•r:-ls II pity that Sydney dot.":, open .. op .~1orc plat'\''- It

DORffllE liOIDli BAEH TO EDlilADD ~ • ----~ I. .. ~.,.

Rrlornl111 le F'.111l~nd •lwlHIT ~ .. om,,I, Rn ... • ·hn •UJ bf, pvldnr • .,,.., a ,,..,.. ~lnclf' •NI • -• albumtMtt, R,,fo,..1,-••·h,1 lhr,.- M Ju,-,... for 11,.,..,....,. , '""""Ir h, lln,,duploftni,hU, .. 1.1,-

~~~'::11 ... "~:.:.:,1,.;'!' n,,. tum 11 abn\u S ot

mle'• triwnphant ~11m "' A .... 1raJ1,. -.nil rweo11anon~ "" unot'r ••r tor 111 ,.,... nn arlt11h T \'

lo~~::,~•,~~• •I:.- 1-::ki~~ AIM"""' IUm •bout Uw Seeond World Wu I I I• lOba l\iffiftt 'ln l""-I IOr\lSl Eurvp •. bPctnn!ni 1n .... rch nex, f"U Althlluth hit row does not 1n1•oi,-~ •I~, Norm,.- will tll' vocalist in ttw m~ tonl cturln111>e opn,1n«cr«m.s

WHO'S IN SGT. PEPPERS LONLY HEARTS CLUB? Our .Y" • r• dim, w, can hardl., IN ... Our heads are bloody but

unbow.d .... We amUe at you with 9rln1 which are tl.-.d, but happy . .. Wh.,? How i• It , you ask, that the sturdy •~•ff of Go-S.t have b....-.n

reduced to 1uch a •"" · -:~i ng state of WHrlnna and jo,? The an1wer , ~ readers, Is our happy aurprlM. We hne don. it all

for YOU, HHvy-llcktea, 'Y" bleary and fi"l'f'I stiff and trembling, a huge co# ... pot bffl• u1, wt, h•YI .._n parl"I o-, ancient tomn and m•nu• scripts in o,. l'vblic Library.

Yes. believe it or not . WHY ? you scream again , WHY? Why, to find out who all those people aro on the cover of " Sgt . Pepper 's

Lonely Hearts Club Band." We know you were going oul of your 1iny brains with fru s trat ion because you didn'I know who they alt were ( and let's face u , .. were prt-1ty curious about it, 100). so we checked 1hrough 34 ,76 5 magazines and books to bring you . the TRUTH abou1 Sgt . Pepper's friends .

~·.::·--::.-:--- ... -· .. .. .. .. . ¥ .... .. . ..

~!~~": __ _ ' .. .......... .

'n. ~ -. 7'11 .. • rvw. ladJ prrc:hed h.llft ~u would tll' • rPla!lftlJ • -.lrdU-OUblHofthr nnlhebllekofantlpPhant quic,k p ,-.-~lo• \· ,.,,.,. anc1 n,,., r ...... 1. IM lalHI ....... ~ an<ll.,.., who thl.!ned l"~r C"lln ,, ,iu.,t. ..,:Mr ,....,. llwlr .,...,, - 11,,.. ... 11 h > n1hn1, oul•ulr lta!.11n r ":it""'" r!l :.zl'TI _ ,, IN'Hmr <;; pani•h .-l tl, Bue'iun1Ju.m 1':llaono Ru• .J'up a:id •N") ,r,,uJd ,i,,.-, un,: s;....., , ·1,..... ,1,.1 !1 .,.. .. m• I· ha,~ ha.c: "° Ill' abl.- • ., ,. ,, ,_ Alm •: ,.,, OU/lf'Y - c:.,,;., Prt ....... n rl'IHT al '"" " fflt-1.ol i .. , ... 1 l!';o(l .a,.:, l'I Dn ta:1\ lla•·r bHn ordnnl .... 1 ul II :• a rut1rn~•U• ~u,.·,

s~~i~~~!~ ff fi:~~fi'~~~] Lt;.=~~ A~n::~~2~f :: ':':! '=.,~ Spaniud• ~:~;;:~1~r ;•.,~t;:;t:0•~~-~ ;:!~'.'~,.,'.;,i:!:"1 !,t~m ~

L., RI ,tam h 1c mirt- mar.r :a,, • ,. .,u:, i,.. !ar TIM' 1mrm of 11rn101 .,~.., u~t.-r !or Eur,.roa:-_. •~ ,.t,. ..,._.,,., t , -~.,, • ......,.

u .. d«-1~,,... h> a.-• ,tw,n t• •n Bnu•h "'~''" wm-,·• "'"'• • ;l!,d !r ,., 8 r,t ,, . 10 ~\11' En11And Ila!> had t l".an !o r 11\fffllll'D ,,! f"<c m 1ha1 ,f •hn· ., .• ,... 1•n'I~ ,r ,om,, "'1"'-'Thll m,omrn1- :r....n•·•tlth ,.,,.,,u,.-.. •~..- .;.•,.••-


=~=r::E ~~r~~~I· :7~ou~:: =:~~~!;~;;~~~ llllkMU, roU.ptN ,.._ !.!lll,r 11 \P,,- it_,,.,) F""'""" llllf:1 ir\1.1:~ T\ ,\l m:l"-1< and

=:;.,olapn!.':.1::'" "7,; HaJri.. nPW _.,,rd !r>'<1S ~1';.,..,,""~'1,~h,.•:~ WKllln"""· AlllwluJ~ hr 1hr Di>o-~ ~ Burmn~ p,"n,...,.. bM-k tum ur .:,· - """"" lo -plllll CY. n.. MldniRhl Lamp P'fCh.ei.-illt' wllll nqH1N • P1'ffld l• has lllktn UW ft~.iu.. On !ht ..,uv,, •16P a:, du,. dodo.. •Id .... , Hf'ndra Mlllnd um, • nr''"'" <>!brr l>ll)Ttwdth,r l>Oll.'ld openk. dllnentiOII o f n cu.,,,,.,r,: ,.. ,u, " Tbf Star1 Th~• Pia)

TM Eirperientt ... ~ .. bforo A compln. lOW 1'0llf);1 W11b l..aupJIIC $am~ Olo, ' botlktd fOT I l';>'C'-datt lour bllln di,c , 1111 ruul )'OU 1,1 Jun! double-U-adt1 ho ofSweden. 1&&n11111Sf,p-1hff_, .... , Ol'ffMlllci>o,.,., , ltmbfr , . And Jlmt II II ...... ~ s-p1mpl~ ,....,. ~ -



performing twice daily


at 12.15 and 1.15 Meet tlte top IN-GEAR Design«s showing their latest ranges of


(-, of LONSDALE and RIZAIITH STS., Mlll.

Page 4: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30



IAN MELDRUM Peter Doyle the lit1 le boy of Australian

showbiz, has hit the charts .ag.ain with letest single titled " If You Can Put That In A Bott,e".

Peter who started singing at 1he age of nine has had a list of successes as long as your arm over the pasr 10 years.

At the age of I I , Peter was pedorrr, i"lg in hotels and nightclubs as w~II as appear ing regularly on the le-"'":~(Jc television show, Swallows Junio, ~

Al 14, Peter ch;,nged his style of singing to a more commercial fll..,Jcr, and during this t ime gained o teenage following by appearing at Festivai Holl on Sunday afternoons with such groups as lhe Saxons and Phantom,; .

When the GO! show started, he was one of ('le fi r ~, ari ists to appear.

Although over the past three years , Peter has never had a number one hit , his popu• la r ity has equalled that of many number one artists Pe•cr him~elf would prefer 10 st ay as a consistent artist on the charts, ra1her 1han being an overnigh1 wonder .

" I w.:1nt this record to go a~ ' - , ~y put efforts , 10 11 it keeps me ir · sw1n!! of things", s.aid Peter . " Any .artist who re.aches the coveted posit ion of number one, hu too much to live up lo, • nd let 's face it , the only w•y t., 91) is down . I will be u happy as a lark if I can sf•y in tke position, I am now enjoying" .

Hue you had any pl.ans ,f 90ing over• t.e•s?

" No, not as yet . I feel thlre are still many 1h ings 10 learn by slaying in A"stralia, before I have anv thoughts to a11ack the overseas scene. If I d id go, i i wou10 oe America , just to see how different 1he scene really ls.. .

What are your views on the, Au1trah•n pop seen•?

.. Unfortunately, I thinK ii tend:: to be too nver.e:-:posed. This is n(K)ne's faull , as there are a lot of grovps and arl ists working on the Australian scene a l !he moment, and the popu­lation is not big enovgh to cater a following for all of them ...

" I also think ii is gett ing to II poir1t , that there is nothing new to try, consequently the scene becomes stagnant" .

Do yoo.J en;oy m• ldng tour•? "To be quite honest, I hate them . Fo r

one I cannot see the point of going from one town 10 the neitt , in the hope !hat one per­formance will help you gain a following . The expense incurred during these tO'..JfS i~ enor­mous. and who wants to live his life out of su itcases . I th ink it is much better to make one day trips to country centres . This way vov are mu:I, freshe, and therefore give a betler performance·· .

What do you hope to achieve in life? .. , hope to be able to stay as 11 !)erformer

for as long as possible, as I love it . In a ~ouple of years I would like to branch back into the nightclub entertainment field .

.. After that .. who knows?"

GO- Sl T

The latest "OUT RAGE"

BUTTONS J•, .. BUTl'OJrr,, Uc:. l \'1" 8tJTl'ON Uc:

O BlgYes Q Bi& No

• Me sweet

O Bi& Noter O Wear Mllart D Vice Pn:sldcnl Buttons • Yes Jesus Loves Me • You • Good Old Charlie Brown nYou Devil • World 's Greal.est Golfer . QTied 0 World's Worst Goller O Boy D w or1d·1 Worst Fisherman D Love me D Champion Ear Buher D Droopy 0111 Love You All Ways omrl 0 Champion Bull Artist O Try D World's Greatest IJar O Not now C Wor1d·s Best D IJtUe No

O~~~tway Mad, Just g~::Yes owo~= Truthful l'. ," BtrTl'ON ZOc.

0 Chief Stirrer O Orpn Grinder 0 Up lhl: Workers O I'm tht' Greatest • Draft Beer Not BoyS D Too Late O H You Llke Me Smile OGo Go

Q l 'm No Ancel D s•.;,,'::::. Shower O Job Wanted

[l I Hate Foolball O Go Dream 0 1 Love FootbBll 0 Wh•t Af&in


Plea~ send me the above marked crazy bu 11on{s) . t have enclosed CHEQUE/ POSTAL NOTE for S ... NAME .....

ADDRESS .. . STATE ................................... ..................... . o\t.L nuct:i,; INU.l.'ll& l'Ol:,'TA<a: -VilJ ,ACLIGING


BSI ISBANE .,,..,Id 11:1,~,. 10 ra1r 1n thf ITIOSt peopl• 1n the -.1 ,,. 1<> M>Ull11I . lllll!cl wuh ~ Mid R.orvue B11ni.! :,~~, ;lt~T;_,:_i:;~:i:i~ ( 4RC J l•d•·:uua1-.,... "' Pfrfunnln• j h,p bno·lo.l'I u l INNllf" ••· with Ull'lr prrfo . mor•,uni and .,.p,...,.IOn.l &IJ In town • t •µpl'"l>u Mum alkr app,,....,....,.

Kt Kiili ,- \IITII !;:;:,_~:~I ".::.:•~~; ~~I :::c!.~n ~~ra::;..,~.,..::, ::.::•1:':!::' ~~~ ~~,=~• )"~ ... ~ ,=:; :i:\~d-:i;~~~ ~ :::~",:.::-Ip IMIMII a.,..

~ SHOES ;;,;:,, ";';;, ·::;,:;: '- --~·~- ,.,. ~

IMPORTED from IT ALY 1-: ,du ... h,·I,


~.:.~ •. :..;..-=.-:-........ :nx-:--•••··


t~•::" "; '• 1 ,:t, t: •: • ' ' 1 \ t •.,.,,;,:•.:., ,n· "::~t~;~,~,.•~•~•~1,;,:~ ';: , ~Al~u~:.:;";::;,,;•,•~ ,~~::.t' ~::~::~"~n i;;::..,:;'~:~1.:'

1 .. ,..1.,;o,,. ..• ri .. .. , .... ........ ,;.. t lull)" ~l'I'""' ,~to· , .... ,,u.olll) 1,1tu1 J,n.i. C'om1,..111 ~... / -....... i •u• ., hilM"h u,, I EK . nN " C.""rlON 1.,...,11 •,., ti.,v" . im1,,,,.....t ,., ,.,~ .. , ,.,1 "'"'"" Tu """ 11 Wh111• - Wllh No m, i,, 11U..- r da, • ·!&II Ml'IKI' MP

tr, SET

TH I.Ii lli WHEN IT AU. STAJlTIW:- 111,'M 1L£n1 IN HEIi VAUDEVl ll.E DAYS ON STAGE Wffll !In' GJtlAN'D A\ll\l'T Fl'IEDOA, T.uta A &OOll AT ,..,_ LU• Y IIIACSAt

-~ A swr.:n THllD--TD&-U.D. ANO ... unu: l&AT AT THAT. IIVT rr WAS ... LOT or nJN IIURNISG -··--.

WltU.. NOW flUT WI: K"'O• nn: t.Ol:A• TION CAN YO\! GIJEKM 'lt'IIO fflAT IS ON n11: auarr. ITM NO OTllt:11 THAN MOU)Y AH • ·t: (:AU. IIIM. 1.-\N :rio:LOII\IM LOOII.ING vr:a,· lalll!Ml'I'.




") ,, ,~

rt llS n, t. 'I\ A.-. I \Kt: -.; •'OCII \ "1'".Ak:- Af",0 tll'f-.1111 \I\ 11 V• • 111 l'LAT, l\ rru .. .. KIUlA SLIII•' .U.Ol :0-11 "-t.U•, "" \\\ 11,0 \ Tt; M 1\011.IJ l "Ol: flf:Lll:\' I: MLl£T l lC.ilr!>~ ,.i :}.,,~--~~] .· ~ ---1 DON'T TIUN"K I WM lftJCII ~ ..... MIT TIil¥ O:o->:

IS \UTII MY D.\O. AND THEY Ta.&,. M& "l'IIAT ti t: USt:ll TU p7;·1 · ~ ;_" LJ ~ O ~• .. ..., <H,T' D<D HUk• " G UOUND AS.~ ..... ON _, ,.rno,

illiEP WN&H I w.u LI. UZD. t' Hu-, -,,,.· P'Alt.111 AT C".011011.£. ,.I(. r m to I I "'( T II.\T I All W&\JUN G I l'Al:O-Tn1 ~ \.,,t : .I ---:/~. •°' AND • ·HITL Hll'f'I E tlE.1:, .\ND-.·

1 · ~ , , ~ .

THIS .... TMK nan APl't:AJtANCt: TIit: n .11:a EVER MADE - IS D)IH11ll, 1 Al""-) BIKMtl: A !ITII I Nl: - r!NIO:

Page 5: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30



In this br:.nd new fe.ature , John Bar rie will give to you e.ach weelc , the h 1cls on -,our favorite musician .

Terry Brltten , gu itarist with the Twi­lights, is our fint in thl1 Hries . We would like to hear from -,ou about -,our f..-orile musician, who you wo1,.ld like lo read about , and your thoughts on th is t-,pe of column.

SITAR PICKER, TERRY BRITTEN When people ta lk of Terr-, Britten the-,

tallc and think about a guitarist, the guitarist with the top pop group the Twilights.

Talk to Terry h imself irnd you won·, find a guitM1s1 bu1 a personality playing a guitor for money. no th ir19 more , no:hing less Bui quanllty and the quanllty hH 1011 all Its 1alk aboul sitar p laymg 1wd you are ulk ing me,i,i ing -:if succeu . his language The culture of Ind ia 1s to Te,,., , Money hu been replaced by a new hany life . Mo ~1 (Ju ito ris1s rave about Er ic Clap up. 1;1e love o f music, not just any musi.:, but t'"', J imi Hendri• etc .• Terry 1aves abou t Ravi the 'llOSt beau1 ifut ~"'Id expreni,·~ music t Shanker , his favo r ite sitar player . know, the mu5ic of India . The music of thJ

I remen,~r the Twi lights. fresh from sitar, Tabla and Tamboura is a habil-forming Adelaide , playing a 111idnigh1 gi3 at 1he Tu n, thing , :t's a way of life, a fee ling, alt the RagH the place was rock ing and the gu;tarist rea lly have ei1her a religious or hislQrical meaning knccked me out . Aftef they had finished their to the followers of this cult . fi rst bracke1 I int roduced myself I<, Terry The Indian culture is a beautiful thing and a11d we talked o f guitars and music. He wa 1, Terry is caught up in 1h is web of inner soul very enthusiastic about his gu itar and his expression , his greatest des ire new is to live music but foremost in his mind was th r. in India and play this music like a master. money he was making , the measure of sue• He explained the reasons for his love of cess to him was the thickness of h is wallet . this culture in this way " where can you go ir

Today -. ... a complel•ly chanpa Mr . Australia , the scene is 100 small , there is no• Britten , money i 1 now a means of living, he one to influence you, no O:'\E: is really trying

i spends it u fnt u ~ ·~ -,, it , no matter the to create somelhing . The Western way of lift •IT''•:Ni••is•••:•:•m:·:••1@.. ··•·••:·••·•·:··•:·••:••·•·•·y·r•:·:•:•··•:•••:•••:•••:•••:•••:•ii?,•:•,•::::,,:,:•:••·••••:•:•:•::•:•i·::?•:::::m,.,::::::::.?:•:•••:>•:icitc:c

- fili From Lon•on Danny Fidlay says "Hello" • • • ,.,.,.


Ht<llu . f'\"i'f)'Ont' in GO•St' l , .... Uly Bttn ju»l r•n, lo .~

mr it I would nUnd " 'rit inc a Ce•· linn about " "hat has happcnf'd »lncro 1·1·t< bttn hett , and hf'n" I am 11tartini: bdon 11hc·a; n·rn off thf' phont',

I've bt!en in London for one montn now and ii ·s been my busiest b)' far. this year Anyan,.. who ,mow.!> John will know or tht• pace he works al - c,·cT)' duy there 's been somethini; lhnt had lo be done.

We hu\'l' ll ,·l·T)' OI C't.' llut, two mmutcs w11lk from Kmi;s Road, on,., or the main Hippie dlstricls. Had a walk down ttwrc this mum, •n~ lk..'t;UUSC Saturd:J.)' L.!' wht•n 1tu:y i,,.~m lo 11pp1.•:,r -Ju,., \\.\.'l'k WI' S.:!W D u~I\ Spnni:n.•ld amt 1111~ 11111ril Ill].! \\'I ' ,:,w :-ial1l1U)" D.u 1, Jur 11,• 1>·,1 ... m ll IJll ].! 111 1.-! lo ,\\ ll!IIII IIH•k1•, t111. !1•;111-.."tt a 11 ,,l!u 1am .,;1 •Jw \1 ;,1 ,t,1wu !lh ru;u l h1·r au .... , pt.'OJ)h- ,. , .r, · 111,J m lJ! h im l r.1111 .1.l .11._,,, : ,1 .n. , , 1!1 1p/J, _.., ,u ,, lu· ,\ 1-. ,1.,,,11 lh,••·, Cu /1.11·, ., J~-. t'. ,II 'IH Jl1111•·r ll<'llph .1n1I : h1·1 ·,,

;~·:::.1~~·;:~:1\ 7;·,.\\1~"... ,,1,~ . .'1.i'.-h L1. h.111 .,rul rt,,·.1, :-. .11 , "t ll lll• 11[ llh• llt'<,..•,.:111· ll t ].!lt'I IU-llh h1 t~ . d fl:"l>< 'I I }" l lJl'•'I ""ii )' h1pp1,•

l\ lu-11 ., ,111 1111"1· 1 lh1•111 )1111 ,lon·t 1111111\ "lu·th,·r 111 .!olmk1• lhrir h:11111:; nr 11l:111t lh\'111. ,\111 lnlrrt•,. tmi: ;a,; 111,·,, :ari•. I tluubl if llw)•'II rH•r n&frh nn In Au,.tralla.

"CflliM• Flnluu K irk'" hu" been rL'l.-clw•1\ 1·1·r)' well ht'r1•

and ullhoui:h II b, lllll l'.h Inn curly tu knuw 1! ii ts guinu

to be a really b11! hit , we are t>Oth very r.appy wilh the progress so far . Juke Box Jury v0ll'd it II hil on BBC TV last week. and this week, it's numbt:r 19 on all the pirate cl,arts.

On Wednesday we KO tG Manchester to dn two TV shows and the !ollowinG week John is i;oini; to lkrlln to do a color speclacular, along wilh the Small Faces, Jimmy Hendrix , and tht! Bet• Geel.. The other big TV show he is looking forward to 1s in Perth, Western Aus• lralla, on ScJ)tember 22nd. May~ something inh:restlnc to add 10 that later.

Ovtir the l:!.!>I Wl'l'k wt•',•e bt.'Cn \ 't'r)' lm-.11)' i:1•tl inj! th•• new ;:roup h 1;:1•llw1. I.nil "'' Ill let you kn"w :nur,• nbuu\ that wlwn it" hllah.....,rl Allhuui:h 11, 'n • 11,,. .11 ,· ,•r~ IIU.!>}', tit ' m.111;1 ;:1'1\ IP i,:,1 UI\\• th ,• T1 l,-, C'JulJ 1,, N'I

111" li<'I' I,,,._, Hl1< h l].!111 !,1,1 ,,...,,..k A 11111 h \111,..., ].! a \\ I IM"lll .1 1,-1.\ ):l" itl T• ••t-pl1<11l fl lll'I' 1:11•.~ l!l;,t;.,, • ' ,,1·, r 1t ,·11 pr,,l,1, u, ·.,hh 11 b.1· 1,,.1d, ,, I• h1 1w1,~ h,•r.• '"""t !, K. \111,, l '1111o,

•, /i, •.,, f. ,._ • 11,111 1~1 , I

].!ll;1t d,• 11·t I \\,!"· ];1-.I h• 11· \1 111.1 lu- ·),, r, 11,1' .1 I,,• ,,! .,,,11. I If~ n111 ·I•

{ )1 1, 11,'lluu,j.! " " ' 1,·r , I,;~ WJINIII l'h ·k, 1!. 1 .. -, . IJo rN·) 11111! Tl w h 111r r, ,p, w,•r, all UI th,· d1:i 11 ~ l\.1111· ttw r, 1-. lht• ,lmlll•rlllh o•X]J'l' rtt'll\'t '" of Jmuu) I h-mt n x wh,,.-.c ft 't• b I i,OOO µer du)' . Th,• 1--1m.1·1'f Power Kmi;. Scott McK,·nZI\.' , !ht• Monkt't.'S Ul"l' very bii: and also Tum Jones. JUSt tu llll'llllon II f(•w , I t St.'CnlS tu l.>i• II IIIIICh mort• commcrcml sct•up, m~d thut

aulta me. The thing that hun"t chanced and ne\'er seen .... to, whether J'm in Brisbane, Naracoorte or London, is my lo,·e for wr:1 . ini: lo amt r1>t.~ivin: It-tiers rrmn honll' . So how about II Mike Br:1dy, you UWl/ llll' thn'I• !

:m~(l•~~ 1~1~~~.t'~•~•\•:: \•~\~ thllll,:.!> n r,• II! hPt111• l nt,•rc,.1 111].! ,., ...... 1h,• " Bl j.; Uos" D.r· .. 1111 1hmwmJ.! lus ~:ir, a .. 1u· tum,· 11o• 11 nr11unt1 \\\•'II all !" 111.:/11 l.1tl11ml 111111 ll h,· 1\ •·1 11,·, In muk,• tl u- luc 11111,• 1

lkl •n· ~1;;.11 11 ., " JI . I •I l,f., \., -., !.d J .,1111-. .,1111 m·. p• •·.11d 1,, l" 11• .,n,1 ,,II '!:, IM•\,. 111 t/1, ! ~1\ 1'! I I!,-. "'IT••

;;u •~i'i I lll~l,:::'.l l:I:••,,-..·• '\ ~:; ••lll,! IM l ll l.111, u-. t,, H ,,nm, •

lor loppm:: t)w ll< •ll ~ , ·uu C't01·1a111I~ ,1,-..,,n, • II U11,! Jinn . um! pl!•rtN· lhank )'our nmm !111 i.: u·mc. 1111• .,11d1 1- 111, ·,· lund1

Lily !Old fill' In 11·1111•h Ill\' i.:ramnmr. lmt I marl,• 11 re '4• Oll.!>l11kt•:, on IJ\lf!XJSI•. Just IO i!t<t• I hat 1•,·1•n·mw b on lhe boll .

.luhn srncb his klnd"s l rr• ~a rlls Ill tn•~yun".


is too fasi. too non-happen ing beauty wise whereas the Eastern cultures are based or beauty and of the e xpre~sion of man ·s inner soul. Every minu!e of the day has son11 rel iyious or historic meaning 10 the lndiar musician.

For example the Indian day is divided intc eight musical periods . . . from 6-9 a .m . tht music is slow, dreamy and gypsy scale Bhni­rava ragas are played 9-12 noon three anc four flat asavari and bhaikavi ragas, 12 nocr t ill 3 p.m. two flat kaphi ragas 3-6 p.m . aug­mented second and fourth yaman ragu 9-12 midn ight b il ava1 majar ragas 12-3 a .m . penta• ton ic tliree flat malvos ragas 3-6 a .m . penta• tonic h indolam ragas in which all rhe malkos notes, e,:cept the first and it s oc1ave , are sharpened.

There is so much to learn from thi! methodic way o f life, this love of beau ty . in case you don·1 ltnow the meaning of a raga, a raga is a pattern of melody contain in~ a defined mC'Od and a ~cale struc1 ure m which every no1e has 1t·s role as the s tarte r predominant centre, or the final. The wor e: raga means color, passion and every raga h a) a meaning . For 111stance the raga " Dipak a when sung by ;. mortal, causes 1ha1 morta to be destrc.yed by fire, so 10 5;119 11 1n safe t) yo:J stand neck deep 1n wa ter and sing un til the water starts 10 l.,oil. You may think th u is a lot of old rot bu1 tha1 is what's wrong with the Wes1ern culture r10 beauty, no her,. tage musically . To the Western muso a not €. is a note, to be arranged rnathema t ically, tc the India n every r1ote has hidden meaning and beauty . "

Terry ~ho has just I urned 20, is musically bored and would like nothing more than to form an Indian co111bo to stimvlate h is th inking and playing , though he thinks peoplt aren 't quick accept ing anything new in Aus tral ia un lt'ss it comes from overseas, no fa it h in their own artists. He would lovf! to be abl .. to exper iment recording wise in the sanl<' e.111e•is ivc way lhe tseatles do, the bri lliance r' Sgt. Pep per~ knocked hm, right o ut , ti Beatles v. .:iuld be w11ho u1 a d oubt, h,s lave'' 11c pop group, 1hev M l." \ll fa r ahead o f 1h1

sce uc 1hat •I , (1d1culOv\ lhe f w1 l1gha may h ave the,r own 1111 ,,

lnd 1a•1 co,11bo going )0011, Lau rie Pr,o r w ,!I h,

pl,11· ''<J Tiu,la Gi('r, i,!avmg l ambour11 , Pet,' :'11d )l!M ,1" ,, ";err; V 11 ,r-: on ~ ltil f. It, .. !'le'~') t111, ••)! ny, )t'C tt·e ou tc.:imc of th, e•i...,., .,,.n! 11,11 ii,( f l'dCt1t1, "' the 11ud1r", • • uol d'"' l,J,,m: •19 -.:-i~111d. I hcpc • 1t>•• .1;,~l.i,:\1.)11 !11dt I'

! ..... e~sfut

Tat: BEE GEE J thlnk they sound 100

much like The Beatles. Cass ~ay.s it's no easy lhing to do. 10 11r.it11te the Betttles ,·s:1ctl)' . but I don't Ul:T\.'t' 1, 11h lhtit, I think it would l 't· Ltn ensy thing tn do. I 1:0,n think that it shows 1111wh or li;inalil)'. to go nll:?r :: ~und thnt tht' world's ht.'t•ll inundah.>d with. 1 think llky·d be belier o ff dt:­ll"lopmg th-.,1r own ,1.x:al t,._'1.·h niques, and rccordin~ t\.'Chniques.

fflE MONKEES That's an unfortunate Sit·

uallon. J know, or at least I think that the)·•re a llt!le disgu!Ued with the whole thing thcmsel\'es ut this point . I rea.d an mt t! res1tn i; thing in a maGa:tine today about The Monkeo.•s. It .sa1d thlll nltl"r they·,·c outsold tl ,·c ryane as rar as rl;!t·orcl• ings und popularit)' i:o. the)' w11\ lea,·e absolult'I)' no mark on tht> musical scene. Thei r music is so unimportant. so manulact11red. But the boys

cueu the older cats are ln The Mafia, and all that and still need a 101 or policing.

M USIC Well, I l(Uess it's replacing

the short s tory and the nol'el, ~d almost all l)'J)eS of litera ry work . There nren·t going to be as many &reat novels or plays written b)• this i;en1::ration. In all swilehinl from the written word. strictly to the wrtnen word accompanied with music. Poets and so forth. I think most of them art' going to be songv.•riters.

MAMAS AND PAPAS An absolute phenomt'na !

It 's onl)' been n year and u half since we rl'COrdt.>d our first record . and 1t St.o.cms likll 11·s been 9 thousand we·re goi:11,t to do u n,•w album naw our ,., .. _.:11 SO U n d has been CO Jll l'<I by so many people in lhl• last )'eat. that when w,• gu in to ra-ord we lhlnk .. Oh, we can't sing 1: hk,· that, 1l sounclS likt' so on and so on. We'rll i;oinl,\ u, try and COIT'C up wilh a completely new \'tx"111 con• cept on this album. and SN" what hapt,ens.

,r:-::i' Yeah, 1~~~1hEf:5>1.:s. It 's -.., hard t '> draw a line right

now as to who·s a hipµ)' and who's not . The thini: ls that a lot o; them an• ,arMlme hippies, on tht' week.ends 11.nd things ll)11•

• , -- that . My in terpreutlon or 11 No, tt'a Ml • ,,....., tt .. &M ,-Uet ••• ......,. UJ!I.A. hippy IS somt!One who is Ill·

THE EASYBEATS themselvt>s. two or . th,•m ~~~'~:n~t0•:!~a~~:1u~! Well. they're sort of on thtl were at the pop rcsth·~I. and herbs includi.lg hl"mp 1.

..,ame thine. Friday on My Micky and Peter. They. rn and ~1a'1 structures, and ;~~~ ~• ~ I :~:r~: very 1roo~1 ~ys, ~ery n11ce whether they should be

"m11lnJ tenor. J Ilk~ this f:°~·a 1big ~~~~ ~ s:;~~ ~ ~~ ~ -ll~~ 't~ ~oni; and the Bee ~s num• The Monk- do next )<ear. an aemplory We whkh Is

t:~u~~! I t:!~kt~~ w:rso~~ THE POLICE . apinlt lbe •tabllahment. MU!dn't come up with We had rTUUl)' ffll.<etm&s ~ · .,,,,-:- ...,,~ • .a, • ~mt:thlni ~ .; =:ie::. ~~(,-C kt!~le~:i.1~~ " ··1: •~ , • .C\ II ..4 ~ i ~~~:;u ~~~::~~ · ~~ ,,

Ill that's an 1rnpo:1sibilll)' . I ' ~. I ~ / think thnt'i'I thll problc.m. t'J l" ) '1

-'y We'n• to u l11fi;t' dt•i;rn· u\·~r• :-.. ~

pollc,.'<1. and wh,•n you re i' . o,".polkc, I. •.hen u "'''"'"' . i .._, ,._;: a gamt• bt>tWl'\'11 ltll" l'IUlt'nS "\ . and th,• poht'\' lllt' tl . Llkl' I! _ ,

le~~:n:1;::~ ~~0~

011·111~'.! ,:~~;~:~ • IJ )

and on top Ill )UII. tlwn )'OU try 10 work around 11 H r/

t ~~st~~~ .11. ~"~fo t1~ d::f. / /i tben u e~~rth~~!~!u~~t;: tco: TNII ... • f'han


LIiy interviews Papo John Phillips

Euyb.at1 . . n,"~· ,bould hr 11'\0l'f' or iiinal .


SPECIAL OFFER I Save 40 cents! i

Medicated Formula Co111plexio11 Soap for boys and girls


Scrub Soap 2 cakes only $1.00

usually $1.40

Page 6: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30

GO S~r

YOU talJIPJDB tal<s ~ yow problems

,\ OOMMON PROBLEM Dear Lealw Pbk,

I am • very at11f~OU1 girl and I 1@t embarrassed very easily. Whenever l 10 out I r~, that everyone I.!'< looking at me and my mO\'ements are awkward. I have r.ot been out with a boy ror ages and I feel lonely. I don't think I appeal to boys although lo ts of them talk to me but that is u ra r as it roes- I am 16. Please don't tell me to uk any boys out u 1 alr,:ady have and I tel: so embar• rassec:. and hwnilialed that I couldn't &'0 through with it Again. Con )'OU please help?

.. Karen" I can't twlp very much: in fact, I can

only ttpeat thf' standard ,...ply thal a!I you oecomr older these problftn1 .... tu uue to Hist. ,\nd aUhouah I tell )'OU that you om,· lmqine iwoplr l1>0i1; • t you and don't

notice any awkwar'CIMN W. woa't btlp ,- much whna the tttllns occun ap.ln. Only whm you bttome mott .... ftd will you stop worr,int about U.. Udnp th:r.t embarraH you now. A11 for the boJll -tbey obvlou1ly llkr you if thry talk to you. llrlH and don't bf' IO an:dou11 to M ukf'(. out. II may sho•· In your manner. Gn out wlUl rtrHr~ncb In thf' muntlme. &u·• dktn 't r,·rn ta lk to ITM' • ·hirn I wu 11. .

KEEPING 1'1CYrHF.R HAPP\' llur U'!ilif' Pixlr,

When · I am a bit deph:!ssed at niitht becauSt I 11m not 11,oing out, althOugh I don't expect to bt• al my age 1 141. I t,,u: on SOl'Tkl make-up. When my mother SCN: me with it on [ get a great lt!Cture on hOw J 'm onl)' a 14-year-old child , etc. A'S('I Ir t want to go for a walk with one or my girlfriends, She makes snide rer.-...a rks aboui my q:e. P .S. - U I mention I.he worn "boy" In front o f her t ·ve really had it . Who la at tault?

"Dri!! pc>utr Child ", Vk . No fauH rT.all)", It'• just that ,·nnr

mother II 1ttln1 you iro•· up faster than W llkea. S he will bttumr more Jenlrnt u you beeomr older. l 'cu ;.now no•· how •he react, lo somr of th.- lhln;:1 you do. so pncUce a lltUe dlt1Crt•tion. Apply lf'D fflUlt-up or wuh U ol' bf'fott your mothf'r Mes It and don't talk about boys ln ht> r Pf'Hftltt, Don't bf' lndi,nanl whf'n !iht' ffffllncb you of your ap; ipott hrr ,.... marks, If you &ntaJonbe hrr 1hr ma, forbid you to WHr makf'-up or 1u f1lr walb • ·Uh ,·ou r ,rirltrirnds.

" NE.\RLl' 15", S .S.W, I a«Tff • ·Ith your l[irlfrit-nd that you

ahould drop David. •nd lt't to know th,· Mher ooy. It '• ob,·lou!i that David onh· treat. yuu t-h'llly • ·hrn hr Mt•1h1 a Kf.rl ,;, lake out. If he ls dlNppulntNI at ynur decl•lon aJI thf' bt-Ut>r .

,1._)SET t••p~J'::,t,:., t. _,_.l15T JC 1,07-PAGE 11

Page 7: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30

PA(,E "''


" t!J ~ ~ -· . ..._.:;-...... ~

. '~ ,,,,, A' :: . ~~r~~-~ . . ,,..


' ~­£,=j't

- ' . . .

.. HELP \'lA~ D!

...... There's an energet ic yovng man in Stales whose genius and intuit ion is behind the greatest record selling senut :on fo r years - the incredible MONKEES! His name is not widt!ly known (not u widely as, Hy, Bri .. n l:pstein , the managu of the Beatie,) , yet his inside COfJ'lments and judgments on the Monkees are fasc inat ing to hear.

,,... His name is Bob ,R.afelstin , and he is the man who thought of the famous Monkees TV program, put the advert isement in "Var iety" magazine which brougkt the boys togetiier, and finally (w ith cc>producer Bert Schneider) chos. Mike, Micky, Peter and Oevv from amoog the hundreds of appl icants .

e ~


"' .;.

( · I ~

. ,. j .. ' . 1·. •

/. - .;._.,01- ", T JO 1967 PAGE 13

e ~

~ r .

.._... What impelle-1 him 10 pick ovt these four young men? It could have been an v c• the o thers .. . but it wasn 't Cou ld the M.:Jn• kees have svcceeded w,1hou1 each and every one of the members who Bob finall y chose? Bob himself o ften ask s that quest ion

.,.. " Why ? Why ? Just what m ade me finall y choose THEM ? I often wonder abou: some of the o ther guys we said 'no 10 and what 1he M'jn kees wou ld have been !• ~!:'

we"d have had one or 1wo different oeople in the group. Maybe they woulc! have fitted in well togethf'r . Maytx r,m When .. e ... -ere, makmg the final select ,or, we had 10 :hm ..: abo, ·t that.

-- " Not only dirl we have to th ink whether a particular person would make a good Monkee, but whether ne·d make tha i strange chemistry when he and the otner ~ Wflr-e put together ...

,,... Th i~ brings Bob 10 a point which has of1en bttn made by hostile cri11cs of 11':e Monkees - 1hat the group was "artificially crealed". H is a compla int wh ich Bob thi nk ~ is very unfa ir . and he stands up fo r his boys

- - ··11·s ohen been sa ,d 1ha1 the Mon kees are ·manufac1ured·, but the 1er m irritates me iust a little . The Monkees were more bke u Japanese marr iaqe . . arra nged

..... "I n A~rica and e lsewhere 11->e divorce rate 1s pretty high , but in Japan thmgs go bet-1er . That 's the way we like 10 feel ii is wi l l-> the Monkees!"

..... As the o• .ginat or of the Monkees' TV show. 9ob is very much involved in that part -:lf their careers . "We've rnade things easie r

: e a.1.- ~l4

e ~ .


Page 8: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30

r,QSET /,i...,1' , i.":>JA f AuGi..,5 T )0 1Q6 7 PAC.I: 15 :>AC,l l<l .',!.. •'•




e Jdl' SI . Johf\ uM1 \Ill' YllftU; mallr lht Ci\nu

JAZZ AT CITY HALL .\o,...._...a.,"""'"11\a.. l>\tro.u,1 , ~,. ,~., .,i,-

- • ---- lot 1"1111,,._ J u,; Ch,,''"" "'l)~ HM£ u , ·. Srp,&~mlwr i.. •• " "' um.· u.,rr,·.s,.~,w ••><I

l~iilfi !~;i\l! ..,. •• , .. .,.i ,\ 1 1 (.,,J I' ..... ,lum,, !hi• ' "', I , l~ , "''~•- lh•··• •U•lnm,,•ui- ... :hn n ... I• •' ,1, It•· •. , , ,

,lw• -..,,,: 11',,•..- n,.. ht•'~ '"'"""'''' ..,, ,,, r.,: 1<•.~ ,-,., ,.,,., •" ·'"''··•'• 1'1.,o\ ,. ,,ul•t n,,m ... n, ,m,: tl..-u mu•"''·•·• -.,,,:,•• ,., JI


with Frank

~ -Traynor

for our se lve~" , he says , " by a, ,ng a young : rew on the sel Everybody's so young com­µa·ed w,t h t~ rt'St o f Hollywood The only ! Xcept 1cn 1s 1ne ca~raman, ~ul he s young a t hea r t and yov of1en fi nd h ,m, for 1nsc ance, h :,v,ng d ,nner ,,111h Davy or one of l hc o ther ;;•Jys All o f vs ,n t l-P oew have a tremendous rapport. contac l , fec lo ng fo r the ~ce ne "

..... 11 has s,)me11mes bet-n sa,d that 1he Monkees· telly sho w is 1ust II pi nch fr om the Beatles ' fi!rr-s Bob laughs a r this clam,

..... "I go1 the 1dt:a for the se roes_ rn \Qt,2 , before D, ck Les:e r ·s ·Hard D;-.y s Nig~t' and ~c ynl I h•we II grea • respec! fo r his work and I dc-n t w11n1 to be dr aw n m to -:on1roversy , :>ut I .... rirk~ rn adve rtising fo r some t ime and a lot oi the technique I use I picked up 1ne re "

..... How d,d E.ob come to .:all for in1er­

.-1ews wh, ch eventua lly rroduced the Mon ees? " We cons ,dertd only one existing

Jrouo for the show before we picked out the .-.~on kees one b y one - the Lov,n · Spoonfu l. -...,et ..,ere u,1know n a t the 1i,ne and were rappy to do ,1 , bu; eventually 11 just wasn' t

~r 11ct1cable .... "'NI-en we s111n.-d on •er ,;,ewing r ~, Ot:Ct ve Mon keu we were ,tera lly ;)f>Op'e 1·c_r i), hcur 1, N<IS a 1=-t of fun~ . "e usea t,... d: •H,fty !'l ings 10 se a: wha t sort of reac1,c.r. Ne g::it fro,., ;ne apphca r\ts We ended vp nav, r1g ,..,, s,ca: 1am se ss,ons ,n our off",ce 1

1 te ll ycu =.,r se< re 1a ,y we nt 01.11 o f he r n,ind 1

-- · When he reali sed he wa sn t 901 r19 to r·,a,ke " he sugges1ed I get ,,1 tou ch w,th ~onieone he , a cer:a u1 Peter Thorkelso n I m ,gh1 ha ve sa,d Yeah and forgonen abou t 11 - pa rt -cularly as th,s Dete r Thorke lsor hadn I e..,en answered the ad 1111d we had a 101 of guts .... no had Ye1 I re me,nber l went r,:, grea t lengrhs fO con tac t h ,m

..... I f_ound !-' m .... ork ,ng ;.\., d ishw asher - nor even a, a ni us,c an. so { Ov c 11n ,m agm.-1 100K a w hole 10 tr ace rwn Bui when t

he ard h 1n1 , 1tllew at once he was r.ght 1 wa-; ,.;nocked o v t

--- 'Da vy 1s the -::,ne I had the mos\ dcv'. :s abou l I ' ll oe honest abou t that

.... " Davy had had le u contac t w,th roc k n r .::, I 111an a ny o f 1he o the •s. and a lthough

he Pad ac 1 '"9 e l r,rttence I was<1 1 su re ,f he ,. ::- ... Id oe able 10 get ,nto the so1n t o i th,ngs Su r t- I wH ,.. ,.ong' · He ~•rn le\ Very wro ,,!,:11

--- I\\ , ~ ., Ne~••111!, •s · 1he one ..,1,0 h,H , 1+· ! ·•·<' e,,.s . _,. wa·. ,..1 ... a,s •lie wa, he

, -· ;tc"io i,,r' Bu: M,cl..y 1iai C1eve-looed a•" : l.t'l'e(I ~-ll .•••1,.r,i· .. s•y I

~ ·~ ., •• ,,. .. ,.,. M.:i,, ~ee !. !1.•,e '--e-co1ne ,.,_.. , d' o~: : "Si c,.as· , : 1.., t,l!,ng B-,c ~

• , <l' ,, • :1t.~s •· ~,.. rl~e, ,,e, i,..ct ,..1 ', .,,, •,: -:,c-ill ''<' ,~·,S !-.,, ! I .,. , .. ' ., ,,. •. ,, .. , (''Cl ,, ... e ! ell' He ,i..,91 .-ci

f',1,. · ~ ><>c :, s a ff ect c • ·e r 1he s iar ~ "<'11,..d • • •·c nr '<' :;,:p r, .. ,,...,,e.,,

- ::er I• • y.JeSS _., ,

··•· v , .... •·\hp I~ ··•.uie I d µu ·c, 1111 ~ nd :-i

"9 ~ ... hat s how ,1 ,, w,111 Bah Rale1son -•• , .. ~ .... ,.,,::,119 poppa o f tne Mon kees 1

I/IA ~


YOUR FAUi: monHEE k ,., n a copy o f 1he Mo nkees la tes t LP ,,.,1 ycv hc1~!' 10 do ,, vote- fer yo ur favor.T e Monkee

The nea1e s1 correct en1 rv .., ,ns

The re ,s an E P lor 1he ru••ner v:, ,.. c

My favc r ,te M.)nkec ,,

Na me

Add ress .

••• Send your En1ry TO Go-Se1 ? Cha rnwood Cr"\ . S r K,iria, V1e1 o rn1 -

Page 9: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30



Nf:Ln>lUDAf AUGL"S1 30 ·967 - PAGE 17

OM i1 led to belieYe in th is modern d,1y o1nd age that ·the world is ,1II flowus and rainbows. Somehow the Andy bme1. Asylum do net fil int., this pretty p ic ture .

The patients cons isting of five . . _ ( Stewie Bria n, lear:' 9u1tans1 . Michael Dunn. ~rganis t, Al an Jones , bass guit a rist, Doug Avery , drums and Andy Ja,»es . lead s,nger) have a ter r ible habit of caus,ng um,g:hrly riots and chaos wherever 1hty appear

Only Ian Wffk they wrer.ked o1 !onl dance , smashed guihrs, threw smoke bombs into the audience, tried to mow down the crowd with ill motor mower o1 nd massacred a wooden wo1rdrobe full of beautiful Howen with In axe.

I thovghr I was going s ligh t ly .-nad w :th the unpred,c1able ant ics cf certain grocps . bvt this k,nd o f 6':hav,ou r convmced Ille ( Stt your psychologist )

Surely this was taking lil irogs a little too far , but Andy the ,..aniac that created this mon1terou1 group Hsurl'd me that it wHn 'I.

'"We formed this gro up··, •11id Andy, .. ,IJ

create visual e11ci1emen1 111 we! I as musical The scene needs a little madness 10 rel ieve it from the mono tonous life ii is now leading. Those dever little teenagers cannc1 be fooled any more, they real ise we are stupid , and so e11pe:ct more for the ir money··.

:,o ne111 t,me you are a, a dance , and its 1n the wind that the Andy Ja<rtes As-,,lu,., are coming with sirens b lu tmg on •, o, ~self down. hotng c:,n10 everyth,ng yo.., have 901 as -,,cu are 111 fa~ an e~periencc

N.B. On a more Sf'rious note , Andy whilst living ir: Sydney IHI year became inYolved in drug taking, whic:h fin•lly p1i1t him in ht:sp!!al.

" Anyone who takff dr11gs for kicks, ue taking their life into their own h~nds . Take It •rom one who knows, it's just simply not worth It". ---=~~~ .i,

roN--SfAGEl ------------------- I



: ~::G~~RYD uL~1~:R BLUES BAND l t-------=-:-:=~~ I ------------------· I

I 112 LIT. BOURKE ST. : a.;.-.1 ..... ---=..=.__..,L __________________ _







Compiled from octuol FieU Sere,nrdt Tnu


Page 10: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30

PAGE 16- WEDN[~D,\ f .,· ~, - GO Sf·





' ' ' . .. .;- ' ,,.

\ .= ;,r· . "", . ,:' I ' l . ....., .




~~~;~·············~········~;-~.--;.~~; .. ~ ..••••................... ~ .......... -..... .-... ~ HAROLD THE HEADMASTER WILL ENROL ALL THE GOBBLING SCHOLARS : IN THE GOIIL£ TO SWING EACH DAY OF THE HOLIDAYS FIOM 2 - S p.111.


Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble Go .......... •--•·········~r--·:!··········~:.~•--.!!.~·~~.!~~-~.:~·························



~~]~E • r• 1> ~i1 h


>, , 9ers \ . BRE

: ST. LOUIS UNION FAHS AND FRIINDS : 1 SN9W TRIP WIU HAPPEN SUN., SEPT :rd 1 I SOIi I ... :tlnl •• ~ .,._ .... I t.. 1...,-onn.u .... , " · ;,~ '1•~1't'I ..... Ro ....... .,.. II * .n 1tf' St., ' ""'"D11 J

111:..;...._ ..

and Uw


I~, lilllii-1 ~ j . with a fto•w ,n ' ""'

'. - ·unf FREE \ :-;. ,

I i I I


FRI. and

SAT. al


This wHk, top groups

PSYCHOTIC REAOION J'SRm,SHAR I ,u.,w....., t ,Wnlfrrw and T•••run•• ,c,-111 ,

I 136S MAI.VERN RD., ~~-








uanown 11• 5 SYDNEY'S TOP GROUP - SURPRISE VISIT -TODAY 'TIil SEPT. l 0 ....... 94 2912, 94 3329

9',.....,, ' ~ ~,,..

9'.,;.,. // .,,-.✓,







, -/',, i,rr . './//r:.,~ . f/r~':f''

:i,'/4u,;,,, I/

IHN'ulh1•1.1ur !I p .111 . . .. \\ ed 1,1 Sun .







\\l\T.-t> "'~""''•' I\.., •• 1;,,,,.,,.., .... ~ -· ... , ~"'' ,, ""!" " .,.. ,1 ...

::-;'.\'.·':':';:/·· \\ t•.·

Priva te hil'"e I with or • itho ut psychede I i c: light ) l'"i ng NIC K

JAMES 32 J.121

Open •v•ry FRI DAY , SATURDAY from 8 .30 p .m ., SUNDAY AFTER­NOON 2 t ill .5 p .m


,V;•mm'rs ! J (J(1 l'1 •1tor i · • $11?(1/f' SJ .SO

dou ble S2 .;v SUND.A Y AFTERNOON

M ~mb~rJ 60 C'l' 'I/$ Vu ztori iS C'f' 'lt ~·

M embership a\'ailablP. now 11.IO

Glnza Psychedelic Posters 10 ceats Wld


11 ,,,1,!,I •"::~ ,. l l •h" ' r,, ~••u-11,,. c-.:1. i',,•·.! i ·.,,,i 1:.

;~r::·:.,=.~·· :· ·· •·:::•·~;. . ..;. r·:,. ::: :.

Page 11: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30


Questions ·Sept.•••· z4•

TERRY BRITTON - TWILIGHTS · Without a doubt Aust ra!1a ·s top 1oul group ..

Mal. McGhee - Python Lee Jackson .. A Jabu/011 .~ gro11p 1nth n11 , 111 /11t1111cii11u lead smger "

t--- bookin1s ---t

M. A. BROWNING-26 6482 34 3000






111111• -• IEL JIIIES • SE-LE 1111 IE• fLVS

l'siiiiiiri&if] ! S RAY HOFF and

1ar .... ~.:--= ;_~_ a THE OfflEATS 5,2& r·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·1 I t RAM-JAM !NOW ~~,':,u,.,vm!i BIG BAND E 1,,, •.. -- a ... 2-1 I I '1\ ( \ . . . :~ •! II ~- liRtlH! I I p ! i i\ - 1 : Centre i ~l"""'l"'T""'"'""""... i 1 ' i : ReH r YB Rd . : i - . . . ! \ IUUMARIS j , tribe :; .............................................................. ............. . I I i 67 S411 (day) i l•-•-•-•or. 503942 (night) •-•-•-•j .................................................


*~I ✓..._ Ptte W1ben'1 lookh1N1



Page 12: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30

PAGE n \\ FC'M ~l)Av .;uGusr JO JQ()·

llONILE And,· J:nnr• M•·t\im

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\ft~" ~•\•~:,~~! I• ,ussros CH..\ltUS


11:1)" C U)" l'nl<>rl ....... , Andr J,..,,..~ .uylwn :-fLJhl - ('ho lwa S,,.t -Ram J:.m B•~ S.nd Camw-1 n...i•N'. \ ' :brvii.. :,( w En pu1',r l :npo

ftNNOCHWB Tw,h~hl•

.. u,;a AUl:lrf GEOIIGI'! ~ANS Ja111nT1o,·10rWo\·•

TN\INPIN ftlM r.,ny M ar-h ,.,.. , 01' 1ld C'hofl">ff. BIii H1pt,W 8.a U

IMA\'PtJE Liff}''• Rt~lf

WINHTONauau:8 s,..,., ...

151•19 CA&..',A• l' 5T. CA,.,...

\'1!1r.1nl•• J""""' Ta1·1o,. M.,,...

~~. '!-:t1~"· u, .. c~~~~ U: CHAT'Llll c f"""'bo"'J"• Ima~,.

RJm J ~m 81t lbnd. C.1n••·r nr~..c1 i ~: :;.~"~:::.nC:.:°"'",.. R.1•" f""• ~r •

~;,.;;:;,t:,r.~t•~ ..,. T'" '-•' "' C, \IIUI ISI I' r::;:;;:;. :\l-h:,~• R.,r, h r> to. ~ IJ 1.-d

:;}~l;},.;:. : ·\~~·I·,,,~ ... t:';:·,,..~- 10.1::<1 !,·\ . ,.

111:RI fl/ l l~, l l • ,. r, •,•

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PES TH0\'1-I: \I ••·~•• A;•nr..n,,...,. nu· :~,.-•

flS .. l lCHI0!4 1,.,,r,, R, t,,,; . Jii:~If T r.FDAr:E

T-.. ih<h!• i.u .~ f' .. f! ,r r, . .. ,,, Tt,..

"-:~d.;•••• ';\-,!••:,;•: "•"•'f 1• ••••• 1111,,r ... n'IC

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• l !li liTON C:HA•U:"

" i~~:~.!',i;,/ "-'n.:,·, : ·• • •

,,,, .. AU1tF.D!I I N,-'ENTION

MUI hlnn • nd l lw l:-nk,,.•~·n u 1 ...... ftl.U'.ll A"n ftLI t ;

" "·" "'" ~ ...... bnd~· • 1,, ....... BU.111£5

f~::. :.'!,:::"s~~.;"',;.,~!"'t;:. "'""'' IU;,1-;>•·•y o., ..... ...

111..n :.°' ON ~T.V.E All1krl• 1 ~m,th , JI,,, l ~t •· l'n.....,

CA~~';t l~"•r

r.~•-••·•· ~, 11, Jftmo·• ,h >luu, , .. , r n,· ,-.,~.., :«..,,..1,-d) • ,,...~,,. n ... ,1-... ,-.., n,,, lla1>1.,.r.:nc n :111

c·,s, .. ,, • ...._.. ..... ..i .... -~ T U'fl twll L,.·,11 ,~,.-• Ll&•tr"' Alk-n Rr«ur. ,-.,,. ,.-.i~or• R.,,.111,,,...., ("bn,<0-1_., S >'k~II>) Ar,i,;..,

L£ atAn:,u 1 Mau M~u~ T•·•• U\' T"~'

a, C'Mne•nl Ton,,.. Jolln Byir Ai.,. anc1.i.nn,,.. c11an,rr

r,o&•u: And1· J,.....,. A•ylwn

foA•• lliON Sorn,b(,dy·• lfflalll', G-• ..... 1.Atlrir Allen lleow. Ctw1- Set, ""_.,.


r'ut ... •;::-•~. MPD ~ roop.O.\'ld.McC&ll....,Sbow

a.,,d, llluhUff, Cltr ~n Nita£ TIZ

G11•••ffrad M"' .... BoOb1 Brilh' , MMMTw' App.en• tl<'n, Ram Jam BIi Band. C'lw1-~ . t)Jffloncb -~ J amn$ynd1<,1l f' ...... ...... ~-l-. lk>loh11n,hl ,

~""' au. .... Md ,....,. Wt!· .on·• 11oc1mouu- T1W PMtolf'I ......

ff. fAIUl~I Swin& Shin Clwryl Cn,r

SIOSGE• T1W Cn,op, c.rami.r DM and tht H11rncal'lff. Chaftl"'II Tlmn. S.1 man DI ......... l'olo!UNU)· ~Wll\ffn

~ Onr!: t 'nk...,..n 8 1..,., • nd "''l ,)OflH l'ln1· ,.. ... h,nr TamL. D,&,.,,...r~ O,,,'KI IIL>M

sm st: Ht:M,t:

~;,::,::' ~:: i~ ~::'.!"..::·~ IDUo A\'ESl' E

l.w;,-h \! :._~•~•• .\Pl>f"·, ,,~ ..... Cam poor<

'.11,•h• - ~r,anc,·r• r,.,.,., .• TOJII FOOl..l:111'

r:.,,.,,...,. M:..,,,.,. ·'"'"''"'tu-r• 1,..:t I;;:'1 n.,..,., ,. Jl"""" o,.,r

THl'MP'IS ' n'JI r h '• AM, h n·r• ,\•)lun. R11r, J~m s,, n;.,,.i

~~!~i~ "'oo n,·-(Ua&C.a1 PIIINCI': AUlt:ftT r.r..oar.c lll:lldT1AN"

l"'am1,..., Thr Gr,-•1 Wll"tn'ON r.ttAPLU

Stnrw:,.r• •·nor.,~·• nE;~::;:,;}~~~:~~r.~:1 ,-wt ..

Fil tnr: Jl'Ll !!:1'

P.·!rr ~ ,:,. ~- II r: rat~!n,. • T,on~ 1~ .. ..,, ,,,,.,... ~ -,·, ~"'""' n,-i­.._ n , •~~" • h r .. ,,,. 1i.11r" J.,...,_,,

" ';.:'.,."~~" '"• N•••• h-~1-.• h,a;,, na r .. nt'.HE•

\' :t,ranb Jl; r.i.~· ,·,._..,.,., --.·• u : CHUtAI '

\l'~t n,•-n 1.,,.. II,~ Jbtlti 1111,lll'IU' l l t1•a,.~n,.r1

l~•t r} It. I..-,• 1tt:111· rl l m,,... R~~• ,,,.,t fl

~::~to:,,. hm,·• 1,,. , • ,: ,.

r"_:::.~,i-~· .. ,,, .. ,.,. ·" '·!·,• .... ~:' ""~

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,..~·~~~~::';;-•!• n ... "'"'n~,.,-

l'tll"CE AUlt:IIT f.t:OllfoE !o t'.8.UlTIAN

t.,,.-..d Onn , .,.,., • n ••h • l'ld• ntV.wrlN n ••

W,kl C"._..,,..,_ •t~~~ CMULElii

--- -- - --------


Don't forgat our liule !1()bble houM i, open on w~y, Thursday ni9hu • nd S11turoay 11nd Sund11y 11ftffnoons. 27 Crossley L11ne, ne11r dul ing little ginza .

• Oh thtt's right , I nNrly forgot to tell yov thal t~re's the wildHI hepptni"!I lhls S.turd•y I t J:il .30 ill ltttle C•tcher CAUN Andy J•rr.s i, wr.c:king so I Nu ooe pi11no one sm•II w111hins, machine •nd .wn dozen pl111tic vases with flowen 11nd a 9rNI congk>rneretion of ocher gur .

As well, oh shut up H11rold let me ny wh111 I want 10 .

the Vibr11nt, ,re on 1111 nl;ht this Sunday 11nd - look b11ghffd spHr off, 11nd 11nd er . .. blurt ? alright Ha rold HY it

f think C111cher' s jolly gas - where have yO\.I been l111e4y - you r11ng; Well 11nyw11v H•rold will be bringing hi, urtload of flowers and hi, two pink hippy boon 11nd hi, Afro Cubiln gr111shopper wilh 15 worn ou t b11gpipH.

S. you swingers a t Cstchff LOYe( ly) H11rold . ,.



yet another

peat nlpt! b ' nrhaf•-yofcd~,

i1pulse! ®illlill®li'JID


-Ill JAM 118 IAID Vlnall


_____ WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30. 19b7 - PAG£ 23

'"altreth ln-wentloa ..




DEAKENS - ,u,raa,11 1ln'D'l'ION• .1 cw.-

Page 13: Volume 2 IDMMDTIOI Number 35 August 30

Volume 2 Number 35

August 30 1967

~~ ,1

P_AG_E 24--_WED_NE_SD•_' •_UG_us•_2J_._, -- - - --- --~ ·,·-+-, +-------=G().S~

BE THE ...........................

S... FINI 10-. s.tw41,, s.,i...2114.a-t- .. GUIIIFIW

s.i..y, s.,i-w .... 10-.,,..c...


rur a, ~

\___ .



To enter, send a photograph of your-

::.:~.~:,:::~:;;!":,::,':.~-:::,; AND BE LISTENING FOR Guy and Gal or the Year, 3UZ, .S Bourke

::~e:~:1,1:' .. ~ual be between the COMPLETE DETAILS TO ages of 16 and 25.