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Volsol guatemala brochure 2016 compressed

Jul 23, 2016



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Accommodation and Living09

Cost and Start Dates10

What am I Paying for?11

What am I Paying for? (Contd.)12

Things to Do13

How to Apply - The Process14--16

Get in Touch17

Guatemala and Antigua Overview03

Guatemala - All Programs04

Teaching Program05

Childcare Volunteering06

Medical and Healthcare Program07


Your Accommodation 08

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Often termed as the ‘Land of the Eternal Spring’, Guatemala is a

place filled with nature’s different faces, vis-à-vis dense forests,

scintillating mountain ranges, enthralling volcanic terrains and

warm welcoming people. With a population of some 15 million

natives belonging to the Mayan community, the place is rich in

culture and prominently influenced with Spanish traditions and

lifestyle. Guatemala's abundance of biologically significant and

uniqueunique ecosystems, many of which are endemic, contributes to

Mesoamerica's designation as a biodiversity hotspot.

While each and every city and township in Guatemala has a shine

of its own, the former capital city, Antigua, is a must visit and most

popular tourist destination in the country. A UNESCO world

heritage site, Antigua is overwhelmed with major historical relics,

number of colonial ecclesiastical, vibrant culture, and a bunch of

jubilant people. Antigua carries an image of a warrior with

resilience against many natural calamities; like, earthquakes,

volcanic eruptions and floods; and stood up again every time with volcanic eruptions and floods; and stood up again every time with

full throttle.

Guatemala Trip Highlights

Go trekking at the Pacaya Volcano.

Explore the cathedrals and various colonial government structures at the Parque Central in Antigua.

Embrace the beauty of nature at Lake Atitlan.

Indulge in the aromatic chocolate making classes at ChocoMuseo.

Walk through the markets located in the narrow lanes of old city.

Have some fun time while teaching kids in schools.

Guatemala and Antigua Overview


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Teaching Program

Childcare Volunteering

Medical and Healthcare Program


Guatemala - All Programs04

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Program Requirements

Volunteers must be 18 years or older on the volunteer program start date.

A mandatory criminal background check

Should bring energy and enthusiasm to make a difference

Be in good health.

Intermediate level knowledge of Spanish Language

This program is set up for the children in primary schools. A volunteer

enrolled for this program is supposed to teach various subjects to the

kids; including, Math, English, Computer, Geography, etc.

Extra-curricular activities, reciting poetry and holding music lessons

can also be part of your duties as a teaching volunteer. You must

design your lesson plan in such a manner so as to include not only the

key content of the syllabus or the curricula but also the lessons in

charactercharacter building and morality. You can choose a subject to teach

according to your proficiency. You are welcome to take Spanish classes

in advance to develop your proficiency.

Teaching ProgramStarting from $595


Add On Tour

Refer to the things to do section for ideas.

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Program Requirements

Volunteers must be 18 years or older on the volunteer program start date.

A mandatory criminal background check

Should bring energy and enthusiasm to make a difference

Be in good health.

Intermediate level knowledge of Spanish Language

Similar to the teaching program, the childcare program too caters to

the need of taking care of underprivileged kids of the age group of 12

years or below. As a volunteer you are required to dedicate 6-7 hours

a day at the project location and provide day to day care to these

children, play with them and develop fun as well as knowledgeable

activities and games for them. You are welcome to get gifts, games,

chocolates, stationary and other gifts with you to the child care

centers;centers; these can be perfect ice-breakers. This is a perfect opportunity

for you, as a volunteer, to indulge kids in team building exercises.

Childcare VolunteeringStarting from $595


Add On Tour

Refer to the things to do section for ideas.

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Program Requirements

Volunteers must be 18 years or older on the volunteer program start date.

A mandatory criminal background check

Should bring energy and enthusiasm to make a difference

Be in good health.

Intermediate level knowledge of Spanish Language

Volunteers in this program work in a rural medical post alongside a

practicing doctor and nurses, while assisting rural health post staff to

treat patients and also conduct field research. For making this

program a successful volunteering stint, you need to be decently

handy with local Spanish language, so as to interact comfortably with

local medical staff and patients. While, a minimum 4 weeks of

commitment is required from a volunteer for this program, those who

areare not tuned with the language need to commit at least 6 weeks for it.

Not only is this a very exciting and impactful volunteering project, this

is also a great learning opportunity for medical students to get

hands-on experience by treating patients.

Medical and Healthcare ProgramStarting from $595


Add On Tour

Refer to the things to do section for ideas.

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Your Accommodation


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Accommodation Highlights

Fully furnished accommodation with fully functional kitchen

Meals twice a day for 5 days , or as per the project

Accommodations are near to the project site

Very near to the local markets, ATMs, grocery and essentials shops

The volunteers are accommodated in fully furnished and well

equipped host guest houses. The accommodations are allotted

according to the project in which a volunteer has been enrolled, as

the guest host houses are located near to the projects, and which

are a mere distance of 20-30 minutes’ drive from the mainland

Antigua. Home cooked meals are provided to the volunteers twice

a day, which majorly comprises of ingredients such as; corn,

chilies,chilies, beans, soups, etc. Preference for Veg/Non-Veg food can be

informed to the host family once you have settled down.

Accommodation and Living09

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So, why do I have to pay for volunteering abroad? I mean, I want to help them and all and still I will have to pay? That is a

common question people ask. People often forget that volunteering is never free. Volunteering Abroad is definitely a choice,

and when you choose to do so, you have to pay. For what? For your airfare, for your lodgings, for your meals, for local

commute, airport transfer, for your project placement tie-ups! There is more in the list, but again, all of us dread the word

"program fee"

So, we thought we should simplify it for you. Your program fee solely aims to provide you comfort, while you volunteer

abroad. It is structured to meet your most basic needs.

Cost and Start Dates10

1 Week 2 Weeks 3 Weeks 4 Weeks 5 Weeks 6 Weeks 7 Weeks 8 Weeks Program Name Extra Weeks

$595-- $795 $995 $1095 $1195 $1295 $1495 $200Teaching, Medical and Childcare Cost

Please Note: -An application fee of $225 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment.


Mobile connection and recharge

Entry fees to monuments or sightseeing places (if not included in program)

Transportation and local travel

Visa Fee

Personal expenses

Return Airport DropReturn Airport Drop

Expenses other than program fee

Guatemala Teaching, Childcare and Medical Program Dates

Guatemala Program Costs (in USD)

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Most people are surprised to hear that they have to pay to volunteer abroad. What they often do not realize is that there

are significant administrative costs involved to arrange for a worthwhile volunteer abroad placement. Volunteering Solu-

tions is not supported by any government funding and runs its programs entirely from the fee that volunteers pay to take

part in the volunteer programs. Volunteering Abroad, involves incurring of many costs such as food, accommodation,

transportation, transfers, project selection etc. The program fee charged by us, goes into providing you all these services.

The money that you pay to us is distributed at various stages to provide you a meaningful volunteer abroad experience.The money that you pay to us is distributed at various stages to provide you a meaningful volunteer abroad experience.

VOLSOL Program Cost IncludesAdvertising Online/Offline Credit Card processing charges

In country maintenance of offices, vehicles etc.Staff recruitmentVolunteer recruitmentMaintaining office and other expenses

Salaries for staffNGO financial helpCommunication with volunteers and partners, by phone/email etc.International travel done by our staff to monitor projects and attend local meetings with partnersWebsite maintenance.Government taxes.

What am I paying for?11

Administration Cost

In Country SupportProject Development

Project Support &Field Cost

Food & Accommodation

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It is necessary for an organization to employ full time staff to recruit and manage volunteers. There is lot of work that goes

side by side ensuring that you are supported before and during your program. We are dedicated to make your volunteering

abroad a memorable experience and ward off of all possible hunches at every steps. Our administration cost is 28% of the

total cost which include advertising, staff salary, website maintenance, taxes, volunteer recruitment and other expenses.

The application processing fee is part of your administrative costs, unlike many other volunteer travel company we do not

chargecharge any additional credit card processing fee. These companies can charge as much as 6% on your application fee taking

it to a difference of almost $100 extra. We have a flat rate and that is what we charge.


You may be endowed with exceptional skills and acumen in your area of expertise but to figure out your exact role in the

placement agency and to gain insights of its operations require training. To know cultural practices and etiquettes is of sub-

lime importance to carry out your tasks. So you need someone who could impart training and dispel your doubts at every

step, obviously he/she doubles as your friend and trainer.

Training and orientation

We charge for food and accommodation based on your preferences. You may decide to do home stay or group accommo-

dation or relish the cuisines cooked by host family and pay them. You may cook for yourself if you find it economical or your

placement organization may provide you lunch. You have plethora of options to choose from and charges are determined

accordingly. Host organization provides a safe and welcoming atmosphere for the volunteers. Food and accommodation

charges cover 40% of your total expenditure.

Food and accommodation

Volunteer service organization often employs in-country staff to provide local support and to make your volunteering

abroad experience memorable. As long as you are volunteering outside which may take up to six months, our staff is con-

tinuously working for you behind the screen. So we pay them from program fees we receive despite other sources like

grants and donations.

NothingNothing can be more discomforting than to struggle for getting basic services like healthcare, banking or even visa review-

ing in a foreign land that otherwise would have been comparatively less difficult in an English speaking country. As a volun-

teer, you have not been tied up to the agency only but you may roam around the city to watch historical places, zoo, movies

etc. and should have total access to everything in order to distress yourself. VolSol has incredible in-country support

(around 12%) to ensure your trip runs smoothly.

In country support

The most important part of the volunteering fees is on the project which you have chosen. Program fees help fund the proj-

ect activities and resources. Thus organizations need paid staff member to ensure continuity of your program and adminis-

trative duties. Project development involved 11% of the total program fee.

Project Development

What am I paying for? (Contd.)12

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Considered to be the ‘most beautiful lake’ in the world, Lake Atitlan is a sight to see. Adjoined by a pack of small but

amazingly beautiful and serene towns, Lago de Atitlan is a must for a nature lover to spend a week or two. Lake Amatitlan,

Lake Izabal and Lake Petén Itza are some of the other water bodies in Guatemala that are no less than a wonderland to be

at. Lake Izabal is the largest lake in the entire country.

Enjoy the lake side view

If in Guatemala, it is impossible that you stay aloof from the magic pull of the bombastic volcanoes. Volcan Pacaya, located

pretty close to Antigua, is an active volcano that is open for trekking and hiking, despite being overflowing with red hot lava.

And if you want to up the ante and pace up the thrill and risk few notch up in your trip, visit the Volcan Santiaguito and you

may just get an opportunity to have the toughest and most enthralling trek of your life.

Eruption of excitement

Santa Catalina Arch is like a welcome gate into the city of Antigua. A fix joint for all city major festivals and carnivals, the

street is quite lively and reverbing. While Tikal and El Mirador portrays the ruins of a once flourishing Mayan community,

the town of Livingston and Flores lives the times of yester years in a more lively way.

Live life the Mayan way

The Museo Popol Vuh, Museo Miraflores and Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología (hard to read in the first time, I

know!) are the museums keeping the elements of ages of Guatemala intact for you to take a walk through the history lanes.

Walk into the history lanes

Yes! that’s right. Even though there is no such signature dish or national recipe in Guatemala, the taste in every bite of any

dish is such that even if you are about to burst your intestines, you’ll not stop eating until the plate is empty. With corn and

black beans as the traditional staple food since the Mayan days, there are lots of dishes to try, which are easily available at

any of the street vendors or budget restaurants.

Food that you can’t afford to waste

Things to Do in Guatemala


Trip Notes

Travellers planning to climb volcanoes in Guatemala should only do so in a group.

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How to apply - The process14

From the drop down select either Volunteer Abroad, Intern Abroad or Summer programs abroad.

If you are already familiar with the website and are visiting just to apply ignore this step and simply click on the Apply Now button at the

end of the drop down header.

Where it will ask you to create a login and password for your My Account login. Your email id would be treated as the username or user

id. Click on the proceed to next step button. The next step button will take you to a form that you have to fill to pay your application fee

of $225. This application fee will book your seat in the placement until you pay the entire program fee amount. If we fail to provide you

the placement we will refund you the money.

**Points to Heed

**If you are a past volunteer and already have my account user id and password then login to your my account section directly.

**If you are a returning volunteer within a year, then you do not need to pay the application fee again. **If you are a returning volunteer within a year, then you do not need to pay the application fee again.


When you click on the apply now button, you will get a window like this:


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How to apply - The process15

Fill out the forms marked 2 to 4 and submit application, it will be redirected to your payment gateway, where you can make the payment.

If you make the application fee payment now, your My account login would be activated as soon as we receive the payment. In case of

any glitches if your My account login is not activated, please inform us and we will do it manually.

You will receive a Thank you mail for booking the application or making your my account

login. You will get this email irrespective of full payment made or not.



This email would be followed by a Welcome mail and a community email with platforms to

help you connect with our past volunteers. If you are using gmail, please check your

promotions folder or spam folder and mark them not spam and shift them to your inbox.

Actively participate in VolSol Facebook page and Groups and also join the social

community made by volunteers, that will help you better prepare for the trip.


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How to apply - The process16

One month prior to your booking you will get your pre departure booklet. The pre-

departure booklet would contain all the details about your project and project location.

While on the project, we will send you an email to check on you, whether you are doing fine or not. You can send your pictures, blogs or

videos or anything related to your ongoing work to us and we will share it with other prospective volunteers.

After the completion of your project, we send you a feedback form, fill this form out and help us improve our services.


If your placement is confirmed you will get an email from us stating the same, along with

the final payment due amount.

You can pay your program fee from your my account section or from payment page. The

links for the same would be provided in the email. Payment details would be updated on

your my account page.


Know your coordinator

Alex(Program Coordinator - Guatemala)

Alex , a former Peace Corps staff, has over 12 years of experience working with volunteers from various

nationalities and backgrounds in Guatemala . His wide experience with various programs and in

country knowledge make him a the perfecto coordinator for the volunteer program.He is in Guatemala

making sure the volunteer program runs smoothly and makes the best match between projects

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