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VOL. XV McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. SO, 1931 NUMBER 4 M cPHERSON COLLEGE HAS SIX STUDOOS WHO '1 I M cPHERSON ARI DEFEATED 6-0 IN ' PREACH IN ADDITION TO SCHOOL · WORK I '-· __ c_ oM _i N_c_ Ev _ EN _T_ s _ : A HARD FOUGHT BAmE Wl11;f . HUTCIONSON . Today. 4:3\1 P. M.- w . A. A. hike Fi•e ouf 0 ( Sis Ho ld s,,...neea Rerularly E•ery Suncla7-SiJ<tb and plcnl<. Fi•e-Pound Adnntase- ht--Weisht p.... ,..., Too Much For BulPreacbe• £,.._ ery Two Week.a Thun .• Oct. I. 10 A. ll.-Ptip ral· Dos Line to Buck - TRAVEL MANY MILES !k\"Cf91 H•"'" ff("ld PptorarH Por Two 1i' eo• ... .... 11 •• DEAN llEPLOGLE SPEAKS a SCORE ON A PASS SERVICE Is GREATEST ol tho ChemlOlry Clu>. r• ll ttkwlll• Zlnn .,,. le Do F 1 0c 1 o u A M s IN A VESPER SERVICE · •• or' t;. 11-Lu;,.I.; • WORD IN DICTI ONARY c1a1 ••• ,'".i;,uou 1 . 0 • ' .- oe- Frt. S P. >.1.- McPhcn11on·Karuta• C. E. Held on Co llese Campua . Fri., Sept. 26-Deaplte 1neral Prof. Bl air G ive.a Addresa in w e,Jeyan r0otball at Sllllt1•. S unday ETenin1 l)eflod• eJ;celhmt football, t ho tn tbe McPhenon .Co1ttc• ltudent Chapel Wedneaday MOD., oe1: !i-Se.nlor ·-Prc11hmau Uulldog "Q\tftd In ll• lnlllal 1amo bod1 then are alx 1tudent PMton Kid put)' In the gyn 1 nat h11n. Run .. Sept. !7- Dun F. A. Rep· of the 1931 11 ,e,uon "' 'All u'nable to wlu, are doing roular· mlolatertal Wed., sept. IS-Service la the Tuea .. Oct. G- \' . W. C. A. candht h1Klo apolco on QUt'l•tlon '; Ho•ucceHfull)' hold llrn llutchlntun 1er Ylc11 thl1e1r. PJve of I.he 111 gr eateat word In the dictionary. ac- llgl1llng servJcu In t.hll ColloKc Hh t Are We!" In a Christian En· Junior Colloge eleven and loaL ou conduct 1ervlcc1 re(liularly eY erJ cording t.o J>rof. Blair lo bl! chapel Chur ch. dcio•or Vcapcr Service on t he campus the locl\ I gridiron 6 0 Sund&)' and 'the 1lxth preachea ooe a ddrHa thf& mort1lng: . Other words ,wc& t of the library thl11 4il!Vt'llil111t The ·oiieuhtK ot the firat qu1.rta.r Sunday In '"'o. Tho 1\x atudent DH · 0 11 1 m, · .:'. ,1 0 o 0 o ... bubtetlnbge Y . M Y. W. CABINETS Dean Repl nKlc ldt>ah:1. aod dhvlared two fairly mlltched leama. tore and th\\lr congre,gallont are H _ .. ... 11)•m1 ,nt hlo111, at ll'l ea.Murti nu'! nl.J:' af wltll tho ndvantug" or wolibt, In tollowa: eervlco. l -16 s tated that bapplnese Is HAVE J OINT RETREAT thnr1H·1cr. &sy lni;t thot Hutchlmion· 11 tho extent of Lawrencci Lehman It l)Tcacbtng a by- product ot 1:1ervlce. and that kccv hl M Jth rnl i. high enough that a bou.t tlvo iioumla 011 an nora so for blaecontl year 11.t t he Holland faltfl 1n God and lov e are eesenllal. s ho "' Ill 1101, reach them. yet 'keev each player. The flri i;t reol thrtu of Brethren Church. Holl and It about to 11 11crvant'a 11 ,fe . Go To Twin Mounds Saturday lhem 11 u11tnahle for one or hl ff abll· the cun\c when Johna of 45 mllOI nortbeut ot :llc.Pheuon. Prof. Blair aald l.bat many peovlt! And Sunday lty, Ttw brt!lldth nnd de1lth of one·a l n!on broke J.Wny and rim from tho Lehman h a Sealer lhl yen. aro not ttndtng tbe lbl.ogs of their •rin111tthlc11 nre nthtV t1ure measure. Hutchh115011 48 )'P.rd lino lo McPheClarence Meinhardt, a nother SC3n- queat becau6e they not searcb- FELI X MANLEY SP EAKS me 1111 of lrne worth. he continued, aon·a 18 y1nd llue. > .. our more play• lor, Lt preachtnr at the Fr ee Ing at the rlgbt place-. People who Gc11evJavo Crl1t waa In char ge or through the line and Hutchlnton di!ll Church ln Salina. Thi• te MT. are finding bapploen and aalla:fa ctlon Dl9CUA Plans For AM'KK"lnlh:tH ll Uu,... the meellnit and led devotions. Mra. git ln" aooUi er fl rat and hm wlth only Mt lnhardt'1 •tcond year 11 paator ne doing aervl cet ror otbera wltb a bi g ( 'umlng \ \••r Hclt'n Hollow"r and Ethel Sberfr !11.x and yard• to the white ot tbla church. Ion and tallh l.n God. a 1peclal duet entitled "The mar ker and a touch dow 11 . They Ward Wllllam1, Junior, 11 11r each- . Mo.n .. Sept. meml>ore ot Old Honte Church". tried a fake" play but no &•In, The Ing la the Ca!ltlt:tou Communlt1 " LEA.GUE Of NATIONS " the'- W. C. A. alld \. M. C. A. co.b· !lame play a,;l\ln gained them t wo Church, u Culleton wblcb 11 about !netl colletce ard their tacult) ' GLEE CL UBS HAVE flRSJ reet: another ttl•Y i-uft l.hem a y.rd. UtlHO mll•• 10\lth of Hutchlnwn. (N INTERNATIONAL CLUB adTleon In a Joint re- Fourth do•·a and four and one-half Thi• Is lttoad year In the . treat at Twin Mound• durln1 the MON . EVENING yards to •o. Hulchin1on tried an· Culleton cburcb. week end to for the.,.. other lln• Pl•J". hul ll1e OULLDOO c6arlH Auatlo bold• 1.he paatorate Miu Della Lehm.a. to· Speak aoclatlons on the campas thJt year. llne HELD. wtch onlr-three --... rard1 to at Dario"· wbero tb• Brethr en Old OD "t:e;'pe in Action" Felll: Manier •• \' . N. c. A. Her• Peraonnel of Vanity Quartet• 10. Folka Home le located. Cbar let a&J'I from Obaen-ation Not Yet Decided Upon Th e •econd quarter 1larted alo•. a.II . •l 1lton al DHlOW . •hould •l•tl Mon .. Stvt , :s-:;;eleclloii or Theo Hutchinson completed a pau tbe Old Folks Home. a.1 It la a place Wed .. Sept. 30-Next Monday°81'e--, ldt:ut •l Kaou• l:nlvenltJ. •ad a run for a tolel 111:•ln or 1lal Hn of r:r :!1;1-tlme puloralv 11t thCt!nteu,nl•l Com- wtu tbe llmelr topic of "The arrlvlns at T .. ·1n ?ilouact" In thr Voi ce lnl lructor of the College, •tat- te d them eight rard1 mo,.. uack- mu'.D.ltr 8uada1 8ebool. Mr. LauTer Lea.-ue of Nat1on1". · progra .. of rttrHllon "d lodaJ that. there may be 1 "' 0 wom- netd In motion penallae.d th.a fh•e preacbm every ot.her Sunday. The had b:I. for the aftf!.rnoon. ·n·a quartti - l•. and poHtbly t wo me.n's yarda: HuttMuaon'a ball oa th• Ceotennlel cbuf'<:b It lx mUot aouth· i-:,':g h:t• '" ·en1r yard llne. The Ora1ona at- eaat of l1lcPb1non. tell abod:t '"T'tle t:e&J11• In. wb4'tl • deUotove plc:nlo haneh wu . .. , 'R anu .DJ1tl_rl cr. Cnnt9.r111nc1111 OH:MART, f'JtANT'".li I N \ '. M. bued on ob1eM'atlon1 which ahe to Urn hungrr 1roup. C()n· ••hkh 11 meeting at ihe Summerfle. ld tlrul one, It 1ucceod11 a.. nd Kaul&Ur made while tra.Tellng In Europe la1t ataDce n unkln &[11:11. lt1 proved heniolf Churr.h. Sunday, Ocr.ober .. The ruo.11" Lbrou11el1 a broken fle ld over the TuH., Sept. H=T' wo talka wer3 7ear. Ra lph Keedy wm speak on the an excellent tioclal chairman. mll'!mhou or thh qunlet arc Beu Mc Pht'lr1nrn line 111111dlng u11 fnr al•en tn Y. M. C. A. thlJ morning Jn the evening llw 1ru1111 Ulhetod lhe 0111y in:orln11e ur tho ¥• mo. conccrntnr the f(lll\ll om1hlp ot freah- ve YD e 8 w epea 00 aroujld IJ1e camp flra y, •he re dhw: u•• The fJL'('cmd hulf 0 po 1111 11 e 1 11 at1om1.I· inen and upperclo11men. Twelfth AHembly". and .. The Inter- alona were hold "'hlch e1ach one Tattl haa llllo aclc cted a ladles que.r- ly for McPll <'r"on with UeckwlU1 ri;. Verle Ohmort IJl>Oko ot 1he correct 11 ' 1 rrmn tho upper tltuJMCI, w ch the hull nllar t he irnnt rrom dred Dl))'le will conclude the vro: cnml)u11 weru con!l \deroll. wns led. b)' t he yard Iha(! to lhe 48 )'lllrd4 1no the creat ion of oe11 b)' both fro1b - gram with a ta lk on "The Present Miu IJel ht Le hman, 11.>0naor or the ll ol\ow11y, Vel"ft J<' loru. Sherf)'. men and upporcle.a1me n. Harry Statue or locafY:"' W':'"'C. A. und 1 .. 011 1:-;dw•rdK. h h II I Frantz then ipoke from the The lnternatlonal Club is a group i Then•lllo cabinet.Iii ti! the ) ', W. C. The Women'1 and Men'• Glee nt 11 I •;: ' t1r th•n take too much advle t they lema. lt1 meellnp he ld enrr two The groupt a 1 a I u aHernblod had made a alxtcen yard eud run. would preler to learn the•jweek• on Monda y enntngs. OUlcen a.round tbe camp wbere Fells YODER SPEAKS ABOUT Kautzer h rcmovtid tor unnece.,_ a nd lndlUon1 of the 11ehool by lhe of the club ar-e Herbert E by, preaf. Ma nley gave 1n lntplratlonal talk on "SUCCF.sS" JN CHAPEL sarT rl)uJ;hne 1111 AIHI lfutchl nion ptn· Ham.pie ot upperelaumen. He ela.ed dt!nt and Ltlllan car1 i1on. secretary. "An Adequate Phlloeoph1 or Lite... allied ha lf the dl•tanec to 10. Woak b7 u1log, "Conaldtr the fellow with I Aa the camp fire burned lower 111d Givea Four Euentiala of Sue,.. lncerfert"nce a llow, Deckwllb to be the red cap. &ad he'll play •Quare I PatronlH Spet:tator adTertlaen. tbe laat ember1 eaU11ulsbed ceN in BuaiDeN thro .. n for n•en rard lou. wltb you." T hey are M. c. boo1tU!n. there w11 iron .. tln1lng and nulldo,i:a open thfl fourth 11,rt er the members of the group qulellr r Mnn., Sepl. !8- "Suetems," espe-. br taklo111: llultblnaon for a loea; ===== === =P=ASS== l =N = G=C=O=DENT= ======= === •. --- wll b an 11.buodante of frt:Jh air. J. Yoder. treaaurer of the Board ot Hul"'hlnaon punt gh'et McPbenon 11 one were to make a caretu . I obaenatlon of those. students wbo make 1 ·blle a rew 11leru lo lhe co tta111:e and Truaieea. In chapel thl• morntnii:. the hall 011 their own nine Jard ll uo their home In anr one of tbe U1rH dormltorie. on the- Mc.Pbenan rolleu ()tbtt.1 la ca.n Or. \'oder .tour rum:f•:. &ad the llDlldo,; blooG flllll'U 11p . A campus, be would probab1y conclude., Jroin « well-ntA.b1labed •lcm. Early Sund•r brt'allfHt me ntal and e isenilal Drlnclples, rake punt format ion aod Zinn tart'IN tucb u dark rlnp uader the eye1, tbu t h· ese eager seeker• after knowledce wa. tho order of followed wblc=h he uld could be culthated tho plga)dn for a 1aln of fourtoeu were 1ett111.1 only about two hours ot aleep per Dlglll But o[ ce une be b1 an lmpreuh ·o Horl.e •tir"lf'e led and •chlc•f'd hr a nr one h••ln111: auf · ,.-arda z111n ot1 foul- moro 11lay1 foJ would be ml1t1ken. About oae hoar a nd t•e11tr .. eveo 0 minutes woi;ild hit br Mr. Mauler. 1111fter which 1J1e 11arty rtclc nt gray matter. The t lnt wu yards 11lned. Hew1 It far more accurat.alr, oo tbe a vera1e. 'r eturned to McPher•oo. ucuracy. the abtlty ' 0 know, made a flnl and um. n eck•lt.h We.II, tbere'• a reuosi-perh1p1 we aboald aar 11 m!Ulon reuons.- Thoae at1endh11t tbe retreat .,ere •tand. •nd ae• tacts correctly: aec- made four ya rda. 1Tbe11 a PAii fall•. ror lbla abnormal ' ltuauoo. Constanc e Rankin, E''elyn Saylor. ond waa Juditmtiol, lncludlns tlld Zinn I• •t . @piied, .ird tha 1poct&Cular The cla.a1 of a typlcal 1utferer f rom ln1omni& may uftl clent e:r:- Ellu.betb Richard•. ll ce: lcman, • l>lllty and will 10 evaluate and make advanc e of the Oulldou end• with a planatlon. The poor fellow 1tudle1 away all enn 'lng Uke nobody's buel· Marr Weddl e. Ada Drunk. t;JU1er d&elllon• qu lc: kly and accurall!ly; punt. aeu, bllafully una"'&TI th at far over head an aerial ,q •u1dron which Bro'l' D, Helen ll ollo•·•r. J-;111el Shtr- third . ... a n:tbltloti, the to Im· Near the end nf the fl\lar\er Jlut cb· make old man Mar t hlmtelf shudder a galberln1 to get into tbe m0tt tr. '.lfat tle Shay. Albuta Yod11r. u11d rrO'l't and pro111:reu 10 on .r wor k; and lnaon fortott the Mc:Ph1:1raun lln. b&c:k e ft9CU•e f ormation tor hl1 det•ruc:llon F!nallr he cloaes bta boob gel• Miu Della Lehman : Cll.! 11011 lt\llt wu dependablllty, tome maJor to within thirteen rardl"Of their l!EO•l loto hr. nl1htle, repeatt hla "Now I roe;• and la71 down tor 110 Hu Tef Shanie, Auatln. Paul requ .rcmenu or wbl<?h ara hone21tr line a nd un1uccea1full1 attempt a hour escuralon Into dreamland. Sherrr. Wud w11111m1, Ker mit a nd ra.tthfulneH In appotllt- place klclc. But lo 11. nd IH'!lu'IMI A• t oon at lhal Usht goes oul the .trnd .1 ors an- Jt •>'••· l .11hm1111, l,t11111r11 menlll. M. rt b II 1 lho 10 y•rd laed a11ei:qbla1e llbOTt'I I ON Into aetlon and how! From eTcr1 dtreetlon Gottmann. Dr. J. J ). and P°" Tho at udant• were th"" reminded llne. c 11Calr11 fh•e they awoop down upon the bewildered and dtlf en.elu •lctlm. Jn vain be lhc Manier. Three Dl'mberw ur th .. hy the 11 1iieake:r that throullJ:hOut all ards. TYt 'O pa..11e1 '•"· M<: l'her11011 alaPI and klc'k• and (provldtn1 he bun'L vroinlsed bl,1 mother tha t he Y. M. c. A. cabinet •ho could not lhese quallthll lhere WH the nece.- punl a. and Hu1e htn111m hl.1 po1H•• wouldn't •ear untll he It twenl y-ooe) he break.I torlh In utt e rance. which a tt e nd were Roynl Y oder, l'OH Y • lty tor \'Ut amount of bard work. •Ion or the ball oo Mc Pheraon'1 41 old Nick hlmtelt would hMll•te to uu. Dul . hl1 undaunted, tormeotor1 Jami.too, and Dlllkofer. ya.rd llne u the 1ame endl. 111'.IMtully contlnutheir hlt-and·run tactlca, teemtnc t.o hue a welgbl)' prt· · HOl'HO)fORJl' .H The llneup: ..._ _ PGDderance of Koru on lb• " bit" 1lde of the column. And 10 far, tar Into lt. M. MOVO: F' IUOA\ ' Ht'Pbfof'lllOn P0116tlon Hult'hl..o" the 1Dornta1. Veuallr bJ a.bout fin A. M. the lnnden berln to tire ot Fri., Se11t. %S--0Hr bait or the H oc:kstraanr L.E ----- Powell tbe bloodr sport, a11d flullJ tetrut to t.hefr own ea .mp.t to dlgnt tbt lr TuH.. Sept. H- Nut Frld11 ,8op)iomore clau •tt.1:odad the meet,.. Sfema nt ___ LT ·- Britton •Potl a and await lbe Ume tor tbe tollo•lnc nl&ht•e attaek. nlcbt a tour rffl mc•lqg picture ll In• called lo order at a:JO by the lttaur __ LO Har moa (capt) ......._ At oar •••11' YIC:llm roll• o•er to .eatcb a few wfnkl or aleep before to be tbo•D In th• college ebape,I. prealdent. Wiibur Jkecbe"7 __ C __ .• 111 .... r tbe bre&kfalt. be ll, to hla •l•d eamn a UtUe poem wbLch be ba. r ead It wUI focludt t•D rHIot ' abort Se•erat cloae electloDA were held. Keck ( capt.) _ RO ___ ·- Prati aomewben Ol"e ml1ht aabJtltale th• of anotll tr luect, bat then U.e aad lni..r eaUns blo1npll1 ot th• me OJ tbe final ballot Vlirlan SlHYH Qulirc __ . _ RT --- _ Henrr tbla.s- woalda.'t rbrme): of Tboma1 A. Edl,M>n and lbe dllCOW'· wu c=boten to fUI f"Alber NonkeD'• Paula ___ . _ ff£ -··- · • re •a t o tbe oeblccet', Wbo t. ao bl uer ory pt tbe tneande1<flnt aod place H daa Walter &or: R. Acderson _:._ Q _ Audtrton"'7 ... llpla. •two-reel comtdy, '"Tbe hHblnt 1•uon elMted to take the ptaa otlH. Binf ord- nu _ f)Od•ell Bat tbe railiee barM UM ltlalM Sp ..... r.'' Kenae tb &weuon u tlM ctul Rawi --- Lii -- Johu "'--4 lbat'a .... " lti• eo.... fa." _ Tills g the MCOad of a M:ries of NDl.&t.ln of Lhe stadt.Dt Ca t FD Kellr Dua u.,.. ..... koa aaJ' 'WaJ' I r• aotac to stt • • a boul• of ctt- m011a.g' pictarw apoeeored by tbe MIN Orella Lehm.u a.elecLH ,,-..he - Zlan , ..... ,.._ ; loco.I Y. 11. c . A.. facaltJ a4"1Mr. .. ,. ... ,._ ...


Nov 22, 2021



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Today. 4:3\1 P . M.- w . A. A. hike Fi•e ouf 0 ( Sis Hold s,,...neea Rerularly E•ery Suncla7-SiJ<tb and plcnl<. Fi•e-Pound Adnntase-ht--Weisht p....,..., Too Much For Bull·

Preacbe• £,.._ery Two Week.a Thun .• Oct. I. 10 A. ll.-Ptip ral· Dos Line to Buck -


!k\"Cf91 H•"'" ff("ld PptorarH Por Two 1i'eo• ...

''·~~:::.'.'.•f7,~·~:;i.-•·1ra1 .... 11 •• DEAN llEPLOGLE SPEAKS a SCORE ON A PASS SERVICE Is GREATEST ol tho ChemlOlry Clu>. r• llttkwlll• Zlnn ~nd 1· .,,. le Do

F 1 0c • 1 o u A M s IN A VESPER SERVICE · .,~ •• • or' t;.11-Lu;,.I.; • WORD IN DICTIONARY c1a1 ~.;; ••• ,'".i;,uou1


• ' .- oe-Frt. S P. >.1.-McPhcn11on·Karuta• C. E. Held on Collese Campua . Fri., Sept. 26-Deaplte 1neral

Prof. Blair Give.a Addresa in we,Jeyan r0otball 11;;i11u~ at Sllllt1•. Sunday ETenin1 l)eflod• q£ eJ;celhmt football, tho tn tbe McPhenon .Co1ttc• ltudent Chapel Wedneaday MOD., oe1: !i-Se.nlor·-Prc11hmau Uulldog "Q\tftd In ll• lnlllal 1a mo

bod1 then are alx 1tudent PMton Kid put)' In the gyn1nat h11n. Run .. Sept. !7- Dun F. A. Rep· of the 1931 11,e,uon "''All u'nable to wlu, are doing roular· mlolatertal Wed., sept. IS-Service la the Tuea .. Oct. G- \'. W. C. A. candht h1Klo apolco on tlu~; QUt'l•tlon ';Ho"· •ucceHfull)' hold llrn llutchlntun 1erYlc11 thl• 1e1r. PJve of I.he 111 greateat word In the dictionary. ac- llgl1llng servJcu In t.hll ColloKc Hht Are We!" In a Christia n En· Junior Colloge eleven and loaL ou conduct 1ervlcc1 re(liularly e YerJ cording t.o J>rof. Blair lo bl! chapel Church. dcio•or Vcapcr Service on t he campus the locl\I gridiron t~nl~ht. 6 •0 • Sund&)' and 'the 1lxth preachea ooe addrHa thf& mort1lng:. Other words ,wc&t of the library thl11 4il!Vt'llil111t The ·oiieuhtK ot the firat qu1.rta.r Sunday In '"'o. Tho 1\x atudent DH · :n.~l•h•ltghwolnrdhwlaaea•


0o0o ... bubtetlnbge Y. M.·Y. W. CABINETS Dean ReplnKlc 111re11a~d ldt>ah:1. aod dhvlar ed two fairly mlltched leama.

tore and th\\lr cong re,gallont are H _ .. ... 11)•m1,nt hlo111, at ll'lea.Murtinu'!nl.J:' a f wltll tho ndvantug" or wolibt , In

tollowa: eervlco. l-16 s tated that bapplnese Is HAVE JOINT RETREAT thnr1H·1cr. &sy lni;t thot on~\.flhould Hutchlmion·11 ruv~to tho extent of Lawrencci Lehman It l)Tcacbtng a by-product ot 1:1ervlce. and that kccv hlM Jthrnli. high enough that a bou.t tlvo iioumla 0 11 a n noraso for

bl• aecontl year 11.t t he Holland faltfl 1n God and love are eesenllal.s ho "'Ill 110 1, reach them. yet 'keev each player. The flrii;t reol thrtu of Brethren Church. Holland It about to 11 11crvant'a 11,fe . Go To Twin Mound s Saturday lhem 11u11tnahle for one o r hlff abll· the ~tune cun\c when Johna of mllOI nortbeut ot :llc.Pheuon. Prof. Blair aald l.bat many peovlt! And Sunday lty, Ttw brt!lldth nnd de1lth of one·a ln!on broke J.Wny and rim from tho Lehman h a Sealer lhl• yen. aro not ttndtng tbe lbl.ogs of their •rin111tthlc11 nre nthtV t1ure measure. Hutchh115011 48 )'P.rd lino lo McPher·

Clarence Meinhardt, a nother SC3n- queat becau6e they &r~ not searcb- FELIX MANLEY SPEAKS m e1111 of lrne worth. he continued, aon·a 18 y1nd llue. > .. our more play• lor, Lt preachtnr at the Free Met.h~ Ing at the rlgbt place-. People who Gc11evJavo Crl1t waa In charge or through the line and Hutchlnton di!ll Church ln Salina. Thi• te MT. are finding bapploen and aalla:factlon Dl9CUA Plans For AM'KK"lnlh:tHll Uu,... the meellnit and led devotions. Mra. gitln" aooUier fl rat and hm wlth only Mt lnhardt'1 •tcond year 11 paator ne doing aervlcet ror otbera wltb a big ('umlng \ \••r Hclt'n Hollow"r and Ethel Sberfr !11.x and one~halt yard• to the white ot tbla church. Ion and ta llh l.n God. -an~ a 1peclal duet entitled "The marker and a touch dow11. They

Ward Wllllam1, Junior, 11 11reach- . Mo.n .. Sept. zs-T~e meml>ore ot Old Honte Church". tried a fake" play but no &•In, The Ing la the Ca!ltlt:tou Communlt1 "LEA.GUE Of NATIONS" the'- W. C. A. alld \. M. C. A. co.b· !lame play a,;l\ln gained them t wo Church, u Culleton wblcb 11 about !netl colletce ard their tacult)' GLEE CLUBS HAVE flRSJ reet: another ttl•Y i-uft l.hem a y.rd. UtlHO mll•• 10\lth of Hutchlnwn . (N INTERNATIONAL CLUB adTleon parllclpal~d In a Joint re- Fourth do•·a and four and one-half Thi• Is W~rd'1 lttoad year In the . treat at Twin Mound• durln1 the PRAC11C~ MON. EVENING yards to •o. Hulchin1on tried an· Culleton cburcb. week end to dl1cue..~. for the.,.. other lln• Pl•J". hul ll1e OULLDOO

c6arlH Auatlo bold• 1.he paatorate Miu Della Lehm.a. to· Speak aoclatlons on the campas thJt year. llne HELD. wtch onlr-three--... rard1 to at Dario"· wbero tb• Brethren Old OD "t:e;'pe in Action" Felll: Manier •• \'. N. c. A. Her• Peraonnel of Vanity Quartet• 10.

Folka Home le located. Cbar let a&J'I from Obaen-ation :~~·M:::e; 1:~a~e;.;~ ~~\.~e~~·~: Not Yet Decided Upon The •econd quarter 1larted alo• . a.II . •l1lton al DHlOW . •hould •l•tl Mon .. Stvt, :s-:;;eleclloii or th~ Theo Hutchinson completed a pau tbe Old Folks Home. a.1 It la a place Wed .. Sept. 30-Next Monday°81'e--, ldt:ut •l Kaou• l:nlvenltJ. •ad a run for a tolel 111:•ln or 1lalHn

of P~:~ ~~Y'::er::! r:r :!1;1-tlme :;o~h~n )'~~er •te::n:ut:~! th:lg~==P o~~:~h~i::!~~.•f,t:r::~~ :~!!~~e .~u~:t~u Mhr:~ ~:tnabe~~ ;:;:~ :;:~.· !~o ,:~~t~ln~.e :~1.:~ P~•e;::~: puloralv 11t th• Ct!nteu,nl•l Com- wtu dl~uaa tbe llmelr topic of "The arrlvlns at T .. ·1n ?ilouact" ~•rlr In thr Voice lnl lructor of the College, •tat- ted them eight rard1 mo,.. uack-mu'.D.ltr 8 uada1 8ebool. Mr. LauTer Lea.-ue of Nat1on1" . · afte.rn~·01: progra .. of rttrHllon "d lodaJ that. there may be 1"'0 wom- netd In motion penallae.d th.a fh•e preacbm every ot.her Sunday. The had b:I. ~iz.<t for the aftf!.rnoon. ·n·a quartti-l•. and poHtbly t wo me.n's yarda: HuttMuaon'a ball oa th•

Ceotennlel cbuf'<:b It • lx mUot aouth· pl:.,::.ter;1~1:' O:~:'rar.:1h!:~ b.:~~ !•e-:::~;rbof ~c~iv~:,d .~~i':1~1:.c~·:: ~:~:tc::·ar~;-3;0 i-:,':g h:t• 1~~ec~:~; '"·en1r yard llne. The Ora1ona at-

eaat of l1lcPb1non. tell abod:t '"T'tle t:e&J11• In." wb4'tl • deUotove plc:nlo haneh wu . .. , ' Ranu .DJ1tl_rlcr. Cnnt9.r111nc1111 ~~:~:o.:"~el~;~0f~~;u~~l~':p~e::: OH:MART, f'JtANT'".li I N \ '. M. bued on ob1eM'atlon1 which ahe •~nfld to Urn hungrr 1roup. C()n· ••hkh 11 meeting at ihe Summerfle.ld tlrul one, It 1ucceod11 a..nd Kaul&Ur

made while tra.Tellng In Europe la1t ataDce n unkln &[11:11. lt1 proved heniol f Churr.h. Sunday, Ocr.ober "· .. The ruo.11" Lbrou11el1 a broken fle ld over the TuH., Sept. H=T'wo talka wer3 7ear. Ra lph Keedy wm speak on the a n excellent tioclal chairman. mll'!mhou or thh qunlet a rc Beu Mc Pht'lr1nrn ~oal line 111111dlng u11 fnr

al•en tn Y. M. C. A. thlJ morning ~111~· "~~~d Leal~~e el~ct) 1 ~.~~: Jn the evening llw 1ru1111 Ulhetod ~::~ :11~~11~~11~11::e~·~c~~:::. B~ar~: lhe 0111y in:orln11e ur tho ¥•mo. conccrntnr the f(lll\llom1hlp ot freah- ve YD e 8 w epea

00 aroujld IJ1e camp flra y,•he re dhw:u•• The fJL'('cmd hul f 0po1111 11e111at1om1.I·

inen and upperclo11men. Twelfth AHembly". and .. The Inter- alona were hold In ~ "''hlch e1ach one Tattl haa llllo aclccted a ladles que.r- ly for McPll<'r"on with UeckwlU1 ri;.

Verle Ohmort IJl>Oko ot 1he correct :~111~:=:~di.:~o~~~1J::z~~~:~e~ll~~t~ ~:o~,l~=~\o~:o0~Plf:~~n1~(l;~:;c:;•t~1~~ 11'1

rrmn tho upper tltuJMCI, w ch ruf"ntn~ t he hull nlla r t he irnnt rro m

:l~~~u~;ea:'~:I~. 'c~~,~~d ba~~. ltl~~:~ a11~~ dred Dl))'le will conclude the vro: cnml)u11 weru con!l\deroll. wns led. b)' ~i;1~11~r~1~1~c~e~I fJdU1~rrl:~~ !~: ~~::~ ~·=~e~~ t he th·~ yard Iha(! to lhe 48 )'lllrd4 1no the creation of oe11 b)' both fro1b - gram with a ta lk on "The Present Miu IJelht Le hman, 11.>0naor o r the llol\ow11y, Vel"ft J<' loru. f~thel Sherf)'. ::~~c~:ru•~~er~la;:~•::~ ,.1;;11,~ho A~~:; me n and upporcle.a1me n. Harry Statue or Dlsumament~•· locafY:"'W':'"'C. A. und 1 .. 011 1:-;dw•rdK. h h II I Frantz then i poke from the freah~ The lnternatlonal Club is a group i The n •lllo cabinet.Iii ti! the ) ', W. C . The Women'1 and Men'• Glee ~u~c~~:::n~• l)~~:~e~!~~:, nt11 ethc~r l~

~:~.;: ·:~!:~~:;:,~:~:~:::.':~~:~:.~~ I ::£:!.°:::::~:::~:~:~.~~~::~·g .~:~: :;~ir:~·~~:::;.;:,1·~~:~·<::!:~::~~~~ ~~~:; c~:~::~; ··~~.'".~:"','.';'s •;:' ~~:~ ~~:~~:.::·~:!~.: _.:;~:~~:~:~:i:l~ t1r th•n take too much advlet they lema. lt1 meellnp ar~ he ld enrr two The groupt a 1 a I u aHernblod had made a alxtcen yard eud run. would preler to learn the•jweek• on Monday enntngs. OUlcen a.round tbe camp ti~ wbere Fells YODER SPEAKS ABOUT Kautzer h rcmovtid tor unnece.,_ a nd lndlUon1 of the 11ehool by lhe of the club ar-e Herbert E by, preaf. Ma nley gave 1n lntplratlonal talk on "SUCCF.sS" JN CHAPEL sarT rl)uJ;hne1111 AIHI lfutchlnion ptn· Ham.pie ot upperelaumen. He ela.ed dt!nt and Ltlllan car1i1on. secretary. "An Adequate Phlloeoph1 or Lite... allied ha lf the dl•tanec to 10. Woak b7 u1log, "Conaldtr the fellow with I Aa the camp fire burned lower 111d G ivea Four Euentiala of Sue,.. lncerfert"nce a llow, Deckwllb to be the red cap. &ad he'll play •Quare I PatronlH Spet:tator adTertlaen. tbe laat ember1 eaU11ulsbed ~hem· ceN in BuaiDeN thro .. n for • n•en rard lou. wltb you." T hey are M. c. boo1tU!n. ~hes there w11 iron .. tln1lng and nulldo,i:a open thfl fourth 11,rter

the members of the group qulellr re· Mnn., Sepl. !8- "Suetems," espe-. br taklo111: llultblnaon for a loea;

=========P=ASS==l=N=G=C=O=DENT=========== ~~~r !°em~o0:n~b:~ •c~~::et~: =~e:; ~~~~~ •. ·:.:p:~~·~o::c ~:~~ ~:~e~~ :::•·,:~oc.k~~u•r ';::~ ~:.~ '':k10~1; --- wllb an 11.buodante of frt:Jh air. J . Yoder. treaaurer of the Board ot Hul"'hlnaon punt gh'et McPbenon

11 one were to make a caretu. I obaenatlon of those. students wbo make 1 • ·blle a rew 11leru lo lhe cotta111:e and Truaieea. In chapel thl• morntnii:. the hall 011 their own nine Jard lluo their home In anr one of tbe U1rH dormltorie. on the- Mc.Pbenan rolleu ()tbtt.1 la ca.n Or. \'oder dl.5tu•~ .tour rum:f•:. &ad the llDlldo,; blooG flllll'U 11p. A campus, be would probab1y conclude., Jroin « we ll-ntA.b1labed •lcm. Early Sund•r mornln~ brt'allfHt me ntal and e isenilal Drlnclples, rake punt formation aod Zinn tart'IN tucb u dark rlnp uader the eye1, tbu t h·ese eager seeker• after knowledce wa. tho order of pr~eduro followed wblc=h he uld could be culthated tho plga)dn for a 1aln of fourtoeu were 1ett111.1 only about two hours ot aleep per Dlglll But o[ ceune be b1 an lmpreuh·o Horl.e •tir"lf'e led and •chlc•f'd hr anr one h••ln111: auf· ,.-arda z111n ot1 foul- moro 11lay1 foJ would be ml1t1ken. About oae hoar a nd t•e11tr .. eveo


minutes woi;ild hit br Mr. Mauler. 1111fter which 1J1e 11arty rtclc nt gray matter. The t lnt wu l'fl'ent~·fl:r yards 11lned. Hew1 It far more accurat.alr, oo tbe a vera1e. ' r eturned to McPher•oo. ucuracy. the abtlty ' 0 know, under~ made a flnl and um. n eck•lt.h

We.II, tbere'• a reuosi-perh1p1 we aboald aar 11 m!Ulon reuons.- Thoae at1endh11t tbe retreat .,ere •tand. •nd ae• tacts correctly: aec- made four ya rda. 1Tbe11 a PAii fall•. ror lbla abnormal ' ltuauoo. Constance Rankin, E''elyn Saylor. ond waa Juditmtiol, lncludlns tlld Zinn I• •t.@piied, .ird tha 1poct&Cular

The cla.a1 of a typlcal 1utferer from ln1omni& may b~ • uftlclent e:r:- Ellu.betb Richard• . llce:lcman, • l>lllty and will 10 evaluate and make advance of the Oulldou end• with a planatlon. The poor fellow 1tudle1 a way all enn'lng Uke nobody's buel· Marr Weddle. Ada Drunk. t;JU1er d&elllon• qu lc:kly and a ccurall!ly; punt. aeu , bllafully una"'&TI that far over head a n aerial ,q•u1dron which ~·ould Bro'l''D, Hele n llollo•·•r. J-;111el Shtr- third . ... a n:tbltloti, the d~ilre to Im· Near the end nf the fl\lar\er Jlutcb· make old ma n Mart hlmtelf shudder a galberln1 to get into tbe m0tt tr. '.lfattle Shay. Albuta Yod11r. u11d rrO'l' t and pro111:reu 10 on.r work ; and lnaon fortott the Mc:Ph1:1raun lln. b&c:k e ft9CU•e formation tor hl1 det•ruc:llon F!nallr he cloaes bta boob gel• Miu Della Lehman : Cll.!11011 Tro1tl~. lt\llt wu dependablllty, tome maJor to within thirteen rardl"Of their l!EO•l loto hr. nl1htle, repeatt hla "Now I la~ roe;• and la71 down tor 110 ~lgbt- HuTef Shanie, Chari~ Auatln. Paul requ .rcmenu or wbl<?h ara hone21tr line a nd un1uccea1full1 attempt a hour escuralon Into dreamland. Sherrr. Wud w11111m1, Kermit a nd ra.tthfulneH In lc~~plng appotllt- place klclc.

But lo 11.nd IH'!lu'IMI A• toon at lhal Usht goes oul the .trnd .1 ors an- Jt•>'••· Lawr•ru·~ l .11hm1111, l,t11111r11 menlll. M. rt • b II 1 lho 10 y•rd laed a11ei:qbla1e llbOTt'I I ON Into aetlon and how! From eTcr1 dtreetlon Gottmann. Dr. J . J). Bright~ and P°" Tho atudant • were th"" reminded llne.c ~;:~:·~; A~1dc;;o11 11Calr11 fh•e they awoop down upon the bewildered and dtlfen.elu •lctlm. Jn vain be lhc Manier. Three Dl'mberw ur th .. hy t he 111iieake:r that throullJ:hOut all 0~ ards. TYt'O pa..11e1 '•"· M<:l'her11011 alaPI and klc'k• and (provldtn1 he bun'L vroinlsed bl,1 mother tha t he Y. M. c. A. cabinet •ho could not lhese quallthll lhe re WH the nece.- punla. and Hu1e htn111m hl.1 po1H•• wouldn't • •ear untll he It twenly-ooe) he break.I torlh In utte rance. which a tte nd were Roynl Yoder, l'OH Y •lty tor • \'Ut a mount of bard work. • Ion or the ball oo Mc Pheraon'1 41 old Nick hlmtelt would hMll•te to uu. Dul. hl1 undaunted, t ormeotor1 Jami.too, and K~uneth Dlllkofer. ya.rd llne u the 1ame endl. 111'.IMtully contlnu• their hlt-and·run tactlca, teemtnc t.o hue a welgbl)' prt· · HOl'HO)fORJl'.H t:l~~QT The llneup:..._ _ PGDderance of Koru on lb• " bit" 1lde of the column. And 10 far, tar Into lt. M. MOVO: F'IUOA\' Ht'Pbfof'lllOn P0116tlon Hult'hl..o" the 1Dornta1. Veuallr bJ a.bout fin A. M. the lnnden berln to tire ot Fri., Se11t. %S--0Hr bait or the Hoc:kstraanr -~ L.E ----- Powell tbe bloodr sport, a11d flullJ tetrut to t.hefr own ea.m p.t to dlgnt tbtlr TuH.. Sept . H - Nut Frld11 ,8op)iomore clau •tt.1:odad the meet,.. Sfemant ___ LT ·- Britton •Potla and await lbe Ume tor tbe tollo•lnc nl&ht•e attaek. ~ nlcbt a t our rffl mc•lqg picture ll In• called lo order a t a:JO by the lttaur __ LO Ha r moa (capt) •

......._At oar •••11' YIC:llm roll• o•er to .eatcb a few wfnkl or aleep before to be tbo•D In th• college ebape,I. prealdent. Wiibur Yod~r. Jkecbe"7 __ C __ .• 111 .... r tbe bre&kfalt. bell, to hla •l•d eamn a UtUe poem wbLch be ba. read It wUI focludt t•D rHI• o t ' abort Se•erat cloae electloDA were held. Keck (capt.) _ RO ___ ·- Prati aomewben Ol"e ml1ht aabJtltale th• ~ame of anotllt r luect, bat then U.e aad lni..reaUns blo1npll1 ot th• me OJ tbe final ballot Vlirlan SlHYH Qulirc __ . _ RT --- _ Henrr tbla.s- woalda.'t rbrme): of Tboma1 A. Edl,M>n and lbe dllCOW'· wu c=boten to fUI f"Alber NonkeD'• Paula ___ . _ ff£ -··-·

•..rere•a t o tbe oeblccet', Wbo t. ao bluer ory p t tbe tneande1<flnt aod place H daa lreua~r. Walter &or: R. Acderson _:._ Q -~ _ Audtrton"'7 ... llpla. •two-reel comtdy, '"Tbe hHblnt1•uon elMted to take the ptaa otlH. Binford - nu _ f)Od•ell Bat tbe bo•~be railiee barM UM ltlalM Sp ..... r.'' Kenaetb &weuon u tlM ctul NJI~ Rawi --- Lii -- Johu "'--4 lbat'a .... " lti• n~ eo.... fa." _ Tills g the MCOa d of a M:ries of NDl.&t.ln o f Lhe stadt.Dt coi:a~ll.faad Ca t FD Kellr

• Dua u.,.. ..... koa aaJ' 'WaJ'I r• aotac to stt • • a boul• of ctt- m011a.g' pictarw apoeeored by tbe MIN Orella Lehm.u a.elecLH ,,-..he ;1:~1~:a1~-;.;: )fc~ - Zlan ,.....,.._ ; loco.I Y. 11. c . A.. facaltJ a4"1Mr. 1~ .. ,. ... ,._ ...


11 I

1 • · - ~ W.E~NESDAY, SEPT. 80, 1931

F" 1....-...r· b•et with j.bem to • · YJl8:-19El.L ' . l'fr.,A .. ....,..t.'f...... , r :t·-,,..D.:::..u,,.fFAW.w• ij .. 4 •1bei1ro.'ek en4 at,_.,,_..] ·. - . . ~ ~ ~ .... ~ .~I. t,fftUnll>.J •tPJWI _ _ ' • • " .. llflti h• IHitn ree.lved In Mt.

'-...--,:---:---.----''11 ~ _ g'n1'duatt11 and f~rm .. ~'luj Phe. •11tbe miart'...-e or Mr. Jl)f on• 1&l • ••



01 ,.,,,....., ""'"''·' P•WloW . ,

5""'"'' C..adl. ,., ,..,..., • ..._, 'ITh• ~ool •<>< hord kMN!h hu ....:::-::. ~IMtd the camv~•..,.,••l l'1'°""t>'8 · 8 · r~~'lo Ml,. ';;•• >:w,ll

nnt ICKOOr. OF ~~V'~ T HJ: HOM.It ~p mqre .::rad1uue" Lt1aw1 any Oltler.- ty wen ttle follo•lng:' Manin Hnt: pt, owa, on P~tmbtr - ~ -ZJ.i<~~ Nt.mbir.r TKR Rli'Lt ~ \\'11111 T. Lee. °""• ~ad.l•(or.d.·ff•NLd. Cr ll.t,. biiao. U~31. The htuemtoh111 1~~od 111~"•

QUAMT\'. ~ .- • • ( •. I Wilm ,.. R•lb BUcke,!f Car- at rno•m•n w e'O e "'' e<roo11 ..,."'4 .., ~ ,.,... 11u1tu NOW9btt ::t. uu; . a1 t hot s-tbftlu at McPM-. 'l'he"" I• 11tw-;;:-;;;;;~n~ worse oU' ::n w a11t0er.'·&stber-sonkea, w imam bu bee n teach I~~ ~he hfah 1tCh0o1,

"IC-.... ~r clic wt • f Matth ~. IMl7. · than yourselt.-A~op. · Blg:barn., Cecil ->!DdenoP, Clareriee •:d lla~t1o~~lp~nt'lp:l.o';:~~t~~to "'""- au '""""~" "" --- Zink. Irene liitelnbug, 'R~be.a 'Bow: t ~ ~ • ate of •lhe 'Ptlnaatt b tr ~.!"=...~:,,r"r ~ THE v.rx:rATia ·'-IA11'fl I• 1untbh1e, hote I• J11h8dow. man Alberta1RDvtt, ·FtoJ"d ~OT- ,....,. iu·•cto•

1 1 '«.ll

UA> x~l'Jwnoo•. tc........ t.ltt> '"' Officered • hode •nil aun- •r. Our Hau·•· Jl.tith ' TrosUt, ~ =~°?~~~.:~ pruent • e mp 0r t4

i hln&--."' J ~tna Stull. • - 11r. and ll~. Yoder •Ill mo • 'tmnolllAVftAW I ' Ot:S"'1':SS STAFF

'"Wbo, then~~! The •••i Mlu "Jeute'~aad ..-,... Dt1'• ta•lr. laome In T)liannu. man whe ran 11:0Yern hlmteU.''- Holtlnger motored - ' to Huttltta•o• • ·

TA.1~..U. ...... t vff_.. C. Ai-.. )len...-tt U.,.4 A. La~ ~ &fk# WllMt C. y..,., Au.L 9 ,,;_ lrl-..e:" - P••I lllwl'fr ~ .. rAt1., • An.trt.e Y•r AM•t.. o..i-, .. W&naJ'H J . T, Wij~ ",.It& IMl"9t Wanl Wiiiia- Cff1'ut.\'- llalla;l•r f"n ftk ll1Ht•I-

Jlon.e. Weda .. 4ar io attend tbe K .. ~ "BOHLING QUAD. ADVISOR KEl'OlrTl!RS --- .1 State Flitr.

..,..,. n.r .. , uu Kin« )htt.., ~,. The ff'Jlow 4'rho '" In love wH~ • . ~~r·o,...1w, um .. Cl• """ E ..... mw YS4aac-ht blm•clt 1.111f'ldom troubl&d wllh rh·: ~CH~HUSIJlll~T

'~,.~.~.~:i'IS'~;;;;;;··= .... ==·~=-'="""'"'~"' .... "-=-.... --=-=· -.. -.. -.. -::.::;-..,• .. ~"ir.;::;w;;;;';;;;";;;;'"-· .. • .. · .. " ...... •1" • I THURSDAY PEP MEETINI

. Enrdt Funacht to Type• ¥-'-"Copy

:• CourU.'lif Ji. ~ttull overlook~ --· - . A ·111r11nT· OP Ml'Tl":U , c'f>OJ•RnAJtlOX· : your f rtf'11d'11 broken Jt:&le way, bu1 Biofo'8d . ..... Md ~0-ptaL

Sat., Sept. U - Donahl TrO!'tlfl, edttor or the 193).'3% Quadran~lr. b~ an rioua ced U1at Prof. E"rl ll J)obltas I• to. ho t he ruculty advl111r t or th collece )'eu book tlll1 rel\r,

" ces lhe ro111e1 thu l1loon1 In hi Keck Ci.M..Sbort Talb iLut Thunduy • l111:ht the people or McPhenon o.i;nln dl11plo.ye1l thel:~ sarden. ·inM....mbly'-....

·UH•• pSrft ot lntcre•t In and coo1u1ratlon 'A·llh McPht-rtlbn col1e11:0. A .croup

ot oite bu1u.lred fitly e nthu11t11Uc C'Ollcgl! islud ent.K went Lh rou•li. thetr, Tho IWll)d1o1 wh~lni:: ne•er fall t treeo '""Ith a m1•ht,- d l1tu!banee. blocked the ir tratrlc •• tnuirruplcd trcde. Ar~ rarely reache d by c:uy t.ral111

·&p · l.h4!1r ' Dhl t'ef' or hualnMH, nnd rlrtally aftj!f mnkl11g whoo~e ht J.:l! lll?rll.I

/fbur•., Sept: !!4--An l>Dllfulas"tl •ro"p 1>f ilf. C.•rootttff were on Jl;~n~ l~h; ·etoruln11: · •11 the •College ' cll.ape tor 1be Urat rpep · aMJ:Seinbly ,~r ·l-~

1c....,r. ·Nea rly1 thC tmtlre scvd ent· bod

. , ,. addition t-0 the re.(1:11l11r Qur.a. rJin1lo •11aff ... JCIYOll In IHt WO(!)!'~

$i>ecl-ator, J;v t1relt )'Qlnachl M i lic:1e 11 w i .... te.i .. tyP111. '-•J.r>td m Hlvc• to u mo¥1tl In one of . t he thcnlcrs of lhe city. Tl11t llM

l&t •H M ule! bu oh•<Jr•0d . no 0 110 l odk orrcnMa nt tht~ upon t hf' tOIHl•QYflDIUK Cltllm· In th4l Corm M th t annm'LI 11hlrt·tnll p11rorto.

10n otl111J oont rar: tho pom111.1 of MePhersnn were 0 11l on tho Ill rect ~•mtu•1 to ' kretl l h{l ~tudent11 nnrl rttii:JW)nd 10 their pep.

We iruJy DPJ'!'C.f'lata tho loyAlty which "Mc Pherson hn~ Ahown town.rd · UUt H llO&t , An1! '11'0 ·llOJ)e 1J11lt 'W(l' can ("Olltlnuc tr) hDW! lh~ ~Ltpr-nrt

_ .. ,..J1tet1 Jlfl )uvo enJoytd In lhl.! pAHt. \VhPther we were .w tnnlni:: or lo!l.lni: the tOtfn ... ltood by 111. With roH·h mul11nl c:.oopc-ral.lnu th~ t'oll~s::n .w!ll t:row a.a 'fl'Olttr.~•Dd 1111111 J11 turn "Wiii be of lnc:nlculnbl<" h r n l"rll ln thn rlt)' ot •MtP•n•rwa.

We nwo •IO t.n1t11 hfith"r tiuroor tlt«111f4'ftd ,and f ire. Wo nwt' I n mnu mnn.- Mm.,r11011. Wl.H prcteot. ~8~1'1d 1I'he 8pect.l\lor 1101110.


lllklred Ooyle a1'd •John !K l ndY -~·-:e,::==n====c-"lezs:"'2:':' .. ,.. 'Aa we look hnckwnrd, thC'.IMI lime c11eerleii.dc n, w~re lb ch•'rae ot lib ·,;..

Jn cur H•l'HI whir.II A low lirlRhtc11 meeting. Jn ·· addlUon , to the u aua .You •.may 'V'f!Ar the hei.t , •but rou mrc by no menn" tho1u~ In whlch 11,·e rell11 aad pep aonp .sbort ·lalh wer<; can't look your bell y,•Hhout a ·.«OQIJ hn.\'O been mo11t 11urceit11ILll, b ut rnlh gl•en b)' Coac h MeJyln -Qlnford,.Le•· ·b&fr aut<or wavo set. The 1Hawlt·1 er tho)lc In wh kh wa hu\'C! lwon mo1~ ttr Seh•e•. t1CW··a1111lstan l ooactl, • DI Barb'r .-4i; 1 nu11ty S hop. Oo ll f h . DflN'iO~U)', moiH d~11lrc:d. lu other hu~ e1mer •Ketk. ~•ptaJn o f l bo • f H tba1. 8'd Butl•rJlnK.-adv. mnn l lvt1w. te1m. ·Fl1a1 · •••01u1cemeat wa

1 m;:ado l"OncernJa:ig" . a.rra.a1eme.nt1 to

Oulalde 11how 111 a POOr P.11h•lltute the annua l 1blrMaJI par_ade. fnr Inner worth.-Ae•op. ' -.o·,..,......,_,,_...,...

A • oled l'ltYthclo1tlMt hn11 1tlHn the follo.,...ln,: requlr<'me.nt11 of a ------------1 CHEMts.Tn ~~-;fS ~ .cbolar: · l~

Undttellndln~ Hd apprHlallon of other rn<'e• and eulluru: cQntem.


SEEN, ON Y.H E CAMPUS J)IUJAlfraflllGI' JllllJISOA 'Charlaon'Taxi Co.

tM»rH:b:~.;'-::.~'adllraoalllon tn wc l111:h uldf'nc~ In ~dlroverai:iil m:au;-rw, 'HE-ARD IN THE DORM. ,Dr. J . Willatd: t~ytla II~:::::::::::::::;:::::::::::~ ~blllty a.nd dt11peallhm to rntruallr pr9J(>t'"t an unth·ruiklpr; throus:h Ua ._ -Penna.D4:Dt t'r..We4t

tU«f'atl•e 111e p.1 unde rtlllchrlll'. U.

Phone 332

8 1rlll h a c11>lanallon a nd oredld lon. -/ Abllllr and dl100tltJon to look l~eath thP JJu,,rf~u·e or thh1t.11 bf!tnrr

• M1ns !Jud1111eat. 'A"lllr lo do Nfitethe t hinking. Dl1pmtt1on inward f'Onflnued •t111d7 a nd lntellttll.tal ~uhlnllon.

CrltJctl 1bd quullon.la1 attitude toward l mdltJonnl iu1 nrtfQn~. Clarity kl dfttlnltlon. Dffcrlmlnallon In VAlue1 ID reactln,; to cn•lrontn,.nt, fl:t)("lal aodl

.,b,,laol. I ·AM l1llc1I approach lo proposltlon11 ltadinia; lo the dciet-tlon of falJn-

flfH .nnd eoatndlt lh n 111. •

Abllky tand dloo•Jtlon to obaene accurn.teJy nod srstematicaUy, •Uodtrttandln& •nd 1klll 111 the Utto or proreneJJ ot huluct1011, deduct ion ·••d .1u11a t111t1on. Tlta :a, llltr to 1e1 r&lo.UonAhll)tl a11d accur'acy In their Interpretation A trffhHll or tlt11rc11 wlfJ1 rc-.pect to l hi> dncl opment a or knowledge

,..;aJ:"cnla D•••on. who 11 teaclllns:;, t>. M. 'HAL'.£ 'TYPEWRITERS

J'".() •. Jlo..: IU!!

at Anthoar t h l1 reor. waa al her F ri., ' Sept. 25- Se&t Tb'nndaJ". af home In Dulow BuDday • nd tof.e r-1 •..!rnooa the. CbemlStry Ct ab wJU mu utned 1he ro119w1p i.ttPbtraon eol· a nd or1anlze ror l_be rom lug ,-e~r lea e studen11:~I• P.dwardt, G• l•h accord ing: to a l{&teme nt by Dr. Jtl~------------' HooYer, Chari"" Autt lD. and Ward Wlllard Herwber. bea,S of tbe DeP*rt•u,.,..----------..., w1111a 1n•.

1 ment of CbemlKrJ', lhla mo~g. - :Whitmanla-Candia I The Cbemlltry Club II a.n orc&q! / . . - --· '"&nd

· Yern ·Heclrmao .,,,."' .n all nlt;b~ uuon df tbe momlH!l!I Ot' t J:!• Ctrem 'H·ot<ChocoJa:te 1eaest of AUlllll\ A~dtr~n au,i Vloltt, latry ~Ja.1u1e11, which matte , n ry tw1 • o e VllblH Saturtlny 11l1tht. " "t'@k• 'On Tbunday "dftttnOo(lli"' to

1 Get Ydur Fao.taaJI Scfutdule t

-- I varied program. •nd lecturH on 1t1f?1 a t Pror. R. F.. Afohler was Jn Kan.a~ Jf)o(U rel,tJng to ' tbe ~llliJd ot"cbem1.i

City .,., tho weeK,eud 11•l1tln• ·l '"· Dr: m .. ner 11 ·p.,maaedt ·preol'. ;II-~'-L -.:1~4! 'f:'-•no l he Dl1t rlt:t Meetin g pro1nnm ol th dv11t of t he club. ' . :11t1uoeu ··DUI •

Jer spoke on •M en'a Worlc, EduoatJon, tho comlc1r ' t erm w ill be ele~t~.d. - l ntcrr,olle«la tc Jlrou.

Mlddle .bflili• ourt Dlttrtc1. Pror. Mohl At t110 n u t rneettns otflc~.ra t6! SliOl~

aad the World ·Ol1Urntl\n10nt Conftr~

~=:i;:~=====================!leac·e. • , ·SP.n.d Tbe '• ·a.~. ·The Mee~nc ~1-.ce .!JUNIORS 4f>llCUS!l CWS 'GOOD NEWS 'AtiNOUNCED l , 1»ntJ• • ·De11. L••••• •••nt>errjl;:::::::;::;::;:::::;::;;:;;:;:;;:;;::::::;:



• 'BlllJOET'FOl'COMINGYE:AF FOR DORM.-OC<:UPANTl ~=:~,~t .:.!:~~.: ::;:~~~~~;·::~.d iGRi£<tJS·~ rr..U.,,.L .C..u .0 .... •{.,.- Fir•! .S..meJlot New ·Fluee 'Being lnata llei:I ·b Nonk•n Jn hu borne at llu•n• , K•n{ 'TG11jt,;di31!~;.!h~e, '.nil i'~taln' J>rinkt.

'.to ·Bo :111we DOllara Heating Plant "'· l!Und•Y· · ! 'R< ·-:·· · .'hirht Lunchea 25c

- j .. M. 3'.Z.;"C. ·~F£tt.l5:W. "Main W



-p1. r•-Jn a cla11 m&elln1 Kenneth Dlllkofe r hH be.n un r.~===~=~~~~=~======:::====~ .... ""' ># -·~ Fri., Sept. :!5- Hot wa ter held lb1t afternoon the Junior. dl1 &ll•le lO altend bl• du .. • tlnce Fl'll t UIMd a budaet wblc!I wu pruutec worm room• a•ery moroln1t may b da1, d ua 1.a lllceq, Hit ooadtlloa '1 ror..oonaldtratlou of lbt1 clus by Del ~e:r;,0;!,: ,;•!!i

1:u:!~, :~011:: l~br~ repon•d at prHenl to be tmpro•lo'g~ ' bf rt Kelty, trti u rtr, who 'Wu a u.lit dormltorlell an the co1le~$ t!&lltPUt •Ml It I• 1hou1ht be •caa ooaUnue

o6d In preoerln1 tbt1 flnanclsl • lat e Ne1111 nuea. llre now being l111talle~ rell'Ular work ...,.. I

::::.' by Iba other om cel"8 of th~ lo one o f the bollen or the beatln M'rt1. ·Chatl ... ~•r. Mn. Clrdt

· olut. 1 be old ones bnlna: becom Rtlntelt a Dd Doaa ld RtlDtt.ker of · ACttr dltc.u&alns ••1• and meao C"orrodf:d bt1yond repair. This wl~ Qulater::otored t o Me PbntoD, Prl·

of cuttJa• down on eapensn, lb' doublleu lacrnae the efflclHC7 o da• • OCH to tel tlau duta for tbd the heellQg system to • conslderab da)',1taklas Marleah Caattr and Haf'-' t int '*IDUllf' at rl•• dollal"I. deiree.




Profes110r Heckman. A l\'hllc 18.ter he came (mt to Ohio iitrugglo to keep up 11byglcal h'. But

lo her el11tcr'M wectdlag nnd while in splt,e ot ~-hi" great. h• ndkai-1 he there evldenLI}' 1.ook good advantage haij a.lwan· fOr-ged lm1• ely- Bud deter~ or hl .15 opportunltlc11, tor Jt was there mJnedly ahead. Thl1> lime hlR Qld Uuu hC! ~1~k~d ht>r to "1"hnre --hl& me tr,oubte has cropped 0(1\ In a new

place. ln his Jett hlp 11.nd 80 for a and RhC eon !'lented. And 60 Ju'it t wo l'CarK after the time nt he ht tor<·cd to hrncth'·

.... onrerence al Dea Moine• Urey were' fly and · re•t.

Frne T ra JI'!._ Rc<:oF:nHlon (If fluHala. GO\'ernmc11t

Farm J...and!'I. Com1H1l>1;orr

!l\l l"llllC(.>.

HcfOh'8U\I Ion





la lftecopition Ml"Vic.e For A aaociation Member•


•HlllllRCUTS •28c 210 N. Main

oun J.' U lll'OSE To Uri~ \"ou Jk '•U.(>r SI~

• •or l,(·"~ :'.\l11n(')' .

BOOTS BOOTERY !!IO X. ~lnl11 '°'1.

RuM'h' \ "our ~dtnnl ~("'ti~ lit..


Jn~.:r/\ . .ty mnt;l'W.

119 No~th Main

Now ask for ?

·®• dqmode ~ Full·

-Sbee-r ·SILK'.HOSE

No. 439 New FaDshadco. Pi<ot ·• ••• iitk Fronc:h bttl •• , .uk pl>tcd tole ........


Now Ask :For •:

............. SILK,HoSE

No.#f ).fcrccrbtd top, aolo and toe. New"Fall shadu.

79• Wl'rC apent nt Mt.· Morris. twcll'C >·ears he llflll been wrlUng a t~::;::::;::::;:::;:::=:::::::::::;::::::::;::::;::~:;:=====:;:::=::;::::;::::;::;

And IN ruo-' rnll you n Bf!cret. Tb~ page~·eekly In ' "The Brethren Ten<:'h· Mon .. Sept. l fi-The Y . W . C. A. I '-----. ·-- __ -·-·----

married. wtill~ lie wa11 Just o.lloUt But ·h1 .ftttite or hi~ t10-.ealled lnuc­· to embark upon hls Junior year at u,·it)'. Proreesor Heckman t!'I rar t1ehool- aod their. hone)' moon · d·aya rrom .an fnactlve man. Jo~or the 11n~t

:r<'nr before th('lr mnrrl:i.i:ce; whllc cr'H Monthly", e.nd o(teu In rewrlt.• or llrn collcgi~ wm have a cundlc· ,.--------------------------.. · liolh ~tudenb a.t Mt. MorrlH t he Ing ,a.gain old I CKIH>D.15 h o " 'Onderf'! lii.;htlng !l('r\'lcC at the Church or the htture Mrll. H~km:u1 wa.s ma-tr(;n 1••hy be .wrote some or thosl" things flrethr('n on Tucsdny t!\·cu!ni;. Oc·

of the dorm, ,.0 Prof. HeCkmnn he lbinka of now. back in thm1'e by· tnher fl. This is u rCCO((lllliou HC'n'·

·11@eD!!'I to have shown grut-ta1:1te &nd gone days. Along with tl'llA he hll& I ce ror tho m cmben htp or the URO­

OSTLUND STUDIO First Class J'hotography

Kodak Work and Supplies fore11ight, In the cboojjlng or blis· t.a'.dy •hared In gelling oul a teacher claH011. •Lov..e. . f tra}ning book "The Program or the 'file l arllf>M 1H1tl .i;lrls o f the cit>' I~;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;;;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;:;::;;:;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;;;;;;;

While the)· were yet at Mt. M,orrf!I, Chrl!tln.n Rell«1,on•· · by HOff. Heel(- whn m·e lnr t>rt•Htt'J J11 Lhlll Aen·ice ln,I: - - ----·---------Crace WM born •and wllo or ·us i.,:tio m1rn and Emnicrl. And as It tttl1. whkh l'"OllCK"' girl" wlll parlidpat~, 1.,------------------------~ line known Grar.e ·both ln .i.nd · O'ut "''ere not: enough to keep· a.11 n''erage ;ire hn' lted to ntt,!nd. 1 OFFICIAL ·SERVICE or _the· e1auroom will aay"lh~ e8f.1j JtUIQ busy. nlong with Ills tea~hlng I (;J.:SU~ l: l'.-\HTS FOlt

'lenvlronment doe.a not plaJ a; pahHo _and p:reacbtog he has. in JlNparntlQll Wbnt me u want Is nnl. Lni le nt, It. ~IAG'.'.:•:1'0S, ~TAlt'rl~U AXU J.HafTI~<: MY~TH/Uli ' the rorl!latlon of one·a cbara_cter a)ld (Qr· thre Do.~d of ReUgl~us Education, I.a purtint1e: In other worfh1, nnt 1hei C . O. SWANSON ELECTRICAL SERVICE bal~ltl! ·. ; ~ te1.cher . training ·cour• e 011 the power w ar:hlf.•\'I'..'. hut thn wlll tn llli PJurnl'! IH'1, :UrPht"r~ou, J(;w. :M,M~ ~•. )Japfo

With colle11;e day~ behind · uiem Old -and Mew Te.lament. o.nd I" bor. ';;:;;;;;;:::::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:::::;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::====== tbey btgan lb.elr •grand pilgr.lmagc ed:t1n1,: "A Doelrln al Book tor Younr; l;=:;=:=:=:=:::=;:=:=::;:=:=::;1I ----------·------- ---·-· -·-·-··- ··- - --­to Chh:ago, tor alnce ho Wai bui a People oC the Bret.hren Church", Ind Prof. Heckma n bad been Inter· m•de up or • • U .. llnn' ob"1lned ,f:RESM -AN,D CURED .MEATS e'ited In relhtlo~ anti philosophy, rrom the camp!J 111 whlc::h nan Wca;t FRESH FISH 'AND OYSTERS .•. .and .. t.'be mlnl• try bad been. bl.a--IO&l. ·~' a~th'~ durln~ Uie summ~r. Sorry Bulldogs: ·!:.UNCH MEATS AND PICKLES. Cradua ted lrom the Detbaor Bl61i; He!~;.,~•~:;~~.~~ ."::Jl:r:~fl~~::. J>EOP.LJ;:S MEAT MARKET

·~,°:: ~-= tndf~t· thme<a~w~He.-and h:•t--=u.ttbough Ms generai <'Olldltlon All In• 8~ a~hee "w:~u" en~C~I l~r. lf,,1oo4. · He .Ailay be able to teaeh tb~

Y , ft u Cito aecond aemea.ter; •• hope he will · lw~l\+e rears. Durlog: that. Ume Pro- be able to· be back with us. We give · :etw~l ~~km:n-we can lealj lm&Ce· our •l-J!cerrat: sympathy and be~l

Y ca m l at now, spent • fe8!· wl•hee tOr a &~edy recovery to n


Real 'Bulldog Spirit will bring .you .back

~Zt 1•he U~•e::;ty ot ~bleaso In rn.-d· m .. u1, who to bh1 utmo~t has lind .:de P;::cbtng ~:~d: ~ ,h::..:e;;~1:~ the, Jena way which h& hu uucht. gritting your teeth for

{;:~uac-,. ~d ao as-aln In .uzo: ~be- . Tfu1b .doe. -Dot coas.tat lo minute! the !1.eXt encoupter. Cf' S:n of. ~venrror~-;;~or be wag nn·. accuracy of d etail; but In conve)"fng ...

e o spare mse.U- be ••• ·a' lmpreu.lon 1

•for- to. <04"esl for hi• heJ11th: But · . · I HERE'S MORE a year later be wU back l.n Cb~C-'! lt b ~ot Uae tact .a ma n bas

.~~.!"f.~ ~:~-:=-"~~ ~.::•caso' ,,._ Which kejtpo him from lb• • POWER TO YOU. it ' waa du~tas thetr toJ~rft "• l ::!~~~ h~~~D, bur, the ta.ct tb&t

, Cbleaso that lb l1'0 cbltilreA :::::e:m---:. e&J'IT '!~ CU'91riJ.l WU.b. ~plHAure · own 1our e rro1'1 • o "preae-.._ .Pror..o.r ,..,

!!=!:4 ..::O e!°re1U:~~ ~~ ~ -.da 4-1 • trtt~c op tb• 11. ............................................. ....,....J

· P«JplesState McPber110n, Kllll&U . ·

._ -· ·.:...~-:--·_m'im-·---·~-----------




PU~AN - ;;i'llR CAl'R Q>' Qt;~l.ITV"


tl-1n« 6!t-. .... ,

fltUll. ' ' -.... ... , .... :···•-

----- . ...# '-.


Only Loop Came Scheduled for Thia Week ia McPhenon

-K. Wealeyan Battle

Moa .• Sept. ~nu.a We111e1an unlYll!ltslty 6merged the o nly winner In tour e:r.blblllon .1tamea\ played Jut

on gelling the l!lupport tor which Mc­Pher"on J11 eo •:ell known. a nd which Lcalle Edmond• ha11 gh'en hie pral!le to when It kept right on CQmlng In tha. put when the dn.y1 were balmy and again when thing~ weN:!n't ex-: actly gol~g 10 ,;ood.

week by member9 ot the "Kadl'!IOI fHtker we h-0ar ,;:ot the 11mall end Contercmce. The MethodMl\t beat or the dc;:if rrom Creigh ton ~r om·a· Do•ne Cctllege ZO·G In a game played ha. We ei:tend to the colleagues ot at S.Umt Friday. night. (ht! formerly famous LELnge our 11ym-

.McPher11<>d waa deteated by Hut ch- pathy. We have felt uaat Wtl)' too. lnaon Junior colleie 8-0 Friday night rrom t ime to t lme. on tbe McPhereon rlcld. The Reth­

Sharp Hall, the admlnletrntlQll building ~r M cPhcri;on college. lt wo.1 uumed after Dr. $ . Z. Sllll.r p, UnH 111·e~ideut ul tl.i1.1 lu~lilullun, who died l11te this i>ummer.

Sil~er ~Spring1 Creamery Co".

Phone 758 403 N. Main

Wilber Barber Shop 306 :S. Haln


Quality -1- Service VOCT'S ELECTRIC

SHOE SHOP any. Swedet "'ere burled by Okla- Tho Dope Bucket ha11 Jealned from Jlom.a A. and M., 0-!4. ln •half of 8 long and ~rC\'lou!I e.1per lence that It

l 02 Eftiltt. Euclid double header undertaken by the hi 11ater co stlt.•k to com ment than It ======================== Araiet Friday nlshL Baker was out· I.!! to vcmurl! lntn the huardoul!I role Y. M. LEADER JS ON '-------------::----' el• •ted by Creighton nl Omah n Se.t.· of proiihet. nut If we all l!IUck to· McPHERSON CAMPUS urd•r ni1b1, 1-%6. Kether {lo~ethnr. TOGF.THERJ the

fo;~:i, 1!..':~~1 ~l:~:~r~:~Y ::~c::!~ Pbllllpl!I 1:un~ l~ !!lated to get nil lhe F e lix Manley former President ference iam~ tt ll11ted, the MePhcr· ~~:~~~iey want when thew nrrh•e. n£>x.t of Y. M. C. A. at K . U.

Where McPherson Ea ta

Hawley Coffee Shop 1on-K1nu 1 Wetlera o game 11.t Salina

Frtd•y night. Be thany leaveR t;e B'" 1 1\1\J'(' WJLL FACE 1t•te tor a conte.t "'Ith Hu ling\ , ULL11\ltJ.1

Baldwin Music Store Sheet Music - Acceuoriea

Columbia ~nd Victor Records The McPhcnion college campul'l I'------------ Phone 290

was llcmored laet week end ln lbe :.....-----------N•braaka, · Teacben. D.aker play" W ath burn a t Topeka Saturday night At. Otta.•a the H ukell reaerves PlllY Ottawa. unl,-enilt r on Thursday nl1bt.


preaence of Felix :Manie}-, nat lonail>' •STRONG COYOTE TEAM known Y. M. C. A. leadec. M•. Mnn·

ley wu pres ide nt ol the Y. At. C. A. - - o.t KRnAll& univers ity la• t yeu. and"

Methodiata Alrea dy Have One tbls summer "'·a1:1 chairman or tb.~ Win to Credit Egte11 Park Y. M . -Y. w. conrerCnce.

He waw chosen representntlv(l ol the

Home Town Bakery Bread and Pa1triea

210 ~. !\lnh:i

DeLuxe Cleaners CASll AND CARRY

ln New Rawle)' Dulldlng GiTe Wi A Trial.

Tues.. Sept. • 29--Concb Melvin tor H. b~~'(~~~~ h~~nt~;~~'::1tor Ste- Rinford 11tntcd this ev(.'nlng lhllt l.b<: mon•; Taylor for Zinn; Be-ck"'llll for B11lldo,; foollmll Aqu11d ho.a been Ta1 Jor; E. Andenor1 for Dockwttb. ii:howlnJ: up conKldernbly lletlf:'lr 1n

R ocky Mountain Field Council to the ,....------------,

Hntchlnion--SchmlU for Andflr· practice t hl!! week than bllfurt!. nnd

Nnllonal Y. M. C. A. CounclL H e1 bna 1pcnL motit or the isu mmor tu

New York CH)', 11tudylng part or tho time at Colurnhia. University.


With Xu Wny (;h •nnel'9 ion; Klmba ll for; A11dcr11on without doubt "'11 1 8how Salin.a a \Vhlle at McPherson Mr. Manley for Schmitt: Wlthroder t or Henry ; harder .:nme than Ilutehhii;on had wont with t he cabinets ol tho Y. M. '------------~ Querteldt fQr Powell. Inst Frldny. C. A. o.nd Y. w. c. A. on tht>lr ru- r------------.,


McPherson & Citizens State Bank

.r St1ml)latY! F inl dowm1, Hutchin- He Dl'!ICrlhed ht! C wcek'a defeat to treat to Twin Mounds lut Saturday .on 14; McPhenon 6 . ruses, IRck or eoor>erntlou and organb;atJon night. Ht1 .a.Imo lntervl~wed a n um­Hutchlneon completed fi for 80 ln t11e tenm, but sa.ld tbn.t the lndlv- ber or llludcntfl wht;1 nre leader& In l'*rd1, I Incomplete; &lc.Phenon 8 !dual Plll}'lng 11b<t.wecl 1111 well. the re>llglou!I organh:atlon1 o[ t.he Incomplete, 1 Jnterce~ted for 2 yards Hnwt11 hal!i been _lnllln~ 1lgnnl1J. thl• !!Choo!, Punt., Hu.tchtneon, 8 lor 266 yards; week, doing ' 'erfYcood work, aud N~P,h.r1on 1 1 tor 353 yard1. Furn- Mowbray "'·Ill bo nblc to tnke h11 F~ST1'::.q, PARK \ ' . w. Pl\OGRA!\I l:le., Hutcbln1on 2, MePbenon 1 In the lineup Prlday night. Pen.altlfl&, H ulchineon 8 for 90 Olherwll!IC the CoyOl(!S wm face prae- TU(l.S., Sept. 29-Evelyn Saylor 1ard1; McPberton 8 for 40 yards ( 10 tkally the same l<!ain which played opened the Y. w. c. A. meet.Ing bl' tor lnr.nmpl11:l~ rtU••~•) : aA:aln"t Hut.cllln1on h 1.111t w eek. Tho p1ay1ng· a prelude. Arter n 11ong,

Oftlcla l1: nerer~. Jack McCleau, Sa.Una p:nme certainly 1" not going t o I~oulac Ikenberry read the do,·otlon­Kaneu. . Umpire , Harold Poort. be R !!inap for tba Bulldogs f or It al!!. Ada Brunk gave a dellghttul W&•bburn. Hud lloesman. St.unrt wu rep<1rted thnt their line average chalk talk concerning Park. Dunbar, 811.llna JoUrnal. approache11 lhe n1rn h•mdred pound Following thla Mrs. Anno. Tntc

mark. sane: Joyce Kllrner'e "Trees". accom-.-------------.1 Tho Coyot~"- already hn,·c onf!; "Win rmnled by Paulino Dell. Es lher - DRIPPINGS chalked up to their credit, 118.\"lng de~ Brown nnd "Alber to. Yoder g M•u short


CI,EANEllS Sec f..:ol.ICir6 Ag('nltl De lbert. K ell)' ftnd

~ l"lorem:o \\'euver

iii ii Ladiea' and' Men•a wriat iuul I

atrap watches. New Waldemar challu, riD I'• i

and bra.,.,leta. I

of McPbcnon, Kan.sa8

Capital and Surphu $1~7.000.00

Tho Problo:n of the Student Ls ou" cb&bce to a pply the .. Golden

llulo". Come 1u.

For Goodneu Sake UH! Golden Glo Butter and

Pa.ateurizcd Milk.


Ute Our Store for your Head­quarter& for Picnic Lunches •

from teated Donne Colle11=e 26-6 hast .Frl·

THE DOPE BUCKET • .,. •.A!ks on the Eetes Park Conference J .. Ed. Gustafson 1''blch they attended 1n June. The 111 N. MAIN STREET

Has triter Cuh Grocery

meeting was do1Jed with the benedlc:· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;::;;;~~~ __ "\, SPECIAL ELECTION lion. ;

Those new ••bite Jeneya t1·1th the WILL BE FRIDAY :::=======:::· ::::-::::::·:::-::~ Sulldo1 rt1ht1ii.g: red aero1111 th~ r clloulde~ certainly did look good T11ea •. Sept. 29-A. special eloc-lH t Frid&)'". We can' t blame H.1.t.le..\l· lion wlll tr1kc phu:.o 1',rlday. October PLACE YOUR LIFE tnion • lot at that ror raot wantlnac .2. rrom lo ti:> l 2 A. M. to e lect per- INSURANCE WITH THE the white ball t ·o Jar up agl\ln11 tho~e manent ortke r., for treaAurer or the Union Central Life white fron t.t, At ~-"t. tt wouldn't Student CQuncJI nnd Men'a Cheer ~ .bue been tor ton.r: ~or what Je r•er Lead er. , • • Insurance Co. ever rema ined _ .. _"'_'•_lDng In actlan! de:t~:u:C~~~,r~:;~~dt~:~\ 0;0~hne :~~: CINC.INNATI, OHIO

K an .... c onference to win a game Ch"r Leader b<lcnuse or his deel!1lon EARL V. REED,

Lake Superior Lumber Company LUMBER, HARDWARE, PAINT


Phone 40 The 0011 team last week In tbe ld:r has ""\thdrawn hla nomination tor SEE I wa4 J<anua Wealeyo.n. They hav~ to play basketball nes:t sprln1;. Th is WALTER SORENSON or

rutnoNI out t o the ertect that the leave11 Blanch Har rla aud Lloyd Lar- RAY STROHM. •!~====~::::::~~=======;;:~ We.le ran line neraged 206 lt-~_in the rat;_e ror __ that oUlcfl. Ken-I'--------------' I rrom tackle;ioi " tackle. Well, u they neth Bltlkotcr Is t he only candidate ue really that big they won't be able for treasurer of lhe. StJ.Ident Council. ,-------------: to 1ee Bealr:wltb a t all ; 10, "Yt·e 'll ju~t I rl•e th• ball to him a nd let him THE POOR SENIOR m.a_ke the t oqchdoWtn.

The college 111enlor rared rather We not be.llo•e In tho old moro bR.dly t him Cho colle1to tre•h­

Drive In For

Barbecue and adage that the t eltow .. wfio·• down man l.n a rat>Qrt lsl'!lue.d tbla P•• t •um- Toasted Sandwiches eoJor• com~alocshtp, but anyway tner by the CaroC1gle FoundatJon there were not maur Mc Phenocltott ror the Advancement or Tea.~hlng. who, '1'rldar nl1tht awa t o be· · According to tho reriort, ba•ed on A. & W • Stand 110 E. Euclid 'I. Block Ea1t Hanaon Hdw.

McPherson, Kanaaa . cause tho Otlah.oma A. and M. ln tea1.1 given more thn 10,000 college I their MC:Ond gaine that" d.&i took tho etudents In Pcnnsylnnla co!legee . 301 S. Main I Swedet hlto camp to th tune or 3t and unlver•lllH, the "ruages Or, ,:~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .t o o. rorgetllng" cau~d the 1enl~r· to ~-----------;;

___:__i:::_• lo-'!e, eve6 beto"ro 1ettto1 hlt 'a~eeJ>-1-r-----------., , Our- c:ontclenc-e bot.hen us. or f!lkln, much ot tho k nowledge h e had · 1

1ometbtnr. Do rou pc),Albir nppos& acqulrc<l durlnr; lour nart a t. school. tbat tbe old moiorle. ·•bJch were "Tb~ colleco ~nlor • ec.ognl11:1 on· McPH£RSON'S

• brouaht bad.: to.lll:ta iM't week ~on· I)' til out or 100 ""'ord1 In re.m!Uar

c .. nlng ' Our ·l•lond BIUch .Horris "'° b1 oducatod pel"Sons;· thofrevort D. EPARTMEN. T hMt &D1lh!DI. to dq wltb t be ratfl that tald. ··The . t'tfett l)f CQUCge . i;m th3 ~arta •toi-. to.r CarlJon, M1eri:':""a ftd 1•otd .uppl,. of the ordJoaey ,•tuc:ien.l Andett AnTWa.J, It tbe1 don't read ap~l\1'8 to bo aln1011t ne1ll~lbl& a od the S~lor lt \I Lb!'lf own b'r d In. •ome cuea lnJurlot1t."•

STORE luck. ~ Tbat•u,. tarn 'e.m ao1_t'o nesl~t " TbCl JJCbool ao.d collesto .curil· ULelt 94t.aca._Utfaal pppo.rtualt.Jet. '"' cu.1um," tbe" report added. "con.11.lliti. ' t·. f __.!:__ , or UtUll .... but ttolated · Pl' .. '°" ~VERYTHINC· FOR LESS. Som.~hlns ~more \oa1bt t o be Mid or •pecltlc tdeu. HK:tented tor the


Go To

T_he Daily Republican McPherson, Kansas

abo•~~ ~lea at S..Un&. Tbtre. um.e.. bet .. la .eour•c•. Golden Rule : ~'!::!':.';: ~.~ ':,.'l;!: {~t,~::•:;:~~~ ~';;,~".:~ WELCOME BULi.OOcs

·bl•del'.8''"•'~. Kei.-. •b- otbe• ll•lq codltlo ... Tb• ... crec1. Bert"• Kiesel Co FOR FANCY CORDUROYS SEE us ' plsN.I~ clla:aln • P ·tllere ... hTft"t any aet1 pr' H ch m t elll8 ot crecut cotza.,. I . '< • ~ .: OR RALPH JOHNSTON. ·

._,~._ - Pl- la •ea. B•t II Iller do •P d•it'J"~·...- ~ lMcb°' and PU• ., I LAD.~Ef.t CLO:'"J:llNG CO_ . -...:.. • ...,,.,..,-..:.P.'1•ot,liapl;>u•o10 _,,.. •.•b.,. l•• PNll. '':~,........., __ ...;..,,_.._ ____ -.,; ... .,. ______ ;.;;:;·-~----"'''i~..._~_..,..~,....~;..;;--' "~• ...... · ::oiw~· · ;·'!'<f"''" ~ * ' • ~

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