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Voice of Silence 2013 17th Issue

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  • 8/13/2019 Voice of Silence 2013 17th Issue


    Sister Newsletter of Nihanda35 years of existenceIssue 17

    27 November, 2013 Publication of the Young Mens Christian Association of Pamunugama

    Published by: The Young Mens Christian Association of PamunugamaSuruwela Rd, Seththappaduwa, Pamunugama Sri Lanka

    Editors Note:YMCA of Pamunugama very much appreci-ate your feedback on our previous Newslet-ter . As we are preparing for the Christmasprogrammes we are pleased to share with

    you this edition of our Newsletter with our

    new initiatives of empowering the commu-nities where the YMCA is operational espe-cially the youth and children. We also takethis opportunity to wish you all Happy

    Christmas and a New Year.

    Green Challenge is an event introduced by the

    APAY. In Pamunugama a Green Challenge

    Event was organized and conducted by the Chil-

    dren s Club of Pamunugama YMCA under the

    leadership of Ms. Udara Devmi, the APAY

    Change Agent from Pamunugama YMCA.

    The event was held on 26th October, 2013 where

    the Children were first educated on the event and

    on the importance of taking care of the environ-

    ment. Then the children went to the beach and

    started cleaning the beach by collecting plastics

    and polythene garbage. Children were surprised

    to see the amount of used plastics and polythene

    scattered on the beach and they gave a commit-ment to educate their parents and friends not to

    destroy the beach by throwing plaything and

    plastic garbage in future.

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    Pg 02

    It was first proclaimed by the World Conference

    for the Well-being of Children in 1925 and then

    universally accepted in 1954 to declare an

    "appropriate" day for children. The officially

    recognized date of Children's Day varies from

    country to country. In Sri Lanka, Children's Day

    is celebrated on October 01st.

    Pamunugama YMCA organized a gathering of

    the members of YMCA Childrens Club on 05

    October, 2013 at the YMCA premises to mark

    and celebrate this special day.

    Sixty girls and boys representing the Children's

    Club, Girl Guides and Scouts as well as the Pre

    School came

    together for this

    special event.

    Day started

    with a sharing

    of few thoughts

    on the hard-

    ships that chil-

    dren are facing in the world today and on

    the importance of keeping a close eye and work-

    ing with children providing them the

    best environment to grow.

    Then the children were divided into groups and

    YMCA youth leaders conducted different activi-

    ties and games giving children an opportunity to

    work together and to enjoy the day. The Camp-

    fire was the final event of the day and children

    showed their talents by performing dances, dra-

    mas and singing in-front of all the people gath-ered including fellow friends parents and youth


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    Pg 03

    Pre-School usually starts preparing children for

    the Annual Christmas Concert quite early as

    they have to train the small kids for their per-

    formances. Parents also have to prepare as there

    will be a lot of expenses to make new clothes

    and to hire different services for the concert.

    In order to raise funds to cover the above ex-

    penses, Pre-School organized a vegetable fair on

    12 October, 2013 at Mother Marys Shrine at

    Seththappaduwa, Pamunugama. Neighbors

    came and supported the kids by purchasing

    vegetables and the parents and the teachers

    helped the children with selling at the fair.

    Meanwhile the Childrens Club also organized

    ar fair at the same place on Saturday 16 Novem-

    ber. Children of the Childrens Club also will

    perform several activities at the Concert along

    with the pre-school kids.

    These days children of the YMCA spend most

    of their time preparing for their performances at

    the concert.

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    Pg 04

    Students start learning English in the school

    when they are at grade 3 (08 years of age). The

    formal teaching of English in the school contin-

    ues till they come to Ordinary Level (O/L) class

    at grade 11(16 years of age). This means a stu-

    dent gets the chance of learning English in the

    school 09 years. Unfortunately, even after 09

    years of learning many students are unable to

    manage English as a language and communicatein English.

    The reason for this great failure is that in Sri

    Lanka, English is taught as a Subject but not as

    a Language.Responding to the crucial need of

    making youth familiar with English Language

    Pamunugama YMCA starts its

    Communicative English Programme on 09

    November, 2013. This will be a course/

    programme of four months where the students

    (participants) will get a chance to practice

    English as a Language while the learn the

    basic grammar.. In addition to the weekly

    two hours programme , there will be two

    camps during these four months to give

    more opportunities for the students to

    practice English as a language.

    YMCA of Pamunugama has been dream-

    ing of starting such a programme for the

    students in the area who are not affordableto pay big amount of money to the Spo-

    ken English Training Institutions in the


    We thank the Come-Share-Foundation for spon-

    soring this programme. Come-Share foundation

    has been collaborating with the YMCA to pro-

    vide number of scholarships to deserving stu-

    dents and to conduct extra educational classes

    for marginalized communities in various parts of

    Sri Lanka.

    Note from a Y youthWe went on a bike trip and ended up hiking in

    Knuckle's Mountain range in Matele District from

    2528 Oct, 2013. We are all friends who met in the

    YMCA of Pamunugama and the motivation to do

    this came from our YMCA background. It was a fan-

    tastic trip where we got to live very close to the

    mother nature and to understand each other. I highly

    recommend this activity to youth in the YMCA to

    develop our leadership skills as well as mental con-

    centration and physical fitness. Such activities would

    help us to build strong characters in our YMCA mis-

    sion. Nico Johannes

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    Pg 05

    Youth Work can be defined as the informal social

    and political education and empowerment of

    young people within a matrix of care including

    enhancing young peoples participation in issues

    that affects their lives

    It is the appropriate

    time for the YMCA

    to sit and assess its

    involvement in youth

    work as YMCA

    proudly proclaims

    and identifies as a

    youth organization.

    In the inception of theYMCA back in 1844,

    its founder Sri

    George Williams to-

    gether with his fellow

    workers took every

    attempts to keep the

    focus on youth when

    they were designing

    and implementing programmes/projects . Those

    projects and programmes greatly empowered and

    enhanced the young people and their participation

    in the society they did live in. According to the

    above given definition we can identify three major

    elements that we have to consider for the empow-

    erment and enhancement of young people.

    They are the body, the mind and the spirit, which

    are bases of YMCA work in any setup. It is essen-

    tial have to equal attention to all these three ele-

    ments and they help to develop or build a balanced

    person. Taking into consideration the contempo-

    rary social realities and increased theological un-

    derstanding, YMCA expanded its focused areas tomuch beyond the concept of the body, the mind

    and the spirit and looked and identified young

    people with an open mind. Thus, we can suggest

    youth work as follows:

    The social and political education and partici-

    pation of young people

    The wellbeing of young people.

    The social and political education and partici-

    pation of young peopleIt is not usually forms of institution, but includes a

    range of approaches, mostly developing learning

    opportunities out of everyday experience, includ-

    ing sports, leisure and social pursuits, but also

    calling on more formal methods when appropriate.

    This also refers to the fostering of critical thinking

    in young people who are able to analyze their own

    social and political context in order to be able toact on them including analyzing class, gender, re-

    ligion and other iden-

    tity-related dynam-

    ics .

    The wellbeing of

    young people.

    This includes atten-

    tion to, and working

    with young people,

    their parents, guardi-ans and carers to un-

    derstand, relate to and

    make use of their

    rights, promoting and

    having concern for

    young peoples wel-

    fare, while extending

    appropriate profes-

    sional care.

    The overall aim of youth work is to enhance the

    life experience of young people and their contribu-

    tion to the society as active, useful and valued citi-

    zens. The Commonwealth Youth Programme Di-

    ploma defines youth work as empower young

    people to play an assertive and constructive role in

    the strengthening and regeneration of their com-


    Youth work involves relating to, and taking a

    level of responsibility for, other peoples chil-

    dren and the life direction of young people.

    Therefore, it is fundamentally concerned and

    primarily focused on care. However, this careneeds to be expressed in a suitably powerful

    manner, which includes an appropriate level of

    detachment; youth workers are not big broth-

    ers/sisters neither are they friends (although

    they might be friendly), nor is the youth work

    role a parenting one. So, a professional detach-

    ment needs to be developed in terms of care.Lets look at the Youth Work of the YMCA and

    assess them!

    ArunaShantha Nonis(This article is written based on the information given inthe Concept & Strategy Document of the Professional

    Youth Work of Commonwealth YouthProgramme)

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    Pg 06

    YMCA of Pamunugama organized a training

    programme for the 25 members of Life Agricul-

    tural Project in Horowpothana. Beneficiaries

    were educated on managing a home garden.

    Further, they were given tips on how to pick dif-

    ferent plants for their garden depending on the

    season, and the soil and the need for nutrition.

    Programme was conducted by Mr. Dhammika

    who is the Government Agricultural Instructorin the Horowpothana area on 19 Noveber, 2013.

    Further to the training and workshops conducted

    on organic farming a set of equipment also pro-

    vided to the members of the YMCA Life Agri-

    culture Project Members in Horowpothana area.

    Distribution was held on 20 November 2013 at


    Rev Piyarathana Thero (Priest of Horowpo-

    thana) who has been very helpful with imple-

    menting the project also attended the event

    along with 25 beneficiaries.

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    Pg 07

    Dear friends and YMCA members,

    It is time to commit ourselves for children.

    We are about to throw away old calendars at

    work and home leaving space for new and fresh

    looking once as the New year approaches.

    Thanks to the generous support of the volun-

    teers, well-wishers we were able to carry on

    number of activities giving children the oppor-

    tunity to develop themselves as responsible citi-

    zens with leadership skills during this passing


    This is a time where we seek the support and

    commitment of the YMCA members and well-

    wishers in making our fresh looking childrens

    programme calendar for the year 2014 a reality.

    As we all know Christmas is the time of sharing

    the joy and happiness with others by giving

    gifts. This years your Christmas gift to some-

    one who deserved a gift could be the innocent

    children who attend YMCA Pamunugama chil-

    drens programmes.

    YMCA of Pamunugama Resource Mobilization

    Group will approach you during the month of

    December with more details,

    and concrete plans seeking

    your contribution/gift to-

    wards our childrens pro-

    grammes for the year 2014.

    As the Christmas wind

    knocks our door, I wish you

    peace and happiness.

    Shivankara Ranaweera

    Dear friends,

    Today the word volunteer-

    ism is being very much

    misused. Most of the peo-

    ple when they have anyaffiliation to a NGO or any

    kinds of movement call

    themselves volunteers

    without knowing the mean-

    ing of the world volunteer-


    Volunteerism is something each and every hu-

    man being does in different scales. Concern on

    others leads to acts of volunteerism and There is

    no expect for any financial or physical gain in

    any act of volunteerism. Volunteerism in SriLanka is decreasing. Today the education sys-

    tem in Sri Lanka do not develop concerned and

    sensitive citizens. It is only focused on the race

    to achieve grades. And the open market econ-

    omy has vastly taken over the sensitiveness of

    the people. Information is the most important

    tool to make people ready to act voluntarily for

    a change towards better. Media and the informa-tion sources are blocked by force or either they

    have put sanctions by themselves to maintain

    the market economy. There are so many areas

    where things have to be changed.

    To do this change, people must be prepared and

    the information sharing and awareness building

    is the most important way to promote volunteer-

    ism. We as YMCA it is important to keep in

    mind that YMCA is one of the best places

    which we could use to mobilize youth to be-

    come volunteer by passing information andknowledge through our activities and action in a

    dynamic and attractive manner.

    Ridma Fonseka

    Note from the President!

    Note from the General Secretary Volunteerism

    We invite all our YMCA members and friends to

    join hand with us and extent your support and

    cooperation to make our programmes and pro-

    jects much more meaningful to the community.

    You may participate in our programme/projects

    as a volunteer supporter or make your financialcontribution. Your contribution will help us to

    expand our present activities to a larger


    For Further Information Contact:

    YMCA of Pamunugama

    Suruwela Road, Seththappaduwa,PamunugamaSri Lanka

    Tel: 0094 31 222 65 71E mail: [email protected]: