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C CLASS - ACCESS 3 VOCABULARY Module 1 1. heavy traffic (phr) = a lot of vehicles moving on the roads ex. Tom was late for work because of the heavy traffic on the roads. 2. Peaceful (adj) = calm and quiet ex. He’d rather live in a more peaceful place than London. 3. Constant noise (phr) = continuous loud and unpleasant sounds ex. I can’t sleep because of the constant noise. 4. Isolated (adj) = far from large towns, remote ex. Maria lives in an isolated village, away from the city.

Vocabulary Access 3

Sep 15, 2015




voc access 3
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Module 1

1. heavy traffic (phr) = a lot of vehicles moving on the roads ex. Tom was late for work because of the heavy traffic on the roads.

2. Peaceful (adj) = calm and quiet ex. Hed rather live in a more peaceful place than London.

3. Constant noise (phr) = continuous loud and unpleasant sounds ex. I cant sleep because of the constant noise.

4. Isolated (adj) = far from large towns, remote ex. Maria lives in an isolated village, away from the city.

5. Countryside (n) = land that is outside a city or town ex. Short trips to the countryside can be very refreshing.

6. Facilities (n) = services ex. There is a gym and other sports facilities available at the the campus.

7. Homesick (adj) = unhappy because sb is away from home ex. I feel really homesick because Ive been living abroad for three years.

8. Feed (v) = to give sb food to eat ex. Every time they go to the park, they bring seeds to feed the birds.

9. Crowded (adj) = full of people ex. I dont like crowded places.

10. Hustle and bustle (phr) = busy, noisy activities ex. I love the hustle and bustle of the market.

11. Sit exams (phr) = to have a test ex. Im sitting an exam next week, so I must study hard.

12. Risky (adj) = dangerous ex. Its risky to walk alone here at night.

13. Tornado (n) = a violent wind storm ex. The tornado destroyed many buildings.

14. Lightning strike (phr) = a brief flash of light ex. A number of trees got burnt by lightning strikes in a recent thunderstorm.

15. Bank clerk (n) = sb who works in a bank ex. Mr Smith will help me find a job as a bank clerk.

16. Go off (phr v) = to explode ex. Dont touch the gun as it may go off.

17. Require (v) = to need ex. Skiing is difficult because it requires concentration.

18. Government (n) = a group of people who rule a country ex. The government does its best to reduce poverty.

19. Hurricane (n) = a very violent wind or storm ex. The hurricane will do serious damage in Florida.

20. Patient (adj) = sb who waits calmly for a long time without complaining ex. Mary is very patient with children.

21. Brave (adj) = courageous ex. He was brave enough to face the robber.

22. Imaginative (adj) = inventiveImagine (v) ex. Dickens was an imaginative writer.Imagination (n)

23. Sociable (adj) = sb who enjoys being with other peopleOpp: unsociable, shy ex. John has many friends. He is very sociable.

24. Cowardly (adj) = easily frightened, not brave ex. He is cowardly, as he doesnt like adventure.

25. Unskilled (adj) = sb with no special work skills ex. Bob is looking for a job as an unskilled worker.

26. Polite (adj) = kindOpp: impolite, rude ex. It was very polite of her to do my shopping.

27. Skilful (adj) = able to do sth well ex. He is not a very skilful driver, so he always drives slowly.

28. Nursery teacher (n) = sb who looks after very young children ex. Emma is a nursery teacher.

29. Honest (adj) = sb who always tells the truthOpp: dishonest ex. There are not many honest politicians nowadays.

30. Talented (adj) = having a natural ability to do sth wellTalent (n) ex. Hes a very young musician but hes really talented.

31. Proud OF (adj) = feeling pleasant about sth you have down or ownPride (n) ex. He is very proud of his new car.

32. Hardworking (adj) = sb who works hard ex. She is hardworking.

33. Close to (adv) = near ex. The cinema is close to the caf.

34. For a living (phr) = in order to earn the money you need ex. What does Paul do for a living?

35. Introduce (v) = to put sth into use for the first timeIntroduction (n) ex. The government introduced this coin in 1992.

36. Prisoner (n) = sb who is kept in prison as a punishment Prison (n) ex. Prisoners usually have to share cells.

37. Guard (v) = to watch and protect ex. We need to guard our homes better to avoid burglaries.

38. Take care of (phr) = to make sure that sb/sth is safe ex. Sue asked me to take care of her baby while she went to the supermarket.

39. Uniform (n) = a special set of clothes worn by all the members of a group ex. In most schools, students dont have to wear uniforms.

40. Formal occasions (phr) = important events where sb must behave carefully ex. She always wears her best clothes in formal occasions.

41. Instead of (phr) = as an alternative ex. Why dont you have tea instead of coffee?

42. Protect (v) = to keep safe ex. You should protect your skin from the sun.

43. Pleasure (n) = happiness or enjoymentpleasant (adj) ex. Travelling by plane is always a pleasure to me.

44. Transport (n) = the act of moving from one place to another ex. Transport can be problematic in a village, especially in the winter.

Module 2

45. Relieved (adj) = no longer worriedRelieve (v) ex. She was relieved when I told her we hadnt lost the files.Relief (n)

46. Narrow escape (phr) = a situation in which you only just avoid danger ex. They had a narrow escape when the driver lost control of the car.

47. Wet (adj) = covered in water Opp: dry ex. Its wet outside, so take an umbrella.

48. Prepare (v) = to get or make readyPreparation (n) ex. I must prepare the food for the party.

49. Be about to (phr) = when sth is going to happen very soon ex. I was about to leave when Pam arrived.

50. Swallow (v) = to make sb/sth disappear ex. Urban spread is swallowing the countryside.

51. Out of nowhere (phr) = all of a sudden ex. While I was walking on the beach, a dog appeared out of nowhere.

52. Grab (v) = to take hold of suddenly ex. He grabbed her pen and run.

53. In the distance (phr) = at a point which is far away Ex. On a clear day, you can see the mountains in the distance.

54. Feel like (phr) = to want to do sth ex. I dont feel like going out tonight. Ill stay in.

55. unable (adj) = not ableopp: able ex. She got so scared from the earthquake that she was unable to react.

56. Rescue (v) = to save from danger or harmRescuer (n, person) ex. The policeman rescued the woman.

57. Disappear (v) = ex. When I came in, he had disappeared.Disappearance (n) , opp: appear

58. Surface (n) = the outer top part or layer of sth ex. The table has a smooth, shiny surface.

59. Shocked (adj) = extremely upset ex. We were shocked when we heard the news of his death.

60. Horrified (adj) = terrified, scaredHorrify (v) ex. I was horrified to hear of the accident. Horror (n)

61. Bright (adj) = shining ex. They went for a walk in the bright sunshine.

62. Abandoned (adj) = left by the people who owned or used it ex. They found an abandoned baby in a box, outside their door.

63. Unharmed (adj) = not hurt or damaged ex. He escaped from the burning building unharmed.

64. Wonder (v) = to feel curious about sth ex. I wonder who that girl is.

65. Crystal clear (adj) = completely clear ex. He looked at his reflection in the crystal clear water of the lake.

66. In panic (phr) = with a strong feeling of fear ex. The ran out of the burning building in panic.

67. Breathe (v) = to take air into your lungs and send it out againBreath (n) ex. The thick smoke made it difficult for us to breathe.

68. Disaster (n) = a sudden event which causes damage ex. You can never be prepared for a natural disaster.

69. Safe (adj) = not in danger ex. She doesnt feel safe when she is alone at night.

70. Nightmare (n) = a bad dream ex. I have nightmares every time I watch a horror film.

71. Rain heavily (phr) = when a lot of rain is falling ex. I dont want to go out, as its raining heavily.

72. Earthquake (n) = shaking of ground ex. In 2005, an earthquake destroyed a big part of San Francisco.

73. Drown (v) = to die by being unable to breathe under the water ex. He drowned in a boating accident.

74. Flood (n) = too much water covering a dry area ex. It had been raining heavily all night and there were floods in the area.

75. Come true (phr) = to happen ex. My wish to win the game came true.

76. Volcanic eruption (phr) = the act of a volcano exploding ex. The volcanic eruption destroyed the forest.

77. Located (adj) = found in a particular place ex. The church is located near the park.

78. Destination (n) = the place where sd is going ex. Spain is a popular holiday destination.

79. As soon as (phr) = at the same time, immediately ex. Ill tell him as soon as I see him.

80. Iceberg (n) = a huge mass of ice floating into the sea ex. The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg.

81. Basement (n) = a floor below ground level ex. There are many old toys in the basement.

82. All of a sudden (phr) = quickly and unexpectedly ex. I was in my room when, all of a sudden, I heard a scream.

83. Damage (v) = harm ex. The fire caused great damage to the building.

84. Search for (phr v) = look for ex. The police searched for evidence at the crime scene.

85. Legend (n) = an old popular story that may be true ex. The song was based on an Irish legend.

86. Warrior (n) = soldier, fighter ex. Samurai warriors are famous for their bravery.

87. Tale (n) = an imaginary story ex. Have heard the tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?

88. Overcome (v) = to get over ex. He managed to overcome all the difficulties he had.

89. Obstacle (n) = sth that makes progress difficult ex. The biggest obstacle to making his own business is that he doesnt have enough money.

90. Folk (adj) = traditional ex. Many people like folk music.

91. Entertain (v) = to amuseEntertainment (n) ex. Mr Smith often entertains his friends with parties.

92. Value (n) = worth ex. Those photos are of great emotional value to her.

93. Go on (phr v) = to happen ex. What is going on here?

94. Include (v) = to contain sth as part of sth else ex. You must include some examples in your report.

95. Importance (n) = significance Important (adj) ex. Lets talk about the importance of eating healthy food.

96. Haunted (adj) = regularly visited by ghostsHaunt (v) ex. People say that this old house is haunted.

97. Strike a match (phr) = to cause a match to burn ex. She struck a match to light the fire.

98. Footstep (n) = the sound of a step ex. As she was walking, she heard footsteps close behind her.

99. Wrist (n) = the part of your body that joins your hand and your arm ex. He twisted his wrist two days ago.

100. Ankle (n) = the joint where your foot joins your leg ex. Her ankles are swollen from wearing high heels all day.

101. Chain (n) = a series of metal rings joined together in a line ex. The dog was tied to the tree with a chain.

102. Marble (n) = ex. The Parthenon is made of marble

103. Poet (n) = sb who writes poemsPoem (n) ex. Homer was a famous poet.Poetry (n)

104. handcuffs (n) = ex. They took her to the police station with handcuffs.

105. rusty (adj) : ex. The car was so old that it had gone rusty.

Module 3

106. freezing cold = very cold ex. Its freezing cold in here. Close the window, please.

107. excellent view (phr) = when everything you can see from a place is very nice ex. There is an excellent view from the top of the mountain.

108. delicious dish (phr) = tasty food ex. I tried some delicious dishes in Spain.

109. fabulous (adj) = fantastic ex. Where did you buy this bag? Its fabulous.

110. scorching hot (phr) = extremely hot ex. It was scorching hot yesterday, so we went swimming.

111. cold and chilly (phr) = rather cold weather ex. Its cold and chilly today, so take a jacket with you.

112. impressive (adj) = causing admirationimpress (v) ex. The snowy mountain tops are very impressive.impression (n)

113. accommodation (n) = a place to stayaccommodate (v) ex. Four days in Crete will cost you 200, including hotel accommodation.

114. sights (n) = famous places that tourists visit ex. There will be a guide to show you around the sights.

115. broaden (v) = increase your knowledge, experience or range of activities ex. Travel broadens the mind.

116. opportunity (n) = chance to do sth ex. I didnt have the opportunity to go to university.

117. ideal (adj) = perfect ex. A safari is the ideal holiday for people who are interested in wildlife.

118. narrow (adj) = not wide, tightnarrow (v) ex. The street is so narrow that a car cannot pass along it.narrowness (n)narrowly (adv)

119. spooky (adj) = frightening ex. Its very spooky to go into a haunted house at night.

120. major (adj) = important majority (n) ex. Stress is a major cause of heart disease.Opp: minor

121 deserted (adj) = empty and quiet because there are no people there ex. The streets are deserted on New Years Eve because everyone stays at home.

122. shadow (n) = a dark shape on a surface ex. A large aeroplane created a shadow over us as it flew in front of the sun.

123. explore (v) = to search and discoverexploration (n) ex. The tourists spent all day exploring the city.

124. night falls (phr) = it becomes dark ex. In summer, night falls later than in winter.

125. purpose (n) = aim, the reason for sth ex. His only purpose in life is to make money.

126. lodge (n) = a house or hotel in the country where people stay on holiday ex. The package holiday includes accommodation in a lodge by a lake.

127. numerous (adj) = ex. She lives in a busy area with numerous shops.

128. out of the ordinary (phr) = unusual ex. Hes very adventurous and likes doing things out of the ordinary.

129. rise (v) = to become higher, to increaserise (n) ex. Temperatures rarely rise above 30 0C in Britain.

130. melt (v) = to become liquid ex. It was so hot that my ice cream melted before I could eat it.

131. queue (v) = to wait in a line of people queue (n) ex. Many people queued up to buy tickets for the concert.

132. entire (adj) = whole, complete ex. He was so tired he spent the entire day sleeping.

133. treat (v) = to buy or do sth you really enjoytreat (n) ex. Treat yourself to a wonderful evening at the cinema.

134. trust me (phr) = believe in me ex. You should trust me when I say everything will be fine.

135. equipment (n) = things needed for a particular purposeequip (v) ex. If you want to go skiing, you need special equipment.equipped (adj)

136. falls (n) = ex. Niagara falls are a popular tourist attraction.

137. thundering noise (phr) = a continuous loud noise ex. The bomb went off with a thundering noise.

138. survive (v) = to continue to exist after a threatening situation survival (n) ex. The doctors did their best to help the patient survive.survivor (n)

139. perform (v) = to act, play or sing to an audienceperformance (n) ex. Mary is too shy to perform on stage.

140. typical (adj) = usualtypically (adv) ex. A typical English breakfast includes bacon and eggs.

141. gorgeous (adj) = lovely ex. What a nice dress you are wearing. You look gorgeous!

142. disgusting (adj) = causing strong dislikedisgust (v/n) ex. Many people think that snails are disgusting.

143. sunbathe (v) = to sit or lie in the sun ex. I usually sunbathe in the morning when the sun is not hot.

144. creation (n) = the act of making sthCreate (v) ex. Do you like my hat? Its my creation.Creator (n)

145. get a driving licence (phr) = ex. He cant drive a car because he hasnt got a driving licence.

146. slip (v) = to slide accidentally ex. Dont run on the wet floor or else you will slip!

147. lead to (v) = to cause sth to happenleader (n, person) ex. The ad led me to believe that home delivery was free.leadership (n)

148. drown (v) = to die underwater because you cant breathe ex. Dont eat before swimming or you might drown.

149. pay attention to (phr) = to show great interest ex. Pay attention, Ive got sth important to say.

150. display (v) = to show sth publiclydisplay (n) ex. Those pictures shouldnt be displayed in public areas.

Module 4

151. advertisement (n) = ex. I saw a funny advertisement for a new car on TV.advertise (v) advertiser (n, person)

152. weather forecast (phr) = ex. Lets watch the weather forecast to see if it is going to rain tomorrow.

153. headlines (n) = ex. The murder was in the newspaper headlines all week.

154. celebrity gossip (phr) = talk about famous peoples lives ex. According to celebrity gossip, Tom Cruise is going to buy a house in London.

155. sitcom (n) = an amusing TV series ex. Friends is a popular American sitcom.

156. image (n) = picture ex. Images of war are very upsetting.

157. influence (v) = to affect sbinfluence (n) ex. An advertisement on TV influenced me to buy a new car.influential (adj)

158. soap opera (phr) = a TV drama that deals with peoples lives ex. My favourite soap opera is about a neighbourhood in Spain.

159. chase (v) = to run after sb/sth in order to catch them ex. I chased the cat away from the bird.

160. run off (phr v) = to leave suddenly ex. She run off with her fianc and they got married abroad.

161. recover (from) (v) = to become well again after an illness or accidentrecovery (n) ex. The patient took three weeks to recover from the operation.

162. evidence (n) = facts that prove sth to be trueevident (adj) ex. The police need more evidence to solve the crime.

163. escape (v) = to get away from a place or dangerous situation ex. No one ever managed to escape from Alcatraz.

164. bunch o grapes (phr) = many grapes closely grouped together ex. I bought a big bunch of grapes from the grocers.

165. manage (v) = to succeed in doing sthmanagement (n) ex. I managed to finish the homework before the party.manager (n, person)

166. altitude (n) = height above sea level ex. Most planes fly at an altitude of 10.000 m.

167. injured (adj) = hurt or wounded ex. Doctors helped treat the injured after the fire.

168. incredible (adj) = unbelievableOpp: credible ex. What an incredible motorbike!

169. owner (n) = the person who owns sthown (v) ex. The dog has no owner. I found it in the street.

170. apartment (n) = flat ex. Rachel lives in an apartment by the sea.

171. realize (v) = to understandrealization (n) ex. I didnt realize how upset John was until he started crying.

172. conquer (v) = to take complete control of an areaconqueror (n, person) ex. Napoleon tried unsuccessfully to conquer Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.

173. crash (v) = to have an accident in a vehicle when it hits sth ex. The driver lost control of the car and crashed into a tree.

174. take place (phr) = to happen ex. The festival takes place every summer.

175. avoid (v) = to deliberately no do sth wrong or dangerous ex. I tried to avoid the big hole in the road.

176. witness (n) = a person who sees an event and is able to describe itwitness (v) ex. The police are looking for witnesses of the accident.

177. arrest (v) = to catch sb and put them in prisonarrest (n) ex. The police arrested the woman who had stolen the money.

178. fin (n) = ex. He was terrified when he saw the sharks fin above his head.

179. attack (v) = to use violence to hurt sbattack (n) ex. A man attacked him and took his wallet.

180. grab (v) = to take hold of sth suddenly ex. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

181. scratch (n) = a slight cut made with a sharp objectscratch (v) ex. Ive got scratches on my arms from playing with the cat.

182. contain (v) =to include sth as a part of a whole container (n) ex. The jug contains olive oil.

183. solution (n) = an answer to a question or problem ex. The students worked hard to find a solution to the Maths problem.

184. success (n) = achievement of your aimssuccessful (adj) ex. The success of a company depends on its staff.Opp: failure

185. wildlife (n) = animals and plants growing in natural condidtions ex. She is very keen on watching wildlife documentaries.

186. media (n) = TV, radio, newspapers, etc that provide news and information ex. Details of the murder were in media for months.

187. industry (n) = mass production of a type of goods ex. Greeces economy depends on the tourist industry.

188. run (v) = to control ex. Mr Miles runs a factory.

189. inform (v) = to tell sb about particular factsinformation (n) ex. A teacher informs the parents of their children progress.

190. break down (phr v) = to stop working ex. Toms car broke down on the motorway and he called for help.

191. gain (v) = to getgain (n) ex. John gained weight.

Module 5

192. revolution (n) = a complete change in conditionsrevolutionary (n/adj) ex. The French revolution changed life in Europe.

193. transmit (v) = to broadcasttransmission (n) ex. Computers transmit the information to the banks.

194. signal (n) = a movement or sound that sends a message ex. The train driver waited for a signal to leave the station.

195. satellite (n) = ex. The TV channel will transmit the match around the world by satellite.

196. take a picture (phr) = to take a photograph ex. He isnt a professional photographer. He takes pictures for fun.

197. likely (adj) = probable ex. Its likely to rain in the afternoon.

198. take for granted (phr) = to believe sth to be true without thinking ex. She took it for granted that they would always be together.

199. gap (n) = a big difference between two groups of people, etc ex. There has always been a gap between the rich and the poor.

200. subscription (n) = money paid regularly to receive a servicesubscribe (v) ex. My friend bought me a subscription to my favourite magazine for my birthday.

201. afford (v) = to have enough money for sth ex. I am not rich enough to afford a new car.

202. barrier (n) = sth that prevents sb from doing sth ex. His shyness was a huge barrier to his making new friends.

203. foreign (adj) = belonging to a country which is not your ownforeigner (n) ex. I would like to learn three foreign languages.

204. exist (v) = to live or to be realexistence (n) ex. Helen thinks that ghosts really exist.

205. education (n) = the process of teaching and learning at schooleducate (v) ex. Children need to get a good education.

206. bridge a divide (phr) = to do sth to link two different parts ex. It will take years to bridge the divide between the rich and the poor.

207. equal (adj) = the sameequality (n) ex. All people are equal and have the same rights.

208. connect (v) = to join, to bring togetherconnection (n) ex. My mobile phone doesnt connect to the network.

209. access (n) = the ability to use or look at sthaccess (v) ex. The Internet provides easy access to information.accessible (adj)

210. prediction (n) = a statement about what you think will predict (v) happen in the future ex. The old lady used special cards to make predictions about the future.

211. traffic jam (n) = ex. Its always better to use public transport in the city and avoid traffic jam.

212. renewable energy (phr) = ex. Wind and solar power are sources of renewable energy.

213. global warming (phr) = a rise in the earths temperature because of pollution ex. Global warming will destroy our planet.

214. extinction (n) = when a particular type of animal or plants stops existing ex. Many species are doomed to extinction.

215. optimistic (adj) = sb who thinks positively about the futureoptimism (n) ex. Hes optimistic about having a successful career.

216. pessimistic (adj) = sb who thinks that only bad things will pessimism (n) happen in the future ex. She has a very pessimistic view of life.

217. source (n) = a place from where sth comes ex. We must use renewable sources of energy.

218. run out (phr v) = to have no more supplies left ex. The printer has run out of paper.

219. blow (v) = to move sth by the force of the wind or air ex. The wind blew so hard that several trees fell down.

220. heat (v) = to become or make hot ex. Ill heat up some soup for dinner.

221. as long as (phr) = provided ex. Ill meet you for coffee as long as I can leave at 4 p.m.

222. solar energy (n) = power that comes from the sun ex. We can use solar energy to produce electricity.

223. resist (v) = to fight against sthresistance (n) ex. The thief resisted being arrested by the police.resistant (adj)

224. disease (n) = illness ex. Many diseases can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle.

225. rise (v) = to increaserise (n) ex. The government is worried because the unemployment rising (adj) is rising every year.

226. polar (adj) = relating to the regions of North or South Pole ex. Many polar species face extinction.

227. intelligent (adj) = cleverintelligence (n) ex. Einstein was a very intelligent man.

228. cheat in an exam (phr) = ex. She cheated in the exam by copying from that boy in front.

229. fail (v) = to not succeedfailure (n) ex. I failed to finish the project on time.Opp: succeed

230. praise (v) = to express your approval or admiration for sbpraise (n) ex. She is always praised by her teachers.

231. take over (phr v) = to take control of sth ex. As soon as they took over the country, there was chaos.

232. cure (n) = sth that makes sb healthy again ex. Scientists are trying to find a cure for cancer.

233. provide (v) = to give sth useful to sbprovision (n) ex. Take some time to think before you provide an answer.

234. replace (v) = to put sth/sb in the place of sth/sb elsereplacement (n) ex. He replaced his old computer with a new laptop.replaceable (adj)

235. board game (phr) = ex. My favourite board game is Monopoly.

236. innovation (n) = a new idea or inventioninnovate (v) ex. Wireless Internet is a great innovation.innovative (adj)

237. survey (n) = a set of questions addressed to a large number of people in order to find out their opinions ex. According to the survey, most people eat junk food regularly.

238. worth (adj) = ex. My bike is worth 150.worth (n), worthless (adj)

239. earn (v) = to receive money as paymentearnings (n) ex. Hes a lawyer. He earns 20.000 a year.

240. switch on (v) = to turn onOpp: switch off ex. Can I switch on the radio?

241. select (v) = to chooseselection (n) ex. To save your work, go to the main menu and select Save.selective (adj)

242. treat (v) = to provide medical caretreatment (n) ex. The doctor is treating her for pneumonia.treatable (adj)

243. resort (n) = a place many people go to for rest ex. We stayed in an excellent ski resort in the Alps.

244. put at risk (phr) = put in danger ex. You shouldnt put yourself at risk by smoking.MODULE 6245. Precaution (n) = action taken to avoid sth dangerous Ex. They took the necessary precautions to avoid the accident.

246. Steal (v) = take away without permission Ex. Someone stole her mobile phone.

247. Rob (v) = take money or property Robber (n,person) ex. They robbed the bank of 1 million euros.Robbery (n) Break into (phrv) = to get into a place to steal sth Ex. The burglars broke into the house through the back door.

248. Vandalism (n) = damaging other peoples propertyVandal (n,person) ex. The schools in this area are vulnerable to vandalism.

249. Burglary (n) = entering a building illegally and stealing thingsBurlglar (n,person) ex. The policeman accused him of burglary.Burgle (v)

250. Theft (n) = the crime of stealingThief (n,person) ex. She reported the theft of the handbag to the police.

251. Pick pockets (phr) = to steal money or objects from sbs pocketsPickpocketing (n) ex. Dont keep money in your jacket, as there are people who pick pocket here.

252. Speeding (n) = the act of driving faster than it is allowed Ex. The policeman gave him a speeding ticket.

253. Crime (n) = illegal activities Ex. Men are involved in crime more often than women.

254. Shoplifting (n) = stealing things from a shopShoplift (v) ex. The woman was charged with shoplifting.

255. Wonder (n) = sth that causes surprise Ex. This plane is a wonder of modern technology.

256. Allow (v) = permit Ex. Dad will not allow you to go out if you dont finish your homework.

257. Resident (n) = sb who lives in a place Ex. The residents of the area wouldnt like a hotel to be built there.

258. Defend (v) = to protect Defence (n) Ex. She hired a lawyer to defend her case in court.

259. Sharp (adj) = able to cut Ex. This knife isnt sharp enough. Can you give me another one?

260. Contain (v) = to include sth as a part of a whole Ex. If you eat foods that contain a lot of fat, you will put on weight.

261. Nasty (adj) = very bad Ex. There was a nasty smell all over the flat.

262. Venom (n) = poison Ex. This snake is dangerous as it produces a deadly venom.

263. Lethal (adj) = that causes death Ex. Guns and other lethal weapon were found in his apartment.

264. Sting (v) = Ex. Chase that bee away! It may sting you!

265. Shallow (adj) = not deep Opp. Deep (adj) ex. You cant swim in shallow water.

266. Trick (v) = to deceive sb Ex. She will be very upset when she finds out you tricked her.

267. Treat (v) = to provide medical care Ex. Medicine usually treats the symptoms and not the disease.

268. Poisonous (adj) = ex. She was bitten by a poisonous snake.Poison (n)

269. Genius (adj) = a highly intelligent person Ex. Einstein was a genius.

270. Appreciate (v) = to recognize the value of sthAppreciation (n) ex. I would really appreciate it if you gave me back the money I lent you.

271. Painful (adj) = causing pain Opp. Painless (adj) ex. The disease has many painful symptoms.

272. Creature (n) = anything that lives Ex. Dolphins are intelligent creatures.

273. Attack (n,v) = a violent act to hurt sb Ex. A lot of people were injured in the bomb attack.

274. Occur (v) = happen Ex. The accident occurred when one car didnt stop at the red light.

275. Fatal (adj) = causing death Ex. A car crash may prove to be fatal.

276. Dusk (n) = the time when it starts to become dark Ex. He left his office AT dusk.

277. Dawn (n) = the early morning Ex. He woke up AT dawn.

278. Stay IN touch (phr) = contact sb often Ex. Dont worry, we ll stay in touch when I move away.

279. Approach (v) = get closer to Ex. When he approached the house, he noticed the front door was open.

280. Be aware OF (phr) = be vey careful Ex. They told the drivers to be aware of slippery roads.

281. Out and about (phr) = going out and doing many things Ex. She has been out and about despite the pain in her leg.

282. Railway station (n) = ex. I met Jim at the railway station (=train station)

283. IN advance (phr) = before a particular time Ex. If you are coming, please let me know in advance.

284. Chance (n) = luck Ex. It was pure chance that we had dinner at the same restaurant.

285. Tempt (v) = to attract Ex. The smell of fresh coffee tempted me into accepting their invitation.

286. Oncoming (adj) = approaching Ex. The car crashed into an oncoming truck.

287. Valuables (n) = small objects which are worth a lot of money Ex. Leave your valuables in the hotel safe.

288. Out of sight (phr) = outside the area that you can see Ex. If you dont want him to eat all the cake, just keep it out of sight.

289. Mug (v) = to steal sbs money in a public place Ex. Someone mugged my aunt.

290. Victim (n) = sb who suffers death or injury Ex. They will provide housing to the flood victims.

291. In public (phr) = where anyone can see and hear you Ex. You shouldnt talk about personal issues in public.

292. Attract thieves (phr) = ex. Close your bag or else you may attract thieves.

293. Give sb a lift (phr) = take sb somewhere in your car Ex. It took me only 20 minutes to get home because Mark gave me a lift.

294. Gadget (n) = a small useful device Ex. Pocket-sized computers are the latest technological gadget.

295. Headphones (n) = ex. I like listening to music through headphones when I work.

296. Sit an exam (phr) = to take an examination Ex. John is studying hard as he is sitting an exam next week.

297. Move house (phr) = to go and leave to another house Ex. They moved to a bigger house with a lovely garden.

298. Tease (v) = to laugh at sb Ex. They teased Laura about her new haircut.

299. Put on weight (phr) = to become heavier Ex. By eating sweets and fatty foods, you are sure to put on weight.

300. Lose weight (phr) = to become thinner Ex. You should cut down on sugar to lose some weight.

301.Disagree (v) = to have a different opinion from sb elseDisagreement (n) ex. I disagree with my friend about what we should do.

302. Ignore (v) = to pay no attention to sb / sth Ex. They just ignored him and went on with their game.

303. Join (v) = to become a member Ex. Ever since we joined their team, they are doing much better.

304. Turn out (phrv) = to happen in a particular way Ex. To my surprise, everything turned out fine.

305. Argue (v) = to disagree with sbArgument (n) ex. Our neighbours are arguing all the time.

306. Consist OF (v) = ex. This dessert consists of cream and strawberries.

307. Ceremony (n) = a formal event on important occasions Ex. Their wedding ceremony was wonderful.

308. Shift (n) = a period of work Ex. He works an eight-hour shift.

309. Patrol (v) = to move around an area to make sure there is no trouble Ex. Police cars patrol the streets day and night.

310. Still (adj) = without moving Ex. Sit still so I can brush your hair.

311. Portable (adj) = easily carried Ex. Portable phones are really convenient.

312. Duty (n) = sth that you have to do Ex. Parents have the duty to protect their children.

313. Sprain my wrist (phr) = ex. I sprained my wrist while I was playing basketball.

314. Bang my head (phr) = to hit my head accidentally Ex. I banged my head on the shelf as I stood up.

315. Twist my ankle (phr) = ex. I twisted my ankle, so I cant go cycling.

316. Cheer up (phrv) = to make sb feel happier Ex. I sent Sue some flowers to cheer her up.

317. Ambulance (n) = a vehicle used to take people to hospital Ex. The ambulance arrived immediately after the accident.

318. Foul (adj) = dirty, smelling unpleasant Ex. Dont step into the foul water.

319. Nun (n) = a religious woman that lives in a convent Ex. Nuns lead a very simple life.

320. Develop (v) = to start to have sth Ex. The company is trying to develop new technology.

321. Privacy (n) = being able to be alone Ex. Famous people dont get much privacy.

322. Beware OF (v) = be careful Ex. Beware of pickpockets!

323. Data (n) = information Ex. All data is stored on DVD.

324. Origin (n) = starting point Ex. This book is about the origin of the universe.

325. Be IN doubt (phr) = to be uncertain about sth Ex. Tom is in doubt as to what to do.

326. Nickname (n) = an informal name used instead of sbs name Ex. He is so fond of theatre that his nickname is Shakespeare.

327. Track down (phrv) = to find sb / sth by searching Ex. Radar satellites can track down planes at a great distance.

328. Face TO face (phr) = very close and looking at each other Ex. I want us to settle things face to face.

329. Up TO date (adj) = having the latest information Ex. He is very up to date on politics.

MODULE 7330. Plump (adj) = quite fat Ex. John has got plump from eating too many sweets.

331. Pale (adj) = having less colour than usual Ex. Suzy was so scared that her face went pale.

332. Fair (adj) = having a light colour Ex. Robert is a tall fair-haired man.

333. Height (n) = how tall sb/sth is Ex. I am the same height as you.

334. Build (n) = the shape and size of sbs body Ex. He has an athletic build.

335. Well-built (adj) = sb who has a big body with large muscles Ex. Hes been working out for a long time and is well-built.

336. Skinny (adj) = very thin, in an unattractive way Ex. Most models are skinny.

337. Bald (adj) = having little or no hair on your head Ex. He isnt old but he has started going bald.

338. Spiky (adj) = having sharp points Ex. Her short spiky hair makes her look like a boy.

339. Feature (n) = an interesting or characteristic part of sth Ex. She has a small face with delicate features.

340. Beard (n) = hair that grows around a mans chin Ex. His beard makes him look older.

341. Medium height (phr) = average height Ex. She is medium height; not short but not very tall either.

342. Middle-aged (adj) = between 40 and 60 Ex. It isnt easy to raise a child when you are middle-aged.

343. Scissors (n) = ex. He picked up a pair of scissors and cut the paper.

344. Transformation (n) = a complete changeTransform INTO (v) Ex. We were amazed at her transformation from a shy girl to a Confident TV reporter.

345. Have IN common (phr) = to share the same interests Ex. Ben and Mary have many interests in common.

346. AT first sight (phr) = when sb first sees sth/sb Ex. They fell in love at first sight.

347. Messy (adj) = untidy, dirty Ex. He never puts his things away, so his bedroom is always messy.

348. Cunning (adj) = clever at getting what you want Ex. Simon had a cunning plan to increase his salary.

349. Likeable (adj) = pleasant and easy to like Ex. Mary is a very likeable girl; shes always pleasant to everyone.

350. Inventor (n) = sb who designs and makes new things. Ex. Thomas Edison was the inventor of the light bulb.

351. Invention (n) = sth that has been created for the first time Ex. The wheel is the most important invention in history.

352. Sociable (adj) = enjoying being with people Ex. She was really sociable and enjoyed meeting people.

353. Eventually (adv) = in the end Ex. After discussing several hours, they eventually reached an agreement.

354. Charming (adj) = attractive, pleasant Ex. Everybody thought her new boyfriend was charming.

355. Courageous (adj) = brave Ex. It was courageous of you to sing in front of all these people.

356. Freckle (n) = small, brown spot on the skin Ex. John has red hair and freckles.

357. In any case (phr) = ex. I was too tired to go to the party and, in any case, none of my friends would go.

358. Graceful (adj) = attractive in movementGrace (n) ex. Shes a lovely dancer with graceful movements.

359. Dull (adj) = boringOpp. interesting (adj) Ex. She wrote her job in the magazine because she wrote dull articles.

360. Work miracles (phr) = to be very effective in improving a situation Ex. Ive never seen the kitchen so clean; youve worked miracles with it.

361. Think up (phrv) = invent Ex. Ive thought up new ways of saving money.

362. Overnight (adv) = within one night Ex. They reached a decision overnight.

363. Journalism (n) = the job of writing for newspapers, TV or magazinesJournalist (n,person) ex. He has studied journalism and broadcasts news on TV.

364. Drop out (phrv) = to stop doing sth before finishing it Ex. He dropped out of the race because he was injured.

365. Hitchhiker (n) = sb who travels by taking free rides in other peoples cars Ex. I picked up a hitchhiker in my car on his way to London.

366. Charity (n) = organization that helps people in need Ex. UNICEF is a charity that helps poor children.

367. Degree (n) = ex. Hes got a degree in English from Oxford university.

368. Overseas (adv) = abroad Ex. Many Australians go overseas to work or study.

369. Win awards (phr) = to receive prizes for doing sth well Ex. The team have won several awards for their outstanding performances.

370. Qualification (n) = a particular skill or knowledge of sth Ex. A degree in English and two-year experience are necessary qualifications for the job.

371. Behave (v) = to act in a particular way Behaviour (n) ex. Helen behaves well at school.

372. Law (n) = the profession of being a lawyerLawyer (n,person) ex. Shes studying law in Britain at the moment.

373. Various (adj) = of many different thingsVariety (n) ex. This dress comes in various colours.

374. Available (adj) = that can be used or obtained Ex. Our new products will be available in two weeks.

375. Reliable (adj) = that you can trustOpp. Unreliable (adj) ex. This website always gives me reliable information aboutRely ON (v) film times.

376. Suitable FOR (adj) = right for a purpose Ex. She had to buy a dress that would be suitable for the occasion.

377. Honest (adj) = sb who always tells the truthOpp. Dishonest (adj) ex. Hes an honest man who will never cheat you.

378. Desirable (adj) = worth having or doing Ex. A degree in Economics is desirable for the job.

379. Apply FOR (v) = to make a formal request Ex. She has applied for a job in an advertising company.

380. Custom (n) = sth that is done by people in a particular society Ex. In Greece, it is the custom to sing carols on Christmas Eve.

381. Occasion (n) = event Ex. He wears this suit only on special occasions.

382. Unique (adj) = being the only one of its kind Ex. The violinist has a unique style; Ive never heard anyone play like him.

383. Employer (n) = person who gives work to others Ex. We need a reference from our previous employer.

384. Applicant (n) = sb who applies for a job Ex. He was chosen for the job out of fifty applicants.

385. Thread (n) = very thin fibre Ex. She used some thread and needle and mended the old socks.

386. Wage (n) = regular payment for work Ex. Jacks job pays him a daily wage of $40.

387. Conditions (n) = circumstances Ex. There are ideal working conditions in this company.

388. Certain (adj) = sure Ex. She is certain shell pass the exams.

389. Logical (adj) = ex. Warren didnt think in a logical way, so his work was full of mistakes.Opp. Illogical (adj)

390. Disobey (v) = refuse to do sth you should doOpp. Obey (v) ex. He is angry because Mark keeps disobeying his orders.


391. Donate (v) = to give money etc to a person or organisationDonation (n) ex. Hollywood stars donate millions of dollars to charities every year.

392. Acid rain (phr) = rain polluted by chemical substances Ex. Acid rain is extremely harmful to the environment.

393. Deforestation (n) = the destruction of forests by humans Ex. Many forests are lost every year due to deforestation.

394. Wonder (n) = sth that causes people to feel surprise Ex. The status of Zeus in Olympia is one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World.

395. Lake bed (phr) = the bottom of a lake Ex. There are many strange plants growing in a bed lake

396. Dune (n) = a hill of sand Ex. The kids played in the sand dunes behind the beach.

397. Sacred (adj) = holy, religious Ex. The Acropolis is also known as the sacred rock.

398. Monument (n) = a building or a statue built to honour sb/sth special Ex. Monuments are protected by the law.

399. Civilisation (n) = a human society with its own culture Ex. The Inca civilisation ended towards the end of the 16th century.

400. Dedicate TO (v) = devoteDedication(n) ex. She dedicated her new noel to her father.

401. Goddess (n) = female god Ex. Athena was the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom.

402. Restoration (n) = the act of repairing sth so that it looks the same as when it was first made Ex. The mayor raised a fund for the restoration of every old building in town.

403. Conserve (v) = to protect sth from harm Ex. Funds are being raised in order to conserve all the historical sites in the country.

404. Peak (n) = the top of a mountain Ex. We admired the snow-covered peaks.

405. Major (adj) = importantOpp. Minor (adj) ex. Air pollution is a major problem in the area.

406. Due to (prep) = because of Ex. They didnt go out due to the heavy rain.

407. Liquid (n) = a substance that is not solid Ex. Try adding some liquid to the sauce.

408. Except FOR (prep) = apart from Ex. She did all the exercises except for the last one.

409. Brick (n) = a rectangular piece of clay used for building Ex. They built the chimney with bricks.

410. Mud (n) = soft wet earthMuddy (adj) ex. They wiped their shoes carefully before entering the house because they were covered in mud.

411. Steel (n) = strong metal Ex. The new skyscraper was made of concrete, steel and glass.

412. Sand (n) = a substance which contains very small pieces of stoneSandy (adj) ex. The children played happily on the golden sand.

413. Can (n) = small metal container Ex. Could I have a can of cola, please?

414. Clay (n) = earth that becomes hard when baked Ex. Pottery is made of clay.

415. Environmentally friendly (phr) = not harmful to the environment Ex. She never uses plastic bags because they are not environmentally friendly.

416. Fill WITH (n) = to make full Ex. Fill this glass with water, please.

417. Release (v) = to let flow out Ex. Chemicals were released into the sea.

418. Tank (n) = large container Ex. Many people have tanks full of water in the back of their house.

419. Pros and cons (phr) = advantages and disadvantages Ex. There are many pros and cons to living in a city.

420. Justification (n) = a good explanation of sthJustify (v) ex. There is no justification for treating animals badly.

421. Certain (adj) = particularOpp. Uncertain (adj) ex. There are certain drawbacks to living in the countryside.

422. Drawback (n) = disadvantage Ex. There are more drawbacks than advantages to keeping animals in zoos.

423. Depend ON (v) = to rely on Ex. I dont know if we are going to the beach tomorrow. It depends on the weather. 424. Argument (n) = reason for or against sth Ex. You need a more powerful argument to convince him.

425. Against (prep) = in opposition to Ex. They found someone who could testify against him in court.

426. Reserve (n) = area of land where the animals and plants are officially protected Ex. Many rare species are protected in reserves.

427. Landscape (n) = everything you can see when you look across an area of land Ex. New Zealand is famous for its wonderful landscapes.

428. Remote (adj) = distant Ex. Bob lives in a remote mountain village.

429. Unique (adj) = one of its kind Ex. DNA is unique for every person.

430. Flock (n) = a group of birds , sheep or goats Ex. There is a flock of geese by the river.

431. Woods (n) = a small forest Ex. They enjoyed their walk in the woods very much.

432. Bank account (phr) = ex. There was no money left in her bank account.

433. Emit (v) = to send out gas, heat etc. Ex. The factories that generate electricity emit toxic fumes.

434. Fumes (n) = unhealthy smoke and gases Ex. Car exhaust fumes pollute the atmosphere.

435. Harmful (adj) = causing harmOpp. Harmless (adj) ex. Pollution is extremely harmful to the environment.


436. Choice (n) = selectionChoose (v) ex. The cinema complex offers a choice of films for all tastes.

437. Admiration (n) = great liking and respectAdmire (v) ex. She has the greatest admiration for him.

438. Chemists (n) = a shop where medicines are sold Ex. She went to the chemists to buy some cough medicine.

439. Fishmongers (n) = a shop that sells fish Ex. Mum bought some fish from the fishmongers.

440. Stationer (n) = a shop that sells writing equipment Ex. She went to the stationers to get some notebooks.

441. Quality (n) = how good or bad sth is Ex. He bought a radio that was really bad quality and broke down within a week.

442. Designer label (phr) = expensive fashionable clothes created by a famous designer Ex. Mary likes buying designer labels although they are expensive.

443. Bargain (n) = good value for money Ex. I bought that dress at half price! It was a real bargain!

444.ON offer (n) = at a cheaper price Ex. Are these jeans still on offer?

445. Advert (n) = ex. There was an advert for the local radio station in the magazine I bought.Advertisement (n)

446. Persuade (v) = to make sb agree to do sth Ex. We managed to persuade him to come with us at the party.

447. Product (n) = sth made to be sold Ex. They sell a variety of skin-care products at this shop.

448. Appeal TO (v) = to attract Ex. Boxing is one sport that has never appealed to me.

449. Effect (n) = result Ex. Scientists are researching the effects that pollution has on humans.

450. Natural resources (phr) = raw materials Ex. Very few natural resources are needed to produce recycled items.

451. Last (v) = to continue to happen Ex. How long will the meeting last?

452. Swap (v) = to exchange Ex. We swapped e-mails with all the people we met.

453. Sick OF (adj) = fed up with Ex. Im sick of your silly excuses.

454. Wise (adj) = sensible, based on good judgementWisdom (n) ex. If you are worried about your health, it would be wise to see a doctor.

455. Suit (v) = to be right Ex. This lifestyle suits her perfectly.

456. Fit (v) = to be the right size Ex. The key doesnt fit the lock.

457. Bunch (n) = ex. Father bought a bunch of flowers for Mother.

458. Liver (n) = the organ that cleans our blood 459. Lobster (n) = a sea animal with two claws

460. Lettuce (n) = vegetable with very thin green leaves Ex. She made a salad with lettuce and tomatoes.

461. Cabbage (n) = a large round vegetable with thick leaves Ex. I had boiled cabbage for lunch.

462. Dessert (n) = a sweet dish eaten after a meal Ex. We had ice cream for dessert.

463. Dairy product (phr) = type of food made from milk Ex. I love dairy products like cheese and yoghurt.

464. Apparently (adv) = obviously Ex. I thought she was coming with us, but apparently she cant get any days off work.

465. Appropriate (adj) = suitable Ex. Her outfit was not appropriate for the occasion.

466. Improve (v) = to make sth better Ex. Living in France will help you improve your French.

467. Irritable (adj) = easily annoyed Ex. She didnt sleep all night, so shes tired and irritable today.

468. Swimming trunks (n) = swimsuit Ex. We put on our swimming trunks and ran to the beach.

469. Make a speech (phr) = give a formal talk to a group of people Ex. I had to make a speech at my brothers wedding.

470. Spoil (v) = to ruin Ex. Her nagging spoiled everyones fun.

471. Couch potato (phr) = sb who spends lots of time sitting on the sofa watching TV Ex. He hardly ever goes out; hes become such a couch potato!

472. A piece of cake (phr) = very easy Ex. Doing homework like this is a piece of cake.

473. Mention (v) = to speak briefly about sth Ex. Thank you so much for the lift Oh, dont even mention it.

474. Hang on (phrv) = to wait for a short time Ex. Hang on Im almost finished.

475. Exchange (v) = to give sth to sb and receive sth else Ex. The two players exchanged shirts after the game.

476. Dice (n) = ex. To play Monopoly and other board games you need to have a dice.

477. Food chain (phr) = a series of living things that are connected by eating each other Ex. If an animal or plant species becomes extinct, the food chain is broken.

478. Herbivore (n) = an animal that eats only plants Ex. Cows and sheep are herbivores.

479. Carnivore (n) = an animal that eats only meat Ex. Lions and tigers are carnivores.

480. Omnivore (n) = an animal that can eat both plants and meat Ex. Mice are omnivores.

481. Worm (n) = small animal with a long, narrow, soft body

482. Soil (n) = the top layer of the earth Ex. Flowers need rich soil to grow.

483. Extinction (n) = the state of not existing any more Ex. Many animal species face extinction nowadays.


484. Extreme (adj) = very unusual or intense Ex. Extreme sports are dangerous but exciting.

485. Appropriate (adj) = suitableOpp. Inappropriate (adj) ex. High-heeled shoes are not appropriate for walking long distances.

486. Obstacle (n) = sth that blocks your movement or progress Ex. The fallen tree on the road was an obstacle to the traffic.

487. Spread (v) = to affect a larger and larger area Ex. The disease spread quickly around the town until almost everyone was sick.

488. AT top speed (phr) = at the fastest speed Ex. The sports car raced down the highway at top speed.

489. Hold an event (phr) = to organize and host an event Ex. We could hold a meeting to discuss this matter.

490. Axe (n) = ex. Keith used an axe to chop wood for the fire.

491. Corridor (n) = a long passage in a building Ex. She waited for Mike in the corridor outside the classroom.

492. Quest (n) = a long and difficult search Ex. Finding petrol last Sunday was quite a quest, as nearly all the petrol stations were closed.

493. Work out (phrv) = to solve a problem Ex. Policemen are trying to work out what caused the accident.

494. Script (n) = the words in a film, play etc. Ex. He wrote a number of film scripts.

495. Plot (n) = the things that happen in a story Ex. I dont like films with complicated plots that I dont understand.

496. Expect (v) = believe that sth will happen Ex. Everyone expected that Madonnas new song would go to the top of the music charts.

497. Admission (n) = permission to enter a place Ex. There is no admission to the museum after 5.30pm as it closes at 6pm.

498. Bring up (phr) = to raise a child Ex. She was brought up in a middle class family.

499. Familiar (adj) = well-known, often seen or heard Ex. The girls face looked familiar Im sure I had seen her before.

500. Silent (adj) = without making any sound Ex. The house was empty and silent.

501. Emotional (adj) = causing strong feelings Ex. He made an emotional speech and some people cried.

502. Animated film (phr) = a film in which puppets or drawings appear to move Ex. Disney made full-length animated films.