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Issue 119 A publication of the Vintage and Military Amateur Radio Society February 2013 M0VMW Affiliated to the Radio Society of Great Britain 1 February 2013 The annual Wyong Field Day (near Sydney) was held on Sunday 24 th February 2013. A ‘Cold War’ net was held at at 1 p.m. (6 m band 51.0 MHz FM). Left to right: Louis with a PRC-351, VMARS Member Ray Robinson VK2NO with a PRC-77, Dave with a PRC-77, Ray with a PRC-6 From our Chairman AROS, the Amateur Radio Observation Service, an RSGB service, operates as an interface between amateur radio operators and the regulatory authority Ofcom. Volunteers have made themselves available to monitor transmissions on the amateur bands and their primary role is to assist in resolving problems, on these bands, relating to transmissions which have mostly been reported by other radio amateurs. AROS is the means by which British radio amateurs undertake a degree of self-regulation, relieving Ofcom of the necessity to take action over relatively minor breaches of licence conditions. An example of their work is the monitoring and recording of the deliberate interference and unsociable behaviour that can sometimes be heard on repeaters. Other issues may result from complaints about the use of inappropriate language, the unlicensed use of the amateur bands or out of band harmonic interference. In these instances, AROS will gather evidence of the problems being reported in order to confirm that the complaints are valid and, where possible, will make direct contact with the VMARS Committee contact details: Chairman: Ian Underwood M0YMK Roundwyck Farm Pipers Lane, Balls Cross Petworth, West Sussex GU28 9JZ +44(0)1403 820185 [email protected] Secretary: John Keeley G6RAV 93 Park Crescent Abergavenny, Gwent NP7 5TL +44(0)7855 566160 [email protected] Treasurer: Bronek Wedzicha M0DAF 22 Farmers Way Copmanthorpe, York North Yorkshire Y023 3XX +44(0)1904 708704 [email protected] Membership Secretary: Peter Shepherd G7DXV 25 Tomkins Close Stanford-Le-Hope Essex SS17 8QU +44(0)1375 640618 [email protected] Ordinary Member: Peter Jones G8CDC Tudor House Stoneleigh Road Blackdown Leamington Spa Warwickshire CV32 6QR +44(0)1926 883345 [email protected] Ordinary Member: Stuart McKinnon G0TBI 145 Enville Road Kinver, Near Stourbridge West Midlands DY7 6BN +44(0)1384 872157 [email protected] Publications Manager: Bronek Wedzicha M0DAF 22 Farmers Way Copmanthorpe, York North Yorkshire Y023 3XX +44(0)1904 708704 [email protected] Public Relations Officer: Stuart McKinnon G0TBI 145 Enville Road Kinver, Near Stourbridge West Midlands DY7 6BN +44(0)1384 872157 [email protected]

VMARS AUCTIONThe VMARS News Sheet NS119 February 20133 Mike Duce G4BQF at his operating position Visit to Mike Duce G4BQF Whilst attending

Feb 03, 2021



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  • Issue 119 A publication of the Vintage and Military Amateur Radio Society February 2013 M0VMW Affiliated to the Radio Society of Great Britain

    1 February 2013

    The annual Wyong Field Day (near Sydney) was held on Sunday 24th February 2013. A ‘Cold War’ net was held at at 1 p.m. (6 m band 51.0 MHz FM). Left to right:

    Louis with a PRC-351, VMARS Member Ray Robinson VK2NO with a PRC-77, Dave with a PRC-77, Ray with a PRC-6

    From our Chairman

    AROS, the Amateur Radio Observation Service, an RSGB service, operates as an interface between amateur radio operators and the regulatory authority Ofcom. Volunteers have made themselves available to monitor transmissions on the amateur bands and their primary role is to assist in resolving

    problems, on these bands, relating to transmissions which have mostly been reported by other radio amateurs.

    AROS is the means by which British radio amateurs undertake a degree of self-regulation, relieving Ofcom of the necessity to take action over relatively minor breaches of licence conditions. An example of their work is the monitoring and recording of the deliberate interference and unsociable behaviour that can sometimes be heard on repeaters. Other issues may result from complaints about the use of inappropriate language, the unlicensed use of the amateur bands or out of band harmonic interference. In these instances, AROS will gather evidence of the problems being reported in order to confirm that the complaints are valid and, where possible, will make direct contact with the

    VMARS Committee contact details: Chairman:

    Ian Underwood M0YMK Roundwyck Farm Pipers Lane, Balls Cross Petworth, West Sussex GU28 9JZ +44(0)1403 820185 [email protected]


    John Keeley G6RAV 93 Park Crescent Abergavenny, Gwent NP7 5TL +44(0)7855 566160 [email protected]


    Bronek Wedzicha M0DAF 22 Farmers Way Copmanthorpe, York North Yorkshire Y023 3XX +44(0)1904 708704 [email protected]

    Membership Secretary:

    Peter Shepherd G7DXV 25 Tomkins Close Stanford-Le-Hope Essex SS17 8QU +44(0)1375 640618 [email protected]

    Ordinary Member:

    Peter Jones G8CDC Tudor House Stoneleigh Road Blackdown Leamington Spa Warwickshire CV32 6QR +44(0)1926 883345 [email protected]

    Ordinary Member:

    Stuart McKinnon G0TBI 145 Enville Road Kinver, Near Stourbridge West Midlands DY7 6BN +44(0)1384 872157 [email protected]

    Publications Manager:

    Bronek Wedzicha M0DAF 22 Farmers Way Copmanthorpe, York North Yorkshire Y023 3XX +44(0)1904 708704 [email protected]

    Public Relations Officer:

    Stuart McKinnon G0TBI 145 Enville Road Kinver, Near Stourbridge West Midlands DY7 6BN +44(0)1384 872157 [email protected]

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  • Issue 119 The VMARS News Sheet

    February 2013 2

    operators of the stations concerned in an attempt to resolve the situation amicably. It is pleasing to note that the majority of operators contacted by AROS over these issues are frequently unaware that their on-air activities are either the cause of offence to other amateurs or are outside of the scope of licence conditions and they usually react in a positive and responsive way. A very small minority of operators, however, take the opposite view by refusing to recognise AROS as having any legitimacy and are sometimes abusive.

    Where serious breaches of licence conditions are observed and not rectified by the originating station, monitoring will continue until sufficient evidence can be passed to Ofcom with a view to taking more vigorous action where necessary. In some cases, this has resulted in prosecutions by Ofcom and fines and confiscation orders issued by the courts.

    Another function of AROS is to monitor the use of amateur bands where changes have been made to frequency allocations and licence conditions. In the interests of maintaining the integrity of amateur radio in Britain, the RSGB take a proactive stance in heading off problems before they fall into the domain of the primary users or Ofcom. Following the changes recently made to frequencies and working conditions in the 5 MHz band, the RSGB have requested that AROS undertake monitoring to ensure that the new conditions are being correctly adhered to.

    After an initial period of monitoring by AROS, a number of breaches have been observed on 5 MHz and the RSGB have made informal approaches to user organisations such as VMARS to request their assistance in bringing any problems quietly to their member’s attention. Rather surprisingly, some operators appear not to appreciate that selecting a working frequency for a USB transmitter at the very top edge of a frequency allocation will result in operating up to 3 kHz out-of-band. Also, a number of USB transmissions have been overdriven, resulting in excessive bandwidth and splatter, and there have been instances of deliberate QRM from CW stations.

    A few AM stations have been observed with wider bandwidth than the permitted 6 kHz or possibly running radiated power in excess of the 25 W of AM carrier power that is permitted on 5 MHz. Some AM operators, and particularly those who use modern equipment, express their RF power output as PEP. instead of carrier power and this can lead to a misunderstanding on the part of any listeners who may not realise that 100 W PEP is equivalent to 25 W of carrier power when 100 % modulated.

    It would be understandable for readers to gain the impression that operating standards on 5 MHz are very poor. Nothing could be further from the truth. Since 1st January, several VMARS Members have undertaken regular informal monitoring of the 5 MHz allocations using SDR receivers and while some breaches of the rules determined by the MoD have been observed, they have mostly been relatively minor and constitute a very small minority of signals heard. Our Members are reporting that, in general, the operating and transmission standards on 5 MHz are much better than those heard on other amateur HF bands.

    It should be noted though, that as primary users, the MoD have the authority to remove amateur access to 5 MHz at any time. It is incumbent upon those of us who operate on that band to ensure that our own signal conforms to the standards that have been stipulated and, in particular, that it will not be the cause of any interference to MoD operations on adjacent frequencies.

    Ian Underwood M0YMK

    Pat Hawker MBE G3VA SK

    Radio amateurs around the world will be saddened to learn of the death of Pat Hawker, G3VA on 21 February. Amateur radio has lost one of its legends.

    Call-sign pirated

    VMARS Member Alan Morris G4GEN has reported that his call sign is being pirated. Alan has been contacted directly by amateurs who, when operating on the 5 MHz band, complained that he is conducting lengthy test calls in CW over the top of their QSO’s causing deliberate QRM. Similar transmissions using Alan’s call sign have also been heard by other VMARS Members on 5317 kHz, where attempts to contact the originating station in an effort to stop the interference have been ignored.

    Alan wishes to make clear that he has never operated CW on any 5 MHz allocation, that these calls are not originating from his station and that he has no idea who is pirating his call or why. Anyone who can throw some light on the matter should contact Alan with the details. The illegal transmissions have been referred to Ofcom and to the RSGB.

    Signal Issue 26, February 2013

    This month sees the publication of Issue 26 of Signal. Once again, we have a wide range of articles reflecting the diverse interests amongst our Members and I hope that all will find it an interesting read. Equally, I would encourage anyone who feels that their aspect of the hobby is under-represented to speak out so that potential contributors can be identified, or perhaps they themselves could be encouraged to prepare material for publication.

    Once again I am indebted to Peter Mellet G3PIJ for his meticulous proof reading of Signal which is allowing us to refine the ‘house-style’ to make for more readable and consistent presentation. Thank you Peter.

    Bronek Wedzicha M0DAF

    VMARS AUCTION The next sale of

    equipment belonging to the late

    John Coggins G3TFC will take place on

    Saturday 27th April Baginton, Warwickshire.

    Further details will be published in the March

    Issue of the News Sheet

  • The VMARS News Sheet NS119

    3 February 2013

    Mike Duce G4BQF at his operating position

    Visit to Mike Duce G4BQF

    Whilst attending the Canvey Island Rally, I fulfilled an ambition of visiting a fellow Member/Net Controller, Mike Duce G4BQF. Mike has been a VMARS Member since our inception in 1999, and has been on the Net Control Rota since those very early days.

    The photograph above shows his very fine and well-arranged station. At the top is the Minimitter and, below that, a fine collection of Racal equipment, the RA 17 being his main receiver, with the Hammerlund SP-600 under repair. The antenna is a half wave dipole with coax feed. Mike is also working on an Ajax Leader transmitter and is hoping to find a pair of TT22s so, if you can help, please give him a shout.

    Mike was first licensed in 1959 with the call G8DIE, later to become G4BQF. He has been a Member of RSGB for over 50 years, having joined in 1960. Mike also belongs to the Vange ARS located near Basildon and, indeed, is the Society's President, having held that office for several years.

    Vintage Radio and VMARS are not the only passion in his life. Mike is married to Jean, and he has a son Barry who some of us have met at our earlier meetings as Mike's Chauffeur, and also a daughter Kerry. Mike is a keen sailor belonging to the Canvey Island Yacht Club. Mike and Barry are often seen on the Thorpe Bay Estuary in their 25+ foot Sandhopper sailing dingy.

    Stuart McKinnon G0TBI

    Canvey Island Rally

    Left to right: Len Maunder G4KRX, Pete Shepherd G7DXV, Charlene Mullett, Stuart McKinnon G0TBI,

    and Anne McKinnon M3TBI

  • Issue 119 The VMARS News Sheet

    February 2013 4

    Pete Shepherd G7DXV and Charlene, and Anne and myself manned the VMARS information stand at the Canvey Island Rally this year. There was a steady stream of interest from punters and visiting Members, many of whom took the opportunity to pay Pete their Membership subscriptions. On display was a range of equipment including Clansman RT320, Plessey Raven R4300 and associated Hopping Unit and Auto ATU, KW Electronics KW77 receiver, Racal Panther 'V', Racal BCC 66HE Jaguar and a B2 suitcase set.

    The rally itself was heaving, punters were four deep across the aisles and you had to side step to pass between them. Many were seen scurrying away with a bargain or two, and I too obtained two 813's from a fellow Member who knew I was looking for a couple of spares; all to do now is test them, and pay up. I will have to ask her indoors for more pocket money!

    Len Maunder G4KRX, pictured on the stand (above), was on the stall next door to us, doing his usual charity work for RAIBC.

    A great gathering once again with a well organised team of stewards.

    Stuart McKinnon G0TBI

    Horncastle Rally

    While staying over with Anne in pure luxury at the Stoke Rochford Hall in North Nottinghamshire, for the third year running I decided to visit the Horncastle Amateur Radio Rally.

    The rally was again very well organised and well attended, with several stalls offering vintage and military equipment.

    A nice selection of goodies was to be had on stalls within the four rooms. Special thanks must go to Tony G3ZPU and the organising team at Horncastle for putting on an excellent event, and the entrance fee of £1.50 is a real bargain.

    Although the staff in the cafeteria area were preoccupied with an overnight leaking roof problem, this did not detract from them supplying a wonderful bacon sandwich and hot drinks.

    I spotted several VMARS Members; most had managed to secure a bargain or two. Even I managed to spend £15 and was well pleased with the purchases.

    Stuart McKinnon G0TBI

    35 years of Clansman Military Radio

    We are holding the special event station GB1CMR (Clansman Military Radio) at Suvla Barracks, Harold Street, Hereford on 23rd March. It is celebrating 35 years of Clansman Radio from its ISD in 1978. Obviously the station will consist of only Clansman equipment but there will be displays of kit from other eras plus vehicles. The Territorial Army will be recruiting on the same day and the Army Cadets and Air Cadets will be involved as well. The Hereford Light Infantry Museum will be open upstairs. Light refreshments will be available with all proceeds going to Help for Heroes (H4H Merchandise will be available).

    I have set up a page on which will be updated as we go along and then photos taken and uploaded on the day. Stuart McKinnon G0TBI is hoping to go down with his Lightweight Land Rover; if other locally based Members are interested, then they should contact Ian Hince: [email protected].

    Ian Hince G0IAN

    Military Vehicle Meeting: Sleap Airfield

    I am organising a military vehicle meeting to take place at Sleap Airfield, Shropshire over the weekend of 18th/19th May. Details and an application form plus further information can be found at:

    The meeting has been organised to coincide with a vintage aircraft fly-in being organised by the Shropshire Aero Club, who will be collecting for the Midland Air Ambulance. The site facilities include toilets, café and a museum of crashed aircraft parts including a display of history boards connected with the airfield and local WWII pilots. The meeting is free to enter, however, the Aero Club will be collecting as mentioned above.

    VMARS military vehicles are welcome to attend and access is by a pass issued after receipt of the online application form. The show is limited to forty vehicles and you are advised to apply earlier rather than later. Vehicles which just ‘turn up’ may be refused entry if we are full. I have two traders booked in so far and at least one of them will be selling radio equipment.

    Joe Bell G4PMY


    Members are advised that the 2013 AGM will take place at the Yorkshire

    Air Museum, Elvington, York on Saturday 6th July 2013. Over the

    years there have been many reports of fine events held at the Museum

    and this is your opportunity to come and visit, and see for yourselves. Why not make a weekend of it and visit the historic City of York at the same time. Those attending the AGM will receive

    free admission to the Museum.[email protected]

  • The VMARS News Sheet Issue 119

    5 February 2013

    News from Hack Green

    Hack Green was flooded for the third time in six months as the snow melted and the rain came. This time we had 3 inches of water over the entire ground floor. The trust appointed a local builder to discover the faults which led to water ingress and this turned out to be an old crawlway which was buried a long time ago. The crawlway was simply back filled with rubble and it led through the outer wall and right up to the face of the inner lining of the structure. It must simply be that the water table has never been this high before!

    A thorough inspection of the drainage system also revealed a number of sins which have been corrected, and we are now well on the way to drying out, and personally I am looking forward to moving my test equipment and bits back into my workshop. The photo attached is the room next to mine, and the reflection of the roof lights in the water gives an idea of the extent of flooding.

    Whilst writing about Hack Green, I would like to thank all the VMARS Members who have complimented the ‘Team’ on the SDR project, and we hope to continue this service throughout this year.

    Joe Bell G4PMY

    Saturday AM Net-Controller’s Rota

    Date 1st op 2nd op 3rd op

    9th Mar GW8TBG G8AQN M0YMK

    16th Mar G8AQN M0YMK G3XGW

    23rd Mar M0YMK G3XGW M0TCM

    30th Mar G3XGW M0TCM M0DAF

    6th Apr M0TCM M0DAF G0TBI

    13th Apr M0DAF G0TBI G4GEN

    20th Apr G0TBI G4GEN G4BQF

    Helplines Queries 119/1 R/T fitted to Short Stirling Aircraft

    WWII Wop/AG seeking information on R/T set fitted to Short Stirling Aircraft. I seem to remember it as R/T 1170 crystal controlled voice radio/transmitter used for local communication with airfield tower, but may be mistaken about type number. I need this information for a talk I am to give in November. Any information welcome.

    I served with 235, 57, 7, 214, 620 and 46 Squadrons in Coastal, Bomber, Airborne Support and Transport Commands, 1939-1946.

    My elder sister Mrs Betty Summerton is resident at the Mill House Sheltered Home in Kinver (01384 878772); she will speak for me if you care to give her a call. My phone No. is 01847 890031. Address: 3 Upper, Burnside Drive, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland KW14 7XB.

    Don Mason

    119/2 Mystery item

    Recently I bought what appears to be a radio that came from a former POWs estate. I am not a professional when it comes to radios, I just like to collect WWII items. I was wondering if someone can look at it and see if it is at least period and if it is plausible for someone to make a radio like this at a POW camp. The outer looks to be period, it is just the insides that baffle me. I am attaching two photos, so maybe they might be able to help. I would appreciate any help you may be able to give me on this.

    Mark Reddington

    If anyone has any ideas on this item, please could they contact Mark by email at [email protected]

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  • Issue 119 The VMARS News Sheet

    February 2013 6

    Helplines Answers 118/1 Equipment salvaged from Lancaster

    I thought you might like to know that with the help of the Aviation Forum, both have been identified.

    Piece(s) 10B/169 are supporting mounts for the open-wired DF Loop aerial.

    Piece 10AB/288 is a Type 25 Junction box used as part of the Monica tail-warning radar device to detect approaching enemy aircraft.

    If any of your Members has an installation diagram for Monica Mk.I (or a later version showing the junction box), I would much appreciate it if you could provide some details. [email protected] Thank you again for your help.

    Bob Knox

    Committee notices Notice of Annual General Meeting 2013 Saturday 6th July at the Yorkshire Air Museum,

    Elvington, York

    The 2013 VMARS AGM will be held in the Elvington Room at The Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington on Saturday 6th July commencing at 10.30 a.m.

    AGM 2013: Call for Committee Nominations

    According to the Constitution, John Keeley G6RAV is due to retire as Honorary Secretary, and Bronek Wedzicha M0DAF took on the duties of Honorary Treasurer until a nominee came forward. Thus, nominations are invited for the posts of Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. In addition, all Committee posts may be contested.

    Nomination forms are enclosed with this Issue of the News Sheet and the deadline for return of completed forms is 6th April 2013, which should be sent to the Hon. Secretary, John Keeley G6RAV.

    Committee Meeting 12th January 2013

    Committee Meeting No 2 of 2012/13 was held on Saturday 12th January 2013 beginning at 1030 BST. The meeting was kindly hosted by Peter Jones G8CDC at his QTH near Leamington Spa.

    The following were present: Ian Underwood M0YMK (Chairman), John Keeley G6RAV (Honorary Secretary), Bronek Wedzicha M0DAF (Honorary Treasurer and Publications Manager), Peter Jones G8CDC (Committee Member), and Stuart Mckinnon G0TBI (Committee Member and Public Relations & Publicity Officer).

    Apologies were received from Pete Shepherd G7DXV (Membership Secretary).

    The principal decisions taken and topics discussed were as follows:

    1. Email Decisions There were no email decisions to record.

    2. Health & Safety It was agreed that Ian Underwood would write an explanatory note in the News Sheet setting out the H&S Risk Assessment document and procedure. It was recognised that the Risk Assessment could not be fully completed until those responsible for the VMARS stand at a particular event were on site and could take site conditions into account, but a draft risk assessment would be required as part of the approval process for a VMARS stand.

    3. Society Membership

    As Membership renewals are currently being processed it was not possible to provide Membership figures. Ian Underwood raised a question regarding the possibility of providing a New Member’s Welcome Pack. Ian also suggested that consideration be given to issuing a Membership Number along with an Annual Membership Card – this could be used to control discounted access to sites, would aid issue of catering vouchers or entrance to museums, etc. As Pete Shepherd was unable to attend the meeting it was agreed to defer discussion on these suggestions to a later date.

    4. Committee Service / Succession Planning Four Members were put forward as possible candidates for Committee Service. It was noted that John Keeley’s term of office as Honorary Secretary was completed at the last AGM but, in the absence of any candidates for the post, he had offered to stay on for a further period until a replacement could be found.

    5. G3TFC Container Acquisition Project

    Peter Jones and Bronek Wedzicha reported that, despite adverse weather conditions, the second container sale held on 27th October at the Farm Shop in Baginton had been very successful. Total receipts were £3,244 (the September sale raised £2,500). All monies went to Society funds. No items were ‘scrapped’ and a quantity of equipment remained unsold – some was earmarked for the Collins 618T SIG projects. A subsequent working party consolidated the remaining items into one container and the empty container was surrendered to the owner. The Society now, therefore, only rents one container. The container at Russell’s Nursery is rent-free but is to be returned to the site owner when empty.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • The VMARS News Sheet Issue 119

    7 February 2013

    It was proposed that a further container sale be held at the Farm Shop in the New Year. Access to the container at Russell’s Nursery is difficult and it would not be possible to hold a sale as we had done at the previous locations. One possibility is to use the Village Hall or the British Legion Hall at Baginton and move the contents of the container to the venue. Such a sale would probably be held later in the year. Peter Jones and Stuart Mckinnon are to investigate the various options and report back at the next meeting.

    6. Storage Facilities

    Ian Underwood raised the question of storage facilities. The Society holds a significant amount of donated items, including some which remain unsold from earlier auctions and some items unlikely to be of great interest to the Membership. These items are currently held in private storage belonging to John Keeley and Stuart Mckinnon. Should the Society, therefore, retain (say) the second container at The Farm Shop in Baginton for general storage? Stuart Mckinnon mentioned some secure heated storage in Wolverhampton that was available at a low rental. It was considered that this would present a considerable advantage over using unheated containers. It was agreed that the Society acquire this storage and pay the rental direct to the owner.

    7. Auction Sales

    It was agreed to recruit a second auctioneer on the day of the sale to assist Stuart Mckinnon.

    8 AGM Venue

    As it was unlikely to be possible to hold the 2013 AGM at Bletchley Park within the required timescale, consideration was given to other possible venues as follows: “Wartime in the Vale” Event at Evesham – query

    regarding meeting facilities Hack Green Sywell Aerodrome Northampton – Peter Jones to

    investigate likely events and availability of facilities Yorkshire Air Museum – Bronek Wedzicha to

    investigate Royal Signals Museum – Stuart Mckinnon to


    It was agreed that all concerned would report back and a decision made so that the date and venue for the 2013 AGM could be announced in the January NS. It was also noted that there was to be a “Wireless Waves” event at Bletchley Park in October that would be a good opportunity for VMARS participation.

    9. RSGB Spectrum Group

    A vote of thanks was expressed to Ian Underwood for his work with the RSGB Spectrum Group in continuing to raise the profile of AM, the new 5 MHz allocations and the extension of the 80 m band. Ian mentioned that the next Spectrum Group meeting is scheduled for November. The RSGB priority is to prepare for WARC 2015 (World Administrative Radio Conference).

    10. Finance Bronek Wedzicha reported that the Society Finances were in a healthy state. Balance at the bank on the 14th December was £25,586. The value of cheques to be presented was £1,700. In respect of the Archive valuation, an average value of £1 per document has been adopted giving the Archive an estimated value of £10,000 for the purposes of the Society accounts. The next step is to discuss insurance arrangements with the Thorpe Camp authorities. The search for a suitable account in which to invest surplus funds was proving difficult. Most High Street Banks only offered 0.5 % interest although Nationwide offered a business account giving a return of 2.5 %. After some discussion, it was agreed that £15,000 should be invested and the suggestion is to open a simple savings account. Peter Jones mentioned that the Coventry Building Society may be able to offer a suitable account. In the matter of the payment of overseas subscriptions, the question of transaction fees had been raised. Bronek was seeking clarification of the fee structure from the bank and will report back.

    11. VMARS Handbook

    Bronek Wedzicha gave a short progress report. Authors were now being commissioned for the various sections.

    12. Use of VMARS Members Email Reflector for

    Advertisements Ian Underwood proposed a separate reflector “VMARS Collector” for advertising Members’ equipment. Ian was prepared to moderate the reflector which would be restricted to Members of the Society. As with NS adverts, those from traders would be identified by a “T”, placed after the contact details. After further discussion, it was agreed to run “VMARS Collector” for a trial period beginning 1st March.

    13. Improvements to the Society Website

    Ian Underwood had approached three website providers. He considered Toolkit Websites to be the most suitable and, whilst not the cheapest, offered the best value for money. The idea for the website is that it would have a very different ‘look’ and ‘feel’ from our current site but would retain many of the existing features along with some new ones. Initial thoughts were that the new website would include the front page of the current issue of Signal along with headline pictures and news from the month’s News Sheet. These will, of course, be updated each month and quarterly for the Signal front cover. The website would be organised on the basis of a number of sections and editors for each section would be recruited from within the Society Membership to be responsible for keeping their section up to date. It was noted that, for the new website to be effective, it must be a ‘living’ document. After discussion, it was agreed that Ian Underwood proceed with the Toolkit offer and hold further discussions with them.

  • Issue 119 The VMARS News Sheet

    February 2013 8

    14. PW “In Focus” Feature

    Stuart Mckinnon reported that work was proceeding on the copy for this feature and, when complete, will liaise with Rob Mannion (PW Editor) for the next available publication slot.

    15. RSGB Lecture at the IET – possible VMARS

    assistance The RSGB are to give a lecture at the IET on the development of Amateur Radio and were hoping to include a number of ‘live’ internet links during the lecture and demonstrate actual QSO’s under way using representative vintage equipment. RSGB had asked if VMARS could assist. The general view was that, due to propagation conditions, etc., it would be almost impossible to guarantee a QSO to order at a particular time during the course of the lecture. The best way for VMARS to help would be to provide video clips showing QSO’s in progress using various equipment. There had been no further progress with this and contact from the RSGB was awaited.

    16. Display Materials for use at Rallies and Shows

    It was considered that VMARS stands at rallies and shows would benefit from having better display materials – these could include display stands and roller display panels. An immediate concern was that a VMARS stand may well be just one table and could well be in an outdoor location. Also display materials would need to be transported to the venue along with display equipment, etc. After discussion it was agreed to purchase a desktop display panel as a trial. The actual graphics on the panel are to be decided.

    17. Rallies and Events

    The following rallies were noted for likely VMARS participation subject to confirmation:

    Dambusters, Canvey Island, Blackpool, Rugby, Newark, McMichael, Evesham (Wartime in the Vale) 18. Improvements to Members Services

    See decisions regarding improvements to the Society website in 13 above.

    19. Further Committee Meetings

    Further Committee Meetings were scheduled as follows: 9th March at Kidderminster TA Centre. 29th June Venue TBA 14th September Venue TBA

    There being no further business, the meeting was formally closed at 1630 hours.

    Applications for Membership

    We wish to welcome the following new applicants for VMARS Membership:

    Name, Callsign (Region) Interests

    Mr CJ Horswell OE1HJC Vienna, Austria

    Clansman/Larkspur. Involved with PRC320 at Plessey in early days. East Block radios. Vehicle installations.

    Mr CJ Pegrum M0NAY Tunbridge Wells, Kent

    Technical aspects and radio astromomy.

    Mr TRRHC Greenwood G4AYR Oxford, Oxfordshire

    Spy sets and equipment. Vintage Drake equipment. HRO.

    Mr I Hince G0IAN Hampton Bishop Herefordshire

    Clansman/Larkspur Army radio. Military vehicles. Motor cycles. Motor sport.

    [Membership rules require names of applicants for Membership to be published, before they are formally accepted as Members. This allows existing Members to object, if they wish. If you want to object to any of the above, please write to our Hon Sec, John Keeley – Ed.

    Events Diary The diary is a list of events which are either ones where VMARS is formally represented (bold), or those where there is known to be a reasonable chance of finding or seeing vintage electronic items (plain). It is not intended to a complete list of all available events (which can be found on the internet). Information is checked as far as is practical, but we can’t guarantee its accuracy – its always best to check with the contact person if you are travelling a long way to attend.

    Date Event Location Contact

    Type A=Amateur,

    M= Mil. V=Vintage (non radio)

    VMARS Attending

    7th April Blackpool Rally

    Norbreck Castle Exhibition Centre

    Blackpool FY2 9AA

    Dave M0OBW 01270 761608 [email protected] A Yes

    21st April

    West London Radio & Electronics Show (Kempton Radio


    Kempton Park Racecourse,

    Staines Road East, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 5AQ

    Paul M0CJX 08451 650351 [email protected]


    5th May Dambusters Hamfest

    Thorpe Camp Visitor Centre,

    Tattershall Thorpe, Nr. Coningsby,

    Lincolnshire LN4 4PE

    [email protected] V/A

    mailto:[email protected]

  • The VMARS News Sheet Issue 119

    9 February 2013

    Date Event Location Contact

    Type A=Amateur,

    M= Mil. V=Vintage (non radio)

    VMARS Attending

    16th June Newbury Radio Rally Newbury Showground M4 (J13) [email protected] V/A

    2nd June Spalding Rally

    The Sir John Gleed Technology School

    Halmer Gardens Spalding, Lincolnshire

    PE11 2EF.

    John G4NBR 07946 302815 [email protected] A

    6th July VMARS AGM Yorkshire Air Museum Elvington, York VMARS Committee

    14th July The McMichael Radio Rally and Boot Sale

    Reading Rugby Club Holme Park Farm Lane, Sonning Lane (B4446), Sonning on Thames, Reading. RG4 6ST

    Pete G8FRC 01189 695697 V/A

    17th -21st July War and Peace Revival

    Folkestone Racecourse Westenhanger

    Hythe, Kent CT21 4HX

    01304 813945 V/M

    27th - 28th September National Hamfest

    Newark & Nottinghamshire

    Showground Lincoln Road, Winthorpe

    Newark NG24 2NY A

    3rd November

    West London Radio & Electronics Show (Kempton Radio


    Kempton Park Racecourse,

    Staines Road East, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 5AQ

    Paul M0CJX 08451 650351 [email protected]


    Advertisements Advertisements are welcome from all members, and also non-members and traders. The latter are indicated by “(NM” or “(T)” after their contact details.

    FOR SALE: Anti-vibration mounts (19 set type?)

    Power Unit type 429, part of the T1540. Dry stored for many years, not tested.

  • Issue 119 The VMARS News Sheet

    February 2013 10

    Must be collected. Vernon G4LVO 01905 774798 (Droitwich) [email protected]

    FOR SALE: (All items unmodified and in good clean condition) Pye microphones with lead and plug 3 off. £3 each Pye W30 Lowband T/R 2 off. £10 each Pye W30 control unit with lead, plugs, loudspeaker and fist mic. £10 Pye Whitehall control box. £5 Pye control box VHF/UHF with plugs. £6 Pye RF amplifier type 200. £8 T/R M293 (lowband) mint condition with mic and speaker 2 off. £9 each T/R MX294 (highband) 2 off. £7 each Pye Reporter. £5 Pye Bantam (AM) 2 off. £8 each Pye PF70 (FM) Highband in new leather cases 2 off. £6 each Storno CQM5114-25X1T5 New boxed. £10

    Larkspur aerial base No.31 (ZA49827) New 6off. £5 each Alwyn Stagles G3RBY 02392 251218

    WANTED: Mounting tray for Admiralty B40, B41 or 62B receiver. Charlie M0ZQI [email protected] or leave a message on 01737 270878.

    WANTED: Whole, cases, parts, or fragments of; Transmitter Supply Units Type 888A or 888C or 888D. Receiver Supply Unit Type 889. These formed part of the Marconi Naval TGY2/TNS2 TX and CR300 RX equipments on board ship. Martin G4JSX 07802 982698 or 01788 832324 [email protected]

    WANTED: Wireless Set No 19 WS19 UK A locking shaft for the flick tuning preset mechanism. Must be British type. Stuart M6AVC 0161 928 2636 [email protected]

    WANTED: Power plug for Clansman 250 watt amp, Surf for Clansman 320. Dave Waters 2E0NBC [email protected]

    WANTED: Racal 6 Pin Amphenol to 6 Pin Amphenol cable suitable for patch lead for Syncal 30 series equipment, typically. This is the interconnecting lead from Syncal TCVR to PSU or Amplifier, can you help? Stuart G0TBI 07860 496516 [email protected] WANTED: Control unit for Pye Vanguard AM25 plus cable. Bronek M0DAF [email protected]

    Sending in articles, news items, letters and advertisements for VMARS Publications

    Please send copy to Colin Guy, G4DDI, by post or e-mail, 7 Herrick Court, Clinton Park, Tattershall, Lincs. LN4 4QU Tel 01526 344715 [email protected] The copy deadline for the next issue of the News Sheet is 15th March. For articles for the next issue of Signal the deadline is 9th May, but copy would be appreciated as far in advance as possible.

    Copyright Notice The VMARS News Sheet is a publication of the Vintage and Military Amateur Radio Society. Copyright remains vested in the authors, thus no material in this News Sheet may be copied and published elsewhere, in part or in full, by any means, without the express permission of the author. This may be sought either from the author direct, or from the News Sheet Editor, Bronek Wedzicha, M0DAF.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]