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Vm" LIII....IN"°- 17,210. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, DECEMBER «8, 1893.-FORTY-FOUR PAGES. PKICE THREE CENTS. IN TERROR OF ANARCHISTS, DYNAMITE SCARE IN MADRID* A TANI" IN THE Al MUN E AT THE BOYAL I PERA HOUSE. munns TB ITA BOMB WAS TO BE Tlinmvx UBI xl i..\'.' n; ..US-ill TUItOl'OHOUI 'lin; tiTY Tin; QOVERSOK WARNED OS ax at- jl. ITT OS TMI. QUfcEM RE OE NT's i.ii'K -riT.I.IC r.ail.KlX oS bTBOSOLY ,i» A.i.'I.I) - PRECAUTIONS AT TMK BANK OK FUANCE- A&RES1 * AND TIM M.S OP ANARCHISTS. Madrid, Dec 17. -A large audience gathi r l last Dight In the Ri yal Opera House, and while walting for the performance to begin. ;i rumor wnp circulated through the house Anarch- ]-¦- were preaent, and Intended to commit a homo tartrage. With the memonr of th ran at the Lyceum Theatr* at Darrel ma fresh In their minda thi pe pie did not for an Instant doubt th.'it the rumor was true, and the whole audience was thrown Into a mate of panic, Th.- women hastily donned their wraps, men seized their hats and overcoats afu.1 hurriedly left the building. Thia attracted the attention pf people In the Btreeta, who were soon Informed of the rumor, arr-! they In turn spread th.- report, with mich addltlona aa their Imaginations suggested. In some quarters it was reported that a fright¬ ful explosion had occurred, and soon the streets pear the Opera House were packed with ex- throng! ol people, clamoring for .'.-.tails of tho affair. The \vh.>!*> population ol tho city was Intensely excited. Tho rumor soon reached th. Governor ol Madrid, and a denial speedily followed The Governor at once drove t' the Opera House, where th.- people w re demanding tho instant arrest ol tho would-be bomb-throw- sra When ths Governor appeared, and stated that the rumor was false the crowd became reassured and most ol them quietly departed. Th.- great excitement cans..! by a moro rumor of an Anarchist plot ls ovid.-nco of consterna¬ tion cauaed by tli" repeated Anarchist outi iges The rumor that the Opera House was to In- Mown up last night hm! its origin in the fact that the Governor ol Madrid yesterday n two letters, warning him that the Anarchists Intended to Mow up the building with dyna* : te wirril 'h.- Queen Regent and some of the infantas were present. Tho Que* n Regent In- tes ed to visit the opera last night, but the Governor advised her not t" g". She acted "ii the advice, and when the audience saw that the royal box was empty some "f thom BOUgTVl for hrformatlon as to the reason for tho Queen Regent's abeenca, tt being generally known that f-h" had Intended to bo present. Some of tho attach*** of the house who know tho faets ex¬ plained her absence, and lt took only a few minutes for the whole audience to become aware of the threatenoal outrage. OCAHSIKQ l-l HI.I.' Rt'II.PlX'.S. The police have boon stirred to the keenest activity by Information that the Anarchists still out of pris'.n are plotting revenge upon the au¬ thorities for tho recent numerous arrests ol their comrades. The intention <-f the dynamiters ls believed to be tho destruction ol a public building or place of general resort. The theatres and municipal government offices are doubly guarded and detectives watch all Streets leading Ij tlie Palace anl tho State Departments. A J thorough search of Anarchists' rooms and houses was made by the police yesterday. At Grazaiema. fifty miles from Cadia, unem¬ ployed men, after rioting In the streets yester¬ day, wont from h .use t-i i. anding money. In several casi ¦ a group ol rioters w uld besiege s house and threaten its inmates until they received tho sum demanded by th-ir lead- er?. A report that the ra d largely "f highwaymen was sent out this morning, but is contradicted by all dispatches received tins even¬ ing. AMIIII.i; OVTKAOE FEARED. After a delay of nearly twenty m. tit!,.-. .Tint. Marie Delboche an-i Manuel Ferriera, the two Anarchists, charged with attempting to blow up the building in which the Cortes meeta In April, 1S92, were placed on trial to-day. lt was known that the trial would open to-day. and ti:-- police kept a strict watch on strangers arriving In ths city, as it was thought that tho Mata Intended to mark ito- trial by the commlaal n : an outrage. Last nierht sive Anarchists were ar¬ rested, and it was learned that soms of them had just arrived fruin itara .-lona. Th--y could tool account for th-ir visit to Madrid, and this confirmed the police belief that th.- gang in¬ tended to cause an explosion here, perhaps In tli- ' urt-room Itself, While Delboche, who ls rn Frenchman, was in Jail, he composed a pamphlet defending and glorifying Anarchy. Ferricra ls a .Portuguese. Whi .. -¦¦.. they both boasted that they were Important agents of tbs Central Anarchist Organisation. Tbs next day th.¦;, declared th ry tsars Innocent pf any attempt i" destroy life or property. Kotri.-ia admitted thr.t be had carried a bomb into the building, bul said that he had hu criminal Intention, Papers v.. ie found upon the prisoners showing that the) Intended to at¬ tempt to blow up tho Royal Palace, the Bank of Spain and other public build.:. th* u:r.l it, BEHOVED i jin: BAKE Ol I RAM !.. Paris, L> 17. As .. measure of precaution against a possible dynamite outrage tho public securities m tho custody >.f the Bank of Prance have den removed t.> tha Place Ventadour, where there is an Immense strong-room. The estimated value of the securities ls upward of 4 ¦¦"".'.franca. Ti..- Mayor f.f st. Etti nne has received many lf-t"-rs threatening to blow up his house and the Town Hall. Th:,. Anarchists named Roussel, v..ght and Thiebault were arrested hers to-day. They h.L\t- been in the habit of collecting subscript tiona f"i the sch alli d i >up conferences started by Mme. sv-\ < nie-. These soup . inferences were simply revolutionary meetings, mostly at¬ tended by members of tin- dangerous classes, **"ho there obtained S'.up and bread, while they li*:--ned to violent tirades against the Govern¬ ment and ths b rur/geotata, Wh n donations were laftistd the collectors hinted that ths Anarchists would remember those who refused assistance, and this threat often had tin- do¬ llied effect. It is stated that tho papers found lit tho lodgings Of Roussel, Voght and Thiebault have given import anl Information, winch tho l_hee win promptly s I upon. The authorities hav.- suppressed the soup rontarencea The polite yesterday mad* a search of tho room* of tho mother of the Anarchist C ilas, a'ho. with Moullnler, was recently arreated at Bt. je.-:n, near Orleana Several letters and doc¬ uments were found, Ihe contents of which re* vealed the existence of an Anarchist plot, Cl " also were discovered which aili prove valuable to the authorities. .M. Emita Zola, the well-known novelist, lins announced his' Intention to champion thc rause °f Cohen, the Dutch Hebrew wh,. w,.s expelled from Fiance because of his connection with tbs Anarchists, and wti" has taken up his residence In Kngiand. M. Zola liases his championship of Cohen oa the ground that th" latter lias dons good service f..r French Bterature, and bas translated Dut.-h and German books int'1 the Prenoh language. lt.- admits that Cohen's opinions are advanced, and that he b-longs to the revolutionary sect known as Fans Patrle. M has been lourm-d that Cohen was about lo .PPly for letters of naturalization as a French riJjMn when the Oovernmenl ordered hU ex* I.I f from Prance. '¦'.' '. ¦'"" is a Bt->ry ot Ravachol's career .' I'nnie as writti n by himself. The is ulled with errors In spelling and style. INJURED l-V av INFERNAL MACHINE. Berlin, lien. 27.--Two workingmen who walking together In Mug-gel ee, near thia city, to-day came upon a package lying in the fltreet, which they though! inlgh! c mtaln s value, ine of them unwraj p. d the pm ¦"in nana*. ney were attended t thi p ll. e were ii ¦;.;,. re I" no doubt thal the package c ntalned an In¬ ti hii-h n is plan d « here it was found by some one, presumably an Anai hist, for \hf purpose of killing or injuring whoever might bo tempted to pick ir up and examine it. Rome. Dec. 27. Tho italian Oovernmenl has Informed ihe Oovernmenl of Spain thal ii ls not possible al present for Italy lo take special ist Anari hists. Rn Bsele. 1' -c. 27. li li rumore 1 that Jean Voider*), the leader nf the Socialist party here, .viii be proa* -uted for writing a violent article thal appeared In a Socialist newspaper on Decem- b t 17, Tlo- article concluded with the declara¬ tion thal the proletariat musl take all means 1" finish the nefarious reign of the bourgeoisie capitalists. ..?..- VAILLANT'S TIM ih MEX I WEEK. EVIDENCE TO PH IV THAT HI-- RIME WAS ON- template!) x:":-.r than two ri ins \ i, .aright, > ¦-. Tl,/ .'hr Vnitnl ftn-au.1 Paris, Dec. .:;. Thi trial of Auguste Valllant, wh . threw Ihe bomb In iii- Chamber of Deputies, will Lei.-.ii on .tai '.na '. . the Pal se Couri Judi f*az6 will pres:,i>-. Ev! ernlng Vall- lant's career will ¦. given bj ¦ man who » with him In Buenos Ayres. Tl «v ll -iv thal he nv Valllant in .1 nt the ..'..iv- I'niversale In lluenos Ayres, snd ..i mportui I by him I brins pre* ure io be ir upon M. Kouvler, ti. n In lh« c iblnet, lo of the Anarchl of Vail" 'lani's uni Fo irnler was Imnrlt in< I I ir itlon iry art! communicate*! with M. Bouvier, btu was una! si euri F nindi r's r li is<. Valli in.time wa* publishing n s... mal, entitled ¦*' daj To-morrow." Itetween the .. irfl « lure of a bomb exploding in ii.- Chamber of i> pu- tie*. M. Meyer, the examining n ti In the case of t'fi Illa nt, compli te ! Ins an ! submitted li to the Cham! r< i- Mises on Aecu- ne, which resemble* thi American Grand A true bill was found against Vaillani without a distM ntlng \ BEGIXXIXG TBE CAXYASS IX IXDIAXA. ICtmyrigkl, 1893, Uti Th* T'nttftl rvrft.i POLITICAL ADVOCATES ALREADY DISCl'MSIKO THK REPt'BLICAN CANDIDATES TOR I-'..'). indianapolis, Dec, 87. Politicians lure who mixed in the contest of the Harrison and anti- Harrison forces two years ago ar-.- preparing t.. renew tin* struggle. All ..." those eleni.-nts which opposed the ex-president at that time are now said to have combined, and the Indica¬ tions aro that they Will support M Kr.. against Harrison. The State Committee Isaboul to be reorganised, and ti.-- struggle is expected to come at that time. The supporters of Mc¬ Kinley assume that the ex-Preatdent ls a candi¬ date, and they declare thal his adherents ara maklng every effort to set ure control of the ni w State Committee by personally ¦ 'Melting his friends In tl!.- various districts ol the Bl il to make tbe race agalnat his opponents for positions --ii the committee. They rut,y that re¬ cent developments indicate that Governor Mc¬ Kinley i< very strong politically In Indiana, and illy In Indianapolis. Chairman Oowdy, of tl,.- State c.mininoo. ).<* standing alool !!. says thai he aili retain his neutral ground, and may tba bast man win. It is rle.ught doubtful if General Harrison lia.* announced his ii.'.-- en his moat In¬ timate friends. They all, Including ex-Consul* Q .il New, deny that he has utter* a a >rd on the subject, but th<- fae! aloof without declaring bia Intel la re- !. . least t,v his p illtlcal op| proof of his candldac). P. <;. Rathbone, of Ohio, who a istmaster-i;- ni ral ut \ ; ministration, la said hy the McKinley men to have been given charge of thi i ivemeni lo make Harrison the standard-bearer In Th that hil inva for the renomli il will, as before, i..; conducted by his Ii fr.- nds. ?- A SBORTAGE OP XEARLY Si, 000,000. FRUITS OF DEMOCRATIC RINO RULE si ' N IS Til:: EMPTT TREASURY OP I!!''*. .¦" Chicago, ;... Tl "The Evening Post" to-day ra-, t: "All th- Inf irmation bl In ible lng the 'Hy's lina:., iai condltl m tends to show that tho deficit In the mui Ipal treasury amounts to neai ly $3,000,000 An i xp -ri tn this effe will be ssl.mitt, d I the .Council by Mnyor Swift. The Investigate il, Ci ntroller a office by an tan! that the fl *e has been and that it ls next to Impo nain the facts. As far as the experl has been able to examtm th« bookB, an actual shortage of I2.C'*V . about 11,500,000 more than the flrsl estimate of thc deficit, hi ti un I, an ll m >re than probal le thllt ..tier debi when a more thorough examination ol the a en mad' To add to the confused condition of the rlly's financial affairs, Controller '.'¦ ¦¦' hui abandoned his p isltlon lo-day. Ti nounc* d that ar .*, o'clock he w quit the city's service and >:..; out from under the staggering burden he has been attemi ;.,,irrv. His resignation leavei everybody In a i ,d fix, the Ity as « ll as Iti di bl I! erstood that Mayor Hopkins ha* i.lered the position to the wealthy brewer Charl, i ll. Waeker but lt is doubtful If the latter will ac- w. T Bak« r, ex-pre«ld ni of the World's c lumblan Exposition, is also mentl ned for the posit! n. CORPORATION COrXSEL EDWARDS "ET. A RINO POLITICIAN RIVES v, aj -|,i \ REFORM DEMO! RAT IN JERSEY CITY. yy.,. city Board of F ince ',. night re¬ moved Corporation Counsel \V. D. Edwards, who has long been Identtfli l with -: "ring." and ap- William Brlnkerhol d him. Mr-. Brinkerhoff, who vas once .-' u fl nat' r, and wh ls .- brother-in-law of Gi irge lt. Fielder, ls i flinn Demccrnl and helge*! lo .... ring. iii- appointment I* conBldered nci lon to Ihe I, rlned the Ri lo i Mayor Wail ..,, ,\ l.-t i-i..i-:i¦,... The i' od also r< mo*. Weal lean, from the p islilon C >i pot ney, and appoint) I Jam S. Frwln '. Hi m. in ht* III EGRAPJIIC NOTES. H.;v«Thill. Dee. H..The Fiske Gold Mining and Milling Company's property ar mack Hawk, Col., principally owned by person* In thlt eltv, ims been ¦old to an Engll h syndicate for 1300,000. F. C Came, of ll.iv rhin, effected the Bala in New-York yester¬ day. Galena I'.l.. Dei '.'¦ v Iel er received by the Mavor fr,,tn Mrs. J. Lute Bartlett, of Watc .^ i> rives information ol ii.,- lost in >lr to ti: eil Lte ol ihe Calllornl in re, m,-(, ,ias i. He a as ¦ form' i >. *.' lem ol Oal .-,.. ,i ci nt ly in s.m Francisco, leaving hil fortune lo hi* tinter whose placi ol residence li unknown. Mrs i, ;,..; (. ,, widow and oblli ed to earn hi n living Her letter hat been referred i, the at- torneya rn charga ot the eaae. sm Fran taco, I .- ;;: Q.tag to the recent rainy ,!., r :ui! the delay In the arr hlin: ¦. Krl.iclnally foreign, from .- of¬ ficials of rh- Calllornl i intel U|.)t. r j.-y. .,..- dec! led to pot .,.,,,. ,,,. .. I Brattlaboro*. Mas.... Dec. £^*\ >**«Jority ol th< bishops havfl fc-rmidlv c.inflrrn^i ih,. n..v A. C. A. Hal!- .lecion t" ».>' Nfhop i" ". J ri:,,,nt, .nd Cf hlBhop-eieci x.a.* tnfonnfld by cable to ;u-',.. n ,,- ecratlon ls «Dectfd to tah* place ¦.,,,.... time m January, al imrhn-.nnn. Springfield. Mn--".. DSC. r*7.---Willi.-,,,, BJ -,- [T. ., Boston, division master mechaalc on the Beaton and Albany Railroad, w.i» today appoint-,I nev.:, aune Intandent ot inot'.r power, to «M*i->aed \ u rirlK,r. hill, who resigned on account of ll!-l,ealth. I MURDERED FOR HER MONEY. AN AGED AND ED KNTKIC SPINSTEB KILLED IN NEWARK. SHI RAD UVED ALONE WITH BER TITS AND 1I\!> M st ol' BER STEALTH COXCEALED AC ii T TIIE HOI BE Vini:.\ ES Ol v BARD 'i rt' -'.l-l' WITH THI ROB¬ BI ::- IVE DE ID CATS IS [ER ROOMS. elizabeth Pettj. an age I an I et centrl spinster, was found murdereil rr. her house. No. W Com* merce-st., N'ewark, : sterday. Th.- evident n .. live ol the murder waa robbery. Miss Petty lia. alone In the house whl rh she owned, having f ir her companl ;i cats and d >g She hel no Intercourse with her nelghb -rs. Ths house is bar.- ol furniture, has no carpets, and ls littered with old boxes and barrels and re ol all kinds. Miss Petty never had any cleaning ,',, i.- and seldom washed her clothing or her body. She considerable means, and lt v.;,s her habit to c mceal m >ney In sm.ill amounts in every n...k and corner ol th-- bouse. Tbe is ii large frame dwelling In a go .! neigh¬ borhood, bul close to South Canal and River sis., which have a hard name, The fact thal the woman lived alene and had m..ray was well known In thetM ni Ighborhooda I, wr si i.n &LIVE OX KI DAY. Ml Petty was las) rn n by the neighbors on Friday when she wen I s stol.- to buy some oil and a loaf ol bn ad. Thei ¦. was no light In the house thal nlghl or thereafter. Henry Gnrrabrant, who lives al No. M Commi sr. remarked on Saturday night the sence ol the uaual light In the house, but noth¬ ing was thought ol it or ol the long sc luslon ol Miss petty until yesterday, when s son ol Mr. flarrabrant, looking over the fence separating the yards ol the two house i, n< Hi ed thal the cellar door ol the Petty house was open and looke 1 as if it had i.n forced. The b >y In¬ formed his father, who -Palled in a policeman, an 1. aci impanled by the latter, entered the house through Ih* Th< y found lhal the door lo the stairway from the firs! floor had been forced with a chisel. In the hallway they found evidences of a struggle. Boxes were ¦¦¦ red aboul and an .-li can. loy n thi fl Th- :.¦ waa a p ..,| f bl md n the il mr, near a lounge on whlcl h I Iv n In the habit g There were also blood marka nnd tl ><»r the Investigator* in,e across Ihe body ol Miss Petty lying pron.i the floor ni a small rear b lr Ul >W TIIE R OM LOOK D. A shawl had been tl htly rolled and placed under the head nf the corpse. In the rn m an old h.-.I-t.-nd wllhoul gs, and several*ls and boxer, Ailed with ral.lash, ework. Thi ..ii ihe head anl fa ¦-. an I thi I with bloi 1. 'I had ¦-. I 1 -1 Ised burglar In tie- hal any oi when he rame from the cellar, wa* beaten with 'ur.: uni il de id or In- .-. an waa hen can murdei er and laid >n fl < in ti. : lunge where thc three all*, in bills, some ol a hich ha 1 ha*l i. en ': waa In cid md fork were I i The fact t Ihe mui H> r- Intendeni ' I'- :i< - * . l*hy- Elliott and the - i k barge premls* He exai lined Ihe b d and .-. : he he w man had been dea eral days, rgue. Thi re ..¦ ia no weapon I und In Ihe houae an tbs poll n slightest N ths mui der >r. THK. D*lOUTER Og A SI \ CAPTAIX, RH*. I th Petty wa ty-flva and bel nged to an old lamil H Petty, wh . . wm -1 a a ship many years ago and died al ¦i leath made h**r m Ihet I ie ter hnd Sh*' :: v self up In I with The i rt her bj her for hei of I In g'»"d-| In Ju 181.1. h broken Into ! t .-.,;.. .Mi a Petty v. th,--. i ri tha! la thal stn kl ea Ih. lr nai Board was called t<» u i. .in I ii ol md MlBS I'etl The . r and bank i many coil lered o) er t rte fl was i M IVttj id she ] I ll there for Ihe cats. In looking around yesterday il.ffleers foul bodlen of four cats lying on a table an a-lth ai .. cloth. In n cloael a ta Miss Petty wa adi ed and was at om In the Ti Ward pul Newark. She look il dally n' n spa pera and a numh :' i- - were In the I Inqulr; il rh.- hanks rdaj fhowed thal she owned ': k In eral hanks and hnd t Her tv.-.i i.sins, living in N'ewark. I*.ES1*LT Ol THE M ¦¦ An autopsy wm held on ihe body Inst nlghl ... ¦¦ .. led the fi I thal *»1 Pett] had I 'i v i her he l were iffi< len! t . c-iuae death. A hand had i ibe woman's throat and rushed ihe bone in il,-- I.- k, Tie- Imprint of ting >i plain on the skin of the nw k, Tw broken. I r w.. i lui i the muni in ed on 3 lg Ml Petty carried ,i large amount of monej In her stock 11 it 1 n said ! nlghl lha! Ml Poti an esta! worth 130,000. Ti,.ii> known ar r two Ins In Newark, The hu raf one, William Barm I, h u been placed In hi nt of ihe l. KILLED HER WU ll \ PENKNIFE. A DESPONDEXT tXD MOODY ANARCHIST Mt'K ,;; ii in uni; \.\;. i.i r UER OS \ I.<>i NOE, Christian Pre holder, ,i ca blrn Imaker, flfty- rii-ht years old, of No. 1,132 Flrst-ave., murdered his wife Mary last evening, al th, ir home, by lng her ;i number of limes i'i bri and sid.- Wll Ife. The Freeholder family occupied the fourth floor of a flve-atory tenement-house. There are three daughters snd one .- m, an l the n< Ighhora thal lo all ..; ;¦< irances th* r".11mi:;. was a hflfapy one. '.- 5:30 o'clo k yesterd nlng Liz¬ zie, ih.- soi md eldeal daughter, a bright young woman aboul ta*enty ara old, returned from th< fa 'tory where Bhe a nrks, and up m 11 t nter bj the kitchen do found thal a*as something wrong with ihe ick She called t,. her mother, bul n I no ana* er. Thi n sh.- pounded on the d with a like ¦¦ Kin illy Bh< he d tor "pan and found her er lying dc i! on tri tunge, a Ith all over her cheal and clothing. The : rd Her iii **t Impulfle was to call for the janitor, **. I.". ii|'..n .-¦ ..!:.« thc dead woman, summoned the p Jil eman n p t, a ho In tut -i bui the Sixty* police station and In¬ formed Captain Strauss of the murder. Thc captain and ;><-te, tlves Walsh and On started out to look foi Freeh ld rr, firs! ha lng se -i ihe d id w >i ian. Thi found the munlerer In l-'li t*ave i shot | u tam t bl Il- waa h irrled t-. tlie itatlon*h and. although Captain Strausa piled bim with questions as t" why he committed the crime he maintained ¦ st< lld Bil 'nee, Th** man's shirl an I clothes wr.- covered arith bl od. ii- was i,. k-l up and r fused t" aa) a*of*d In regard t" thc 1,1 .,,!> The police afterward learned thal Freeholder. is an Anarchist. He ha.s be n out "f .i.l.o ne td for s.'ine time, and Its 1* said thal his min is n, re or less iffe, ted. Ol lats luis been nu iain i,"ly ai.' morose, bul such an extent as ut lend bis family to ;, that he would commit murder. J.ALLY IS IX THE TOMBS. HIS TALENT FOR HIDIN i FROM THL POL* E FAILED HIM. Tli;: MOMICATM CSriSK 'ii:' ITED. V llejo, i'd. Dec Ti The warship Mohican will not I rs M Islan for at least a wi eli r len days >'.; Engineer Arnold, er,- ol her ofllcers, la on Ibe cruiser Olympia's Trial Hoard, which aili not be through work fer a areek yet. I'-' /'. BASBITT XOT 8EBI0CSLT ILL. Philadelphia, Dee El Tba repoti thai William P. il n-riiv, .-. er . a and i. rmafl st t'-- Democratic National Coma tl la ¦ rloualy III la an exaggeration. Mr. Harri!*/ I,.i* been iud rlr.g fr tn a bad cold, and ha is greati) run dawn from overwork, bul he li aMa out, an i thia aft. t.. ot) hu le'- .'."¦.J tm Hie State Capital, Jl'DOE lARRETX FIXES THE BAU* AT A IIIfjil FIGURE THE MES INDICTED FOR ELEC* TI N i*:*.v '.- Alt!'. * I .N.'.H IN OTER ASH TERM1XEH. Ml i.! .!. Lally, the former Bridge policeman, In tually In th Toi bs. surprising :: to those who have though! that his power of miking himself Invisible to the police was Invartabl) effective. No one talks cf Lally without mentioning bia "pull." Thia "pull" ls one vt the biggest and Snest to be found In tins city. As h mart ir ol ract, the .ex-polk. had riv.-n his "disappearing di mon" per¬ formance so often and so effectively that hs had grown "Vcr bold. of course, he learned at an early sta:.-.' ol tin- proceedings that ths Extraordinary R Jury had indi rtsd him fi r Illegal electioneering. in previous experience in hi Ung Irom the police had so emboldened him thai hs wi nt oul of his way to show that he wasn'l afraid f being caught On Tuesday, John W. Goff saw him In City Hall Park, snd later Lally even passed through tbe General Sessions Building, rion r id ri rivi - -: nt ron him. The nea yesterday told ol the ex* pollceman'a effr ntery. ard it ls understood that Inspector M Laughlin gre-a* extremely angry when bs read the accounts. Ir ls ide wu thal h.-detailed eight detective! to catch Lally. That light-hearted cr ature didn't know the trouble thal wt browing for him, and he calmly -.-air. i Into the Rli.1 ti!- im itrlct-Attorney. He looked aboul a little and then walked away again. When Inspector McLaughlin read this In the earl) edition- .,;' the afternoon newspaper* he fell hurl ar Laity's disregard of his In a shoi tin e, however, Det< live Belli) rom 1 Lall) al Park Boa and Pearl ai d the how r of the polii .. f »rce waa ll il Lady's store of HI luck soon Increased. He was an.ii Judge Barrett In the tourt "f Oyer and Termlner. The charge against him was unlawful election erlng In the Bighti lb Bli District ol tl iii \ tsembly dstrlct mi n Indicted foi that offence were re- a ied In ll. h l.ll) v. bs sure thal hla patron, Poll, e Justice ilvver, w ould he no! Ind gnlty of Bp* i I in»- s night in th-- Tombs, bul Judge Barrett turned all thei e i al ulatl. na He knew Lally'a rei llxed b ill al "-.."¦ Lally's .>--11f I-, ha ve 1 reduced, but did not bu sd. I *> ISLE TO Ol T l:\If. il the ex*p Isi .1 his ¦:¦¦¦¦ I li th T lbs. Af. r L poller* f in he ul! on !¦¦' ri 'ndei, ::. arly killing the n 1 m January IR, ISSI. In Fehruan Lally dis ipi I he f t of sight until the , no need I that there waa tried The I not be I. and I ha! wa an end ol lt all. In .1 got in trouble a ll in nd he haa never be* n pun* i, ... ll.-. a One of tl -ir>- a plat.ri tin; lin V. M- K'ine .*j»j>re- I'eii of N - :'"''. ll idlaon-st., eli .-Hon in .|..- tor n, the Twentieth Flection Dlstricl ol ir lld \ bl) I 'i ¦¦ l< I. \. u also arr ted i ff Cullen.. r No. 131 I not know Inspectors | Dished >' ll T C ll.. said to I ,ok nc the anything Tl C Acl ; Dlstrlct-Atl irney I ol - PLEAD J I Ll V. 1' rty-nlne m re or lena repentant men pre- ¦. Ihemai-lves In the Court ..f Oyer and ,¦..-> I,-,: s again I them ol viol itln . the ..!.¦¦ tlon : ¦. wh ni the Qt i tn enl ¦¦ las! week "n evidence ted lt -i and n n partisan v ni !. ra at the | were person il ob¬ st rv ers of the | pra .- to swell the vote in Ibis city, Of I ie ' >rt: nine two uni) hi failed to pet ball. There ¦ There \\. re twenty-two sepal se*, name appen nug in) indl< The) ! er.- all fol Vlei Itll li Ol the lectli n IttWS. Tl -i nrr.ilgne*! u ¦.. Jeffei .; icai m M irrl Wi hs. \ her I:- n-i ¦¦.!.. Patric! ll K. U i'.:ii:.o;:i, r. ',-n- !. Hu .1 ph I-' And >rs*in, c,um i\ Hy. ne. h. William ! '.¦ i. Charh «rmss, '.' lam H. Ku ;. I! Hargrove, William .!. Patrl' I- J Mar..)*, John Harding, John I ! k. ¦! nd, Edmund Lap li r, .i nas Mi Mah n, J Bag ie, Edward .1 Neal..-. rd J K nney. Lou!* PB Ih, Bdward J Willis [I J .--.'I B, Water i, Vltieri <: Kirk, Ch ri r r,la< In, w llllnm II. Bo ii. ¦.. Ch ii les M K ir i, Ml (incl J Cannon, ll- in l Charil i Mb hm '. Mver Mn tin .1 M twin. .1 hn .1 -l immy, William II 111 il Fi 11 " Woo Tl. ia !¦' Mm r*>n, Harry Pei t< n, I'-t- r W Mun n .1 uno, .! D. ley, Md hnel B, Pay. i: !u ml O'l) mnell I 'rnm ls T Lyn h, I !dv ir ! K fi'nburgh and J din Murphy. '"'li C ra nd Jin \ h Indictments ngalnsl other men for perjurj and other crimes io connection with the .1 Mon. hu! these a*ere ii"t 1' ni,, 11 to |>lead ) -so 1.1 -. Assistant Dlstri**! Attorney Wellman appeared f ir ile- 1 eople; Alfr< .1 It C nklln and Ihers I,,,,! d oul for Ihe Interests of those who had I..-, n active In bringing the Indicted men to n count for their crimes. Mr. Conklln said mat ne would do hi* utmost, however, t,. secure the ti mp rory release of Bague, who had a wife and six children d< nendent upon him ir sup port. Counsel for !:.'¦ '...¦ succeeded In having hi ball rerluced from I J,,- ph W il '. apr* at t r ftallne-l ,-r. Buck¬ ley, Anderson and Mb I- ¦. IT-- moved for lea! r. Insp .t the min Hes of itu- Gran ! .lure Hi motton was hilled nnd notice of a demurrer for his clients Ml rn,- men pleaded not guilty. \ few uie. hail been summoned to plead t" several Indictn.ts wen! away after plendli only. These will have to gu t" n nd plead attain. !* ney' -. lum >n ur red him and he ha 1 to >-¦¦. tn the Tombs. Judge Barrell aile** ed 'li minsel for the i- di ted mi n one week In which to Interpose demurrers, t \ Ml TEACHESK OBOAXIXATIOS FOMXER. Byrocur*"*, N V Dee ?' Th* tem f teachers' Si ite waa m. ni, .1 to- lay by . ni th* grammar schools ,.f the various cities, Bepresentatlve* the irgi r ellie lt ls di Ignwl t.i a.. mnual mei tina* for connected -,vii>i education and tn urge such Im- provemi the eilu tlonal ¦¦-. as nt ly b** li il bv ti achers. The ¦.¦. **lon will m trow. BC RIED IN TUE WRECKAGE. AX INSlRANt'K PATROLMAN B-UEVED TO HAVE BEES KILLED. A 111 AW BCATFOLI)1X0 WALLfl ON TWO MI-'.N AT A PEARL-ST. KU'li-OM". ESCAPES, lil T THE OTHER UOI LD N'OT BE SAVED. A lin- broke mit in tho t"|> tl.»<*r of No. 436 Pearl-St. last night nt half-past 10. The hulld- in*j' ls a bri. ',; structure, live stories high, and lu coupled by August z.ihian A Co., makers "f fancy chairs, picture frames, fancy mouldings, eta-. The cause rf th'- Hie is not known. Three alarms wen sent out, and brought the whola downtown hr-.- force. Policeman John Hay. ,.r the Oak-st. squad, gave the alarm. Augustus Mullinger and Albert Donovan, vf insurane.- pa¬ il..! No. I. rushed Into the ground Boor 'd' the building and proi.ded t.> cover tin- goods with tarpaulin coverings to protect them from dam* age from fire and water. a number of tl< rs of frames containing var¬ nished placed there t.. dry were suspi nded over the hi els ,,f th.- two men. Without warn¬ ing the li- ivy mass fell upon Mullinger and Donovan, and pinned them to th.- Boor. Dono¬ van's cries ea- h.-lp reached the ears nf Lieu* tenant James Barnett, of Insurance Patrol X". 1. Darnetl summoned Prank Argue, driver of hook and la-'.d.-r truck No. 10, win* rush"! in and :. -.nd hon,,van, 'ait Mullinger was completely buried under the heavy mass of scaffolding arid frames. Ii is supposed thar Mullinger was killed In- v. hs h-- r.Ived He full welghl of the ¦v ii k Donovan waa rai-., n im. the near* esl llquorshop ind restoratives were adminis¬ tered. It wis discovered that h.- was not seri¬ ously Injured, lb returned to his post ..f duty sh .-Uv after lil-- re* ne. [.'rank Air, llve.i ar No. KS Hudson-st. He was highly complimented hy his chief f.r hi* .v. ml waa made happy liv the promise ,,f being reported favorably for hi* courage. The ge to ih- building was slifrht, the fir- being quickly placed under control and .- nflned to the tv.,, upper Boors. _ FIREMEN i YKi: Ml". BY SM IKE. ni' PACTOKV llfllillXO DAMAGED FOR TIIK SK "NH TIME. Thr.-.. alarm*, v. r* rung las! nlghl for a lire In ¦ ,, -orv bull Ung, N'"S. 1"'». IM an 1 I5g West T ¦- which haa b?en oc¬ cupied li\ ,i number of manufacturing Arms. M. T. f London T illet C impany, was the only mon In the building winn the ti-, a - n p. ., in iii- ,-!:< ¦¦ on the Bijtth floor. an I waa ob lg. climb d a*n the Hr- iceman Davldi n, ol the West Thlrtli saw the --nek-* Issuing from third nt tl r-ar rh- drem n. The timi.-, spread through ie water b* ran 11 t ike <ei the lower (toora two impanlci of flt a -.-. ntl i the flame* from working downward, and the men Buffered gn it ) on account "f the thick imoke, ,l"h:i Haas, of No l. ari! Ed war l Farrell, of .. So. 19, were carried out of the .-. ,,n l n ail ..-. ir an ami I'.anci from the New-York Hospital By treat- flremen wer- restored i the; afterward returned to \<..rk al th* fire The a*sl tani loreman ol Engine -. "/erely by Blass, ind hi* a * ..¦¦ dressed by in ami ron. Th- tire was under e introl at l'1 p m. Chief. -. of th.- Fire Department, .=-*i I that th** the I re would not et BO.i n. The t;-i,-i by th*> Stuyvesant Printing .; ) lng !l third, fo .rtli ar. 1 lifrh ttorlet f iii" bull ling 'ther hr: tined - bj iir- or '.v iter ... re Gi .- H Kl chi n, gia ti-. - .!',''. F J. Far- r tna< hi list; t f C m true- ¦:-: u -. ihe London Toilet Company ind tho Razor strop Company. The building wa* -1 lt. be w.n.! by Jame? 1. ft n, of Brook¬ lyn i that lhere wm a fir.- in, t about a md a number of young aromen were r. >.a-'.:e.| fran or;<» if ths npi ¦ rtea by means ol Udders, The cause ol iho Sra was not knosra. SHE CRIED i'd: HEB PABROT. I.II.I.IVN I-.I--I l.t.'.-, UN DERSTUDV, BECOMES n\<: ri:ii m. at a ; iftF i \ iik.'.i D 'Alli'! v. lt": *E. I In I cellar ie No. :'i- Weat up to the roo! through an airshaft, niling tha ¦. th te, and driving th fr ni the rn Mrs. Minnie itnsbury oct .in i let fun h I r ima to ictr< She i it--1 to th it reel wll i trice Hayi who waa l .. have been an und rstudy f.-r Miss i. 11 ¦-.;.--...- 1 to lea*. ¦' h--r pet p'irr il -a ir ir"! in her room on an upper floor house, and ihe !.ime hysterical while Ihe n were -a iv iring to < rh.- :". im-s. Thr narnu -.\.i- burned lo death In the tire, -.a neat every room In the h lune bel n Miss Ii u :..-¦ ¦ il 1 l.u.-r that the dre Mr In bury'* ¦¦-- was sail n be ibout 12,020, imountlng to 11.001). The |»*se* of her tenants, who bad no tn- reacl li rly IS OOO, The ii >ui ls owned by Mr*. F Do MIrandl, and ia Insured. It can ba repair. for about I l/OSSES BY FIltE IN' OTHER PLACES, rvls, N. Y.. Dec. Tl Karrowsburg, N. Y. .. bj a dei -rn, live Are last ni -ht. and much of the upper portion "f the Ullage a ia d itroyed. The buildings .!. itroyed were Qreene'a store, il- Inle tore, Decker'! :. r'a drua ttore, Mr. Kuhn'a hou .. two ima an I out-bultding M isl if the pr.,p,-ny wai ii ti for anything I'ark, Dec. 17, The Bellnar House, a large it .i. v deal royi d by iii .> which .i "I. this m >mlng Mrs. E s. Mavis, all her household goo la and furniture. The loss ls *'. KI A small cotl lolnlng was slightly damaged. \ LIVELY DI.AZE IX READE-ST. a (ir,- wai .'¦: ¦. nigh! about 6:13 o'clock, .. a policeman, In the ba entent ..f Sob, M and 90 i bu lng which la occupied by th* :;:..! Sr.ii,s Rubber Company. The tinnies ran evator ahafl ami burst through the roof, the liremen aboul an hour to lubdue lt. \ fireman rn .* slightly Injured by tin^ fall of a »ortlon of the tin roof on his leg, The damage ,'..i. estimated at aboul 18,000 to tlie stock und ibout J-i."¦»' to the building. THREE WOMEN CAl'OHT BY FLAMBS. There was a small lire la I nlghl aboul <\ o'clock it No. CO Cherry-at. The Hr.- started In the wood* .h.-1 In the rear, lt waa caused, ir is thought, by mol lng el irettea an throwing down lighted natchea, Three women were caught on the third |,.,.r i.v tl,.- flamea and were Injured. They wera Irldg Rocka, seventy year* old; Margaret John- ion, tlxty yeara old, and Delia Tula-, sixty yean lld. Della Tully waa carried to the Qouverneur Tin- othera were treated by the ira¬ ni ince surgeon at the house. The damage wa* ibout UOO, BSSCKIXSIDGE WILL SOT COMPSOMISS. i.,xiiik-ioii. Ky.. Dee. ST. John t Shelby, Colon**) trecklnridge'fl law partner here, wh n teen by a mi -I-.-, ip md.-iit nus morning, said he believed th.* coming from Washington thal Colonel Irecklnridge would meei Miss Madallne Pollard in hu city to confer with ber in regard to a com* .i-oinise of tie- famoua ault to be entirely with,,at oundatlon. Colonel I irecklnridge'a friends say the imor of B compromise was suited toUly to in¬ ure in- political Handing tn the Ashland district ind ta ii the ul! will be tried In the couria Colonel irecklnridge son Desna, a young lawyer here, aaya lia fathei would nol consider fora rn,.in,-nt an olfei if a compromise. VXrSIEXDLT T;> ADISOXDACK PSMSMSFMS. Baranac [_ke, Dec, n (gpeclal) An Adirondack onvention, ao-called, will meei hera about tbs list .tt next monti] t.. combat propoaed changss In ha nam- i.uss .md pur... resolutions opposing pri- ata parka controlled by ona .n- two indltiduala * . ISM SILVER .wo MOSS SILLS, Denver, Dee. lt..The annual prodaettoa ol tba .nialia and Crain sin-lter ot Has a-ny has bSSa nnle public today. Tin* silver prodii'-tinn shows -.lltrlU falllnC-Ot( in the value, while the gold pro luctlon -'hows nu Increase Tha total output of il vi waa 10.069,711 ..iin,-,., 0f which Colorado mina-.* urnlshed .', ounces- gold. f*\ntl7, ol which; j,i. ,i ounces came from Cotorado. Tbs i".* l ,r duel was ll.Til.las pounds copper, M2.S4B pounds, 'h.* average prieo 0f silver was 77 cuts against 0.7 cents \mI year. I RECEIVER FUR X. Y. AXD X. E. THOMAS C. PLATT SAMED. TIIE APPOINTMENT MADE AT ALB-XT BT JUDGE WALLACE. PAPERS FILED SEVERAL DATs AGO. ixaoLVExcjr optrbi mpavt ininip mbbjs MINT., TO BAYE TBE Illa Kl ','l r->mp MALE ri.-.M WLNT WILL BE HKJt.RO 0*1 JARUART 10 Ai" ion M**') TAKES I.\ I OXNEt M \~r. IBT TJUBSAK ID tm: BlSHSal Albany, Dec. 1*1..Renjamln F. Tra y. rf crook* 1-n, .\-S.¦¦;...: ry of thc Navy, ..nd Albert B. Boardman, both members of Um law firm of Tracy, Boardman Platt, of Nev.--York, ap¬ pealed befors Jt'di?.- Wallace, <if the Uattti States I»:striet Court here, to-day. and asked for the appointment of a temporary receiver for the New-York and New-England Railroad Company. in suppos*, of this application thejr submitted to Judge Wallace volumlnoua law papen alleging the .*>aolvency of th.impany and the need of tha app Intmenl of ¦ receiver ar once to protect the property rights of ail penong holding th.* ¦teeto and bonds of the railroad. Mr. Tracy and Mr. Boardman suggested that Thomas i'. Platt, who is one "f th* dire.-tors of the railroad, should i .. appointed its receiver. Judge Wail n... after s ear ¦fal examination of the papers, complied arith this request. Speak* lng of this selection afterward, Judge Wallace said: "This application for ¦ receivership fa*- the New-York and New-Bnglaod Railroad C ***> pany has been pending before mo tot several days. When the application waa originally made I required more evidence i>y the diing of additional papers and proofs to Justify a re¬ ceivership. This is ,,nly ¦ temporary matter. Th.- application for receivership is only mads for th- purpose ..f preventing th.- affairs of the mpany disintegrating, and tims the property of the company being Interfered with, until the matter can be argued and settled as to whettof it is ne essar) that s permanent receiver he appointed. Th. application was made by papen yesterday, bul I was not satisfied with them, and s > I sent th*"m back to tho men who tll-d them and they were prepared fer again. T! morning the papers srere again Bled with me, and I appointed Mr. Platt as ree*.iver. If. may t. that a permanent n- oiv. rshlp is unnecessary, i.ut that will l"- argued before me when tl-.t order t, show oauae is returnable January lat. Th.- bondholdera, rredltora and shareholders of the company can be present al this meeting on January 10, and will be heard by me regarding their inter.-ats, and whether or noi a pssts*** nent receivership should be appointed." New-Haven, Conn., Dec. '.'7. -Judge William K Ti arnsend, of thc United Btatei District Court, has appoint! 1 William T. Mart, f B iton, tem¬ porary receiver ol the New-York ..r.i New-Eng** id. upon th.- same grounds as those con¬ tained in tho application made to Judge Wallace Albany this morning. This action waa tik.-n at the instance and upon the application of w. k. Laoring, of B it ', and Charles C. Pst*. Itlna of Hartford, who appeared for the trustees f ir rh-- s.nd mortgage bondk M- rs of tbs road. These reached -al- etty early this m irnlng, and immedlaieiv np in learning of the app intment of Thomas c. flatt by Judge Wal¬ li," [hey appeared befi rejudge Townsend. They st.,t.-.i that the property ol the road ir-, the State of Connecticut was likely to be tied np and erip- pled !>y the attachments ot creditors, and moved Mr. Hart's appointment. Judge Townsend took itter under advisement for several hmrs, and to-night Issued th.-* order appointing Mr. Hart -_- j) THE NEWS IN WALL STREET. No ONE GBE.VTLY TEPBISED AT TIIE action. 4 MR. M'LEOD TELLS M*0t"T Tils EFT3>TtT0 BUI t'P TUE PROPEBTT lil il t IRGK M.V- J.i.-.ITV OP Till: ST'» K THE LEAM Nt Vi T RATIPIEI ttl. pt mt's gTATEJIEXT. Tt-..* appointment or a receiver for ths New-Tori and New-England Railroad did not come In the nature of ¦ surprise to thi-- tatereated in the affairs of the company, or to thone who have kert ¦ watch upon lt In the last few month*. During the laat two weeks the Btock ol the road has been Belling st e\m m. iv low rates, snd reports sf th*. probable appointment of a receiver at an early day ha*.'e been In ctreulattoa for boaaa time. The determination on the part of those who have i. a opposed to the control "f A. A. McLeod, th,* presi¬ dent of the company, to aak for the appointment of a receiver was reached several days ago, bat the In tbe case were not Anally put Into shape until a late hour on Tuesday night The men responsible for the application are e-t- r Thomas C. Platt, who bolda a lar^e amount raf thc Block of the road, and wi:.* was made the receiver; P. H. Prince, of Boston, who represented uh.i- are called the Boaton Intereate; .lohn B. BchlSy, of the stock bn ki rags Brm "f Moore .v Bchley, and A, !:. U ardman and Frank H. Platt, of the law linn of Tracy, Boardman «*. Matt Mr. Boardsaaa carried with him to Alt.any affidavits mil* bp Thomas c. Platt an M..-rs. Prince and Armstrong, directors ol the road and members of th..- stock¬ holders' Committee appoint* i to raise $r,i».ooo. the ¦mount <.f th.- interest due on outstanding honda on January 1. These men declared that it wag found to ba Impoaaible to aecurs ths seeessaiT lund-, to pay the January Interest and asked thai In the Interest ad th.- atoclfholders, bondholders i..,d creditors ol tbs roil a receiver bo appointed. Tn., news that a receiver hud been named in Albany, and that th- Court hal appointed Thomas i'. Platt to th.- position, reached .Mr. KcLSsd and the other stockholders of tie- road just at the open. int; of the special meeting vi iii, h had been called for yesterday m Mr. McLeod's ofRce In the BgattaMe Bulkllng. 'ihis apodal meeting was held tor the purpose of allowtag the atockhoklere to vote on the proposition to lease ths i- New-York, New- Bngland aad Northern Railroad, and thus secure va entrance Into this city. When the announcement >f tli.- recetvershlp proceedings waa made, many itgnMcaat glances were exchanged between atocit- holders, and for a few minutes th,, re wag a lively ronveraation on the aublect lt was cheeked by Mr. M.-I.roil, who addreeaed ihe stockholders i n -e nt, is follows: >TK. .M-I.I.HI) REVIEWS TIIK MTI'ATIOX. "Oentlemen: You boen called here to-day either to ratify or dlaapprovfl tha bru.*, to thia company of the railroad ..r the New-York. New- England and Northern Railroad Company, a cor¬ poration organised uni proaaoted tn the totereata >f the New-Yerh and New-Baglaad Rallroait Coaa* pang. A copy sf thia lease ha* been malled to .a.h stockholder, and some spire coules are on h. Becretary'a desk for further examination, ll leslred. On ths Hth of March lust. 1 wus elected to tlie presidency of yo ir companv. I found an .mtity treasury, v>-ry many OVerdUfl and un,..di ,ou,, and a lari,'-- number 'f crediton, several if whom wees urgently pressing their dalma for a lettlement "The very next dav after my election an attach* neut Bras placed, muck to nj astoatshsBsat, on a ari.e portion <>f your rollin; Stack, lt WM, .-a. by one of the creditors Who, I nni;ht almost ay, had been treated a* a preferred creditor by ba previous maaagsr, by paying him Ur*-* amounta UM before the ih.lm*;o. Several nu mtiers of the '.ard and myself promptly catii*- to the relief of the ompany, the .ittaa-hnieiip* w ITS released, and euttt- l.iit inn,ls advanced to provide for pre-j»liiK dalma, fills BStaMMMd to a Ki.-ut extent the credit of tha ompany and eoafldmce in ih.- public mind. .¦The management tii-n SSMghl io plaee the prope¬ rty In tinter condition ph] -ia- div. and to SBtaMftSl itch discipline among the employe., nt w.Kilrl in¬ ure safety an<l economy In Hie conduct of your iu*lnesa. For several month* during the normal ondttlon of bualneas the net palna each month vere very aatlafactory uni enabled your manama-

Vm LIIIIN°- 17,210. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ......TMK BANK OK FUANCE-A&RES1* ANDTIM M.S OP ANARCHISTS. Madrid, Dec 17.-A large audience gathi r l last Dight In the Ri yal Opera

Jan 31, 2021



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    munns TB ITA BOMB WAS TO BE Tlinmvx

    UBI xl i..\'.' n; ..US-illTUItOl'OHOUI 'lin;

    tiTY Tin; QOVERSOK WARNED OS ax at-

    jl. ITT OS TMI. QUfcEM REOE NT's i.ii'K

    -riT.I.IC r.ail.KlX oS bTBOSOLY

    ,i» A.i.'I.I) - PRECAUTIONS AT


    A&RES1 * AND TIM M.S


    Madrid, Dec 17. -A large audience gathir l

    last Dight In the Ri yal Opera House,and while

    walting for the performance to begin. ;i rumorwnp circulated through the house Anarch-]-¦- were preaent, and Intended to commit a

    homo tartrage. With thememonr of th

    ran at the Lyceum Theatr* atDarrel ma fresh

    In their minda thi pe pie did not foran Instant

    doubt th.'it the rumor was true,and the whole

    audience was thrown Into a mateof panic, Th.-

    women hastily donned their wraps, menseized

    their hats and overcoats afu.1 hurriedlyleft the

    building. Thia attracted the attentionpf people

    In the Btreeta, who were soon Informedof the

    rumor, arr-! they In turn spread th.- report, withmich addltlona aa their Imaginations suggested.In some quarters it was reported that a fright¬ful explosion had occurred, and soon the streetspear the Opera House were packed with ex-

    throng! ol people, clamoring for .'.-.tailsof tho affair. The \vh.>!*> population ol tho citywas Intensely excited. Tho rumor soon reachedth. Governor ol Madrid, and a denial speedilyfollowed The Governor at once drove t' theOpera House, where th.- people w re demandingtho instant arrest ol tho would-be bomb-throw-sra When ths Governor appeared, and statedthat the rumor was false the crowd becamereassured and most ol them quietly departed.Th.- great excitement cans..! by a moro rumorof an Anarchist plot ls ovid.-nco of consterna¬tion cauaed by tli" repeated Anarchist outi igesThe rumor that the Opera House was to In-

    Mown up last night hm! its origin in the factthat the Governor ol Madrid yesterday ntwo letters, warning him that the AnarchistsIntended to Mow up the building with dyna*: te wirril 'h.- Queen Regent and some of theinfantas were present. Tho Que* n Regent In-tes ed to visit the opera last night, but the

    Governor advised her not t" g". She acted "ii

    the advice, and when the audience saw that

    the royal box was empty some "f thom BOUgTVlfor hrformatlon as to the reason for tho QueenRegent's abeenca, tt being generally known thatf-h" had Intended to bo present. Some of tho

    attach*** of the house who know tho faets ex¬

    plained her absence, and lt took only a fewminutes for the whole audience to become aware

    of the threatenoal outrage.OCAHSIKQ l-l HI.I.' Rt'II.PlX'.S.

    The police have boon stirred to the keenestactivity by Information that the Anarchists stillout of pris'.n are plotting revenge upon the au¬thorities for tho recent numerous arrests oltheir comrades. The intention pu-tie*.

    M. Meyer, the examining n ti In the caseof t'fi Illa nt, compli te ! Insan ! submitted li to the Cham! r< i- Mises on Aecu-

    ne, which resemble* thi American GrandA true bill was found against Vaillani without adistM ntlng \


    ICtmyrigkl, 1893, Uti Th* T'nttftl rvrft.iPOLITICAL ADVOCATES ALREADY DISCl'MSIKO


    indianapolis, Dec, 87. Politicians lure whomixed in the contest of the Harrison and anti-Harrison forces two years ago ar-.- preparingt.. renew tin* struggle. All ..." those eleni.-ntswhich opposed the ex-president at that timeare now said to have combined, and the Indica¬tions aro that they Will support M Kr..against Harrison. The State Committee Isaboulto be reorganised, and ti.-- struggle is expectedto come at that time. The supporters of Mc¬Kinley assume that the ex-Preatdent ls a candi¬date, and they declare thal his adherents aramaklng every effort to set ure control of theni w State Committee by personally ¦ 'Meltinghis friends In tl!.- various districts ol the Bl ilto make tbe race agalnat his opponents forpositions --ii the committee. They rut,y that re¬cent developments indicate that Governor Mc¬Kinley i< very strong politically In Indiana, and

    illy In Indianapolis.Chairman Oowdy, of tl,.- State c.mininoo. ).:..; out from underthe staggering burden he has been attemi;.,,irrv. His resignation leavei everybody Ina i ,d fix, the Ity as « ll as Iti di bl I!

    erstood that Mayor Hopkins ha* i.leredthe position to the wealthy brewer Charl, i ll.Waeker but lt is doubtful If the latter will ac-

    w. T Bak« r, ex-pre«ld ni of the World'sc lumblan Exposition, is also mentl ned for theposit! n.



    yy.,. city Board of F ince ',. night re¬moved Corporation Counsel \V. D. Edwards, whohas long been Identtfli l with

    -: "ring." and ap-William Brlnkerhol d him. Mr-.

    Brinkerhoff, who vas once .-' u fl nat' r, and whls .- brother-in-law of Gi irge lt. Fielder, ls iflinn Demccrnl and helge*! lo .... ring.iii- appointment I* conBldered nci lon to IheI, rlned the Ri lo i

    Mayor Wail ..,, ,\l.-t i-i..i-:i¦,... The i' od also r< mo*.Weal lean, from the p islilon C >i pot

    ney, and appoint) I Jam S. Frwln'. Hi m. in ht*


    H.;v«Thill. Dee. H..The Fiske Gold Mining andMilling Company's property ar mack Hawk, Col.,principally owned by person* In thlt eltv, ims been¦old to an Engll h syndicate for 1300,000. F. C Came,of ll.iv rhin, effected the Bala in New-York yester¬day.Galena I'.l.. Dei '.'¦ v Iel er received by the

    Mavor fr,,tn Mrs. J. Lute Bartlett, of Watc.^ i> rives information ol ii.,- lost in >lr to ti:eil Lte ol ihe Calllornl in re, m,-(, ,ias i.He a as ¦ form' i >. *.' lem ol Oal .-,.. ,ici nt ly in s.m Francisco, leaving hil fortune lo hi*tinter whose placi ol residence li unknown. Mrsi, ;,..; (. ,, widow and oblli ed to earn hi nliving Her letter hat been referred i, the at-torneya rn charga ot the eaae.

    sm Fran taco, I .- ;;: Q.tag to the recent rainy,!., r :ui! the delay In the arr

    hlin: ¦. Krl.iclnally foreign, from .- of¬ficials of rh- Calllornl i intel U|.)t. r j.-y.

    .,..- dec! led to pot .,.,,,. ,,,. ..


    Brattlaboro*. Mas.... Dec. £^*\ >**«Jority ol th<bishops havfl fc-rmidlv c.inflrrn^i ih,. n..v A. C. A.Hal!- .lecion t" ».>' Nfhop i" ". J ri:,,,nt, .nd CfhlBhop-eieci x.a.* tnfonnfld by cable to ;u-',.. n

    ,,- ecratlon ls «Dectfd to tah* place ¦.,,,.... timem January, al imrhn-.nnn.Springfield. Mn--".. DSC. r*7.---Willi.-,,,, BJ -,- [T. .,

    Boston, division master mechaalc on the Beaton andAlbany Railroad, w.i» today appoint-,I nev.:, auneIntandent ot inot'.r power, to «M*i->aed \ u rirlK,r.hill, who resigned on account of ll!-l,ealth. I




    1I\!> M st ol' BER STEALTH COXCEALEDAC ii T TIIE HOI BE Vini:.\ ES Ol v

    BARD 'i rt' -'.l-l' WITH THI ROB¬


    IS [ER ROOMS.elizabeth Pettj. an age I an I et centrl spinster,

    was found murdereil rr. her house. No. W Com*merce-st., N'ewark, : sterday. Th.- evident n


    live ol the murder waa robbery. Miss Pettylia. alone In the house whl rh she owned, havingf ir her companl ;i cats and d >g Shehel no Intercourse with her nelghb -rs. Thshouse is bar.- ol furniture, has no carpets, and lslittered with old boxes and barrels and reol all kinds. Miss Petty never had any cleaning,',, i.- and seldom washed her clothing or herbody. She considerable means, and ltv.;,s her habit to c mceal m >ney In sm.ill amountsin every n...k and corner ol th-- bouse. Tbe

    is ii large frame dwelling In a go .! neigh¬borhood, bul close to South Canal and Riversis., which have a hard name, The fact thalthe woman lived alene and had m..ray waswell known In thetM ni Ighborhooda

    I, wr si i.n &LIVE OX KI DAY.

    Ml Petty was las) rn n by the neighbors onFriday when she wenI s stol.- to buy someoil and a loaf ol bn ad. Thei ¦. was no light Inthe house thal nlghl or thereafter. HenryGnrrabrant, who lives al No. M Commisr. remarked on Saturday night thesence ol the uaual light In the house, but noth¬ing was thought ol it or ol the long sc luslon olMiss petty until yesterday, when s son ol Mr.flarrabrant, looking over the fence separatingthe yards ol the two house i, n< Hi ed thal thecellar door ol the Petty house was open andlooke 1 as if it had i.n forced. The b >y In¬formed his father, who -Palled in a policeman,an 1. aci impanled by the latter, entered thehouse through Ih* Th< y found lhal thedoor lo the stairway from the firs! floor hadbeen forced with a chisel. In the hallway theyfound evidences of a struggle. Boxes were

    ¦¦¦ red aboul and an .-li can. loy n thi flTh- :.¦ waa a p ..,| f bl md n the il mr, near a

    lounge on whlcl h I Iv n In thehabit g There were also blood markannd tl >W TIIE R OM LOOK D.

    A shawl had been tl htly rolled and placedunder the head nf the corpse. In the rn man old h.-.I-t.-nd wllhoul gs, andseveral*ls and boxer, Ailed with ral.lash,

    ework. Thi..ii ihe head anl fa ¦-. an I thi Iwith bloi 1. 'I had ¦-. I1 -1 Ised burglar In tie- hal any oiwhen he rame from the cellar, wa* beaten with

    'ur.: uni il de id or In-.-. an waa hen can

    murdei er and laid >n fl < inti. : lunge where thc

    three all*,in bills, some ol a hich ha 1 ha*li. en ': waa In cid

    md fork were IiThe fact t Ihe mui H> r-

    Intendeni ' I'- :i< - * . l*hy-Elliott and the - i k barge

    premls* He exai lined Ihe b d and .-.: he he w man had been deaeral days, rgue.Thi re ..¦ ia no weapon I und In Ihe houae antbs poll n slightest Nths mui der >r.


    RH*. I th Petty wa ty-flvaand bel nged to an old lamil H

    Petty, wh . . wm -1 aa ship many years ago and died al¦i leath made h**r m Ihet I

    ie ter hndSh*' :: vself up In I with

    The i rt her bj herfor hei of

    I In g'»"d-| In Ju181.1. h broken Into! t

    .-.,;.. .Mi a Petty,--.

    i ri tha! lathal stn kl ea Ih. lr nai Boardwas called trt:

    nine two uni) hi failed to pet ball. There¦

    There \\. re twenty-two sepalse*, name appen nug in) indl<The) ! er.- all fol Vlei Itll li Ol the lectli n IttWS.

    Tl -i nrr.ilgne*! u ¦.. Jeffei.; icai m M irrl Wi hs. \ her

    I:- n-i ¦¦.!.. Patric! ll K. U i'.:ii:.o;:i, r. ',-n-!. Hu .1 ph I-' And >rs*in, c,um i\ Hy.

    ne. h. William ! '.¦ i. Charh «rmss, '.'lam H. Ku ;. I! Hargrove, William .!.

    Patrl' I- J Mar..)*, John Harding, JohnI ! k. ¦! nd, Edmund Lap li r,

    .i nas Mi Mah n, J Bag ie, Edward .1 Neal..-.rd J K nney. Lou!* P B Ih, Bdward J

    Willis [I J .--.'I B, Water i,Vltieri n, Harry Pei t< n, I'-t- rW Mun n .1 uno, .! D. ley, Md hnel B, Pay.i: !u ml O'l) mnell I 'rnm ls T Lyn h, I !dv ir !K fi'nburgh and J din Murphy.

    '"'li C rand Jin \ h Indictmentsngalnsl other men for perjurj and other crimesio connection with the .1 Mon. hu! these a*ereii"t 1' ni,, 11 to |>lead ) -so 1.1 -.Assistant Dlstri**! Attorney Wellman appeared

    f ir ile- 1 eople; Alfr< .1 It C nklln and IhersI,,,,! d oul for Ihe Interests of those who had I..-, nactive In bringing the Indicted men to n countfor their crimes. Mr. Conklln said mat newould do hi* utmost, however, t,. secure theti mp rory release of Bague, who had a wifeand six children d< nendent upon him ir support. Counsel for !:.'¦ '...¦ succeeded In havinghi ball rerluced from I

    J,,- ph W il '. apr* at t r ftallne-l ,-r. Buck¬ley, Anderson and Mb I- ¦. IT-- moved for lea!r. Insp .t the min Hes of itu- Gran ! .lure Himotton was hilled nnd notice of ademurrer for his clients Ml rn,- men pleadednot guilty. \ few uie. hail been summoned toplead t" several Indictn.ts wen! away afterplendli only. These will have to gu t"

    n nd plead attain. !* ney' -. lum >n urred him and he ha 1 to >-¦¦. tn the Tombs.

    Judge Barrell aile** ed 'li minsel for thei- di ted mi n one week In which to Interposedemurrers,

    t \ Ml TEACHESK OBOAXIXATIOS FOMXER.Byrocur*"*, N V Dee ?' Th* tem f teachers'

    Si ite waa m. ni, .1 to- lay by. ni th* grammar

    schools ,.f the various cities, Bepresentatlve*the irgi r ellie lt ls di Ignwl t.i

    a.. mnual mei tina* forconnected -,vii>i education and tn urge such Im-provemi the eilu tlonal ¦¦-. as nt ly b**

    li il bv ti achers. The ¦.¦. **lon willm trow.




    A PEARL-ST. KU'li-OM". ESCAPES, lil T

    THE OTHER UOI LD N'OT BE SAVED.A lin- broke mit in tho t"|> tl.».a-'.:e.| fran or;mlng Mrs. E s. Mavis,all her household goo la and

    furniture. The loss ls *'. KI A small cotllolnlng was slightly damaged.

    \ LIVELY DI.AZE IX READE-ST.a (ir,- wai .'¦: ¦. nigh! about 6:13 o'clock,

    .. a policeman, In the ba entent ..f Sob, M and 90i bu lng which la occupied by th*

    :;:..! Sr.ii,s Rubber Company. The tinnies ranevator ahafl ami burst through the roof,the liremen aboul an hour to lubdue lt.

    \ fireman rn .* slightly Injured by tin^ fall of a»ortlon of the tin roof on his leg, The damage,'..i. estimated at aboul 18,000 to tlie stock undibout J-i."¦»' to the building.

    THREE WOMEN CAl'OHT BY FLAMBS.There was a small lire la I nlghl aboul TtT0 BUI

    t'P TUE PROPEBTT lil il t IRGK M.V-

    J.i.-.ITV OP Till: ST'» K THE LEAMN t Vi T RATIPIEI ttl.

    pt mt's gTATEJIEXT.Tt-..* appointment or a receiver for ths New-Tori

    and New-England Railroad did not come In thenature of ¦ surprise to thi-- tatereated

    in the

    affairs of the company, or to thone who havekert

    ¦ watch upon lt In the last few month*. Duringthe

    laat two weeks the Btock ol the road has beenBelling st e\m m. iv low rates, snd reports sf


    probable appointment of a receiver at an earlyday ha*.'e been In ctreulattoa for boaaa time. Thedetermination on the part of those who have

    i. a

    opposed to the control "f A. A. McLeod, th,* presi¬dent of the company, to aak for the appointment of

    a receiver was reached several days ago, bat theIn tbe case were not Anally put Into shape

    until a late hour on Tuesday nightThe men responsible for the application are e-t-

    r Thomas C. Platt, who bolda a lar^e amountraf thc Block of the road, and wi:.* was made thereceiver; P. H. Prince, of Boston, who representeduh.i- are called the Boaton Intereate; .lohn B. BchlSy,of the stock bn ki rags Brm "f Moore .v Bchley, andA, !:. U ardman and Frank H. Platt, of the lawlinn of Tracy, Boardman «*. Matt Mr. Boardsaaacarried with him to Alt.any affidavits mil* bpThomas c. Platt an M..-rs. Prince and Armstrong,directors ol the road and members of th..- stock¬holders' Committee appoint* i to raise $r,i».ooo. the¦mount