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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin Zarko Acimovic Copyright © 2013 Zarko Acimovic All rights reserved.

VizzMaintenance Eclipse Plugin Metrics

Nov 01, 2014



Zarko Acimovic

VizzMaintenance Eclipse plugin metrics for sample Java project that contains 5000 lines of source code
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Page 1: VizzMaintenance Eclipse Plugin Metrics

Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics

Eclipse Plugin

Zarko Acimovic

Copyright © 2013 Zarko Acimovic

All rights reserved.

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Page 3: VizzMaintenance Eclipse Plugin Metrics


I dedicate this book to my parents, Ivana and Goran

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1 Introduction 4

2 Means and Practices for Defect Prevention in Java Software Development




4 Sample Project Specifications 5


6 VizzMaintenance Report For Sample Project 7

7 Java Source Code 8

8 About the Author 170

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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin


I present 5000 lines of Java source code mostly written by using trial-error, code-test, design-at-keyboard “techniques” without using VizzMaintenance defect prevention tool. After the project was written, VizzMaintenace tool was run against it and delivered report for it. Each class is preceded with VizzMaintenace report and comment about class design issue based on VizzMaintenance judgment.

The code was written for prototype project in three months. I wrote the code in 2004 and ever since had several business offers to commercialize it which I resisted due to complexity of the code.

I recommend readers to switch to formal software development, such as B, Event-B, VDM or Z.


Prototyping (modeling) defect prevention method has efficiency 52%. Before implementing this method defect potential per 1 FP (function point) was 5, after, 2.4. Tool: ArgoUML

Static analysis of source code defect prevention method has efficiency 44%. Defect potential per 1 FP was 5, after implementing this method is 2.8. Tool: Coverity

Mathematical test case design defect prevention efficiency was 34%. Defect potential per 1 FP is 5, after is 3.3. Tool: Bullseye

Bonus: Root cause analysis 1044-1993 - IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies. Efficiency 41% - Before 5 – After 2.95


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Zarko Acimovic

Source: Chapter 3. Estimating and Measuring Software Quality. The Economics of Software Quality, ISBN: 9780132564762 , Capers Jones, Olivier Bonsignour



Code Coverage tool EclEmma

Byte Code Analysis FindBugs

Code Complexity Analysis

Dependency Analysis JDepend4Eclipse

Source Code Analysis PMD


Project duration 3 months, single developer , 5000 lines of code (including comments), 15 Java 2 Micro Edition classes

Tools used: Sun J2ME Wireless Toolkit, Eclipse, IBM WebSphere Device Developer 5.5, CVS, Motorola and Nokia phone emulators and SDKs. Technology: J2ME, MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1. 

Device-independent Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) midlet, executable in any emulator or mobile device, for displaying map with scale, following moving objects, zoom in-out and


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

pan, selection of location , measuring distance, following individual or vehicle on map with route presentation, presentation of waypoints on map, presentation of list of existing waypoints (sorted by name, type, distance) for selecting destination or editing and deletion, creating, editing and deletion of waypoint – points with coordinates, name, type, icon; coordinates are defined by current position, selected location on map or inserted in textual form, selection of waypoint as destination and navigation towards that destination. Some classes implemented: MapBackground, MapObject, Point, SelectorPoint, PVector, MapsMIDlet




Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)


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Zarko Acimovic

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions



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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin


As you can see in the above table the problem with below CommaHyphenString class is that LD metric is zero. From we learn more about Loclity of Data metric:

The Locality of Data metric relates the amount of data being local the class to the total amount of data used by the class. This relates to the quality of abstraction embodied by the class and allows conclusions on the reuse potential of the class and testability. To find out precisely how this metric is calculated and how it affects software quality attributes such as testability or maintainability please check

Also there is problem with Tight Class Cohesion. The Tight Class Cohesion metric measures the cohesion between the public methods of a class. That is the relative number of directly connected public methods in the class. Classes having a low cohesion indicate errors in the design.

Here is the source code

1 /** 2 * 3 * CommaHyphenString parses .properties file. It eliminates commas or low lines 4 * from .properties file so items in it( such as categories) could be properly 5 * showed on screen 6 */ 7 import java.util.*; 8


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9 public class CommaHyphenString { 10 11 //String s; 12 int lastIndex; 13 CommaHyphenString(){} 14 15 16 /** Eliminates commas, returns array of strings with low line 17 * @return String[] 18 */ 19 String[] getWithLowLine(String s) { 20 int lastIndex = defineLast(s); 21 if(lastIndex==0){ 22 String[] ss = new String[1]; 23 ss[0] = s; 24 return ss; 25 } else { 26 int start = -1; 27 Vector v = new Vector(); 28 int current = s.indexOf(','); 29 do { 30 v.addElement(s.substring(start+1,current)); 31 start = current; 32 current = s.indexOf(',',current+1); 33 } while (start!=lastIndex); 34 35 String[] ss = new String[v.size()+1]; 36 for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){ 37 ss[i] = (String)v.elementAt(i); 38 } 39 ss[v.size()] = s.substring(lastIndex+1,s.length()); 40 return ss; 41 } 42 } 43 44 /** Eliminates low line 45 * @return String[] 46 */ 47 String[] getStringsOnly(String s){ 48 String[] temp = this.getWithLowLine(s); 49 for (int i=0; i<temp.length; i++){ 50 char[] tempChar = temp[i].toCharArray(); 51 String k = ""; 52 for (int j=0; j<tempChar.length; j++){ 53 if(tempChar[j]=='_') tempChar[j]=' '; 54 k+=tempChar[j]; 55 } 56 temp[i] = k; 57 } 58 return temp; 59 }


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

60 61 62 /** Returns categories with low line 63 * @return String[] 64 */ 65 String[] getCategoriesHyphen(String s){ 66 return this.getWithLowLine(s); 67 } 68 69 /** Returns categories 70 * @return String[] 71 */ 72 String[] getCategories(String s){ 73 return this.getStringsOnly(s); 74 } 75 76 /** Defines index of last comma in string 77 * @return integer 78 */ 79 public int defineLast(String s){ 80 int lastIndex = 0; 81 char c[] = s.toCharArray(); 82 for (int i=0; i<c.length; i++){ 83 if(c[i]==',') lastIndex=i; 84 } 85 return lastIndex; 86 } 87 88 }




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Zarko Acimovic

Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

As you can see on the above table the problem with below class CompassCanvas is that LOD metric is zero. Lack Of Documentation description: How many comments are lacking in a class, considering one class comment and a comment per method as optimum. Structure and content of the comments are ignored. To find out how this metric is calculated please check . source code

1 /** 2 * 3 * ComapssCanvas draws compass on screen 4 */ 5 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 6 //import javax.microedition.midlet.*; 7 8 9 10 public class CompassCanvas extends Canvas implements Runnable{ 11 long north; 12 long south; 13 long east; 14 long west; 15 int bigRadius; 16 int smallRadius; 17 int smallestRadius; 18 Coordinates c; 19 long delta = 0; 20 Thread t; 21 boolean end = false; 22 boolean switchVar = false; 23 boolean switched = false; 24 MapObjects mob; 25 26 int dummy1 = 0; 27 int dummy2 = 0; 28 int dummy3 = 0; 29 int dummy4 = 0; 30 Image img;


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31 32 Image imgDest; 33 long destUp; 34 long destDown; 35 long gama; 36 37 38 CompassCanvas(MapObjects mob){ 39 this.mob = mob; 40 north = MathFP.toFP("0"); 41 south = MathFP.div(Coordinates.MathFP_2PI,MathFP.toFP("2")); 42 east = MathFP.mul(Coordinates.MathFP_2PI,MathFP.toFP("0.25")); 43 west = MathFP.mul(Coordinates.MathFP_2PI,MathFP.toFP("0.75")); 44 45 destUp = MathFP.toFP("0"); 46 destDown = MathFP.div(Coordinates.MathFP_2PI,MathFP.toFP("2")); 47 48 bigRadius = Math.min(this.getWidth(),this.getHeight()); 49 smallRadius = (int)(0.75*bigRadius); 50 smallestRadius = (int)(0.37*bigRadius); 51 try{ 52 img = Image.createImage("Arrow2.jpg"); 53 }catch(Exception e){} 54 55 try{ 56 imgDest = Image.createImage("Dest.jpg"); 57 }catch(Exception e){} 58 59 t = new Thread(this); 60 t.start(); 61 } 62 63 public void paint(Graphics g){ 64 //System.out.println("delta="+MathFP.toString(delta)); 65 g.setColor(255,255,255); 66 g.fillRect(0,0,this.getWidth(),this.getHeight()); 67 g.setColor(0,0,0); 68 if(end == false){ 69 g.drawImage(img,75,25,0); 70 71 //System.out.println("this.getWidth()="+this.getWidth()); 72 //System.out.println("this.getHeight()="+this.getHeight()); 73 g.drawArc(8,0,bigRadius,bigRadius,0,360); 74 g.drawArc(30,22,smallRadius,smallRadius,0,360); 75 76 String sx = MathFP.toString(MathFP.add(MathFP.toFP(93),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(75),MathFP.sin(MathFP.sub(north,delta)))));


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

77 String sy = MathFP.toString(MathFP.sub(MathFP.toFP(85),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(75),MathFP.cos(MathFP.sub(north,delta))))); 78 int ix = sx.indexOf('.'); 79 sx = sx.substring(0,ix); 80 int iy = sy.indexOf('.'); 81 sy = sy.substring(0,iy); 82 83 int x = Integer.parseInt(sx); 84 int y = Integer.parseInt(sy); 85 86 String s9 = MathFP.toString(MathFP.add(MathFP.toFP(93),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(smallestRadius),MathFP.sin(MathFP.sub(north,delta))))); 87 ix = s9.indexOf('.'); 88 s9 = s9.substring(0,ix); 89 int NX = Integer.parseInt(s9); 90 String s10 = MathFP.toString(MathFP.sub(MathFP.toFP(85),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(smallestRadius),MathFP.cos(MathFP.sub(north,delta))))); 91 iy = s10.indexOf('.'); 92 s10 = s10.substring(0,iy); 93 int NY = Integer.parseInt(s10); 94 95 g.drawString("N",x,y,0); 96 97 sx = MathFP.toString(MathFP.add(MathFP.toFP(93),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(75),MathFP.sin(MathFP.sub(south,delta))))); 98 sy = MathFP.toString(MathFP.sub(MathFP.toFP(85),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(75),MathFP.cos(MathFP.sub(south,delta))))); 99 ix = sx.indexOf('.'); 100 sx = sx.substring(0,ix); 101 iy = sy.indexOf('.'); 102 sy = sy.substring(0,iy); 103 104 x = Integer.parseInt(sx); 105 y = Integer.parseInt(sy); 106 107 String s11 = MathFP.toString(MathFP.add(MathFP.toFP(93),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(smallestRadius),MathFP.sin(MathFP.sub(south,delta))))); 108 ix = s11.indexOf('.'); 109 s11 = s11.substring(0,ix); 110 int SX = Integer.parseInt(s11); 111 String s12 = MathFP.toString(MathFP.sub(MathFP.toFP(85),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(smallestRadius),MathFP.cos(MathFP.sub(south,delta))))); 112 iy = s12.indexOf('.'); 113 s12 = s12.substring(0,iy);


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114 int SY = Integer.parseInt(s12); 115 116 117 118 g.drawString("S",x,y,0); 119 int del = 0; 120 g.drawLine(NX-del,NY-del,SX-del,SY-del); 121 122 int mediumX = (int)Math.abs((NX-SX)/2); 123 int mediumY = (int)Math.abs((NY-SY)/2); 124 125 String s1 = MathFP.toString(MathFP.add(MathFP.toFP(93),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(10),MathFP.sin(MathFP.sub(east,delta))))); 126 String s2 = MathFP.toString(MathFP.sub(MathFP.toFP(85),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(10),MathFP.cos(MathFP.sub(east,delta))))); 127 128 String s3 = MathFP.toString(MathFP.add(MathFP.toFP(93),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(10),MathFP.sin(MathFP.sub(west,delta))))); 129 String s4 = MathFP.toString(MathFP.sub(MathFP.toFP(85),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(10),MathFP.cos(MathFP.sub(west,delta))))); 130 131 ix = s1.indexOf('.'); 132 s1 = s1.substring(0,ix); 133 dummy1 = Integer.parseInt(s1); 134 135 ix = s2.indexOf('.'); 136 s2 = s2.substring(0,ix); 137 dummy2 = Integer.parseInt(s2); 138 139 ix = s3.indexOf('.'); 140 s3 = s3.substring(0,ix); 141 dummy3 = Integer.parseInt(s3); 142 143 ix = s4.indexOf('.'); 144 s4 = s4.substring(0,ix); 145 dummy4 = Integer.parseInt(s4); 146 147 g.drawLine(NX-del,NY-del,dummy1,dummy2); 148 g.drawLine(dummy1,dummy2,SX-del,SY-del); 149 g.drawLine(NX-del,NY-del,dummy3,dummy4); 150 g.drawLine(dummy3,dummy4,SX-del,SY-del); 151 152 sx = MathFP.toString(MathFP.add(MathFP.toFP(93),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(75),MathFP.sin(MathFP.sub(east,delta)))));


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

153 sy = MathFP.toString(MathFP.sub(MathFP.toFP(85),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(75),MathFP.cos(MathFP.sub(east,delta))))); 154 ix = sx.indexOf('.'); 155 sx = sx.substring(0,ix); 156 iy = sy.indexOf('.'); 157 sy = sy.substring(0,iy); 158 159 x = Integer.parseInt(sx); 160 y = Integer.parseInt(sy); 161 162 g.drawString("E",x,y,0); 163 164 sx = MathFP.toString(MathFP.add(MathFP.toFP(93),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(75),MathFP.sin(MathFP.sub(west,delta))))); 165 sy = MathFP.toString(MathFP.sub(MathFP.toFP(85),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(75),MathFP.cos(MathFP.sub(west,delta))))); 166 ix = sx.indexOf('.'); 167 sx = sx.substring(0,ix); 168 iy = sy.indexOf('.'); 169 sy = sy.substring(0,iy); 170 171 x = Integer.parseInt(sx); 172 y = Integer.parseInt(sy); 173 174 g.drawString("W",x,y,0); 175 176 177 178 179 gama = MathFP.sub(delta,gama); 180 //gama = MathFP.toFP("314"); 181 long gamaDegrees = Coordinates.radiansToDegrees(gama); 182 //long gamaDegrees = gama; 183 //System.out.println("gama="+MathFP.toString(gamaDegrees)); 184 //gama = Coordinates.degreesToRadians(gama); 185 186 long corrX = MathFP.add(MathFP.toFP(93),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(smallestRadius),MathFP.sin(MathFP.sub(destUp,gama)))); 187 long corrY = MathFP.sub(MathFP.toFP(85),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(smallestRadius),MathFP.cos(MathFP.sub(destUp,gama)))); 188 189 long dx = 0; 190 long dy = 0; 191


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192 if(gamaDegrees<=0) { 193 gama = MathFP.add(gama,Coordinates.MathFP_2PI); 194 gamaDegrees = MathFP.add(gamaDegrees,MathFP.toFP("360")); 195 } 196 197 // Correction of position for imgDest 198 if(MathFP.toFP("0")<=gamaDegrees && gamaDegrees <MathFP.toFP("10")){ 199 dx = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("10"),MathFP.cos(gama)); 200 dy = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("23"),MathFP.cos(gama)); 201 } 202 203 204 if(MathFP.toFP("10")<=gamaDegrees && gamaDegrees <MathFP.toFP("50")){ 205 dx = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("25"),MathFP.cos(gama)); 206 dy = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("23"),MathFP.cos(gama)); 207 } 208 209 if(MathFP.toFP("50")<=gamaDegrees && gamaDegrees <MathFP.toFP("67")){ 210 dx = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("40"),MathFP.cos(gama)); 211 dy = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("30"),MathFP.cos(gama)); 212 } 213 214 if(MathFP.toFP("67")<=gamaDegrees && gamaDegrees <MathFP.toFP("85")){ 215 dx = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("25"),MathFP.sin(gama)); 216 dy = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("12"),MathFP.sin(gama)); 217 } 218 219 if(MathFP.toFP("85")<=gamaDegrees && gamaDegrees<MathFP.toFP("175")){ 220 dx = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("25"),MathFP.sin(gama)); 221 dy = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("12"),MathFP.sin(gama)); 222 } 223 224


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

225 if(MathFP.toFP("175")<=gamaDegrees && gamaDegrees<MathFP.toFP("275")){ 226 dx = MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("7"),MathFP.cos(gama)); 227 dy = MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("7"),MathFP.sin(gama)); 228 } 229 230 if(MathFP.toFP("275")<=gamaDegrees && gamaDegrees<=MathFP.toFP("360")){ 231 dx = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("8"),MathFP.cos(gama)); 232 dy = 0-MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP("25"),MathFP.cos(gama)); 233 234 } 235 236 237 238 239 long prevCorrX=corrX; 240 long prevCorrY=corrY; 241 242 corrX = MathFP.add(corrX,dx); 243 corrY = MathFP.add(corrY,dy); 244 245 246 247 sx = MathFP.toString(corrX); 248 sy = MathFP.toString(corrY); 249 ix = sx.indexOf('.'); 250 sx = sx.substring(0,ix); 251 iy = sy.indexOf('.'); 252 sy = sy.substring(0,iy); 253 int xbear1 = Integer.parseInt(sx); 254 int ybear1 = Integer.parseInt(sy); 255 256 257 sx = MathFP.toString(prevCorrX); 258 sy = MathFP.toString(prevCorrY); 259 ix = sx.indexOf('.'); 260 sx = sx.substring(0,ix); 261 iy = sy.indexOf('.'); 262 sy = sy.substring(0,iy); 263 int xbear3 = Integer.parseInt(sx); 264 int ybear3 = Integer.parseInt(sy); 265 266 267


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268 sx = MathFP.toString(MathFP.add(MathFP.toFP(93),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(smallestRadius),MathFP.sin(MathFP.sub(destDown,gama))))); 269 sy = MathFP.toString(MathFP.sub(MathFP.toFP(85),MathFP.mul(MathFP.toFP(smallestRadius),MathFP.cos(MathFP.sub(destDown,gama))))); 270 271 272 ix = sx.indexOf('.'); 273 sx = sx.substring(0,ix); 274 iy = sy.indexOf('.'); 275 sy = sy.substring(0,iy); 276 int xbear2 = Integer.parseInt(sx); 277 int ybear2 = Integer.parseInt(sy); 278 279 g.drawLine(xbear2,ybear2,xbear3,ybear3); 280 g.drawImage(imgDest,xbear1,ybear1,0); 281 } 282 } 283 284 public void run(){ 285 while(end == false){ 286 delta = mob.getDirection(); 287 gama = mob.getBearing(); 288 repaint(); 289 try{ 290 Thread.sleep(100); 291 }catch(Exception e){} 292 293 } 294 } 295 296 public void setEnd(){ 297 end = true; 298 } 299 300 }


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin



Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


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Zarko Acimovic


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

As you can see on above table, Coordinates class has problem with metrics LD and TCC. TCC or Tight Class Cohesion Description: The Tight Class Cohesion metric measures the cohesion between the public methods of a class. That is the relative number of directly connected public methods in the class. Classes having a low cohesion indicate errors in the design.

Locality of Data. Description. The Locality of Data metric relates the amount of data being local the class to the total amount of data used by the class. This relates to the quality of abstraction embodied by the class and allows conclusions on the reuse potential of the class and testability. source code


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

1 /** 2 * 3 * Coordinates class different performs geographical calculations 4 */ 5 6 7 8 //import net.jscience.math.MathFP; 9 public class Coordinates { 10 /** 11 * Earth's radius (in meters) 12 */ 13 public static final long EARTH_RADIUS = MathFP.toFP(6367000); 14 public static final long EARTH_RADIUS2 = MathFP.toFP(6367000*2); 15 /** 16 * the WGS-84 latitude of a location 17 */ 18 private long latitude; 19 /** 20 * the WGS-84 longitude of a location 21 */ 22 private long longitude; 23 /** 24 * The altitude of the location in meters, defined as height above WGS-84 ellipsoid. Float.NaN can be used to indicate that the altitude is not known. 25 */ 26 27 28 /** 29 * Constructor 30 * @param latitude latitude as WGS-84 system coordinate 31 * @param longitude longitude as WGS-84 system coordinate 32 * @param altitude the altitude in meters, if known, or Float.NaN 33 * @param timestamp the time when information stored in this object was created, in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT, or -1 34 * @param source the short string describing where data contained in this object came from, like "GPS", "Network", "Database", etc 35 * @param horizontalAccuracy the horizontal accuracy of coordinates in meters, or Float.NaN 36 * @param verticalAccuracy vertical accuracy of coordinates in meters, or Float.NaN 37 */ 38 public Coordinates(long latitude, long longitude){ 39 this.latitude=latitude; 40 this.longitude=longitude; 41 } 42 43 /**


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44 * Copy constructor 45 * @param original copied object 46 */ 47 public Coordinates(Coordinates original){ 48 this.latitude=original.latitude; 49 this.longitude=original.longitude; 50 } 51 52 53 /** 54 * The WGS-84 latitude of a location 55 * @return WGS-84 latitude 56 */ 57 public long getLatitude(){ 58 return latitude; 59 } 60 61 /** 62 * The WGS-84 longitude of a location 63 * @return WGS-84 longitude 64 */ 65 public long getLongitude(){ 66 return longitude; 67 } 68 69 70 /** 71 * Set latitude as WGS-84 system coordinate. 72 * @param latitude latitude as WGS-84 system coordinate 73 */ 74 public void setLatitude(long latitude){ 75 this.latitude=latitude; 76 } 77 78 /** 79 * Set longitude as WGS-84 system coordinate. 80 * @param longitude longitude as WGS-84 system coordinate 81 */ 82 public void setLongitude(long longitude){ 83 this.longitude=longitude; 84 } 85 86 /** 87 * Calculate bearing to another location on the surface of the Earth, using the Great Circle. 88 * bearing - 1.way of behaving 2.connection 3.direction shown by compass 4.understanding of one's position 89 * @param to another point 90 * @return long representing angle in degrees [0,360) between corresponding meridian in first point and line on the Great Circle between those points


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

91 */ 92 public long bearing(Coordinates to){ 93 return bearing(getLatitude(), getLongitude(), to.getLatitude(), to.getLongitude()); 94 } 95 /** 96 * Calculate bearing between points (latFrom, lonFrom) and (latTo,lonTo) on the surface of the Earth, using the Great Circle. 97 * @param latFrom latitude of the first point 98 * @param lonFrom longitude of the first point 99 * @param latTo latitude of the second point 100 * @param lonTo longitude of the second point 101 * @return long representing angle in degrees [0,360) between corresponding meridian in first point and line on the Great Circle between those points 102 */ 103 protected static long bearing(long latFrom, long lonFrom, long latTo, long lonTo){ 104 //BMa: Some numeric with MathFP still happen - but error is mostly below 16 degrees 105 // This should be fixed only if the final target device stays without not have floats or doubles (e.g. it is not CLDC 1.1) 106 long bearing; 107 long deltaLat=latTo-latFrom; 108 long deltaLon=lonTo-lonFrom; 109 if (MathFP.abs(deltaLat)<MathFP_1 && MathFP.abs(deltaLon)<MathFP_1) { 110 // longiude and latitude distance within one deegre, could invent better condition 111 //This approximation works better for smaller distances 112 latFrom = degreesToRadians(latFrom); 113 deltaLon=MathFP.mul(deltaLon, MathFP.cos(latFrom)); 114 bearing = MathFP.atan2(deltaLat,deltaLon); 115 }else{ 116 latFrom = degreesToRadians(latFrom); 117 latTo = degreesToRadians(latTo); 118 lonFrom = degreesToRadians(lonFrom); 119 lonTo = degreesToRadians(lonTo); 120 121 122 if (latFrom==latTo && lonFrom==lonTo) 123 return 0; 124 //if (MathFP.cos(latFrom) < Double.MIN_VALUE) // Double.MIN_VALUE a small number ~ machine precision, so here we check for +/-0 125 if (MathFP.cos(latFrom) == 0 ) // Double.MIN_VALUE a small number ~ machine precision, so here we check for +/-0 126 if (latFrom > 0) 127 return MathFP.PI; // starting from N pole 128 else 129 return MathFP_2PI; // starting from S pole


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130 //double bearing = radiansToDegrees(Math.atan2(Math.sin(lon2-lon1)*Math.cos(lat2),Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2)-Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(lon2-lon1))%(2*Math.PI)); 131 132 bearing = MathFP.atan2( 133 MathFP.mul(MathFP.sin(deltaLon),MathFP.cos(latTo)), 134 MathFP.mul(MathFP.cos(latFrom),MathFP.sin(latTo))- 135 MathFP.mul(MathFP.mul(MathFP.sin(latFrom),MathFP.cos(latTo)),MathFP.cos(deltaLon))); 136 } 137 bearing = MathFP.mod(radiansToDegrees(bearing), MathFP_360); 138 139 if (bearing<0) bearing = MathFP_360 + bearing; 140 return bearing; 141 } 142 143 /** 144 * Calculate distance to another location on the surface of the Earth, using the Great Circle. 145 * @param to another point 146 * @return distance to another location in meters, using the line on the Great Circle 147 */ 148 public long distance(Coordinates to){ 149 //BMa: Some numeric with MathFP are still possible - errors happen sometimes 150 // This should be fixed only if the final target device stays without not have floats or doubles (e.g. it is not CLDC 1.1) 151 return calculateDistance(getLatitude(), getLongitude(), to.getLatitude(), to.getLongitude()); 152 } 153 154 /** 155 * Calculate distance between points (latFrom, lonFrom) and (latTo,lonTo) on the surface of the Earth, using the Great Circle. 156 * lat , lon - degrees ([-90, +90]; [-180, +180]) 157 * 158 * @param latFrom latitude of the first point 159 * @param lonFrom longitude of the first point 160 * @param latTo latitude of the second point 161 * @param lonTo longitude of the second point 162 * @return distance to another location in meters, using the line on the Great Circle 163 */ 164 public static long calculateDistance(long latFrom, long lonFrom, long latTo, long lonTo){ 165 /* 166 * d=2*asin(sqrt((sin((latFrom-latTo)/2))^2 + cos(latFrom)*cos(latTo)*(sin((lonFrom-lonTo)/2))^2)) 167 * or


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168 * d=2*asin(sqrt((sin((latFrom-latTo)/2))^2 + cos(latFrom)*cos(latTo)*(sin((lonTo-lonFrom)/2))^2)) 169 * distance = R*d 170 */ 171 172 latFrom = degreesToRadians(latFrom); 173 latTo = degreesToRadians(latTo); 174 lonFrom = degreesToRadians(lonFrom); 175 lonTo = degreesToRadians(lonTo); 176 //long distance = R * MathFP.acos(MathFP.sin(latFrom)*MathFP.sin(latTo) + MathFP.cos(latFrom)*MathFP.cos(latTo)*MathFP.cos(lonTo-lonFrom)); 177 /* 178 double distance = R * 2 * Math.asin( 179 Math.sqrt( 180 Math.pow(Math.sin((lat1-lat2)/2), 2) 181 + 182 Math.cos(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.pow(Math.sin((lon2-lon1)/2), 2) 183 ) 184 ); 185 */ 186 187 /* 188 System.out.print("latFrom: "+MathFP.toString(latFrom)); 189 System.out.println(" lonFrom: "+MathFP.toString(lonFrom)); 190 System.out.print("latTo: "+MathFP.toString(latTo)); 191 System.out.println(" lonTo: "+MathFP.toString(lonTo)); 192 */ 193 194 long p1=MathFP.sin(MathFP.div((latFrom-latTo), MathFP_2)); 195 p1 = MathFP.mul(p1, MathFP.toFP(1000000)); 196 //System.out.println(" p1: "+MathFP.toString(p1)); 197 p1 = MathFP.mul(p1, p1); 198 //System.out.println(" p1: "+MathFP.toString(p1)); 199 200 long p2=MathFP.sin(MathFP.div((lonTo-lonFrom), MathFP_2)); 201 p2 = MathFP.mul(p2, MathFP.toFP(1000000)); 202 //System.out.println(" p2: "+MathFP.toString(p2)); 203 p2 = MathFP.mul(p2, p2); 204 //System.out.println(" p2: "+MathFP.toString(p2)); 205 206 long sqrtarg=p1 +MathFP.mul(MathFP.mul(MathFP.cos(latFrom),MathFP.cos(latTo)),p2); 207 //System.out.println(" sqrtarg: "+MathFP.toString(sqrtarg)); 208 209 sqrtarg=MathFP.sqrt(sqrtarg); 210 //System.out.println(" sqrtarg: "+MathFP.toString(sqrtarg)); 211 212 long distance; 213 if (sqrtarg>MathFP.toFP(19000)) { //toFP("0.019")*1000000 - boundary for MathFP.asin approximation by X


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214 // calculation is erroneus for small angles 215 long asinarg=MathFP.div(sqrtarg, MathFP.toFP(1000000)); 216 //System.out.println(" > asinarg: "+MathFP.toString(asinarg)); 217 asinarg=MathFP.asin(asinarg); 218 //System.out.println(" > asinarg: "+MathFP.toString(asinarg)); 219 distance = MathFP.mul(EARTH_RADIUS2, asinarg); 220 //System.out.println(" distance asin: "+MathFP.toString(distance)); 221 } else { 222 //asin(X) is aproximately equall to X, 223 //This approximation allow us to change the order of multiplication and division in order to reduce loss of significant digits 224 225 distance = MathFP.mul(EARTH_RADIUS2, sqrtarg); 226 //System.out.println(" > distance: "+MathFP.toString(distance)); 227 distance=MathFP.div(distance, MathFP.toFP(1000000)); 228 229 } 230 231 //System.out.println(" distance: "+MathFP.toString(distance)); 232 233 //if (Double.isNaN(distance)) //equivalent to (distance=0), but safer 234 // return 0; 235 return distance; 236 } 237 238 239 /** 240 * Convert degrees to radians 241 * @return value transformed to radians 242 * @param degrees value to be transformed to radians 243 */ 244 public static long degreesToRadians(long degrees){ 245 return MathFP.div(degrees,MathFP_180DivPI); 246 } 247 248 /** 249 * Convert radians to degrees 250 * @return value transformed to degrees 251 * @param radians value to be transformed to degrees 252 */ 253 public static long radiansToDegrees(long radians){ 254 return MathFP.mul(radians,MathFP_180DivPI); 255 } 256 257 public static final long MathFP_2 = MathFP.toFP(2); 258 public static final long MathFP_1 = MathFP.toFP(1); 259 public static final long MathFP_2PI = MathFP.mul(MathFP_2, MathFP.PI); 260 public static final long MathFP_1000 = MathFP.toFP(1000); 261 public static final long MathFP_360 = MathFP.toFP(360); 262 public static final long MathFP_180DivPI = MathFP.div(MathFP.toFP(180), MathFP.PI);


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263 public static final long MathFP_0_5 = MathFP.toFP("0.5"); 264 265 266 }


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)


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Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

DelRoute class seems to be perfect class source code

1 /** 2 * 3 * DelRoute is used when deleting route 4 */ 5 public class DelRoute { 6 int index; 7 int routeID; 8 DelRoute(int index, int routeID){ 9 this.index = index; 10 this.routeID = routeID; 11 } 12 int getIndex(){ 13 return index; 14 }


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15 int getRouteID(){ 16 return routeID; 17 } 18 19 public String toString(){ 20 return "ID Route is "+routeID+"\n"+"Index of element to delet is "+index; 21 } 22 23 }



Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity


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Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


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Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

Friend class has problem with Lack of Documentation. Lack Of Documentation Description. How many comments are lacking in a class, considering one class comment and a comment per method as optimum. Structure and content of the comments are ignored. source code

1 /** 2 * 3 * Friend class holds all important data for a friend 4 */ 5 public class Friend { 6 String name; 7 String resource; 8 int hashThread; 9 Thread4Friend t; 10 11 Friend(String name, String resource, int hashThread, Thread4Friend t){ 12 = name; 13 this.resource = resource; 14 this.hashThread = hashThread; 15 this.t = t; 16 } 17 18 public String getName(){ 19 return name; 20 } 21 22 public String getResource(){ 23 return resource; 24 } 25 26 public int getHash(){ 27 return hashThread; 28 } 29 30 public void setID(int hash){


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31 hashThread = hash; 32 } 33 34 public String toString(){ 35 return "Friend is "+name+"\n"+"Hash is "+hashThread; 36 } 37 38 public void setFirst(){ 39 t.setFirst(); 40 } 41 42 public boolean getThread(){ 43 if (t==null){ return false; } 44 else {return true; } 45 } 46 47 public void setThread(Thread4Friend t){ 48 this.t = t; 49 } 50 }


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)


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Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

HeapSorter class has problem with LD, TCC and LOD: Lack Of Documentation Description. How many comments are lacking in a class, considering one class comment and a comment per method as optimum. Structure and content of the comments are ignored.

Tight Class Cohesion DescriptionThe Tight Class Cohesion metric measures the cohesion between the public methods of a class. That is the relative number of directly connected public methods in the class. Classes having a low cohesion indicate errors in the design. source code

1 /**


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2 * 3 * HeapSorter class sorts points by distance or by name 4 */ 5 public class HeapSorter{ 6 7 HeapSorter(){} 8 9 public void heapsort(long[] a){ 10 long[]A = setHeapWithSize(a,a.length); 11 buildHeap(A); 12 for(int i=0; i<A.length; i++){ 13 System.out.println(A[i]); 14 } 15 for(int i=a.length; i>1; i--){ 16 a[i-1]=A[0]; A[0]=A[i-1]; 17 A=setHeapWithSize(A,A.length-1); 18 heapify(A,1); 19 } 20 a[0]=A[0]; 21 } 22 23 public void heapsort(String[] as){ 24 String[] AS = setHeapWithSize(as,as.length); 25 buildHeap(AS); 26 for(int i=0; i<AS.length; i++){ 27 System.out.println(AS[i]); 28 } 29 for(int i=as.length; i>1; i--){ 30 as[i-1]=AS[0]; AS[0]=AS[i-1]; 31 AS=setHeapWithSize(AS,AS.length-1); 32 heapify(AS,1); 33 } 34 as[0]=AS[0]; 35 } 36 37 public void buildHeap(long[] a){ 38 for(int i=a.length/2; i>0; i--) heapify(a,i); 39 } 40 41 public void buildHeap(String[] as){ 42 for(int i=as.length/2; i>0; i--) heapify(as,i); 43 } 44 45 public void heapify(long[]a, int i){ 46 int l=left(i); 47 int r=right(i); 48 int largest; 49 50 if(l<=heapSize(a) && a[l-1]>a[i-1]){ 51 largest=l; 52 }else{


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53 largest=i; 54 } 55 56 if(r<=heapSize(a) && a[r-1]>a[largest-1]){ 57 largest=r; 58 } 59 60 if(largest!=i){ 61 //exchange a[i], a[largest] 62 long tmp=a[i-1]; a[i-1]=a[largest-1]; a[largest-1]=tmp; 63 heapify(a,largest); 64 } 65 } 66 67 public void heapify(String[]as, int i){ 68 int l=left(i); 69 int r=right(i); 70 int largest; 71 72 if(l<=heapSize(as) && as[l-1].charAt(0)>as[i-1].charAt(0)){ 73 largest=l; 74 }else{ 75 largest=i; 76 } 77 78 if(r<=heapSize(as) && as[r-1].charAt(0)>as[largest-1].charAt(0)){ 79 largest=r; 80 } 81 82 if(largest!=i){ 83 //exchange a[i], a[largest] 84 String tmpS=as[i-1]; as[i-1]=as[largest-1]; as[largest-1]=tmpS; 85 heapify(as,largest); 86 } 87 } 88 89 90 public int heapSize(long a[]){ 91 return a.length; 92 } 93 94 public int heapSize(String as[]){ 95 return as.length; 96 } 97 98 public int parent(int i){ 99 return(i/2); 100 }


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101 102 public int left(int i){ 103 return(2*i); 104 } 105 106 public int right(int i){ 107 return(2*i+1); 108 } 109 110 public long[] setHeapWithSize(long[]m , int n){ 111 long[] k = new long[n]; 112 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ 113 k[i]=m[i]; 114 } 115 return k; 116 } 117 118 public String[] setHeapWithSize(String[]m , int n){ 119 String[] k = new String[n]; 120 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ 121 k[i]=m[i]; 122 } 123 return k; 124 } 125 };



Lines of Code (LOC)


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)


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Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

ImageCnavas3 lacks documentation. Lack Of Documentation Description. How many comments are lacking in a class, considering one class comment and a comment per method as optimum. Structure and content of the comments are ignored. source code

1 /** 2 * 3 * ImageCanvas3 draws elements on screen and captures events on canvas 4 */ 5 6 //import; 7 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 8 //import java.util.*; 9 10 public class ImageCanvas3 extends Canvas { 11 12 Outlook ol; 13 14 ImageCanvas3(Outlook ol){ 15 this.ol =ol; 16 ol.setCanvasWH(this.getWidth(),this.getHeight()); 17 } 18 19 public void paint(Graphics g) { 20 ol.drawOutlook(g); 21 } 22 23 public void keyPressed (int keyCode){ 24 25 //keyCode+=disabler; 26 27 if(keyCode==49){ 28 ol.ZoomIn(); 29 repaint(); 30 } 31 32 if(keyCode==50){ 33 ol.ZoomOut();


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34 repaint(); 35 } 36 37 if(keyCode==51){ 38 repaint(); 39 } 40 41 42 switch (getGameAction(keyCode)) { 43 case Canvas.UP: 44 ol.setMap('u'); 45 repaint(); 46 break; 47 case Canvas.DOWN: 48 ol.setMap('d'); 49 repaint(); 50 break; 51 case Canvas.LEFT: 52 ol.setMap('l'); 53 repaint(); 54 break; 55 case Canvas.RIGHT: 56 ol.setMap('r'); 57 repaint(); 58 break; 59 } 60 } 61 }


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

MapBackground class seems to be well designed class. source code

1 /** 2 * 3 * MapBackground transforms map according to user actions, zoom In, zoom out or pan 4 */ 5 import java.util.*; 6 import*; 7 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 8 9 10 public class MapBackground { 11


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12 /** Current JPEG Background of map 13 */ 14 private Image img; 15 16 /** Images for Different Zoom Levels; 17 */ 18 private Image[] zoomImg = new Image[3]; 19 20 private int zoomLevel = 0; 21 22 /** Width of current background image 23 */ 24 private long sizeX; 25 26 /** Height of current background image 27 */ 28 private long sizeY; 29 30 31 /** Float-point value of upper limit 32 */ 33 private long upLat; 34 35 /** Float-point value of lower limit 36 */ 37 private long downLat; 38 39 /** Side of upper limit 40 */ 41 //private char upNS; 42 43 /** Side of lower limit 44 */ 45 //private char downNS; 46 47 /** Float-point value of left limit 48 */ 49 private long leftLon; 50 51 /** Float-point value of right limit 52 */ 53 private long rightLon; 54 55 /** Side of left limit 56 */ 57 //private char leftWE; 58 59 /** Side of right limit 60 */ 61 ///private char rightWE; 62


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63 /** Integer value of latitude degrees of upper limit 64 */ 65 private long upDlat; 66 67 /** Integer value of latitude minutes of upper limit 68 */ 69 private long upMlat; 70 71 /** Integer value of latitude seconds of upper limit 72 */ 73 private long upSlat; 74 75 /** Integer value of latitude degrees of lower limit 76 */ 77 private long dwDlat; 78 79 /** Integer value of latitude minutes of lower limit 80 */ 81 private long dwMlat; 82 83 /** Integer value of latitude seconds of upper limit 84 */ 85 private long dwSlat; 86 87 88 /** Integer value of longitude degrees of left limit 89 */ 90 private long lfDlon; 91 92 /** Integer value of longitude minutes of left limit 93 */ 94 private long lfMlon; 95 96 /** Integer value of longitude seconds of left limit 97 */ 98 private long lfSlon; 99 100 /** Integer value of longitude degrees of right limit 101 */ 102 private long rtDlon; 103 104 /** Integer value of longitude minutes of right limit 105 */ 106 private long rtMlon; 107 108 /** Integer value of longitude seconds of right limit 109 */ 110 private long rtSlon; 111 112 113 /** Scale of map


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114 */ 115 private long scale; 116 117 /** Number of lat-seconds per pixel 118 */ 119 private long pixLat; 120 121 /** Number of lon-seconds per pixel 122 */ 123 private long pixLon; 124 125 126 /** Total number of Latitude seconds for upper limit point 127 */ 128 long totLatSec ; 129 130 /** Total number of Longitude seconds for left limit point 131 */ 132 long totLonSec ; 133 134 /** new upper left edge due to pan or Zoom; 135 * newEdge represents Point of upper left corner of visible screen 136 */ 137 Point newEdge; 138 139 /** new upper left edge due to pan or Zoom; 140 * newEdge represents Point of upper left corner of visible screen 141 */ 142 Point previousEdge; 143 144 145 /** World coordinates of Down end of Image 146 */ 147 Point downEnd; 148 149 /** Character that represents side of Pan 150 */ 151 char sidePan; 152 153 /** x-coordinate of begining of image 154 */ 155 long x = 0; 156 157 /** y-coordinate of begining of image 158 */ 159 long y = 0; 160 161 /** Indicates beginning of pan range verticaly 162 */ 163 boolean reachBeginV = true; 164


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165 /** Indicates end of pan range verticaly 166 */ 167 boolean reachEndV = false; 168 169 /** Indicates beginning of pan range horizontaly 170 */ 171 boolean reachBeginH = true; 172 173 /** Indicates end of pan range horizontaly 174 */ 175 boolean reachEndH = false; 176 177 /** Step of panning 178 */ 179 long step = 30; 180 181 /** Counter of shifts vertically 182 */ 183 long movV=0; 184 185 /** Counter of shifts horizontally 186 */ 187 long movH=0; 188 189 /** Name of smallest image 190 */ 191 String[] imgArray = new String[3]; 192 193 /** Canvas Height 194 */ 195 private long canvasHeight; 196 197 /** Canvas Width 198 */ 199 private long canvasWidth; 200 201 202 long previousPixLat; 203 long previousPixLon; 204 205 long minX; 206 long minY; 207 208 boolean param = false; 209 210 211 MapBackground( String name0, String name1, String name2, 212 String latStr1, 213 String lonStr1, 214 String latStr2, 215 String lonStr2 ) {


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216 if(MathFP.toFP(latStr1)>MathFP.toFP(latStr2)){ 217 this.upLat = MathFP.toFP(latStr1); 218 this.downLat = MathFP.toFP(latStr2); 219 } else { 220 this.upLat = MathFP.toFP(latStr2); 221 this.downLat = MathFP.toFP(latStr1); 222 } 223 224 if(MathFP.toFP(lonStr1)>MathFP.toFP(lonStr2)){ 225 this.leftLon = MathFP.toFP(lonStr2); 226 this.rightLon = MathFP.toFP(lonStr1); 227 } else { 228 this.leftLon = MathFP.toFP(lonStr1); 229 this.rightLon = MathFP.toFP(lonStr2); 230 } 231 232 233 imgArray[0] = name0; 234 imgArray[1] = name1; 235 imgArray[2] = name2; 236 237 try { 238 zoomImg[0] = Image.createImage(imgArray[0]); 239 } catch (IOException e) {} 240 241 img = zoomImg[0]; 242 sizeX = img.getWidth(); 243 sizeY = img.getHeight(); 244 245 newEdge = new Point(MathFP.toString(upLat),MathFP.toString(leftLon),"newEdge","","blanco",false); 246 247 downEnd = new Point(MathFP.toString(downLat),MathFP.toString(rightLon),"downEnd","","blanco",false); 248 249 this.totLatSec = MathFP.mul(this.upLat,MathFP.toFP("3600")); 250 this.totLonSec = MathFP.mul(this.leftLon,MathFP.toFP("3600")); 251 252 253 this.setPixels(); 254 } 255 256 257 258 /** Returns number of longitude seconds per pixel 259 * @return int 260 * 261 */


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262 public long getPixLon(){ 263 return pixLon; 264 } 265 266 /** Returns number of latitude seconds per pixel 267 * @return int 268 */ 269 public long getPixLat(){ 270 return pixLat; 271 } 272 273 /** Sets pixels as Float-Point when main constructor is called 274 * and when Zoom In/Out is applied 275 */ 276 public void setPixels(){ 277 long pxy1 = MathFP.mul(MathFP.sub(rightLon,leftLon),MathFP.toFP("3600")); 278 pixLon = MathFP.div(pxy1,MathFP.toFP(sizeX)); 279 280 long pxy2 = MathFP.mul(MathFP.sub(upLat,downLat),MathFP.toFP("3600")); 281 pixLat = MathFP.div(pxy2,MathFP.toFP(sizeY)); 282 } 283 284 /** Returns image to draw 285 * 286 * @return Image 287 */ 288 public Image getImage(){ 289 return img; 290 } 291 292 293 /** Returns total number of seconds for LEFT LONGITUDE 294 * @return int 295 */ 296 public long getLonSec() { 297 return this.totLonSec; 298 } 299 300 /** Returns total number of seconds for UPPER LATITUDE 301 * @return int 302 */ 303 public long getLatSec() { 304 return this.totLatSec; 305 } 306 307 308 /** Returns Canvas height 309 * 310 * @return int


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311 */ 312 public long getCanvasHeight(){ 313 return canvasHeight; 314 } 315 316 /** Returns Canvas width 317 * 318 * @return int 319 */ 320 public long getCanvasWidth(){ 321 return canvasWidth; 322 } 323 324 /** Sets newEdge; new Edge is created every time when user pans or zooms map ; 325 * newEdge represents Point of upper left corner of visible screen (x=0 and 326 * y=0 for newEdge) 327 * 328 * @return Point 329 */ 330 public void setNewEdge(){ 331 previousEdge = newEdge; 332 333 long tt1 = MathFP.mul(this.getPixLat(),MathFP.toFP(Math.abs(this.getY()))); 334 long tt2 = MathFP.mul(this.getPixLon(),MathFP.toFP(Math.abs(this.getX()))); 335 336 newEdge = new Point(MathFP.sub(this.getLatSec(),tt1), 337 MathFP.add(this.getLonSec(),tt2),"","",false); 338 } 339 340 /** Returns new edge 341 */ 342 public Point getNewEdge(){ 343 return newEdge; 344 } 345 346 /** Returns down End 347 */ 348 public Point getDownEnd(){ 349 return downEnd; 350 } 351 352 /** Returns new Edge as String 353 * 354 * @return String 355 */ 356 public String getNEdgeStr(){


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357 return newEdge.toString(); 358 } 359 360 361 /** Sets map due to Pan transformation 362 * 363 */ 364 public void setMap(char side){ 365 366 if (side=='u'){ 367 if(reachBeginV==false){ 368 y+=((this.img.getHeight() - canvasHeight)/step); 369 if(y>0) y=0; 370 movV--; 371 } 372 reachEndV=false; 373 if(movV==0) reachBeginV=true; 374 375 } 376 377 if (side=='d'){ 378 if(reachEndV==false){ 379 y-=((this.img.getHeight()-canvasHeight)/step); 380 movV++; 381 reachBeginV=false; 382 if(movV==step) reachEndV=true; 383 } 384 385 } 386 387 if (side=='l'){ 388 if(reachBeginH==false){ 389 x+=((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 390 if(x>0) x=0; 391 movH--; 392 reachEndH=false; 393 if(movH==0) reachBeginH=true; 394 } 395 396 } 397 398 if (side=='r'){ 399 if(reachEndH==false) { 400 x-=((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 401 movH++; 402 reachBeginH=false; 403 if(movH==step) reachEndH=true; 404 405 } 406 } 407


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408 this.setNewEdge(); 409 410 } 411 412 413 /** returns x-coordinate of begining of Image 414 */ 415 public long getX(){ 416 return x; 417 } 418 419 /** returns y-coordinate of begining of Image 420 */ 421 public long getY(){ 422 return y; 423 } 424 425 /** Zoom In 426 */ 427 public boolean ZoomIn(){ 428 boolean zoom = false; 429 if(zoomLevel<2){ 430 zoom = true; 431 this.setPreviousEdge(); 432 433 zoomLevel++; 434 if (zoomImg[zoomLevel]==null){ 435 try{ 436 zoomImg[zoomLevel] = Image.createImage(imgArray[zoomLevel]); 437 } catch(Exception e){} 438 } 439 this.img = zoomImg[zoomLevel]; 440 this.sizeX = this.img.getWidth(); 441 this.sizeY = this.img.getHeight(); 442 this.setPixels(); 443 444 x=0-(((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step)*movH); 445 y=0-(((this.img.getHeight()-canvasHeight)/step)*movV); 446 447 this.setNewEdge(); 448 449 } 450 return zoom; 451 } 452 453 /** Zoom Out 454 */ 455 public boolean ZoomOut(){ 456 boolean zoom = false; 457 if(zoomLevel>0){


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458 zoom = true; 459 this.setPreviousEdge(); 460 461 zoomLevel--; 462 this.img = zoomImg[zoomLevel]; 463 this.sizeX = this.img.getWidth(); 464 this.sizeY = this.img.getHeight(); 465 this.setPixels(); 466 467 x=0-(((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step)*movH); 468 y=0-(((this.img.getHeight()-canvasHeight)/step)*movV); 469 470 this.setNewEdge(); 471 } 472 return zoom; 473 } 474 475 476 /** Increments Pan level 477 */ 478 public void incPan(Vector v){ 479 if (step<10) step++; 480 } 481 482 /** Decrements Pan level 483 */ 484 public void decPan(Vector v){ 485 if (step>3) step--; 486 } 487 488 /** Draws Layout 489 */ 490 public void drawMapBackground(Graphics g){ 491 Long lx = new Long(x); 492 Long ly = new Long(y); 493 int xx = Integer.parseInt(lx.toString()); 494 int yy = Integer.parseInt(ly.toString()); 495 496 g.drawImage(img,xx,yy,0); 497 } 498 499 /** Set Canvas width and height 500 */ 501 public void setCanvasWH(int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight){ 502 this.canvasWidth = (long)canvasWidth; 503 this.canvasHeight = (long)canvasHeight; 504 } 505 506 public Point getPreviousEdge(){ 507 return previousEdge; 508 }


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509 510 public void setPreviousEdge(){ 511 previousEdge = newEdge; 512 previousPixLat = pixLat; 513 previousPixLon = pixLon; 514 } 515 516 public long getPreviousPixLat(){ 517 return previousPixLat; 518 } 519 520 public long getPreviousPixLon(){ 521 return previousPixLon; 522 } 523 524 public long getZoomLevel(){ 525 return zoomLevel; 526 } 527 528 public long imageHeight(){ 529 return (long)img.getHeight(); 530 } 531 532 public long imageWidth(){ 533 return (long)img.getWidth(); 534 } 535 536 public long getStep(){ 537 return step; 538 } 539 540 541 542 /** Sets Background for selected Point 543 * Used in SelectorPoint.selectWP 544 */ 545 public void setBackground(Point ww){ 546 547 long imgWidth = (long) this.img.getWidth(); 548 long imgHeight= (long) this.img.getHeight(); 549 minX = -Math.abs(imgWidth-canvasWidth); 550 minY = -Math.abs(imgHeight-canvasHeight); 551 552 long difLat = MathFP.div(Math.abs(ww.getLatSec()-this.getLatSec()),pixLat); //x pixel of ww 553 long difLon = MathFP.div(Math.abs(ww.getLonSec()-this.getLonSec()),pixLon); //y pixel of ww 554 long p1 = MathFP.div(difLat,MathFP.div((this.img.getHeight()-canvasHeight),step)); 555 long p2 = MathFP.div(difLon,MathFP.div((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth),step));


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556 557 p1 = MathFP.toLong(p1); 558 p2 = MathFP.toLong(p2); 559 p1--; 560 p2--; 561 562 563 564 p1*=((this.img.getHeight()-canvasHeight)/step); 565 p2*=((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 566 567 /** 568 if(param==true) { 569 p1 -=((this.img.getHeight()-canvasHeight)/step); 570 p2-=((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 571 572 p1 -=((this.img.getHeight()-canvasHeight)/step); 573 p2-=((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 574 p2-=((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 575 }*/ 576 577 578 this.x = 0 - p2; // x value of screen begining 579 this.y = 0 - p1; // y value of screen begining 580 581 582 583 movV = p1/((this.img.getHeight()-canvasHeight)/step); 584 movH = p2/((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 585 586 if(x<minX){ 587 x=minX; 588 movH=step; 589 } 590 if(y<minY){ 591 y=minY; 592 movV=step; 593 } 594 595 if(x>0) x=0; 596 if(y>0) y=0; 597 if(movV<0) movV=0; 598 if(movH<0) movH=0; 599 600 if (movV==step) {reachEndV=true;} else {reachEndV=false;} 601 if (movV==0) {reachBeginV=true;} else {reachBeginV=false;} 602 if (movH==step) {reachEndH=true;} else {reachEndH=false;} 603 if (movH==0) {reachBeginH=true;} else {reachBeginH=false;} 604 605 this.setNewEdge(); 606


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607 608 } 609 610 /** 611 public void stela(long p1,long p2){ 612 p1 -=((this.img.getHeight()-canvasHeight)/step); 613 p2+=((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 614 615 p1 -=((this.img.getHeight()-canvasHeight)/step); 616 p2+=((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 617 p2+=((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 618 p2+=((this.img.getWidth()-canvasWidth)/step); 619 }*/ 620 621 622 623 624 625 } 626



Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)


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Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)


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Code Conventions

Problem with MapBackgroundFactory is Length of class name (LEN). source code

1 /** 2 * 3 * Different map formats could be implemented and dealt with with MapBackgroundFactory 4 */ 5 public class MapBackgroundFactory { 6 7 MapBackground m; 8 9 /** 10 MapBackgroundFactory(String name0, String name1, String name2, 11 int dLat1, int mLat1, int sLat1, char sdNS1, 12 int dLon1, int mLon1, int sLon1, char sdWE1, 13 int dLat2, int mLat2, int sLat2, char sdNS2, 14 int dLon2, int mLon2, int sLon2, char sdWE2, int scale){ 15 16 //m = new MapBackground(name0,name1,name2, 17 dLat1,mLat1,sLat1,sdNS1,dLon1,mLon1,sLon1,sdWE1, 18 dLat2,mLat2,sLat2,sdNS2,dLon2,mLon2,sLon2,sdWE2, scale); 19 }*/ 20 21 MapBackgroundFactory(String name0, String name1, String name2, 22 String lat1, String lon1, String lat2, String lon2){ 23 m = new MapBackground(name0,name1,name2, 24 lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2); 25 } 26 27 28 public MapBackground getMapBackground(){ 29 return m;


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30 } 31 32 }



Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)


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Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

MapObjects seem to be well designed class. source code

1 /** 2 * 3 * MapObjects controls appearance of all map objects on current screen 4 */ 5 import java.util.*; 6 //import*;


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7 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 8 9 public class MapObjects { 10 11 MapBackground mb; 12 Point currentPosition; 13 Point previousPosition; 14 Point destinationPosition; 15 PVector freeWaypoints; 16 Vector routes; 17 PVector currentRoute; 18 Vector drawablePoints; 19 Hashtable friends; 20 boolean drawLine = false; 21 boolean destSet = false; 22 boolean currentSet = false; 23 24 25 26 MapObjects(MapBackground mb){ 27 this.mb = mb; 28 currentPosition = mb.getNewEdge(); 29 destinationPosition = mb.getNewEdge(); 30 currentPosition.setName("dummy"); 31 destinationPosition.setName("dummy"); 32 routes = new Vector(); 33 friends = new Hashtable(); 34 } 35 36 /** Sets drawable Points for current Screen 37 * 38 */ 39 public void setDrawablePoints(){ 40 Vector temp1 = new Vector(); 41 Vector temp2; 42 43 //check if current and destination are visible 44 if(this.currentPosition.check(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getDownEnd())) { 45 currentPosition.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 46 temp1.addElement(currentPosition); 47 } 48 if(this.destinationPosition.check(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getDownEnd())) { 49 destinationPosition.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 50 temp1.addElement(destinationPosition); 51 } 52 53 //check which free waypoints are visible 54 temp2 = freeWaypoints.getPoints(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getDownEnd());


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55 for (int j=0; j<temp2.size(); j++){ 56 Point wp = (Point)temp2.elementAt(j); 57 wp.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 58 temp1.addElement(wp); 59 } 60 61 62 //check which route points are visible 63 for (int i=0; i<routes.size(); i++){ 64 PVector v = (PVector)routes.elementAt(i); 65 if (v.getVisible()==true){ 66 temp2 = v.getPoints(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getDownEnd()); 67 68 for (int j=0; j<temp2.size(); j++){ 69 Point wp = (Point)temp2.elementAt(j); 70 wp.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 71 temp1.addElement(wp); 72 } 73 } 74 } 75 drawablePoints = temp1; 76 } 77 78 /** Returns drawable Points for current Screen 79 * @return Vector 80 */ 81 public Vector getDrawablePointsOld(){ 82 83 return drawablePoints; 84 } 85 86 public Vector getDrawablePoints(){ 87 this.setDrawablePoints(); 88 return drawablePoints; 89 } 90 91 92 public void setCurrentPosition(Point wp){ 93 previousPosition = currentPosition; 94 currentPosition = wp; 95 currentPosition.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 96 currentSet = true; 97 } 98 99 /** Reset current position 100 */ 101 public void resetCurrentPosition(){ 102 currentPosition = mb.getNewEdge();


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103 drawLine = false; 104 currentSet = false; 105 } 106 107 /** Returns current position 108 * @return Point 109 */ 110 public Point getCurrentPosition(){ 111 return currentPosition; 112 } 113 114 115 /** Set destination position 116 */ 117 public void setDestinationPosition(Point wp){ 118 destinationPosition = wp; 119 destSet = true; 120 } 121 122 /** Reset destination position 123 */ 124 public void resetDestinationPosition(){ 125 destinationPosition = mb.getNewEdge(); 126 drawLine = false; 127 destSet = false; 128 } 129 130 /** Returns destination position 131 * @return Point 132 */ 133 public Point getDestinationPosition(){ 134 return destinationPosition; 135 } 136 137 /** Returns all routes 138 */ 139 public Vector getRoutes(){ 140 return routes; 141 } 142 143 /** Returns free Vector of free Points 144 */ 145 public PVector getFreeWaypoints(){ 146 return freeWaypoints; 147 } 148 149 /** Draws MapObjects --- OBSOLETED!!! 150 */ 151 public void drawMOBold(Graphics g, boolean route){ 152 long zl = mb.getZoomLevel()+1; 153 Long zzl = new Long(zl);


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154 int zoomL = Integer.parseInt(zzl.toString()); 155 this.setDrawablePoints(); 156 157 // Drawing of line beetwen destination and current position 158 if(drawLine==true){ 159 currentPosition.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 160 destinationPosition.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 161 g.drawLine(currentPosition.getXX(),currentPosition.getYY(),destinationPosition.getXX(),destinationPosition.getYY()); 162 } 163 164 // Drawing of free Points, current position and destination position 165 for(int i=0; i<drawablePoints.size(); i++){ 166 Point wp = (Point)drawablePoints.elementAt(i); 167 if(wp.getImage().equals("blanco")){ 168 g.fillRect(wp.getXX(),wp.getYY(),5*zoomL,5*zoomL); 169 g.drawString(wp.getName(),wp.getXX()+5,wp.getYY()+5,0); 170 } else { 171 Image img = null; 172 try{ 173 img = Image.createImage(wp.getImage()); 174 }catch(Exception e){} 175 g.drawImage(img,wp.getXX(),wp.getYY(),0); 176 } 177 178 } 179 180 // Drawing of route 181 if(route==true){ 182 for(int i=0; i<routes.size(); i++){ 183 PVector wpv = (PVector)routes.elementAt(i); 184 if(wpv.getVisible()==true){ 185 for(int j=0; j<wpv.size()-1; j++){ 186 Point wp1 = (Point) wpv.elementAt(j); 187 Point wp2 = (Point) wpv.elementAt(j+1); 188 wp1.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 189 wp2.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 190 g.drawLine(wp1.getXX(),wp1.getYY(),wp2.getXX(),wp2.getYY()); 191 } 192 }


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193 } 194 } 195 } 196 197 /** Draws MapObjects 198 */ 199 public void drawMOB(Graphics g, boolean route){ 200 g.setColor(0,0,0); 201 202 freeWaypoints.drawVector(g,false,mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat(),mb.getZoomLevel()); 203 204 if(friends.size()!=0) this.getFriends().drawVector(g,false,mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat(),0); 205 206 if(route==true){ 207 for (int i =0; i<routes.size(); i++){ 208 PVector wpv = (PVector)routes.elementAt(i); 209 wpv.drawVector(g,route,mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat(),mb.getZoomLevel()); 210 } 211 } 212 213 if(currentSet) { 214 currentPosition.drawPoint(g,mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLat(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getZoomLevel()); 215 216 } 217 if(destSet) destinationPosition.drawPoint(g,mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLat(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getZoomLevel()); 218 if(currentSet && destSet) g.drawLine(currentPosition.getXX(),currentPosition.getYY(),destinationPosition.getXX(),destinationPosition.getYY()); 219 } 220 221 222 223 224 /** Adds free Point 225 */ 226 public void addFreeWaypoint(Point wp){ 227 this.freeWaypoints.addElement(wp); 228 } 229 230 /** Adds new route 231 */


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232 public void addRoute(PVector v){ 233 this.routes.addElement(v); 234 } 235 236 /** Adds new Point to route with routeID on position pos 237 */ 238 public void addWP2Route(Point wp, int routeID, int pos) { 239 PVector route; 240 for (int i=0; i<routes.size(); i++){ 241 route = (PVector)routes.elementAt(i); 242 if(route.getID()==routeID){ 243 route.insertElementAt(wp,pos); 244 i=1000; 245 } 246 } 247 } 248 249 /** Sets free waypoints vector 250 */ 251 public void setFreeWaypointsV(PVector wpv){ 252 this.freeWaypoints = wpv; 253 } 254 255 /** Measure distance 256 */ 257 public long measureDistance(Point wp){ 258 if (currentPosition.equals(mb.getNewEdge())) { 259 return -1; 260 } else { 261 return currentPosition.measureDistance(wp); 262 } 263 } 264 265 public boolean currentSet(){ 266 return currentSet; 267 } 268 269 public boolean destSet(){ 270 return destSet; 271 } 272 273 274 public void removeRoute(PVector wr){ 275 routes.removeElement(wr); 276 } 277 278 public void removeRoute(String s){ 279 for(int i=0; i<routes.size(); i++){ 280 PVector rt = (PVector)routes.elementAt(i); 281 if (rt.getName()==s) { 282 routes.removeElementAt(i);


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283 i=1000; 284 } 285 } 286 } 287 288 public long getDirection(){ 289 290 long direction = 0; 291 long latP = previousPosition.getLat(); 292 long lonP = previousPosition.getLon(); 293 long latC = currentPosition.getLat(); 294 long lonC = currentPosition.getLon(); 295 296 if(latC>latP && lonP==lonC) direction = MathFP.toFP("0"); 297 if(latC>latP && lonC>lonP) direction = MathFP.toFP("45"); 298 if(latP==latC && lonC>lonP) direction = MathFP.toFP("90"); 299 if(latC<latP && lonC>lonP) direction = MathFP.toFP("135"); 300 if(latC<latP && lonP==lonC) direction = MathFP.toFP("180"); 301 if(latC<latP && lonC<lonP) direction = MathFP.toFP("225"); 302 if(latP==latC && lonC<lonP) direction = MathFP.toFP("270"); 303 if(latC>latP && lonC<lonP) direction = MathFP.toFP("315"); 304 305 direction = Coordinates.degreesToRadians(direction); 306 return direction; 307 } 308 309 /** This is not working well 310 */ 311 public long getBearing(){ 312 313 long bearing = 0; 314 long latP = previousPosition.getLat(); 315 long lonP = previousPosition.getLon(); 316 long latD = destinationPosition.getLat(); 317 long lonD = destinationPosition.getLon(); 318 319 320 //if(latD>latP && lonD==lonP) bearing = MathFP.toFP("0"); 321 if( latD>latP && MathFP.abs(MathFP.sub(lonD,lonP))<MathFP.toFP("5") ) bearing = MathFP.toFP("0"); 322 if(latD>latP && lonD>lonP) bearing = MathFP.toFP("45"); 323 //if(latD==latP && lonD>lonP) bearing = MathFP.toFP("90"); 324 if(MathFP.abs(MathFP.sub(latD,latP))<MathFP.toFP("5") && lonD>lonP) bearing = MathFP.toFP("90"); 325 if(latD<latP && lonD>lonP) bearing = MathFP.toFP("135"); 326 //if(latD<latP && lonP==lonD) bearing = MathFP.toFP("180"); 327 if(latD<latP && MathFP.abs(MathFP.sub(lonD,lonP))<MathFP.toFP("5") ) bearing = MathFP.toFP("180"); 328 if(latD<latP && lonD<lonP) bearing = MathFP.toFP("225"); 329 //if(latP==latD && lonD<lonP) bearing = MathFP.toFP("270");


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330 if(MathFP.abs(MathFP.sub(latD,latP))<MathFP.toFP("5") && lonD<lonP) bearing = MathFP.toFP("270"); 331 if(latD>latP && lonD<lonP) bearing = MathFP.toFP("315"); 332 333 334 bearing = Coordinates.degreesToRadians(bearing); 335 return bearing; 336 337 } 338 339 340 public void addNewFriend(int friendID){ 341 Point dummy = new Point(currentPosition,false); 342 Integer frID = new Integer(friendID); 343 friends.put(frID,dummy); 344 } 345 346 public void updateFriend(Integer friendID,Point p){ 347 friends.put(friendID,p); 348 } 349 350 public void deleteFriend(int friendID){ 351 Integer frID = new Integer(friendID); 352 friends.remove(frID); 353 System.out.println(friends); 354 } 355 356 public void deleteAllFriends(){ 357 //System.out.println("YIPI YAAA YEEEEE"); 358 friends.clear(); 359 //System.out.println(friends); 360 } 361 362 363 /** Conversion of hashtable into vector 364 */ 365 public PVector getFriends(){ 366 Vector v = new Vector(); 367 Enumeration e = friends.elements(); 368 while(e.hasMoreElements()){ 369 v.addElement((Point)e.nextElement()); 370 } 371 372 PVector PFriends = new PVector(v,false); 373 return PFriends; 374 } 375 376 377 378 }


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)


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Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions



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Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

MapsMIDlet class has problem with Lines of Code.

Lines of Code Description: Lines of code simply counts the lines of source code (line break characters) of a certain software entity. It is a simple yet powerful metric to assess the complexity of software entities. Since it is depending on code conventions and format, it is critical to use it in generated codes since it may lack of line breaks. Additionally it can only be measured in the source code itself from the front-end and is therefore a front-end side metric.

Response For a Class DescriptionCount of (public) methods in a class and methods directly called by these. RFCis only applicable to object-oriented systems.

Message Passing Coupling DescriptionThe MPC measures the number of method calls defined in methods of a class to methods in other classes, and therefore the dependency of local methods to methods implemented by other classes. It allows for conclusions on the message passing (method calls) between objects of the involved classes. This allows for conclusions on re-useability, maintenance and testing effort.

Weighted Method Count Description A weighted sum of methods implemented within a class. It is parameterized by a way to compute the weight of each method. Possible weight metrics are:McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity 3.1.3,Lines of Code 3.1.1,1 (unweighted WMC).This variant of WMC uses McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity 3.1.3 metric for calculating the weight for each method. Originally defined as an object-oriented metric, it can easily adapted to non-object-oriented systems computing the weighted sum of functions implemented within a module or file.

1 /** 2 * 3 * MapsMIDlet creates control menus due to user's actions and handles GPS issues 4 * 5 */ 6 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 7 8 import javax.microedition.midlet.*;


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9 10 import java.util.*; 11 import*; 12 13 14 15 16 17 public class MapsMIDlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener,Runnable { 18 19 20 MapBackgroundFactory mbf = new MapBackgroundFactory("/Mali2.png", "/Srednji.png","/Veliki.png", 21 "44.83049905", "20.44570857", "44.79241639", "20.48713523"); 22 23 24 MapBackground mb; 25 MapObjects mob; 26 SelectorPoint selP; 27 Outlook oul; 28 29 PVector vwpF = new PVector("free",false); 30 ImageCanvas3 ic; 31 CompassCanvas cc; 32 33 //Point wp3 = new Point("44.81916183","20.45417165","Klub'Akademija'","j","/Cultural_or_Tourist/Event.png",true); 34 Point wp2 = new Point("44.82990854","20.45661377","25. maj","j","/Sport/Swimming.png",true); 35 Point wp1 = new Point("44.81573706","20.45998215","Sp. Knezu Mihailu","j","/Cultural_or_Tourist/Monument.png",true); 36 37 Point wp4 = new Point("44.8178034","20.45177167","Saborna crkva","j","/Cultural_or_Tourist/Church.png",true); 38 Point wp5 = new Point("44.82577520","20.45459270","Zooloski vrt","j","/Cultural_or_Tourist/Zoo.png",true); 39 40 Point wp6 = new Point("44.81293225","20.46132951","Grinet kafe","j","/Service_or_Utility/Cafe.png",true); 41 Point wp7 = new Point("44.81426084","20.45943480","Trzni centar 'Sremska'","j","/Service_or_Utility/Shop.png",true); 42 Point wp8 = new Point("44.81248939","20.46006637","Bioskop 20.oktobar","j","/Service_or_Utility/Cinema.png",true); 43 Point wp9 = new Point("44.81293225","20.46743470","Policija","j","/Service_or_Utility/Police.png",true); 44 Point wp10 = new Point("44.81854182","20.45711898","Filoloski fakultet","j","/Service_or_Utility/School.png",true);


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45 Point wp11 = new Point("44.82518476","20.45737165","Bioskop REX","j","/Service_or_Utility/Cinema.png",true); 46 Point wp12 = new Point("44.80496078","20.47652941","Elektrotehnicki fakultet","j","/Service_or_Utility/School.png",true); 47 Point wp13 = new Point("44.80466556","20.47337150","RCUB","j","/Service_or_Utility/School.png",true); 48 Point wp14 = new Point("44.80865126","20.46368736","Apoteka","j","/Service_or_Utility/Pharmacy.png",true); 49 Point wp15 = new Point("44.80067980","20.45737165","Urgentni centar","j","/Service_or_Utility/Redcross.png",true); 50 51 52 53 54 /** Point wp3 = new Point(45,2 , 1,'N',22,20, 5,'E',"c1","j"); 55 Point wp4 = new Point(45,13, 2,'N',21,58, 5,'E',"d1","j"); 56 Point wp5 = new Point(46,45, 1,'N',21,20, 5,'E',"e1","j"); 57 Point wp6 = new Point(46,48,23,'N',21,23, 9,'E',"f1","j"); 58 Point wp7 = new Point(46,30,50,'N',22,25,50,'E',"g1","j"); 59 Point wp8 = new Point(46,48,59,'N',20,27,17,'E',"a","j"); 60 Point wp9 = new Point(46,45, 0,'N',20,26,15,'E',"b","j"); 61 Point wp10 = new Point(46,42, 0,'N',20,29,15,'E',"c","j"); 62 Point wp11 = new Point(46,39, 0,'N',20,29,15,'E',"d","j"); 63 Point wp12 = new Point(46,10,23,'N',20,30, 9,'E',"e","j"); 64 Point wp13 = new Point(45,50,23,'N',20,33, 9,'E',"f","j"); 65 Point wp14 = new Point(46,30,23,'N',20,52, 9,'E',"g","j"); 66 Point wp15 = new Point(46,25,23,'N',20,54, 0,'E',"h","j"); 67 Point wp16 = new Point(46,20,23,'N',20,46, 0,'E',"i","j"); 68 Point wp17 = new Point(46,10,23,'N',20,48, 0,'E',"j","j"); 69 Point wp18 = new Point(45,50,23,'N',20,35, 0,'E',"k","j"); */ 70 71 Point selectedWP; 72 73 74 ///////////////////////COMMANDS,MENUS,BUTTONS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 75 Command DUMMY; 76 Command DELIM; 77 Command MAP_CMD; 78 79 Display d = Display.getDisplay(this); 80 81 List modes; 82 Command selectCmd; 83 Command mapviewCmd; 84 Command compassCmd; 85 86 87


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88 Command opt; 89 Command mod; 90 91 List MVList; 92 Command Points; 93 Command routes; 94 Command gps; 95 Command friends; 96 Command ZoomIn; 97 Command ZoomOut; 98 Command exitCmd; 99 SimpleTextForm gpsTf; 100 Thread t1; 101 Thread t2; 102 103 static String resource=""; 104 boolean gpsON = false; 105 static String show = ""; 106 boolean first = false; 107 List friendList; 108 Command addNewFriend ; 109 Command onGPSc; 110 Command offGPSc; 111 List gpsList; 112 int gpsHash = 0; 113 114 int gpsThr = 0; 115 int frndThr = 0; 116 int currentlyShowed = 0; 117 Hashtable thrHash = new Hashtable(); 118 Vector listOfFriends = new Vector(); 119 SimpleTextForm friendForm; 120 Command stopFollow; 121 Command deleteFriends; 122 boolean followFriends = false; 123 124 List oneFriend; 125 Command stopFollowOne; 126 Command deleteFriend; 127 128 Thread4Friend tff; 129 Vector whiteList; 130 String friend; 131 132 boolean syncFollow = false; 133 long globalTimeStamp = 0; 134 boolean synchronizationDone = false; 135 136 List WPselected; 137 Command setAsCurrent; 138 Command setDest1;


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139 Command edit; 140 Command delete; 141 Command measDist; 142 Command setLine; 143 Command resetLine; 144 145 146 List WPnotSel; 147 Command setCurrent; 148 Command setDest2; 149 Command addWP; 150 151 CommaHyphenString chs = new CommaHyphenString(); 152 TextForm tf1; // form for adding new Point on selected spot 153 TextForm tf2; // form for editing of selected Point 154 TextForm tf33; // form for adding waypoint with user entered data for (lat,lon) 155 TextForm previous; 156 TextFormImage tf11; //form for adding new Point with images for selected categories 157 TextFormImage tf22; 158 Command SAVE_CMD; 159 Command CONT_CMD; 160 Command BACK_CMD; 161 Alert a = new Alert("Warning","Please Select Point!",null,AlertType.INFO); 162 163 List WPList; //List of Points 164 Command addNewWP; 165 Command sortWP; 166 Command sortNameWP; 167 boolean showID = false; 168 Command showIDcom; 169 List previousList; 170 171 172 TextForm tfAdd; //form for adding Point with complete info about coordinates 173 174 List sorted; 175 176 177 List routeMain; 178 Command createNewRoute; 179 Command showRoutes; 180 Command delRoute; 181 182 List routeNew; 183 Command addPoint; 184 Command routeFin; 185


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186 List routeList; 187 List routeOptions; 188 Command allRoutes; 189 Command hideRoutes; 190 191 List delRouteList; 192 Command delAllRoutes; 193 String nameR = ""; 194 195 PVector newRouteVector; 196 SimpleTextForm tf3; ///form for defining name of route 197 String[] categories; 198 boolean routeSetting = false; 199 200 String[] pathToImage; 201 /** 202 * @see MIDlet#startApp() 203 */ 204 protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException { 205 206 mb = mbf.getMapBackground(); 207 mob = new MapObjects(mb); 208 209 vwpF.addElement(wp1); 210 vwpF.addElement(wp2); 211 //vwpF.addElement(wp3); 212 vwpF.addElement(wp4); 213 vwpF.addElement(wp5); 214 vwpF.addElement(wp6); 215 vwpF.addElement(wp7); 216 vwpF.addElement(wp8); 217 vwpF.addElement(wp9); 218 vwpF.addElement(wp10); 219 vwpF.addElement(wp11); 220 vwpF.addElement(wp12); 221 vwpF.addElement(wp13); 222 vwpF.addElement(wp14); 223 vwpF.addElement(wp15); 224 225 226 227 mob.setFreeWaypointsV(vwpF); 228 229 selP = new SelectorPoint(mb,mob); 230 231 oul = new Outlook(mb,mob,selP); 232 233 ic = new ImageCanvas3(oul); 234 235


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236 //////////////////////////COMMANDS,MENUS,BUTTONS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 237 238 DUMMY = new Command(" ",Command.SCREEN,1); 239 DELIM = new Command("------------------",Command.SCREEN,1); 240 MAP_CMD = new Command("View on Map",Command.BACK,1); 241 BACK_CMD = new Command("Back to Previous Screen",Command.BACK,1); 242 243 mod = new Command("Mode",Command.SCREEN,1); 244 modes = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 245 selectCmd = new Command("Selection",Command.SCREEN,1); 246 mapviewCmd = new Command("Mapview",Command.SCREEN,1); 247 compassCmd = new Command("Compass",Command.SCREEN,1); 248 exitCmd = new Command("Exit",Command.SCREEN,1); 249 modes.append("PLEASE SELECT NEW MODE FROM MENU...",null); 250 modes.addCommand(DUMMY); 251 modes.addCommand(mapviewCmd); 252 modes.addCommand(selectCmd); 253 modes.addCommand(compassCmd); 254 modes.addCommand(exitCmd); 255 modes.setCommandListener(this); 256 257 opt = new Command("Option",Command.SCREEN,1); 258 259 260 261 // Map View options 262 MVList = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 263 Points = new Command("Waypoints",Command.SCREEN,1); 264 routes = new Command("Routes",Command.SCREEN,1); 265 gps = new Command("GPS",Command.SCREEN,1); 266 267 friends = new Command("Friends",Command.SCREEN,1); 268 ZoomIn = new Command("Zoom In",Command.SCREEN,1); 269 ZoomOut = new Command("Zoom Out",Command.SCREEN,1); 270 //Exit = new Command("Exit",Command.EXIT,1); 271 272 MVList.addCommand(DUMMY); 273 MVList.addCommand(Points); 274 MVList.addCommand(routes); 275 MVList.addCommand(gps); 276 MVList.addCommand(friends); 277 MVList.addCommand(ZoomIn); 278 MVList.addCommand(ZoomOut); 279 MVList.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 280 MVList.setCommandListener(this); 281 282 CONT_CMD = new Command("Continue",Command.SCREEN,1); 283 gpsTf = new SimpleTextForm(false); 284 gpsTf.addCommand(CONT_CMD);


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285 gpsTf.setCommandListener(this); 286 287 288 289 290 // If Point is selected 291 WPselected = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 292 setAsCurrent = new Command("Set as Current",Command.SCREEN,1); 293 setDest1 = new Command("Set as Destination",Command.SCREEN,1); 294 edit = new Command("Edit",Command.SCREEN,1); 295 delete = new Command("Delete",Command.SCREEN,1); 296 measDist = new Command("Measure Distance",Command.SCREEN,1); 297 298 299 WPselected.addCommand(DUMMY); 300 WPselected.addCommand(MAP_CMD); 301 WPselected.addCommand(setAsCurrent); 302 WPselected.addCommand(setDest1); 303 WPselected.addCommand(edit); 304 WPselected.addCommand(delete); 305 WPselected.addCommand(measDist); 306 WPselected.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 307 WPselected.setCommandListener(this); 308 309 310 311 // If Point is not selected 312 WPnotSel = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 313 setCurrent = new Command("Set Current",Command.SCREEN,1); 314 setDest2 = new Command("Set Destination",Command.SCREEN,1); 315 addWP = new Command("Add Waypoint",Command.SCREEN,1); 316 317 WPnotSel.addCommand(DUMMY); 318 WPnotSel.addCommand(setCurrent); 319 WPnotSel.addCommand(setDest2); 320 WPnotSel.addCommand(addWP); 321 WPnotSel.addCommand(measDist); 322 //WPnotSel.addCommand(MAP_CMD); 323 WPnotSel.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 324 WPnotSel.setCommandListener(this); 325 326 WPList = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 327 addNewWP = new Command("Add Waypoint",Command.SCREEN,1); 328 sortWP = new Command("Sort Waypoints by Distance",Command.SCREEN,1); 329 sortNameWP = new Command("Sort Waypoints by Name",Command.SCREEN,1);


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330 showIDcom = new Command("Show/Hide ID",Command.SCREEN,1); 331 332 tfAdd = new TextForm(chs.getCategories(this.getAppProperty("Categories")),false); 333 334 tfAdd.addCommand(CONT_CMD); 335 tfAdd.setCommandListener(this); 336 337 sorted = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 338 sorted.setCommandListener(this); 339 340 341 ic.addCommand(opt); 342 ic.addCommand(mod); 343 ic.setCommandListener(this); 344 345 346 tf1 = new TextForm(chs.getCategories(this.getAppProperty("Categories")),false);///form for adding new Point on selected spot 347 tf2 = new TextForm(chs.getCategories(this.getAppProperty("Categories")),false);/// form for editing of selected Point 348 tf33 = new TextForm(chs.getCategories(this.getAppProperty("Categories")),true);/// form for editing of selected Point 349 350 SAVE_CMD = new Command("Save",Command.SCREEN,1); 351 352 tf1.addCommand(CONT_CMD); 353 tf1.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 354 tf1.setCommandListener(this); 355 tf2.addCommand(CONT_CMD); 356 tf2.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 357 tf2.setCommandListener(this); 358 tf33.addCommand(CONT_CMD); 359 tf33.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 360 tf33.setCommandListener(this); 361 362 whiteList = new Vector(); 363 364 d.setCurrent(ic); 365 } 366 367 368 public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s){ 369 370 if (c==MAP_CMD) d.setCurrent(ic); 371 if (s==ic && c==mod){ 372 d.setCurrent(modes); 373 }


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374 if (s==modes && c==selectCmd){ 375 oul.setSelect(); 376 ic.repaint(); 377 d.setCurrent(ic); 378 selP.resetBig(); 379 selP.resetColor(); 380 } 381 if (s==modes && c==mapviewCmd){ 382 selP.resetColor(); 383 selP.resetBig(); 384 oul.resetSelect(); 385 d.setCurrent(ic); 386 } 387 388 if (s==modes && c==compassCmd){ 389 oul.resetSelect(); 390 cc = new CompassCanvas(mob); 391 cc.addCommand(MAP_CMD); 392 cc.setCommandListener(this); 393 d.setCurrent(cc); 394 } 395 396 if (s==modes && c==exitCmd){ 397 try{ 398 destroyApp(false); 399 }catch(Exception e){} 400 notifyDestroyed(); 401 return; 402 } 403 404 if(s==cc && c==MAP_CMD){ 405 cc.setEnd(); 406 ic = new ImageCanvas3(oul); 407 ic.addCommand(opt); 408 ic.addCommand(mod); 409 ic.setCommandListener(this); 410 d.setCurrent(ic); 411 } 412 413 if (s==ic && c==opt && routeSetting==false){ 414 if(oul.getSelect()==true) { 415 selectedWP = selP.getSelectedWP(); 416 if(selectedWP.getName()=="selector") d.setCurrent(WPnotSel); 417 if(selectedWP.getName()!="selector") { 418 d.setCurrent(WPselected); 419 previousList=null; 420 } 421 } 422 if(oul.getSelect()==false) d.setCurrent(MVList); 423 }


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424 425 426 // IF Point NOT SELECTED 427 if(s==WPnotSel && c==setCurrent){ 428 Point wp = selP.getSelector(); 429 wp.setName("current"); 430 mob.setCurrentPosition(wp); 431 d.setCurrent(ic); 432 } 433 if(s==WPnotSel && c==setDest2){ 434 Point wp = selP.getSelector(); 435 wp.setName("dest"); 436 mob.setDestinationPosition(wp); 437 d.setCurrent(ic); 438 } 439 440 // ADD Point ON SELECTED SPOT 441 if(s==WPnotSel && c==addWP){ 442 tf1.setName("default"); //form for adding new Point on selected spot 443 //tf1.setType("Type will be set according to category"); 444 tf1.setLat(selP.getSelector().getLat()); 445 tf1.setLon(selP.getSelector().getLon()); 446 d.setCurrent(tf1); 447 } 448 449 if (s.equals(tf1) && c == CONT_CMD){ 450 String name = tf1.getName(); 451 int sel = tf1.getSelected(); 452 453 // chs is instance of CommaHypenString class 454 // which helps us process hyphens and commas in 455 //.properties file 456 String[] category = chs.getCategories(this.getAppProperty("Categories")); 457 String[] categoryHyphen = chs.getCategoriesHyphen(this.getAppProperty("Categories")); 458 459 // elements of a selected category: as simle strings and as hyphen-strings 460 String catMatches = this.getAppProperty(categoryHyphen[sel]); 461 String[] arCatMatches = chs.getStringsOnly(catMatches); 462 String[] arCatHyphMatches = chs.getWithLowLine(catMatches); 463 464 // images that correspond to category elements 465 String[] imageStr = new String[arCatMatches.length];


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466 Image[] img = new Image[arCatMatches.length]; 467 for(int i=0; i<arCatMatches.length; i++){ 468 imageStr[i] = this.getAppProperty(""+arCatHyphMatches[i]+""); 469 imageStr[i] = this.compact(imageStr[i]); 470 } 471 472 pathToImage = new String[arCatMatches.length]; 473 for (int i=0; i<arCatMatches.length; i++){ 474 try{ 475 String str = categoryHyphen[sel]+"/"+imageStr[i]; 476 str = compact(str); //getting rid off blanco spots 477 pathToImage[i] = str; 478 img[i] = Image.createImage(str); 479 } catch(Exception e){} 480 } 481 482 tf11 = new TextFormImage("",arCatMatches,img); 483 tf11.setNameCHGR("Please select type"); 484 tf11.setName(name); 485 //tf11.setType("Please select type"); 486 tf11.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 487 tf11.addCommand(SAVE_CMD); 488 tf11.setCommandListener(this); 489 d.setCurrent(tf11); 490 } 491 492 if(s==tf1 && c==BACK_CMD){ 493 d.setCurrent(WPnotSel); 494 } 495 496 if(s==tf11 && c==BACK_CMD){ 497 d.setCurrent(tf1); 498 } 499 500 if(s==tf11 && c==SAVE_CMD){ 501 Point wp = selP.getSelector(); 502 wp.setName(tf11.getName()); 503 int sel = tf11.getSelected(); 504 String cmpct = compact(pathToImage[sel]); 505 wp.setImage(cmpct); 506 mob.addFreeWaypoint(wp); 507 d.setCurrent(ic); 508 } 509 510 if(s==WPselected && c==setAsCurrent){ 511 mob.setCurrentPosition(selectedWP); 512 d.setCurrent(ic); 513 }


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514 515 if(s==WPselected && c==setDest1){ 516 mob.setDestinationPosition(selectedWP); 517 d.setCurrent(ic); 518 } 519 520 //Edit of Point 521 if(s==WPselected && c==edit){ 522 tf2.setName(selectedWP.getName()); 523 tf2.setType(selectedWP.getType()); 524 tf2.setLat(selectedWP.getLat()); 525 tf2.setLon(selectedWP.getLon()); 526 d.setCurrent(tf2); 527 } 528 529 530 //Editing of waypoint OR inserting waypoint from text form 531 if ( (s.equals(tf2)||s.equals(tf33)) && c == CONT_CMD){ 532 String name =""; 533 int sel = 0; 534 535 if(s.equals(tf2)){ 536 name = tf2.getName(); 537 sel = tf2.getSelected(); 538 previous = tf2; 539 } 540 541 if(s.equals(tf33)){ 542 name = tf33.getName(); 543 sel = tf33.getSelected(); 544 previous = tf33; 545 } 546 547 548 // chs is instance of CommaHypenString class 549 // which helps us process hyphens and commas in 550 //.properties file 551 String[] category = chs.getCategories(this.getAppProperty("Categories")); 552 String[] categoryHyphen = chs.getCategoriesHyphen(this.getAppProperty("Categories")); 553 554 // elements of a selected category: as simle strings and as hyphen-strings 555 String catMatches = this.getAppProperty(categoryHyphen[sel]); 556 String[] arCatMatches = chs.getStringsOnly(catMatches); 557 String[] arCatHyphMatches = chs.getWithLowLine(catMatches); 558


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559 // images that correspond to category elements 560 String[] imageStr = new String[arCatMatches.length]; 561 Image[] img = new Image[arCatMatches.length]; 562 for(int i=0; i<arCatMatches.length; i++){ 563 imageStr[i] = this.getAppProperty(""+arCatHyphMatches[i]+""); 564 imageStr[i] = this.compact(imageStr[i]); 565 } 566 567 pathToImage = new String[arCatMatches.length]; 568 for (int i=0; i<arCatMatches.length; i++){ 569 try{ 570 String str = categoryHyphen[sel]+"/"+imageStr[i]; 571 str = compact(str); //getting rid off blanco spots 572 pathToImage[i] = str; 573 img[i] = Image.createImage(str); 574 } catch(Exception e){} 575 } 576 577 tf22 = new TextFormImage("",arCatMatches,img); 578 tf22.setNameCHGR("Please select type"); 579 tf22.setName(name); 580 tf22.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 581 tf22.addCommand(SAVE_CMD); 582 tf22.setCommandListener(this); 583 d.setCurrent(tf22); 584 } 585 586 if(s==tf2 && c==BACK_CMD){ 587 d.setCurrent(WPselected); 588 } 589 590 if(s==tf22 && c==BACK_CMD){ 591 d.setCurrent(previous); 592 } 593 594 if(s==tf22 && c==SAVE_CMD){ 595 596 //Editing of waypoint 597 if(previous == tf2){ 598 Point wp = selP.getSelectedWP(); 599 if(wp.getLat()==0){ 600 wp = new Point(tf2.getLat(),tf2.getLon(),tf22.getName(),"","blanco",false); 601 } 602 wp.setName(tf22.getName()); 603 int sel = tf22.getSelected(); 604 String cmpct = compact(pathToImage[sel]);


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605 wp.setImage(cmpct); 606 wp.setLat(tf2.getLat()); 607 wp.setLon(tf2.getLon()); 608 selP.deleteWP(); 609 mob.addFreeWaypoint(wp); 610 selP.setColor(); 611 d.setCurrent(ic); 612 } 613 614 // New waypoint from text form 615 if(previous==tf33){ 616 Point wp = new Point(tf33.getLat(),tf33.getLon(),tf22.getName(),"","blanco",false); 617 wp.setName(tf22.getName()); 618 int sel = tf22.getSelected(); 619 String cmpct = compact(pathToImage[sel]); 620 wp.setImage(cmpct); 621 wp.setLat(tf33.getLat()); 622 wp.setLon(tf33.getLon()); 623 mob.addFreeWaypoint(wp); 624 d.setCurrent(ic); 625 } 626 } 627 628 629 // Delete Point 630 if(s==WPselected && c==delete){ 631 int k = selP.deleteWP(); 632 if(k==-1){ 633 a.setTimeout(3000); 634 a.setString("More than one Point selected"); 635 d.setCurrent(a); 636 } else { 637 selP.resetBig(); 638 d.setCurrent(ic); 639 } 640 } 641 642 if(s==WPselected && c==BACK_CMD){ 643 if(previousList==null) d.setCurrent(ic); 644 if(previousList!=null) d.setCurrent(previousList); 645 } 646 647 648 // Measuring distance between current position and selected WAYPOINT 649 if(s==WPselected && c==measDist){ 650 if(mob.getCurrentPosition().getName().equals("dummy")){ 651 a.setTimeout(3000);


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652 a.setString("Current position is not set"); 653 d.setCurrent(a); 654 655 } else { 656 a.setTimeout(3000); 657 selectedWP = selP.getSelectedWP(); 658 long k = mob.measureDistance(selectedWP); 659 a.setString("Distance is "+k+" m"); 660 d.setCurrent(a); 661 } 662 663 } 664 665 666 // Measuring distance between current position and selected LOCATION 667 if(s==WPnotSel && c==measDist){ 668 selectedWP = selP.getSelector(); 669 long k = mob.measureDistance(selectedWP); 670 if(mob.currentSet()==false){ 671 a.setTimeout(3000); 672 a.setString("Current position is not set"); 673 d.setCurrent(a); 674 675 } else { 676 a.setTimeout(3000); 677 a.setString("Distance is "+k+" m"); 678 d.setCurrent(a); 679 } 680 } 681 682 if(s==WPnotSel && c==BACK_CMD) d.setCurrent(ic); 683 684 685 686 687 688 // -----------------Showing up all Points and some operations--------------- 689 if(s==MVList && c==Points){ 690 setWPList(); 691 692 for(int i=0; i<mob.freeWaypoints.size(); i++){ 693 Point wp = (Point)mob.freeWaypoints.elementAt(i); 694 String name = ""; 695 if(showID==true){ 696 name = wp.getName()+"_"+wp.getID(); 697 } else { 698 name = wp.getName();


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699 } 700 Command cc = new Command(name,Command.SCREEN,1); 701 WPList.addCommand(cc); 702 } 703 d.setCurrent(WPList); 704 } 705 706 if(s==MVList && c==BACK_CMD){ 707 d.setCurrent(ic); 708 } 709 710 if(s==MVList && c==ZoomIn){ 711 oul.ZoomIn(); 712 d.setCurrent(ic); 713 } 714 715 if(s==MVList && c==ZoomOut){ 716 oul.ZoomOut(); 717 d.setCurrent(ic); 718 } 719 720 721 // displaying of IDs of icons 722 if(s==WPList && c==showIDcom){ 723 if(showID==true) {showID=false; } else {showID=true;} 724 725 setWPList(); 726 727 for(int i=0; i<mob.freeWaypoints.size(); i++){ 728 Point wp = (Point)mob.freeWaypoints.elementAt(i); 729 String name = ""; 730 if(showID==true){ 731 name = wp.getName()+"_"+wp.getID(); 732 } else { 733 name = wp.getName(); 734 } 735 Command cc = new Command(name,Command.SCREEN,1); 736 WPList.addCommand(cc); 737 } 738 d.setCurrent(WPList); 739 } 740 741 742 // Adding new Point with all attributes such as 743 // LATITUDE and LONGITUDE 744 // We deal with tf33 same as with tf2 (tf2 is used for


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745 // inserting new data for selected location 746 // Here default values for coordinates are those of center of the map 747 748 if(s==WPList && c==addNewWP){ 749 tf33.setName("Center of Map");//44.80345511,20.42949821 750 tf33.setType(""); 751 tf33.setLat("44.80345511"); 752 tf33.setLon("20.42949821"); 753 d.setCurrent(tf33); 754 } 755 756 757 758 if(s==tf33 && c==BACK_CMD){ 759 d.setCurrent(WPList); 760 } 761 762 //sorting waypoints by distance 763 if(s==WPList && c==sortWP){ 764 setWPList(); 765 766 Vector sor = mob.freeWaypoints.sortAscending(mob.getCurrentPosition()); 767 for(int i=0; i<sor.size(); i++){ 768 Point wp = (Point)sor.elementAt(i); 769 String name = ""; 770 if(showID==true){ 771 name = wp.getName()+" "+wp.getID(); 772 } else { 773 name = wp.getName(); 774 } 775 Command cc = new Command(name,Command.SCREEN,1); 776 WPList.addCommand(cc); 777 } 778 d.setCurrent(WPList); 779 } 780 781 //sorting waypoints by name 782 if(s==WPList && c==sortNameWP){ 783 setWPList(); 784 String[] sor = mob.freeWaypoints.sortByName(); 785 for(int i=0; i<sor.length; i++){ 786 Command cc = new Command(sor[i],Command.SCREEN,1); 787 WPList.addCommand(cc); 788 } 789 d.setCurrent(WPList); 790 }


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791 792 793 if(s==WPList && c==MAP_CMD){ 794 d.setCurrent(ic); 795 } 796 797 if(s==WPList && c==BACK_CMD){ 798 d.setCurrent(MVList); 799 } 800 801 //Displaying selected waypoint 802 if(s==WPList && c!=sortWP && c!=addNewWP && c!=MAP_CMD && c!=sortNameWP && c!=DUMMY && c!=BACK_CMD){ 803 String name = c.getLabel(); 804 mb.param=true; 805 selP.selectWP(name); 806 oul.setSelect(); 807 oul.setWPselection(); 808 d.setCurrent(WPselected); 809 previousList = WPList; 810 } 811 812 813 814 // -------------- ROUTES -------------------------------- 815 816 // Main Menu for Routes 817 if(s==MVList && c==routes){ 818 routeMain = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 819 createNewRoute = new Command("New Route",Command.SCREEN,1); 820 routeMain.addCommand(DUMMY); 821 routeMain.addCommand(createNewRoute); 822 routeMain.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 823 routeMain.addCommand(DELIM); 824 routeMain.setCommandListener(this); 825 for(int i=0; i<mob.getRoutes().size(); i++){ 826 PVector route = (PVector)mob.getRoutes().elementAt(i); 827 String name = route.getName(); 828 Command cr = new Command(name,Command.SCREEN,1); 829 routeMain.addCommand(cr); 830 } 831 d.setCurrent(routeMain); 832 } 833 834 if(s==routeMain && c==BACK_CMD){ 835 d.setCurrent(MVList); 836 } 837


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838 //Creating a New Route 839 if(s==routeMain && c==createNewRoute){ 840 tf3 = new SimpleTextForm(false); 841 tf3.addCommand(SAVE_CMD); 842 tf3.setCommandListener(this); 843 d.setCurrent(tf3); 844 } 845 846 847 if(s==tf3 && c==SAVE_CMD){ 848 newRouteVector = new PVector("",true); 849 newRouteVector.setName(tf3.getName()); 850 newRouteVector.setVisible(); 851 mob.addRoute(newRouteVector); 852 853 routeNew = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 854 addPoint = new Command("Add Waypoint",Command.SCREEN,1); 855 routeFin = new Command("Route Finished",Command.SCREEN,1); 856 routeNew.addCommand(addPoint); 857 routeNew.addCommand(routeFin); 858 routeNew.setCommandListener(this); 859 860 d.setCurrent(routeNew); 861 } 862 863 864 // Selection of specific route 865 if(s==routeMain && c!=createNewRoute && c!=DUMMY && c!=BACK_CMD && c!=DELIM){ 866 nameR = c.getLabel(); 867 routeOptions = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 868 showRoutes = new Command("Show/Hide Route",Command.SCREEN,1); 869 delRoute = new Command("Delete Route",Command.SCREEN,1); 870 routeOptions.addCommand(DUMMY); 871 routeOptions.addCommand(MAP_CMD); 872 routeOptions.addCommand(showRoutes); 873 routeOptions.addCommand(delRoute); 874 routeOptions.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 875 routeOptions.setCommandListener(this); 876 d.setCurrent(routeOptions); 877 } 878 879 //Viewing selected route 880 if(s==routeOptions && c==showRoutes){ 881 Vector allR = (Vector) mob.getRoutes(); 882 for(int i=0; i<allR.size(); i++){ 883 PVector rt = (PVector)allR.elementAt(i);


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884 if(rt.getName()==nameR) { 885 if(rt.size()!=0){ 886 if(rt.getVisible()==true){ 887 rt.resetVisible(); 888 d.setCurrent(ic); 889 }else{ 890 rt.setVisible(); 891 Point wp = (Point) rt.elementAt(0); 892 String name = wp.getName(); 893 selP.selectWP(name); 894 oul.setSelect(); 895 selP.resetColor(); 896 selP.resetBig(); 897 d.setCurrent(ic); 898 } 899 } 900 if(rt.size()==0){ 901 a.setTitle("Warning"); 902 a.setString("Route has no points to show"); 903 a.setTimeout(5000); 904 d.setCurrent(a); 905 } 906 907 } 908 if(rt.getName()!=nameR) rt.resetVisible(); 909 } 910 } 911 912 913 //Deletion of selected route 914 if(s==routeOptions && c==delRoute){ 915 Vector v = mob.getRoutes(); 916 for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){ 917 PVector wpv = (PVector)v.elementAt(i); 918 if(wpv.getName()==nameR){ 919 mob.removeRoute(nameR); 920 i=1000; 921 } 922 } 923 d.setCurrent(ic); 924 } 925 926 927 //Mapview 928 if(s==routeOptions && c==MAP_CMD){ 929 Vector v = mob.getRoutes(); 930 for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){


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931 PVector wpv = (PVector)v.elementAt(i); 932 if(wpv.getName()==nameR){ 933 Point p = (Point) wpv.elementAt(0); 934 selP.selectWP(p.getName()); 935 oul.setSelect(); 936 oul.setWPselection(); 937 i=1000; 938 } 939 } 940 d.setCurrent(ic); 941 } 942 943 //Back on routeMain 944 if(s==routeOptions && c==BACK_CMD){ 945 d.setCurrent(routeMain); 946 } 947 948 949 950 951 952 //Adding new point in current route 953 if(s==routeNew && c==addPoint){ 954 if(oul.getSelect()==true){ 955 mob.removeRoute(newRouteVector); 956 Point wp = selP.getSelector(); 957 wp.setTypeID(newRouteVector.getID()); 958 wp.setName(newRouteVector.getName()); 959 wp.setImage("route"); 960 newRouteVector.addElement(wp); 961 mob.addRoute(newRouteVector); 962 d.setCurrent(ic); 963 } 964 965 if(oul.getSelect()==false){ 966 oul.setSelect(); 967 oul.setRoute(); 968 routeSetting = true; 969 d.setCurrent(ic); 970 } 971 972 } 973 974 if(s==ic && routeSetting==true && c==opt){ 975 d.setCurrent(routeNew); 976 } 977 978 if(s==routeNew && c==routeFin){ 979 oul.resetSelect(); 980 routeSetting = false; 981 d.setCurrent(ic);


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982 } 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 //--------------------------------GPS ON/OFF------------------------------ 990 991 if(s==MVList && c==gps){ 992 gpsList = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 993 onGPSc = new Command("On",Command.SCREEN,1); 994 offGPSc = new Command("Off",Command.SCREEN,1); 995 gpsList.addCommand(onGPSc); 996 gpsList.addCommand(offGPSc); 997 gpsList.setCommandListener(this); 998 d.setCurrent(gpsList); 999 } 1000 1001 if(s==gpsList && c==onGPSc){ 1002 if(gpsON==false){ 1003 gpsON=true; 1004 followFriends = false; 1005 //Specifying GPS coordinates resource 1006 gpsTf.setLabel("Please select source of GPS coordinates, usually it's GPS.txt"); 1007 gpsTf.setName("GPS.txt"); 1008 gpsTf.setType("GPS.txt"); 1009 d.setCurrent(gpsTf); //GPS textform 1010 } else { 1011 d.setCurrent(ic); 1012 } 1013 } 1014 1015 if(s==gpsList && c==offGPSc){ 1016 gpsON=false; 1017 d.setCurrent(ic); 1018 } 1019 1020 1021 1022 if(s==gpsTf && c==CONT_CMD){ 1023 resource = gpsTf.getName(); 1024 1025 syncFollow = true; 1026 synchronizationDone=false; 1027 1028 t1=new Thread(this); 1029 currentlyShowed = t1.hashCode(); 1030 gpsHash = t1.hashCode();


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1031 t1.start(); 1032 d.setCurrent(ic); 1033 1034 } 1035 1036 // --------------------------- HANDLING FRIENDS' ISSUES ------------------- 1037 1038 if(s==MVList && c==friends){ 1039 friendList = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 1040 addNewFriend = new Command("Add New Friend", Command.SCREEN,1); 1041 stopFollow = new Command("Stop Follow Friends", Command.SCREEN,1); 1042 deleteFriends = new Command("Delete Friends", Command.SCREEN,1); 1043 friendList.addCommand(DUMMY); 1044 friendList.addCommand(addNewFriend); 1045 friendList.addCommand(stopFollow); 1046 friendList.addCommand(deleteFriends); 1047 friendList.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 1048 friendList.addCommand(DELIM); 1049 if(listOfFriends.size()>0){ 1050 for (int i=0; i<listOfFriends.size(); i++){ 1051 Friend f = (Friend)listOfFriends.elementAt(i); 1052 Command cc = new Command(f.getName(),Command.SCREEN,1); 1053 friendList.addCommand(cc); 1054 } 1055 } 1056 friendList.setCommandListener(this); 1057 d.setCurrent(friendList); 1058 } 1059 1060 if(s==friendList && c==addNewFriend){ 1061 friendForm = new SimpleTextForm(false); 1062 friendForm.setLabel("Friend"); 1063 friendForm.setLabel2("Source of coordinates"); 1064 friendForm.setName("Mika"); 1065 friendForm.setType("Mika.txt"); 1066 1067 friendForm.addCommand(CONT_CMD); 1068 friendForm.setCommandListener(this); 1069 1070 d.setCurrent(friendForm); 1071 } 1072 1073 if(s==friendForm && c==CONT_CMD){ 1074 tff = new Thread4Friend(whiteList,friendForm.getName(),mob,ic,mb,oul);


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1075 Integer hID = new Integer(tff.getID()); 1076 whiteList.addElement(hID); 1077 1078 tff.start(); 1079 Friend f = new Friend(friendForm.getName(),friendForm.getType(),tff.getID(),tff); 1080 listOfFriends.addElement(f); 1081 d.setCurrent(ic); 1082 } 1083 1084 if(s==friendList && c==stopFollow){ 1085 whiteList.removeAllElements(); 1086 mob.deleteAllFriends(); 1087 ic.repaint(); 1088 d.setCurrent(ic); 1089 } 1090 1091 if(s==friendList && c==deleteFriends){ 1092 mob.deleteAllFriends(); 1093 listOfFriends.removeAllElements(); 1094 friendList = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 1095 addNewFriend = new Command("Add New Friend", Command.SCREEN,1); 1096 stopFollow = new Command("Stop Follow Friends", Command.SCREEN,1); 1097 deleteFriends = new Command("Delete Friends", Command.SCREEN,1); 1098 friendList.addCommand(DUMMY); 1099 friendList.addCommand(addNewFriend); 1100 friendList.addCommand(stopFollow); 1101 friendList.addCommand(deleteFriends); 1102 //friendList.addCommand(MAP_CMD); 1103 friendList.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 1104 friendList.addCommand(DELIM); 1105 if(listOfFriends.size()>0){ 1106 for (int i=0; i<listOfFriends.size(); i++){ 1107 Friend f = (Friend)listOfFriends.elementAt(i); 1108 Command cc = new Command(f.getName(),Command.SCREEN,1); 1109 friendList.addCommand(cc); 1110 } 1111 } 1112 friendList.setCommandListener(this); 1113 d.setCurrent(friendList); 1114 d.setCurrent(friendList); 1115 } 1116 1117 if(s==friendList && c!=addNewFriend && c!=stopFollow && c!=deleteFriends && c!=MAP_CMD && c!=BACK_CMD && c!=DELIM){ 1118 friend = c.getLabel();


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1119 friend = compact(friend); 1120 oneFriend = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 1121 stopFollowOne = new Command("Stop Follow", Command.SCREEN,1); 1122 deleteFriend = new Command("Delete", Command.SCREEN,1); 1123 oneFriend.addCommand(DUMMY); 1124 oneFriend.addCommand(MAP_CMD); 1125 oneFriend.addCommand(stopFollowOne); 1126 oneFriend.addCommand(deleteFriend); 1127 oneFriend.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 1128 oneFriend.setCommandListener(this); 1129 1130 d.setCurrent(oneFriend); 1131 } 1132 1133 if(s==friendList && c==BACK_CMD){ 1134 d.setCurrent(MVList); 1135 } 1136 1137 if(s==oneFriend && c==MAP_CMD){ 1138 for(int i=0; i<listOfFriends.size(); i++){ 1139 Friend f = (Friend)listOfFriends.elementAt(i); 1140 if(f.getName().equals(friend)) { 1141 1142 if(f.getThread()==false){ 1143 tff = new Thread4Friend(whiteList,f.getName(),mob,ic,mb,oul); 1144 Integer hID = new Integer(tff.getID()); 1145 whiteList.addElement(hID); 1146 f.setID(tff.getID()); 1147 f.setThread(tff); 1148 tff.setFirst(); 1149 tff.start(); 1150 } else { 1151 f.setFirst(); 1152 } 1153 } 1154 } 1155 d.setCurrent(ic); 1156 } 1157 1158 if(s==oneFriend && c==BACK_CMD){ 1159 d.setCurrent(friendList); 1160 } 1161 1162 if(s==oneFriend && c==stopFollowOne){ 1163 for(int i=0; i<listOfFriends.size(); i++){


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1164 Friend f = (Friend)listOfFriends.elementAt(i); 1165 if(f.getName().equals(friend)) { 1166 whiteList.removeElement(new Integer(f.getHash())); 1167 mob.deleteFriend(f.getHash()); 1168 f.setThread(null); 1169 } 1170 } 1171 d.setCurrent(ic); 1172 } 1173 1174 if(s==oneFriend && c==deleteFriend){ 1175 for(int i=0; i<listOfFriends.size(); i++){ 1176 Friend f = (Friend)listOfFriends.elementAt(i); 1177 if(f.getName().equals(friend)) { 1178 whiteList.removeElement(new Integer(f.getHash())); 1179 mob.deleteFriend(f.getHash()); 1180 listOfFriends.removeElementAt(i); 1181 } 1182 } 1183 d.setCurrent(ic); 1184 } 1185 1186 } 1187 1188 1189 //----------------------This part of code deals with GPS--------------------- 1190 public void run(){ 1191 while(followFriends==true || gpsON==true){ 1192 String s = this.getResourceAsString(resource); 1193 int nextIndex = 6; 1194 int index = s.indexOf('\n'); 1195 1196 nextIndex = s.indexOf('\n',index+1); 1197 1198 int lastIndex = s.lastIndexOf('\n'); 1199 1200 int begin = -2; 1201 int end = index; 1202 1203 String c1 = ""; 1204 String c2 = ""; 1205 String timeStamp = ""; 1206 long currentTS = 0; 1207 1208 while(index<lastIndex && gpsON==true){ 1209 Thread t = Thread.currentThread();


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1210 if(t.hashCode()==currentlyShowed){ 1211 /** 1212 if(synchronizationDone==false && syncFollow==true){ 1213 do{ //Synchronization 1214 String temp = s.substring(begin+2,end); 1215 temp = compact(temp); 1216 int comma = temp.indexOf(','); 1217 c1 = temp.substring(0,comma); 1218 int nextComma = temp.indexOf(',',comma+1); 1219 c2 = temp.substring(comma+1,nextComma); 1220 timeStamp = temp.substring(nextComma+1,temp.length()); 1221 currentTS = Long.parseLong(timeStamp); 1222 begin = index-1; 1223 end = nextIndex; 1224 index = nextIndex; 1225 nextIndex = s.indexOf('\n',nextIndex+1); 1226 }while(currentTS<this.getTimeStamp()); 1227 synchronizationDone = true; 1228 }*/ 1229 1230 Point wp = null; 1231 if(!c1.equals("")){ 1232 wp = new Point(c2,c1,resource,"","blanco",true); 1233 } 1234 if(syncFollow==true) { 1235 this.setTimeStamp(currentTS); 1236 } 1237 1238 String temp = s.substring(begin+2,end); 1239 temp = compact(temp); 1240 if(temp.equals("")){ //na kraju ce temp da bude prazno 1241 index = lastIndex+1; 1242 } else { 1243 temp = compact(temp);


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1244 int comma = temp.indexOf(','); 1245 c1 = temp.substring(0,comma); 1246 int nextComma = temp.indexOf(',',comma+1); 1247 c2 = temp.substring(comma+1,nextComma); 1248 timeStamp = temp.substring(nextComma+1,temp.length()); 1249 currentTS = Long.parseLong(timeStamp); 1250 1251 begin = index-1; 1252 end = nextIndex; 1253 index = nextIndex; 1254 nextIndex = s.indexOf('\n',nextIndex+1); 1255 } 1256 1257 try{ 1258 Thread.sleep(1000); 1259 }catch(Exception e){} 1260 1261 if(wp!=null){ 1262 mob.setDrawablePoints(); 1263 if(gpsON==true){ 1264 mob.setCurrentPosition(wp); 1265 if((mob.getCurrentPosition().getX()>170 || mob.getCurrentPosition().getY()>160 || 1266 mob.getCurrentPosition().getX()<10 || mob.getCurrentPosition().getY()<10) && oul.getSelect()==false ) 1267 mb.setBackground(wp); 1268 ic.repaint(); 1269 1270 } 1271 } 1272 } 1273 } 1274 } 1275 1276 } 1277 1278 /** 1279 * @see MIDlet#pauseApp() 1280 */ 1281 protected void pauseApp() {


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1282 } 1283 1284 /** 1285 * @see MIDlet#destroyApp(boolean) 1286 */ 1287 protected void destroyApp(boolean flag) throws MIDletStateChangeException { 1288 } 1289 1290 1291 /** Blanco characters are possible to occur in names of pictures; 1292 * Integer representations of blanko characters are 9 and 32 1293 * Also, characters with integer representation between 0 and 33 1294 * can not be printed out in WSDD console, so I excluded them too 1295 */ 1296 public String compact(String s){ 1297 int k = s.length(); 1298 char[] d = s.toCharArray(); 1299 String ret = ""; 1300 for(int i=0; i<d.length; i++){ 1301 int temp = (int)d[i]; 1302 if(temp>32) ret+=d[i]; 1303 } 1304 int kk = ret.length(); 1305 return ret; 1306 } 1307 1308 public String compactFine(String s){ 1309 int k = s.length(); 1310 char[] d = s.toCharArray(); 1311 String ret = ""; 1312 for(int i=0; i<d.length; i++){ 1313 int temp = (int)d[i]; 1314 if(temp!=32 && temp!=9) ret+=d[i]; 1315 } 1316 int kk = ret.length(); 1317 return ret; 1318 } 1319 1320 public String getResourceAsString(String resource){ 1321 InputStream is = null; 1322 try{ 1323 is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource); 1324 }catch(Exception e) { 1325 a.setString("There is no such resource"); 1326 d.setCurrent(a); 1327 } 1328 1329 //conversion of resource into string 1330 String s = ""; 1331 char m =' ';


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1332 1333 try{ 1334 m = (char); 1335 }catch(Exception e){} 1336 1337 while(m!=65535){ 1338 s+=m; 1339 try{ 1340 m = (char); 1341 }catch(Exception e){} 1342 } 1343 try{ 1344 is.close(); 1345 }catch(Exception e){} 1346 1347 1348 s=compactFine(s); 1349 return s; 1350 } 1351 1352 public long getTimeStamp(){ 1353 return globalTimeStamp; 1354 } 1355 1356 public void setTimeStamp(long tms){ 1357 globalTimeStamp = tms; 1358 } 1359 1360 public void setWPList(){ 1361 WPList = new List("",List.IMPLICIT); 1362 WPList.addCommand(DUMMY); 1363 WPList.addCommand(addNewWP); 1364 WPList.addCommand(sortWP); 1365 WPList.addCommand(sortNameWP); 1366 WPList.addCommand(showIDcom); 1367 WPList.addCommand(BACK_CMD); 1368 WPList.addCommand(DELIM); 1369 WPList.setCommandListener(this); 1370 1371 } 1372 } 1373 1374 1375


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)


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Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)


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Code Conventions

MathFP suffers from Lack of Documentation and Number of Local Methods.

Number Of Local Methods DescriptionNumber of local Methods measures the number of methods locally declared in a class. Inherited methods are not considered. It is the size of the interface of a class and allows conclusions on its complexity.

1 /** 2 * MathFP implements fix point as a replacement for floating point 3 */ 4 5 6 7 // Processed by NMI's Java Code Viewer 4.8.1 © 1997-2000 B. Lemaire 8 // Website: E-mail: [email protected] 9 // Copy registered to Evaluation Copy 10 11 public class MathFP { 12 13 /** Modulo (% operator) implementaition missing in MathFP 2.0.6 14 * @author BMa 15 */ 16 public static long mod(long num, long by) { 17 //System.out.println("mod: "+MathFP.toString(num)+" by: "+MathFP.toString(by)); 18 long frac = MathFP.div(num, by); 19 //System.out.println("MathFP.div(num, by): "+MathFP.toString(MathFP.div(num, by))); 20 //long frac = MathFP.round(frac, 0); does not work properly??? 21 //System.out.println("MathFP.round(MathFP.div(num, by), 0): "+MathFP.toString(MathFP.round(MathFP.div(num, by), 0))); 22 frac = MathFP.toFP(MathFP.toLong(frac)); 23 //System.out.println("MathFP.better(MathFP.div(num, by), 0): "+MathFP.toString(frac)); 24 //System.out.println("MathFP.mul(by, frac): "+MathFP.toString(MathFP.mul(by, frac))); 25 //System.out.println("MathFP.mod: "+MathFP.toString(num - MathFP.mul(by, frac))); 26 return num - MathFP.mul(by, frac); 27 } 28 29 30 //private static long sinLimit=toFP("0.0055");


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31 32 /** Fix of bad sin() in MathFP 2.0.6 - X is closer to real sin(X) than calculated value for small X 33 * @author BMa 34 */ 35 public static long sin(long l) { 36 if (abs(l) > toFP("0.0055")) 37 return sinBad(l); 38 else 39 return l; 40 } 41 42 //private static long asinLimit=toFP("0.019"); 43 44 /** Fix of bad asin() in MathFP 2.0.6 - X is closer to real asin(X) than calculated value for small X 45 * @author BMa 46 */ 47 public static long asin(long l) { 48 if (abs(l) > toFP("0.019")) 49 return asinBad(l); 50 else 51 return l; 52 } 53 54 55 private static int _fbits = 24; 56 private static int _digits = 8; 57 private static long _one; 58 private static long _fmask = 0xffffffL; 59 private static long _dmul = 0x5f5e100L; 60 private static long _flt = 0L; 61 private static long _pi; 62 private static long e[]; 63 public static long PI; 64 public static long E; 65 public static final long MAX_VALUE = 0x7fffffffffffffffL; 66 public static final long MIN_VALUE = 0x8000000000000001L; 67 68 public static int setPrecision(int i) { 69 if(i > 24 || i < 0) 70 return _digits; 71 _fbits = i; 72 _one = 1L << i; 73 _flt = 24 - i; 74 _digits = 0; 75 _dmul = 1L; 76 _fmask = _one - 1L; 77 PI = _pi >> (int)_flt; 78 E = e[1] >> (int)_flt; 79 for(long l = _one; l != 0L;) {


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80 l /= 10L; 81 _digits++; 82 _dmul *= 10L; 83 } 84 85 return _digits; 86 } 87 88 public static int getPrecision() { 89 return _fbits; 90 } 91 92 public static long toLong(long l) { 93 if(l < 0L) 94 return -(round(-l, 0) >> _fbits); 95 else 96 return round(l, 0) >> _fbits; 97 } 98 99 public static long toLongZare(long i) { 100 if(i >= 0) 101 i += 2048; 102 else 103 i -= 2048; 104 return i >> 12; 105 } 106 107 public static long toFP(long l) { 108 return l << _fbits; 109 } 110 111 public static long convert(long l, int i) { 112 long l1 = l >= 0L ? 1L : -1L; 113 if(abs(i) < 25L) 114 if(_fbits < i) 115 l = l + l1 * (1L << (i - _fbits >> 1)) >> i - _fbits; 116 else 117 l <<= _fbits - i; 118 return l; 119 } 120 121 public static long toFP(String s) { 122 int i = 0; 123 if(s.charAt(0) == '-') 124 i = 1; 125 String s1 = "-1"; 126 int j = s.indexOf(46); 127 if(j >= 0) { 128 for(s1 = s.substring(j + 1, s.length()); s1.length() < _digits; s1 = s1 + "0"); 129 if(s1.length() > _digits)


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130 s1 = s1.substring(0, _digits); 131 } else { 132 j = s.length(); 133 } 134 long l = 0L; 135 if(i != j) 136 l = Long.parseLong(s.substring(i, j)); 137 long l1 = Long.parseLong(s1) + 1L; 138 long l2 = (l << _fbits) + (l1 << _fbits) / _dmul; 139 if(i == 1) 140 l2 = -l2; 141 return l2; 142 } 143 144 public static String toString(long l) { 145 boolean flag = false; 146 if(l < 0L) { 147 flag = true; 148 l = -l; 149 } 150 long l1 = l >> _fbits; 151 long l2 = _dmul * (l & _fmask) >> _fbits; 152 String s; 153 for(s = Long.toString(l2); s.length() < _digits; s = "0" + s); 154 return (flag ? "-" : "") + Long.toString(l1) + "." + s; 155 } 156 157 public static String toString(long l, int i) { 158 if(i > _digits) 159 i = _digits; 160 String s = toString(round(l, i)); 161 return s.substring(0, (s.length() - _digits) + i); 162 } 163 164 public static long getWholePart(String s){ 165 166 int end = s.indexOf('.'); 167 s = s.substring(0,end); 168 long wh = toFP(s); 169 return wh; 170 } 171 /** 172 public static long getWholePart(long l){ 173 String s = toString(l); 174 int end = s.indexOf('.'); 175 s = s.substring(0,end); 176 long wh = toFP(s); 177 return wh; 178 }*/ 179 180 public static long max(long l, long l1) {


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181 return l >= l1 ? l : l1; 182 } 183 184 public static long min(long l, long l1) { 185 return l1 >= l ? l : l1; 186 } 187 188 public static long round(long l, int i) { 189 long l1 = 10L; 190 for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) 191 l1 *= 10L; 192 193 l1 = div(toFP(5L), toFP(l1)); 194 if(l < 0L) 195 l1 = -l1; 196 return l + l1; 197 } 198 199 public static long mul(long l, long l1) { 200 boolean flag = false; 201 int i = _fbits; 202 long l2 = _fmask; 203 if((l & l2) == 0L) 204 return (l >> i) * l1; 205 if((l1 & l2) == 0L) 206 return l * (l1 >> i); 207 if(l < 0L && l1 > 0L || l > 0L && l1 < 0L) 208 flag = true; 209 if(l < 0L) 210 l = -l; 211 if(l1 < 0L) 212 l1 = -l1; 213 for(; max(l, l1) >= 1L << 63 - i; i--) { 214 l >>= 1; 215 l1 >>= 1; 216 l2 >>= 1; 217 } 218 219 long l3 = (l >> i) * (l1 >> i) << i; 220 long l4 = (l & l2) * (l1 & l2) >> i; 221 l4 += (l & ~l2) * (l1 & l2) >> i; 222 l3 = l3 + l4 + ((l & l2) * (l1 & ~l2) >> i) << _fbits - i; 223 if(l3 < 0L) 224 throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow"); 225 else 226 return flag ? -l3 : l3; 227 } 228 229 public static long div(long l, long l1) { 230 boolean flag = false; 231 int i = _fbits;


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232 if(l1 == _one) 233 return l; 234 if((l1 & _fmask) == 0L) 235 return l / (l1 >> i); 236 if(l < 0L && l1 > 0L || l > 0L && l1 < 0L) 237 flag = true; 238 if(l < 0L) 239 l = -l; 240 if(l1 < 0L) 241 l1 = -l1; 242 for(; max(l, l1) >= 1L << 63 - i; i--) { 243 l >>= 1; 244 l1 >>= 1; 245 } 246 247 long l2 = (l << i) / l1 << _fbits - i; 248 return flag ? -l2 : l2; 249 } 250 251 public static long add(long l, long l1) { 252 return l + l1; 253 } 254 255 public static long sub(long l, long l1) { 256 return l - l1; 257 } 258 259 public static long abs(long l) { 260 if(l < 0L) 261 return -l; 262 else 263 return l; 264 } 265 266 public static long sqrt(long l, int i) { 267 if(l < 0L) 268 throw new ArithmeticException("Bad Input"); 269 if(l == 0L) 270 return 0L; 271 long l1 = l + _one >> 1; 272 for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) 273 l1 = l1 + div(l, l1) >> 1; 274 275 if(l1 < 0L) 276 throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow"); 277 else 278 return l1; 279 } 280 281 public static long sqrt(long l) { 282 return sqrt(l, 24);


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283 } 284 285 //public static long sin(long l) { 286 private static long sinBad(long l) { 287 long l1 = mul(l, div(toFP(180L), PI)); 288 l1 %= toFP(360L); 289 if(l1 < 0L) 290 l1 = toFP(360L) + l1; 291 long l2 = l1; 292 if(l1 >= toFP(90L) && l1 < toFP(270L)) 293 l2 = toFP(180L) - l1; 294 else 295 if(l1 >= toFP(270L) && l1 < toFP(360L)) 296 l2 = -(toFP(360L) - l1); 297 long l3 = l2 / 90L; 298 long l4 = mul(l3, l3); 299 long l5 = mul(mul(mul(mul(0xfffffffffffee21aL >> (int)_flt, l4) + (0x14594dL >> (int)_flt), l4) - (0xa55b13L >> (int)_flt), l4) + (long)(0x1921f9c >> (int)_flt), l3); 300 return l5; 301 } 302 303 //public static long asin(long l) { 304 private static long asinBad(long l) { 305 if(abs(l) > _one) { 306 throw new ArithmeticException("Bad Input"); 307 } else { 308 boolean flag = l < 0L; 309 l = abs(l); 310 long l1 = mul(mul(mul(mul(0x236cf >> (int)_flt, l) - (long)(0x92748 >> (int)_flt), l) + (long)(0x15acb4 >> (int)_flt), l) - (long)(0x36d0dd >> (int)_flt), l) + (long)(0x1921f27 >> (int)_flt); 311 long l2 = PI / 2L - mul(sqrt(_one - l), l1); 312 return flag ? -l2 : l2; 313 } 314 } 315 316 public static long cos(long l) { 317 return sin(PI / 2L - l); 318 } 319 320 public static long acos(long l) { 321 return PI / 2L - asin(l); 322 } 323 324 public static long tan(long l) { 325 return div(sin(l), cos(l)); 326 } 327 328 public static long cot(long l) { 329 return div(cos(l), sin(l));


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330 } 331 332 public static long atan(long l) { 333 return asin(div(l, sqrt(_one + mul(l, l)))); 334 } 335 336 public static long exp(long l) { 337 if(l == 0L) 338 return _one; 339 boolean flag = l < 0L; 340 l = abs(l); 341 int i = (int)(l >> _fbits); 342 long l1 = _one; 343 for(int j = 0; j < i / 4; j++) 344 l1 = mul(l1, e[4] >> (int)_flt); 345 346 if(i % 4 > 0) 347 l1 = mul(l1, e[i % 4] >> (int)_flt); 348 l &= _fmask; 349 if(l > 0L) { 350 long l2 = _one; 351 long l3 = 0L; 352 long l4 = 1L; 353 for(int k = 0; k < 16; k++) { 354 l3 += l2 / l4; 355 l2 = mul(l2, l); 356 l4 *= k + 1; 357 if(l4 > l2 || l2 <= 0L || l4 <= 0L) 358 break; 359 } 360 361 l1 = mul(l1, l3); 362 } 363 if(flag) 364 l1 = div(_one, l1); 365 return l1; 366 } 367 368 public static long log(long l) { 369 if(l <= 0L) 370 throw new ArithmeticException("Bad Input"); 371 long l1 = 0L; 372 long l2 = 0L; 373 int i; 374 for(i = 0; l >= _one << 1; i++) 375 l >>= 1; 376 377 long l4 = (long)i * (long)(0xb17218 >> (int)_flt); 378 long l5 = 0L; 379 if(l < _one) 380 return -log(div(_one, l));


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381 l -= _one; 382 for(int j = 1; j < 20; j++) { 383 long l3; 384 if(l1 == 0L) 385 l3 = l; 386 else 387 l3 = mul(l1, l); 388 if(l3 == 0L) 389 break; 390 l5 += ((j % 2 != 0 ? 1L : -1L) * l3) / (long)j; 391 l1 = l3; 392 } 393 394 return l4 + l5; 395 } 396 397 public static long pow(long l, long l1) { 398 boolean flag = l1 < 0L; 399 long l2 = _one; 400 l1 = abs(l1); 401 for(int i = (int)l1 >> _fbits; i-- > 0;) 402 l2 = mul(l2, l); 403 404 if(l2 < 0L) 405 throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow"); 406 if(l != 0L) 407 l2 = mul(l2, exp(mul(log(l), l1 & _fmask))); 408 else 409 l2 = 0L; 410 if(flag) 411 return div(_one, l2); 412 else 413 return l2; 414 } 415 416 public static long atan2(long l, long l1) { 417 long l2 = 0L; 418 if(l1 > 0L) 419 l2 = atan(div(l, l1)); 420 else 421 if(l1 < 0L) { 422 l2 = (l1 >= 0L ? PI : -PI) - atan(abs(div(l, l1))); 423 } else { 424 if(l1 == 0L && l == 0L) 425 throw new ArithmeticException("Bad Input"); 426 l2 = (l >= 0L ? PI : -PI) / 2L; 427 } 428 return l2; 429 } 430 431 static {


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432 _one = 0x1000000L; 433 _pi = 0x3243f6aL; 434 e = (new long[] { 435 _one, 0x2b7e151L, 0x763992eL, 0x1415e5bfL, 0x3699205cL 436 }); 437 PI = _pi; 438 E = e[1]; 439 } 440 }



Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure



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Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

The problem with class Outlook is Lack of Documentation

Lack Of Documentation Description. How many comments are lacking in a class, considering one class comment and a comment per method as optimum. Structure and content of the comments are ignored.


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1 /** 2 * 3 * Outlook coordinates work MapBackground, MapObjects and SelectorPoint 4 * 5 */ 6 //import java.util.*; 7 //import*; 8 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 9 10 public class Outlook { 11 MapBackground mb; 12 MapObjects mob; 13 MapBackgroundFactory mbf; 14 SelectorPoint selP; 15 boolean select = false; 16 boolean route = false; 17 boolean startup = false; 18 boolean first = false; 19 Point center = new Point("44.83168","20.445","","","blanco",false); 20 boolean WPselection = false; 21 22 Outlook(MapBackground mb, MapObjects mob, SelectorPoint sp) { 23 24 this.mb = mb; 25 this.mob = mob; 26 this.selP = sp; 27 } 28 29 public void drawOutlook(Graphics g){ 30 if(startup==false) { 31 mb.setBackground(center); 32 startup = true; 33 } 34 35 mb.drawMapBackground(g); 36 37 if(first==true && mob.currentSet()==false && WPselection==false){ 38 selP.selP = new Point(mb.getNewEdge(),false); 39 first=false; 40 } 41 42 if(first==true && mob.currentSet()==true && WPselection==false){ 43 selP.selectWP(mob.getCurrentPosition().getName()); 44 mb.drawMapBackground(g); 45 first=false; 46 } 47 48 /**


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49 if(route==false){ 50 mob.drawMOB(g,route); 51 if(select==true) selP.drawSelP(g); 52 } else { 53 if(select==true) selP.drawSelP(g); 54 mob.drawMOB(g,route); 55 }*/ 56 57 if(select==true) selP.drawSelP(g); 58 mob.drawMOB(g,route); 59 if(select==true) selP.drawCaption(g); 60 61 } 62 63 public void ZoomIn(){ 64 boolean zoom = mb.ZoomIn(); 65 if(zoom==true) selP.Zoom(); 66 } 67 68 public void ZoomOut(){ 69 boolean zoom = mb.ZoomOut(); 70 if(zoom==true) selP.Zoom(); 71 } 72 73 /** Sets map due to Pan transformation 74 */ 75 public void setMap(char side){ 76 if(select == false) mb.setMap(side); 77 if(select == true) selP.setSelectorScreen(side); 78 } 79 80 public void setCanvasWH(int cW,int cH){ 81 mb.setCanvasWH(cW,cH); 82 } 83 84 public void setSelect(){ 85 select = true; 86 first = true; 87 //selP.resetBig(); 88 } 89 90 public void setWPselection(){ 91 WPselection = true; 92 } 93 94 public void resetSelect(){ 95 select = false; 96 WPselection = false; 97 } 98 99 public boolean getSelect(){


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100 return select; 101 } 102 103 public void setRoute(){ 104 route = true; 105 } 106 107 public void resetRoute(){ 108 route = false; 109 } 110 111 112 }


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)


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Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

Improvement of LCOM DescriptionThe Improvement of LCOM (cf. Lack of Cohesion in Methods 3.2.3) metric is a measure for the number of connected components in a class. A component are methods of a class sharing (being connected by) instance variables of the class. The less separate components there are the higher is the cohesion of the methods in the class.

Lack of Cohesion in Methods DescriptionThe Lack of Cohesion in Methods metric is a measure for the number of not connected method pairs in a class representing independent parts having no cohesion. It represents the difference between the number of method pairs not having instance variables in common, and the number of method pairs having common instance variables.

Number Of local Methods DescriptionNumber of local Methods measures the number of methods locally declared in a class. Inherited methods are not considered. It is the size of the interface of a class and allows conclusions on its complexity.

Tight Class Cohesion DescriptionThe Tight Class Cohesion metric measures the cohesion between the public methods of a class. That is the relative number of directly connected public methods in the class. Classes having a low cohesion indicate errors in the design.

1 /** 2 * Class Point represents geographical object 3 */ 4 5 6 //import java.util.*; 7 //import*; 8 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 9 10 public class Point { 11 12


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13 /** type of Waypoint 14 * -2 - destination Point 15 * -1 - current Point 16 * 0 - free Point 17 * n - route Point 18 */ 19 private int typeID = 0; 20 21 22 /** Point ID 23 * 24 */ 25 private int ID = 0; 26 27 28 /** Counter 29 */ 30 private static int cnt = 0; 31 32 33 /** Float-point representation of latitude 34 */ 35 private long lat; 36 37 /** Float-point representation of longitude 38 */ 39 private long lon; 40 41 42 /** Degrees of latitude in Integer 43 */ 44 private long degLat; 45 46 /** Minutes of latitude in Integer 47 */ 48 private long minLat; 49 50 /** Seconds of latitude in Integer 51 */ 52 private long secLat; 53 54 /** Side of the world, South or North 55 */ 56 //private char sideNS; 57 58 59 60 61 /** Degrees of longitude in Integer 62 */ 63 private long degLon;


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64 65 /** Minutes of longitude in Integer 66 */ 67 private long minLon; 68 69 /** Seconds of longitude in Integer 70 */ 71 private long secLon; 72 73 /** Side of the world, West or East 74 */ 75 //private char sideWE; 76 77 /** Total number of latitude seconds 78 */ 79 long totLatSec; 80 81 /** Total number of longitude seconds 82 */ 83 long totLonSec; 84 85 /** Name of the Point 86 */ 87 String name = "default"; 88 89 /** Type of the Point 90 */ 91 String type = "default"; 92 93 /** Distance between this point and point which asks sorting 94 */ 95 private long distance; 96 97 /** x coordinate of Point on Canvas 98 */ 99 private long x = 5; 100 101 /** y coordinate of Point on Canvas 102 */ 103 private long y = 5; 104 105 106 /** Help variable 107 */ 108 long dm1=0; 109 110 /** Help variable 111 */ 112 long dm2=0; 113 114 /** Help variable


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115 */ 116 long rr=1000; 117 118 /** String that describes image 119 */ 120 String imgString = "blanco"; 121 122 123 /** Regular constructor 124 * @author Zarko Acimovic 125 */ 126 Point(long dlat, long mlat, long slat, //char side1, 127 long dlon, long mlon, long slon, //char side2, 128 String n, String t,boolean setNewID){ 129 130 degLat=MathFP.toFP(dlat); 131 minLat=MathFP.toFP(mlat); 132 secLat=MathFP.toFP(slat); 133 //sideNS=side1; 134 135 136 degLon=MathFP.toFP(dlon); 137 minLon=MathFP.toFP(mlon); 138 secLon=MathFP.toFP(slon); 139 //sideWE=side2; 140 141 name=n; 142 type=t; 143 144 long sixty=MathFP.toFP("60"); 145 146 lat = MathFP.add(degLat,MathFP.div(MathFP.add(minLat,MathFP.div(secLat,sixty)),sixty)); 147 lon = MathFP.add(degLon,MathFP.div(MathFP.add(minLon,MathFP.div(secLon,sixty)),sixty)); 148 149 totLatSec = MathFP.mul(lat,MathFP.toFP("3600")); 150 totLonSec = MathFP.mul(lon,MathFP.toFP("3600")); 151 152 if(setNewID==true){ 153 ID = cnt; 154 cnt++; 155 } 156 typeID = 0; //default type 157 //System.out.println("cnt="+cnt); 158 } 159 160 161 162 Point(long totLatSec, 163 //char s1,


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164 long totLonSec, 165 //char s2, 166 String ss1, String ss2, boolean setNewID){ 167 lat = MathFP.div(totLatSec, MathFP.toFP("3600")); 168 lon = MathFP.div(totLonSec, MathFP.toFP("3600")); 169 = ss1; 170 this.type = ss2; 171 //this.sideNS = s1; 172 //this.sideWE = s2; 173 174 String latS = MathFP.toString(lat); 175 String lonS = MathFP.toString(lon); 176 177 this.degLat = MathFP.getWholePart(latS); 178 long temp = MathFP.sub(,this.degLat); 179 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 180 this.minLat = MathFP.getWholePart(MathFP.toString(temp)); 181 182 temp = MathFP.sub(,this.degLat); 183 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 184 temp = MathFP.sub(temp,minLat); 185 this.secLat = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 186 187 this.degLon = MathFP.getWholePart(lonS); 188 temp = MathFP.sub(this.lon,this.degLon); 189 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 190 this.minLon = MathFP.getWholePart(MathFP.toString(temp)); 191 192 temp = MathFP.sub(this.lon,this.degLon); 193 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 194 temp = MathFP.sub(temp,minLon); 195 this.secLon = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 196 197 this.totLatSec = totLatSec; 198 this.totLonSec = totLonSec; 199 200 if(setNewID==true){ 201 ID = cnt; 202 cnt++; 203 } 204 typeID = 0; //default type 205 //System.out.println("cnt="+cnt); 206 207 } 208 209 210 211 Point(Point wp, boolean setNewID) { 212 degLat=wp.degLat; 213 minLat=wp.minLat; 214 secLat=wp.secLat;


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215 //sideNS=wp.sideNS; 216 217 218 degLon=wp.degLon; 219 minLon=wp.minLon; 220 secLon=wp.secLon; 221 //sideWE=wp.sideWE; 222 223; 224 type=wp.type; 225 226 =; 227 this.lon = wp.lon; 228 this.totLatSec = wp.totLatSec; 229 this.totLonSec = wp.totLonSec; 230 231 232 if (setNewID==true){ 233 ID = cnt; 234 cnt++; 235 } 236 typeID = 0; //default type 237 //System.out.println("cnt="+cnt); 238 imgString = wp.getImage(); 239 } 240 241 Point (String lat, 242 //char sideNS, 243 String lon, 244 //char sideWE, 245 String name, String type, String img, boolean setNewID){ 246 //this.sideNS = sideNS; 247 //this.sideWE = sideWE; 248 = name; 249 this.type = type; 250 = MathFP.toFP(lat); 251 this.lon = MathFP.toFP(lon); 252 253 this.degLat = MathFP.getWholePart(lat); 254 long temp = MathFP.sub(,this.degLat); 255 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 256 this.minLat = MathFP.getWholePart(MathFP.toString(temp)); 257 258 temp = MathFP.sub(,this.degLat); 259 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 260 temp = MathFP.sub(temp,minLat); 261 this.secLat = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 262 263 this.degLon = MathFP.getWholePart(lon); 264 temp = MathFP.sub(this.lon,this.degLon); 265 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60"));


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266 this.minLon = MathFP.getWholePart(MathFP.toString(temp)); 267 268 temp = MathFP.sub(this.lon,this.degLon); 269 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 270 temp = MathFP.sub(temp,minLon); 271 this.secLon = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 272 273 this.totLatSec = MathFP.mul(,MathFP.toFP("3600")); 274 this.totLonSec = MathFP.mul(this.lon,MathFP.toFP("3600")); 275 276 277 if (setNewID==true) { 278 ID = cnt; 279 cnt++; 280 } 281 typeID = 0; //default type 282 //System.out.println("cnt="+cnt); 283 imgString = img; 284 285 } 286 287 288 289 /** 290 Point(String lat, String lon, String name, String type, String image, boolean setNewID){ 291 = name; 292 this.type = type; 293 = MathFP.toFP(lat); 294 this.lon = MathFP.toFP(lon); 295 296 this.degLat = MathFP.getWholePart(lat); 297 long temp = MathFP.sub(,this.degLat); 298 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 299 this.minLat = MathFP.getWholePart(MathFP.toString(temp)); 300 301 temp = MathFP.sub(,this.degLat); 302 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 303 temp = MathFP.sub(temp,minLat); 304 this.secLat = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 305 306 this.degLon = MathFP.getWholePart(lon); 307 temp = MathFP.sub(this.lon,this.degLon); 308 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 309 this.minLon = MathFP.getWholePart(MathFP.toString(temp)); 310 311 temp = MathFP.sub(this.lon,this.degLon); 312 temp = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 313 temp = MathFP.sub(temp,minLon); 314 this.secLon = MathFP.mul(temp,MathFP.toFP("60")); 315


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316 this.totLatSec = MathFP.mul(,MathFP.toFP("3600")); 317 this.totLonSec = MathFP.mul(this.lon,MathFP.toFP("3600")); 318 319 320 if (setNewID==true) { 321 ID = cnt; 322 cnt++; 323 } 324 typeID = 0; //default type 325 326 }*/ 327 328 /** Calculates distance between two Points; 329 * 330 * @version advanced 331 * @return long 332 */ 333 public long measureDistance(Point wp){ 334 Coordinates c1 = new Coordinates(,this.lon); 335 Coordinates c2 = new Coordinates(, wp.lon); 336 return MathFP.toLong(c1.distance(c2)); 337 } 338 339 /** Sets distance 340 */ 341 public void setDistance (long dist){ 342 distance = dist; 343 } 344 345 /** Gets distance 346 * @return long 347 */ 348 public long getDistance (){ 349 return distance; 350 } 351 352 /** Returns type of Point 353 * @return String 354 */ 355 public String getType() { return type; } 356 357 /** Sets type of Point 358 * @return String 359 */ 360 public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } 361 362 /** Returns name of Point 363 * @return String 364 */ 365 public String getName() { return name; } 366


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367 /** Sets type of Point 368 * @return String 369 */ 370 public void setName(String name) { = name; } 371 372 /** Returns side of the world as String 373 * @return String 374 * 375 */ 376 //public char getNS(){ 377 // return sideNS; 378 //} 379 380 /** Returns side of the world as String 381 * @return String 382 * 383 */ 384 //public char getWE(){ 385 // return sideWE; 386 //} 387 388 /** Returns degrees of latitiude 389 * 390 * @author Zarko Acimovic 391 * @version initial 392 */ 393 public long getDLat(){ 394 return degLat; 395 } 396 397 /** Returns minutes of latitiude 398 * 399 * @author Zarko Acimovic 400 * @version initial 401 */ 402 public long getMLat(){ 403 return minLat; 404 } 405 406 /** Returns seconds of latitiude 407 * 408 * @author Zarko Acimovic 409 * @version initial 410 */ 411 public long getSLat(){ 412 return secLat; 413 } 414 415 /** Returns degrees of longitude 416 * 417 * @author Zarko Acimovic


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418 * @version initial 419 */ 420 public long getDLon(){ 421 return degLon; 422 } 423 424 /** Returns minutes of longitude 425 * 426 * @author Zarko Acimovic 427 * @version initial 428 */ 429 public long getMLon(){ 430 return minLon; 431 } 432 433 /** Returns seconds of longitude 434 * 435 * @author Zarko Acimovic 436 * @version initial 437 * @return int 438 */ 439 public long getSLon(){ 440 return secLon; 441 } 442 443 /** Returns latitude as floating point 444 * 445 * @author Zarko Acimovic 446 * @version initial 447 * @return Float-Point 448 */ 449 public long getLat(){ 450 return lat; 451 } 452 453 /** Returns longitude as floating point 454 * 455 * @author Zarko Acimovic 456 * @version initial 457 * @return Float-Point 458 */ 459 public long getLon(){ 460 return lon; 461 } 462 463 /** Prints Point 464 * @author Zarko Acimovic 465 * @version initial 466 * @return String 467 */ 468 public String toString(){


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469 return "ID="+getID()+"\n"+"Longitude: "+MathFP.toString(this.lon)+" "+MathFP.toString(this.degLon)+","+MathFP.toString(this.minLon)+","+MathFP.toString(this.secLon)+","+" x="+this.getX()+ 470 "\nLatitude: "+MathFP.toString(" "+MathFP.toString(this.degLat)+","+MathFP.toString(this.minLat)+","+MathFP.toString(this.secLat)+","+" y="+this.getY()+" "+this.getName()+"\n" 471 +this.getImage(); 472 } 473 474 /** Sets x and y coordinates on Canvas relative to wp 475 * Usually wp is newEdge 476 * @author Zarko Acimovic 477 * @version initial 478 */ 479 public void setXY (Point wp, long pixLon, long pixLat){ 480 //System.out.println("----this------------------"+this); 481 //System.out.println("-------newEdge---------------"+wp); 482 ///System.out.println("this.getLat()="+MathFP.toString(this.getLat())); 483 //System.out.println("this.getLon()="+MathFP.toString(this.getLon())); 484 ///System.out.println("wp.getLat()="+MathFP.toString(wp.getLat())); 485 ///System.out.println("wp.getLon()="+MathFP.toString(wp.getLon())); 486 //System.out.println("pixLat="+MathFP.toString(pixLat)); 487 ///System.out.println("pixLon="+MathFP.toString(pixLon)); 488 489 y = MathFP.div(MathFP.mul(MathFP.sub(wp.getLat(),this.getLat()),MathFP.toFP("3600")),pixLat); 490 y = MathFP.toLong(y); 491 492 x = MathFP.div(MathFP.mul(MathFP.sub(this.getLon(),wp.getLon()),MathFP.toFP("3600")),pixLon); 493 x = MathFP.toLong(x); 494 } 495 496 /** Checks if this Point is beetwen wp1 and wp2 497 * 498 * @version initial 499 * @return boolean 500 */ 501 public boolean check(Point wp1, Point wp2){ 502 503 long lim1Lat = wp1.getLat(); 504 long lim1Lon = wp1.getLon(); 505 long lim2Lat = wp2.getLat(); 506 long lim2Lon = wp2.getLon();


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507 508 long bigLat; 509 long miniLat; 510 long bigLon; 511 long miniLon; 512 513 if (lim1Lat>lim2Lat){ 514 bigLat=lim1Lat; 515 miniLat=lim2Lat; 516 } else { 517 bigLat=lim2Lat; 518 miniLat=lim1Lat; 519 } 520 521 if (lim1Lon>lim2Lon){ 522 bigLon=lim1Lon; 523 miniLon=lim2Lon; 524 } else { 525 bigLon=lim2Lon; 526 miniLon=lim1Lon; 527 } 528 529 if (miniLat<this.getLat() && this.getLat()<bigLat && 530 miniLon<this.getLon() && this.getLon()<bigLon){ 531 return true; 532 } else { 533 return false; 534 } 535 536 } 537 538 539 540 /** Returns x-position of Point on Canvas 541 * 542 * @author Zarko Acimovic 543 * @version initial 544 * @return long 545 */ 546 public long getX() {return x; } 547 548 /** Returns y-position of Point on Canvas 549 * 550 * @author Zarko Acimovic 551 * @version initial 552 * @return long 553 */ 554 public long getY() {return y; } 555 556 public int getXX() { 557 Long l = new Long(x);


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558 int xx = Integer.parseInt(l.toString()); 559 return xx; 560 } 561 562 public int getYY() { 563 Long l = new Long(y); 564 int yy = Integer.parseInt(l.toString()); 565 return yy; 566 } 567 568 /** Adds inc on x 569 */ 570 public void addX(long inc ){ 571 this.x+=inc; 572 } 573 574 /** Substracts dec from x 575 */ 576 public void subX(long dec){ 577 this.x-=dec; 578 } 579 580 /** Adds inc on y 581 */ 582 public void addY(long inc){ 583 this.y+=inc; 584 } 585 586 /** Substracts dec from y 587 */ 588 public void subY(long dec){ 589 this.y-=dec; 590 } 591 592 593 /** Returns total number of lat-seconds for Point 594 * 595 * @author Zarko Acimovic 596 * @version initial 597 * @return long 598 */ 599 public long getLatSec() { 600 return totLatSec; 601 } 602 603 /** Returns total number of lon-seconds for Point 604 * 605 * @author Zarko Acimovic 606 * @version initial 607 * @return long 608 */


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609 public long getLonSec() { 610 return totLonSec; 611 } 612 613 /** Sets x-position of Point on screen 614 */ 615 public void setX(long x){ 616 this.x=x; 617 } 618 619 /** Sets y-position of Point on screen 620 */ 621 public void setY(long y){ 622 this.y=y; 623 } 624 625 /** Sets ID of Point 626 * 0 - simple Point 627 * 1 - current Point 628 * 2 - destination Point 629 */ 630 public void setTypeID(int i){ 631 typeID = i; 632 } 633 634 /** Returns ID of Point 635 * 0 - simple Point 636 * 1 - current Point 637 * 2 - destination Point 638 */ 639 public int getTypeID(){ 640 return typeID; 641 } 642 643 public int getID(){ 644 return ID; 645 } 646 647 648 /** String that represents image 649 */ 650 public void setImage(String s){ 651 imgString = s; 652 } 653 654 /** Returns name of the image 655 */ 656 public String getImage(){ 657 return imgString; 658 } 659


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660 public void drawPoint(Graphics g, Point newEdge, long pixLat, long pixLon, long zoomLv){ 661 662 this.setXY(newEdge,pixLon,pixLat); 663 if(this.getImage().equals("route")){ 664 g.fillRect(this.getXX()-3,this.getYY()-3,6,6); 665 } 666 if(this.getImage().equals("blanco")){ 667 g.fillRect(this.getXX()-3,this.getYY()-3,6,6); 668 if (this.getName().equals("current")) 669 g.drawString(this.getName(),this.getXX()-25,this.getYY()+5,0); 670 671 if (this.getName().equals("dest")) 672 g.drawString(this.getName(),this.getXX()-18,this.getYY()+11,0); 673 674 if (this.getName().equals("GPS.txt")) 675 g.drawString(this.getName(),this.getXX()-18,this.getYY()+11,0); 676 677 if (this.getName().equals("Mika.txt")) 678 g.drawString(this.getName(),this.getXX()-18,this.getYY()+11,0); 679 680 if (this.getName().equals("GPS")) 681 g.drawString(this.getName(),this.getXX()-18,this.getYY()+11,0); 682 683 if (this.getName().equals("Mika")) 684 g.drawString(this.getName(),this.getXX()-18,this.getYY()+11,0); 685 686 if (this.getName().equals("Str8")) 687 g.drawString(this.getName(),this.getXX()-18,this.getYY()+11,0); 688 } 689 690 if(!this.getImage().equals("blanco") && !this.getImage().equals("route")){ 691 Image img = null; 692 try{ 693 img = Image.createImage(this.getImage()); 694 }catch(Exception e){} 695 g.drawImage(img,this.getXX()-3,this.getYY()-3,0); 696 //g.drawString(this.getName(),this.getXX()-15,this.getYY()+11,0); 697 } 698 } 699 700 public void setLat(String s){


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701 lat = MathFP.toFP(s); 702 } 703 704 public void setLon(String s){ 705 lon = MathFP.toFP(s); 706 } 707 708 }



Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

PVector is OK.


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1 /** 2 * 3 * PVector enables drawing and sorting of points by name and distance 4 */ 5 6 7 import java.util.*; 8 //import*; 9 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 10 11 public class PVector extends Vector { 12 13 /** ID of WP Vector 14 * 0 - simple Vector 15 * 1 - route 16 */ 17 private int ID = 0; 18 private static int cnt = 0; 19 20 private String name =""; 21 22 boolean visible = false; 23 24 25 26 PVector(String name,boolean route){ 27 super(); 28 29 if (route==true) { 30 = name; 31 cnt++; 32 ID = cnt; 33 } else { 34 ID = 0; 35 } 36 } 37 PVector(Vector v, boolean route){ 38 super(); 39 40 if (route==true) { 41 ID = cnt; 42 cnt++; 43 } else { 44 ID = 0;


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45 } 46 47 for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){ 48 this.addElement(v.elementAt(i)); 49 } 50 } 51 52 53 /** Returns vector of Points sorted by distance 54 * from Point wp in ascending order 55 * 56 * @version initial 57 * @return Vector 58 */ 59 60 public Vector sortAscending(Point wp){ 61 int size = this.size(); 62 long[] distances = new long [size]; 63 for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { 64 Point whs = (Point)this.elementAt(i); //from warehouse 65 distances[i]=whs.measureDistance(wp); 66 whs.setDistance(distances[i]); 67 } 68 Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); 69 for (int i=0; i<size; i++){ 70 ht.put(new Long(distances[i]),this.elementAt(i)); 71 } 72 HeapSorter hp = new HeapSorter(); 73 hp.heapsort(distances); 74 Vector sorted = new Vector(); 75 for (int i=0;i<size;i++) sorted.addElement(ht.get(new Long(distances[i]))); 76 return sorted; 77 } 78 79 public String[] sortByName(){ 80 //System.out.println("wwwwww"); 81 //int size = this.size(); 82 //long[] firstChars = new long[size]; 83 //Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); 84 String names[] = new String[this.size()]; 85 for(int i=0; i<this.size(); i++){ 86 Point whs = (Point) this.elementAt(i); 87 //firstChars[i] = (long) whs.getName().charAt(0); 88 //ht.put(new Long(firstChars[i]),this.elementAt(i)); 89 names[i]=whs.getName(); 90 } 91 HeapSorter hp = new HeapSorter(); 92 hp.heapsort(names);


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93 //Vector sorted = new Vector(); 94 //for (int i=0;i<size;i++) sorted.addElement(ht.get(new Long(firstChars[i]))); 95 //System.out.println("wwwwww\n"+sorted); 96 return names; 97 } 98 99 /** Returns vector of Points sorted by distance 100 * from WayPint wp in descending order 101 * 102 * @version initial 103 * @return Vector 104 */ 105 public Vector sortDescending(Point wp){ 106 int size = this.size(); 107 Vector temp1 = new Vector(); 108 Vector temp2 = new Vector(); 109 temp1 = this.sortAscending(wp); 110 for (int i=0; i<size;i++ ) temp2.addElement(temp2.elementAt(size-i)); 111 return temp2; 112 } 113 114 /** Return vector of specific Points of type 'type' 115 * sorted by distance in ascending order from Point wp 116 * 117 * @version initial 118 * @return Vector 119 */ 120 public Vector sortAscending (Point wp, String type){ 121 int size = this.size(); 122 long[] distances = new long [size]; 123 for (int i=0; i<size; i++){ 124 Point whs = (Point)this.elementAt(i); //from warehouse 125 distances[i]=wp.measureDistance(whs); 126 } 127 Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); 128 for (int i=0; i<size; i++){ 129 ht.put(new Long(distances[i]),this.elementAt(i)); 130 } 131 HeapSorter hp = new HeapSorter(); 132 hp.heapsort(distances); 133 Vector sorted = new Vector(); 134 for (int i=0;i<size;i++) { 135 Point wpnt = (Point)ht.get(new Long(distances[i])); 136 if (wp.getType().equals(type)) sorted.addElement(wpnt); 137 } 138 return sorted; 139 }


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140 141 /** Prints array of Points 142 * @version initial 143 * @return String 144 */ 145 public String toString(){ 146 String str=""; 147 int size = this.size(); 148 for (int i=0; i<size; i++){ 149 Point wp =(Point)this.elementAt(i); 150 str += wp.toString(); 151 } 152 return str; 153 } 154 155 /**Returns all Points in rectangle 156 * defined by wp1 and wp2 as points 157 * of diagonal 158 * 159 * @version initial 160 * @return Vector 161 */ 162 public Vector getPoints(Point wp1, Point wp2){ 163 Vector v = new Vector(); 164 165 long lim1Lat = wp1.getLat(); 166 long lim1Lon = wp1.getLon(); 167 long lim2Lat = wp2.getLat(); 168 long lim2Lon = wp2.getLon(); 169 170 long bigLat; 171 long miniLat; 172 long bigLon; 173 long miniLon; 174 175 if (lim1Lat>lim2Lat){ 176 bigLat=lim1Lat; 177 miniLat=lim2Lat; 178 } else { 179 bigLat=lim2Lat; 180 miniLat=lim1Lat; 181 } 182 183 if (lim1Lon>lim2Lon){ 184 bigLon=lim1Lon; 185 miniLon=lim2Lon; 186 } else { 187 bigLon=lim2Lon; 188 miniLon=lim1Lon; 189 } 190


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191 for (int i=0; i<this.size();i++){ 192 Point wp = (Point)this.elementAt(i); 193 if (miniLat<wp.getLat() && wp.getLat()<bigLat && 194 miniLon<wp.getLon() && wp.getLon()<bigLon){ 195 v.addElement(wp); 196 } 197 } 198 //System.out.println("Vektor je\n"+v); 199 return v; 200 } 201 202 /** Merges two vectors 203 * 204 * @version initial 205 */ 206 public void mergeWith(Vector v){ 207 for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++ ){ 208 this.addElement(v.elementAt(i)); 209 } 210 } 211 212 /** Deletes Point 213 * 214 * @author Zarko Acimovic 215 * @version initial 216 */ 217 public int deleteWP1(Point wp, int pixLat, int pixLon){ 218 //System.out.println("Unutar DELETE"); 219 //System.out.println(this.size()); 220 Vector toDelete = new Vector(); 221 long pixLat1 = MathFP.toLong(pixLat); 222 long pixLon1 = MathFP.toLong(pixLon); 223 224 for (int i=0; i<this.size(); i++){ 225 Point wp2 = (Point)this.elementAt(i); 226 if ( Math.abs(wp2.getLatSec()-wp.getLatSec())<5*pixLat1 && 227 Math.abs(wp2.getLonSec()-wp.getLonSec())<5*pixLon1 ){ 228 toDelete.addElement(new Integer(i)); 229 } 230 } 231 232 if(toDelete.size()>1 || toDelete.size()==0) { 233 return -1; 234 } 235 else { 236 Integer k = (Integer)toDelete.elementAt(0); 237 int c = k.intValue(); 238 this.removeElementAt(c); 239 return c;


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240 } 241 } 242 243 /** Edits Point 244 * 245 * @author Zarko Acimovic 246 * @version not yet implemented 247 */ 248 public void editWP(Point wp){ 249 } 250 251 252 /** Sets ID of WPVector 253 * 0 - simple WPVector 254 * n - route 255 * 256 */ 257 public void setID(int i){ 258 ID = i; 259 } 260 261 /** Returns ID of WPVector 262 * 0 - simple WPVector 263 * 1 - route 264 */ 265 public int getID(){ 266 return ID; 267 } 268 269 /** Returns name WPVector 270 */ 271 public String getName(){ 272 return name; 273 } 274 275 /** Returns name WPVector 276 */ 277 public void setName(String s){ 278 name = s; 279 } 280 281 public void setVisible(){ 282 visible = true; 283 } 284 285 public void resetVisible(){ 286 visible = false; 287 } 288 289 public boolean getVisible(){ 290 return visible;


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291 } 292 293 public void drawVector(Graphics g, boolean route, Point newEdge, long pixLon, long pixLat, long zoomL){ 294 /////System.out.println("route="+route); 295 /////System.out.println("routeVisible="+this.getVisible()); 296 if(route==true){ 297 if(this.getVisible()==true){ 298 if(this.size()==1){ 299 Point wp1 = (Point) this.elementAt(0); 300 wp1.drawPoint(g,newEdge,pixLat,pixLon,zoomL); 301 } else { 302 for(int j=0; j<this.size()-1; j++){ 303 Point wp1 = (Point) this.elementAt(j); 304 Point wp2 = (Point) this.elementAt(j+1); 305 //wp1.setXY(newEdge,pixLon,pixLat); 306 //wp2.setXY(newEdge,pixLon,pixLat); 307 wp1.drawPoint(g,newEdge,pixLat,pixLon,zoomL); 308 wp2.drawPoint(g,newEdge,pixLat,pixLon,zoomL); 309 g.drawLine(wp1.getXX(),wp1.getYY(),wp2.getXX(),wp2.getYY()); 310 } 311 } 312 } 313 } else { 314 for(int i=0; i<this.size(); i++){ 315 Point wp = (Point) this.elementAt(i); 316 wp.drawPoint(g,newEdge,pixLat,pixLon,zoomL); 317 } 318 } 319 320 } 321 322 323 };


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)


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Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

SelectorPoint is OK.

1 /** 2 * SelectorPoint controls selection and identification of geographical object 3 */ 4 import java.util.*; 5 //import*; 6 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 7 8 public class SelectorPoint{ 9 MapBackground mb; 10 MapObjects mob; 11 Point selP;


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12 int m = 255; 13 int n = 200; 14 int s = 0; 15 boolean colorSet=false; 16 boolean big = false; 17 18 SelectorPoint(MapBackground mb, MapObjects mob){ 19 20 this.selP = mob.getCurrentPosition(); 21 this.mb = mb; 22 this.mob = mob; 23 } 24 25 /** Sets selector point on Screen due to user's left/right , up/down commands 26 */ 27 public void setSelectorScreen(char s){ 28 29 30 if(s=='r'){ 31 if (selP.getX()>0 && selP.getX()<mb.getCanvasWidth()) selP.addX(5); 32 if (selP.getX()>mb.getCanvasWidth()-5) { 33 // calculation of (deg,min,sec) for Selector before panning 34 //dakle ja pre panovanja izracunam svetske koordinate selektora, 35 //da bi znao gde je on stvarno, pa kad panujem mapu (a samim 36 //tim i promenim njen newEdge onda odredjujem i relativni polozaj 37 //selektorske tacke u odnosu na taj newEdge (jasno je da pri panovanju mape 38 //nije doslo do promene svetskih koordinata selektora) 39 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 40 //Paning 41 mb.setMap(s); 42 mob.setDrawablePoints(); 43 //calculation of new Selector position on panned map 44 selP.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 45 46 } 47 } 48 if(s=='l'){ 49 if (selP.getX()>6) selP.subX(5); 50 if (selP.getX()<=6) {


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51 // calculation of (deg,min,sec) for Selector before panning 52 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 53 //Paning 54 mb.setMap(s); 55 mob.setDrawablePoints(); 56 //calculation of new Selector position on panned map 57 selP.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 58 } 59 } 60 if(s=='d'){ 61 if (selP.getY()>0 && selP.getY()<mb.getCanvasHeight()-5) selP.addY(5); 62 if (selP.getY()>=(mb.getCanvasHeight()-5)) { 63 //calculation of (deg,min,sec) for Selector before panning 64 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 65 //Paning 66 mb.setMap(s); 67 mob.setDrawablePoints(); 68 //calculation of new Selector position on panned map 69 selP.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 70 71 } 72 } 73 if(s=='u'){ 74 if (selP.getY()>6) selP.subY(5); 75 if (selP.getY()<=6) { 76 //calculation of (deg,min,sec) for Selector before panning 77 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 78 //Paning 79 mb.setMap(s); 80 mob.setDrawablePoints(); 81 //calculation of new Selector position on panned map 82 selP.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 83 84 } 85 } 86 87 Point WP = this.getSelectedWP(); 88


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89 if (!WP.getName().equals("selector") && colorSet==false) { 90 setColor(); 91 setBig(); 92 } 93 if (WP.getName().equals("selector") && colorSet==true) { 94 resetColor(); 95 resetBig(); 96 } 97 //if (!WP.getImage().equals("blanco") && !WP.getImage().equals("route") && big==false) setBig(); 98 //if ((WP.getImage().equals("blanco")||WP.getImage().equals("route")) && big==true) resetBig(); 99 } 100 101 102 103 /** When selector is moved we only update its (x,y) 'descriptors', 104 * so when map has to be panned we need to find out (lat,lon) pair 105 * for selector on old screen and adjust its position (x',y') on new screen 106 * in a way that (lat,lon) is unchanged 107 */ 108 public void setSelectorWorld(Point edge, long pixLon, long pixLat){ 109 110 // pamtim trenutno x i y 111 long tx = selP.getX(); 112 long ty = selP.getY(); 113 114 // azuriram svetske kordinate 115 long dLatSec = MathFP.mul(pixLat,MathFP.toFP(selP.getY())); 116 long dLonSec = MathFP.mul(pixLon,MathFP.toFP(selP.getX())); 117 118 selP = new Point(MathFP.sub(edge.getLatSec(),dLatSec), 119 MathFP.add(edge.getLonSec(),dLonSec),"","",false); 120 121 // vracam trenutno x i y 122 selP.setX(tx); 123 selP.setY(ty); 124 } 125 126 /** Returns copy of SELECTOR Point 127 * @return Point 128 */ 129 public Point getSelector(){ 130 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 131 Point copy = new Point(selP,true); 132 133 copy.setName(""); 134 return copy;


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135 } 136 137 /** Returns x-coordinate of selector 138 * @return long 139 */ 140 long getSelX(){ 141 return selP.getX(); 142 } 143 144 /** Returns y-coordinate of selector 145 * @return long 146 */ 147 long getSelY(){ 148 return selP.getY(); 149 } 150 151 /** Returns user selected Point 152 * @return Point 153 */ 154 public Point getSelectedWP(){ 155 Vector v = mob.getDrawablePoints(); 156 Point ret = new Point(0,0,"selector","s",false); 157 for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){ 158 Point fWhs = (Point) v.elementAt(i); 159 if( Math.abs(fWhs.getX()-selP.getX())<5 && 160 Math.abs(fWhs.getY()-selP.getY())<5 ) { 161 ret=fWhs; 162 i=1000; 163 } 164 } 165 return ret; 166 } 167 168 169 /** Returns user selected Point with name s 170 * @return Point 171 */ 172 public void selectWP(String s) { 173 174 int len = s.length(); 175 int blanco = s.indexOf('_'); 176 if(blanco!=-1){ 177 String idS = s.substring(blanco+1,len); 178 s = s.substring(0,blanco); 179 s = compact(s); 180 } 181 182 int blank = s.indexOf(' '); 183 if(blank!=-1 && s.substring(blank+1,s.length()).equals("current")) s = s.substring(0,blank); 184


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185 Point look4 = null; 186 PVector freeWPV = mob.getFreeWaypoints(); 187 188 int k=-2; 189 for(int i=0; i<freeWPV.size(); i++){ 190 Point wp = (Point) freeWPV.elementAt(i); 191 if(s.equals(wp.getName())){ 192 k=i; 193 look4 = (Point) freeWPV.elementAt(k); 194 i=1000; 195 } 196 } 197 198 if(k==-2){ 199 Point cP = mob.getCurrentPosition(); 200 if(s.equals(cP.getName())) { 201 look4=cP; 202 k=-3; 203 } 204 } 205 if(k==-2){ 206 Point dP = mob.getDestinationPosition(); 207 if(s.equals(dP.getName())) { 208 look4=dP; 209 k=-4; 210 } 211 } 212 213 if(k==-2){ 214 Vector routes = mob.getRoutes(); 215 for(int i=0; i<routes.size(); i++){ 216 PVector rt = (PVector) routes.elementAt(i); 217 for(int j=0; j<rt.size(); j++){ 218 Point wp = (Point)rt.elementAt(j); 219 System.out.println(wp); 220 if(wp.getName().equals(s)){ 221 k=j; 222 look4=(Point)rt.elementAt(j); 223 i=1000; 224 j=1000; 225 } 226 } 227 } 228 } 229 230 this.selP = new Point(look4,false); 231 232 mb.setBackground(look4); 233 234 mob.setDrawablePoints(); 235 selP.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(), mb.getPixLat());


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236 237 if (!selP.getImage().equals("blanco") && big==false) setBig(); 238 if (selP.getImage().equals("blanco") && big==true) resetBig(); 239 240 this.setColor(); 241 } 242 243 /** Deletes selected Point 244 * Returns -4 if current Point is deleted 245 * Returns -3 if destination Point is deleted 246 * Returns -2 if free Point deleted 247 * Returns -1 if more then one Point is selected 248 * Returns 0 if none Point is selected 249 * Returns n if n-th Point in route deleted 250 */ 251 public int deleteWP(){ 252 int ret = 0; 253 254 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 255 256 Vector temp1 = new Vector(); 257 PVector fWP = mob.getFreeWaypoints(); 258 for (int i=0; i<fWP.size(); i++){ 259 Point fwp = (Point)fWP.elementAt(i); 260 if( Math.abs(selP.getX()-fwp.getX())<5 && Math.abs(selP.getY()-fwp.getY())<5 ){ 261 temp1.addElement(new Integer(i)); 262 } 263 } 264 265 Vector temp2 = new Vector(); 266 Vector Routes = mob.getRoutes(); 267 for (int j=0; j<Routes.size(); j++){ 268 PVector vR = (PVector) Routes.elementAt(j); 269 for (int k=0; k<vR.size(); k++){ 270 Point wpR = (Point)vR.elementAt(k); 271 if( Math.abs(selP.getX()-wpR.getX())<5 && Math.abs(selP.getY()-wpR.getY())<5 ) { 272 temp2.addElement(new DelRoute(k,wpR.getTypeID())); 273 } 274 } 275 } 276 277 DelRoute drt = null; 278 if(temp2.size()>0){ 279 drt = (DelRoute) temp2.elementAt(0); 280 } 281 282 if ( (temp1.size()+temp2.size())> 1 ) ret=-1;


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283 if ( (temp1.size()+temp2.size())==0 ) ret=0; 284 if ( temp1.size()==1 ) { 285 Integer k = (Integer) temp1.elementAt(0); 286 int d = k.intValue(); 287 fWP.removeElementAt(d); 288 ret=-2; 289 } 290 if( temp2.size()==1 ){ 291 DelRoute dr = (DelRoute) temp2.elementAt(0); 292 PVector vR = (PVector) Routes.elementAt(dr.getRouteID()-1); 293 vR.removeElementAt(dr.getIndex()); 294 ret=dr.getIndex(); 295 } 296 297 Point cp = mob.getCurrentPosition(); 298 if( Math.abs(selP.getX()-cp.getX())<5 && 299 Math.abs(selP.getY()-cp.getY())<5 ) { 300 mob.resetCurrentPosition(); 301 ret= -4; 302 } 303 304 Point dp = mob.getDestinationPosition(); 305 306 if( Math.abs(selP.getX()-dp.getX())<5 && 307 Math.abs(selP.getY()-dp.getY())<5 ) { 308 mob.resetDestinationPosition(); 309 ret= -3; 310 } 311 312 resetColor(); 313 314 return ret; 315 } 316 317 318 /** Action that must be taken with Selector when Zoom In/Out 319 */ 320 public void Zoom(){ 321 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getPreviousEdge(), mb.getPreviousPixLon(),mb.getPreviousPixLat()); 322 selP.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 323 while (selP.getX()>mb.getCanvasWidth()) { 324 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 325 mb.setMap('r'); 326 selP.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 327 } 328 while (selP.getY()>mb.getCanvasHeight()) { 329 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 330 mb.setMap('d');


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331 selP.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 332 } 333 while (selP.getX()<0){ 334 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 335 mb.setMap('l'); 336 selP.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 337 } 338 while (selP.getY()<0) { 339 this.setSelectorWorld(mb.getNewEdge(), mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 340 mb.setMap('u'); 341 selP.setXY(mb.getNewEdge(),mb.getPixLon(),mb.getPixLat()); 342 } 343 } 344 345 346 /** Draws selector point 347 * 348 public void drawSelPOld(Graphics g){ 349 long zl = mb.getZoomLevel()+1; 350 Long zzl = new Long(zl); 351 int zoomL = Integer.parseInt(zzl.toString()); 352 g.setColor(0,0,0); 353 g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-6,selP.getYY()-3,12,6); 354 g.setColor(m,n,s); 355 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-3,selP.getYY()-6,6,12); 356 g.setColor(0,0,0); 357 } 358 359 /** Draws selector point 360 * 361 public void drawSelPOld1(Graphics g){ 362 long zl = mb.getZoomLevel()+1; 363 Long zzl = new Long(zl); 364 int zoomL = Integer.parseInt(zzl.toString()); 365 g.setColor(m,n,s); 366 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-8,selP.getYY()-4,16,8); 367 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-4,selP.getYY()-8,8,16); 368 g.setColor(0,0,0); 369 g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-8,selP.getYY()-4,16,8); 370 g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-4,selP.getYY()-8,8,16); 371 g.setColor(m,n,s); 372 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-7,selP.getYY()-3,15,7); 373 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-3,selP.getYY()-7,7,15); 374 375 g.setColor(0,0,0); 376 377 378 } 379


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380 /** Draws selector point 381 * 382 public void drawSelPobsolete(Graphics g){ 383 //long zl = mb.getZoomLevel()+1; 384 //Long zzl = new Long(zl); 385 //int zoomL = Integer.parseInt(zzl.toString()); 386 if(big==false){ 387 g.setColor(m,n,s); 388 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-8,selP.getYY()-4,15,7); 389 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-4,selP.getYY()-8,7,5); 390 g.setColor(0,0,0); 391 g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-8,selP.getYY()-4,15,7); 392 g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-4,selP.getYY()-8,7,15); 393 g.setColor(m,n,s); 394 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-7,selP.getYY()-3,14,6); 395 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-3,selP.getYY()-7,6,14); 396 } else { 397 g.setColor(m,n,s); 398 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-13,selP.getYY()-5,33,16); 399 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-5,selP.getYY()-13,16,22);///umesto 16,32 sad je 16,25 400 g.setColor(0,0,0); 401 g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-13,selP.getYY()-5,33,16); 402 g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-5,selP.getYY()-13,16,22);///umesto 16,32 sad je 16,25 403 g.setColor(m,n,s); 404 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-12,selP.getYY()-4,32,15); 405 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-4,selP.getYY()-12,15,22); 406 407 //g.drawString(selP.getName(),selP.getXX()-15,selP.getYY()+11,0); 408 } 409 g.setColor(0,0,0); 410 if (!this.getSelectedWP().getName().equals("selector")) g.drawString(this.getSelectedWP().getName(),this.getSelectedWP().getXX()-15,this.getSelectedWP().getYY()+11,0); 411 }*/ 412 413 public void drawSelP(Graphics g){ 414 int length=0; 415 416 //g.setColor(m,n,s); 417 g.setColor(255,180,0); 418 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-8,selP.getYY()-4,15,7); 419 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-4,selP.getYY()-8,7,5); 420 g.setColor(0,0,0); 421 g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-8,selP.getYY()-4,15,7); 422 g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-4,selP.getYY()-8,7,15); 423 //g.setColor(m,n,s); 424 g.setColor(255,180,0); 425 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-7,selP.getYY()-3,14,6);


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426 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-3,selP.getYY()-7,6,14); 427 /** 428 if(big==true){ 429 g.setColor(m,n,s); 430 //g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-4,selP.getYY()-4,15,15); 431 //g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-5,selP.getYY()-5,17,17); 432 //g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-6,selP.getYY()-6,19,19); 433 String name = this.getSelectedWP().getName(); 434 length = name.length(); 435 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-4*length-2,selP.getYY()+12,8*length+2,14); 436 } 437 g.setColor(0,0,0); 438 if (!this.getSelectedWP().getName().equals("selector")) g.drawString(this.getSelectedWP().getName(),selP.getXX()-4*length,selP.getYY()+13,0); 439 */ 440 } 441 442 public void drawCaption(Graphics g){ 443 int length=0; 444 if(big==true){ 445 g.setColor(m,n,s); 446 //g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-4,selP.getYY()-4,15,15); 447 //g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-5,selP.getYY()-5,17,17); 448 //g.drawRect(selP.getXX()-6,selP.getYY()-6,19,19); 449 String name = this.getSelectedWP().getName(); 450 length = name.length(); 451 g.fillRect(selP.getXX()-4*length-2,selP.getYY()+12,8*length+2,14); 452 //if (!this.getSelectedWP().getName().equals("selector")) g.drawString(this.getSelectedWP().getName(),selP.getXX()-4*length,selP.getYY()+13,0); 453 g.setColor(0,0,0); 454 if (!this.getSelectedWP().getName().equals("selector")) g.drawString(this.getSelectedWP().getName(),selP.getXX()-4*length,selP.getYY()+13,0); 455 } 456 457 } 458 459 460 461 /** Sets current position 462 */ 463 public void setCurrent(MapObjects mob){ 464 Point wp = this.getSelectedWP(); 465 mob.setCurrentPosition(wp); 466 } 467 468 /** Sets destination position


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469 */ 470 public void setDest(MapObjects mob){ 471 Point wp = this.getSelectedWP(); 472 mob.setDestinationPosition(wp); 473 } 474 475 public void setColorOld(){ 476 s = 0; 477 colorSet=true; 478 } 479 480 public void setColor(){ 481 m=255; 482 n=255; 483 s=0; 484 colorSet=true; 485 } 486 487 public void resetColorOld(){ 488 s = 255; 489 colorSet=false; 490 } 491 492 public void resetColor(){ 493 m=255; 494 n=180; 495 s=0; 496 colorSet=false; 497 } 498 499 public void setBig(){ 500 big=true; 501 } 502 503 public void resetBig(){ 504 big=false; 505 } 506 507 /** Blanco characters are possible to occur in names of pictures; 508 * Integer representations of blanko characters are 9 and 32 509 * Also, characters with integer representation between 0 and 33 510 * can not be printed out in WSDD console, so I excluded them too 511 */ 512 public String compact(String s){ 513 int k = s.length(); 514 char[] d = s.toCharArray(); 515 String ret = ""; 516 for(int i=0; i<d.length; i++){ 517 int temp = (int)d[i]; 518 if(temp>32) ret+=d[i]; 519 }


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520 int kk = ret.length(); 521 if (kk!=k) System.out.println("Bugger is: "+s); 522 return ret; 523 } 524 525 526 527 }



Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

SimpleTextForm has problem with Locality of Data. Locality of Data DescriptionThe Locality of Data metric relates the amount of data being local the class to the total amount of data used by the class. This relates to the quality of abstraction embodied by


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the class and allows conclusions on the reuse potential of the class and testability.

1 /** 2 * Simple text form 3 */ 4 5 6 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 7 8 //import javax.microedition.midlet.*; 9 10 11 //import*; 12 //import java.util.*; 13 14 15 public class SimpleTextForm extends Form{ 16 17 /** Name of waypoint 18 */ 19 TextField nameWP; 20 21 /** Type of waypoint 22 */ 23 TextField typeWP; 24 25 String[] str = new String[2]; 26 27 ChoiceGroup chgr; 28 29 30 31 /** Creates new form 32 */ 33 SimpleTextForm(boolean createChgr){ 34 super("Data Input"); 35 nameWP = new TextField("Name","",8,0); 36 typeWP = new TextField("Type","",8,0); 37 this.append(nameWP); 38 this.append(typeWP); 39 if(createChgr==true){ 40 str[0] = "Sysnchronized Following"; 41 str[1] = "Out of Sync"; 42 chgr = new ChoiceGroup("",1,str,null);


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43 this.append(chgr); 44 } 45 } 46 47 /** Returns the name of waypoint 48 * @return String 49 */ 50 public String getName(){ 51 return nameWP.getString(); 52 } 53 54 /** Returns the type of waypoint 55 * @return String 56 */ 57 public String getType(){ 58 return typeWP.getString(); 59 } 60 61 /** Sets the name of waypoint 62 */ 63 public void setName(String s){ 64 nameWP.setString(s); 65 } 66 67 public void setLabel(String s){ 68 nameWP.setLabel(s); 69 } 70 71 public void setLabel2(String s){ 72 typeWP.setLabel(s); 73 } 74 75 /** Sets the type of waypoint 76 */ 77 public void setType(String s){ 78 typeWP.setString(s); 79 } 80 81 public int getSelected(){ 82 return chgr.getSelectedIndex(); 83 } 84 }


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)


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Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

Locality of Data. DescriptionThe Locality of Data metric relates the amount of data being local the class to the total amount of data used by the class. This relates to the quality of abstraction embodied by the class and allows conclusions on the reuse potential of the class and testability.

Tight Class Cohesion DescriptionThe Tight Class Cohesion metric measures the cohesion between the public methods of a class. That is the relative number of directly connected public methods in the class. Classes having a low cohesion indicate errors in the design.

1 /** 2 * Text form 3 */ 4 5


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6 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 7 8 //import javax.microedition.midlet.*; 9 10 11 //import*; 12 //import java.util.*; 13 14 15 public class TextForm extends Form{ 16 17 /** Name of waypoint 18 */ 19 TextField nameWP; 20 21 /** Type of waypoint 22 */ 23 TextField typeWP; 24 25 /** ChoiceGroup of categories 26 */ 27 ChoiceGroup chgr; 28 29 TextField lat; 30 TextField lon; 31 32 33 /** Creates new form 34 */ 35 TextForm(String[] s, boolean first){ 36 super("Data Input"); 37 nameWP = new TextField("Name","",50,0); 38 typeWP = new TextField("Type","",50,0); 39 this.append(nameWP); 40 41 if(first = false){ 42 //this.append(typeWP); 43 this.append(""); 44 chgr = new ChoiceGroup("Category",1,s,null); 45 this.append(chgr); 46 47 lat = new TextField("Latitude","",50,0); 48 lon = new TextField("Longitude","",50,0); 49 this.append(lat); 50 this.append(lon); 51 }else{ 52 lat = new TextField("Latitude","",50,0); 53 lon = new TextField("Longitude","",50,0); 54 this.append(lat); 55 this.append(lon); 56


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57 this.append(""); 58 chgr = new ChoiceGroup("Category:",1,s,null); 59 this.append(chgr); 60 } 61 62 } 63 64 /** Returns the name of waypoint 65 * @return String 66 */ 67 public String getName(){ 68 return nameWP.getString(); 69 } 70 71 /** Returns the type of waypoint 72 * @return String 73 */ 74 public String getType(){ 75 return typeWP.getString(); 76 } 77 78 /** Sets the name of waypoint 79 */ 80 public void setName(String s){ 81 nameWP.setString(s); 82 } 83 84 /** Sets the type of waypoint 85 */ 86 public void setType(String s){ 87 typeWP.setString(s); 88 } 89 90 public int getSelected(){ 91 return chgr.getSelectedIndex(); 92 } 93 94 public void setLat(long s){ 95 lat.setString(MathFP.toString(s)); 96 } 97 98 public void setLon(long s){ 99 lon.setString(MathFP.toString(s)); 100 } 101 102 public void setLat(String s){ 103 lat.setString(s); 104 } 105 106 public void setLon(String s){ 107 lon.setString(s);


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108 } 109 110 public String getLat(){ 111 return lat.getString(); 112 } 113 114 public String getLon(){ 115 return lon.getString(); 116 } 117 }



Lines of Code (LOC)


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)


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Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

Tight Class Cohesion DescriptionThe Tight Class Cohesion metric measures the cohesion between the public methods of a class. That is the relative number of directly connected public methods in the class. Classes having a low cohesion indicate errors in the design.

Locality of Data. DescriptionThe Locality of Data metric relates the amount of data being local the class to the total amount of data used by the class. This relates to the quality of abstraction embodied by the class and allows conclusions on the reuse potential of the class and testability.

1 /** 2 * Text form 3 */ 4 5 6 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 7 8 //import javax.microedition.midlet.*; 9 10 11 //import*; 12 //import java.util.*; 13 14 15 public class TextFormFriend extends Form{ 16 17 /** Name of waypoint 18 */ 19 TextField nameWP; 20 21 /** Type of waypoint 22 */ 23 TextField typeWP; 24 25 26 27 /** Creates new form 28 */


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29 TextFormFriend(){ 30 super("Data Input"); 31 nameWP = new TextField("Name","",8,0); 32 typeWP = new TextField("Type","",8,0); 33 this.append(nameWP); 34 this.append(typeWP); 35 } 36 37 /** Returns the name of waypoint 38 * @return String 39 */ 40 public String getName(){ 41 return nameWP.getString(); 42 } 43 44 /** Returns the type of waypoint 45 * @return String 46 */ 47 public String getType(){ 48 return typeWP.getString(); 49 } 50 51 /** Sets the name of waypoint 52 */ 53 public void setName(String s){ 54 nameWP.setString(s); 55 } 56 57 public void setLabel(String s){ 58 nameWP.setLabel(s); 59 } 60 61 /** Sets the type of waypoint 62 */ 63 public void setType(String s){ 64 typeWP.setString(s); 65 } 66 }


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


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Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

Tight Class Cohesion DescriptionThe Tight Class Cohesion metric measures the cohesion between the public methods of a class. That is the relative number of directly connected public methods in the class. Classes having a low cohesion indicate errors in the design.

Locality of Data. DescriptionThe Locality of Data metric relates the amount of data being local the class to the total amount of data used by the class. This relates to the quality of abstraction embodied by the class and allows conclusions on the reuse potential of the class and testability.


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1 /** 2 * Text form for ChoicGroup with images 3 */ 4 5 6 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 7 8 //import javax.microedition.midlet.*; 9 10 11 //import*; 12 //import java.util.*; 13 14 15 public class TextFormImage extends Form{ 16 17 /** Name of waypoint 18 */ 19 TextField nameWP; 20 21 /** Category of waypoit 22 */ 23 // TextField catWP; 24 25 /** Type of waypoint 26 */ 27 TextField typeWP; 28 29 /** ChoiceGroup of categories 30 */ 31 32 // TextField lat; 33 // TextField lon; 34 ChoiceGroup chgr; 35 36 37 /** Creates new form 38 */ 39 TextFormImage(String nameChg, String[] s, Image[] img){ 40 super("Data Input"); 41 nameWP = new TextField("Name","",50,0); 42 this.append(nameWP); 43 this.append(""); 44 chgr = new ChoiceGroup(nameChg,1,s,img); 45 this.append(chgr); 46 } 47 48 /** Returns the name of waypoint 49 * @return String


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50 */ 51 public String getName(){ 52 return nameWP.getString(); 53 } 54 55 /** Returns the type of waypoint 56 * @return String 57 */ 58 public String getType(){ 59 return typeWP.getString(); 60 } 61 62 /** Sets the name of waypoint 63 */ 64 public void setName(String s){ 65 nameWP.setString(s); 66 } 67 68 /** Sets the type of waypoint 69 */ 70 public void setType(String s){ 71 typeWP.setString(s); 72 } 73 74 public int getSelected(){ 75 return chgr.getSelectedIndex(); 76 } 77 78 public void setNameCHGR(String s){ 79 chgr.setLabel(s); 80 } 81 82 public void setLat(long s){ 83 //lat.setString(MathFP.toString(s)); 84 } 85 86 public void setLon(long s){ 87 //lon.setString(MathFP.toString(s)); 88 } 89 }


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

Tight Class Cohesion DescriptionThe Tight Class Cohesion metric measures the cohesion between the public methods of a class. That is the relative number of directly connected public methods in the class. Classes having a low cohesion indicate errors in the design.

Locality of Data. DescriptionThe Locality of Data metric relates the amount of data being local the class to the total amount of data used by the class. This relates to the quality of abstraction embodied by the class and allows conclusions on the reuse potential of the class and testability.

Improvement of LCOM DescriptionThe Improvement of LCOM (cf. Lack of Cohesion in Methods 3.2.3) metric is a measure for the number of connected components in a class. A component are methods of a class sharing (being connected by) instance variables of the class. The less separate components there are the higher is the cohesion of the methods in the class.


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1 /** 2 * Text form for insertion of waypoint 3 */ 4 5 6 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; 7 8 //import javax.microedition.midlet.*; 9 10 11 //import*; 12 //import java.util.*; 13 14 15 public class TextFormWP extends Form{ 16 17 /** Name of waypoint 18 */ 19 TextField nameWP; 20 21 /** Type of waypoint 22 */ 23 TextField typeWP; 24 25 /** Degrees of latitude 26 */ 27 TextField degLat; 28 29 /** Minutes of latitude 30 */ 31 TextField minLat; 32 33 /** Seconds of latitude 34 */ 35 TextField secLat; 36 37 /** Side NORTH / SOUTH 38 */ 39 TextField sideNS; 40 41 42 /** Degrees of longitude 43 */ 44 TextField degLon; 45 46 /** Minutes of longitude 47 */


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

48 TextField minLon; 49 50 /** Seconds of longitude 51 */ 52 TextField secLon; 53 54 /** Side WEST / EAST 55 */ 56 TextField sideWE; 57 58 /** ChoiceGroup of categories 59 */ 60 ChoiceGroup chgr; 61 62 63 64 /** Creates new form 65 */ 66 TextFormWP(String[] s){ 67 super("Data Input"); 68 nameWP = new TextField("Name","",12,0); 69 this.append(nameWP); 70 typeWP = new TextField("Type","",12,0); 71 this.append(typeWP); 72 73 74 degLat = new TextField("Degrees of Latitude","",8,0); 75 this.append(degLat); 76 77 minLat = new TextField("Minutes of Latitude","",8,0); 78 this.append(minLat); 79 80 secLat = new TextField("Seconds of Latitude","",8,0); 81 this.append(secLat); 82 83 sideNS = new TextField("Side, North or South?","",8,0); 84 this.append(sideNS); 85 86 87 degLon = new TextField("Degrees of Longitude","",8,0); 88 this.append(degLon); 89 90 minLon = new TextField("Minutes of Longitude","",8,0); 91 this.append(minLon); 92 93 secLon = new TextField("Seconds of Longitude","",8,0); 94 this.append(secLon); 95 96 sideWE = new TextField("Side, West or East?","",8,0); 97 this.append(sideWE); 98


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99 chgr = new ChoiceGroup("Categories",1,s,null); 100 this.append(chgr); 101 102 } 103 104 /** Returns the name of waypoint 105 * @return String 106 */ 107 public String getName(){ 108 return nameWP.getString(); 109 } 110 111 /** Returns the type of waypoint 112 * @return String 113 */ 114 public String getType(){ 115 return typeWP.getString(); 116 } 117 118 /** Sets the name of waypoint 119 */ 120 public void setName(String s){ 121 nameWP.setString(s); 122 } 123 124 /** Sets the type of waypoint 125 */ 126 public void setType(String s){ 127 typeWP.setString(s); 128 } 129 130 /** Returns degrees of latitude 131 */ 132 public int getDegLat(){ 133 int r = Integer.parseInt(degLat.getString()); 134 return r; 135 } 136 137 /** Returns minutes of latitude 138 */ 139 public int getMinLat(){ 140 int r = Integer.parseInt(minLat.getString()); 141 return r; 142 } 143 144 /** Returns seconds of latitude 145 */ 146 public int getSecLat(){ 147 int r = Integer.parseInt(secLat.getString()); 148 return r; 149 }


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

150 151 /** Returns side, North or South 152 */ 153 public char getSideNS(){ 154 String s = sideNS.getString(); 155 char[] c = s.toCharArray(); 156 char k = c[0]; 157 return k; 158 } 159 160 /** Returns degrees of longitude 161 */ 162 public int getDegLon(){ 163 int r = Integer.parseInt(degLon.getString()); 164 return r; 165 } 166 167 /** Returns minutes of longitude 168 */ 169 public int getMinLon(){ 170 int r = Integer.parseInt(minLon.getString()); 171 return r; 172 } 173 174 /** Returns seconds of longitude 175 */ 176 public int getSecLon(){ 177 int r = Integer.parseInt(secLon.getString()); 178 return r; 179 } 180 181 /** Returns side, West or East 182 */ 183 public char getSideWE(){ 184 String s = sideWE.getString(); 185 char[] c = s.toCharArray(); 186 char k = c[0]; 187 return k; 188 } 189 }


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Lines of Code (LOC)

Interface Complexity

Number of Attributes and Methods (SIZE2)

Number Of local Methods (NOM)

Structural Complexity

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (CC)

Weighted Method Count (WMC)

Response For a Class (RFC)

Architecture and Structure


Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)

Number Of Children (NOC)


Afferent Coupling (Ca)

Coupling Between Objects (CBO)

Change Dependency Between Classes (CDBC)

Change Dependency Of Classes (CDOC)


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

Efferent Coupling (Ce)

Coupling Factor (CF)

Data Abstraction Coupling (DAC)

Instability (I)

Locality of Data (LD)

Message Passing Coupling (MPC)

Package Data Abstraction Coupling (PDAC)


Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)

Improvement of LCOM (ILCOM)

Tight Class Cohesion (TCC)

Design Guidelines and Code Conventions


Lack Of Documentation (LOD)

Code Conventions

Lack Of Documentation Description. How many comments are lacking in a class, considering one class comment and a comment per method as optimum. Structure and content of the comments are ignored.

Tight Class Cohesion DescriptionThe Tight Class Cohesion metric measures the cohesion between the public methods of a class. That is the relative number of directly connected public methods in the class. Classes having a low cohesion indicate errors in the design.

1 /** 2 * 3 * Thread4Friend controls apperance of friend's position on screen 4 */ 5 //import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;


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6 7 //import javax.microedition.midlet.*; 8 9 import java.util.*; 10 import*; 11 12 13 public class Thread4Friend implements Runnable{ 14 Thread t; 15 Vector whiteList; 16 String resource; 17 MapObjects mob; 18 ImageCanvas3 ic; 19 MapBackground mb; 20 Outlook oul; 21 int hashID; 22 boolean first = false; 23 24 Thread4Friend(Vector whiteList, String resource, MapObjects mob, ImageCanvas3 ic, MapBackground mb, Outlook oul){ 25 this.oul = oul; 26 this.mob = mob; 27 this.mb = mb; 28 this.ic = ic; 29 this.resource = resource; 30 this.whiteList = whiteList; 31 t = new Thread(this); 32 //t.start(); 33 hashID = t.hashCode(); 34 } 35 36 public void start(){ 37 38 t.start(); 39 } 40 41 public int getID(){ 42 return hashID; 43 } 44 45 public void run(){ 46 47 Thread current = Thread.currentThread(); 48 //System.out.println* 49 Integer friendID = new Integer(current.hashCode()); 50 while(whiteList.contains(friendID)){ 51 current = Thread.currentThread(); 52 friendID = new Integer(current.hashCode()); 53 String s = this.getResourceAsString(resource); 54 int nextIndex = 6; 55 int index = s.indexOf('\n');


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

56 57 nextIndex = s.indexOf('\n',index+1); 58 59 int lastIndex = s.lastIndexOf('\n'); 60 61 int begin = -2; 62 int end = index; 63 64 String c1 = ""; 65 String c2 = ""; 66 String timeStamp = ""; 67 long currentTS = 0; 68 69 while(index<lastIndex && whiteList.contains(friendID)){ 70 current = Thread.currentThread(); 71 friendID = new Integer(current.hashCode()); 72 Point wp = null; 73 String temp = s.substring(begin+2,end); 74 temp = compact(temp); 75 if(temp.equals("")){ //na kraju ce temp da bude prazno 76 index = lastIndex+1; 77 } else { 78 temp = compact(temp); 79 int comma = temp.indexOf(','); 80 c1 = temp.substring(0,comma); 81 int nextComma = temp.indexOf(',',comma+1); 82 c2 = temp.substring(comma+1,nextComma); 83 timeStamp = temp.substring(nextComma+1,temp.length()); 84 currentTS = Long.parseLong(timeStamp); 85 begin = index-1; 86 end = nextIndex; 87 index = nextIndex; 88 nextIndex = s.indexOf('\n',nextIndex+1); 89 90 wp = null; 91 if(!c1.equals("")){ 92 wp = new Point(c2,c1,resource,"","",true); 93 wp.setImage("blanco"); 94 } 95 } 96 try{ 97 Thread.sleep(1000); 98 }catch(Exception e){}


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99 if(wp!=null && whiteList.contains(friendID)){ 100 mob.setDrawablePoints(); 101 mob.updateFriend(friendID,wp); 102 if(first==false) { 103 mb.setBackground(wp); 104 first=true; 105 } 106 ic.repaint(); 107 } 108 } 109 } 110 } 111 112 113 114 /** Blanco characters are possible to occur in names of pictures; 115 * Integer representations of blanko characters are 9 and 32 116 * Also, characters with integer representation between 0 and 33 117 * can not be printed out in WSDD console, so I excluded them too 118 */ 119 public String compact(String s){ 120 int k = s.length(); 121 //System.out.println("Length of s is "+s.length()); 122 char[] d = s.toCharArray(); 123 String ret = ""; 124 for(int i=0; i<d.length; i++){ 125 int temp = (int)d[i]; 126 if(temp>32) ret+=d[i]; 127 } 128 //System.out.println("Length of ret is "+ret.length()); 129 int kk = ret.length(); 130 //if (kk!=k) System.out.println("Bugger is: "+s); 131 return ret; 132 } 133 134 public String compactFine(String s){ 135 int k = s.length(); 136 //System.out.println("Length of s is "+s.length()); 137 char[] d = s.toCharArray(); 138 String ret = ""; 139 for(int i=0; i<d.length; i++){ 140 int temp = (int)d[i]; 141 if(temp!=32 && temp!=9) ret+=d[i]; 142 } 143 //System.out.println("Length of ret is "+ret.length()); 144 int kk = ret.length(); 145 //if (kk!=k) System.out.println("Bugger is: "+s); 146 return ret; 147 } 148


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Example Java Project Tested by VizzMaintenance Metrics Eclipse Plugin

149 public String getResourceAsString(String resource){ 150 InputStream is = null; 151 try{ 152 is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource); 153 }catch(Exception e) { 154 //a.setString("There is no such resource"); 155 //d.setCurrent(a); 156 } 157 158 //conversion of resource into string 159 String s = ""; 160 char m =' '; 161 162 try{ 163 m = (char); 164 }catch(Exception e){} 165 166 while(m!=65535){ 167 s+=m; 168 try{ 169 m = (char); 170 }catch(Exception e){} 171 } 172 try{ 173 is.close(); 174 }catch(Exception e){} 175 176 177 s=compactFine(s); 178 return s; 179 } 180 181 public void setFirst(){ 182 first = false; 183 } 184 185 }



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Zarko Acimovic

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