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Vitamin E Merupakan Anti Oksidan Alami Yang Membantu Seluruh Sel Dan Jaringan Tubuh Memperbaiki Dan Mengatasi Peradangan

Jun 03, 2018



Nakisha Vaughan
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  • 8/12/2019 Vitamin E Merupakan Anti Oksidan Alami Yang Membantu Seluruh Sel Dan Jaringan Tubuh Memperbaiki Dan Meng


    Vitamin E merupakan anti oksidan alamiyang membantu seluruhsel dan jaringan tubuh memperbaiki dan mengatasi peradangan.

    Nyeri haidberhubungan dengan keluhan peradangan atauinflamasi.

    Asupan vitamin E membantu menstabilkan aliran menstruasidengan memperbaiki lapisan rahim. Studi yang dipublikasikantahun 2005 dalam ritish !ournal of "bstetri#s and $ynae#ologymenunjukkan bah%a vitamin E dapat mengurangikeparahan dandurasi periode sakit serta kehilangan darah menstruasi yang #ukup

    banyak.&osis yang diberikan adalah200 '( vitamin E kapsul 2 kali sehari)dua hari sebelum dan tiga hari setelah menstruasi dimulai.

    Sebaiknya konsumsi vitamin E alami) dikenal sebagai tokoferolgabungan yang mendekati komposisi tokoferol alami yangdijumpai pada makanan. Se#ara alami vitamin E bisa diperolehdari ka#ang almond) biji bunga matahari) dan gandum.Vitamin lain yang juga bisa digunakan adalah vitamin *.Vitamin * atau tiamin dengan dosis *00mg perhari dapatmengurangi rasa nyeri. Vitamin ada dalam gandum) gist) susukedelai) dan biji bunga matahari.
  • 8/12/2019 Vitamin E Merupakan Anti Oksidan Alami Yang Membantu Seluruh Sel Dan Jaringan Tubuh Memperbaiki Dan Meng



    E+perimental eviden#eis a##umulating to suggest that medi#inalbotani#als haveanti,inflammatory andpain,alleviating propertiesandhold promisefor treatment ofendometriosis. -erein) %epresent a systemati# revie% of#lini#al ande+perimental dataon theuseof medi#inalherbs in thetreatment of endometriosis.Although thereisa general la#k of eviden#efrom #lini#al studieson thepotential effi#a#y of medi#inal herbs for thetreatmentofendometriosis,asso#iated symptoms) our revie%highlightstheanti,inflammatory andpain,alleviating

    me#hanisms of a#tionof herbal remedies. edi#inalherbs andtheir a#tive#omponentse+hibit #ytokine,suppressive) /",2,inhibiting) antio+idant)sedativeandpain,alleviating properties. Ea#h of theseme#hanismsofa#tion %ould bepredi#ted to havesalutary effe#ts inendometriosis.etter understanding of theme#hanismsof a#tion) to+i#ity andherb1herb andherb1drug intera#tions permits theoptimiation ofdesign ande+e#ution of #omplementary alternativemedi#inetrials for endometriosis,asso#iated pain. A potentialbenefit of herbal therapy is thelikelihood of synergisti#intera#tions%ithin individual or #ombinations of plants. 'n this sense)phytotherapies maybeanalogous to nutra#euti#als or %holefoodnutrition. 3een#ouragethedevelopment of

    herbal analoguesandestablishment of spe#ial) simplified registration pro#eduresfor#ertain medi#inal produ#ts) parti#ularly herbal derivates%ith a long tradition of safeuse.

    Key words:endometriosis 4 herbs 4 botani#als 4 inflammation 4 /A






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  • 8/12/2019 Vitamin E Merupakan Anti Oksidan Alami Yang Membantu Seluruh Sel Dan Jaringan Tubuh Memperbaiki Dan Meng


    hesu##essful treatment of endometriosis,asso#iatedsymptomsin#luding d$smenorrhoea) dyspareunia and

    #hroni# non,menstrual

    pain typi#ally re6uires surgi#al as%ell medi#al intervention78ennedy et al.) 2005 9. heuseof both general modalities forendometriosis,asso#iated pain has been re#ently revie%ed 78ennedyetal.) 2005 : /rosignani et al.) 200; 9. he#lini#alprevalen#eof endometriosis symptomatology is veryhigh. 'n a survey ofreprodu#tive,aged %omen in /anada);0< met the#riteria forprimary dysmenorrhea 7urnettet al.) 2005 9. 'n adult %omen%ith endometriosis) theprevalen#erateof d$smenorrhoea%asup to =;?< 7@eese

    et al.) *>>; 9. his disease#onstitutes

    a publi# health dilemma of major proportion.Although medi#altherapies arenot #urativeper se) they arenonetheless a mainstayofpain symptom suppression among %omen %ith endometriosis.

    'nitially high,dosediethylstilbestrol and#ombinations of potentestrogens andprogestagens %ereused to treat endometriosis7-ur+thal andSmith) *>52 9) but thisapproa#h %as subse6uentlyrepla#ed by progestagens alone78istner) *>5 9. 'n *>5) the

    #lini#al observation of an apparent resolution of symptoms duringpregnan#y gaverisetothe#on#ept of treating patients %ithpseudo,pregnan#y hormoneregimens 78istner) *>5

    9. &ifferentforms of progestagens andanti,progestagens 7in#luding dihydrogesterone)

    medro+yprogesteronea#etate7BA9) gestrinoneandmifepristone7@( ?;9 affordedsomeimprovement in pelvi# pain: ho%ever)thesetreatments areineffe#tivein a subset of

    %omen %ith endometriosis

    and#arry several unto%ard sideeffe#ts 7Ver#ellini et al.)

    *>>= 9. 'n *>=C) danaol) a iso+aolederivativeof *=,alphatestosterone) %as introdu#edfor thetreatment of endometriosis,asso#iatedpain 7Driedlander) *>=C 9. Althoughdanaol is effe#tive) e+tendeduseis limited by androgeni# andmetaboli# sideeffe#ts7Selaket al.) 200* 9. A de#adelater) in *>2) gonadotrophin releasinghormoneagonists7$n@-,a9 %erefirst des#ribed as an alternativetreatment for endometriosis 7emay andFuesnel) *>2 9. Although$n@-,a #an beused safely %ith #ombined estrogen and4orprogestagenadd,ba#k therapy for up to 2 years) long,term useis #onstrainedbyhypoestrogeni# sideeffe#ts 7/orson andolognese) *>= 9)espe#ially in adoles#ents.

    Sin#e*>=) non,hormonal treatment regimens for endometriosis,asso#iatedpain)in#luding a variety of non,steroidal anti,inflammatorydrugs 7NSA'&s9) havebeenpromoted 7/orson andolognese) *>= 9."bje#tiveeviden#eon theuseof NSA'&s inendometriosis,asso#iatedpain is sparseandin#on#lusive7Allen et al.) 2005 9. &espite

    thepoor 6uality of eviden#e) NSA'&s aretypi#ally used as first,linedrugs in thetreatment of endometriosis asso#iated,pain) be#ausethey arefelt to havefe%er limitations7Allen et al.) 2005 9.

    u#h effort is spent on thedevelopment andpromotion of ne%drug treatments %ith thegoal of a#hieving higher effi#a#y)fe%er sideeffe#ts andtheoption of long,termtreatment) espe#iallyin %omen %ith severeendometriosis. heseagents in#lude




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  • 8/12/2019 Vitamin E Merupakan Anti Oksidan Alami Yang Membantu Seluruh Sel Dan Jaringan Tubuh Memperbaiki Dan Meng


    thiaolidinediones7ebovi# et al.) 200? 9) sele#tiveprogesteronere#eptor modulators

    7SB@s9 7/h%alis et al.) 2005 9) aromataseinhibitors 7Amsterdamet al.) 2005 9)#y#loo+ygenase7/"9,2 sele#tiveNSA'&s 7/obelliset al.) 200? 9) re#ombinant humanND,alpha binding proteins7arrier et al.) 200? 9) anti,VE$D therapy 7Nap et al.) 20059)B,inhibitors 7ori et al.) 200* 9 andinterferon,alpha,2b 7ada%yet al.) 200* 9.

    Eviden#efrom pre,#lini#al trials has suggested

    benefi#ial effe#ts of thesedrugs that maybe#onferred by anti,proliferative)anti,inflammatory or anti,angiogeni# me#hanisms.-o%ever) despitethesemany therapeuti# options) effi#ient long,term regimensfor thetreatment of endometriosis,asso#iated symptoms aredesperatelyneeded.

    'n re#ent years) medi#inal herbs andother botani#al produ#tshavebe#omepopular formanagement of symptoms of several gynae#ologi#disorders 7Eisenberg et al.) *>> :Anderson and!ohnson) 2005 :/omar and8irby) 2005 : indleet al.) 2005 9 in#ludingendometriosis,asso#iatedsymptoms 7/o+ et al.) 200C : Dugh,erman and8ronenberg)200C 9.Eviden#efor thepotential effi#a#y of medi#inal herbs in thetreatment ofendometriosis,asso#iated symptoms has been reportedin theliteratureandis thefo#us ofthis revie%.


    raditional medi#inepra#ti#es refer to healthapproa#hes) kno%ledgeandbeliefs in#orporating naturalplant) animal andmineral,basedmedi#ines) spiritualtherapies) manual te#hni6ues ande+er#ises7/hen and/hen) 200? : -uang) *>> 9. hese#an beapplied

    individuallyor in #ombination to treat andpreventillnesses or maintain%ell,being. 'n industrialied#ountries) adaptations of traditionalmedi#inearetermed#omplementary andalternativemedi#ine7/A9./Ais popular in all regions of thedeveloping %orld andits

    useis rapidly spreading in industrialied #ountries. 'nEuropeandNorth Ameri#a) over 50< of thepopulation haveused /Aat least on#e7indleet al.) 2005 9.

    -istori#ally) /hinese#ulturehas relied heavily on herbal treatmentof many illnesses.raditional herbal preparations still a##ountfor C0150< of thetotal medi#inal#onsumption in /hina.3ritten re#ords do#ument theuseof /hineseherbal medi#ineover

    C000 years ago. 'n /hinesemedi#ine) endometriosis is #alledNeiyi andis #onsidered aGlood stasis syndromeHresulting in theformation of endometrioti# lesions 7Dla%s)*>>: a#io#ia) *>>= 9. /hineseherbal formulaedesigned forendometriosis therapy aretargeted to resolveblood stasis.&espite#enturies of useabroad) medi#inal herbaltreatmentsfor endometriosis,asso#iated symptoms %ereonly introdu#ed inthe(SA inthemid,*>0s. Several medi#inal herbs that histori#ally%erepres#ribed for treatment ofendometriosis,asso#iated symptomsarestill in usetoday 7/hen and/hen) 200? : -uang)*>> 9 7able*9.Ea#h of theherbs des#ribed is likely #omposed of several a#tive





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