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Visualizing the Relationship Between Human Error and Organizational Failure

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/28/2019 Visualizing the Relationship Between Human Error and Organizational Failure


    Visualizing the Relationship between Human Error and Organizational Failure

    Chris Johnson

    Department of Computing Science,

    University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ.

    Fax: 0141 330 4913, Telephone: 0141 330 6053,

    Email:[email protected],

    Managerial failure plays an important role in major accidents and

    incidents. Operators have been authorized to deliberately remove safety

    mechanisms. They have also been instructed to guide application

    processes into dangerous operating environments. Given the consequences

    of such intervention, it is surprising that so little attention is paid to therelationship between organizational failure and operator error. One

    explanation for this is that tools and techniques, which have been

    developed to analyze human and system failures, cannot easily be applied

    to reason about organizational problems. This paper argues that Fault

    Trees help to visualize the ways in which organizational failures create the

    necessary preconditions for human failure. This approach is also used to

    focus on the organizational problems that can exacerbate the consequences

    of those errors in the aftermath of an accident. It is argued that too much

    attention has been paid upon human errors in the causes of accidents and

    not enough attention has been paid to organizational failure in post-accident events. A collision between a Maryland Commuter train and an

    American National Railroad Passenger Corporation train on February 16th,

    1996 is used to illustrate this argument.

    Keywords: human error; organizational failure; fault trees; safety;


    1. Introduction

    Many accident reports cite human failure as a primary cause (Johnson, 1998). The

    workers at the Bhopal chemical plant pumped Methyl-isocyanate into a leaking tank(Morehouse and Subamaniam, 1986). The officers and crew of the Herald of Free

    Enterprise set to sea with their bow doors open (Sheen, 1987). The pilot and co-pilot

    throttled back their one working engine rather than the failed engine during the Kegworth

    air crash (AAIB, 1990). The first line of fire-fighting operations was delayed by

    communications failures between various operators during the Channel Tunnel Fire

    (Department of the Environment, 1996). This paper explains why operator error is such a

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    prevalent cause of major accidents: insufficient attention is being paid to the managerial

    weaknesses that make systems vulnerable to human failure.

    There has been a considerable amount of research into the causes of human error. Much

    of this has stressed the psychological and physiological influences that shape operator

    performance. There has been a focus on the effects of high workload on a users ability torespond to warning messages (Woods, 1994). Other research has focussed on the impact

    of noise and vibration on an operators decision making processes. There has also been a

    focus on individual attitudes to risk taking (Stanton and Glendon, 1996). Unfortunately,

    much of this work focuses on the symptoms of human error rather than its underlying

    causes (van Vuuren, Shea, and van der Schaaf, 1997). Relatively little work

    has focussed on the underlying organizational and regulatory weaknesses that lead to

    high workload or noise in an operators environment (Hale, Wilpert and Freitag, 1997).

    These less direct forms of human failure help to establish the working practices that result

    in operator error (Reason, 1997). Unless we understand the managerial and regulatory

    causes of human failure then there is little prospect that we will ever be able to reduce the

    number of accidents and incidents that are being blamed on operator error.Unfortunately, there are few techniques that can be used to reason about the interaction

    between organizational failure and human error. Cognitive models cannot easily be

    extended to represent regulatory requirements. Conversely, it is difficult to reason about

    individual responses to particular system failures using optimization models from

    operations research (Johnson, 1995). This paper, therefore, shows how fault trees help to

    visualize the relationship between organizational problems and human failure. This

    notation is appropriate because it reveals that:

    1. organizational failures create the necessary preconditions for human error;

    2. organizational failures also exacerbate the consequences of those errors.

    Fault trees can also be integrated into other analytical tools that support process

    improvement, such as Management Oversight and Risk Trees (MORT). A further benefit

    is that the fault tree notation is well understood by existing generations of engineers.

    There are, however, many reasons why the standard fault tree notation is not appropriate

    for our purpose. These issues are discussed in more detail in a previous paper (Love and

    Johnson, 1997). In contrast, the remainder of this paper demonstrates that the approach

    can be used to analyze the complex, "messy" blend of operator errors and organizational

    failures that characterize real world accidents. A collision between a Maryland Commuter

    train and an American National Railroad Passenger Corporation train on February 16 th,1996 is used to illustrate this argument.

    1.1 The MARC 286 Case Study

    The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) report provides the following

    executive summary of the collision that forms the case study for this paper:

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    "About 5:39 pm on February 16, 1996, Maryland Rail Commuter (MARC) train 286

    collided with National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) passenger train 29 near

    Silver Spring, Maryland. En route from Brunswick Maryland to Union Station,

    Washington DC, MARC train 286 was travelling under CSX Transportation Inc (CSXT)

    operation and control on CSXT tracks. MARC train 286 passed an APPROACH signal

    before making a station stop at Kensington, Maryland; proceeded as if the signal hadbeen CLEAR; and then, could not stop for the STOP signal at Georgetown Junction,

    where it collided with Amtrak train 29. All 3 CSXT operating crew members and 8 of the

    20 passengers on MARC train 286 were killed in the derailment and subsequent fire.

    Eleven passengers on MARC train 286 and 15 of the 182 crewmembers and passengers

    on AMTRAC train 29 were injured. Estimated damages exceeded $7.5 million" (page vii,

    NTSB, 1997).

    This accident provides an appropriate case study because at first sight it appears to have

    been caused by a relatively simple instance of operator error. The engineer on-board

    MARC train 286 forgot that the previous signal had been APPROACH instead of

    CLEAR. They, therefore, reached the Georgetown Junction with a velocity that preventedthem from stopping in time to avoid AMTRAC train 29. Later sections will argue,

    however, that such a superficial analysis ignores the managerial and regulatory factors

    that contributed this accident. These organisational factors helped to create a system that

    relied upon the crewmembers memory of a signal that they had seen minutes before an

    unscheduled stop.

    1.2 Using Fault Trees to Support Accident Analysis

    This paper uses fault trees to represent and reason about the relationship between

    organisational failure and human error. This notation provides a simple graphical syntaxbased around circuit diagrams. Figure 1 presents a brief overview of this approach.

    Andrews and Moss (1993) provide a more detailed introduction.

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    Figure 1: Fault tree components

    Fault trees are, typically, used pre hoc to analyse potential errors in a design. They have

    not been widely used to support post hoc accident analysis. They do, however, offer

    considerable benefits for this purpose. The leaves of the tree can be used to represent the

    initial causes of the accident (Leplat, 1987). The gates in Figure 1 can be used to

    represent the ways in which those causes combine. For example, the combination of

    operator mistakes, hardware/software failures and managerial problems might be

    represented using an AND gate. Conversely, a lack of evidence about user behaviour orsystem performance might be represented using an OR gate. Basic events can be used to

    represent the underlying failures that lead to an accident (Hollnagel, 1993).

    Figure 2 uses a fault tree to represent some of the findings in the NTSB report:

    "The MARC train 286 engineer apparently forgot the signal aspect, which

    required him to be prepared to stop at Georgetown Junction, due to interference

    caused by various events, including performing an unscheduled station stop, that

    occurred between the presentation of the APPROACH aspect at signal 1124-2 and

    the STOP signal at Georgetown Junction." (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 4, page 73)

    "Neither the conductor nor the assistant conductor while in the cab control

    compartment appeared to have effectively monitored the engineers operation of

    MARC train 286 and taken action to ensure the safety of the train" (NTSB, 1997,

    Conclusion 5, page 73)

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    Figure 2 also shows that there is no direct means of translating from natural language into

    the structures of a fault tree. Analysts must identify key events from the prose. These

    events must then be structured using the gates that were introduced in the previous

    paragraph. Later sections will integrate the first three conclusions from the NTSB report

    into the fault tree shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2: An example of a fault tree representing part of the MARC accident

    A number of important differences distinguish this use of fault trees from their more

    conventional application. The output from an AND gate is true if and only if all of its

    inputs are true. It is difficult to analyse an accident in this way. For example, Figure 2

    shows that the collision was the result of four events. The derailment would have been

    prevented if any one of these events had been prevented from happening. In accident

    analysis, however, it is difficult to be certain that an event would actually have been

    avoided in this way. The derailment may or may not have been avoided if the Conductor

    had intervened. This potential conflict between the pre hoc use of fault trees to support

    risk assessment and their post hoc use to support accident analysis can be resolved. In the

    post hoc application of fault trees we are building our model upon a known set of events.

    Any inferences that depend upon events that are not part of that set must be regarded as

    speculation unless further evidence can be provided. In the previous example, this might

    involve empirical or observational studies of the interaction between Conductors and

    Engineers on MARC trains.

    2.0 Immediate Causes

    Figure 2 focussed on the immediate causes of the MARC collision as they were described

    in the concluding section of the NTSB report. These findings focus upon the operator

    errors that directly caused the derailment. This analysis can be extended to provide a

    more complete overview of the events that led to the accident. Figure 3 provides an

    overview of the findings in the NTSB report. It accurately reflects the direction and focus

    of the argument in the concluding section. Most of the findings relate to the Engineers

    error rather than to the monitoring activities of the Conductor or their assistant. This is

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    shown by the way in which the left-hand branch of the tree is developed from the

    intermediate event in which MARC 286 approaches Georgetown Junction as if signal

    1124-2 was set to CLEAR. The lack of intervention by the Conductor and Assistant

    Conductor is less of a focus than the Engineers error.

    Figure 3: An Extended Fault Tree Showing Events Leading to the MARC Collision

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    The previous fault tree provides a graphical representation of the focus in the NTSB

    report. This offers a number of important benefits:

    1. Fault trees provide an overview of the events that an analyst believes contributed

    to an accident. This is important because many reports are lengthy and detailed.

    The NTSB account is approximately 150 pages in length. The analysts findingsare, typically, summarised in the concluding section of an accident report.

    However, it can often be difficult to piece together individual conclusions into a

    coherent account of human error and systems failure;

    2. Fault trees also suggest alternative hypotheses and questions about the analysis

    that is presented in an accident report. Readers can further develop the

    intermediate events in a tree to explore alternative conclusions. For example, the

    relative lack of attention that was paid to the Conductor and the Assistant

    Conductor can be contrasted with similar reports in the aviation industry that

    focus on cockpit communications rather than individual errors (AAIB, 1990).

    Figure 4 focuses on part of the fault tree presented in Figure 3. In particular, it representsome of the non-contributory factors that were mentioned in the previous section:

    "Neither the three MARC train 286 crewmembers nor the two Amtrak train 29

    locomotive crewmembers were impaired by alcohol or drugs. All train

    crewmembers were in good health, had no evidence of fatigue, and were

    experienced in and qualified for their duties." (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 1, page


    These non-contributory factors are represented as house events. They can either be

    "turned" on or off during the analysis of a fault tree. The NTSB report indicated thatneither drugs nor illness affected the Engineer in the MARC collision. Technically, this

    can be represented by assigning a probability of 1 to the two house events in Figure 4.

    However, the ability to switch events on and off also provides analysts with means of

    exploring alternative hypotheses about the course of an accident. For instance, a house

    event can be turned off if it is assigned a probability of 0. This can be used to explore

    what might have happened if the Engineers performance had been impaired by drugs or

    by alcohol. The OR gate would then indicate that the Engineer could forget the

    APPROACH aspect of signal 1124-2 even if their memory were not impaired by the

    unscheduled stop. This specific example illustrates how the non-contributory factors in

    the NTSB report help readers to identify alternative scenarios or hypotheses about the

    events that might have led to the accident. The level of analysis presented in Figure 4might seem simplistic. However, it is important to point out that this is the level at which

    the NTSB report was written. Fault trees simply help to reason about the consequences of

    the alternative scenarios that were implicit in the conclusions of the report.

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    Figure 4: Using House Events to Represent Alternative Scenarios

    Inhibit gates provide an extension to the approach discussed in the previous paragraph.

    Rather than assigning Boolean probabilities to house events, these gates can be associated

    with a wider range of probabilities. Figure 5 exploits inhibit gates as a means of

    describing further hypotheses about the potential impact of non-contributory factors in

    future accidents and incidents. In this case the hypotheses relate to the effects of bad

    weather and signal failure on the course of the collision:

    "The weather conditions did not impair the ability of the MARC train 286

    crewmembers to distinguish the indication of the Kensington signal 1124-2."

    (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 2, page 73)

    "The signal system functioned as designed." (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 3, page


    Figure 5 uses probabilistic inhibit gates because the Engineers ability to view signal

    1124-2 need not be impaired every time that there was bad weather. Similarly, a

    signalling failure need not always lead to an incorrect indication for 1124-2. This ability

    to assign probabilities to representations of human error should not be underestimated. It

    provides the opportunity for Monte Carlo simulation techniques in which analysts can

    investigate probable and improbable, frequent or infrequent, traces of interaction. Theobvious pitfall is that there must be some means of validating the statistics that are used

    to prime models such as that shown in Figure 5. The most appropriate means of obtaining

    these figures after an accident is through reconstruction and empirical tests with other

    operators. Of course, these studies are inevitably biased by the individuals knowledge

    that their performance is being monitored in the aftermath of an accident. These studies

    have, however, been widely used in previous accident reports (AAIB, 1990).

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    Figure 5: Using Inhibit Gates to Represent Alternative Scenarios

    The previous paragraphs have argued that fault trees can be used to provide an overview

    of the immediate human errors that contribute to accidents. House events and inhibit

    gates can also be used to analyse the non-contributory factors that did not play a part in

    past failures but which might lead to similar errors during the future operation of thesystem. The following section builds on this analysis and shows how our fault tree model

    can be extended to capture the managerial and regulatory factors that created the potential

    for the direct human error in Figures 3 to 5.

    3.0 The Organisational Origins of Direct Human Error

    The first five findings in the NTSB report focused on non-contributory factors and the

    interaction between the Engineer, the Conductor and the Assistant Conductor. The

    remaining twenty-two findings centred on the organisational factors that contributed to

    the accident. These organisational problems involve both managerial and regulatory

    failure. Many of them stemmed from a failure to review the human factors implicationsof increasing the capacity on the Brunswick line. Increasing the capacity implied

    reducing the train headway to 15 minutes during dense scheduling periods. This, in turn,

    implied changes to the signalling system. In consequence, the Engineer had to remember

    the aspect of signal 1124-2 both before and after any stop at Kensington station:

    "Additionally, signal 100 was less than the 11,000 feet minimum braking

    requirement from the EAS-2 signals at CP Georgetown Junction. As a result of

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    the signal modifications, signal 100 was replaced by signal 1124-2, which was

    now the last automatic wayside signal before EAS-2 for Georgetown Junction and

    was west of the Kensington station platform" (NTSB, 1997, page 43).

    The NTSB report summarised the managerial and regulatory failures that created this

    situation in the following conclusions from their accident report:

    "Had the Federal railroad Administration and the Federal Transit Administration

    required the CSX Transportation Inc. to perform a total signal system review of

    the proposed signal changes that included a human factors analysis with

    comprehensive failure modes and effects analyses, this accident may have been

    prevented". (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 7, page 73)

    "Federal funds granted for the signal modifications on the CSXT Brunswick Line

    to accommodate an increase in the number of Maryland Rail Commuter trains did

    not ensure that the safety of the public was adequately addressed" (NTSB, 1997,

    Conclusion 8, page 73)

    "The Federal Railroad Administration relied on the need for increased vigilance

    of wayside signals and special actions in operating rules, such as the crew

    communication rule of emergency order 20, does not adequately safeguard the

    public" (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 10, page 73)

    "Had a train control system that could utilise the cab signal equipment on the

    Maryland Rail Commuter cab control car been a part of the signal system on the

    Brunswick Line, this accident may not have occurred." (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion

    11, page 73)

    Figure 6 illustrates how these findings can be integrated into the fault tree model. A

    cursory inspection reveals the additional complexity that is introduced when investigators

    consider the deeper sources of organisational failure that contribute to major accidents

    and incidents.

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    Figure 6: Using Fault Trees to Represent the Organisational Precursors to Human Error

    Previous sections have introduced non-contributory causes into our fault tree model of

    human error and organisational failure. Drugs and illness were rules out as influences on

    the operators behaviour. By considering these causes, analysts can identify alternative

    scenarios that might lead to similar accidents in the future. Conversely, accident reportsoften speculate about events that might prevent similar accidents in the future:

    "A fully implemented positive train separation control system might have

    prevented this accident by recognising that MARC train 286 was not being

    operated within allowable parameters, based on other authorised train operations,

    and would have stopped the train before it could enter into the unauthorised track

    area" (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 12, page 73)

    Figure 7 captures this finding. The diagram again illustrates the relationship between the

    natural language comments of the NTSB report and the formal analysis techniques that

    can be applied to fault tree diagrams. In this case, the house events are assigned a

    probability of 1 to simulate the events leading to the collision. The Federal Railroad

    Administration and the Federal Transit Administration allowed the proposed signal

    changes without a comprehensive failure modes and effects analysis. According to figure

    7, if the house events had been false and an analysis had been conducted then a positive

    train separation control system would have been introduced. In consequence, the highest

    level conjunction would not have been true. The derailment would not have taken place.

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    Figure 7: Using Fault Trees to Represent the Organisational Precursors to Human Error

    The previous analysis raises many questions about the role of organisational failure in

    major accidents. It is not certain that a failure modes and effects analysis would have led

    to the introduction of a positive train separation system, as suggested in Figure 7. This

    objection can be represented by replacing the house events with an inhibit gate. Analysts

    could then assign a probability to the introduction of a train separation system given thata failure modes and effects analysis had been conducted. This approach, in turn, raises

    further questions about quantified approaches to group decision making. It is unclear how

    reliable data might be obtained and validated for such an analysis. What figure would an

    accident investigator be justified in assigning to a particular outcome of the failure modes

    and effects analysis? Such questions point towards a need to explore the relationship

    between economics or management theory and cognitive science (Johnson, 1995). The

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    former approaches provide accounts of group decision making under uncertainty. The

    latter provides more qualitative insights into individual instances of human error.

    4.0 The Aftermath

    Previous sections have shown that fault trees provide one means of integratingobservations about organisational failure into an analysis of more direct forms of human

    error. Previous diagrams have, however, suffered from a weakness that is common in

    many human factors investigations. There is a preoccupation with the causes rather than

    the consequences of an incident. This is a significant limitation because most lives are

    lost in the aftermath of an accident than are lost through its immediate effects. In the

    MARC case study, at least eight of the eleven fatalities were caused by events that

    occurred after the immediate collision. Figure 8 alters the perspective of previous fault

    trees by focussing on the immediate aftermath of the collision. It represents the following

    conclusions from the NTSB report:

    "The emergency egress of passengers was impeded because the passenger cars

    lacked readily accessible and identifiable quick-release mechanisms for the

    exterior doors, removable windows or kick panels in the side doors, and adequate

    emergency instruction signage." (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 13, page 73)

    "The catastrophic rupture of the Amtrak unit 255 fuel tank in the collision with

    the MARC cab control car 7752 released fuel, which sprayed into the interior of

    the cab control car, and resulted in the fire and at least 8 of the 11 fatalities."

    (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 18, page 74)

    "Even though the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service personnelresponded promptly to the emergency, they could do nothing to save the lives of

    the accident victims because passenger coach cab control car 7752 was already

    completely engulfed in flames when the fire fighters arrived on the scene."

    (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 21, page 74)

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    Figure 8: Fault Tree Showing Events Following the MARC Collision

    As can be seen, there is an even greater emphasis on organisational problems in the

    aftermath of an accident than in its immediate causes. This analysis highlights an

    important distinction between two different forms of organisational failure:

    1. Managerial failure. This relates to the ways in which companies organise and

    manage their working practices.

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    2. Regulatory failure. This relates to the ways in which governments and other

    statutory bodies govern and monitor the working practices of companies and


    The previous diagram focussed on managerial failure. The train operators failed to

    provide adequate emergency instructions or escape mechanisms in their passenger car.However, the NTSB report also found regulatory problems that exacerbated the

    consequences of this accident:

    "The absence of comprehensive Federal passenger car safety standards resulted in

    the inadequate emergency egress conditions." (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 14, page


    "A need exists for Federal standards requiring passenger cars be equipped with

    reliable emergency lighting fixtures with a self-contained independent power

    source when the main power supply has been disrupted to ensure passengers can

    safely egress." (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 15, page 74)

    "Prescribed inspection and maintenance test cycles are needed to ensure the

    reliable operation of emergency windows in all long-distance and commuter rail

    passenger cars." (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion 16, page 74)

    Figure 9 shows how these regulatory weaknesses contributed to the managerial failures

    shown in Figure 8. Such an integrated approach is critical if readers are to gain an

    overview of the relationship between operational practices and the regulatory structures

    that guide those practices.

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    Figure 9: Representing Regulatory Problems in an Extended Fault Tree

    The previous fault tree illustrates how the lack of Federal standards for reliable

    emergency lighting combined with the lack of suitable signs in the MARC car to prevent

    passengers from finding the emergency exits. Similarly, the lack of more general Federal

    safety standards combined with the inadequate maintenance cycles of the MARCoperators to prevent passengers from using the exits once they had located them. Even

    this level of analysis simplifies the organisational problems that were uncovered by the


    "Because other commuter passenger cars may also have interior materials that

    may not meet specified performance criteria for flammability and smoke emission

    characteristics, the safety of passengers in those cars could be at risk." (NTSB,

    1997, Conclusion 19, page 74).

    "The Federal guidelines on the flammability and smoke emission characteristics

    and the testing of interior materials do not provide for the integrated use of

    passenger car interior materials and, as a result, are not useful in predicting the

    safety of the interior environment of a passenger car in a fire." (NTSB, 1997,

    Conclusion 20, page 74)

    Each stage of this analysis takes us further and further away from the Engineers initial

    error. It also moves us further and further away from most of the analysis techniques that

    are being developed by human factors and systems engineering. The NTSB alsoidentified a range of further management problems:

    "The CSX Transportation Inc. personnel operating Maryland Rail Commuter

    passenger trains are not adequately trained to understand and, therefore, execute

    their responsibilities for passengers in emergencies." (NTSB, 1997, Conclusion

    24, page 74)

    Figure 10 extends the previous diagrams to introduce these additional findings. This fault

    tree provides graphic evidence both of the complexity and diversity of organisational

    factors that exacerbate the effects of an accident and can frustrate a co-ordinated response

    to any incident.

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    Figure 10: Fault Tree Showing Organisational Failures and Direct Operator Error.

    5.0 Conclusion

    This paper has extended the application of fault trees beyond their normal use in systems

    engineering. This notation provides important visualisation properties that enable readers

    to gain an overview of complex, interconnected events. For example, the previous

    diagram shows how the lack of Federal guidelines contributed to the passengers

    difficulties in escaping during the fire. Our use of fault trees also provides visual support

    for the argument that post accident events are just as important, if not more important,

    than the more immediate human errors that lead to many accidents. Most of the fatalities

    in the MARC collision could have been avoided if managerial and regulatory structures

    had ensured the provision of effective escape mechanisms.

    The previous argument introduces the second focus of this paper. It has been argued that

    too little attention has been paid to the role of organisational failure in major accidents.

    The role of managerial and regulatory practices as pre-conditions for human error has

    been particularly neglected. There are some exceptions to this criticism (Reason 1997,

    Hale, Wilpert and Freitag 1997, van Vuuren, Shea and van der Schaaf, 1997). However,

    most human factors and systems engineering has focused on the immediate causes of

    operator error and system failure rather than on the organisational context of those errors.

    Distributed cognition, situation awareness, high-workload and mode confusion have

    become part of a mantra that is being repeated with an increasing frequency in accident

    reports. Their prominence as causal factors in these documents often obscures widerissues to do with workplace organisation and industrial regulation. The NTSB case study

    is an exception to this general criticism. It is rare to find an official report that is so

    candid in its analysis of managerial and regulatory practice. This is a result of the

    NTSBs position outside the Federal regulatory mechanisms that protect the railroads.

    Many other reporting agencies lack this independence. This reduces the likelihood that

    they will examine the managerial and regulatory practices that create the context for

    individual human errors.


    Thanks go to the members of the Glasgow Interactive Systems Group (GIST) and to theGlasgow Accident Analysis Group. This work is supported by the UK Engineering and

    Physical Sciences Research Council, grants GR/JO7686, GR/K69148 and GR/K55040.


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