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Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN


  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN



    | INTroDUCTIoN

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    Agni Klintuni Bediatn

  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN



    | INTroDUCTIoN

    Te designatin gegapical entities in tis bk, and te pesentatin te ateial, d ntiply te expessin any pinin watseve n te pat IUCN and Jaes Ck Univesity

    cncening te legal status any cunty, teity, aea, its autities, cncening tedeliitatin its nties bundaies.

    Te views expessed in tis publicatin d nt necessaily eect tse IUCN and JaesCk Univesity.

    Tis publicatin as been ade pssible in pat by unding te DGIS (ministy eignAais, Diectate-Geneal Intenatinal Cpeatin, Te Netelands), Aizna StateUnivesity and macAtu undatin.

    Publised by: IUCN, Gland, Switzeland in cllabatin wit Jaes Ck Univesity, Cains,Austalia.

    Cpyigt: 0 Intenatinal Unin Cnsevatin Natue and Natual resuces

    repductin tis publicatin educatinal te nn-cecialpupses is autized witut pi witten peissin te cpyigtlde pvided te suce is ully acknwledged.

    repductin tis publicatin esale te cecial pupses ispibited witut pi witten peissin te cpyigt lde.

    Citatin: Bediatn, Agni Klintuni. (0). Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes:Undestanding and Negtiating Cnsevatin and Develpent Tade-s UsingVisual Techniques. Gland, Switzeland: IUCN. (56 pp).

    ISBN: 978--87--9

    Cve dawing: Whose vision by Agni Klintuni Bediatn

    Ptgapsand dawings: Agni Klintuni Bediatn

    Layut by: Pue Ink Ceative Studi, Jakata - Indnesia

    Pduced by: Agni Klintuni Bediatn (IUCN est Cnsevatin Pgae and JaesCk Univesity)

    Pinted by: Keta Pinting, Jakata - Indnesia

    Available : IUCN (Intenatinal Unin Cnsevatin Natue)Publicatins Sevicesrue mauveney 896 GlandSwitzelandTel + 999 0000ax + 999 [email protected]/publicatins

    The text this bk is pinted n ecycled pape 50 ga.

  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN



    Tank yu t IUCN (Intenatinal Unin Cnsevatin Natue), DGIS

    (ministy eign Aais, Diectate-Geneal Intenatinal Cpeatin,

    Te Netelands), Aizna State Univesity, macAtu undatin, IUCN

    sta and ebes, lcal NGos and Jaes Ck Univesity.

    Special tanks t clleagues w paticipated in te aking te anual:

    Je Saye (IUCN and Jaes Ck Univesity), Stepen Kellee (IUCN -

    LLS anage), Gill Seped, rbet ise, Edund Baw (IUCN - LLS

    adviss), Tas mcSane (Aizna State Univesity), and Indnesian

    clleagues w attended te wksp in Bali at wic uc tis

    anual was dated: hewasn Sedjit (LIPI), Nining Liswanti (CIor),

    Kis Tebu (Cnsevatin Intenatinal), Iansya Lubis, Lia Syafti, Isu

    Widjaya, and Dewant (WW Indnesia), Listya Kusuawadani

    (Indnesian ministy esty), Wawan and Ananta Kisna (Kayan

    mentaang Natinal Pak, Indnesian ministy esty), Cis mab

    (Lentz Natinal Pak, Indnesian ministy esty), Ek haty

    and Ay Biw (Tpenbs Indnesia), Paulus Belapang (mmA),

    Awin mh (Yayasan Pute), rubby Ei (Yayasan Kalienda ), Elisabet

    Venica (YBAW), Yunus Yute (Sadana Institute), Andi Saagi

    (PErDU/mNUKWAr), K.G. Daa Puta (Univesity Udayana, Bali),

    I Gede maste and te Wngaya Gede Adat Leades, clleagues

    Caen: Diniue Endaana and Cantal Wandja (IUCN Caen

    ofce), mianda mika (roSE) and any e clleagues useul

    inputs and saing tei expeience in te feld.

    my tanks als t te ebes te cunities in Aica, Asia

    and Latin Aeica w cllabated wit us in develping and testing

    tese tecniues.

    For my father Bapak Boedhihartono,

    who inspired my interest in people and art

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    Paticipaty metds 0

    Wat is Visualizatin

    Visualizatin Step by Step 6

    5Aniated Dawings andSat-mapping

    6Getting te Sty rigt

    7Using Data & Inatin Cunicatin & mniting

    8Tips 5

    9acilitatin Kit 5

    0Ceck List 5

    Useul Website and readings 5

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    Baliem Valley,Papua, Indnesia

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    | INTroDUCTIoN

    muc te wk tat inspied tis anual was cnducted as pat te IUCN

    Livelids and Landscapes Stategy LLS. LLS sugt t ipve te livelids

    te p wilst cnseving te envinental values te landscapes wee tey

    live. LLS cussed n anaging landscapes pductin and envinental values.

    A vaiety visual tecniues wee used in any te 7 landscapes wee LLS

    wked and tis anual descibes se te lessns leaned visualizatin

    execises in tse landscapes.

    Why visualizatin?

    Landscapes scale pgaes cnnt te ull cplexity te inteactins between

    cnsevatin and develpent. Tey deal wit peples livelids, bidivesity, cliate

    cange, te divesity cultue and languages, and te cnstant tansatins in

    peples ways lie. one as t deal wit dieent etnic gups, dieent levels

    educatin and liteacy and dieent inteest gups. It is essential t engage civilsciety, te pivate sect and gvenent agencies, as well as students, eseaces

    and develpent pactitines lcal and intenatinal ganizatins.

    Te value visualizatin is t get a pictue te way vaius individuals and gups

    undestand te landscape and w tey wuld like it t evlve in te utue. Te

    visualizatin activity itsel allws dieent peple t sae tei views and begin

    negtiatins abut dieent and seties cnicting bjectives.

    Visualizatin techniques can be used t:

    . cus n te value esuces and nt n liits bundaies. Visual tecniues

    eveal peples appeciatins te envinent and natual esuces in ways

    tat ten get velked in te paticipaty pcesses.

    . Epwe lcal stakeldes especially aginalized gups and unde-

    pivileged peple. Visual tecniues elp t get te invlved and enable te

    t cunicate tei knwledge and wises.


    INTroDUCTIoNLivelihds and Landscape

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    . Epwe and engage dieent sects sciety instance wen and en,

    te yung and te ld, etnic and linguistic inities etc.

    . cus n istical tends and exple utue scenais tus elping t build an

    undestanding te pcesses cange and nt siply t ecd situatins at

    a pint in tie.

    5. Enic cputeized tecniues t ake aniated pducts wic can te

    basis discussin and negtiatin, pvide a peanent ecd decisins

    and nit cange.

    6. Cunicate scenais and desied utces t extenal audiences.

    7. Build tust angst stakeldes in a ultiunctinal cntext.

    8. Peventing expets aiving wit eady-ade slutins.

    9. Undestand elatins between lage & sall scales (lcal, natinal

    intenatinal inteests).

    0. reslve cnicts.

    Visualizatin r practitiners

    Te need a anual nVisualization Techniquesase wk wit acilitats

    dieent institutins (NGos, Univesity eseaces, gvenent agencies, and

    sall lcal cunity assciatins) w all swed an inteest in using visual

    etds. Tey saw ptential applicatins in planning and in siply undestanding

    te cplexity te situatins and cnditins te places wee tey wk live.

    Dieent visualizatin tecniues ae aleady widely used and seveal tese ae

    discussed in tis anual instance se sustainable develpent pactitines

    ave used ic pictues wee stakeldes illustate tei cncens n a lage

    dawing tei envinent, tes use ptgapy and vide t cunicate

    issues and t tack canges in landscapes.

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    | INTroDUCTIoN

    Visualizatin Techniques ave been used wit nadic pastalists in Aica,

    indigenus and est dwelling peples in te Cng Basin, Indnesia and Cental

    Aeica, cattle ances in Sut Aeica and wit untain dwelles in te Atlas

    anges in mcc. Tese tecniues ae used t cpae visins stakeldes and

    t negtiate tade-s tug cpaing tese visins.

    Te ai in pducing tis anual is t stengten te cunity pactitines w

    ae using an innvative ange visual tecniues in dealing wit cnsevatin and

    develpent situatins.

    What is actually the prblem?

    Develpent pgaes ae cing t te st islated places n eat and tis

    ten teatens natue. T ake cnsevatin pgaes wk it is iptant t

    undestand te eality n te gund peple w want t ave bette livelids

    and see ecnic pgess in tei landscapes. Te issue is t ensue tat tis

    develpent is sustainable and euitable. It is iptant t undestand te scial

    and cultual cntexts te vaius stakeldes wen cnsideing any extenal

    inteventin, and t be guided and ined by te lcal needs and cntexts.

    Cnsevatin and develpent expets invest aj esuces is seeking win-win

    slutins t cnicting esuce-use deands in develping cunties. Tese attepts

    t integate cnsevatin and develpent pesent at least u ntable pbles:

    outsides ave geat difculty in ully undestanding te cplexity te

    landscapes and te ull ange values all te stakeldes.

    Tee ae nueus acts wse decisins ipact n te landscape and

    inuence its evlutin. Any attept t cange a landscape euies undestanding

    and inuencing tese ultiple-acts.

    In eality win-win utces ae te exceptin ate tan te ule and

    tee ae alst always se w lse and se w gain. Te degee




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    lss t se stakeldes as t be negtiated against te degee gain

    t te stakeldes.

    Tee ae dieent envinental and sci-cultual values angst

    stakeldes in tese cplex landscapes and cplex issues gvenance

    and pwe elatinsips.

    Why wrk at a landscape scale?

    Tese tecniues ave been used at dieent spatial scales wit dieent acts in

    dieent cunties aund te wld. Te scale depends upn te pbles tat aebeing addessed and anges te village, distict, state, cunty, tans-bunday

    egin etc. Te wd landscape applied at any tese scales is used t cnvey te

    idea tat all te uses land and all te uses tat land ae being lked at in an

    integated way.

    Visual tecniues ave been used t pvide a aewk addessing cnicts

    tade-s aund industial plantatins, natue eseves and natinal paks, cunity

    ests, lgging cncessins, siply te aea wic a cunity daws itslivelid esuces instance te aea wee a cunity gates fewd

    nn-tibe est pducts, etc.

    Te pint landscape appaces and te lage scale cnsevatin and develpent

    activities is tat te landscape ebaces te ull range scial, envirnmental

    and ecnmic values. Tade-s ccu at dieent scales wic akes te all te

    e difcult t anage and undestand.


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    | INTroDUCTIoN

    In csing a scale t wk in a landscape, it is iptant t eebe:

    Te scale at wic tade-s can be addessed

    Te envinent tat peple undestand and can cnceptualize

    Te scale at wic scenais ae useul

    Te aea wee ne seeks t acieve cange

    Te aea wee peple deive tei livelids

    IUCN and te intenatinal ganizatins ten use landscape and ecsyste

    appaces t deal wit cplex, lage scale pbles and t ecncile te dieent

    views ultiple stakeldes.

    Tee is n standad defnitin a landscape appac. In tis anual a landscape

    is defned as a geographical area with its physical and biological eatures together

    with the institutions and people who infuence the area and their cultural and spiritual

    values. Te landscape appac is a pcess in wic all cncened acts attept t

    lean and adapt tgete t acieve utces tat ae bette natue and peple.

    Te IUCN use te landscape appac is siila t te ecsyste appac wic isdefned by te Cnventin n Bidivesity as a strategy or the integrated management

    o land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in

    an equitable way.Applicatin te ecsyste appac will elp t eac a balance te tee bjectives te Cnventin n Bilgical Divesity. It ecgnizes tat

    uans, wit tei cultual divesity, ae an integal cpnent ecsystes.

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    Mussapula,Central Arican Republic

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    PArTICIPATorY mEThoDSPaticipaty tecniues ae widely used by cnsevatin and develpent pactitines

    t attept t build tei undestanding cplex cnsevatin and develpent

    tade-s and t attept t gain suppt lcal stakeldes extenal pject

    inteventins. Visual techniques ave been used in tese paticipaty tecniues

    ntably in Paticipaty rual Appaisal (PrA). Tese tecniues ave been used

    any yeas t ap existing igts, tenue, wnesip and use natual esuces.

    In se landscapes wee LLS as wked, visualizatin techniquesave been used

    as a vey siple way t cunicate visins and peceptins pssible utue

    landscapes by using iages (dawings, pts, aniatin etc) and als as planning

    and niting tls. Te basic ai as been t elp peple t fnd a balance

    between Cnsevatin and Develpent.

    Visualizatin is als used t cpleent te tls suc as systes delling

    instance wit STELLA stwae, te Pvety Tlkit, Capital Assets Indicats, CriSTAL

    (Cunity-based risk Sceening Tl Adaptatin and Livelids), Paticipaty

    rual Appaisal, etc. Tese tls ae all descibed in a special issue Ab Vitae

    publised by IUCN in 008 and available te est Cnsevatin Pgae at

    te IUCN website: www.iucn.rg

    Visualizatin tecniues can be used t inluence te pcesses tat ae takingplace, as tey elp in undestanding dieent visins and pssible landscapescenais. Visualizatin elps place all paticipants at te sae level indiscussins, plicy dialgues and in te ulatin utue scenais landuse/land tenue aangeents. Visualizatin can als be used anageentplanning, instance in planning ptected aeas, esuces access igts,

    develpent pgaes, niting etc. Te pcess visualizatin is alsa way t cnstuct a ind-ap wat is appening in a landscape and undestanding te cnnectins between te envinent and livelids.

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    Visual techniques are central t participatry appraches.

    Letting aginal and inity gups paticipate n an eual


    Discussing wse visin? Wse ealities cunt?

    Expling utue ptins

    Enabling discussins t take place n tei tes and nt putting

    tei inatin int u aewk

    Aviding tecnical jagn and tecniues tat lcal peple cannt


    Getting a balance between te pwe expets and tat lcal


    mving We plan - yu paticipate t Yu plan - we


    opening up debate n te ull divesity ptins and inteests

    making tade-s explicit

    Building undestanding and negtiating angst dieent


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    | INTroDUCTIoN

  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN


    Visualizatin: A visual language t use expling landscape scenais and landscape


    Iages ae used t cunicate cncepts and peceptins.

    Visual epesentatins and illustatins such as dawing, painting, phtgaphy

    the at wk ae used t cunicate the ichness the values a


    Visualizatin is any tecniue ceating iages, dawings, aniatins t

    cunicate a essage idea. Visualizatin is als used t pesent inatin,

    scenais peceptins. It as been te basis all aps, scientifc dawings,

    illustatins and data plts ve a tusand yeas. Tday tecnlgies allw

    peple t use diensinal epesentatin t exple utue scenais and se use

    GIS (Gegapic Inatin Systes). Tee ae nueus scientifc publicatins n

    dieent visualizatin appaces and any ecent nes cus n using cpute

    gapic suppt.

    Diagas, aps and paintings/dawings ae all exaples te use visual

    language. Visual iagey as been an eective way t cunicate bt abstact and

    cncete ideas since te dawn an. Exaples isty include cave paintings,

    Egyptian ieglyps, Geek geety and Lenad Da Vincis evlutinay etds

    tecnical dawing engineeing and scientifc pupses.

    Visualizatin tday as eve-expanding applicatins in science, educatin,engineeing, inteactive ultiedia, edicine, develpent, cnsevatin, etc.

    In u use Visualizatinwe ae tying t undestand peples peceptin tei

    landscape and tei utue wises and we use siple tecniues suc as dawing




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    Te idea is t ceate visual iages t cunicate an idea a visin t tes.

    Just as peple can 'vebalize' tei tinking, tey can als 'visualize' it. Te

    iages ae ceated in a gup situatin s tat dieent peple wit dieent

    backgunds, etnicity, gende ccupatin, can all wk tgete t study te

    cplexity a pble.

    Scenari Analysis

    Scenai explatin is used t undestand pssible utue tends and elps ake

    stategic decisins based n analysis te likely cnseuences dieent cuses actin. Te pcess scenai analysis invlves:

    Identiying ces diving cange

    Identiying pedeteining acts

    Identiying citical uncetainties

    Develping scenais and tajecties a sustainable utue

    Assessing te iplicatins dieent scenais

    Tying t develp a saed visin wat a gup wuld like t ave in te

    utue. Tying t fnd cn gund between cnicting inteest gups.

    Tying t bette undestand dieent peceptins dieent gups

    peple (age, gende, etnic gups, NGos, gvenent, cunities, etc)

    Lcality apping is useul in undestanding land tenue and land

    degadatin pbles.

    Visual tls ae used t elp tse witut vice t cntibute in ulti-

    stakelde negtiatins.

    Te st iptant step in visualizatin is t allw dieent stakeldes t

    wk sepaately and ten ce tgete wit te stakeldes t cpae tei

    peeed scenais te utue landscape. Te key tee is negtiating by

    cmparing scenaris.



  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN


    Tacana landscape,Guatemala

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    VISUALIZATIoN STEP BY STEPT stat te visualizatin, it is iptant t undestand tat dieent gups

    peple ave dieent visins and gals in ulti-stakelde discussins. Te

    acilitat ust be well pepaed and be eady t adapt t dieent cnditins and

    situatins in te feld.

    1. Prepare white papers r ipcharts and clured pens. Take at least

    clus pens: black, blue, ed and geen.

    2. Divide the participants int small grups. Each stakehlder grup

    has t wrk separately. Depending n te issues yu igt divide peple

    by gende, age, etnic gups, ccupatin, etc. In te situatins yu igt

    sepaate ut gvenent icials, NGos, lcal cunities, te pivate

    sect etc.

    3. Encurage peple t talk abut their landscape and suggest drawing

    the present cnditin the landscape.Tell peple t iagine tat tey ae

    bids ying ve te landscape.

    4. Ask pertinent questins(iptant eleents in tei lie and tei envinent,

    daily lie activities, any big dives cange in te egin? any callenges?

    Wat ae te iptant bidivesity values in te egin? etc.)

    5. Sit back and watch cntinue t engage in cnversatin. Ate te fstdawing is fnised, ask the same peple t draw uture landscapes aybe

    te st desiable: te best case and te least desiable: te wst case.

    6. Discuss and ask questins

    7. Put scales and date

    8. Indicate nrth-suth n the drawing / map

    9. Dnt rget t put legends & names participants

    10. Add GPS reerences when pssible

    11. Phtgraph the drawing r archiving and ther use in the uture Tips: on the legend, it helps t put the degree imprtance each

    element in the drawing. exaple by putting: + imprtant, ++ mre

    imprtant, +++ very imprtant. Tis will allw statistical analysis t bette

    undestand te elative value eatues te landscape.

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    Lcal peple wee asked t daw te pesent situatin and tei expectatin te

    utue scenai a ual landscape in te Cental Aican republic.

    Present landscape in Mssapula Future scenari r Mssapula

    Te dawings abve wee ade by a gup BaAka pygies in te Cental Aican

    republic in te village mssapula, inside te Sanga Ti-Natinal landscape. Te

    fst dawing explains te iptant eleents in tei livelids. Te ad and ive

    ae a cental pat tei lie. Te uses and uts ae spead alng te ad. Tees and

    pducts tat tey gate in te ests ae pat tei daily lie. Te utue dawing

    sws tat tey wuld like t see e wildlie and e est pducts tat teyculd cllect subsistence. A scl is iptant tei cilden t ave a bette

    livelid. We can see seveal cilden and new scls and ancy new buildings.

    Tansptatin is als an iptant eleent tat links te t te den wld. Tis

    dawing sws tat te BaAka pygies wuld like t ave a gd educatin tei

    cilden and access t te den wld. Se lcal NGos in te Sanga Ti-Natinal

    landscape nw wk tgete wit te pygy gups t elp te t acieve te

    scenais tat tey pesented in tei dawings.

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    Tese tw dawings sw best case and wst case scenais te Kibia Natinal

    Pak and its suunding aea in Buundi, clse t te bde wit rwanda. Te

    fcials believe tat i a estatin pgae uns well and i cntu edges ae

    built in te ills and peple pactice gd anageent, ten te Kibia Natinal

    Pak wuld be vey geen and te cunities living aund te pak wuld beneft

    diectly te Pak. In te wst scenai wee bad anageent wit bad

    gvenance pevails, te Natinal Pak wuld sue a lt esin, est fes, alt peple wuld die stavatin as tei cps wuld ail. ote dawings wee

    ade by lcal NGo gups and lcal cunities suunding villages. Te

    discussins between tese stakeldes based n te dawings wee ten used t

    plan activities suppted by IUCN in te egin Kayanza.

    BEST case scenarioandWoRST case scenariDawings ade by a gup gvenent fcials in Buundi abut te utue Kibia

    Natinal Pak and its suunding aea.

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    TIPS d nt rget

    reebe w yu audience ae

    Listen, lean and bseve

    Let dieent gups wk in paallel (en-wen; ld-yung; dieent villages;

    dieent etnic gups; gvenent fcials-pivate sect etc.)

    Let peple expess teselves eely

    Advise peple w t ceate icns dieent eleent in te landscape

    Advise n te use dieent clus eac icn (blue wate, ed

    ad, geen tees, etc.)

    Pvide advice n scale

    Pvide a inial base ap wen needed as a aewk

    Discussins ae ten e valuable tan te dawings teselves

    Dieent gups suld develp dieent dawings

    Cpae landscape visins and scenais

    Acive and digitise te aps

    Mistakes t avid:

    Dnt g t uickly:

    Dnt be t igid

    Dnt ake assuptins

    Be awae cultual dieences

    Dnt bing pe-cked slutins Dnt ty t dinate

    Dnt be t tecnical

    Undestand tat peple ave te piities eals, cilden, cps,

    anials etc.

    make sue tat extvets dnt dinate te intvets

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    Cendrawasih Bay,West Papua, Indnesia

  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN


    Ate te visualizatin execise is fnised, it is iptant eac stakelde gup t

    pesent tei visin t tes and tis next step beces a vey iptant stage in te

    discussin and negtiatin utue landscape scenais.

    Animated Drawings

    Te dawings can be used diectly aniatins can be develped t sw te dieent

    scenais tat ae pssible in te egin. T develp aniatins, it is necessay tscan ptgap te dawings te pesent situatin, uplad te int a cpute

    using dawing ptgapic stwae suc as Adbe Ptsp. retuc t clean

    te iage in te cpute using apppiate cpute stwae, cpy and paste

    dieent eleents in te dawing t enable te iage t be canged uickly t sw

    dieent scenais te sae landscape. It is useul t ceate seveal altenative

    dawings t sw dieent utue scenais.

    Present landscape



    Animated Drawings t Shw Dierent Scenaris

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    Future scenari 1

    Future scenari 3

    Future scenari 2

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    Hw t d the animated drawing

    . Take a dawing

    . Scan and etuc t clean te dawing using Adbe Ptsp

    . Select an icn ten cpy and paste in te initial dawings

    Cpy and

    Paste te as any ties as desied

    . Ceate an altenative utue scenai

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    5. T ave seveal utue scenais, epeat step wit ante icn, and ceate

    dieent utue landscapes by cutting and pasting a ange icns. Allw

    dieent stakeldes t ppse te nube and lcatin te icns.

    Cpy and paste

    And ceate a dieent ptential scenai:

    6. Put te dieent dawings in pwepint, and te seies dawings bece a

    seies aniated utue scenais. Tis can be used t stiulate a discussin

    and initiate a negtiatin pcess angst stakeldes.

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    Sat-apping is a etd tat was develped expling scenais using dawings

    ceated in te cpute. Te idea is t ceate a libay sybls and icns using

    dieent dawing and painting stwae (Adbe Illustat, Ptsp, Cal Daw,

    Paint etc.). Tis etd can be used t ceate a vaiety landscape scenais in a

    sligtly e spisticated way. Gvenent fcials, pivate sect epesentatives

    and te stakeldes ten pay e attentin t tese attactive iages ate

    tan t and-ade dawings wic tey cnside t be cildis. Sat-apping

    can be used as a tl t exple landscape scenais wit plicy akes and t elpundestand te iptant dives cange in a landscape. A bigge audience can

    attend te planning pcess and te dieent scenais te landscape can be

    pjected nt a sceen. Divese stakeldes can cntibute tei views n desiable

    and undesiable scenais.

    Sat-apping is an iptant tl negtiatin and discussin but is als a

    valuable cunicatin tl.

    Things t remember when ding the smart-mapping:

    a. Cmmunicating scenaris with Smart Mapping dieent utue

    scenais can be pjected a cpute and peple can be encuaged t

    discuss tei eits

    b. Use icns a wide ange eleents te landscape can be dawn

    as icns and cut and pasted nt te scenai in espnse t suggestins

    te audience

    c. Negtiating peple can negtiate te distibutin, nube and type icnand tus te cpsitin te utue landscape

    d. Cmprmise i peple d nt agee ten te acilitat can encuage te

    t eac a cpise

    e. Visual recrd decisins te scenais can be ptgaped, acived

    and used at utue eetings stakeldes t eind te tei ealie

    discussins and decisins

    . Basis r mnitring te sat aps can be used t tack canges in te

    landscape, bt te wse te bette, peple can discuss te pgessbeing ade te lack tee.

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    The imprtance symbls r icns

    making sybls wit te stakeldes is an iptant step t ake peple eel

    wnesip te paticipaty pcess. In se cases sybls can be dawn

    in advance, but e ten its gd t decide wit te cunities te

    stakeldes wat will be used as sybls icns. Tis is especially iptant i

    te dawings ae t be used as a basis utue evaluatin niting.

    Hw t d the smart-mapping?

    . Take se dawings a landscape ade by dieent gups peple (pesent and

    utue landscapes by ens and wens gups). Take te and-dawn iages,

    scan te and uplad te int a cpute. Save te in a secue acive.

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    . make a list all te eleents in te dawings

    huse, hut, hspital, church, rad, river, car, bike, man, child, dg,

    bird, fsh, chicken, elephant, prcupine, rest, ruit trees, medicinal

    plants, banana tree, cassava, hibiscus, NTFP, mushrm, cking

    tls, stve, mrtar, etc.

    . make an icn eac eleent in te dawings. Use dawing stwae (Adbe

    Ptsp, Adbe Illustat, Paint, Cal Daw etc). Use te tutials te

    stwae t lean w t ceate an icn.

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    . Ceate a vesin te dawing in te cpute using te icns tat ave been pepaed

    bee. Cpy and paste te icns nt te dawing. Tis is wat is called sat-apping.

    5. Cpy and paste te icns t ake altenative utue landscapes.

    A drawing in Eastern Sudan and the smart-mapping versin the same drawing

    Present Future 1

    Future 3Future 2

    Seveal dawings can be used llwing ne ate te te t sw te canges

    and t exple dieent scenais.

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    An example SMART-MAPPING with Men and Wmen explringpresent and desired uture scenaris

    Present landscape

    Wmens visin the uture

    Mens visin the uture

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    Tis exaple sat-apping sws te dieent visins tat wen and en ave

    te sae landscape. Te wen wuld like t ave a ad tat wuld link tei angtees t akets as tey usually dy te anges and als ake ang ja. Tese

    angs cntibute t te wens ince. Tey wuld als like t see a scl gils

    and wen centes leaning w t ake andicats and t sell te. Te ens

    gup wuld like t ave electicity supplies. Tey wuld als like t see e tees in

    tei plantatins and a spts cente. Ate tis execise, te cunities eaced a

    cpise n an actin plan t ealize a desie utue. Te plan was ipleented by

    te villages wit se elp te lcal gvenent and intenatinal ganizatins.

    6. make seveal utue scenais and encuage peple t discuss te ptins. Ten

    negtiate wit te dieent stakeldes t deteine tei peeed scenai.

    Peple can uickly lean t cut and paste te icns and ake tei wn sat

    aps tis will ten tivate te t eally eel wnesip te pcess.


    Present landscape Future scenari 1: cla prductin

    Future scenari 3: mixed agricultureFuture scenari 2: Hitech technlgy caca

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    Hw t make an icn?

    T ake an icn, tee ae dieent stwae ptins, exaple: ptsp,

    illustat, paint, cal daw etc.

    . open a blank page

    . Click n paintbus pencil t begin dawing te icn

    . Cse te clu by clicking n clu palette

    . Begin t daw

    5. T fll in a clu in te utline aleady ade, click n paint bucket ten

    click inside te dawing

    6. I yu need t cpy te icn, cse te necessay icn wit a lass

    a selectin suae and click n cpy (ctl C)

    7. Ten paste (ctl V) te icn anywee yu want it. Yu can duplicate te icn

    as any ties as yu want

    8. T ve te icns, select te using te lass selectin suae,

    and ten use te cus t dag te

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    6 | GETTING ThE STorY rIGhT

    Pestenga,Burkina Fas

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    Wen ding visualizatin execises in a landscape, it is iptant t undestand all

    te issues and tends in te egin. Visualizatin usually accpanies te activities.

    Tee ae dieent ways getting stated in a landscape and leaning its peple.

    hee ae se te siplest and best ways getting cnnected wen aiving in a

    new lcatin.

    a. Data eview ead as uc as pssible abut te place and te peple bee

    ging t te feld (bks, eviews, junal aticles, epts, aps, etc).

    b. Appeciative Inuiy eet lcal peple and listen and sw appeciatin

    tei ideas and knwledge.

    c. histical tends get peple t utline wat as appened in te past and w

    te pesent situatin as ce abut.

    d. ric pictues encuage peple t pepae siple dawings tat allw te t

    epesent all tei knwledge values and pints inteest in te landscape.

    e. Dtcacy let peple use sticky dts t vte dieent issues, slutins,

    scenais etc.

    . Wst case and best case scenais peple can daw tei wst case best

    case scenai tey can wite dwn n cads tei geatest eas and pes.

    g. Teats and pptunities - Getting peple t list tei ideas n te stengts,

    weaknesses, pptunities and teats in a landscape ten pens up debate n

    iptant issues.

    Appreciative Inquiry

    Appreciative inquiry values te lcal envinent andecgnizes the best in

    peple the wld aund us; afing past and pesent stengths, successes, and

    ptentials; t peceive thse things that give lie (health, vitality, excellence) t living

    systes. Discveing and being pen t ptentials and pssibilities...

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    6 | GETTING ThE STorY rIGhT

    The main things t cnsider when using appreciative inquiry are:a. Listen, lean, and sae be patient and bseveb. Give psitive eedbackc. Scieties can lean scial leaning ces scial inteactins and

    expeiencesd. reebe tat tey always knw mre tan us

    Histrical Trends- Undestanding canges tat appened in te past usingtielines and tend analysis.

    Ty t undestand te isty and backgund t a situatin a landscape.

    Exple w cange as ccued in te past, wy tings ae te way tey ae

    and wy dieent gups individuals ld tei views. Lay ut a lng seet

    pape and ask peple t list iptant tings tat ave appened and tat ave

    inuenced tei lives and landscapes.

    Wat events peple eebe in tei lives, suc as: dugts, est fes,

    tsunais, vlcanic euptins, plitical cange, alaia dengue utbeaks,

    cuency devaluatins, innvatins, etc.

    Wen dates ae nt eebeed, fnd dates tat ae knwn by utsides (suc

    as wen a bidge was built, wen tee was a big fe, a vlcanic euptin)

    and get peple t elate tei al isty t tse events. Tis will give an

    appxiate tie line.

    Develp te tends in agicultue, esty, inastuctue, ealt and educatin,

    undestand te pattens tat ave ccued bee, ten use tis t lead int a

    discussin utue scenais.

    Year Events1963 Euptin vlcan

    Aival issinayScl stated in te village

    1980 est feVey dy seasn (el Ni)

    1998 Plitical cangeCuency devaluatin

    2000 mining cpany aived in te eginLcal cunities get jbs at te lgging cpany

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    6 | GETTING ThE STorY rIGhT

    Rich Pictures

    Rich Pictures pvide a way leaning abut cplex unclea pbles by dawing

    detailed and ic epesentatins te. ric pictues usually cnsist sybls,

    sketces scibbles and dawings. Tey can include as uc pictial inatin as

    necessay. Te eal value tis tecniue is te way it encuages peple t tink

    deeply abut te pble and undestand it well enug t expess it pictially

    Mind-maps ae diagas used t epesent wds, ideas, tasks, te ites

    linked t and aanged aund a cental key wd idea. mind aps ae used tgeneate, visualize, stuctue, and classiy ideas, and as an aid t studying and

    ganizing inatin, slving pbles, aking decisins, etc. Tee ae seveal

    stwae packages available t suppt te pepaatin ind aps (Nva mind,

    mind manage, etc.).

    Key actin:

    make pictial epesentatins wat is cnsideed t be iptant t a paticula situatinCics can be a gd way cunicating essagesTy t see inteactins and cnnectins between dieent stakeldesTy t get a bad saed undestanding a situatinUse tansect aps ask peple t daw wat tey see n a walk tug te landscape

    Drawings deliver messages easily and pwerully

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    Dtcacy can be used t let peple vte an idea, piity activity, peeed

    scenai t sw te elative iptance eleents in tei livelids

    landscapes. Clued dt stickes can be pucased in statinay sps and can be

    given t peple attending eetings and used t vte. Paticipants get a fxed nube

    sticky dts and siply stick te nt tei peeed cice. Dieent clus can

    be used t distinguis between gups acts (en and wen, yung and ld, lcal

    peple and utsides, etc).

    Example using dt stickers

    In tis exaple, geen stickes wee given t lcal cunities and yellw stickes t

    utsides wking in te egin. Eac pesn gt 5 stickes, and tey ad t ank ites

    signifcance in te landscape listed n a wite bad. Eac pesn culd put

    t 5 stickes n tei peeed cice.

    Best case & wrst case scenaris

    Best case and wst case scenais ae used t ake peple ealize w iptant

    it is t tink abut pssible ipacts i tings g wng in tei landscape. Seties

    peple dnt ealize tat tee ae tade-s wen tey ake decisins. In additin te

    best case ne pesn culd be te wst case ante. Tese scenai execises

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    6 | GETTING ThE STorY rIGhT

    can be vey useul in getting peple t tink abut te lng te cnseuences tei

    actins. once te scenais ave been dawn tey ten stiulate a ic discussin

    wat st utue is best.

    In te dawings ee se peple see a bidge as a psitive evlutin tat

    links bt sides te lake; ante gup tinks tat it wuld ave a negative

    ipact n te natual envinent. In te best case scenai, a acty is seenas gd eplyent wile ante gup sees it as a teat as it wuld

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    attact igants t te egin, wic wuld lead t ve-ppulatin and cause

    degadatin te envinent.

    SWoT (Strengths, Weaknesses, opprtunities, and Threats)

    Stengts, weaknesses, pptunities and teats can be listed n cads and

    pinned nt a bad i eac paticipant des tis sepaately ten tey can all be

    invited t ce up and explain t te tes wat tei pes and cncens ae.

    Dtcacy can als be used ee t ank te dieent stengts, weaknesses,

    pptunities teats.

    Te tw dawings belw sw w peple see te pesent situatin and a pssible

    utue in te Viunga Natinal Pak and its suundings in te Decatic republic

    Cng. Tis activity was used t assess stengts, weaknesses, pptunities

    and teats inteventins aund te natinal pak. Te pcess elped in

    building cnsensus angst lcal NGos and intenatinal dn agencies t bette

    undestand pssible activities t be caied ut t ipve peples livelids and

    ptect te envinent duing ties civil cnict.

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    7 | USING DATA & INformATIoN for CommUNICATIoN & moNITorING

    Um Zibil Frest,Hawata landscape, Eastern Sudan

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    USING DATA & INformATIoN forCommUNICATIoN & moNITorING 7

    Using te data and inatin is te tickiest pat. Lts peple take ptgaps,

    pduce dawings, cnduct useld suveys etc but wen te peple need te

    inatin at a late date it ten pves vey difcult t fnd it. I yu ae ging t

    invest a lt peples tie and ney in ding suveys, cllecting data etc, it is

    essential t ave a gd plan w tat inatin will be sted s tat it eains

    available in te utue.

    mst data can be inscibed n a CD rom and cpies let wit key lcal ganizatins

    tis ay be te best way sting inatin. Publising te esults studies

    in establised junals als ensues tat it will be available in te utue and als

    akes sue tat it is cecked by pee eviewes w will veiy tat te data as

    been cllected ppely.

    Ante way encuaging public use visualizatin execises is t put data

    dawings nline n te website a cncened lcal ganizatin use a blg.

    Publising in ppula agazines and excanges wit ailing gups ae als a geat

    way leaning and saing expeiences tes.

    Participatry Mnitring using drawings, rich pictures, smartmaps, phtgraphy, etc.

    Tee ae a lt dieent etds t ecd and cunicate te divesity values

    in peples landscapes and livelids. Keeping a visual baseline niting cange

    can be a vey useul appac te iages can ten be used in successive eetingst discuss w te canges tat wee pedicted ae actually appening n te gund.

    Te iages can be ceated in any ways nt just by dawing any develpent

    pactitines use ptgapy and vides wking wit lcal cunities.

    I dawings ae ppely acived it is pssible t ce back t te sae landscape

    ate seveal yeas and evaluate w te situatin as canged; t see i it is canging

    psitively, and te peple ave bette livelids i te cange is nt ging in te

    igt diectin. In te latte case te dives cange can be discussed and peple

    elped t undestand te easn tat te landscape is deteiating.

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    7 | USING DATA & INformATIoN for CommUNICATIoN & moNITorING

    Step by step apprach t mnitring changes with lcal cmmunities:

    . Pint te dawings in at A bigge.

    . Lainate te

    . G t te village wee te dawings wee ade

    . Take clued pens

    5. Ask peple t ak te canges n te lainated dawings

    6. Take pts eac tie and d te execise wit dieent gups peple

    7. Tis will pvide a gd basis niting and evaluatin, and enable epeat

    visits evey yea t cntinue tacking canges

    8. Ate a ew yeas, tee will be a seies dawings swing w te situatin

    as canged

    Mnitring changes using images

    Dawings ade by dieent stakeldes can be used paticipaty niting

    canges. Tis can be epeated using te suppts suc as ptgapy, aps, vide,

    sat-apping etc. Te idea using baseline data in utue yeas is t be able t

    cpae eality wit planned canges. Visual suppts will epasize te canges.

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    Te exaple n te pevius page ces Libeia. Te plan is t etun evey yea

    wit a lainated vesin an initial dawing in A a lage at. Cunities

    will be asked wat canges tey see in te landscape and will be enabled t keep

    tack any canges tat ccu. I tee ae te new ideas cange, te cunity

    culd add te wit clued pens n te lainated dawings. Ten te new vesin

    can be ptgaped t add t te acives.

    Te fst dawing is ade by te cunity t epesent te pesent. By using te

    sae lainated dawing in te llwing yea, te cunity will be able t sw

    w a bae aea ad been planted wit tees. Tis secnd dawing sws te canges

    in te landscape wit planted tees and new using.

    Se te exaples paticipaty niting llw:

    Present landscape

    Desired utures shwn by wmens and mens grups

    Hawata landscape, Eastern Sudan

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    7 | USING DATA & INformATIoN for CommUNICATIoN & moNITorING

    Te exaples sat-apping Easten Sudan n te pevius page wee used

    t explain te dieent peeences en and wen te utue. In a ew yeas

    tie, it wuld be useul t ce back t te sae egin villages t see wete

    te desied utue as eally ateialised. Ate a ew yeas it suld be inteesting t

    ce back and sw te dawing te scenai t te cunities and ask te t

    eect upn te canges tat ave ccued. A new dawing culd be ade t cpae

    te cuent situatin, te desied utue and te actual cange tat appened.

    Capital assets ramewrk

    Wen niting using dawings, iptant eleents in livelids and in te

    landscapes ae identifed and can be given sces t 5 eac yea. Te easiest

    way is t egup dieent eleents int seveal categies, exaple: natual

    assets, uan assets, scial assets, ecnic assets, gvenance assets, etc. Tese

    eleents will cange ne place t ante and a lt will depend n te exact

    bjective evaluatin niting.

    In te exaple n te next page, te eleents identifed by te cunities ae

    guped in te capital assets aewk (uan capital, scial capital, natual capital,

    built capital, fnancial capital etc). Te etd is useul in easuing, niting and

    cunicating te natue te canges in a landscape ve tie. WW as used

    an appac called LoAm (Landscape outce Assessent metdlgy) (Aldic,

    007). LoAm uses te Capital Assets/Sustainable rual Livelids aewk

    Caney (998) and la & la (008). Tis is based aund 5 assets natual,

    uan, pysical ( built), scial, and fnancial ( ecnic). Tese assets ae

    identifed tug a paticipaty pcess wic allws te identifcatin a sall

    epesentative set lcally apppiate indicats guped unde eac te 5

    assets. Tis scing syste can ten be kept as a baseline niting canges

    ve te yeas. Te ada diaga n te next page sws 5 dieent villages alng

    te malinau ive in East Kaliantan and te dieent eleents tat wee iptant

    in te landscape and te links t peples livelids.

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    Tese values wee linked t te dawings tat ad been ade peviusly wit te

    cunities and wee anked accding t wete tey wee: + iptant, ++ e

    iptant, +++ vey iptant etc.

    Indicatins what peple already have and hw happy theyare with their present situatin

    Te easiest way t nit wat as canged in peples livelids is t ake a list valuable tings and iptant eleents in tei lives. Te capital assets aewk

    can ten be used visual niting wit te paticipatin lcal cunities.

    hee ae se exaples:

    Use clued dt stickes clued pens t distinguis gups (NGos,

    cunities, gvenent agencies, pivate cpanies etc) and use pckets

    te t place tei vtes. Yu can use siple clt seets wit pckets n te

    int wic te peple can put tei vtes tis allws peple t expess tei

    pinin witut being subject t pessue te peple pesent it allws cnfdentiality.

    PUNANs assessment capital assets in 4 villages & 1 Kenyah village in MALINAU DISTRICT

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    7 | USING DATA & INformATIoN for CommUNICATIoN & moNITorING

    Use dawings t evaluate bidivesity and livelids.

    Vte by putting yu tken int te apppiate pcket.

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    Cunt te nube bas wen eac ebe te cunity as ade a list

    dieent tings value t te. As exaple: A = aily Alpa, B = aily

    Bav, C = aily Calie etc.

    Develp a thery change r the landscape

    A Tey cange is used t undestand dives cange in a landscape s actins

    can be identifed t iniize negative canges and acieve psitive canges.

    Ty t undestand te cntibuting causes easns a paticula pble

    issue, t identiy eects ipacts a paticula cange.

    Ty t illustate and analyze te cnseuences (psitive and negative) paticulaissues actins using dawings and diagas

    Ty t undestand te extenal acts tat culd inuence ipact psitively

    negatively n acieving te desied scenai.

    Tis tey cange is ten used t elp design te actins tat ae needed t

    aive at te desied utue cnditin scenai.

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    7 | USING DATA & INformATIoN for CommUNICATIoN & moNITorING

    It is iptant t undestand te iptance seasns te yea and tei inuence

    n peples activities and n wee and w tey wk.

    Mnth Activities Inrmatin

    June Planting seedlings rainy seasn

    octbe havesting sgu, illet and ibiscus

    I there is Water

    Nvebe Wking te gaden and planting tetees

    mac havesting te gaden

    Apil & may Sewing and aking cltes using cttn

    I all ging well Selling in Be aket. Ince willincease

    ute inatin n tey cange, yu culd lk n te website:

    Act knwledge and te Aspen Institute Tey cange:


    d undatin mapping Cange Using a Tey Cange t Guide, Planning

    and Evaluatin:


    Actin Planning

    Te undestanding tat is geneated by all tese visual tecniues can be used

    t elp peple t develp tei wn actin plan t bing abut cange. Te visual

    iages can elp t identiy pbles, specifc tasks, esuces, activities, tietables

    and espnsibilities euied t acieve a paticula gal bjective. Se exaples

    llw n next page.

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  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN



    7 | USING DATA & INformATIoN for CommUNICATIoN & moNITorING

    Prblems Slutins Activities Resurces Wh & When

    Inundatinin gaden


    make dain Villagebudget

    All en Sept.


    Need tees Plant teesclse tuses


    All cunity oct.

    N buye NTP


    Ceate acpeative


    All cunity oct.

    opprtunities we have in urlandscape


    2. etc.

    Prblems we ace in ur landscape


    2. etc.

    What are sme the slutins we have (r might have)



    . etc.

    Wh are sme the main stakehlders in ur landscape



    c). etc.

    Exaples actin plan:


  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN



    Tips r interviews:

    Lk ideas tat ake peple inteested in jining te wking gup

    Be nice t peple and sile

    Dnt lk stessed - elax

    Dnt be t igid and dnt tick bxes fll in s

    Talk slwly

    Get as uc inatin as pssible wile talking wit peple in an

    inal anne

    Use te 5W and h uestins: wat, wy, w, wee, wen and w

    Dnt give te te answe t yu uestins

    Dnt ake assuptins

    Bing se sall gits t stat cnnecting wit peple (dink tea

    cee wit te, ave a biscuit, candies kids, etc)

    Explain clealy wy yu ae tee

    Listen t tei cncens and dnt ce wit slutins

    Accept and ebace es and sae expeiences

    Dnt dinate te pcess

    D nt inteupt inteee (give tie peple t tink and discuss)

    Ty t btain pinins all gups paticipants

    Be sensitive t cultual dieences

    Knw te speed t advance dnt us

    reebe tat peple ave te piities cilden, agicultual

    cps t take cae , tey ave wk t d, etc.

    meet peple wen it suits te


    TIPS 8

  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN





    Wen acilitating eeting wksp, yu suld always bing wit yu sebasic ateials.

    lip cats / lage size papes

    Clued Pens

    Clued Cads

    Clued sticky Dts

    Wite Blue tak

    Tape / sticky tape


    Beae and spae bulb


    Pwe cables


    Caea / vide caea




    Sall gits kids and paticipants te wkspThings that are useul r any participatry exercise and especially rlandscape scenaris visualizatin exercises:

    Clued pens Papes /ipcats Clued papes/cads

    Adesive tape Wite blue tack Clued dt stickes

    Pst-it Scisss Puspins



  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN





    Use te euipent ceck list

    Aive at least us ealy

    Ice beake use analytical gae and und table intductins: g aund tetable and get eac succeeding pesn t intduce by nae all te pecedingpesns s yu stat wit I a Intu, tis is y iend Je etc.

    Set agenda guidance but eain exible pst te agenda n a ip cat

    Establis a pcess gup t eet peidically t pvide eedback t teacilitat n pgess

    have sta suppt lgistics, fnance, tickets etc

    Allcate tasks give peple a le let te cai and ept

    Be clea n veall bjectives but exible n w t get t te

    miniize tie in lage plenay discussins divide int gups

    Allw table discussins 5 inutes t pen up issues

    Keep beak-ut gups sall and cange te cpsitin eac tie

    Altenate between gups siila stakeldes and gups wit divesestakeldes

    Use SWoT (Stengts, Weaknesses, opptunities, and Teats) t getdiscussins stated exaple: ed cads teats and geen pptunities

    Cluste cads and use dtcacy

    Use tese execises t get peple ving aund

    Use istical tends execises

    Use Ggle Eat peeably nline

    Keep and ptgap all ip cats etc

    Use afative actin t ensue ull paticipatin inity gups, wen,cilden etc

    make sue tat eveyne is invlved and engaged encuage te sy nes

    Welce disageeent and divesity views

    At eac beak cee, tea, lunc etc ecap and tell te wat willappen next

    oganize scial events bnding and un walks, excusins, cultualactivities, and lcal eals.


  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN





    Useul website r participatry methds:

    ttp://www.plantes.g/ a seies tecniues paticipaty

    leaning and actin IIED

    ttp://www.iad.g/evaluatin/guide/index.t niting and evaluatin

    guidelines IAD



    Leaning--Landscapes aticles n leaning landscapes IUCN

    ttp:// pvety-ests linkages tlkit


    ttp:// paticipaty GIS netwk and paticipaty

    apping PPGIS

    ttp://www.iapad.g Integated Appaces t Paticipaty Develpent

    ttp://insigtsae.g/ paticipaty vide Insigt Sae

    ttp://www.iisd.g/cistaltl/ cunity-based tl n cliate cange

    adaptatin and isk eductin IISD

    ttp://data.wldbank.g/ data n te wld at glance Wld Bank

    ttp://www.a.g/dcep/WE/we09.t rapid rual Appaisal(Ao)

    ttp://www.eldis.g/anuals/paticipatin.t dieent anuals and tlkits


    Inrmatin available n the internet:

    Inatin n Appeciative Inuiy can be und n UrL: ttp://appeciativeinuiy.

    Insigts int paticipaty vide: A andbk te feld (Nick and Cis Lunc,

    Insigt), nline UrL : ttp://insigtsae.g/esuces/pv-andbk

    Paticipaty mapping and Cunicatin : A guide t develping a paticipaty

    cunicatin stategy t suppt paticipaty apping (IAD), nline UrL:


    managing Ipact in rual Develpent : A Guide Pject m&E (IAD),nline

    UrL: www.iad.g/evaluatin/guide/index.t



  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN



    Paticipaty rual Cunicatin Appaisal: A andbk (Ao), nline UrL:

    ttp://www.a.g/dcep/008/y579e/y579e00.t Abvitae special n Leaning Landscapes, nline UrL : ttp://csdata.iucn.


    Cunity based adaptatin t Cliate Cange, UrL: ttp://pubs.iied.g/pds/


    Decentalisatin and cunity-based planning, UrL: ttp://pubs.iied.g/pds/


    Epweed paticipatin - sties and eectins, UrL: ttp://pubs.iied.g/pds/

    56IIED.pd mapping cange: pactice, tecnlgies and cunicatin, nline UrL:


    Paper and bks:

    Aldic, m., Saye, J. 007. In Pactice: Landscape outces Assessent

    metdlgy LoAm. WW Intenatinal, Gland, Switzeland.

    Bell, S., mse, S. 00. ric Pictues: a means t Exple te Sustainable mind?

    In Sustainable DevelpentDoI: I0.I00/sd.97.

    Caney, D. 998. Sustainable ual livelihds: what cntibutin can we ake?

    Depatent Intenatinal Develpent, Lndn.

    Cabe, rbet. 99. Te igins and pactice paticipaty ual appaisal.

    Wld Develpent.

    Cabes, rbet. 997. Whse eality cunts? Putting the fst last, Pactical

    Actin Publishing, UK.

    Cabes, rbet. 00. Paticipaty wkshps. A sucebk sets

    ideas and activities. Eatscan, UK. Cabes, rbet. 005. Ideas Develpent. Eatscan, Lndn, UK.

    Cabes, rbet. 008. revlutins in Develpent Inquiy. Eatscan, UK.

    Cpeide, D.L. & Witney, D. 999. Appeciative Inuiy: A psitive evlutin

    in cange. In P. hlan & T. Devane (Eds.). Te Cange handbk, Beett-

    Kele Publises, Inc.

    Cpeide, D.L. et. al. (Eds). 00. Lessns te ield: Applying Appeciative

    Inuiy, Tin Bk Publising.

  • 8/2/2019 Visualizing Sustainable Landscapes - IUCN





    Cpeide, D. L. et al. 00. Appeciative Inuiy handbk: Te ist in a Seies

    AI Wkbks Leades Cange, Lakese Cunicatins.

    Cpeide, David L, et. al. 000. Appeciative Inuiy: retinking huan

    oganizatin Twad a Psitive Tey Cange, Stipes Publising.

    la, C. B., la, J. L. 008. rual Cunities: Legacy and Cange. Westview

    Pess (d editin).

    Jacksn, W., Ingles, A. 998. Paticipaty tecniues cunity esty: A

    feld manual. Wld Cnsevatin Unin, Gland.

    mcSane, T.o., Paul D. hisc, Tan Ci Tung, Alexande N. Sngwa, Ann

    Kinzig, Bun mnteei, David mutekanga, hang Van Tang, Juan Luis

    Daet, manuel Pulga-Vidal, meedit Welc-Devine, J. Pete Bsius, Pete

    Cpplill, Seila oCnn. 00. had cices: making tade-s between

    bidivesity cnsevatin and uan well-being. In Bil. Cnsev., di:0.06/


    Saye, J.A. and B. Capbell, 005. Te Science Sustainable Develpent:

    Lcal livelids and te glbal envinent. Cabidge Univesity Pess.

    Seil, D., rajinda K. Pui, Ia Basuki, miia van heist, meilinda Wan, Nining Liswanti

    rukiyati, musta Agung Sadjn, Isayadi Sasedin, Kade Sidiyasa, Cisandini,Edi Peana, Eddy mangp Angi, anz Gatzweile, Bk Jnsn, Akad

    Wijaya. 00. Expling bilgical divesity, envinent and lcal peples

    pespectives in est landscape etds a ultidisciplinay landscape

    assessent (mLA), CIor, Bg. online UrL: ttp://


    Slett, B. I. 009. We Dew Wat We Iagined Paticipaty mapping,

    Peance, and te Ats Landscape making. Cuent AnthplgyVlue

    50, Nube . Seped, G. et al. 008. Proor Pvety-est Linkages Tlkit. ield

    manual: Tl , Tieline and Tends, Tanzania exaple.

    Wd, Denis. 00. rethinking the pwe aps. Guild Pess, NY.

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    57Great Lakes landscape,Rwanda

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