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SEMINAR CONTENT PRESENTATION Topic-Google Humming Bird Search Algorithm Abstract Since its launch, Google has always strived to provide the most relevant search results possible for its users, at the end of September,2013 as part of its 15th anniversary celebrations, Google announced the introduction of Hummingbird, a new algorithm that allows the search engine to process and sort its index more efficiently. With this new algorithm, Google is better able to understand the meaning of a phrase and return more precise results to complex search queries. The update is another major step towards connecting users to the information and content they are looking for, more efficiently than ever. These changes provide brands with an opportunity to become more relevant and useful to consumers by expanding their content strategy to include more informational content on their site. The new algorithm, named Hummingbird because it is fast and precise, is the most comprehensive algorithm change Google has made since 2001 according to the Google experts. By releasing an algorithm that revolves around the natural, conversational search

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Sep 09, 2015




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Topic-Google Humming Bird Search AlgorithmAbstractSince its launch, Google has always strived to provide the most relevant search results possible for its users, at the end of September,2013 as part of its 15th anniversary celebrations, Google announced the introduction of Hummingbird, a new algorithm that allows the search engine to process and sort its index more efficiently. With this new algorithm, Google is better able to understand the meaning of a phrase and return more precise results to complex search queries. The update is another major step towards connecting users to the information and content they are looking for, more efficiently than ever. These changes provide brands with an opportunity to become more relevant and useful to consumers by expanding their content strategy to include more informational content on their site.

The new algorithm, named Hummingbird because it is fast and precise, is the most comprehensive algorithm change Google has made since 2001 according to the Google experts. By releasing an algorithm that revolves around the natural, conversational search characteristics of its users, Google will ultimately drive brands to develop better content for its users.

CONTENTS1. A Brief History Of Google Search Evolution1.1. A Pictorial Representation of Google Evolution2. What is Google HUMMING BIRD SEARCH algorithm3. What are the changes3.1. How Does this Help Google3.2. Humming Bird and Voice Powered Searches4. What It Means For Brands5. SEO and Google Humming Bird Algorithm5.1. 10 Steps to Targeting Your Optimization to Googles New Hummingbird Algorithm 6. Google Humming Bird and Organic Rankings7. Optimize for Mobile devices

A Brief History Of Google Search EvolutionsOver the years, Google had made thousands of changes to the way it finds and prioritizes information on the web. While most of these changes have been small, there have also been several major changes, which have significantly impacted how marketers think about SEO. February 2003Boston: More emphasis on quality back links.March 2003Cassandra: Cracking down on linking from co-owned domain, hidden text & link.May 2003Dominic: Improvements to the counting & reporting of backlinkJuly 2003Esmerelda& Fritz: Improvements to the index infrastructure.November 2003Florida: Crackdown on, key-word-stuffing & otherblack stack seo tatistics January 2004 Austin: Crackdown on invisible text, meta tag-stuffing.February 2004 Brandy: Index expansion, roll out of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI).February 2005Allegra: Crackdown on suspicious-looking linksMay 2005Bourbon: Improvements to how duplicate content & non-canonical URLare treated.June 2005 Personalized Search: Results take users search history into account.October 2005 Jagger: Crackdown on reciprocal link, link farms, paid links.October 2005Google Local: Map datais integratedwith Local Business Center (LBC) data.December 2005Big Daddy: Update to URL canonicalization, redirects, & other technical issues. November 2006 Supplemental update: Changes to the supplemental index & filtered PagesMay 2007 Universal Search: Integration of traditional results with News, Video, Images, Local, etc.June 2007 Buffy: Updatetosingle word search results & other small changes. April 2008 Dewey: Unspecified update to the search index. February 2009 Vince: Big Brandgeta boost in search results.December 2009 Real time search: Twitter feeds, Google News, &nowcontentare integratedinto real-time feed. April 2010 Google Places: LBCrebrandedPlaces,is integratedmore closely with local search results.May 2010 May Day: Crackdown on low-quality pages ranking for long-tail keyword searches.June 2010 Caffeine: Launch of the new web indexing system, resulting in 50% fresher index. February 2011Panda: Crackdown on thin content, content farms, sites with high ad-to-content ratio.November 2011 Freshness Update: Greater emphasis put on recent content in search results. January 2012Search* Your World: Google+ data & user profile included in search results.February 2012Venice: More localized results appear for broad queries.April 2012 Penguin: Crackdown on link schemes, keyword-stuffing, other black hat tactics.May 2012 Knowledge Graph: Relevant facts & images included alongside traditional results.September 2012 Exact Match Domain: Crackdown on low-quality sites that havesearch termsin their domain names. August 2013 In-depth Articles: New type of results, dedicated to more evergreen, long-term content.August 2013 Hummingbird: Google recognizes full-question searches, emphasizes high-quality content. Over the past years google has been consistently bringing changes to their searching mechanism to provide better results for the users.Its all about bringing up the most relevant and essential information to those who need it,this evolution also represents googles forward thinking towards the future,

A Pictorial Representation Of google Evolution

We can see the growth of Google since its birth,after 15 years of service, google simply maintains their position as the best search engine, its because it always curious about the future and delivering new changes to the world, In present google brought a massive change to its searching mechanism affecting 90% of the searches worldwide, After Panda, Caffeine Googles greatest update known as Google Humming Bird Search Algorithm What Is Google Humming Bird Search AlgorithmSimply we can say that, Humming bird the latest update to the Google search engineBy the Update to the searching criteria, Google Hummingbird aims to better understand the intent of the query instead of just looking at the keywords used in the query.Many people have compared Hummingbird to previous Google updates such as Penguin and Panda. The truth is that despite them all having animal-related names, they are very different. Penguin and Panda are considered algorithm updates. They are bolt-ons to the old algorithm. Hummingbird is a completely new algorithm in itself. Parts of the old algorithm, such as Penguin and Panda, are still used in Hummingbird but the foundations have fundamentally changed. Some other people have compared Hummingbird to Google Caffeine, an update to the indexing infrastructure that went live mid-2010. Caffeine was also a new algorithm, but the main difference is that Caffeine updated how Google crawled and indexed sites. Hummingbird deals with the second part of the results, which relates to how to process and order the results once they are in Googles index Googles announcements surrounding the new algorithm made it quite clear that online search keywords are going to be more conversational in nature in the future, especially as voice search technology catches on.Innovative and compelling content would continue to find preference with search engines. High quality inbound links remain as important as ever. Keyword usage in moderation and its correct placement would still be as valuable as before. What are the changes?So far, the effects of Hummingbirds release have been relatively inconspicuous when considering Googles overall search experience. In fact, the Hummingbird algorithm had been integrated into Google searches for over a month before its release announcement, yet most users and marketers didnt recognize any changes.However, according to Googles SVP of Search Amit Singhal, Hummingbird currently affects 90% of worldwide search on Google. So if Hummingbird is already this ubiquitous, why didnt everyone notice its release right away?Simply put, its because weve come to expect the best, most relevant search results from Google. Hummingbirds algorithm is designed to improve on Googles strong foundation by enhancing its ability to understand the context and relationships of the words in a search query. Instead of viewing each word in a silo like a traditional Boolean search, Hummingbird is designed to understand the querys meaning as a whole as opposed to just matching key words.In light of this, search results will begin to place more emphasis around the specific context of the search and begin to infer what the user is trying to accomplish with their search.The simplest example of this improved contextual understanding may be a query such as How far away is Montreal. Instead of pulling search results for web pages that feature the most matches for far, away, Montreal, etc., Hummingbird will infer through signals and data that the user is in Toronto and is asking a question about distance and will give the following result:

Over time, these inferences should only improve and be able handle more complex queries such as Where can I buy Campbells Chicken Soup. By combining Hummingbirds contextual understanding and the information already acquired through Googles web crawls (store location, hours, inventory, etc.), this new search algorithm will lead to even less barriers between a Google search and an in-store conversion (or any other result the user desires). How Does this Help Google?This new algorithm Google is better able to understand the meaning of a sentence and return results to far more complex search queries. In the past, Google analysed keywords individually and tried to match those individual keywords to the content of the site, but as search queries evolved, so has Google. Information from Googles Knowledge Graph also appears more often than it did previously, which helps Google provide answers directly in their search results. Early indicators show that the medical-related queries appear to show Knowledge Graph info more often than others. Below is an example of a two-word query in which an answer from the Knowledge Graph is shown at the top of the search results

Google also claims that Hummingbird does a better job of linking users to the specific page or answers theyre seeking. Three examples of queries they gave during the Hummingbird announcement were: 1. Acid reflux prescription This used to list different types of drugs; now it lists treatment options in addition to types of drugs. 2. Pay your bills through citizens bank and trust bank Previously, this would have brought up a link to the banks homepage, but now it links directly to Citizens online banking page. 3. Pizza hut calories per slice Third party sites had been given top rankings, but now Google links directly to the Pizza Hut page with this information.HUMMINGBIRD AND VOICE POWERED SEARCHES Finally it is also worth mentioning that the changes associated with the Google Hummingbird algorithm are mostly directed to long-tail queries via voice-powered searches. With voice, search is moving away from keywords and focusing more on the intent of queries. Users are searching using phrases in the form of questions or requests; they are conversing with their search engines rather stating commands as they do when they are typing searches. Viewing each page on your site through the lens of what are the questions this page answers? is a good exercise as you review and enhance your content that is targeted at the earlier stages of a customers journey where they are in the information seeking phaseWHAT DOES HUMMINGBIRD MEAN FOR ON-SITE CONTENT & BRANDS? This update is very much targeted at answering informational search queries more efficiently. Commercial search terms such as used cars for sale and cheap flights to New York seem to be impacted less than navigational and informational searches. The changes in Hummingbird provide an extra incentive for brands to expand their content strategy and develop more informational content that is relevant and useful to your consumers. Three things your brand can do to adapt its content strategy today: 1. Review which synonyms and related words Google believes are related to your brands core keywords and incorporate those into your content. 2. Review internal search data to better understand what questions consumers are asking. Also, think about the intent behind the query to ensure that your content is clearly addressing their specific informational need, e.g. are people search for information related to a specific area or specific life stage. This approach to your content strategy will allow for your brand to be more visible during the research phase of your customers journey. 3. Use Google Suggest to identify queries in the form of a question. Ensure you have content that speaks to these queries.SEO AND Google Humming Bird AlgorithmSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines are preffered by their targeted audience. SEO has always been a fast moving space that is constantly changing and in this too we will all need to adapt, evolve, and move on. With this recent update, brands need to spend time paying attention to page and content-centric SEO instead of looking at organic performance at the keyword level. There are a host of tools outside of site analytics that allow us to monitor various useful metrics but more importantly, also allow us to monitor performance vs. the market which is becoming ever more important for our clients. After all, its great to be 20% up year over year, but if you have lost market share, it means your competitors have grown more. Whilst performance measurement will be hampered in certain areas, we feel it could improve in others. 10 Steps to Targeting Your Optimization to Googles New Hummingbird Algorithm According to respected industry experts, and some nebulous information from Google themselves, we can get enough of an initial idea of how to target the changes incorporated in this new algorithm. People who visit your site also use the product, service or information found there and have questions or comments about them. Therefore if you can provide those searching with the answers, tips and information theyre seeking or provide those who are offering such tips, answer and info a forum to provide it, youll build out your site with the right type of content which Hummingbird eats. Google advises seos to have original, high-quality content. The difference between such content being naturally generated and it being strategically generated for the purposes of having such content there to result in rankings and traffic is Search Engine Optimization. These steps were valid and vital prior to this new algorithm evidence leads us to believe that theyre even more so now. These are the steps to getting your site optimized for Humming Bird

1. Define what you are (or what youre optimizing for). What is it? This may seem super-obvious but the devils in the details so it can help by sitting down and writing out a good description of exactly what you are. Example: Im a product. Im a noun. Im a boot. Im used for skiing. I come in different sizes, colors and versions. I fit different skis. I dont fit snowboards. Im a new product. I have different attributes such as flex, stiffness, etc. 2. Define your target market: Who are they, how old are they, where do they live, where do they use this thing, when do they use this thing, etc. To get this data its good to do some searches for statistics and demographics on your product and industry For ski boot example we can define them thus: a. Theyre people and include both male and female b. They run the range in age (although this can define certain opportunities such as childrens ski boots) however there are age groups which dominate the sport c. They live all over the country but a great portion of them (likely the majority) live within an a couple of hours drive from a major ski area d. They ski at established ski areas (e.g. resorts, parks, etc) most often in mountainous areas e. When they ski is based on certain seasonal dates however there are key dates among these. A search for this information provided a report by the National Ski Areas Association which states: visits were estimated to be up 2 percent in the early season; up 16 percent during the Christmas and New Years holidays; up 7 percent during the January 7 to February 18 period; up 14 percent in the February 19 to March 24 period; and up an impressive 25 percent during the March 26 to closing period. This information allows one to generate content (as well as promotions) around the most popular seasonal dates. 3. Research your thing: Hit the main websites that define your thing such as Wikipedia, competitor websites, manufacturer websites, top magazines, etc. Find out what theyre made of, how theyre made, what they include, what industry terms are used, how they originated, etc. Just selling ski boots on your site doesnt mean you would normally need to know or provide this information but if you want to create a significant amount of diverse and relevant content then it can greatly help.

4. Build your keyword list with a variety of not only keywords but relevant questions, comments, quotes, statements, related terms and related people, places and things. A lot of search queries are actual questions and the mass majority of searches include proper nouns so people are interested in the top skiers, the top ski resorts, the top brands, the top techniques, etc.

Use Search Engines to delve into information about your thing and view how people actually use it in content. Example: Search Google for specific types of sites which offer the more conversational side of content surrounding your thing. Use the Site operator in Google to research (e.g. ski boots). This searches all of the blogs on Blogspot for the keyword ski boots. This search returned the following result at #1:

5. Increase the conversation: Content begets content so by having this quality related content along with a mechanism for dialog (e.g. a forum) allows people to get involved. Ad a forum or other to your site and begin populating it with topical questions. Link to your blog posts about the same and then to your site. Entice people to contribute. Use hot or trending topics or use controversy to spark debate .

6. Blend conversational content with descriptive content on your pages along with links to further content.

7. Drive traffic to these pages Join blogs and communities and contribute but dont spam or break the rules by selflessly promoting. If youre able to convey (via an included website URL in your signature, your brand as your username, or allowed links to relevant content, then you can provide valuable content to users of those blogs, build respect in you and your brand and build up your authority not to mention the potential for links. 8. Mix in Social: Make sure you have your buttons to share with Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc so that people can carry on the conversation. Post your content to your Social pages and when people respond and share you can promote their responses on your social pages. If theyre on Google+ make sure you mention them and + their comments.9. Get reviews going on your site: Reviews are loved by Google and theres specific Schema markup just for them. Reviews can be hard to get going and you may be left with a lot of page that dont show a review so to get around this you can do a company review first. CNET does this to great effect with where they have a CNET review and additional user reviews. This does require you to provide a valid review of the products or whatever it is youre reviewing. If youre providing a service then you can ask your clients or customers to review your service and you can post that. This can be done via the website, via other websites such as Yelp or you can ask them to fill out a survey card or simply call them and ask. As long as the review is real it can be posted. One thing you can do is provide them with 5 questions that you wish to be reviewed on and list those as five separate reviews on your website. Remember, false reviews are not only unethical; theyre illegal in many states/countries. 10. Now that you really know your product or service, built your keyword and topic list, generated content, launched and linked that content, pushed that content, got user interaction on that content then its now time to report on that content by using it to determine how youre doing in Google. Since you have your list of keywords, questions, topics and related nouns, its time to run those against your domain in a Ranking Report. Along with your specific rankings youll see which pages are being ranked. You can then get an idea from certain elements of the page what you can do to optimize and increase your position. Combine that with data from programs like Screaming Frog and Open Site Explorer, among others, and youll see what opportunities you have to do onsite optimization and link-building.Combine this ranking report data with available keyword data from other search engines in your analytics program and youll be able to surmise which keywords generated traffic in Google. This is not by any means a concrete method for getting past the Not Provided roadblock but a great relative yard-stick. The ranking report shows you where a page or pages are in terms of position for a keyword. Your analytics data will provide you with the entrances to that page from organic search (including Google) and keywords which resulted in entrances (excluding Google). Combining this data with some keyword volume data from the Adwords Keyword Planner (and like tools from other sources) and an idea of Googles market share can give you a decent idea of the quantities you are likely to receive from each keywordTake all of this data and placed it in a spreadsheet with each keyword taking up a row and my data on each of those in the columns of that row.Google Hummingbird & Your Organic RankingsNext part of taking full advantage of this update for your Google organic rankingresults is first of all, if your keywords that you are targeting aren't in the first page thenrealize that just as Google hummingbird is trying to answer the search intent of searchqueries, you must also know the search intent behind the keywords you are targeting. Now the next part of Google hummingbird and your rankings is much to do with these 3 sections: Your Content on Your Website (Especially Textual Content and HTML Markup)Content That You Market on Internet (e.g. off page SEO marketing)Social signals, local business citations (dependent on your online niche) for example: if you are offering product reviews, or locally based services etc. then surely social mentions of your URI becomes important and much data can be gained by Google hummingbird algorithm.

Optimize for the mobile user.In addition to supporting semantic search, the ability to better parse voice commands and questions should add further attention to optimizing your site for mobile search (via Google's recommended base platform of a responsive design website) and to developing content that can attract and enable mobile--specific searchers (who tend to use phrases that are more localized in nature).

CONCLUSION The updates Google has made with Hummingbird address the changing nature of search as queries become more complex and consumers rely more heavily on local, navigational and voice-powered search. To take full advantage of these algorithm changes, brands need to ensure their website content provides information to consumers most common questions. If your brand is able to provide clear and easy-to-find answers to brand-related topics, it will drive traffic to your site and loyalty among consumers. As for google their task is to provide the users with best content, over the years we have witnessed their triumph towards excellence, and I can say that humming bird algorithm is a perfect example, and Im sure that after 15 success full years this is just a beginning for Google, They Have a Long Way To Go