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PNNL-21287 Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830 Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale Modeling of Respiratory System Phase II: Dodecahedral Micro-Model AD Freed JP Carson DR Einstein RE Jacob March 2012

Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these

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Page 1: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these


Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830

Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale Modeling of Respiratory System Phase II: Dodecahedral Micro-Model AD Freed JP Carson DR Einstein RE Jacob March 2012

Page 2: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these

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Page 3: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these

Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchymafor Multi-Scale Modeling of Respiratory System

Phase II: Dodecahedral Micro-Model�

Alan D. Freed� Clifford H. Spicer Chair in EngineeringCollege of Science, Engineering & Technology

Saginaw Valley State University202 Pioneer Hall, 7400 Bay Road

University Center, MI 48710 USA

E-Mail: [email protected]

Daniel R. Einstein Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryJames P. Carson 902 Battelle BoulevardRichard E. Jacob P.O. Box 999, MSIN P7-58

Richland, WA 99352 USA

E-Mail: [email protected]@[email protected]

March 30, 2012


In the first year of this contractual effort ahypo-elastic constitutive model was developedand shown to have great potential in modelingthe elastic response of parenchyma [19, 20].This model resides at the macroscopic level ofthe continuum. In this, the second year of oursupport, an isotropic dodecahedron is employedas an alveolar model. This is a microscopicmodel for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome isthat the linkage between these two scales ofmodeling will be a source of insight and inspi-ration that will aid us in the final year’s activity:creating a viscoelastic model for parenchyma.

1 Introduction

The literature on modeling of lung parenchymais quite substantial, and goes back at least acentury and a half [48]. The well-established�The project described was supported by Award

Number 5R01HL073598 from the National Heart,Lung, and Blood Institute to Pacific NorthwestNational Laboratory. The content is solely theresponsibility of the authors and does not necessarilyreflect the official views of the National Heart, Lung,and Blood Institute or the National Institutes ofHealth.

�Second annual report to Pacific Northwest Na-tional Laboratory from Saginaw Valley State Univer-sity reporting on progress made under grant number136492.

Page 4: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these


non-linearity of the pressure/volume responseof lung has made work in this field challenging[30]. Early attempts have, for example, com-pared the response of lung to finite elasticityvia the stretching of a balloon [32]. But moststudies, both theoretical and experimental, e.g.,[29, 41], have applied the classical theory oflinear elasticity (which is only applicable forinfinitesimal strains and rotations) to neighbor-hoods surrounding what are considered to bequasi-static states of uniform pressure, whichare taken as individual reference configurations.Literature reviews in lung mechanics include:Faffe& Zin [12], Fredberg& Kamm [14], Fung[24, 25], Mead [45], Otis [48, 49], Stamenovic[57], Suki et al. [60, 61], Tschumperlin et al.[66], Weibel & Gil [68], and West [69].

Before embarking, it is useful to definesome basic concepts. Of primal importance tolung mechanics is the transpulmonary pressureP , which is the inflation pressure acting acrossthe lung. It is the difference between alveolarpressure (approximately atmospheric pressure)and pleural pressure. Pleural pressure arises asthe stress of suction imposed upon the externalpleural membrane through its fluidic adhesionto the ribcage. The volume of the thoraciccavity changes by contractions occurring in thediaphragm and the intercostal muscles of theribcage [14, 48, 69].

1.1 Methodology

The approach adopted in this study of the me-chanics of lung parenchyma has a different the-oretical underpinning than is typically consid-ered, viz., the finite deformation theory knownas hypo-elasticity [64]. In the first annual re-port for this project [19], the authors deriveda hypo-elastic theory for parenchyma, whosefindings are published in [20]. The resultingmodel is characterized by four material parame-ters: the two Lame constants, � and �, and theirhypo-elastic analogs, ˛ and ˇ, which are the so-

hV=V0-dVdV h0

Applied Load


Figure 1: Schematic of the experimentalsetup of Lai-Fook et al. [40] taken from Ref.[20, Fig. 4].

called Fung constants.1 These four parameterscan be characterized by a fairly straightforwardexperiment whose fixturing is drawn in Fig. 1,and whose protocol is described below.

1. Inflate an excised lobe of lung to its totallung capacity (TLC, �30 cm H2O2, thevolume where pressure plateaus) and allowit to equilibrate there.

2. Slowly deflate the lobe to a pre-specifiedpressure, e.g., P˝ D 20 cm H2O, andallow it to equilibrate there.

3. Perform a small pressure cycle ˙dPfrom this pressure/volume state .P˝ ; V˝/,thereby causing a small change in volumedV to occur. Finish by cycling up to TLC,and slowly deflating back down to P˝ .

4. Apply a small compressive load df to thelobe of lung while maintaining a constantpressure P˝ within, as illustrated in Fig. 1.Record the applied perturbation in axialstress d� D df=A˝ , with A˝ denotingthe cross-sectional area of the lobe at state.P˝ ; V˝/. Measure the corresponding ax-ial stretch � D h=h0 and its displacementd� D .h � h0/=h0.

1. Y.-C. Fung did not derive the hypo-Fung solid;Freed [18] did. Rather, his [22] experiments inspired it.

2. Unit conversions: 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 = 10 dyn/cm2

= 0.0102 cm H2O = 0.0075 mm Hg.

Page 5: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these

1.1 Methodology 3

5. Repeat this process at sequentially lowerstates of reference pressure P˝ .

1.1.1 Hypo-Elastic Predictions

Three, elastic, tangent responses have beenestablished by applying this experimental pro-tocol to our hypo-elastic material model forparenchyma [19, 20].

The first is a measure of the tissue’s shaperesponse, where � is the classic shear modulusfrom the linear theory of elasticity. This effec-tive shear modulus is described by [20, Eq. 1]



d�=�D 2

��C ˇP

�; (1)

where d� and d� are both negative valued,while P is positive valued in Lai-Fook’s exper-iment.

The second tangent response is a measureof the tissue’s dilatation, where � D �C 2

3� is

the classic bulk modulus from the linear theoryof elasticity. This effective bulk modulus isdescribed by [20, Eq. 48]



dV=VD O� C

�˛ C 2

3ˇ � 1

�P; (2)

where O� D jF j�1� D V0 �=V represents thebulk modulus of the reference state, viz., �,pushed forward into the current state as O�, withV0 denoting the lung’s volume in this initialreference state, viz., at zero transpulmonarypressure, i.e., at P D 0. The minus one arisesfrom the fact that volume change accompaniespressure change in Step 3 of this experimentalprotocol, from which the above relationshipfollows.

The third tangent response is a measureof the tissue’s deformation covariance. Thiseffective Poisson’s ratio is given by [20, Eq. 51]

Q�:D �





3 O� C 3˛.P C d�=2/C 2ˇ.P C d�/

3 O� C 3˛.P � d�=4/C 2ˇ.P � d�=2/; (3)

where �t is the transverse stretch. Recall that Pis positive valued, while d� is negative valuedin a Lai-Fook experiment; consequently, thisPoisson’s tangent ratio Q� starts out at a half, anddiminishes slowly, in a pressure dependent way,as the traction jd� j increases.

These predictions only apply for the BVPthat is the Lai-Fook et al. [40] experiment,which is described in the above protocol.

1.1.2 Experimental Validation

Data acquired from experiments described bythis BVP can be found in the literature, e.g.,[40, 58, 59]. From these and other publisheddata, one finds that ˇ D O.1/ and ˛ D O.10/

for parenchyma. Hypo-elasticity predicts a lin-ear dependence with respect to transpulmonarypressure for both the shear and bulk responses.Such behaviors do not have to be artificiallyintroduced via, e.g., pressure dependent moduli,as is usually done, cf. e.g., with [10].

The linear prediction of Eq. (1) for describ-ing the shear response in lung agrees very wellwith experimental observations [19], as shownin Fig. 2. The validity of Eq. (1) requires thetangent modulus Q� D d�=.d�=�/ to be mea-sured from incremental excursions according toStep 4 in the above protocol.

In stark contrast with Eq. (1), the linearprediction of Eq. (2) for describing the bulkresponse of lung, measured from incremen-tal pressure/volume excursions according toStep 3, does not capture the whole essence ofthe measured bulk response of lung. This isapparent in the experimental data of Stamenovic& Yager [59, Fig. 2] redrawn here in Fig. 3.Equation (2) does capture the first-order natureof this response quite nicely, viz., an increasingbulk stiffness with increasing pressure, which isa prediction that classical elastic formulationscannot make. However, Eq. (2) is incapableof predicting the second-order excursions fromlinearity that prominently appear in Fig. 3. Sta-

Page 6: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these


Figure 2: A least squares fit of Eq. (1) forexperimental data taken from Lai-Fook et al.[40, Fig. 3], with an R2 error of 0.9990. Errorbars are ˙ one standard deviation in sampleerror.

menovic & Yager report that the idiosyncrasiesof this response likely reside with the affectthat surface tension has on dilatation, and theyoffered a solution methodology that addressesthis point.

A further examination of Fig. 3 impliesthat the mechanics of breathing may actually

Figure 3: Experimental data of Stamenovic &Yager [59, Fig. 2]. Error bars are˙ one stan-dard deviation in sample error. The straightline is indicative of Eq. (2). Deviations fromthis line are caused by the surfactant cycle.

Figure 4: Experimental data extracted fromLai-Fook et al. [40, Fig. 3]. Error bars are˙ one standard deviation in sample error.

dissipate less energy than had previously beenthought. This can be seen in the departure ofthe data from the curve of Eq. (2). The elasticresponse from classical theory is a horizontalline in Fig. 3, while the hypo-elastic theorypredicts a sloped line, which is more represen-tative of the data. Deviations between elastic(non-dissipative) predictions and experimentaldata are typically interpreted as being causedby dissipative processes. This has a physicalsoundness to it in that Nature tends to preferbiological designs that conserve as much energyas is possible.

Theory predicts, for the Lai-Fook BVP,that the local, effective, Poisson’s ratio will besomewhere near to a 1/2. Validation of thisexpectation is presented in Fig. 4. The Poisson’sratio applicable to this BVP is very differentfrom the one that arises from the simple ex-tension of a uniform rod, which is given byQ� D � C ˛�=4.� C �/ [20, Eq. 35], where �is the true stress, and � D �=2.� C �/ is thePoisson’s ratio from classical elasticity theory.

Page 7: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these

2 Structure of Lung 5

Figure 5: SEM photograph of rat lung.

1.2 Objective

To gain an understanding about how one oughtto proceed in augmenting our hypo-elastic con-tinuum model to better describe reality we seek,in this report, insight and inspiration througha micro-mechanical model, where the physi-cal effects that control alveolar response arethought to be more faithfully represented.

2 Structure of Lung

SEM photographs of rat lung, taken by Prof. S.Shepardson at SVSU over a range in magnifica-tions, are provided in Figs. 5–8.3

In Fig. 5, the parenchyma is seen to be afairly uniform sea of tiny alveolar sacks thatare periodically perforated by alveolar ducts fortransporting the air into and out of the lung.This photo focuses on a roughly 1 mm � 1 mmsectioning of lung.

In Fig. 6, zooming in on this alveolar land-scape, while focusing one’s attention on theforth quadrant in the photo, one observes thatthe alveolar mouths actually comprise a largearea fraction of the wall dimension of alveolarducts [68]. These airways are highly perforated.

Continuing to zoom in, in the central regionof Fig. 7, one sees the mouths of several alveo-

Figure 6: SEM photograph of rat lung.

Figure 7: SEM photograph of rat lung.

lar sacs. These annuli have pentagonal shapes,and are comprised of heavier cords of fiber thanare found elsewhere throughout their structures[44]. The pentagonal facets that are the alve-olar walls are shared membranes between twoneighboring alveoli. Random fiber filaments(elastin and collagen) are seen to thread from

3. Protocol for SEM sample preparation for ratlung tissue: Primary fixation consisted of 2.5%glutaraldehyde in a 0.1M phosphate buffer and 1.0%sucrose + CaCl2, pH 7.2, at 4ıC for 2 hr. Postfixation was with 1.0% OsO4 in buffer for 1 hr. at4ıC. Both fixation steps were followed by 4 bufferwashes at 15 min. each. Dehydration was in a gradedseries of acetone. Samples were critical point dried(Denton DCP-1), sputter coated with gold (DentonDesk II) twice at 40 mAmp and 50 Torr for 2 min.,and then viewed with the JEOL 5400 SEM at 15kV.

Page 8: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these


Figure 8: SEM photograph of rat lung.

the septa, crisscrossing their faces [56].

The final photograph, shown in Fig. 8, andtaken at the same magnification as Fig. 7, doesa nice job of showing the capillary networkthat intertwines with the fibrous structure of thealveolar walls [33]. This is especially visiblein the second quadrant of the image. It is herethat the gas exchange between air and bloodtakes place via diffusion across the capillarywalls [68, 69]. All evidence of a coating layerof surfactant has been removed by the samplepreparation procedure.

It is photographs like these that provide im-petus for the following micro-modeling effort.

3 Dodecahedral Model

“Constitutive equations are phenom-enological. They are regarded asempirical by experimenters, and ax-iomatic by mathematicians. In bio-mechanics, we often try to derivethem on the basis of microstructure: : : in order to gain a better under-standing, or to get some guidance tothe mathematical form.”

Fung [24, pg. 431]

This is the roadmap adopted here.

Typical alveoli are fourteen sided poly-hedra with one face being open as its mouthto an alveolar duct [33]. To capture themicrostructural features of lung, researchershave modeled both alveoli and alveolar ducts.Two different geometric shapes are usually em-ployed when modeling an alveolus: a dodeca-hedron, as introduced by Frankus & Lee [13];and a truncated octahedron, as introduced byDale, Matthews & Schroter [6]. A dodeca-hedron is a twelve sided polyhedron with eachface being a regular pentagon. A truncated octa-hedron is a pair of regular pyramids stacked bot-tom to bottom, which is an octahedron, whosesix points are then lopped off. This producesa fourteen sided polyhedron with six faces thatare squares and eight faces that are hexagons,where like shapes have like dimensions.

The truncated octahedron is volume filling.It is therefore the preferred geometry to usewhenever one sets out to construct assemblagesof alveoli to build a microstructural model thatis to be solved numerically via a finite elementmethod. The purpose of such an exercise isto homogenize the response of an assemblageof alveoli up to the macroscopic level, i.e.,the level of a continuum mass point, viz., theparenchyma [6, 7, 8, 9, 39].

The dodecahedron is an isotropic structure.It is therefore the preferred geometry to usewhenever a single alveolus is to be used asa representative volume element (RVE) to behomogenized, in closed form, up to the macro-scopic level [4, 36, 37]. Here the isotropy ofthe microstructure ensures an isotropic macroresponse. Parenchyma, as a tissue, is isotropic[23, 34]; whereas, lung, as an organ, is a com-plex, heterogeneous structure [45, 69]. (Thiscan be seen, e.g., in Fig. 14.) This distinc-tion has, from time-to-time, lost focus in theliterature, cf. e.g., [10]. For the reasons statedabove, a dodecahedron, drawn in Fig. 9, isthe geometric structure selected for use in thisstudy.

Page 9: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these

3.1 Geometric Scalings 7

Figure 9: Geometric representation of adodecahedron. A cube is contained withina dodecahedron, with one of its five possibleorientations being displayed. This geometrywas introduced by Frankus & Lee [13], andlater adopted by Kimmel et al. [4, 36, 37],for the purpose of approximating an alveolarstructure in their mathematical modelings oflung parenchyma.

Only one-third of the cross-sectional area ofa septal fiber, and only one-half of the alveolarwall thickness, associate with any given do-decahedron. Specifically, one-third of the totalforce carried by a septal fiber associates witha given alveolus, with the remaining two-thirdsof the transmitted force belonging to the twoadjoining alveoli. Likewise, half of the surfacetraction carried along a membranous wall asso-ciates with a given alveolus, with the other halfof its surface traction belonging to its adjacentalveolus.

Our ultimate objective is to develop acomputationally efficient continuum model forlung parenchyma for use as a material modelwithin a finite volume CFD code, specifically,OpenFOAM R [28]. To provide better physicalinterpretations to such a model’s parameters,a micro-mechanical model is sought. Specif-ically, the analytical approach of Kimmel andhis colleagues is selected over the numerical

approach of Schroter and his colleagues for ourpurpose: homogenization of an RVE.

3.1 Geometric Scalings

In terms of the spetal lengthL, which associateswith the length of one side of a pentagon, thearea of a regular pentagon in a dodecahedron is

A D 54


� 1:720L2;(4)

where the inside angles of a regular pentagon allmeasure 108ı D 2!, i.e., the sum of two insideangles belonging to any neighboring pair of thefive, enclosed, isosceles triangles, each with anangle !. Utilizing the dodecahedral dimensionsillustrated in Budiansky & Kimmel [4, Fig. 2],the distance across a pentagon is

D D 12

�tan.!/C sec.!/


� 1:539L;(5)

where scaling factors have been truncated atfour significant figures.

The volume of a dodecahedron is

V D 5 tan2.!/ sin.!/L3

D 4 tan.!/ sin.!/AL

� 7:663L3:


The area of a dodecahedron projected onto aplane containing one of the pentagonal faces is

NA D 5 tan.!/ sec.!/ cos.˛/L2

D 4 sec.!/ cos.˛/A

� 11:14L2;


where ˛ D �=20 D 18ı. (There are twenty,equal, pie-shaped wedges that comprise thisprojected area.) The nominal diameter of thisarea is

ND D tan.!/�1C cos.˛/


� 2:685L;(8)

Page 10: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these


which is the average of the shortest and longestdiameters across this plane of projection.

All of the above geometric values havebeen expressed in terms of the septal boundarylength, i.e., the length along one side of apentagon whose self-similar patterning is thegenerator for a dodecahedron’s surface. Asa matter of notation, whenever a dimensionapplies to both geometries, e.g., a diameter, thedodecahedral dimension will have a bar placedover it; whereas, the pentagonal dimension willnot.

To dimension the alveoli of human lung,Sobin, Fung & Tremer [56] measured the meanchord lengths, viz., ND, across individual alveolisectioned from lungs that were fixed at differentpressures. Samples were taken from 9 lungsextracted postmortem from individuals between16 to 89 years of age.4 At a transpulmonarypressure of 4 cm H2O, the measured meanchord length from 1423 distinct measurementswas ND D 191 ˙ 86 �m; at a pressure of10 cm H2O, ND D 202 ˙ 88 �m from 1296measurements; and at a pressure of 14 cm H2O,ND D 235 ˙ 99 �m from 1083 measurements.

These data are plotted in Fig. 10. All reportedand drawn error bounds pertain to plus/minusone standard deviation in the measurements.

3.2 Model Assumptions

Following procedures put forward by Budian-sky& Kimmel [4, 36], virtual displacements areimposed onto a dodecahedron. By generalizingtheir analysis, the constitutive responses havebeen left general, instead of being given a spe-cific description, as in their works. Boundaryvalue problems are solved via the principle ofvirtual work to hopefully reveal, in our case,equivalent hypo-elastic moduli that correspondto such a stimulated continuum.

A microscopic modeling of parenchyma isput forward that builds upon the following list

Figure 10: Septal length L as a function oftranspulmonary pressure P in human lung.The alveolar diameters ND and their standarddeviations in error, as reported by Sobin et al.[56], have been converted into measures ofseptal length L via Eq. (8).

of assumptions advanced by Kimmel and hiscolleagues, cf. [4, 37]:

� A regular, dodecahedral, space truss rep-resents the geometry of an alveolus, in anaveraged sense.

� All truss elements are pinned (carry nomoments) and remain in tension.

� The alveolar mouth, with its thicker fibersand open face, is modeled with a phan-tom face, and fibers sized like any of theother eleven pentagonal elements compris-ing the dodecahedron.5

4. Sobin et al. [56] documented an age effect inthese data that has been averaged over here, i.e.,ignored.

5. Kimmel & Budiansky [36] address this point viaa private communication they had with Prof. T. A.Wilson; specifically:

“Professor T. A. Wilson notes thatthe present model does not take explicitaccount of either alveolar openings ortheir fibrous boundaries. Wilson sug-gests that the elastic resistance of thering boundaries tends to make up for the

Page 11: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these

3.4 Axial Response 9

� The geometry remains self-similar when-ever it is subjected to an isotropic state ofstress/pressure.

3.3 Bulk Response

Following the method of analysis laid out byBudiansky& Kimmel [4, 36], which is in accor-dance with Step 3 of the Lai-Fook experimentalprotocol found on pg. 2, the principle of virtualwork is applied to a dodecahedral space trussof volume V˝ loaded to a state of hydrostatic(or transpulmonary) pressure P˝ belonging toreference state ˝. By imposing their conditionof self-similarity, it follows that identical axialforces of traction F˝ exist in all 30 of itsmembers of length L˝ , plus there are identicalequi-biaxial forces of traction T˝ that existacross all 12 of its faces of area A˝ so that

P˝ıV D 30F˝ıLC 12T˝ıA: (9)

Furthermore, self-similar growth of a dodeca-hedron under increasing pressure P˝ requires,via Eqs. (4 & 6), that


V˝D 3





A˝; (10)

so that, when combined with Eq. (9), one gets

P˝V˝ D 10F˝L˝ C 8T˝A˝ : (11)

From Eqs. (4 & 6), this predicts a hydrostaticalveolar pressure of

P˝ D8 cos.!/


�2 cos.!/

� L˝F˝ C T˝

�; (12)

where � D 2 sin.!/ is the so-called goldenratio. This is an equilibrium force balance. It istherefore independent of any specific constitu-tive behaviors that enter as functions describingthe axial force F.L˝/ or the surface tractionT .L˝/, wherein the septal length L˝ is theindependent variable.

3.3.1 Modulus

Differentiating Eq. (11) gives

V˝dP C P˝dV

D 10�L˝dF C F˝dL

�C 8

�A˝dT C T˝dA

�; (13)

from which a local (tangent) bulk modulus canbe defined, as in Eq. (2), via

Q� DdP



; (14)

so that, upon combining Eqs. (9, 10 & 13) withEq. (14), one is lead to

Q� D 10


dL=L� 2F




C 8






dV: (15)

With the aid of Eqs. (4, 6 & 10), the aboveexpression can be rewritten as

Q� D16 cos.!/

3 �2L˝


� L˝


dL=L� 2F







�: (16)

Like Eq. (12), Eq. (16) is independent of one’schoice for constituent response functions de-scribing a dodecahedron’s individual materialelements.

This micro-model has a direct macro-modelanalog in Eq. (2), and therefore is a usefulpoint of entry to study a potential micro-macrolinkage.

3.4 Axial Response

Here the BVP of the Lai-Fook et al. [40] ex-periment, illustrated in Fig. 1 and described on

missing surface tension in the holes, sothat neglect of both effects may be self-compensating.”

Page 12: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these


Figure 11: A dodecahedron subjected to auni-directional load applied in the k direc-tion, which can be described in terms of aset of four displacements fw1; v1; w2; v2g.

pg. 2, is imposed upon a dodecahedral trussin accordance with the geometric analysis ofBudiansky & Kimmel [4], which is illustratedin Fig. 11.

It is supposed that an external traction � ,acting in the k direction, is applied to the twelveplanar faces of a dodecahedron, as orientedin Fig. 11. Furthermore, it is supposed thatthis dodecahedron was previously subjected toa hydrostatic pressure of P˝ that serves as itsstate of reference, with L˝ denoting the lengthof each truss element in this isotropic referenceconfiguration ˝.

In the .P˝ ; L˝/ reference state affixed tothe .i ; j ;k/ Cartesian frame, as depicted inFig. 11, one determines that the coordinates fornodes A, B , C , D, and E (see App. A for

details) are6

A D�L˝


�� sin.'/;�1=�; � cos.'/


B D�L˝


�� sin.'/; 1=�; � cos.'/


C D�L˝


�� cos.'/; 1; sin.'/=�


D D�L˝


�2 cos.'/; 0;� sin.'/=�


E D�L˝


�� cos.'/;�1; sin.'/=�



where � D .1Cp5/=2 is the golden ratio with

! D sin�1.�=2/ D 54ı and ' D tan�1.1=�/ �31:72ı. The simple set of coordinates put for-ward in Eq. (17) follow not only from trigonom-etry, but also from many of the interesting prop-erties of the golden ratio � that the geometry ofa dodecahedron can be described in terms of,some of which are presented in App. D.

The displacements of nodes A, B , C , D,and E from their reference locations in state˝,as illustrated in Fig. 11, are described by vectors

uA D v1mC w1k;

uB D v1nC w1k;

uC D v2nC w2k;

uD D v2i � w2k;

uE D v2mC w2k:


Unit vectors m and n, which are directed radi-ally away from k, pass through nodes A, B , C ,and E, and are defined by

m D sin.!/ i � cos.!/j ;

n D sin.!/ i C cos.!/j ;(19)

neither of which rotates in space during the de-formation of interest, due to the symmetries in-volved. In other words, the response is radiallyisotropic within any plane whose normal alignswith the direction of the imposed traction, viz.,the k direction, and whose orientation pointsradially outward, as is the case form and n.

6. This is a different coordinate description fromthe one used by Budiansky & Kimmel [4].

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3.4 Axial Response 11

3.4.1 Geometric Expansions

From symmetry of the imposed deformation,there are only three, distinct, line elements,viz., AB , BC , and CD, with there being tenof each type in the distorted dodecahedron.There are also only two, distinct, area elements,viz., ABCDE and ABFGH , with the top andbottom pentagons remaining regular, while allten of the side pentagons distort from regularityduring the assigned loading. It is assumed that:

� The regular planar pentagons of typeABCDE deform into distorted planarpentagons, each composed of an isoscelestrapezoid and an isosceles triangle, withline CE being held in common.

This differs from the deformed shape assumedby Budiansky & Kimmel [4]. They consideredthe deformed pentagon to be comprised of fivedistorted triangles that share a common centerwhose height of displacement is the mean of thefive corner displacements.

Budiansky& Kimmel [4] introduced a set ofnon-dimensional displacements expressed as yi(i D 1; 2; 3; 4) that they defined as

y D


9>>=>>; D1


9>>=>>; ; (20)

which describe the extensional deformation ofa dodecahedron. Their change in variables hasbeen adopted here, too.

The square of the stretch of each of thethree, independent, bar elements can be ex-pressed as7

�2AB D 1CAAB � y C12y �AABy;

�2BC D 1CABC � y C12y �ABCy;

�2CD D 1CACD � y C12y �ACDy;


where �AB D LAB=L˝ , �BC D LBC=L˝ , and�CD D LCD=L˝ . The A vectors are given

in Eq. (87), while the A matrices are given inEq. (88), both being derived in App. A.

The ratios of areas, viz., the areal stretchesof the two, independent, surface elements, canbe expressed via series expansions in the dis-placement vector y8

�R D 1CBR � y C12y �BRy;

�D D 1CBD � y C12y �BDy



where�R D AR=A˝ and�D D AD=A˝ , with

A˝ D54L2˝ tan.!/ (23)

being the area of each pentagonal face of thedodecahedron in its reference state, while ARand AD are the respective areas of the regu-lar ABFGH and distorted ABCDE pentagontypes in their final shapes. The various B andB arrays are given in Eqs. (89, 91 & 102), allbeing derived in App. B. There it is shownthat BD is actually a quadratic polynomial in y ,in which matrix equation (102) is the constantterm.

The volume ratio can also be expressed interms of displacement vector y; specifically,

� D 1CC � y C 12y �Cy CO.y3/; (24)

where � D V=V˝ with

V˝ D 5L3˝ tan2.!/ sin.!/ (25)

being the dodecahedron’s volume in its refer-ence state. Vector C is given in Eq. (115),while matrix C is given in Eq. (120), both beingderived in App. C.

7. Budiansky & Kimmel [4] derived an expressionfor Lagrangian strain. Here, the square of stretch iswritten in terms of displacements y.

8. The surface analysis developed here is substan-tially different from the areal analysis put forward byKimmel & Budiansky [36]. Here, an analytic solutionis derived for vectors BR and BD, and matricesBR and BD; whereas, in their paper, a numericalestimate of a Hessian B was used to describe thecollective influence of our two matrices BR and BD,i.e., they did not distinguish between the pentagonsthat remain regular from those that distort.

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3.4.2 RVE Averaged Fields

In their RVE homogenization of a dodecahedraltruss, Budiansky & Kimmel [4, App. C] derivedthe following stress potential

� D �V˝f � y; (26)


f D



cot.!/=.2C �/0

9>>=>>; ; (27)

whose components here are expressed in a dif-ferent form, but are numerically equivalent tothose arrived at by Budiansky & Kimmel. Intheir analysis, the applied traction �k has unitsof force per unit area, as measured in the ref-erence state of .P˝ ; L˝/. The applied tractiond� in the Lai-Fook experiment will be negativevalued, as compressive perturbative loads arebeing applied.

Budiansky & Kimmel volume averaged thedodecahedron’s strain response in their App. E,arriving at the following expression for an axialstrain increment

d� D f � dy; (28)

i.e., the rate at which work is being done perunit reference volume is d�=V˝ D � d�. Alocal (tangent) modulus can be established fromthis expression via

QE Dd�



f � dy; (29)

which is the elastic stiffness at the referencestate .P˝ ; L˝/. They also derived, in theirApp. E, a local (tangent) Poisson’s ratio of

Q� D �d�


D �1


� dy2 C .1C �/dy4

.1=2 C �/dy1 C12




written here in terms of the golden ratio �.Consequently, they compute the effective shearmodulus via


2.1C Q�/; (31)

according to the classical theory of elasticity.

It follows then that if one knows whatthe incremental change in displacement dy is,which associates with an imposed increment oftraction d� , then one can quantify homogenizedvalues for the effective shear modulus Q� andPoisson’s ratio Q� that pertain to Lai-Fook’sexperiment, which in turn can be compareddirectly with their continuum counterparts inEqs. (1 & 3) derived from hypo-elasticity.

3.4.3 Kinematic Constraint

In order for the distorted side pentagons toremain planar, which is a packing constraintimposed by the neighboring alveoli, and is inagreement with the assumption stated on pg. 11,Budiansky & Kimmel [4] derived a scalar val-ued planar constraint that can be expressed interms of the displacements y as

� D g � y C 12y � hy; (32)

wherein vector g has components

g Dsec.!/




�.1C 2�/


9>>=>>; ; (33)

and matrix h has symmetric components

h D

26640 0 0 � � 1

0 0 2C 2� 0

0 2C 2� 0 �.1C 3�/

� � 1 0 �.1C 3�/ 0

3775 :(34)

Equations (32–34) follow from both their’sand our’s assumptions regarding how the side

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3.4 Axial Response 13

pentagons distort, which are different assump-tions. In our case, they arise from equating therise-over-run in the trapezoidal and triangularheight expressions found in Eq. (104).

3.4.4 Variational Analysis

Following Budiansky & Kimmel [4, 36], theprinciple of virtual work is applied to the con-stant pressure P˝ experiment of Lai Fook et al.[40], cf. Fig. 1 and its protocol on pg. 2, toproduce the following variational formulation.

A Lagrange multiplier �P˝V˝ (where �is distinct from Lame’s constant �, and P˝V˝normalizes its effect) is introduced so that thevariational form of the constraint equation (32)becomes

�P˝V˝ ı� D �P˝V˝�g C hy

�� ıy: (35)

The variational form of Eq. (9), but applied tothe BVP of interest here, therefore becomes



C �P˝V˝ ı� D P˝ıV C ı�: (36)

When the series expansions of Eqs. (21, 22, 24,26 & 32) are substituted into Eq. (36), one gets











��� ıy

C 2A˝




��� ıy

C �P˝V˝�g C hy

�� ıy

D P˝V˝�C C Cy

�� ıy

C �V˝f � ıy; (37)

which must remain satisfied for every ıy .

To determine the local elastic propertiesQ� and Q� of such a continuum, one seeks anincremental solution to the above variationalproblem for loading d� , which in turn causes anincremental displacement dy , with constraintd�. This solution is valid within a small neigh-borhood around the reference state .P˝ ; L˝/,and it takes on a finite-element like form of

K � dy C g d� D fd�


g � dy D 0;


where K D K1D C K2D C K3D is the struc-ture’s stiffness matrix. Equation (38) consists offive equations in five unknowns: dy1, dy2, dy3,dy4, and d�.

To construct the stiffness matrix K1D thatassociates with the one-dimensional truss el-ements, one computes the gradients of theirassociated terms in Eq. (37), which generalizeto a formula like





�A CAy

��� dy









��.A CAy/˝ .A CAy/

1CA � y C 12y �Ay

)� dy: (39)

Letting � ! 0, so that L ! L˝ and y ! 0,one arrives at the desired tangent at .P˝ ; L˝





�A CAy


� dy D











A ˝A

�� dy: (40)

Pulling everything together, where it is notedthat FAB ! F˝ and dFAB=.dLAB=LAB/ !dF˝=.dL˝=L˝/ as � ! 0, etc., leads to the

Page 16: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these


following stiffness matrix for the line elements

K1D D8 cos2.!/










� F˝



��: (41)

Following the same line of attack, one arrivesat a stiffness matrix for the two-dimensionalsurface elements of a dodecahedron, it being

K2D D2 cos.!/


�T˝�BR C 5BD








Likewise, the stiffness matrix governing thethree-dimensional volume response is simply

K3D D �C : (43)

Quantities for F and T , and there derivativesdF=.dL=L/ and dT=.dA=A/, are completelygeneral in this construction. They are to besupplied by external constitutive expressions.

Because � ! 0 and y ! 0 as � ! 0, theconstraint equation (35) reduces to the secondformula in Eq. (38); consequently, matrix h

does not impact the final variation formulation.

4 Fibers

With only a few exceptions, e.g., in [35] wherethe alveolar faces are modeled as membranes,or in [70] where alveolar ducts are modeledas hexagonal arrays of springs, most exist-ing geometric models for the alveolar micro-structure of lung are constructed as pinnedspace trusses, whose bar elements are mod-eled as fibers loaded in tension. There are,however, substantial differences between theforce/extension laws that are used, viz., the

constitutive responses assigned to describe thebehavior of the linkages that make up thesespace trusses. Here we review those that havebeen used, others that could be used, and thoseadvocated for use.

In terms of the dodecahedral structuralmodel discussed in §3, it is useful to expressalveolar fiber models in terms of the forcesF they carry, and their local tangent moduliLdF=dL D dF=d lnL, both of which aretaken to be functions of septal length L. In allof the models discussed below, except Kimmel’smodel, the fiber’s elastic modulus E is taken tobe the tangent modulus pertaining to the initialstate associated with zero pressure P D 0

and gage length L0. Several of these modelsrequire a second material parameter, which isdenoted as B throughout, but whose physicalinterpretations vary from model to model. TheEulerian (or true) stress carried by a fiber isquantified by � D �S , where � D L=L0 isthe stretch and S D F=A0 is the Lagrangian(or engineering) stress, with A0 being the initialcross-sectional area of the fiber.

4.1 Assumptions

The following assumptions are considered.

� Each fiber in a truss element assumes thebehavior of an incompressible cylinder de-scribed by its associated material type.

� The force carried by each fiber is sharedequally between the three neighboringalveoli to which it belongs.

� Elastin is modeled via the hyper-elasticneo-Hookean solid [1, 67].

� Collagen is modeled via the hypo-elasticFung-like solid [16].

� The elastin and collagen fiber networks actindependently [44, 56], their elements are

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4.1 Assumptions 15

loaded in parallel [8], and their physicaldimensions are the same [47, 56].

4.1.1 First Assumption

Although lung is a highly compressible mate-rial, the constituents that provide its structuralintegrity are, to a good approximation, incom-pressible. What this really means is that the ra-tio of their shear-to-bulk moduli is smaller thanabout one part in a hundred, which is commonamongst soft solids. This being the case, struc-tural truss elements comprising a dodecahedralmodel ought to be taken to be incompressiblematerials whose governing equations dependupon the material that each member is madefrom, and the BVP that is imposed upon it.

4.1.2 Second Assumption

This follows from geometric patterning consid-erations.

4.1.3 Third Assumption

Elastin is a protein that is an isotropic polypep-tide elastomer built from monomeric unitsthat have between three and six peptides ineach repeating unit, with a total of about 100monomers in a typical elastomer chain, pluselastin is entropic above about 25ıC [67].Therefore, its physiochemical properties arecompatible with those used to derive the clas-sical theory of rubber elasticity from statisticalmechanics [1, 63].

The load bearing elastin fibers are locatedpredominantly along the alveolar septa [47],i.e., along the pentagonal edges of the dodec-ahedron. As these are taken to be pinned trusselements loaded under tension only, it followsthat the elastin fibers in this microstructuralmodel are described by uniaxially stretchedneo-Hookean rods so that S D �.����2/ [63,Eq. 5.3]. (Equations 52 & 53 quantify its force

and tangent modulus.) The elastic (Young’s)modulus E D 3� of single, unswollen, elastinfibers (5–8 �m diameter) extracted from puri-fied, bovine, ligamentum nuchae has a value of1:18˙ 0:03 MPa at 37ıC (glassy modulus) [1].When osmotically swollen, its elastic moduluscan diminish to 0:17˙0:01MPa (rubbery mod-ulus) [42]. This is a large span of admissiblevalues. The neo-Hookean model describes theexperimental data for elastin to about � D 2,which exceeds the expected stretch along aseptal line in a typical alveolus.

The hypo-elastic Fung model has also beenfit to Aaron & Gosline’s [1] fiber data yieldingparameters of � D 210 ˙ 48 kPa and ˇ D3:06 ˙ 0:38 [16]. The model describes all oftheir data up to fiber rupture, which is around� � 2:5, with a goodness of fit of R2 D 0:976.

Matsuda, Fung & Sobin [44] measured thediameter of elastin fiber bundles at the alveolarmouths in human lung at 7:11˙ 2:93 �m, withthe reported error being plus/minus one stan-dard deviation from a sample size of 450 takenfrom a single lung. Sobin, Fung & Tremer [56]measured the elastin fiber diameter at De D

1:106 ˙ 0:552 �m in the inter-alveolar septafrom 2030 samples taken from 5 human lungs.

From histological measurements, Oldmixon& Hoppin [47] determined that four-fifths of allparenchymal elastin resides at the cable loca-tions comprising an alveolar unit cell, whichassociate with the truss elements in the dodec-ahedral model, while the remaining one-fifthof the elastin belongs to the alveolar walls andseptal triple points. They measured the volumedensity (fiber volume to alveolar volume) to be255˙ 28 � 10�6 in canine lung.

4.1.4 Fourth Assumption

Much of the author’s (ADF) research effortsover the past five years has focused around theobservation that the elastic behavior of collage-nous materials is well described by the hypo-

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elastic representation of Fung’s law [16, 21].Collagen, like elastin, contributes to the trans-mission of tractions along the truss elementsin the dodecahedron, and as such, is modeledvia stretchable uniaxial rods with a materialresponse of �2dS=d� D E C B�S [16].(Equations 56 & 57 describe its fiber force andtangent modulus.)

Matsuda, Fung & Sobin [44] measured thediameter of collagen fiber bundles at alveolarmouths in human lung at 4:98 ˙ 2:24 �m,with the reported error being plus/minus onestandard deviation from a sample size of 3,095taken from a single lung. Sobin, Fung &Tremer [56] measured the collagen fiber di-ameter at Dc D 1:053 ˙ 0:539 �m in theinter-alveolar septa of 6,902 samples takenfrom 14 human lungs. Oldmixon& Hoppin [47]measured the volume density of collagen fibersin the cabling locations of alveoli to be 252 ˙38 � 10�6 for canine lung.

Collagen and elastin fiber dimensions areobserved to be approximately equal in the trussregions of alveolar geometry. This has beenshown to be true in both the diameter measure-ments of Sobin et al. [56] and the volume-frac-tion measurements of Oldmixon& Hoppin [47].If one considers the fiber diameters for bothcollagen and elastin to be 1 �m, as measured bySobin et al. in humans, and if one considers thevolume fraction of fiber per unit dodecahedralcell to be 255�10�6, as measured by Oldmixon& Hoppin in canines, then one arrives at areference pentagonal length of L0 D 63 �m,and a nominal, alveolar, cell diameter of ND0 D

155 �m at zero transpulmonary pressure. Thisresult is consistent with the nominal diametersmeasured by Sobin et al. in humans, as reportedon pg. 8 and visualized in Fig. 10.

The geometry of our alveolar model istherefore established; it being summarized inTable 1, where published dimensions from sim-ilar models are also tabulated. Data from bothdodecahedron and truncated octahedron models

Reference Df (�m) L (�m) ND (�m)

here 1/1 63 170[9] 3.35/2.45 45 —[39] 2 60 185

Table 1: Basic geometric dimensions used tomodel lung alveoli. Dimensions correspondto zero transpulmonary pressure. Df is thefiber diameter. When two diameters aregiven, the first associates with collagen andthe second with elastin. L is the septallength or distance between septal junctions.ND is the nominal diameter of an alveolar unit

cell. A dash implies that its value was notreported.

are presented, which accounts for what mightotherwise be considered to be disparities be-tween these data.

4.1.5 Fifth Assumption

The extensive histological studies of Matsudaet al. [44], Oldmixon & Hoppin [47], and ofSobin et al. [56] provide no discussion of,nor evidence for suggesting that collagen andelastin parenchymal fibers are either mechani-cally or chemically interconnected in any sig-nificant way. This suggests that these two fibertypes, in a mechanical sense, act in parallel withone another. This observation has also beenused by others to simplify their mechanicalmodels of lung, e.g., Denny & Schroter [9],

There are, however, examples in biologywhere collagen and elastin have a substantialmechanical connection, e.g., the ligamentumpropatagiale that supports the leading edge ofskin along avian wings [3]. In these struts,a central elastin fiber transitions into collagenligaments at its two ends. One ligament attachesto the humerus, and the other attaches to theradius and ulna. Here Nature has designedelastin and collagen fibers to be loaded in series;whereas, Nature has designed the elastin andcollagen fibers in lung parenchyma to carry

Page 19: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these

4.2 Models 17

their loads in parallel.

4.2 Models

Here we review material models that have beenused in alveolar truss models, those that we ad-vocate using, and others that could potentiallybe considered.

4.2.1 Hooke’s Law

This well-known elastic law says � D E�, with� D F=A0 and � D .L � L0/=L0 being theengineering stress and strain that arise from theclassical theory of linear elasticity. This modelpredicts a fiber force of

F D EA0L � L0

L; (44)

whose tangent modulus is


dL=LD EA0 � F (45)

that in the limit as L ! L0 becomes EA0, orLdS=dLjLDL0 D E, as expected.

4.2.2 Carton’s Model

In the 1962 paper of Carton et al. [5], theypropose a material model for elastin filaments9

where � D �max�1� e�S=E�max

�(in our notation)

that, when cause and effect are switched around,becomes10

F D �EA0Lmax � L0


�Lmax � L

Lmax � L0



whose tangent modulus is





Lmax � L0

Lmax � L; (47)

where Lmax is the maximum, septal, fiberlength, i.e., it’s length at fiber rupture. This isa model in two parameters: E and Lmax=L0.

4.2.3 Fung’s Law

In 1967 Fung [22] proposed a model very sim-ilar to the one of Carton et al. [5], but withthe dependent and independent variables beingswapped; specifically, Fung proposed a model,a.k.a. Fung’s law dS=d� D ECBS , that whenintegrated produces the fiber response



�eB� � 1

�; (48)

whose tangent modulus is






�; (49)

where B and E are the material parameters. InFung’s paper, and in the authors’ implementa-tions of his law, e.g., [18], B is denoted as ˇ.

4.2.4 Kimmel’s Model

In the papers of Kimmel et al. [4, 36, 37], thetangent modulus for fiber stress is taken to be






dL=LD BF; (50)

which integrates to




�B� 1: (51)

This model has a single material parameter,viz., B , that relates the logarithmic rates oftraction F to length L. Because the tangentmodulus becomes zero in the reference state,this model cannot permit F to become zero;therefore, it necessarily imposes a constraint ofF > 0.

9. Carton et al. say their model is for elastin, butit actually describes the behavior of collagen.

10. The paper of Dale et al. [6] rewrites the modelof Carton et al. [5] in terms of Eulerian variables forstress and strain; whereas, Lagrangian descriptionsare used here. Its Eulerian representation is used inthe finite element model of Kowe et al. [39] and in allof the models of Denny & Schroter [7, 8, 9, 10].

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The units in this integrated form do notmake physical sense. This model lacks a mod-ulus.

4.2.5 Neo-Hookean Solid

Except for the Hookean solid, which followsfrom a more general 3D theory, viz., linearelasticity, the Carton, Fung, and Kimmel fibermodels are all 1D empirical relationships. Likethe Hookean model, the remaining fiber modelsare mathematical consequences arising frommore general 3D theories that solve a 1D BVPdescribing the extension of an incompressiblerod.

The first such model to be considered is theneo-Hookean solid [63] that, in simple exten-sion, has a force/stretch relationship of





�; (52)

whose tangent modulus is



L20L2C F; (53)

which has one material parameter: E.

4.2.6 Mooney-Rivlin Solid

A generalization of the neo-Hookean solid isthe so-called Mooney-Rivlin solid [63], whosegoverning relation for the 1D extension of a rodleads to a force response of



�.1 � B/



�C B

�1 �



whose tangent modulus is





�.1 � B/


LC 2


�C 3B


�; (55)

which has two parameters: E and B , whereE is the elastic modulus at zero force, and Bpartitions the response between two, compet-ing, strain measures. In the literature, theseconstants are denoted via C1 D E.1 � B/=3

and C2 D EB=3, which are Mooney’s [46]coefficients.

4.2.7 Hypo-Fung Solid

This material response is a derived consequencefrom a three-dimensional theory [15, 17] basedupon Fung’s empirical law, as presented in§4.2.3. The theory’s prediction for simpleextension [16] is a power-law, instead of theexponential that arises from Fung’s empiricallaw; specifically,


B C 1




�; (56)

whose tangent modulus is




LC BF; (57)

which is a model in two parameters: E and B .

The difference between formulæ (49 & 57)has to do with how the independent variable Lenters into the right-hand side. This subtlety hasa strong effect on their integrated forms, as weshall soon see.

Model (56) reduces to the hypo-Hookeansolid whenever B D 1, which is Truesdell’s[65] theory for an incompressible hypo-elasticsolid of grade zero.

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5.1 Assumptions 19

4.3 Model Comparison

To gain insight into how these various materialmodels behave, their stretch � D L=L0 vs.force F responses are plotted in Fig. 12, andtheir force F vs. tangent modulus dF=.dL=L/responses are plotted in Fig. 13.11

These models fall into two groups: the Car-ton, Fung, and hypo-Fung models are reason-able formulæ for describing collagen, while theHookean, neo-Hookean, hypo-Hookean, andMooney-Rivlin models are reasonable formulæfor describing elastin. Strictly speaking, theHookean model should be removed from con-sideration, because it is derived from a theorythat is applicable only for infinitesimal strains,which is not the case here. Likewise, theFung model should give way to the hypo-Fungmodel, as the latter follows from a generaltheory, while the former does not. Furthermore,the hypo-Hookean model is a special case of thehypo-Fung model, viz., B D 1.

Parametric values that approximate their re-spective responses for collagen or elastin havebeen assigned, with physical dimensions beingassigned according to realistic dimensions inmammalian alveoli. The collagen responseswere artificially set to coincide with the elasticresponse at a stretch of � � 1:5 for comparativepurposes. There is a lot more flexibility in thehypo-Fung model than there is in the Cartonmodel at fitting a shape.

5 Membranes

Rods are used to model the truss-work within amechanical model for an alveolus, while mem-branes are reasonable candidates for represent-ing the alveolar walls. There are twelve mem-brane panels that comprise a dodecahedron.

5.1 Assumptions

In addition to the modeling assumptions thatapply to the truss elements, others are neededfor the panel elements.

� Each alveolar face is modeled as an incom-pressible membrane.

� The surface traction carried by each mem-brane face is shared by the two neighbor-ing alveoli to which it belongs.

� The surface tension carried by the surfac-tant film belongs wholly to the alveolus inwhich it resides; it is not shared.

� Surface tension caused by surfactanthas the response of a uniformly stretched,neo-Hookean membrane whose elasticmodulus varies with concentration � .

� The concentration of surfactant � is gov-erned by three formulæ: the first describesits liquid expansion, the second describesits liquid condensation, and the third de-scribes its solid-like regime [50].

5.1.1 First Assumption

The arguments that support this assumptionfor panel elements are the same as those thatsupport the corresponding assumption for trusselements.

5.1.2 Second and Third Assumptions

These follow from geometric patterning consid-erations.

5.1.3 Fourth Assumption

We can strengthen our case for this assumptionby considering that the surfactant mono-layer is11. The model of Kimmel is not shown in these figures

because it has no means to assign an elastic modulus.

Page 22: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4






r For

ce (


Septal Fiber Response

hypo-Hookean modelneo-Hookean modelMooney-Rivlin modelCarton modelhypo-Fung model

Figure 12: Illustrative � D L=L0 vs. F plots for the septal fiber response predicted bymaterial models (46, 52, 54 & 56) with the geometric parameters set at: L0 D 63 �m,Lmax D 95 �m, D0 D 1 �m. The elatic modulus E was set at: E D 1:2 MPa for the hypo-Hookean, neo-Hookean, and Mooney-Rivlin solids; E D 225 kPa for the Carton solid; andE D 10 kPa for the hypo-Fung solid. The dimensionless parameter B was set at: B D 0:5

for the Mooney-Rivlin solid, and B D 16 for the hypo-Fung solid.

0 2.10–8 4.10–8 6.10–8 8.10–8 1.10–70.0.100






Fiber Force (N)


r Tan






Septal Fiber Response

hypo-Fung modelCarton modelhypo-Hookean modelneo--Hookean modelMooney-Rivlin model

Figure 13: Illustrative F vs. dF=.dL=L/ plots, i.e., Fung plots, for the septal fiber responsepredicted by material models (47, 53, 55 & 57) with the geometric parameters set at: L0 D63 �m, Lmax D 95 �m, D0 D 1 �m. The elatic modulus E was set at: E D 1:2 MPa forthe hypo-Hookean, neo-Hookean, and Mooney-Rivlin solids; E D 225 kPa for the Cartonsolid; and E D 10 kPa for the hypo-Fung solid. The dimensionless parameter B was set at:B D 0:5 for the Mooney-Rivlin solid, and B D 16 for the hypo-Fung solid.

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5.2 Models 21

a rubberlike material made up of a variety ofmacromolecular complexes held in suspensionalong the surface layer. These complexes arecomprised of about 95% lipids and 5% proteins[62]. The disaturated phospholipid dipalmi-toylphosphatidylcholine makes up about half ofthe lipid content, and is primarily responsiblefor the surface tension reducing property of thesurfactant [54].

Because the importance of surfactant to themechanics of lung is due to its surface tensionproperties, not its bulk fluidic properties, onecan consider the ‘skin’ of this fluid as being arubberlike membrane, and ignore the affect ofthe bulk fluid that resides underneath.

5.1.4 Fifth Assumption

The surface tension carried by a mono-layer ofsurfactant at the air/liquid lining along alveo-lar walls is a complex response governed byphysio-chemical processes through which theforce is modulated [54, 62]. Otis et al. [50] de-composed the kinetics governing the interfacialsurfactant concentration � into three regimes.

In the first region (the liquid-expandedregime) the concentration of surfactant at theliquid/air interface is bounded from above by� < � ?, with � ? being the maximum equilib-rium concentration of surfactant at the interface,i.e., within the surface experiencing tension.In this regime surfactant migrates between thebulk fluid and the liquid/air interface that con-tains it. Here Otis et al. assume that Langmuirkinetics control the transport of surfactant, asdescribed by


dtD A


?� � / � k2�


D c1�?A � c2�A;


where k1 and k2 are the Langmuir adsorption(bulk ! surface) and desorption (surface !bulk) diffusion coefficients, with c1 D k1C and

c2 D k1C C k2. Parameter C represents theconcentration of surfactant in the fluid.

In the second region (the liquid-condensedregime) surfactatant concentration at the liquid/

air interface varies between � ? � � � �max.Here the surface layer is taken to be insoluble,i.e., there is no exchange in surfactant betweenit and the bulk fluid below it. Otis et al. considerthat the concentration of surfactant can onlychange in this domain if the area changes, soin this regime

� D � ?A?

A; (59)

up to a value of � D �max that denotes themaximum dynamic concentration of surfactantthat can exist at the liquid/air interface.

In the third and final region (the solid-likeregime) the concentration of surfactant withinthe air/liquid interface is saturated at

� D �max: (60)

Here the surface tension is at its minimum.The lipid mono-layer pancakes up on itself inthis region [62], much like the wind stacking upice flows one atop another when the ice goes outon a large body of water.

Values reported in the literature for theseconstants are [9]: c1 D 1:168 s�1 and c2 D1:184 s�1, with .�max/ D 2 dyn/cm and .� ?/ D 22:2 dyn/cm.

5.2 Models

5.2.1 Film

Laplace’s theory for surface tension relates apressure differential �p acting across a bubble-like surface to the principle radii of curvatureR1 and R2 that describe that surface, cf. [14];specifically,

�p D R1 CR2

R1R2: (61)

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Consequently, increasing surface tension in-creases the bubble size at a fixed pressure dif-ferential across the surface, and vice versa.

A somewhat naïve adaptation of Laplace’sphysical law to an alveolus is presented below.Take one principle radius to associate with thenominal radius of an alveolar sac, and takethe other principle radius to associate with thenominal radius of an alveolar mouth. If alveolibehave as thin films, then


D ND; (62)

wherePM is that fraction of the transpulmonarypressure P which is carried by the surface ofthe membrane, D is the nominal diameter of analveolar mouth, and ND is the nominal diameterof an alveolar sac.

As this characteristic pertains to the bulkresponse, it follows from Eq. (11) that

PMV D 8TA: (63)

Combining the two above equations leads to therelationship




D ND .� .A//

� 1:138 .� .A//;


with tangent modulus







d .� /


d� .A/

dA=A; (65)

where T is the surface tension carried alonga planar pentagonal surface in a dodecahedralmodel, while is the surface tension carriedalong a thin film with curvature and a poreopening. The coefficient, whose value is ap-proximately 1.138, accounts for their geometricdifferences, viz., planar vs. curvalinear.

5.2.2 Neo-Hookean Solid

A neo-Hookean solid placed in plane-stressequi-biaxial (or isotropic) traction is described

by a uniform state of stress S D �.� � ��5/,which has units of force per unit area. Theforce per unit length along the surface carriedby a membrane is therefore governed by [63,Eq. 5.7]

T D � t0

�1 �


�; (66)

where T is the planar surface tension, and t0is the initial thickness of the membrane. In thecase of the alveolar wall, the shear modulus �is taken to be a constant; however, in the caseof the surfactant membrane, the shear modulus�.A/ is taken to be a function of surface areaA.From self-similarity, �2 D D2=D2

0 D A=A0 D

�, where D is the mean diameter of a septalface, while � D A=A0 is its areal stretch. Therelevant tangent modulus obeys


dA=AD 3

�� t0 � T



dA=A: (67)

In the case of surfactant, � is given by theright-hand side of Eq. (64), while d�=.dA=A/is given by the right-hand side of Eq. (65).

The differential equation (67) is very dif-ferent from the ones that describe the collagenand elastin truss members, viz., Eqs. (53 &57). Equation (67) has a saturation state atT D � t0, given that d�=.dA=A/ D 0 atT D � t0, too, while the other two ODEsdescribe fiber behavior that continues to stiffenwith deformation. This is a geometric effect,not a material effect ; specifically, Eqs. (53 &67) both pertain to neo-Hookean solids. Thisis a desirable outcome, as it is an observedphenomenon of the surfactant film at TLC.

5.2.3 Hypo-Hookean Solid

There is one other material model whose solu-tion for a uniformly stretched solid has a satu-rating value, i.e., an apparent ultimate strength;it is the hypo-Hookean solid, which produces a

Page 25: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these

6.1 Data Acquisition 23

stress state of S D 3�.� � ��1/ [18]. Whenwritten for a membrane, it becomes

T D 3� t0

�1 �



�; (68)

whose tangent modulus is


dA=AD 3� t0 � T C



dA=A; (69)

which saturates at traction T D 3� t0, providedthat d�=.dA=A/ D 0 at T D 3� t0, too.

These two models saturate at different phys-ical strengths. The neo-Hookean membranesaturates whenever the surface tension reachesthe material’s shear strength; whereas, thehypo-Hookean membrane saturates wheneverthe surface tension reaches the material’s elasticstrength. They also follow different .T;�/ tra-jectories to saturation. The neo-Hookean trajec-tory has a more abrupt transition into saturationthan does the hypo-Hookean trajectory.

6 Pressure-Volume Curves

To demonstrate where we are headed, discus-sion is now presented on the heterogeneity ofalveolar response within a single lung. Themodels discussed up to this point describe theresponse of a single alveolus. This model willbe incorporated into a finite element package toallow full lung simulations. These simulationswill require verification, just like our singlealveolar models do. To this end, the followingtechnology is being developed at PNNL by theauthors (DRE, JPC, and REJ).

Global pressure-volume (PV ) curves areroutinely acquired in both laboratory and clin-ical settings with a plethesmagraph. Thesecurves represent an integrated response over thewhole lung. However, lung ventilation, andtherefore lung expansion, is markedly hetero-geneous [53]. Local deviations from nominal

Figure 15: Pressure-time history of a typicalbreathing cycle subjected to a rat whose PVresponse is displayed in Fig. 14 for one suchloading cycle. CT images were acquired at0, 150, 300, 550, 700, and 900 ms.

heterogeneity have both clinical and pathologi-cal implications [30]. Spatially heterogeneousmeasurements of local PV relationships arenow possible at realistic breathing rates througha gated computed tomography.

A pressure P volume-ratio dV=dV0 rela-tionship at two distinct points in the left andright lungs of a Sprague-Dawley rat is shownin Fig. 14. Below, we briefly describe the ac-quisition and processing of these data. It shouldbe noted that the recorded pressure, shown inFig. 15, is that of the ventilator. Nasal and localalveolar pressures will, in general, be different.

6.1 Data Acquisition

A 344 g male Sprague-Dawley rat was anes-thetized with 3.5% isoflurane in oxygen andorally intubated with a 14 gauge catheter tube.The rat was then placed in the imaging tray ofthe CT scanner (eXplore 120, GE Healthcare)and connected to a computer-controlled me-

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0 2 4 6 8 101











ic S


n dV

/dV 0

Pressure cm H20


















































3.3 cm H20 5.8 cm H20

5.8 cm H20 2.2 cm H20

9.0 cm H20

1 2 3

4 5 1




Figure 14: In vivo P vs. dV=dV0 curve for rat lung determined from a sequence of CT imagesacquired over a single breathing cycle. The top row of images relate to inflation. The bottomrow of images relate to deflation. Each cycle begins and ends at the end of expiration.

chanical ventilator (SAR-830/AP, CWE Inc.)while being maintained on isoflurane. Ventila-tion parameters were: 50 breaths per minute,1:1 inhale:exhale ratio, �10 cm H2O peak in-spiratory pressure, and �3.7 ml tidal volume.A sigh was automatically incorporated every 30breaths to a peak pressure of 24 cm H2O andvolume of �9.5 ml. The rat’s body temperaturewas maintained at 37 ˙ 1ıC with warm watercirculation.

A gating signal was sent to the CT scannerat the beginning of each inhalation cycle, exceptfor each sigh and the three breaths immediatelyfollowing. In order to capture the lungs atvarious points in the breathing cycle, the CTscanner was programmed with the followinggating delays (in ms): 0, 150, 300, 550, 700,and 900 (see Fig. 15). The scanner acquired asingle projection per breath and acquired all sixgating delays (over 6 breaths) before increment-ing to the next gantry angle. The CT imagingparameters were set at: 100 kVp, 50 mA, 16 ms

exposure time, 220 projections over over 190ı,and a 50 micron isotropic resolution. Imageswere reconstructed to a 150 micron resolutionto reduce noise and enhance airway contrast.

The short 16 ms exposure time allowedfor projection acquisition during breathing withminimal blurring, obviating the need for inter-mediate breath holds and complicated breathingmaneuvers. Total imaging time was approxi-mately 45 minutes.

Following imaging, the rat was sacrificedwith CO2 asphyxiation and prepared for lungairway casting, as described by Perry et al.[51]. Silicone casting material, consisting of10.5 g Dow Corning 734 flowable sealant, 2.5 gDow Corning 200 fluid (20 CS), and �1 mlUltravist 300 (Bayer Healthcare) contrast agent,was thoroughly mixed and degassed under vac-uum. Approximately 1.5 ml of the mixture wasinjected into the lungs. After about 1 hour, thecast was CT imaged in situ with the following

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6.3 Computation of Strain 25

parameters: 100 kVp, 50 mA, 20 ms exposuretime, 720 projections over over 360ı, 2 averagesper projection angle, and a 50 micron isotropicresolution.

6.2 Computation of the DisplacementField

At different pressures, localized lung movementis semi-independent of the surrounding tissuessuch as the ribcage. To enable accurate calcu-lations of deformations describing the changesin volumetric MRI data at different pressures,the impact of image information outside ofthe lung was effectively minimized. This wasaccomplished by an automated custom softwarescript that identified regions with high imageintensities that associate with bone, as-well-asregions with low image intensities that associatewith air outside the specimen. The image inten-sities of both these regions were set to match themedian tissue intensity, creating a virtual maskof the regions outside the lung for the purposeof deformation error calculations. To reduce theimpact of noise, the images were subjected to2D Gaussian blurring with a radius of 1.

Using the Drop3d registration tool formotion estimation based on Markov randomfields (cf.; Glocker, Komodakis et al. [26, 38]), 3Ddeformation fields were calculated by matchingthe zero pressure dataset to each of the datasetsacquired at other pressures. This calculationwas accomplished by minimizing the sum of theabsolute differences between the voxel intensi-ties of the image datasets.

6.3 Computation of Strain

Reinhardt et al. [52] applied an image registra-tion technique to gated CT images of sheep lungfrom which spatial maps were then constructedwhose local Jacobians describe regional volume

change. Zhong et al. [71] applied finite elementtechnology to acquire regional volume changes,where 4-noded tetrahedrons were used for voxeldiscretization from CT images taken of humanswith lung cancer.

In this study, discretization is set up in theundeformed configuration using isoparametric8-noded hexahedral elements, defined from thevoxel centroids (Fig. 16). Material particles atthe voxel centroidsXa define the initial positionof the element nodes as



Na.�1; �2; �3/Xa; (70)

where Na are standard isoparametric shapefunctions, and n is the number of nodes or,in our case, voxel centroids. The combinationof rigid-body motion and deformation are fullydescribed by the current nodal positions xa.t/

x D


Na.�1; �2; �3/xa: (71)

The deformation gradient F , which is the fun-damental kinematic quantity for finite deforma-tion, is given as



xa ˝rrr0Na; (72)

where rrr0Na D @Na=@X is related to rrr�Na D@Na=@� by the chain rule










Xa ˝rrr�Na:


Given a definition for the deformation gra-dient (Eq. 72), the Finger b and Green C

deformation tensors, cf. Freed [18], are easily

Page 28: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these


quantified via

bij D


FiKFjK ;



FkIFkJ :


From these deformation fields, the Eulerian eand Lagrangian E covariant strain tensors ofAlmansi [2] and Green [27], both of whichmeasure a change in separation between a pairof neighboring material points, are given by

e D 12.I � b�1/;

E D 12.C � I/;


while the Eulerian e and Lagrangian E con-travariant strain tensors of Signorini [55] andLodge [43], both of which measure a changein separation between a pair of neighboringmaterial surfaces, are given by

e D 12.b � I/;

E D 12.I � C �1/:


Volume change is defined simply as

dV D J dV0; J D det F : (77)

J D dV=dV0 is the quantity displayed inFig. 14.

The fields derived here are applicable forfinite deformation analysis.

6.4 Hysteresis

In the line drawing of Fig. 14, one readily seesthe hysteresis of breathing. This hysteretic arearepresents the work or cost of breathing; it is theenergy expended per breath taken. Hysteresis inthePV curve is a well-known phenomenon thatHarris [30] attributes to four separate causes:i) recruitment/derecruitment, ii) surfactant, iii)stress relaxation, and iv) gas absorption.



k X3 , x3

X1 , x1 X2 , x2

Figure 16: Finite element discretization of animage.

Recruitment can mean two different thingsin the lung literature. Each has to do withone of the two plateau regions in a typical Sshaped PV curve. To the clinician, e.g., [31],recruitment means the engaging of alveoli overthe volume of lung as each begins to inflatefrom its deflated (even possibly collapsed) stateat the end of expiration. This mechanism con-tributes to the low-pressure plateau observedin typical PV curves. To the biomechanician,e.g., [60], recruitment means the engaging ofindividual collagen fibrils by their straighteningfrom an unloaded crimped state via extension.This enables them to carry load, and therebystiffens the overall tissue response. This mech-anism contributes to the high-pressure plateauobserved in typical PV curves. The formeris a heterogeneous structural response in thatindividual alveoli are recruited as if a wavewere passing over the lung. The later is ahomogeneous material response in that collagenrecruitment is an alveolar characteristic.

Surfactant plays an important role in reduc-ing the surface tension of individual alveolarsacs so that they do not collapse when the lungsare deflated. The concentration of surfactantalong the air/liquid interface varies over eachbreath cycle in a complicated physiochemicalway [50].

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The structural constituents of alveoli arepredominantly collagen and elastin [44, 56] inroughly equal volume fractions [47]. Bothare viscoelastic, but with very different char-acteristic times. The characteristic time ofelastin is so short that it basically behaves asa rubbery viscoelastic solid; specifically, as aneo-Hookean material [1]. The characteristictime of collagen, however, is on the same orderas normal physiologic processes [11], so itsviscoelastic attributes play an important role inlung mechanics.

Lungs are predominantly gas exchangers,with different gases transporting in differentdirections according to their partial pressures[69]. The pressure within an alveolar sac istherefore subject to the mass rate of exchangein gases via the gas law.

Harris [30] concludes his 2005 review onPV curves by saying:

“If the P -V curve is to become auseful clinical tool, there are still anumber of problems to solve. Cur-rently, there is no standard method toobtain the curve or volume history.... To make matters worse, we stilldo not understand how alveoli deformduring inflation and deflation in hu-man ARDS, so that inferring from aP -V curve what is protecting alveolior damaging them is exceedingly dif-ficult. ... A bigger issue, perhaps, isthat regional mechanical differencesare obscured by the P -V curve of thewhole lung, and this may be the mostimportant piece of information clini-cians need to know. Finally, it is dif-ficult to interpret P -V curves withoutan absolute measure of lung volume.... For now it appears that the P -Vcurve must remain a research tool, orin the clinical situation, reserved forselected patients when it is necessaryto try to understand alterations in lung


Several of the needs outlined by Harris’ areaddressed in this research project.

AcknowledgmentsProfessor Sally Shepardson from the Biology De-

partment at Saginaw Valley State University is thankedfor preparing the samples and then taking the SEMphotos of rat lung that appear in this report.

OPENFOAM R is a registered trademark ofOpenCFD Limited, producer of the OpenFOAM CFDsoftware package.

Data taken from published sources were re-digitizedby scanning an image of the required figure, and then dig-itizing the individual datum points from the scanned im-age using the g3data software package of Jonas Frantz.


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A Linear Elements 31

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A Linear Elements

There are twenty vertexes in a dodecahedron whosecoordinates are most simply expressed as



.˙1=�;˙�; 0/;

.˙�; 0;˙1=�/;


when written in terms of a Cartesian reference frame.i 0; j 0;k0/ whose origin is located at the centerof the dodecahedron. The first set of coordinatesassociate with an inscribed cube, cf. Fig. 9. Theother three sets of coordinates locate the remainingvertexes belonging to the twelve pentagons, witheach side having length L0 D 2=�. Parameter �is known as the golden ratio, and is defined by

� D1Cp5

2D 2 sin.!/ � 1:618;





2csc.!/ � 0:618:


The dihedral angle (the angle between any twopentagons in a dodecahedron) is 2 tan�1.�/.

There are three distinct line elements, viz., AB ,BC , and CD in Fig. 11, with there being ten ofeach type in the dodecahedron for the mode ofdeformation being addressed here. The coordinatesof locations A, B , C , D, and E in this figure,as specified in Eq. (17), do not correspond withthe coordinates of Eq. (78). To get the coordinatein Eq. (17), one needs to rotate the coordinates inEq. (78) via the orthogonal transformation


9=; D24 cos.'/ 0 sin.'/

0 1 0

� sin.'/ 0 cos.'/




9=; ; (80)

where ' D tan�1.1=�/ is the angle of rotation(about the �j 0 axis) required to make k normal to apentagonal surface, as drawn in Fig. 11.

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A.1 Reference State

The three, independent, line elements mentionedabove are described by three spatial vectors








that, in accordance with Eq. (17), can be expressedin terms of three unit vectors with components





9=; ;UBC D



8<:cos.'/tan.'/�2 cos.'/

9=; ;UCD D



8<:sin.'/� cot.'/�2 sin.'/

9=; ;(82)

where kUABk D kUBC k D kUCDk D 1, withvector UAB pointing from A towards B , etc.

A.2 Deformed State

The change in variables introduced in Eq. (20)allows the three, independent, line elements ofEq. (81) to be written in their deformed state as











2 cos.!/ y20

9=; ;�BC D

8<:sin.!/.y4 � y2/cos.!/.y4 � y2/

y3 � y1

9=; ;�CD D

8<:�1 � sin.!/


� cos.!/ y4�2y3

9=; ;(84)

are the nodal displacements caused by traction �k.

The stretch in each member relative to state.P˝ ; L˝/, e.g., �AB D LAB=L˝ , is quantified bytheir respective vector norms


�BC D kUBC C�BC k;



However, it is the square of stretch that is used via




2�2; (86)

because, as noted by Budiansky & Kimmel [4],the square of stretch can be expressed as an exactquadratic polynomial of the displacements y .

From the above descriptions one can fill outEq. (21), which expresses the square of stretch as aquadratic equation in y . The vectors in Eq. (21) forthe three independent stretches have components

AAB D 4 cos.!/˚0 1 0 0


ABC D 2 cos.'/






9>>=>>; ;ACD D 2 sin.'/

˚0 0 2 1



while the matrices in the above expansions haveelements


26640 0 0 0

0 8 cos2.!/ 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

3775 ;


26642 0 �2 0

0 2 0 �2

�2 0 2 0

0 �2 0 2

3775 ;


26640 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 8 0

0 0 0 4�1 � sin.!/

�3775 :


The properties of �, upon which angles ! and 'depend, allow for the simplifications presented inthe above components.

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B.2 Distorted Pentagons 33

B Areal Elements

The top and bottom pentagonal areas remain regularand planar during a uniaxial perturbation in loading;however, the ten side pentagons distort from regu-larity. The following derivation for computing thesurface area of a deforming dodecahedron is exact.In the end, the series expansion for areal stretch istruncated to O.y3/ accuracy for use in Eq. (22).

Unlike App. A & C, which only differ slightlyfrom the formulation of Budiansky & Kimmel [4],the derivation of this appendix is completely orig-inal. Kimmel & Budiansky [36] used numericalmethods to approximate values that are analyticallyderived herein.

B.1 Regular Pentagons

With the area of regular pentagon ABFGH inFig. 11 being given by Eq. (23), it follows thatthe ratio of its current to reference areas A=A˝ isequal to the ratio of its characteristic lengths squaredL2=L2˝ . Consequently, from Eqs. (21 & 22), itfollows that

BR D AAB and BR D AAB ; (89)

where AAB and AAB are found in Eqs. (87 & 88),respectively.

B.2 Distorted Pentagons

In order for the series expansion for areal stretching� D A=A˝ stated in Eq. (22) to be compatiblewith the variational bulk response of Eqs. (9 & 10)whenever � D 0 and y D 0 for an arbitrary ıy , itfollows that


�; (90)

so one determines from Eq. (89) that

BD D15


�: (91)

All that remains to be found is matrix BD . Differ-entiating Eq. (22) twice gives


d2ADdy dy

; (92)

reducing the problem to finding the above Hessian.In the analysis that follows, it is determined that BDis itself a quadratic polynomial in y .

B.2.1 The Hessian

The area of a trapezoid is the average length of itstwo parallel sides times their height of separation.So, for trapezoid ABCE, the two parallel sideshave reference lengths AB˝ D L˝ and CE˝ D2L˝ sin.!/ with their height of separation beingH˝ D L˝ cos.˛/, where ˛ D 2! � �=2. Whencollected together, the area of this trapezoid is


�1=2 C sin.!/

�cos.˛/; (93)

while the triangle CDE has an area of

ACDE˝ D L2˝ sin.!/ cos.!/; (94)

so that when added they become 54L2˝ tan.!/,

which is the area of each of the 12 regular pentagonsof a dodecahedron in its isotropic reference state of.P˝ ; L˝/. Recall that ! D 54ı and ˛ D 18ı.

The area AD of pentagon ABCDE, distortedby traction �k, equates with the area of an isosce-les trapezoid ABCE, which lies above line CE,summed with the area of an isosceles triangle CDE,which lies below line CE, viz.,


that we express as


2˝bh; (96)

where B is the average length of the two paralleledges of the trapezoid withH being its height, whileb is the base length of each right triangle (thereare two right triangles that make up an isoscelestriangle) with h being their height, all of which arescaled against the septal length L˝ so that

B˝ D 1=2 C sin.!/;

H˝ D cos.˛/;

b˝ D sin.!/;

h˝ D cos.!/;


which describe their reference dimensions. Thedeformed lengths of these four variables can be

Page 36: Viscoelastic Model for Lung Parenchyma for Multi-Scale ... · as an alveolar model. This is a microscopic model for parenchyma. A hopeful outcome is that the linkage between these


written as polynomials in the displacement vectory; specifically, let

B D B˝ CD � y;

H 2D H 2

˝ CE � y C12y �Ey;

b D b˝ C F � y;

h2 D h2˝ CG � y C12y �Gy;


where vectors D, E , F , G and matrices E , G

are all constant valued. It turns out that the baselengths b and B can be written exactly as linearpolynomials in y; whereas, the heights h and Hcannot be expressed as finite polynomials; however,like the stretches, their squares h2 and H 2 can berepresented as quadratic polynomials in y .

From the above definitions, it follows that theHessian BD of Eq. (92), in light of Eqs. ( 95 & 96),is quantified via the following matrix equation










C Bd2H

dy dyCH


dy dy









C bd2h

dy dyC h


dy dy



From the polynomial expansions described inEq. (98), the vector derivatives in Eq. (99) are


dyD D;





�E CEy



dyD F ;





�G CGy



while the matrix derivatives in Eq. (99) are


dy dyD 0;


dy dyD





2H 2

��E CEy

�˝�E CEy



dy dyD 0;


dy dyD






��G CGy

�˝�G CGy



where the chain rule has been used.

The above formulation for BD is a quadraticfunction in y whose value at y D 0 is

BDjyD0 DL2˝A˝



�D ˝E CE ˝D



E �


2H 2˝

E ˝E




�F ˝G CG ˝ F



G �


2h2˝G ˝G



What remains to quantify are the four vectors andtwo matrices present in the above expression, seeEqs. (107 & 110–114).

B.2.2 Vectors & Matrices of Deformation

From the reference coordinates (17) and their dis-placements (18), one determines that the baselengths referred to in Eq. (96) for the deformedABCE trapezoid and CDE triangle have dimen-sionless lengths of

B D B˝ C cos.!/.y2 C y4/;

b D b˝ C cos.!/y4;(103)

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B.2 Distorted Pentagons 35

with squared heights of

H 2D�12

cos.'/C 12�.y4 � y2/

�2C�cos.'/C y1 � y3


h2 D�12

sin.'/C .1 � �=2/y4�2

C�sin.'/C 2y3



which are most easily envisioned by projecting theABCDE surface onto the i ^ k plane, where itbecomes a segmented line.

Expanding the above expressions according totheir definitions allows the components of the abovedefined vectors and matrices to be quantified. VectorD, which belongs to the trapezoidal base length Bof Eq. (98), has components






9>>=>>; : (105)

Vector E and matrix E , which belong to the trape-zoidal height squared H 2 of Eq. (98), have compo-nents

E D cos.'/






9>>=>>; ; (106)



26642 0 �2 0

0 �2=2 0 ��2=2

�2 0 2 0

0 ��2=2 0 �2=2

3775 : (107)

Vector F , which belongs to base length b for theright triangle in Eq. (98), has components







9>>=>>; : (108)

And vector G and matrix G , which belong to thesquare of this triangle’s height h2 via Eq. (98), havecomponents

G D sin.'/





1 � �=2

9>>=>>; ; (109)



26640 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 8 0

0 0 0 2.1 � �=2/2

3775 : (110)

Inserting Eqs. (23, 97 & 105–110) into Eq. (102)allows matrix BD in Eq. (22) to be quantified. Thenature of the vector outer products that are involvedare such that a simple final expression is not to behad. Nevertheless, the symmetric forms of theseouter products can be substantially simplified due tothe properties of the golden ratio �, specifically


�D ˝E CE ˝D




26640 1 0 1

1 ��=2 �1 0

0 �1 0 �1

1 0 �1 �=2

3775 ; (111)


�E ˝E




26644 �� �4 �

�� �2=4 � ��2=4

�4 � 4 ��

� ��2=4 �� �2=4

3775 ; (112)


�F ˝G CG ˝ F




26640 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 2=�

0 0 2=� 1=� � 1=2

3775 ; (113)



�G ˝G




26640 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 16 4.1 � �=2/

0 0 4.1 � �=2/ .1 � �=2/2

3775 :(114)

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C Volume Elements

The distorted dodecahedron is segmented into acollection of tetrahedra for computing its volume.Given vertexes described by position vectors a, band c, with the forth vertex being located at theorigin, the volume of a tetrahedron is proportionalto its scalar triple product, viz., V D 1

6ja � .b � c/j,

which describes a cubic polynomial in y . Care mustbe taken to change the sign whenever the scalartriple product yields a negative number. This is mosteasily checked at y D 0. All total, we decomposethe distorted dodecahedron into seventy individualtetrahedra that belong to four shape types.

In order for the series expansion for volumetricstretching � D V=V˝ stated in Eq. (24) to becompatible with the variational bulk response ofEqs. (9 & 10) whenever � D 0 and y D 0 for anarbitrary ıy , it follows from Eq. (21) that

C D 12


�; (115)

which agrees (in numeric value) with the equivalentC vector derived by Budiansky & Kimmel [4]. Thisis the linear coefficient for y in Eq. (24). We nowseek the quadratic coefficient that is matrix C .

A single tetrahedron can be used to describethe volumes whose outer surfaces associate withthe regular pentagons on the upper and lower faces,there being ten associated tetrahedra overall. Thequadratic term in the volume expansion for thisgrouping reduces to


�� y1y2 C


�: (116)

The triangular face used to compute the volume ofa tetrahedron from this grouping has corners locatedat ABW , where A and B are quantified in Eq. (17),while W has coordinates L˝

�0; 0; �2 cos.'/=2


the reference state .P˝ ; L˝/, cf. Fig. 11.

The CDE isosceles triangle is made up of tworight triangles of equal area. There are 20 such trian-gles on the surface of a dodecahedron. The twentytetrahedra that associate with these triangular faceshave a quadratic term in their volume expansion of



14.1C 2=�/y24

�: (117)

The right triangle used to compute the volume of atetrahedron from this grouping has corners CDX ,where C and D are quantified in Eq. (17), whileX has coordinatesL˝

��2 cos.'/=2; 0; sin.'/=2


the reference state .P˝ ; L˝/.

The ABCE isosceles trapezoid is made up ofthree triangles. The outer two triangles, AXE andBCX , are equal in area due to symmetry. The innertriangle ABX can be further divided into two righttriangles of equal area, viz., AYX and BXY . Thereare 20 of these outer triangles that appear on thesurface of a dodecahedron. The volume of thesetwenty tetrahedra has a quadratic term in its seriesexpansion of


��2y1y4 �


�14y2y4 �

12� y3y4 C


�: (118)

There are also 20 such inner right triangles thatappear on the face of a dodecahedron. The volumeof these twenty tetrahedra has a quadratic term in itsseries expansion of


�12�2y1y2 C

12� y1y4

�14y22 � � y2y3 C


�: (119)

Y has coordinates L˝��2 sin.'/=2; 0; cos.'/=2


the reference state .P˝ ; L˝/.Summing the above expressions, which collec-

tively describe the quadratic contribution to volumechange in a uniaxially distorted dodecahedron whennormalizing by the reference volume V˝ given inEq. (25), leads to the following expression for ma-trix C in Eq. (24), i.e.,

C D2

3 tan2.!/

26640 1C �=2 0 1=2 C �

1C �=2 1 �.1C �=2/ 1=20 �.1C �=2/ 0 3=2 C �

1=2 C � 1=2 3=2 C � 2

3775 :(120)

This matrix is slightly different from the analogousone derived by Budiansky & Kimmel [4]; however,the constant and linear terms in our series expan-sions for � D V=V˝ , cf. Eq. (24), are the same.

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D Geometric Identities 37

The fact that our formulations differ in theirquadratic contributions is not unexpected, becauseof the different assumptions imposed on the shapeof the deformed dodecahedron. They representedeach pentagonal face distorted from regularity withfive planar triangles sharing a common center nodewhose displacement is the mean of the pentagon’svertexes; whereas, we represent each distorted pen-tagonal face with a planar isosceles triangle and aplanar isosceles trapezoid sharing a common edge.

D Geometric Identities

The geometry of a dodecahedron can be expressedin terms of the golden ratio � of Eq. (79), cf. App. A.There are numerous identities between this ratio andthe various angles that can be used to describe adodecahedron, some of which are cataloged below.

sin.!/ D �=2;

tan.'/ D 1=�;

cos.'/ cos.!/ D 1=2;

� sin.'/ cos.!/ D 1=2;

�2 cos2.'/ � sin2.'/ D �;

2 tan.!/�1 � sin.!/

�D sin.'/;

�2 � 1=� D 2;

�2 C 1=� C 2=�2 D 4: