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Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

Jan 12, 2016



Fay Sharp
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Page 1: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.


Page 2: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

Virginia (1607)Massachusetts (1620)New York (1626)Maryland (1633)Rhode Island (1636)Connecticut (1636)Delaware (1638)New Hampshire (1638)North Carolina (1653)South Carolina (1663)New Jersey (1664)Pennsylvania (1682)Georgia (1732)

Page 3: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.


Page 4: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

A. Life in the English Colonies

1. types of colonial government

a. charter – colony given permission to piece of

ground with self-government overseen by the

king- more freedom

b. proprietorship- colony created by a grant

of land by a monarch to an individual or family

c. royal- colony controlled directly by the king

2. English colonies

a. English settlers in Virginia

1. Roanoke Island –near North Carolina

Page 5: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.


Page 6: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

a. sent by Sir Walter Raleigh- returned after 1 yr b. Lost Colony of Roanoke- second colony 1587 expedition returns in 1590- all colonists gone2. Virginia Companies- merchants form 2 companies a. Virginia Company of Plymouth and Virginia Company of London 1. companies received a charter to trade 2. London group settled-called it Virginia a. Jamestown –settlement established for trade expansion-had problems: 1. swampy land=malaria/and typhoid fever 2. colonists were unprepared for wilderness 3. John Smith –takes charge-makes it thrive a. saved by Pocohantas (Indian princess)

Page 7: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

-Malaria and typhoid killed colonists-colonists unprepared for wilderness


John Smith -Takes charge, had colonists farm, clear land, trade-captured by Native Americans-freed by Pocahontas


Page 8: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

3. John Rolfe –planted new crop called tobacco on plantations-worked by indentured servants/slaves

a. indentured servants- people who worked for

years (3-7) in exchange for passage to New World

4. Self-Government beginnings

a. burgesses – representatives to House of

Burgesses- elected by adult freemen- made laws (representative government- voters elect people to make laws for them)

b. King James I unhappy- turns Virginia into a royal

colony- but did not abolish House of Burgesses

Page 9: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

B. New England Colonies (MA, NH, CT, RI)

1. Massachusetts 1620- William Bradford, Gov

a. Plymouth Colony

1. Religious problems in England after Catholic

Church split in England

a. Puritans-new Anglican Church wanted to

purify the new church from any Catholic


b. Separatists –group of Puritans who disagreed

with these methods, so they separated

Page 10: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

1. attacked- called themselves Pilgrims-term for travelers with a religious goal

c. Pilgrims set sail for America on the Mayflower,

1. landed outside Cape Cod, (Massachusetts) Nov.


d. Mayflower Compact –document setting up a form of self-government- agreed to obey laws passed by majority of men

1. first document in which American colonists

claimed a right to govern themselves.

Page 11: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.




Page 12: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

The Mayflower


Page 13: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

Pilgrims sign Mayflower Compactand celebrate first Thanksgiving

Page 14: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

e. Plymouth – where they first land- hard winter

1. Samoset – Native American- speaks English

a. introduced them to Massasoit, chief of

Wampanoags, who helps them

b. Squanto, teaches them hunting, planting,


2. Thanksgiving –feast from Pilgrims’ bounty

b. Massachusetts Bay Colony- Puritans

1. John Winthrop, founder/leader

2. religious freedom- Puritans- wanted to

reform or change the Church of England

a. irony- they had no tolerance for other religions

Page 15: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

1. toleration – recognition that other people

have the right to different opinions

3. turn Mass BC into a commonwealth – a self-

governing political unit

2. Rhode Island 1636 -Roger Williams- founder

a. founded for religious freedom

1. Williams felt Puritan church had too much power

2. He suggested separation of church and state

– a principle our country is based on now

3. he was banished –founded Providence –new

town that accepted all faiths

4. Anne Hutchinson – also challenged Puritan

church; made her own community in R.I.

b. Rhode Island became a charter colony in 1644

Page 16: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.


JOHN WINTHROPMassachusetts Bay Colony

Page 17: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

Puritans of the MassachusettsBay Colony had no tolerance for otherreligions. Depicted here are two Quakers who were executed for their religious beliefs.

Page 18: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.


Page 19: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

Roger Williamswas the first to suggest a separation of church AND state. This angered the Puritans of the MBC, so he was banished from Massachusetts. He founded Providence, Rhode Island, a safe haven for all religions.

Page 20: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.


Page 21: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

3. New Hampshire 1622- John Mason and

Ferdinando Gorges, founder/leaders

a. became a royal colony in 1680 after split from


4. Connecticut 1636- Thomas Hooker (minister)- founder/leader- disagreed with Puritan leaders

a. reason for founding –religious freedom/trade

b. founded Hartford

c. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut –first

American constitution (plan of government)

d. Became a charter colony in 1662

Page 22: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

Sir Ferdinando Gorges and CaptainJohn Mason study their 1622 grant.

John Mason

Ferdinando Gorges

New Hampshire

Page 23: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

Thomas Hooker, founder of Connecticut, is called the “Father of American Democracy” because he authored “The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, which was the first form of a constitution in the United States.

Page 24: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

C. Middle Atlantic Colonies (New York, PA, New Jersey, Delaware)

1. New York 1624- Peter Minuet-Dutch a. New Netherland becomes New York when James, Duke of York, seizes it. b. Reason for founding –expansion of trade c. Government- James, Duke of York was named proprietor, or owner of the colony 2. Pennsylvania 1681- William Penn- founder a. proprietorship –land given by King to Penn’s father

Page 25: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

a. named it Pennsylvania which meant “Penn’s Woods”

b. founded for religious/political freedom

1. Quakers – Penn’s religious group-believed all

people were equal

a. pacifists – believed in peace/not war- known as

the Society of Friends

b. Penn’s Holy Experiment- all religions together

2. Pennsylvania Dutch –German-settled on the rivers

3. New Jersey 1682

a. John Berkelely and George Carteret- founders

b. Reason: money/religious freedom

c. royal colony

Page 26: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.



• Brought his religious community, the Quakers, with him.

His Beliefs• Religious

freedom• Popular

support of the government

His rule• Treated

Native Americans well

• Believed all people were equal


Page 27: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

The Quakers, or Society of Friends, were a religious group that believed that all people, regardless of color, race or creed, were equal. They were the first group to protest slavery. They were also pacifists- people who believed in peace rather than war.

Page 28: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

4. Delaware 1664

a. Swedish settlers –founders

D. Southern Colonies (VA, MD, SC, NC, GA)

1. Virginia (Jamestown) 1607

2. Maryland 1632

a. George Calvert and Lord Baltimore –founders

b. Reasons- religious freedom/profit from land sale

1. religious refuge for Catholics after split in


2. Toleration Act- Lord Baltimore passed this act

a. guaranteed all Christians the right to worship

Page 29: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

George Calvert Lord Baltimore

Both men were Catholic. They wanted to have a colony in the New World that would allow Catholics’ religious freedom. They provided this in the colony called Maryland.

Page 30: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

3. South Carolina 1663 and North Carolina 1663

a. Eight proprietors- founded for profit from trade

(tobacco crops)

1. North –mainly Virginia farmers

2. South – mainly West Indies, British, and other


a. Charles Town – major port city

4. Georgia 1732

a. James Oglethorpe –founder/leader

1. brought over people from debtor’s prison to work

off their debts (debtors-people who owe money)

b. Colony created to keep Spanish within Florida’s


Page 31: Virginia (1607) Massachusetts (1620) New York (1626) Maryland (1633) Rhode Island (1636) Connecticut (1636) Delaware (1638) New Hampshire (1638) North.

James Oglethorpe wanted to help those in England’s debtors’ prison, so he suggested they be sent to Georgia to work off their debts and fight the Spanish encroachment.

King George II supported this idea, so he allowed the debtors to leave England. However, not all the debtors wanted to go to fight the Spanish.