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  • 8/8/2019 vinit kumar jaat


    Lovely professional university

    Term paper of human resourcesmanagement

    Submitted by-Vinit Kumar

    ROLL NO- B33

    REG NO- 10902156


  • 8/8/2019 vinit kumar jaat



    I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude

    towards all those people who have helped me in the successful

    completion of this term paper, directly or indirectly. I would

    also like to express my sincere gratitude towards Miss Alka

    Sharma (my term paper guide) for her guidance and helpwhich she willingly provided at every step of my term paper.

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction

    2. Objective

    3. Review of literature

    4 Introduction of HCL

    5. Effective change process in HCL

    7. Conclusion8. Bibliography

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    Change management

    Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals,teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. Changemanagement (or change control) is the process during which the changes of asystem are implemented in a controlled manner by following a pre-definedframework/model with, to some extent, reasonable modifications. In projectmanagement, change management refers to a project management processwhere changes to a project are formally introduced and approved.

    The field of change management grew from the recognition that organizations

    are composed of people. And the behaviors of people make up the outputs of anorganization.

    Change must be realistic and attainable. The cooperation of all stakeholders is amatter of necessity. Instead of forcing a change, it is better to ensure that areasonable number of stakeholders buy into the change and the process ofeffecting the change. Criticism should be encouraged from the proponents andopponents of the change and should be objectively analyzed. Every changeprocess should begin with asking at least four basic questions:

    1. What needs to be changed? Change should not be introduced into thesystem just for the sake of it. Changes can be induced from within the organization oroutside of it. In either case, the question of what to change is critical. The question is bestanswered when the limitations of the present process are identified. The answer to thisquestion should be ableto address why the change is necessary.

    2. To what should it be changed? It is one thing to know that there is aneed to effect changes in the present system, but another critical question is to what itshould be changed. Change cannot be justified if the organization does not know of a betteralternative to the current system/process. The proposed change must offer better benefits to

    the system than the current system does.

    3. How should this change happen? This question is as relevantas the first two questions. Some laudable process changes (that successfully answerthe first two questions) end as disasters, and all the management time andinvestments are wasted because the question of how to make the change happen wasnot properly addressed.Whatever approach is adapted to effect the change must address the issue of how to ensureno or minimal disruption to the system and must effect the change at a minimal cost.

    4. How can the change be sustained? This question may be the

    most critical of the four. The question, if properly answered, justifies the wisdom behind thechange. The three previous questions might be answered correctly, but if the question ofhow to sustain the change is not well addressed, all the efforts are merely a waste in thelong run. This is the

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    stage where many process changes face turbulent storms and, when they fail, it is said theywere not able to stand the test of time.

    Types of Organizational Change

    1. Strategic changes2. Technological changes3. Structural changes4. Changing the attitudes and behaviors of personnel

    As a multidisciplinary practice, Organizational Change Management requiresfor example: creative marketing to enable communication between changeaudiences, but also deep social understanding about leaderships styles andgroup dynamics. As a visible track on transformation projects, OrganizationalChange Management aligns groups expectations, communicates, integratesteams and manages people training. It make use of metrics, such as leaderscommitment, communication effectiveness, and the perceived need for changeto design accurate strategies, in order to avoid change failures or solve troubledchange projects.

    Scope of changemanagement

    The purpose of defining these change management areas is to ensure that thereis a common understanding among readers. Tools or components of changemanagement include:

    Change management process

    Readiness assessments Communication and communication planning Coaching and manager training for change management Training and employee training development

    Sponsor activities and sponsor roadmaps Resistance management Data collection, feedback analysis and corrective action Celebrating and recognizing success

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    Challenges ofChange

    Change is a departure from an existing process or way of doing something, to a new processor a different way of doing the same thing. A process change can be an amendment toexisting processes, an introduction of a new process or both. For example, a manual systemcan be redefined or automated, or an automated system can be upgraded, complemented orreplaced entirely with new packages. These changes are also known as business processreengineering (BPR).

    Changes in any form are intended to better the organization over the short term and/or longterm. However, no matter how marketable change ideas are, they can be frustrated

    purposefully or inadvertently if they are not well managed during all stages. Poormanagement often causes the huge investments in the change process and the highexpectations that come with the ideas to turn to huge disappointments.

    Some changes are introduced with fanfare, but not long after commencement of theirimplementation, they meet impediments that would have been avoidable or surmountable ifthey had been identified and managed promptly in the early stages. Instances abound whereorganizations accounts remain irreconcilable due to process automation, system upgrade orintroduction of entirely new packages. There is no doubt that such a process change at the

    point of conception, evaluation and/or implementation requires a great deal of financialresources and management time and leads to high expectations. Therefore, any failure can bedisastrous. To prevent such a failure, attention should be given to change management at allstages.

    Managers in this sense see events taking place that, to them, signal the need forchange. They also perceive the internal context of change as it relates to Structure,culture, systems of power and control, which gives those further clues about whether it isworth trying to introduce change. But what causes change? What factors need to beconsidered when we look for the causal affects which run from A to B in anorganization?

    The change may occur in response to the:

    Changes in technology used

    Changes in customer expectations or tastes

    Changes as a result of competitionChanges as a result of government legislation

    Changes as a result of alterations in the economy at home or abroad

    Changes in communication media

    Changes in societys value systems

    Changes in the supply chain

    Changes in the distribution chain

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    Internal changes can be seen as responses or reactions to the outside world which areregarded as external triggers. There are also a large number of factors which lead towhat are termed internal triggers for change. Organization redesigns to fit a new productline or new marketing strategy are typical examples, as are changes in jobresponsibilities to fit new organizational structures. The final cause of change in

    organizations is where the organization tries to be ahead of change by being proactive.For example, where the Organization tries to anticipate problems in the marketplace ornegate the impact of worldwide recession on its own business, proactive change istaking place.

    Planned ChangePlanned organizational change is normally targeted at improving Effectiveness at one ormore of four different levels: human resources, functional resources, technologicalcapabilities, and organizational capabilities.

    Human Resources:

    Human resources are an organizations most important asset. Ultimately, anorganizations distinctive competencies lie in the skills and abilities of its employees.Because these skills and abilities give an organization a competitive advantage,organizations must continually monitor their structures to find the most effective way ofmotivating and organizing human resources to acquire and use their skills. Typical kindsof change efforts directed at human resources include: (i) new investment in training anddevelopment activities so that employees acquire new skills and abilities; (ii) socializingemployees into the organizational culture so that they learn the new routines on whichorganizational performance depends; (iii) changing organizational norms and values tomotivate a multi-cultural and diverse work force; (iv) ongoing examination of the way in

    which promotion and reward systems operate in a diverse work force; and (v) changingthe composition of the top-management team to improve organizational learning anddecision making.

    Functional Resources: Each organizational function needs to develop procedures thatallow it to manage the particular environment it faces. As the environment changes,organizations often transfer resources to the functions where the most value can becreated. Critical functions grow in importance, while those whose usefulness is decliningshrink. An organization can improve the value that its functions create by changing itsstructure, culture, and technology. The change from a functional to a product teamstructure, for example, may speed the new product development process. Alterations in

    functional structure can help provide a setting in which people are motivated to perform.The change from traditional mass production to a manufacturing operation based onself-managed work teams often allows companies to increase product quality andproductivity if employees can share in the gains from the new work system.

    Technological Capabilities: Technological capabilities give an organization a normouscapacity to change itself in order to exploit market opportunities. The ability to develop aconstant stream of new products or to modify existing products so that they continue toattract customers is one of an organizations core competencies. Similarly, the ability toimprove the way goods and services are produced in order to increase their quality andreliability is a crucial organizational capability. At the organizational level, an has to

    provide the context that allows it to translate its technological competencies into valuefor its stakeholders. This task often involves the redesign of organizational activities.

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    IBM, for example, has recently moved to change its organizational structure to bettercapitalize on its strengths in providing IT consulting. Previously, it was unable totranslate its technical capabilities into commercial opportunities because its structurewas not focused on consulting, but on making and selling computer hardware andsoftware rather than providing advice.

    Organizational Capabilities: Through the design of organizational structure andculture an organization can harness its human and functional resources to takeadvantage of technological opportunities. Organizational change often involves changingthe relationship between people and functions to increase their ability to create value.Changes in structure and culture take place at all levels of the organization and includechanging the routines an individual uses to greet customers, changing work grouprelationships, improving integration between divisions, and changing corporate cultureby changing the top management team.These four levels at which change can take place are obviously interdependent, it isoften impossible to change one without changing another. Suppose an organizationinvests resources and recruits a team of scientists who are experts in a new technology for example, biotechnology. If successful, this human resource change will lead to theemergence of a new functional resource and a new technological capability. Topmanagement will be forced to revaluate its organizational structure and the way itintegrates and coordinates its other functions, to ensure that they support its newfunctional resources. Effectively utilizing the new resources may require a move to aproduct team structure. It may even require downsizing and the elimination of functionsthat are no longer central to the organizations mission.


    1. To analysis effective change process in an organisation.2. To analysis the factor that influence a company to choose an

    effective change process.3. To study the opinion about the change process in an


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    . A.J. BAKER (1979) the general aim is to represent managerial thinking onstrategy choice in a context other than steady-state growth. The model has thefollowing features: (i) Strategy choice is defined as the adoption of rules governinginvestment choice; (ii) given its strategy, management sees growth in terms of aprobability distribution of growth-paths of expected dividend; (iii) managementsvaluation model closely matches its probabilistic view of growth prospects; (iv) themanagerial utility function has an extended horizon. Discussion of strategy choiceyields no general presumption that management senses a conflict between its own

    preference and its commonsense interpretation of investors' preferences. KeithAlexander (1992) is the first in a series of articles and introduces the keyfacilities management skills necessary for achieving the business objectives of thenew, changing organization. The level at which these skills are employed by

    organizations will determine the future shape of the profession. RogerStubbs (1994) Extract from the report made by Sundridge Park ManagementCentre and MORI, in making the 1993 British Quality of Management Awards.Looks at management capabilities and questions whether UK managers providethe leadership and competence necessary in today's competitive climate. Thetraining directors were then queried on the degree of difficulty experienced inexecuting each of the problem-solving process steps. Evaluating the solution

    and final evaluation were shown to be the significantly most difficult steps toexecute, and forming a team and identifying the problem were shown to be theleast difficult steps; but the level of difficulty was not found to be related to thetraining technique used. John S. Rogers, Phillip A. Farrington, Bernard J. Schreyer,

    Randall G. Hubbard(1994) Presents a description of an automatedmanufacturing process planning (AMPP) system developed by the US Army MissileCommand (MICOM) at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, that integrates computer aided design,computer aided process planning and computer aided manufacturing systems. The AMPPsystem automatically generates process plans and numerical control code to fabricateturned cylindrical parts. The AMPP system is available for demonstration at the AIDT

    Alabama Center for Advanced Technology Transfer (ACATT) in Huntsville K.T. Lee, Alaine

    K. Sommerville (1996) presents a case study of quality management approaches ina specialist higher education college. Provides the background to this situation anddiscusses how and why changes have been implemented. In particular, gives detailsof the new college philosophy and how it was derived. Hence, comments on the

    value of the kaizen approach at this institution Cynthia S. McCahon,Margaret J. Rys, Kenneth H. Ward (1996) A questionnairesurveying the type of training technique used (lecture, workshop, videotape, roleplaying, self tutorial (workbook) and self-tutorial (computer)) for each of the sevensteps in the quality improvement problem-solving process was sent to 180training directors in firms stating their participation in a quality improvement

    strategy. K.B. Chuah (2001) in recent years, three key topics under the bigumbrella of business process improvement (BPI) has been continuous processimprovement (CPI), business process reengineering (BPR), and businessprocess benchmarking (BPB). Each has received much

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    attention and has been supported by a considerable amount of literature andempirical research and findings from business consultants and academics. Withinthe manufacturing domain, these three topics have been accepted by manymanufacturing process analysts striving to improve productivity and efficiency ofcompanies. However, organization structures in manufacturing enterprises

    are complex and involve many different processes. Their needs may be quitedifferent. One process may require an incremental improvement in critical areas ortechnology updating in its existing operation while others may need a totalenterprise-wide process revamp. In other words, CPI, BPR, and BPBs usefulnessand applicability may not be universal; one or a combination of the two orthree may be more appropriate, depending on the process, organization andits environment. An improvement framework which

    incorporates the characteristics of the threeapproaches has been developed. This paper describes the methodology, SUPER,and its use in a real case study.


    HCL Technologies is a global IT Services company headquartered in Noida, asuburb of Delhi, India led by Mr. Vineet Nayar, HCL Technologies, along withits subsidiaries, had consolidated revenues of US$ 5 billion, as of 2010, andemployed more than 60,000 workers. HCL offers services including software-led IT solutions, remote infrastructure management, Engineering and R&DServices and BPO. The company provides services across industries includingFinancial Services, Retail & Consumer, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Aerospace& Defence, Automotive, Telecom and Media, Publishing and Entertainment,amongst others. HCLs key services include:

    Custom Application Services Enterprise Application Services Enterprise Transformation Services Engineering and R&D Services Infrastructure Management Business Processing Outsourcing




    Organizational change involves moving from the known to the unknown.

    Because the future is uncertain and may adversely affect people'scompetencies, worth, and coping abilities, organization members

    generally do not support change unless compelling reasons convince them

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    to do so. This requires attention to two related tasks: creating readiness

    for change and overcoming resistance to change.

    2. Creating Readiness for Change

    one of the more fundamental axioms of OD is that people's readiness forchange depends on creating a felt need for change. This involves makingpeople so dissatisfied with the status quo that they are motivated to trynew work processes, technologies, or ways of behaving. The followingthree methods can help generate sufficient dissatisfaction to producechange

    1. Sensitize organizations to pressures for change.

    2. Reveal discrepancies between current and desired states.

    3. Convey credible positive expectations for the change.

    3. Overcoming Resistance to Change

    At the organization level, resistance to change can come from three

    sources. Technical resistance comes from the habit of following common

    procedures and the consideration of sunk costs invested in the status quo.

    Political resistance can arise when organizational changes threaten

    powerful stakeholders, such as top executive or staff personnel, or call

    into question the past decisions of leaders. Finally, culture resistance

    takes the form of systems and procedures that reinforce the status quo,

    promoting conformity to existing values, norms, and assumptions abouthow things should operate.


    The second activity in leading and managing change involves creating avision of what members want the organization to look like or become.Generally, a vision describes the core values and purpose that guide theorganization as well as an envisioned future toward which change isdirected. It provides a valued direction for designing, implementing, andassessing organizational changes. The vision also can energizecommitment to change by providing members with a common goal and acompelling rationale for why change is necessary and worth the effort.

    Research by Collins and Pores suggests that compelling visions are

    composed of two parts: (1) a relatively stable core ideology that describes

    the organization's core values and purpose, and (2) an envisioned future

    with bold goals and a vivid description of the desired future state that

    reflects the specific change under consideration.

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    Managing the political dynamics of change includes the following


    - Assessing Change Agent Power

    - Identifying Key Stakeholders

    - Influencing Stakeholders

    MANAGING THE TRANSITION-Implementing organizational change involves moving from the existing

    organization state to the desired future state. There are three major

    activities and structure to facilitate organizational transition: activityplanning, commitment planning, and change-management structures.

    Activity planning

    this involves making a road map for change, citing specific activities andevents that must occur if the transition is to be successful. Activity

    planning should clearly identify, temporally orient, and integrate discrete

    change tasks and should link these tasks to the organization's change

    goals and priorities.

    Commitment planning

    this activity involves identifying key people and groups whose

    commitment is needed for change to occur and formulating a strategy for

    gaining their support.

    Change-Management Structures

    because organizational transitions tend to be ambiguous and to need

    direction, special structures for managing the change process need to be

    created. These management structures should include people who have

    the power to mobilize resources to promote change, the respect of the

    existing leadership and change advocates, and the interpersonal and

    political skills to guide the change process.


    The following five activities can help to sustain momentum for carrying

    change through to completion: providing resources for change, building a

    support system for change agents, developing new competencies andskills, reinforcing new behaviours, and staying the course.

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    Change managementprocess

    The change management process is the sequence of steps or activities that achange management team or project leader would follow to apply changemanagement to a project or change. Based on Prosci's research of the mosteffective and commonly applied change, most change management processescontain the following three phases:

    Phase 1 - Preparing for change (Preparation, assessment and strategydevelopment)

    Phase 2 - Managing change (Detailed planning and change managementimplementation)

    Phase 3 - Reinforcing change (Data gathering, corrective action andrecognition)

    These phases result in the following approach as shown below

    Change Management Process

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    Stages of Process ChangeThe three stages of effecting process change are reimplementation, implementation and postimplementation.

    Pre-implementation Stage

    This stage can be summarized into three parts:

    1. Conception of change ideathis stage is where the need for

    process change is realized. The need for change may be due to an inadequacy inthe present system; the need to reduce cost; the desire to improve servicedelivery, succeed against competition or enhance technology (proactive change);or the need to comply with governmental or regulatory directives(reactive/compliance change).

    2. Evaluation of the ideaAlternatives are identified and evaluated againstpredetermined criteria in this phase. The alternatives benefits and costs (inadequacies) areidentified. Except where it is a forced change, the proposed new process must offer highernet benefits than the existing process.

    Management's eventual approval to introduce the

    process change At each of the sub stages, especially the points at whichthe change idea was evaluated and approved, possible resistance by users andbeneficiaries of the existing processes must be identified. The extent and forms ofthe resistance must be diagnosed.

    At the reimplementation stage, three main options are available to manage envisagedresistance to proposed process change:

    1. Ignore the resistance and carry on with theprocess change program. The decision to ignore the resistance should bemade only if the impacts of the resistance are insignificant and/or the cost of prevention orputting up with a counter-resistance effort is excessively high when compared with thebenefits.

    2. End the resistance by preventing it. To be able to do thiseffectively, the extent and forms of the envisaged resistance to the change processmust be ascertained with as much precision as possible prior to implementation. Itis pertinent to note here that resistance would surface at the reimplementationstage, especially at the point of evaluating the change idea. Constructive resistanceshould be welcomed at all stages, especially prior to the process changes finalapproval. This type of resistance enhances the changes quality and acceptabilitywhen addressed to the satisfaction of all parties. It is assumed that all forms of

    resistance and criticisms at this stage are constructive, as every party to decisionmaking seeks the best for the organization. This second option is viable only if thebenefits of preventing the resistance are greater than the costs.

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    1. Implement crisis management. This is a counter-resistanceoption, which means the resistance to process change cannot be prevented fromhappening, but the effects are so significant that they cannot be ignored. Thecounter resistance efforts are to eliminate the negative impacts of the resistance orreduce them to a level that is tolerable or insignificant. The resistance must be

    anticipated prior to the approval stage to enable the implementation of effectiveand efficient counter- resistance efforts.

    Before the change process begins, management should anticipate possible resistance to thechange programs, when and why the resistance would occur, the source, and impact of theresistance. This enables management to identify the avoidable and unavoidable resistance andthe affordable and unaffordable resistance. Depending on the outcome of management'sanalysis, decisions as to whether the process change is a worthy course can be made.

    It is important to remember that effective process change may be hindered by factors otherthan human resistance, especially at the point of implementation. For example, the proposed

    process might be incompatible with business and procedural realities. If for any reasonmanagement is made to accept and approve a process change and the new system or processis later found to be incompatible with realities, it would be disastrous for management to foldits hands and watch the situation helplessly. Management's adoption of a process change thatis totally incompatible with the existing realities is a big blunder, regardless of thecircumstances surrounding the decision. For effective change management, it is necessary todetermine the extent of incompatibility with the reality and the extent to which the newsystem can be adopted to achieve the predetermined process change objectives in line withthe overall organizational objectives. It is always advisable that change management expertswho are independent of the organizations and the process change consultants be invited at theevaluation stage to assess, among other things, the suitability and compatibility of the

    proposed process.

    Service disruption is another critical problem that requires change management in the eventof process change. In service delivery, turnaround time is one of the important criteria ofmeasuring service quality. Process change in a service industry could arise from the need toimprove turnaround time and/or minimize delivery costs. The last thing management wouldwant is service disruption in the system, especially where customers would be directlyaffected. Service disruption germinates poor service quality.

    Can service disruption be avoided entirely in a process change? Yes, but in most cases it can

    only be minimized. For instance, it would be almost impossible to avoid service disruption,no matter how small, in a bank that is automating its entire processes. In this situation,change management becomes inevitable.

    One change management option would be for staff members and customers who would beinvolved in the service delivery and/or who would suffer from the service disruption as aresult of the process change to be carried along before the implementation stage. This wouldensure their cooperation while also preventing or reducing possible resistance from thecustomers.

    Another method to manage service disruption to customers during process change is to

    increase the number of service points during the transition. This would ensure that customerswaiting for service are not delayed unnecessarily.

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    Implementation Stage

    This is the stage at which the process change is implemented. It is unlikely thatimplementation of the decisions made at the reimplementation stage would be done withoutany problems. Proponents of change process, vendors and process change consultants may

    not be able to envisage all the likely problems that will be faced during the implementationstage or may, for whatever reason, not want to disclose them until management hascommitted to the exercise.

    Many process change projects have been abandoned mid implementation after huge fundsand management time have been committed. It is a pity that some of the organizations withthis kind of regrettable experience have either not recovered fully from the wasted investmentor have ceased to exist. For instance, efforts to automate the operations of various federal andstate governments ministries and agencies in Nigeria are far from being realized in spite ofthe huge amounts of money and time that have been committed to these tasks over time.Many of the projects have been abandoned and there is hardly any government ministry in

    Nigeria that is fully automated. Another example is the national identity card programembarked upon by the Nigerian government more than two decades ago. The change wasresisted but the government went ahead with it. However, from all indications the project has

    been abandoned and all economic, financial and other resources committed have beenwasted.

    The pre implementation stage is a foundation for the implementation stage. Faulty preimplementation programs often culminate in serious problems that truncate the processchange at the implementation stage. It is necessary for management to set up a standingcommittee to be proactive in identifying problems and resistance during the implementationand finding solutions immediately. When it cannot prevent problems and resistance, it shouldat least find effective solutions. The standing committee should be composed of alldepartments affected by the process change and should meet on a regular basis and when theneed arises to discuss problems and solutions.

    All stakeholders (internal and external) in the system should be carried along as theimplementation progresses for better understanding and cooperation. They should beappreciated for their patience and understanding.

    Post implementation Stage

    The post implementation stage is basically concerned with ensuring that the process changeachieves the predetermined objectives and that post implementation stage problems areidentified and sorted out quickly. One does not expect opposition to the process change to beas fierce in this stage as it might be at the pre implementation and implementation stages. If

    problems do arise, it will most likely be due to:

    Lack of or inadequate training to enable users of thenew process to make maximum use of the new processmost people are reluctant to learn new ways, especially where time and deepconcentration are required. For instance, people who are familiar with a particularapplication are more likely to find reasons to condemn the new application.

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    Management should ensure that all staff members affected by the process changeundertake necessary training at all stages of the process change implementation.Staff and other stakeholders should also be given the feeling of importance(because they are) in the successful implementation of the process change.

    According to a change formula developed by Richard Beck hard and David Glacier, which issometimes referred to as Glaciers Formula, the combination (product) of organizationaldissatisfaction; vision for the future; and the possibility of immediate, tactical action must bestronger than the resistance within the organization for meaningful change to occur. Exactlyhow effective the formula is has yet to be determined. No organization has come out todeclare the adoption of the formula and attribute the success of the process change to it (theformula). The ingredients of the model tried to address the past experience, futureexpectations and current actions against resistance but one thing is certain: there is no hard-and-fast rule to implementing change programs. As the changes differ, so do the methods andapproaches, but a combination of determination, careful planning and commitment among allthe stakeholders will always produce good results


    Change can be costly, financially and otherwise, but it can also be veryrewarding if it is carefully thought out and implemented. Since a great deal offinancial and human resources are required to effect some process changes,quality plans are required to ensure that the new process is implemented, clogsin the wheels are promptly identified and feasible solutions are derived. It is theresponsibility of top management to ensure a successful process change.

    To maximize success, management must be well equipped to manage theenvironment (employees, customers, suppliers, competitors and otherstakeholders) affected directly or indirectly by the process change.


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