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Vinicius Cestonaro 02 June 2014 Foundation Chapter Management Chapter

Vinicius Cestonaro - 44 Directing Motivator (Accommodating)

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Page 1: Vinicius Cestonaro - 44 Directing Motivator (Accommodating)

Vinicius Cestonaro

02 June 2014

Foundation ChapterManagement Chapter

Page 2: Vinicius Cestonaro - 44 Directing Motivator (Accommodating)

Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 2

Personal Details

Vinicius CestonaroProcess Engineer [email protected]


São SebastiãoPalmeiraSanta CatarinaBrazil88545000

Telephone: 055 49 32758923

Date Completed: 02 June 2014

Date Printed: 03 June 2014

Page 3: Vinicius Cestonaro - 44 Directing Motivator (Accommodating)

Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 3Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd.

ContentsIntroduction............................................................................................................... 4

Overview .................................................................................................................. 5Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5

Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5

Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6

Key Strengths & Weaknesses.................................................................................. 7Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8

Value to the Team .................................................................................................... 9

Effective Communications...................................................................................... 10

Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11

Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12

Opposite Type ........................................................................................................ 13

Suggestions for Development ................................................................................ 15

Management .......................................................................................................... 16Creating the Ideal Environment .................................................................................................... 16

Managing Vinicius ........................................................................................................................ 17

Motivating Vinicius........................................................................................................................ 18

Management Style ................................................................................................. 19

The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 20

The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 21

Page 4: Vinicius Cestonaro - 44 Directing Motivator (Accommodating)

Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 4

IntroductionThis Insights Discovery profile is based on Vinicius Cestonaro’s responses to the InsightsPreference Evaluator which was completed on 02 June 2014.

The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocratesidentified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built aroundthe model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This modelwas published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings.Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work inunderstanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to thepresent day.

Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understandingand development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths andweaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help themto better respond to the demands of their environment.

Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. Itreports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or deleteany statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identifywhether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you.

Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and takeaction. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them onareas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personallyand interpersonally.

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 5

OverviewThese statements provide a broad understanding of Vinicius’s work style. Use this section to gaina better understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions.

Personal Style

Vinicius has a natural instinct for spotting trends and future developments, often before othersare even remotely aware of them. He is versatile, clever, enthusiastic, easy with people and fullof ideas about everything under the sun. His ability to do detailed work extends only to that workwhich is necessary to achieve a specific objective - that ability is there however, particularly if thegoal is clearly defined. He focuses attention on achieving success and acquiring status symbolsas evidence of that success. Excessive detail and routine are generally to be avoided althoughhe is well able to review balance sheets, projections and factual data.

Gifted with clarity of thought and articulation, Vinicius is an excellent communicator andpresenter. With contagious enthusiasm and a world full of possibilities, he sees so many ideas hemay have great difficulty concentrating on one. Vinicius strives to make things better rather thansimply accepting them as they are. If he is in charge of having to monitor the detailed work ofothers he may find this uninteresting, stressful and exhausting. Vinicius tends to know intuitivelywhat structure and organisation is necessary to harness ideas and people to achieve long-rangegoals.

His enthusiasm for a current project can be so compelling that he may be oblivious to any timeand energy limitations, ignoring his own and others' needs in the process. Vinicius likes to makethings happen and drive everything around him. Vinicius is a curious and keen student of all thatis going on around him. Vinicius can combine social expertise within his normally assertivebehaviour. Vinicius enjoys working with complex problems and is unceasing in his pursuit ofmastering anything he finds intriguing.

Vinicius enjoys work that provides variety as he is quick and resourceful and can turn hisattention to many things. His original thinking generates a constant stream of ideas. Details andthe deeper interpersonal skills are not his strong points as he is mainly interested in seeing thepossibilities beyond the present. He is aggressive, competitive, ambitious and seeks to win. Hisaim is to fit all the pieces of the jigsaw together into a complete picture, but for Vinicius the jigsawkeeps expanding with the discovery of every new piece. In developing the success of his “vision”he may unconsciously tend to compare himself with the success of others, disassociating himselffrom the envy that this process may generate.

He can find it hard to concentrate on the small details and he may get bored with projectsquickly. Hard work, busy schedules and merit-based remuneration are hallmarks of the wayVinicius prefers to work. He may lose interest and move on to the next thing, once a job becomesroutine or dull. Vinicius could be called one of life's natural go-getters, as he possessesenthusiasm, vision, objectivity and accountability. His inventiveness is linked to his extraversionwhich gives him imaginative ideas, and an objective view of possibilities within the external world.

Interacting with Others

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 6

A creative thinker, Vinicius is generally warm, enthusiastic and confident of his own abilities. Hemakes stimulating company with his witty and interesting conversational style. He gets aconstant infusion of energy from being around other energetic people, and can successfullycombine his talents with the strengths of others. He can take issue with both colleagues andsuperiors but is unlikely to bear a grudge for long. He deals imaginatively with social relationshipswhich generate a large variety of acquaintances. He is a “networking” expert. Errors made byothers may upset him and cause him to react loudly and vociferously.

Vinicius's work style is down-to-earth, assertive and persuasive. He is a good innovator,negotiator, and manager. Seen as adaptable, he has the ability to adapt to various work rolesand to compliment the characteristics of the current work group. He is noted for his innate abilityto inspire and encourage others around him and exhibits excellent interpersonal skills. Viniciusexudes charismatic charm and a natural ability to communicate well.

Vinicius's ingenuity, warmth and his understanding of others allows him to proceed through lifewith great confidence. He is very effective in a leadership role, able to persuade others of thevalue of his vision. When Vinicius is in charge of a project he offers the team long-term visionand the ability to inspire and communicate that vision to others. He can be a good team player,but does like a somewhat individual approach. Having a high need to be affirming of others andto receive affirmation from others, he exhibits an infectious enthusiasm for living. Vinicius is notslow to help people come together to negotiate solutions if a project needs this.

Decision Making

Open-minded, curious and insightful, Vinicius has excellent long-range vision. He may lacksustained focus on the problem in hand. As an extraverted, future oriented person, he may fearfailure but knows how to turn it on its head into something positive, if the event occurs. He can becreative and imaginative. Vinicius's many accomplishments are achieved mainly throughdetermination and perseverance in reaching or exceeding his high standards.

He may be perceived by others as a somewhat impulsive decision maker. With his enthusiasmand spontaneity, Vinicius brings a refreshing approach to decision making. He has the ability toappear to listen to other people's viewpoints but may not necessarily be hearing or intending toaction them. “Do it now” is his motto. He has a tendency towards making higher risk decisions.

The best part of a project for him is the initial problem solving element and the creation ofsomething new. Thereafter the interest in completion begins to wane. Constantly generatingideas, he sometimes has trouble focusing on just one thing at a time and can find difficulty inmaking consistent and lasting decisions. He may have so many ideas on the go that he hasdifficulty in making up his mind on the best course of action. Occasionally a non-conformist,Vinicius is good at seeing new ways of doing things. In his attempts to please others he maymake promises he cannot fulfil.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 7

Key Strengths & WeaknessesStrengthsThis section identifies the key strengths which Vinicius brings to the organisation. Vinicius hasabilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of thefundamental gifts he has to offer.

Vinicius’s key strengths:

● Constantly strives towards self improvement.

● Outgoing and direct.

● Original inventive thinker.

● Swift and agile.

● Will join different organisations to further his cause.

● Able to turn vision into a reality.

● A natural entrepreneur, inquisitive and adaptable.

● Inspiring, inventive and ingenious.

● Constantly juggling a large number of projects.

● Boundless energy, capable of adopting a number of roles simultaneously.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 8

Key Strengths & WeaknessesPossible WeaknessesJung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weaknessis simply an overused strength. Vinicius's responses to the Evaluator have suggested theseareas as possible weaknesses.

Vinicius’s possible weaknesses:

● Feels that some who may be modest are justified in their modesty!

● May ignore the practicalities.

● Makes decisions hastily.

● Becomes impatient with routine and repetition.

● Takes leaps into the unknown. May ask others to take leaps into the unknown withoutexplanation.

● Tends to be perceived as arrogant in stressful situations.

● Can be thick skinned and appear self-opinionated.

● May not dot all the “i”s and cross all the “t”s.

● Dislikes and avoids routine tasks.

● Impatient with others he sees as having lower standards.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 9

Value to the TeamEach person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in whichthey operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Viniciusbrings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members.

As a team member, Vinicius:

● Provides inspiration and perspiration.

● Adds excitement (and unpredictability) to the team through intuition.

● Communicates clearly and effectively.

● Can become a persuasive, inspirational leader.

● Initiates, justifies, actions and defends.

● Maintains forward momentum.

● Can focus effectively on both task and people issues where the team is concerned.

● Can generate fast results by prioritising well and taking action.

● Prevents apathy with lively presentations.

● Is flexible, co-operative, versatile and easy going.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 10

CommunicationEffective CommunicationsCommunication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For eachperson certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifiessome of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Vinicius. Identify themost important statements and make them available to colleagues.

Strategies for communicating with Vinicius:

● Do not obstruct opportunities for his development.

● Point out the consequences, with care.

● Respect his values and ambition.

● Support his goals with suggestions for achievement.

● Omit unnecessary and intricate details.

● Mirror his fast paced style.

● Present an overview of the essence of the important facts.

● Provide dates and timescales for completion.

● Respect his “global” view.

● Be alert and quick on your feet.

● Use colourful and bold language in conversing.

● Allow him time to consider all the information.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 11

CommunicationBarriers to Effective CommunicationCertain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Vinicius. Some of the things tobe avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective andmutually acceptable communication strategies.

When communicating with Vinicius, DO NOT:

● Be vague or leave things open to interpretation.

● Compete directly with him for control.

● Talk slowly, mumble or whisper.

● Fail to recognise his best personal achievements.

● Talk with him using a low-key voice tone.

● Be obscure, obtuse or dogmatic.

● Forget to agree outcomes or decide conclusions.

● Leave him out of the picture.

● Expect to “rail road” him - without a fight.

● Assume he has heard you.

● Challenge his authority “head on”.

● Challenge his perception of himself.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 12

Possible Blind SpotsOur perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who weare onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our lessconscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “BlindSpots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test themfor validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues.

Vinicius’s possible Blind Spots:

Vinicius sometimes places too much credibility on the opinions and feelings of those he cares for.During stressful times he can become blinded to the difficulties of the situation. His preference forliving in the moment and adopting an “emergency” style of responding to crises can generate arather chaotic environment for others around him. Taking the time to pay closer attention to whatis actually going on in the world around him and listening carefully to both the input and reactionsof others will help him.

Occasionally Vinicius may miss opportunities through a lack of awareness of the need toconclude the planning detail. Fast, energetic, dynamic and creative, his motto could be “If at firstyou don't succeed, drop it and try something else!”, which can lead to unfinished tasks. Viniciusis often so involved in his own processes that he fails to notice what is happening elsewhere.Vinicius enjoys democratic and participative relations and promoting ideas to and with otherpeople. He may find it difficult to work alone. As he doesn't naturally ask “what if”, he oftenmisses possible meanings, implications and connections.

He responds well to praise, but is easily hurt by negative criticism, which makes him appearover-sensitive to some others. He could sometimes slow down and pay closer attention to thefiner details of his projects. Vinicius's tendency to become distracted from finishing the tasks hestarts sometimes may make him appear indifferent or disinterested to some. While he can becharming, funny and entertaining, occasionally he gives the impression of insincerity. Viniciusmay feel pressured to make decisions too quickly, before he has had adequate time to gather allthe more obscure facts and consider the fuller implications of his actions.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 13

Opposite TypeThe description in this section is based on Vinicius's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often,we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are differentto our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personalgrowth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.

Recognising your Opposite Type:

Vinicius’s opposite Insights type is the Coordinator, Jung’s “Introverted Sensing” type.

The Coordinator is a careful, cautious, conventional person who is diplomatic and sincere.Coordinators tend to be very loyal, precise and disciplined with high standards and expectationsof self. Coordinators may appear to lack self-confidence and prefer to operate in a structured andordered manner, focusing on established guidelines rather than future possibilities.

Vinicius will often observe the Coordinator procrastinating on a decision until all of the facts anddetails are available. Vinicius may also see the Coordinator as a critical and ideological thinkerwho will be quiet and reserved around strangers. Coordinators do not like stress or chaos andtend to be rather private, requiring support and reassurance. They prefer to build closerelationships with small groups of people and like to retain the familiar and predictable. TheCoordinator becomes stubborn if pressured, particularly by Vinicius!

Coordinators are concerned with what is “right” and, to Vinicius, appear slow in decision making.They prefer a steady-paced environment with little interpersonal aggression and they tend todistrust outgoing people. They are motivated by schedule and order and are among the mostprivate of the Insights types. Vinicius sees the Coordinator as ever concerned with efficiency,becoming stressed when others do not stick to tightly laid down schedules and plans.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 14

Opposite TypeCommunication with Vinicius's Opposite TypeWritten specifically for Vinicius, this section suggests some strategies he could use for effectiveinteraction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel.

Vinicius Cestonaro: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:

● Explain why, what and how, and do it clearly and concisely.

● Be clear and straightforward.

● If details need to be communicated, be prepared for a deferred decision.

● Allow plenty of time for him to assimilate new ideas or changes in plan.

● Remember his quiet demeanour and ask for his views.

● Use charts and graphs or other precise visual aids to make your points.

Vinicius Cestonaro: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:

● Assume that because you have “told it like it is”, this will make the slightest difference to theway that he does things.

● Demand an instant reaction.

● Fail to respect his need for occasional isolation.

● Be boastful.

● Look for immediate answers.

● Speak in generalities.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 15

Suggestions for DevelopmentInsights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training.However, listed below are some suggestions for Vinicius’s development. Identify the mostimportant areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into apersonal development plan.

Vinicius may benefit from:

● Making a special effort to show appreciation and to acknowledge others contributions.

● Paying meticulous attention to detail before leaping to a conclusion.

● Trying to finish one thing completely before moving to the next.

● Remembering that he is also vulnerable.

● Being left alone to work quietly.

● Reflecting for a moment before responding.

● Keeping a diary and accounting for the happenings of the day.

● Becoming neater, tidier, more systematic and orderly.

● More awareness that he constantly moves from one project to another.

● Reflecting longer on other alternatives before jumping in to start the process.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 16

ManagementCreating the Ideal EnvironmentPeople are generally most effective when provided with an environment which suits theirpreferences and style. It can be uncomfortable to work in an environment which does not. Thissection should be used to ensure a close match between Vinicius’s ideal environment and hiscurrent one and to identify any possible frustrations.

Vinicius’s Ideal Environment is one in which:

● There is opportunity to create and express ideas and to develop these collectively.

● There is a wide variety of differing tasks and challenges, with teams fully supported.

● Today's work promotes tomorrow's.

● A political talent is required.

● There may be noise, i.e. music or a general “buzz” of excitement.

● Activities, variety and change are constantly taking place.

● Constant progress is seen in the development of projects.

● He can change focus immediately to deal with opportunities as they arise.

● Modesty is not a pre-requisite.

● Bright, motivational, inspirational posters and prints abound.

Personal Notes

Page 17: Vinicius Cestonaro - 44 Directing Motivator (Accommodating)

Vinicius Cestonaro

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ManagementManaging ViniciusThis section identifies some of the most important strategies in managing Vinicius. Some ofthese needs can be met by Vinicius himself and some may be met by his colleagues ormanagement. Go through this list to identify the most important current needs, and use it to builda personal management plan.

Vinicius needs:

● Worthy and talented competition.

● Help in restraining the allocation of blame.

● Support in completing tasks he starts.

● An adaptive, understanding and patient manager.

● To be aware of his frenetic work pace and recognise the effect this may have on others.

● More letters after his name.

● To become his own self, not just his achievements.

● Freedom to experiment with his own visions.

● A fast-paced environment where he can achieve results.

● To control the pace and deadlines.

Personal Notes

Page 18: Vinicius Cestonaro - 44 Directing Motivator (Accommodating)

Vinicius Cestonaro

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 18

ManagementMotivating ViniciusIt has often been said that it is not possible to motivate anyone - only to provide the environmentin which they will motivate themselves. Here are some suggestions which can help to providemotivation for Vinicius. With his agreement, build the most important ones into his PerformanceManagement System and Key Result Areas for maximum motivation.

Vinicius is motivated by:

● Having large mountains to climb.

● Having a cause he can believe in.

● Change, variety and new projects.

● Challenging and changing the “status quo”.

● Ideals, visions and the big picture.

● Exposure to the limelight.

● Freedom from constraints and supervision.

● Immediate financial rewards.

● A relentless drive to competency and effectiveness.

● Problems that require his intuitive skills.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

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Management StyleThere are many different approaches to management, most of which have different situationalapplications. This section identifies Vinicius’s natural management approach and offers clues tohis management style, highlighting both gifts and possible hindrances that can be furtherexplored.

In managing others, Vinicius may tend to:

● Encourage and push to achieve a high standard of performance.

● Motivate others through his creativity and imagination.

● Be viewed by the team as always high profile.

● See drawbacks simply as challenges to overcome.

● Provide “life force” and energy to the team.

● “Explode” if publicly embarrassed on a personal/status matter.

● Lead from the front in a “follow me” style.

● Motivate best when working towards a bonus or prize.

● Take on too much and over extend himself.

● Appear somewhat shallow at times.

Personal Notes

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Vinicius Cestonaro

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The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel

Conscious Wheel Position44: Directing Motivator (Accommodating)

Less Conscious Wheel Position5: Inspiring Motivator (Focused)

Page 21: Vinicius Cestonaro - 44 Directing Motivator (Accommodating)

Vinicius Cestonaro

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The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics

Persona (Conscious) Preference Flow Persona (Less Conscious)





1.88 3.40 4.00 4.1231% 57% 67% 69%











2.00 1.88 4.12 2.6033% 31% 69% 43%


Less Conscious

Page 22: Vinicius Cestonaro - 44 Directing Motivator (Accommodating)

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