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Vietnam 2004 1 Capital Budeting with the Net Present Value Rule Professor André Farber Solvay Business School Université Libre de Bruxelles

Vietnam 20041 Capital Budeting with the Net Present Value Rule Professor André Farber Solvay Business School Université Libre de Bruxelles.

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Page 1: Vietnam 20041 Capital Budeting with the Net Present Value Rule Professor André Farber Solvay Business School Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Vietnam 2004 1

Capital Budeting with the Net Present Value Rule

Professor André Farber

Solvay Business School

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Page 2: Vietnam 20041 Capital Budeting with the Net Present Value Rule Professor André Farber Solvay Business School Université Libre de Bruxelles.

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Time value of money: introduction

• Consider simple investment project:

• Interest rate r = 10%



0 1

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Net future value

• NFV = +121 - 100 1.10 = 11

• = + C1 - I (1+r)

• Decision rule: invest if NFV>0

• Justification: takes into cost of capital

– cost of financing

– opportunity cost




0 1

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Net Present Value

• NPV = - 100 + 121/1.10

• = + 10

• = - I + C1/(1+r)

• = - I + C1 DF1

• DF1 = 1-year discount factor

• a market price

• C1 DF1 =PV(C1)

• Decision rule: invest if NPV>0

• NPV>0 NFV>0





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Internal Rate of Return

• Alternative rule: compare the internal rate of return for the project to the opportunity cost of capital

• Definition of the Internal Rate of Return IRR : (1-period)

IRR = (C1 - I)/I

• In our example: IRR = (121 - 100)/100 = 21%

• The Rate of Return Rule: Invest if IRR > r

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IRR versus NPV

• In this simple setting, the NPV rule and the Rate of Return Rule lead to the same decision:

• NPV = -I+C1/(1+r) >0


• (C1-I)/I>r


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IRR: a general definition

• The Internal Rate of Return is the discount rate such that the NPV is equal to zero.

• -I + C1/(1+IRR) 0

• In our example:

• -100 + 121/(1+IRR)=0

• IRR=21% -25.0-20.0





0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Discount rateNe

t Pre





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Extension to several periods

• Investment project: -100 in year 0, + 150 in year 5.

• Net future value calculation:

NFV5 = +150 - 100 (1.10)5 = +150 - 161 = -11 <0

Compound interest

• Net present value calculation:

NPV = - 100 + 150/(1.10)5

= - 100 + 150 0.621 = - 6.86

0.621 is the 5-year discount factor DF5 = 1/(1+r)5

a market price

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NPV: general formula

• Cash flows: C0 C1 C2 … Ct … CT

• t-year discount factor: DFt = 1/(1+r)t

• NPV = C0 + C1 DF1 + … + Ct DFt + … + CT DFT

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NPV calculation - example

• Suppose r = 10%

t 0 1 2 3Cash flow -100 30 60 40Discount Factor 1 0.9091 0.8264 0.7513PresentValue -100.0 27.3 49.6 30.1NPV 6.9

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IRR in multiperiod case

• Reinvestment assumption: the IRR calculation assumes that all future cash flows are reinvested at the IRR

• Disadvantages:– Does not distinguish between investing and financing– IRR may not exist or there may be multiple IRR – Problems with mutually exclusive investments

• Advantages:– Easy to understand and communicate

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Constant perpetuity

• Ct =C for t =1, 2, 3, .....

• Examples: Preferred stock (Stock paying a fixed dividend)

• Suppose r =10% Yearly dividend = 50

• Market value P0?

• Note: expected price next year =

• Expected return =


501 P



Proof:PV = C d + C d² + C d3 + …PV(1+r) = C + C d + C d² + …PV(1+r)– PV = CPV = C/r


500 P







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Growing perpetuity

• Ct =C1 (1+g)t-1 for t=1, 2, 3, ..... r>g

• Example: Stock valuation based on: Next dividend div1, long term growth of dividend g

• If r = 10%, div1 = 50, g = 5%

• Note: expected price next year =

• Expected return =
















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Constant annuity

• A level stream of cash flows for a fixed numbers of periods

• C1 = C2 = … = CT = C

• Examples: Equal-payment house mortgage Installment credit agreements

• PV = C * DF1 + C * DF2 + … + C * DFT +

• = C * [DF1 + DF2 + … + DFT]

• = C * Annuity Factor

• Annuity Factor = present value of €1 paid at the end of each T periods.

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Growing annuity

• Ct = C1 (1+g)t-1 for t = 1, 2, …, T r ≠ g

• This is again the difference between two growing annuities:

– Starting at t = 1, first cash flow = C1

– Starting at t = T+1 with first cash flow = C1 (1+g)T

• Example: What is the NPV of the following project if r = 10%?

Initial investment = 100, C1 = 20, g = 8%, T = 10

NPV= – 100 + [20/(10% - 8%)]*[1 – (1.08/1.10)10]

= – 100 + 167.64

= + 67.64








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Review: general formula

• Cash flows: C1, C2, C3, … ,Ct, … CT

• Discount factors: DF1, DF2, … ,DFt, … , DFT

• Present value: PV = C1 × DF1 + C2 × DF2 + … + CT × DFT















)1()1( 22
















)1()1( 221

If r1 = r2 = ...=r

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Review: Shortcut formulas

• Constant perpetuity: Ct = C for all t

• Growing perpetuity: Ct = Ct-1(1+g)

r>g t = 1 to ∞

• Constant annuity: Ct=C t=1 to T

• Growing annuity: Ct = Ct-1(1+g)

t = 1 to T


















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IRR and NPV - Example

Compute the IRR and NPV for the following two projects. Assume the required return is 10%.

Year Project A Project B

0 -$200 -$150

1 $200 $50

2 $800 $100

3 -$800 $150

NPV 42 91

IRR 0%, 100% 36%

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NPV Profiles







Project A Project B

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The Payback Period Rule

• How long does it take the project to “pay back” its initial investment?

• Payback Period = # of years to recover initial costs

• Minimum Acceptance Criteria: set by management

• Ranking Criteria: set by management

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The Payback Period Rule (continued)

• Disadvantages:– Ignores the time value of money

– Ignores CF after payback period

– Biased against long-term projects

– Payback period may not exist or multiple payback periods

– Requires an arbitrary acceptance criteria

– A project accepted based on the payback criteria may not have a positive NPV

• Advantages:– Easy to understand

– Biased toward liquidity

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The Profitability Index (PI) Rule

• PI = Total Present Value of future CF’s / Initial Investment

• Minimum Acceptance Criteria: Accept if PI > 1

• Ranking Criteria: Select alternative with highest PI

• Disadvantages:

– Problems with mutually exclusive investments

• Advantages:

– May be useful when available investment funds are limited

– Easy to understand and communicate

– Correct decision when evaluating independent projects

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Incremental Cash Flows

• Cash, Cash, Cash, CASH

• Incremental

– Sunk Costs

– Opportunity Costs

– Side Effects

• Tax and Inflation

• Estimating Cash Flows

– Cash flows from operation

– Net capital spending

– Changes in net working capital

• Interest Expense

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Summarized balance sheet

• Assets Fixed assets (FA) Working capital requirement (WCR) Cash (Cash)

• Liabilities Stockholders' equity (SE) Interest-bearing debt (D)

• FA + WCR + Cash = SE + D

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Working capital requirement : definition

• + Accounts receivable

• + Inventories

• + Prepaid expenses

• - Account payable

• - Accrued payroll and other expenses

• (WCR sometimes named "operating working capital")

– Copeland, Koller and Murrin Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 2d ed. John Wiley 1994

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Interest-bearing debt: definition

• + Long-term debt

• + Current maturities of long term debt

• + Notes payable to banks

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The Cash Flow Statement

• Let us start from the balance sheet identity:

• FA + WCR + CASH = SE + D

• Over a period: FA + WCR + CASH = SE + D

• But:




• (INV - DEP) + WCR + CASH = (SI + NI - DIV) + D

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• (NI +DEP - WCR) - (INV) + (SI + D - DIV) = CASH • Net cash flows from

• operating activities (CFop)

• • Cash flow from

• investing activities (CFinv)

• • Cash flow from

• financing activities (CFfin)

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Free cash flow

• FCF = (NI +DEP - WCR) - (INV)

• = CFop + CFinv

• From the statement of cash flows

• FCF = - (SI + D - DIV) + CASH

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Understanding FCF

CF from operation + CF from investment + CF from financing = CASHCF from operation + CF from investment + CF from financing = CASH

Cash flow from operation

Cash flow from investment

Cash flow from financing


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NPV calculation: example

• Length of investment : 2 years

• Investment : 60 (t = 0)

• Resale value : 20 (t = 3, constant price)

• Depreciation : linear over 2 years

• Revenue : 100/year (constant price)

• Cost of sales : 50/year (constant price) WCR/Sales : 25%

• Real discount rate : 10%

• Corporate tax rate : 40%

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Scenario 1: no inflation

Year 0 1 2 3Sales 100 100Cost of sales 50 50EBITD 50 50Depreciation 30 30EBIT 20 20Taxes 8 8 8Net Income 12 12 -8

Net Income 12 12 -8+ Depreciation 30 30-DWCR 25 0 -25Investment -60 20Free cash flow -60 17 42 37

NPV 17.96 IRR 24%

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• Use nominal cash flow

• Use nominal discount rate

• Nominal versus Real Rate (The Fisher Relation)(1 + Nominal Rate) = (1 + Real Rate) x (1 + Inflation Rate)

• Example:

• Real cash flow year 1 = 110

• Real discount rate = 10%

• Inflation = 20%

• Nominal cash flow = 110 x 1.20

• Nominal discount rate = 1.10 x 1.20 - 1

• NPV = (110 x 1.20)/(1.10 x 1.20) = 110/1.10 = 100

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Scenario 2 : Inflation = 100%

Year 0 1 2 3Sales 200 400Cost of sales 100 200EBITD 100 200Depreciation 30 30EBIT 70 170Taxes 28 68 64Net Income 42 102 -64

Net Income 42 102 -8+ Depreciation 30 30-DWCR 50 50 -100Investment -60 160Free cash flow -60 22 82 196

NPV -14.65 IRR 94%

Nominal discount rate:

(1+10%) x (1+100%) = 2.20

Nominal rate = 120%

NPV now negative. Why?

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Decomposition of NPV

– EBITDA after taxes 52.07 52.07

– Depreciation tax shield 20.83 7.93 WCR -3.94 -23.67

– Investment -60 -60

– Resale value after taxes 9.02 9.02

– NPV 17.96 14.65