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VIDEO PRODUCTION 2B BROADCAST NEWS! Let’s do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VIDEO PRODUCTION 2B BROADCAST NEWS! Let’s do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 29, 2015



Elizabeth Moore
Welcome message from author
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Let’s do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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3 lines:

5 syllables 7 syllables5 syllables

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VIDEO 2B Broadcast News

VIDEO 2B: Broadcast News takes a closer look at the processes that go in to producing a full news broadcast show. Different from VIDEO 2A in that we do more work with issues of journalism, writing, & storytelling. We produce our own content & will decide exactly what we want our show to be about. We will be professional, but that does not mean we can’t be fun, artistic, and creative!

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VIDEO 2B Broadcast NewsWHAT WILL WE DO?WORK AS A TEAM!Learn more professional interviewing strategiesSharpen on-camera presence, charisma & professionalismExpand on shooting, editing techniquesHone our non-fiction storytelling skillsPractice writing with economy and effectivenessDo everything we can to entertain, inform, and provoke thoughtWork together to PRODUCE AN AWESOME SHOW! – by creating OUR OWN content

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VIDEO 2B Broadcast NewsHOW WILL WE BE GRADED?Weekly Story Idea Submissions + contributions to editorial meetings.Write one “reader” for each show.Contribute pictures or videos for each show.Produce at least 1 “package” per nine weeks and at least 1 “light package” or VO-SOT per nine weeks.Produce / direct a show each 9 weeks (possibly with another person)Work equipment positions throughout the 9 weeks Generate ideas in editorial meetings each week Be an anchor for the news (not required)

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VIDEO 2B Broadcast NewsHOW WILL WE BE GRADED?Weekly Story Idea Submissions

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VIDEO 2B Broadcast News

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VIDEO 2B Broadcast News

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VIDEO 2B Broadcast NewsOTHER GOALS: Create a flashy, professional introPromote the heck out of this showCrossover with the Seneca Scout Newspaper (Brenna )Utilize website & other online options to work outside of class as well.Give each story some kind of hook or connection to SV

(why else would people watch this if they could get better, more up to date news on the big networks?)

Adhere to the principals of journalismVisit municipal buildings to get stories & look for clubs, organizationsHave outsider guests if possible: teacher, coach, administrator, community organizer, featured student, etc.Ask Mrs. Andreassi, your teachers and parents for story ideas.

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VIDEO 2B Broadcast News

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THINGS TO DOMeet /discuss ideas for show!

Basic layout of studioRead and discuss terminology

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What is “News”?Basic definitions:

1) New information about anything.2) Recent happenings.3) Reports of such events, collectively.4) A newspaper or broadcast news program.

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What Is News?Determinants of Newsworthiness:

TimelinessProximityConflictPossible Future Impact (Progress or

Consequence)ProminenceHuman InterestShock/Bizarre Value

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What Is News?

Have an American


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Why did we do the Haiku?

It is similar to writing broadcast news copy:Written on short deadline.Can say a lot in a very short span of time.Demands an economy of words (17 syllables!).Leaves room for only the most important ideas.Requires precision and accuracy.Effectiveness depends on the sound of the

words as well as the meaning.Must be read out loud..

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Writing for Broadcast

Economy of WordsStraight-line MeaningSounds GoodPasses the “So What?” TestFamiliar Terms

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Types of TV News Stories / Segments

Reader (RDR):News story containing a leadCould be around 30 seconds to a

minute in length (generally 5—10 sentences).

Used when videos/packages are not available (breaking story, e.g.).

“Talking Head” (anchor) reports story

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What is a LEAD?

Please read from 129 “Craft the lead” up to “anecdotal lead” on page 131.


Read from “Middles: Stay on track” on 131 to “Tight, bright copy” on 133


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READ Page 130-131

What is a lead? The beginning of a story. Grabs the audience’s attention and lays

out what the story is going to be about. Sentence or 2 that answers some, if not

all, of the 5 Ws + H.

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Inverted Pyramid

Most Important

Least Important

5 W’s + HLead sentence:

Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How

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(More) Types of Leads

HARD NEWS LEAD Starts with essential facts Usually more for breaking / serious


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(More) Types of Leads

SOFT NEWS LEAD Explores person or issue Less serious / not breaking news

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(More) Types of Leads

Addresses more of the 5 Ws + H than other leads

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(More) Types of Leads

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(More) Types of Leads

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(More) Types of Leads

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Practice Writing a Lead

"Saturday, the 26th of September, 1914," reads one. "The most ghastly day of my life. And yet one of my proudest, because my regiment did its job and held on against heavy odds.”

This diary was written at the start of World War I. It's one of 1.5 million pages in the archives' collection.

In honor of the war's 100 year anniversary, archivists have now begun to make the entire collection available online."All the hedges are torn and trampled," reads another page. "All the grass trodden in the mud. Holes where shells have struck. Branches torn off trees by explosions. Everywhere the same hard, grim, pitiless sight of battle and war. I've had a belly full of it."That entry, from Capt. James Patterson, was written on Sept. 16, 1914. It ends:

"I must try and write to my mother now." Patterson died six weeks later.Personal journals like Patterson's make up a small part of this collection.

The scale of death is huge. Nearly a million British soldiers died in the war, half of them on the western front in France and Belgium.

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Types of TV News Stories / Segments

Anchor Voice-Over w/ Soundbite or Nat Sound

VO/SOT - “Sound On Tape”:A reader with video playing over top of it.Provides greater visual detail or comments

from witnesses, officials, or “natural sound” (or nat sound)

Soundbites generally less than 10 seconds.

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Please do this!

Read page 128 from “Weave in sound” to 129 “Beginnings: Craft the lead.”

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SOUND BITE—portion of a video interview that is the visual equivalent of a direct quote in writing.

Some of the most effective sound bites are subjective, thought-provoking & based on emotional information.

Hook the viewer!

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ExplanationsNAT SOUND—natural sound. Capturing these & editing them into a

package can give viewers a sense of what it was like to be there.

Can be effective for use in a visual lead

Strong, relevant shot used to hook the viewer

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Types of TV News Stories / Segments

Package (PKG):Edited, self-contained video report of a news

event or feature, complete with a mix of pictures, soundbites, voice-overs, formal interviews, streeters (POS), walk & talks, stand-ups, b-roll & natural sounds.

A form of narrative storytelling with a beginning, middle, & ending.

Does not have to follow the inverted pyramid style of writing.

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Types of TV News Stories / Segments

Package (PKG):Backbone of contemporary TV newscasts.Great advantage: Precision of editing

pictures, sound, and narration.1- 2 + minutes, depending on the overall

quality of the story (importance, visual appeal, strong writing, etc.).

Provides depth and complexity.Demonstrates firsthand knowledge.

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Writing PackagesElements of a Package:

Focus or CommitmentBeginning:

Anchor (or Studio) IntroPackage Lead:

Visual Lead (+ nat. sound)Narrative Lead

Middle:3-4 Main Points (stay focused!)

Standups Formal / informal interviewsB-roll

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Writing Packages

End:Final visual (+ nat. sound)Final narrative

Anchor Tag / Clincher:A concluding thoughtA bit of information not included in

the package

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Writing Packages

Anchor Intro:Write it first, not last!Must pass the “so what” test. Must include enough information to let

viewers know why they should watch (2-3 sentences minimum); but not so much that they already know the outcome.

Can be written as “hard lead” or “soft lead.”

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Writing Packages

Focus:You should be able to make it very

clear:What is this story about?Why should viewers care?What is the essential message your

story should convey?What should viewers remember?

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Writing Packages

Visual Lead:Most important or compelling video.Item most likely to be remembered later

(along with closing visual).Natural Sound is critical!Make me care. Make me want to pay

attention.Don’t state the obvious – let pictures and

sound help you tell the story.

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Interviewing TipsKeep camera close to you + eye line +

look spaceStructure = most basic 1st, deeper laterKeep conversational + ask follow-upsVary your shots, but not during question“Anything to add?”

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Interviewing Tips

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Transitions are words or phrases that link two ideas, making the movement from one to the other clear and easy.

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Think of readers as islands tied together with transition bridges of repeated words or phrases.

Transitions in news stories are sometimes done by repeating a word or phrase or using a synonym for a key word in the preceding paragraph.

Think of how you’d get from one subject to another in a conversation…

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PRODUCER ROLE Gather all readers Decide on order / blocks of stories Fill out show rundown sheet Determine logical spots for videos Write transitions between stories & videos;

write tosses to anchors / segments. Format the script & print

BOLDED / ALL CAPS anchor names Videos noted by (ROLL VIDEO) Large size font—Times New Roman / Arial


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Let’s do it! Editorial meetingPitch 3 ideasLet’s decide which one is bestWrite a story

Using at least 2 credible sources Use the “inverted pyramid” Construct a good lead answering the 5

W’s and HUse email