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“Every Student, Every Day, Charging Fearlessly Toward Academic and Personal Excellence” CHOLLA HIGH SCHOOL 2020 - 2021 Mission Statement CHARGER SONG Glory Cholla, Orange and Blue Lightning speed, charger true We’ve got spirit, we’ve got might Come on Chargers Fight, fight, fight Cholla Chargers - that’s our name Pride and glory - rise in fame Echoes from the mountains cry V I C T O R Y ! Our Commitment as Cholla Chargers is to: • Take risks in learning and respect the learning of others • Practice persistence • Demonstrate responsibility • Embrace international-mindedness • Build leadership in ourselves and others Cholla High School 2001 W. Starr Pass Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85713 520.225.4000

very Student, very ay, harging earlessly Toward Academic ...

Jul 18, 2022



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“Every Student, Every Day, Charging Fearlessly Toward Academic and Personal Excellence”


2020 - 2021

Mission Statement


Glory Cholla, Orange and Blue Lightning speed, charger true

We’ve got spirit, we’ve got might Come on Chargers Fight, fight, fight

Cholla Chargers - that’s our name Pride and glory - rise in fame

Echoes from the mountains cry V I C T O R Y !

Our Commitment as Cholla Chargers is to: • Take risks in learning and respect the learning of others • Practice persistence • Demonstrate responsibility • Embrace international-mindedness • Build leadership in ourselves and others

CChhoollllaa HHiigghh SScchhooooll

2001 W. Starr Pass Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85713


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“Every Student, Every Day,

Charging Fearlessly Toward Academic and Personal Success” 2001 West Starr Pass Blvd.

Tucson, AZ 85713-1399 (520) 225-4000

Welcome Chargers! I would like to welcome you and your family to Cholla High School. I am very proud and honored to be serving as your principal. I look forward to the 2020-2021 school year with great expectations for each of you. The Cholla High School teaching community has high standards for students to exceed academic expectations. I encourage you to take every opportunity to excel in all academic areas and to achieve the success that you desire. It is my hope, along with the Cholla administration, faculty, and support staff, that you will utilize this student planner to assist you in your academic and social achievements. You will find information within this planner so that you and your parents are informed of school programs, policies and procedures, academic interventions, contact information, and most importantly, tools that create good study habits. We will challenge you to be a fearless learner while here at Cholla High School. We will support you and your family in that endeavor and do whatever it takes to ensure your success. Good luck and have a great year as a Charger, “Charging Fearlessly Toward Academic and Personal Excellence.” Sincerely, Frank Armenta, Principal Letter to Parents/Guardians from Mr. Armenta, Principal Dear Parents/Guardians, An exciting future awaits your child at Cholla High School! We would like to invite you to explore a number of challenging options for your child here as they begin their high school journey:

❖ AVID Coursework: One elective class offered for students is AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), an in-school academic support program for grades 9-12 that prepares students for college eligibility and success. This course is designed for those who may need broader and/or deeper academic support or those driven to further their commitment to academic excellence. (One of the most impressive and consistent indicators of AVID's success is the rate at which it sends students to four-year colleges. 3 out of 4 2015 AVID graduates were accepted to a four-year college).

❖ Honors/IB Prep: Honors and IB Prep courses are developed locally by district teachers to meet the needs of talented students. We strongly encourage our students to take at least one Honors class a year and to this end we have added numerous sections at each grade level. Freshmen who enroll and successfully complete an Honors class will be better prepared for the rigor of either Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate coursework.

❖ International Baccalaureate (IB): The International Baccalaureate (IB) offers high quality programs of international education to a worldwide community of schools, helping students to develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. Cholla is one of only two schools in Tucson to offer this exciting curriculum. The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is a challenging two-year curriculum, primarily aimed at students aged 16 to 19. The Diploma Programme prepares students for university and encourages them to: ask challenging questions, learn how to learn, develop a strong sense of their own identity and culture, and develop the ability to communicate with and understand people from other countries and cultures. Freshmen supported by AVID, GATE, Pre IB and Honors classes will find the IB program a perfect extension of their charge towards excellence!

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❖ JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps): The Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) is a Federal program sponsored by the United States Armed Forces. Cholla’s JROTC program currently has one long-term instructor, Major Steven Spiece. The Cholla High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Course (JROTC) is a four -year program that emphasizes citizenship and leadership with the program’s primary focus reflected by the mission statement “To motivate young people to be better citizens.” It is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, fitness, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline.

We also offer freshmen German, Spanish, Arabic, Drama, Student Government, Mariachi, Dance, Band, Art, Law and Public Safety, WEB Design, Digital Media, Graphics, JROTC, Sports Medicine, Welding, Business Operations, Automotive Technology, Construction Technology, and many more outstanding programs and services. We encourage you to explore the many exciting opportunities for your gifted child here at Cholla. Please let us know how we can be of service to you in helping make the transition from Middle School to High School meaningful and constructive for your child. Thank you for the opportunity to earn your trust in building a better future for our Tucson community by giving us the honor of teaching your child to be successful in a 21st Century global economy. We believe we have the programs and people in place to do this; with your child we know we can “Charge Toward Excellence”. Please contact Mary Cordova for registration information at 520-225-4015. Thank you.

Una carta del Sr. Armenta, nuestro Director, para los padres y tutores Estimados padres y tutores: ¡En Cholla High School le espera un futuro emocionante a su hijo/a! Queremos invitarlos a explorar una variedad de opciones desafiantes para su hijo/a aquí a medida que comienza su jornada en la escuela secundaria:

❖ Trabajo del curso de AVID: Los estudiantes también pueden inscribirse en una clase electiva de AVID, un programa académico en la escuela para los grados del noveno al doceavo que prepara a los estudiantes para la elegibilidad para la universidad y para el éxito, diseñada para aquellos estudiantes que necesiten un apoyo académico más amplio o más profundo, o para aquellos que estén enfocados en aumentar su compromiso a la excelencia académica. (Uno de los indicadores más impresionantes y constantes del éxito de AVID es el índice al cual manda a sus estudiantes a colegios de cuatro años. Tres de cuatro de los graduados de AVID en 2015 fueron aceptados a colegios de cuatro años).

❖ Honores/Preparación del IB: Los cursos de Honores y la Preparación del IB se desarrollan localmente por los maestros distritales para cumplir con las necesidades de los estudiantes talentosos. Recomendamos altamente que nuestros estudiantes tomen por lo menos una clase de Honores cada año, y con este fin hemos agregado varias secciones en cada nivel de grado. Los estudiantes de noveno grado que se inscriban y terminen una clase de Honores exitosamente estarán mejor preparados para el rigor de ya sea el trabajo de un curso de la Colocación Avanzada o del Bachillerato Internacional.

❖ Bachillerato Internacional (IB): El Bachillerato Internacional (IB) ofrece programas de educación internacional de alta calidad a una comunidad mundial de escuelas, ayudándoles a los estudiantes a desarrollar las habilidades intelectuales, personales, emocionales y sociales para vivir, aprender y trabajar en un mundo que rápidamente se está globalizando. Cholla es la única escuela en Tucson que ofrece este currículo emocionante. El Programa del Diploma del Bachillerato Internacional (IB) es un currículo desafiante de dos años que principalmente se enfoca en estudiantes de 16 a 19 años de edad. El Programa del Diploma prepara a los estudiantes para la universidad y los anima a: hacer preguntas desafiantes, aprender cómo aprender, desarrollar un sentido fuerte de su propia identidad y cultura y desarrollar la habilidad de comunicar y comprender a personas de otros países y culturas. Apoyados por clases de AVID, GATE, preparación para el IB y Honores, los estudiantes del noveno grado hallarán que su programa del IB es una extensión perfecta para asumir el mando de la excelencia.

También ofrecemos clases para el noveno grado de alemán, español, árabe, drama, gobierno estudiantil, mariachi, danza, banda, arte, derecho y seguridad pública, diseño de ciberpáginas, entrenamiento de oficiales del cuerpo de cadetes (JROTC), medicina deportiva, soldadura con autógeno, ventas y mercadotecnia profesionales, tecnología automotriz, tecnología de la construcción y muchos, muchos más programas y servicios sobresalientes. Los invitamos a que exploran las muchas oportunidades emocionantes para su hijo/a superdotado aquí en Cholla. Por favor déjenos saber cómo podemos servirles para ayudar a lograr que la transición de la escuela intermedia a la escuela secundaria sea significativa y constructiva para su hijo/a. Gracias por darnos la oportunidad de merecer su

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confianza en desarrollar un futuro mejor para la comunidad de Tucson al concedernos el honor de impartirle clases a su hijo/a para que sea exitoso/a en la economía global del vigésimo primer siglo. Somos de la creencia que tenemos los programas y el personal para hacerlo. Con su hijo/a, sabemos que podemos asumir el mando de la excelencia. Por favor llamen a Mary Cordova al 520-225-4015 para obtener información con respecto a la inscripción. Gracias.


Principal Mr. Frank Armenta

Asst. Principal for Teaching & Learning

Asst. Principal for Student Services

Ms. Cathy Adams

Ms. Sharon Ingram

Asst. Principal for Facilities, Athletics & Activities Mr. Tariq Rasool


Main Office Number: 225-4000

Principal & Site Leadership Team Mr. Frank Armenta 225-4004

Asst. Principal for Teaching & Learning ( 12th grade Administrator)

Ms. Cathy Adams 225-4005

Assistant Principal for Student Services

(9th grade Administrator)

Ms. Sharon Ingram 225-4214

Asst. Principal for Facilities, Athletics & Activities (10th and 11th grade Administrator)

Mr. Tariq Rasool 225-4012

Office Manager Mrs. Tammy Tullous 225-4004

Office Assistant Mrs. Renee Parra 225-4007

Office Assistant Ms. Leslie Johnson 225-4186

Business Office Ms. Karla Kramer 225-4156

Community Relations Assistant TBA 225-4107

Drop-Out Prevention Specialist Mr. Art Ross 225-4107

Exceptional Education Ms. April Ruiz-Alegria 225-4101

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) Coordinator

Ms. Ilse Billings 225-4116

MTSS Facilitator/Transition Coordinator Ms. Elizabeth Cerepak 225-4003

Language Acquisition (ELD Coordinator) Ms. Anne Lusk 225-4041

Interscholastics Manager Mr. Masai Dean 225-4113

Nurse Ms. Kathy Long 225-4123

Registrar Ms. Mary Cordova 225-4015

Social Worker Mr. Craig Wunderlich 225-4158

Cholla Afterschool Program (CAP) Ms. Tammy Case & Ms. Joy Noriega


For Teacher Email and Directory, please visit our school website

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IMPORTANT TIME REMINDERS Office Hours 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM

1st Period Class Begins 7:40 AM (final bell)

7th Period Class Ends 2:54 PM

Wednesday Early Dismissal 1:40 PM

BELL SCHEDULES At this time, all classes are taught remotely via Zoom.

Monday and Thursday

Tuesday and Friday

Period 1 7:40 – 9:15 Conference

Period/Office Hours

7:40 – 9:15

Period 3 9:22 – 10:57 Period 2 9:22 – 10:57

Lunch 10:58 – 11:30 Lunch 10:58 – 11:30

Period 5 11:37 – 1:12 Period 4 11:37 – 1:12

Period 7 1:19 – 2:54 Period 6 1:19 – 2:54

Period 8 3:01 – 4:36


Period 1 8:00 – 8:52

Period 2 8:58 – 9:53

Period 3 9:59 – 10:51

Period 4 10:57 – 11:49

Period 5 12:27 – 1:19

Period 6 1:25 – 2:17

Period 7 2:23 – 3:15

Student Learning Space/Teacher Office Hours

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International Baccalaureate Diploma and Prep Programmes

Cholla is proud to be the first IB World School in Pima County!

The Mission Statement of the

International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO): The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

What is the Diploma Programme? The IB Diploma Programme is designed as an academically challenging and balanced programme of education with final examinations that prepares students for success at university and life beyond. The programme is taught over two years and has gained recognition and respect from the world's leading universities. Full Diploma Programme candidates take seven college level courses (one from each group listed below, plus Theory of Knowledge), and complete the Extended Essay and 150 Creativity, Action, and Service hours.

Diploma Programme Courses available at Cholla Cholla High School offers the following IB Diploma Courses, taken continuously across junior and senior year: Group 1 Group 4 English: Literature, Higher Level Biology, Standard Level Spanish: Language and Literature, Standard Level* Chemistry, Standard Level Computer Science, Higher Level (projected for 2014-

2015) Group 2 Spanish, Standard Level Group 5 German, Standard Level and ab initio** Mathematical Studies, Standard Level Arabic, Standard Level Mathematics, Standard Level Group 3 Group 6 History of the Americas, Higher Level Visual Arts, Higher Level Theatre, Higher Level Music, Higher Level *for native speakers ** for beginners Dance, Higher Level

IB Prep (Honors) Courses Because of the rigorous nature of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, Cholla High School has developed a series of IB Prep Courses in core classes designed specifically to help students attain high levels of achievement in the DP. The recommended course load during freshman and sophomore year is as follows: 9th Grade 10th Grade IB Prep English IB Prep English IB Prep Algebra or IB Prep Geometry IB Prep Geometry or Honors Algebra II IB Prep Biology Honors Chemistry Spanish, German or Arabic Spanish, German, or Arabic AVID Government and Economics PE Health

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The IB Learner Profile The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help create a better and more peaceful world.

As IB learners we strive to be: • INQUIRERS. We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn

independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

• KNOWLEDGEABLE. We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.

• THINKERS. We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

• COMMUNICATORS. We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

• PRINCIPLED. We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

• OPEN-MINDED. We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

• CARING. We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

• RISK-TAKERS. We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

• BALANCED. We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives--intellectual, physical, and emotional--to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.

• REFLECTIVE. We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

The IB learner profile represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.

Want to join IB? Come see Ms. Kathryn Jensen, the IB DP Coordinator, in the Student Services area of the Administration Building, room 38!

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Cholla High School Title I Services


Title I is a federal program that began in 1965 that was designed to provide additional support to children and families who are facing challenging circumstances in their lives. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

WHAT IS A SCHOOLWIDE TITLE I PROGRAM? Cholla now has a school wide Title I Program, which is a comprehensive reform strategy designed to upgrade the entire educational program at our school. The primary goal is to ensure that all students, particularly those who are struggling to meet state standards, demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement on AIMS assessment. WHAT WE DO:

• Ensure a high-quality and enriching academic program for all students • Provide academic intervention services for all of our students who need extra support • Improve the quality of academic services through staff professional development opportunities • Support family and community involvement through frequent meetings and other events • Provide parents information about the professional qualifications of their child’s educators • Hold adult education classes • Coordinate with other programs and services at Cholla to support and create the best learning

environment possible • Conduct ongoing program assessment to evaluate program effectiveness and to adjust based on needs

CONTACT US: You can get in touch with our primary Title I contacts at anytime you may have questions or concerns:

• Cholla Community Relations Assistant: Vanessa Hertwig (520) 225-4107 ADDITIONAL TITLE I INFORMATION:

• TUSD Title I website:

• TUSD Title I Family Support website:

• Arizona Department of Education Title I website:

• US Department of Education Title I website:

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Student Expectations

• Come to school and to every class prepared with pen or pencil, paper, books, and completed homework.

• Follow all school rules – Do the right thing!

• Be prepared to challenge yourself academically in every class every day – learn something in every class.

• Be on time to every class every day.

• Do all of your work to the best of your ability.

• Respect everyone’s character and uniqueness.

• Treat teachers and school staff with respect.

• Never resort to violence – report uncomfortable situations.

• Know the limits on Public Displays of Affection (PDA) on campus.

• Use appropriate language on campus.

• Behave as mature adults – young ladies and gentlemen.

• Advocate for yourself by asking teachers and adults for assistance.

• Do not be afraid to ask teachers questions when you don’t understand.

• Have ongoing conversations with your parents about school.

• Build networks with students and teachers who can assist you.

• Wear school ID at school at all times.


• “Be here; be on time” • “Be Responsible” • “Be Respectful”

• “Be Safe” • “Believe in Yourself”

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GRADUATING SENIORS Students who complete their graduation requirements at a school other than their home school are not eligible to graduate from their home school, unless they are enrolled at their home school the semester of their graduation. These arrangements should be made at least one full semester prior to their graduation date and include written permission from the home school principal. In addition, students are not to accumulate more than ten credits at the Community-Based Schools without the written permission of the Director of Alternative Education.



Credits Earned Label Grade Level

0-5 credits Freshman 9th grade

5.25-10 credits Sophomore 10th grade

10.25 – 16 credits Junior 11th grade

16.25 – 23+ credits earned Senior 12th grade



Current Requirements for High School Graduation & Admission to Arizona Universities

Subjects 2018 High

School Graduation Requirements

Arizona University Admission


English 4 credits 4 credits

Mathematics 4 credits 4 credits

Science 3 credits 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits 2 credits

Foreign Language 0 credits (2 credits recommended)

2 credits

Fine Arts or Career and Technical Ed.

1 credit 1 credit

P. E. 1 credit 0 credits

Health 1/2 credits 0 credits

Electives 6.5 credits 0 credits

Total 23 credits

Start now! Explore different opportunities for college with your counselor. Be sure to ask about specific admissions requirements at the college of your choice. Many types of financial aid are available. See your counselor to discuss how to finance your education

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The general guide to acceptable school dress is neatness, cleanliness and appropriateness. While the school cannot and does not dictate styles, it is expected that students will abide by the following rules demonstrating appropriateness in dress as though this were their daily place of business.

• ALL STUDENTS MUST WEAR A CHOLLA HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ID AT ALL TIMES. • Shoes are required to be worn in school. • Hats and sunglasses may be worn outside in the sun for an extended period of time for protection from

the sun. A principal in collaboration with School Safety may institute stricter requirements at a high school experiencing safety-related issues.

o Hats and other head coverings are not allowed at Cholla • No bandanas may be worn. • Dark glasses may not be worn inside buildings unless a documented health problem exists. • No gang related apparel or items are allowed. • Students may not wear any clothing and/or accessories in school buildings or on school grounds that are:

• Hazardous, damaging, or presenting danger to school property or persons including but not limited to: extended belts (belts should fit proper length), choke chains, dog collars, wallet chains or any type of spiked apparel or jewelry;

• Depicting and/or promoting and/or endorsing illegal or violent activities illegal drugs, tobacco or alcohol;

• Vulgar, obscene, indecent, libelous, or degrading of others on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability; and/or

• Distracting so as to interfere with the teaching or learning process such as extremely revealing garments including but not limited to:

▪ short shorts/skirts/dresses (must cover buttocks while standing and sitting) ▪ tube tops, net tops, swimsuits, strapless tops, spaghetti strap tops, halter tops ▪ muscle shirts, basketball shirts without an accompanying T-shirt ▪ no tights or leggings to be worn as pants ▪ garments with plunging necklines, transparent and see through garments,

(midsections must be covered and undergarments shall be completely covered with outer clothing).

▪ No white tank tops/undershirts

** Male/Female sleeveless shirts are only acceptable as long as body is covered appropriately, undergarments are covered, midsections are not showing, clothing follows standards listed above and garment extends to shoulder and under arm.

Students who violate the District’s dress standards may be asked to do any of the following depending upon the specific circumstances:

• Turn inappropriate clothing inside out. • Change into clothing that may be provided by the school. • Change into other clothing which has been brought to school. • Remove the jewelry or other accessory.

*NOTE: Students wearing inappropriate clothing to school are given an opportunity to change clothing or they will be released from school in the company of the parent/guardian.

Halter Tops


Spaghetti Strap


Muscle Shirt

Tube Top/ Strapless Shirt

White undershirts/see through garments are not permitted Showing Tummy

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ACTIVITIES GOVERNED BY ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES All interscholastic activities which are of a competitive nature, and involve more than one school where a championship, winner or rating is determined; and all those endeavors of a continuous and ongoing nature for which no credit is earned in meeting graduation or promotional requirements and are organized, planned or sponsored by the District consistent with District policy. This includes: MONITORED ACTIVITIES FALL: WINTER: FINE ARTS: B & G Cross Country B & G Basketball Band Football B & G Soccer Dance JROTC B & Girls Golf Wrestling Drama Spirit Line Mariachi Skills USA B & G Swimming SPRING: Orchestra Girls Volleyball Baseball Vocal Softball B & G Tennis B & G Track FBLA B Volleyball TUSD ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES Please visit the TUSD Interscholastic website at

Processing of extra-curricular paperwork may take 48 hrs to process during the first two weeks of each new season. Turn in early so that the student-athlete may commence practice in a timely manner. The 5A Conference believes that education is our first consideration and that classroom attendance on the day of a game or meet is required except in the case of a valid excuse and at the discretion of the school administrator. This will be interpreted to mean that the validity of an excuse must be determined by a school administrator before the absence occurs. Illness, staying home to rest, or leaving school early for the purpose of resting is not to be considered a valid excuse. The penalty for violation of this rule would be to make the individual ineligible for the next contest of the team of which he/she is a member. Students who are out of class due to out of school suspensions or alternative instructional in-house suspensions, are not allowed to participate in any practices, performances, contests, or games during the term of the suspension. Successful completion of a sport season is required to be eligible for a letter or other team award. The only exception to this is for an injury that limits participation. An athlete that quits, or who has been dismissed or dropped from a team may only transfer to another sport with the permission of both coaches and the Assistant Principal for Activities. Student insurance is not required for participation, but is highly recommended. If not covered by an existing policy, Student Accident and Health Insurance may be purchased for a nominal fee. Insurance information packets and claim forms are available at all school offices.

ATHLETICS, FINE ARTS, and CLUBS Cholla High School is a member school of the Southern Division of the 5A Sonoran division and is represented in interscholastic athletic competition by teams in different boys and girls sports.

Interscholastic activity participants must adhere to the athletic policies and guidelines as outlined by Cholla High School. Participants are reminded that they represent their high school and community. It is the responsibility of students to maintain appropriate conduct at all times and to demonstrate behavior that will bring credit to themselves and to their school and community. Sportsmanship and moral ethics are to be exemplified at all times in relation to other schools and with officials. Insubordination by any athlete or spectator will not be tolerated at any time. Everyone shall be responsible for his/her actions on the field, court, in games, at practice sessions, in school and in the community. Substance abuse in any form while participating in high school activities may result in forfeiting a student's eligibility.

Every student has the opportunity to participate in interscholastic activity programs. It is an honor and a privilege to represent a school.

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Students who fail a class or receive an incomplete or no credit will be ineligible for competition in extracurricular activities. STUDENT MUST PASS ALL CLASSES IN WHICH THEY ARE REGISTERED TO BE ELIGIBLE. Students can gain or lose eligibility every 4 ½ week grading period.

Student athletes are also required to attend mandatory tutoring through the Cholla Afterschool Program (C.A.P.). ATTENDANCE INFORMATION-Board Policy JE, and Board JE-R The Governing Board recognizes that not only is regular daily school attendance a major component of the learning experience and a requirement for academic success, it also impacts the funding of the District (a student below 94.5% attendance reduces funding). Accountability for learning begins with attendance. The Board also believes that regular attendance maximizes the student’s interaction with his/her teachers and peers. Purpose The emphasis of the attendance policy is on the importance of keeping students in school and providing access to the curriculum. To be successful in this endeavor, it is imperative that all members of the school community are aware of this policy, its purpose, procedures and the consequences for non-compliance. The parents/guardians are charged by law with responsibility for their child's consistent school attendance. The Superintendent and school administrators will enforce the laws regarding attendance with consideration for the variables that affect children and families. The Superintendent and school administrators will place emphasis on the prevention and correction of the causes of absenteeism as outlined in the regulation # JE – R. Students are expected to be in attendance one hundred percent (100%) of the time. Regular attendance is essential for success in school; therefore, absences shall be excused only for necessary and important reasons. Such reasons include illness, bereavement, other family emergencies, and observance of major religious holidays of the family’s faith. Teachers, attendance personnel, counselors, and principals shall inform all students and parents/guardians of the District’s attendance policy. Students and parents/guardians shall also be updated regularly regarding any student’s accumulated absences in any class every 4 ½ weeks. Attendance Guidelines

• The goal of achieving maximum educational benefits requires regular daily attendance, classroom participation and study. Attendance will be taken by the teacher of record.

• Student’s interaction and participation in instructional activity is required to evaluate student progress. • All students must remain on the school campus during the entire school day unless parents

provide notification prior to the leave. • Parents/Guardians should notify the school prior to absence. • Students under the age of 16 who are absent from school without parents’/guardians’ permission may be

considered truant and could be referred to a truant officer for further action. • Students will be considered tardy when they are not in class at the time the bell rings. • If a student is absent (excused or unexcused) from a class, the work must be made available to make-up

and submitted within a reasonable time. • Credit will be given for all make-up work due to an absence. The amount of credit may vary due to the

timeliness of the work being submitted. • School personnel and administrators will encourage parents/guardians to comply with Arizona

attendance laws to ensure regular attendance and punctuality. • A student not attending classes during the day may not participate in any extra-curricular event on that

day, unless previously approved by the administration; this will be considered only in the case of an excused absence.

Notification of absence from school: call: 225-4002 A Parent/Guardian should notify the school prior to the absence/tardy with a call, note or email that his/her child is unable to attend or will be late to school.

• The call, note or email must address the date/time and reason for the absence. • However, the District, governing board members, and employees or agents of the District are not liable

for failure to notify the parents/guardians, or other person who has custody of a student, of the student’s absence from school as provided in A.R.S. § 15-807.

Leaving school at any time without permission is considered an unexcused absence and can result in disciplinary action. Notes from home or a doctor’s appointment slip should be cleared through the Attendance or Nurse’s Office prior to school hours on the check-out date.

There is no official authorization for “ditch” days. They create a disruptive influence by their absence and sometimes may get into trouble or endanger lives in the activities they pursue off campus. “Ditching” may result in

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disciplinary action. At no time, unless on official school business, should students be on other school campuses during school hours.

BEAUTIFICATION OF OUR CAMPUS To maintain a more beautiful and attractive campus, Chargers eat in the designated areas which are the student cafeteria, picnic area, and amphitheater. Waste materials and food left-overs should all be disposed of in surrounding trash cans. Help keep our campus clean.

BUS TRANSPORTATION Riding any Tucson Unified School District bus is a privilege reserved for TUSD students in good standing. Any repeated inappropriate behavior on the bus could result in the suspension of that privilege. Bus drivers and monitors are to be respected at all times. If you have a complaint concerning the buses, please see the Assistant Principal of Facilities or call 225-4012 and 225-4800.

Bus transportation provided by TUSD to school is only available before period one. Transportation home is provided at the end of period 7. Activity buses leave at 6:00 PM from the student parking lot in front of the auditorium. Students must have an activity or tutoring pass in order to use the 6:00 PM Activity bus. There are no activity buses on early dismissal days that end at 12:15 AM only. On all other Wednesdays, activity buses will be provided. BUSINESS OFFICE The Business Office is open Monday through Friday during the school year by appointment. Please call the office to make an appointment. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARDS ARE REQUIRED WHEN CONDUCTING TRANSACTIONS WITH THE BUSINESS OFFICE. The services provided are: 1. Student Identification Cards (IDs). First ID is free of cost. Additional IDs are $5.00.

2. Handling of all fees. 2. Processing all club and organizational money. 3. Selling and collecting tickets for activities. 4. Processing requisitions for clubs and classes. 5. Handling of all "Participation Fees" (see Athletics/Fine Arts). NO REFUNDS. 6. Selling and distributing P.E. uniforms, lockers and yearbooks. NO CHECKS will be accepted for any transactions after April, 2020. Cash or money orders are always accepted CLOSED CAMPUS All TUSD high schools are closed campuses. Governing Board Policy JE allows off-campus privileges to students with written parental consent only for medical/ educational/personal reasons. Abuse of privileges may result in revocation of privileges. No "lunch passes" will be issued. All students must remain on campus during lunch hours.

No food may be brought on campus without prior permission from administration.

STUDENT DELIVERIES Flowers, Balloons, Birthday Cakes & other gifts sent to school WILL NOT BE ALLOWED on campus. Only messages that constitute a family emergency will be delivered to students. DELIVERIES FOR STUDENTS WILL BE TURNED AWAY AT THE FRONT GATE. LOST AND FOUND The Lost and Found is located in Cholla’s Business Office. Any person who finds a lost item should immediately turn it in to the Business Office. All articles unclaimed at the end of the year will be donated to a charitable organization. DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS-BOARD POLICY JQ Schools may impose the following sanctions against students for non-payment of fees, charges and tuition: 1. Denial of participation in commencement ceremony; 2. Denial of right to obtain a yearbook; 3. Denial of participation in extracurricular activities; 4. Denial of registration in elective courses; (if courses or hours are not required for graduation)

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5. Suit against the parents or guardians. Schools may impose other sanctions which do not interfere with a resident student’s right to attend a common school. Schools may not withhold grade cards and transcripts as a sanction for non-payment of fees. CLUBS and ORGANIZATIONS School sponsored organizations supplement the activities of the classroom and are a natural development in furthering skills and interests. Clubs and organizations are formed when interested students wish to work in a common extracurricular activity. They define their purpose and goals in a constitution and present it annually to the Student Council for approval to charter or re-charter. Included in this are club members and faculty sponsors. All clubs that are sanctioned by AIA must meet eligibility guidelines for participation. COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE Three counselors have office facilities located in the administration building in the Student Services area. Students may take advantage of the counseling and guidance program by contacting the counselors' office at 225-4000 or stopping by to make an appointment in Student Services. They are prepared to help the student with individual needs concerning their personal development and preparation for their future. Cholla’s counseling team: Ms. Rashida Jeffery, Ms. Alexandra Tsosie and Mr. Ricardo Valdez


THE ADMINISTRATION PARKING LOT IS NOT A DROP OFF POINT and will be closed during the school day. Please park in the student parking lot if there is a need to conduct school business from 7:15 am to 3:20 pm. DRUG AND GUN FREE ZONE Cholla High School has been declared a Drug Free and Gun Free Zone. This declaration focuses efforts by the Tucson Police Department, in conjunction with the students, parents, staff and administration towards drug prevention and educational activities. Consequently, Cholla has a zero tolerance for illegal drugs and guns on campus. We ask all interested community members to contact the school with any suggestions, concerns, or input that would make these projects successful. Take pride in your school and community. EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD STUDENTS Unless written exception is made with the Assistant Principal for Activities, students who are 18 years old and who live with a parent or guardian will be required to have parent authorization for field trips, absence excuses, etc. Discipline letters may be sent directly to a student who is 18 years old or older, with a copy sent also to the parent or guardian. The above provisions are adopted in conjunction with Board Policy Code KFA (Public Conduct on School Property). FACILITIES-USE OF CAMPUS All individuals or groups planning to use any school facility and/or equipment must reserve both in advance by contacting the Assistant Principal for Activities office. Their usage will be approved for only those periods of time when a member of the Cholla faculty is present to assume responsibility for the school facility and equipment. FAILED COURSES, NOTICE TO PARENTS If your child receives an “F” grade, you may request a review by the Governing Board of the teacher's decision to retain or fail your child. The Governing Board must receive the written request from the Assistant Principal for Curriculum within 15 days from the date grades are sent out. If you disagree with any grade your child receives, you may request a review by the school principal. FEES-PARTICIPATION FOR SPORTS AND FINE ARTS A $65.00 participation fee per sport and fine arts activity (Intermediate and Advanced Band, Choir, Drama, Mariachi, Orchestra) will be charged at the beginning of the school year, or respective athletic season. The funds collected are used to help support the school's Fine Arts/Interscholastic activities and are required as part of the eligibility

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checking procedure. If a student transfers from one TUSD school to another, the participation fee will also be transferred. FOOD SERVICES-CAFETERIA AND SNACK BAR Hot lunches, hot and cold sandwiches, milk, juices, soft drinks, ice cream and other items may be purchased during the lunch period. Those whose financial status qualifies them for a free or reduced breakfast and/or lunch program should complete the application form located in the summer mailer. Designated eating areas are the student cafeteria, picnic and amphitheater. No eating allowed by the administration area or near other buildings to help keep our campus clean. Please dispose of all leftover foods and containers in the trash cans available.

There is no delivery of food from friends, family, or outside vendors to students during the school day. GRADES EARNED

Grade A: 4 Points Highest grade given for achievement of such quality as to merit special recognition.

Grade B 3 Points Above average grade given for achievement above the average of this class.

Grade C 2 Points Average achievement of the class and is the lowest recommended grade for employment and college entrance.

Grade D 1 Point Below average grade given for completing the course in order to receive credit.

Grade F 0 Points Failure. Student must repeat course in order to receive credit.

Grade P Passing Student receives credit for the course. The grade is not used in calculating cumulative grade point average.

Grade I --- Incomplete. The student has 2 weeks (10 business days) to make-up work or the grade becomes an F or NC.

Grade NC --- No Credit, no grade. Please see attendance guidelines for NC.

UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS OR INCOMPLETE WORK The teacher of a student who does not make satisfactory progress in a class or is in danger of failing will send a written notice to parents at the middle of the grading period or at any time the teacher determines the need to do so. A student who does not complete final projects or fails a final exam may suddenly be in danger of failing. Should this occur the teacher will make every effort to notify parents that the student's failure to complete all work in a satisfactory manner has resulted in the need for the teacher to issue a failing grade. A student who has been seriously ill or has a family emergency may not be able to complete all work at the end of the grading period. The teacher may record an incomplete on the student's report card. The student must complete all work during the first ten days of the next grading period unless prior arrangements have been made by the site administration. Otherwise the incomplete will be changed to an F (failure) or NC (no grade) depending on the circumstances. A student who wishes to participate in an interscholastic activity must pass all classes. A student who receives an F (failure) or an NC (no grade) is ineligible to participate in any interscholastic activity for the next grading period. A student who receives an "I" (incomplete) is ineligible until the work is completed and the teacher awards a passing grade. Incompletes must be cleared within the ten day period. GUESTS ON CAMPUS Anyone who is not a currently registered student at Cholla High School is considered a guest. There will be no guest passes issued to other students or persons visiting Cholla High School during the school day. Cholla High School welcomes parents and other adult guests to our campus. All parents and adult guests must sign in at the student parking lot. A Guest Pass will be issued at the gate. HONOR ROLL In order to make the honor roll each term a student must have a grade point average of 3.1666 or better and be carrying at least four subjects. An ”U” (unsatisfactory) report in citizenship in any subject will prevent the student from being placed on the honor roll regardless of his/her other grades. An "I" (incomplete), a "D" or an "F" will prevent a student from being placed on the honor roll.

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HALL PASSES Students who leave their assigned classroom must possess a hall pass or wear a bathroom pass vest. Students are expected to display hall passes upon request. HEALTH SERVICES The School Nurse and Health Assistant are on campus from 7:50 AM to 3:20 PM daily. The health office, located in the Administration Building, is closed 6th & 7th periods except for emergencies. Available services include first aid, emergency care, nursing assessment and treatment of illness and injury, medical and psychological referrals, medications, problem identification, crisis intervention, dental evaluations and referrals, hearing and eye

examinations, faculty/staff wellness and health counseling, school safety and environmental inspections, monitoring immunization status of students, communicable disease control, social service referrals, health education, health promotion, and health resource. You must have a hall pass in order to be in the health office unless it is an emergency. Band-Aids, tissue and safety pins are available before and after school, during passing period and at lunch. Tylenol and Ibuprofen are available only with written parent permission. Students who need to take prescribed medications during school hours must leave the medicine in the Health Office. A parent permission form must be on file.

INSURANCE Student Accident and Health Insurance forms are available in the Activities Office in the Administration Building. Enrollment is optional. The school is not responsible for collecting insurance premiums for students. This must be done directly with the insurance carrier. IMMUNIZATIONS FOR SCHOOL ATTENDANCE, BOARD POLICY: ARS 36-360; ARS 15-803 The parent or guardian of a student shall, prior to enrollment of the student, submit to the school an immunization record of the student. This record shall be that prescribed by the Arizona department of Health Services (Form 109). A student is not entitled to attend school unless one of the statements has been provided and the student may be excluded from registration, suspended, or expelled for failure to provide a statement. Forms may be obtained in the health office. IDENTIFICATION AND IDENTIFICATION CARDS Students must wear their ID’s above the waist frontal and visible during all school hours. Students are required to wear ID cards at all school functions and during the school day. Students must present their ID card when checking out books from the Media Center, gain entrance to school events, and to obtain their yearbook. ID cards are required to board the school bus. If your ID card is lost or misplaced, you must get a replacement card as soon as possible. There is a $5.00 fee payable to the Business Office. If there is any reason you cannot get an ID card, see an administrator immediately. Without your ID card, you may be subject to disciplinary action. STUDENTS WHO REFUSE TO PROVIDE THEIR NAME/STUDENT ID, GIVE FALSE INFORMATION, OR WALK AWAY FROM SCHOOL PERSONNEL WILL RECEIVE DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES WHICH MAY INCLUDE SUSPENSION. LEAVING CAMPUS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY Students must check out through the attendance office prior to leaving the campus for any reason which interrupts their regular schedule. This includes cases where parent(s)/legal guardian(s) pick students up. The student must present a written request made by his/her parent(s)/legal guardian(s) with a phone number for verification. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) can also do this in person at the Attendance Office. The school will then issue a "Special Excuse" to be returned to the Attendance Office for re-admittance to school. LIBRARY The Library provides books, magazines, a daily newspaper and limited computer access to the Internet and word processing. Students are encouraged to use the library for quiet study before or after school and during their

lunchtime. During the school day, students must have a pass from their teacher to come to the library. The library staff is always ready to assist students. ID cards are required to check materials out of the library and to use computers. Books may be checked out for a three week period but may be renewed as often as necessary.

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When a late or lost book is referred to the Business Office for collection, a late fee is added to the price of the book. LOCKERS Cholla High School does provide a limited amount of hall lockers at a $5.00 cost. Only school issued locks may be used. The locker remains the property of TUSD and all property rights are retained by TUSD and Cholla. Lockers can be subjected to searches at any time during the year. LOST AND FOUND The Lost and Found Department is located in the Business Office. Any person finding a lost article should promptly turn it in to the Business Office. When a loss occurs, it would be wise to check with the Lost and Found Department several times over a period of several days. All unclaimed articles will be periodically donated to some charitable organization.

Cholla High School is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. NON-SCHOOL FUNCTIONS Cholla High School does not support, sponsor, organize, supervise or sanction the following activities:

• Senior Ditch Day • Senior Trip • After Prom Activities

• After Graduation Activities • Any Other Unauthorized Activity

Students who participate in these functions must understand they attend as individual, without any official status as students of Cholla High School. PHYSICAL VIOLENCE ON CAMPUS In accordance with the TUSD Guidelines for Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, physical violence between students or directed toward the staff and administration will not be tolerated and will result in severe disciplinary action based on the TUSD Guidelines for Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook and school board policy. Any non-accidental injury will be reported to the Tucson Police Department, as per the TUSD Guidelines for Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. This includes, but is not restricted to injuries that occur between students involved in physical altercations (fighting). Students are encouraged to use all the available resources offered at Cholla to avoid fights. Anyone feeling uncomfortable on campus is encouraged to see a counselor or administrator.

With this understood, each student should be well informed of the rules of each classroom teacher to avoid referral to the office. Feelings of anger or unfairness are not an excuse for student misbehavior in the classroom setting. If a student is consistent in his/her misbehavior, he or she may be removed from the class.


Cell phones, CD player, IPods, and other electronic devices may not be operated during class or passing periods. These items may only be utilized during lunch in a designated area. Students who disregard or violate this policy will have their devices confiscated. Parents will have to come to the administration office to pick up the confiscated devices. In addition, students are not to bring video cameras or other picture recording devices to school without first obtaining consent

from the school administration (FERPA Citation). We strongly encourage students not to bring valuable items (jewelry, expensive clothing) to school with them. This would include large sums of money, as well as, other items of value. Tucson Unified School District or Cholla High School cannot be held responsible for items that are stolen or damaged on campus. This includes automobiles brought on our campus. PUBLICATION OF STUDENT NAME Students must inform the school in writing if they do not want their names published in routine school publications. REPORT CARDS Report cards will be mailed home at the end of each 4 ½ week marking period.

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SCHEDULE CHANGES AND DROPPING CLASSES Students who find a schedule change necessary, may petition to change their class schedule during the first 10 days of a semester. No schedule changes are made after the 10th school day of a semester without the approval of the Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction. If it is necessary to petition for a schedule change after the first 10 days of the semester, students will have to follow the following guidelines:

• Students must have a parent/teacher conference • Students must conference with their respective counselor/administrator • Athletes will lose eligibility if they have a schedule change. • Student will lose credits since we are seven weeks into the school. • Credits will not transfer to different classes.

Even with the Assistant Principal’s permission a student will be ineligible for participation in extra-curricular activities if classes are not dropped within these time frames: Up to ten (10) days prior to the end of each 9 week grading period; up to five (5) days prior to the end of each 4 ½ week progress grading period. Any student dropping after these dates will receive the grade earned in the class.

STUDENT ACTIVITY PASSES The cost of a student activity pass to gain free admission to all home athletic competitions throughout the regular season is $30.00. Family pass is $100.00. Regular admission for varsity football games is $5.00 ($4.00 with a current school ID), and $4.00 for all other athletic events. Please note, there are no refunds or pro-rated prices for the passes. Any pass purchased after a student’s original ID card has been issued will require an additional $5.00 charge for a replacement ID card.

STUDENT GOVERNMENT CLASS Cholla High School Student Government meets every school day as a part of the schedule for the class officers and class representatives. This allows time for running elections, setting up the school calendar of events, and planning assemblies. These students are your representatives and need your support. If you have ideas, suggestions or concerns, make sure your class representative receives them so student government can discuss them. To participate in student government you must maintain a 2.5 cumulative grade point average. Student Government officers who fail to maintain the 2.5 cumulative grade point must resign their position. Student Government Sponsor: Mr. George Parra

STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL (SAC) The Tucson Unified School Board of Education has arranged for representatives from each high school to advise them on matters of mutual concern.

STUDENT RIGHTS Every student at Cholla High School is entitled to a wide range of educational opportunities as well as dignity and respect from the Cholla staff and fellow students. We strive to make equal opportunity a reality for all who attend this school. It is our intent to comply with the requirements of Title IX, the portion of the Federal Education Amendments of 1972 which prohibits sex discrimination and segregation in education. We also wish to guarantee student rights in every situation. If you feel you have a complaint about possible violation of Title IX guidelines, unjust discipline in the classroom or other instances of denial of educational opportunities, please come to the Counselors’ Office and fill out a Student/Parent/Compliments / Concerns/Suggestions form or contact an Assistant Principal at your earliest convenience. STUDENT PARKING Students must register any vehicle(s) they expect to drive to school in the office of the Assistant Principal for Operations in order to park in the student parking lot. Any vehicle(s) not registered will be viewed as a security risk and treated as such. A $6.00 parking registration fee per vehicle is required. Student must have proof of auto insurance, a valid car registration and current driver’s license. Upon registration, students must use the main student parking lot (northeast corner of campus,

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La Cholla and Santiago Ave). Parking in other areas will result in disciplinary action for the driver. The operator of the vehicle is responsible for its control in movement and security while parked. Speed limit in the student parking lot is 5 MPH. There is no loitering in the parking lot during school hours, including lunch hours. Students leaving prior to the end of their schedule must have their Student ID and pass on their person to be permitted to leave. (Cholla is a “closed” campus.) STUDENT-TEACHER COMMUNICATION

Students should attempt to communicate any problems they are having in the classroom to their teachers. This is often best done before or after class as well as after school when the student and teacher can meet and talk to each other one on one. Students can also request conferences with their teachers, their counselor or an administrator to discuss problems.

TARDY POLICY-See Board Policy JE Tardies are unacceptable and will not be excused. Students are to be on time and seated, ready for class. Students will follow the TUSD Guidelines For Student Rights and Responsibilities. Bell 1 Previous class dismissed. Bell 2 Indicates one minute before next class begins; students should be seated. Bell 3 Signals the beginning of the next class; classroom

and pod doors are closed after the bell rings. TAX CREDIT A maximum of $400.00 donation may be donated to the school for a club, sport activity or fine arts program of your choice. The Business Office will issue receipts at the time of payment. (See your tax accountant for more information.) Donations are greatly appreciated and beneficial to any program receiving the gift. TEXTBOOKS Under Arizona State Law, free textbooks are issued to every student. The books are issued during the first week of school by the classroom teachers. Students are required to sign for the textbooks. They are responsible for the return of the books in good condition at the end of the school year or when they leave Cholla High School. Students will be required to pay for lost or severely damaged textbooks. TUSD Board Policy IKFB states: “Students must have paid all fees and fines owed to the schools or have made appropriate payment or waiver arrangements with a school administrator. Students are not precluded from participation because of unpaid fees which have been waived.”

TUSD Board Policy JQ states: “Schools may impose the following sanctions against students for non-payment of fees, charges and tuition:

1. Denial of participation in commencement ceremony; 2. Denial of right to obtain a yearbook;

3. Denial of participation in extracurricular activities; 4. Denial of registration in elective courses;

(if courses or hours are not required for graduation) 5. Suit against the parents or guardians;

Schools may impose sanctions that do not interfere with a resident student’s right to attend a common school. Schools may not with-hold grade cards and transcripts as a sanction for non-payment of fees.” WITHDRAWALS AND TRANSFERS To withdraw or transfer from Cholla High School the student must present a written request from his/her parents or guardian. The request is to be made at the attendance office which will issue a withdrawal slip for clearance from all classes and specified offices. The Business Office will process withdrawals after all signatures have been collected on forms and all books have been returned to teachers, within a 24-hour processing period. A student who may or must withdraw from school must complete a withdrawal form. The withdrawal form shall state the reason for withdrawal. The withdrawal form will be signed by the parent and principal or designee from the school. Documentation will be maintained in the former student’s file. Documentation of efforts to contact families shall be included in files when students and their families do not complete a withdrawal form.

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Upon withdrawal, the student shall return all books and other District property through the office of the school that was attended—Policy # JQ – Collection of District Property from Students. YEARBOOK: "IMPACT" Members of the yearbook class, which meets daily, produce the yearbook for Cholla under the title “Impact”. It is a pictorial record of people and events of the school year. Pictures must be paid for in full before they can be taken. Students who do not purchase a colored packet of pictures, will only have a yearbook picture taken.

Yearbooks go on sale at the beginning of first semester through December. Afterwards, the cost of yearbooks increases due to the elimination of financial incentives for early purchase. At the time of delivery of the yearbook, all debts owed to the Business Office must be cleared. Board Policy JQ in part states: “Schools may impose the following sanctions against students for non-payment of fees, charges, and tuition... 2. Denial of right to obtain a yearbook.” Please read pages (“TEXTBOOKS”) and (“STUDENT DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS”). Current school ID Card is required to obtain the yearbook. Refunds are not issued on yearbook purchases.

Notification of Nondiscrimination

Tucson Unified School District #1 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. The TUSD Career and Technical Education department does not discriminate in enrollment or access to any of the programs available to include Allied Health, Automotive, Business, Construction, Early Childhood, Graphic Design, Web Page Development, Law & Public Safety, Marketing, and Welding. The lack of English language skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in the district’s activities and programs. The Tucson Unified School District also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices. This notice is provided as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding these laws may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator. EEO Compliance Officer, 1010 E. Tenth St, Tucson AZ., 85719, 520-225-6444

SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Board Policy ACA Any employee or student who is subject to sexual harassment, or knows of the occurrence of such conduct Should immediately inform the Principal, Mr. Frank Armenta; Assistant Principals, Office Manager, or Ms. Kathy Long, school nurse.

PUBLIC AWARENESS In compliance with Public Law 94-142, Section 1, Paragraph 1.02, Cholla High School's Special Education Department wishes to enlist your help in locating handicapped persons of high school age to 21 years of age who are not in school or who do not have access to a special program.


Quick response to an emergency is critical to your safety. Today’s world requires that everyone - administrators, teachers, and students – is aware of what to do during an incident. It is also important to treat all students and staff with respect and to alert school officials if you know of potentially violent students on campus. Follow the guidelines below when an emergency occurs at your school:

1. Evacuation • Learn the primary and alternative evacuation routes from your classroom • Behave in a responsible manner • Follow teachers’ instructions during drills, evacuations, and lockdowns • Stay together and follow directions

2. Lockdown / Shelter-in-Place • Return to your assigned room immediately when the lockdown/shelter-in-place command is

given. • Stay away from windows and doors. • Remain in the classroom until you are released. • Follow all instructions of the teacher.

3. Telling adults about what is going on in schools could save your life or the lives of your friends. If you hear of students making violent threats, report those threats to a teacher or administrator!

4. Talk to school administrators or use the School Safety Hotline (520-584-7676) if you are concerned about the behavior or attitude of a particular student.

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5. RESPECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS! If you are being harassed or bullied, or witness other students being harassed or bullied, remember:

Anti-Harassment Policy – Student Reporting • TUSD is committed to conducting a prompt and equitable investigation of every complaint of

discrimination or harassment. • It is the policy of the Tucson Unified School District to encourage student targets of harassment

and students who have first-hand knowledge of such harassment to report such claims. • Students should report incidents to any teacher, guidance counselor, or school

administrator. Bullying Prohibition and Prevention Policy

• Bullying is a form of harassment. • Bullying is defined as: The repeated intimidation of students by the real or threatened

infliction of physical, verbal, written, electronically transmitted, or emotional abuse, or through attacks on the property of another.

• (Bullying) may include, but not be limited to actions such as verbal taunts, name-calling and put-downs, including ethnically based or gender-based verbal put-downs, and extortion of money or possessions.

• Bullying is unacceptable behavior in the Tucson Unified School District. • Students who engage in any act of bullying while at school, at any school function, in

connection to or with any District sponsored activity or event, or while en route to or from school are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion.

• This policy also applies to students who, by their indirect behavior, condone or support another student’s act of bullying. Retaliation against a victim, good faith reporter, or a witness of bullying is prohibited.

• A person who engages in an act of bullying, reprisal, or false reporting of bullying or permits, condones, or tolerates bullying shall be subject to discipline for that act in accordance with school district policies and procedures.

• If a student is unsure about whether an event or situation is bullying they are encouraged to consult with a teacher, counselor, or other school employee






District Leadership

TUSD Governing Board: President: Michael Hicks, Clerk: Dr. Mark Stegeman; Adelita Grijalva, Kristel Foster, Rachael Sedgwick

Superintendent: TBD

Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Leadership: Dr. Abel Morado


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Student Resources Counselor- Last Names

A-D Ms. Tsosie 520-225-4218

Counselor- Last Names E-Ll

Mr. Valdez 520-225-4102

Counselor- Last Names Lo-P

Dr. Green 520-225-4129

Counselor- Last Names Q-Z

Mr. Freitag 520-225-4018

College & Career Readiness Coordinator

Mrs. Cabral 520-225-4197

African American Student Services

Mr. George Brown


Asian Pacific American Student Services

Mr. Bac Dinh


Mexican American Student Services

Ms. Anjelica Munoz

Native American Student Services

Ms. Juanita Mesquita 520-908-4500

Social Worker Mr. Craig Wunderlich 520-225-4032 Social Worker Exceptional Ed

Ms. Mateos 520-225-4162

TUSD Family Resource Centers


Youth On Their Own 520-293-1136 Pima County Crisis

Hotline 520-622-6000

1-866-495-6735 Child Abuse Hotline 1-888-SOS-CHILD
