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Page Eight THE MT. VERNON SIGNAL Thursday, March ZO, 1941 LOCAL ITEMS - Christian Endeavor . There wen* about 30 pros; nt at Christian Endeavor with Ann Lair, lead IT, last Sunday evening. The officers of the Church Rot to- gcthor and midc'a report of the topics and the loaders for the next- two or throe months. Topics were Riven on the "Grace Ot Christ, the Son." We were Vt*ry clad to have as v's- ttors: Mr. and Mrs Russell. Bettye Jean Miller will be leader for next Sunday. Publicity Chairman Doris June Murphy Crippled Children's Head Invites Look At Record Russel Hank spent Snturdnv ni^blj. with his mother. Mrs. Pearl Arnold.! Mr. and Mrs. Mort Owens from) •Harlan spent Saturday right with I McKinley Arnold and family. i Mrs. Verolya Wynn and daughters | • rnd Mrs. W. O. Boll of Cqpway j spent Tuesday here. . Mrs. R. A. Suarksjfft Saturday j .for Lexington to sprnd two weeks; ,«rilh ber son, R. A. Sparks Jr. and family. L D. C. Craig spent the week end in , Lexington. Miss Rubv Bullock spent the \vi a-fWIflfTmord. ** ^ "" pMra,. IIr.ll spcct Mcnylay J tn Corbin. Mrs. tfe-ttv. Kew'ond-.and gfaiyl- - oaURfit<?f. f.'erty •; A n n iv'ewr.Wtf' fr Brodhead were vijrt'ng Mrs, Bennett "sr^Jv^i'T^and MfSTTlobcYt Cummins, Tuesday. Mrs. Alex Milan and babv daugh- ter. Nanette returned home from •Berea Hospital Monday. . Paul Edwin Cummins, seven year iold son, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cum- imins is confined "to his bed-with flu *'«nd tonsilitis. y Mrs. Verne Clark and sons of I.-.'v- iington soent thtS r wcek end with D Mrs. Ross Spears and son. Bobby spent the week end in Jefferson- vAown. Ky. with Mr. ami fc H Spears. Robert Wayne Cummins is back. In school after several days illness. . Mrs. Mary Proctor spent Wednes- day night with her niece, Mrs. J. B •Cummins. y mrs. ii. I. Hadfieid of "Danville was visiting friends here Friday. Geneva Dennison. Mary Elizabeth and Mildred Sharp of Versailles were Sui.aay guests of Geneva Dillingham. Miss .'Ruth Caughron is spending (his week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Caughron in Columba. Ky. Kenneth Ray Cummins has re- j tfovered from a severe attack of flu.j - J . B. Currtmins- resumed his duties-' Monday night as care taker af thel Mt. Ver'noh quarry for the Kentucky i Stone Co. after three nights lay off. i ** ' Mr. Cummins "has been on this night" Job for. Several years. Hurley Mullikin, who is Past State Councilor of Jr. O. U. A". M., and ' National Representative of the State ' of Kentucky, and Mrs. Mullikin,! State Secretary of Daughters of | America, accompanied by Mrs. Mull- j kin's niece, a Mrs. Baker, all otCov-^ , ington Ky. were here Saturday en- routo homo from Florida. Jan^es W. Lambert is now located in Edwin R. Denney's office in Mt. Vernon; where he is practicing his pfofessidn of law. •James Ellis Logston, who is sta- tioned at Fort Knox, spent the week eod with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jtyn Logston. Ellis is a first cook in ! n**s hall at his camp. . -Rev Charles G. Rowe of Carrollton, 1 Ky. and Rev. Aubrey Russell of Ghent, Ky. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Proctor Thursday. ; M13S Emma Schutter has as her guest this week. Mrs. R. B. Christ- j mfrn of Memphis. i Mrs. W. G. McBce and Mrs. | George Griffith spent Friday with | . D. B. Southard in- Stanford-, j. E. H. Griffith of Hazard spent 1 Several days here this week. j -- Misses Jeraldine Fairchild, Doris Smock. Ella Jean. Laswell. Nell Wanda Niceley, Virginia Bray, Jen- nie Morrow Brown and Dorthy Mul- Uns visited Miss Wathalyne Fair- child in Lexington. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Owens had *ds their dinner gtnuls Tuesday evening. Miss Emma Schutter. Mr. Harry B. Thornton and Mrs. R. B Christman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. .Gibson - . . . _ j i p e n t t h c j yeek end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B.fTTJenncy^t Brori- Eton. i Advertisers In ! This Week's Issue The list of advertisers in this | week's Signal follow: , i Rockcastle. Coal Mining Co. j McBee & Adams -j Bank Of Mt. Vernon , Cox & Henderson Sand Springs Coal Co. Community Public Service Dr. Paul B. Grainger I Davis & Maggard I Gray Theatre * ' Vernon Theatre Dr. II. K. Fulkerson Richmond Greenhouses * " May's Florist. Ky. Hatchery Menthomulsion | Herman Singleton. Brodhead Ford Motof Co. | Standard Oil Co. R. O. Roby, Agent Parrctt's Groccry American Mercury Webb Barber and Beauty Shoppe Livingston Motor Co. Webb Drug and Cafe Mize Service StatioiT ' Webb Electric Co. - ! W. B. Cummins' Grocery Gvip Theatre. Livingston l Seelbach Hotel attitude, and life on a give rather than a get basis—all these things and more are included in being good citizens. By producing in home gardens, in herds and flocks, most of the food re- quired by the family, (jiore money | will be loft to buy books, radios, for | travel, etc. Therefore the 4-H"ers are! encouraging wiser expenditure of | money for the greater good of the: family in their live-at-home program.' 1 And getting vitamins Ji ^through ] | G may be very important to young citizens who regard health as vital | to good citizenship. Bfty-S'and girls who have adequate 'food, exercise, j sleep and right attitudes will be more j alert, in all respects. | Tn fact, it's an all-inclusive kind ' of program the- 4-H'ers are getting j this year. After the world war of 1^014-19. many people settled down - into a negative attitude toward-pat- i riotism for their country. This pro- ' gram is emphasizing that, rather than trying to get something from j America, the main emphasis should be on giving something to it. ' Nnt'on Defense Subject of Stale I Dictetic Meeting "National Defense—and Nutrition" ; will be the theme of the annual meet- University of Chicago home ec- onomics department, will be a head- line speaker, discussing nutrition of children. Also on the program will be Dr. Mary de Garmo Bryan of Columbia University, noted author- ity on school lunch management; Dr. Static E. Erickson. head,of the Un- iversity of Kentucky home economics department and chairman of "the Kentucky Nutrition Committee aid- ing in defense work. A panel discussion nn, nutrition in t|jis State wjll be held "by members of social service groups," aided by technical experts. Officers of the association arc Miss Mary Hood Gillaspie. ' Burlington, president; Miss Florence Imlay of the Kentucky College of Agriculture, president-elect; Miss Georgia Hafer. Covington, vicc-president; Mrs. Ruth Amifion. Louisville, trcasyjer; Al- berta Limbach, (Tieletian for the Uni- versity of Kentucky residence halls, chairman of exhibits, and Elizabeth Helton. Lexington, secretary. Hams Agen! NO?GS By-Elizabeth UalrhftT- - — Home Demonstration Agent t-H CLUB MEMBERS STUDY CITIZENSHIP tUin ja- lUc_.youflft.rte* . * l « w iwtuje. appears on the cover of llic Kcntueky'Socfely for Crfp;>!ed Children's pamphlet inviting you to look nt the rccord of the work iu Kentucky. She'll foon-bc walking, fur the first time. '. will be home eeono'mlcs fe I managers of .cafeterias and i Wnirni, phv*e*K<\*',' "nurses, home ilemonstration ugvrtts, '^.^.'lirtjieiUittivi^. mem i major woman's clubs and Parent-Te Health, Association groups, h'ospital production. of. food. on.,thc farm. l^ians. and homemalters. home use. safety, the good-neighbor j Dr. Lyjlia J. Roberts, head county hers have "Citizenship'' subject of study this y V.-.V.V.V.V.V.V/AWWAV [IFOR SALE OR TRADI ^ 1—'« H. P. MOTOR ,• I — USED COOK STOVE £1 — 7> : X9 Used LINOLEUM Rus} £ 1— USED TYPEWRITER <*T — WINCHESTER DOlJfiLEj ^BARREL -SHOTGUN almost new} I ESTIL E. McBEE "5 : — - V.V.V/AVAVVAWV.W.W. Kentucky is nationally out- standing in praviding free ortho- pedic services for .its indigent cripplcd children, according to a statement, Saturday, of H. V McChesney, Frankfort, president of the Kentucky Society for Crip- pled Children, wjiich will jjpen its riiteentn annual mefaoOrsriip campaign on April 2. Reviewing the Kentucky "rec- ord," Mr. McChesney sa/d that the Kentucky Society recewes frequent inquiries from other States throughout the Union ask- ing for information regarding the local set-up. Mr. McChesney at- tributes Kentucky's place on the national front to the splendid spirit which has always existed, inrougnoul the State between the numerous agencies working har- moniously in • co-operation with the Society and the Kentucky Crippled Children's Commission. The Society is the outstanding private, State agency, raising funds and co-ordinating the vol- unteer work of lay groups such as Rotary,'Kiwanis, Lions, Junior League, Parent-Teacher Associ- S tions, Women's Clubs, lodges and t)urch groups. Formed in 1923, the Society is the parent to the Kentucky Crippled Children Commission, which -direct* -all professional scrvice to the chil- dren. holding fr M*iinics through- out the State, providing hospitali- zation in three medical centers- Louisville, Lexington, and Ash^ land, giving surgical treatment and corrective appliances where needed, supervising follow-up home treatment through field nurses- unfit' iw cases are dis- missed as cured. The Kentucky record shows that the Corami.«'.e*»-,, K-I* .15,274 cases on young .cripples on the' files. Mr. McChesney said, and has treated 7.822 of the children at an estimated cost of $272 each. Many of these children'are kfcpt under active supervision for sev- eral years and return for more lJyjjj . . mirim* > nf Mr. McChesney said the Com- mission's work is carried on by State and Federal appropriations, supplemented by the contribu- tions of individuals and groups through the Society's annual ap- peal. . "The total amount of funds ex- tended to the Commission has never been sufficient to treat every case," according to the So- ciety president, "There are still 3,824 young Kentuckians on Iho waiting list." ._ " L SEE PARRETT— West Main Street FOR ALL KftfQ$ BULK GARDEN SEED, SEED POTATOES, SEEO SATS, GRASS SEED, QNIQN, CABBAGE, AND TOMATO PLANTS AT BEST PRICES WANTED Truck Drivers To Buy COAL Shaker Screen Tipple Making 5 Different GRADES Horse Creek Coal at Rockcastle Coal Mining Co.. foeV?od near L & N. Depot at Brush Creek. 3'.2milcs from Highway 25, good gravel road 10 tipple. ROCKCASTLE COAL . MiMHGCO. Orlando, Kentucky .WW.WV ,VWA\V.VAV. itriEL » To Taxpayers •*!•• fTT-ryf Mt. VeiiT n. !.-•* : After paying all losses, $820 re- mained in th« treasury of the Ander- son County Shoep Association, j Pulaski county farmers, who grew 3,000 acres of hybrid corn in 1940, expect to double the acreages this year. . work \V Jlora^ L Albrinlit TOP ' ' 'OUT by t ?5 t<>, 5 yea ,EW :t -vcrul cas cc'.ir. > CflflM THERE IS Dash & Go IN CROWN EXTRA GASOLINE STANDARD OIL COMPANY INCORPORATED IN KENTUCKY R. O. ROBY. Agent " , Sivin yeari ago Join / Manning wai introduced * ' vftlua in c«ndy. And this hai b«*n th* <r«alon for its amaiinq growth and popu- Urity. Today Joan Manning it mora popu- lar than ov.r—aftar tavan yaarl of latilfy- ir»9_ par^icula; CM.4y users. If you do not Ihow what a valut Joan Manning oHars try a box today. WATK'NS CO SAW MILL—Finest steam saw mil in county. Tliree sided planer 70 inch, large adjustable rip table, also grist mill 30 inch stone'side runner, j, Sell all or part, very reasonable. Further information. See W. R. Allen, agent at Wildie, Ky. 18-lp { ASSORTED CHOCOLATES - . avis & Maggard Mt. Vernon Kentucky "This Year I Pay An Income Tsx' "Never had to do it before so it's a new experience. But figuring it out is going to be easy." "Last year I kept a checking account so I have an accurate record of all income and expense, a Knowing my deductions, I can figure out exactly what I owe, no more, no less." Next year, income taxes will still bo higher. For your own protection keep track of expense. It's easy if you carry a checking account in THE BANK OF MT. VERNON MT. VERNON, KENTUCKY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Vernon TheaSre Program Ml. Vernon, Ky. Sun., March 23 Mon.. March 24 Lupo Velei—Leon Errol Don Woods Mexican Spitfire Out West Toss aside your -woe, it's rollick- ing' It's romantic! It's a riot! Fun' It's terific! Lauchs?-"-It's /critic! Love? She's terific! Children 10c Adult. 22c Tues.. March 25 Wed. March 26 Ralph Bellamy Margaret Lindsay — In — Ellery Queen, Master Detective See Ellery Queen, most celebrated rleuth of radio and fiction, solve his toughest case on the screen! Children 10c Adults I5e Thurs.. March 27 Fri., March : Marlene Dielhrich Seven Sinners She out-loves! She out-laughs! She out-fights! Anything you've ever seen on the screen! Children 10c Adults 22c Saturday March 29 John Wayne — In — "Man From Monterey" A Whirlwind of action In^tf Tor- nado of Trouble! The sensational Western Star shows the Bad me» st the West what Fightin' means I Cnlldren 10c Adults 22c \

Vernon TheaSre Dash & Go - · PDF file*'«nd tonsilitis. y Mrs. Verne Clark and sons of I.-.'v-iington soent thtSrwcek end with D Mrs. Ross Spears and son. Bobby spent the...

Feb 15, 2018



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Page 1: Vernon TheaSre Dash &amp; Go - · PDF file*'«nd tonsilitis. y Mrs. Verne Clark and sons of I.-.'v-iington soent thtSrwcek end with D Mrs. Ross Spears and son. Bobby spent the week end

Page Eight THE MT. VERNON SIGNAL Thursday, March ZO, 1941


Christian Endeavor . T h e r e wen* about 30 pros; nt a t Chr i s t i an Endeavor wi th A n n Lai r , lead IT, last Sunday even ing .

T h e off icers of the Church Rot to-• gc thor and m i d c ' a repor t of t h e

topics and the loaders for the next-t w o or th roe months .

Topics were Riven on the "Grace Ot Christ , the Son."

We were Vt*ry clad to h a v e as v 's-ttors: Mr. and Mrs Russell .

Bet tye J ean Miller wil l be l eader fo r nex t Sunday .

Publ ic i ty Cha i rman Doris J u n e M u r p h y

Crippled Children's Head Invites Look At Record

Russel Hank spent Sn tu rdnv n i ^ b l j . wi th his mother . Mrs. Pear l A r n o l d . !

• Mr. and Mrs. Mor t O w e n s f r o m ) •Harlan spent S a t u r d a y r i g h t w i th I McKinley Arnold and family. i

Mrs. Verolya Wynn and daugh te r s | • rnd Mrs. W. O. Boll of Cqpway j spent Tuesday h e r e .

. Mrs. R. A. S u a r k s j f f t S a t u r d a y j .for Lex ing ton t o s p r n d t w o w e e k s ; ,«rilh ber son, R. A. S p a r k s J r . and family .

L D. C. Cra ig spent t h e week end in , • Lexington.

Miss R u b v Bullock spent the \vi a - f W I f l f T m o r d . ** ^ " "

p M r a , . IIr.ll s p c c t Mcnylay J tn Corb in .

Mrs . tfe-ttv. K e w ' o n d - . a n d gfaiyl-• - oaURfit<?f. f.'erty •; A n n iv'ewr.Wtf' f r

B r o d h e a d were v i j r t ' ng Mrs, Bennet t " s r ^ J v ^ i ' T ^ a n d MfSTTlobcYt C u m m i n s ,

T u e s d a y . Mrs. Alex Milan and babv daugh-

ter . N a n e t t e r e t u rned home f rom •Berea Hospital Monday. . Paul Edwin Cummins , seven y e a r iold son, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cum-imins is conf ined "to his bed -wi th f lu

*'«nd tonsilitis. y Mrs. Verne Cla rk and sons of I.-.'v-iington soent thtS rwcek end w i th D

Mrs. Ross Spears and son. Bobby spen t the w e e k e n d in J e f f e r son -

vAown. K y . wi th Mr. ami fc H Spear s .

Robert W a y n e C u m m i n s is back. In school a f t e r several days i l lness. . Mrs. M a r y Proc tor spent Wednes-day n ight wi th h e r niece, Mrs. J . B •Cummins. • ymrs. ii. I. Hadf ie id of "Danville w a s visi t ing f r i ends h e r e Fr iday.

Geneva Dennison . Mary Elizabeth and Mildred S h a r p of Versail les were Sui.aay guests of Geneva Dil l ingham.

Miss . 'Ruth Caughron is spend ing (his w e e k w i th h e r parents . Mr. and Mrs. Mart in Caughron in Columba. K y .

K e n n e t h Ray C u m m i n s has re- j tfovered f r o m a severe a t tack of f l u . j

- J . B. Currtmins- r e sumed his duties- ' Monday n igh t as c a r e t ake r a f t h e l Mt . Ver'noh q u a r r y for the Ken tucky i S t o n e Co. a f t e r t h r e e n ights lay off. i

** ' Mr . C u m m i n s "has been on this night" Job fo r . Several years.

H u r l e y Mul l ik in , w h o is P a s t S ta te Counc i l o r of J r . O. U. A". M., and ' Na t iona l Represen ta t ive of the S t a t e ' of Ken tucky , and Mrs. Mul l ik in , ! S t a t e Sec re t a ry of Daugh t e r s of | Amer ica , accompanied by Mrs. Mull- j k i n ' s niece, a Mrs. Baker , al l o t C o v - ^

, ington K y . were here Sa tu rday en-rou to homo f r o m Florida.

• Jan^es W. L a m b e r t is now located in Edwin R. Denney ' s of f ice in Mt. Vernon; w h e r e he is prac t ic ing his • pfofess idn of law.

• James Ellis Logston, w h o is s ta-t ioned a t For t Knox , spent the week e o d wi th his parents . Mr. and Mrs. Jtyn Logs ton . Ellis is a f i rs t cook in ! n * * s ha l l a t his camp. . -Rev Char l e s G. Rowe of Carrol l ton, 1

K y . and Rev. Aubrey Russell of G h e n t , Ky. w e r e guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. P roc to r Thursday . ;

M13S E m m a Schu t t e r has as her gues t this w e e k . Mrs. R. B. Chr i s t - j mfrn of Memphis . i Mrs. W. G. McBce and Mrs. |

G e o r g e G r i f f i t h spent F r iday wi th | . D. B. Sou tha rd in- Stanford-, j.

E. H . G r i f f i t h of Hazard s p e n t 1

Several days h e r e this week. j - - Misses J e r a l d i n e Fai rchi ld , Doris Smock . El la J e a n . Laswel l . Nell W a n d a Niceley, Virg in ia Bray, J e n -n i e Morrow Brown and Dor thy Mul-Uns visi ted Miss Watha lyne Fair-child in Lex ing ton . Tuesday .

Mr . and Mrs. Walke r Owens had * d s t h e i r d i n n e r g tnuls T u e s d a y

even ing . Miss E m m a Schut te r . Mr. H a r r y B. T h o r n t o n and Mrs. R. B Chr i s tman .

Mr. and Mrs. Char les E. .Gibson - . . . _ j i p e n t t h c j y e e k end with h e r parents .

Mr . and Mrs. B . f T T J e n n c y ^ t Brori-Eton.

i Advertisers In ! This Week's Issue

T h e list of adver t i se rs in this | week ' s Signal fol low: , i Rockcastle. Coal Mining Co. j McBee & Adams

-j Bank Of Mt. Vernon , Cox & Henderson

Sand Spr ings Coal Co. Communi ty Publ ic Service Dr. P a u l B. Gra inge r

I Davis & Maggard I Gray T h e a t r e * ' Vernon T h e a t r e

Dr. II. K. Fulkerson • Richmond Greenhouses * " May's F lo r i s t . Ky. Ha tche ry Menthomuls ion

| Herman Single ton. Brodhead Ford Motof Co.

| S t a n d a r d Oil Co. R. O. Roby, Agent P a r r c t t ' s Groccry Amer ican Mercury Webb Barber and Beau ty Shoppe Livingston Motor Co. W e b b D r u g and Cafe Mize Serv ice StatioiT

' Webb Electr ic Co. -! W. B. Cummins ' Grocery • Gvip Thea t r e . Livingston l Seelbach Hotel

a t t i tude, and l i fe on a give r a t h e r t han a get basis—all these th ings and m o r e a r e included in being good citizens.

By producing in home gardens , in herds and flocks, most of t h e food re -qui red by t h e family , (jiore money | will be loft to buy books, radios, for | t ravel , etc. The re fo re the 4-H"ers a r e ! encouraging wiser expend i tu re of | money fo r the g rea te r good of t h e : fami ly in their l ive-a t -home p r o g r a m . '

1 And ge t t ing v i tamins Ji ^through ] | G m a y b e very impor tan t t o young • cit izens w h o regard heal th as vi ta l | to good ci t izenship. Bfty-S'and girls

w h o have adequa te ' f o o d , exercise, j sleep and r ight a t t i tudes will be more j alert, in al l respects. | Tn fact, it 's an al l- inclusive k ind ' of p rogram the- 4-H'ers a r e get t ing j this year . A f t e r t h e wor ld war of 1^014-19. m a n y people set t led d o w n - into a nega t ive a t t i t ude t oward -pa t -i r iot ism fo r the i r count ry . Th is pro-' g r am is emphasiz ing that , r a the r • t han t ry ing to get someth ing f rom j America , the ma in emphas i s should

be on giving someth ing to it.

' Nnt 'on Defense Subjec t of S t a l e I Dictetic Meeting

"Nat ional Defense—and Nut r i t ion" ; will be the t h e m e of the annua l mee t -

Univers i ty of Chicago h o m e ec-onomics depa r tmen t , will be a head-l ine speaker , discussing nut r i t ion of chi ldren. Also on t h e p rogram will be Dr. Mary d e G a r m o Bryan of Columbia Univers i ty , noted au thor -ity on school lunch m a n a g e m e n t ; Dr. S ta t i c E. Erickson. head ,o f t h e Un-iversi ty of Ken tucky home economics d e p a r t m e n t and cha i rman of " the Ken tucky Nutr i t ion Commi t t ee a id -ing in de fense work .

A panel discussion n n , nut r i t ion in t | j is S ta te wj l l be held "by m e m b e r s of social service groups," a ided b y technical experts .

Off icers of the association a rc Miss Mary Hood Gillaspie. ' Bur l ington, pres ident ; Miss Florence Imlay of the Kentucky College of Agricul ture , pres ident-e lect ; Mis s Georgia Hafer . Covington, vicc-president ; Mrs. R u t h Amifion. Louisville, t r ca sy j e r ; Al-ber ta Limbach, (Tieletian for the Uni-vers i ty of Ken tucky res idence halls, cha i rman of exhibi ts , and Elizabeth Helton. Lexington, secre tary .

Hams Agen! NO?GS By-El izabe th UalrhftT- - —

H o m e Demons t ra t ion Agent t-H CLUB M E M B E R S STUDY C I T I Z E N S H I P

t U i n j a - lUc_.youflft .rte* . * l « w i w t u j e . a p p e a r s o n t h e c o v e r of l l i c K c n t u e k y ' S o c f e l y f o r Crfp;>!ed C h i l d r e n ' s p a m p h l e t i n v i t i n g y o u t o l o o k nt t h e r c c o r d of t h e w o r k iu K e n t u c k y . S h e ' l l f o o n - b c w a l k i n g , f u r t h e f i r s t t i m e .

'. will be home eeono'mlcs fe I managers of .cafeterias and

i Wnirni, phv*e*K<\*',' "nurses , home i lemonstra t ion ugvrtts,

'^.^. ' lirtjieiUittivi^. mem i m a j o r • woman ' s c lubs and Paren t -Te Health, Association groups , h'ospital

production. o f . food. on. , thc f a rm. l^ ians . and homemal ters . home use. safe ty , the good-neighbor j Dr. Lyjl ia J . Roberts , head


hers have "Cit izenship ' ' subject of s tudy this y

V . - . V . V . V . V . V . V / A W W A V



£ 1 — 7> : X 9 Used L I N O L E U M R u s }


<*T — WINCHESTER D O l J f i L E j ^ B A R R E L -SHOTGUN almost n e w }

I ESTIL E. McBEE "5 : — -V . V . V / A V A V V A W V . W . W .

Kentucky is nationally out-standing in praviding free ortho-pedic services for . i ts indigent cripplcd children, according to a s tatement , Saturday, of H. V McChesney, Frankfor t , president of the Kentucky Society for Crip-pled Children, wjiich will jjpen its riiteentn a n n u a l mefaoOrsriip campaign on April 2.

Reviewing the Kentucky "rec-ord," Mr . McChesney sa/d that the Kentucky Society recewes f requent inquiries f rom other States throughout the Union ask-ing for information regarding the local set-up. Mr. McChesney a t -tributes Kentucky's place on the national f ront to the splendid spiri t which has a l w a y s existed, inrougnoul the State between the numerous agencies working har -moniously in • co-operation wi th the Society and the Kentucky Crippled Children's Commission.

T h e Society is t h e outstanding pr iva te , State agency, raising funds and co-ordinating the vol-unteer work of lay groups such as Rotary, 'Kiwanis , Lions, J u n i o r League, Parent -Teacher Associ-

Stions, Women's Clubs, lodges and t)urch groups. Formed in 1923,

the Society is the parent to the Kentucky C r i p p l e d Children Commission, which -direct* - a l l

professional scrvice to the chil-dren. holding f r M * i i n i c s through-out the State, providing hospitali-zation in three medical c e n t e r s -Louisville, Lexington, and Ash^ land, giving surgical t rea tment and corrective appliances where needed, supervising fol low-up home t rea tment through field nurses- unfi t ' i w cases a re dis-missed as cured.

The Kentucky record shows that the Corami.«'.e*»-,, K-I* .15,274 cases on young .cripples on the' files. Mr. McChesney said, and has treated 7.822 of the children a t an estimated cost of $272 each. Many of these ch i ld ren ' a re kfcpt under active supervision for sev-eral years and re turn for more lJy j j j . . mi rim* > nf

Mr. McChesney said the Com-mission's work is carried on by State and Federal appropriations, supplemented by the cont r ibu-tions of individuals and groups through the Society's annual ap -peal. .

" T h e total amount of funds ex -tended to the Commission has never been sufficient to t reat every case," according to the So-ciety president, "There are still 3,824 young Kentuckians on Iho wait ing list." . _

" . v . m v . w A w . - . v .


SEE PARRETT— West Main Street



WANTED Truck Drivers To Buy

COAL Shaker Screen Tipple

Making 5 Different GRADES

Horse Creek Coal at Rockcast le Coal Mining Co.. foeV?od near L & N. Depot at Brush Creek. 3'.2milcs f rom Highway 25, good g rave l road 10 t ipple.


Orlando, Kentucky . W W . W V , V W A \ V . V A V .

itriEL » To Taxpayers

•*!•• fTT-ryf Mt. VeiiT n. !.-•* :

A f t e r p a y i n g al l losses, $820 re-m a i n e d in th« t r ea su ry of the Ander-son Coun ty Shoep Association, j P u l a s k i county f a rmers , w h o grew 3,000 acres of h y b r i d corn in 1940, e x p e c t t o doub le t h e acreages this y e a r . . „

work \V J l o r a ^ L


TOP ' '

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?5 t<>, 5 yea , E W : t

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Dash & Go IN



R. O. R O B Y . Agent

" , S i v i n yeari ago Jo in / Manning wai introduced * ' vftlua in c«ndy.

And this hai b«*n th* <r«alon for its amaiinq growth and popu-Urity. Today Joan Manning it mora popu-lar than ov.r—aftar tavan yaarl of lat i l fy-ir»9_ par^icula; CM.4y users. If you do not Ihow what a valut Joan Manning oHars try a box today.

W A T K ' N S CO

SAW MILL—Fines t s team saw mil in county. Tliree sided p laner 70

inch, large ad jus t ab le rip table, a lso gr i s t mil l 30 inch s tone ' s ide runne r , j , Sell al l or pa r t , very reasonable. F u r t h e r informat ion. See W. R. Al len , agen t a t Wildie, Ky. 18- lp


- . avis & Maggard Mt. Vernon Ken tucky

"This Year I

Pay An Income Tsx'

"Never had to do it be fo re so it 's a new exper ience . Bu t f igur ing it out is going to be easy ."

"Las t yea r I kep t a checking account so I have an accu ra t e record of al l income and expense , a K n o w i n g m y deduct ions , I can f igu re o u t exac t ly w h a t I owe, no more, no less."

Next year , income taxes wil l still bo h igher . For you r own protec t ion keep t r ack of expense . It 's easy if you ca r ry a checking account in


Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Vernon TheaSre Program

Ml. Vernon, Ky.

Sun., March 23 Mon.. March 24

Lupo Ve le i—Leon Er ro l Don Woods

Mexican Spitfire Out West

Toss as ide you r -woe, it 's rol l ick-ing ' I t ' s romant ic ! It 's a r io t ! F u n ' It 's te r i f ic ! Lauchs?-"-It 's

/ c r i t i c ! Love? She 's ter i f ic!

Chi ldren 10c A d u l t . 22c

Tues.. March 25 Wed. March 26

Ralph Bel lamy Margare t L i n d s a y

— In —

Ellery Queen, Master Detective

See Ellery Queen , most ce lebra ted r leuth of r ad io and fict ion, solve his toughest case on the screen!

Chi ld ren 10c Adul t s I5e

Thurs. . March 27 Fri . , March :

Mar lene Dielhr ich

Seven Sinners She out- loves! S h e out - laughs! She out - f ights! Any th ing you 've ever seen on t h e screen!

Chi ldren 10c Adul t s 22c

S a t u r d a y March 29

J o h n W a y n e

— In —

"Man From Monterey" A Whi r lwind of action In^tf Tor -nado of Trouble! T h e sensat ional Western S t a r shows t h e Bad m e » st t h e Wes t w h a t F igh t in ' means I

Cnl ldren 10c Adul t s 22c
