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Vegetation Benchmarks Wet eucalypt forest and woodland Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. Viminalis

Vegetation Benchmarks -

Dec 18, 2021



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Page 1: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Benchmarks Wet eucalypt forest and woodland

Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. Viminalis

Page 2: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 5 July 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WBR Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest

Community Description:

Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest is dominated by E. brookeriana, which ranges in canopy height from

10-40m. The understorey is often made up of two layers, a tall, dense, mid-layer, and a layer of

variable density underneath. This is the appropriate benchmark to use in assessing the condition of

the listed Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest community (Schedule 3A, Nature Conservation Act 2002.


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 25 80 20 -

Organic Litter 90% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 40 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 3 50

Shrub S 1 5

Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 1 30

Ground fern GF 2 10

Tree fern TF 1 5

Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes SCE 1 5

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 20

Total 7 10

Page 3: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WBR Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Acacia melanoxylon blackwood

Eucalyptus brookeriana brookers gum

Eucalyptus delegatensis gumtopped stringybark

Eucalyptus obliqua stringybark

Eucalyptus regnans giant ash

Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acacia dealbata silver wattle T

Acacia melanoxylon blackwood T

Bedfordia salicina Tasmanian blanketleaf T

Leptospermum spp. teatree T

Melaleuca ericifolia coast paperbark T

Olearia argophylla musk daisybush T

Phyllocladus aspleniifolius celerytop pine T

Pomaderris apetala common dogwood T

Cassinia aculeata dollybush S

Monotoca glauca golden wood S

Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR

Lepidosperma spp. swordsedge LSR

Blechnum spp. waterfern GF

Histiopteris incisa batswing fern GF

Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern GF

Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern MF

Billardiera spp. appleberry SCE

Clematis aristata mountain clematis SCE

Page 4: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 5 July 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WDB Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broadleaf shrubs

Community Description:

Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broadleaf shrubs are tall wet forest (usually over 40m) with a

variable understorey dominated by broadleaf species, common dominants including Olearia argophylla,

Bedfordia salicina and Pomaderris apetala. At lower altitudes E. obliqua, E. viminalis and E. globulus may

occur as sub-dominant canopy species. E. nitida is the most common sub-dominant in the north-

west and west. On upland ranges and plateaux in northern and eastern Tasmanian and the Central

Highlands E. amygdalina is the most common sub-dominant. Herbs are usually low in abundance and

diversity as a result of low light intensity at ground level. The diversity and abundance of ground

ferns is high. In some instances this community is an early successional stage of E. delegatensis forest

with an understorey dominated by rainforest species (WBR).


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 40 90 17 -

Organic Litter 90% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 45 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 7 40

Shrub S 6 5

Herbs and orchids H 4 1

Grass G 2 1

Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 2 5

Ground fern GF 3 10

Tree fern TF 1 5

Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes SCE 3 1

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 5

Total 9 29

Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus delegatensis gumtopped stringybark

Eucalyptus amygdalina black peppermint

Eucalyptus dalrympleana mountain white gum

Eucalyptus globulus Tasmanian blue gum

Eucalyptus nitida western peppermint

Eucalyptus obliqua stringybark

Eucalyptus viminalis white gum

Page 5: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WDB Eucalypt delegatensis forest with broadleaf shrubs

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acacia spp. wattle T

Anopterus glandulosus tasmanian laurel T

Banksia marginata silver banksia T

Bedfordia salicina tasmanian blanketleaf T

Cenarrhenes nitida native plum T

Monotoca glauca goldey wood T

Nematolepis squamea satinwood T

Olearia argophylla musk daisybush T

Phyllocladus aspleniifolius celerytop pine T

Pomaderris apetala common dogwood T

Prostanthera lasianthos christmas mintbush T

Zieria arborescens stinkwood T

Bauera rubioides wiry bauera S

Coprosma spp. currant S

Cyathodes glauca purple cheeseberry S

Leucopogon spp. beardheath S

Olearia viscosa viscid daisybush S

Oxylobium ellipticum golden shaggypea S

Pimelea drupacea cherry riceflower S

Pultenaea spp. bushpea S

Richea spp. candleheath S

Sprengelia spp. swampheath S

Tasmannia lanceolata mountain pepper S

Telopea truncata tasmanian waratah S

Acaena novae-zelandiae common buzzy H

Drymophila cyanocarpa turquoise berry H

Geranium potentilloides mountain cranesbill H

Hydrocotyle hirta hairy pennywort H

Chiloglottis spp. orchids H

Ranunculus spp. buttercup H

Senecio spp. groundsel H

Viola hederacea ivyleaf violet H

Deyeuxia spp. bentgrass G

Ehrharta spp. ricegrass G

Festuca spp. fescue G

Dianella tasmanica forest flaxlily LSR

Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR

Lepidosperma elatius tall swordsedge LSR

Blechnum spp. waterfern GF

Histiopteris incisa batswing fern GF

Hypolepis spp. groundfern GF

Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern GF

Pteridium esculentum bracken GF

Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern TF

Billardiera longiflora purple appleberry SCE

Clematis spp. clematis SCE

Microsorum pustulatum kangaroo fern SCE

Page 6: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 5 July 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WDL Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum

Community Description:

Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum is tall wet Eucalyptus delegatensis forest type

characteristic of areas with impeded drainage. The understorey is dominated by tall Leptospermum

species (predominantly L. lanigerum). In some instances, this community is an early successional stage

toward E. delegatensis forest over rainforest (WDR). However the nature of the sites indicates this

succession may be stalled or very slow in some situations.


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 40 90 17 -

Organic Litter 90% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 45 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 2 60

Herbs and orchids H 2 1

Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 2 1

Ground fern GF 2 1

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 10

Total 5 9

Page 7: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WDL Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus delegatensis gumtopped stringybark

Eucalyptus dalrympleana mountain white gum

Eucalyptus nitida western peppermint

Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Atherosperma moschatum (eastern

central highlands) sassafras T

Hakea spp. needlebush T

Leptospermum lanigerum woolly teatree T

Nothofagus cunninghamii (eastern

central highlands) myrtle beech T

Acaena novae-zelandiae common buzzy H

Australina pusilla shade nettle H

Geranium potentilloides mountain cranesbill H

Hydrocotyle hirta hairy pennywort H

Libertia pulchella grassflag H

Pterostylis spp. greenhood H

Viola hederacea ivyleaf violet H

Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR

Juncus spp. rush LSR

Blechnum spp. waterfern GF

Gleichenia microphylla scrambling coralfern GF

Histiopteris incisa batswing fern GF

Hypolepis spp. groundfern GF

Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern GF

Page 8: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 2

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 22 December 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WGK Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest

Community Description:

Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest is wet forest on King Island dominated by Eucalyptus globulus,

with E. brookeriana* as a sub-dominant, or occasional co-dominant tree. The canopy is open-

crowned and rarely exceeds 30 m. The community may have a woodland structure (see TASVEG

DKW) and, in areas of better drainage on sandy soils, may grade into patches of tall, dry scrub with

emergent mallee-form E. viminalis to 20 m (see TASVEG SSK). This is the appropriate benchmark to

use in assessing the condition of the forest component of the listed Eucalyptus globulus King Island

forest community (Schedule 3A, Nature Conservation Act 2002).


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 25 70 20 -

Organic Litter 50% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 35 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 8 20

Shrub S 5 15

Herbs and orchids H 10 5

Grass G 2 1

Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 4 5

Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily MSR 3 1

Ground fern GF 5 5

Tree fern TF 2 5

Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes SCE 4 1

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 5

Total 10 44

Page 9: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WGK Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus brookeriana brookers gum

Eucalyptus globulus Tasmanian blue gum

Eucalyptus viminalis white gum

Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acacia spp. wattle T

Hedycarya angustifolia australian mulberry T

Leptospermum scoparium common teatree T

Melaleuca ericifolia coast paperbark T

Melaleuca squarrosa scented paperbark T

Monotoca glauca goldey wood T

Nematolepis squamea satinwood T

Pittosporum bicolor cheesewood T

Pomaderris apetala common dogwood T

Aristotelia peduncularis heartberry S

Coprosma quadrifida native currant S

Pimelea spp. riceflower S

Acaena novae-zelandiae common buzzy H

Brachyscome spp. daisy H

Dichondra repens kidneyweed H

Drymophila cyanocarpa turquoise berry H

Geranium potentilloides mountain cranesbill H

Hydrocotyle hirta hairy pennywort H

Lagenophora stipitata blue bottledaisy H

Mazus pumilio swamp mazus H

Pelargonium australe southern storksbill H

Austrodanthonia spp. wallabygrass G

Ehrharta stipoides weeping grass G

Carex appressa tall sedge LSR

Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR

Lepidosperma spp. tall swordsedge LSR

Isolepis spp. clubsedge MSR

Juncus spp. rush MSR

Schoenus spp. bogsedge MSR

Blechnum spp. waterfern GF

Histiopteris incisa batswing fern GF

Hypolepis rugosula ruddy groundfern GF

Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern GF

Pteridium esculentum bracken GF

Cyathea australis rough treefern TF

Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern TF

Clematis aristata mountain clematis SCE

Muehlenbeckia gunnii forest lignum SCE

Hibbertia empetrifolia scrambling guineaflower SCE

Parsonsia brownii twining silkpod SCE

Page 10: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 5 July 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WGL Eucalyptus globulus wet forest

Community Description:

Eucalyptus globulus wet forest occurs mainly within lower slopes and gullies in moderate rainfall areas

on well-drained sites. It is characteristically dominated by an even-aged stand of tall Eucalyptus

globulus over a tall broad-leaved shrub layer with a prominent ferny understorey. Sedges are

sometimes prominent. Trees can exceed 50 m on fertile sites. In gullies in lower rainfall areas

heights are more typically 30 – 40 m.


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 40 80 30 -

Organic Litter 90% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 40 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 5 70

Shrub S 5 10

Herbs and orchids H 2 1

Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 2 5

Ground fern GF 2 10

Tree fern TF 1 5

Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes SCE 3 1

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 1

Total 8 21

Page 11: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WGL Eucalyptus globulus wet forest

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus globulus tasmanian blue gum

Eucalyptus regnans giant ash

Eucalyptus obliqua stringybark

Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acacia dealbata silver wattle T

Acacia melanoxylon blackwood T

Acacia verticillata prickly moses T

Bedfordia salicina tasmanian blanketleaf T

Beyeria viscosa pinkwood T

Cassinia aculeata dollybush T

Coprosma quadrifida native currant T

Notelaea ligustrina native olive T

Olearia argophylla musk daisybush T

Pomaderris spp. dogwood T

Goodenia ovata hop native-primrose S

Olearia lirata forest daisybush S

Olearia viscosa viscid daisybush S

Pimelea drupacea cherry riceflower S

Acaena novae-zelandiae common buzzy H

Hydrocotyle hirta hairy pennywort H

Stellaria flaccida forest starwort H

Dianella tasmanica forest flaxlily LSR

Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR

Lepidosperma elatius tall swordsedge LSR

Lepidosperma ensiforme arching swordsedge LSR

Blechnum spp. waterfern GF

Histiopteris incisa batswing fern GF

Microsorum pustulatum kangaroo fern GF

Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern GF

Pteridium esculentum bracken GF

Cyathea australis rough treefern TF

Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern TF

Billardiera longiflora purple appleberry SCE

Clematis aristata mountain clematis SCE

Ctenopteris heterophylla gypsy fern SCE

Grammitis billardierei common fingerfern SCE

Page 12: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 5 July 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WNL Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum

Community Description:

Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum is a tall wet eucalypt forest dominated by Eucalyptus nitida

up to 30- 40m tall, typically with a dense secondary layer of Leptospermum and/or Melaleuca species.

The understorey may be sparse, but is more commonly dense, with Gahnia grandis, Gleichenia

microphylla and Bauera rubioides commonly occurring, together with rainforest shrubs such as

Anopterus glandulosus.


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 30 80 30 -

Organic Litter 90% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 40 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 5 70

Shrub S 3 5

Herbs and orchids H 3 1

Grass G 1 1

Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 1 15

Ground fern GF 1 5

Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes SCE 1 5

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 5

Total 8 16

Page 13: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WNL Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus nitida western peppermint

Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acacia mucronata caterpillar wattle T

Acacia verticillata prickly moses T

Anopterus glandulosus tasmanian laurel T

Leptospermum glaucescens smoky teatree T

Leptospermum lanigerum woolly teatree T

Leptospermum nitidum shiny teatree T

Melaleuca squarrosa scented paperbark T

Monotoca linifolia nodding broomheath T

Monotoca submutica mountain broomheath T

Nematolepis squamea satinwood T

Oxylobium ellipticum golden shaggypea T

Pomaderris apetala common dogwood T

Zieria arborescens stinkwood T

Bauera rubioides wiry bauera S

Boronia spp. boronia S

Coprosma nitida mountain currant S

Leptecophylla spp. pinkberry S

Drymophila cyanocarpa turquoise berry H

Galium australe tangled bedstraw H

Hydrocotyle spp. pennywort H

Deyeuxia spp. bentgrass G

Ehrharta spp. wiregrass G

Dianella tasmanica forest flaxlily LSR

Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR

Gleichenia microphylla scrambling coralfern GF

Pteridium esculentum bracken GF

Empodisma minus spreading roperush SCE

Page 14: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 5 July 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WOB Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broadleaf shrubs

Community Description:

Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broadleaf shrubs are tall to very tall forest communities typically with

an understorey composed of broadleaved shrubs, the most common including Pomaderris apetala,

Nematolepis squamea and Olearia argophylla, with a high proportion of ground ferns. This community

is widely distributed in moderate to high rainfall areas on a variety of substrates.


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 40 90 18 -

Organic Litter 90% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 45 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 7 40

Shrub S 6 5

Herbs and orchids H 4 1

Grass G 2 1

Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 2 5

Ground fern GF 3 10

Tree fern TF 1 5

Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes SCE 3 1

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 5

Total 9 29

Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus obliqua stringybark

Eucalyptus amygdalina black peppermint

Eucalyptus brookeriana brookers gum

Eucalyptus dalrympleana mountain white gum

Eucalyptus delegatensis gumtopped stringybark

Eucalyptus globulus Tasmanian blue gum

Eucalyptus nitida western peppermint

Eucalyptus regnans giant ash

Eucalyptus viminalis white gum

Page 15: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WOB Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broadleaf shrubs

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acacia spp. wattle T

Anopterus glandulosus tasmanian laurel T

Banksia marginata silver banksia T

Bedfordia salicina tasmanian blanketleaf T

Cenarrhenes nitida native plum T

Monotoca glauca goldey wood T

Nematolepis squamea satinwood T

Olearia spp. daisybush T

Phyllocladus aspleniifolius celerytop pine T

Pomaderris spp. dogwood T

Prostanthera lasianthos christmas mintbush T

Zieria arborescens stinkwood T

Bauera rubioides wiry bauera S

Coprosma spp. currant S

Leucopogon spp. beardheath S

Olearia viscosa viscid daisybush S

Oxylobium ellipticum golden shaggypea S

Pimelea drupacea cherry riceflower S

Pultenaea spp. bushpea S

Acaena novae-zelandiae common buzzy H

Drymophila cyanocarpa turquoise berry H

Geranium potentilloides mountain cranesbill H

Hydrocotyle hirta hairy pennywort H

Chiloglottis spp. orchids H

Ranunculus spp. buttercup H

Senecio spp. groundsel H

Viola hederacea ivyleaf violet H

Deyeuxia spp. bentgrass G

Ehrharta spp. ricegrass G

Festuca spp. fescue G

Dianella tasmanica forest flaxlily LSR

Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR

Lepidosperma elatius tall swordsedge LSR

Blechnum spp. waterfern GF

Histiopteris incisa batswing fern GF

Hypolepis spp. groundfern GF

Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern GF

Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern TF

Billardiera longiflora purple appleberry SCE

Clematis spp. clematis SCE

Microsorum pustulatum kangaroo fern SCE

Page 16: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 5 July 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WOL Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum

Community Description:

Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum is a tall forest dominated by Eucalyptus obliqua over a

secondary tree/tall shrub layer of Melaleuca squarrosa or species of Leptospermum. Other tall shrub

or tree species include Nematolepis squamea and Acacia verticillata. The ground layer is sometimes

sparse but more often is a dense tangle of Bauera rubioides, Gahnia grandis, Gleichenia microphylla and

Restionaceae species.


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 40 90 18 -

Organic Litter 90% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 45 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 2 60

Herbs and orchids H 2 1

Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 2 1

Ground fern GF 2 1

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 10

Total 5 9

Page 17: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WOL Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus obliqua stringybark

Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acacia verticillata prickly moses T

Leptospermum lanigerum woolly teatree T

Leptospermum spp. teatree T

Melaleuca squarrosa scented paperbark T

Nematolepis squamea satinwood T

Bauera rubioides wiry bauera S

Australina pusilla shade nettle H

Geranium potentilloides mountain cranesbill H

Hydrocotyle hirta hairy pennywort H

Libertia pulchella grassflag H

Pterostylis spp. greenhood H

Viola hederacea iyleaf violet H

Baloskion spp. cordrush LSR

Empodisma minus spreading roperush LSR

Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR

Blechnum nudum fishbone waterfern GF

Blechnum wattsii hard waterfern GF

Gleichenia microphylla scrambling coralfern GF

Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern GF

Page 18: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 5 July 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WOR Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest

Community Description:

Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest has a tall to very tall canopy dominated by Eucalyptus obliqua

over a mature rainforest understorey. On fertile sites the rainforest is callidendrous, with Nothofagus

cunninghamii and/or Atherosperma moschatum predominating over an tree ferns and ground ferns with

a relatively high diversity and abundance of epiphytic ferns. The rainforest becomes increasingly

thamnic as fertility decreases, and secondary dominants may include Eucryphia lucida and Phyllocladus

aspleniifolius. On the flood banks of the major southern and western rivers, the rainforest canopy

may also include Lagarostrobos franklinii and an increased diversity of understorey shrubs. The

community is widespread in the higher rainfall areas of Tasmania and is the penultimate stage of

succession of E. obliqua wet eucalypt forest to rainforest.


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 40 90 18 -

Organic Litter 90% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 45 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 8 50

Shrub S 2 5

Herbs and orchids H 2 1

Ground fern GF 4 10

Tree fern TF 1 5

Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes SCE 5 5

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 30

Total 7 23

Page 19: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WOR Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus obliqua stringybark

Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acradenia frankliniae whitey wood T

Anodopetalum biglandulosum horizontal T

Anopterus glandulosus Tasmanian laurel T

Atherosperma moschatum sassafras T

Eucryphia lucida leatherwood T

Lagarostrobos franklinii huon pine T

Leptospermum spp. teatree T

Melaleuca spp. paperbark T

Monotoca glauca goldey wood T

Nematolepis squamea satinwood T

Nothofagus cunninghamii myrtle beech T

Phyllocladus aspleniifolius celerytop pine T

Tasmannia lanceolata mountain pepper T

Telopea truncata tasmanian waratah T

Trochocarpa gunnii fragrant purpleberry T

Coprosma quadrifida native currant S

Hydrocotyle hirta hairy pennywort H

Libertia pulchella pretty grassflag H

Blechnum nudum fishbone waterfern GF

Blechnum wattsii hard waterfern GF

Histiopteris incisa batswing fern GF

Hypolepis spp. groundfern GF

Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern TF

Asplenium bulbiferum mother spleenwort SCE

Grammitis spp. fingerfern SCE

Hymenophyllum spp. filmyfern SCE

Microsorum pustulatum kangaroo fern SCE

Prionotes cerinthoides climbing heath SCE

Rumohra adiantiformis leathery shieldfern SCE

Page 20: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 2 November 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WRE Eucalyptus regnans forest: broadleaf facies

Community Description:

Eucalyptus regnans forest with broadleaf shrubs are tall to very tall forest communities with a

broadleaf, wet sclerophyll understorey. The understorey is typically composed of broadleaved

shrubs, with a high proportion of ground ferns. This is one of two benchmarks available to assess the

condition of WRE. It is the appropriate benchmark to assess the broadleaf facies of this community.


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 45 100 18 -

Organic Litter 90% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 50 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 8 80

Shrub S 4 20

Herbs and orchids H 1 1

Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 1 5

Ground fern GF 6 10

Tree fern TF 1 10

Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes SCE 3 5

Total 7 24

Page 21: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WRE Eucalyptus regnans forest: broadleaf facies

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus regnans giant ash

Eucalyptus obliqua stringybark Drier and more frequently burnt or less fertile

margins of E. regnans forests

Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acacia dealbata silver wattle T

Acacia melanoxylon blackwood T

Bedfordia salicina Tasmanian blanketleaf T

Cassinia aculeata dolly bush T

Monotoca glauca goldey wood T

Nematolepis squamea satinwood T

Notelaea ligustrina native olive T

Olearia spp. daisybush T

Pittosporum bicolor cheesewood T

Pomaderris apetala dogwood T

Prostanthera lasianthos christmas mintbush T

Zieria arborescens stinkwood T

Coprosma quadrifida currant S

Pimelea drupacea cherry riceflower S

Tasmannia lanceolata mountain pepper S

Acaena novae-zelandiae common buzzy H

Chiloglottis spp. orchids H

Geranium potentilloides mountain cranesbill H

Hydrocotyle hirta hairy pennywort H

Senecio spp. groundsel H

Urtica incisa scrub nettle H

Viola hederacea ivyleaf violet H

Dianella tasmanica forest flaxlily LSR

Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR

Lepidosperma elatius tall swordsedge LSR

Blechnum spp. waterfern GF

Ctenopteris heterophylla gypsy fern GF

Grammitis spp. finger ferns GF

Histiopteris incisa batswing fern GF

Hymenophyllum spp. filmy ferns GF

Hypolepis spp. groundfern GF

Microsorum pustulatum kangaroo fern GF

Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern GF

Pteridium esculentum bracken GF

Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern TF

Billardiera longiflora purple appleberry SCE

Clematis spp. clematis SCE

Page 22: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 2 November 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WRE Eucalyptus regnans forest: rainforest facies

Community Description:

Eucalyptus regnans forest over rainforest has a tall to very tall canopy over a mature rainforest

understorey. The rainforest is callidendrous, with Nothofagus cunninghamii and/or Atherosperma

moschatum predominating over an open understorey of tree ferns and ground ferns with a relatively

high diversity and abundance of epiphytic ferns. The community is found in fertile areas with a

reliable summer rainfall (>50 mm). At its penultimate stage E. regnans may only form a 5% emergent

canopy over mature rainforest. This is one of two benchmarks available to assess the condition of



Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 25% - - - -

Large Trees - 60 120 18 -

Organic Litter 90% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 60 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 7 90

Shrub S 2 15

Herbs and orchids H 1 1

Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily MSR 1 1

Ground fern GF 6 20

Tree fern TF 1 5

Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes SCE 1 1

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 30

Total 8 20

Page 23: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WRE Eucalyptus regnans forest: rainforest facies

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus regnans giant ash

Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acacia melanoxylon blackwood T

Anopterus glandulosus Tasmanian laurel T

Atherosperma moschatum sassafras T

Eucryphia lucida leatherwood T

Nematolepis squamea satinwood T

Nothofagus cunninghamii myrtle beech T

Olearia argophylla musk daisybush T

Phyllocladus aspleniifolius celerytop pine T

Pittosporum bicolor cheesewood T

Pomaderris apetala dogwood T

Coprosma quadrifida native currant S

Pimelea drupacea cherry riceflower S

Tasmannia lanceolata mountain pepper S

Hydrocotyle hirta hairy pennywort H

Urtica incisa Stinging nettle H

Dianella tasmanica forest flaxlily MSR

Asplenium bulbiferum mother spleenwort GF

Blechnum nudum fishbone waterfern GF

Blechnum wattsii hard waterfern GF

Grammitis spp. fingerfern GF

Histiopteris incisa batswing fern GF

Hymenophyllum spp. filmyfern GF

Hypolepis spp. groundfern GF

Microsorum pustulatum kangaroo fern GF

Rumohra adiantiformis leathery shieldfern GF

Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern TF

Clematis spp. clematis SCE

Page 24: Vegetation Benchmarks -

Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1

Wet Eucalyptus Forest and Woodland

Last reviewed - 5 July 2016

Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

WVI Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest

Community Description:

Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest is a wet sclerophyll community typically with an understorey mixture

of small and broadleaf species, which occurs mainly on fertile, well-drained sites. The dominant

species, Eucalyptus viminalis generally forms an even aged stand of tall and well-formed trees. Trees

can exceed 60 m on fertile sites. Old-growth stands are uncommon - most stands are regrowth to

40 m. In sites that are drier or have a higher fire frequency the understorey may be lower and more

sparse. This is the appropriate benchmark to use in assessing the condition of the listed Eucalyptus

viminalis wet forest community (Schedule 3A, Nature Conservation Act 2002).


Component Cover % Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha Length

(m)/0.1 ha

Canopy 30% - - - -

Large Trees - 40 80 25 -

Organic Litter 70% - - - -

Logs - - ≥ 10 - 40

Large Logs - - ≥ 40 - -

Recruitment Episodic

Understorey Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover %

Tree or large shrub T 5 40

Shrub S 3 10

Herbs and orchids H 2 1

Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 1 5

Ground fern GF 2 20

Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes SCE 1 5

Mosses and Lichens ML 1 5

Total 7 15

Page 25: Vegetation Benchmarks -

WVI Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest

*This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be


Species lists:

Canopy Tree Species Common Name Notes

Eucalyptus viminalis white gum

Eucalyptus delegatensis gumtopped stringybark

Eucalyptus obliqua stringybark

Eucalyptus regnans giant ash

Typical Understorey Species * Common Name LF Code

Acacia melanoxylon blackwood T

Acacia verticillata prickly moses T

Atherosperma moschatum sassafras T

Bedfordia salicina Tasmanian blanketleaf T

Bursaria spinosa prickly box T

Cassinia aculeata dollybush T

Coprosma quadrifida native currant T

Leptospermum spp. teatree T

Melaleuca spp. paperbark T

Monotoca glauca goldey wood T

Nothofagus cunninghamii myrtle beech T

Olearia argophylla musk daisybush T

Pittosporum bicolor cheesewood T

Pomaderris apetala common dogwood T

Lomatia tinctoria guitarplant S

Olearia lirata forest daisybush S

Pultenaea juniperina prickly beauty S

Acaena novae-zelandiae common buzzy H

Geranium spp. cranesbill H

Gonocarpus spp. raspwort H

Hydrocotyle hirta hairy pennywort H

Oxalis perennans grassland woodsorrel H

Stellaria spp. starwort H

Gahnia spp. sawsedge LSR

Lepidosperma spp. swordsedge LSR

Blechnum nudum fishbone waterfern GF

Microsorum pustulatum kangaroo fern GF

Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern GF

Pteridium esculentum bracken GF

Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern TF

Clematis aristata mountain clematis SCE