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Vedute Starog Nisa

Oct 12, 2015



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    * (. Veduta) ; ; , . Veduta (ital.) an appearance; a picture with a truetolife representation of a city or a landscape; a prospect


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    Ni is not a young city. On the contrary, we know that, during an archaeological research in the Fortress, the archaeologi Martin Gabrievi, a former ambassador to the Vatican, discovered in the sound near the Arsenal seven socalled cultural layers seven traces of various civiliza-tions present in Ni during its millenniumlong hiory. However, as hiory so often teaches us, the remains of those civilizations, visible through the layers, reveal unequivocally that the cultures to which they belonged did not have a concordant relationship: the newcomers were always considered barbaric and they almo regularly devaated the city. erefore, the hiory of Ni is, unfortunately, mo often interpreted through archaeological findings.

    Nonetheless, a careful and curious person dealing with the pa, as well as the present of this city, could hardly negle a hybrid in the mentality of its citizens, which has been amalgamated ever since Conantine the Great, the pride of Ni, through the diplomatic encounter of Friedrich Barbarossa and Stefan Nemanja regarding the free and safe passage of the crusaders on their way to the Holy City, then through the long Turkish reign and finally, through the liberation of Ni and its reuniting with Serbia. As everyone but the Turks was only passing through Ni, the Turks ayed long, long enough to leave a rong mark on the city and its surroundings, until the railroad conneing Ni

    with Belgrade was built. e railroad would change the city from the root, and, according to the contemporaries, bring Ni closer to Europe at an extraordinary eed. With

    the revision of the fir urban plan of the city (by Karl Winter), the citys shape was significantly changed: numerous buildings were ereed and the houses of

    the wealthier citizens got a European physiognomy. e yle of dressing also changed: from Hungary and Bohemia came the fir tailors, hairdressers and

    musicians with a new, more pleasant sound. e sounds of zurle, algadija and tupan were slowly fading out. What was also fading away was the memory of Zahide Bahe, a famous Turkish heroine from the Fortress who climbed

    the sky going to the Kaaba in Mecca, where her epfather, the kulehaja of the Fortress, was going on a pilgrimage. She brought with her a copper sahan

    (type of a bowl) with kadaifa and tatlijas (types of sweets) so that her father would not be hungry. To the people of Ni she left only a srmali slipper, fallen off her

    left foot, at the place where the local Romany population ill lights candles to her memory every ursday. Ibiaga also left for Turkey, his homeland, leaving behind

    his apricottree in blossom, coffee drinking and the aksham (the period immediately after sunset) serenity by the Niava.

    It was already the time of arrival of the Orient Express in a crimson coat of midEu-ropean prepotency: the people of Ni, farmers and children anding by the tracks, could only wonder at the eed and beauty of the metal dragon taking the European lite towards the faroff Conantinople.

    e following set of drawings is moly dedicated to the period of the awakening of the na-tional awareness, economic rebirth and the growing indurial development. Breweries of the newly arrived Germans and Italians awned almo out of nowhere. e fir money office and chambers of commerce appeared, as well as the surgical pavilion and the Paeur Initute within todays clinic. e drawings, made in pen and tacked Indian ink, were done with great love by Milena Rakovi, arch. Mia Markovi and Jovan iri, Ph.D., based on numerous data obtained from daguerreotypes, or photographs taken by the photographers from the fir photoudios in Ni.

    We are happy to leave this colleion of drawings to the present and future generations of Ni to serve as a memory of how their city looked during one period of its long and complex hiory.

    Miodrag Andjelkovi, academic painter

  • 1931.. , , 13. II . .

    THE POST OFFICE BUILDINGIt was built in 1931 as a local branch of Belgrades Mortgage Bank, in downtown Ni, on the corner of Orlovia Pavla Street and Vodova Street. From World War II onwards, the building has been used as the Main Po Office. 1





    1718., . 1882., . : . , , , , , ( ), ( ), .

    THE BLOCK OF OLD BUILDINGS ON LIBERATION SQUARETodays Liberation Square arted to develop faer only after 1718, when the Turks began to build around the country. e square with European yle objes was initiated in 1882 by the building of Colonel Svetozar Hadis house. Later, the fol-lowing buildings were built towards the Niava: the house of watchmaker Stratimir A. Mijovi, the house of bookseller Milan Andri, the house of merchant Jordan Zlatkovi, the Fir General Bank building, the house of merchant Milan Stojanovi, hotel Palas (todays Union), Velika Kasina tavern (todays Serbia gallery), two multiorey buildings and the Loans Bank building.

    . . 1905. , 1903., 1922. . 1925., . ( 1891.) 1920. , , . 1939 . 1940., V . 1941. 190 .

    THE FORMER TRADER CENTRE BUILDINGe angular oneorey building is situated on the corner of Generala Lejanina and Oktobarske Revolucije reets. It was built around 1905 to be used by the Bank of Ni, founded in 1903 and merged with the Belgrade City Bank in 1922. After 1925, the building was put on sale. e Ni Youth Trade Union, founded in 1891, bought the building at an auion in June 1920. e rooms of the building were used as the school, a library, a reading room, the Trading Assiant club and the Culture and Arts Society Jedinvo. In 1939, the school part of the building was taken over by the Railroads Direion and in 1940 it was used as the Fifth Army Diri headquarters. In 1941, the Trading School in this building numbered 190 udents.

    1920. . . 1928. ., , , 1930. 1934. 1935.1979. .

    THE SOUTH MORAVA BANK BUILDINGIt was built around 1920 as the South Morava Bank Palace. In 1928, Vlada Tomi, a merchant of Ni, bought the building because the bank was filed for bankruptcy only to lease it to the Croatian Savings Bank which occupied the building until 1934. From 1935 to 1979, it was used as a residential building.

    , . , (, , ), 1878. . 1882., , 1887. . (19251930.) , (1935.) , .

    THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE BANOVINA, UNIVERSITY BUILDING e predecessor of todays University building and the prewar Morava Diri building is the Ni Diri Magirate. Ni diri, along with three other diris (Toplica, Pirot and Vranje), was eablished as an adminirative unit in southern Serbia right after the liberation from the Turks in 1878. ere was no proper facility for this initution to work in so it had to move to and from the welloff houses of Ni. In 1882, foundations were laid for a ecialized Magirate building at the ot of todays University building. It was finished and ready for use in 1887. e building, facing the Niava, had a ground floor and a fir floor. After WWI (19251930), the old part of the building was added another orey and in 1935, the semicircular corner part was added, giving the building its present look.

  • 67




    . . 12. , , , 50 19.. , 12. . 1189. . . , 1878., . ( 4 ). , . 1928., .

    THE ST. PANTELEIMON CHURCHe remains of the twelfth century St. Panteleimon Church with the necropolis are situated in the Pantelej diri, about 50 metres away from the church bearing the same name, which was built towards the end of the 19th century. Based on the writ-ings of Stefan the Fir Crowned, the church was built in the twelfth century by his father Stefan Nemanja. It was in front of this church that Stefan Nemanja met with the German emperor Friedrich Barbarossa in 1889. It is the fir church built in Jago-dinmala suburban diri. e foundations were laid in April 1878 and the church was finished in Augu, on St. Panteleimons Day, after only a four months work. e fir bell tower beside the church was built out of wood with the bell taken from the Turkish Sahat Tower in the Fortress. In 1928, todays tall bell tower with three bells was built and placed in front of the church.

    . . , , . 1737., . 1862. , , , . 1878., . , . . 1926. . .

    THE ST. NIKOLA CHURCHe origins of the church retch far back into the pa. When the Turkish reign began, the church was completely deroyed and then rebuilt owing to the efforts of metropolitan Joamikije, whose seat was in the church. After the Aurians retreated from Ni in 1737, the Turks converted the church into a mosque. In 1862, when the Turks lo their power in Belgrade, they moved to the Palilula diri in Ni and helped eed up the building of the mosque. After the liberation in 1878, the mosque was reconverted to a church. e minaret was replaced by the bell tower, and the inside changed to a church. e overall renovation of the St. Nikola Church was made in 1926. According to the folk tales, the church was converted into a mosque and vice versa six times.

    . 1856., . 1857., 1872. . 25.2.1878. , , . 1891. 1893. . , 28. 1893., . 1937. .

    THE CATHEDRALIt is situated in the central part of Ni. In midOober 1856, Joakimije, the bishop of Ni, laid its foundation one. e conruion began in June 1857 and ended in 1872. e Cathedral was consecrated on February 25, 1878, after which regular liturgies, baptisms, weddings etc. were held in it. From 1891 to 1893, the tiles were removed from the roof and the whole roof together with the domes was covered with brass. After the roof works were finished, it was reconsecrated on June 28, 1893. In 1937, a bell tower was built above the entrance.

    1809., , 1878. . 50 , 1. 1927. .

    THE EGAR MONUMENTe fir monument marking the place of Stevan Sindjelis trench in the Battle of egar was built in the shape of a small granite pyramid and revealed in 1878, on which occasion king Milan Obrenovi was present. Todays towershaped monument was built on June 1, 1927, to mark the 50th anniversary of the liberation from the Turks.

    , , . 952 . 1878. . . 1892., , . 1938., . 58 .

    THE SKULL TOWERAfter the Battle of egar, the Turks decided to build a tower out of the heads of the dead Serbian soldiers as a sign of revenge. e tower, containing 952 skulls, was built on the outskirts of Ni, on the road to Conantinople. Up to the liberation from the Turks in 1878, the tower was uncovered but was enclosed the same year. In 1892, thanks to the contributions from all over Serbia, todays chapel was built. In 1938, the monument to Stevan Sindjeli and the great Battle of egar was built in front of the tower. Today, only 58 skulls are left.

  • 11





    . 14 . 1927. , . .

    THE NATIONAL MUSEUMIt is a oneorey building situated in 14, Stanka Paunovia Street, with a acious mansard holding a few museums working offices. It was built in 1927 as a mansion for a Ni merchant Veljko A. Stefanovi.

    . . 7. , 1928. ., , , . , .

    1936. (, ) .

    THE NIAVA PALACEA threeorey palace, situated on the corner of Prijezdina and Oblaia Rada reets, was built in 1936 for a Ni induriali Duan StojanoviNiavac. It is worth noting that this was the fir modern multiorey building to contain builtin bathrooms and a sewage syem.

    THE HOUSE OF THE MERCHANT CEKISituated in 7, Duana Koia Street, it is a oneorey building built in 1928. e house was owned by a Ni merchant Todor Ceki, who owned a big hats and caps ore in the former Nisims building, at the beginning of Pobede Street.


    . . , , . 1914. . . 1921. 1965. .

    GORAAt the beginning of Pobede Street, there were two oneorey buildings. e fir, the angular one, was the property of a merchant and a leaseholder Gora Koi. e building was built in 1914 and had three shops in the ground floor. Adjacent to it was the building of a leaseholder Aleksandar N. Mihajlovi, built in 1921. Both buildings were torn down in 1965.

  • 16






    6. 1909. . () . . 1912., 1912.1914., . 1920.. 1920.1922., , , . 1919. 1646.

    THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL BUILDINGAt a citizens conference held on September 6, 1909 in the Europe hotel courtyard, the decision was made that a new grammar school building be built. e foundations were laid at the ot of Mithadpashas Islahan artisan school in Vodova Street. e foundations were consecrated in 1912 but the conruion was opped when the war began. After the war, having been caught in a fire in 1920, the building was finished along with its side wings between 1920 and 1922 and it continued to work as the fir grammar school in Ni. In 1919, the school numbered 1646 udents.

    22.12.1922. . 1930., , 1933., . , , , . II . . 1946. .

    THE TEACHERS CENTREOn December 22, 1922, the city council allowed an area of land on the corner of, at those days, Stefana Prvovenanog and irila i Metodija reets, to be used as the building site of the Teachers Centre. In 1930, funds were raised and the building was finished in 1933, when it was formally opened. On that occasion, it was announced that the centre would serve as accommodation and udy for teachers and their children, as a school museum, a reading room, a udents theatre and a movie theatre, all of which funions it fulfilled until WWII broke out. In 1946, the memorial building was renamed into the Educational Workers Centre.

    , , . ., . : , , . . . ( I ., ).

    OBILIEV CRESCENT Ju before the liberation from the Turks, it was a curved, orientalyle reet, although with already formed and somewhat developed trading and artisan shops. On the eve of WWI, it was a welleablished trading and artisan reet. It gathered people from the middle and the working classes: shopkeepers, artisans, merchants, and a smaller number of labourers and peasants. A significant number of independent artisans lived in this reet. After WWI, the reet had around twenty various taverns, which were also numerous before the war and even during the Turks.

    1890. . . 1891. 1892. . 1903., , 1941. 27. 1914. 16. 1915. .

    THE OFFICERS CLUB BUILDINGIt was built right behind the waterfront park in 1890 as the Bulevar tavern, owned by Milan RadosavljeviRaponja. From March 1891 to April 1892, the tavern was used as a age for the reopened Sindjeli eatre. In 1903, the building was bought by the military and used as the Officers Club until 1941. Between July 27, 1914 and Oober 16, 1915, it hoed the National Assemblys wartime sessions.

  • 21





    1897. ( ). . 19. 20. . 1920. . 1960., .

    THE NATIONAL LIBRARYIt was built in 1897 as a tavern (no data is available on who owned and designed it). Around that time, the Sindjeli theatre company used it to perform their plays. In the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, it was the seat of the city council for the longe period. It was also the municipal court and the fir communi city council after the 1920 eleions. It became the National Library in 1960.

    , , 1885. . 1890., , , . . . 15.09.1930. . .

    THE TOBACCO FACTORYe Ni Tobacco Faory, the fir such faory in Serbia, was founded by the Vien-nese Lender Bank in 1885. In 1890, the faory was taken over by the ate, after the law on the monopoly of tobacco manufauring, processing and sale was passed. e fir produion arted in, at those days, the unprocessed tobacco warehouse in Kraljevia Marka Street. Todays faory was built in the Red Cross diri and put into operation on September 15, 1930. It was built out of reinforced concrete and was one of the fir modern indurial facilities in Ni.

    (1884.). I . , . 1979.

    THE RAILROAD STATIONe original ation building was built in 1884, the same year the Belgrade Ni rail-road track was built. After World War I, another building was added to it; together, they served as both a passenger and a freight ation. e new railroad ation was built in 1979.


    II , . 1719., 1730. 1619. , .

    THE BRIDGE IN FRONT OF THE FORTRESSe Roman one fortress was probably built around the midsecond century. e Turkish Fortress was built on the ruins of the ancient and mediaeval fort, from 1719 to 1730. In 1619, Ni Fortress was partially rebuilt and the Ni one bridge was built, with a reing booth in the middle.

  • 26





    , . , 1910. , , .

    THE MILITARY HOSPITAL SURGICAL PAVILIONIt was built as the fir modern hoital facility in Ni and it had a separate Xray room. During the time this pavilion was being finished, three new civilian hoitals were beginning to be built. In 1910, the buildings were finished, followed by the clinics for skin, internal and infeious diseases.

    . , , 1927. ., . . II , 1971. ., , .

    THE BUILDING OF THE INDUSTRIALIST OKA DIMITRIJEVIAccording to the inscription in the attic, it was built in downtown Ni in 1927, for a wealthy Ni induriali and leaseholder oka Dimitrijevi. It is a twoorey build-ing with large residential rooms and offices. After WWII, until 1971, the ground floor was occupied by the Communal Bank offices and afterwards it was the childrens department ore Kekec.

    1933. . . , . . 22 .

    THE PALACE OF THE FURRIER NIKOLA JOVANOVIIt is a twoorey building built in 1933 for a Ni furrier and leaseholder Nikola Jovanovi, who owned a big ore for hats and caps. is building in 22, Svetozara Markovia Street is a representative palace which used to be occupied by the Profes-sional Society the Physicians Chamber.

    24 26 1900. . . .28 1927. . 30 . 1894. . . .32 1900. .

    THE CORNER OF SVETOZARA MARKOVIA AND POBEDE STREETSe buildings in numbers 24 and 26 were built around 1900, and were owned by a watchmaker Sotir Jankovi and a furrier Nikola Jovanovi, reeively. e house in number 28, owned by indurialis Kri and Milovanovi, was built in 1927. e house in 30, Pobede Street was built in 1894 for a Ni leaseholder Mihajlo Popovi. It is a oneorey building with two shops in the ground floor. e number 32 house on the very corner is a oneorey building built in early 1900 and owned by the furrier and leaseholder Nikola Jovanovi.

    . 28, 1931. . ( ) .

    THE PALACE OF THE BANKER NIKOLIIt is situated in 28, Svetozara Markovia Street and it was built in 1931 as a family residence of a private bank clerk Milan (Stanoje) Nikoli.

  • 31





    . . 26, 1930. . , 1925. . , .

    THE PALACE OF THE INDUSTRIALIST MILOVANOVIIt is situated in 26, Svetozara Markovia Street and it was built before 1930 as a Ni induriali Vidoje Milovanovis family residence. In 1925, together with the merchant Dragutin Kri, he founded the Pomoravlje chemicals faory, the fir faory to produce paint in southern Serbia.


    1914. . . , ( ). 1966. .

    HOTEL KNJAEVACIt was built before 1914 and owned by a Ni hotelkeeper Svetozar Petrovi. It had a large tavern ace, around a dozen rooms and a large summer garden with the eaves (later removed) supported by wooden poles. e hotel was situated in Vodova Street and was torn down in 1966.

    . 130. . . () , . . , , , . 1955., .

    THE MARGER TAVERNIt was situated in 130, Pobede Street. Before the liberation from the Turks, it was an old groundfloor inn. After the liberation, a oneorey tavern was built and games such as dominos and billiards were introduced. e leaseholder oka marked the drinks and the finished billiard games, so he was nicknamed Marker and then Marger. Afterwards, when he became the taverns owner, the tavern itself got this name. It later became the gathering place for artis, aors, clerks, teachers and professors. After having been torn down in 1955, a new multiorey building was built but the old name was preserved.

    19. . . . : , . 20., , . , . II . .

    DONINA DRINKING FOUNTAINDonina drinking fountain was built in the 1860s when hajiDona built it into the wall of his house on the corner of Rajieva and Dimitrija Dimitrijevia reets. Allegedly, the water for the fountain was channelled from Kovanluk quarter. After the liberation from the Turks, it was rebuilt and enhanced: it had a water pipe, an iron glass on a chain and a one trough from which cattle drank. In 1930s, a groundfloor residential building was built at the ot of hajiDonas house. e fountain remained untouched, but was conneed to the municipal water supply. After WWII, the fountain was dried out but in the 1970s it once again had water.

  • 36





    1940. , .

    THE EPISCOPACY BUILDINGIt was built in 1940 with motifs from traditional architeure, right next to the Cathedral.

    . . . 1880. 1969. .

    VAJCARIJAIt was a groundfloor building on the corner of Pobede and Duanova reets. It held the tavern vajcarija and four shops under one roof. It was built around 1880 and torn down in 1969.

    , , , 1875. . 1950. , .

    THE OLD HOUSE OF THE PRIEST IKONOMOVIIt was a oneorey house with a central yard porch supported by six wooden poles, a large cellar, and a central well. It was built in 1875 in Prijezdina Street and exied until 1950. e owner was a prie called Petar Ikonomovi.

    . . , , 1948. . j, . . , .

    THE OLD HOUSE OF IVKO F. MIHAJLOVIAUntil 1948, at the end of Nade Tomi Street, at the ot of todays block of flats with a bank on the ground floor, was a beautiful old groundfloor house of ivko F. Mihajlovi, who served as the influence for the charaer of Ivko in Stevan Sremacs play Ivkos Patron Saint Holiday. It was built in the time of the Turks in Moravic yle with a porch supported by arched pillars. A big courtyard gate was conneed with a wall made of unbaked brick and covered with tiles.



  • 41





    . . 1878. . . 19.. , , 13 , . XIX , . , , , .

    KAZANDIJSKO ALLEYKazandijsko Alley (officially called Kopitareva Street) is the only remaining part of the old business diri. According to the map of Ni from March 1878, this part of Ni was the citys artisan diri, which came into being in the beginning of the 19th century. ere is mention of thirteen coppersmiths working in Kazandijska (cop-persmiths) diri but the real number was apparently larger. Since the la decade of the 19th century, Kazandijska diri was no longer a rily coppersmith trade diri. After decades of being pushed into the background by Pobede, Nikole Paia and Duanova reets and the uncertainty regarding its future, Kazandijsko Alley was revitalized and is currently one of the main touri attraions in Ni.

    , , , , , , , , , , , . 20 .

    KING MILAN SQUARETo the ea from Vodova Street and the Orient Hotel, direed in a semiarch towards the bridge, the following objes were located: Kruevac tavern, hotel New York, Sindjeli hunters tavern, Sloboda alehouse, uman tavern, tavern Kod oke with overnight lodgings, as well as a tailors, a hairdressers, a coffeeroaing shop, a pary shop and, in front of number 20, the fir petrol ation followed by the fir taxi ation a little further away.

    1820. , , . , . , . . . 1840., , . 1841. . 1874. . 1933. 1944., . , , , .

    THE HOUSE OF CHRISTODULO e house was built around 1820 by hajioka Todorovi, a wealthy Ni merchant, and was inherited by his soninlaw Nikola Chriodulo. It was situated near the Cathedral, in todays Stojana Novakovia Street, in Marger. It played an important part in the life of Ni. Its resident was the fir Ni teacher Spiridon Jovanovi. Prince Mihailo ayed in it in 1840, on his return from Conantinople. A primary school worked secretly in the house for several years after 1841. In 1874, it was a secret meeting place of the antiTurkish coniracy board. It was the fir fulltime building of the National Museum from 1933 to 1944 when it was deroyed in the Allied bombing of Ni. e lawyer Anaas Chriodulo, the houses owner living in Belgrade, allowed the house to be used by the Museum for a minimum compensation.

    , 36. 1875. , 1878. ( ) 25 . 1981. , .

    THE HOUSE OF STAMBOLIJSKIHIt is situated in the downtown area in 36, Nikole Paia Street. A Turk called Amet Memetovi arted its conruion and then sold it unfinished in 1878 (it was finished the same year) to a Ni merchant Todor StankoviStambolija for twentyfive golden liras. In 1981, it was torn down and then rebuilt.


  • 46






    . 25, , , . 1861. 1864. 1878., , .

    THE MIIS HOUSEIt is situated in 25, Vodova Street, in what used to be Old Ni, in the Stambolgate quarter, which bears its name from the gate the Turks placed over a ditch in the middle of todays Sindjeli Square. e house was built for an anonymous Turk between 1861 and 1864. After the liberation in 1878, the house was bought from its owner ShamziHanuma by a Ni merchant oka Mii, whose heirs ill live in it.

    . .

    PASHAS INNPashas Inn was situated in Hunkarczarmala. It had a secret passageway towards the Niava and was the large and the mo significant building within the Fortress.

    17., , , , . , , . 31 . : , . 1879. .

    THE JEWISH QUARTERIn the fir half of the 17th century, as Ni was slowly expanding, Jews arted to gather in the area of todays Liberation Square and around the junion in the weern part of the business diri, near the Niava. Osmanpasha helped to build a Jew-ish boarding house in todays Balkanska Street, which was the fir ep towards the Jewish Quarter. e boarding house had 31 rooms on the ground floor and the fir floor and a large lounge. Until Ni was liberated from the Turks, more buildings were built: the synagogue, a reeable rabbis house and other Jewish houses. e Jewish Quarter was burnt in a fire in 1879.

    , , . , . () ( ).

    THE FORTRESSEDIRNEbalimala was a part of town containing very many taverns, grocery ores, walkways and lowgrade Turkish reaurants. To this li should be added a number of artisan shops, eecially cart makers and blacksmiths. e other quarter of the town (within the Fortress) was Hunkarczarmala, in which the governing part of Ni was located: Mithadpashas court and the Turkish garrison command.

  • 75.73. . .. .

    I .. VIA MILITARIS ( ). () () .

    II .. .IIIII .. II III ..


    169. . .. 1000 equitata.

    269. . .. II .280. . .. I 306.

    337. IV (

    ).441. .471. ( )

    .530.552. . ()

    () ... .

    550. .612.614. . ,

    j .618. .1072. . .

    .1019. 1020. II ( )

    31. 10. .1183. .

    1189. . I . . . . .

    1190. .1386. I 25 .1498. 33000 , 915 (144

    ). .

    1516. ( , , ).

    1619. . , .

    1660. 200 .

    7573 B.C. Roman troupes probably came in touch with the inhabitants of this area.Fir century A.D. VIA MILITARIS (in Roman times, a military road conneing the inner regions of a

    country with its borders). One of the olde is the road going from Singidunum (todays Belgrade) via Naissus and Serdica (todays Sofia) all the way to Conantinople.

    e beginning of second century A.D. Fir sources mentioning Naissus.2nd3rd centuries A.D. AQUADUCT a waterline in ancient Ni built in the end of the second and the be-

    ginning of the third century A.D. At the Kamenika River ring there was a Roman capping with the help of which all of ancient Ni was provided with water.

    169 A.D. e fir Roman COHORT formed in Naissus, consiing of a thousand soldiers and equites.

    269 A.D. Near Naissus, an important battle was fought between the Romans, led by Claudius II, and the Goths.

    280 A.D. e birth of Conantine I the Great, the Emperor of Rome (306337).4th century Naissus reached its peak of development and the economy flourished (among other

    things, Naissus had a silverware manufaure).441 e Huns under Attila besieged and utterly devaated Naissus.471 Naissus (not yet recovered from the Huns devaation) easily succumbed to the attacks

    of the Goths.530552 Naissus was rebuilt. Procopius ates: Having realized that the walls of Naissus and

    Serdica had been damaged in the course of time, (Juinian) fortified them, thus rendering them unconquerable to enemies.

    550 Procopius writes of the fir Slavic incursions around Naissus. 612614 e fall of Roman Naissus. Charaerized by the end of money circulation within the

    city, which caused the forts to be deserted.618 e Slavs and the Avars conquered Ni and deroyed it completely.1072 e Hungarian army penetrated through to Ni via the Morava River valley. e city

    was conquered and plundered. e same year, the Byzantine government was rees-tablished.

    1019 and 1020 In the Charters, the Byzantine emperor Vasilije II (having beaten and succeeded Sam-

    nilo) promoted the Ni episcopacy from the 31 to the 10th place in the Byzantine Empire.

    1183 e grand upan Stefan Nemanja claimed Ni from the Byzantines. In the rebuilt city, in July 1189, he met with the German Emperor Friedrich I Barbarossa to negotiate a future alliance. He intended to declare Ni a new capital of Serbia. e Ni episcopacy became a part of Serbia. Stefan Nemanja rebuilt the temple dedicated to St. Panteleimon the martyr.

    1190 e battle of the Morava after which Byzantium reclaimed Ni.1386 After 25 days of battle, Murat I conquered Ni.1498 e Ni county numbered a population of 33,000, and the city itself 915 (including 144

    Chriians). at year, Ni received the KANUN, a municipal law regulating market and other duties along with produion and sales taxing.

    1516 e building of the fir CARAVANSERAI (a large inn providing accommodation for travellers and merchants, enclosing a courtyard for horses and carts).

  • 1689. .1690. .1719.1730. .1722. . .1734. .1743.

    .1804.1813. I .1809. ( ,

    ). .

    1819. ., 2 3 .

    1837.1838. .1830. .

    .1837.1838. .1838.



    .1857.1872. , .1845. .1852. .1861. .1863.1864. .

    , 300 .1865.

    . .

    1868. .1873.1874. (6.1.1874).

    : , , , , .).

    1878. .

    1878. : , ( ) ( ).

    1876.1878. .1878. .1878.

    , , .

    1619 Ni Fortress was partially rebuilt due to more frequent haiduk attacks. at year, the Ni one bridge was built, with a reing booth in the middle.

    1660 e business diri of Ni had around 200 shops.1689 e Aurians conquered Ni.1690 Ni suffered heavy losses during a Turkish invasion.17191730 e Turks built the Fortress.1722 e Church of St. Nikola was built under the Gorica.1734 Death of the fir metropolitan Joamikije.1743 Founding of the fir company for the tranort of goods from Ni to Belgrade (e

    Arabadijska Company).18041813 Rebellions in Ni during the Fir Serbian Uprising.1809 e battle of egar (Stevan Sindjeli blew up the gunpowder room, killing himself

    along with the remaining Serbs and Turks). e Skull Tower, containing the skulls of the Serbs who died in the battle, was ereed the same year.

    1819 e Church of St. Archangel was built, and twenty years later, open porches were added to three of its sides.

    18371838 A big plague epidemic in Ni.1830 With the arrival in Ni of the teacher Spiridon Jovanovi, modern teaching began.

    Besides the church books, he also used Serbian grammar and hiory textbooks.18371838 e school was out due to the plague epidemic.1838 Bishop Grigorije relieved Spiridon Jovanovi of his po and hired prie Milovan as

    the teacher.1843 Bishop Venedikt and the citizens of Ni were all in favour of building a new acious

    oneorey school building with four classrooms.1845 Bishop Venedikt allowed Spiridon Jovanovi to return to Ni and appointed him the

    fir town teacher with the condition that he taught everything he knew in sciences.18571872 e building of the Cathedral, which was finished after the liberation from the

    Turks.1845 e fir school for both boys and girls was opened.1852 e fir trading business, Mita Velikovi & Son, was founded.1861 e school building built by order of Bishop Venedikt was burnt in a fire.18631864 A large twoorey building of the primary school was built near the Cathedral. All

    teachers were from Ni and the school numbered 300 pupils.1865 Mithadpasha founded the artisan school Islahan, where both Muslim and Chriian

    children were accepted in order that they acquire basic education and learn a trade. e twoorey boarding house was subsidized by the city council.

    1868 e fir Turkish public library was opened in Ni.18731874 A secondary school offering a twoyear education was opened (on January 6, 1874,

    the Schooling and Teaching Board sent the following books to the school: Mineralogy, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Planimetry etc.).

    1878 e Ni grammar school was opened in a rented building, having a single class.1878 e fir taverns were opened by ore Mii, Andon Panajotovi (Srpska Kruna, or

    Serbian Crown) and Duan Cvitanovi (Kod Sloge).18761878 Wars for liberation.1878 Ni liberated from the Turks.1878 e Berlin Congress. After a great diplomatic ruggle, Serbia won its independence

    and expanded its territories to the diris of Ni, Pirot, Leskovac and Vranje.

  • 1878. 23. ( ) . 20 . 1.11.1879. ., 3.11.1880. 1885. 1914. .

    1878. .1878.

    , 1809., .1878. ,


    . , .

    1879. , , .

    1879. , . 1958. .

    1881. ( ). , . , .

    1881. , . 1910. , .

    1881. , .

    1882.1887. (, ) 1887.

    1883. .

    1884. 31., 15., .

    1884. : 1888.1892. ; 1890. ; 1893. ; 1889.

    1883. , ( ). 1884. , 1895. .

    1884. , . 1889. .

    1884. .1884. .1885. .1887.


    1878 e session of the Serbian National Assembly was formally opened on November 23, in the primary school building (behind the Cathedral), with a solemn eech by Prince Milan Obrenovi. Among other things, the Assembly passed the press law. e session ended after 20 months. It continued with its work on November 1, 1879, and finished on November 3, 1880. e Assembly have met one more time before the beginning of the SerbianTurkish War in 1885. After this session, the Assembly continued its work in Belgrade until 1914, when it once again moved to Ni.

    1878 Atila Okolianji opened the fir civil pharmacy.1878 e fir monument, a mode granite pyramid resembling a tombone, was built

    outside Ni, at the ot of Stevan Sindjelis trench from 1809, on the egar promon-tory.

    1878 A site rich with coal was discovered in the village of Jelanica and the fir coalmine in the newly liberated territories was immediately opened.

    18791880 e ate allowed funds to help make the thermomineral water in Ni Spa available to the public. Two swimming pools were enclosed, one of which was used by women, and the other by men.

    1879 e citys public library was founded, with Stevan Sremac as its fir bookkeeper. 1879 e Europe hotel was built, only to be redesigned and added on to on several occa-

    sions. It was torn down in 1958, when it was the Jarebac movie theatre.1881 e fir bank was founded (Ni Diri Savings). It did not operate with ate capital

    but with church and truee fixedterm deposits. It also used court, police and other deposits.

    1881 A civil hoital was founded under the name of Diri Hoital in a private building next to the Niava, behind todays Youth Club. In 1910, it was moved out to the newly developed, modern hoital pavilions.

    1881 Serbia and AuriaHungary signed a trading contra, thus enabling lower prices of agricultural produs, which in turn engendered a fierce competition with the crafts and extremely hard conditions for indurial development.

    18821887 e foundations were laid for the Diri Magiracy building, which was ready for use in 1887.

    1883 Laza Popovis touring company performed the fir play in Ni. 1884 e fir eam engine arrived in Ni on January 31, followed by the fir train on Sep-

    tember 15, thus conneing Ni not only with Belgrade but also with Europe.1884 e fir written records of foreign consulates in Ni. From 1888 to 1892 the British

    vice consul served his term in Ni and in 1890 the AuroHungarian; in 1893, the Greek consulate was opened, followed by the French in 1889.

    1883 A bookseller, printer and publisher Koa enda founded the fir printing firm (the fourth in inner Serbia). In 1884, he arted issuing e Ni Herald and then e Ni Papers.

    1884 e fir workingmen amateur singing society Sloga was founded but was aive for one year only. It was then reaivated in 1889.

    1884 Jovan Appel opened a eampowered brewery.1884 e railroad repair shop arted to work.1885 e Old Monopoly was built as a tobaccobuying po.1887 On the initiative of the grammar school teachers the church singing company Branko

    was founded.

  • 1887. . , 1889. 1891. , ( , ).

    1888. , .

    1890. .1890. :

    , , 1955. .

    1892. , , 1809. . .

    1894. ( ).1894. .1897. .1897. ().1899. , 1960.

    .1900. ( ) 1.

    . .1900. .1901.

    .1902. 25.

    .1904. .

    1894. 1908.

    1906. .1906. .1907. .1908. .

    . 1911. . 19121913., . 1926., .

    1908. 1908. . , 1909. . 1912. 1. . 1913. . 27.12.1912. . 6 . 24.12.1912.

    1909/10. , , . . 1937. , 1957. .

    1912/13. .

    1887 Mihailo Dimi founded the fir theatre in Ni, called Ni Sindjeli eatre. Plays were performed in the Prince Mihajlo tavern until the theatre was closed down in 1889. Owing to the efforts of the diinguished citizens of Ni and the theatrical board, the theatre was reopened in 1891. Plays were fir performed at the Europe hotel auditorium and then at the Bulevar tavern (formerly the Officers Club, todays Youth Club).

    1888 At Caribrod and Riovac, a railroad conneion was eablished with Bulgaria and Turkey, reeively.

    1890 e French Club was opened in Ni.1890 e hiorical archives building was ereed. Up to the present day, it has served many

    purposes: it was fir the Serbian Armys cartography department, then the 1 artillery school for noncommissioned officers and finally, from 1955, the hiorical archives.

    1892 e fir monument in Ni was built a chapel enclosing the Skull Tower, thus making it a mausoleum of heroism and freedom.

    1894 A workshop for manufauring military clothes and footwear was founded (the army sewing shop).

    1894 e State grapevine seedlingnursery was founded.1897 Ni was flooded for the fir time.1899 Mita Rii founded the fir Serbian textile mill called Nitex.1889 e Orient hotel was built but torn down in 1960 to give way for the new hotel Am-

    bassador.1900 e radio ation building (Jovan Popis building) was ereed. During World War I,

    it served as King Petars residence. 1900 Barracks for the engineer corps were built.1900 e Paeurs Initute building was built, marking the beginning of the work of the

    fir preventive medicine initution in the country.1902 A monument shaped like a rifle bullet was built within the Fortress to mark the 25th

    anniversary of the liberation from the Turks.1904 On the initiative of the grammar school teachers, the National Library was founded.

    e basic legacy out of which it was conituted were the books and two buildings bequeathed to the future library by bishop Jeronim in 1894. In 1908, Stevan Sremac bequeathed his personal library to the National Library.

    1906 e fir fulltime movie theatre began to work under the marquee at Sindjeli Square.

    1906 e Workers Culture and Arts Society Abraevi was founded.1907 e military hoital surgical pavilion was built.1908 e St. Petka hydroeleric power plant was built on the Niava in the Sievo gorge.

    At the time, it was the large in Serbia. It arted delivering elericity for indurial purposes in 1911. In 19121913, a backup power ation was built as an additional source of elericity, the original plant not being able to fulfil all the needs. In 1926, a third generator was built in.

    1908 Aviation: in 1908, in Medoevac, the fir carrier pigeon po in Serbia began its work; in 1909, two hotair balloons were acquired; in 1912, the fir airport was finished on a field near Trupale; in 1913, a hydrogen ation in Medoevac was put into operation. e fir airplanes were brought to Ni in parts on December 27, 1912 and were put inside six hangars, where they were assembled. e Aviation headquarters was eab-lished on December 24, 1912.

  • 1913. , 1821. , . 1959. .

    1913. , , , . j I ..

    1914. 25. . , .

    1914. 26. I ..

    1914. , .

    1914. .1915. .1920. .1921.

    .1929. .1930. . 9. 1958.1930. ()

    , II . .1933. . 1933. .1934. , 1935. .


    1937. 1936. .1937. 28. , ,

    .1937. .1937. , ( , )

    1935. , 1937. , 1971. . .

    1939. 1.1. .

    19091910 At the ot of Ahmedbeys house in which Nikola Kole Rai used to reside, the County court building was ereed. Fir, it served as the County magirate and then as the County and Diri court. In 1937, another wing was added on the building followed by an extra orey in 1957.

    19121913 e Balkan Wars: the Serbian supreme command headquarters was in Ni.1913 A monument was built in front of the bridge near the Fortress, at the exa ot where

    the Turks hanged five citizens of Ni in 1821. In 1959, the monument was moved inside the Fortress.

    1913 e fir museum exhibition included archaeological colleions, colleions of arms, military uniforms and flags, ethnographic colleions and paintings. e museums aivity began along with the beginning of World War I.

    1914 On July 25, the Serbian Government moved to Ni. e Governments example was followed by the National Assembly and other political and adminirative bodies in the Kingdom along with diplomatic and military representatives from Ally and neutral countries, as well as foreign newaper reporters.

    1914 On July 26, a diatch arrived in Ni announcing AuriaHungarys declaration of war on Serbia World War I arted.

    1914 e Ni Declaration was issued, mentioning for the fir time the official reque for the union of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians.

    1914 e Tobacco Faory was moved to Ni from Belgrade.1915 A cemetery for British soldiers came into being: the English Military Cemetery.1920 A public employment office was founded to help the unemployed find work.1921 e National Bank branch was opened in the building where todays City Council is.1929 Morava Diri was founded.1930 Tram traffic was introduced. e la tram was driven on Augu 9, 1958.1930 A warehouse was built in the Red Cross diri and used as a concentration camp by

    the Nazis during World War II.1933 e Teachers Centre was finished and formally opened.1933 e National Museum was founded.1934 e military airport was arranged to include civilian traffic and in 1935, Aeroput

    airlines from Belgrade provided daily flights from Belgrade to Skopje via Ni during the summer.

    1937 A modern water supply, built in 1936, was put into operation.1937 Designed by Antun Auguini, the Monument to the Liberators of Ni was revealed

    on June 28.1937 Hotel Park was built at the ot of Beirbeys inn and the Kings Court.1937 Girls grammar school (afterwards the Higher Learning School of Pedagogy, from 1971

    the Faculty of Philosophy) was opened after being built for two years.1939 e newly built National eatre was solemnly consecrated on January 1.

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    Prepress xx



    Bibliography1) Encyclopaedia of Ni, vol. 1, 2 and 3;

    2) Borislav Andrejevi, e Monuments of Ni;3) e Hiory of Ni, vol. 1 and 2;

    Drawings byMilena Rakovi

    Arch. Miodrag Mia MarkoviJovan iri, Ph. D.

    PublisherGRAFIT Ni

    EditorMiodrag Andjelkovi, academic painter

    ConsultantJovan iri, Ph. D.

    Translation into EnglishPredrag Niketi

    DesignGRAFIT Ni

    PrepressStudio MAXX Ni

    Printed byGRAFIT Ni

    Impression555 copies
