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Vanishing Bees and the Melting Tip of the Iceberg The information I give you in this article is very serious, regarding human survival! What is making bees vanish and whales go off course? How is this affecting human beings? The answer to these questions could very well tie into man’s control of the weather--“weather modification” or “weather warfare”. Not only are bees vanishing without a trace, but whales, fish and birds are getting lost—not able to find their migratory paths, going against “nature”—even predatory sea animals and their “dinner” swimming off-course together without any “interaction”. We saw a week of news in May 2007 about two whales that got lost in a river. They seemed to be confused—not knowing which way to go. Nature is being manipulated, turned off-course, disoriented and lost, and man under the control of Lucifer (Satan as the “angel of light”) is at the helm—for a short time longer. Where is the Creator in all of this? Yahuweh is still in control-- never doubt that! But, at this point, in order to accomplish His ultimate goals for the salvation and perfecting of His set-apart ones, He has taken His hands off of the plans of Lucifer and his people and this dying world system, in order to gather to Himself a true, pure, unspoiled remnant of people who will come out and be set- apart unto Him. His eye is on His own--on those who fear Him. (Psalm 103:13-18; Malachi 3:16-4:4) Because of Russia’s weather-altering devices, the north and south poles are beginning to melt. Why? Russia needs the oil, and the mineral wealth in the now-frozen areas in the north part of Russia, and to the north—at the pole. But, American HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) facilities are also involved. (This great weather- altering facility of America is located in Gokona, Alaska, just east of Fairbanks.) “Global warming”: A propaganda deception! From The Weather Channel by James Spann, ABC 33/40 Weather Blog, January 18,

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Apr 23, 2018



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Vanishing Bees and the Melting Tip of the Iceberg

The information I give you in this article is very serious, regarding human survival! What is making bees vanish and whales go off course? How is this affecting human beings? The answer to these questions could very well tie into man’s control of the weather--“weather modification” or “weather warfare”.Not only are bees vanishing without a trace, but whales, fish and birds are getting lost—not able to find their migratory paths, going against “nature”—even predatory sea animals and their “dinner” swimming off-course together without any “interaction”. We saw a week of news in May 2007 about two whales that got lost in a river. They seemed to be confused—not knowing which way to go. Nature is being manipulated, turned off-course, disoriented and lost, and man under the control of Lucifer (Satan as the “angel of light”) is at the helm—for a short time longer. Where is the Creator in all of this? Yahuweh is still in control-- never doubt that! But, at this point, in order to accomplish His ultimate goals for the salvation and perfecting of His set-apart ones, He has taken His hands off of the plans of Lucifer and his people and this dying world system, in order to gather to Himself a true, pure, unspoiled remnant of people who will come out and be set-apart unto Him. His eye is on His own--on those who fear Him. (Psalm 103:13-18; Malachi 3:16-4:4) Because of Russia’s weather-altering devices, the north and south poles are beginning to melt. Why? Russia needs the oil, and the mineral wealth in the now-frozen areas in the north part of Russia, and to the north—at the pole.But, American HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) facilities are also involved. (This great weather-altering facility of America is located in Gokona, Alaska, just east of Fairbanks.) “Global warming”: A propaganda deception! From The Weather Channel by James Spann, ABC 33/40 Weather Blog, January 18, 2007: “Hundreds of electromagnetic towers—Scalar (Russia) and HAARP (America) are churning out enormous amounts of heat into the atmosphere 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These towers are commonly called “Atmospheric Heaters!” Some weather experts have come to the conclusion that the real reason for the “chem-trails” is to trap sunlight and its heat, inside the dome of the atmosphere, thus causing temperatures throughout the world to increase”. The beaming of scalar beams into the earth creates great heat in the atmosphere, but these beams also cause earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, wildfires, floods, drought, great storms, heavy snows, hail, and tornados. These beams can remove the ozone layer, causing

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cancer and the destruction of the immune system of humans and animals, and bees. These beams can scramble the minds of human beings, and the natural instincts of animals, and bees. I strongly believe that the two subjects of vanishing bees, and weather manipulation are tied together. The vanishing bees phenomenon was reported last night (July 11, 2007) as a lead story on the Tampa, Florida local newscast. The beekeepers report up to 90

Page 1billion dollars worth of crop damage expected in 2007. Twenty-three states are reported as being affected, and some Canadian provinces. Thirty to sixty percent of bees from the West Coast of America have vanished. Up to seventy percent have vanished from the East Coast and Texas, Florida is hard-hit.David Bradshaw reports from Visalia, California (February 23, 2007) that approximately 100 million fees were found missing from his bee boxes. They are NOT dying, nor are any dead bees found near the boxes—they are vanishing. A typical bee colony contains 15,000 to 30,000 bees. Jerry Bromenshank, a bee researcher, says: “Colonies are going down. The bees aren’t dead in the boxes or aren’t out front. They’ve just disappeared—just vanished”. A Cornel University study has established that honeybees annually pollinate more than 14 billion dollars worth of seeds and grains alone.The University of Pennsylvania has put out a report that says that the immune system of bees is collapsing, making them susceptible to disease. If the bees’ immune systems are collapsing and weather-altering technology can collapse the immune systems in humans, then we can see the tie-in.Causes discussed by scientists for the vanishing bees are pesticides, disease, mobile phone radiation, electromagnetic pollution from technology, shifts in the earth, and constantly changing weather patterns. Albert Einstein said that if honeybees became extinct, the human race would decline in four years.Jerry Haynes, Florida’s top bee expert, says that only the honeybee can pollinate crops. The crops cannot be pollinated any other way. In an interview on CBS news, Jim Blackstone asked Jerry if there was any way for man to pollinate crops. Jerry said “No”--there is no way to pollinate crops except via honeybees. Jim Blackstone said: “No one knows why they are disappearing or how to stop it”. When the “common man” throws up his hands and says we can’t do anything, this is extremely serious—especially when it affects life on

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earth. If this is not solved, in a short time, scientists say that one third of America’s food supply will disappear. But, this is not just an American phenomenon. Canada is being affected and also parts of Europe. This has been called “the biggest blight on the United States”.Listening to bee activity in the hives, experts say that the bees are “in distress”. It’s very sad that evil men even distressing honeybees. We know that just before storms, birds and other animals change their behavior.Scalar technology creates unnatural storms. One sunny day this July, with no clouds in the sky, I was sitting inside our house in Florida. All of a sudden booming sounds occurred outside in the sky. I asked my son-in-law what that was. He said before storms hit, there were booms. I said, “But it is sunny and clear out there”. He said, “That is the way it is here, the booms happen when it is sunny and clear, and then we have a storm”. This is exactly what is being reported in many places, and these booms are traced to weather-altering technology.

Page 2Aqaba, Jordan, where I lived for 8 years, had a natural weather patter of approximately 15 minutes of sprinkles a year—usually in January. It is in the Negev Desert on the Red Sea. One day, a giant boom was heard, the earth shook, then a storm came immediately that caused so much rain that it created mud-slides that came down on trains and train workers, and airport workers and killed them. It broke the main water pipeline from Disi, coming into Aqaba. After this, storms and heavy rains began to come more and more frequently.One night I was out on the roof of my apartment house and saw five very bright, very huge, fiery-red star-like shapes appear in the sky, high above the hills near Eilat, Israel, across the border from where I was. They each stayed in the sky about 5-7 minutes, then would vanish, and another would come. These were high, huge, and fiery red—very brilliant. I noticed that the air was very still, and unusually warm. It was eerie. The warmth seemed to come from these “fire-stars”. Later that night rainstorms began that continued for a week. The local people were baffled as to what was happening. There is an American military base just behind the mountains, behind Eilat, where the fire-stars appeared. Of course, these things would distress bees, birds, whales, and animals of all sorts. These things distress human beings, tearing down their immune systems, so that skin cancer, for example, is becoming a plague, even in the young, because the ozone layer is being purposely removed.

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David Hackenberg of Lewisberg, Pennsylvania, was the first to sound the alarm about vanishing bees. He lost 800 million bees in 2,000 hives.From the Christian News Wire, April 27, 2007, we get more information: “David Bradshaw…got the shock of his career when he opened his boxes in January of 2007 and found half of his million bees missing”. “This occurrence is being called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)”.“This has spread to Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece”. “John Chapple, one of London’s largest beekeepers, announced that twenty three of his forty hives have been abruptly abandoned”. The Christian News Wire quotes Revelation 6:5-6: “And when He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, `Come and see’. And I looked and saw a black horse, and he who sat on it holding a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, `A quart of wheat for a day’s wage, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wage. And do not harm the oil and the wine’”.The Christian News Wire article said that grapes are pollinated by wind, or completely self-fertilizing. The grapes won’t be damaged. “Bees and other insects play a minor role in olive pollenization. Wind moves most of the pollen from tree to tree. Many olive varieties are self-fertilizing, so the olive harvest won’t be attacked by CCD”. The CNN/Time science news editor said that already some U.S. stocks are plunging due to crops not being produced. CNN news said that the changing weather patterns could cause the bees to vanish—to not find “home”. This is interesting because CNN, as most of you know, is controlled by the Illuminati. Many times Lucifer tells on himself in short phrases, if a person

Page 3knows how to listen intelligently. If they are saying that changing weather patterns can cause bees to get lost, then we need to perk up and check this out.Now I want to give you some fascinating information about scalar technology, invented by a Russian scientist in the 1920’s, and HAARP technology, which is America’s version. America’s HAARP technology is considerably behind Russia’s technology. Russia’s technology is so advanced that they can use, and have used, their “beams” to destroy things in outer space, as well as create havoc in our own earth’s atmosphere. Man has gone way beyond his ability to control his knowledge. Man is out of hand. Jeremiah 10:14-16 talks about man’s “brutish

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knowledge”. Yahuweh’s creation is perfect, but man is destroying it in his attempts to get rid of Yahuweh.Indeed we have returned to “the days of Noah”. Satan and his demonic forces are now using man to create things for the destruction of the whole human race. Man is playing with the DNA of man and animals and plants, mixing DNA, and creating “monsters”. We now have genetically modified foods, which give us little food value, and have additives that are harmful to our health.We are back in the “days of Noah”, when demonic powers controlled mankind to the extent that Yahuweh had to destroy all flesh, except Noah and his family, to get rid of the “pollution”. (Genesis chapters 6 and 7)Scott Stevens, one of America’s top meteorologists, told the “Cutting Edge” report (October 20, 2005): “To put it plainly: There is no natural weather left on planet earth. None! Hurricanes now develop in locations that best suit the weather makers. Storms now develop much to where the `powers that be’ want the maximum terror effect. These storms are government sponsored terrorist events. The effects are economic, are emotionally draining, certainly financially taxing, and used to cause a victim mentally that makes us all feel powerless in some sense. All weather is now manufactured. Period.” Most of these storms originate in Russia—the true technological super power of the earth. Russia is creating weapons for the Arabs to use against Israel that are far more advanced than anything the U.S. or NATO has to date. On September 10, 2001, F.E.M.A. (America’s secret government authority) made a prediction: They said that a major terrorist attack was expected that would occur in New York that would demolish major high-rise buildings, that a class four to five hurricane would hit New Orleans and wipe out the whole area, and that a monster earthquake would hit California and kill many—two down, one to go. They are no prophets. In December of 2004, when a tsunami hit south Asia and killed hundreds of thousands, six thousand Americans died, but it was not reported in the U.S. All American news showed at that time was the same picture of 9/11/01, over and over and over. America is not supposed to know what the rest of the world knows. I know there is a purposed news block-out to the U.S. We are being mind-programmed continually. The higher-ups didn’t want us to lose focus from 9/11 and think about 6,000 dead Americans in a tsunami. The tsunami was

Page 4called a “freak of nature--shaking the core of the earth and rattling it. Months afterwards, scientists said the earth’s core was still shaking.

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I believe it was man-made. I believe it was a practice test for hurricane Katrina. The Bible talks about the “roaring of the seas”. In Luke 21:25, the Messiah says: “And there shall be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on earth anxiety of nations, in bewilderment at the roaring of the seas, and agitation, men fainting from fear and the expectation of what is coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to take place, look up, and lift up our heads for your redemption draws near”. The Greek word for “roaring” is #2278, and 2279 in James Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. It is the word “echeo” – “to make a loud noise, to reverberate, to roar, to echo, to be loud or confused”. From The Merriam Webster Dictionary, 1994, the word “reverberate” means: “to reflect light or heat, to respond as in a series of echoes”. What a description of the effect of scalar technology! On land, the light-heat and confusion passing through the atmosphere is changing the course of nature to its destruction. Excerpts from Romans 8:18-22: “For the intense longing of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of Elohim…the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage to corruption into the esteemed freedom of the children of Elohim. For we know that all creation groans together, and suffers…” Yes, animals, birds, reptiles, insects, fish, mammals of the sea, plants—all creation—awaits the coming of Messiah to free it from man’s destruction. If you will do a study on Ezekiel 27 and 28, you will see that Satan, as Lucifer the illumined, shining, angel of light, works through trade and commerce. The seas have always been a major avenue for Lucifer’s system to exchange goods. The melting of the polar ice caps and other northern ice-bound areas, by America and Russia, are all because of greed—to get at the wealth that lies beneath. The passages in Ezekiel correspond to the destruction of the harbor of New York, in Revelation 18. This chapter is clearly New York—for all the commodities listed in this chapter are only traded daily in one place—Wall Street. Revelation 16:3 says that in the wrath of Yahuweh, all sea life dies. In fact, when Messiah comes, the whole earth will be shaken so badly that islands will sink, and the earth thrown back onto its original axis, before the great flood of Noah’s day. But, in Revelation 11:18, we see that in His wrath, He destroys those that destroy His earth. Now, because scalar technology has gone into space, even to the moon, and among some of our solar system’s planets, man has their evil into the realm of the “heavenlies”. Yahuweh is soon to arise and end it.

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Jerusalem Post journalist, David Shamah, wrote on the tsunami on January 13, 2005: “I mean, how was it that the US Naval Base at Diego Garcia—which is `this’ close to India, the Maldives, etc—emerge unscathed? Forget nuclear weapons, there’s a much greater danger out there, one that could easily have caused the tsunami. It’s called HAARP…HAARP is being

Page 5designed as a weapon to control the atmosphere, the weather—and earthquakes.”Have you wondered what is going on—Earthquakes, tornados, massive fires, hurricanes, heavy flooding, heavy snow, heavy storms and high winds, drought and great heat—all in America, sometimes with totally different things happening within a small area, all at or around the same time-period, within one season? Jeremiah 5:22-23 tells us that Yahuweh has set the boundaries of the seas. Yahuweh rides upon the floods and storms, and controls the “chambers” of snow and ice, the Psalmists say. But, in Psalm 2, we see that just before Messiah comes, man is meeting and working to do away with His “bands”—His boundaries. Yahuweh is letting out the rope—and evil man will hang himself.From “The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: Owning the Weather for Military Use”, by Michel Chossudovsky, September 27, 2004 “The US Air Force has the capability of manipulating climate either for testing purposes or for outright military-intelligence use. These capabilities extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts, and earthquakes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather…the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of technologies…” (In late 2004, massive areas of China were engulfed in a strange fog that could not be explained).“In the winter of 2004-2005, snow fell in the United Arab Eremites for the first time in its history. In May of 2003, 562 tornadoes hit the United States—the highest in recorded history. Much history-making weather is happening.HAARP, based in Gokona, Alaska, has been in existence since 1992…HAARP consists of a system of powerful antennas capable of creating controlled local modifications in the ionosphere (upper layer of the atmosphere)”. “HAARP also has the ability of triggering blackouts and disrupting the electricity power system of entire regions”.

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Was the blackout in America’s North East, a few years ago, a practice run? Not long after that, London had a massive black out. Coincidence? Continuing with Chossudovsky’s article: “An analysis of statements emanating from the US Air Force points to the unthinkable: The covert manipulation of weather patters, communications systems and electric power as a weapon of global warfare, enabling the U.S. to disrupt and dominate entire regions of the world”. “The USA plans to carry out large-scale scientific experiments under the HAARP program, not controlled by the global community that will create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electrical networks and in oil and gas pipelines and have a negative impact on the mental health of people populating entire regions”.

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“This advanced stage of full capacity (FIRI) corresponds to what the US Air Force has called ‘Owning the weather’. Weather warfare constitutes a covert form of pre-emptive war. The manipulation of climate can be used to destabilize an enemy’s economy, ecosystem, and agriculture.” To test these things, the U.S. is experimenting on its own people. However, we must also realize that Russia is using their “scalar” technology in America as well.From “New Watch Magazine”, David Smith editor, November 2005: “How can martial law be aided by the use of this technology? It can `secure’ whole areas—take them over—control the mental ability of people, as well as cause great damage in other ways”.“In 1974, Professor Gordon J.F. MacDonald of Dartmouth College testified before a Senate subcommittee on the subject of weather modification. MacDonald served as associate director of the Institute of Geophysical and Planetary Physics at the University of California at Los Angeles. During his testimony, Professor Mac Donald outlined possible weather warfare methods including the ability to steer hurricanes, manipulate the polar ice caps, create guided tidal waves, and modify earthquakes. He said, `Operations producing such conditions might be carried out covertly since nature’s great irregularities permit storms, floods, droughts, earthquakes, tidal waves to be viewed as unusual but not unexpected. Such a secret war need never be declared or known by the affected populations…the years of drought and storm could be attributed to unkindly nature and

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only after a nation was thoroughly drained would an armed takeover be attempted’. In the Fall of 1976, the Soviets began sending out the most powerful man-made radio beams ever created”. “Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was born in Croatia (then Austria-Hungary). He emigrated to the United States in 1884, worked for a short time with Thomas Edison, and became a naturalized American citizen. A pioneer in high-tension electricity, he made discoveries and inventions of great value….Tesla laid the groundwork for the development of wireless telegraphy and radio communications and transmitted electricity without wires for some 25 miles and lighted lamps. As a result of his accomplishments, Tesla received 14 doctorates from universities all over the world. He patented 900 new processes to project scalar waves. Another part of Tesla’s secrets is the use of extremely low frequencies (ELF) waves… Perhaps the most important secret of the Tesla broadcast is the fact that the waves are not projected into the air like ordinary radio waves, but are sent into the ground. These electromagnetic waves are said to be able to penetrate and pass through anything, including the very center of the earth.”“Nikola Tesla put on many personal demonstrations of artificial lightening during his lifetime. Artificial lightning has been one of the many different effect created by the Tesla Scalar transmitters. The August 24, 1986

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New York Times stated: `Federal authorities say they have never recorded so many fires in such a short period.’ The first fires `were touched off by a series of rainless lightening storms’”. “During the summer of 1987, massive lightening generated forest fires occurred once again. The September 2, 1987 Washington Times reported that in 2 days alone, `California has 4, 854 lightening strikes that resulted in 717 fires’, stated John Carter, information officer at the Joint U.S. Forest Service… In southern Oregon, lightening detectors recorded `more than 1,700 lightening strikes in 24 hours’, said Denver James of the Forest Service in Portland. The September 5, 1987 New York Times reported that `half a million acres of forest and brush were burning in eight states, with an army of 20,000 men and women trying to fight the blazes’. The newspaper reported that these widespread fires were set off by dry electrical storms ”. “There was an article that appeared in The New York American on July 11, 1935 in which Tesla claimed he could cause the

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earth to split in half. His patents stated that he could cause earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, and tidal waves, ball lightening, break down the ionosphere leaving people vulnerable to scorching by the sun, therefore, skin cancer and the break down of the human immune system. He could steer hurricanes and tornados to designated targets for the purpose of destruction. ““Russia captured Yugoslavia in the 1940’s and stole all of Tesla’s works from the Belgrade library. In joint efforts with the U.S., Russia has built for themselves quite a powerful arsenal to destroy opposing nations without declaring was or getting the blame.” Either America is practicing on its own people, which is most likely true, or Russia is letting us know they are in control, which is also most likely true, nonetheless, weather patterns in the U.S. in the last twenty years have been crazy, leaving billions of dollars in damage and many deaths. Russia has done damage to our space program, and is very dangerous, since their technology is more powerful than our HAARP technology. Countries can and are being devastated by the use of this technology. Remember that the G-8 nations include Russia. The “Quartet”, which is more powerful than any single government on earth, also includes Russia (The U.S., the E.U., the U.N. and Russia). Notice that only Russia and the U.S. stand alone by themselves. Yet, in the thrust for the plan of Lucifer to be fulfilled, the two countries are together in purpose. From News Watch Magazine November 2005, we read: “Starting in December of 1987, a whole series of enormous storms swept across the American continent. The December 17, 1987 Washington Times describes the pre-winter storm. They said that the `biggest surprise of all was the snow that hit Malibu, where long-time residents could not recall any snow ever falling there before. The same monster storm closed Chicago’s O’Hare International airport for the first time since 1979. The same killer storm spawned deadly tornados in Arkansas and

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Mississippi and knocked out power across parts of Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. One week later, another huge storm system swept across America. The Western Rockies in Colorado had 37 inches of snow with no advanced warning. And in Iowa, thunder and lightening preceded the snowstorm’”. “In 1980, the U.S. suffered a catastrophic drought, especially the Pacific Northwest. The causes of that drought were described in the February 2, 1981

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Washington Post: `There are two very large and very persistent high-pressure systems that have planted themselves over the West Coast and Rocky Mountains and remained there for four months. In America, such long-lived weather centers were unheard of until 1977…’”“Nineteen seventy-seven—1977--is when the former Soviet turned on the Tesla Weather Warfare transmitters!In 1986, 1987, and continuing into 1988, the U.S.S.R. once again utilized giant standing Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) magnetic waves to create several weather-blocking mechanisms, which acted as a wall to cut off the Pacific Northwest from receiving its normal flow of rain carrying storm systems. During his lifetime, Nikola Tesla frequently created ball lightening and giant lightening bolts with his transmitter. Shortly after the Soviets turned on their own Tesla magnifying transmitter in 1976, parts of the U.S.S.R. suddenly began to experience abnormal lightening bolts and mysterious lights in the sky.“Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden’s scientific article `Star Wars Now’, stated that Tesla’s scalar weapons can be used in the `produce energy’ mode to create a “massive electrical fireball” over cities. On August 13, 1986, the Associated Press reported: `People scattered over much of the eastern United States reported a mysterious light in the night sky, and residents of Kentucky said they heard a boom and felt their house shake. These events took place August 12, 1986 at 10:15 PM.The August 14, 1986 U.S.A. Today described the events: `A spectacular light show that prances across the night sky east of the Mississippi had astronomers baffled’.The Washington Post described the mysterious light show: `It is definitely not a meteor. Meteors burn off after seconds. This lasted five to seven minutes’”. “The July 3, 1987 Arizona Republic described a mysterious boom which hit San Diego, California the previous day: `A sharp, startling boom jolted northern San Diego County during the night, but authorities said they don’t know what caused the mysterious blast…it sounded like a blast from a canon. It was a big momentary shake’. `It is a mystery’, said meteorologist Wilbur Shigehara of the National Weather Service. `No earthquake was recorded…Last year we had several shakes like this. It happened three or four times a day for a week. We never found out what it was’”. David Smith of “News Watch Magazine” asks: “Could Russia be testing for the day they will create a giant earthquake that will drop San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco into the ocean?”

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I do not think it will be Russia alone who does this, since FEMA, in 2001, has already “prophesied” it would happen. When “necessary” Russia and America work out a deal to combine efforts. Russia’s Vladimir Putin and President Bush are very chummy these days. Just this month, July 2007, there was the “Lobster Summit”, as it was called by the media, at President Bush’s home in Maine, where Putin came for a secret meeting. Interesting that in all the many meetings going on around the world of the top Luciferic world elite leaders, they are constantly going in and out of a few places—the Vatican, primarily, President George Bush’s home (Texas or Maine), Vladimir Putin’s office, Spain’s King Juan Carlos’ home, and Berlin. (In May of 1999, I heard for myself, with others, in Aqaba, Jordan, on CNN and BBC, the public announcement of the one world government, with NATO as the “core military”, the G-8 nations as leadership, and the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of England as the chief heads. Therefore, America and Russia are cooperating in most things). Russia and China are doing military maneuvers on America’s border with Mexico, Mexican side, of course, and many Russian troops are now a part of America’s military “defense”, under the United Nations.“The September 1987 OMNI Magazine stated that a radical loss of ozone could cause `the stratosphere’ to `heat up by as much as 40 degrees, warming the air close to the earth about 4 degrees, and melting the polar ice caps.’”“News Watch Magazine” says: “Such a warming of the polar regions has long been a goal of the former Soviet leaders, starting with V.I. Lenin’s 1921 appointment of Gelb Krshishanovsky to draw up plans to dam up the Bering Strait. However, the idea of warming up the Artic stayed alive. They need warm water ports for shipping and melting ice for oil exploration”.“On February 24, 1987, the PBS-TV Network carried a Nova science show titled `The Hole in the Sky’. Nova stated: `Antarctica…the coldest place on earth—here a mysterious change has been detected in a vital element in the atmosphere. This invisible layer 15 miles high acts as a sunscreen around the earth…our ONLY protection from it. Scientists warn that ozone depletion would have major effects on human health, including higher incidents of sin cancer, cataracts, and depression of the immune system. Loss of ozone would effect climate, damage the growth of plants and disturb the food chain…The large scale depletion of the earth’s ozone layer was a SUDDEN EVENT”. “On October 21, 1986, the Washington Post reported: `…a monitoring station in Switzerland found that the earth has lost about 3% of its ozone since 1920, most of that in the last

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decade’. The preceding decade was the time frame when Russia started their transmissions of scalar--1977.“The July 29, 1987 Washington Post reported on the comments of Robert Watson, program scientist for the National Aeronautics and Space

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Administration (NASA): `A few years ago, scientists were worried that a 5% change in ozone over the next century could be adverse. Instead of 5%, we’re looking at 50% in only 10 years. This is absolutely unexpected; its caught our attention’. The March 10, 1987 the Washington Post reported: `Skin cancer is increasing in the United States at a near epidemic rate’”. “Acting upon the basis of the giant propaganda lie, which claims that chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases alone are the cause of the recent sudden decrease in earth’s ozone level, the Reagan Administration that was controlled by the Trilateral Commission/Council on Foreign Relations, signed the International Ozone Treaty. On March 14, 1988, without opposition, the U.S. Senate approved the ozone treaty. Thus, the 1988 ozone treaty served the interests of the Trilateral Commission allied International Bankers by promoting the De-Industralization of America”.“The April 6, 1987 Electronic Engineer Times made an extremely important statement: `…Current element analysis…explains the existence of the longitudinal electromagnetic waves that were observed by radio pioneer Nikola Tesla. The same giant standing waves that are being created today are from Tesla’s experiments. These giant standing ELF waves is what is depleting the ozone layer and will eventually cause disease to run rampant because of the breakdown of our human immune system against disease . The same ELF waves will heat the core of the earth to such a degree that either the earth will explode or safety valves such as volcanoes and earthquakes will increase with great intensity. This alone could eventually render earth a lifeless planet.’”Isaiah 30:26 and Revelation 16:8-9 tell us that the sun will scorch people. The sun is heating up. It is throwing off flares that are very dangerous. Man is not only messing with the earth’s very core, but with the moon, with other planets, and the sun. The truth about major climate changes and global warming—man is messing with Yahuweh’s creation, and the results will be devastating. Messiah says in Matthew 24:21-22 that we are about to enter a time more horrible than any time in human history, but for the sake of His

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set-apart remnant—His elect—the days will be shortened, or “No flesh will be saved”.Are you getting more of an idea that vanishing bees, and confused whales, are NOT an isolated mystery?From “News Watch Magazine”: “December 19, 1987, the Washington Post stated: `The frigid air over Antarctica took three weeks longer than usual to warm at the onset of the Antarctic spring this year, prompting concern that the ozone hole may be affecting global climate.’ “University of California scientist F. Sherwood Rowland, a leading expert on ozone depletion, said the event `could be the first indication of Major climate change…’ Shortly afterwards, an enormous iceberg broke off the continent. The December 28, 1986 Newsweek Magazine stated: `When an iceberg twice the size of Rhode Island broke off from Antarctica in October, it was

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clear that the map makers would have to go back to the drawing board: the “calved” berg had ripped off a chunk of the southern continent’s coast.’ A number of scientists believe that such an imbalance in the Antarctic ice sheet could cause the earth to shift on its axis…an event that would mean doomsday for all life on this planet’”According to the Word of Yahuweh, there will be no “doomsday” for the set-apart ones who are faithful to Yahuweh. Doomsday is for the wicked. But, there will be a day of judgment, when His wrath comes through with the coming of Messiah, and the earth will shake off its axis…Isaiah 2:20-22; 13:6-13; 24:19-23. It is Yahuweh that does the shaking. He says in Hebrews 12:25-29 and Haggai 2, that He will shake everything that can be shaken, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Acts 17:30-31: “Truly, then, having overlooked these times of ignorance, Elohim now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has set a day on which He is going to judge the world in righteousness by a Man, whom He has appointed, having given proof of this to all by raising Him from the dead”.He allows the Evil One to do so much, but as with Job (Job 1), but Yahuweh has His enemies under His orders, on a leash, and on a timetable.Returning to “The News Watch” article: “The single most revealing piece of evidence about the real cause of the sudden depletion of atmospheric ozone was not discovered until 1977. On July 4, 1976, former Soviet Tesla magnifying transmitters started their infamous `Russian Woodpecker’ ELF signals. There is strong

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evidence that these Tesla ELF transmitters interfere with the earth’s ozone layer. If magnetic ELF fields are present, a bending power, or an ability to distort the atmospheric energy continuum is introduced.The May 20, 1982 issue of The Ottawa Citizen stated: `Wayward electrical currents known to be polluting outer space, are returning to earth, say scientists, who fear the phenomenon is increasing the violence of thunderstorms in southern Canada. The Ottawa Citizen reported that environmental problems begin with low frequency electromagnetic currents escape into space and travel thousands of kilometers before being attracted back to earth. In the process, the currents significantly modify the environment at vast distances out in space and appear to increase the electrical conductivity of the earth’s atmosphere’…says Kaiser, whose research team has followed the currents from Newfoundland 20,000 kilometers out into space and watched them leak back into the earth’s atmosphere in Antarctica’. Almost daily, extreme low frequency magnetic and electric emissions have been pulsed from a number of W.S.S.R. installations at the rate of approximately 10 hertz.As part of the secret 1974 Soviet/U.S. polar warming agreement, the United States began to transmit its own ELF signals. The PACE article newsletter stated: `Since mid-1979, the U.S. has been pulsing

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similar ELF emissions at 30 hertz.’ The United States 30-hertz signals are far less directly dangerous to human health than the deadly 10-hertz Soviet Woodpecker ELF transmissions that have weakened immune systems and made many Americans vulnerable to a whole series of new and mutated diseases since 1976. PACE continues: `ELF fields usually propagate vertically to the ground, creating standing waves that tend to go down towards the earth’s core and up to the various strata of the biosphere’”. “Valentin Falin, Chief of the former Soviet Union’s Novasti Press Agency in the 1980’s was quoted in the Washington Times, March 8, 1988, page 6 article, `SDI Versus the Plague’, as saying: `The U.S.S.R now has weapons that the U.S. cannot visualize’. Some of the scientific principles and weapons Falin was referring to were:

1) Electrogravitation 2) EM (electromagnetic) induction of cellular death and disease

at a distance, so that biological warfare is actually

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unleashed massively and suddenly on an entire population by electromagnetic means.

3) Beam, ray, and direct energy weapons of startling power4) Real/time holography to produce geometric hemispheres,

shields and forms of incredible energy density5) Launch/phase, midcourse, and terminal phase antimissile

weapons and anti-bomber weapons of great power (The Iskander anti-missile weapon sold to Syria recently by Russia is more sophisticated than anything that U.S. or NATO possesses). (My note—italics mine)

6) Scalar EM anti-stealth weapons of very high effectiveness 7) Scalar EM underwater weapons, radar and communications8) Time-reverse wave weapons, using a variety of waves such as

sound, electromagnetic, and mechanical waves, and9) Weapon adaptations of Tesla’s magnifying transmitter, which

energizes the entire earth into electrogravitational resonance, making of the earth a

self-pumped phase conjugate mirror, and then an order directing giant, amplified phase conjugate replica pulses of mechanical electrical energy furnished by the earth at specific targets to cause earthquakes, massive mechanical destruction, and etc.

Genetic engineering is one use. Cellular changes—including disease and death can be induced upon distant targeted populations. Communist Russia has already deployed these systems. They can induce almost any sort of cellular death and disease, including lethal virus infections, bacterial plagues, nuclear radiation damage and etc.”Here is more of why they want to melt icecaps: “Vast amounts of Russian mineral wealth are inaccessible because of the severe Siberian weather, so there is a strong motivation for Russia to alter Arctic weather patterns. The U.S. multinational oil companies are very interested in expanding operations

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into the Arctic and into the Antarctic regions. By engineering world weather patters with Tesla ELF transmitters, the U.S. and Russia have already begun to create major alterations of the polar environment.In 1977, the Trilateral Commission published official paper #13 entitled: `Collaboration With Communist Countries in Managing

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Global Problem’. That official report recommended `Trilateral Communist cooperation in nine areas of global concern, including energy cooperation, international control of oceans and space, Trilateral/Communist cooperation in the areas of weather modification and earthquake control’”. (The Trilateral commission is a convening of the three greatest economic world powers to control money flow throughout the earth—the United States, the European Union, and Japan. It is an arm of the Illuminati). (My note, italics mine)“In 1974, President Gerald Ford and his Trilateralist Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger (World War II Communist double-agent named Bor) held a summit conference with the former Soviet leader Brezhnev at Vladivostok, Siberia. Lowell Ponte revealed some details of the summit that were never made public. He reported that Brezhnev, Ford and Kissinger held secret discussions on joint U.S./Soviet weather modification.The secret talks analyzed the covert research conducted by earlier U.S./Soviet polar experiments and decided which climate modification technologies would be tried to warm up the earth IN ORDER TO STOP A GLOBAL COOLING TREND. The results of this U.S. Soviet agreement first became evident when Russia started its Tesla transmitter in 1976. Three years later the Trilateral-controlled U.S. government started its part of the secret agreement by turning on 30 Hertz ELF transmitters”. “International Communism, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations, are all controlled by the ultra-secret Palladian Rite of Free Masonry, which was founded by Guissepe Mazzini of Italy and Albert Pike of the United State”. (My note: If you would like an article on this plan—contrived in 1871--by these two men for world domination under Lucifer, which has been, and is being carried out to the letter, please ask for it).“The New York Times revealed that the U.S. government’s part of the joint scientific effort was concentrated on generating extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves. The February 4, 1986 New York Times described ELF generators in Alaska and Norway (America’s HAARP), which appear to be secretly used in close coordination with the Russian’s own ELF transmitters for the purpose of carrying out the 1974 polar warming agreement”.Will man try to use the controlled beasts of the earth as one of his many planned ways of killing off the earth’s population—leaving 500 million slaves to serve the elite? Whatever his plans, they will come to nothing in the final end. Yahuweh uses man to judge the earth—

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Ezekiel 14 is powerful. Yahuweh is the ultimate ruler. Our priority should be to be on His side in all things.

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So much for humanism and its god—human man! Jeremiah 17:5-9 speaks clearly: “For thus says Yahuweh: `Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm and whose heart turns away from Yahuweh. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert and not see good when good comes, and shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, a salt land that is not inhabited. Blessed is the man who trusts in Yahuweh, and whose trust is in Yahuweh. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and does not see when heat comes. And his leaf shall be green, and in the year of drought he is not anxious, nor does he cease from yielding fruit”. Weather altering technology can produce drought and other things to cause famine—to stave many, in many nations, as is happening now in parts of Africa.But…Psalm 33:18-20; Psalm 37:18-19 and Romans 8:35-39: “Behold, the eye of Yahuweh is on those fearing Him, on those waiting for His kindness, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive during scarcity of food. Our soul has longed for Yahuweh; our help and our shield is He”….”Yahuweh knows the days of the perfect, and their inheritance is forever. They are not ashamed in time of evil, and in the days of scarcity of food, they are satisfied”…”Who shall separate us from the love of the Messiah? Shall pressure or distress, or persecution, or scarcity of food, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? In all this we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels or principalities nor powers, neither the present nor the future, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of Elohim, which is in Messiah Yahushua, our Master”. Yahuweh sets His people apart during judgment (Exodus 10:22-23).Mankind, as a whole, has rejected Yahuweh and His Torah. He has thought of himself as a god. The plan of Lucifer is to kill almost all people off the planet, and “purge” the planet of those who love Yahuweh and guard His Torah. He wants to rule from the Temple Mount—the seat of Yahuweh—Isaiah 14:13-14. His loyal followers, the rulers of this world, are working overtime to put Lucifer’s man on the Temple Mount—“in the sides of the north”, as he desires. This is where the throne of Yahuweh was/will be set—Psalm 48:1-2.

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Man today has tapped into the source of the creation of the universe and is using it to our destruction, for his own lust and greed, powered by Satan himself. But, there is a remnant that knows Yahuweh and obeys His eternal Torah. These will be raised to eternal life, through the salvation of Messiah Yahushua (justification), and obedience to His eternal instructions (sanctification, or set-apartness unto Yahuweh).We are in a dangerous world. The only safe place is in Psalm 91:1—dwelling in the “secret place” of the Most High, under the shadow of His “wings”—His talit. If we are secure in Him, we do NOT FEAR! Psalm 46:1-5a: “Elohim is our refuge and strength, a help in distress,

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soon found. Therefore, we do not fear, though the earth reels and the mountains topple into the heart of the seas”. The secret place is in intimate, covenant relationship with Him, where we trust Him as a little child trusts Daddy, and He trusts us as a Father trusts the obedient child of his love. The return of our Savior is our “blessed hope”. (Titus 2:13)This gives more clarity to this bottom line verse describing Messiah’s return—Revelation 11:18: “And the nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged and that You should give reward unto Your servants the prophets, and to the set-apart ones, and them that fear Your Name, small and great: And to destroy them who destroy the earth”. He is coming to set everything right. Our job is to remain faithful to Him, and to lead others into knowledge of His Truth. Watch what is happening--compare it to the prophetic Word, which has much to say about all of it. Make the study of His Word priority. Make obedience to it priority. Make His presence priority. Make time to be with Him--shut out the world. Memorize the promises of the Psalms. Use them as prayers. Make His passion, your passion. Jeremiah 32:41 says that His passion is to bring back a remnant of the whole house of Jacob to His covenant, His Torah, and His Land. Our main priority should be to know Him—to learn how He thinks, how He acts, what is on His heart, to know what is His nature. This way we can trust Him for everything. “Trust in Yahuweh with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Know Him in all your ways, and He makes all your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6)“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in Yahuweh forever, for in Yahuweh is everlasting strength”. (Isaiah 26:3)

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Psalm 119:165: “Great peace have those loving your Torah, and for them there is no stumbling block”. All praise, honor, esteem, and worship belong to Yahuweh and Yahushua alone! Shalom, Yedidah, July 12, 2007

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