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The First Bank of Valdez CAPITAL $25,000. 4% PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS OUR STOCKHOLDERS ARE S. BLUM JOHN LYONS M. BLUM J. M. LATHROP E. B. WHEAT W. M. WILSON JAFET LINDEBERG TERRITORIAL DEPOSITORY. Valdez Dock Co. PHONE NO. 1 | JOBBER IN COAL, HAY and GRAIN Office, foot of Wall street. VALDEZ SHEET METAL WORKS Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. MOTOR BOAT SUPPLIES Pumps. Well-Points. Valves T Water. Steam and Suction and Packing. Hose. PIPE AND FITTINGS TO-NIGHT! EVERYONE WELCOME FREE DINNER Will be served at 9:30 p.m. Every Evening at The Big Place MENU Meat, Potatoes, Beans, Bread, and Coffee. Do Not Hesitate. Welcome Means Welcome. AL White & Co PROPRIETORS Valdez Lodge No 168, Free and Aocepted Masons Regular Communications first Wednesday s each month in MoKtnley Hall Visitors always weloome. A. E. GRIGSBY. W. M. C. C. Reynolds. Sec- RED GROSS HOSPITAL PRIVATE ROOMS. Open to All Physicians MISS JONES, Hobart Street. Matron. Valdez Hospital Largest and Best Equipped Hospital in Southwestern Alaska. Graduate Norses—Private Rooms for Patients For Tenns*and Particulars Apply to E. C. DALTON, M, D., Physician in Charge. If you want all the news all the time, read the Prospector. LOCAL VALDEZ Socialist Party ot Alaska M6ets every Saturday at 8 p. m. Next door to Senate Saloon. Everybody Welcome. ARCADE CAFE “We Never Close.** Private Dining Room. The Best of Everything. We Bake Onr Own Bread and Pastry. Bread foKSale. Jack Callin--Proprietor Notice To Pioneer Women. All those desiring to become chart er members of the Auxiliary of PiO' neers of Alaska must have their ap plication filed with the secretary be fore February 4, 1916. Auxiliary meets every Thursaay night at Plo neer hall at 8 o’clock sharp. MAE C. HARRINGTON, Secretary and Treasurer. FOR SALE China closet, China din ner set, library lamp, dresser, bed anl other household furniture. Call at the residence of Mrs. C. E. Burnell. 11 BAD FIDE IN ROEBLING WORKS TRENTON, N. J„ Jan. 19— A fire in the wire department of the John A. Roebling Manufacturing Company resulted in a loss estimated at fully $1,000,000. The company have been working day and night to fill orders for wire placed by foreign govern- ments and it is believed that the fire was incendiary and was set by some sympathizer of Germany or Austria, as the orders for wire were from the British and French governments. The entire fire department of the city was called to the scene and succeeded in saving the surrounding structures. CUIMCT HOLDSMEETING The town council met last nighi at the city hall and transacted con- siderable business. The new election ordinance was laid over until Wed- nesday, when a special meeting has been called to consider the measure. Walter Stuart, of the fire depart- ment, informed the council that with an expenditure of $180 the Crawford electric pump on Wall street could be equipped with hose and kept in readi- ness for instant use in the event of fire. It is proposed to buy 500 feet of hose. The matter was referred to the fire committee. GERMANS REPULSE RUSSIAN ARMY (Continued from page 1.) fleeing in disorder towards the city of Erzerum. The Turkish forces have been so badly crippled that but lit- tle attention need be paid to them •from now on. Goeben Badly Damaged. ROME, Jan. 19.—The Turkish cruiser Goeben, formerly of the Ger- man navy, is reported badly damag- ed, having been struck by two Rus- sian mines and badly damaged in the neighborhood of the Bosporus two weeks ago. The cruiser has two big holes on her water line and it will take two or three months to make the repairs. The people of Constan- tinople have not been informed of the accident to the ship. Blame Austria Now. PARIS, Jan. 19.—German officers now prisoners of war in France in- sist that they are fighting the pres- ent war for Austria and that the Aus- trian government has been found to- tally unprepared to carry on a war with a first-class power, thus putting the burden all upon Germany. Some of the officers insist that peace should be secured by the dismember- ment of Austria between Germany and Russia, while France would se- cure the provinces of Alsace and Lor- raine. Germany would take all of Austria between Bavaria and the Ad- riatic, thus punishing Italy for her failure to keep treaty rights. Austrian Warship Damaged. ROME, Jan. 19.—It is now known •that the Austrian battleship Radetzky is in the naval docks at Pola under- going repairs, having been badly damaged some time ago when the land batteries at Pola fired upon their own shipB following the entrance in- to the harbor of the French sub- marine Curie. The land batteries op- ened fire against their ow \ ships an- chored in the harbor believing them to be ships of the Allies. One of the commanders of a fort near the entrance of the harbor has committed suicide. Pay Double for Copper. GENEVA, Jan. 19.—Advices receiv- ed here from Germany set forth that copper, owing to the great demand and the limited supply, is now sell- ing in the empire for 2,500 marks ($625) a ton. A fair price in the United States for copper would be $300 a ton. Fortifying the Rhine. BASEL, Jan. 19.—Die Wacht am Rhein is something more than the ex- pression of a national sentiment. The watch on the Rhine is very close, in- deed. From Basle to Coblenz the right bank of the river has been put in an extraordinary state of defense. From a barge owner, who has been down the Rhine from here to Mann- heim, It is learned that there are earthworks in certain parts along the river bank, that some places near | br'dges have been mined and others strewn with branches and debris to make a hostile crossing difficult. A mile or two away from the Swiss frontier, at Suringen, reserve troops even now are working hard on de- fense preparation. Higher up Altbreis- ach Is being transformed into a riv- er bank fortress. Between these towns the ground has been careful- ly prepared for trenches. SimTar measures have been taken between Altbreisach and the port opposite Strassburg. Strassburg itself, before the war one of the strongest fortresses in Eu- rope, is surrounded by newly built earth and cement works, which are still being strengthened, and there are heavy defense preparations on the right side of the river and a line of first-rate fortresses—the line of Neu breisach, Strassburg, Gemersheim, and Mainz. Most Germans seem to think that Strassburg cannot be taJ:- en. McCarthy declares AGAINST SALOONS War between the wets and drys of McCarthy has been declared and the latter are circulating a petition from which the following extracts are taken: “We, the undersigned citizens of McCarthy and vicinity, believing that the bets interests of this part of Alas- ka will be conserved by a discontin- uance of the saloons, agree that we will not sign a petition for a saloon license during the present year. This locality is rich in minerals and every available dollar is necessary lor out- fits and development work.” The petition was circulated last Thursday and as signed by approx- imately 75 per cent, of all adults liv- ing within the two-mile limit. Among those not signing were several that were out of town, a great many of whom were known to be in favor of the movement; some others refused to sign for business reasons. The signers wish it understood that their motive is to change existing condi- tions, in which there is nothing per- sonal. Weather Report. Valdez, Jan. 18, 1915. Barometric pressure.29,931 Temperature at 7 p. m. 30 Maximum temperature. 36 Minimum temperature 25 Mean temperature 30 1-2 Precipitation .93 Partly cloudy, light wind southwest 8 miles. Mixed snow and rain last 24 hours. LOCAL BREVITIES. Imported Japanese baskets at Val- dez Drug Co. tf 1 » Charles Crawford, the mill man, re- ceived a shipment of clear cedar and fir on the Admiral Watson. Yakima netted Oem spuds, 17 lbs. for 50c at Yakima Fruit Co. tf Latest popular copyrights and clas- sics at Valdez Drug Co. tf Large stock of cut glass and Paris- ian ivory at Valdez Drug Co. tf HOUSE FOR REmT furnished or unfurnished. Enquire of Mrs. C. E. Bunnell. tf For home cooked meals go to Mrs. Matilda Olson's on Hobart street. Phone 219. Special Sunday dinner served at 5 o’clock. Week days din- ner served at 6 p. m. tf Jeff Devinney, the famous guide, trapper and hunter took a party of hunters across the bay on Sunday and showed them where to hunt for ptar- migan. The party, consisting of E. E. Campbell, Lieut. Dougherty, M. Hendrickson, Lieut. Kunzig and Cook, returned last night and brought back sixty birds. Jeff had to give several of the members of his party lessons on how to shoot. Blooded Dogs for Sale. Two airedale terrier puppies, breed- ing unsurpassed. Fine head, ear, eye and coat. Pedigrees furnished. Eight champions in three generations. En- quire at Prospector. tf A Big Laugh If you want a big laugh don’t fail to attend the Orpheum tonight. The New York Comedy, in two reels, will sure get you going. This is something out of the ordinary in the comedy line. Tonight. Notice To Eagle*. The regular meeting of Valdez Aerie January 22 will be called to order at 7 o’clock. At 8 o’clock a smoker will be given to which all Eagles are invited. This is a good time to return that book you’ve read to the library at Everyman’s Club. Library houra: 1 to 2 p. m. every day, Monday, Wed- days and Fridays 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. eSt&a.dJca ’Mxm PRODUCERS and CONSUMERS EXCHANGE—Valdez -ADAM SWAN. Manager.- Inventor*, Importers, Manufacturers and producers:—We handleigoods on consignment and Cut-Out Go-Between Profits as direct Convenors and Distributors to the Users, Wearers and Cunsumers of Home Furifishings, Household Utensils. Electric Appliances, Wearing apparel. Notions, Sta- tionery, Jewelry, Cutlery, Novelties. Toilet Articles, Dainties, etc., etc. VALDEZ ELECTRIC COMPANY THE CONSUMERS’ COMPANY Office in Copper Block, on Broadway From Kiver to Kiver When you buy a Box of Apples from us we Guarantee every apple from cover to cover. We repack every box before delivery. Remember: By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them. Delivery. Phones 55. The Yakima Fruit Company When in Chitina Stop at the CHITINA HOTEL Fineet Hotel in the Interior—Well Heated, Clean Roome. Bar in Connection. Rates Reasonable UPPER TONSINA ROAD HOUSE Best of Meals—Prices Reasonable GENERAL STORE. TRADING POST. Telephone connects with Chitina. General Freighting. KNUTE! NAFSTED. Mgr- List Your Houses with the VALDEZ REAL ESTATE AGENCY Houses for Rent or Sale. Collections Made. C. B. SMITH, Proprietor. Office on Wall Street. Chas. R. Crawford w*“ 159 Plate Glass, Window Glass, Roofing and Building Papers, Roofing Pitch, Lime, Cement, Plaster Lath, Shingles, Builders’ Hard- ware, Shop and Job Work of all kinds. Windows, Doors, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. fairbAJksImorse a co LOCAL BREVITIES. Prescriptions carerully compound- ed at Valdez Drug Co. tf Suits pressed for 51.00 at Silver- man's the tailor. Telephone 198. The big free dinner at the Big Place tonight at 9:30. All are wel- come. A nice line of art pictures Just re- ceived from New York at Valdez Drug Co. tf The most exquisite hand-painted china ever seen in Valdez at Valdez Drug Co. tf Over a dozen varieties of apples to pick from at the Yakima Fruit Co. tf Suits pressed for 51.00 at Silver- man's the tailor. Telephone 198. DOG TEAM for hire. See Joseph V. Wachter or address P. O. Box 53, Valdez, Alaska. k 25 G. O. Relnke, the watchmaker and jeweler, is at the Valdez Drug Co. All work guaranteed. Remington and Smith Premier type- writers for sale or rent at Valdez Drug Co. tf Best Yakima netted gem spuds 20 lbs. for 50c at the Yakima Fruit Co. To demonstrate our electric heateis, cookers, bakers and percolators, we will serve coffee and ? at the Em- porium. ■-* Chinese noodles and chop suey at Valdez Cafe after 7 p. m. if Cooking apples J2 per box at the Yakima Fruit Co. tf Corsets at half price. We are clos- ing out all of our corsets at one-half cost. Hosiery and underwear at less than cost at Harvey’s Toggery. (f Universal percolators and chafing dishes at Valdez Drug Co. tf See Tod Winter for your watch and jewelry repairing at E. Winter’s store. All work guaranteed. tf Beautiful hand-painted vasea just received at Valdez Drug Ce. tf Only The Best Smokers Can Now Enjoy the Best Juan De Fiica Cigars U. S. Government Inspected. Made la Bond Ingram & Bush SOLE AGENTS » When In Seward Stop at the COLEMAN HOUSE GEORGE SEXTON, PROP. STRICTLY f'irst class Fourth Avc Skward, Alaska A. M. Dieriuger Valdez Transfer Company General Trucking and Freight- ing to all interior points LIVERY and FEED STABLE STORAGF Teaming of all kindr Positively oo coal deliveied ooless paid tor io advance DONALDSON SCHEDULE. Leaves Fort Liscum. Leaves Valdes 8:15 a. m. «• m. 1:15 p. m- 4:00 p. m. TUESDAYS 8:15 a. m. 9:45 a. m. 1:16 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 5:00 p. m. SATURDAYS 1:15 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 10:30 p. m. There will be no trips of the launch on the secoLd and fourth Fridays of eaoh month, these days being used to clean boilers.

Valdez daily prospector. [Valdez, Alaska]. 1915-01-19 [p ].€¦ · Largest and Best Equipped Hospital in Southwestern Alaska. Graduate Norses—Private Rooms for Patients For Tenns*and

Jul 22, 2020



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Page 1: Valdez daily prospector. [Valdez, Alaska]. 1915-01-19 [p ].€¦ · Largest and Best Equipped Hospital in Southwestern Alaska. Graduate Norses—Private Rooms for Patients For Tenns*and

The First Bank of Valdez CAPITAL $25,000.





Valdez Dock Co. PHONE NO. 1 | JOBBER IN


Office, foot of Wall street.

VALDEZ SHEET METAL WORKS Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating.

MOTOR BOAT SUPPLIES Pumps. Well-Points. Valves T Water. Steam and Suction

and Packing. Hose. PIPE AND FITTINGS


FREE DINNER Will be served at 9:30 p.m.

Every Evening at

The Big Place


Meat, Potatoes, Beans, Bread, and Coffee.

Do Not Hesitate. Welcome Means Welcome.


Valdez Lodge No 168,

Free and Aocepted Masons

Regular Communications first Wednesday s each month in MoKtnley Hall Visitors always weloome.

A. E. GRIGSBY. W. M. C. C. Reynolds. Sec-


Open to All Physicians MISS JONES,

Hobart Street. Matron.

Valdez Hospital Largest and Best Equipped Hospital

in Southwestern Alaska.

Graduate Norses—Private Rooms for Patients

For Tenns*and Particulars Apply to

E. C. DALTON, M, D., Physician in Charge.

If you want all the news all the

time, read the Prospector.


Socialist Party ot Alaska M6ets every Saturday at 8 p. m.

Next door to Senate Saloon.

Everybody Welcome.

ARCADE CAFE “We Never Close.**

Private Dining Room. The Best of Everything. We Bake Onr Own

Bread and Pastry. Bread foKSale.

Jack Callin--Proprietor

Notice To Pioneer Women.

All those desiring to become chart er members of the Auxiliary of PiO' neers of Alaska must have their ap

plication filed with the secretary be fore February 4, 1916. Auxiliary meets every Thursaay night at Plo

neer hall at 8 o’clock sharp. MAE C. HARRINGTON,

Secretary and Treasurer.

FOR SALE China closet, China din ner set, library lamp, dresser, bed anl other household furniture. Call at the residence of Mrs. C. E. Burnell. 11


TRENTON, N. J„ Jan. 19— A fire

in the wire department of the John A. Roebling Manufacturing Company resulted in a loss estimated at fully $1,000,000. The company have been working day and night to fill orders

for wire placed by foreign govern- ments and it is believed that the fire

was incendiary and was set by some

sympathizer of Germany or Austria, as the orders for wire were from the

British and French governments. The entire fire department of the city was

called to the scene and succeeded in

saving the surrounding structures.


The town council met last nighi at the city hall and transacted con-

siderable business. The new election ordinance was laid over until Wed- nesday, when a special meeting has

been called to consider the measure.

Walter Stuart, of the fire depart- ment, informed the council that with an expenditure of $180 the Crawford electric pump on Wall street could be

equipped with hose and kept in readi- ness for instant use in the event of

fire. It is proposed to buy 500 feet of hose. The matter was referred to

the fire committee.


(Continued from page 1.) fleeing in disorder towards the city of Erzerum. The Turkish forces have

been so badly crippled that but lit- tle attention need be paid to them •from now on.

Goeben Badly Damaged. ROME, Jan. 19.—The Turkish

cruiser Goeben, formerly of the Ger- man navy, is reported badly damag- ed, having been struck by two Rus- sian mines and badly damaged in

the neighborhood of the Bosporus two

weeks ago. The cruiser has two big holes on her water line and it will

take two or three months to make

the repairs. The people of Constan- tinople have not been informed of the

accident to the ship.

Blame Austria Now.

PARIS, Jan. 19.—German officers

now prisoners of war in France in-

sist that they are fighting the pres- ent war for Austria and that the Aus-

trian government has been found to-

tally unprepared to carry on a war

with a first-class power, thus putting the burden all upon Germany. Some

of the officers insist that peace should be secured by the dismember- ment of Austria between Germany and Russia, while France would se-

cure the provinces of Alsace and Lor-

raine. Germany would take all of

Austria between Bavaria and the Ad- riatic, thus punishing Italy for her failure to keep treaty rights.

Austrian Warship Damaged. ROME, Jan. 19.—It is now known

•that the Austrian battleship Radetzky is in the naval docks at Pola under-

going repairs, having been badly damaged some time ago when the

land batteries at Pola fired upon their

own shipB following the entrance in- to the harbor of the French sub-

marine Curie. The land batteries op- ened fire against their ow \ ships an-

chored in the harbor believing them to be ships of the Allies. One of the commanders of a fort near the

entrance of the harbor has committed suicide.

Pay Double for Copper. GENEVA, Jan. 19.—Advices receiv-

ed here from Germany set forth that

copper, owing to the great demand and the limited supply, is now sell-

ing in the empire for 2,500 marks ($625) a ton.

A fair price in the United States for copper would be $300 a ton.

Fortifying the Rhine.

BASEL, Jan. 19.—Die Wacht am

Rhein is something more than the ex-

pression of a national sentiment. The

watch on the Rhine is very close, in- deed. From Basle to Coblenz the

right bank of the river has been put in an extraordinary state of defense. From a barge owner, who has been down the Rhine from here to Mann-

heim, It is learned that there are

earthworks in certain parts along the river bank, that some places near

| br'dges have been mined and others strewn with branches and debris to make a hostile crossing difficult.

A mile or two away from the Swiss

frontier, at Suringen, reserve troops even now are working hard on de- fense preparation. Higher up Altbreis- ach Is being transformed into a riv- er bank fortress. Between these towns the ground has been careful-

ly prepared for trenches. SimTar measures have been taken between Altbreisach and the port opposite Strassburg.

Strassburg itself, before the war

one of the strongest fortresses in Eu-

rope, is surrounded by newly built earth and cement works, which are

still being strengthened, and there are

heavy defense preparations on the right side of the river and a line of first-rate fortresses—the line of Neu breisach, Strassburg, Gemersheim, and Mainz. Most Germans seem to think that Strassburg cannot be taJ:- en.

McCarthy declares


War between the wets and drys of McCarthy has been declared and the latter are circulating a petition from which the following extracts are


“We, the undersigned citizens of

McCarthy and vicinity, believing that

the bets interests of this part of Alas-

ka will be conserved by a discontin-

uance of the saloons, agree that we

will not sign a petition for a saloon

license during the present year. This

locality is rich in minerals and every

available dollar is necessary lor out-

fits and development work.” The petition was circulated last

Thursday and as signed by approx- imately 75 per cent, of all adults liv-

ing within the two-mile limit. Among those not signing were several that

were out of town, a great many of

whom were known to be in favor of

the movement; some others refused to sign for business reasons. The

signers wish it understood that their motive is to change existing condi-

tions, in which there is nothing per- sonal.

Weather Report. Valdez, Jan. 18, 1915.

Barometric pressure.29,931 Temperature at 7 p. m. 30 Maximum temperature. 36 Minimum temperature 25 Mean temperature 30 1-2 Precipitation .93

Partly cloudy, light wind southwest 8 miles. Mixed snow and rain last 24



Imported Japanese baskets at Val- dez Drug Co. tf

1 »

Charles Crawford, the mill man, re-

ceived a shipment of clear cedar and

fir on the Admiral Watson.

Yakima netted Oem spuds, 17 lbs.

for 50c at Yakima Fruit Co. tf

Latest popular copyrights and clas-

sics at Valdez Drug Co. tf

Large stock of cut glass and Paris-

ian ivory at Valdez Drug Co. tf

HOUSE FOR REmT furnished or

unfurnished. Enquire of Mrs. C. E.

Bunnell. tf

For home cooked meals go to Mrs. Matilda Olson's on Hobart street.

Phone 219. Special Sunday dinner

served at 5 o’clock. Week days din- ner served at 6 p. m. tf

Jeff Devinney, the famous guide, trapper and hunter took a party of

hunters across the bay on Sunday and showed them where to hunt for ptar- migan. The party, consisting of E. E. Campbell, Lieut. Dougherty, M.

Hendrickson, Lieut. Kunzig and Cook, returned last night and brought back sixty birds. Jeff had to give several of the members of his party lessons on how to shoot.

Blooded Dogs for Sale.

Two airedale terrier puppies, breed-

ing unsurpassed. Fine head, ear, eye

and coat. Pedigrees furnished. Eight champions in three generations. En-

quire at Prospector. tf

A Big Laugh If you want a big laugh don’t fail

to attend the Orpheum tonight. The

New York Comedy, in two reels, will

sure get you going. This is something out of the ordinary in the comedy line. Tonight.

Notice To Eagle*. The regular meeting of Valdez

Aerie January 22 will be called to

order at 7 o’clock. At 8 o’clock a

smoker will be given to which all

Eagles are invited.

This is a good time to return that book you’ve read to the library at

Everyman’s Club. Library houra:

1 to 2 p. m. every day, Monday, Wed-

days and Fridays 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.


-ADAM SWAN. Manager.-

Inventor*, Importers, Manufacturers and producers:—We handleigoods on consignment and Cut-Out Go-Between Profits as direct Convenors and Distributors to the Users, Wearers and Cunsumers of Home Furifishings, Household Utensils. Electric Appliances, Wearing apparel. Notions, Sta- tionery, Jewelry, Cutlery, Novelties. Toilet Articles, Dainties, etc., etc.


Office in Copper Block, on Broadway

From Kiver to Kiver When you buy a Box of Apples from us we Guarantee

every apple from cover to cover.

We repack every box before delivery. Remember: By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them. Delivery. Phones 55.

The Yakima Fruit Company

When in Chitina Stop at the

CHITINA HOTEL Fineet Hotel in the Interior—Well Heated, Clean Roome.

Bar in Connection. Rates Reasonable

UPPER TONSINA ROAD HOUSE Best of Meals—Prices Reasonable

GENERAL STORE. TRADING POST. Telephone connects with Chitina.

General Freighting. KNUTE! NAFSTED. Mgr-

List Your Houses with the

VALDEZ REAL ESTATE AGENCY Houses for Rent or Sale. Collections Made.

C. B. SMITH, Proprietor. Office on Wall Street.

Chas. R. Crawford w*“ 159

Plate Glass, Window Glass, Roofing and Building Papers, Roofing Pitch, Lime, Cement, Plaster Lath, Shingles, Builders’ Hard-

ware, Shop and Job Work of all kinds.

Windows, Doors, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. fairbAJksImorse a co


Prescriptions carerully compound- ed at Valdez Drug Co. tf

Suits pressed for 51.00 at Silver-

man's the tailor. Telephone 198.

The big free dinner at the Big Place tonight at 9:30. All are wel- come.

A nice line of art pictures Just re-

ceived from New York at Valdez Drug Co. tf

The most exquisite hand-painted china ever seen in Valdez at Valdez

Drug Co. tf

Over a dozen varieties of apples to

pick from at the Yakima Fruit Co. tf

Suits pressed for 51.00 at Silver- man's the tailor. Telephone 198.

DOG TEAM for hire. See Joseph V. Wachter or address P. O. Box 53, Valdez, Alaska. k 25

G. O. Relnke, the watchmaker and

jeweler, is at the Valdez Drug Co. All work guaranteed.

Remington and Smith Premier type- writers for sale or rent at Valdez

Drug Co. tf

Best Yakima netted gem spuds 20 lbs. for 50c at the Yakima Fruit Co.

To demonstrate our electric heateis, cookers, bakers and percolators, we

will serve coffee and ? at the Em-

porium. ■-*

Chinese noodles and chop suey at

Valdez Cafe after 7 p. m. if

Cooking apples J2 per box at the Yakima Fruit Co. tf

Corsets at half price. We are clos-

ing out all of our corsets at one-half cost. Hosiery and underwear at less

than cost at Harvey’s Toggery. (f

Universal percolators and chafing dishes at Valdez Drug Co. tf

See Tod Winter for your watch and

jewelry repairing at E. Winter’s store. All work guaranteed. tf

Beautiful hand-painted vasea just received at Valdez Drug Ce. tf

Only The Best Smokers Can Now Enjoy

the Best

Juan De Fiica Cigars U. S. Government Inspected.

Made la Bond

Ingram & Bush SOLE AGENTS »

When In Seward Stop at the


STRICTLY f'irst class Fourth Avc Skward, Alaska

A. M. Dieriuger

Valdez Transfer Company

General Trucking and Freight- ing to all interior points


Teaming of all kindr

Positively oo coal deliveied ooless paid tor io advance


Leaves Fort Liscum. Leaves Valdes 8:15 a. m. «• m.

1:15 p. m- 4:00 p. m. TUESDAYS

8:15 a. m. 9:45 a. m.

1:16 p. m. 2:00 p. m.

4:30 p. m. 5:00 p. m.

SATURDAYS 1:15 p. m. 4:00 p. m.

7:00 p. m. 10:30 p. m.

There will be no trips of the launch on the secoLd and fourth Fridays of eaoh month, these days being used to clean boilers.