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0 r c > i 2 ljophht11UUlt ttnliltl t ttF t u < u u l 1J 1 > l tt 1J 1 Jvl ml fq tr fS t 3- t t r f s tr 4r tv 1- u +lr- rr tit IcL ktI FIL 1 wi 1ii ° Wx l 3I frT- iirii j > i I wt ti tjib rrcli 1p I r- rte iff 1 ftr I I n rr1 J E 1 Q Y n I The Delineator for June The June number of the Ddinea it tot leaves nitliin tn he desired in ttta fash in the timeliness ot its ilouacriM mitur in the interest of JU lilerrnr V and m the bealttyof ar illu ritinii The publication some tiara ago ot an article on Old Ulue China arouredNutt interest and intulvedso much correspon ¬ dence that a supplementary chap ter was planned to give collector the information desired and ap ¬ pearl fully illustrated in this num- br Portrait Photograpby of To Day is interestingly treated byJ c Abel and many representative pictures by the leaders of the new school arts given In the athletic series Edwin Sandy the expert discusses switnming lts value as an exercise for women how to be ¬ come proficient aijd fancy swim- ming a remarkable series of pic ¬ tures accompanies the article JMarguerite Tracy contributes Five Minutes Grace a story clever in dialogue and original in plot and Margaret Williams Beardsley has written a strong bit of fiction in When justice Was Appeased The third paper in Dr Murrays Series on Child Training deals sympathet ¬ ically yet wisely with the disobe- jJie11tchild and discusses with pa- rents the vexed question of rewards and punishments The depart ¬ ments present matter of interest for every branch of the household Summer Furnishings Cookery the Garden etc and there are also the ever entertaining Pastimes for Children A Great Sunday Hagizint Not only is the news of the whole world covered with unexampled fullness in the Sunday issues of The Chicago RecordHerald but- every edition embraces also an ex ceedtoffly choice assortment of itI lustrated special articles ranking writs the highest products ofour bent mjfa ine Such wellknown aad popular writers as William EI Cwrtis aod Walter WeUman and Frank G Carpenter are regular aitributors to the Sunday Chicago HccordHerald There arc many special articles in each issue of particular interest to women in sltiding the latest fahions house iifijjflltconomy art music and the 4pi4na etc There is a beautifully illustrated special aportiutf section which not only cover till the news vt lie sporting nttt dit a tbofougbuesK that atisfi 4o the ujDost bu Jncludes also entertain ¬ tag departments by such sporting experts as Tim Murnaue who writes of baseball matters Mar iacfey Hogan noted tor hilTalkil of Pugilism J L Henrei whol conducts the department fh bar Hess horses and L le Cavalier The Record Heralds Rod andI Gun1 expert The comic section and other entertaining departments round out this mammoth Sunday matTizme to the entire satisfaction ot its readersI I SPIT DONITTOBACCOOKE taw on be cured of any form of tobacco using MUity be mad well strong niaentlc full of pew We and vigor by taking NO TO BAC tint mike weak men strong Many gain MM Bwradi in ten days Over 500000 Bookt Jet and dvice FRKK Address 8TKRUNG 3UtMKDY CO Chicago or New York 437 TURNEYS TOBACCO The Judge Entitled to Blue Ribbon as Tobacco Raiser p Judge Paul Turney of tarulean ia again entitled to the blue ribbon as a tobacco raiser He has re ¬ cently completed the delivery of his crop and eleven and a half acres brought him 1000 He sold to Tandy Pairleigh of Hopkins yule at 8 cents per pound for all except the trashCadiz Record A Word to Women Any sick woman is invited to con ¬ suIt by mail to Dr R V Pierce cheif consulting physcian of the In- valids Hotel and Surgical Institut- i3ulfalo N Y In an active prac ¬ Lice of more than thirty years as misted by a score of associate phys- icians ¬ Dr Pierce lids cured more than half a million women All dl seasespeculiar to women are tret- cd with success This consultation letter is strictly private and sacredlyconfidential Answers ar mailed promptly the best o medical advice All answers are sent in plain envelopes Write without fear an4 without fee to Dr qtr V Pierce Buffalo N Y Strayed Jersey Cow squirrel color and white white switch horns rather tong about tour years old a t wadr size Suitable rewardJ Q RifsgoJJji South Main street Hop f t tY I A1b s r I- Tutts PllS After eating persons ov a bilois habit will derive rout benefit by tfuirij or of these pdifc It you have bv n > R NKING 100 MUCH they will promptly t ell ve the nausea iCK HEADACilE anti nervousness which follows restore the appetite and remove gloomy reel fngs Jill gantly sugar coated Take No Substitutes = Woman Suffrage aid the Pre c BMn Liaia Caliert Obettchaln howling Owen Ky MR EDiTOR For a long time the New York Sun has had the dis ¬ tinction of being the only metropoli ¬ tan dally that maintained a dt partmentof oman suffrage Thi was edited by Ida Busted Harper and was one of the most popular features of the paper Now the Philadelphia North American has established a similar department edited b Marion Evans an ac I- Scomplisbed journalist The occasional suffrage article is a feature of the modern news paper which no intelligent reader would willingly dispense with for S the progress of woman suffrage is one of the most significant move- ments ¬I in current history Nearly every state has its press superin teudent and a national press bureau sends out thousands of articles yearly to < mold I public opinion r That suffrage nevi is desired by I the peoplt was ampiproreu a few n oaths ago by a lets York news- paper syndicate Aeries of suf- frage ¬ articles was offered tathe naanafrer who hesUtate4about ac- cepting it lest it prove a loss to him To his surprise there was a greater demand for1 this series than for any other material purchased by the syndicate If you see a suffrage article in your county paper dont write to the editor to stop your paper but read the article lay aside prejudice watch for the next auf iraye article and see if you can- not educate yourself into a belief in justice for women This is all that woman suffrage means andI surely there is nothing in this to wreck the state or break up a news ¬ paper LImA CAL V ERT OBBNCKAi- KSupt Press Work Ky ER A A TEXAS WONl ERr HULLS QRSIT oi > corfc8T OUt IPUUtl1 bottle of Haifa GrtlfttS ibOovery cures all kidney and bied- dw Iron bleb rlw vas rtl dCuei dislletbs wimiualewiaiuylweak sad tame Uaokb rheuniHiihUj still alt ir re ularuivu of the did nays und bled tier in both uieu bud WUINUU rwgu e- lutes blndcer troubles tu children If cold by your druggists will Ijs rut by ujtil uu receipt of gl Ou swill twills is two mouths meat Hud will cure any toss MOOiL tueutioued Dr E V Idyll sole uiatiuUcturtfi P 0 Box t1t bSold v wad READ THI- SUopkinsville Ky June 7 MM ss to certify that I was troubled with kidney and bladder diseases fur three years and found nothing to relieve me until I tried The Texas Wonder Halls Great Discovery which has given me positive relief and I think a perma- nent ¬ cure JAS MHiPKtxs Visited Cerulean Springs Sinking Fork Ky May 20 JT Quite a number of young people from this place spent a most pleas- ant ¬ afterucoa at Cerulean Springs last Sunday The jolly crowd drove through in buggits Those who attended were MESSRS nssul Alonx Mabry Ida Husert Jim Smith J Nina Hill Blma P Pool Pearl Smith Jim Quarles EvteLStevens Lindsay ilitiehelK Addie Hiser Jim Williamson LenaGuthrie Davie Vrf fht Mollie Jeffery Rabtus Denton Pearl Olvey Hisere IIj t Mr and Mrs S E Millai Educate Your Bowels Your bowels can be trained as well J as your musclek or your brain Cas carets Cathartic tr jlL r iabletsrstamped bfflk All roc CnptdrcdbtlrorJnn The buccaneer Morgan captured and plundered Havana in 1000 just previous lilt at Panama and along the P- i I cine court of Central and South America A crept Cabin Dleuater i rlOne of the greatest dJwsters in Cuban hi i tory was the hurricane of October 14 1870 in which aume20001i5 se were lost How Aa Tear Itl Jucyi r Dr Hobbs BparaV tPIUl cure all kidney Qs Saw i vtorroo c fler s il edy cocmcad or N- tr = JrJt JII 1 cdiLl POTTER PALMER I Fan c Eclipsed by Social Triumphs of his Brilliant Wif- et It was Judge Alfred Couklicg who petulantly exclaimed on see ing his brilliant son ride to eclipse bimIIGod help me I jvns once Judge Cookling a mark of ability and independent fame but rfpw 1 am only Roscoe llklInga father Such vfns the fate wbtcli overtook Potter Palmer Chicagos foremost citizen in the closing years of his life writes Chris Hawthorne in the Pittsburg Dispatch Thirty years ago he married the beautiful Ber ¬ tha Honore and ten years later af ¬ ter establishing a million dollar palace on the north shore of Lake Michigan he launched her on a so- cial ¬ career of unparalleled splendor and success From that moment his obscuration began BackIn the seventies when Chicago was in the first lusty growth of tier renais from the great fire Potter Palmers name was one to conjure with Long before that time he had established the present great dry goods house of Marshall Field Co said now to be the largest in the world When Field was a clerk and Phil Armour a towboat captain Palmer was already a millionaire Before the fire the Palmer House was known as the finest hotel west ol New York and after that disaster the new hostelry built on the moking embers of the old held the prestige Palmers hand was in everythingHe thevery type and embod- iment ¬ of all the strenuous virtues that have made Chicago the queen city of the inland seaso retired lnthe1early self to his hotel and his immense rethettnte holdings Under his bands Hundred of the finest resi- dence buUditfJfs in tli ity flew opetJ as if bj mafic HYreclaimed j the lake Shore on the ttfph side of the city and had muchrb do with ranking it what it now4 thefinest and most exclusive qulrier in the cityK V If Magnificent mansion flank his his own palace on tli boulevard his neighbors are all millionares perhaps the fact that he married rather late Md something to do with his indtIT ice to social plea ¬ He sfteM d to care little for polite functions but his treasure house was always ones when his wife called for munitions of vac Two sons wore born to the Palm ¬ rs Potter Jr and HpaorerThey both lire at home arid are hand- some ¬ fellows of 36 and 88 or therea- bouts Houore is his mothers boy yearsheiuducad him to run for Alderman of the Twentysecond Ward and created quite a furore keeping open house for the ward Lers in hr lakeshore palace He was elected by a tremendous majority and has shown mettle wor ¬ thy of his brilliant mother and won ¬ derfully successful father Sow that the latter is gone the cares of the immense estate will probably fall to him i ANSWERS WITH KISSES BridaUCouple Makes Novel Depar ¬ ture From Usual Responses An innovation connected with the marriage ceremony whichspread take says a dispatch from Milwaukee was introduced in Jus Pheatts courtroom when the iagistrate officiated atthe wedding at Barr Joseph Fox of Mount j pleasant Racine county and Miss Magdalena Wille of this city All the proceedings were accord lug to Hoyle until the grom was in- terrogated ¬ as to his willingness etc As soon as the question was asjced the bride who was a stuning bltjnde reached over and placed her ripe red lips within easy and suppti eating reach of the grooms Nat ¬ urally he implanted a kiss upon the Upturned mouth Justice Pheatt after waiting a this5vassufn ¬ eyes asked the room another question which wasanswered by another kiss From that time every quo kissesa pre8 was 60 great that many of the spec- s ¬ tators could not stand it and were forced to go out for a bracer C Dowels With Caicarete Candy Ctettairtlo cure cent tieuon forever 1110nvC4l 1 r 11 I T 1 0 10 or M t r 11 Messilg 01 lOpe tt 1 1 King HiohK Vds a prisoner firm and fast behind iron bare Thoro tpa little prospe tAi and great danger of doathat tho hands of his Jailors Onol Wgiii ho hoaM beneath his gmt8dlndovir a minstrel singing Ho recognized and know the yoiop of the singer tho minstrel Blondol Hoknew too that thorn wore those ready to aid him to regain hiss liberty That song was to him a message of hope It was the forerunner of liberty and now life Thoro aro thousands of men an women who are prisoners of dis case They aro confined to their Ems by a detainer more forcible than bolts and bars Hopo of escape has boon given up They look for nothing but to havulife mercilessly ended They are victims of lung disease and they sea nothing before them but thobfjital termina ¬ tion of consumption To tleso prisbnera there comejii message of hope a message sincere and true fionytlloso who have been in like condition but havo found a of e and are enjoying to the full freedom front disease and a healthyhappy life r t i advising September 1898 I an of trouble and began doctoring at once With our family physician continuing for two months I grew weaker all the time so my husband took me to au old family doctor IIe gave me good myfriends getting weaker every day we went back to QUI family doctor and I was under his care until March then I was confined to bed Would have spells of perspiring five or six times a day until my clothfngwas wet Then told my he would like to have another physician called as he had done aU in his powerthat there was nothing to build on I began taking September ¬ told my husband that consumption was my trouble and my lungs heart liver kidneys and bowels were in bad condition I gave him a trial until March 1900 At the same time stomach trouble and dropsy set iit and I was on broth and milk for three weeks No pen can tell of my suffering Sleep had forsaken me I told my husband there was no comfort for me to remain with my family I was willing to go to that land of rest I was asked to give the fourth doctor a trial He did not agree with the others We were advised by a brotherin law who had been cured by Dr Plerces ineTcins Home time n i to give it a trial I began to write to you but it was three liiys before I could finish my letter I received kind reply advising a course of treatment which I began at once After taking the first bottle of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and also one of his Favorite Prescription I began to improve in beganto before At the time I wrote to you my friends said a month was the longest I could been earth If there should be anyone wishing information regarding my cue I will be pleated to correspond if stamp enclosed for reply t If OU are sick with lung trouble ob tim tl cough weak emaciated and despairing Mrs Cosby brings you a meMwgo of hope The means of once she used should be the means of your cure also Hers is not a solitary ease There ire hundreds of men and women who were once in a like condition and are now in the full enjoyment of a healthy useftitfe cured of disease by the use of Dr Picrccrs Golden Medical Discovory If there were only oqo chonpa im a hun red of your cure it would be worth trying But the rooords show that ninetyeight people out of every hundred who give Goldon Modibal Diseovory a fair and faithful trial are perfectly and permanently oared If you are sick can afford not to trythis medicine which has been the means of health to so many sufferer EEighth bottle Discovery I had been taking medicine from our doctor for five months He told my mother that r had consumption and could not live any longer than spring which would have a few months The same day my was drawn to au advertisement of Dr andI took smaller doses then at first and continued taking Jt After the one bottle was used I was cured Had a few slight trouble since that and ageuOl Dr Pierced GaHen Hediofll Disopvory cures bronchitis beep dated and obstinate coughs Weeding of the lungs weakness emaciation and conditions generally which if negjooted or uuakilfully trsatod find a fatal tormihfttioft in consumption Sick people especially those suffering Am ohconio discuses are invited to oouswlt Dr Pierce by letter freoaffil so obtain without charge the opinion of a specialist on their ailments All correspond ¬ ence strictly aonfidontial Address Dr RV Pierce Buffalo NY Sometimes a dealer tempted by the little more profit pail on the sale of less meritorious medicines will offer the customer a substitute as being just as goodas tho Discovery It is better for him because it pays bettor but it is not as good for you if you want the medicine that has cured others and which you believe will cure you FREE F Or Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser contaIning hundredIllustrations mailing ONLY Send 39 onecent stamps for the cct bound volume or only 2m stamps for the book in paper covers Address DR R v PIEROE Buffalo H Y uu WHISKEY SI25 Per GallonI Mention thin and send for private l > paper Write Winston Dis Co Winston rf C Lowest Price Whiskey House I Upholstering Furnituje repaired upholstered polishedI and recovered Pricef reasonable 30 years experience All work guaranteed At Pylels furniture stqre W A WOODS FOR SAGOA scholarshIp in ei tIer of three ot the best business ollges in tne South If interested fou an sajre money by addressing ipsC Hopkin8ville4y iI Cheap Rates to Bowling Qreen- i onlltare May 17 28 29 and 30 All tickets limited to June 2nd Account Elks street tart t R M SLATER Agent ii t y j 4 1902 THE GREAT SUMMER RES03T P 1902 j J D A WSQN rSyR IN GS 7 1t Y ARCADIA HOUSE t 1 DawsonEtbpkil1S Cottnty Jy 04 jl CATION immediatelyII anWrtanning Sf1riugswithuutextra liquidsalts I > 7 l- H tI M HOLEilAN CO Propriejow OI l rrlJI1I11r yr w nr41 glM + nr+ i yYWflrvi rnn rwl4nrw- i T I iir irt w- rl a isnaiu3odMir real i V > r1 V rl > r J I 1 1I J 1 r h J i I t E 1 l r l 4- i 4 1- I J i I f k i 1 y- iy lTi 8iyt 4 aa

V ttF tt - Chronicling AmericaktI FIL 1 wi 1ii ° Wx l 3I frT-iirii j > i I ... OKE taw on be cured of any form of tobacco using MUity be mad well strong niaentlc full of pew We and

Mar 16, 2021



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Page 1: V ttF tt - Chronicling AmericaktI FIL 1 wi 1ii ° Wx l 3I frT-iirii j > i I ... OKE taw on be cured of any form of tobacco using MUity be mad well strong niaentlc full of pew We and



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n I

The Delineator for JuneThe June number of the Ddinea

it tot leaves nitliin tn he desired inttta fash in the timeliness ot itsilouacriM mitur in the interest of

JU lilerrnr V and m the bealttyofar illu ritinii The publicationsome tiara ago ot an article on Old

Ulue China arouredNutt interestand intulvedso much correspon ¬

dence that a supplementary chapter was planned to give collectorthe information desired and ap ¬

pearl fully illustrated in this num-

b r Portrait Photograpby of ToDay is interestingly treated byJc Abel and many representativepictures by the leaders of the newschool arts given In the athleticseries Edwin Sandy the expertdiscusses switnming lts value asan exercise for women how to be ¬

come proficient aijd fancy swim-

ming a remarkable series of pic ¬

tures accompanies the articleJMarguerite Tracy contributes FiveMinutes Grace a story clever in

dialogue and original in plot andMargaret Williams Beardsley haswritten a strong bit of fiction inWhen justice Was Appeased Thethird paper in Dr Murrays Serieson Child Training deals sympathet ¬

ically yet wisely with the disobe-

jJie11tchild and discusses with pa-

rents the vexed question of rewardsand punishments The depart ¬

ments present matter of interest forevery branch of the householdSummer Furnishings Cookery theGarden etc and there are alsothe ever entertaining Pastimes for


A Great Sunday HagizintNot only is the news of the whole

world covered with unexampledfullness in the Sunday issues of

The Chicago RecordHerald but-

every edition embraces also an exceedtoffly choice assortment of itIlustrated special articles rankingwrits the highest products ofourbent mjfa ine Such wellknownaad popular writers as William EICwrtis aod Walter WeUman andFrank G Carpenter are regularaitributors to the Sunday ChicagoHccordHerald There arc manyspecial articles in each issue ofparticular interest to women insltiding the latest fahions houseiifijjflltconomy art music and the4pi4na etc There is a beautifullyillustrated special aportiutf sectionwhich not only cover till the newsvt lie sporting nttt dit atbofougbuesK that atisfi 4o theujDost bu Jncludes also entertain ¬

tag departments by such sportingexperts as Tim Murnaue whowrites of baseball matters Mariacfey Hogan noted tor hilTalkilof Pugilism J L Henrei wholconducts the department fh barHess horses and L le CavalierThe Record Heralds Rod andIGun1 expert The comic sectionand other entertaining departmentsround out this mammoth SundaymatTizme to the entire satisfactionot its readersI I

SPITDONITTOBACCOOKEtaw on be cured of any form of tobacco using

MUity be mad well strong niaentlc full ofpew We and vigor by taking NO TO BACtint mike weak men strong Many gainMM Bwradi in ten days Over 500000BooktJet and dvice FRKK Address 8TKRUNG3UtMKDY CO Chicago or New York 437


The Judge Entitled to Blue Ribbon

as Tobacco Raiser p

Judge Paul Turney of taruleania again entitled to the blue ribbonas a tobacco raiser He has re¬

cently completed the delivery of hiscrop and eleven and a half acresbrought him 1000 He sold toTandy Pairleigh of Hopkinsyule at 8 cents per pound for allexcept the trashCadiz Record

A Word to Women

Any sick woman is invited to con ¬

suIt by mail to Dr R V Piercecheif consulting physcian of the In-

valids Hotel and Surgical Institut-i3ulfalo N Y In an active prac ¬

Lice of more than thirty years asmisted by a score of associate phys-icians


Dr Pierce lids cured morethan half a million women All dlseasespeculiar to women are tret-cd with success This consultation

letter is strictly private andsacredlyconfidential Answers armailed promptly the best omedical advice All answers aresent in plain envelopes Writewithout fear an4 without fee to Drqtr V Pierce Buffalo N Y

StrayedJersey Cow squirrel color and

white white switch horns rathertong about tour years old a twadr size Suitable rewardJQ RifsgoJJji South Main street Hop

ft tY IA1b s

r I-

Tutts PllSAfter eating persons ov a bilois habitwill derive rout benefit by tfuirij orof these pdifc It you have bv n

> R NKING 100 MUCHthey will promptly tellve the nausea

iCK HEADACilEanti nervousness which follows restorethe appetite and remove gloomy reelfngs Jill gantly sugar coated

Take No Substitutes

=Woman Suffrage aid the Pre

c BMn Liaia Caliert Obettchalnhowling Owen Ky

MR EDiTOR For a long time

the New York Sun has had the dis ¬

tinction of being the only metropoli ¬

tan dally that maintained a dtpartmentof oman suffrage Thiwas edited by Ida Busted Harperand was one of the most popularfeatures of the paper Now the

Philadelphia North American hasestablished a similar departmentedited b Marion Evans an ac I-

Scomplisbed journalistThe occasional suffrage article

is a feature of the modern newspaper which no intelligent readerwould willingly dispense with for S

the progress of woman suffrage isone of the most significant move-

ments¬ I

in current history Nearlyevery state has its press superinteudent and a national pressbureau sends out thousands of

articles yearly to <mold I publicopinion r

That suffrage nevi is desired byI

the peoplt was ampiproreu a fewn oaths ago by a lets York news-paper syndicate Aeries of suf-


articles was offered tathenaanafrer who hesUtate4about ac-

cepting it lest it prove a loss tohim To his surprise there was agreater demand for1 this series thanfor any other material purchasedby the syndicate

If you see a suffrage article inyour county paper dont write tothe editor to stop your paperbut read the article lay asideprejudice watch for the next aufiraye article and see if you can-not educate yourself into a beliefin justice for women This is allthat woman suffrage means andIsurely there is nothing in this towreck the state or break up a news ¬

paperLImA CAL V ERT OBBNCKAi-KSupt Press Work Ky E R A


OUt IPUUtl1 bottle of Haifa GrtlfttSibOovery cures all kidney and bied-

dw Iron bleb rlw vas rtl dCueidislletbs wimiualewiaiuylweak sadtame Uaokb rheuniHiihUj still alt irre ularuivu of the did nays und bledtier in both uieu bud WUINUU rwgu e-

lutes blndcer troubles tu children Ifcold by your druggists will Ijs

rut by ujtil uu receipt of gl Ouswill twills is two mouthsmeat Hud will cure any toss MOOiLtueutioued Dr E V Idyll soleuiatiuUcturtfi P 0 Box t1tbSoldvwad

READ THI-SUopkinsville Ky June 7 MM

ss to certify that I wastroubled with kidney and bladderdiseases fur three years and foundnothing to relieve me until I triedThe Texas Wonder Halls GreatDiscovery which has given mepositive relief and I think a perma-nent


cureJAS MHiPKtxs

Visited Cerulean SpringsSinking Fork Ky May 20 JT

Quite a number of young peoplefrom this place spent a most pleas-ant


afterucoa at Cerulean Springslast Sunday The jolly crowddrove through in buggits Thosewho attended were

MESSRS nssulAlonx Mabry Ida HusertJim Smith J Nina HillBlma P Pool Pearl SmithJim Quarles EvteLStevensLindsay ilitiehelK Addie HiserJim Williamson LenaGuthrieDavie Vrf fht Mollie JefferyRabtus Denton Pearl OlveyHisereIIj t

Mr and Mrs S E Millai

Educate Your BowelsYour bowels can be trained as well

J as your musclek or your brain Cascarets Cathartic tr jlL r

iabletsrstampedbfflk All roc

CnptdrcdbtlrorJnnThe buccaneer Morgan captured and

plundered Havana in 1000 just previouslilt at Panama and along the P-



cine court of Central and South America

A crept Cabin Dleuater irlOne of the greatest dJwsters in Cuban hi

i tory was the hurricane of October 14 1870

in which aume20001i5 se were lost

How Aa Tear ItlJucyi rDr Hobbs BparaV tPIUl cure all kidney Qs Saw

ivtorroo c fler s il edy cocmcad or N-

tr= JrJt

JII 1 cdiLl


I Fan c Eclipsed by Social Triumphsof his Brilliant Wif-

et It was Judge Alfred Couklicgwho petulantly exclaimed on seeing his brilliant son ride to eclipsebimIIGod help me I jvns onceJudge Cookling a mark of abilityand independent fame but rfpw 1

am only Roscoe llklInga fatherSuch vfns the fate wbtcli overtook

Potter Palmer Chicagos foremostcitizen in the closing years of hislife writes Chris Hawthorne in thePittsburg Dispatch Thirty yearsago he married the beautiful Ber ¬

tha Honore and ten years later af ¬

ter establishing a million dollarpalace on the north shore of LakeMichigan he launched her on a so-


career of unparalleled splendorand success From that momenthis obscuration began BackInthe seventies when Chicago was inthe first lusty growth of tier renais

from the great fire PotterPalmers name was one to conjurewith Long before that time hehad established the present greatdry goods house of Marshall Field

Co said now to be the largest inthe world

When Field was a clerk and PhilArmour a towboat captain Palmerwas already a millionaire Beforethe fire the Palmer House wasknown as the finest hotel west olNew York and after that disasterthe new hostelry built on themoking embers of the old held theprestige Palmers hand was in

everythingHe thevery type and embod-iment


of all the strenuous virtuesthat have made Chicago the queencity of the inland seaso retired

lnthe1earlyself to his hotel and his immenserethettnte holdings Under hisbands Hundred of the finest resi-dence buUditfJfs in tli ity flewopetJ as if bj mafic HYreclaimed j

the lake Shore on the ttfph side ofthe city and had muchrb do withranking it what it now4 thefinestand most exclusive qulrier in thecityK V

IfMagnificent mansion flank his

his own palace on tli boulevardhis neighbors are all millionaresperhaps the fact that he marriedrather late Md something to dowith his indtIT ice to social plea ¬

He sfteM d to care little forpolite functions but his treasure

house was always ones when hiswife called for munitions of vac

Two sons wore born to the Palm ¬

rs Potter Jr and HpaorerTheyboth lire at home arid are hand-some


fellows of 36 and 88 or therea-bouts Houore is his mothers boy

yearsheiuducad him to run forAlderman of the TwentysecondWard and created quite a furore

keeping open house for the wardLers in hr lakeshore palace

He was elected by a tremendousmajority and has shown mettle wor ¬

thy of his brilliant mother and won ¬

derfully successful fatherSow that the latter is gone the

cares of the immense estate willprobably fall to him



BridaUCouple Makes Novel Depar¬

ture From Usual Responses

An innovation connected with themarriage ceremony whichspreadtake says a dispatch fromMilwaukee was introduced in Jus

Pheatts courtroom when theiagistrate officiated atthe wedding

at Barr Joseph Fox of Mount j

pleasant Racine county and MissMagdalena Wille of this city

All the proceedings were accordlug to Hoyle until the grom was in-


as to his willingnessetc As soon as the question wasasjced the bride who was a stuningbltjnde reached over and placed herripe red lips within easy and supptieating reach of the grooms Nat ¬

urally he implanted a kiss uponthe Upturned mouth

Justice Pheatt after waiting a

this5vassufn ¬

eyesasked the room another questionwhich wasanswered by anotherkiss From that time every quokissesapre8was 60 great that many of the spec-



tators could not stand it and wereforced to go out for a bracer

C Dowels With CaicareteCandy Ctettairtlo cure cent tieuon forever


1 r 11 I T 1 0 10 or Mtr

11 Messilg 01 lOpett 11

King HiohK Vds a prisoner firm and fast behind iron bare Thorotpa little prospe tAi and great danger of doathat tho handsof his Jailors Onol Wgiii ho hoaM beneath his gmt8dlndovir aminstrel singing Ho recognized and know the yoiop of thesinger tho minstrel Blondol Hoknew too that thorn wore thoseready to aid him to regain hiss liberty That song was to him amessage of hope It was the forerunner of liberty and now life

Thoro aro thousands of men an women who are prisoners of discase They aro confined to their Ems by a detainer more forciblethan bolts and bars Hopo of escape has boon given up They lookfor nothing but to havulife mercilessly ended They are victims oflung disease and they sea nothing before them but thobfjital termina ¬

tion of consumption To tleso prisbnera there comejii message ofhope a message sincere and true fionytlloso who have been in likecondition but havo found a of e and are enjoying to the fullfreedom front disease and a healthyhappy life r

t iadvisingSeptember 1898 I an of trouble and began doctoring at onceWith our family physician continuing for two months I grew weaker all thetime so my husband took me to au old family doctor IIe gave me goodmyfriendsgetting weaker every day we went back to QUI family doctor and I was underhis care until March then I was confined to bed Would have spells ofperspiring five or six times a day until my clothfngwas wet Thentold my he would like to have another physician called as he haddone aU in his powerthat there was nothing to build on I began takingSeptember ¬

told my husband that consumption was my trouble and my lungs heart liverkidneys and bowels were in bad condition I gave him a trial until March1900 At the same time stomach trouble and dropsy set iit and I was onbroth and milk for three weeks No pen can tell of my suffering Sleep hadforsaken me I told my husband there was no comfort for me to remain withmy family I was willing to go to that land of rest I was asked to give thefourth doctor a trial He did not agree with the others We were advised bya brotherin law who had been cured by Dr Plerces ineTcins Home time n ito give it a trial I began to write to you but it was three liiys before I couldfinish my letter I received kind reply advising a course of treatment whichI began at once After taking the first bottle of Dr Pierces Golden MedicalDiscovery and also one of his Favorite Prescription I began to improve inbegantobefore At the time I wrote to you my friends said a month was the longest Icould been earth If there should be anyone wishing information regardingmy cue I will be pleated to correspond if stamp enclosed for reply


If OU are sick with lung trouble ob tim tl cough weak emaciatedand despairing Mrs Cosby brings you a meMwgo of hope The meansof once she used should be the means of your cure also Hers is not asolitary ease There ire hundreds of men and women who were oncein a like condition and are now in the full enjoyment of a healthyuseftitfe cured of disease by the use of Dr Picrccrs Golden MedicalDiscovory If there were only oqo chonpa im a hun red of your cureit would be worth trying But the rooords show that ninetyeightpeople out of every hundred who give Goldon Modibal Diseovory afair and faithful trial are perfectly and permanently oared If youare sick can afford not to trythis medicine which has been themeans of health to so many suffererEEighthbottle Discovery I had been taking medicine fromour doctor for five months He told my mother that r had consumption andcould not live any longer than spring which would have a fewmonths The same day my was drawn to au advertisement of DrandItook smaller doses then at first and continued taking Jt After the one bottlewas used I was cured Had a few slight trouble since that andageuOlDr Pierced GaHen Hediofll Disopvory cures bronchitis beep datedand obstinate coughs Weeding of the lungs weakness emaciation andconditions generally which if negjooted or uuakilfully trsatod find afatal tormihfttioft in consumption

Sick people especially those suffering Am ohconio discuses areinvited to oouswlt Dr Pierce by letter freoaffil so obtain withoutcharge the opinion of a specialist on their ailments All correspond ¬

ence strictly aonfidontial Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N YSometimes a dealer tempted by the little more profit pail on the

sale of less meritorious medicines will offer the customer a substituteas being just as goodas tho Discovery It is better for himbecause it pays bettor but it is not as good for you if you want themedicine that has cured others and which you believe will cure you

FREE F Or Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser contaIninghundredIllustrationsmailing ONLY Send 39 onecent stamps for the cct bound volume oronly 2m stamps for the book in paper coversAddress DR R v PIEROE Buffalo H Y


WHISKEYSI25 Per GallonIMention thin and send for private

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Winston Dis Co Winston rf C

Lowest Price Whiskey House


UpholsteringFurnituje repaired upholsteredpolishedI

and recovered Pricef reasonable30 years experience All workguaranteed At Pylels furniturestqre W A WOODS

FOR SAGOA scholarshIp in eitIer of three ot the best businessollges in tne South If interested

fou an sajre money by addressingipsC Hopkin8ville4y

iI Cheap Rates to Bowling Qreen-i

onlltareMay 17 28 29 and 30 All ticketslimited to June 2nd Account Elksstreet tart t

R M SLATER Agentii t y j





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