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VOLUME XXXIX MATAWAN. N. JM THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 25, 1907. NUMBER THURSDAY'S STORM A SEVERE ONE. Lightning Killa Farm Hand Much Damage in Vicinity of Asbury I’aik. Continuous daps i.» tlaridcr, unac- companied by the iv»ltl«- IiiiL usually prccede-s tho I muui. like- tlu-. explosion of giatlt and inlcr- mittent rtasiu-.i of lightning, Thursday marked the severest mul moi'.l dcstruc* livx1 show er experienced ulotcj tho North Jersey coast iu many yc^rs Chip fol- lowed clap, each seeaang louder than the other, with lightning that was blind- ing. Death and wriau* injury followed in its wake, houses v.eve wrecked ami crops devastated. The shower hung over Asbvuy Park far hours und ihe succession uf blinding Masher. and deaf* cning explosions rendered iho iiituation idmobt unln'arai-lc. South and west of the city the storm spent Us fury with terrible de^vuotion. Kcporttf from New .Bedford, a farming • «Sj8tiU‘t four miles southwest of Asbury l»ark nre that tho crop* are enmplekdv dovurtl;\te<l. Corn, wheat, vye uud p'*o- dnco are destroyed and tlie )>*>:*■ "hwht own uprooted trees, Death followed in Ihe wake of the ntnrm al *\W HoHord, where 'Antnmr; Macihmbi, a Kii.s'Uan farm hand, em- ployed liy II. 0, Ilanee, was hilled in the-field; Out at Hamilton, a mother and her young daughter are iu a iicriniiH emiditioii an tlie ivniiU of shod; Imt doctor* have expivfoied iln* belief tliat they will recover. Striking the hoii;n* of Andrew Simp- won at Hamilton, IlKhtniug played havoc with live uf the roman, the walls nnd strewing Uu* uim ipuv aluml. Tliu holt M in d tin.* west »;ide of the lu'U.40 hid did nut n t the house on lire, Mih. Simpson and her 7-yc.n- old ikug’hter were • etimsly lait <ud latally burach The hoa-r wesdnm' uj.^ed to the extent oi svwvat Uwwdwd dolhtru, . The Hamilton M. F Hunch was abio alvm:k. w chimneyon \hv >nth end be- h\K d e m o lU h e d , A Uu’n belonging t*» Addison Kigip;, the county tai'in, wnsi badly ihnnaj’ed hy Gn> lightning boll, but none of tlu* Rhvfc was injured ( Piro broke m il in the hntiniMif the kite GiHybjnnng'h Jui.-Us'ti al v'^ u Grove ■following a ilaiih of iiv,htiiiu« that j<trmdc the roof. Nelghboni,* however, Were «pdek to lend r.ul and Ihe M um' wan c\ tingnbihod with slight damage. Idghtning mruok a i'ott;t}»e in Ihudley He,-mb neeuoied hy Mw, Annabel of Montclair, Hhatleriug a bed Iml causing 110 . ivrioiw damage. No i»ne was in- jured. William Megill. a carpenter, working on a mdghbavfmt Inuir-e, wa;i ivndered tineou^eioni by ihi> lijjhtnhiK lull cjoiekly revived. Several other "et'e knoeked ilowu and ntmmrd l.i^luninji Ktrack a liani <ui Ihe Jnbn N.nvmnn phu'e at Ne’.v Hevlfob*, i.vUioK U;'e lo tin* ntnietnre. and before aid eould be :uimtnoned the btilMino had Imrneil. Threi* honiet were hilled N'e.wmtm cnuditets au (vaeusive chtekcu hwiiitiCKM and |»raiu nnd funuiu^ imple me:UfJ weiv burned alcnij; with tho building. Thu eleetrieal slui\» ot‘ (tarry A!r.}>nel\ a', IMmar wm alij:htly datnnyed l\v liuhtniuK- 'I'he liehnnr t'luti wan also iitritek, In Antuiry Park, tmllie «'n the tvolley lituvt e,'ati tk*d uj> fov nearly n»\hour nnd the tire compauieH wero twiee enlled ♦mt. Se^iivM j>ev:i'»nn \*ere stanned, hut uo fatalities hnve been reported In ca)>vivii'u* nn>oil, JUj»i'er'.i hubs set e!v‘ tjie tn-as rin^inMr>|>e;l the.wrist:- oi j«\»,>ti Imuv.L'Wive:; and in one in'il.ou t !i>»hti d an oil mon i\ A e\ntnnev iu the’ W nrtor »ti>re wan hit, Waring i'. tn pifetv4 I lu thr third lloor cf the building ni) npurtnient or riijned by t)to, I). I.andt*r;il wa» :;!iv.\n w'tt\\ putvnut sl-.«ve pipe Omu ir«uu the lOiimiK'v. tine pie-. w;ei mnixi'cd l.i):hltiinf,r r.m iu on a wire bb>vviti>: mil ihe telephone nnd li<,;iii fuses lu the IW lo r 'dore, a « hmnieV uan tldiuvn m il. nirilvia;; Nli‘<< lilla Si!\ei"i, a b.jukkeeperof Mmaexjirm, in the in* o, She v,,ri not injaieil, Smt was i-.o- t er< d all <0 er t lie plaee, William l‘n^ee, o mot 111 v, we.;) Woikioft v\ilh (i knife when a lliedi .«l li^htnin)! played n v r Ihe iiv.truturm| anti ulioelu il I'ra/ee. ,\ h.tle about bmr leet in di.-mirlre. u.-ei hurned tn I fie 1 , tlin;* I he ihim.nie wa i slii;hl Jo an ap.iitmeul a l" «\«• the ,:toce ;i iirt nl ;lt1 1‘*' .)jfl '*■< ’!'11 Ihe (Iiateh Wat bli^MI out, A I^../b<K l:in!’y iheiv n/i-; n hi(}*ln II fill | .'ii^'luiiij; and the Mm'e wai* NeJihJ/ 1'i'^jv, ine, .1 wive t>» j. <h ollii'c:! nf I Jr. A ni Mew out ihe b"> ;f a[ a; tud -e. ' a m I o «M'\\ali .w e a u e , \ HW-W ( 1*V Me:. Atuaud.i t'i«a\e -A;v. . Hl' uvk bv a ih'mdevboU ubnul :U»Vl'»eU and d.n,u\*ed 0 » tbe v*W\\\‘ "I nb >nt a tusv b >^ iu the a, Iturloa, lij’ht wuh a load hi.;- The fully eovnvd b insurance. The bMt. a fte r‘•t.rikini; tlie roof ture' its u.iy through the hotese, stunninji Kdiia V'au N ijn ’r, the HLtlt d.itnditrr r f >1 r and Mrs. JS. Vuu K ij’tr of JJrooklen, «iiu inTiipv the eotla^i*. ')r-;. Van Kiper's father, uho w-is oa ‘Ju- fr,»nt jiiait/a with the little was ii!si> stnnneii and for several min- utis was unable- to see anythin.!*. W ith tbe help of the firemen and the neb'h- bov^, the \'an kipovs wcuv at'lv to save all 1 1 *.1 ?*r t !n!):injf and other article:! of nppan.'i. The I./.v; t«i tlie owner, .Nfrs. Clowv, was tmu’h larKe;'. Much of J'*er f u n n T u r e \','as d e s l i i i j e d . 1 'onsidcrablc furniture and silverware aud household articles were stored away in the attic und these were destroyed. Litfhtnintf played a number of queer pranks over in Oeeun Grove* Mrs. Cirah.un was li^htinj* au oil stave in lent ol. directly back of the. Uous Pavilion, v,3un, with a hri,c»hl Ikvdi uf lightning, she felt a slm^inK s l a p uei\rrf!’» h e r Members oi Geofjje W, Pitteii^er'rt househoUi, a nhorl tlislmuie fn>tn Mrs, Ciraham'K, w*‘ve stav«i.‘*t^hon nu elec- tric heU hej»au f'n»j;vaj; d ’.\r;n^ '.»»•. j.mmW- .The bell c.ndd iv»t W *pdeted uni il Mr. I’jttenxev'rt v.on, Willnvd, eut tho eiv.uwMtinn. A t ;\W»wl t h e Huh* thnt Ww Ih’e alarm Wiei real in at Went Grove or Iho hla-.e ia l.n\ h Mrown'^ hmi:>e in Ih'iplley Park, li^.htninf' ntruek a bai'tt on l-'illli Avenue, Neptune t’ity, belon^in^ l«« Charles Morris, Monbi, with the help >f li'ime Ui'ijthb.u'ri, wa'i idde to ipii'tieh the bhi;a« heloie nittelt d iiiiii^o done, Alfred Vuilderhoof «»f W i’Sl Sprinj; l.ake i*; niiinis nine ho^i , 1-1 n result nf the -toiin. A. pen euiitaiiuiij.; th" U->h \' ujij. -.frnek by a bidl and all u * re in '.lantly liillfil. At. Ilohildid Ihe jam ilv e.f iieurs' |J ICty ua-i kept buoy tlod^iiij; llie b■ *lli* ior mi hour or more. They ripped >I"* :.hiu]jle:4 nil tbe IioUm', t,< 11 • lh,;> b.U'k -ill a tree and i.pHntered a ti lepboiie p<ue iH ’iU' the fomt |;/He and iiiiother pole, striking hi folir pliaet at dllha- C!d t i n i i . ’i duiiin; •'boWer The peopli' lit the hothe weie albeted by liu: lifdilnini; but Uot inpned A tehphono pole lu I'mut of Kdr,.ti' ,Lk heueU’d Wan Hplluh ted. uud the bolt, tdaUeiUu ol\\ nutdo il hole U^ Mu' the hou^e. A bvdl. I'otvd it Inde tbnm\|b Ihe weulheiboards uf John C {ieinwk'fl UiU'hvw i\W'l hww.h»*d th*' kiv^hea ntcn- (iltu all <*v<-r tbo llo'*v A nevvant ein|)loyed by Mr. ‘- ’eboni-l, wait r.-iidet'ed nnennm’iou'i for mi liour uv uum\ bat eaaie out of (1 uninjured, + -- Anbury IMttr Well Rcpicyontwl In Jail. A dek .'(db'U of Oeeau Cbo\« \V t‘. *1'. lb worker: didied ibe I'oum y ,bd\ ul I'teehotd hvil 'I'hutndny t\hd held spiel'd rcrviven (or tbe In'tudh nf the ptUuiK'VH. They iTji.aied of the f»7 iuutulc v -tU v.ere and t \veaavn^. Over otl per vent. \ ( tbe lnt;d nmaber weie vc.adentn t-t Anbury Park, bnt tn be move exact there wore '„!!> A'ibmy P m k v r a t\u'Vo. After the tr’i^l.nm iu.T\Le:| wen1 over twelve men exprcnried a ‘.ti'onj; deter- ndnatlon to lead better live*'. Tbe nbjnel «>f b ddiaj; Ihe mcelia.i;*; at lho jail il« no* sbnply t > lcetu:-.' the iuinati'ji mi intemperance, but to belter their condition in every way aud aba to look after the inlen'-as <1 the;’.'* who may be innocent of the clut^e'; pro* ferred aHitinsi then. ..... - >- - lied Vamlc Mothodiuttt Utilun .V hUOO. The l*irn M. 1C. rbm e'i jo l'e*l I'sink had iutlebledneS'i ot iMU-OO ; 1m 1 la'il Sim-- dav mi eiiou wnr. miirle to , ,u tl-e debt. At the moiniri: ‘eivio'a was pledged and in tbe laeninj; abmit $1,UU0 more v.a’i raised, T he t-aujday- sebnrd nju’eed to j;ive tiilieis ha ve subscribed -.ince and il i*. e\pr<. It d the whole .oirmnt w ill br Vab^rnhid bv the end ol I bis va cl» 4 * I.tJHl. I C>11 ^^tlurday ulp/tl a brown i.u'lo1' in MaliiW'ail, or un the .n;u( leading louU Jo aiisbur^ tieni MiOawan lander v ill ! 0 'Hll1,111 1I'CU.aded bv leaviu'.* *aiUle al I his oiliee 1 Hetta will have mIiM wot't•* , of her own malm foi irdc e\<MV day \ViUvl>».\ o.mmbiy ufbu-nn* >nu, > + lUnni to lad, 'riie s< ail hei Iv part of tny (‘lore to lei, Shelving, e| e , now I h<'| e , tim'd foi'a- tion ini' ii j'jooei’y iilore, l!(iH);e l.iiii-niaycr, jl, J foi (on'fi Ioe (h 1 ‘iini r.a /ialr ut P.itk's Reslm u.oil, iO llm ;..w. il.*, • • ,0 •> a >pi-o I . * umci 'late, .'ihauberr;, vanllhi and lemon ilaNnis, + Mifintt &. Itmutiu Orf'uii for tvdu i.-brap, In-jnio' 1 hi* ■ .-t/ PERSOJfAL MENTION* SClfOOL APPROPRIATION VOTP/O. Stiort PnrHKrstOis <->f Die W)ii>rrnt>»n1» u( Nome ts/ouf tuoylu-ViJftor* fn Town. Mi^s Si'njysoa spent Tuesday at As- bury I‘ar!v. James h. Uaylou nf Trenton in town on Sunday. . T in* M A n ' i > w ; m a t h Kpejit Tuesday al Sv>ulh Arubuy Mias l'riinees Hark is spending the s’.ininifr at Seahrijjhl. J. V. 1J. ♦Sehanek of South Orange waa a visitor here on Monday. ; Miss Katherine I’ury of Trenton iij viating .\Jr. and Airs. James Fuvy. Dawxkisfi ‘^tewmt of Wav York' Was Elmer Gcwm’s ^uest over Smalay, Mis^i Conklin of I'nlumhtis Ohio, is \itiiliiH; her sister,M rs, II. li, \Velln, W . A, I'ouul.m'n spenl Stiudiy with Ids bro'oier, Juntas T. I'.mataiu, ou !ami» Island. ' Mrs. (\ b’, Rice und m oi Ihmddyn are upendon; a week with Mv. and Mr-i. I1, J, Devlin, Mv, Oovnall and danj-diter of Philadel - phia ave Koe^.a of J*rof, and Mm. baiuh at the I Until *» Ir, Tho Mis-.o-i Shun); mv id t leran tSn»ve atCiMidi il? the liesMons of ihe 0, T. V- leaden* of l he Slnle, . Mrs, S I’ 'I'luatlp.soa uud daue'itev Myrtle nt A'ibovy path ;uv vnAtiaj* Mv, mid Mrs I‘red bup'.oti, M i ‘i*v I hnd.invnn ol' N'e-w Vial* is oe v‘U)‘vinv: the (lonily •;amuirr home, Ibe Un'ine b'ann, nt present. Mi ■ ( )i 0 11*; \ , 11 d :i,!d d.ntelil' i' l»or.a)iy «‘l Hr mi),ho ,1 f.• 'i ;oni;: Air ntid MIs ('harle . I" ('laiI., I'dlii All o W*! It el Keypoil has u litrned lit nor at 1< 1 .'ipembni! oa'etal d.iv/. with Mm A | ‘'iiit.m ’ •r b*. 5». I (,:jiO'.ci| of Jtimoi.bai j.; mat Mr Ni'.’hobis ot Ned Hank %w-iy tjucitu ot the Mi.M", overrun d,i v ■ ' Mi's 1 ) | Parry is mihumu i mi* «d MPbid, i’. ’io , Men b.iny at ('ran- teld nnd .\lh*0 M I'nity nl Nm^.'aid'a lll'.y, M e;'(. ' Waller l)o.-,i’lh i' i i Vi'W Voik und .A(|?ej IJ d t t n a n d tdiarli'H Iltown if Ku- 7i(IIe iVak v,ri‘e (ptr'ild oi'Mr'i AdVll His. Hell oit Siitidnyi Iteury Avftoeiatlih !\n retmnod i'onn a ttip v.itb* Ibory Perdue of t-mph Am (ray, who vat,; otu uidt i:team yackt. fat' the 111 d tinto'ftd v visit', Jacoli Diel'euh.ii'iu'i1ol Iho 'klyn ‘.pent Sunday on llio l';u‘in neac b'.eya ’a ('uraer. Ills wilcVi piio’ipu, Mr and Mis, Hei- noama are oeeiip, hif^ th'.’ lariu. M lii I lartvo H I ..nol rrOiou oj MMdle- t'UMi, (‘onn,, hill reltlined lionie alter Kpenditij; .‘H vi ral 1lava with her pareatu, Mr and Mm, John Uioun ia iM/idhoii Tov, nshlp. M M Mary I'. Klraue, w a’l (h<* \;uv«! of Mi'^'c.i GusmIo and b'hmdo Ibnile:! in New \orklnr.i v.eek t '11 Tuesday ihe MiiSvt ihirtk'.i, who .s»vc nnaaer re.;i- dealr. here, s'arted b>t Portlaml, thi'i'/in, w lie'" t!n\v will make l heir future home, Airs, blvidyn Mr'eMebanb and Mivi b'lorcite.' Mr.iek‘cl'.otk of I'reehold ha'. e IvMlar-d b1 e;a* ,o'ici sp»Mi|iai» I v.‘o v.eek.i v.ilh the farmer's tbmi'htcr, ,Mr:i. il, It, litili.arb Mui. Ilukirt has nho had im her Mi*!.; Ifaltir |N'!en n( \cv. York Vctf.i-.iiif/ J‘iKaini|>iuent Vohlnaiu’d. The anon d Nw. Jen.ey M nto ear nop- m.-al ot i-'-v.m b A"»“ie.-an W.a* V« t* UM , s. in. :) 11 Mo : ■ !' u 1-eon Job. •j-A, in i|ir ea'.inn n| tlie AveiiUi Hotel at /i.bmy Park, Iit> bien p.'St- |»,mo| io Auijn-.' 1* ft a-. Itti) lo lot) ' are 'fd lo att<-nd I h enc.'itnpme'it ;e. n’f ae as1 ,i ai i \ 'e 1 lion )\U' dim lent cou.i. Oi ilnoiii'iaaii 1)1 . e,};,!,. A )\ ,;a >• ttria 1ndn and olla . 1a \ y{ll ill' c!l i ll'll .. ■ p Kanm i j on tot lliecja* a KI1>. ( h ’o i ;;e T. Jotu a i.otun li\ n*r. ne:-v I [uhndel, i- » mlim d to ibe hmi e n« the Ve-uh t-l an a- >>,|eni 0 1 ,>V« day . ai.o Mr June , t'.dl on „ ■ - I Ii iv, biokr one . - I' Ins vdo ,e*d sjo ,aaei| Iii .niMe 4 I’lndlshlawn Umb'ilaloa Meiub (iilN'it It I Ini' e, .ij v. ai , old. .m II l|de 1 lul.i'l , 11 (ai|! led 111O'. O , lit' d I'ue-I il r/ It -i< 1 l"e! ! e.'. Whdi ..o 1 , Ioe, a C iril.el il little la-'O' than a •-.eel, uj'o he fell and mtstaim'd a C"Uij' Mviid liucPUe ol a middU* Tetaou-. *les sloped We'd On The PiiiUluK- 'I'he Po ilmieU or I n'lierid i.'iiys ''l)oii't hiail vonv IctteiM wjl Inuil your name and addle a printed oil the upper lelf build 01 *t |0 ' ‘t ■i f I r, . I o , I o tt to you if Hot d-di'Vh',!." - |‘f>U I'.ibl! 1 'addin' Auloniidiile iu on.d eomlfil iii, ulll m ill four. A| ply lo | lie.v.ud 1' ,c , M ................ N J. The Beard of nducRiiun Autnoiizcd to Spend S 16,000 on New Building. Tlie school <.')eclion on Monday night in tlu* Graded School attended b.v 10!} Vutcj-s, the interest from tlie prov* ions election ha\'in;; (iof.rca.sisl som e- what, The nioetinjf <in{ani^od by the Kelee- tiotj nf lahvanl A. Smith chairman and J. A. Walling- , .secretary. The tellers were A. A. Iloyce aud Keuhen fieyor. Ti k* polls were < jienc**! about 7;lo and eoniit.uted open fur im hour. Of the IUJJ bnlJots east 7a were iu favor of the proposition and UN against it; tiuiN giving a dean majority nf -17* which was larger thiui ut the lasl pre- ee<liiiM election. thider the teHoinlioti an adopted the Hoard of lalucation is authorized to eomitriK't und cpiip uu uilditiau to the present building al a eoKt uot lo e\e»od 410,0(10, To pay for the work Iho Ik* nuanoo of bonds ta uutliori'.ed. tbe that of which will uni mature until the year IA nud then two lkunta of $aU0 eaelt wilhbe paid each year tmtil they all mature. The bund* have not yet been olVcred, hut il is cNpeeled thnt at the nest meel- iun uf the hnald bidu will be anked lot’. Ihe it>terest rate not been lius! end it muy J)‘‘ Gu" biddem v. ill be allowed h» hs vule mat tbe board wi\\ then deivr- mine width propo-.ili »n‘ (aihm ittul If m the ta*-,pa>na. Hy innkiu;,' t*ajdJ bonil MniiO the l\o;ud has fdi'.n .an ’oppnrtuuUv for h<i;d ittvestoOi, who cun bid oil iTohl oli(‘ bond lip lo the tiith/c l.’isno. I'he boialt w ill be fiee ftoiil tasuthui um! ciiimol betoldal lee.'"nun par. + 'Want Vnmleihill <aip iiaei AloilK Caj'fl. A mci'tine an - held ai boiiit laaneit lost laid.iv idejo for ibo pmpeiv of Meemlnj' tiir lUii* autm.ioljite race lor the Vi'iiidi :! il' I'up (a tbul vtetuitV Alingethor <i|dii pi t'^ui-i w ue pre<vnt, two of whom v.rJ>' U('.\,jtapva m ea ,\ ooUI'M' fifl" mile* m length W.c. apol;eM of, whieh V ',1 uld luee-isltuto I.I'- tiw utts lo e(*mple!i' (la- r;uv, Ued linuk t’i beetiiidun iuho ited it< Ibeeumiui? rnn,- to H atul luune i f iln ritlnam wnni h» Into f,oU}j liit'n'eh iu the tnn\cmcU! John Cadre, formvt dnmlor of tlio lloiud1 of I’o eboldeM v, ns oho ,en to preside ul ibo bong hnnuh nWHnj; ntid ho Mj'jH.inl^d tin.' folloainjx I’oni mittee w To 1 ntmb with ttUy t npiini«r wiib w viev. of n>n)-)'inj*, out n route W Amj brant ii, b'thi.ou ^'eliipnail and )'. J. t'li'ieV. M'o roidei* wilh I he you'll i IJ! hodleu < d 1 itle«, boiMU^h uUd toWllnhlpil tlilou^ll which Ihe proponed loMP"! paste/. Georj'o li, Poland, Mnyof C. 0 , Mid'ad* tliu and t iiarlt s L. babvmibt. On legwlull'tii 1 ’. A'ia laiouj-: 'I he route iom :ui!toe h.'i’‘ innppi d 1 ul. a eoiii ’o r.hieh eoveia IL* udh'l. I f ifi u?i follow 1: Starling nl (Vihir nnd Norwood ave- Hilo*, l.onjf Hr.njt'h, thonis1 tn Wont hoiij' Ui'aueli to I’a i t o n t o w 11 by Mon* niliiitIi rond; to Ti:i(oj> Palls, to Colin Neck, to Freehold, to Marlboro, P llnaleVell, to Ib'dmdel, In Idm ii fl \ii Hrookdah1 b’/ii'ui; to b'ed Hank, to I.ilt'o Silver lo ta «* tnpor: nud kick lo place of begiunl ij». To II-.h I Ann hor Schoo K!<c(l»:i, Tbe Ibdnide! 'I o\u,:i|iip lh>avd 1 f lid- nentioa lao'. e die I a sjieeial eleclioti lor W olm ib , f bd>, lo rai'-e addition - al tund1 ' 111 i m 'd ’ ;i r-.choolhoir.e, ba!:l month n -J -ti d ehrtloM v,ns brld ul whii'!» ll ».ii'> ih'fi led P> boild n no1 ,.- s.dio.-b '\ '\n appioprbulon culled i r '‘ >,nnn lie-ny iv I'choii diei,- ihe p la in J ,)• tlii- • <-’!om! and i! 1, 11 s neieed t iitd. in' 11;3 lo h.i\ 0 t he go iug <mi ol the couluiei 1 Job.’ a lr>', be! i were re rei'. 1 ‘i 1 dll') I Ml.' i;H e (-< III d 1 be ,011 ......1 of the iippiopii di m I Tweiiiy-fdnlli He/j’m uii ' ii l< and', n, Tlie UtMh loa;iou'it, 'o-a Ji-o.i",’ \'olmiteei"i, will i >• d>I il*. aioiu.d cmimih I i ul |miadiotd on Ul 1bieoila\, I -rpt 1 Mifaa' I I This iV'diui a! o,e. fo: no d I'' I t'1)'- hold dmlng lhe foil Wm, uud il is loin lei II \ eal.. ' INI e h |. Hln-UI Wn'\ held I bell'. + ♦ Quit h Kelhd fm A'dlmiit HnfTnnu n |'i d e v 'm I ban v -'iid Tai nMi ad > im 1, 11 11i:I! I • |: !i. | | ' ,, .1 tl 10,1 I.IU0 I.I I IO t lie W’oisl kIujm-i nnd II Inkeii jo Ijnio wjll ejleel n cure ' ' .1.1 b, Comb 11, Shiler. Maig:nedlle Ihovrnl Hume. The Indiea ol 1!ie Moic/moille M, 1C, Omieh will hold lin h nniaiid hniM"d In,nie on Aog.i .1 '.‘ill U 'lOuioy, liisl. lair idiihl. t lallfuui <lr/unMplmno fur Hnlo, | |iaVe a (Mapllf’pliol'e ,'.>l good US UCV/ which \ will M'll complete wllli HA rn- I I'ordrt for .'*.'10, Tito nilt III coni tne S/i.'t, - 11'1..belt Aiuielluo, the nlioeinaker. SiATK CCViXll WINS ITS SUITS. H<3liywood Fnierjjrise Cuunciis Mu;;f ’ Tarn Over All Their Prope ty. ^ On Friday j, dcciei<-,n vois iiitvt ra Tumii, a ! y V'Kc-t’huUcelUir fkairy C. 1’itney, ntiied. in the suit of the Slate t'ounJ! i»t 1 I .miar Ur»ter c,f the Want- ed Am«aici'U hr.tiies a^aiov-.i E n te r - prise Council, of Trenton, nml llolly- w«u.d (Nam t’d.ut' l.t>njr Branch, in i\hieh ' he fmd'i lhai tive two councils inmt. turn ovev to in.- State Council all proper* ' ty in the form of books, records, mcney, eie. , rid.; i* one of the last phases of tlm ti:.'h'. in this St,a*‘ between the National Co\ nvil aud the State Council for eon* tvol of vhe sub >rdinate couiieds 1 f New Jersey, In tlie main :udl Ihe eourl de* ’ tide'l tlmt the National Council hml no fttaadinij in Nev. Jei«ev. When the Slate Found) broke away from tbe National Goiiwil, iiuterprlMe nnd liollywood c.mneilH Wint «o'er to ’ tbe National body, nnd e:m;a*ipteiitly ihe S'ale t‘om i(d lias not been lecog* idzed by thcia. Afier the ilei isiun In ' tlie main, tlu* Slate Conned oh* ttdned mt order from Vice-l'hatuTllar 1'itney before hi< retirement from (he heneh, iv'training the two oounei’H from dUposine of/mv of theii* pi’optuly,’ The mjuncli'.i i.ouiljmed until tho de- termination of this Mill far p is ' ckimou of the property if the two nvprai-n lions The Vieo 1 hiU'ceilor holds lha!. Ibo Trenton mid beat; I'raneh eoum tl.) iou»t turn me*' ml pivpei'ty to i.lu1 ‘ijta'e 1 ' o i n u i '»> I a i h ' '. i' h. Whet her 1 lie'c t • * I'.ai'li da Will ila |j|j’) or «'.,iiHe back (lit 1 the dd ef lb-- oiaie c,iuueil U a maG* i’-‘- of :ai!-;.'.(Ueni develojmtcui ■ ! ' A.* the eonrneueetaeul iif teejd pae ' oee tim'.'i the la-; eouueit* ’enter'd h'tt ' ' a ■ a I j 1 u Ir 11 io i 1, ilei\i;..d\ t tic tv lv/.al Vejo-. - cei'alU ' 5. t<* abide by the devi-.lon m the Mij! thvo p-'udhi« beiwt'ca G > Niuioua1 . aad counidhv ihu win a the Nutt Uid C.ceatl "il'i wld)>] >d tt - .- t'-.o i.uP<Mdm.d'-' connet's tehv-ed ta oary oat the ie:oiini-nii anti the Sin' > Coma II bigaa tbe legal proeoedhnM which aUi ton iinuusl by lb<‘ doclnlo), , of Vieu Ch.av.ellar I'iliiey, The State C-.amed \v.w v'f'm ah iln fnmmi-a'nv.htg out ot their neiton in tieverhij; nil tlcr-i with tbe Niiiionfd Coimoil, which wtep* wan emlora d hy i\W the eauut'lbi III tha * 1 ♦lute whh the esivptii't of rmllysvon'l . and ratefpiiH’, ,. , ,4. ^ . ., • - lUCaVoifil Money L;M In OnnihllilKi Pifoic Jndgn ho,del' nt Frovhold hnt Thnt'iday ami Iteunl /i milt b|ou|/Jil by Kli 01 G'ddsmlth of Keypoil ugalusl Ahrani cbu 1 ia of the aauie jiIucin Gold- lanlth bad lu-,t g-10 iu playing pilld'V <iL M omn'n phu'e tmd hi* (Utetf 1 0 tL Jndgi* P’osler p.nvt* him jtld^ihyllL bu1 the niaotml. ^ GoMnaith tilled taindpttlly t<» «er *1 pi a 1e with AiorrU, wlvi, la (hi! lnu«. li I-J 11 fa blaaiU (el GoldiUjdtb lluil A-a laaael't woul<( nol he elected hhta' i f. Morrf't Ju-.t, I oil he tn’atjgbd Mnt. on the ijr.atud tbat a gambling bd "nn il le^al ur.d j'ot hi i( mores* hnvk. Iiold- siuilb, in the heA sait, merely turned tho lah!< .1 on hi-n. - ................. S olcit (loodj, Ftmml, Arreat flnde. je-eph beeje, iiaid la be tai evp 'rl b'm;iis!i cro il:. v,\"i mm sled at I he Allen • her.! Inn iS'iM.idny, eluttged v.jth ibeft. 1)e emjd <, e j n*i a htunly jnntj atiout. the lend ioe| ,-tip,-r a number of article*! bad .Je iippe Ui-'l > ,;eai'cl| o| Jij'; SUllca:;.^ w, s made. 11 a as t< »md I" <ontuiu m my "f f lio m !i de ; n. ported ‘iiol.-n and See..’ e,,|S I e ! C I lip, AllM'Mg * 1‘;4 I f l l :a*s os 11 \ 1 11 d Were Iv.o U,-l|i-|il"l, ■ ' 101; »1 1 a I .» , p >li> emiav'n ualt*»rm, <ic\ ei.,1 (>i 1 -•, oj je'.'.,'|| y a n d u u t m d " e of p I . II li : ■/ •+ !li:!ie(n| l'ilac,'|«l in Wtirftf. (’ IJirbii. Widliug ij Kocknw/iv, N | , l a ri ri 1 Ki vport will I «• mr.r* ia I nc 1 I 0 i » to Mfu Anna Tayl e I*; -! Il'i;, . l t , (■a . ( a ill", I 'a. The i'l te- , / V, itl tli- ptaee at the bl iilv'n 1 lio. le bol t voa be ''ir Wullont'ts MCI - u u d 'at.ii t i i{<-' I dstivM \df“ dii d ahSIr" be li.ugld ht In- ' ta''. ' + Htlum!rt!na WMhuut hlhndnn That, is tlu* v.ati'h'J'.ord, That b' t^b i‘, liiioo hiiwitive Frtlil Hyvitp doou. o ‘e w'cs uud --tamtlate t the l«ove(a with* .a i irrPailoii m imv lorin bold by ' Id o', tb !,'■ * I. * llio; I Ibnnrsll I mu noehlng niore or !••'.*< horwo'i eve 1 v an k uml can uiit von wfi Ii nny kind of a lionie von may hoed, and, I 1 ' of' all, I ulll Mill dud [dense you v, it Ii liS'-c tilid' price II, P Pot'M -04 FlVelloldi N, J* ......... . f.'emohuy l.nt Knr Brtha I las a au e location aud cunt dna about, II 11 '.upcilUad ted, A)v;dy at the Joe un vi otl'ao ,


Jan 26, 2020



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V O L U M E X X X IX M A T A W A N . N. JM T H U R SD A Y A F T E R N O O N , JU L Y 25, 1907. NUMBER


Lightning Killa Farm Hand Much

Damage in Vicinity of Asbury I ’a ik.

Continuous daps i .» tlar idcr , unac­

companied by the iv»ltl«- IiiiL usually

prccede-s tho Imuui. like- tlu-.

explosion o f giatlt • and inlcr-

m ittent rtasiu-.i of lightning, Thursday

marked the severest mul moi'.l dcstruc*

livx1 show er experienced ulotcj tho North

Jersey coast iu many yc^rs Chip fol­

lowed clap, each seeaang louder than

the other, w ith lightning that was blind­

ing. Death and wriau* in jury followed

in its wake, houses v.eve wrecked ami

crops devastated. The shower hung

over Asbvuy Park far hours und ihe

succession uf blinding Masher. and deaf*

cning explosions rendered iho iiituation

idmobt unln'arai-lc.

South and west of the city the storm

spent Us fury w ith terrible de^vuotion.

Kcporttf from New .Bedford, a farming

• «Sj8tiU‘t four miles southwest of Asbury

l»ark nre that tho crop* are enmplekdv

dovurtl;\te<l. Corn, wheat, vye uud p'*o-

dnco are destroyed and tlie )>*>:*■ "hwht

o w n uprooted trees,

Death followed in Ihe wake of the

ntnrm a l *\W HoHord, where 'Antnmr;

Macihmbi, a Kii.s'Uan farm hand, e m ­

ployed liy II. 0, Ilanee, was hilled in

the-field; O u t at Ham ilton, a mother

and her young daughter are iu a iicriniiH

em iditioii an tlie ivniiU of shod; Imt

doctor* have expivfoied iln* belief tliat

they will recover.

Striking the hoii;n* of Andrew Simp-

won at Ham ilton , IlKhtniug played

havoc w ith live uf the roman,

the walls nnd strewing Uu* u im ip u v

alum l. T liu holt M in d tin.* west »;ide

of the lu'U . 4 0 h id did nut n t the house

on lire, Mih. Simpson and her 7-yc.n-

old ikug’hter were • etim sly lait <ud

la ta lly b u ra ch The hoa-r w esdnm '

uj.^ed to the extent oi svwvat Uwwdwd

dolhtru, .

The H am ilton M. F H unch was abio

alvm:k. w ch im neyon \hv >nth end be-

h\K d e m o lU h e d ,

A Uu’n belonging t*» Addison Kigip;, the county tai'in, wnsi badly

ihnna j’ed hy Gn> lightning bo ll, but

none of tlu* Rhvfc was injured (

Piro broke m il in the hntiniMif the kite

GiHybjnnng'h Jui.-Us'ti a l v'^ u Grove

■following a ilaiih of iiv,htiiiu« that j<trmdc

the roof. Nelghboni,* however, Were

«pdek to lend r.ul and Ihe M um ' wan c\

tingnbihod wi th slight damage.

Idghtn ing mruok a i'ott;t}»e in Ihudley

He,-mb neeuoied hy Mw, Annabel of

Montclair, Hhatleriug a bed Im l causing

110 . ivrioiw damage. No i»ne was in ­

jured. W illiam Megill. a carpenter,

working on a mdghbavfmt Inuir-e, wa;i

ivndered tineou^eioni by ihi> lijjhtnhiK

lu ll cjoiekly revived. Several other

"et'e knoeked ilowu and ntmmrd

l.i^ lun in ji Ktrack a liani <ui Ihe Jnbn

N.nvmnn phu'e a t Ne’.v Hevlfob*, i.vUioK

U;'e lo tin* ntnietnre. and before aid

eould be :uimtnoned the btilMino had

Imrneil. Threi* honiet were hilled

N'e.wmtm cnuditets au (vaeusive chtekcu

hwiiitiCKM and |»raiu nnd funu iu^ imple

me:UfJ weiv burned alcnij; w ith tho


Thu eleetrieal slui\» ot‘ (tarry A!r.}>nel\

a', IM m ar w m alij:htly datnnyed l\v

liuhtniuK- 'I'he liehnnr t'luti wan also


In Antuiry Park, tmllie «'n the tvolley

lituvt e,'ati tk*d uj> fov nearly n»\ hour nnd

the tire compauieH wero twiee enlled

♦mt. Se^iivM j>ev:i'»nn \*ere stanned,

hut uo fatalities hnve been reported

In ca)>vivii'u* nn>oil, JUj»i'er'.i hubs set

e!v‘ tjie tn-as rin^inMr>|>e;l the.wrist:-

oi j«\»,>ti Imuv.L'Wive:; and in one in'il.ou t

!i>»hti d an oil mon i\

A e\ ntnnev iu t h e ’ W n r to r »ti>re w an

h i t , W a r in g i'. t n p i f e t v 4 I lu th r th ir d

llo o r c f t h e b u i l d i n g n i) n p u r tn ie n t o r

r i i jn e d by t ) t o , I ) . I .a n d t* r ;il w a» :;!iv.\n

w 't t \ \ p u t v n u t sl-.«ve p ip e Om u ir«uu th e

lO iim iK 'v . t in e pie-. w ;ei m n ix i 'c d

l. i) :h lt iin f ,r r .m iu o n a w ire b b >vviti>: m il

ih e te le p h o n e n n d li<,;iii fuses l u th e

I W l o r 'd o re , a « h m n ie V u a n

t ld iu v n m i l . n ir ilv ia ;; N li‘<< l i l l a Si!\ei"i,

a b . ju k k e e p e r o f M m a e x j i r m , in th e in* o,

S h e v ,,r i n o t i n j a i e i l , S m t w as i-.o-

t er< d a l l <0 er t lie p laee ,

William l‘n^ee, o mot 11 1 v,

we.;) Woikioft v\ilh (i knife when a lliedi

.«l li^htnin)! played n v r Ihe iiv.truturm|

anti ulioelu il I'ra/ee. ,\ h.tle about

bm r leet in di.-mirlre. u.-ei hurned tn

I fie 1 , tlin;* I he ih im .n ie wa i s lii;h l

Jo a n a p . i i tm e u l a l " «\«• th e ,:toce ;i

iir t nl ;lt1 1‘*'

. ) j f l '*■<’!'11 Ih e ( I ia te h W at b li^M I o u t ,

A I^ . ./ b < K l: in ! ’y iheiv n/i-; n hi(}*ln

II f i l l | . ' i i ^ ' l u i i i j ; a n d the M m 'e w a i*

N e J i h J /

1'i'^jv, ine, .1 wive t>»

j. <h ollii'c:! nf I Jr. A

ni Mew o u t ihe b">

;f a [ a ; tu d -e.

' a m I o «M'\\ali .w e a u e ,

\ HW-W ( 1*V M e:. A tu a u d . i t'i«a\e -A;v.

. Hl' uvk bv a ih'mdevboU ubnul :U»Vl'»eU

and d.n,u\*ed 0 » tbe v*W\\\ ‘ "I nb >nt

a tusv b > iu th e

a , I t u r lo a , l i j ’ ht

w u h a lo a d hi.;-

The fully eovnvd b

in s u r a n c e . T h e b M t . a f t e r ‘•t.r ik in i; tlie

ro o f tu r e ' its u . i y th r o u g h th e hotese,

s tu n n in j i K d i ia V 'au N i jn ’r, th e HLtlt

d . i t n d i t r r r f >1 r a n d M rs. JS. V u u K i j ’t r

o f J J ro o k le n , « i i u in T i ip v th e e o t la ^ i* .

')r- ;. V a n K ip e r 's fa th e r , u h o w-is

o a ‘Ju- fr,»nt j i ia i t / a w ith th e l i t t le

w a s ii!s i> s tn n n e i i a n d fo r s eve ra l m in-

u t i s w a s unable- t o see any th in .!* . W ith

tb e h e lp o f t h e f ire m e n a n d th e neb 'h-

bov^ , th e \'an k ip o v s wcuv a t'lv t o save

a l l 1 1 *.1 ?*r t !n ! ) : in jf a n d o t h e r a rt ic le :! o f

n p p a n .' i . T he I./.v; t«i t l ie o w n e r , .Nfrs.

C low v , w as tm u ’h larKe;'. M u c h o f J'*er

fu n n T u r e \','as d e s l i i i j e d . 1 'o n s id c ra b lc

f u r n i t u r e a n d s ilv e rw a re a u d h o u s e h o ld

a r t ic le s w ere s to re d a w a y in th e a t t ic

u n d these w e re d e s tro y e d .

Litfhtnintf p la y e d a n u m b e r o f q u e e r

p r a n k s o v e r in O e e u n G rove* M rs .

C ira h .u n w as li^ h t in j* a u o i l s ta v e i n l e n t

o l . d ir e c t ly b a c k o f the. U ous P a v i l io n ,

v ,3 u n , w ith a hri,c»hl Ikvd i uf lightning,

she fe lt a slm^inK s la p uei\rrf!’» h e r

M e m b e rs o i G e o f j je W , P it te ii^ e r 'r t

h o u se ho U i, a n h o r l t l is lm u ie fn>tn M rs ,

C irah am 'K , w*‘ve s ta v « i. ‘* t ^ h o n n u e le c ­

tr ic heU h e j»au f'n»j;vaj; d ’.\r;n^ '.»»•. j.mmW-

.T h e b e l l c .n d d iv » t W *pde ted u n i il

M r. I ’ jt te nxev 'rt v.on, W il ln v d , e u t th o

eiv.uw M tinn.

A t ;\W»wl t h e H uh* th n t W w Ih’e

a la rm W iei r e a l in a t W en t G ro v e o r Ih o

hla-.e ia l .n \ h M ro w n '^ hmi:>e in Ih 'ip l le y

P a r k , l i^ .h tn in f ' n t ru e k a b a i'tt o n l- 'illli

A v e n u e , N e p tu n e t ’ i t y , b e lo n ^ in ^ l« «

C h a r le s M o rr is , M o n b i , w i t h th e h e lp

>f l i 'im e U i'ijthb.u 'r i, w a 'i id d e to ip ii 't ie h

th e bhi;a« h e lo ie n it te lt d i i i i i i^ o d one ,

A lfr e d V u i ld e r h o o f «»f W i ’Sl S p r in j;

l .a k e i*; n i i in is n in e h o ^ i ,1-1 n resu lt n f

th e - to i in . A. p e n e u iita i iu i i j . ; t h " U->h \'

u jij . -.frnek b y a b id l a n d a l l u * re in

' . l a n t ly l i i l l f i l .

At. I l o h i ld id Ih e j a m i lv e.f i ie u rs ' |J

ICty ua-i k e p t b u oy t lo d ^ i i i j ; ll ie b ■ *lli*

io r m i h o u r o r m o re . T he y r ip p e d > I"*

:.hiu]jle:4 n il t b e IioU m ', t ,< 11• lh,;> b.U'k -ill

a tree a n d i.p H n te re d a ti le p b o iie p<ue

iH ’iU' th e f o m t |;/He a n d ii i io th e r

po le , s t r ik in g hi fo l ir p l i a e t a t d llh a -

C !d t in i i . ’i d u i i i n ; •'boWer The

p e o p li' lit th e h o th e w e ie a lb e t e d by

l iu : l i f d i ln in i ; b u t Uot i n p n e d

A t e h p h o n o p o le lu I 'm u t o f Kdr,.ti'

,Lk he u eU ’d W an H p llu h te d . u u d the b o lt ,

tdaU e iU u ol\\ n u td o il h o le U Mu'

th e h o u ^ e .

A bvdl. I 'o t v d it In d e tbnm\|b Ih e

w e u lh e ib o a r d s u f J o h n C { ie in w k 'f l

UiU 'hvw i\W'l hww .h»*d th * ' k iv ^h e a n tcn-

(iltu a l l <*v<-r t b o llo'*v

A n e v van t e in| )loy ed b y M r . ‘-’eboni-l,

w ait r.- iidet'ed n n e n n m ’io u 'i f o r m i l io u r

uv uum \ b a t e a a ie o u t o f (1 u n in ju r e d ,

+ -­

A nbu ry IM ttr Well R c p ic y o n tw l In J a i l .

A d e k .'(d b 'U o f O e e a u Cbo\« \V t ‘ .

*1'. lb w o r k e r : d id ie d ib e I ' o u m y ,bd\

u l I 'te e h o td h v il ' I 'h u tn d n y t\hd h e ld

s p ie l 'd rc rv iv e n (o r t b e In 't u d h n f th e

ptUuiK'VH. T h e y iT j i .a ie d o f th e f»7

iuutulc v -tU v.ere and t \ veaavn^.

O v e r o t l p e r v e n t . \ ( t b e ln t ; d n m a b e r

w e ie v c .ad e n tn t-t A n b u r y P a rk , b n t tn

be m ove e x a c t th e re w o re '„!!> A ' ib m y

P m k v r a t\u'Vo.

A f te r t h e t r ’ i^ l .n m iu.T\Le:| w e n 1 ov e r

tw e lv e m e n exprcnried a ‘.t i'on j; deter-

n d n a t lo n to le a d b e t t e r live*'.

T b e n b jn e l «>f b d d ia j ; Ih e mcelia.i;*;

a t lh o ja il il« no* s b n p ly t > lcetu:-.' the

iu in a t i ' j i m i in t e m p e r a n c e , b u t to b e lte r

t h e ir c o n d i t io n in e v e ry w a y a u d a b a

t o lo ok a f te r th e in le n '- a s <1 th e ;’.'* w ho

m a y b e in n o c e n t o f th e c lu t ^ e ' ; pro*

fe rre d a H itin s i t h e n .

■..... - >- -

lied Vamlc M o th od iu ttt U tilun .V hUOO.

T he l* i r n M . 1C. r b m e ' i jo l'e * l I's ink

h a d iu t le b le d n e S 'i o t iMU-OO ; 1 m 1 la 'il Sim--

d a v m i e i i o u wnr. m iir le to , ,u tl-e

d e b t . A t t h e m o i n i r i : ‘ e iv io 'a

w as p le d g e d a n d in tb e l a e n in j ; a b m it

$1,UU0 m o re v .a ’i r a is e d , T h e t-aujday-

sebn rd n ju ’eed to j; iv e t i i l i e i s

ha ve s u b sc r ib e d -.ince a n d il i *. e\pr<. It d

th e w h o le . o i r m n t w ill b r V a b ^ r n h id

bv th e e nd o l I b is va cl»


* I.tJHl.

I C >11 ^ ^ t lu rd a y u lp / t l a b r o w n i .u ' lo 1' in

M aliiW 'a il, o r u n th e .n ;u ( le a d in g lo u U

Jo a i is b u r ^ tien i M iO a w a n la n d e r v ill

! 0 'Hll1,1111 I 'C U .a d e d b v leaviu '.* *aiUle a l I h is o iliee

1H e tta

will have mIiM w ot't•*, of her own malm

fo i irdc e\<MV day \ViUvl>».\ o.mmbiy

ufbu-nn* >nu, >


lUnni to la d ,

'r iie s< ail hei Iv part of tny (‘lore to le i, Sh e lv ing , e| e , now I h<'| e , tim 'd foi'a- tion ini' ii j'jooe i’y iilore,

l! ( iH ) ;e l . ii i i- n ia y c r , j l ,

J fo i (on 'fi Ioe (h 1‘i in i

r .a /ia lr ut P . i t k 's R e s lm u . o i l , iO llm

;..w . il.*, • • ,0 •> a > pi-o I . * umci 'la te ,

. ' ih a u b e r r ; , v a n l lh i a n d le m o n ilaN n is ,


M ifin t t & . I tm u t iu O r f 'u ii

fo r tvdu i.-brap, I n - j n i o ' 1 h i* ■ .-t/


S t io r t PnrHKrstO is <->f D ie W )ii>rrnt>»n1» u (

N o m e t s / o u f t u o y l u - V i J f t o r * f n T o w n .

Mi^s Si'njysoa spent T u e s d a y a t As-

b u r y I ‘ar!v.

J a m e s h . U a y lo u n f T re n to n in

to w n o n S u n d a y . .

T in* M A n ' i > w ; m a t h Kpejit T u e s d a y

a l Sv>ulh Arubuy

M ias l 'r i in e e s H a r k is s p e n d in g th e

s’. in in i f r a t S e a h r i j jh l .

J . V . 1J. ♦Sehanek o f S o u th O r a n g e

w a a a v is ito r he re o n M o n d a y . ;

Miss Katherine I ’ury of Trenton iij

v ia ting .\Jr. and Airs. James Fuvy.

D aw xk is fi ‘^ te w m t o f W a v Y o rk ' W as

Elmer G c w m ’s ^ u e s t o v e r S m a la y ,

M is^i C o n k l in o f I 'n lu m h t is O h io , is

\ itiiliiH ; h e r s is t e r ,M r s , I I . l i , \Velln,

W . A , I'ouu l.m 'n spe n l S t iu d iy w ith

Id s b ro 'o ie r , Ju n ta s T . I ' .m a t a iu , o u !am i»

Is la n d . '

M rs . (\ b’ , R ic e u n d m oi I h m d d y n

a re u p e n d o n ; a w eek w ith M v. a n d Mr-i.

I 1, J , D e v l in ,

M v , O o v n a l l a n d danj-diter of P h i la d e l ­

p h ia ave K o e^ .a o f J*rof, a n d M m . b a iu h

a t t h e I Until *» Ir ,

Tho Mis-.o-i Shun); mv id t le ran tSn»ve

atC iM id i il? th e liesMons o f ih e 0 , T.

V - leaden* o f l he S ln le , .

Mrs, S I ’ 'I'luatlp.soa uud daue'itev

Myrtle nt A 'ib ov y path ;uv vnAtiaj* Mv,

m id Mrs I ‘red b u p '.o t i,

M i‘i*v I h n d .in v n n ol' N'e-w V ial* is oe

v‘U )‘vinv: th e ( lo n i ly • ;a m u ir r h o m e , Ib e

U n ' i n e b 'a n n , nt p re s e n t .

M i ■( ) i 0 11 *; \ , 11 d :i,!d d .n t e l i l ' i'

l » o r .a ) iy «‘l Hr m i) ,h o ,1 f .• ' i ;o n i;: Air

n tid M Is ( 'h a r le . I" ( ' l a i I . ,

I'dlii All o W *! It el Keypoil h as

u litrned lit n o r at 1 < 1 .'ipem bn i! o a 'e t a l

d.iv/. with Mm A | ‘ 'iiit.m

’ •r b*. 5». I ( ,:jiO '.c i| o f Jtimoi.baij.;

m a t M r N i'.’h ob is o t N ed H a n k %w-iy

t ju c itu ot the M i.M " , overrun

d,i v ■ '

Mi's 1 ) | P a r r y is mihumu i mi* «d

M P b id , i ’. ’i o , M e n b . i n y at ( 'ran-

te ld n n d .\ lh *0 M I ' n i t y nl N m ^ .'a id 'a

lll'.y , M e;'(. '

W a l le r l)o.-,i’lh i ' i i Vi'W V o ik u n d

.A(|?ej IJd ttn a n d tdiarli'H I l t o w n i f Ku-

7i(IIe iV a k v ,r i‘e (p tr 'ild o i 'M r ' i A dV ll H is .

Hell o it S i it id n y i

Iteury Avftoeiatlih !\n retmnod i'onn

a ttip v.itb* Ibory Perdue of t-mph Am

(ray, who vat,; otu u id t i:team yackt.

fat' the 1 1 1 d tinto'ftd v visit',

J a c o l i D ie l'e u h . i i 'iu ' i1 o l I h o 'k ly n ‘.p en t

S u n d a y o n llio l';u‘in neac b'.eya ’a ( 'u r a e r .

I l ls w ilcV i p i io ’ipu , M r a n d M is , Hei-

n o a m a a re o e e iip , hif^ th '.’ la r iu .

M li i I la r tv o H I ..n o l r rO io u o j M M dle-

t 'U M i, ( ‘o n n , , h i l l r e l t l in e d lio n ie a lte r

Kpend itij; .‘H vi ra l 1 la v a wi t h her p a re a tu ,

M r a n d M m , J o h n U io u n ia iM /idho ii

Tov, n s h lp .

M M M a ry I ' . K lraue , w a ’l (h<* \;uv«! o f

M i'^ 'c .i GusmIo a n d b 'h m d o I b n i l e : ! in

N ew \ o rk ln r .i v.eek t '11 T u e s d a y ih e

M iiS v t i h i r t k ' . i , w h o .s»vc n n a a e r re.;i-

d e a lr . h e re , s 'a r te d b>t P o r t la m l , t h i ' i '/ in ,

w l ie ' " t!n\v w ill m a k e l h e ir f u tu r e h o m e ,

Airs, b lv id y n M r 'e M e b a n b a n d M iv i

b 'lo rc ite .' M k ‘c l'.o tk o f I're e h o ld ha'. e

Iv M la r- d b 1 e ;a * ,o 'ic i sp»M i|iai» I v.‘o

v .eek.i v .i lh th e fa rm e r 's tb m i 'h tc r , ,Mr:i.

i l , It , l i t i l i .a r b M u i. I l u k i r t h as n h o

h a d im h e r Mi*!.; I f a l t i r |N '!e n n (

\cv. Y o r k

Vctf.i-.iiif/ J‘ iKaini|>iuent V o h ln a iu ’d .

T he a n o n d N w . Je n .e y M n to e a r nop-

m.-al o t i-'-v.m b A "» “ ie.-an W .a* V« t*

UM , s. in. :) 11 Mo : ■!' u 1 -eon Job.

•j-A, in i|ir ea'.inn n| tlie to .m d AveiiUi

H o te l at / y P a rk , Iit> bien p.'St-

|»,mo| io Auijn-.' 1* f t a-. Itti) lo lot)

' a re 'fd lo att<-nd I h

e n c .'itn p m e 'it ;e. n’f ae as1,i ai i \'e 1 lion

)\U' dim lent cou.i. Oi ilno iii'iaa ii 1)1.e,};,!,. A )\ , ;a >• tt r ia 1 n d n a n d o l la . 1 a

\y {ll ill' c!l i ll'll

.. ■ p

K a n m i j on tot l l ie c ja * a KI1>.

( h ’oi;;e T . Jotu a i.o tun li\ n*r. ne:-v

I [uhndel, i- » mlim d to ibe hmi e n« the

Ve-uh t-l an a- > >,|eni 0 1,>V« day . ai.o

Mr June , t'.dl on „ ■ -I Ii iv, biokr

one . -I' Ins vdo ,e*d sjo ,aaei| Iii .niMe


I ’lndlshlawn Umb'ilaloa Meiub

(iilN 'it I t I Ini' e, .ij v. ai , old. .m

II l|de 1 lu l . i 'l , 11 ( ai|! led 111 O'. O , lit' d I'ue-I

il r / It -i< 1 l"e! ! e.'. Whdi . .o 1 , Ioe, a

C iril.el il little la-'O ' than a •-.eel, uj'o he

fe ll a n d m ts ta im 'd a C "U ij' Mviid l iu c P U e

ol a m iddU * Tetaou-. *les sloped

We'd O n The PiiiUluK-

'I'he Po ilm ieU or I n 'lie r id i.'iiys ' ' l ) o i i ' t

h ia il vonv Ic tte iM w jl In u il y o u r n a m e a n d

a d d le a p r in te d o il th e u p p e r le lf b u ild

01 *t |0 ' ‘t ■ i f I r , . I o , I o tt

to y o u if Hot d - d i 'V h ', ! ."

- ■ ♦

|‘ f>U I ' . i b l ! 1 'a d d in ' A u lo n iid i i le iu

o n .d e o m lf i l iii, u ll l m ill fou r . A| p ly

lo | lie .v .ud 1' ,c , M ................ N J .

The Beard of nducRiiun Autnoiizcd to

S p e n d S 16 ,000 o n New B u ild in g .

T lie s c h o o l <.')eclion o n M o n d a y n ig h t

in tlu* G r a d e d S c h o o l v .as a t te n d e d b.v

10!} Vutcj-s, th e in te re s t f r o m tl ie p rov*

io n s e le c t io n ha\'in;; (iof.rca.sisl s o m e ­

w h a t ,

T he n io e t in j f < in {an i^od b y th e Kelee-

t io t j n f l a h v a n l A . S m it h c h a ir m a n a n d

J . A . W a ll in g -, .secre tary . T he te lle rs

w ere A . A . I lo y c e a u d K e u h e n f ie y o r .

T ik* p o lls w e re < jienc**! a b o u t 7 ; l o a n d

eo n iit .u ted o p e n f u r im h o u r .

O f th e IUJJ b n lJo ts east 7 a w ere iu

f a v o r o f t h e p r o p o s it io n a n d UN a g a in s t

i t ; tiu iN g iv in g a d e a n m a jo r i t y n f -17*

w h ic h w as la rg e r t h i u i u t t h e la s l pre-

ee<liiiM e le c t io n . •

th id e r t h e te H o in lio t i an a d o p te d th e

H o a rd o f l a lu c a t io n is a u th o r iz e d t o

e om itr iK 't u n d c p i i p u u u i ld i t i a u to th e

presen t b u i ld in g a l a eoKt u o t lo e\ e»od

410,0(10, T o p a y fo r th e w o rk Ih o Ik *

nu a no o o f b o n d s ta u u t l io r i ' .e d . tb e t h a t

o f w h ic h w il l u n i m a tu r e u n t i l th e y e a r

IA n u d t h e n tw o lk u n ta o f $aU 0 eae lt

w i lh b e p a id e a ch y e a r t m t i l th e y a l l

m a tu r e .

T he b u n d * h a v e n o t yet b een olVcred,

h u t i l is c N p e e le d th n t a t th e n e s t m eel-

iu n u f th e h n a ld b id u w ill b e a nk ed lo t ’.

I h e it>terest r a te n o t b een l i u s ! e n d

it m u y J)‘‘ Gu" b id d e m v. ill b e a llo w e d h»

h s v u le m a t tb e b o a r d wi\\ th e n de ivr-

m in e w id t h p ropo- .ili »n‘ ( a ih m i t t u l

I f m th e ta *- ,pa>na . H y in n k iu ;,'

t*ajdJ b o n i l MniiO th e l\o;ud h a s f d i ' . n .an

’o p p n r tu u U v fo r h< i;d ittve s toO i, w h o c u n

b id o il iTohl o l i( ‘ b o n d l ip l o th e t i it h /c

l.’isno. I'he b o ia l t w ill b e f ie e f to i i l

t a s u th u i u m ! c ii im o l b e t o l d a l le e .'"n u n

par .

• + •

'W a n t V n m le ih i l l <a ip i ia e i A lo ilK C a j 'f l .

A m c i 't in e a n - he ld a i b o i i i t l a a n e i t

lost la id . iv id e jo f o r ib o p m p e iv o f

M eem ln j' t i i r lUii* a u tm . io l j i t e race

lo r th e V i'iiid i : ! il ' I ' u p (a tb u l v te tu itV

A lin g e th o r < i|dii p i t'^ui-i w u e p re<vn t,

tw o o f w h o m v.rJ>' U('.\ ,jtapva m e a , \

ooUI'M' f i f l " m ile * m le n g th W .c. apol;eM

o f , w h ie h V',1 u ld luee- is ltu to I.I'- t iw u t t s

lo e (*m p le !i' (la- r ;u v , U ed l in u k t ’i

b e e tiiid u n i u h o ite d it< Ib e e u m iu i? rnn,-

to H a tu l luune i f i ln r i t ln a m w n n i h» In to

f,oU}j l iit 'n 'e h iu th e tnn\ cm cU!

J o h n C adre , fo rm v t d n m l o r o f tl io

l l o i u d 1 o f I ’o e b o ld e M v, ns o h o ,en to

p re s id e u l ib o b o n g h n n u h n W H n j ;

n t id h o M j'jH .in l^d tin .' fo l lo a in jx I’on i

m it te e w

To 1 ntmb with ttUy t npiini«r wiib

w viev. o f n>n)-)'inj*, o u t n r o u te W Amj

brant i i , b 'th i.o u ^'eliipnail and )'. J.

t'li'ieV .

M'o roidei* wi lh I he y o u 'll i IJ! hodleu

< d 1 itle«, boiMU^h uUd toWllnhlpil tlilou^ll

which Ihe proponed loMP"! paste/.

Georj'o li, Poland, Mnyof C. 0 , Mid'ad*

tliu and t iiarlt s L. babvmibt.

O n le g w lu ll't ii 1 ’ . A 'ia la io u j- :

'I he ro u te i o m :u i ! t o e h.'i’‘ in n p p i d 1 ul.

a eo iii ’ o r .h ie h e o v e ia IL* u d h 'l . I f ifi u?i

fo llow 1:

S t a r l in g n l (V ih ir n n d N o rw o o d ave-

Hilo*, l .o n jf H r .n jt 'h , t h o n is 1 tn W ont

h o i i j ' U i'aue li to I’a i to n to w 11 b y M on*

n i l i i i t I i r o n d ; to T i:i(o j> P a lls , t o C o lin

N e ck , to F r e e h o ld , t o M a r lb o r o , P

l l n a le V e ll , to Ib 'd m d e l , In I d m i i f l \ ii

H ro o k d a h 1 b’/ ii'u i; to b 'ed H a n k , to I . i l t 'o

S ilv e r lo t a «* tn p o r : n u d k i c k lo p la c e o f

b e g iu n l ij».

To II-.h I Ann hor S c h o o K !< c (l» :i,

T be Ib d n id e ! 'I o\u,:i| iip lh>avd 1 f lid-

n e n t io a lao'. e d ie I a s jie e ia l e le c lio t i lo r

W o lm i b , f bd> l . b a , lo rai'-e a d d i t i o n ­

a l t u n d 1' 111 i m 'd ’ ;i r-.choolhoir.e, ba !:l

m o n t h n -J - t i d e h r t l o M v ,ns b r l d u l

w hii'!» ll ».ii'> ih 'f i led P> b o i ld n n o 1,.-

s.dio.-b '\'\n appioprbulon culled i r

'‘ >,nnn lie - n y iv I 'c h o i i d iei,- ih e

p la i n J ,)• tlii- • <-’ !om! a n d i! 1, 11s n e ie e d

t iitd. in ' 11;3 lo h.i\ 0 t he g o iug <m i o l

th e c o u lu ie i 1 Job.’ a lr>', b e ! i w ere re

re i'. 1 ‘i 1 d ll') I M l.' i;H e (-< I I I d 1 be ,011 ......1

of the i ip p io p i i d i m


T w e iiiy - fd n lli H e /j’m u i i ' ii l< and', n ,

Tlie UtMh loa ;iou 'it, 'o-a Ji-o.i",’

\'olmiteei"i, will i >• d>I il*. aioiu.d c m im ih I i

ul |miadiotd on U l 1 bieoila\, I -rpt 1 Mifaa'

I I T h is iV 'd iu i a ! o ,e . fo: no d I'' I t ' 1)'-

h o ld d m ln g lh e f o i l W m , u u d il is

lo in lei II \ e a l.. ' INI e h | . Hln-UI W n'\ h e ld

I b e ll'.

+ ♦Quit h Kelhd fm A'dlmiit HnfTnnu n

|'i d e v 'm I b a n v -'iid T a i nMi a d > im

1, 11 • 11 i: I! I • |: !i. | | ' ,, .1 tl 10,1 I.IU0 I . I I IO t lie

W’o is l kIujm-i nn d II In k e ii jo I jn io w jll

e jle e l n c u re ' ‘ “ '.1.1 b , Comb 11, Shiler.

M a ig :n e d lle I h o v r n l H u m e .

T he Ind iea o l 1!ie M o ic /m o il le M , 1C,

O m ie h w ill h o ld lin h n n ia i id h n iM "d

In ,n ie o n A o g .i .1 '.‘ i l l U ' lO u io y , liis l.

l a ir id i ih l .

tlallfuui <lr/unMplmno fur Hnlo,

| |iaVe a (M ap llf’ p l io l 'e ,'.>l g o od US UCV/

w h ic h \ w ill M'll c o m p le te w l l l i HA rn-

I I'ordrt for .'*.'10, T ito n ilt III coni tne S/i.'t, -

11'1. .b e l t A iu ie l lu o , the n l io e in a k e r .


H<3liywood F n ie r jjr is e C u u n c i is M u;;f ’

T a rn O ve r A l l T h e ir P ro p e ty . ^

O n F r id a y j, dcciei<-,n v o is iiitv t ra

T um ii, a ! y V'Kc-t’huU ce lU ir f k a i r y C .

1’itn e y , n t i i e d . in th e s u i t o f t h e S la te

t ' o u n J ! i»t 11« I .m ia r U r»ter c,f t h e W ant­

ed A m «a ic i'U hr.tiies a^aiov-.i E n te r ­

p rise C o u n c il , o f T re n to n , n m l l lo l ly -

w «u.d (N a m t ’d .u t ' l . t >njr B r a n c h , in i\hieh '

he fm d 'i l h a i tive tw o c o u n c ils in m t .

t u r n ovev to in.- S ta te C o u n c il a l l p ro pe r* '

ty in th e fo rm o f books , reco rd s , m c n e y ,

e ie . ,

rid.; i* one of the last phases of tlm

ti:.'h'. in this St,a*‘ between the National

Co\ nv il aud the State Council for eon*

tvol of vhe sub >rdinate couiieds 1 f New

Jersey, In tlie main :udl Ihe eourl de* ’

tide'l tlm t the National Council hm l no

fttaadinij in Nev. Jei«ev.

W h e n th e S la te F o u n d ) b ro k e a w a y

f ro m tb e N a t io n a l G o i iw i l , iiu te rp r lM e

n n d l io l ly w o o d c .m neilH Wi n t «o 'e r t o ’

t b e N a t io n a l b o d y , n n d e :m ;a* ip te iitly

ih e S 'a le t ‘o m i ( d lias n o t b een lecog*

id z e d b y t h c ia . A f ie r th e ile i is iu n In '

t l ie m a in, tlu* S la te C o n n e d oh*

t td n e d m t o rd e r fro m V ic e - l 'h a tu T l la r

1 'itn e y be fo re hi< re t ire m e n t f ro m (he

h e n e h , iv ' t r a in in g th e tw o o o u n e i’H

f ro m d U p o s in e o f / m v of theii* p i’o p tu ly , ’

T h e m j u n c l i ' . i i .o u i l jm e d u n t i l t h o d e ­

te r m in a t io n o f th is M ill f a r p is ' ckim’ou

o f th e p ro p e r ty i f th e tw o n v p ra i- n

l io n s

T h e V ieo 1 h iU 'ce ilo r h o ld s lh a !. Ib o

T renton m id bea t; I 'r a n e h e o u m tl.) io u » t

t u r n m e* ' m l p iv p e i 'ty t o i. lu 1 ‘ijta 'e

1 'o in u i '»> I a i h ' '. i' h. W h e t he r 1 l ie 'c t • *

I ' .a i 'l i da W ill i l a |j|j’) o r «'.,iiHe b a ck (lit 1 •

th e dd e f lb-- o ia ie c , iu u e i l U a m a G * i’-‘ -

of :a i!- ;.'.(Ueni d e v e lo jm tc u i ■! '

A.* th e e o n rn e u e e ta e u l i i f tee jd p a e '

oee tim'.'i th e la- ; e o u u e it* ’e n t e r 'd h'tt ' '

a ■ a I j 1 u Ir 11 i o i 1, ilei\i;..d\ t tic tv lv /.a l Vejo-. -

c e i ' a lU ' 5. t<* a b id e by th e devi- .lon m

th e Mij! th v o p - 'u dh i« b e iw t 'c a G >

N iu io u a 1. a a d b : .a e coun idh v ih u win a ‘

th e N u t t Uid C .c e a t l " i l ' i wld)>] >d tt -.-

t'-.o i.uP<Mdm.d'-' c o n n e t 's tehv-ed ta

o a r y o a t th e ie :o i in i- n i i a n t i t h e S i n ' >

C o m a II b ig a a t b e le g a l p ro e o e d h n M

w h ic h aU i t o n i in u u s l b y lb < ‘ d oc ln lo ), ,

o f V ieu C h .a v .e lla r I ' i l i ie y , T h e S ta te

C-.amed \v.w v 'f'm a h iln fnm m i- a 'nv .h tg

o u t ot th e ir n e ito n in tieverh ij; n il tlcr-i

w ith t b e N ii i io n fd C o im o il, w h ic h wtep*

w an e m lo r a d h y i\W th e e au u t'lb i III t h a *

1 ♦lute whh the es ivp tii't of rmllysvon'l .

a n d r a t e f p i iH ’ ,

,. , ,4. ^ .. ., • -

lU C a V o if i l M on e y L ;M In O n n ih l l i lK i

P i f o i c J n d g n ho ,de l' n t F ro v h o ld h n t

T h n t 'id a y a m i Ite u n l /i m ilt b|ou|/Jil b y

K li 01 G 'd d s m lt h o f K e y p o i l u g a lu s l

A h r a n i c b u 1 ia o f th e a a u ie jiIu c in G o ld -

la n l th b a d lu-,t g-10 iu p la y in g p illd 'V <iL

M o m n 'n p hu 'e tm d hi* (Utetf 1 0 tL

Jn d g i* P’osler p.nvt* him jtld^ihyllL bu1

the niaotm l. ^

G o M n a i t h tilled t a in d p t t l l y t<» «e r

*1 p i a 1 e w ith A io rrU , w lv i, l a (h i! lnu«.

li I -J 11 f a b la a iU ( e l G o ld iU jd tb l l u i l

A - a la a a e l 't woul<( n o l h e e le c te d h h ta '

i f. M orrf't Ju-.t, I o il he tn ’a tjg b d Mnt. o n

th e i j r .a tu d tb a t a g a m b l in g b d " n n il

le ^ a l u r .d j 'o t h i i( m ores* h n v k . I io ld -

s iu i lb , in th e heA s a it , m e re ly t u r n e d th o

lah!< .1 o n hi-n.

’ - .................

S olcit (loodj, Ftmml, Arreat flnde.

je-eph beeje, iiaid la be tai evp 'rl

b'm;iis!i cro il:. v,\"i m m sled at I he Allen •

her.! Inn iS'iM.idny, eluttged v.jth ibeft.

1 )e e m jd <, e j n*i a h tu n ly jn n t j a tiou t.

th e l e n d ioe| ,-tip,-r a n u m b e r o f article*!

b a d .Je iip p e Ui-'l > ,;eai'cl| o| Jij'; S U llca :;.^

w, s m a d e . 11 a as t< » m d I " < o n tu iu

m m y " f f lio m ! i de ; n. p o r te d ‘iiol.-n a n d

S e e ..’ e,,|S I e ! C I lip , A llM 'Mg * 1‘;4

I f l l : a*s os 11\ 1 11 d Were Iv .o U,-l|i-|il"l, ■'

101; » 11 a I .» , p >li> em iav 'n u a lt* » rm ,

<ic\ ei.,1 (>i 1 - •, o j je'.'.,'|| y a n d u u tm d " e

o f p I . II l i : ■ /

•+ • ‘

!li:!ie(n| l ' i la c , '| « l in W tirftf.

( ’ I J i rbi i . W id liu g i j Kocknw/iv,

N | , l a r i ri • 1 K i v po rt w ill I «• m r .r *

ia I nc 1 I 0 i » to M f u A n n a T a y l e

I*; -! Il'i;, . l t , (■ a . ( a i l l " , I 'a. T he i'l te- ,

/ V, itl t l i - ptaee at th e b l ii lv 'n 1

lio . le b o l t v o a be ''ir W u llon t'ts MCI -

u u d 'at.ii t i i{<-' I d s t iv M \df“ d ii d ahSIr"

be l i .u g ld ht In - ' ta ''. '

+ •

H t lu m !r t !n a W M hu u t h lhndnn

T hat, is tlu* v .a ti'h 'J'.o rd , T h a t b' t^b i ‘,

l i i i o o h i iw i t iv e F r t li l Hyvitp doou .

o ‘e w 'c s u u d --tamtlate t th e l«ove(a w ith *

.a i ir r P a i lo i i m imv lo r in b o ld by 'Id o ', t b !,'■ * I. *

llio ; I Ibnnrsll

I m u n o e h l n g n io re o r !••'.*< horwo'i

eve 1 v a n k u m l c a n u iit von w fi Ii n n y

k in d o f a lio n ie v on m a y hoed , a n d ,

I 1 ' of' a ll, I u l l l M ill d u d [dense y o u

v, it Ii liS '- c t i l id ' p rice

II, P Pot'M - 0 4

F lV e llo ld i N , J*

■ • ♦ ......... .

f .'e m o h u y l.n t K nr Brtha

I la s a a u e lo c a t io n a u d c u n t d n a a b o u t ,

II 11 ' .u p c i lU a d t e d , A)v ;dy a t t h e

J o e u n vi o t l 'a o ,



* of <u«* !>»y A# VJ*w»«l

«>( Our

Word for Senator Terhune.

i\ /t>t r.i candid/i.cs for the* Govern*-**

e iv ji m v bobbing up in various parts of

i i i : State Some astute politicians

to U-licvc that tlu* next Cover-

;.%*•<tf the .State will be a Democrat. A

calam ity wight happen, of course,

il such a thing must come to pats

'.■■a d i v.'t kr.r.vv of any Democrat we

T*:*iTd rather *.ce Governor than Henry

is Tt-j-hune c f Matawan, who is hiring

i?*#«rni.u tor the nom ination, Being

a M<njr.'..:Uth County man, the interests

tfJys u n io n of the State would cer-

z j r j y I v safe in his hands.— Red Bank

Lfisw lard (Rup .)

A Trade V iew cf the Vand< r iilt Race,

fijneat cfTorts are now being made to

jyul Jh c New Jersey Legislature to pass

u )«J1 perm itting the race for the Van-

iferhUt Cup to be held on the public

rc cd s c f that State. I t is to te hoped

Chat these efforts « ill fail. Tiie pro­

tractors of tbe race claim that it would

b taog something like half n million dol-

B m in to New Jersey, and tba t it is cal-

ft'nlaUxl to advance the m otor ear indus­

try , n nd on these grounds the State

le g is la tu re is tasked to give its sanction

t iv 4iic event.

'J lm t the holding cf tbe race would be

■f jTkntcrinl advantage to tbe saloon-

fetarjM'js along the route selected, to tbe

rw W w la leading to tho course, and to

ttosaic other interests cannot be denied.

I'V e gam bling fraternity, nu doubt,

t^ev'k) aLso be benefited, a:i they were

arxtatiiueJy active on the occasion i f the

t u | Vanderbilt nice oil Long Island,

ilod A?.? automobile industry as a whole

aK4 A*tiy would not bo benefited, but on

ttwr contrary, would sutler disastrously

inw n the lesulta cf tbe raco. In tbe

(bid. place, it mny bo i>oinled out tbut

«<f Abu mole than U'O automobile innmt*

tm lun-w of the country loss thun it

i h i v n >?i> in fv r competition®of thiaaort

na tliiom e of our mimt successful maker*

attnmed their present standing

^uU lwut ever contesting iu u road race,

H a s V andtvnU Cup race la not a leal uf

uMraal touring cam, bu t a teat of aprcitd

uynft) freaks which cue of nt* earthly

i w fx w p t for racing.

■‘H u i jiivwt harm done tbe automobile

if tk w tty by these s|H'ed competitions u

«tu»? to tbe fnct thut they stimulate tb*

itAM^nu h 'r 1^1* Kbt^lNtunoug mutoriits,

pa^&culnrly among tbe younger ele-

.m in t , and we bt a ureat moiiHure respon- |

ri W for the dangerous r*e;.uvhiug ‘ou t

mad*, nbout which com p la in t!

I ln - Ir e n luitd anil long, particularly lu 1

WtM*‘ Jersey U would, hi* absolutely

iu f tn ^ n te n l for the New Jersey State

2. r ^ ii iU t io , after having p itted <i

i k urgent law designed to rtam p out

^tytttviiug <.»n public road*. to give its

fW trlion tu m ndair which in calculated

tv*> K jm ify slKi'ditn: uhivVcUH’Ubi and

r*f t»y:uV.Ue tlw Kpn-d gct'm iu e\ofy

it "♦.f.tfcil.or \ f the event.

U«* v«hut doe« tbe huMing cl the

V ;.*V ib iU t'up r.uc over n com>e i:i

-V., i'- Jersey invtd\e? li means that i r

■.:> ;|r£rh«l vf pribi*}*^ j.»\ «et*K‘< p»r\i<iu>t

iw >llu\ ntlniv tlto wkwU jcU ctcil for the

• •rrraM?,will Ih.' \t«cd in piactiving by the

p iV ^ t^ t '^V ^n tc s it i in ts tir.det' th.e c dev

irtW, and uiH tv absi'lutely unsafe for

tl.em , dc8tructi\« to . r«>;»dii. incapable

of aifva.ttagi’oiiK use at lawful spivdi.

and unsafe for their users nl high speeds,

l.ibe rrankviiMein's the work < 1 I heir

own hands is W cmning their undoing.

In tin* face of these fact*, in the Legis­

lature o f New Jersey willing to imperil

the safety of its citizens, give up ita im ­

proved highways, to destruction, and

further cncourage the speed craze among

motorists simply in order that u few

saloon-keepers and other i»uestiunable

interests m uy have a rhance to do extra

business for a short period; that the

speed maniacs muy satisfy their cravings

and thnt gamblers from far and near

may have a brief spaiiu of excitement.'

We thu:*: not. N*e\v Jersey acted wisely

when it prohibited racing on pubhe

roads entirely in its Frelinghuysen law

and we ilo not belic-vu that it will be led

astray by the alluring' bait o f tainted

iiioney to bt; spent in this way.— Horse­

less Age, New York.

How the Transcript Viewa It.

i t was not to be expected that the

Board o f Chosen Freeholders would suit

everybody in the distribution o f the

printing cf the financial statement of

the eonnty. R u t viewed from the

Htand|>oint of publicity they seem to

have exercised poor judgment. At

liberal estimute the nine papers selected

to print the report have a combined

circulation o f not over 12,lH)t) to I -4,000.

The last report printed in the newspa­

pers cost $2127.80. Placing the present

report a t $2 0 0 , It w ill cost the county at

least StNUO to print its this yenr. Tbe

old board wns accu-cd of extravagance

in variom direction*, but for tbo past

two yenra bad printed 20 ,000 copies of

the report in pamphlet farm and paid

for having them mailed to every voter

at uIm M unodhird the coat L'f the preu

ent plan. We hcliovu in newspaper

publicity for the report ot thi) county

llnumcrt W c a ls o h k lik v i; in Tint



MIOl'M} tn; HKCOO,%lXI(lt tN THH o ih tr i

iiu t io n ov m u i'H intinA , bu t it ia fair

comment to make upon the pn*»ent

Hpiwjrtionment to auy thnt two papera

of ackni»wledged large circulation In tbo

e:>uuty have beeii included in the pron

ent list. Furthermore, Im-knling the

Monmouth Inquirer, u ldch prints the

tmmthly n*|hirt» there are ten papcru

who get tbe printing. Of these there

aro eight Ur| ubUeau, one Oemoeratie,

and ohe Indepentient rewnpaper,

I 'n 'in tho ptirely p a tlia in atandpohU thin

apportiotunent would aeem to bo the

very p ink of pt\»priety. except it be th»'

nam ing of tho one lone Democrat nud

tho otto lmlc|*‘udent. lu tbe broader

\io\v of the public service n ittnre o<|Uit*

able dintvibmiott utight bave l>ecn made,

inclu iling a few more of ibe Demoeratio

and independent new«pnpent of the

ivtunty* Thette papers bave it host of

remlera who mv nl.n» votent and la.s*

j payers, und "h o nix* n la i entitled to

| know* what bus been done w ith the

| county money. T ittle may not have

S the privilege of seeing auy one of the

| nine papers designated by the board.—

! 1'u vho ld Transcript.

i —' ..... >-—•......--

! W bn tia Ulsloyrtlly.

| Then1 in a split among tbe KepubU*

j e.tns this year, “ owing to the disloyally

I tbe Coihyites, “ if the 1‘alenunt t'all

<.f Senator Colby’s bills was accorded

any respect whatever. The regulars

had their own bilk , and t in y in tn idui id

them and passed them. Hut they were

in »ueh shape that they were mere pieces

i'f deception.

The disloyalty has ull been hy the

regular Republicans and against the

people. There has been no such thing

as disloyalty of the Colbyitcs. They

have sought only '1 true reforms; every

one of them in the interests of the people

ry one of them indorsed by intclli-


1 evei

gent popular sentiment, yet every one

of them opposed by machine politicians

throughout the State.

When the Lincoln Cabinet dissolved,

the greatest Cabinet this country has

ever seen, its members, one after an­

other,' in their later years, condemned

the policy c f the Repiiblican party

They were not disloyal; they were true

to the real principles of tbe party, l>ut

were opposed to the schemes cf those

who were runn ing the part)'. The

Colbyitcs have never been disloyal to

the Republican party, bu t the men who

are running the party are disloyal to its

principles. The party and the party

principles would be safe in the hands of

Colby, Sommer, Fagan nnd such men;

the disloyal inen are Dickinson, Daird,

Strong and those who follow where

they jjoi'it the way.— Newark News.

*JV| * .^ ln ia jy th\0U\ In addition t>» tho ; in to be believed Hut what is loyalty,

ro^nLu ly entered couUHhmU, private | ami to which faction i f the Republican

party should the term l*e applied? To

thut faction which h led by such men

us Senator Colby, • SherifF Sommer,

Muyot Fugnu, Cicncral H, H uu l Urubb

and the like* or tu that which follows

tlio political example of such aa Samuel

U. D ickinson, .Vajor Lcttlr. David Hatrd

and Chai leu Asa Francis? t

D isloyalty apj'cars to be any conduct,

good, bad or indilYetvnt, th d is in oppo-

silis'ti to the schemes of the Republican

party leaders, S.* long as Mr. Colby

tmiu'ing, j did what they onlc .vd him t\' do ho was

ablv leave the mails in a i kvat und a right good Republican and

ate. nud the damage thus 1 could have anything he wanted. Hut

uld mnWrinliv otbet the j wlv.'tt he refused to yield to dictation,

vet t.> ’* a?id>iwhuit he befall to strike at corruption,

' nv,: tlu .MUic heUl up .n when he attempted to overthrow kvs-

v.av piomoiers- j sis«n, when he b.ntght to act tor tho web

r..*\ire that dcseivi ; to be ; taiv i t tlie people, then he K cau ie dis-

by the I I’^ihlatmv lit the I V<val.

nnl danger involved Ab I lie in^i-ted on linutcd franchises tiil

,*d race hold in this vomv hi* g\'t them. That was disloyal, be*

of fast ears would make the

a speeding track during the train*

iTfti jvrteil. anil thus add to the danger.

ys. that of tho elim inating

trtr.oli and that i f the tmal race, tlto

. S would tv aK 'ilu ie ly closed to tlu*

P\k* speeding * f a l;u-gi< u tm dvr i f

eai i w ith stiel Kttiddeil tile po»-

and motors developing up to

j^v»;v,p.i 1'uot only dm -

try/ 'b e two days i f m tna l racing, but

the eu tiir period » I


vi«H’’ t'Mcd

. v r v > l l u ‘»

r>iu ; ,d i; v i

)!5V at pi r.i.


nr* and other c ntnlru-s has resulted in

i>e motx* shocking fatu ities to rither

ci»sU?j.taut‘« or speetatoiN The practis*

unguarded o».wh previ ms lo the

.►U*;-»l rave i> particularly dangerous,

oaeh v-f the *v\e’at t;uropean laces

c»^t icve ial lives. There is only au

Mifcj»»tv*inul chance tiud the uwv this I disloyalty

v*frM, if hrld, w ill pa.M bv without s.>»iio.

l^'mn killed, cither during the

jK-riod or during the aetod

i l t . i \ot>mobde lacing »a goio

H m>'vt brutid s}*oit, to which the

l n ^ ^ i t i o e r i an i-nlightomil comunm-

lW\Now li n vy i Minot atloivl to give

riH* »v^<op •. 1 \t’- .i}’’io<v,d

. ar' the automobile industry i<

' tH v «m R i« .ta w\ pu»-

w hi'd c ’- Muted to toe ne.'ibt taiil

i »■: the avia ajie el.m^ o( pe <plo,

a t i ^ w h - r l ^ f«‘t o'»mincieial ».hoit tbs

tiviw i HaOio that an* fpevdier. cln aper

»* - th th '" 0 n«'\v in om-, it n<a

k- oa:\>:co<n-< to\.-« bn ^p«d-

rv • t d j t v p h . ^ m v * I b e t'»g r a te I*’* »'i

:* v. iio'-h.-d i \ M m a m iU c r * * u i

-ii t ^ V U o ;* .'p ' ' * l \ non^tct“s t b a t -

t ) ic ♦■dety


o( tbe bijibw

• .,nd 1H ; 1tP

catise some i f the party leaders had do*

elured them, lie adv\H*ated

(leedom «>f tb.e pi^'ple fnnn bossism, tmd

lu* got it in Fssox, Hut that was dis*

loyalty, an any one i f the losses wilt

tell you. Colby and his a.sKoviaiea de*

teated S»*nator Drydenv nnd tlm t was

Kvawse the coiporationn

nan trd io 't Mieh a ivpu^enla tivo ami

the Ucpublieaii'i Wanted the aid o f tbe


Colbv loned the tepeal of the pro*

motels* liability act and tlie enactment

> I the Vailroud I'nunni-non law. This

Was te iiib ly disloyal S.« was his lijjht

against the l<>bb\ists and his etlort*i to

aU ’hsh legislation t>y loon in tlve Hi<

t’Viav etbnt on b<'hah of the people was

>o tli’-K'V al, and \ ct vs papular and sonsb

bio, teyjul.o Re|nibln"Ois wei<* ioiu-

pelled to par.:i sittnethin^! sim ilar in t^i pietty n ^ u ly cvrrything he


H u t t h . * . o n i l a : d v v . e i d l i t t b * f m t l i r r

m a n t h e n . t m o A t t l s 1 • u ! a t n * , v

r i t h e l a c i ' t l . i t i u e n v \ i < i » i . c , p o p u l a r

i h o i k - e o f C n i t r d S t a t e . S e n a t o r a n d

• . e ' r i . d I ' t h n t h i n g s u d v . - o l . - d b y S - n -

Anti Bribery Associations Consolidated,

A Certificate of incorporation has

been filed at Trenton by tbe New Jersey

Society for the Prevention of Corrupt

Practises at Elections. Thu organiza­

tion of this association is the result of

a conference of the Mercer County Anti*

Hribury League with the Monmouth

County Anti-Hribcry Association, at

which it waa agreed to form un associa­

tion, whleh could tic more readily ex­

tended to othor counties thun could the

local societies. As up|K>rtunity offers

tho newly incorporated association will

gradually bo extended ao aa ultimately

to rexult in nn organisation representa­

tive nf tho Statu. For the present, hovv-

over, only Mercer aud Monmouth coun­

ties are represented in tbe liourd of trus*

lees, wlu* are Charles R , Snyder of A t­

lantic H ighlands, 11. II. Wuinwriuht of

Manaaqunn, Frederick Parker of Free*

hold, James Steen of Rntontown, and

W illiam I I . T ilton, Alfred Wilmon, Her­

bert Kllis, W illard ('utter and Linton

Stattertbwaite. all of Trenton.

A Thousand Legislative Dill!.

There have been inure bills introduced

in the Legislature a t tho present session

than in any legislative *eislun in (ho

lin*t :10 yours. The total is upward of

ono tboudtuid, by far tbe greater number

being in troduc 'd iu the House. Prior

to lS7o, when the constitutional amend­

ment was adopted forbidding special

legislation, and log inn ing with ISOl,

there wns an tivnlunohe of bills at ovciy

legislative session. Tho number of b i!h

thnt were mndo laws in LS7II was 7LM,

nbau l e.pi d to all the liiwsenacle l in

H'tM, HHTi and HKUk The number of

Uactments in INlMI was III I in a session

of nineteen weeks, In INUI the I.egis*

latmx’ vvan in sosskin twenty weeks and

enacted laws.

-.......... V ......... -

Fugitive Ciptnrcid After Pour Yenra.

After being a fugitive fronv. justice

for almost four years, W illiam Reed

better known ns ‘’ Hilly the N td ," \v«s

arrested Ju ly M at Aslntry Park nud

waa taken to Freehold to stand trial on

a charge of burglary. Reed was indict­

ed in llHM for robbing a store at Helmar,

but he disappeared, About one year

ago he was nrreated, hut while the ol •

fieor went after his bicycle, he escaped.

W hen arrested. Sunday a quantity r f

chewing gum from a slot im.^niuo vvr.s

found in his possession.

....- ......+------

Camp Meeting Near Bound Brock.

Under direction of Pentaeostal L’nion

a cam p meeting will be held at Zarepalh,

a k m t three miles fnnn Hound Hn»ok,

fnm i August IS t o ‘.‘.Mb. t'onveyanccr.

will meet all trolleys and trains and

convey the people free of charge to

md from the cam p meeting grounds.

Mistress of Dead Man and Another Pu l­

ped Are Under Arrest.

W alter iliirris, colored, Ha years ohl,

was shot on Monday night al 12 (/clock

in West Oceun (im ve. Nothing definite

is known as yet rogurding the cause or

manner of the m an’s death, but County

Detective J . H. Rue in investigating the


Harris was found by Samuel Lewis,

a cab driver, who was called to the house

while passing by Kate Claxon, a colored

woman w ith whom Harris lived, at No.

5«> Jay street.

Lewis entered the house and found

Harris lying on the floor, fully dressed.

He was dose beside the bed. Picking

h im up, Lewis hurried to the office cf

Dr. \\\ W. Ut;reridge, where the man

was examined. It was found that the

bullet had entered the le/t hitig anil Har­

ris was placcd on tho operating table

for the removal i f the bullet, lie died

while there.

There are two theories ns to the cause

of the shooting. One is that tho Clax-

son woman shot him in a fit of jealousy

nnd then notified the first passerby of

the crime. The other is that Harris

was shot in an argument at a crap game.

Kate Clnxson and a man whose name

is not known are under arrest.

A Summer Resident Killed.

Ho\ banes S. T*Vhlmiijtan, who v.a»

repuled to be the ucalthic«n Armenian

in Atnerica, wan r«hot und mortally

wounded Monday afternoon as he nx\-

teivil his pluce tif business, ft) Union

Square, New VorJf, Tavahanj/an wa*

spending the summer at the John I),

Rockefeller cottage in Norwood Avenue,

Deal, with his wife and two little girls,

aged five and thrctv

A chase for the murderer followed .

and he was caught.

T“he Persian merchant died instantly .

Jlis body was removed to the station

house and his widow and fam ily ut D&d


The murderer gave his name as I3e-

dros Ilam partzooin ian, 24 years o ld ,

and said that he had come from Chicago.

The murderer when pressed for a reply

why he killed the Persian, said:

*'1 d id it to save m y country! Y ou

ran kill me, but 1 will tell nothing. I

love m y country. My society says

that this man Tavshanjian is a friend

of the Turks. M y father is k illed, m y

mother stolen from me and they take

my sister— ”

The murderer wept as he to ld Ida

story through an interpreter. .

------ +-

Beach Managers In Mild Dispute.

The Asbury Park Reach Commission

is now complaining because Ocean

Grove has erected a ticket selling ollice

on the boardwalk, nt the frot of Wesley

Lake. A l this ollice tickets were sold

for the Fames concert Saturday night.

Tbe Heach Commission says that Ocean

Grove agreed never to erect any building

at the foot of the lake, which separates

the two resorla, The ollice was not

erected un til the Reach Commission de­

cided to remove a brick wulh around the

end of the lake, because ho runny people

followed the walk straight to tho Roaa

Bathing Grounds, in Ocean Grove, in*

stead of stopping to patronize the Ati<

bury Park Hatldng KHtablishment.

— ----♦------

F lih Hook Caught In Man’s Ear,

Alfred Pearce and Cuptnln Charles

Nelson of Falrhaveu went lUhing on

Monday. While returning from tbo

f>out Mr. Pearce carried liU flatting pole

over his shoulder w ith the end of the

line dangling fnnn the polo, The line

swung m ound utul the hook cnught iu

Mr. NelHon’sear. The line wun cut ami

Mr. Nelson went to Dr. bnngstroet's

ollice and had the hook removed,

If you antler frn n bloating belching sour stomach, indigestion or Dys­pepsia. take a K ing’s Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome the din- Mgroenblo trouble, It will improve ihe impolite, nud aid digeiition, Sold by M, A. Fnrdoti. Froncmi; U. 0 . Wnlling, Keyporl and Mntawnn: J. F. Harring­ton, Morgunvillo,

Shock Turna White Man Black.

While at wcrk on n pole carrying

electric lights wire thirty-five feet h igh,

W illiam Hicks, a cables plicer em ployed

by the New York and New Jersey Tele- .

phone Company at Asbury Park , took

hold o f a high power wire Tuesday

morning, The currant gripped his

hands to the wire, and hits body, hanging

from the wire, became as utilT us a board.

IHs fellow workmen rigged a b lock and

full, fastened it to his body nnd then

pried his stiffened hands loose from the

wire w ith Ixnirds. This look m any

minutes, and in the menu time Hicka's

body turned firot red, then bluo and

almost black. Dr. I I, S. H a th aw ay

found a spark of life, and after rm hou r’s

work restored him to consciousncMii. I t

is believed he will recover.

To Hunt in Three Counties.

P. F. Collier, mauler of the M onm outh

County Hounds, who ia now cam ping

in the AdinmditckH, will hunt in M on­

mouth, Middlesex and Mercer counticn

next fail. He will hun t as far ns O ld

Bridge. The foxes will hunt on M on­

days, Wednesdays nnd Fridays, nnd the

drag hounds on Tuesdays, Thursdays

nnd Salunlays. The first meet is

scheduled for Princeton on Saturday,

October «Mh.

Headache and conatlpntlrm d isap­pear wben Rings Little Liver Pills aw used. They keep tlw system clenn, the stomach sweet. Taken occasion­ally they k e e p y u i w t i . They nro for tho entire family. Bold hv lM . A , Far- dim, Freneau; R, O, W nlling, Keyport nnd Matawan; J . 1C. riurrington, Mnr- ganville.

Charged W ith Breaking Into Cottage,

W . II. McCutchcon, who is said to be

a member of a prominent Philadelphia

fam ily, was hold under $.100 bail for the

grand jury by Recorder J . It. McNulty,

of Neptune City, Tuesday on a charge

made by W . W . Shubort. who occupies

a summer cottage on the Avon side of

the Shark River, of breaking and enter­

ing bin home. Hail was furnished by

C. S B row n ,;» Philadelphia lawyer.

........ ♦ .............

Judgment Against Ocean County,

Judgm ent has Ih*ou nwardid Dr.

W alter S. Washington of Newark

against Ocean County, for i.ervico'i »m

au export in the trial of Dr. Frank

Iho to ie r of Toi.k Kbn\ hied for unit

dor I. ^t year. Frank P. M oDcm ioll

brought suit ag.div-t the county for ihe

doctor and Juv iuo tlunm uve leii'lovod

the indgmi-nl. ’

Man Zan Pilein a lollapMblv

W . I • •; in ll.o ' ‘ '

Remedy eo,i tube with

\:iti‘ >i\ \ i '.I -•

o m v 1-bnd M .T d m - ;, it! b

m g piles C u .o .m l i v . l Get it to S-*ld b\

Fuuo .m : U •» W dhm M.«! . i .m . I. 1. 11 i

l l r e l ic . i “. .it

■ing. i r pi»-trn.I

M. A, Iv, V ,




T p a s t w eek I k is b e e n ;i s w ir c h e r iiml wit li • tlie lien t w e h av e lutd n n im m ense m im b o r o f u u le is fm iu’w worlv, W e hojio to soon Ret

e a tig u t u p a n d w ould snj'fjest. to all th in k in g o f r o t ­tin g a rm ijje tn place their o rd er a t once unci'wu will d o o u r b e st for you. W ith o u r increased piiio line c a p a c ity we c an jjn aran tee jjond serviee in t h a t n t all tu n e s of tlio d ay th ere will bo all tho inns vou w an t. W ith a (In s R ange th ere is --

NO Ili-A I.

A n d w h a t

lillRS t« Split.

All Kinds nml Prices.


will interest a ll

NO ASH 1;^.

m e n - -No Kind'

Connections V'tec,

. ♦❖•W'T’** ‘

S T A M n A P H r, A c r'r-s----- ------ H V j i V O

NVM, A. KUIIIARDS, Wf>r. nnd Tfeity. o iT i n : n o u n s : n i■. i„> a. r.i. i i„ r, v . m. 6 i,v i\ inv .



l i e K c fu w s to A p p ro v e H ills W h ic h H e

C u n& iiJ t is A rc U n w b i r u n te d .

Pro:ce ulo i Ocorge hcrditu: tif Mti 1»lie•

M'\ l'i,tuny li.1.-- made ii N'atcment to a

•reporter i f tIi** XrM Hrunswi'k Home

News. comerning (Vustahle Corneliun

Hn* 1. 1 b'\\*■■} bill i f *r,\, which t in 1 latter

says lit' will take before lhr Hoard r.f

F m ladders bci ause the Prosecutor

iifiiM 's io O . K . it. '

"1 v.imhl m il endorse the b iil," Mr.

Ilerdine said, " became- il was for watch­

ing? a man in the hospital who managed

tn get. away. I told Buckclew. that I

*li«l nut th ink ho was entitled to the

numey. fhe prisoner actually told an

of'iicial of the hospital tlult hr was going

to try to escape while tho v,atehman

was away, Huckelew toid me that this

was told to him, hut t;aid he d id n 't put

any stock in il.

"W h ile I do not th ink the claim is

a just one, he is at liberty to take it be­

fore ilu* Court. I f Judge Hoornem ap­

proves it, he can get his money. The

Hoard ot Freeholders, however, having

noth ing to do w ith it. I am respon­

sible for payments for work entered liy

me. I sent Nucktlcw to the hospital

to watc'i ih i i n u n , nut the Hoard of


•‘Not long ngo the Sheriff had a mnn

taken to the hcspitnl nnd sent an officer

to watch him . The officer canie to me

w ith Vis bill and w nnte l me to endorte

it. I explained thnt' ub I hud not or-

de icJ the work, I could not endorse tho

b ill, because I am called upon to certify

thu t the wcrk was done ul, m y request

when I endorse bills. 1 told h im to get

the Sheriff to endorse it. He d id so and

got his money. ,

Ml« is true that 1 have cut off some

of the revenue of constables and justices

of the pence, but 1 believe I d id right,

though I gained a good tiwny enemies

by ii. Their bills of costs, 1 found, ur.c|l

up fully forty per rent, of tbe court

appropriation. Things would happen

like this: \'m« and I would be here and

gel in a light und maybe tea reach others

shirts. I would go to a justice and

he would issHe t im e warrnnlii a peace

wurrant, a mulleious musvlilcf warrum

nnd a wairnut for assault and battery.

Vdm would go to the same justice and

he would issue the name warrants for

me. They would be given to the same

constable, and there would bo charge:*

for six arrests, mv mileages, mn well as.

for the i'-'.ulng <-f td.\ warnmts. I hav'e

known of ii case where there was an ac­

tual damage of cents, with $«7 costs.

“ This in the system t am light ing, ami

which I always will light. When hucIi

bills come before me 1 allow charges for

one waviant 'he tine for itiwuiU, and

not for lho others.

"T he eomdablcM and justice*! lose by

it, but I believe they lose only fees to

whivh they were never entitled, (hie

constable, I knows says llm t hi' used to

make $ 1 ,0 ( 1 0 a year from the e q u ity and

now only rlutkcH $"110. A justice of the

peace right iu this city lined to make

from S'J.OOO to #11,000 a year in bis office,

l lo doesn't now, though."

Mr. Hurdlne added that, he believed

tho Pius .cutor's olhe' 0 to be m u far

more economically now than in many

yoursi and he did not believe' he had

been guilty <>f cheeseparing at tlmt.

A Big W hite Whnlo Captured.

On Saturday afternoon l ‘n p i. Nelson

f^ickwoud'n fishing ei’cW «L Galilee,

near Long Hranch, towed a Mg while

whale ashore. I t Imd been (sighted a

mile oiT shore by men iu tlu* wireless

stntion and Capt. Lockwood was ad­

vised of its close proximity to hhorc.

Tho captain launched his power boat

and went after it with ropes, harpoons,

etc. Upon renewing it he could not tell

whether i l w as dead or not, but throwing

a Utie about its tail it was towed ashore.

The whale is p f the white specie, neb

<1om seen iu these waters. It measured

lifiy-two feel in length aud its estimated

weight was from. ;10,0()0 to -10,111)0

pounds. On Sunday it was ineloped

in a canvas aud a charge of U5 cents

made to see* the unusual sight. It is

said about iiO.tioti poisons saw Ilu* whale,

im t not all of them paid to see i t .

-• ■ ............

Brannigan Not Killed,

hast week was jajilished an ileni

telling how Sergemil'W illism Uranuigan

was struck by a train n l Ihe H igh lands

of his removal b* the hospital at Feat

Hancock and of his death ten minutes

after his arrival there. The announce-

m rn l is now made lha l •Mr.mmnan did

not die. lie received interim! injmiea

besides having thrue rilo I>c1 1 1;«*ij, Imi

it is now believed he will recover.

■ ■

• To llio.lgo Fart Monnumth Crcclc,

Avnnp'-uicnts au* being made tt *

du dee the creel, al I'nrl Monmouth

this slimmer. Three government ell-

jjicceis me now m,-iking sounding'; in

< lie creek and buoying I hr »mid l)aJ'».

v When the hull of the steamer William

1 V. Wilson, whi» h t.till• ob .hucp i l ie

channel, is cleared nway, a dredge will

he put at work Hear the dock.

} ♦ "I'inetdeii are f*a' ihe Khluey and

r 1 Madder. Thev bring »|Uick relief to hackaehe, rheuinall'an. himlmgo, tile*] woi^t out fcel/ng, They produce naliiral

action oi Cue 'ro-loj... jij matter t»m of th- blood. .10 days treatment, fll.00. Money refunded if i ’ineules are not satisfactory. Sd»l hy M.-A, 1'iudon, I'leiiesu; K. O . Widlmg, Keyport aud Matawan; J. 12. Ibinii'g-

toti, Morganvillc, I

Kuilroflda Must Oti?crvr Tho Lnw.

To fm ilitate th" w< ‘ii, . -| iaakin;; nr

*>e' tig'il i- ar; i f < oui|*l,imt.', i-f p por or

iin llii i i til '•ervii r, v.hi<li m,<y

br 1 roagJi t 1 1 » I In ir a; lent iuii t he Si at o

iia ih iiid l'i,Hina' ,n at its tne». ttug at

Tivnton (ai T-i. :ilay di\ id» 'l the !Mate

into three de.tru-t:-;, < j,* h of the rommi.;-

s-ioiuT-; bein^ a lig ne d *,,, ;i h

will be the duty each C'‘Mimii'-ioner

o he ir infwMiially eonipl,-lints and then

bring them befnto ibe i.mmiissi'in, if

their importance v. arrani.'d.

(u ru ra l Jo:,e*ph W. Congdoii will look

after the northern eountii :; i f the St;ite,

Commi:^-:ioii<-r W lvto ij' tiu1 ee'ili'al •.'oitn-

ties and CouinmHioncr W’il-oti <»f South


I he commission scni word to all tlu;

railroad <Mini)ianics in the State that

they wiii require a Msici oi-:>ei \ ala.t- of

the r.rdrr requirine lh a l they receive a

notice < f all accidents occurring enany

c;f their lines.

Railroad and all Hth'cm; having griev­

ance's are jtaked to corrrsjvind with tho

commissioners in charge of the several


A circular letter will be sent to the

mayors und aldermen <;f municipalities

throughout the? State asking fur in-

fcrm ntpn on which the commission

hopes to formulate plans for abolishing

grade crossings, and for various other

railroad work that requires correction,

Among the items asked by the commis­

sion are:

Are railroad crossings protected by

sign post h ?

Is the crossing protected by bell?

Js tlu* crossing protected hy JJHh'H or

llagman ?

Hetwe'on what hours aro gaten oper­

ated or flagmen there?

Name of strcei railway, if any nti tho


Ik street railway also a l gnu!e?

Number of track?* of street railway.

In your opinion, \\< this crossing un ­

usually dangerous ?

In your opinion. Is trallic <>n llte road

or strecl or highway Htibslaiilially in r

prded becaieie of the existence of the

eroding at grade,’


ConhiVrt To Slay In State Prlnun.

New Jeracy'u Court of Pahlon, roii-

sii.tiiijt of Judge:*, ts:’er!!e Vrcdenlnugli,

Vrooui. tb ay am i lloj-rit, Chancellor

Magic and lio\einor {•'token, ni< I a I. Sea

(iit l l:i‘.t Veek and denied mi applies*

11<ni for a p:inde made by tin- Nev, J,

h'raiik t'otdo\u, who tan away with

Julia llowne, a metnber ol' the choir of

h ii elmrt h in South Rivet, and b it n

wif»‘ and family, lie Was sentenced in

March. t0U.\ for four years, nnd his term

would expire in AtigtW oi neat year

iihould he behave biuiM'lf.

Out <1 I*.’U applications the Hoanl

granted twaty-llve jhum1c:» and ro-

storeil three; to eiti'eituhip.

.......... 4 .............. '

A Finger Torn Off by Hlng.

A very pectiliur accident recently

hiippeiicd to Uohert Hruwn of Molt*

mouth Jm u iio ti. l ie had been doing

nouie chores in tlu* barn and wan about

slepj l lg out <if the barn door, which

perhaps was a step of some three or four

feet, and thinking tt; himself some-

whnt pu l hin hand on a post, hy tho shin

of the door. In some way h(« linger on

which was a ring, caught in a nail and

im roou as his weight wan put. upon it

tore the linger completely otf, lie was

taken to a hm-pita) ia Treiibm where

the linger wan am putated and taken

enre of,


Jumped Into River, Si*veil His Life.

Ii.ltle.. I*, l- '.i" o! Fi .1 I'.,H

•, Ian ii'-d c.i Iii<> boat worl.

oi; 1 1 1 liy ,1 11 i-\plo ioll <

I f 11ioi, r !;111jir!i h!« ii; >


k lo ha-.

was painl

W rd h C '- d .


•d by I'V

l i d t-ll t o t h e d o • tt

'1 ti >11,

tank I d !,

Run Ovor by Auto, Escapes Unhurt.

Ila llam Conover, yottng son of Warren

I I , Conover o f Prcehnh! )ued a narrow

escape from a serious accident recently

while riding his bicycle near Ihe Haptist

Church a l Freehold, The roadway

was blocked with wagonn, nutns, etc,,

and the lad finding himself in a tight

place got olT his wheel and ia attem pt­

ing to turn it Klumblcd and fell directly

in front of Mrs*. John HawdeaV. automo­

bile. Mrs. Hawden who was driving

the e*ar and unable to stop mo suddenly,

managed tn siecr the machine over the

boy so he .w aped uninjured and nnlv

slightly dishcvelcfl. llis wheel was

damaged but little.

' . ♦ ■

W ant OntcB nt NnUroail Crostilngs.

Kejireseuting Asbury 1‘arkCit.y Coim

fel Pattei'son obtained an order hc<t

'rimoiday from ( ‘hancellor Magic re

tptirir.g the New Vork and hong Hranch

U.ilboad le Citose why gati'S

should not ....... reeled al righl lailroad

i in tbal. eilv. Tbi-i order \wi-i

t ' iu i liable «m Tuesday.

On Tuesday \’iee ‘ 'liern elbn I'lmery

decided lo heor the ca'v at Ai.lutry I'ai!;,

alter making a peris ta l inspection oi

t he ( roii'iiug'i, and later would !i\ a date

for the heirlng.


A !•'ieiiIt of hlgiitulng,.

Mining ihe recent thund'-i hhowcr

lijdtinio^ *.ttxicl; a lice on the 1‘rank

loloeioii plaec al Altciitown, The bolt

ran down a tu e and utrueh a ehiekca

coop near bv. 'I’lie coop eoiilaincd a

hrji aad »a»\<*ntceii stmdl chickens, Ten

of the <,hielteiis were killed. The old

hen escaped with her lift* but every

fealher on her )«» !> * w iih hunied off,

• - - r .................

During the summer kidney irregular* ities me often cau?;rd by eM e'^'ive drink­ing or being oveibeateil. Attend to tlte kidney;! at oace bv u?mu? };olcy';j Ki<lncy Cure,’ Sold by b‘rmik 11, Sister, I

v. 11 h } '; t ';o ! i i ie

Wi'ile ( 'apiaio Irwin :is pi,ill ing 1 he

liquid into the tank lioni a ii\c y a l 'o i i

can one >,1 th-.* boat li.truN ligliUd a l/r .if

I/itnp. 'Ibe (lanu' the lamp cam.rd

an o sp 'n i( .u and Captain Irwin':; <!oil>-

ing was enveloped ia llame.;. '1'he lire

also i onununicatcd to tbe dock <‘aj>-

lain Irwin started toward his boathouse,

then jumped into the river and e\lin*

p.iii.shed tl-e llames. Hoat hands with

extinguishers pu t the fire out on the

doe Captain Irw in was badly burned

; right arm i;nd face.


l'romer Had ?5CQ Satisfaction,

i-ie- rrom rr of Asbury Park has

been held in SW1 0 bail to answer a eou:-

plaint made by (junlcai of

the* same city. Gordon married From-

er's 'laughter sonic years ago and nub-

scquently he secured a loan of $ - 1 0 0

fro:n his falher-in-law, which had not

b;?e*n repaid. Fromer had made several

attempts to get the money hack, but

never succeeded and last week made

his final elTort. When this failed he

destroyed about 8500 worth of (lordon ’s

property nm l his arrest followed. Just,

as the orticer arrived Fromer broke a

ylnss in a wardrobe and tried to cut his

throat w ith a pierce of it, but the officer

prevented him from injuring himself.

F illing Teeth liy Machinery,

A t the annual session of the New Jer­

sey Dental Society at Asbury Park last

week Ur, W. U . Taggarl of Chicago

explained and demonstrated the useful­

ness of a machine i f his own invention

that would do till Idmb'. of operations.

About Him dentists uitne-^ed h h work,

wliifli covered llity-lhrco cipnrnh* op­

erations, This exhibition took up the

greater part of Thursday

Oil I'N'iday a colored dca liil ftoia

Orange wan edceU'd to nvad ienh ip .

There was h-muo objection at ihe Mal i ,

but h ‘ i nooiM'oi*; weie from his hoim

city and jpive him splendid re.oiimien-

didious iind tcstbicd to h h hi ;h >aainliti|*

in tho o i'inn innily . This I*. Ih** Oril

eulolt d loan eli'eted to membership ill

the Siuie orgahi/atioii

I.iitcaii'd a Drowning Man,

A liii’gunrd in Atlantic City llgnred

in a rc-icue leceiltly, ulnni In* heiio»d

Charles Power*;, n Ph!lr'lc!phiati Pow­

ers Was overcome, but did nut cry tor

h«*tp un til he I'lnking, Sri/ing a

buoy and tine Htokes daaiud iub» lh<

surf, but fiaw al a glm uc itnnidisl lie

Would be unable to reae'h the dt'owtdng

man, Helling waist deep In tho waler

the guard whirled the can biioy over

IiIn head like a lasso and lltuig l( touard

the bnlhei', llfty feet dhUaut, It fell

over the man's head find shoulders just

as he rose* and Stokes hauled him ashore,

Powers wns unconscious, Imt was ie<

vlved at the hospit d le d,

Knchig nt Monmouth lV ik ,

On Wcducflday ,Augu«Jl V, th" old

Monnuaith Park will again Is* opened

fur racing, There will t»e ho chargo for

admission and the farmers aud tlicit'

wives imd daughters will be especially

welcome. The racing ‘.‘.ill be under the

direction of a co ium lttw selected by

P. F. Collier, who tidies this way of

showing liin appreciation of courtesies

heretofore extended and more to follow

Mr. Colier will also give a monster clam­

bake nt noon, to which over 1,000 per­

sons will be invited. There will be

seven races--trotting, running, hurdle*

and stccplcehaEo.

---------------♦ - -

WycltofT Family Reunion*

The fourth nunual reunion of the

WyekolT I'atnily will be held al the

WyckoO (‘.rave yard, Fast Freehold, on

August HI, from 10 n. m .'lo d p. m.

Descendant?! <>( the orbr/md NcMlctw

Peter, John and (inrrett Wiknil as well

us all of thnt name now residents iu the

county me cordially ln\ilcd. It will

he an fill day picnic and thou* who go

should t.ila* Iheir lunch with lln'ui,

Found Dend i»>; Hiihfjoni Floor.

M illia rd Ih c u r f t f \euark

found dead oh ihe lloor of Is I' bedroom

iu Ihe ci >1 laj'.e I

Oeem I i l o \ e,

owin.i; lo llo* lei

attended hy a

jlho < 'i pie\ ioie;

W illiam Iv Mai

her non, John Mievver,

! ...... . r .iiu i'. lm ' il.iy iooiniii)! and

I Ihi t i.In' hod 1 0 it Iicen

Ii!i v <it i m in lb'* .’.H)[ht

to I|i i d e a l h, I 'oi i HUT

dotuld W M i i .iHer! Ol to

vii**.v t h e r e m a i n s . D c a l h v. ie; d m t o

heiirl I c> Mibb*. Mu'. Himwi V.a». y,;\

yoiiia old

Hnilier I 'euml Demi,

I'red ( Stiini, who lo pi a bin bn uhop

at Koan*ihurg, was lotiud dead lu hiu

shop nn Monday mi;*hi <f t;i*.t wcelv,

Ciiaiil wtci ol ycars old and has a wife

living in (let many. K.safnlaatlfius

(.bowed that death wan canned by heart

falhne, Oroid lefl projicilv woi th

n b o u t So'Hl.

‘ + ■

*,’el(nril Iani>;e,' oi olkb.

A colored lod^e of the lle'uevoleiit- nlid

Pi i»tec!i ve t h'der of Files was <irganbed

at Asbury Park on Saturday night with

nlxty members, , J

Hurglot;: Uia vldoriform.

! Pn de;;;" n; d lair/Lio, l'.;«e-i an ei

tratac info t lie r» si - Ic’ii-e i f I i I Ja i \ i

at Anbury Paik le^,. \l,'edne:.rlay ui.>hl.

aed %*. hlle the fan.iiy v.e-le wrapped in

: l;axi! » r looted the h m.'c. 'i'o inMiic

.'•ahty doling tlieir search, .Mr. Jarvis

and the oilier oicupantn of tlu* house

were < hlooifunned.

The bujyl.MH sccured ViOO in booty,

including lour diamonds ring, two y.old

v.atehe1;, a cltamond brooch, s.ilwrwaic,

do th in jj iimj s?7tl in money. They

carried olf die loaners v.ora by .Mr.

Jar; is nnd his son-in-law , Albert Pr< oks,

and made their escape without in te r­

ruption. ‘------ 4„ . . .....

Girl Killed by Cflrbolic Acid.

On Tuesday Miss he re KautTman,

daughter of Henry Kaulim an, a weailhy

Pittsburg drygond« dealer, drank car­

bolic acid for headache medicine a t her

summer home at IClberon, and died an

hour later. Miss KaulTiaan was alone

with her maid at ihe lime. Her mother

had gone bathing a t Deal. Tho girl

had luncheon at Hollywood. Soon after

Mrs. Kauffman left, her daughter com*

plnincd to her m aid of violent pains in

the head, and then drank the poison

Dr. ScucJder J . WolJey was quickly

summoned, bu t when Id* arrived the

young woman was beyond medical aid

The Care of LiveBtock,

If the testimony of great numbers of

the readers of the New York Tribune

Farmer is a fair basis for the formation

of a correct opinion, then w lm t is

known as Its Veterinary Department i*

everywhere esteemed highly, l l in,

however, inoro than a veterinary de*

piirtment. Ur, (>. I), Smead, who has

luul charge of ft for nwro than live

years, every weak answers very many

questions in tcgard to every variety, of

livestock known on the American farm,

not alono p m ir ib h ig nirdiciues aud

treatment,’but telling how* the diseases

might htve I ren piovcutrd, tmd laying

down Hpeeljie rule's for feed and care In

hi'idth, in siclaiess and In mnvntccMcuee,

1CVe'ry f/umer keeps h mlie livestock

good veterinarians are tinner,

F.adi InquirT is fully answered, but

Dr. Sinead goes far be\ond (Ids; he

Indleves that any informsllou that

one intelligent fanner needs k also

needed by hundreds and thousands ol

olluTS, /aid he often s i hionde<:is his

answer aa to make it a conipfde crawiy

on the nubjei t iliii' tisscd. A year or two

ngo Mr, Ib WalkiT MeKeeu, of Frye

hiirgt Me., said iu a niretluj; of fancciii

that a valuable horse laid been ah

tseked with a dtasnic of whb'h he hnd

known nothing untlll he luul ic e n tly

rcml of It iu Thu New Vork Tribune

I'a iu ie ii what Dr, Smead had taught

him enabled him to s.ive Ills horse, An*

other farmer arose aud wiild he had had

n similar expelieuce. Five or six hun ­

dred dollars saved in one town by one

c ipy of llie paper, C, Waller, Rl. H„

of North Troy, Vt., writes to Dr, Hniend,

under dale of April L’lli " 1 rlenlru lo ex­

press my gratitude to you through Thu

New Vork Tribune r'anner, and to way

that 1 rcgnrd you ns the most able, prsc*

Ileal and thoroughly safe writer of the

present age, and lo express my hope

ihut you may live lo serve the farmer

nnd our dum b friends for m any years tn


Thn regular price of Thn New York

Tribune Is one dollar a year, but wn will

maid (t wiih The JounMAh, both pnperfl

one year for ®l,7fl.

Cftmmt Roll Their Honda,

The Asbury Park Hoard of Kdtieation

1ms not yet been able to find u market

for thu 8100,000 school bonds recently

attlhorUcd to In* issued for a new build-

iiK and repairs to another, As a result

the contractors say they will rescind

iheir contract, an it wilt be Impossible

to proceed under it.

- ..........■+-..........-

A Henuflt Performance,

The Hcifotel Council of Jun io r Me­

chanics gnve a benefit performance in

Heimef.Cs Hall recently for Harry Com-

ton, a member ot the order who has I ecu

111 eleven weeks. Over ?U0 was cleared.. 4 . . . .

Held on Charge* a( Uurglnry. '

( >n the charge of having taken jewelry

valued al tfl.allO from (he IMD.geridd

aud VaaAmbi rg cottaj'c; In Seubrighl. OoJdleaf, a nadormau n i

Hranch, has been ane-;|cd by Cotmiy

Dcleclhe | li al Mi d I..Oil.

M/g Tuillcs C’aiigal la Pomid Wei,

Two large leiltes, one S.cighiiij: .tl'/i

pounds and llie oilier 7a p-iinul’i, wia'i'

eaujdil al Woollev'.: pound one da-,

lioi v.eel, and J.llippe/I !o I *‘ u IJ * < n a);ol,e|,

New Vot!;,


Currylni' Cniiriwthal Wenjinnu ICKpenrlvf.

b.i'd ‘lJuu/alay Judge Coaler ui Free­

hold lined two A'ilmi\’ Paik men ^otI

ami ( o'ltj., ench, lor < a 11) hij: i -»n« «- • led

w capons,

■ - ♦

How tn Drlnlt Cold Wntor,

Don't get ovcrhcnlwl nud then diink

a tot of cold waler, Hip n little and

W’llit till cooled Oil Ol’ Herlonn I'eiatlls

will follow

FO lt SAbH-d'adilln : Aulonioldle lu

good condition, will Kent four, Apply

to Howard Uyer, RUlnwun, N, | ^


8 T A T IO N 8 IN M EW Y O R K ,

CViitr.d It. Jt. af N . J .. JLiherty K tr^ l toaalWi'rti ..ii| htree't.

IV:;)), it. H„ fool Curt lit liiit.De^rOHbfilUJti W i*p(cl ht/j, ,


ia r IVrlh Aral.-ny, J.'Itr i V- /!;■ -<> J/, Oi :■!)

, S'- .1 k i-aiy l. 7 .o j,7 40, «S (!N U'.vj >1 I Y .r k h S . 11, -h 10 i *".i.:;:» u a . i v r f i ,\s!.y a, In. •;{ i.*»

js to .' S .- A i/ r ;.," ‘ ) t>. m. r unil •{<•** -,‘uy ; .h iy jV’f

, o'.v-.v V» li.' .-i A u iO iy nn ti .

W a fJ-.lVi. h i t ’- |o io rci-.i.,

. : ]\-i t'i AmU //’.:* ■|.t i i te a A u iU l “ .■ JO.-iS 'etcspi

• is 3(j e-..! u. 2* .*,',.07 lc .e it i ’vith Air.lH.-y). •

• i.eS terecpt I < 11’*. Ai'.'.S. % .*. !i i!!' r.l. .- Fi>r Jli-'l ILitik, l.oia: JJratuh, As:i'.:ry ,

Ovciui (Irovr ii:ui : r.' i'cint t'Vta/.-i;.fM'...r/ ::Mcitti!) <i.!O, 3 ^

7.e:i,.(t-i \\V;.t i. u. jn.r •1.:<*.I, -j U. . i l l <Rel H m Iv '

0 (He I 7 KK.llr.f.L). r <-»>.H«-; HU, ■i.Avt. '

iK r .l Hani;), 0.-M, l(vjr., lU.iU a. ■' .r»,|n, s.L'/,. {».;;*> c, m . • trair.:; ii;. r.r.t ; a; IVjJL i ~Occnu ( Irc v f . .

Lean* Nvw S urk for M alayan. -Foot L ii’trey Ht.--4.0(1; .*» r.(i, S.^O. 11 .Kn j r . ,

4.10. *4 :;i», "«r.:s>, .r.;-y o.yu.I*. ::v, ll'.t'i ni;;l t< ovuk i1ay»>. OuniitT*.'*:r.:i0, V.oo, ti.oo, u. in., 4 Cu. tl J* q*.-'

W’c-bt l i i St.. C. K. H. of N. J.-H 20, 1» r ® , ' i , : a t ;r.'.a, *.| .lo *r, i a , (i . ^a, s m , i t . j > a n .m. beavluys, li./iU, X 50, a. rv- 5LiV..S.uO ii. m.

Foot Wfft -’ll.l St., p. R, II. — 12.2S *2.25, 6,4:ir* ' ni. SunduyK. 8.1S. n. in., 4 55 t>_ « . . '

Pcct C'. rtkantt und IMbrucd?!; Stfi—*1 DO. a. tu„ Wi.'M), 7.(Kl p. m., Sumluyv. B.X).

a. in,, 6.W n. in , , , o i;, ,iv:• lii-iutus ICxi>rv»t(< Truim. ' ;Fur (iinhcr parliitilurK rrc titr.r il 'Oti* \V. lloYa. \V, C. Hat'i:, Iteirua li'Loni\B8i'.v-

ll. I*. A., (J. I*. A., Bua'y.. I ' .IViin. K. K. C. H, li. of N. J. N. Y.tth.

NEW JERSEY CriRTMLI'MifriiKfr MtHlliihK la Ntnv York : WfiBiniltf"

St., N, 11.j Ko iit I.Um i ly IL

Correotul to lune 23, 1(107: ,

Tr»lni heave Mutawsn.Par N’ov Vork, NtrwnrW, P-11nlm I I, ff. t7.

a A(i (Mmiitny Only), 7,0'> .s,as (rMTpt N.:w i nl l<), Hi t , tit t'),KU,, u :ui. «, in., l- t'.'i, t-';a, I .*>»#,1 «:• H.UU. u.;ia (S.awok*y oidvi in 1 1 . j». r. SunikiN'H, K.|ll .i. in., I..)'1, /ill?, 7 1“ .' o.;l») n, m.

I'lir lfn*fl»..|it ivnn, « u.4.% n in , I? t l i t v .YSJ, rt.t.'i, 7.1/ l^,lUifduV eiilvj u Hnn'!ityni III I.*, ii, m., .”1 10. ll-ia |.,

i'<ic ArliU'flr IHufilia jo \’ a i . o '<*'t .' ^rPi. IS, '),4a, .j ,v, i, *. l. 7.4’t n ,v>Svnv'.nv m .fi a in.

I*i *r !.:»’s r .v*i u l , l.iil.i'lm r-i’ , i-.t- - -A.-U, I l l l ' l ,i-. n.M l, ||. I I I.eiaUiv;.. in I * ,»

P'tr IMvrrieil l‘'in"».a '• 't I, s 't*» -I.l, ll ii. to. {‘• ia .! , v«. » l.r „ ii in . *

'lr/iaik n»r A)(«lviv,<oi,Lvnv,1 Ni-w V"»ii, -i.aa, ,ia. 11 '■<> -t? :

t :m, I la. -I tin, ,i :oi. n nu, a >i.% ;»'jp, m , Sun lit*.'..:: .“.u, nu, ti oo, t. \ ,sA v. , •i aa, h .-,0 p i

iiouv,- !:-e a.-is -l a.-i, a v •, v tv ib":niI :.i, a. ui, a ;,-.*, <■ a ', a a.. 11 jv. <» lliu..Ui)-1*. n.4^ u:e, lu.* in . 4 o.*. *,uv

l,i-;o* K’t w.iri.. n,l:v a.,i,» 1 1 :;o ,r |//».i i j vo :tM, 0,1.1, fi.-l*, tl.Mh taiir'a Vk 3 l'<!rIlia :i. Ill,, S I . p' tt til

Nc-V \ Ml: ll ,v. , '»v n. ni.rd-i'it, W. r Cf ’Vl . - ■

Y lf I o i i> tar. Mi;> in ii l I'.tfr.

GARTAN & DEVLINh n v o u ln r p t ; f i u p p ly o (

t h e v e r y b e e t

w h ic h thoy w ill so li nt

pricus hu

Low as tho LowestOur fltock' ot

Is very largo and we ar.&

1 s e l l i n g i t a t


W e c a r r y ' a l a r g e s t o c k o l

Lumber, Lath, Lime,

Cement, Wails; &o»*

w h i c h w e a r c s e l l in f l : o t ‘

, / .

Prices Ilia: Can’t be Beal/■

0 A E T A W & D B V U M f .

J B y L a t lio a % U o n n / i S 'c o p fo lflillmrsi llttlo <.f He ir Hpm m 111!|ii niunfirf 2 1 n f Iu h I ik ih f a d fi|. m i . |,t i> "O lin / lip r l n S S 1 fcl1'*.1*- f , ,r a j ir o l> |o.»fm i ' I ' l . i i * , 'ill' ....... .......* i u i o iH* » h4J n j.ii.-n , t in th tlv . i nti4 41 *'««?• ,I o/ »pilirat j|i K|||iir in i, A,o ii a 'o ira u o ^| minlnaijii |'r<>mhan* "f1 e.Miju.m m>> llrMiiml, If ymi iai,fi‘» 0a ef »uh ntnfj‘#rt«I ih*m riiNi'MM | o* 11). I nr i'o 11 iitiritii)d«.>> I n i a t I ' l l i a i | |f i (h , t ii |f» H u i- iv | i | i n i i i ' im u a ' I SdkloWrsNi MSv.ii, * 1

I Aini'i-1“tin Ci*t»X - W I V u in y M fnN n tv ITorto,fV,»-

PUBLIC C A R T IN Criie HulsicrIher will do n cemMid carthi^.

himt»it*/iM til Mstswui nnd solh Iln tin* <o< de*iP uf lnrrohnntn snd o|la*oi w ho t(<mdi«; nueh work done, laalvn le ii willliraiutit ruiduhiopi'iiiesuoilidile, Ki*(pit#l*»

liy telepholio wifi he atleaih'd lo,f t * •«(•«* f» f i l l * *14

T « l , Clstl I t - m , ...............................M « l a w n a ( w; J .

N*( 1 1 0 .

In lN


Va'iw: u l u l m r r r.

bl>.\VP U U M M I L i J K V i:!:\ ' T lU ' i i :

.\rri:usooN a t


--Ii V 1 Ml----


=>r=— :-■■■- ■ •-■-■■■■ ■ ' -'■■■


! f y u ....................... t 1 ■'*'O: . . . a i l l ' . l l l l i * ..............................

UUe :j juoj.Hi*.......................“;; wutb.

A<J?ertl>ilnf: rate* u;on ,tj.ii!k-atio».HeftUtnj? notice* s rrrits a line lir^t InKertlc\n

andfceuts tliereutti-r.BtfMutions <t cotMolfru’f* ranis ol thanks

• g d n o t i c o t i o f o im r c l i c - ii to r tu lu iu o iith 5 ia ‘h t *

i lta e .The time to which ft ?ukv:rii*tlon l« r nkl

^ppeartt on tho i'iipt»r or v.-ii: t'j man Mrlbert). •SulwriptMi'i ;iro payahlo in ««!• r t i m t n m ) I f im t | » r i t |stTpjf*nv

ihoalil l>« nimle nn<l weipt f<»r hi tuo will njv-«ear on tiie )*npor to&u#j<l nftor ilia receive o(

19 money.

‘ FSusset Oxfords !5

Ejce*i'it<»rrf, « ’1m!iii-rr<tt< ii«»tc.. huw Hu> rf*titti> munf* th* In uvH-'fi '■/ •'‘ ffcrv^Ar a ir ! l iiif* »«f a !‘ba are jvaulrel uu-l^f th** i'*v; tn )<(* Uaheil. ftuM w*> **nrn*Ml>- •«»»>! i e?*i-r*f'tfH|h- g u t l i i e n J H t o reni*.-mb;.*r u s I i i w a i t e r * o l t n U

■ Thft -founNAi. 1* vn s*Mp ut .1. T. Cl^wea* Hawa Ktrtnd, nud tlm U n io n Nm v* Hrafid. «>t Statics, ami nt K, K, {.'iim*1*. Koyf^rt,

Entered ut thu Miitaivnis pohtnflJoi* »i*«oeor:ri-

olftm »hftii mullor.

J. 'Ji* A fu ll line ol Kusset O nT ok Is tJ r _ jp lor M isses nm l C h ild re n . “J

p In fan ts ’ , sizi's 5 Id ,s.

p Cliihl'.-. " S ' ; lo I I .

£ M is s is ’ " 11 J ’J lo j ,

r Price according to size, j

1 M. L. MILLER *‘ 5

\Successor to R . Ht*rtkv Sun.)

\i. Commercial Block, Matawan. jj r: uirfi.^C^L'L'L'L'L'L't.rL'L.'brL'CtrL'L'L'L'L'L'J

Public Sale***-- OF--- ***

S to re P r o p e r ty***----A T--- ***

Matawan, N.J.

R e a l K s t a t e

Aj k [ I n s u r a n c o ,

l ^ o a n n .

I:i re,

L ife ,

A cc idcn t,

H ea lth ,


L ia b ility ,

Team s,

A u tom ob ile s ,

Surety Bonds.

EstnMiJhcd 183s-None but tha Heat Cotnpaciea Ueprescottd,


A lA T A Y V A N , N . J .

r a u t i s i u Y , JUiiYa.'i. ioot


A Factory Proposition W ill Be SubmlUort

nt Gvran’a Stoic Pilday Nig’nt.

A incclinu cf \\w Imsinc^ \w\\ (und ^.'^nu'n) vill l»c !»•*!*! at (ivrau's storv

. l'Vidny ovcninjj iit 'A oVhK'k Ut oui: iiU'r

iho viiiou a nrw itnlttstty rom*to M'he rxWij'jmy

c-'njtlov tn.'tny tnah* IimiuK tin* wroldy I'uyroH ^ill I’M 'fil mul it is fort I’i* im'vchauls lo wiv wiirliHT it in v.ant u l i f rt»t. Thr intiiCMt oh'*\vn ill this uut'linii ill lur^dv inHtu'mr futuu- jic-tion, f«» it IhIjuovi'S cwryono t<» nmko u Hpt'ti.ii riYort l«» I**/ pwont.


Mrs. Cep!)cne V«u Wickln OrlflctijIN’tij jiutu li. tii!>;‘WHit| ilun^htor

i.f tlu* 1ut«* J:»»nc< '. imii 12lr*io Van

'WlckU1, ,1‘iuViv iroin tlu1 dU-ctNt'( iv Utmt \ ■

Mr. »n«1 Mr». 'umo tii.wri^l

I'k'x tu yr.u-nil‘> l *i;t Nvoml.i-r. AImuIfriM* > II h»)f iUJM i!V'Xi'A W\.\\ ' v-' NMt-i mhUmW)* \wau

a tmoi'i* and l‘»i i i>vr.tlinn u,r. \«ul' >i

wan * uci.vsj.ChI. Shi* iu'\^' iuliy

TVC«i\M'(d hfi ln-iiHU Iml td«it* m b\' : nWml \vwi\ u w n t lv , wliot it u.m «U'*

tbat tU'utNl i jiiT.lltiU m\vy iit i'l'M' (*J i>- r isnv Tvm»

ay«» .•« ■-v'O'rd - p.'! Ui.n \\(.a jh'T- ig‘nidi *n\il llis N'i" >' «v» liu.und

i i * \ w v ' u i w i ; r \'ly, H tii t !^ ’ !i‘ »i \u>%t!'iT

Hlj'-oU'il v-.ut.vinj,; '.inVinjj in« -u' of uV‘u''» ‘‘ 'u- i '.u t i I uNml

• I t H> h r v v,t»

rili' (U ;it J' » }' 'if- il!»'» v <1 ! 1‘Vl'tV ir >\v to I’rr !;\»'4’.nnl am! »o!nin

i*)l u *'. j <-iu !o * »' ll'< j it,! 1111 I'l'i' Jutu i'. 1 i n n 1.'' w\u‘ l:cM h,’{- I'aU* Uout1' * ou'-UiV ;'lU’iuo<»u uv V.'siO tiVl'VJf, Ko'.‘.‘ Hi, Vvut'j; iis-UU-tt i'>* Kv'\'. S I’o'.ii.

T l',' iH'i'VCI i "v'M' \Y A. A.

(u't!Ui, t, T. K\u, t*. H Wiiv*U'Vi. 1. I,. 'IVrluiuu :us l _lud>. >n ('iin>>T« r, intor*

wan rsa iv in Kiev luU tViv.i ‘cry,■■■ ■ ♦....

O litu a iy Mole*.

Uunnoia 1;hkmj, wiiv oi- Ou'nv i* T<*r- loo. dU’,1 al !v • li- iu.‘ .il N\’ .iu’s k-' vtu v. itt MiUlU'i '' Thv. r.dn;*, on ‘I'mv hiy. ai;**l C»S years IVsidcs 1’Or iu'!;Na'i<!

sbv i«; airi \ \ >; *. l-\' <..110 d:iui^*Svr. Tun* W:d •vrswv.. "''1 W WM aV St K t'tmv,v. .it iv1 •>** lo uii-’i.'iT «iu\ Innial wilt tv- n tV.-avu-ry

t- ■ - ■ •

Ci'% cmor Vr- » i 'e n I'UfiCil Vriiii.UMU.Ti'-V I’l'?..' ' .-.''AU!!' >5 >•' U’»'\

;.v S| .k. . . ! i w . l . r . i i d . lo , Ui\

fiMiuer li.ii. !i‘«r.. T'K*i»UtU, .-.i'l A*^vnUdytnau

VV W\k M i-'i.irtl;-|p* '•''( liu t I ;< ; v-H .a i'i'o t ”• ;;-.t L i ! 1»\IT. M ,':’!

Shvrr\T<i, l \i. i '•■li-i tisl ,

t '.VI r _

A fte r tlu- .vti ui v\\v;v"Vi.vU'\l tt\o ;

i- o v i.u i^ i’ i> . >!i »,d‘u r t !o tlio ,

%i Uv-.' JMtMdt-lll \t X\w lu-vl

U>«clittK it " Ol te juo a thv T ks 'd t 'n n *

?nU«i»*4U'V' t '>, i.’ .;i a U' u o

d a ta t i ’a*. n»,»v ;u I i!u ' «v

it! its w. r:s

- + •*

pieil «t Uijv t>U\

<?)4 Txiovd.iv Vivvw.v Win/*.wli ’ W a ! 1 . < " i l * ill •'■ » itlt'tl a th * iji-mt: i f lari'navi'i ‘tm»ik iii'»n \01\us1 *m 1 tI»h m.ih

im Vimm . >v\ \\V*K*d v»v*-» ih»« latlii'j' »'i

Wrntvl. l;vvr <;l tVdaiM-S. dlu il-io. and .Mi<

-..........♦ • • ■

( S n im t'r r toujiltA und im M i; \ i- l.l ,il

I'luym t<a»4 lnuvatU'.' ' on Ii mj- t ‘.i-itaim honoy t«»td t*v. W\f tto *>)■•< VHUmv'U il\i* it. r k ’rt’wnt to uda- l i ivoMitttU'Mn w

lUmr*viu'*-s con»iK«»!-•.>•. 1 yii.M'l >)uivkly. Ndd by M AV • 'ii! piiNHHui, K V,i%»“. w<rt flstilf M^ia’.vioi: J I*, n!.».,k,o :-

The subscriber, A itnrnfy for t h e t h ftrK f»f the Kstnte of George W . Hell, | \tiU o/Trr for flwlr, nt juddic vendue to the hi^ht-il bidi)< r, on

W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 7 , 1 9 0 7 ,

on the premises, nl U o’clock in the nf- tmuKJH (sharp) of Kild dny. tJie propeity kiuitvii i-.a the lied Dm}; ^ ,ore now occu. {>U'd l*v K, O W alling utul hiumted on tlie Ucfct hide of Main Slrctt

Conditions of S a le T iv c n t y per cptil, of purfhaic tmnwy t« Ims p«id »t tin* rh><c«of Uit* h«N*. h»huuH‘ upon deliv­ery of «ii*fd Annual M»t, 1\>U7 .

A V . A . F O U N T A IN ,

Attorney for the Ilrirs ,

M alttw H ti, N ew J t r n r v , *


REAL ESTATE(n the iU»ro\i^h of Mrttnwitn for (hr \vi\t>,5s\lU udvtvtUrd foT»nU‘ m 'o td in ij to law in lu s t vcek'n limurof iheJ*mninl,

W i l l i a m A , I ' o u u t n i n ,

lliitm inh Collector.

M M O O M I» C O C O e C M « S O » « K M M M


% W IT H O U T G R K A T IiX-


HUSINI5SS. W c ilo not dis­

turb your present system, leur

lip tlio liouse O R M AKH

YOU W A IT . “ G U R N E Y ”

Systems of Stcnm and Uot

Wnter Healing require iillle

attention, no repairs, burn

little fuel, lient nil rooms

evenly, last n life time.

LET US E S T I M A T Ethe entire cost o f n system

KimraliKul to heat your

biiil(liu|r perfectly.

D O IT M O W ! <•*


' l ’hmie 47-1..

Real Estate =:ForSaSe=

T he fo llow iitg properties w ill be so ld fft prices

th a t w ill com m and the a tte n tio n o f investors.

j M A I N S T R E E T

I House and Lot near Episcopal Churcli.

j Store and Dwelling Property, with stable in rear.

Lot 39 by 135 feet. ■

Double House and Lot.


Three Lots 30x120 feet each.

One House and Lot. .

P A R K A V E N U E ’

Two Double Houses and Lots.

About 4 acres of Land, which includes the Ice pond

and houses.

Also the Ice Busluess and nbout I800jone

of ice.

a o A C R E F A R M

near Matawan. Has 1000 af pie trees and

2000 peach trees.


B. F. S. B R O W N ,MATAWAN, N. J.

*& H £ 3 A T

I AugustA Whole Month of Big* Bargains at

The R. W est CompanyU ■« n m n >wwi

500 Mlfc'CKS A RB CU I' PROM

IN P R IC K 1-4 to 1-2

A1UGUST is now roRaixleil liv sharp ami thrifty buyers |:S the best month in the wln.lo year to secure Fuf-

iiiture Marrams and that time is now lietv with the most tcinptini; arr.iv t,f .simsationul baiyuins ever

asseinbleil under this iMof. August Purniturc .Sales wore lirst hrmtj-ht into promineme by us nmnv vcai-s

ajjo and .such events are now looked forward to by thousands of loyal customers who well know \hi>* k' V ivs

lo be prompt; in order to be fortunate enough to secure the choicest attractions olTeivd during this uuMitl^

We selected tliis dull month in order that we might «ive imr whole time and undivided ntt-mion ihr. Cl™.'

iiiR Out quickly of OUR. HlAIKN ^ U R j ^ ^ X j C j v S and to the selling in the shortest possible tiriW^ll dTs,'

continued patterns, Odd Pieces mul all broken sets, all of which are included in this , „ T , _ ,

Grand Sweeping and Clearance Sale Throughout The Whole Establishment. ,

H r.m hv tls o f sp le nd id b a rg a in s w ill be R iva tly in ev idence in a ll d e p a r tm e n ts w hich i>o |,, mal-e • t

im m ense lloors w h ich are now stocked to the ir u tm o s t capac ity . The m a in object o f tin's Mt'

is to prepare am p le ro o m for Ihe p roper display an d to provide storage for the m n in car l o a d s « n ' ft

now con tracted for fo r the fa ll a n d w in te r seasons, w h ich usua lly arrive a lu u it S eptem ber 1st n ' f ^

q u ite p la in th a t it is a b so lu te ly necessary th a t ,">(11) pieces must be rushed out in order to se- •U<1 ° 1U|' *S

am o u n t i>f ro i'iu . IU ltf

in ^ 'io llic increased com o t'm a lc iia l atnl labor enterin'; into the constniction o t 'a ll h i" l )r. > - ’

aetmeis have found it necos.uv to advance prices materially and, when vou umviili'.r t t i T* F !'1 h irnttlirc the. , i... r .......... **........... .v .,..i...* .x ...... ,w u .i i i to u w im .. ............... t* . in i>f<r lyjthic-

1 c

M a m ita e t u r e i ............. _ , , ■ ■ ........... . . . . . i „ .v■ n )rM , >, lr »

ii i:n > in d ie liice o t ' p re sen t m a rk e t a n d p r ic e c o n d i t io n s , v o u c a n re a d ily see w h 'it a e o ld e t i o p p / ' l lr;,vst;

m e a n s t o those w h o are th r if t v r n o u u l i to p la e e th e ir o rd e rs fo r p i o d s in t r u d e d e ithe r Iin- n r , . L ,1' s o l^ 1■ - - ‘ .................... .)■ . i . 1 I . v t l l t ov In tn r r ll*..

m eans u m ih is c w i ih a ir o iu i iv n n n i^ i i i>> jn .m : u n u m i in . i m i p m . is i i i iru ile il eitlier tor present ■ l ' .......... "l'1

th is a im o n m 'e u ie n t a p p e a rs m a k in g k n o w n th e ta c t th a t a in n h e i b i^ ' A u g u s t l- 'u rn itiiic Salt- I n w intnrr use. W h e n

sa tis f ie d e iis n m ie ts in a ll |>;irls o f th e s ta te c an t u r n w ith a fee lin j.; o f p r id e a m i p leasu re ri. ■, Ve i i l l l l l u *R '(' s

O lo s r l , K x Je n s in n T a b le , h e a u n t id I ’ n r lo r S u i t , H n > i, o r w lra te v . r il / " ' H 1*1 1’1' 'V l, th e y I,.,;... . Z , . , ' ! ' ' V ! * ™

A ii f ju s l S a le a n d w ln e l i com I . i n o t he d n p h e a t e d m th e r e g u la r p u r e h a s in ^ w a v lu r n ea rly O n r- I I I

p-,•.!.!. St w i l l p a ) u n i b i g to b u y U e ie d u r i n g th is sa le a n d it w i l l p r o v e it/ .e re .s t in j' as w e ll is ii S’.V (l1' , *,c P r 'w ‘

L .r jie> :% tiaest a u d ’ n io s t up- to-d .ue itc .e k in M o n n n m t l i I 'o u m y , w here n o th in ; ; Im t d ie best , ,p .:il(. " V l l ) ^ u P 'v -' th<;

Mvt t\ mri'*' in tlit* stou* is nurkt’il in nl.iiii iiiriiK's ;il lurk liottoiu nrins ^ s ,irc d llo w c t l ttt cntiir.

| . . V ,.. . ,, . - . . . . . , w,

Hvri\ p ieee in th e s to re is m a r k e d in p la in ii|;ures al lo c k b o t t o m pr ices ,

A Chance of a Lifetime to (let Real Haoiains. Watch the I'ape is.

THE R. WESTA l l I I . h k Ih O u l l v u r u i l I ’e c u , \ n ' v Ik -p c .

1 r°Heys p asg OlJOf.


ian J im m l

M a ta w a n M a i l D ire c to ry .


Per Nt w ViirV. bV.vat I., i ; ‘i d1! i» ml • \i >rt':, f i . u l ’ i <i:i>t 111.- V .'...!, '• III, ; ... I., . t ;i(), and 7 ! /i n in.

j ' i , r l . 1. I ■■•Ii*.Ualir-.vood. L*.r|{ Mr;,_ A .!

nant*. u i liij’ V. iV 'Houlhun 1*. IIMT, t>. tu.

For I*m hui'i Mirnt) C.l* in.. -I .'50 n m.F o r K ry i»< jjl. IV rt Hi r<>

taru!», tU'al»ri !;t um! y!! <lr. llie AtLuiivH i^ iU n-1 1)1 v . «,t l\ j<. R.;_l» t.'i ii »i.v i :<u p. _m

M > . Rr-J >' i’url: t.’t'! all

. 'J I.* , •! .‘JO, ut><l

! ur:;!<.'*1 »ri'ii-.n> f a I'.. i : . J> J i'j iit .' .W .Rt 7,1'» » nt. *

; . ( AiiKivr.Frc .n i N i v ; Y u rk , Ntw .trfc, nnd al! im in is N orlli,

K im t, S o u th n:nl I'n- W eM , 7 {'(J. Jot,'') u. tn., .'! ()(> nm l p. in.

Fro m l!a r.l< t , ( I ■ 1 r i d . ( ‘ . i lu N'n-W, L:*.ke H e .! H an k . Lont/ i ,n ir i 'h , I ’-.rk ami u'ljo in t * s ju t ' i m» d e . N\ Y . A- L . l i uml NVv.'Jcr?<'y SauthiTa%P. !!r-,i'.''‘-- ! ' ? tv, , ■««-! i. •!."» |> m

F ro m Fr«uV .il.i (-tim -l) {'■• l.'» a. tn.. ,'».■},*> n. tnFrom 1‘mt M« •r.»notxt'-i. Atlantic

i l i s l j la m l i , Scit>ri^ 'it, »:n 1 a ll i> lim < (.‘it t'n* A t la n ­t ic H ig h la nd s D iv , u tlu: C. K. K ., l*j n.4 't i». m! F rwm n il rc lio i; : : cn R . F . U. I<-i:t:-i ;a .'100

t>. ra.Foa lilT ier oj»cn d a ily -frini O.iH) :

o ’c lccl: p . n\

r B D R S D A T , J U L Y a.-., 11)07.

Matawan and Yioinity.; Tlw Grand Jury was in session Mom

• day,

M i s s M r.bc lA . Srnitli has been en-

j{<Kcd to teach in tin; Graded Seho .1

A rthur Stilwcll k at Keansburtf,

having jciiied Don Cunover'o cr«rn*MitK

■ p ir ly , : ■. ■ ,

U. H. Htilsarl Iims found the rtaj»v

route- to the trat;v; unpM itab le and

abandoned it,

A company t f aboul thirty front

Miilwny Oreen luul a day ’s ou'.intf at

Ki'aiwburjj l:ml I'tiday.

. . W illiam Smith of Midway (been is

: behiK broken in a‘< a conductor on the

Jersey Central T rat'lijn C\jm|»ntiy’«


(\illcctor Fountain mmmtm i-s that

he will advtTlif.i' ut'Xi u ir k tho proper-

t{i*H tif «U'lin«jui'nt» for m il wliiti* tuM*»

for num.

Tlu* conf'iVf'Hlion c f tin* n .u i'ch

iMmlhoi'o, pansiMl thnui^li inv.n yester­

day for Ki'uiistmty, where the iiitiiual

pii'nle waw licltl.

Samuel 11. Oonlon i f thin tox.unhip

\va:i the iii'nl lu M’Utl peppniti In NVw

Yurk fn.uu Mot^ativillo Hlatiuu thin

year. Oil July 10 h r nhipped live

cratc-H. ■

Oeoiw 1 M (iauhattt, who n ium 'detl

tn tho (.U'filer iiakery httsinoi!! Innt (M o*

her, elided tip iih uhcp laiit h'titlay and

left town, takii'u hin peim»;wil po-periy

w ith him. ,

Jorn'ph llyer nf thin place, a tiire

keepi'i* with Ihu (‘lilTs\t>od Hvlok t ’om-

jmny. wan rMlni; »n n car 'IVewilay

inofuiny und fell «»IV, hjeakiiiH his rij»ht

arm above tlu- olh • .

Joseph Miller «<f Mailbi'H* '!’u\\*tfthip

l i io i^ h t the lii'ii Mnmm'Ut'ii t'ouaty

polatoi'8 nf tin* mttif’n lu re to r.ell mi

Monday. Tui’rtday Houurd \?nnl;irk

of W iekatunk was heiv w iih a loud

. Tartan tt Pevlla hnse leaned a piece

of Knmiid adji'iula)’ the Y. iV L. !<.

U. K. tracks for nifju puriioi-ieu. It in

Kaid that l l will he lined by lla lm ^tv t ‘n.

of Newark. Tlu* i.ijja board i-i abiJU*

orqiHcd but lint ] It iti’<l I ' i« abf.tit

-’I'D feel loin; and ten feet hti’Ji.

Ut»wiird Uyer has a tiew .'mtomohile.

It is a fou ivy lindcr car ar.«l the I’haiv'-

fuur who br<)ii^ltt il here from Nov.-

York tried itu speeding pov.ern and be­

tween Perth Ainhoy and New llniii::-

wii?k it esoeeded lif t / inlltH an hour.

Tlio car will only carry two persons

On Monday ni^ht aa automobile

p a jiy eumini* toward Matawan ran ofT

the road on Ten Kyek’n 1 lit! am i the ear

was overturned. There were five men

iu the parly and all of them were more

or Kmh hurt. Ur. Jackson was mnn*

named and attended lo their injuries,

The machine waa considerably damaj'c-f,

H I.I1 IM ) TI1|.; U lC K K f ,

T l** Joo itKA L Will KU dly |>ut>:ifi!i Ih la hpod-I'iK III th« lr (I i f |i|uo.-h 0117 itrn iu of,t jr/Jlnlin! Iiy Hm n(.(.| nt«T It-a n| (tin (II rffr r ti I (.ocl.'llt* *riw, jir

tn .li jiiMiilrni O id i r »if O.ld Follow*.

O n M i.nd;.v cM-tintj J )vpu ty O n m d

W JVrrine o f ( ‘raubury

\ is i11>.i ICniri. rrbneker l.udjji- «if this

jilace and insta lled tin 1 oilieers for the

ensuing t t r in . lie \vas ae n .'in p a im d

by Uroltiem \V. S. O .Ie, K . I>. Stibvell

and \Y i l , {<>h'!:;un. who, as fjrand of*

IKcr;.;, a^s isttd b im in tlie in s ta lla tio n

ccremonies. ’]'lu* R llow iti^ o iV ic c js were

insta lled:

■N. O .— Shark 's M at^ .

\'. (» Jacub Meitixer.

War.U-n—-J. \Y. Kyle,

i ’cm h ic io r -Charles l^arker.

i i . S. X . 0 . — K lv.fjoil V an Iirak le

J-. S. X . G .— Herbert G itter.s.

1. •jdnc j'h T ilton .

O. 0 ,- 1 . I I . Douglas.

R. S. S .- L . P . Ott.

i„ S. S.— J. J. O lt. ,

U. S. V. G .— Frank T ilton ,

b . S V. 11, Stnnk-r.

C lia p k iin — F . I I . Lloyd.

I td V H l A IV . I I I I I I I I .

Tbe seir.Uitimua! olllcial visit of

Supervising D istrict Deputy Grand

Recent 1-, J . l.ehn r f Keyport wan made

on Tuesday eveninK h) Itkuuoo ;! I'oun-

cil of this plnco. Under “ Geo I of tho

O rder" Deputy Lehn jjiivp ihe membera

a short addresH, which whh followed by

remarks from Heveral inember.-),


?rank lUrch of Sandy Hook in \viilin}'

at T. 15, I'onover’n.

Minn Murlo H yer o f Jem *y C ity in ihe

KiU'st ( f Inahel Conover.

MuvGeui'nn T. Linton and two chil­

dren of Uod Hank spent Tueflday boro

w ith her mother, Mrs, M, A. I’riee, who

in coiiHtH'd to tho houso hy illneiiii,

C L IF F W O O D .

. I j t a t u o r O u io , ( 'trv o r Toi.i:i»;», ) rii

hl'CAH Cot-NTV. 1 " 'p ra n k J . ch»«n«'y mni.-r«! oiUi. ih .it h r

in Kenior V in tn e r of the tirm »if I ’ , J . Cheney tt. Co., d »inj; buvincKs in the

C ily o f Toledo, Count v and S la te afore­said, nud th a t aaid ( in n w ill pay the Hum of O ne l in n bed Do llars for’ each and every caw o f Catarrh tha t canno t

iu> cu red ’ b y tin* u^e of Hnll'ti C atarrh

-Cure. K R A N K J* C N K IIK Y .Sworn to before me and iiubseril»’d

in m v prei-ence, thiit tUh day of D ecem ­

ber, A , D „ bssil.A . W . 0L IC A S O N .

* (Seal) N iir.M iy p p n .

I la ll 'i i t ’a tarrh t-ure is taken in terna lly

a nd acta d ire tllv on the b lood and mu eoUK mu’faeer. of the i;y;dem. Send for

toH timouiala free.!-\ J , C I IK X K Y tt CO .. Toledo, O.

S o ld ’by a ll DruniiHtn. Toe,

Take l l a i l ’K I'am ily IMIIm for cotidtli a-

H on.

....... ♦ - ;

Dlctt Prom Lock jaw .

L'\rry M urphy « f Hrmlley Park, on

T u ca lay »-f hell week, cut his rlj»ht li.tnd

severely w it Ii a saw in n m ill al A ;.lm iy

Park, l ie died a t the hospita l, Spring

bake , yesterday inntn in i; fiom loeklaw

l ie Wan Mil years old and {•■ n u rv lw d by

a w idow .

A m an who i'«p in erfeet h n il lh , vnb f e n n d o n n |u n w " :i il'i> '•* ..........1 >• Iu nnecrHHary, has nm rli h»r n Idcli be slnaild

l>tv th a n k fu l. Mr L C Rodijeiii, ol Ib 'ahch tou , Pa , writes l lm t he \v,r; not on ly imat.l'* til w ink , bit! he eon Id n't atoop over l<» tii hi i ow n •.lines. Six

bottles ol 1‘olev's K iil 'ii V Cute mede a m an him H " • "Siii'ir:- ’.

I'/.l'.'V K:.!n-'. I ' : ' 1 I I \ il

Minn Anna Oonroy of New York HpeiU

kmday lien* w ith her mother.

JameN Dunn i f New York i»pent Sun-

lay with hit* paivnlw here.

Mr. und Mra. Milton Orinw.dd have

been upending a lew ilayii w llh the lat-

ter'n parenth, Mr. um l Mm, Simon lleydt.

Misu Josie Carroll is np^iiiHntf her

vacaiioti at Liberty, X. Y ,f and will

ali:o vinit Sarrdi|:a before letum in^


h'. II. Di'Utcm ban moved hi;* fim ity

to Keyport and Willinm Ue^;un has

moved into tho hmmc reei'iiily occttpicd

by Mr, Denton.

Charle.t J , Mixmoy, a^ed -M veais,

died at hln home here oil Monday and

bin rcmniim'wero taken lit Calvary Ceinc

tery, l.otiji bilnnd, for interment.

■■ ..........ClilUCKItgUAKK. .

er I

Jo hn M, ( ‘o llina hejjan her da ily trlpn

on W edtii'.sday.

OcoiJte 14. A like rly han boujrht a very

ntylish bluek horso am i eairiaye,

M n Pn^cl a*nl ihu iu lltc r and Miiri

S:u’iih Scan lon of hm o k ly n are fp tm d lr

Ihe m tiumci' w ith Mrn, Spi-ncer llo rd ine ,

Mrs. I'Vmi!-: M , !vbir<i||»i« and sen

Iv lw ineu itd M ls n A u n a l.e n i:o f llro uk lyh

aro ^ucn'.s of M r. and Mrs, John

llo p la for a few v.eek‘1,

M r. and Mrn. D en jam in H rlllo n and

non, Mr, and Mra. 1’ay M illspauj’h aud

fam ily i f K e y p o il and I ’lmrles P. Arm-

s tro^u o f H id o k lv n spent. Suealay w ith

H cn jam in am i M ias hJIa .\neie,

- - -f + .....

Aaanultcd Chie f o f I'oll-ie.

W illiam I I . a m i John J. Ihm icW of

H ills ide have been held in y ’jtltl bail

each lo aw nil the ae linn of the October

jjrand ju ry fur asi-aoll and battery on

Jo h n X . SnedcJs.'r, th i t f of ptilicc " f At*

lan tie I l i^ h la n Is, and for threaten ing

to take liN life.

b as l S id itn l iv n ij;b t the iv,u Hmnett!'.

who are brothvin . went to the o l in v r ’ii

ho iue and no t f.ud iiiK h im there went in

search of h im . They returned lo the

oflieer’s Inane a little later and annoyed

Mrn. Snedi'Ler, who tel.-phoned f<»r her

husband . Mr, Snedeker aud O llicers

I'otiler and S m ith weul In H illside.

W hen the ollieei". ap|>eared the Hen.

nettn showed li;»h t. -N slrnnnl'.' enstu-d

iu w hich one o f tbe nllieeis' n ie lli n'.ielc

was broken. T lie l ie u m tlii Wen* over-

p itw erul and were ta lu n to }ail. W hile

lieili}! I'tO. Ill the cell otic of them slliiet:

Mr. Snedeker in the fine and eut his

cheek. W hen tin* men were taken b e ­

fore ice ( ho ve l C. W illiltllPi ail UUele

of the I my,-i f'uve it te il ille d cheek for

1,111111 on tbe A tla n t ic 11 i^hln in I o bank

for ila-ir nppearance in eo itr l.

!>i aiie I i uio a j.' i * M l. liliedekei m 11 esl t d

Uobi rl I h i u n i l , a brother of the boy-i,

and ninee then tin* brnlheoi hn\e !•< en

lookini! ler iev*-ni;e. A in n d ia j ; In ie-

IM ll I I t lli’V t hi I ate lied 111 take I lie el lie I ’m

" life blood and bao ji Ills body to n 11ee. "

+W ar A j;n in;il Cm iim mpllon.

A ll nat|nii > m v i-mlcii\oiine to r im I;1 he ra vaeeii i •( *. »ie-Mmi.i i< at i " <> no

pl;i|;iie " I bill ( lajip 'i ■ n ninny \ tel mm

eai h v 'Mi . I’olny '•, I loner and Tar

cure:i t in ij'lr ; am i e.tlds p e ib e ilv andvon ;ilr III MO i l.i I i; i t nl run :imipll<>M. Dn lint r i‘,k VOlir h' .ib il bv l.ikil):: '.'line

1,111 I\’, It J11 i’l I I| .l t i'ltl V\ III M I -'u!r v ' 1

I bme\' .-iml Tar e- s-tfe eerl .tin ii< i e • ||| ; The i J 1 >I ■ ’ r!'..'-, j j

, :: . -I n- n i. |

So ih !j A rn lo y ’a New Collet io i.

J'-:.ej,h 'W i!'on , J r ., ha:> been ap jiotnt

ed l r lk i In r o| Soo th A m boy , t<> Miecced

the iate Peter S lover, d fceascil. l ie

has been s'Voin in and j;i\en bond:*.

Mr, W ilson ’;nov,n in m any fra ter­

nal men in th is coun ty , b o u x Past

( i rand i ha nee lior of t he S ta le o rgan iza­

tion of K n iyh ts n f I'hy lia s , He is con

iiected w ith the Pennsy lvan ia Railroad

a t Sf>i*lJi A m boy .

...----- —

W ns in T-oor H enlth i*cir Years.

Ira W . K elley , of M ansfie ld , Pa., v.'rites: " J was in poor h c a lt li for two yea’-.,, sulTerini' fro m k idney a n d b ladder

1:«»ublc, im d spen t considerable money consu lting physic ians w ithou t o b ta in in g any m arked benefit, b u t was cured by !‘*o!ey’s K idney Cure, and 1 desire to add

m y te s tim o n y th a t il m ay be the cause t ! ief;losing llie he a lth of o th e rs ." R e ­

fuse substitu tes . Sold bv F rank 11. Slater. *

Pavilion Beach.little Coney Island, Kcypoit, N. J,

F . J . Knapp, » - Atanngcr.

Show Next W'cck iu Theatre.

Still with us. The PavoritiV ftthweok,

Butler l laviland andAlicc 'IhonUon,

III the One* Act Comedy

“ Tlie hisunincc A^cni.H- CAST, ~

Mrn.Vsit Ilcnutle, wltli « j'-'nlous hiifihiuul....................................Mbs Thornton

Wrlaht A. PoHck*, nnltm»r«iuii Ailldtor.Ml.H.llllKllllllMllll.lllllHllll Mr lljivlhuni

Sccno,P«ilnr inthe VauHeautle Renldencp

The Omitett Child ItntuUHJUator

l.onniu l-oilett,I mpcr^Liiift I Oik Veila Victuiln, Veita Til

ly imd 1C Jdla Poy,

The Dalnly Creighton Sisters,llltrm liii'tliK llie C lillil WdMiUir, llnl.y

M vrly ii, In S I i ik Iiiu nntl D.u i i I iik ’ H])cclfilllen,

Under H avilaiul,Coniedhm nnd TyrukNiu Yodlcr,

I II lis t r a te d S o u k s .

R, M limit, Smith Ambiiy'M fitvoillt*tenor, IM. Ilitiilii^tnii, Oppiidor,

Pollett,. Hark Dnuewr,

Arneltu Crel);h(oii,In a Roporatolrtf of

The Actoi;raph, 'liy IM , l lm .I i iu ln t i . e.)iii|il(Tlti i-Iiiiiihu nf

i'lvttiren cvtry Huniliiy m ul T liiiiw lny

Oraiul S/icrcil ConcertK r a y Hiimlii)- livoulu jf.

Antateur Nl litHvt-iy Pihhiy l;veu ln ji,



Hear line of Ladies' white

UnderskirU, white Canvas, Tan

liViciJIiid and Pat. Colt Shoes and

Oxfords for ths vvholo family.



Having linil my ovcim repaired, duo to tlie

rceviii fire, I nm now doing my bilking nt my own

jilnccaml Invite tliu nintom of lliu |iei>p|e of Mntri-

wnmtnd vicinity. Only lho Iil-hI mnterlid iiHcd

mul uvcrythliiK nerved In n innmier.

My lirend, Cuke nnd IMch cnmiat bo bcntcn,

. I n|Mt) cnriy ii Hlock (if ConfectUilicrj',

G E O . M . G A U B A T Z ,;.Suti’i-».ior to J, O lvSHMiU,

Oi'ldlinttH lllock, Mntnwan, N . J,

OUR..P R IC E SPar fm ln rd piclurcH >liut at tt nm tn,

Heavy, ]>lnlu nud be-el phtte m brnt.i In 0 »k frnmcH, very low keoiiHklerln|( the ijim llly,


ta order for any k ind of picture HUpplied al ;111111111u 111 eo'tf, Cmne in am i lank at

the aHsntlmeut of mouldhi|(s,

W hen iu need of G O O D viirniiih re*

ni'Miilter Ihs l W n llin ^ S bMlidn afe i;nar- nuteml lo he e<|iud to t!«e l)i.*fn.

W n llln n 'a .Spar V a rn ish .

W a lll iu t 's D u rab le H IakI I c Cle/iir Vnr*

i i I.hIi .

W a it in g 's In s id e C onch V n rn ./ ili.

W a llin K 'u t 'x t f n l ine P lno r V a rn ish ,

W n l lh l j i ’H In to r ln r W oo tl b lu is h .

W n llln it 's t . lu h t l l ird (/II P in U li ,

We nidi /ad laer D u ll h Lead, Sherwin* W llli iiiih Piibit-i, Satiaumm Paluin and AlidiitHllin*, the r-aaihirv w«ll eoaliuM.

»lnp A L«'*, L’ailiphe ll'n Ynm lnh , Sbitus, Ut on/i* Powdeis and PinmielM, A.dHt«' Calm s and Supplies , Kodaks and Hup>

jille'i. Developlhjf illld P lIu lh lK . Hl^ll I'ldntluK a Hperiiilty.

The First National BankPorth Amboy, N. J .

V eil'd Sink'll D i'iii^ltdiy for I'nblli; MoncyN,

l)u|Kmliury for lliu Hlnli; of New jiM'iiuy.

DepoMlory ful the Cmmtv of Mlddlencx, N , J.

. nc-jiimllory for the City or Pcilh Amboy, H, J,

Cnpllo l j— .. — ................. ...................- 8 1 0 0 .0 0 0 00Enrnpd Ourpluo it Proflto Undlvldod-. 120 ,000 00 Btoakholiiora' Liability Undor LnW.. . 100 ,000 00Doponlte Subloot to C hoquo ............ 1 ,400 ,000 0 0

IiiltrcHt pnlil on biiliinci.'H Mtlijcci to clicek:

$500 lo a per ctriit; £ 1,1100 and up percent.

AccountH fsollcited.

i r ,u u ; .T 0 N 1' i s i r k h a n ,




y f y v y y T i r "r v v v ▼ v v 1

J. A. WALLING,CnniiiiciTkd H lock, M iiiinvan,

Fur lho L1IH0 Ones.

N' J.

l)u ii.,1 lli‘|;tei:t lilt: lllllt: ouch |„i

tlicy will Hiihv mid ln'i'oim; yoliii|; nii'ii .m il women Imlun: we

know il.

T I1011 w liy no t lul tlii 'in cmne

i iio un d lu tlio

K iN & E R G A R T E NAT

O L G N W O O I) IN t ; r IT U T L

111 J-j 1 (-rin, o lo 11 : ;n 11. in.

Wi- l:cep I Ill-Ill p lu isiilllly mill

iii'-.liui'llvi'ly i-m|iIov'.-d,( ' ill n! \rnI - ii-i nhnii! it.

vi. c .- w a h 11 / . r.i;;, i n n . 1

h a l f-b a r r e l baskets i• - 3101’IUt I1UNI)I<I:I).

UWN MOWERS $3.00, $3.50 to $7.00. I


2.4(1. 2.7S.0<|l. 3 .50 .

.‘Tt!tr inh'r.u rt; v.T’■< r; r< r. i ■ !.r<v: > f . i .* j i ' ■ j < li i r! rju t» ! 1j , ? i i < ‘ t »rjij,

TV&iiner's fPrivate School■w I I I

P I1 IB M C 2( ifi.A'f 'il Mi did» will bn ;;heii III both Slioillnmd and Tvpt'Wilt*SjJ'.i ftfl'H 11,t/' ii in i'tit h ol tht' Inllmvbij; : '

'tY I^V M M T IN O , fS M O rm iA N D , UAPID C A LC U I.A T IO N ,

a r a .U N a , p k n m a n h h ip .

) i o l d . n .

Ttu* a<nH*'H Ilu ,p-.v . M ’

)|>| li III all to||||.’‘r f lmh'Dl'i o| tile lu bnul, I",' I II-",!■ Ill nlll'iabolrn ilili i ||)< 1 III’ . i! ,

I M ' ll '.'iL'*.! •> •


S n u b b e d**J #hfl!l snub h im ," declarod Jlay,

vindictively. ' J hatu ‘lions . 1 " tiiiu

sniffed w ith dlbduln, aud lanco;l At

tb© adm iring circle about hyr, "J iu t,

JUOV fijio a tu la lt il Alice, who wuh chairman uf (he dunce committee,

know he‘r» heard mi much about you, captain of tho basket ba!J team,

and all th a t— of course, lie'll expect

you to danco with h im at Ji<ut*C twice.1' Atlco U14 not want tho

£uest of honor to find the danco

lacking in uny reaped. Kay tossed her head. “ I shall not liancs w ith

t lm at a ll, she tu id , grlu ily ; mul

everyone knew thnt stie mount what pbo eaid.

It was an unusual thing for a girl to do— to refuse la udvauce to meet the guest of honor— the loader ot the Glee Club, which the girls of Glover Hall were to entertain at a dance after enjoying a concert by tbe club.

At the concert Ray could not sup­press a look of triumph at Alice. The leader of the club was rather self-important looking. "1 knew I shouldn't llko him,’ she whispered, “ Emily has talked so ranch about him that I'm elck of his very name.I always doteit people 1 am expected to like .' I- like the second bass,” designating ft good looking but un­important youth In the back row. I shall ask to be Introduced to him/* Which sho did, after tho concert had been smoothly but hurriedly ron- dored.

The socond bass smiled wisely, nnd, gladly acknowledged his Intro­duction to Hay, tha prettiest girl ia tbo toom. ‘T il boo that you meet oil our boat men,” ho told her, ut onco, "Ilero ’i Hob, onr leader, now» I 'l l net him--" lin t liny Inter­rupted.

'Tvo left my wrap In tho othor JitvU," aho snld; “ xvimUl you mini) get­ting It. for me?" The (lunger waa averted for mice. A ilttlo Inter, tvh*»n hay again mut tho ho.vih I b.i a' ho glnuoed ut Ium* curd tho \w\ danco hnd not boon taken.

“Now, 1*11 got Holt for tlmt fan dunce,*' !u» v.ilunu'oio;l, Uny blush pd, nml darlotj a Klnnuhtrly pleudtnu Itluuco ul him. “ 1 wuh unvltig that dance for-'Well, for you," aho mam* iperod. "It will malm ouly five," Tho yonng man looked vory queer, but ii M'lni'il grnieful. "I didn't tlni’v* to u*ik for It," hu murmured. liny could only smile, although nho was dying lo explain Iter tavor.

Uul when tlio lupt dunce nrrlved,

up hiidu |ho second bast, arm in nrm with the leader ot tho dub. " 1'iV hasn't hud it dune* with you thin evening." * 'td Uo tu Uuy, 'Vo Wontfreed tu abdicate In hU favor." IIo beamed ut Uuy and ut tho Umx'ov llko a benevolent Rotlfnthor, Uny won furious. Mho hud spoilt thu evening dodging the lendei; should she give lu now, lu bo ridiculed by All tlie jilil* who hnd heard her vow eho would not dance with him?

"Pm vory sorry,'* sho said, lunor- Intr tho leader. "Yon svu», I'm really too Ihuil to danco ukuIu, Hut cf course I Wouldn't ilupiivo your frletul of tho pleasure, Hero's hit nlntor now,*' uml nho engor*y wel­comed Ktnlly, who nppi'uted nt. tlm nilnuto; then, without a word, Kn,v led the eristfalleu burnt tu a cosey corner, “ I mnv us woll explain/* sho Mli\ stiffly, xvhoi Bho oh«»rve'\ that ht:r companion wan vainly try* Ins to stifle hU Jaightor, "Aw n nintHr of fact 1 hud mads un my nxltul not to dance wtih your lemUv. rvo heard ro much about him that I ftm tlicd ot h’nx, I knew lu»\l U pampered nnd petted an.I conceit 'd and would condescend nud lietrl. and All that, and I Just determined that ho shouldn’t get a chance ta pntronlio me. I hate popular tueu,1 8 ho stopped ohort us Bhe caurUI sight of her partner's laco. JHe hnd just brfath enough to gasp at Ktnlly, v h o once more apprcached: "You tell her," and theu ho guvo way to Ms mcrrlnu'ut, burying U1b face \n

ft pillow,

t "\V«ll, Ilay," said Rtnlly, " I knew you‘d like Uobert when jou mot httn but you were so obstinate 1 i*ld«*t know whai to do. tfo I tr.ld him t\'\ about It, how you Fald nothing wou'd Induce you to dance with him, and how >ou hiNted popnlnr me«, nnd so ho fiot one of the other hoys, a p-:r» fi«ct Rwclled head, who only U " j*lnO o( the chance, to t.\Ko hla and load tho club tonUUt* Ant tt wu?* really too funny the wny \ ou KinnUd Itohcvt out, uuvl asked fer an Introduction, and overjlhlni:.**

Kmlly paused for hr*ath. Th i'1' whs n rdleni'o. durlnp which l\Mlnr'\» m ltlh imddonly v.uiIMm ,! wn.l he m\! up. looklMK appealingly mid d>; t •-

entltifily at 15ny.

Thut youin: hidv .V Mlrm;th nl\o hmlled. "Anyhow ,M *h*

pu1d» "Vvo told him ver» vtdnly i,:y nplnton of p.u>oL\r men in i:<’iunv>."

he ns.-eoled var.»‘V\>.

hilt In partleutarT"

i . ~ r . i i t * s : r . tcj .v i c .

M tju l i l l-'Iown F ro m ‘f w i h o f C om b

to tin* lle u il,

A (‘aIifornl:i tjiaxi ha3 dovli*il a u f t i q o v v u n t r i v i v u e e t o u t n t . i t t b . i i * » m

who fears baldne** uud b try iiw |o

ct?»:ct u cure with hair lonirtt t*r ro- fiftutrn. It In well umlerMood thnt

in the nppllcaf lon ;> of n i l of theno

ha ir revlvitlurtf, the tonic must b o

thoroughly aud e f^c luu lly rubbed

l iq u id Drops From Comb,

in to the scalp. To apply the liqu id and tho rubb ing to greatest ad­

vantage is the purpose of tho novel

comb. The teeth ot tho comb are

ol unusual shupe, being curved to

conform to tho roundneeB o t tho head. At ono ond of the comb he

places a rcservlor and tho bu lh, small

paaHage8 connecting tha reservoir

and tho teeth o f th*» tomb. The

squeeze of the bu lb force* tho liqu id (w h ich Is stored in the roBnvoIr)

through the teeth of tho comb and

onto tho head. Thd cane with which

tho tonic cun b j uppUoA to tho comb

w ill be instantly up|uu«ut.

i io .m i; UJOKINU.

l(UH%lutl S.UHlwlcltC*.

Kpvend rophyrettoH with th in

i'.Hcir tif ereuiu ohcero; rover with' chopped olives mixed wuu muyou- unite. IMueo a vephyrctle over each nnd prt hH toxetlier.

[ilirlmj' \Yi ),*le,

Uno can nlnlmpn, l. ijlut. cream. 1 can of pwii, 1! tahleapi: uTuVi of IKmr niivt-d with water ilirl u, /;ihloapoon~ fut t>f buttor. Put.lull!;.into chuflorf dlull or duahlo holler, und Jutd hr Toro !• boilu luld the mixed Hour and water, o ttnhri eon*;luully to prevent luniplmi. When thli<k add utirlmp und peao. t'oo'.\ l'» mlnutew, and iu**t befoje tuMvlu-; add buttor, ^alt i\nd u dash of \ i.>enav, t'wvo with (oai'tid nultlmu. or Itltuee nand- «U‘Ue.t,

lllchory Nut C«Ue, %

Hero Ik a i;ool rccljv fur hickory put cake: Crt'am a cupful of s u ^ r . half u cupful of butter and add Ihu yolkn of two otigst, Hlfl tOKether two cupfullN of lluur, a teaHpoonful of eodu. Malve u cavity in tho center of thu (lour and pour the othor In* gredlentt Into it, tfruduuUy mixing nil togother. Add a cupful ot hick­ory nuts nnd raisins m lnm l: lastly tho vhltew ot two i'kru, Add Just a Ilttlo milk It tho butter mndd >iuoro molntentttK. Itako lu broiul, vhallovv paitH, cut Into uqnaroa and (ro<t, decorating the toy ot oucU Btjuaro with thn*o hickory nut meats.

o m W O M E X 0 7 I- T F T Y

citiTji::-; n ,uM tjiiovT . l l i i J >\ H A C K H K A X

tJ.'ie Muy tU i Much fo Make Ilorxelf

Ciiarmltik* tn Drefcs nml Mnunci^—

t ilf iu ld Not Itesort (o Ailiiket# l<»

l)l>«yuUe Age.

F K K tllS G 1 O U M IU C AN D Y K A U

New W ay to Ilsko PetnteeH.

Take off the rear .covers of your

m nuo und place tho potatoes In tho opavo on top of the ovwn nud r^pS.xco

tho covers, lt In well to turn them

when utmut ha lf done: the drafts

ot the stove muy Uw* left dosed, nud In nu hour or losm the potatoes nro

evenly baked. T his w}th no watch*

lng or extra Ore.


|,e;uli tu Coke M ilking.

lY tinavhun tu rtlllw leadr. In t-M

numlH'r Oi hor coke-nmkim; pl.uvt *. m\n H-\ :nv.l "'.'li pi i'll Uv'i In wr.r. per cent, of the count*

ry ‘R tota l output of coke. I'U teen

\rnr« t*i*foie the petvenlapo wan over H4 *fho rcpvvfented tv\ t ’o»

i*ntrthll«hnicnts of thh country U i » t 2 ,H*», nud ?he tota l nutnbor of

’ ...... I* IU now.

ftlmnpe thnt no thoufthttol per*

ion l-a». thowKht to ii«k (or fiilrcrlt*t||ofl to enable him to maks

B .i.'i'ti tu. th" I’"!" lbro>\s,tLaii!tU!S'-

1>mI Idxer till An n 1<\ki(],

Nine p?mm* out of every ten Oilnk of cod liver oil au a medicine. Slnc'o It Is »o reRnvded tt has to «hatx» tho odium of all medlclno^

Wsv people use It nnle«a It la pre­scribed by n physician. Now, cod liver oil ts a nunttctue lu tho seuso thnt it Is wonderfully effective ki the treatment of many dlsoAsc:*, hut It Io not n medicine lu‘, the popularly accepted nie.inlnfi of the term, i'ha l t:». It h not a drui:. Cod lives oil [» primarily « food. Perhaps tho most accurate way .to-. de:*erlbu It would be to call it a Miedlelnal food.

The Vac I that nothlns cIhi) o(]ualM it a* a )>redi»cci o* strenath In tht* bod> almev-l unHniUed pop-ilhillth'H of u.v in tho dirt. Where* i’u now cod liver eiil W vavcly lakeix e\eept a» n me,llctae.. It couhl ho r.:id unlxer.-ally e. to.^l with i:u>'A f.iiit) ijr^ u.'ult.\.

It Is . ihln-: t'.: '» th** ele-

l n n:.« ot co l Ilv.-r o il hu'.»> been

; o ‘et>iu ‘i| b> u a tn r :1 in the m uM m ?

o i tha t o;l a Kl.t’ l w.!iK>!i M)ip^s>:e.H

i\M Juitii. n . I;. ;oi t iy o r »\o;» hvunuu

kimwU'd.'.*'. H )> i>n e'-u. it ih ln ;; co.I lik.T i'i| j. , v, K ov.ijdex

tHat, In r-vt'e o' C\e l'iiiv l p.di^tal.Jus;nnd dllti.em t.ui «tUaUi»n,

uo iiihu Iomi } e’ t'•••l*. U» d\s-co\cr any of tlie ele»iiv'at‘« whlolt enter Into tt> eompo^itiau.

M ucil:ii;e fu r l):;i t\lu’j lh e *M ,‘*.

A novel wav of ir.endliut a ^>olen or Mill drvM* In whlcli a hole bus been torn, nnd whcr* only a paK'h will remedy ';iutte» «. H the follow- Itift: The'd purtlonn ntound tho tear nhould be very carefully trim* ip-aI aud smoothed, nnd a phve of ile» material motnteneo wuu r»’ry tblti inucDajje tdaeed nnder the hole, A heavy weight idiould l>e put upon It « ntU U Ia dry, when It la only pov.»ib!e to db-eaver the mcntf'*! place t>* v.netv.l olutorvatlon.

O ur lCuropean crltlca ^rc fond of

saying that Am erican society

dom inated eutircly by tho >ouug

yuiHon. This used to be pretty nearly true, but it la true no longer.

Un the contrary, it may bu claimed,

u n i ununawerablo argum cnti ud- vuucej to prove it, th a t iho woman

cf fifty holds tho contro lling social

hand In moat Am erican communities!.

Probabiy no ono who lias not

studied tho work o f tho women's clubs uad patrio tic aad ph ilan ­

thropic societies has any idea of tno extent to which they have increased

tho capacity and the happiness of the

mlddle-a^ed woman. Ono of W il­

liam Morris* moat strik ing Hues Is

this:Tho happy are tho masters of tho

earth.In China, tho o lder a wouum be­

comes the happier aho is. Tho same

th ing is gradually becoming true,

as It ought to be, in this country.

And when you become happy, you

becomo powerful.The woman ot flfty among us

m ight as well appreciate tho fact;

She Is now a chief factor In the higher c lv llita tloa, and It behooves

her to sclte her scepter and mako

the most of her position.To this end, lot hoi beware ot tho

ways ot tho kfttou. They may do

for tho maiden of seventeen, hut

they becomo rtdlculoua whoa muted

w ith gray hairs. Cooing aud fr isk ­

ing uud glKBllntf aro uot for tho wo*

umn of fifty, except in the retirement

of hor own homo, ISveu if Bhe bo

lucurably llgh t-m lndua . she must

learn when In public to express her

fi Ivoltty lu u ulald way. or bo lu- suffernble. An the Diiko of York

said of himself in tho play, »,he must

have “not u thought but thiusu ou

dlUuHy." > (iIt has been fashionable during

lato yearn (or elderly women lo wear

dollruto pinkii. blnoa and' lavender*!

— uud even rather violent nhudeu of tUwo colors, which ly all very well

(or the handsome uuuj hut ro*

member that tine- 1 ij; !11 tlm * mako

one very conspicuous. You cnunot

usually hour them, uulew* jou are

Kood looking;,The woman of llfty, U she umounts

to nnythitu; at ail. w ill probably have

a few wrinkles, Uy cultivating em­

bonpoint nho can escape thorn. Hut,

since etendvvncHs atul dollvuey o( tty;*

u io are fuRhlonable, the face must

sluwo lu thla getieval uicac.ei ne-.m’ - ond the Ihh i face in hotim l to wrlnklo

by the tlmo tho Into forties are

reached.Ortty hair comen w ith wrinkles,

Fortunately, the old*ttmo hair*dyo

hun luntcly dhappoarin l amoun de*

ceut people, tlray lm lr U oftou a

dlsadvnatuKO to thoso who work for

U Hvluu— bu*« for others It may bo

desirable.W omen who try h a rd to m b out

their wrluklos and color tholr hair

fovROt thla sounA- ru le . Appvoprl-

ntouesH and consistency uro great — perhaps the greatest— considerations

lo keep In mind In matters ot this

kltxd. W rinkles uud gray hair and

certain unm istakable uuglCB, and pe­

culiarities of llKure go with advanc*

lug .Nears. A sense o f offenslvo nr-

titlclallty marks any case lu which the usual accompaniments of par­

ticu lar timer, of life ure wanting.

Thoro aro, as It were, anachronisms.

The qualities do not '’’cowparo," and

the artistic eye Is shocked.

lt la well enough for the woman of

fifty to upo u ccrUilu amount o l

“ cerate" on her fsco tth o jg h l l U

probably useless nnd w ill oaly msl.v

it downy); to be careful wbeu fc*r-

sleejw, that the flesh o f ber cheek

Is pulled up, aud not down; to tat.- maspano aud "physical culture ," und

esi'OClaUy to devote a ttention to the niceties of dresB, be ing carefut not

to overdo It. Uut the must remem­

ber that i»he has reached “a certain

at;o"“ and, however she may de*

p lu io the la d and dete im lne to rori.

coal It. It w ill not.There Is cotnoihlii!; coutumptlbln

In trying to hide oae'n ase •••■-unless,

perhaps, one's living depends upon

it. iu most Instances, all sueh eflorts are ueelcfn. TIhto arc vamic.

but KUre, InJlei:tioa-.v ‘.vhleli. Jo the

obrorvlun eye, number jo u r >ears, O woman! and tlu> nni?l mu!li;nltied

th ln j; whieh >i».i c;.:i do Is to try to deceive the matter.

I n s h o r t , th e m a in cfTort s h o u ld

h o , le t u s r a v . lo m a k e o n e 's u p pe a t-

u t v e u s v iu p h e u y , n s I t w e ro , o f

w h ie h ou«*'n e!’,e It; Mu* k iiy n oU ' n n d

o l w h ic h t h e d i iu l ir t a n * lost ia th o

b t a u l> a n d d l.M h u t i o n o f th e

w h o le . I t I:; th o fm1> x*ay in w h ic h

o n e lim y , to l i o p le o a t r . o ld

p lu a i 'e , " j . r o w o l .l j ; i j ; c o f u l ly ,” - - IIok*

to n l ’»*: t.

\etfetab|e Ih tlr ,

Ono of the iiuv t lu te n v tlu t

thinij-.h periiuiH le.ivt knonu lud*i/-

trie;i of Algeria l.« tho i ro»luctloa of

\cf • taide hair. Thin h a l*1 or 11!’;-.- l^ lufob* fnoo ih < dw utf pnlm which

nro«H In lur«o iiuantliles nloujt the

eoa^t of A lgeiia . A few >ears iiko

this plant was hndied upon in a uso- lei»s wri-d; now H has been found to

evmnln a im\»t useful tlbrr r.nd ta

r r.:.;!.: ..?Ui. Th. r,hv» U au ev-oWeul imhslttuto for horn.'- halr and Is In Krcat demand ninnim

upbohtere is, uiattreftn makers, bar­

ney? makers aud earrlnno bu lldeis

ou tho rontlnent for tho cheaper

class of fcood*.

Jiurlcy Mulic*. u Nice. Ita tlou Where

Corn Im \ot P len tifu l,

Hnard’o Dairym an gives tho fol­lowing BUgoCStioDa for feeding barley

Instead of corn: llarley takes-the

the placo of corn for feeding dairy

cows, and v<? therefore suggest that

a m ixture of bruu and hurley equal parts by weight ho made, and for

each 2.5 to 3.0 pounds of m ilk pro­

duced, feed ono pound of the com­

bination, together w ith nil tho al­

fa lfa hay the cowe w ill consume.

It is possible, to fend too much old

meal, V»l tkero is no dunger Ia feed­

ing two pounds per day.A calf four weeks or moro of cge.

should hove, a t least, 12 to 15

pounds of Bkiromllk per day, and un­

less exceptionally good inducements

aro offered for tho sk im m ilk , wo

would not scrimp the calf.

Give the new calf about 3 pounds

of m ilk at a feed; gradually increas­

ing the allowance nB the calf de­

mands It. A t the ond of ten days or

two weeks,add some sk im m ilk nnd

decrease the whole m ilk ; continue

un til tho calf Ib on sk im m ilk entirely — increasing the allowance rb tho

calf grows Inrgor, Select somo line

a lfa lfa hay and pu t beforo it at a

x'ery early ago and also n Ilttlo

ground barley. Calves w ill learn to

eat when rathor young If given nn

opportunity. QIvo tho calf u liberal

allowance or a lfa lfa— not too much, or It will physic lt. Harloy Is a

good feed for cnlvoB nnd should be

fed right after m ilk ing .Oil meal may bo fed dry or put

In the m ilk. W o th ink , however, Il

la better to feed It dry w ith tbo

barley meal. A sm all hnndl’u! of oil

meal Is about tho usunly nllmvnnou

for ealvcs.Thoro Is practically no dlfTcronco

between shorts and m iddlings. Mid*

dilutes should not. contain nny of tho

outidde layer of tho wheat, kernel;

idiorts contain both hrau and m id­

d l in g ground together.

Outctno 'H C onduc iv e to M ilk O lv lng .

An KhKllsh da irym an,nftor Investi­

gating the subject caief'uily bellovoi that tho quietIIOMU of tho cow regu­

lates tbo presoueo of fat to a largo

extent, Ho belloxes. that If tho rows

nve kept quiet they w ill increase the

production of fat, whllo tho they are

comdnutly disturbed, tho quantltv

of fat will be grentl.v reduced. Uo

says that tho system of tethering

cattle practiced In tho Istuml of

.tevsey vesulU In freedom from on-

cltomoni, nml that this quiet bus ro*

suited lu the course of nonerntlouB

lu very grcntly Increasing the quan­

tity of fat In Jersey m ilk . Many

American dairymen w iil accept this theory quite readily, no they hnvo

thcmxclvcn found that uny unumuO

dlpturbunro among tho cows affects

the butter production,— liven If gen­

tleness and quietness do not prodio.o

Oils pa ith ’iilar result In butter mak­

ing, thoro Is some satlsfnctlon to the

m ilkm an thnt calmness of temper ott

hla part Is generally reflected by u sim ilar 011111010 on tho part of tho

cow, so Ihe m ilk ing process proceeds

w ithout Interruption.

I'xilutv of the M ilk ing Machine.

II ts beginning to be underslool

thnt a m ilk ing machine w ill m ilk

cown us thoroiiKhly ns tho nvcniK'* m tlker. Some cows give moro m ilk

w ith a rmchlno tlm n when m ilked

by finod whllo others glvo less, (t

i t eitremely necessary for the trtan

In charge to fu lly undeiTtaad how to y;<-ralo □ m ilk ing machine. To

tvsr.b the highest d.*Kree of success

eoti» I ’joyld be selected and bred to \o machine m ilk ing . If

thl* Jsct^r It tnki'ii Into eoiiHidera-

M m ennvMng m ilk ing w ill In time bo equally fc» surrfWHful os the best

b&rcd t»!!Mng and much of tho drudff**-} *if d:»try work w ill ho laid

sway on shelf w ith a lot of

oth»*r antt'ivAted customs which

uore « I'-int up<|«.r «!fl-fashloncd

farm <o*idmofo« -l't«*ld and Fnrm.

N O T I C E !I w i s l i io uuy to o n r cMSlonitr»

one-nuil a il , t lia t m itv v illih tnm iiu g

o u r n i is io r u u ie in Im n ii i i f ; o u t , w o

.still h a w on lia in l u fa ir .stock u f

Doors, Mouldings, Trim, Etc,,in o u r s to re roo m , m u l we l l i iu k

p le n ty o f .


for all demands, and with n little

more tlmn the usual notice we cau

furnisb anything in our line na



Robert Armellino.THE SHOEMAKER,

has opened a shop for himself in ths building

Adj. ihe Matawan House.He will be pleased to see his old

customers and w ill deliver work when promised. Your patronage solicited. Shoes Shined. .


ROSE - HILL - CEMETERYGravnn sodded, Iuib nutiiolled «nd fer

till*'”',RrnsH aeeu town,wnlk,graveled nnd nil work « jipert n.1 nl dr to oeinetory lot* promptly nttnidnd to.

W ill u k e u n ttre u lu v c K e o U o ti (o r t l a yenr.

O rdorn li'tt n t m y rm ld nn o e npRr the ciRini'ti'ry or n t the ranld«no« o f .Tuoolj M c inznr.m 'nrly (i|i|hmI1ii ihtt omnotery, * i: r^uolv»)iri)m pt(*U i>ntlon.


FRUIT GROWERS!Wheit you lmve to sprny yqtir

tn-rn conn; nnit limit nt the " Ilttlo Wonder" Standard Spray Pittpp, nnd Kct with it tliu Ibnmiln for Spray Mixture, Aim) not your Mniiiu Ouniici, Ori'itinl l-'ish nml Potnto lHTtilizerH nt

VI. D . BAILE\’S,M A T A W A N . N . J .

W a f e c h c s , G I o g I ^ S

a n d J e w e l r y . .

UlCPAIRINOIn nil hrancheN finally nml promptly done and OUAUANTHItD. Anything left at tho store of U. lledto Si Son will reccive prompt aUeutlon. ,

H . H A R D Y .____________ Myiir JlKiniTBii m n lln n

m o t i c ^ ET "7f you hitve wutclie.l, clocks or

iewclry In need of repair, leave them nt Mr, X. T. Rttc's, Main S t,, Mntawnn. Work promptly attend* ed to.— 1„ C. ST ARK .

Castings to Order,— A L 8 0 —

M achine Shop Work.M ataw an S teel & Iron Company

M A T A W A N , N» J .

1*o«k! iM'iirioratttKt,

f ir . Wlh-y, of the d ep ar tm en t of

ftV .v leu ttw . hurt d l I bv :\ lo ng

s«-iie< of |i»«i i i i i* n ts tha t when

p l a c d in “ 'M tii 11 k hi'Ktmi to

dete riorate r lhi i f av.ny nnd mi doe*

cream . 1-U:i:h a!:>o b -iiin flelerlo-

la te im n ird la te ly , I ’m |t J.t Im p r o v d

u n i Mi:iie;ltii<ii continue '^ (o do no

for th ic e m ou ths . Meut Im prove i

ui* to nt'«itit fi\ or wool;a hut

tl.f.-- rm ., h ir .tched

th " tiiu\l ui ii m ii u<t tho u It iik to

pn dow n n o in iilt 'T lim v ) ju id it Is

fio ^<n . O sstoM opt'n i'd uud ’d ilpped

la b u ck e t ' sh o u ld be pro\ r»ted f lo ’d

eai< i lin; la 'c : 'tu tr co i.ilue i co nu thev

ai** d.'i. I hut Ih iii'i' ch ipped In i.civic,|

. :um m.i> >■** ail right.

The C roum S epara to r .

It bun become a w oll-sottled von*

v ir il- ii llm t a giiod e ie a m u.-poralor

l» oae ol the epreu tlu l t h in e " in

pro iltab le d u io l i iK . T h is is found to

lie ro tn tw o plum es o f the hun lliem ,

1 . lu lh<' incromuwl pav ing o l

ere im and m oro b u tte r .

In feed ing the pu re nweet

sk im m ilk .

A dn lrym en w ho heR nn thren v e n n

n»ti» m m i nl* enws, a n d hnh Inrrenned

th o nnm hn r to 2 2 . snyn ho snves In

the tw o ways n am ed e n o u g h to buy

tw o fepixrfttors a yea r , a n d th a t his

ropnrn to r has rout h im In ropnlrs

oa ly |3.3f> lu nearly threo years.—

In d ia n a Fn rm sr,


for hn lch iii> ;, n lso fine ln rgc to m s

nnd liens for sn le. 10 londs o f p u re

hen in nu u re for snle.

R o sk tkk is P o u i .t h v 1’ r.ANT,

I'ro n cn n , N. J.,

| n onAN ttr.nv o f n i ;\v j h i ih k y .

lint'' Wl.., li1, Vu'tli'rU'fi Wli'Vln tillil Anllll Jim ' ' ..

llv vlilw .','l un urtli'r nUhi' ('mut of Clmn- c'.'i y ,.l fi-w Jim**>'y, iiiuihi oil lli<< tlnlt, li.'it'i.r. ill il euUi'i’ wlieit'lu .htl ti p J.kiVtl. lMe'‘mpllllM" unt, uud VHn uudatkw A nve defendants, you uro teiiu licdi.* up|M>iii' and plead, demur o r iniMv.'i t ■ > i J»i> I*.mu|>1 <t111n11'tm lilll mi orhnfon* IIm< ilt'.i .lavut .\ i«u-U next. »»v tlio M\ldblll will Uo um f-.hicHscd nuaiied y<ui,

I h>» *-uid b lit l>* l l le d fo r H ie p u rp o s e t if fu re- ' ‘>•'*'1111.' a e t 'i 'in 'u in o i lm i i je m n d n by J o h n

I i ' i<‘ m id M nry W l,.\ ,. b h w ire , in t l n n t h o r l^ .i- iv . d i i e t l . i n b i',iih . i ^ i i , f,,1 a r.-i-.»ided I n

h u i i-ik »; i- n if ' «if M u m m n it l i ( ’o u n tv . Inb.vok i, i .a Mi.rtifiuv^. I- .\t\ ,1 111V Vllth,• • "i. mu Inn.| in th-' fli'o-uuii of Maiuwan, N.. ? ■‘“ MO f'lentl prepeily of He*i1 u i-V i*'\ le, ibM'cnHi'd 5 aud ymi O'os-dd UiiHe 0 love, I i. il.Mlt’k W|ev|e and Anna Mnv « " ’i ''l,!!"'- " ' " ’I'' di'fendmilH, bceii«l>*o yep, k.-ill" \\ !e\u> 11 tu t • iv iln b lu t doWt't in m id eiMi Iim -."I pi..peii v nh tin. nld iin of 1-Ve'h‘Hek W I1' i“. lid i-ieteil, w li,. wim > me nf I lie children mi-IIomis '0 lm .»] ,11tint VYlvUc, deci>ti*\Mi; tind \ "ii I ii'ili’ ! li I. \V|in |.‘ mul Anna Mac)''' ' *"•. i,1- ‘; ill'bfii din! In'll*.hi.Inw ef MildI ii'ili'ii.'k Wii-\ic, ...... . who claim an■''mul 111<• lin).11 -,l i<nc-iiilrd h.ieivM In Mtdd iii"iimu;i'i i-icmlM.H, sul'M i iu Un, , iM|,t ,,|

1,1 ........ .n . . M ,UM*S v- Snllcll'U pri.M,.,Puled Mm :ii, 1" <; MiOaMun, N, J-

Mi Mi >< I I I O U 'X T V P l . i l AM I ’ O t 'K ' r ,i Mi ‘ '"Httu i. NmIU c uf n tuehm tn t.

, i t*‘ t t j ' ' " . o l , P l .d t it l l l ' ,v < J r n m ir U oM, N\ it It. I 'i f r m lm il .

N’t'tlv*' It lie11>l>v u U v n j I m l u w i l l n fu U m d i- in r n l . i» t i ' i i ‘ mi i t i.t n i i . i | . ^ C . } 1 ii I tui 11 UK R Itl * t Ml». .Util 1‘IV tlltH , IIJMIM'VH n tlll iMU't'l*..

niel tlmiifi-,. laiuU mul I« 11«»nontm ..fb niOH'U r M. ' .V t fk . II it < <ii I <‘H Ul a- ll I t lr t 'tu r , fo r " , • • I . . . i i » 'iiiim i >..i iii i « nml m i u < l l i t r f . . in - f«H iin l ti-.i! cf lh«' T n u M i* tI VW hm on I l ie 1 i m l V hU H l iln v «d P f l i-• “ m v . A . t>. i i ' t c l t l t n n l . l t ' on tlio h v td M b > «»» " ( M io r l i , s. |». tmh l n ' i t i.ri v i'd n n d •lid v «• vr> uu-1, n n d wwh it- u u m n l e n i l n ' »\i«l «tnv Ol M io.-lt, A l>. liy ttie H h v r l i r o ftill' i M'tOV .if \t n n m iM 'lll

t • ii i i '.t , June »*i l u A. t». M>r.I 'M l I ' l l i *!:'<M'M r ,

OUS P . | .t n p A* I




Finis! Tbs man worklug away for dear life in the Fading twilight that June evening wrote the magio word, lay down hla pen and lookod about Mm for the first time In two solid hours. A t last his wonderful symphony was writton, yen; not

another noto would he add,, not a Blnglo bar revise; it should go before the judges In that big contest be w»u driv ing inlght and main to win Junt as It lay, there— the crown of tlx woeka' toll, the best that was la him, tho fair flower ol his achievo-

m ent that was surely destined to bring famo and fortune, maybe some­th ing Btlll more precious In Its train.

His chance: the golden opportunity of a lifetime! “ Two hundred guin­eas and n eold medal tor the best

symphony by a British composer." A ll unexpectedly It had fallen out, bringing with It a golden viBta to his Slowing thoughts. Oace let him win that, in d everything wns simpllfled. Old Farley Ainsworth,' most generous o f benefactors, wouM laugh now at tbe biro Iden of catling him son-ln law; such a possibility as the lad be )>ad befriended daring to fall In lovo ■with his own daughter had novor en- tored tbo lioud of thq proud, musln- loving old squire, or ho would hnvi taken speedy monns to nip the ro

manco In tho bud. llut afterward— It nooniod to Slophun Otway that

a ll tha faco of Nature would be changed at thnt oim stroke. illalng from (lie tnblo at which bo had boen working, he wont to the plaoo anil began to play. Tb* man who b id ■oftly. opened tbo door and stopped losldo halted Involuntarily i t tho «ound of that strange, sweet molody,

"Steve, you miracle, what'a thatf Not— not thq symphony! You don't mean Itl Why, waa, it's wonderful; no one elsa can evor hope to w in!"

"You think so?" lie hud broken off abruptly, " I do not know what to think. Boinetlmoi I am full of oonfldencoi at others— Anyhow, It'* nnlnhod! t am fagged out— went reit. I havo ovou thought of going down bom* for u dny or two to— "

" Y n i not a bad Idoa, old chap; It would do you goad without u doubt," That hosliatlng pause. "1— I only wish mlno Imd hnlr such it elmnooj I lay Stsvo, tnlklng ot homo— 1"

"Vosf" Stephen Otway looked ac­ross Inquiringly; the change ot tons wna not to bo mistaken.

" I — i— oh, look huro, how am I to iny It? The fnct Is, 1‘vo boon it fool nnd got Into a mess ngaln,' Will you lonil tun somo monoy (IU my nest cliuok conum? I nnut havo llfty pounds by to-morrow or olso It's ruin, mul I dmim't go to tbo (lour nlil governor ngcln, It would break bla' Itiinrl,”

Fifty poundo?"

Yo-cb, 1 know I'vo hnd n run of [bud luck Intoly, but I'd no lilen It i'u» nu much until to-day. I'vo icrapod up sovon from nomowhorn, tu vo, you’ru my only hopo. Boo mo hrough thin 01160, and 1 promUii ever tn touch 11 curd nguln us long > 1 live— yes, honor bright!"

_ Klfty pounds! flloplien Otwny'n fffuco grow grnvo as ho turnod a way,■ This wan not the flret tlmo thnt Cllvo f Ainsworth'Imd »oma lo borrow from I him, llo pitused a whllo bt/oro re> f l>lylng.

"hook hero, Gllvo; I nni n poor man, un you know. 1 do not possonu llfty .pound in nil tbo world; nnd If 1 Icnil you wlmt I hnvo ll will bn on ono condition ouly— thut you uovur linmtlo card ur tllcc ngnln, What gnnrnntco can you nlvo inn— "

"Ounrunlcol" The ollior flarod Up holly in u momont. "W lmt tlio dlolt- 0H8 aro you hinting nt Otway? Hnvo I not Just given you my word?"

“ Yon— for tlio third tlmo. Twioo lieforo I Imvo helped you out of n ulmllnr illlTleiilly nn nlmllnr terms.1 boo no unit In going on like thin— 110

" I sooi" Tho snoor wu* abvlnus. “ You do nol mind my fntliot’ upend­ing n buutlroil pounds on you, soml- tuir you hoio to uliuly nml all tho rust of It, bocnuBo lio fanriod ho »n.v » ppnrk of tnlont noinowhoro In yon; but whon It coiiiob to lending 1110 n paltry Ion or twenty you h-wltnto! I nduilro your goneroslty, your jm lilo'Or porlmim you Imvo forgotten--"

*'1 liuv forgotten noth ing ." 'th iit

•whlto sot fnco w ould linve nuivotl an-

o lhor nmn to ;i|ty, lf not shtimn.

"Y ou r fntlior linn ho<m tlio k lnd in t,

most gpnel'ouft of moil !■> nut; mid

I can never by any chance forgot hlu

Ktmiitiuiw. I would do ony lliln if lo

nnve h im luiln, nutl If only 1 0011I1I th ink tlm t y o u — "

‘ ‘Oh, don't rnmini'lieo to prnaoli! I'vn lienril tho Inin until I'm tired of It. I know i'n i no milnt— I novor wan Mint I'vo never lot. n friend go

to the wall yell nnd iimvU my worth, Hloplion Otwny, you nluill ho sorry twins dny Hint you refused to help mo I I'll mnkn you rugrot Itl You limy llilnli I ’vo hnd my eyes clone'J lnloly, but you’re niliilnkeii. All tlmt Itivu-imihlnis with Hylilf--oli, I know I low to muiet yonr llttlo huiiiM"

‘■ 1 11010 loul. t.II1 d,., CM;::! N 1 more, ploniwl Von nre nnylng thliip.ii tlmt lutor you will I'i'liri't. If I thought you m illy iin'imI thorn I. tni>, uliimlil lie niicry. C111110 nml no,t I ... eool’i t 1 i.u’Ito ’.y ; Uo . I ' l l 1' ! I . 'I uivv ..'I,. 1 jim u.L i.iu.o *' ’

"N o !" Ho had drown h im se lf a­

part; stood there, handsome and de-

flnnt w ith a hectic little spot on el­

i x i r check, "N o, wo w ill not! l t ’j

now or never, Otway— I mean it!

Choose qu ick ly—-yes or no ." The

other's half-lrapnticnt shrug incen­

sed him beyond measure; he walled for no more. "Very well! That

ends It; remember it's your own do­ing. Good D luht— and good-by!"

Yes; tha t was It. "G oodn igh t—

and good by e !" Fu ll five m inutes after ho had flung out of the room

the older man stood there In the

gathering darkness try ing to rnnllze,

to make him se lf bellevo that he had

reully gono. C live could surely novor mean It— never!

He turned hack to those carefully

w ritten sheets of manuscript. Jus t

one more look to make sure th a t he

bad copied them correctly, then ho

Tup tuaiu Up uuu p lit tfcCffiaway safely t ill m orning , t ill ho

c o u ld 'c a r ry them w ith his own

hands to the b ig college where tbeir

fate ivfls to be decided. Too pre­

clous to be trusted to tbe post.

In tUe m orn ing there was no letter

Tho hours passed, w ith no Clive, and

he grow fidgety; told h imself th a t

he had been harsh and ungenerous,

In tho afernoon, anxious to pur-

chnBO reconciliation at any price he

went to tho bank , w ithdrew his little

stock of .m oney— earned by playing

at o i:t» iC ua l concerts— and sent flvn

15 notes, w ith n few hasty words, to

Olivo’s address, Hy n ight thoy were

back at his ow u/ w ltb no word at all,

Ho hai\ snu tchbd^ ip hat aud glove*,

and was rush ing round to Clive's

lodgings a t top speed

"Mr, Ainsworth?" lie panud, ss tho door opened to his knoak. "Qono out)” tho woninn of tho houso hail nnaptod, the swooping sounds of the Violin tbat cauiu from thp room above giving hor wordi tho tin oven a i she apoko; nnd It was atralghtwny doted In his race, ainall wonder that after ward, there wet only alienee, and a breaoh that wldonvd with tba dnyi,

A time of strenuous work and hard' or waiting. Nono but tho man hlmisK could over know the bitterness of those drawling weeks, tlio hopes of ono dny that woro fears the nfcxt. When the fateful day had dawned at la it h li reitleisnosi know no » • atraiat. Tbe hours literally crawled toward night, He was In tho crowd that thronged tho big concert hall, To-night would either make or mar hint, a futv more minutes would de­cide.

"I-ndlos and gentleman,— Aftor very cureful consideration, tho Judges In this Intern&tliig conlont Imvn aw­arded tbe pnlm to thn composition submitted by Mr. Cllvo Allfaworth— "

To nne limn In thnt virnl itudloiioo It anomoil us If Ills huurl hud tuuiaod to boat. Just a yoar nlnuo llio ha«n|> eyed girl had lonkml up nt him for thnt unn Ihutnnl of timo with Him

ftiwmn, nnw, woii'loruua Until In lior eyrs, und promlrtoil in wait, All drouini fur tho futut'u iilmttornd irro- trliivnlily, mnl— irony uf fnlii— It v.ui Gllvo Ainsworth' whu luut lioaton hint I

Anil thon— W m i It rrni, ov only

n trick of funny ,’(lie p liiv lh ln it of hln

oviir-wrotiKhl. limittlimdonV T lm l

openhw l’hrurn, Dumd flrnt fmv Ijhih

of m iiliuly thnt luul flouted ruftly

nuroua tlio' WnitiUK hn lil Nuvor Olivo A in iw u i'th 'd— novor nny niin'a lin t

h is own! Tliuru wnn tuiiin mln-

tako, it uhnnily bh indor In tlio nnmo,

or olso- -

lin tod , Ml uiinotl, utiablti fur n 1110- inont lo ronllte thn b itter tru th , ho

mit thoro llstoiiluR to tiie umootli

utidnutn, tho tr ipp ing nllcgrotto,, thnt

rush ing rliy thm lcu l flnulu w ith tho

world chrom atlo ncnlo pusungun for

tho v io lins— Ills own, ovnry note!

Tbo iirlcoU'HH synipliony 011 w liloh hu

had iiiiuiy liuurs, bu ilt so

m any Iio|iob|

Dead soil fruit thut ntorm of cliadrn tlmt brnko from the umllonc.) at Itn dono; mill 11 ml wormvuo;i, tliono roponto'.I crlun of "IJnourol Hu. corol" Noxt tiling ho know ho wim onlaido in tbo cool, frenli air, trying to think It ull out— tlml blttor, blind- lng Bouno'of tronclioiy itlnimliiK nil oluo In Ills brnln. Wlmt did It mcun — wlint could It liiniin— unvo ono

IhltiK? Htololll Threu nolld hours ho trnmpoil t lu

utrooln, lioiitlnn out tlml Krlm trnno- Jy of 11 llfolimo. Incroilllilo, 1111- tbluknhlo, thnt tlio nmu who hint boon Ills frloml could Imvo currloil pnltry rugo no furl

And thon— l lo hnd roni'hoil Ills

ludglnRH, gono up tho uronky stnliM

w ith tlio honvy sliulllliiR troud of one fnot-wmiry nm l duupondcnt, nml

thrown opon tlio tluor of hlu room,


"O llv o l"Thnt m om ent would miroly Itvo

fnrnvcr In his inomory. Thoro tliuy

ntooil 11 fu ll m inuto , fitiinn ono nil-

othor, no lthor snokliiK lo lirouk tlio

s tra in ing sllonce. Thon - -"Htuplien, you woro thoro! You

hoard— ""Yo*; 1 hom 'd l" A world of b ille r

ncouHullon In thn tono, Ills llpn lih.l frnnioii Invnotlvo Im t nnd miKi'yi but

lio liont tbo lni|iiil«i) lwii!l nnd wnllcil

to hour mor“ ." I wnn m m l--oul of :r,y noiinmi!

I t wnn tlm t n ln lit you rnfumjil to lend

mo tlm monoy, You I1111I hIiowihI me

tliu nlmntii m ill told me they worn llnliilioii. nm l t bumt the ehnni'o to •

lo bu rovongod. 1 0111110 lutnk litire

n fle r you Imd goim oul. Tlioy wni"i

In tl.lit ilrnwor, mndo up lu lu 11 |iur- ool nml inlill‘o(!i<oil; mid I lunk (in Mil

m u , iml liiun i. ot.... I,. !!l.!:' "“ Ytlll lit (il t* lliom ?"

, "You . I 01111 novor unk you tn fu r t iv e m e, iiovcm- foriilvo uiynolf,

lOvor uliioo tI n n I liuvo lived In lor-

1’iro , lin- luv; I ’m l ro o ■ ■ ■1 1 ■ ■ r b ’j J.u".’i rn I’ll I ; l i » i y n :<■ >■', ;.■»«■ my

cup of bltlorncsn is fu ll; I am pus*

lulled tenfold. My rather— HerA,

look! I —i cun 't »uy i l l "

A tcliiBrum hnd fluttered from his

blind. Otway picked It up inechun

leully, and rond; "Knflior danger ouely III; come utr onc«.— Syb il."

Noxt mom ent he had faced back sharply.

"W ell,"

" I can ’t go, Stephen! I— Idoren1 now !” I t wus almost a scream. The

denr old governor had set bin heart

on my w inn ing th is th ing ; nnd I

cou ldn 't— couldn ’t to ll h im — " The

voloo broke off Into a convulslvo sob,

the nm n was shak ing llko an aepou.

Otway looked a t h im pity ingly; then

crossed tho room and began to Unger a lu llw ny tim e table.

"Twelvo-flfteen from B us ton !" Ha

pulled out ills watch; stood lu thought a moment. " I ’ll g o !" he

ra! ’ . cartly . "Y ou '..'an stay horo lf

you l ik e !"

“ You w ill? Heavon bless you for

tbat, S tephen !’ said the other, fer.

vently. "Y ou 're a good fellow; It'

ton times more thnn I desorve. Send

word how— how th ings are going, wou't y ou?"

F ive m inutes la ter Btephen Otway

caught h im se lf wondering for the sea.

oad tim e th a t n ight If tho wholo of It

Was not a dream . No (Ireeiu, how­

ever that m idn igh t Journey into

W arw ickshire; no dream tha whlto-

facod g irl who crept softly down

stairs In tho early dawn to greet him ,

tho startled quoatlon staring from

ller oyos before over lh a * poke A


"Stephen! Dut whoro Is Cllyo? He will bo too late!" • ♦ • HU mum' bled fnlsh'jod, and them "Yea; very 111 Indoodl A sudden heart at­tack; tho doctor ha i bean with him

liatf the night. Vou will not mind If I go back?"

Later iho camo to him again. H i found hlmaelf following ohodlontl7 up the stairs Into tho darkened room where old Farloy Ainsworth lay, wry a'.lll and very feeble,

"Stephen, my boy, how ar« you?" The words wore bard to oatohi i l l

but Indistinct, "Clive Is coniine soon, (hoy toll mat I m a t to km the lad onno moro, to toll him I am proud—<we nru all proud. lie won th i modal, Stephen, oh? CouMu't help but win It, could ho?"

Tho wrinkled band was q u lm ln a feebly In hln own. Humllng down to listen, Stephan Otway i'nmmnbnro.1 the debt of grutltude ho owed thu old man lying thorn, lie glanned nnroaa at tho girl standing by tho window.

"Yes, lio won it ," lie snld qulolly.

I.liter, ta lk ing nwuy from that lionso with closed shutters und lha drawn blinds, It eeunimi in him tlmt either tho world hud grown differ out or ho vory old imd wonry. Nolli lug liuittoroil now 1 ull llio iluyn would be u llk u - n niluiunhlo, linuntlnu drudgery, lie ruoullocted runelilnu Muntun mill w«111 11111 lo bln liul((liwi; but liothliiK more wnn elimr, [111 lirnIn roolieii Nluiiltllyi thurn wnn n dull nnd n uuiiHo of hoiiviiiomtlmt boro him nlnnitlly down— down

till nl. IiibI thoro I'liino u II tin I liluiik

Tim wholu iluyii Ihnt r.rim nnnp of feverlnli uni:iiniii:liiiltinr9ii riimnlneiil

and llfo nml ilaith worn Jility till ill1. A 'twlxl whloli hi) hovoreit llkn n frot- fill child, iiiKiorliilu whlnh lo iiiiooiiu. Wheu tlio dark cloud llfled lio lumw Him ho wuh lyliiR In limit tliero wnsII little tnblo holillnif iii-Ulolncn by his »lil(', Tlui tlnrlt-iDlioil llitmo seiitoil liy Ihu window liennl him iniivti; It ntrtick liltn Hint Iho llijuro won fn- inlllar; wlmt could tm dnlntl hero? IIo nilid her 11111110, liulf ux- prctlng tho vIhIoii to dinnolvo,

‘Stophonl Oh, Imv/ glml 1 uin!” Him 011 nm to I1I111 iv Uh Joy iihlnliig hrnvnly In her fnno, ’Thoro, don’t try to In!!;; llo iitlil unit not uulto iitrouk nnd woll, 1 know ovorytliliif.

nil llm mlnnrulilti ntory. Cllvo linn tolil nm wlmt n horn you Imvo boon.

Aftorwnrd? Nuy, tho story lu loo Irlto. Htophmi Otwuy nnd Ii Ib w 1 fo nru liniipy, nnd iiiiceesa Inis cuinii tnIII in in plenty ninoo thun,— W. tllrol lou Smith. .


Simple W ay ul 1‘ru ild liig Mcu W ith

G un Kents,

An Aostriun m ilitary orgun druws

attention to oue o f tho m inor dol jllk

ot Japuuoee musketry practice d u r

log the la te w ar, which seems to bare aseoped h itherto lu Kurupo. In

Sproveap an ,ita tho queslion o f a

rlflo rest for long range tiring bus led to many Ingenious contrivances lor devising tripod urmngciuetits, Tlio Jppanew W ar U epartm ont solved tils

difficulty, In a much simpler but

equally effective way. They Just

provided the sold ier w itb a bug ot Mcnit cotton e ight Inches w id j a n J twenty inohai ioug , which he c o u li

carry la his cartridge cbeo on tho

nmrch, and on rocchlng the flghtinif

line could In a m inuto stuff wlt.i

M rt!) or stones. Th^ device gav?

nm atln c aeelstinco In accuracy of rlflo fire.

Plant Usnl for I'ixhlxg.

In a paper prosontsd to tho Acad- omte dos Sciences, 11. Hnnrlot gives on account of tho active Bubstuncoa Which aro contnlnod In thoTophrosla voqolll.

Ttie leaves of th is p lnnt and nolgh- boring npocloe aro used for fishing by tho Iintlvtw ot Muda,;ubi:ur aud the eaet ooost of Afrlcu. The plnnt i l crortiod nnd tha pulp mncorateil

with a llttlo water; thon i t Is put In the pond or rivor ut (lirTtiront placet, especially Innloiv ttrooinn. Boon tho fliti bficonie pnrnlyr.od und mount tn

tho surfaca. Thoy run thon b« ciuiglit by hand and oiiton without dauwer,

I« n d Owiioth In In'lnnd.

The land lords own most of tho

land In InHand und tout l t out to tliu

farnMMi, who ror.ort thnt ‘it In pour

n d ounnoqitently tlioy hnvo 11 hard

ttmo to produoo otiongh to support

Uwtr fatnllhM and pay tho ront.

Mo«t of tho land mo mn to lio m o J

for p r i t n r iK and but llt tlo of It 1

under onltlvntton, as nro tlio lutuls of Ita ly , do rnw ny anil Franco, llo-

aWos, (fmro Is n groat whbIo ciiimoiI

by tho iH illd lng o f wide tu r f fnnnon.

Tliero M * moro foam s to n (11 r 111 In

hrohuid t lm a In any othor ooiitry.

HHScs of Itouillenii,Uolks ot tho days whon llondloou

ootidiMitnl! hor on>i>|ui!gn In tlm niilgli Utr^iood of wlmt is now K ing’s Cross, or, porhnps, of nvun nil onrlter day woro tiii'WHl up reoontly by aunto worlimoo nt Cmrfurd. K*-al. !3: IimmI, Tho tnun worn digging lu nund pits on tlwi Wn 111111 lit rntntn wliou they notlrtnt boiiu) nxititl nriloluK, On m miiltintlun thoMi in lived to b<t nlno gold iiniiS'tn of nnlform nhnpt Imt fiwylng slson, Tlio nrtlnlm woro tnlitxi to .u iHilloo slnlloii, whoro the pollm Uiok tliiini mi tiolmlf of the Crown itn troiumru irovo,

i ^ r a t 'c 8 8 io i i a i G a r d e .




WOTABY rUBLlO,atawan M

— ■■ • Jersey

E L f lE R H. OERAN,




J ekset Oit i,

Washington St


a t t o r n e y a n d c o u n s e l l o r A T LA V

Solicitor and Uont^r In Ohancory, "

Notary Pabllo.

^ n " CDran„u“Bt0',l0!’ Dulldl”« ' B road ..,

E . w . a r r o w s m i t h ,

a t t o rn ey a t l a w ,

Solloltorand Masterln Ohanoery,

............ ............., r <ehoId, If, J . ■

D . p - v a n o b v e n t e r , J r . , ~ '


Solloltorand Master in Olianoorr, *Notary l ’ubllo, ^ , i j:

Oilloes In MoKlunsy Uulldlng, /


AiroiKKr m n it Law ' A tHOMUITOB AK0 IliSTSM m OHAHOlit ''M . 11 *11* v*ua AND Kxmrt AOOOtlkTiM. ■■

!•* M«rLt Htrcsf* ^'llewnft y j ' _____U * UawStSi ’I’litin* a!i|, ' • vfe




I Oor. Ilronil ami churoh 8ta„__ ________ _ Matawan, R,

1'ivo Ohoiiti'K of AIiilo.i,

Mnuy piii^nouH do nut know wlmt

oomitltuton the Ilvo cliisnnn of mar' kotnlilo miilo;< known nil com m

mulon, lum ber miilen, r/tllrwnl itiulini, iiuitur 111 nli.'ii uml inlnoru. Cotton

I1111I0H uro monl iiiinioroiui. Thoy mngu frum 111 tu 10 Immln iilg li 1111.I muy bo vuiim iB hulldn nu long un

tlioy iironmiiotli. Thoy noil nt $7f> to t l l l l i uplmio,

Iiiim liiir iniilon nro lingo, henvy

boned mul (IiikboiI for uho Iu lilg

lllinher eunijin. Tholr prlcn riiiigeo

up to I lf iD . Tlm rullrouil mulon nru

sim llnr, bu t 11001I not hnvo so much'

Weight. They nrn ( I I I to |!lO olioiipor

Tlioy nro lined In Rnull me ("id haul-

lug. Htigiir miiloa nro llghliir, Tlioy

must bo siiioolh, w ith am/iil bond nnd nook nnd mil nl tnr botion, Tbolr |nlno

In from 105 lo IU I 0 ,

Form miilen nro tlm m ills rejected ri mn tlm other iilniintw, Lovo,, milieu

nrn iisod lionl' ntuumbontn uml iluokn for the lionvy work, Tlm iiiliima

nro tlio <ii( rd f nt (ilium to mipply. Tlwy

111111U lie either 11 dnrlt buy or lilnolt

color, W h ile mul norrol mulon "re

never limiil. Whoro Iho mlnos lmvu cool rejiluii oiijieolully, Ihey nny n

whlto m iilo lenomlilon 11 iihnnt nml

Irliilitiim i tlm other miiloii lioynnd

control.Tlio uuvoiiiiiienl. Jmymi nil elnnnnn

of .Mlimimrl mulon, Iml never n olienii

(llio, 1111(1 tlio (! ’(Illlil till til) I Of lllllloil for III" onl>11' "oim'Ioo 10 rlolil,

A 1'iirlniK of Kim ; Cli.irloii' ilwnrf, by Dnboon, v.’bloli, lit 11 iiulo In I H?!II,

follod lo reolt/e iiuiro 1 hull ft 117.l»H.

V ,1 ' 1 ltd I',.' .1 irll'HI III I.Ull lo|| III'

on,'.!, r...

Illvolw IIH Dlvlllllltf h llll'H ,

In lituiuni lilntiiry it iti'oiit ilvur lin.i uotnnlItnru furiuiHl u illvhllni; lino botwooji pooplou l.Ofd'OHKlim (lllllo dirferiml. iihiiriiiitorlnlliin. Iii1, IV, JI, >ynn, ,h'., Iiuii ilhimverod 11 nln;Dur

IniMioilimtuii nlfuiilltig ruiulrrtihi In IIoiikhI, Uo foiliiil olithl dllforoiit fiirms (if iKiulti'dii |jilm!illlii|{ t l w

nortlwini uml wonti'ru inirln of llio incut Ivlmul. nml obuorvoil thul li •lurgo ri,*"!; priivi'it uu uffootiml Imr- Hor In mijihi'nllui; two il In II tint ntcon,

Kite t'outrol,Klbi (Wiilrol within im itiln |iim-

no.rlbixl lllilltn Iiiih bocll liu ‘11111 Hi I In ll 0 1 In Frnmio by moiinn uf n "ilnvlutor" aud tlihi.riiiilion tin.' ltlto ixvttiliiI1I11 for Ilfo-wraliiK purpomri. A i.evoro tod wnn glvoii to llm ilovluo some tlmo figo n l Uuyiiii, on tlm cunt cccnl nt

riinco, und wolnlerftil tilings worn nccom|illuhiiil, ,

f o i l , t il M 1I I 1111 n I ’om l,

Tho rani of tlm Hutt m u f Turkuy’a

foft.1 (lit™ nut uxiuu.l m.UOU a your,

liu lie liven liuwll.v (UI iilitroiM mill

bollod ci'ljs. IJ111 to food tho mint* (iruiin 111 u rn fin in o f IiIh liuliHoutibl mid

liny a ll dfllllOHtlo eXjlllllHOH lo.In'UIII ii I d

nnnunl liiouinn u f $ 11),000,DUO Liy

1110,1100 n-wtiok,

K ip it KdwnrilH1 (lif t ,

Ktnic lOiiWurd linn mint I i n tn 11 Do vision 11 i-i lut m iiuiid W llln lilre, who

pnliitod n iilu liiro of Iliu n i i j e i ly l

wrni Iiiii I1I11 c iiriiiiiilloii rolion mul for. ' wurileii It lo , lliiiililnKhiim l ’nliini.

W lllnh ln i In 11 i:rl|>|iln ituil worlui

ho lillng liln pencil in’ hrn«h li'il.wgjii

hln too*.

H*II||((I ,1ivny Iliu Hon,

At tlm Nnrthvrtoh (lOifglnmO riirnt Cuiii.oll (,'wimrllur W atts ro|iortml ,i

CIIHI1 iif n*t)mittiinn who willed nnd bv.

■Ilioutliod liln non Froi’ to 1111 other

Imp*iiniii, who pnld a hiilf-crowu lo lim lio thn, IriiimiKitldii, us Itn Im ag­

ined, leiu’il.

A . «*• ■lACKflON, M. U„

ni 1 • MaId KftUvftiToUnliono Onll. lB-n. W H -

o ff lR t *Uo«ts.r*,,ll<'ll<)8' 00,n,r *•<» »■«

llUlU'tVll"11!* |n, l , ° l° " ' 0*' m" 1,1,0 W



Offloslluursi f iiliilo ta .m .,liM to lD .m H un 11, im

0 niiin ut resldunoo, two doom below Ida PrMbrtirlafilUiurnhi

...„.....................Hnlii H triii, M e tiw eM M



llnln Htrnnt, .|. Matawmi.K.I

• Om u* Hud nn i tiiio iiiujiiiin, in, 1 liuotoBilO|i. tSM# loHlllil |t, h i,

D « ‘ W ILL IAM U AU .7 ‘

vui'tsiiisititittiuiami avu un < piOdlee, nor. Ill 1)111! nml OoutroHU,

tlinlilmiiiii at Win, 11, Dlgglu's,

Tnlniilifiiis Cnll, u r, Halnwnu.K,*,

JBuainosB ^aiiooa«

JjU N J. P , a , UHOWN,

Untawan, New J o r u ,

Huoeoiinor to A. M.I.niubortson, gen, agU n



’l'.iii‘ »• nml Lotn for linntand Hal,11‘ l ‘ nml

H a l« 11. Iiroporly oh oommlnslon loiloltofl


AND NOTARY VUDTj 0. Offlooat Jouimii,oniiio.

Mlihlng 11 I “nlr of Hlioim,Ily iiioiliirn |irni'eiin 11 pliino of

leathor In noiiviirtftd Into it cumplstnd linlr nf Hli0 .n ,ln t'l nilliiiloii, muf (Ini’, tug thli) tlmu It pwtnm through tha liM idiiut nil pnrsoiig mul thrnugh in mntihnies.

|iii|ior,(i'.t ^Npiiriigiin, '«It la dlnlmoil i ij U' (II'OI; moll In

Mexico Hint oii|iiiiiii:iiii Ih IkiIiik fill-

imrtcil ffotii t'1rimec lu inrun pnitlt-

iil!<in irnri citomid In tho ( ' I t / of Mnx- loo iinilei’. Amerloiii) uiboln 1111 Ihouith

(nim iii)( fn/in I'n llfiii'u lii.

M oney III f l i i ln u M n h lu g .

n vo 111 "i 11 imm.'to. , .........In i'iiIf 111 ir 1111 11 pnl oh 11! lU 'oillid llireo

liy 1 w o o ly I'i ol iioM ty f iin r Imnlm ln

n f u iltonii. A l I hln r u le lm noro

r n I'l |I '"" '( 1 .',"'1! bttrlli'li, wiilcti

\ . .-.'ii 1 r . 1 -".ii " 1,(’"').

C . P . 6 II. C. SI’KOUL,





Galvanized Corruetied Iron

ROOFINGn lw t iy n I n a to n ic n t t b a


Oor. Flrnt unrJ Atlnntln S tr n o t*

KCY l’ o n r , N , J ,

Farm For Sals !Till,

ii" inio wm ,ille j ’ li I Oi'l,



A U , O V E It 7;TR GO IJH T Y .


A t lBL2'srr«ua Kscct* U i|»?»alr j »••■Wuar® C-i * l ‘.aj?in'.iiW-‘ *3.1*-* ta »» C0^ Chai: ^ I'vn**

Tl * l v .-. . 1. • i e 1 *vH» n

;lu i: r,ii. ! : ; ■ : ■' ■ > ° u ■ '

y\--\n ;n e; h

Tin.- u p h o l d ' ‘• -s. au is ha\e

ordered t h ;rty iiti-her o a u . i'^r iIk- um*

tjf 11 :v* lin in f ii i ! th .a tov.n.

The A rm y W o r n v> danuti.uiK im p s

in the -vi- r.nty r tveh 'dd . *'rt> and

*h*us arc ; . ’-teeted tlu* nios*.

The ' lla n tie H ijjh land* M ethodists

made ?l>>n hy t!lc lunl a s t tveoU , on*.1 o f v- I n c h v ,;;r . s t o r m y .

The fte lm ar Postoth^e has iijjiiin boon

p la c id in the second class. the receipt.-’

o f tht' {jlJict* justifyiiiv! the change.

The P chnar f o iu u i l has adopted a

resolution t M huy the heavh fn»nt a t

t h a t f>1aee f " 1' ^7 u ru a l, l‘ ra*s,‘ l l l l ‘

m oney Vy a l« n « l fc&ue u> l»ay for it.

(.^tjuain Im-t-Ji i.f 'hv.* Mt.*nin';'5th

Heach Lifi-SuviiiK S ta tion has a fonr-

J^ggud chicken. Tv.n le^-' are in tho

usual place am i the other tw o under the

win^s, out ^ lc l*Ps-

W hile responding u> an a larm uf fire

last Thursday afternoon Fire Chief Har-

t ,; i i ( J Ocean tirove had his foot mashed

b y the fro n t wheel of the V jsl* v;ag*.»n,

o n w hich he a ttem p ted tu jum p .

T lie M o n m o u th Rea lty and In ves t­

m e n t C om pany capu<~!i.:cd a t .-jluO.ulKi

llCR hcen incorporated, i l is composed

o f Lotitf H ranch men \vh" ^ i l l deal in

u*al cstuU* in th a t neigh.htThood.

* H arry C. Tlu-rne of 1'reehold a n d

Pierce T hom ps <n of Knjihshtow n aro

m.’ikinj; arrajttfctnenls to i;o to I ’nha

nv-'-t m onth , ShoiiM they like it ihe ie

th e y t'S i'O 'l to n u W it t lu ir lunue

(V iliiteutv.v \veiv y ivcn tn MXtv-Uw

jv n ;o t l‘! who eO||ip!»,l id the c a t l 'V 1* in

t lie v.'trioii:; chosen M the AsM'inhty *if

S unday *.ch'.nd M e thod ; at t>- imh r.m ve ,

w h ich eh : > d h.'A Thm>. h>v m oium*;

U dw nu l Ihoh idow of Ued Ihm h \\as;

. M ntek W llli a NiiH.haj.: ' v a e<.loved

m an ou W h a if Ave ’iii ■. lh .,t, and

I . . f all ll'v .-w-Jt-'V hr K id 1hi< (

7,*i r , i i l v T h e h u ih ^ i- .y t r 01 e-M-.-.i'vd j

Thw'SV- v n tv u d the : U” -. . ‘ I I'>-UV \ j M id J- hn T e m pM .'ii, ,,t Key - j

j p i t, dm i'sit oi d *v t.ijdii I' lo in j

| )j. (fii-i i,i *od’t wdui'd .if M " v. eii*

h i^ e ii. %\ln’e Ntv h , , vav;‘.vd

tio th ii'i’

I n th . ' !•'» ; p a i a i l e m I ' h d ^ d e t p h i a I . A

'n tu p .iK y tlie A d a m P.u!-. M\- e ,o iu« i

t .;j ,, I'M v !•■; ‘ he tu-M .a ie tna i

ih*ai in line ll v» pi'i entvd lho(e.ttuie-i the Halo p.naili*. i*ne of thr­

ill tere.triy. :•> etie > ilio't'i)' I at mval " e. I;

riui'itophef Merjn*. a i|1

7 le I 0


ii it;ee.

. 7.-it» {• m to h :;:i p tn

\Yedn( -d ;i} !.. . . - s O. := iU id ;i'> t--

. ' . I ’- ' - t i d . ' .................................... 7 : io to

|‘he ara t S a tu rd .iV < t e e l* m< n th l i o m

to 3 ji. m . _______________

i;nu ic i ii

tr«istorH are hi\ ltc«l O' Kerel ii*5. JH'tlnh*r thRii UVij<>on.iu> .>f i*.r.tor thW ;o;v

I'jr. i»i. i y t r 'without eJmrut*.!

, ......... vialntiiU t»ue-iyte«\-« ini't will he i>uhiii4hud

M. K. Church .

R ev .M m \V M.-nis, I). I) . 1‘astor.

lh 'i’aeini'.^ ••■II a. m.

S um lay .:;e iioo l - .-I'i p m .

]’r<';.*'hin.: ••7:'i'.' p. in .

W a v e r Mer'-ir.;* - T 'ru i'd ay evening

(,f each v.vek a t 7 MO p . m .

Presbytcrinn Church.

Rev, A le':. I I . Y m m j:. 3). I i . , Pastor.

Miiiniay-Svh;»ul— 10 :niI a. in .

M o ru ia ^ :'er\icv---11 :('<• a. in .

V . P . S. nu*elin;.;— 7:15 p . m .

l- 'venin^ service a t 7 ,

'i'h u r fd a y even ing p raye r m e tt in g —

7 :‘»t) j». m. .«

Firct Baptist Church.

Kev. Samuel 13o'.ver, jiastor.

Sandav-sehool— 10 a. m.

M o rn in ij service— I I a . r j .

Y. P. S. (V IS. p . m.

H v en in ^ rerviee— 7;'KI p . in .

Thvir^ ’ ay evc’iini* prayer m ee ting—

7 :l a p . m . .

AU w clc iino . .

Mor^anvllla M. E. Cliurch. *

A, 'i'ra-.-v Doughty, jjaijtDr.

S und ay nervkon: ,

ih'ea'.'^in;’. n l IU ’.oM s\. n), at i);o0 p . m , - ..

S iiu; M i’v ier a t 7: Jo p . m,

P ivaeliin ;: a t N p. m . ,

Cliftwocul M. K. C hu rch .

I I , \ i io o l, PtetloV-

'.I p. m . SimdaS'’.‘Hhoid,

p, m . 1'ivaehin^ serviee.

7 p. m I ’ pw o itli Lea.vjuo tneeHiig. '

7.5’*)*. m Ihv.v hiu}* vvtsuv .

S it i i i ’d ay nt •'* p. in. P ra . er meeUjv.’ .

iA e : :1 '>ne '-'vvdially v.'e'i’.'me^ . .

SpHin* \ aVe

un \W 1'vaeh iIhe moiu

\ ill ud ' *1 Ii f■ i* music

th i i u-ai;o\i und v.iU

•• h', ta\oti:*n

(?. 11. Iluthntf] I’e' dlir-I After Kuur Yc«rn.

{\ \\ Ih flin i'* :, --I' t '.irlH ie ‘ ‘enlet1. N-

V . \uit«-■,: " A h mi lu u r y e a n nno 1 wtote veil ■l.itin'! th ,.’ I had heeu en* '• «' U i,i:nv U\>n\de1 »v t aiv 111;: !e- •; than two h. *t tle-i t-t' 1'nley 's Kiditev t 'u te It eatiie*;. stopped the

hi iel; dvi 't •*. din.i u l, aud iK im und ^ym p t ie ie .' i Ixldia y di :ea>a» dl'.iippeai'ed, I am i* t i -.av tha t I lia ^ '' lu-verh iid a

, H tm u '■«' . i .r ef 11v . . io| l ‘ "ie. dmiu>:,

K id Ihmlv. iue id l\ ton.i.l a W;tlle[ i » i i ' 'th e four \e-»!-: th a t !ia\y e laps 'd atul Iam ev identK em vd t " n\av em ed, und

K idne vtaiuiniJ KhveU av;M'Tatin): uvov fi.-M".* AlK’tt AHniuht of wa*

idrilfilhd tlu1 owi'if hy a ea»d hi the

p.uhell-ooh ami when he teeeixed liis

ic»rit, ptvpeity lie i;a\i' lUn:e a lihetal


Piftv*t"Ur lot’i » i the A'.lmti'' Hr^h

laud:t iamd and Improvement i ««iapauy

Heio recently sold at Keeei\‘ i ‘s }>.\le 1«n

^t\,otH. 'They ■.*>e;c Ur.’.t ^nhl

m\*l lt\‘«^ht W h'v., aUer whieh thev

Weto nnld iu inn ]*aire!'; 'Ha' .\|;n o

o( Motun<'Ulh t'o . ol'lt J h] Kalph

In pjVMdenl, N\an the purch i"i :'

Jjimu'i W . Moivelh u \ oiihhy i h ii»

u f .Mleuhui'it, v- e. id*mv\t in a s.eaiviu--

jUilt at A’jtvtl.t, I-. 1 • i\'\ i”s O’e pel.Mll

1. .ai 1‘iulay lw1 'inde dpi'liuiti ai t<> :i

llO 'o’Klyn Jndj;e for Iih: di'-cliai^e. alle^

inyj that he \\.is at'd h id heen lm

ptt'pvtly ew.umitled. and au tion will N* made into hK idlejjati'MW

l;uue'i W'all and Joseph W , llarvey

of WVM l-« »tij; Hraneh am under .'fl'Pd

hail to ausw; r a ehav>;e ot taVitij; a v;old

WMvh nnd vU.nn two non^ and vov\e

small hr\'astpin< ii' mu the.hou e o.\u-

pied hy Mn I i-*iie l'i and M?v. Anna Inmiett at Tintou T.il1' Ihe

*no'i a sSiovt e;\U at the hoe,so and

after thev had cone the avtie'e^ named

wetv mi scd They deny t.d.ine tliem

K K. I-'are of I iaehen<a. 1. wm re

heVed of hi:. j..v«!d v.ateli at the Ked

UanV Mali >n while w.d'm;* hn a tvain

\U v»vailed thive «.-hued ' ('men !:n.-

near him ;»nd notilied thetl'a'el o; p.'liee

*a hS ii'.p ie ion i lie latter uMornud

\)u- ronelers oi the tha It .eid aitei a

e.'huvd \\o\n o\ e.dh'il upon i-nv’ ! thea»

and a-a.,-’ t!*e value > I th.' • t. *, e pi. p

v HV h • tolh>wed he; to a «. t.-.urant asvl t'a-M v.ent to looh i.o eat '•••Vic, s

N v .^ . ' im i i " l ’’a' v v .auv auv h\ t.ahsl

tn »ind th. wmnan and ^he ’ e. n*■:

sn’iv h. v ti eaU\;ht.

Ml- 11)l ‘! a id th;ee tl.ail;!'!. i * u 't

Ath.-iiie ll-:;M::o.h. Vy the ih>! Vo.p. n-t

Mon,lax m< mv.v; x-i \t»vl. au.l -.wans

ei«dito|s a..m-,n her a;dd»n dcpotuie

Sl.r h. at heed a .intake lln-o l<«r tlu

riva*. ’U a lid iai' ’ *p >' nurd -'i'' 't htl!'. with

5J1.' jOvaO'e * S p. '" ' i l th>'m Op>"n the;u te . , iM h u lot -h O’d on Jnh ‘ I I he

he Mid d(d ti" ! atr.'O and the \.om in a u d d.mshten Ioi the ...l!at.'e at .!

M. >'lda\ oi.oniin* atlll

' Un ho.vt, ahaxins: th.* en'ao'eean » i the

Wiil, Im am o il tin ih>, \ o . v. • a a n .. I’ .a;

that th'iv a\'t o‘!n ’hl!>' lr.d ho-‘.*'H da\. li

w.tnl thev h id t’.o Vh'-iv o’' e lo ;*»

♦The lile:; and *-tiu.: .-i in,e«t-., Ian,

mndeatn, i-tt^ huim an.'. htm « ; aiv veVwd \\ onee wi:U 1“uh • at\e t\n IsVis O I A.l** hhe a j^oltiee. a-*d dia« .imi' nid.onmat * -n I j -- d Pii.c \s- .a t'V m ,\. r . i i . i I 'ii'u iM ii, k . u .

1 2 - a c r i :

s t o r i :

H U O A i) ,

N I : W &

N e w a rk ’s Store BeantifnS | s-nifil:iy,

'in 'sm T E e x ia E E s a K m a s s m E m e iE a u E a a m ro .m ia iH B s iia s a a ^ iK s a t i iiB s iir u L ta ii

W i i l : N you co inc io th in k of it, is there

a n o iln 'r p lncc in th is ^ rc a lS ta to ko fu l l

o f really in te resting s ights a s th is bin b a ­

z a r o f o u r s ? .

W here ra n y..m set sn m in t , th a t is nuw , nov-

i'I, use fu l, b e au tifu l and o d u ca lio n a l?

The store is t ru ly a w uw lc rfu l ex jio s it iu n , Jikv

u n to a f;n-at WTo rh rs l 'a i r - op c ii every d a y uf

the w eek,— free to a ll— w ith p o lite a tte n d a n ts '

o a a ll hands' to show you the m a n y ob jec ts of

• a r t a m ! u t i l i ty w h ic h com e io us fro m every civ- •

ilized c oun try on the face o f the e a rth .

/ ^ o il can com e a n d go as you pleaue a n d as

I o ften a i y ou like , a nd see the s igh ts tu your

h e a r t ’s ,c on te n t. Y o u can v is it the A r t C iallery

a n d see th e h un d re d s o f p a in t in g s . Y o u can

. v iew th o p rcu t p a in t in g o f N ia g a ra . Y o u ra il,

lis ten to the m us ic in M usic H a ll or to V ic to r's

R o y a l B a n d ; Y cm can 'reve l in the beau tie s of .

th e T urk ish K iosk . Y o u can m in g le w ith the

th o u sn ads o f pieces w h ich m a k e u p o u r m a g n if i­

cen t F u rn itu re e x h ib it . Y o u can see the |»rent

i i ic c t r ic ’ iV w e r P la n t , Y o u can d r in k in the

beau ties o f th u gooUs a nd uannen tK a n d ub jcc ts

. o f a rt on in h ib i t io n . Y o u c im rest in easy eimii'H

in coxy o iim cv s ..a nd you need p ny iK 'thinf-, f[')r

It i» oil tree -free to m en , w om en m u l c h ild re n of

f till iiiitiosialitieH- rich u r poor.

The Store is Yours to Enjoy.




hi a111 ly i i i 'uilliii'ihl l'\ *li .I’me to anv mie i.ulh .ine from Udne\‘«-r h'aiii’er tieuhle ' !’-dd hv I'Tank II Slater. '

.> »v -A v * *

» \ ». \f M.S i »■ \t iMff •

A;! r : J end W e ll ’ii'rta i l?a :ii'd y t ,s, u \mc 't s sro««i*i uimip

U-fn mw*1 l>\; ti for tl>fir diiUrtiili WilKl*-. llttniK*. llh>ll>‘>i| llti BUl:*,

- • i” v‘ ‘p ‘ < *1 i' ’’■> (s-a rnn. rv/i»ir

’i lw . U 'fuslcv '/i! i'»5«L'sUtsi Sy ru fi

el !'.<• .<1

George Walker,(Su\YCH!M»r lo W. A, l''ntuiU\lul

..,t'i:\ t,uu in .. .

Stoves, Ranges, |

Heaters and Tinware.

J O B B I N GPromptly nml Ctuvfwlly

A ttended T o .



A little Int ol G lassw are that

wc p icked up :it ;i >'pcci:il liar-

jjaiti price, am i we are g tsnp to

oiler it to the Haile tlie same

way, at llie very low pm e ct' 7

ccnts tor eaeli iicii,i. D o n ’t miss

tliis ehauee aiul come e u ly . W c

name below a lew ot the a itie les :

lo-iiicli Fruit Howies.

I.on«x IV Iery Dishes.

Hutter Dishes.

8|’o o : i l lo h le t ; ; .

C ir .v m l ’ itvhw ;.. '

S ta m l N a p p ie s ,

V in e g a r CviH'ts.

S i i t ’a r H ow ls .' «

l .m v l 'n s i t D i.'h c .i, l ' t e „ K te .

D o n 't lo r ^e t • l l i e p i ice 7

ccnts. D o n 't m iss t a k in ; ; a InoU

at the j^oo iis , th e y a ic m o n e y


ft,. .1. 0 A R T A N .

\V l’. ‘Mvki.iI'.Ii Ollii-,-, .

. ‘ Pricor Luvcr V/nui (,‘,v< lu iroit.”

Guy (nr Cash. Sp.II (iu Cash.O w n tn v ovvtt p la n t . ,\W la e i ld i i 's ,

pttteha>ei.‘i the I k m l i t ,

C o n l, L u m b o i ' , G r a in , H a y ,

S t r a w . O u ts . F lo u r ,

H o o f in g , E t c .

W. fl. ’ L JS> T. & 1W. CO.(v'tv.h-t:), J.

VlotvM 1 \\ 'V. *•« ll «t*. » Ht t V- 111,

A slinri; o f the pulille pat-

rutitme is veslK'ctfully su-

l i c l l e d .

Wc aro in the Market For.Young- Men.1

Til.'i'«ii't iw»rli.»il.»vl> inillvv tiiu? \vtutl;.r jv .a m o lut-my tuie \ i iU * nM ur fi|\ty ,Vi itu )i'Uti|;—

lho xa.«tlM<'i( t* tl..a jo'l' c U\viMWnt\ty ii/u'i*.V«<»t »m'«-t Ih' ntivi' <i* (« rriif n/'inrhun/!/ f*»r m,ilo

Ui«i>aeil ttieiirf/.\\(.'*•' L'"t « IhinI ih « th it'- i.'.o'vit'i; M' fti'-t tt

l>'i‘ ) tl'Oiiint mil tin' noi‘>N—I'lhor Ty\vii ittvi™.

In i mNt In lia’.ni!''

till-* to .a mul i:iplitly

IhihJih'..* littlio Im^I |*i‘fc*.iliK* .nt-

MVVtllJ',''. W'-Blv tmllll. litis iiv n ui*.

e i' '* r lin i ti..u .-V t‘.iv

t ' l l l lr .t St^t

Nn'* lien't* our I'llortu pm.K w\\ wvv pi\\'t iK \j»Ate.'.«»l na» v >'iV, \\»*

will tusl ./ran ,t/in.- .m'liii.l\.'»r Mrll^ia.itlul HIAVt',>»'ll It"' » vep.f1,, 1. J.u^t 111.. Oliv.l-

T>l.j*>«ltn iit that ,'tec./.If Vi’U s«v p.ln>.iit\ *1 w*> wilt I'l rmU

ll" llMl'fto » »1V Infill. X* ""11 til.' t-l.V.” ill Will.-'.! . I'<'>en tn vW :»t •,-t {;»'*» .» ) t ;»i‘ I.' >.011' I'V.'tout - nml nt lli<> t i i i i r ta r .r n n n . ii n>.-vovw l' tu IV'OlU. V s<tu*"t *'t \>l'A<t!>-A\ ?VlU *iv.s'c

Milj\- or. \f >fti i\o In t. jo *lli”ii i.'tl'.’ ii!«j.>ui'

wlii'l.1 ti ie'. \ oil i n«. U on « ill. in e..- f -oti:ii>i.Hi

Pearson Brothers,Tlie l.a rjce .s t S h o e S to r e in T o w n anti O ne o f t l io l .a rR c s t

in t l ie C o u n t y .

' Tlinm-mdti nf |i,iit-.‘i o( Mcu’«AVnuuni‘Hii«il CU’dih'c'n’w iWfnrdM, iho tim n lf i><h<niudilp ami Jtt >t Mdkes. ul our ytnu1. We «t*lciMfd lht» larnivnt nml hent nh»c nmuuhnAmen in tin* cunntiy tnul wn d ja lltn^e nny shoe tlfah-r nr di’uletN, dain>{ husliu't'i iu Koypoit, i«i prodnee frutu iludr retfwhir utiwli, A t Clur Prices, Niiorti tlutl mo rtjiml in .Style, lMl nud UY-mln.v' fjutiljiir.i of those handled hy w, ‘

Our Rptitmion far teHahiliiy, httlh no well, Kitnrdvd soi:npfull\\ 1« the imihi hluy n| nur stahiliiy. - ilio kvvnoliMd'onr ptnj'tcfli. - ’

We Kimrontix* t)ur n Iu*i*h and iuvitt? evpivhudv t\» unr »tnri' to mnVe ynur huleclUm of OxfnnU iu lllttek, Tmi mul Whltn. .

P ' K A R S O T M ' E R O S . .

^nlo Am'Mhs for tlte well kiiawii Jlmnin Shoon, '

l'oMoinyo I M o c k , ............................................................K eypo rt, Nine Jcfsoy,

| M . A. W H I T E , *^ — sni.K a c . k n t i x i r r m ; c i i i . i ' h r a t i u i —




I M . A . W H I T EM a t n w n n . N , J .

vi,,e. •. -M.t- a.-, w i a '‘t lio pi.'of lint ll.. ..- llr1 tts ■* -iu- . .'li-i iintu.-1-*'

fiuiii'li. a '\V ttir < 'ft O. II.'I' .'1 li'l !i.Ill >N eltli."-.' wl o «»•.« limi >el’Ui), OlO.'t I': \1iutttv\'-

»l> i« ti l l iS'lj •

J V K RY>?inc«Ves,tc;p

V/'.‘ Suv:>tifJ / V.wVvVlii(-.*i > K.»it: liimi''1", ' i ’ '«! i’ • I' i"

,» . I " >.! '■< i" “ • ' t . "■' I'l


A n d B o lld o r of W a g o n s o ! Evory P o s c r ip t lo n . P ra c t ic a l

H o r B O s lio o ln g - S p o c ln l A t t o n t io n t o L n m o n n d In te r-

to r ln g H o r a o a ............................. R e p t i l i in c o f A ll K in d s .

A nuichlnc for pultlnn cn SULIll RUQBCR ftt;FS tins Imtn uililrit to our atiop

— a i,so nr.M'i.MiMi'iT.Hn von —

W AI.TKIt A . W001VS IllNDKHS, HOWKHS, HAY RAKKS,Tedders and Supjiltes ; uh;«» for the he*l makes of P1»\vh% UutrnwH, C n ithn l* tits^ Kte, t'o innh 'le line o f I 'iu u u 'i^ ' M.iehin.-ry tnul S m a ll YonlH, mich »»

shovchi, fotUs, rnVra, hoev-, etc., nlwnys u\\ hand .

1! 11) V P C O 1 1 hnM ‘ nut tu n htiK i' fh ^ ’k n f Heavy nil*' l.if jh t Sln^h* nnd

IIAIUMlOO • UouhU* lla t.te^*, also Hhutkels, Uohen, W hljw , l?U\* Kte.


yulUw u



25u tja u wUi Ul us CJla

I - ‘e 1 ’ I,t

I .1 "

i* io>»«U H’U■ \ e tiful

. 0 01 I t. ,'ll.vltU a

j «-iiiii.f )nt<« out or v.o i .itt. .1

i« I.*, a ta l.'l

e" V' ttiv o? i lu >• i'pU a t. ii in iln-.

,\|'l li, (> otii, i i i p . i h n-'in .

s t.ii.* , in-.t u >i.n "fii ihr Otlv.r-U t.ilJK i .O

I '. , 11, >|nt, Ult ftu.l (

tlfft l-l.lll.

t j Il.'\ ' 'f It..' I !>• 1 I. • UH ? ..iu .-Im ii .'. »

Ait'ti ■ «*

I H t U L IV tH I YCbV*«ITU-< C O ,;ll>» X*»\ ' WlV . I- V« *» i ll. \'U» .

! j 0 H Al T . G E R A NH E A T I N G E X P E R T — |

It your llc a tln n System is not w.lislactoiy 1 enn ciirc It. |

“nnyal" Steran null Hot Water Heaters. gP L U M B IN G n ii. l T IN N IN G . g

T E T .V .P H O N E . 4 ! t a .I f E - l V P O I J T TVT ,T,

tt^csoaos iB saB oooassscB ^sM S B w afW itfS S K iftS M ©©®©1 1>Vwlir«M»WV1lwM