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'ik> M - c r * 1 * .*,. . t Js » 1 i g \ i . . V ' £ STATS AJfft OTHfiH iTlMS. W C«|T«fi d^iinw frpm tHc«mb«r SO to Jeoneiya. I>m« ]*w ihllw to itbhM port* of tba Stat* rtmtlj. ' 't ! IU». Low la, of Alabama, baa neotafto* Otoi Court Honee UgbUlatr. Garibaldi coofciM. with Aim that Italy la golug bark to tba Im»oUltloo. Mr. K. 8. A, Meyee baa ban appointed Treeaurar of L4Sfo£tVMl oaHilf. Robert A. Tbompaon baa bean nppolofed United Slate* CtoOoti**totter for Oevaee Cvua*/ A pfoftefotM mefebant baa tut Ha motto i " Early to h#d early te Hue | never get tight * and adeertlaa." Antleoita feland, If. T., baa bean destroyed, and th* keener, kit wife end ill children kill. d, by i hurricane. ^ The bin of Tbos. P. Wh (sonant, near Yorkville, wai burnt on the 5th I net, with n tnale and have*. Loaa 91,200 The AaberlUe, N. C., Pioneer record# the death of Klih* Chambers, a drunken man, by falling fr»m bit bene and dronulng la a brinob. The Federal Jury fare Hen. Jeeleh Tamer, Jr., $5,000 dntuepM In bU anil against Kirk and Bergtn for (bide imprisonment and bad 'treatment.. Vlee President Co'.fbut baa eaaelnded to accept the eh (of editorship of the New Tork Tri bune, at a aalary of twenty tbo»;#-«od dollar* ;por annum. LUntenaat Weston, of the 7th Caratry, arirlred at YorkrUle, on Monday 9th Inst., with wheat forty recruits, for the companies stationed at that place. Trustworthy Washington advice* state that there U no doubt that what la known a* the iron-clad oath, as prescribed for put.Ik officers, will soon be abolished. # The absence ot the -United States Deputy Marshal from Laurens has eaused the Herald to note the fact that no arrests have been reported for two week*. * The down MdMu train on the Greenville Road was thrcP^Ml the trmo'. last Friday, 13th last., below Alston, aad Its arrival In Columbia pn> delayed soverai hours. , The corn, fodder and cotton of Capt. John Crockett', the' proceed* of his year's labor, were rcoently destroyed by an incendiary ire, on his plantation two Miles west of Lanee*. ter village. TL. Iimm iIImim miiet k* nreralttnr to an alarming «xtont at IUevaavillo, on the South Car lina RaH Road, whore buggiea are mod, drawn Wy n*gro wen, to con raj parronger* to tba depot. . In anticipation of the aeoeptance by hie Honor Judge Jainra L. Orr ol tho Rveelan Miniitry, General Samuel McGowan le favor ably spoken of a* his enccaraor ae Judge of tho 8th Circuit. Tho Rett J. I. Bonner, President of the Due Weat Female College, baa boon appointed by the Board of T rutteca of Krtkina Collage, do aolicit anbaeriptlona to the endowment of the laat named inititutlon. The Savannah Ad vertIter annoanaea the death of Rev. A. A. Porter, D. D., formerly the editor of the Southern Proahyterlan. Tho death occurred at tko re* Idenee of the deoear«d, in Anrtln, Texa«, on tho 8th inatant. L. 0. Fontaine, of 608 Broadway, New York, la Inviting grcanhorna to buy bogu* greenback*, wbioh tboy may aend tho ea*h for, bnt wiU aot got. Thla Information, like the elmlir, U " private and strictly confldtn tUl." In * letter written lijr Xr- Greeley, Jnat before bbdMth, to the Hon. Muot Tappen, of New Hampshire, be raye: 441 bare been to bitterly,assailed tbat I hardly knew whether I was teeslsi for the Presidency or for the Penitentiary.44 ' Thaddews C. Andrews has been appointed Treasurer of Orangeburg County, and 8. II, Carr Treasurer of Georgetown County j L. L. Langlay Auditor Beaulort, W. H. Dnncan Auditor Barnwell, and Dr. H. E. lleriot Auditor Georgetown County. Wd^reit. see the announcement in the Charleston News, of the death ef Mrs. Virginia Fourgeand Dawson, with of P. W. Dawson, Ksn , one of the proprietors and the ehief editor ot the News. Mrs. Dawson had been an Invalid for a long while. Thd Columbia Female College is to be reopened en the 1st Jaawary. The following la the faculty t President.B. 8. Jores. Pro feasors.E. B. Cannon, Va. H. Orchard, Mrs. C. X. Ltlaad, Miss 8allie Partridge, Mrs. Mary M. Watson, Mrs. Lissie MeConneL la ar ling ton County tba old Cltrk refa set o surrender bis ottee, ea the ground that his commission ensnrss ths ottos to bim for four years from its date, (Jane I860,) which, according ta bis rlnw, ends in Jnne, ltfS. The , newly-elected Clerk, Mr. Jonathan Wright, will shortly commence proceedings to oast * him. incurs. JtirKfj m soot*. or uruun, in thoir.yottoo drooler, pull* k Tory careful « timoto of the cotton crop of the present ** on. They reach the eonclnsion that the crop will amount to f,183,798 bale*. Messrs. Noll, Brother* A Co , ot London, any tbottha'world rsq^jr* *,7£0,000 American halea to aako tbo '' wheeli 'work eaitly, and, with Iota; prices taiut atltiaM la tho eourao of tbo winter." A Trial or Kirnr Yeans..The Naw York ObacTor baa paaaod through tho oodepl, atarta cat anew oa tho acooad fifty year* with A larger Hat of readers and mora naattata friend* than orer. flush a steady ' ouproo «f prosperity la unexampled, and inspires confidence. We benrtilr rejoice In the great success of a paper -whioh haw always advocated those sound principles that underlie the foundations of oooloty and good gorern4 m^syt. Orthodox in tho iraest sense, both In Cftnreh end State, ttatafl nonce la always good. Ws sos Its publishers proposs to giro to srsry suhserihsr for Ifitf ad Ofgcefirletely embellisho#s4oht|foo Ytar ~ Book. fhtM who subscribe will barn an sense to rogrnt Aha atop. $3 a ynart Sidney I. Moras A £a* 27 Park Row, Naif York. Gb*NT> LolM>B PoirrB CAMHJX*.-~On Wj4»nd~iJ. lb* Orsnd Lodge went into My #lr«tioa *f grand office/* for the Ineu lug year, with lb« following renaltr: « Robert A Bn». M W. Grand Heeler. . J. B. Kehbev, K. W. Deputy Grand Ken Ur. Jen. A. Hoyl, R. W. Grand Senior War- < d«A Jar, fireU, B. W. Grand Jnnior Warden. Ret, A. Tooaner Porter, K. W. Grand Ctiaplaio. H. flf, SehrwW, R, W, Grand Trraeurrr. B, RuA Campbell, ft, W. Grand Seer*<3fi» B»Uo4t and W. H. I>, GnlMUrd d /^aior Daeaoor, Stewards. 4(W,UM M. L West, Grand Marshal. Mr: w* A " w», Grand Tj|«r> r ^ \ * f, Wf > . ;r-, ,, I V Vttl M| *W" v- tTfc r> ._ M tM U .J_ , ' .* ' »." * 'jOokHhbia ^* Advertisements "tlTACKsoST Dmggftot and Apothecary. HVkVk COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct. 28 ?6 8a WbUillDAil UVJUBbf COLUMBIA, S. C. Til IS first-elas* and entirely new establishmom, I»«iu0 la tba knlnui mldit of South Carolina's Capital, afford* tbo very bast aaamamodations to tba TRAVELING PUBLIC AND PERMANENT GUBST8. Large airy rooms elegantly furnished, GAS, DELLS, an.l WATER throughout. Ladles' and Gentlemen's DATnS.HOT AND COLD. TKLEUKAPJI OFFICE In the Rotunda; spacious BILLIARD ROOM, furnished with Pltelan A Collender's best TABLES, and with all the modem I improvements o. a FIRST-CLASS nOTELL. TH3 » COLUMBIA " Is, In all respeeti, one of the first house* South. The Proprietor having had an experience ot nearly a quarter of a century in tbo manage* ment of the Cbarlerton Hotel, ia sufficient guarantee that the "COLUMBIA" will br fouud as represented. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. Jaa. F. Gadsden, J. O. Dohkhtt, Asa'ts. Got 23 25 3m Isaac Sulzbacher, WATTHK9, Jewelry ltd Silver Ware, Cutlery end Fancy Arlicier. Under Columbia hotel, Colnnlia, 3. C. Oct 9 23 3m J.McKENZIE, MANUFACTURES PAlLT CANDY, CAKES, CONFECTIONS Of Pur* Stijar. CAKES Ie»d and Ornamented to order. Toxa, Fruit a, Kuta, Jellirs, Ac., at holerale and Retail. MAIN ST. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oet 23 25 3ra KINARD & WII,EY, DEALERS IN CLOTHING, HATS, UMBRELLAS CANES, Gents' Furnishing Goods* CELEDRATED OTA?. G2XS.TQ. r'/XT iriunr i o n WUUlUUIAf S9« *-/ Oct S3 Sfi 3m. GEORGE KALDWAY, COLUMBIA. S- C. INVITES all hia Irinula in tba np country, when tliey roma down, not to paaa h/ n without atopping in and trying hia choice WINES, LIQUORS and LAGER Oct S3 23 3m CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE OOMPAISTV, OF Memphis, Tenn., AND Baltimore, Maryland Assets, $ 1, ]00,000. HON. JEFFERSON DA VJB. FvmUmtU OBN. WA DK HA UPTON, Viet Pr-UTt. GEN. JOHN D. KENNEDY. 1 General Agent Jar South Carolina, COLUMBIA, 8. a 1ST JOHN H. 8CH0F1ELD, Agent, Greenville, S. O. SI ly FALL OPBNINfiT MISS M"KAY, Kill Oyta, onTHUUDAT, ITU iajtant, A LAROfi AND VAried AMortmrat of (nm& pattern bonnets ** i /jltlhl j u>d dats. PKATDERS, W&r PLOTTERS, RIBBONS, tibs, PL' RS, JET and Hair GOODS, COR. SETS, Aa. She would alao inform tka UAU thai abe hu Uk«i tbe Agency of BUTTKRICK'3 PATTERNS, And will hereafter he able to fWrnlab then at MS IF YORK PRICKS. A large aerorlmeat o! Velvet, Veluma, VelvM<-en and %>in of. all eolora, for Dreaa making. Oet M 24 tf T. W. DAVM vatck mi ui mil. CORKER OP gfr, main Washing ton Itraata aext Soar U National ORKKNVILLB, 8- 0. M«T I U - tm. k , rr*llE loagen beet otft* JL nitfd, tiid the only one lo the 8ouih conducted by en EXPERIENCED MERCHANT AND PRACTICAL ACCOUNTA XT. Th« (onm of study Include Rook-Keeping in al! I'.» krar«b«r, Pfamantliip. MatlitmaMei, Commercial Lav, Business Corrs-pondenee, Business Forma, Partnership, Settlement, Dark* ing, Telegraphy, Iconography, J2tn. Tna TRANSACTIONS AND OPRnATIORS IN TSI Actual Business Department, nr. (A. motI evmplrtt aarf pruelitnl of lAr ntj«. jy Siadrhli ianmetH] a paralrW ami recolied al any time. Business Advoeal^ mailed fr<t < n applieatinn. Address D. F. XOORS, PreaiJenL Nov 27 3'» IT " Of Chronia or Acute hbcuinatutn, tioute, 6ciati«R. liesdaeb, Lumbago, Agve Nirrouinets or Kidney Affections accepted lor treatmeat that I cannot cure. L! A sir « T H»r> I c_3 1AJ St £3 i. a. nabi&n, agent, uroenviua. b. i;. D«o 4 41 ly f»S : §1111 .1 oim^nrs XB ; ^ a AS I have on hand ilie largest Slo«-k of Oixxft, which has been purchased principally lor Cash, in I want lo s ll them for the aim*, at low prices. I would advia* my frirude and the public generally, to rail and rinmitie my Stock; and will be glad to chow my Good* T£7 TQ "t? W of charge. And as my vb have been mnrkei down, I am sure to give satisfaction to all that will favor me with a call. Any one wanting cheap Goods 0IIl 1 r it i' ' j ' 11 * fin<l them at the well known store, where Goo's are to «\ * ' mm<&m at the lowest mar test prices, MX Wholesale and Retail, at ... I t. ..... ?..d» I.,.a XJUUK'8 ftlOII'j «i ' * II , " I I I . (9* The but Calieo Print*, it ffl fW 12| cents per yard. Ml MMi Oet SO St it V'l JAMES T. ERWIN, Fruit and Country PRODTJOB, Commission Merchant .AND. i ^ WHOLESALE DEALER i IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUIT, NUTS, &C. ««MARKET 8TREET Charleston, S. c. ' Oct It ti IS I.. iiitllniift .11 iiftiiTijii»i 1 01 Shi ,> ,,, mjfai '^TnnV^-'l1[!' N0RVitisii and s INSIWjk co 0F % AND ED OFFICE, JT STRE, **' % \ rinnitol I *.** ) * \ 9 # Fire Rcscrv^p dedu Life AssctsA # , IFire Assets\itea St We nro instructed Vowe Offic* or long drafts, 118 Y,n.tBgeous, . * j CONNER \8. E. VB 1 a V E. ULAO I John H. SchoneLell^ fc I Dec 4 J SI Ii M * »J .. . U-B Rn<HB| I (T>nsi nn-w^ fca/ J, \K/ IKAIyg Tiiis HOUSE is in the Cente. Public Offices and Business Uonsc of the State Hons© Square; has %ntcd, and will now compare ft»vo The sfiacioiis Billiard Boom ) lender's best Tables. Rofc'a Omtiilxin will eonrcy Pi>wgfn tf Alto, first rU#* Cairinge fw» ll>e uuconi p»r d«y. Oct 28 25 Look Out How You Prcsx * / CTTOUE undersigned has just rel Jw> with the best assorted Sto place, containing everything necee Offers them at the very lowest pri and you will find everything yoi or Boys' wear, in Dress Goods, Shawl Ilats, Boots an Pistols an of the be A full line of Hosien w cy Goods, 1ST Call before yon buy elm you will bo convinced tbat it wi forget. At Carr's Old S n.i ii »» A Great Improvement j siTinons' hepatic com PAT ENT THIS is an improvement upon Iho original if)' in Liquid form, ready for uw. This pcpsia, or any Sickness arising front Torpid r retinves the Idle, and on unci the patient to i entirely vegetutdo, and guarantee# aatiafaetinn. cine. Sold by all druggists and dealera every KI.VO * SOSBOKOUGII, DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wb MARSHALL A MAULDI] Pep II Excelsior Mattrc 'P1IE public ia Informed that there ia anel i i lie Wonderful Excelsior Sound at>d refreshing sleep la secured th< Mattresses. P> raona need not have their pi Bugs, tor they taill not infest lid* NJnitnn These Mnitre>s-a are gotten up in varioua and |10. A good assortment always on hat carriage makers, that this Patent Kxeel.ior i it la very light and durable, and I would re< any quantity, aa I buy direct fr< rn the Boa and 1 can sell it very sheep Manufacturer of the " Wonderful Patent Qourtllouse MBS- O'CONNOR « WOULD reaprctfully in. form the Ladies of Greenville and vicinity, that she has just received and opened a hand* some and complete assort* FALL GOODS, Constating of u;tiin.... r ... n.i. Zcpliyr Worsteds, Woretrd Goods, Faney Jewelry, And m««v other ar<UI*e appertaining lo this line, whirli will ImmI4 at reasonable prices. . , , » tr An examination of lite Slock is so ] lictud. \ 16-U Boot and Shoe Making* FglUE UNDERSIGNED U prepared with JL competent Workmen lo fill ail orders for BOOTS and SttORA. of Ixrfh dee and heavy qualities, on short notlc-. Il« gu»r« aniees sailsfaeliea. REPAIRING prompt* iy attended to. 1 tar Shop nearly opposite Messrs. (low r, Co* A Mark Icy s. BIJTLER DYER. April 10 4# ly OPENING OF MILLINERY ROODS. Mrs. Via T, Jennings Respectfully informs ths ladies that aha will opea, on Friday next, November let. a line selection of FALL ind WINTER GOODS, consisting of MILLINERY, FINE MAIN 6QQQS AND JEWELRY. She cordially latitat lha Ladies lo cal tod examine. / * I* T. JENNINGS. Oct 80 24 tf iiiii i i tiammamm. Mi iERCAWM' " IMP ANY, INBUBGH, ET* NEW YORK. i . $10,000,000 Tuj cted, 2,500,000 . 11,000,000 r*l »n< $23,500,000 K",~ ates, 1,500,000 , 3 -1TJT1 >, " i'ay promptly ; arnw nio iu f<»r Button loesee." Feb ITE. A Module Managers. DEN, ir Greenville, S. C. ^ At fi ) TE L, HOTEL.) °°' J 8r Wl.l ers* 'or 1 on I lion pric PP U 5. ©. 5 City, convenient to all the tad on the Soutliweetjcorner taently i e opened and reno r,itli any Hotel nt ihe South. 8 )ied witli Phelnn & Col PA, ' "Vrrrj tfniD. fren of clinrire '"0<t Ladies. T«»iolenl Hoard f>2 60 n W E. ItOSE, Proprietor. I* I > 3m I . Your Vote for flr> t\ g »w»/n urnc(1 the Northern Marlccu? ( ck ut v lie ever kept in this I sary to ft frtmj|y coinfortablo. _ ices. Cfl ge0 tor yourselves. i wont tries', Misses', Gents' s, Clot Domestics, p d ShoQuns, I d Cuty, «t makes. 1 " h Wors1 and Fan, <fcc., '& c jwliero, at tln\or6igned's, and I ill be to your ftnt Jgo. Don't B. M. ^ STOCK, land, Main St., villo, S. C. if 1 in the Mod>cal\enCe. pontP oh lih evne. ED 1871. Receipt of A. Q. SIMM ^ (} corgi*. P«t medicine defle* rivet ..x. *»««- >r Diseased Liver. It is A cathartic, loon f««l like a new person u Medicine ia Those suffering will do w, try tj,jg Mediwhcre. Proprietor*, Wa, Fi.. oiesalo Agent#, Cbarleaton, , tf. Agents for Gr\Yme. 19 Am !ss Ulanufact-y. i a place in Greenville. where.y oan get multrcMcs aud PiW(a hoi and sultry nighta l.y l> on th©s# ea-ant dreams disturbed by tl>>K>T, Bed i. They are a great comfort t»v weary style#, aio-a and pricea, (tore ft> gg, go id." Would also say. for the lnfy|,.', cf a a good tiling f»r stnfTing enshic£c^ iommend it. I c#u furniali the E,i,>r in Ion Exerlsior Ccnipanv to large c^titiea, ,T. C. C. TURNK Excelsior Matties#," I wo doora of It _ PTJpjf LIBBB.TT WHITE LEA). Buy the Best.It is the Cheape To Consumers of White Lead Everywh*. UNEOUALED. 1st. For Wearing and Covering Propertii J f. For Wlibencrs and Beauty of Finish. S«l for UtiHoim Kmer.eea of Grinding. 41h Mime Weight will do more end he't work, el a given enal, than snj olh. 5th. Meet Kconomical White Lvai ever ii I rod need. Alh. If you wieh la procure ae rtsich rail ' possible for vour money md eeciu handsome aud durable work, nee Pare Liberty White Lead. Try it and bo convinced. Satisfaction gua antaad. \ WHOLESALE AO RETS. (iOWER, COX & ITlARki LEY, DRtLRRS IN Conch materials, Pnlste, oil tilmt, Patty* Ac.* UUKKNVILLK, 8. 0. Oof 9 23 20 jr. QOTTLUSB PISCH'S BITTER! fThla preparation of tt great Scientist. l>r. Got Ehsbth°ife«a:-. Slmatcrlala of the bol Ore derived from Food, i aJi Vital Korea, or Healt la derived from the For stored op In Food. L Wtok?» BttUnra anablaa tl System to liberate at appropriate these Foro* creates Appetite, ear Dyepepeis with Its reeul IngbebllTly end leak Nervous Knergy i ao ton the Kionaeh and llwr to make Constipation at BtlloMsaaatmpoaalbta; i faadSMMS the Hyatora so can tld# over bad results ohsogiaf climate. waU do., and nettev endure tl demands often pnexpe tedly roado on Its For and Energy. Lad lea In d Monte heal I h, axel pcrsor and nit emaolatod at weak sfler aickneas, w rf.k,m.) rapidly strengthen I using tills great preparation. Ice Comptroller Genera),, 8. C., FeKrunry 1, 1871 KJG 3 ia U certify that tha OKKBNVILLE .»n.IO» .., Mi.h.d HiinnriiiDDt i^wppi^. | .. own of Greenville, 8. C., U b«r*by dee- HWWr, ay tbie Board aa ibo paper in wbleh IHu id public MiieM abnll be pnbliabed, for HH inly of Greenville, in tMerduM with I 1 et lo rexsltle tho publioation of nil la- % I puhlio notice#," which became n law try VSd, 1870. J. L. NEAGLB, Comptroller General. D. II. CHAMBERLAIN," Attorney General. R a bore ia a true eopy of the original on 1 ®l| the office of 8e«retary of State. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of 8tate. °',n 14 41 tf M®wU . Alber ca-uus. "ft SINGLE GUNS, S' I 50. 03 00, $4 fto, f5 00, «« 00. $8 00, "'"P* 10 00, 812 00, to $-2* 00. lOUBLfi GUN 8, f'Md want 100.87 50, 810 00. 81*00.815 W>. 8«0 cban 45 00. |S0 00. $40 00, 850 00 to |75 00 telle Breach Loading Double Guns, The 40 00. $45 00. $50 00. |«0 OO $"75 00, 0 00,8110 OO. 8180 00 to 8300 00. che, PISTOLS, fatni iii ill A eaaon, Colt'a, A lien *a, Sharp V, tney and other kind*, at awannfactur. hfM)j( price*. AnmitnilVm and Implements Ayei 3i eaeh-lmding Ouna, at a email advance nf 0 Joel of import at io». M^talic Ammuni- anil (or Rift-*# and I'ietole, at loweal maikrt liar ea.' A riimplctr aaeortment of all Sport- the Ooo-la; prieea and drrcription a«tH <>a For lleation. ©ode ahipped by Expr«-««. C. O. D. POOITNEV, TRIMBLE It CO., IMPORTERS, 1' No. 200 IF. Daltfmore St., Baltimore. yRlcherd't, Donga l>, Oreener'a,8cott*e j other celebrated make of gnna on hand 1 imported to older. onj >tp< 25 21 ly H.r |n ul a. lalanb. I a. r. (.arol-ssklirrr. ,Dg | A. A. AVR1LRR. ill) ... Ch UlDUIIMPfM " /ILL l)i lJillJiin in W) i/vi| WHOLESALE GROCERS ASD »«l Commission iTIcrchnnls, AT NO. 175 EAST BAY Charleston, S. C. j.:» 24 ^ 12 ly CH'OCK.8, GOLD ASD SILVER , W&¥GSBS, BEST OHADES OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED ¥ARE, TABLE CUTLERY, AND FANCY GO DS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF told, Silver, Steel & Plated Framed SPECTACLES. ALSO GKNUINK IPSBIBILIE SEiSCTAlilLIfiS. ' II. Wchrle. Oct 11 22 tf TAILORING. 6. B. POORE & CO. \ H6 »«" pr®|»»r«. -> I"-" cV. *11 kinds «>t TAILORING. having in their employ a number of competent and efficient Workmen, and fuel tint they can meet the want* of tl>o GreanvlUe trade.. Cutting done in the la'eat style and faehion, and on »h<>rt no'iee. All work war ranted by them. They a?k a continuance of patronage. 0. B POOHE A CO. tr Stand, near the IN.el Office.. Oct 1 22 11 WIIITNEIl SYMMES, Attorney and Counsellor at Latr, GREENVILLE, S. C. OFFICE.-New Court House Room uaed hy County Commiaeionera. April 10 49 8m BUKT & QRAY^ ATTORNEYS AT LAW .*an. SOLICITOUS IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE. S. C«, Will Practice in lie Court! of ihil Stale and ike Culled Slalee. OFFICE.Rear room of New Court llouaa Mar 2o, 1872. 46 tf r v _ 1 EiP. JONES, 71 ^(©fcssarar aw ot, alJ and atyJCITOR IN EQUITY. ' «I.L PBACTICB IX «U " COURT^OP THIS STAHi \ *«. IN THE UNlW> STATES COURTS. ,, 0«ee at Ore^yiUe C. H., S. 0. July 1,1869. \ 7 ly* !- M.O. BUTI.BB. P. B. MCMCE. , BUTLER 8o McBEE. Attorney* and Councilor* at La1 and in Eqrtty, r GREENVILL^ 8. C., * Will rrMtiei lm the Cearta »< the lt« ' -- t- aad ef the S « »" ,a ag* 1* I J. 5 wnofi^ Jr"0 S RITAPL '\W°i rTt 3 GwMsavlitiWo S OOT31TTRT 1 SOTTOHT AN» J, ft DOLD. A 'r ORDERS FOR CORE SOI t Apr" 17 40 I . m AGENTS WANTED FOU TUB ISAT I1TDTJDTF.IEQ OP TUB UNITED 8TATK8. f\A Pages > (! J>°0 Engraving*, UU printed in English and Gerwrittcn hy 20 eminent »»fhor>, inclndimf B. Qough, linn. Leon Caw, Edwartf Mid, Rev. E. Edwin H..II, Philip Rlplejr I Nrisbnnc, Horace Greeley, F. B. Peretc., etc. it wor!. is a complete Liatcry of ell. bee of fednslry, processes of mi»nufacetc.. In allege*. It; it a complete encj , din of arte und raaiiafaetnie*, end is the* entertaining and Valuable work ef infor->» ul.tnrta nl nnersl iDttfWIem eA- f.o the public. It is adapted to fUa< s of the Merchant, Mnnnfneturer, Meie, Farmer, Student >nd Inventor, and to both old and joaog <>f all classes, book is sold bjr agents, who are making sales in all ports of the country. It Is »d at the low price of $.1.50, and is thepest book ercr sold by subscription. No ly should l>e without a copy. We want sts is every town in the United Stales, »o Agent can fail to bio well with thist. Oar terms are liberal. We give our" rite the exclusive right of territory. One ur Agents sold 138 copies in eight days, another *73 in two weeks. Our Agent in tford sold 307 in one week. Spe :mens 06 work sent to Agents on receipt of stamp, circulars »ed tertus to agents addrts* the llshrra WK PCIH.I8H THE BK8T TCTIONAkY OF TIIK BIPLE IN TIIK ENGLISH LANGUAGE, BY W M. KM ITII. 1.1. D. t is written by 70 of the most diatinguishdivines in Europe und America, and is they edition published in this country con ised by l>r. Smith's own hand. It is illus ted with over 125 steel and wood engrsv;s. It contains every name in lbs Bible oft pnrtance, and is a book needet by every ristian tainily. It is printed indoubl* cola, in, in one large octavo volume. Wee, $3.50.. "iSdSb- We want Aavnts for theseWorke in all* its and towns in Ike oountr. We pay go commissions, snd giro esclulve territo. For circulars snd terms addris the pub ' hers. Sample copies of nny oloav books. Jm at to any address on receipt of «f lev. J. B. 11U11H A BTBJs kl.lisl.enr, M A Hartford, Conn.; Chicago, III.Cincinnati, ff %>t 25-ly B MB I. I) MU mte f COTTON FACTOR. I AND GENERAL: 0HHISSI01 MI b; HA s r ACCOMMODATION W*RF, ^HARLESToff. S. C. r will also, when plackin funds. ' y -f .1.f ^?» purc/iase ana jorwra an, kin ds of Merchav 4t, Mas chin try, Agrichural implement*. Jrtilisera, tf'o j Oct 25 25 J Ijr Johnston, Cre^p & Co*, IMPORIElj And Wholesale Jalers in 8TAPIB AND j JET jQl. 3NT P Y DRY GCDDS, NOTING 41 7//1 y .VA' WEXT% (DBLftBOfSSTf, 8. (5. Dec 13 3 If Edmonds 7 Brown, | 2 mm. » 9 } 48 HAY STREET, OPPOSITE C^ESTON HOTEL ctiA rTox, a. c. d«« o 8l \J ~ inn\T AF.RGF.Rft tl v 11 il t\ ' mmni iinf ereiS, >liuiilfj klxm wCw^y \y of Oreenvillo, near wh?» i Road crnrMt the N a n lot diopo»«d of priro ly *t on nrl I will l>« »old at ouc i. Tbio k|, very occemiblo, an of good q \ G. McCl-ASARAt, K |. I ]. \ MRS. I.AUR< (JWJN. J < " ' * i EN GAM.ONS vJ,.'.!rr in NOnroLES is term FOR^ . R IH£*"Uention *> Vffc Timepiece. *e. * » < \

V . M tlTACKsoST N0RVitisii iERCAWM' Comptroller Otoi ......tibs, PL'RS, JETand Hair GOODS,COR. SETS,Aa. Shewould alao informtka UAU thaiabe huUk«itbe Agencyof BUTTKRICK'3 PATTERNS,

Sep 20, 2020



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Page 1: V . M tlTACKsoST N0RVitisii iERCAWM' Comptroller Otoi ......tibs, PL'RS, JETand Hair GOODS,COR. SETS,Aa. Shewould alao informtka UAU thaiabe huUk«itbe Agencyof BUTTKRICK'3 PATTERNS,

'ik>M -

c r * 1 *

.*,. .

t Js » 1i g\ i . . V ' £

STATS AJfft OTHfiH iTlMS. WC«|T«fi d^iinw frpm tHc«mb«r SO to

Jeoneiya.I>m« ]*w ihllw to itbhM port* of tba

Stat* rtmtlj. '

't !

IU». Low la, of Alabama, baa neotafto* OtoiCourt Honee UgbUlatr.

Garibaldi coofciM. with Aim that Italyla golug bark to tba Im»oUltloo.Mr. K. 8. A, Meyee baa ban appointed

Treeaurar of L4Sfo£tVMl oaHilf.Robert A. Tbompaon baa bean nppolofed

United Slate* CtoOoti**totter for Oevaee Cvua*/A pfoftefotM mefebant baa tut Ha motto i

" Early to h#d early te Hue | never get tight* and adeertlaa."

Antleoita feland, If. T., baa bean destroyed,and th* keener, kit wife end ill children kill.

d, by i hurricane.^

The bin of Tbos. P. Wh(sonant, near

Yorkville, wai burnt on the 5th Inet, with n

tnale and have*. Loaa 91,200The AaberlUe, N. C., Pioneer record# the

death of Klih* Chambers, a drunken man, byfalling fr»m bit bene and dronulng la a

brinob.The Federal Jury fare Hen. Jeeleh Tamer,

Jr., $5,000 dntuepM In bU anil against Kirkand Bergtn for (bide imprisonment and bad'treatment..Vlee President Co'.fbut baa eaaelnded to acceptthe eh(of editorship of the New Tork Tri

bune, at a aalary of twenty tbo»;#-«od dollar*;por annum.

LUntenaat Weston, of the 7th Caratry, arirlredat YorkrUle, on Monday 9th Inst., withwheat forty recruits, for the companies stationedat that place.

Trustworthy Washington advice* state thatthere U no doubt that what la known a* theiron-clad oath, as prescribed for put.Ik officers,will soon be abolished. #

The absence ot the -United States DeputyMarshal from Laurens has eaused the Heraldto note the fact that no arrests have been reportedfor two week*. *

The down MdMu train on the GreenvilleRoad was thrcP^Ml the trmo'. last Friday,13th last., below Alston, aad Its arrival InColumbia pn> delayed soverai hours.

,The corn, fodder and cotton of Capt. John

Crockett', the' proceed* of his year's labor,were rcoently destroyed by an incendiary ire,on his plantation two Miles west of Lanee*.ter village.TL. Iimm iIImim miiet k* nreralttnr to an

alarming «xtont at IUevaavillo, on the SouthCar lina RaH Road, whore buggiea are mod,drawn Wy n*gro wen, to con raj parronger* to

tba depot. .

In anticipation of the aeoeptance by hieHonor Judge Jainra L. Orr ol tho RveelanMiniitry, General Samuel McGowan le favor

ably spoken of a* his enccaraor ae Judge oftho 8th Circuit.Tho Rett J. I. Bonner, President of the

Due Weat Female College, baa boon appointedby the Board of Trutteca of Krtkina Collage,do aolicit anbaeriptlona to the endowment ofthe laat named inititutlon.

The Savannah AdvertIter annoanaea thedeath of Rev. A. A. Porter, D. D., formerlythe editor of the Southern Proahyterlan. Thodeath occurred at tko re* Idenee of the deoear«d,in Anrtln, Texa«, on tho 8th inatant.

L. 0. Fontaine, of 608 Broadway, NewYork, la Inviting grcanhorna to buy bogu*greenback*, wbioh tboy may aend tho ea*hfor, bnt wiU aot got. Thla Information, likethe elmlir, U " private and strictly confldtn tUl."

In * letter written lijr Xr- Greeley, Jnat beforebbdMth, to the Hon. Muot Tappen, ofNew Hampshire, be raye: 441 bare been to

bitterly,assailed tbat I hardly knew whetherI was teeslsi for the Presidency or for thePenitentiary.44 '

Thaddews C. Andrews has been appointedTreasurer of Orangeburg County, and 8. II,Carr Treasurer of Georgetown County j L. L.Langlay Auditor Beaulort, W. H. Dnncan AuditorBarnwell, and Dr. H. E. lleriot AuditorGeorgetown County.Wd^reit. see the announcement in the

Charleston News, of the death ef Mrs. VirginiaFourgeand Dawson, with of P. W.Dawson, Ksn , one of the proprietors and theehief editor ot the News. Mrs. Dawson hadbeen an Invalid for a long while.

.»Thd Columbia Female College is to be reopeneden the 1st Jaawary. The following

la the faculty t President.B. 8. Jores. Profeasors.E. B. Cannon, Va. H. Orchard,Mrs. C. X. Ltlaad, Miss 8allie Partridge,Mrs. Mary M. Watson, Mrs. Lissie MeConneL

la arlington County tba old Cltrk refaseto surrender bis ottee, ea the ground that hiscommission ensnrss ths ottos to bim for fouryears from its date, (Jane I860,) which, accordingta bis rlnw, ends in Jnne, ltfS. The

, newly-elected Clerk, Mr. Jonathan Wright,will shortly commence proceedings to oast

* him.incurs. JtirKfj m soot*. or uruun, in

thoir.yottoo drooler, pull* k Tory careful «timoto of the cotton crop of the present **on. They reach the eonclnsion that the crop

will amount to f,183,798 bale*. Messrs. Noll,Brother* A Co , ot London, any tbottha'worldrsq^jr* *,7£0,000 American halea to aako tbo'' wheeli 'work eaitly, and, with Iota; pricestaiut atltiaM la tho eourao of tbo winter."

A Trial or Kirnr Yeans..The NawYork ObacTor baa paaaod through thooodepl, atarta cat anew oa tho acooad fiftyyear* with A larger Hat of readers and moranaattata friend* than orer. flush a steady

' ouproo «f prosperity la unexampled, and inspiresconfidence. We benrtilr rejoice In thegreat success of a paper -whioh haw always advocatedthose sound principles that underliethe foundations of oooloty and good gorern4m^syt. Orthodox in tho iraest sense, both InCftnreh end State, ttataflnonce la always good.Ws sos Its publishers proposs to giro to srsrysuhserihsr for Ifitfad Ofgcefirletely embellisho#s4oht|fooYtar~Book. fhtM who subscribewill barn an sense to rogrnt Aha atop. $3 aynart Sidney I. Moras A £a* 27 Park Row,Naif York.

Gb*NT> LolM>B <» PoirrB CAMHJX*.-~OnWj4»nd~iJ. lb* Orsnd Lodge went intoMy #lr«tioa *f grand office/* for the Ineulug year, with lb« following renaltr:« Robert A Bn». M W. Grand Heeler.. J. B. Kehbev, K. W. Deputy Grand Ken

Ur.Jen. A. Hoyl, R. W. Grand Senior War- <

d«AJar, fireU, B. W. Grand Jnnior Warden.Ret, A. Tooaner Porter, K. W. Grand

Ctiaplaio.H. flf, SehrwW, R, W, Grand Trraeurrr.B, RuA Campbell, ft, W. Grand Seer*<3fi»

B»Uo4t and W. H. I>, GnlMUrdd /^aior Daeaoor,

Stewards. 4(W,UM M. L West, Grand

Marshal.Mr: w* A " w», Grand Tj|«r>

r ^ \* f, Wf

> . ;r-, ,, IVVttl M| *W" v- tTfc r> ._ M tM U .J_ ,

' .* '

»." *

'jOokHhbia^* Advertisements

"tlTACKsoSTDmggftot and Apothecary.HVkVk

COLUMBIA, S. C.Oct. 28 ?68a


Til IS first-elas* and entirely new establishmom,I»«iu0 la tba knlnui mldit ofSouth Carolina's Capital, afford* tbo very bastaaamamodations to tbaTRAVELING PUBLIC AND PERMANENT

GUBST8.Large airy rooms elegantly furnished,GAS, DELLS, an.l WATER throughout.

Ladles' and Gentlemen'sDATnS.HOT AND COLD.


ROOM, furnished with Pltelan A Collender'sbest TABLES, and with all the modem

I improvements o. a


Is, In all respeeti, one of the first house*South.The Proprietor having had an experience ot

nearly a quarter of a century in tbo manage*ment of the Cbarlerton Hotel, ia sufficientguarantee that the "COLUMBIA" will brfouud as represented.

WM. GORMAN, Proprietor.Jaa. F. Gadsden, J. O. Dohkhtt, Asa'ts.Got 23 253m

Isaac Sulzbacher,

WATTHK9, Jewelry ltd Silver Ware,Cutlery end Fancy Arlicier. UnderColumbia hotel, Colnnlia, 3. C.

Oct 9 233m



CAKES Ie»d and Ornamented to order.Toxa, Fruit a, Kuta, Jellirs, Ac., at

holerale and Retail.MAIN ST. COLUMBIA, S. C.

Oet 23 25 3ra



CELEDRATEDOTA?. G2XS.TQ.r'/XT iriunr i o nWUUlUUIAf S9« *-/

Oct S3 Sfi3m.


INVITES all hia Irinula in tba np country,when tliey roma down, not to paaa h/n without atopping in and trying hia choice




Memphis, Tenn.,AND

Baltimore, Maryland

Assets, $1, ]00,000.HON. JEFFERSON DA VJB. FvmUmtUOBN. WADK HAUPTON, Viet Pr-UTt.


General Agent Jar South Carolina,COLUMBIA, 8. a

1ST JOHN H. 8CH0F1ELD, Agent,Greenville, S. O. SI ly


Kill Oyta, onTHUUDAT, ITU iajtant,A LAROfi AND VAriedAMortmrat of(nm& pattern bonnets** i /jltlhl j u>d dats.

PKATDERS,W&r PLOTTERS, RIBBONS,tibs, PL' RS, JET and Hair GOODS, COR.SETS, Aa. She would alao inform tka UAUthai abe hu Uk«i tbe Agency of

BUTTKRICK'3 PATTERNS,And will hereafter he able to fWrnlab then at

MS IF YORK PRICKS.A large aerorlmeat o! Velvet, Veluma, VelvM<-enand %>in of. all eolora,for Dreaa making.Oet M 24tf

T. W. DAVMvatck mi ui mil.

CORKER OP gfr,main

Washington Itraata aext Soar U National


tm. k,

rr*llE loagen beet otft*JL nitfd, tiid the only one lo the 8ouihconducted by en



Th« (onm of study Include Rook-Keepingin al! I'.» krar«b«r, Pfamantliip. MatlitmaMei,Commercial Lav, Business

Corrs-pondenee, Business Forma,Partnership, Settlement, Dark*

ing, Telegraphy, Iconography, J2tn.Tna TRANSACTIONS AND OPRnATIORS IN TSI

Actual Business Department,nr. (A. motI evmplrtt aarf pruelitnl of lAr ntj«.jy Siadrhli ianmetH] a paralrW ami

recolied al any time. Business Advoeal^mailed fr<t < n applieatinn. Address

D. F. XOORS, PreaiJenLNov 27 3'»IT


Of Chronia or Acute hbcuinatutn, tioute,6ciati«R. liesdaeb, Lumbago, Agve Nirrouinetsor Kidney Affections accepted lor treatmeatthat I cannot cure.

L! A sir « T H»r> t» I c_3 1AJ St £3i. a. nabi&n, agent, uroenviua. b. i;.D«o 4 41ly

f»S :

§1111 .1


;^ aAS I have on hand ilie largest Slo«-k of

Oixxft, which has been purchasedprincipally lor Cash,

inI want lo s ll them for the aim*, at lowprices. I would advia* my frirude and thepublic generally, to rail and rinmitie myStock; and will be glad to chow my Good*

T£7 TQ "t?W

of charge. And as my

vbhave been mnrkei down, I am sureto give satisfaction to all that will favorme with a call. Any one wanting cheapGoods

0IIl 1r it i' ' j

' 11 *fin<l them at the well known store, whereGoo's are to«\ * '

mm<&mat the lowest mar test prices,

MXWholesale and Retail, at

... I t. ..... ?..d» I.,.a

XJUUK'8ftlOII'j «i ' * II ,

" I I I .

(9* The but Calieo Print*, it ffl

fW 12| cents per yard. Ml

MMiOet SO StitV'l

JAMES T. ERWIN,Fruit and CountryPRODTJOB,Commission Merchant

.AND. i ^


FRUIT, NUTS, &C.««MARKET 8TREETCharleston, S. c. '

Oct It tiIS

I.. iiitllniift .11iiftiiTijii»i 1 01 Shi ,> ,,, mjfai

'^TnnV^-'l1[!'N0RVitisii and sINSIWjk co


**'% \rinnitol I

*.** ) * \9 #Fire Rcscrv^p deduLife AssctsA# ,

IFire Assets\itea StWe nro instructed Vowe Offic*or long drafts, 118 Y,n.tBgeous,.


j CONNER\8. E. VB1

a V E. ULAOIJohn H. SchoneLell^ fcI Dec 4J SI

Ii M *

» J .. . U-B Rn<HB|


(T>nsi nn-w^fca/ J, \K/ IKAIyg

Tiiis HOUSE is in the Cente.Public Offices and Business Uonscof the State Hons© Square; has%ntcd, and will now compare ft»voThe sfiacioiis Billiard Boom )

lender's best Tables.Rofc'a Omtiilxin will eonrcy Pi>wgfn tfAlto, first rU#* Cairinge fw» ll>e uuconi

p»r d«y.Oct 28 25

Look Out How YouPrcsx

* /

CTTOUE undersigned has just relJw> with the best assorted Stoplace, containing everything neceeOffers them at the very lowest priand you will find everything yoior Boys' wear, in

Dress Goods, ShawlIlats, Boots an

Pistols anof the be

A full line of Hosienw

cy Goods,1ST Call before yon buy elm

you will bo convinced tbat it wiforget.

At Carr's Old Sn.i ii »»

A Great Improvement jsiTinons' hepatic com

PAT ENTTHIS is an improvement upon Iho originalif)' in Liquid form, ready for uw. Thispcpsia, or any Sickness arising front Torpid rretinves the Idle, and on unci the patient to ientirely vegetutdo, and guarantee# aatiafaetinn.cine. Sold by all druggists and dealera every



Excelsior Mattrc'P1IE public ia Informed that there ia aneli i lie Wonderful ExcelsiorSound at>d refreshing sleep la secured th<Mattresses. P> raona need not have their piBugs, tor they taill not infest lid* NJnitnnThese Mnitre>s-a are gotten up in varioua

and |10. A good assortment always on hatcarriage makers, that this Patent Kxeel.ior iit la very light and durable, and I would re<any quantity, aa I buy direct fr< rn the Boaand 1 can sell it very sheep

Manufacturer of the " Wonderful PatentQourtllouse

MBS- O'CONNOR«WOULD reaprctfully in.

form the Ladies of Greenvilleand vicinity, that she has justreceived and opened a hand*some and complete assort*

FALL GOODS,Constating of

u;tiin.... r ... n.i.

Zcpliyr Worsteds,Woretrd Goods,

Faney Jewelry,And m««v other ar<UI*e appertaining lo

this line, whirli will ImmI4 at reasonableprices. . , ,»

tr An examination of lite Slock is so ]lictud. \16-U

Boot and Shoe Making*FglUE UNDERSIGNED U prepared withJL competent Workmen lo fill ail ordersfor BOOTS and SttORA. of Ixrfh dee andheavy qualities, on short notlc-. Il« gu»r«aniees sailsfaeliea. REPAIRING prompt*iy attended to. 1

tar Shop nearly opposite Messrs. (lowr,Co* A Mark Icy s.

BIJTLER DYER.April 10 4#ly


MILLINERY ROODS.Mrs. Via T, JenningsRespectfully informs ths ladies

that aha will opea, on Friday next,November let. a line selection of FALLind WINTER GOODS, consisting of

MILLINERY, FINE MAIN6QQQS AND JEWELRY.She cordially latitat lha Ladies lo cal

tod examine. /* I* T. JENNINGS.Oct 80 24tf

iiiii i i tiammamm.




. $10,000,000 Tujcted, 2,500,000

. 11,000,000 r*l »n<

$23,500,000 K",~

ates, 1,500,000, 3 -1TJT1

>, " i'ay promptly ; arnw nio iu

f<»r Button loesee."Feb

ITE. AModule Managers.DEN,ir Greenville, S. C.

^ At fi

)TE L,HOTEL.) °°'


8rWl.lers*'or 1on IlionpricPPU

5. ©.5 City, convenient to all thetad on the Soutliweetjcornertaently i e opened and reno

r,itli any Hotel nt ihe South.8 )ied witli Phelnn & Col PA,

' "Vrrrj tfniD. fren of clinrire'"0<t Ladies. T«»iolenl Hoard f>2 60 n

W E. ItOSE, Proprietor. I*I > 3m I

. Your Voteforflr> t\ g»w»/n

urnc(1 the Northern Marlccu? (ck ut v lie ever kept in this Isary to

ft frtmj|y coinfortablo._ices. Cfl ge0 tor yourselves.i wont tries', Misses', Gents'

s, Clot Domestics,pd ShoQuns, Id Cuty,«t makes. 1 "

h Wors1 and Fan,<fcc., '&c

jwliero, at tln\or6igned's, and Iill be to your ftnt Jgo. Don'tB. M. ^STOCK,land, Main St., villo, S. C.

if 1in the Mod>cal\enCe.pontP oh lih evne.ED 1871.Receipt of A. Q. SIMM ^ (} corgi*. P«tmedicine defle* rivet ..x. *»««-

>r Diseased Liver. It is A cathartic,loon f««l like a new person u Medicine iaThose suffering will do w, try tj,jg Mediwhcre.Proprietor*, Wa, Fi..

oiesalo Agent#, Cbarleaton, ,

tf. Agents for Gr\Yme.19 Am

!ss Ulanufact-y.i a place in Greenville. where.y oan getmultrcMcs aud PiW(ahoi and sultry nighta l.y l> on th©s#ea-ant dreams disturbed by tl>>K>T, Bedi. They are a great comfort t»v wearystyle#, aio-a and pricea, (tore ft> gg, goid." Would also say. for the lnfy|,.', cfa a good tiling f»r stnfTing enshic£c^iommend it. I c#u furniali the E,i,>r inIon Exerlsior Ccnipanv to large c^titiea,,T. C. C. TURNKExcelsior Matties#," I wo doora of


PTJpjf LIBBB.TTWHITE LEA).Buy the Best.It is the Cheape

To Consumers of White Lead Everywh*.UNEOUALED.

1st. For Wearing and Covering PropertiiJ f. For Wlibencrs and Beauty of Finish.S«l for UtiHoim Kmer.eea of Grinding.41h Mime Weight will do more end he't

work, el a given enal, than snj olh.5th. Meet Kconomical White Lvai ever ii

I rod need.Alh. If you wieh la procure ae rtsich rail

' possible for vour money md eeciuhandsome aud durable work, nee

Pare Liberty White Lead.Try it and bo convinced. Satisfaction gua



Conch materials, Pnlste, oiltilmt, Patty* Ac.*UUKKNVILLK, 8. 0.

Oof 9 2320

jr. QOTTLUSB PISCH'S BITTER!fThla preparation of ttgreat Scientist. l>r. GotEhsbth°ife«a:-.Slmatcrlala of the bolOre derived from Food, iaJi Vital Korea, or Healtla derived from the Forstored op In Food. LWtok?» BttUnra anablaa tlSystem to liberate atappropriate these Foro*creates Appetite, earDyepepeis with Its reeulIngbebllTly end leakNervous Knergy i ao tonthe Kionaeh and llwrto make Constipation atBtlloMsaaatmpoaalbta; ifaadSMMS the Hyatora socan tld# overbad resultsohsogiaf climate. waUdo., and nettev endure tldemands often pnexpetedly roado on Its Forand Energy. Ladlea In dMonte heal I h, axel pcrsorand nit emaolatod atweak sfler aickneas, wrf.k,m.) rapidly strengthen I

using tills great preparation.

Ice Comptroller Genera),, 8. C., FeKrunry 1, 1871 KJG3 ia U certify that tha OKKBNVILLE.»n.IO» .., Mi.h.dHiinnriiiDDt i^wppi^. | ..

own of Greenville, 8. C., U b«r*by dee- HWWr,ay tbie Board aa ibo paper in wbleh IHu

id public MiieM abnll be pnbliabed, for HHinly of Greenville, in tMerduM with I 1et lo rexsltle tho publioation of nil la- %I puhlio notice#," which became n lawtry VSd, 1870. J. L. NEAGLB,

Comptroller General.D. II. CHAMBERLAIN,"

Attorney General.

R a bore ia a true eopy of the original on 1 ®l|the office of 8e«retary of State.

F. L. CARDOZA,Secretary of 8tate. °',n

1441 tf M®wU. Alber

ca-uus. "ftSINGLE GUNS, S'

I 50. 03 00, $4 fto, f5 00, «« 00. $8 00, "'"P*10 00, 812 00, to $-2* 00.

lOUBLfi GUN 8, f'Mdwant

100.87 50, 810 00. 81*00.815 W>. 8«0 cban45 00. |S0 00. $40 00, 850 00 to |75 00 telle

Breach Loading Double Guns, The

40 00. $45 00. $50 00. |«0 OO $"75 00,0 00,8110 OO. 8180 00 to 8300 00. che,

PISTOLS, fatni

iii ill A \» eaaon, Colt'a, A lien *a, SharpV,tney and other kind*, at awannfactur. hfM)j(price*. AnmitnilVm and Implements Ayei3i eaeh-lmding Ouna, at a email advance nf 0

Joel of import at io». M^talic Ammuni- anil(or Rift-*# and I'ietole, at loweal maikrt liarea.' A riimplctr aaeortment of all Sport- the

Ooo-la; prieea and drrcription a«tH <>a Forlleation.©ode ahipped by Expr«-««. C. O. D.


No. 200 IF. Daltfmore St., Baltimore.yRlcherd't, Donga l>, Oreener'a,8cott*e jother celebrated make of gnna on hand

1 imported to older. onj>tp< 25 21 ly H.r

|nul a. lalanb. I a. r. (.arol-ssklirrr. ,Dg

| A. A. AVR1LRR. ill)... Ch


/ILL l)i lJillJiin in W) i/vi|WHOLESALE GROCERS

ASD »«l

Commission iTIcrchnnls,AT NO. 175 EAST BAY

Charleston, S. C.j.:» 24








told, Silver, Steel & Plated FramedSPECTACLES.



II. Wchrle.Oct 11 22tf

TAILORING.6. B. POORE & CO.\ H6 »«" pr®|»»r«. -> I"-"cV. *11 kinds «>t TAILORING. having intheir employ a number of competent andefficient Workmen, and fuel tint they can

meet the want* of tl>o GreanvlUe trade..Cutting done in the la'eat style and faehion,and on »h<>rt no'iee. All work war

ranted by them. They a?k a continuanceof patronage.

0. B POOHE A Stand, near the IN.el Office..Oct 1 2211

WIIITNEIl SYMMES,Attorney and Counsellor at Latr,


OFFICE.-New Court House

Room uaed hy County Commiaeionera.April 10 498m




Will Practice in lie Court! of ihil Stale andike Culled Slalee.OFFICE.Rear room of New Court llouaaMar 2o, 1872. 46tf

r v _

1 EiP. JONES,71 ^(©fcssarar aw ot,alJ and atyJCITOR IN EQUITY.



IN THE UNlW> STATES COURTS.,, 0«ee at Ore^yiUe C. H., S. 0.

July 1,1869. \ 7 ly*



Attorney* and Councilor* at La1and in Eqrtty,

r GREENVILL^ 8. C.,* Will rrMtiei lm the Cearta »< the lt«

' --

t- aad ef theS « »" ,a ag* 1*I J.5 wnofi Jr"0S RITAPL '\W°i rTt3 GwMsavlitiWoS OOT31TTRT1 SOTTOHT AN» J,ft DOLD. A'r ORDERS FOR CORE SOIt Apr" 17 40





f\A Pages > (! J>°0 Engraving*,UU printed in English and Gerwrittcnhy 20 eminent »»fhor>, inclndimfB. Qough, linn. Leon Caw, EdwartfMid, Rev. E. Edwin H..II, Philip RlplejrI Nrisbnnc, Horace Greeley, F. B. Peretc., wor!. is a complete Liatcry of ell.bee of fednslry, processes of mi»nufacetc..In allege*. It; it a complete encj ,

din of arte und raaiiafaetnie*, end is the*entertaining and Valuable work ef infor->»ul.tnrta nl nnersl iDttfWIem eA-

f.o the public. It is adapted to fUa<s of the Merchant, Mnnnfneturer, Meie,Farmer, Student >nd Inventor, andto both old and joaog <>f all classes,book is sold bjr agents, who are makingsales in all ports of the country. It Is

»d at the low price of $.1.50, and is thepestbook ercr sold by subscription. Noly should l>e without a copy. We wantsts is every town in the United Stales,»o Agent can fail to bio well with thist.Oar terms are liberal. We give our"

rite the exclusive right of territory. Oneur Agents sold 138 copies in eight days,another *73 in two weeks. Our Agent intford sold 307 in one week. Spe :mens 06work sent to Agents on receipt of stamp,circulars »ed tertus to agents addrts* thellshrra



BY W M. KM ITII. 1.1. D.t is written by 70 of the most diatinguishdivinesin Europe und America, and is theyedition published in this country con

isedby l>r. Smith's own hand. It is illusted with over 125 steel and wood engrsv;s.It contains every name in lbs Bible oftpnrtance, and is a book needet by everyristian tainily. It is printed indoubl* cola,in, in one large octavo volume. Wee, $3.50.."iSdSb- We want Aavnts for theseWorke in all*its and towns in Ike oountr. We paygo commissions, snd giro esclulve territo.

For circulars snd terms addris the pub'

hers. Sample copies of nny oloav books. Jmat to any address on receipt of «flev.

J. B. 11U11H A BTBJs kl.lisl.enr, M AHartford, Conn.; Chicago, III.Cincinnati, ff

%>t 25-ly B MB




^HARLESToff. S. C.

r will also, when plackin funds.' y -f .1.f ^?»

purc/iase ana jorwra an,

kinds of Merchav4t, Maschintry, Agrichuralimplement*.Jrtilisera,tf'o j

Oct 25 25 J Ijr

Johnston, Cre^p & Co*,IMPORIElj

And Wholesale Jalers in




41 7//1 y .VA' WEXT%(DBLftBOfSSTf, 8. (5.Dec 13 3 If

Edmonds 7 Brown, |


mm. » 9


ctiA rTox, a. c.d«« o 8l\J

~ inn\T AF.RGF.Rfttl v 11 il


mmniiinf ereiS, >liuiilfj klxm wCw^y\y of Oreenvillo, near wh?»i Road crnrMt the N a n

lot diopo»«d of priro ly *t on nrlI will l>« »old at ouc i. Tbiok|, very occemiblo, an of good q\ G. McCl-ASARAt, K |. I ].\ MRS. I.AUR< (JWJN. J

<" ' * i

EN GAM.ONS vJ,.'.!rrin NOnroLESisterm

FOR^.R IH£*"Uention*> Vffc Timepiece. *e. *

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