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1£xpnueu1 . V){, IX BOZEMAN, MONTANA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 191 , Livi gston To et Tourn men t Health Officials Not In Favor of Gray ! M. s. c. DEBATERS i CHEMISTRY CLUB !University Wins I fiOTOfiONZAfiA PICTURE AT LYRIC, State Title In and Sutherland Leave "From Coal Mine to Corn day for Spokane Where They ed by Large Crowd of College Two Hard Games Will Engage in Talk Fest Students Holding Meet Her e! . the parting good words of the Coal !\lme to Cor::i Field," the JI Health Authoritie; Advise that Tournament be not Held in This Coifee club and members of M. S C .. mo\lng picture which was shown in Bobcats Lost State Cham ionshi to Bruin for First Time in His- d Bo h E t d I •t t' t I Da,ld G1ay and Sidney Sutherland de· the L)rtc Theater Wednesday after- P P City-Living,,ton and Anacon a t x en .a.10ns. O parted on No. I, Wednesday evenmgl noon under the auspices of the Chem· tory of Institution-Both Games hard fought But Bennions Hold Tournament There--On Account of Techmcahties Liv- for Spokane, \Vashington, where they 1stry club. ohowed pictorially the pro-I Tealll Unable to Get Long End of Score-Bush Stars For ingio;ton Invitation Accepted. Livingston Business Men Will I will wage a strong defensive battle cess of obtaining ammonium sulphate College, Prescott and Larkin Star for U. First Game Char- Finance Meet and College Authorities Will be in Charge. Spe- with the lawyers of the Gonzaga uni-I from coal ancl its use as a lertilizer. acerized by Many Fouls. Forty-Six Having Been Called Dur- da! Trains \Viii be Run From Bozeman for Accommodation of versity. on the return ° 1 Alsace-Lor· The show was well attended by both ing the Game--Second Game Fast-Changed Lineup in Sec- <> d ,,. raine to F'rance, as a conditio:-i of the faculty member.sand studenls. I College .,,tu en.... I terms of peace. The picture tirst showed the mining ond Game Causes Trouble For U. F'or se\•eral weeks, Gra,y and Suth· ol the C'OUl and its delivery to the cokP I Tbf" in\itat1un to holrl the Eighth r be in charge of James Keifer. 0. B. e_rtand ha\"_e been working on this ques- o,·ens. In the making of the coke the Last l<'riday and Saturday night the and Prescot1 one. The halt ended Annual tournarne:it at Liv.I \Vhipplt' _have charge of the r_e- uon. and m the clash at Spokane on ammo:iium sulphate is obtained as a Bebeau;; the last two games of tl.e with a oI 1;, to 10, the llruins ceptlon 01 v1sttors. E. A. Duddy will Friday evening, it can be predicted f by-produl·t. A special picture on motl- championship i::ieries to the Bruins by IPading. 1 &.C"istou has bt:-en unanJmously accept- ('onduct the and speaking con- that a fight is going to be wuged, and I eru tarrning was also shown and \vas seores of ao to 21 a:id 33 to HL With second Half. ,,rl by the State High Sc:hool Athletic testl-i. Coach Fred Bennion is chair- tan a State can well be proud of 1 iurnlshed by the city agents for the these games went the state champion- Larkin :-;tarted the second hall with •1111c·11 J.h•cause of prevalent man ancl treasurer of the committee the two we:1 she has sent iorth to de- John Deere Plow company and ship which has never before been held a field goal and \Vatts made a free :ever in Jl<1zeman the State and R. O. \\'ilson is secretary_ fend her honors m mter-collt!gtate de- Bodecker. manager of the Lyric. Asl by the l-nh·ersity . Both games toss C'rottt'h came do,\n tor another ;ard ot Health rE-commended that Although having the tournament in ba.te. . . the use of the theater was I [ull ot fight from begmnmg to end tv.o poin1s. Bush started another the tournat:"f>llt bt" not held here this Li\·ingston will meaa an extra expense fhe que!Sllon of rame is I the college and the ptctui e furn-I aud no teami::i could have been expect- Uobcat rally "1th two goals. The ball ri,:lr \\"hen news or the action of the to the college students. there is no a \ital issue at tms time. in that it is by the Barrett company no ad- ed to do more than those playing I was da:-;hed <-1round the floor and Bush llnard of hea.1th was received by the doubt that everyone will l>e there to one 01 the great issues u1ion which mission charged for the sho\\ · The first game "as slowed u11 l>y made another basket [ram the middle high ::ochools. invitations C'ame gh·e the visitors a rousing welcome. A the future permanent peace of Gordon Sev.ell ga\e a !.=hort talk ?u the great number or fouls, a total of of the f1001· Prescott made one from from A. 1 a,·ond:l and Livingston. to round lriJ> rate of a fare and a third I ''"?rld 18 to be This. quest 10 . 0 the uses of ammonium sulphate. ns 46 being calletl. The Bruins took the the J;l loot line and Larkin connected ha\e the Tou1nament m those towns, will be and trains will be run will be one of mterest lll that tt origi::i and irni>ortance. lead at the first and the Bobcats did with the hoop twice. \Yatts made two but tht· location of Lhingstou found at times that wm be convenient for a current topic, and that will, not succeed in passing them at any tosses on a personal foul as the game faHff" th the State C'Ouncil and their those who wish to attend the night gl\·e the hearers a good \'lew of the Louis Allard, an ex-student ot thel ume during the game. Bush starred 1 ended Jo'inal score, Bruins 30; Bob- lr.,·itation was al·cepted games and return to Bozeman after- condittons tn this "co:1quered and re- :\I S. e. spent last week in Bozeman. I for the coltege, making tour field 21 Pro\'ilsion will he made to ha'"e spe· 1 wardg conquered prO\ mce.. The people of I He at present the public health off1- goals and covermg the whole floor in Lineup. . Bozeman and elsewhere \\ill have a cer of Billmgs and is on his way to' 1 · 1 d t 1 \I' t l i bi I LI i · <·i:l.I transportation for the benefit of I _ . . I w ur wm s Y e. a ts1 Pay ng s n vers1n College. who wish to see the L1nngstou will be well able to \'ery good to hear the dis- consult Dr Cogswell of Helena. of the first game. al10\\ed Prescott onlv one Larkin . left forward Pitts tournament. will be dismiss- handle the annual basketball tour- of tins l!\'e issue at the State Board of Health. Mr. Allard tield goal and dtd excellent wrok- from Prescott right forward Ross Bush "-rl. on )larch Sth and 9th i:i order to nament in first. class shape according colleg1ate debate to be held next Fn- was 'ery prominent Ill athle1cs while the ioul !Ine. Crouch starred tor the Sailor center to information received here today. da) eYenmg, March 1. when the same here. He graduated from the 1\'iscon-,l- . Tb h t th l't 1 ZiVe a «hance to see the in all Jlrobabilit'.li.· the ""'-manasi um of issue wJll be fought to a flmsh with sm university n1Yersh1l) B i roulg ou e w ko ed Sulll\·an left guard Watts fin;:il games. A speC'ial train will be "" . rame t e run paying was mar e Crouch right guard Finch 1,1·0,id<•d tor the ,-isiting high school the Railway Club will be used for the boys .trom Utah In t.h1s cla sh, :\£ .J Abbey left Saturday for \Vasb- by close guarding. ubst1tute-Beuz for Sullivan. in order that they may he games and it Is stated that the play-1 Gilman and :'\Iartm mgton. D. C.. to a The Game . Field Goals: Larkin 4; Sailor, 2; ing floor is nearli· as large as that of "11! UJlhold :\loniaua St.ate by defe.1d- tonfere:ice of the Boys and Girls club d . h 1- ' able to inspe('t the college. durJng the . . PresC'ott opene the game wit a t rou<'h 2; PresC'ott, 1; Bush 4; Ross, ihe One thousand :;pectators 111g the negative of the argument. 1 leaders. j _ . · J.;1.tter part or the tournament. There · · · __ field goal soon after the whtstle blew· J 1 v.ill be eight E.>xtemvoraneous spea kers can also be acC'omodated with ease. ·watts tied the count with two free t-'ree \Vatts 11 out of 21; and fi\'e esoa)' writers in this year·s, Hotel accommodiations are ample I STUDENTS SUB Sr RIB E LIBERALLY TO <brows .. Prescott made free Prescott 12 out of 2ii. This cut in number was for any and all crowds that mtght be lJ I toss. \\ atts followed suit, and Pres- Referee- Hinderman. n 1 ade the number of co:itest· guests of 1.h·ingston during the tour- ('Ott looped the loop for another "•atts Second G I HOSPITAL FUND-OVER $3000 filVEN I ":;::t v.-Hl be done. to tht> vis.itors. c?m-: . A!i h; the. Northern. 1 floor for two field goals The Bob- started the sronng and the whole firsl fortable durtog their stay m L1vmg- · 1fi<· cl1vunon point railway far1hues cats rallied and Bush and Ross each half was a neck and neck race t>e- . are of' the besl aod it is expected that The contribution or ti.le Montana inrluding two generous fit'tl dollar found thP. 1061> from the field. Lar- tween the two teams. At the end or The men ha\'e I be Srnte collegP to the Bozeman Deacon- 1 ,Jl'llges gh"en by the Alpha Omicron kin put une through the basket and the half the Bruins took the lead and 1 agreed to the tournament and I in securrng special rates and trams ess hospital 1·ampaign which ended Pi .. oronty ,rnd the Kappa :'{u frat- 1 was closely followed by Crouch. the Bobcat!) never regained it. Tht> f the college will have charge of during the tatter part of tournament on SaturdaY, Februarr 1G, was about t.:I ntty This makes tbe average\ Watts tossed two more free throws (Continued on Page Four) manag-cment. week. - ____ l:q 01111. This is. include only xtudent <ontribuuon a llttle less than f j the amount gl\eu the students. $:>; and the average amount given per I RECRUITING PARTY RED rROSS WILL !he boosted by not by the lol'al employes. fal'ully, _and uon-res:l(ll)Hta [OI the \\hole student body a lJ officers of the Red chapter. j 1clent alumn1. The rcsH1em a lu mni little over two dollars. It is {·ertatn not the c.."ommittees listed here. but are not indutlcJ. were solicit- lhat many more would have been glad MAY VISIT HERE f.IVE DANrE MAR, 2 l>y every studeut and member of the erl . as in general gave lo ghe. had the,· fell able. U ls I ::d bit by I through the town A ,·ery featur« of the I spreading the news that we are to The amount which passed through i·ampaign the interest taken by . I have this dance. Boost and boost hard I the hand!S of the college team during thP aluru;ii. By reason of Government Asking For Rec ruits Plans Under Way and Committees Ap- and furious. i the ·week"s C'ampaign was $ 2 , 994 . ln thP faitm·e to enc lose pledge cards, For Naval Reserve pointed for First Red Cross , Th<• commiitees were az:> follows: addition to this members of the facul- the <"ir<'ular letter, to the aluruni. 1 Fo rce . Dance. Program tv and oiher ernploves or the college appea r ed to ask for rash only; an1l BOOSTERS BRA VE BLIZZARD TO SEE BOBCATS FIGHT Five Loyal Boosters 11 8e at" Way to Missoula to see Game Between Bo b- I Marjorie Quaw. \ v.ledged a total of. $735 during the doubtlesg. much more have beoa!l N bl . . . 1916 si·c·urecl 1TI the way Ol time plec!t;".'s. 1 1 , lette. gl\'ei below 1 · on£' re cats and Bruins. "Special Train "• . 11 r orence o e I former campaign iu the tall ol . As t't ... as. lbe non-res1'cle11t alumni e i i :-; · 1 The c:ollege Red Croth; chapter w1 I Ad · 1 " cently received by Dean RiC'hter from Does Not Make Be st of Connections. I e sponsor at a dance to be given on vcr ismg This is in lhe grand tora I sent in $1fiti during the week, nearly evening, March Z11d. From McFarlin . ?r is nil in cash. If any full statement w?rc th;t chance alt rndirations it is expected that thls Georgia Hannah Ill t.1roug le co so ic1 I _1 I to be made- for the alum;ii, it wo11lJ tor all the men taking the engineer- Soni(> :;tudents weren't :;atisfied \,ill be one of the most delightful P t ganization. n addition to t us .two ha,-e to include many generous gifts ing course to complete their work in that the Uobcats hat.I been given just tollege functions given this year. os :;s - \V t or dollar\ was i'v:n made hy the graduates. both college without any interruption by the right kind of <:\ send-o[[ at The Hed Cross chapter at Montana Ha erman r'O ll1e 10d{l;J111 a Y mem her:-; t I those now connected with the <'Ollege draft call. The go,·ernment realizes Thursday's rally, but instead of · r ur oem ac·u ty an 'Y students w O!;P omet; and those lh·lng in the town. To trace College was formed early in the Dec·oration are in Bozeman. who took part them- all l'Ontributions would he a task the need of trained men for the tn- "crabbing" they derided to help and the enrollment now numbers Helen Hose !:iel\CH in lhe dow11-town canvass and ot l'onsiderab le diflicult)''. and it is gineering service and is taking tb1s matterti, so thlll afternoon. when a out 2j0. lt bas done vety e!tecUve Louise Langobr ga,•e t.brough the down-town teams. perha11s sufficient to say that the alum- means ot encouraging them. As is j e\'eryone rode from school on u ork on the bill and the dance which I This pnn of the college wtal Is es- stuted in the letter ther is Yery lit- account of the storm ant.I. blizzard t'.""ll he gh'en by them will not fail to FIRST MEETING OF timated. but the eslimate is based ni demonstrated their loyalty to the rle <'hancc of their being called be- fi,e Lrue )I. B C. boosters donned materially lo the interest in LITERARY SOCI ETV on fairly accurate knowledge. t.'Ollegf> and to its interests In a very fore their course is completed. b. theil warmest winter chapter and will help the organ- The college contribution was a gratifyi:tg way_ Office of the Commandant, 13th Nun1l proc:eeded to .. beat it'' to Missoula lzation financially At the l>eginning Tht' foundation for the Literary matter ot' gratifi('ation to all who took l\Iore than a word is clue to the stu- UistrlC't, U. S. Xavy Yard, Puget 1 Four sophs. J.'reddie Steel, Roy Srh· 0 the SeC'ond quarter, Miss Louise Society or Montana State was laid at part in thP campaji:m \\'hile not up dents, some twenty-six of them, and Sound, \Vash. midt. Tyler, and "Picky" PiC'k- 1 ngohr wa!i elected to fil1 the office thp lirst meNing last \Vednesda_\. io the mark that had been set for the to the ten members of the taculty, who February 9. Hll8. ens: and J.o\·iu \\',.stJakf', px-111 were madto the <·anvass on rollege hill. To- 1 r "U ·• o· ]>resident which was left vacant al't<'rnoon. Though several other in some of the preliminary wart! the end of the wePk it wns found President. State Collegp of t le IH' · l1 Miss Veda owing to the I nll'etings t·onflkted with this a good-, estimates, . It was regarded as Agriculture and MeC'hanic Ans. After "oiling all afternoon ror t 11:ct that she did not return to school. h.· number were present and plans 8 atisfactory indeed. The fact that that two or three groups or the stu- Bozeman, Montana. 10 arrhe. th(" Xorth Pole dents had not been reached; and sev- e other oftieers are: Miss Harriet 't'.·ere thoroughly ctiscurced. lt was n arty $2,UIJO was pledged tl10 first t•r;il who had not been asked My Dear Sir. The commandant of were finally rewarded and scrretary; Paul Davidson. decided to ha,-e another meeting next' two dayi-;, and that the coll ege led earlier to help in the canvass were the Thirteenth :\'aval DistriC't. has they piled into a freight at'; 30 T These offirials met to- week at whkh time the organization 1 1hc gh·i11g at the beginning did much pressed into servi«c. :"\o college e,·er been directed by the Navy Dcpa_rt- day f.:ver:o·thinE: TO go i::etber Dean Herrick at luncheon will start. the work it has set about. 0 ronYince the pC'ople or the com- had better tribute than the loyalty. ment to place himself In tOU{'h with wrong from tJ1e bec·ause after n., \\·ednesday and formulated the 1 to accompli 11 and at this meeting a I munity that the college really needed thr rn<lustn. a::ld the enthmdnsm of _,our college, witb respec 1 to a plan themselves. comfortably in a l"'a11 .... for the dnnC'e. Committees were <'onstitution wlll he rlrawn up and this hospital in Uozeman. :rnd made all ":orkers To them and tci mniatetl by the department Pl'O\'Iding <:ondola loaded with ke rold stee1 n·,pointed to work under their direc- elec•tif'n uf the offirinls will take the rollege contribution. \'aluable th<• h undreds of <'Ontributors on college I to1 the 111u11r needi:; of u <' 1 '111 hC'arted "Brakie'' took t on in helping to carry out. the ar-'plaC'c- enough in ilself. a great influence in 11111 and to the alumni the the 1w'v a:-; tramed person· 1111 thlrty-<·en1 t'iil'eH trum earh of the Their names appear be- Those who attended the ttettlng others to he liberal thanks are offered on behalt nel r1nzp11 trHvf'IPrs. The total farC>, $1.fiO l,...w last \Ve rlneRda:v were in A stucty of the pledge cards and of all who were mterested in th sur- the depa1t11H:'nl desires to to warm tht- ·•would be"' Con's This danl·e is not one which is tor favor of putting rhe thing across. and rreords of C'a!Sh gubsrriptionc; handed eei:o;s or the hospital campaign. 1t is a se<'ure the cooperation of the various heart unrt he U!'lhert::d thtl quintet into t' e interest and attention of a few with the machine in motion it 15 in 1ha1 there were student <'On- matter of regret that morC' or tol- 1ec:hnirn.l unh·ersities of tlw country. an open-work Sto(·k car where they i::rndents. but it should rather have evident that all obsta<'lcs can be oYer-1 trihu1ors: that In nearly half the lege pC'oJ)le were not present at the in the ril>o,·e-mentioned line of en- p1oc·rP.drd to tuek under lbe aitl anct support of every person come. The re-establishment of a liter- n1 present in a1tendnnre \ 3 rious gathermgs at the hospital dC'n,·or. or enrolling- in the naval re- an in\iling Plle of tonl l'llteudlng Mo nt ana State Coll ege. If ary society on the hfll ts a of ga'e eash or pledges. The tot:l 1 hen.dquarters to hear all the g-ood sene rorce. for general serdce. un- Th,.. remainder of the ride to Helena t !iie dance ts to be a success, it must or the srhool. gin•n h) thP student!'. was $840.7.,, (f'ontlnued on Two) (C'ontinuecl on Pagp Four) £Continut-cl on P'ige Tbr('e.)


Oct 22, 2019



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1£xpnueu1. V){, IX BOZEMAN, MONTANA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 191 ,

Livi gston To et Tourn ment Health Officials

Not In Favor of Gray

!M. s. c. DEBATERS iCHEMISTRY CLUB !University Wins I fiOTOfiONZAfiA PICTURE AT LYRIC, State Title In

and Sutherland Leave Wednes~: "From Coal Mine to Corn Freld "Attend~ lj day for Spokane Where They ed by Large Crowd of College Two Hard Games Will Engage in Ta lk Fest Students Holding Meet Here!

. ~mid the parting good words of the r~rom Coal !\lme to Cor::i Field," the JI

Health Authoritie; Advise that Tournament be not Held in This Coifee club and members of M. S C .. mo\lng picture which was shown in Bobcats Lost State Cham ionshi to Bruin for First Time in His-d Bo h E t d I •t t' t I Da,ld G1ay and Sidney Sutherland de· the L)rtc Theater Wednesday after- P P City-Living,,ton and Anacon a t x en ~vi .a.10ns. O parted on No. I, Wednesday evenmgl noon under the auspices of the Chem· tory of Institution-Both Games hard fought But Bennions Hold Tournament There--On Account of Techmcahties Liv- for Spokane, \Vashington, where they 1stry club. ohowed pictorially the pro-I Tealll Unable to Get Long End of Score-Bush Stars For ingio;ton Invitation Accepted. Livingston Business Men Will I will wage a strong defensive battle cess of obtaining ammonium sulphate College, Prescott and Larkin Star for U. First Game Char-Finance Meet and College Authorities Will be in Charge. Spe- with the lawyers of the Gonzaga uni-I from coal ancl its use as a lertilizer. acerized by Many Fouls. Forty-Six Having Been Called Dur-da! Trains \Viii be Run From Bozeman for Accommodation of versity. on the return °1 Alsace-Lor· The show was well attended by both ing the Game--Second Game Fast-Changed Lineup in Sec-

<> d ,,. raine to F'rance, as a conditio:-i of the faculty member.sand studenls. I College .,,tu en.... I terms of peace. The picture tirst showed the mining ond Game Causes Trouble For U. F'or se\•eral weeks, Gra,y and Suth· ol the C'OUl and its delivery to the cokP I

Tbf" in\itat1un to holrl the Eighth r be in charge of James Keifer. 0. B. e_rtand ha\"_e been working on this ques- o,·ens. In the making of the coke the Last l<'riday and Saturday night the and Prescot1 one. The halt ended Annual na~k.etball tournarne:it at Liv.I \Vhipplt' ~,·il~ _have charge of the r_e- uon. and m the clash at Spokane on ammo:iium sulphate is obtained as a Bebeau;; lo~t the last two games of tl.e with a sror~ oI 1;, to 10, the llruins

ceptlon 01 v1sttors. E. A. Duddy will Friday evening, it can be predicted f by-produl·t. A special picture on motl- championship i::ieries to the Bruins by IPading. 1 &.C"istou has bt:-en unanJmously accept- ('onduct the es~ay and speaking con- that a fight is going to be wuged, and I eru tarrning was also shown and \vas seores of ao to 21 a:id 33 to HL With second Half. ,,rl by the State High Sc:hool Athletic testl-i. Coach Fred Bennion is chair- ~Ion tan a State can well be proud of 1 iurnlshed by the city agents for the these games went the state champion- Larkin :-;tarted the second hall with

•1111c·11 J.h•cause of th~ prevalent man ancl treasurer of the committee the two we:1 she has sent iorth to de- John Deere Plow company and li~rank ship which has never before been held a field goal and \Vatts made a free :ever epitl~mic in Jl<1zeman the State and R. O. \\'ilson is secretary_ fend her honors m mter-collt!gtate de- Bodecker. manager of the Lyric. Asl by the l-nh·ersity . Both games wer~ toss C'rottt'h came do,\n tor another

;ard ot Health rE-commended that Although having the tournament in ba.te. . . the use of the theater was ~onatod I [ull ot fight from begmnmg to end tv.o poin1s. Bush started another the tournat:"f>llt bt" not held here this Li\·ingston will meaa an extra expense fhe que!Sllon of A~sace-Lot rame is I ~o the college and the ptctui e furn-I aud no teami::i could have been expect- Uobcat rally "1th two goals. The ball ri,:lr \\"hen news or the action of the to the college students. there is no a \ital issue at tms time. in that it is ishe~ by the Barrett company no ad- ed to do more than those playing I was da:-;hed <-1round the floor and Bush llnard of hea.1th was received by the doubt that everyone will l>e there to one 01 the great issues u1ion which mission w~s charged for the sho\\ · The first game "as slowed u11 l>y made another basket [ram the middle \":i.Iion~ high ::ochools. invitations C'ame gh·e the visitors a rousing welcome. A the future permanent peace of ~he Gordon Sev.ell ga\e a !.=hort talk ?u the great number or fouls, a total of of the f1001· Prescott made one from from A.

1a,·ond:l and Livingston. to round lriJ> rate of a fare and a third I ''"?rld 18 to be This. quest10.0 the uses of ammonium sulphate. ns 46 being calletl. The Bruins took the the J;l loot line and Larkin connected

ha\e the Tou1nament m those towns, will be ~ecured and trains will be run will al~o be one of mterest lll that tt origi::i and irni>ortance. lead at the first and the Bobcats did with the hoop twice. \Yatts made two but tht· location of Lhingstou found at times that wm be convenient for i~ a current topic, and on~ that will, not succeed in passing them at any tosses on a personal foul as the game faHff" th the State C'Ouncil and their those who wish to attend the night gl\·e the hearers a good \'lew of the Louis Allard, an ex-student ot thel ume during the game. Bush starred

1 ended Jo'inal score, Bruins 30; Bob-

lr.,·itation was al·cepted games and return to Bozeman after- condittons tn this "co:1quered and re- :\I S. e. spent last week in Bozeman. I for the coltege, making tour field l..'at~. 21 Pro\'ilsion will he made to ha'"e spe· 1 wardg conquered prO\ mce.. The people of I He i~ at present the public health off1- goals and covermg the whole floor in Lineup.

. Bozeman and elsewhere \\ill have a cer of Billmgs and is on his way to' 1 · 1 d t 1 \I' t l i bi I LI i · <·i:l.I transportation for the benefit of I _ . . I w ur wm s Y e. a ts1 Pay ng s n vers1n College. f"Qllc~e ~tudeub who wish to see the L1nngstou will be well able to \'ery good op~lortumty to hear the dis- consult Dr Cogswell of Helena. of the first game. al10\\ed Prescott onlv one Larkin . left forward Pitts tournament. Cla~ses will be dismiss- handle the annual basketball tour- cuss10~ of tins l!\'e issue at the mte~- State Board of Health. Mr. Allard tield goal and dtd excellent wrok- from Prescott right forward Ross

Bush "-rl. on )larch Sth and 9th i:i order to nament in first. class shape according colleg1ate debate to be held next Fn- was 'ery prominent Ill athle1cs while the ioul !Ine. Crouch starred tor the Sailor center

to information received here today. da) eYenmg, March 1. when the same here. He graduated from the 1\'iscon-,l- . Tb h t th l't 1 ZiVe everyon~ a «hance to see the in all Jlrobabilit'.li.· the ""'-manasium of issue wJll be fought to a flmsh with sm university n1Yersh1l) B i roulg ou e w ko ed Sulll\·an left guard Watts fin;:il games. A speC'ial train will be "" . rame t e run paying was mar e Crouch right guard Finch 1,1·0,id<•d tor the ,-isiting high school the Railway Club will be used for the t~1e boys .trom Utah In t.h1s clash, :\£ .J Abbey left Saturday for \Vasb- by close guarding. ubst1tute-Beuz for Sullivan. r.ootestant~ in order that they may he games and it Is stated that the play-1 '.~rgeJ Gilman and :'\Iartm DeVr~es mgton. D. C .. to att~nd a .na~Ional The Game. Field Goals: Larkin 4; Sailor, 2;

ing floor is nearli· as large as that of "11! UJlhold :\loniaua St.ate by defe.1d- tonfere:ice of the Boys and Girls club d . h 1- ' able to inspe('t the college. durJng the . . PresC'ott opene the game wit a t rou<'h 2; PresC'ott, 1; Bush 4; Ross, ihe collE:-~e One thousand :;pectators 111g the negative of the argument. 1 leaders. j _ . · • J.;1.tter part or the tournament. There · · ~ · __ field goal soon after the whtstle blew· J 1 v.ill be eight E.>xtemvoraneous speakers can also be acC'omodated with ease. ·watts tied the count with two free t-'ree throw~: \Vatts 11 out of 21; and fi\'e esoa)' writers in this year·s, Hotel accommodiations are ample I STUDENTS SUB Sr RIB E LIBERALLY TO <brows .. Prescott made ~nother free Prescott 12 out of 2ii. coote~vs. This cut in number was for any and all crowds that mtght be lJ I toss. \\ atts followed suit, and Pres- Referee- Hinderman. n1ade b~cause the number of co:itest· guests of 1.h·ingston during the tour- ('Ott looped the loop for another "•atts Second G

~i~i; f~:~-:~~:!~~e~aw:i~;~tcl bl~~r;~:i1~~1 :'~~~/~a'.~"~~~e:~:d t~::~=n~a~>e~epl~ro· I HOSPITAL FUND-OVER $3000 filVEN ~a:e,::1o;her ~=~o'.~r~:,:n~~:::sct~~ I la~::, se~~:'.!u!~~~et ":;::t a;~~bhc::~ v.-Hl be done. to mak~ tht> vis.itors. c?m-: . A!i 1.~t;·i~1g.:iLOU. h; the. Northern. ~~c- 1 floor for two field goals The Bob- started the sronng and the whole firsl fortable durtog their stay m L1vmg- · 1fi<· cl1vunon point railway far1hues cats rallied and Bush and Ross each half was a neck and neck race t>e-

. ~ton. are of' the besl aod it is expected that The contribution or ti.le Montana inrluding two generous fit'tl dollar found thP. 1061> from the field. Lar- tween the two teams. At the end or The Living~ton bu~iness men ha\'e I ~ittle di~ficulty ~·ill be experien~ed Srnte collegP to the Bozeman Deacon- 1,Jl'llges gh"en by the Alpha Omicron kin put une through the basket and the half the Bruins took the lead and

1 agreed to fina~ce the tournament and I in securrng special rates and trams ess hospital 1·ampaign which ended Pi .. oronty ,rnd the Kappa :'{u frat- 1 was closely followed by Crouch. the Bobcat!) never regained it. Tht> f the college will have charge of t~e during the tatter part of tournament on SaturdaY, Februarr 1G, was about t.:I ntty This makes tbe average\ Watts tossed two more free throws (Continued on Page Four)

manag-cment. ~~~~will week. - ____ l:q 01111. This is. include only xtudent <ontribuuon a llttle less than ~·=============..:.·============--:_:=::.. f j the amount gl\eu l>~ the students. $:>; and the average amount given per I RECRUITING PARTY RED

rROSS WILL !he boosted by e\·eryon~, not by the lol'al employes. fal'ully, _and uon-res:l(ll)Hta [OI the \\hole student body a lJ officers of the Red Cros~ chapter. j 1clent alumn1. The rcsH1em a lumni little over two dollars. It is {·ertatn not b~· the c.."ommittees listed here. but are not indutlcJ. a~ the~· were solicit- lhat many more would have been glad MAY VISIT HERE f.IVE DANrE MAR, 2 l>y every studeut and member of the erl . as citizen~ ~tnd in general gave lo ghe. had the,· fell able.

U ls I fa~~~-Y aen~~~=~ ::d tl~: ~i~~r bit by I ~l~::ni~:~i~~~ution~ through the town A ,·ery gratif~ing featur« of the I spreading the news that we are to The amount which passed through i·ampaign wa~ the interest taken by . I have this dance. Boost and boost hard I the hand!S of the college team during thP non-rtH~ident aluru;ii. By reason of Government Asking For Recruits

Plans Under Way and Committees Ap- and furious. i the ·week"s C'ampaign was $2,994 . ln thP faitm·e to enclose pledge cards, For Naval Reserve pointed for First Red Cross , Th<• commiitees were az:> follows: addition to this members of the facul- the <"ir<'ular letter, ~ent to the aluruni.


Fo rce. Dance. Program tv and oiher ernploves or the college appeared to ask for rash only; an1l


BOBCATS FIGHT Five Loyal Boosters 11 8eat" Way to

Missoula to see Game Between Bob-I

Marjorie Quaw. \ v.ledged a total of. $735 during the doubtlesg. much more ~lght have beoa!l ~i N bl . . . 1916 si·c·urecl 1TI the way Ol time plec!t;".'s. •1•1, lette. gl\'ei below 1· on£' re cats and Bruins. "Special Train "• . 11 r orence o e I former campaign iu the tall ol . As t't ... as. lbe non-res1'cle11t alumni e i i :-; · 1 The c:ollege Red Croth; chapter w1 I Ad t· · 1 " cently received by Dean RiC'hter from Does Not Make Best of Connections. I e sponsor at a dance to be given on vcr ismg This is include~ in lhe grand tora I sent in $1fiti during the week, nearly

~aturday evening, March Z11d. From Publ~~;;;d McFarlin . ?r $~.729 :·htl~h is l;·ecorde~ at:t:=s~~ nil in cash. If any full statement w?rc th;t ~~ :r::::~ d:~ar~~::~l~nl chance alt rndirations it is expected that thls Georgia Hannah Ill t.1roug le co ~ge so ic1 I _1 I to be made- for the alum;ii, it wo11lJ tor all the men taking the engineer- Soni(> :;tudents weren't :;atisfied \,ill be one of the most delightful P t ganization. n addition to t us .two ha,-e to include many generous gifts ing course to complete their work in that the Uobcats hat.I been given just tollege functions given this year. os :;s - \V t or t~ire~ hu~cl~edb dollar\ was i'v:n made hy the re~ident graduates. both college without any interruption by the right kind of <:\ send-o[[ at la~t

The Hed Cross chapter at Montana ~:\ at~e Ha erman r'O ll1e 10d{l;J111 a Y mem her:-; ~ t I those now connected with the <'Ollege draft call. The go,·ernment realizes Thursday's rally, but instead of · r ur oem ac·u ty an 'Y students w O!;P omet; and those lh·lng in the town. To trace s~ate College was formed early in the Dec·oration are in Bozeman. who took part them- all the~e l'Ontributions would he a task the need of trained men for the tn- "crabbing" they derided to help ~ear and the enrollment now numbers Helen Hose !:iel\CH in lhe dow11-town canvass and ot l'onsiderable diflicult)''. and it is gineering service and is taking tb1s matterti, so thlll afternoon. when a out 2j0. lt bas done vety e!tecUve Louise Langobr ga,•e t.brough the down-town teams. perha11s sufficient to say that the a lum- means ot encouraging them. As is j e\'eryone rode hom~ from school on u ork on the bill and the dance which I This pnn of the college wtal Is es- stuted in the letter ther is Yery lit- account of the storm ant.I. blizzard t'.""ll he gh'en by them will not fail to FIRST MEETING OF timated. but the eslimate is based ni demonstrated their loyalty to the rle <'hancc of their being called be- fi,e Lrue )I. B C. boosters donned ~J!d materially lo the interest in LITERARY SOCI ETV on fairly accurate knowledge. t.'Ollegf> and to its interests In a very fore their course is completed. b. theil warmest winter t'lothe_~ tl~e chapter and will help the organ- The college contribution was a gratifyi:tg way_ Office of the Commandant, 13th Nun1l proc:eeded to .. beat it'' to Missoula lzation financially At the l>eginning Tht' foundation for the Literary matter ot' gratifi('ation to all who took l\Iore than a word is clue to the stu- UistrlC't, U. S. Xavy Yard, Puget 1 Four sophs. J.'reddie Steel, Roy Srh· 0 the SeC'ond quarter, Miss Louise Society or Montana State was laid at part in thP campaji:m \\'hile not up dents, some twenty-six of them, and Sound, \Vash. midt. "Ti~e" Tyler, and "Picky" PiC'k-1 ngohr wa!i elected to fil1 the office thp lirst meNing last \Vednesda_\. io the mark that had been set for the to the ten members of the taculty, who February 9. Hll8. ens: and J.o\·iu \\',.stJakf', px-111 were

madto the <·anvass on rollege hill. To- 1 r "U ·• o· ]>resident which was left vacant al't<'rnoon. Though several other colle~e in some of the preliminary wart! the end of the wePk it wns found President. ~lontana State Collegp of t le IH' 0~ ·

l1 Miss Veda :er~uson owing to the I nll'etings t·onflkted with this a good-, estimates, . It was regarded as ver~ Agriculture and MeC'hanic Ans. After "oiling all afternoon ror th~ t11:ct that she did not return to school. h.· number were present and plans 8atisfactory indeed. The fact that that two or three groups or the stu- Bozeman, Montana. "tilH.~(·inr· 10 arrhe. th(" Xorth Pole dents had not been reached; and sev-e other oftieers are: Miss Harriet 't'.·ere thoroughly ctiscurced. lt was n arty $2,UIJO was pledged tl10 first t•r;il ~tuclents who had not been asked My Dear Sir. The commandant of t>xplorer~ were finally rewarded and -~rneson, scrretary; Paul Davidson. decided to ha,-e another meeting next' two dayi-;, and that the college led earlier to help in the canvass were the Thirteenth :\'aval DistriC't. has they piled into a freight at'; 30 Thur~· T easure~. These offirials met to- week at whkh time the organization

11hc gh·i11g at the beginning did much pressed into servi«c. :"\o college e,·er been directed by the Navy Dcpa_rt- day ni~ht. f.:ver:o·thinE: ~P.eme1l TO go

i::etber ~nth Dean Herrick at luncheon will start. the work it has set about. 0 ronYince the pC'ople or the com- had ~t better tribute than the loyalty. ment to place himself In tOU{'h with wrong from tJ1e tir~t bec·ause after n., \\·ednesday and formulated the 1 to accompli 11 and at this meeting a I munity that the college really needed thr rn<lustn. a::ld the enthmdnsm of _,our college, witb respec 1 to a plan seat~d themselves. comfortably in a l"'a11 .... for the dnnC'e. Committees were <'onstitution wlll he rlrawn up and this hospital in Uozeman. :rnd made all ihe~E:' ":orkers To them and tci mniatetl by the department Pl'O\'Iding <:ondola loaded with ke rold stee1 n·,pointed to work under their direc- elec•tif'n uf the offirinls will take the rollege contribution. \'aluable th<• hundreds of <'Ontributors on college I to1 the 111u11r en~ilwering needi:; of pip~·:-. u <'

1'111 hC'arted "Brakie'' took t on in helping to carry out. the ar-'plaC'c- enough in ilself. a great influence in 11111 and to the non·re~ident alumni the the 1w'v a:-; 1e~,11cls tramed person· 1111 thlrty-<·en1 t'iil'eH trum earh of the •~ngf>meurs. Their names appear be- Those who attended the meetin~ ttettlng others to he liberal hearlll'~t thanks are offered on behalt nel r1nzp11 trHvf'IPrs. The total farC>, $1.fiO l,...w last \VerlneRda:v were unanimousl~· in A stucty of the pledge cards and of all who were mterested in th sur- Briell~. the depa1t11H:'nl desires to ;;1-•1>nH~<l to warm tht- ·•would be"' Con's

This danl·e is not one which is tor favo r of putting rhe thing across. and rreords of C'a!Sh gubsrriptionc; handed eei:o;s or the hospital campaign. 1t is a se<'ure the cooperation of the various heart unrt he U!'lhert::d thtl quintet into t' e interest and attention of a few with the machine in motion it 15 in ~hows 1ha1 there were student <'On- matter of regret that morC' or tht~ tol- 1ec:hnirn.l unh·ersities of tlw country. an open-work Sto(·k car where they i::rndents. but it should rather have evident that all obsta<'lcs can be oYer-1 trihu1ors: that In nearly half the lege pC'oJ)le were not present at the in the ril>o,·e-mentioned line of en- p1oc·rP.drd to tuek thPrn~e1Yes under lbe aitl anct support of every person come. The re-establishment of a liter- student~. n1 present in a1tendnnre \ 3 rious gathermgs at the hospital dC'n,·or. or enrolling- in the naval re- an in\iling Plle of tonl l'llteudlng Montana State College. If ary society on the hfll ts a mar\~ of ga'e eash or pledges. The tot:l 1 hen.dquarters to hear all the g-ood sene rorce. for general serdce. un- Th,.. remainder of the ride to Helena t!iie dance ts to be a success, it must pro;::rc·s~ or the srhool. gin•n h) thP student!'. was $840.7.,, (f'ontlnued on Pag~ Two) (C'ontinuecl on Pagp Four) £Continut-cl on P'ige Tbr('e.)



ohe I coaL Ei·om the wall, where it was bung any longe'. 'Wby, a feller'd gtt cold \ SHORT COURSE NOTES ARTHUR FRAZER, PIANIST

WILL PLAY HERE l 1Y 1he owner with ··good inten~;o~.s.'' in that, b' Gosh . The meeting of the Short Course Lit-lt was then someone. yelled Fir e! Scotty cast the garment aside. He

1 I erary society last Tuesday ffYen ng was Weekly Exponent .\rthur tbe well kuown Chi· Fire!·' SC'ottY looked toward tbe little returned to his worlc not with the One of the best that has been held this ca.go pianist. will play a return eugage4 herojne, and smiled, for he thought. I same mood that he had gone to work year. The large number pre!'en t R.t· ment at l he cclle~e on :\'larch 15, ac· it must be some joke. But then she a few hours previous. but with blood tested to the interest of the students

8STABL!SHED JAN. 1, 1910 t eordin~ o in(ormation gh·en out by said "Oh, ML Scou. il is your coat. m his eye for he has resolved to m the Literary soc1etv 0 h f '[ 11 E 1ionent r.., s t t \'OUr O\"ercoat's on fire. Run!' I · · < uo~rowt. o ... , ont 1 Y • x • J


lilt..' mm•it· depar men . ~ . i>unisb the offender, and turn him over I The program of the meetrng '\\as tablished Jan4 1, 1895.) _.\lJ tho,..,e who heard :\fr. J:t'razer·s ~< Oll) st~1mpeded toward the. door, to the ro )er authonties for caus1ug opened with a song by 'Miss Brof:el-

t t-cital lnsr year will Jie glad to haYe and disappeared dO"Yin the stairway P 1 man a::id Miss Copeland ft'Ir. M oore Ortil"P· noom 1, Repulllican4Cour1er the opportunity ol again hearing this \' 111Ch lead 10 the open. und behol~! the de$lrucuon of pioperty , violating then gave a ta lk on special1zaUon , fol-

huildi i1 g. Phone 127..J. distinl!:ui~hed American pianist. 'rhis Lhe1 e ~tood the hero with persp1r- rule~ aml p11t1c1ples of conservation, lowmg which Mr Christen. accoropam4 is ).Ir r·'razl'r:s second tra u scontine~1~ ation upon his brow, kickmg snow la11d abo\'e all. of sta1Un~ an tncen· 1 eel b~~ Mr Bent;on, favor ed the societ)

Staff tal tour und m nearly all l·ase he 15 iasrer than n snow ploVt on tbe tracK d1a t~ "\.Jla?.c. with a violm solo An excellent C G. Stranahan 18 pin) ing rf'tttrn engagements. .He I< ould dash tt asi de . Seeing Sc~t.t~, mg by Miss Berg p receded the moC'k

anaging Editor .. John H. Kohnen, '20 <.·omes to .\lonlana dire(·1 from playmg l he jr):- !'ully nnli exultingly C' ried , I vc )fr. i\l. L. \\.ilson has been confined trial which was the princi pal feal11re A~soclate Editor. Alfred :\IcFarlln, '20 four dates in California Throughout saYe the thing Cry· Sam" to his home with a rather severe a t · of tb e evening. The trial was a Sports \\"riler ........ Arthur Hoem, t19 bis tour of the continent i\tr. l'Tazer "Fine, ol' kid. 'fhnt"s lhe s1>0rt !" taC'k of tonsilitis. He appeared at hre.ach or promise suit , the defendant, Society Editor ..... Dorothy Powell, '20 has l.Jeen gTeetetl by largp a.nd apprec· rl'sPonded Scott. and proceeding to the collt·ge last Wednesday a;:id is now a very unscrupulous young man was Special \Yriter.. Harold )of. Werre, i1s iatin' audien<.:es. I pu:-:;h aside the snow wbicb the h ero ·well on the road to recovery. fou::id guilty to. the extTeme satisfnc-~pe<:ial Writer Georgia Hannah, '20 I -· ~o nobly dashed O\"ET lh e coat , Scotty I tion a nd approval of the 1.rn dience Ading Busin ess .Mgr .. C. P. Carroll, '20 Seniors To Get Degrees pulled oul the r emains of an over· Director F. S. Cooley left Tuesday to wbo extended their beaTtfelt sympa4

CiTC'ulalion M~r. . Theo. Reddick, :is 1 There has Ueeu a great. lle~tl of coat The collar was Lb.ere, part_ of I anend the State Horticultura l meet· thy to the broken ·hearted young girl. AS~t. Circulatton ::\Igr., H. Muntzer, 19 .ioubt wbt'thel' those ::;en1ors who the lrn<.·k, and numerous boles ~·ere Hami llOll. February 13-14 The meeting was tben closed by sing-

Generat Reportorial Staff lcaH~ ~hnrtly will ret•ei\"e their de- seen in various other places. But, ing America, and Fair )I. S. C' . ).lartin DeVries . 120 greP~ or not. Smne or tbe .Agricul· l::lcc·tt~ !l=miled antl in his good old :\liss Be~:;.!\£. Rowe has gone to Belt The final game of the inter-lass bas-.lohn L. Tyler ...... '20 urn! S.:niurs haYe accepted positions whimsical Irish brogue, he said: t1.1 attt-nd the short course there this ketball series will probal.Jly be played l\athcrine Buzzell '2l :;i\ciu_g t.•xtt·u~iou lines and other war I "H" JoYe, l'rn not goin·t wear th"t week. Saturday afternoon. Tbe game that Gei·ald Hunt .. . ....................... ,21 1 empr·gem·y work T h e.Y presented I remains to be played is between the Lowell E. lkiwen ........... _ ·······--····- '21 h~·ir arguments (t.) tilt..' !acuity lhat second year aggies and the lice!lse

___ thl" dc>~ret:.·:-- he granted lbem. It was I B • D • t cou rse students. Tbe wi::'lners of this I Subscription Rate. l ("(l!U:;idf'l"t>d hy tbc fncully who passed us I n es s I rec 0 ry game will take second place in the

i 2.00 per year_ Ten Cents Per couy fa,·orahl}' upon it. Tht) faculty de4

series, and the players will be entitled



Films developed and

enlai·gements made

ROSE DRUfi CO. Sludents bet·ome subscribers upon cided also that the work the ~eniors ac· to keep their suits. a very interesting

('('Pl nnist be of a war emergency l game is therefore expected. '----------------..!. paymenl of the regular acti\·ity fee. n:nnn• anrl not 11ermanent and that I TRACY FLORAL CO. DROP IN AND ENJOY A The third year aggies bold first plaee ,------·----------

The \\·eekly Exponent 1 ~ slri('Uy a a statP111f'llt must be made by Lile SHAVE t !Ja,·ing never been beaten by any tea.111 SJOOke f sludent en terprise. lt's rhi f purpose c1.u11lo.H'1· w this cffed. Al so the j Evel'y Flowfl' in Season flair Cuts a Specialty l am·ing th e series. They a lso will be t is to present lo its readers . eac . b seniors ol Agricui(nre \\'ho are cf"fect· 1 COMBS' BARBER SHOP l given their snits as a trophy. THE BLACK BEAUTY I week an at·rurate and com plete rec· eel "-' this ruling mnst finish this Bouquets and Designs 132 W. Main . •1 nrd 0'r the de,·elopruents in college af- 'l'"'"''" ltel'ore they i·an leave. In a Specialty



1 fairs during that period and to exert r-as1..• they ih1 lea,·e now lhey will get ----------------, ALLY TO HOSPITAL FUND to the very end, you'll find it t its inflnence !'or the uphnllcling of neclit for the rest of thi• \\'Ork if their = COMMERCIAL NATIONAL I "SWEET AS HONEY, It i\rontAlrn State (Ollege. The paper is work is "F-atisfa<.·rory but rnust fnush BANK. (Continued Prom P age One.} the tesult of ,-01tinta1y Ntort put the othP1' qun1te1 some ot her year ln --- ---- t \VORTH THE 1\'IONEY~· [ fortll bl, tl\e stttr1•nls \\ho t·ompose ortl,•1 to P:<'l theu· degree• MONTANA HOTEL Capital Stock ... $150,000 things that were said of th e 11en er os· I

- < 1 ity of U1e college. Tbe town speople I HENK.E'S th<' staff 1- Tltts mattei ~~ ~0" nl> bet.ore tie I Surplus and Profits .. $.250,000 wel'e certai:1ly appreciative. Pnblished e'erv Fltda' 01 the col- Lha1·u:·llor and 1[ his dec ision 1s favor· I I lege '··ear Jn a ~taff cbosen from the ab]r the same pohcy ~ill be adopted Cafe in Con.Re,..tion J. H. Ba \:er. ra"hler. I b' h 1. "ttidents or· ll1e ~Iontana State College lo" u c1~ the other state institutions , ..... If - I Yenture to end this account. w ic , ' Rates Reasonable

11 Bozeman - - - i\fonana the editors ol the Exponent asker1 me of .Agri,.ulture . ilnd :Mechanic Arts, of lo provide. witb a word of personal DOES AN D STAGS INITIATE FROSH the l'uiversity of l\Ioutnna, Bozeman,

The slags had t.harge ot :J!ain street I 1.restc-·rda:i; afternoon aud were instruct- NIGHT I

i:i:1uered as seeond-elass matter at ing the many trembling fawus in the I fp1ifnl l MODERN Bozeman. ;-.roniana. under Act or con- art of mnnlr toil. All during the after· Opposite Chronicle ( t!Ll~~, )1ETHODS gr ss of l\Iarcb :J, 1879. I •ocn the "ould-be Stags took the •--------------1 _;#J-.~ Ji~;· IN

p:.ut:,; ol :;.andwiduncn. wbitewiugs. }7!11'" ~

su·e•t pantomime performers, toe' l l .~d._,.__;,: ·~I OPTOMETRY THE;: HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN. <la1><·ers. ell'. About 5:00 ll. m. tlley ·-~ j

adjourned \llllil the evening lorture I ! 0 H BUDD 2 ro 11 I M;dern -l,ast Sawrday evening the hospital' which began at 7:30 in Maxey Hall on 1 t • U' lJ I l I MODERN in Ideas

. l!ain Street Promptly at 11·00 p. m. ' MODERN in Service ~am1iaign came to a suC'<'f'S~fnl tenum- t. b; d l h G I <ltion The !'iYe <la,·,; of intensive 1 thc • tags . prv<'ee et to t_ e _ ern 1 PLUMBING and HEATING MODERN in Equipment

· · ·, ill'atre \\here a ,;ernn reel picture 11 I MODERN in Examinations ranipaiµuiu,:; pro1 e<l lo Le ,;ufficient show ''""' in progress. From there ELECTRIC 'WIRING lUodern in advanced develop-lO rnise the neC"ess~ry ~um des1)ite the the ll<11 ty went to the annual banquet : READING f inent of optical science. rears of some c.JJat in thi~ day oi: Uu:r- \\hit b was held at the Bozeman Hotel. I _ , LESLIE E. GA.GE


ap11re-ciatiou. To one who ha!'.; been NOTICE rollege no keener satisfaction ('an I long mterested in the welfare of the 't

I come than the rene1;ve<l assurance , an insl!tutio:i bas been bmlt up here I Mr. B. R. Harwood. fo1·merl) I

\that can command. on a sudden cail emploved at the City Dye the cleYottou and labor. antl sacr 1f1ce · ot bnntlreds ot its membet• Works, will take charge of the



WAR'S EFFECT ON Vogue Cleaning and Pressing

Shop located in the rear of

Chavey & Jacobs Clothing

roLLEr.E ArTIVITIES Store, next Monday. Feb. 18th. lJ U __ lJ · I l\lr. Harwood states t.hat h~

will have an up-to-date shop inj.t and donating the lull amount The Uoes held their annual chritia-1 j LAt'VIPS j 1 would not be fortbroming. tion 'l'hursdar e\'ening in rhe sewing

rnom8 of the Agricultural building. l AND STUDENT'S LAMPS 1------1 1 ! HELLO ! ! ! I

A pan from the war con rses, econ4

1 orny, the raising of relief fun<l s, and Rell Crnss work is an index to the

and will be prepared to handle

Ladies' and Gents' Cleaning The pledges by eollege students and Th"' t·ommitH·t~ for chritiation and

contribution of the college girl to the and Pressing. I~id Gloves a

I I This is John the Shoe Doctor. I ' need fixing. Send them to

the i Specialty.

faculty was gratifying and truly illus- ~tunts was com1iosed of the following trated lhe spirit of co-operation whit:h Sophcmores: ?-.1isse!:_; Helen Lease. the students hold for he city. ~o Helen Rose. l!""lorence Switzer. Evelena better 1iroof tha1 the college students Jiu. ·1iet and Dorothy Powell. The hn' 0 an int~rest in Dozcmau and its ,Juniors nrranged for the refreshments. ,~elfare could be obtained. The lnte1· pare of the evenjng was

COLLEfiE STUDENTS war. The program of war economy

n JD(ll:H of the colleges calls for sim·

)licity in sccial life. Banqttet s and

expensi,·e parties are tabooed. Vassar

has nhandoned Junior Prom and Class ! Uay. and has adopted as one of her

\var mottoos ··xo frills and fripper-

1 ies." Half of the usual thtnces at the t:nhersity of Colorado haYe lleen giv·

eu up, a:ul those that are given are\

HaYe you got any shoes that I CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR •i 1

~H~;,io 11 The college stmlent~ nre as a rule spent with music aIJd dancing. About

hir y Ji'a '' ns were iuitnted into Doe­a bealthr group and hospital set"dces dl m. are not olten required by them. Yet they ha\'e subscriberl liberally and without the lea::::t hesitancy to this Pre~itleut Charles P. Yau Hise of

the l'ni\·ersity of \Yisconsin will be in <a use. [kzcman for a short lime :Jfarch 13th

An estimate, made bt>fore the cam4 r~nd expects lo visit the Montana paign, set tllc <.:ollege quota. at five State college while here. thousaud ·dollars This estimate was

i course unreasonable. The college, Oea:J Rirhter, president of the Mon-with some fiYe hundred rat:ult_,. memb4 tana , nd \\"isconsin Alumni associa4

e ·::; and student~ connected with it lion, and :\.lr. '\Varner, of Butte. who is was expected to proYidr this amount Secretory. will arrange for a banl111et

in Jfr. Hise's honor to be held either while the reH of the <.'ity and county with probably forty times as many in Dutte or Helena while he is there. rP.sidents was ouiy expected to The local members o( the associa­f>.Irnis!i sen'nty five thousaucl dollars. tion met \Vednesday. evening to 1:30 't mn:-.t abo be remembered that about with Attorney George D. Pease to three hundred of these students are make prelimiuary arrangements for irom- differellt. parts of the state and the entertainment of Mr. Hise, wllile will not receh-e the benefit of the here in _B_o_z_em_a_n_. ----hospital after graduation. whereas, ··or the 1H~o11le in the county it will remain as a permanent benefit.

This hriugs to mind the fact that Montana State is ~till doing her I all to bring the war to a snccess!ul encl.

ANNOUNCE;:MENT It is with pleasure that we an·

nounce that several faculty members have kindly consented to provide the Exponent with a series of s11ecial ar·


Overcoat Catches Fire and Is Practi­cally Des troyed in Chemistry


ticles which will be published within ··i..,ire! Fire!'1 someone yelled. t.he next few weeks. As yet complete Everybody was on their feet, and







we are always glad to see 7 you back. Work Done While You Wait.


Phone 20 Opp. Court House by getting coal of quality



CREDIT' Roundup :Monarch

Bear Creek Sheridan

COAL A bank account helps your cred·

it. A Lrbifty man oo.n always bar·

oow at his ba nk. Paying by check I c .. ente~ a good imprc~sion. Re-

THE SCHLECHTEN member us when you bave money and we will remember you when you neecl money. Open an ac·

STUDIO count with

Gallatin Trust · & I Savings Bank ! 12 So. Black

W . S. Davidson, Cansbler BOZEMAN . MONTANA I

-· ----

You can always enjoy a shave or hair cut with us . 5 CHAIRS-ALL EXPERTS

Ramsey & WillialT1.s 28 W. Main St.



arrangements for these articles have no one who was in the High School not been made nor have the subjects bnilding lust Tuesday afternoon, can been announced but it is the hope of tell whether they hearcl the bJg fire be staff Lhal the first of these will bell on the east. end o( main street I

be ready for the next issue of the ring. or if they even saw Captain

paper. nder~on appea ring on Lhe scene with -------------------------------lt is the aim of the staff to secure he- hemieal fire-bus. However. there

articles which ·~vi11 be of inlerest to ·1. as a (il'e. and ope Samuel Scott. / I high school readers as well as college •11ominent member of the Student st udenLs. .As the E xpon ent is ee-nt hocly on tllf' hill. and especially known to prnctiC"al\y Pvery school of any im 4 I fl.mong his Senior sym1>athizers is out TJortan<'e in the state il is necessary ur an o}·,erc·oa t, and wants to know tftat wP do this. I where 1~e can obta. i11 another, cheap. I

-------- and also wants to know whb the pro-Hush little Thrift Strnrns German nr J. \\". \\4

• was. who ··malic· I Don'L you ('ry, iously se.t fire lo p roperty lbat Uncle

You 'll all be w;·r bm1d~ .:-am requested us to conserye." Bye and by(; Ii was last Tuesday afternoon while I

Scotty was working diligently at


Loose Leaf Books





The most hard hearted man in. the


scrue chemical analysis wllen ~ m.emb· v·orld is the prof who ran spring a er of Lhe cla-ss of ·21 rnu hastily past 1 'oke while he is 1>reparing to write rht: studlou:-: figure or ScottY. and with!

1 ?le quiz quc>i-::tious on the blackboard. <. dash a~ ii he were ordered ··ove r -Kansan . T:1e To11··. '1r1bhecl rhe hlazin~ O\C'r-' -------------------------------~

or the !5implest nature. Groucher has ------------­supendecl the publication of the year I book. with the provision that the price WE SUGGEST TO BUY oI sul.J"ScTiption for the year's issue

will be ntrnetl by every subscriber to

the war fund. At the University of \\"iscon"Sin. there is a committee on I student expenditures to induce more simple entertainments and more care in personal expendi tures. Several Sl'hools hav e urged their girls to ask their parents for regular ralher than intermittent and va riable allowances, and to keep strict arcounL of their

1 expenditures. planning on lhe person· al budget system, a.s !ar in advance as possible. Many student orgaoiz.n­lions are adopting the budget plan and cutting clown approµ1iations and expenses. The Junior Promenade at I \\' isc.onsi n has been abandoned, and in its stead a "Liberty bond ball" will be given.

At least n third of the scbols h ave reported not only an observance of the wl! eatless and meatless days but








$20.00 to $30.00

WALSH'S a willingness for mor-e food saving on !..------------th e part of the girls. Tbe University of Ari1.ona bas sil:: wheatless in addition to those on the regular '' hentless day. Mount Holyoke girls eat ''rnr brend six days out or seven , and ha,·e two meatless days a week. They voted in tbe sp ring to do with· out butler at dinner in order to <levote

What Does Silage Cost? Acres used and cultivated

time and again, and gone the money sarnd w the Red Cross. over to get the fodder arc Salem College, in North Carolina, Im· 1 th . . - t po•es fines for wasting rood at tbe e big items In COS •

table. At tbe University or Colorado ! Nitrate as Top Dressin the home economics department is 1

1 ' . giving lectures before boarding house worked in when cultivating keepers and fraterni ty and sorority will cheapen production. houBe managers. Grinnel College in 1 lowa has clone away with tbe selling Bigger, better stalks an' of sweets on tbe campus. and tbe sen- . bigger ears will result. timent hns been such that lhe con- I sumpt ion of candv has be<"n great!)•' S d dfi fi b ok on re iluced.

4 I en post car or ree ,~ In Uie line of economy , C'ollege wnr "Corn Cultivation

gardens are un important 'rhes are conlempla.ted at SC'h0ols for tbe c.·omin , yPnr.

teature. DR. WILLAM s. MYERS ' se\eral


25 Macliaon A \'enue, New Yori i



THGi;trt~"'AL-0N-, 1,i=1_=~~.=--·.==s=o=c=i;;-¢~t=v==-==:;:;:::==i11 1 ~~~~?;.~~:e;l l1 CHOCOLATES .I Theywtlltreatyourighl 1 Cut Flowers at

Sold Only By Miss Mary Noble was the guest of concerning Red Cross \York.

(.' r H M i 0 T B R 0 s Edythe Stanley at the Dorm Friday Mrs. Kathrine Perham, the state tJ lJ Q e,~enit g President of the Federated Woman·s ' I . . Club was the guest al a dinner party ~~~~~~~1;~~ [ILangohr' s

;,_-------------- 't'be Sigma Chi fraternity are enter· giYen by Mrs. Herricl\. Monday night.

• •• °'I \


I ~aiuing tonight at an informal danc· The other guests present were Miss mg party. . Baldwin, Mrs. Kelley, Mrs. Power.

ii --• Professor SpaulJing and his moth· Mrs. Fred Bro\"r·n entertained the

Senior class of the college at an in- j formal dancing party last Friday nighl. About thirty.five young people were there. At the close of the e\·en· ing a delicious lun ch was served.

PANTAGES VAUDEVILLE I Phone 95-W \Valdo and Delroy ---~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~..;:

315 So. Tracy.

er \\-ere dinner guests at the Sigma Classy Musical and Comedy I Chi Housi::> Sunday.

~lr:-;. Charles ~Iurpby formerly Miss Vera Conroy Is visiting for a few tlay:-; <Ii the Phi Gamma House.

Act I

Bob and Peggy Valentine 11' FINEST PARLOR IN GALLATIN COUNTY Comedy, singing, talking and A NlCE LINE OF .. CIGARS, CANDIES and TOBACCO

:\fies Olsterholm gave a n intensely Dancing act. Il l~ ______ F_I_R_S_T_C_L_A_s_s __ B_OWLING AJ,LEYS


~liss 'Yinifred Cho\vning a former s.tudent of the college is in Bozeman

interesting lecture to the class in I PHOTO PLAY Hr11~ Planning on "Northern E uro- I rPan Homes." Miss Olsterbolm bas •'\\'hen \Ve Are Teinpted.'. I

tbe gu•"t of Miss Florenee Switzer. spont much or ber time abroad and i t s:u s11oke '\\'itb authority on thii:;. sub-t Billie Hill and Otis Bradford attend-. jecL. I ed "The !,iberty Girl" )fonday night. I -- , Thursday, Feb. 28.

FROZEN DAINTIES THAT WILL WARM YOUR HEART Deliciusly fresh dairy products for every one

but the Kiser at the

I A must enjoyable time was reportecl The Alpha Omicron Pi sorol'ity en-1 "The Man Withou t a Country" J.y all. tertained at a tea Saturday afternoon I

-- in honor of Mrs. Davidson their new Judevine & Sons I The Kappa. Xu Fl'aternity enter- ' patroness. Tea and wafers were I Friday, Feb. 29, 1

,.1 _'_h_o_n_e_l_4_3 _________ . _____ N_o_r_t_h_C~e;_n;_t;::r;_a;_l ;_A:.;:..v..::e::;n;:u;:e:_...1'

I rnfucd at Sunday dinner Miss s_ tena I serve_ d from two dainty tea tables -------------------------------~early two Lhousantl progressive 1 ''Torn Sawyer." I

American retaifers ba\·e combined Solberg .... anu >fi~:-- Betty Emboft and pres1d~d o\·er by Miss Myrtle Kuhns F h. B b S I I

their purc·hasing power into OflP gi- J Larr) ::::-altz a nd )f1~s Leah Hartman. 1· as ion ar ,.er ~.~top


gantlc whole I.lie l>eneiit deril'etl ! .-- . . I -- I Don't forget these dates. I A CLEAN, SANITARY PLACE WHERE YOU

I h I d 11

~ .. t .... ) .-~tc:nu •. m he ::\l;:~:::-es About twelYe couples were enter-fr0m sue a va~t sra e urt:- pa:sse . '"' ' EDS mHURS FRI GET GOOD SERVJCE right on to you. Come In a:ld see I Mary and. Ruth Noble entertamed a I tained hy ~!rs. E. H- Campbell at her ,. . - l • - • I

d h bl l number ol their mends at a delight- 1 h<>me on Sou1h third avenue Friday •--------------..:_ 1




_ Let\\t'e


Appr&eciateMv .. our:atrroqna.,.Ue is

I IJy od 8 t c greatest onse va - . . e ues in Boze-won. fully informal party. ~venrng in honor or 1\fiss 'Villson who -- I is leaving ller position in the college

I l{ussel Davis. :\'els Graves and to accept a position in Helena at the f /Ui ,.~ ro ".fudge" Stark were dinner guests at office of the State Vete11nary. NEW SPRINr. UNDER THE GALLATIN TRUST AND SAVINGS BA~-~M BERS-l JS HER~ • the Phi Gamma House 1Vednesday Captain and )Jrs. Clarl{ entertained U _

-ALWAYS RELIABLE--- evening in appreciation of moving at the Bozeman Hotel for dinner sat- --- ..._.,_ .... ~ ··----


r "etivities. urclay ernning the rollow ing guests: APPAREL FOR THE I G 11---- • Rev and Mrs. Charles Harris. Pres-I I a at 1 n

I •·1·eu ilteele. Russell Pickens. Leroy ident Hamilton, Prof. and Mrs. Conk- _, 'Tige· Tyler and LoYett lm, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Dier. Prof. "~e!:ltlake went to Missoula to see the and l\frs. Duddy, "'.\fiss Rust :\Iiss I

Grocery 1

I Pay $8 to $10 and get


games "11.lw lhe thermometer regis- ;tone and Pm!'. }fcChol'<]. The tables I roLLEr.E r.1RL m PhonP.

I 1 ~~P·1! \.-enty 1Je1ow zero. were beautifully deconned with rosPs l.J U U ""

-~ anti c·arnations. I 5 55 a Flor- j La~t week ,\Ir>. ThaJe,. entertained I

J the Theta Xi sorority as a ferewell La::n week Mrs. Seawens gave E.

GIG 515

Then you are assured that

the quality is what is should

be. Others at $6.50, $7.00 and


Holloway's Quality Corner

DIAMOND VALUES For years to come one will be able to buy diamonds at so­called popular prices

$2. to $100 But the doamond bought five years ago is a much better dia­monc! than the same price buys today. The diamond bought today is a better grade than the same price will buy even next sum­mer. For it is reasonable to expect one can never get as much dia­mond value for the money as one can today. Prices will be the same-$25 to $100 and up -but they will not buy as pure color. fine structure and brilliant beauty as they do to­day.

Pease is showing extra good values in small, medium and large diamonds.

H. A. PEASE & CO. Jewelers and Optometrists.

206 W. Main St. The Hallmark Store.



Unusually pretty styles are in this display, featuring some of the newest dainty colors for spring.

$6.50 . $6. 75

I THt~ l_L LS~.~ GO. j I Buy Thrift Stamps at j 1 Willson's.


I party for i\li::;s Ada Baker who left delightful dinner party in honor of SalUrday morning to take a pOsition Roy Strand and Manford Snow who

I Ill th;;;. uilroad office in "'.\Iissoula. were C'elebl'ating their respeC'tiYe

birthdays. The table was ani:::tic-aJly :\ti;-:,~ Louh>e L~tnoohr was a dinner decorated jn patrotic colors. The

g<~i:t at Hamiltou Hall .\Ionday. -:\Iiss guests were Misses Helen Lund, Langol!r h; no" President of the Kathrine Buzzel l, Janelle T,Jund. and j Colle~e Red Cross Auxiliary and she Roy Stra:1d, :Vfanford Snow, Hod Sea· made some important announC"emeuts •mans and Edgar Johnson.

I BOOST ERS BRAVE BLIZZARD I and an1\'ing home at 2 -~,-J-,-lo-n:y TO SEE BOBCATS FIGHT mmntng. The t11p O\e1 t.ook nearly

\Continued From Page Ons.) longer than twem \·four hours rrhougb ----- the number of boosters tbat went to

This busy store special­

izes in the Right Kind of

Apparel for the College

Girls at

I I!



Ice Skates Remember we sell only the Barney & Berry make. I I! cost no more than t he mongrel brands very frequently offered.


:1 Owenhouse Hardware ~----------

-- 24 hour~ and lhe trip back a l1ttle I \\as une\'entrul ru1c1 so when the :Missoula was small , they \\'ere freight was compelled to wait at Town· rhe right kind. seull ifor two and a half hours, the l>o~ s "~re able to get some remark·

BRATEN'S Your Automo- I If It's For



l:Heary--e) ~1l and smutty.faced tbe I , I ably undisturUed sieev.

cret\ went mto the depot beanery at I K w Helena lO change a clollar, but t.be11· I f Se' en-score and one years ago our I eep a rm WE HAVE IT awearances frightened the waitress I athers biougbt forth on this contin- I I, Anti-Freeze for Radiators-Engine and Radiator Covers anu >he chased them our into the ent. a new nation, conceived in. lib- I KIRBY COAL and CARNEY Robes-Hand Warmers-Foot Warmers !

J cuJd world. Th Y got out l:>il.le in time I erty and dedicated to the propos1t1on COAL 1 . . . that all men are created equal. I 'I S M S 1 1

I ull'eaJy a •1uaner or a mile away. l'\o" "e are engaged m a great I an I to ••• ,1,e11· tra1:i leanng Helena and . . . . . . BLOCK WOOD d SPLIT 11 tory OtOr Upp y t

Then the sad news that there would I '~orld war, test~ng whe~her -~at na· K . -N bl ----------------------------_j

I l>e no more freights leaving Helena tlOn. or any nal1on, SO concen ed and I en yon Q e I

until late in ihe <dle1·noon, so ticketsiso dedrcat.ed can_I.~ng endure. \\r.e are f L b C 1\1 were, lJllrchased 'o Garrisou. ";:Vhile met t~ face llle of that waI. w~ I um . er o.

, "ait1ni; rnr numbe" three to arrive I ~ave come to cledic.ate the best of oui. 326 West Mam . Phone No. 4 I j the wean· five tried to amuse them~ ::.ulJstance and 10 otfe1 the llves ol om selves by. pitching yennies but hadn't


1 ~ons in .order that. d~m.ocracy m~y

I engaged iu this pastime very long ltve. It ts allogethe1 ftltmg and pto- 1 FINAL CLEAN-UP SALE before the strong arm of the Jaw per lhat we should do this. interfered and the forsaken bos bad But in a larger sense, we cannot TRIMMED HATS to content themselves with chewing dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we $1.00 and $2.00

I their linger nails unt il the train that cannot hallow tbese gifts. The bi-are was to IJear t h em tu a more hospitable men. living and dead, in fa r.flung bat· town. arrived. tle·line or on the ocean wave, under

The ride to Garrison sure seemed foreign flags or 'neath the "Stars and good nud it was with much regret Stripes," who light today for democ· that they got out of their warm seats, racy and truth and freedom, have

::;O much regret in fact, that they consecrated our gifts far above our didn't gel out until the °Con" caught poor power to add or detract. The them •trying t.o s leep their way world will little note uor long remem­tbrough to Missou1~~ and ordered them ber what we say here, but it can off. Tbe thermometer register~d ten I never forget what men are fighting

i.:elow when the expedition embarked; and dying for today.

Splendid velvet hats neatly

I trimmed ; final clean-up of fifty hats values to $10.50. I





Both light and dark colors




lhe Su gar Bow


I l i I

l ! on a.. freight at two o'clock Friday It is for ns-the living-rather to

afternoon, and there was no per- be dedicated here to the unfinished ceptible change in temperature duri ng worl\. which freemen of all a ges have the three- hour trip to Missoula. The thus far so nobly advanced. It . Is t rain bearing the Bobcats passed the rather for us to be dedicated to the fre igh t neal! Garrison and the sight great task remaining before us, that of this put courage into the hearts from our honored dead and heroic llv· of the loyal Screecbers. ing we take increased devotion to

From the time the boys landed in that cause for which they give tbe Missoula until tbe time they left, a last full mea sure of devotion; that good time was given them by every- we here highly resolve that myriad one. E,·en the fair Co--eds were not lives shall not be sacrificed in vain;

high and low colors. Worth I to $8.50.

I ~.~,~,~ ~T~:,s !.---~-------------=

George H. Willson &·Co. _ J Pink Georg j

hesiuan-t about. twining their arms that this nation, and every nation un. about the sooty garb of th e Bobcat der God shall have a new birth or followers. at the dance in the· gym Freedom; and that government of the Saturday night. Only one event people, by the people and For the peo lrnip11ened whkh nearly broke up the ple shall not per'ish from th e eartli. narty. ·Tbe high t emperature of the -Earnest Bourner Allen. in the ToJe­

gym went to 8.cbruidt's head and he do Blade. im.agined· that he was a.tteniling a I --~~~'""--~--

t,,asketball game in the summer time. Profssor Bre,y)?.r has consented to

~ when _b,e yelled "Take him out'' at act as a judge. fot', a de.bate to be 11eld the- sight of Jerry's umpiraca.l form in Roundup on ~1arch 1. He will act striding out on the basketball floor as sole judge aud will select the best a storm nearly broke. speaker from the two teams

Thoroughly acclimated by this time I the -~Bos'' decided to beat their way Mr. W P Staplf'ton is assisting

WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE That there has been a change in Hie firm of Hank & Ed. Hank has sold out his interest in the firm to Harry Williams, lately of the Vogue.

We solicit your business and will do your tailoring, clean­ing and pressing just as good as any Son-of-a-Gun in this burg.

Hank & Ed back to Bozeman. and this they did, County Agent Peterson at Lewistown ! lea\·ing :;'\-fissoula at l :30 a. m. Sunday I for the present. '-----'--------·-----------

I [


UNIVERSITY WINS STATE CJ.aJe a pair of goals. Dush connect-

I take ndYantage of the offer the letter quoted abo~e.



TITLE IN TWO HARO GAMES ed wtth tbe hoop again and Prescott __ j dropped oue in from the 15 foot line,

(ContioueJ. from Pabe One.} ticinJ{ the score. Sallor made a long ---- ------ ihot and put the Druins in the lead.

1'"ebruary 20. 1918. President .J. ?\ I. Hamilton, Montana I

State College. I

plnyfng l''as rough but exceptionally ! Pitts raced u1> and dropped the ball f~r from oersonal (oula. T he play oC I through. for a tie score again Lark in tl·c Drulus "as marked b. clo~c 1

fl)u 1d U1e basliE!l _for a field g~al and ) PrC'-.1·01 t made a tree toss, ginng the

Dear Sir. Referring LO lhe len~r Of Mr. H. C. Kuenzli concerning the I e1Hollin.g of engineering students Ul the Xnval Resen·e Force. 1 ba"\"e talk­ed to Freshmen and Sophomore "8n-

co. i .. .!. Jing and .1:·nr1itl tightenfug when llri·uh, a lead never o,·ertaken iu the J

t •o Bobc·ntd were thrt>al<'nlng. Pre:;;- re~t of tht" game \\"alts wade two tu t slarrecl ror the 'U." ma.king slx more pnints on fouls and Pre::.colt field goal!J. 1'be BobralH !Started lhA found the lovp m a free to:;;:;;. ThC'

une \\Ith a changed lmeup, wlui:b h.llf f'tHiP!l ,,·ifh the Rrnin~ at the Joni?

gineers and repon a~ rollowf'

Xumber of student:.: bet ween the I ages of hi and 21 inclu:-;i\•e who wh~h to enroll. 32. _ I

MORNING The Big lnternntional Transr11

talion Senice car leaves the o"~:ce on the corner o[ Main and T .·s.t·y nt 1·.i;;, I\·~:;. 9 l;; and 11 t.-. for LhE" college.

n:orricd th(I Bruin guarding during lhe ·nrt of thP );'t·ore. 13 to 9. Xumber of students who may en-11 ~t buU. Bush starred for tlle Col- Second Half.

roll but a~·e doubtful at this time, 10. I Some 01 l"be students who are old­

,~r than would join if per­

lt>~e breaking Uirough the be;H) l'rt°'scott .:-:tartefl tht> !"ecuud half Bruiu gua:r1 ft>r two field goals and wilh a fit>ld basket. and Larkin ~non I kini;::- u11 mnn' 01 tlw G1i.·11i.-s 1 itlUt.• hroui:rh witb anothe1 \\":ttts

r• a'~. ll •{e~ct· J lln~l''..11:''.rn i;n0'' el! J, nnnt"dt•d r " i<'f' in frep toss~s and ll tmmc l'iklll fn oflll·rn.111~ tua~ hC' Pn•st·utt found the hasket agam from hn1! displayed tile' prl'\·i011~ nit.:;ht and thf• 1l~ld c1·01H'h ran down the noor

.,. 11 th f•r:-;1 11ml' ~i1n atbh·1k re .\t a mP~tin!-{ or the A tbli!th' Couu- mit1ed to do so.

:11 ~·n~ ha\t' L11;>t.>11 rC'sunwd, the l"n- ldl llf'ld last Tuesday. it wa~ dedtletl RPspecHull;: submitted, 1n1 r~il) hn~ tuktm th(' 8tatt' Ha~kl'!t- to haq· n baseball team Lhi~ Stffiug A. \Y H.lCHrrr-;1~

hall 1'!1am11lon~hip. ·111 rp will Ue no illter-collegiate Deau of Enginet·rmg.

The returning c~1rs lean~ the )1.ain and Agricultural bulhli 1~- ot 8, 9, 10 and 12 o'clock.

AFTERNOON 1 , tbt g.llllt-- ~oi111-.; ai toJ1 :-.1 t:>Cd alt 1nr l\\O 11oini... nntl l'l.Oon hroke HW<l~·

1 ral'k actlYities. i<urtht"r wonl along this line has '~. time. 11 r ano1hrr ~ailot· made a ha~ket

Bccau~e u greut majonty or the h~en r<>1·ehed by Dean Richter con- cars leave the office at 12:45, 1:45,

and -t :45, aurl return from the t~o1-

lege at 1. 2, and 5 o'clock.

First Half. in the first minute of play Bwah

n a ·e a fit•lll. goal and \\'alt~ l·nn\ erlf>ll n foul. Prcsrott IJrokP U1roue:h ruul


60 different varietie of FRUITS and VEGETABLE~

A Special Sale Which "ill End Saturday the 16th

Asparagus Tip:; Asparagus Spear:; Sweet Corn. large ran Emt)son':s ::\o. ~1~ llominy Kraut nnd Pumpkins Emp~ons Primrost" Peas


22 to 311\_ !Ir 1 Ir HC' 22{'

-"pex Pea~ 1.2t.:c Tomatoes. No. 21~ solid pack,

1\foods Cros::; brant.I Tomatoes, No .. 2 Solid Pack

,\ .. oocb CrobS brand Fancy Piaeappl•. No. 1 Fancy Pineapple. ~

Fancy Pinen1111le. No. 2 L;



In ordering the above, please Mention the Exponent.

Thos. U. Rea & Co. Phone 2~.

rnd 'Yath 11Hl<lt4

two more frl'e toe;se~. studt•nts and 1acuH:y of C'olornclo Cul l>id yu11 set' \\hat lht· Freshmen ~·t·rning thP men now in ~P.rvict; of

1 .trkin UrnppPtl thP hall throu~h twice lt.'gl1 .in .. ' not in !-lYlllJHllhY wiLh inter- !11 •1p~tPrs <licl in ~fissoula? tltt>o en~ineering: department tha1 had

mm tlw 1·, foot line and ~'\"atfS fol- c.:olle:!.iat~ athlet il's. thl• ·c men ba\eJ hl:'t•n c·altect before they finisbl.!d their l•m-<•<i "'ii C'ro11ch Rhot anolher bas- •k<·irlotl lo drop all inter-collegiate il••ca11>e hoxin" <lc'Vl'iPI" m11,clcs rnurso.' ill ,-o llege. If t hese men want ~---------k,•t ,,1Hl Pre~(·ott knocked one in from ·1thl~tks and hart> requested a cancel- that are- used in baynot righting, tn they may he trnn1-;1erred to the

L luc·J\y jump 011 the loss. Crouch l:Hion of all -~nme;.; sehrdulrcl for this llln\ in~ uic:ture demonstration~ on Engineering- t•;nJist>-'li Resen<' Corn~ ,rnd Pres1.:olt l>oth mark another bas- ~eason. ho\.in~ are bein~ introduced in Che a11 41 c·ontinue their :-.tudy tiH gradun-i.1•1 F'i!:!;btincr their hardest the Bob-

.Lt"' wen' nnahlc to ~rore nnd the Tht· Fn.•t;bnian are out P\ l'l'Y night 1 ~amP wa~ lo~r b~ thP ~-wor(' of 3~ to 1 n.wtkiuJ;t for that game.

1,·,d 11ing <'amJl$ of thb (•nuutry thm or until there I!;; a pre::;l5iD~ ueed or the goq:irnnH•n1 for wor'kPr~ alon~

" lioinf! o\"er lhe toJJ" is th~ late::-t tlwr line. l9.

Lineup. g"<\lllt' for ~olUlers. It was in\ented E\·ery way open to the government

Among- rhe Utah team8 in (!nive1·~it) Hnl"k~ "\lonnrnin Conf(lr(ltwe. l't)lll'J?f'.

l.t)l)l\P_\" left forward Larkin \~l.{il'~ an· a~ Yt:l und efeated.

the by ('apt. C'ook 01 Camp Lewb and it i~ being 1aken tn allO\\ tho:3e traininJ?; tile r1•:-;,~mhle;.; modern trend1 fighting for teC"hnieal (·ourse~ io c.:ompl te th(~ir

PX1·ept that no weapous are userl. t:.>ilucatiou. 1111-.ll right forward Prescott

l'itts center Sailor RECRUITING PARTY 1' \\ .• tltr-i left guard Benz I tlimmandant to send out a trave mg AN EMBARRASSED DINER

G OOD form today is vastly different from the social usage of a century

ago. But it is merely another expre,s .. sion of the same instinct of courtesy and good manners.

lloss ng:ht guard Crouch MAY VISIT HERE l'P<'nliting partv in charge of an offi-

~uO~tillllt>; F'itzgerald for Looney-. l l'er authorized. ro make enrollments

An Omaha man had a friend trom a \\'yarning ranch iu the city on a husi;iess deul, and at noon th y pro-11'i.cld ~oal::i Bush. 2; Looney, t; (Continued from Page 'Jne .) in accor<lnnce with th is plan. 'T'he

l'itts, 1, Prescott. 6; C'rouch, 4: Sail- tier-graduates between the ages of part~· will be formed in March and ceedecl to a. downtown restaurant and ,, r, 2; and Larkin, 2. ejght een and twenty-one. who are will make the rounds of lbe various bad lunchPon together Tbe 'V:yommg C1 t

\\" 22 t('ehniral colleges and universities lo- person :1te his entire meal with his ..,.,.,. ~ne (' Pr::;~ttth:;o~~~t· of a,\~~ :~lllo~~a~:in ~ takin~ a tedini<'al c•ourse.. i·<-1.ted in this naval district. knife. 'Vhen he was near the end be I U U

These young men \Vould be enroll· d d h h d r k ~ out of 5. RefereP.. Hinderman

The- <.·ommandant would greatly ap· istovere e a no or-. • ed as seaman. second class, and 'Say," he called to the Omaha man, tnen would not be C.'l\llec1 for active service "that waiter d1dn t ghe me a fork., J

au opportunity or investigating this • . prN'iate a re11l:r, after you have had cl)

lire' io11s to ~raduation exce11t 1'u a · '"'-;ell 'ot1 don't need 0110 " repl1'ed ~ '"' matter. stating the probable number \VO '

1 ' .. -----==--...,,....~~ <·a::>~ or ~rC'at emergency. a con tin· .. . the ma 18 man senous y 'fi, wn

!Lil of al)}).ilc·ants for enrollment you r col-


Th 'l' • getH'Y which at present is not consid- · e deure I don came rrom the ~ I cred nt all probable. No promise of lege could furitish. 'Vyomh1g man '\\11at nm I gain~ to TJf! CORREC.T w ITIN PAP!A THE Merchants who advertise in

this paper will give you best values for your money.

~In commission ran be given to such \·ery sincerely yours, slir mv coffee with?'' in many sizes, shapes and shades ditJm undergTadua1es as would enroll. bul 1"'ih'1led' H. C. KUENZJ_, J. . greatly from the forms in which it was upon f!;rndmttion :rnd when called to ('ummander l;. S. :-.:. Chief of Staff. :.\tonlana State debates Gon.iaga used beforethcdaysofpostagestamps. aC'tive service, they \\-ill be examined Heferred to Dean A. "'p· Richter. l"niversity al Spokane on F'ebruary I But its quality is still the same and still and their rank or rating adjusted ac- The following i~ the reply sent to ~l.. DaYid Grey and idney Suther- bespeaks the user's good taste and C'Ording to their ability and the re- Pre~ident Hamilton by Dean Richter j 1and defending the negative issue of knowledge of good form. quirements or the service. regarding the number of men in the the Alsace-Lorraine question for )!. GALLATIN DRUG CO.

rt is the present intention of the eng-ineering department who wish lo , S. C. / Quality and Service First

Patronize Advertisers -Ceretana MeansQua-l-it_y_j 1j 'j B H 1 ll FOR YOUR •m•Nns I

In Flour and Rolled Oats-Try Them Today, i 0 z e m a n 0 t e 11 A PHOTO I The Bozeman Milling Company 111

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