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UWF Graphic and Brand Identity Standards Manual

Mar 06, 2016



University of West Florida Graphic and Brand Identity Standards Manual
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Page 1: UWF Graphic and Brand Identity Standards Manual

U n i v e r s i t y o f W e s t f l o r i d a

G r a p h i c a n d B r a n d i d e n t i t y

s t a n d a r d s M a n U a l

Page 2: UWF Graphic and Brand Identity Standards Manual

c o n t e n t s a n d l e t t e r f r o M t h e p r e s i d e n t

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual2

the “Why” of Graphics standards? ( 3– 4 Quick look ( 3the Brand idea ( 5trademarks ( 6institutional Graphic standards & Guidelines ( 7 – 16UWf institutional logo system institutional logo primary Colors ( 8 official institutional logos ( 9 UWf letter Mark ( 10 UWf seal ( 10UWf publication signature ( 11logo do’s and don’ts ( 12UWf stationery ( 13 – 16athletic identity Graphic standards ( 17 – 31 UWf argonauts Colors ( 18UWf athletic logo system primary logo & variations ( 19 – 20 Color variations ( 21 – 24 Banner text ( 25Compatible typography ( 26Minimum size ( 27logo Use on Color Backgrounds ( 28logo Use violations ( 29retail applications ( 30 – 31Contact information ( 32references ( 33 – 34the Chambered nautilus ( 35

in august 2009 the university introduced new graphics for argonaut athletics

into the family of UWf graphic identity marks.

the new athletic marks are striking both in their uniqueness and versatility. it is

our hope that the new graphics will strengthen the argonaut brand among our

students, alumni and community constituents and that our brand will also find

greater acceptance in the marketplace.

each time one of our marks is seen, it should be quickly recognized and

identified. Brand recognition depends on consistency of use. this manual,

which outlines all UWf brand graphic standards, is intended to serve as a guide

for users. We enlist your help in preserving the integrity of the UWf brand as

you show our colors.

Judy Bense, ph.d.

UWf President

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t h e “ W h y ” o f G r a p h i C s s t a n d a r d s

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual 3

the University of West florida is a large, diverse organization whose primary

mission is to provide outstanding educational opportunities for the citizens

of our region. to help our constituents recognize the value UWf brings to

this endeavor, we need to clearly identify and communicate the UWf brand.

one way we do that is through consistent use of an officially licensed family of

graphics to represent our institution visually. When we appropriately use the

designated colors, emblems and type styles in all communications, we protect

the integrity of our brand. this manual serves as a guide to assist university units

and vendors who work with the university in producing branded materials from

publications to merchandise and Web sites. the following pages illustrate how

we expect our brand identity to be conveyed visually.

uWF colors: Blue of the sky

and Green of the sea

Mascot: argonauts, referring

to Jason and his legendary crew

of sailors, who experienced

perilous adventures in the their

quest for the Golden fleece.

emblem: the Chambered

nautilus, a symbol of growth,

change and accomplishment,

representing excellence

and perfection in nature,

dr. harold Crosby, the

university’s first president,

selected the chambered

nautilus to symbolize UWf.

president Crosby was inspired

by the poem, “the Chambered

nautilus,” by oliver Wendell






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t h e “ W h y ” o f G r a p h i C s s t a n d a r d s

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual4

this manual and the UWf Graphic identity standards Web site are the

authoritative sources for the UWf identity and brand communication

standards. the office of University Marketing & Creative services is the

official caretaker, communicator and champion of the UWf brand and is

charged with ensuring that all users are in compliance with these standards.

if you intend to produce official UWf communications or products that

represent the University of West florida, please refer to these resources

and consult with Marketing and Creative services staff to ensure that your

projects are reviewed and satisfy graphic standards prior to production.

do these standards apply to you and your department? yes. exceptions

are rare, but may be granted if circumstances warrant that an exception

needs to be made.

if you have questions about the

UWf Graphic and Brand identity standards,

contact the office of University Marketing

and Creative services,

(850) 473-7424.

N e e d H e l p ?

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t h e B r a n d i d e a

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual 5

Most large companies and organizations create specific visual images or logos

to be used in conjunction with the organization name. these graphics convey

each company’s brand identity. they also represent the values of that company

and represent the brand promise: the company’s expression of quality.

Why is Brand identity iMportant?

a unified and consistently used brand identity creates instant recognition for a

company and its product. does a university have a product? of course. UWf’s

product is education: sharing knowledge, creating understanding, expanding the

wisdom and wonder of the universe. as products go, it’s one of the best.

our Brand identity

What is included? the university’s institutional and athletic graphics, school

colors, Web presence, editorial style and images are all integral parts of the

UWf Graphic and Brand identity.

• identity

• Consistency

• Unity

• recognition

• start a BuZZ

B r a n d B u z z

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t r a d e M a r k s

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual6

the trademarked words and related

images depicting University of West florida

and the UWf argonauts are reserved

for official use by university entities and

may not be used without appropriate

consent. images also may be licensed for

commercial use. for information on the

licensing program, visit

or contact UWf Business services,

(850) 474-2635.

eXaMples oF uWF


University of West florida, UWf,

argonauts, argos, West florida, including

any logo, mark, hallmark, seal, symbol,

nickname, letter(s), word or derivative

that can be associated with the University

of West florida.

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G r a p h i C s t a n d a r d s a n d G U i d e l i n e s

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual 7

i n s t i t U t i o n a l G r a p h i C s ta n d a r d s a n d G U i d e l i n e s


• alterations to trademarked university graphics presented in this

manual are prohibited. this applies to typeface, proportions

and placement of graphic elements.

• approved colors must be used.

• a university graphic must be legible.

• a university graphic is not to be used as a background for text

or graphics.

• a university graphic is to be surrounded by a “clear area.”

no other graphics or words are to overprint, touch or appear

behind university graphic symbols.

• non-standard unit marks may not be used in lieu of the

official marks.


• it is permissible for all university units to use either institutional

or athletic logo marks on UWf-branded shirts or other items

with appropriate approval.

Graphic and brand components that appear in published

communications influence people’s perceptions of UWf.

Careful regard for the proper application of the university’s

graphic standards and guidelines is vital in promoting and

protecting the university’s brand identity.

the portions of this manual that MUst be followed are

expressed as standards. recommendations are

expressed as Guidelines. standards are university

policy. the office of Marketing and Creative services will

not approve or permit distribution of materials that violate

these standards.

all UWf presentations and published print or electronic

communications are expected to display the appropriate

University of West florida official logo. see each section

for details.

the trademarked graphics covered in this section are:

the official university logos, publication signature, university

seal and letter mark.

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University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual8

i n s t i t U t i o n a l l o G o p r i M a r y C o l o r s

the University of West florida school

colors are blue and green.


• only official Pantone™ Matching system

ink colors or their corresponding four-

color process values, as noted on the

right, are to be used for UWf brand

graphics. for UWf official athletic colors,

see page 18.


• it is recommended that a one-color logo,

letter mark and Web logo be displayed in

UWf Blue.

* Pantone®isaregisteredtrademarkofofPantone,Inc. Thecolorsshownonthispageandthroughoutthis manualarenotintendedtomatchthePANTONE ColorStandards.ForthePANTONEColorStandards, refertothecurrenteditionofthePANTONEColor FormulaGuide.

uWF Blue (in lieu of which use Pantone 2945*)

process: C: 100 M: 50 y: 0 K: 10

rGB values: r: 0 G: 51 B: 153

Web color: 003399

uWF Green (in lieu of which use Pantone 356*)

process: C: 100 M: 0 y: 95 K: 25

rGB values: r: 0 G: 102 B: 51

Web color: 006633

uWF Gold (in lieu of which use Pantone 871*)

process: C: 20 M: 25 y: 60 K: 25

rGB values: r: 163 G: 145 B: 97

Web color: a29061

eMerald coast Green (in lieu of which use Pantone 328*)

process: C: 94 M: 28 y: 65 K: 29

rGB values: r: 0 G: 96 B: 85

Web color: 006666

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U W f i n s t i t U t i o n a l l o G o s y s t e M

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual 9

oFFicial institutional


the University of West florida official

logo consists of two elements: a graphic

of the nautilus shell inside a square and

the words “University of West florida”

stacked in a two-line configuration. a

similar design is available for use by

emerald Coast Campuses.


• the preferred color for the UWf official

logo is UWf blue (Pantone™ Matching

system ink 2945 blue) or emerald Coast

Green (Pantone™ Matching system ink

328 emerald). Colors that are also

acceptable include UWf green

(Pantone™ Matching system ink 356

green), black or white. for questions

about use of other colors, contact Joy

Ward at 474-2431 ([email protected]).





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U W f i n s t i t U t i o n a l l o G o s y s t e M

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual10

uniVersity oF West Florida

letter MarK

UWf letter marks may be used in

place of the official logo for informal

communications. like the West florida

logo, specific standards govern letter

mark usage. the letter marks must be

displayed according to the standards

noted on page 7.

uniVersity oF West Florida


Use of the University of West florida

seal is limited. it is not to be used in place

of the official logo. it is appropriate to use

the university seal on official university

documents (including business cards),

diplomas and formal invitations. the

university seal must be displayed according

to the standards noted on page 7.


Four-colorseal Two-colorseal One-colorseal


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U W f p U B l i C a t i o n s i G n a t U r e

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual 11

the University of West florida publication

signature consists of the West florida logo,

the return address or contact information.


• the publication signature is to appear on all

UWf published communications.

• a publication mailing panel must placed to

comply with U.s. Post office requirements.

for specifics, contact UWf Postal services

at 474-2436 or check the Postal services

Web site at


• for publications without mailing panels,

the centered version may be substituted

on the back of the document.



college of professional studies11000 University parkwaypensacola, fl

office of admissions850.474.2230 • 800.263.1074

[email protected] •

Page 12: UWF Graphic and Brand Identity Standards Manual

• do use the approved logo colors.

• do place logos on a clutter-free (preferably solid) background

• don’t create alternate logos.

• don’t use discontinued logos.

• do use an official UWf logo on all communications.

• do use logos in an appropriate size.

• don’t alter the color, design or shape of any official logo.

• don’t add text or extra designs to logos.


UWFBlue WhiteBlackUWFGreen

Pensacola, Florida

l o G o d o ’ s a n d d o n ’ t s

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual12

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U n i v e r s i t y o f W e s t f l o r i d a s t a t i o n e r y

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual 13

UWf Printing services is the approved

vendor for official UWf stationery and

business cards. individuals may choose

from two business card designs, both

with horizontal and vertical formats.

for ordering information visit


• all university departments, divisions

and colleges are authorized to use

UWf stationery for UWf official


• all UWf stationery, which includes

letterhead, envelopes and business cards,

must follow the UWf Graphic standards.


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U n i v e r s i t y o f W e s t f l o r i d a s t a t i o n e r y

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual14

standards (cont.)

• UWf cabinet members may elect to

use stationery featuring the four-color

UWf seal.

• stationery featuring a UWf athletic

logo is available only to members of the

athletic department.




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U n i v e r s i t y o f W e s t f l o r i d a s t a t i o n e r y

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual 15

standards (cont.)

• UWf stationery is to be printed in UWf

Blue. (Pantone™ Matching system 2945

blue) or emerald Coast Green (Pantone™

Matching system 328 emerald).


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U n i v e r s i t y o f W e s t f l o r i d a s t a t i o n e r y

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual16


• the University of West florida letterhead design allows space for controlled customization. two options are available.

UWFLetterheadwithaddedunit-specificgraphic UWFLetterheadwithaddedunit-specificgraphicandtext

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a t h l e t i C i d e n t i t y G r a p h i C s t a n d a r d s

all athletic logos designed by rickabaugh Graphics.

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University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual ( athletic identity Graphic standards18

U W f o f f i C i a l a t h l e t i C C o l o r s

priMary colorsColor is one of the most important elements of the UWf argonauts identity system. the colors on the right are the official colors for all of the UWf logos. if none of these colors are available it is preferred that the logos be printed in all black or in all white. see pages 21 – 24 for color variations.

support colorsin addition to the primary colors shown above, the UWf identity system utilizes black and white as important support colors. White helps to add contrast to primary colors. Black is the default color to use for UWf logos when the official colors are not available.

uWF athletic royal (in lieu of which use Pantone 285*)

process: C: 89 M: 43 y: 0 K: 0


uWF athletic Green (in lieu of which use Pantone 3405*)

process: C: 85 M: 0 y: 65 K: 0


uWF athletic naVy (in lieu of which use Pantone 282*)

process: C: 100 M: 68 y: 0 K: 54

uWF athletic Gray (in lieu of which use Pantone 421*)

process: C: 0 M: 0 y: 0 K: 26

* Pantone®isaregisteredtrademarkofofPantone,Inc.Thecolorsshownonthispageandthroughoutthis manualarenotintendedtomatchthePANTONEColorStandards.ForthePANTONEColorStandards, refertothecurrenteditionofthePANTONEColorFormulaGuide.

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U W f a t h l e t i C l o G o s

the new UWf athletic marks were designed to create a consistent brand for the UWf argonauts. there are many variations to choose from so that there should be a design compatible to any application. the four-color and three- color logos are shown on the right.

logos that do not contain “UWf” or “West florida” are for use only when either the school name or the UWf monogram have been previously presented. for example, the “argos” design can be used inside a brochure if a logo or words identifying the university has been used on the cover. or the argonaut head logo can be used on a garment if the university name or monogram is identified in a prominent place. all artwork and variations are available in Macintosh and PC digital file formats. for information on using the logos with different words in the banners see page 25.




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Two Color (UWF Athletic Navy and UWF Athletic Green)

UWF Athletic Navy

UWF Athletic Royal

UWF Athletic Green


Two Color (UWF Athletic Navy and UWF Athletic Green)

UWF Athletic Navy

UWF Athletic Royal

UWF Athletic Green


University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual ( athletic identity Graphic standards20

U W f a t h l e t i C l o G o s

the two-color UWf athletic logos shown on the right are unique because they do not contain either of the school colors (UWf athletic royal or UWf athletic Green). for this reason it is encouraged that they be used with the school colors on licensed product, printed communications, internet pages or any other applications. as shown on pages 22-24, these logos may also be used in all UWf athletic royal, all UWf athletic Green or in the special “school Color” versions that use both UWf athletic royal and UWf athletic Green. By using these color versions these logos can feature the UWf colors of logos UWf athletic royal and UWf athletic Green.

in addition, the UWf athletic brand includes a border design shown on the right. the border design can easily be extended by placing additional banner art side by side (see top of this page). the border should only be used in the colors shown.



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University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual ( athletic identity Graphic standards 21

C o l o r v a r i a t i o n s f o r a t h l e t i C l o G o s

all of the UWf argonauts logos may be used in full color, two color, all UWf athletic navy, all UWf athletic royal, all UWf athletic Green or all black. some examples are shown on this page and the next page as well. UWf athletic logos can also be used in all white on dark backgrounds as shown below.

to use UWf argonauts logos in all white on dark backgrounds use the white art layer from the black and white art and allow the background to show through where the black art would be. never reverse the logo art to create all white logos (see examples above).




CorrectUsage IncorrectUsage

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C o l o r v a r i a t i o n s f o r a t h l e t i C l o G o s

some examples of the all UWf athletic royal, all UWf athletic Green, all white logos and all black logos are shown on this page. the UWf athletic logos should not be used in any other one color version without permission.





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C o l o r v a r i a t i o n s f o r a t h l e t i C l o G o s

the two-color UWf athletic logos shown on the right are variations of the word marks with the school colors of UWf athletic royal and UWf athletic Green substituted in place of the UWf athletic navy color. the bottom example shows the color black in place of the UWf athletic navy color. all of these color variations are permissable on UWf athletic word marks.


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C o l o r v a r i a t i o n s f o r a t h l e t i C l o G o s

in addition to the versions shown on page 23, it also is permissible to use the two-color word marks and monograms in the UWf athletic royal and UWf athletic Green variation shown on this page. this color variation will allow these designs to be presented in the school colors. never use this color variation in any logos other than those shown here.

never use the “school Color” variation on a logo that already includes a school color (see example above).


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a t h l e t i C l o G o s W i t h B a n n e r t e X t

Banner teXtthe five logo configurations shown on the right are capable of presenting different text in the banners. if you need to have a customized logo contact the athletics department. Banner text must represent intercollegiate sports at UWf. Club or intramural sports may not have custom banner text logos.

aVailaBle Banner teXtargonauts, athletics, Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Golf, soccer, softball, sports Medicine, strength & Conditioning, tennis and volleyball.






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C o M p a t i B l e t y p o G r a p h y

uWF FontsCompatible fonts for the UWf argonauts identity are Benjamin regular (which is the font used in the banner text of the UWf lo-gos) and the custom font UWf Bold. other fonts are acceptable but the use of these fonts when practical will reinforce the UWf athletic brand. these fonts are available from UWf athletics. the UWf athletic Bold font is reserved for use by UWf athletics.



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M i n i M U M s i Z e s f o r a t h l e t i C l o G o s

MiniMuM loGo siZeseach of the UWf argonauts logos has a minimum allowable size. in order to ensure clear reproduction and legibility, the logos must not be used any smaller than the sizes shown on the right. it is preferred that when possible the logos be used larger than their minimum size.






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U s i n G l o G o s o n C o l o r B a C k G r o U n d s

frequently it may be desirable to place the UWf athletic logos on a field of color. as shown in the examples on the right, all of the artwork has been created with a built-in outline shape that allows it to work clearly on any background. for this reason it is not necessary to alter the logos before placing them on any color, photograph or complex background. if the outer outline holding shape’s contrast isn’t sufficient enough with the background you can turn the outer gray holding shape to white. remember that the UWf argonauts logos should never be reversed (see page 21).

the all white logos should not be placed on a complex background because the background pattern will show through the logo. see example below.










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l o G o s U s e v i o l a t i o n s

so that UWf can maintain the design integrity of its brand and maximize each logo’s effectiveness as an identifier, it is mandatory that all logos be applied as indicated in this manual without modification. the logos are not to be altered in any way without permission. shown on the right are unacceptable uses of the UWf argonauts logos.

Never switch colors on any UWF Argonauts logo

Never use UWF Argonauts logos in non UWF colors

Never change the tagline typeface in any UWF

Argonauts logo

Never use unapproved wording in any UWF Argonauts logo (see

page 5)

Never re-size any element in any UWF Argonauts logo

Never reproportion any UWF Argonauts logo

Never add any element to a UWF Argonauts logo

Never distort any UWF Argonauts logo

Never allow any pattern or photograph to show through

any logo

Never reverse any UWF Argonauts logo



Never use an oldUWF Argonauts logo

Never use just one part of anyUWF Argonauts logo

Never angle or rotate any UWF Argonauts logo

Never reposition any elements in the UWF Argonauts logos

Never re-space any elements in the UWF Argonauts logos

Never use any logo without itsouter outline on a dark


Never use the “School Color” variation on any logo other than the five shown

on page 7

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r e t a i l a p p l i C a t i o n s

Full-color retail Graphicsif the fabric color matches one of the official colors exactly (UWf athletic royal, UWf athletic Green, UWf athletic navy, UWf athletic Gray or white), the fabric can show through in place of printing that color. if the fabric color does not match any official color, all four official colors plus white must be used to print the full color logos.

note: if the contrast of the outer gray out-line with the background isn’t sufficient it is permissable to turn the outer gray outline to white. see example (gray shirt).

All four of these shirts would require four color printing to reproduce the full color UWF Argonauts logos.

This shirt would require five color printing to reproduce.

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r e t a i l a p p l i C a t i o n s

alternatiVes to

Full-color retail GraphicsUWf art may also print in all black, all UWf athletic royal, all UWf athletic Green, all UWf athletic navy, all UWf athletic Gray or all white as long as there is sufficient contrast with the fabric color. the one- color argonauts logos are a great cost saving alternatives to the full color logos.

As shown in this example, it is also permissible to print just the UWF Athletic Royal, UWF Athletic Green, UWF Athletic Navy or black art on a light color fabric without the white or gray outer outline.

The “School Color” logos (UWF Athletic Royal, UWF Athletic Green and white), shown on page 7, are an excellent way to have the school colors on a non-school colored garment such as navy or gray.

This is a good example of how the compatible fonts can be used in conjunction with the UWF Argonauts logos.

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C o n t a C t i n f o r M a t i o n

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual32

for sports applications of the UWf

argonauts logos, please contact:

tony nguyen

assistant athletic director

athletic operations

University of West florida

(850) 474-2142

for general UWf licensing questions,

please contact:

ellen till


Business and auxiliary services

University of West florida

(850) 474-2080

to obtain a license for use of university

trademarks by external organizations for

commercial purposes, please contact:

tony v. Johnson

vP southeast

strategic Marketing affiliates

(317) 829-5690

(615) 278-4297

for additional information regarding the

use of the UWf logos, and for advice on

and approvals for their use, please contact:

Joy Ward

assistant director

Marketing & Creative services

University of West florida

(850) 474-2431

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r e f e r e n C e s

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual 33

official UWf brand and athletic graphics are available at the

Web site in low-resolution only. for print quality versions contact the office of

Marketing and Creative services, (850) 473-7424. to obtain publishable UWf

photos contact John Blackie, digital assets manager, [email protected]. for

specific information about UWf Web standards visit

the university has adopted the following references as the standard for

editorial style. if you regularly write, compile or copy-edit University of West

florida-published communications, you will need these reference materials.

• the associated Press stylebook and Briefing on Media law. all published

communications, whether print or electronic, will be edited in accordance

with this manual. (available in the reference section of the John C. Pace

library or for purchase at bookstores.)

• the UWf editorial style Manual was established to create consistency

in editorial style with regard to university-specific communications. the

manual covers subjects such as capitalization of departments, building names

and job titles. (available online on the UWf Graphic identity standards Web


• the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate dictionary (available online and in

book stores.)

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r e f e r e n C e s

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual34

need help?

if you have questions about editorial style or need editorial support, contact

the executive director, office of University Marketing and Creative services,

(850) 474-2433. for questions about english grammar and usage, contact

the UWf Grammar Hot line, (850) 474-2129.

eQual opportunity stateMent.

Use the following equal employment opportunity statement exactly as written

in all communications recruiting prospective students or employees: The

University of West Florida is an equal opportunity/equal access institution.

aMericans With disaBilities act.

Use the following americans with disabilities act statement exactly as written

when advertising UWf-sponsored events: To arrange accommodations for the

disabled or hearing impaired, call Catherine Powell at (850) 857-6080 (voice/

TDD) or call the Florida Dual Party Relay System at (850) 955-8770 (voice) at

least five working days in advance.

Page 35: UWF Graphic and Brand Identity Standards Manual

t h e C h a M B e r e d n a U t i l U s

University of West florida Graphic and Brand identity standards Manual 35

By oliver Wendell holmes (1809-94)

this is the ship of pearl, which, poets feign,

sail the unshadowed main,—

the venturous bark that flings

on the sweet summer wind its purpled wings

in gulfs enchanted, where the siren sings,

and coral reefs lie bare,

Where the cold sea-maids rise to sun their streaming hair.

its webs of living gauze no more unfurl;

Wrecked is the ship of pearl!

and every chambered cell,

Where its dim dreaming life was wont to dwell,

as the frail tenant shaped his growing shell,

Before thee lies revealed,—

its irised ceiling rent, its sunless crypt unsealed!

year after year beheld the silent toil

that spread his lustrous coil;

still, as the spiral grew,

He left the past year’s dwelling for the new,

stole with soft step its shining archway through,

Built up its idle door,

stretched in his last-found home, and knew the old no more.

thanks for the heavenly message brought by thee,

Child of the wandering sea,

Cast from her lap, forlorn!

from thy dead lips a clearer note is born

than ever triton blew from wreathed horn;

While on mine ear it rings,

through the deep caves of thought i hear a voice that sings:—

Build thee more stately mansions, o my soul,

as the swift seasons roll!

leave thy low-vaulted past!

let each new temple, nobler than the last,

shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,

till thou at length art free,

leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea!

Page 36: UWF Graphic and Brand Identity Standards Manual

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