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,,' - , "" I , t, ":',', , ., '" ."::' '" .. ".,. :;.' ,', ' . . · -' .... " ,'. ' .. · -, ... "',,, .• ':" F·-::-· . '. ' · . ,"" : "11' ... '.-. "''' . , , , 20cPER COpy ,- .. " , . "".- ,-, '. .," . . . .' " '. RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO 88345 NO. 68 iNOUR33RD YEAR The BY GW:¥N JONES spows II' l\1e pl'imllry ril8sen for tile. :: . SlIIlfWrlter . ''faUlng permltsdurlng the I!I!lt few ' · . .' , .' .' molJlba. 'rbe .DllCember total $l1owed II Pflnnltllls2ued!>y thevl11llge.o!· sMfp lidded, lind was In 'fIlct tile ..• ltuldll!!o ul11178 shQWll!! lin of 10WI:SUQrlM two-year perilld lit $186,140. , Ill. Co/lStructlllll costs' ' . · filet wblch Included "1lI·that Amount were ireven llIIItIlI¥.erJIIn H1ne Il\lldlast Week sbtgle fl\lllny "weDlngs (8FD) Mdone Is a sqrprtsl! tel 111m. IIddltion. TIle loclltlon,type andllmol\llls · H1ne-saldhe'expllCled the Pennlls to ofpennltsarellirted.below; . MOW II' decline for the past' year for a '. · varlet!:' of rea30ns, but .partlcplarly. ad- P1necllff, SFD $20,160 verse weather conditions. White Mounts{r; n, SFD, $41,740 He cited heavY fall ral/lS and early P1necllff, addition, $0,200 , . " ,...,' .. '" .. -, . - . .. ... " -' ',_' _. ." ".:'.: .," .;.: .,.1._ ,",., _.' :._'.:: .•... _ '\. _, .:'. _ I _: _, .__ _ ___ _ '. , !' , ...... , " •• ... , -"I<. PlJle.cre3h SIi'Q, $15,000 "-OWlIlInI!Counb'Y II, SFP. $3J,OOO . .GolfCoUl'lle .. Golf CeurseEstatelt,8\1'D;$32,400 WI1lte MountlllJl Estates; 8\1'D, $G9,ooo HoUdsy SF!?, $24,640 . . I\lthough Jljne·sllid l1e"Was pleliSed to see .lIn of any kind In tile pennlts,lie eltplalned that "ordinarily. We sbow an Increase much that," Be lidded that be felt .tl!e IImoUl\t of Pennlts would begin to "level off," lind stay "In about the SlIme key as" tbe lolels. , \ , , ., i , , <:- , ... l I' To Llntor.. . . .. ',* " , II eo" , ...... -,- ,.. ..• ) .... '.,...t' , ••• S.btllvldlftt '"!tCt' ___ rto""•• Jt WInd.III. c:J Co"ol. Solodo '0""" , " .. position and herbage prOduction, (3) pinon' luniper study. (4) ferflllzation and burning study, (5) fourwing saltbush study, (6) grazing Impact study, (7) cholla cactus study, (8) her' blcldal control of -snakeweed,' (9) evaluation of broom snakeweed on grass productIon, (0) rain gauge and weir, on plnon·lunlper ecology study, (13) windmill and well (14) water storage tank. (15) deer'proof exelosure, (16) cattle proof exclosure, (17) dEier pellet and browse transects. and (8) game watering units. '. . .. .. .. .. _.- - _. .... , ..... .. " -, .' - Approximate Phase I enclosure (not to scale) •. t ,air ····or ..... " " { , ' •• ••• ". . . .....: ...... . . I ... .. .. " " .. " " ... " . " If .- w... 'o'Me - ---------t ... c..plkl rolT STANTON EXPfIMOOAL KANDt To I.ldo.o NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY prepared a map of their experiments being conducted on Fort Stanton Mesa" on which ·the Federal Aviation AdministratIon supe,rimposed the layout of the proposed reglonar airport for In· elusion in the "protest package." Apparently the l,?xperlment effected Is "(2) an exclosure to evaluate .the effect of season of use and rest on vegetation" and also affected Is·"(2) a corral and storage shed," Other numbered Items In, c1ude 0) sampling vegetatIonal cover, com· ..... .... ,...----1, ..... r----' "'.., r -.J \\\" ,," " .. .. '....... ", HOlpflal '.0 "" ,," , ,," ,', .---. .," ,-_... -- . .. - .. ,. .. " , .. " " ",.t _ .. .. , L II ..... --.. .. .. ," .. M.JO ; .. ,,11(.. .. ro,turfll "a ,'.. III. &I t ,. , .. .. ." ---- . , . , , , , , ' . Is the vlllage of Ruidoso Downs quite said that from his standpoln\. "the Canyon, upper Brady Canyon, the area UteraUy "going to the dogs?" If so, to meeting Is a step In the rigbtd1rect(on." bebInd the racetrack and tile area east of wblch particular group of dogs is It going? "TherB-1s no doubt that tbe problem is a Ruidoso DoWllll known as the Palo Verde 4nd most Important, hOw can sucb a trend significant one In Ruidoso and Ruldoso area• be reversed? Downs,': he said. "But il'salsoa slatewlde Fish and Game area at Wednpsi!(Iv IlJPp(il1e .. 'I1lese are some Of DIe questions for Pt'oliIem,Ailirilal61teiarenowtlienlllllbi!r supervlslll" vnflllll Cllftll1llllilit WiD alio wblch answers will be sought during a one problem In publichealth." be present at the meeting, at Hemandez' pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY at tlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf BeIlvei'8 says that dogs invitation. The POSSIbility of employing II Downs Village Han. have altackl!ll their horses In the field, and federal trapper to cIlspilse of the ilogs Will Mayor Norman Wheeler stresses that that "some of the dogs we've been also be under dlscwislon. the officials need' "people with some an- bothered with were wearing collars; they "A lot 6f people don't rea1lte the swers on hOw to handle the problem. What are someone's pels." . problem Is tt'emml\C)lIIJ. The clogs aren't he doesn.'t need, he said,ls "people comlng Animal control officer Mike Hernandez afraid of hlliilans and they COl'De Into town, to ten us we have a problem -'- we already .Jr. takes a sligh.t1y different polntof view. do whateYer...t1Ie1 want l\Ild then go beck _ know that." ''The meeting bas nothing to do with where lbeycamefrom,"Hel'llllndeuald.. The basic problem, according to dogs In the vlllirge, (straya or petS)" he Wheeler. the blgb rate of reproducUon of SIIld, "The maiJi concern is the wild dog the animals, especlal\y wUd dog packsproble\ll" i:': Sk- t <. wblch reside In the area, He said the said there are five arellS m I repor village bad heen "splnn1ng its wheels" In where the wild dbgs are particularly bad, '. f: troo cod90trolc\n·tfheast· 4ogs tha , because Including Canyon, PeEk'· #. at Bletta ey re pr u g it n we can C ff C ....nca "" Area are on poWder dispose of them." . ···0 ee art and .JIilCked \JOI'l'der wIth ap- ::;:: One ot the principalspeakers scheduled ::::: proll1INlkb' , sIX lnches of new:::: toappear altbetneetlng is Dr.O.J. Rollag, W.ed' e'. d' ay , . snOWOVti't1leweeltend.. %. a .veterlilarilln employed by the state . Undllltlltbed,snow depth at '. public Health. DePllrtment. In a letter tel Wed/iaday's Ohambel' of liiidwaY1S72lh'etid. .... . . Rol1llg requesting hill jlnsenee,vlllilgv Coftee Cart w01 be at Caprlo, 2S4Z Sud. . . clerk VlrglnlaSpaU outlined the problem. derlhDrive, trom II to 111:30 a.m. '. SkI Al'ft( 1llI.iIltlli!cked During theperlod.from OctOber 1,1971 to ... "Yrl\Il"'Chambel' of Ciltnmerce dlI'ectol'll base of,:lI) iii {G.ill(:ha With aU nttsi December 8,19'18, she Wrote, the village atlemHhese cofteeir" eitecutlvnecretllry ope mthl lAlldlinl'llll8ll(lell. . ' l:s8uedlSdogUcenses fOrniJleinaleand siX Ji:d JlIllliblutli llIIld, :'anddeslte to.rec-elve SlInday iltletllOOtl'sJililb'Was38 W. " female'dogs, none of wlUi:Il wete neutel'l!d ·lnputfl'Gll'l811Y citIZen witllilleai Ulh/IW'to - '». lUid mommil'a ',,§., . or spayed. . .' . .' '\iromote tourlslJ1 Alid' e<:o.nom!il . .' Inthe$llmelleriod. thevl1\ageexpended de\'elojlllelltlnltuidoirllandthellll'eli, 't ill I. : ,. . 'f} . . $0,293101' the otanlmal OOrIl1'l!I, "I( youbavuilggesJlOl1S. uto \tl! llU ctJll t . ' . dlap!lSlng Md cat.t.$PaILB!lld cM Ifijp1'OVeOli llet'iltilyollt'Cbalnbet c ;><'rra II1aIIcaSkl Melli, 251. lllst .week tbilttltere.were oUheh' OjlllntliJrr, 9001,. Ruldoso,SkI A:te. , ;__®. . lJ1b ro. unllcc,!sed dllg$ and caflllitthe al:6l\.thllfswliat we IVanj; )leCJllle toWkto ..• .... ..*. . Rwdll!lO veterlnarllll1 1'. Ilbllut at tIiese coffees." , , .' T 'j, ", . <,. . , , I ' S (SEE PAG.E TWOl . . _.rlJ r.:. arrive by private car. He added that what Ruidoso needed was to be In .a "bub situation," with tourists staying here wbUe visiting adjacent areas, The Sun Countty brochure, be said, tended to promote El Paso as a base from which tourists might venture to other areas, which he said meant the other communilies would just be "hoping to catch hold of the coattails" of the EI Paso tourism. Ed Jungbluth, executive secretary ofthe Ruidoso VaUey Chamber of Commerce, concurred that the brochure's concept was " a time of year when we're at full velocity here. U TIle Sun Country men replied that the 1970 brocbure bad not yet been planned, and that each communtty partlclpatlng would heve a voice In that planning, The fact that the brochure will be distributed In foreign countries was te... med by committee member Ed Hynlan as the "strongest point," of the progrAm. He added tbl1t he felt that the "Old West" atmosphere of the area Is becomlng a majorattraction and would "bring toUrlsts In faster" than some of the large com· merclal attractions. Should the committee decide to fund partlclpatlon, Hyman said he felt that more emphasis should be placed on that atmosphere, perhaps by spotllgWng the towrrnfL1JlclllntolI greaterdegrne. ,I ... . , ' at a Thursday meeting of the Ruidoso LOdgers' Tax Commltfee•. Fronileft above are Walker·and . committee m>erribefs Ollie CuddY and Pinky" Jones. . uts, , •.• ' 'd· -r " .... "e r ••• membel'll decided to study the budget to see If sufficient money was available for partlclpatlen again this year. They also agreed to act on the measure during the nest 30 dll)'S. TIle committee will also be weighing the purported benefits of partlclpaUon In the organization. Benefits outlined by the three represenlaUves Included promotion of thearea on an international scale, since the brochure ·Is distributed overseas In 8Ilch countries as Germany, Scotland, England and the Netherlands, TIle three also emphasized that a regional tourism organization would help soUd)fytlle-infIuenceofthearea, giving It more •"clout" with tourist Industry of- ficials "north oflo4O." They Indicated that lIIose officials had sometimes failed to consider the needs or opinions of tourist industry represen- latlves In the southern half of the slate. Strahan also said federal and slate grants for tourist' promotions could be forthcomlng, wblch would tend tomulliply the progrAm's Influence and benefits,. Committee member Bill Ulhlein reIsed the objecUon that the brochure might tend to encourage more tourism at a time of the year when Ruidoso could hardly handle the visitors It bad. . He also criticized the pamphlet as being geared to air travelers arrlvlni In EI Paso, wboreas The bU1I< !if' Riild0!6'!1 tll1lrIsts re- , - '0-....... ... ' , .:. Lodgers' Tax CODlDlittee tables Sun Country plan BY GWYN JONES $tatfWriter TIle RuIdoso Lodgers' Tax committee, meeting Thursday, again tabled con- sideration of future participation In the Sun Counlry regional tourism promotion efforts. Speaking at the meeting In behalf of the Sun Counb'Y organlzaUon were Gene Strahan, executive director of the EI Paao ConvenUon and Visitors' Bureau, F. Ray Walker, director of the Las Cruces VlSllors' Bureau and Jack WhIle Jr., vice president of WhIte's City, Incorporated. The communlUes they 1llongwlth-earlsbad, Alambgordo,RosweU and Mescalero bad a1rel!dY agreed to support the promotlbn, they saId. The sopporl for tbe project comes In the form of yearly dues' of $2,000 to be paid quarterly, plus a maximum of two dollars per botel or motel room peryear. Funds are used strictly for promotion of tourlstn In the area 'surroundlng the cities mentioned, WhIte said, including the printing and dIslrIbution a promotional brochure which provides Infonnatlon on points of interest and available package tours, wblch are beaked tllrougl1 travel agents, The acUon to table came on a motion from Ollie Cuddy. and included a decision $!.8l! dl.!!!. for brRuitoso's cost of .he 1978 oc"ure. """UW'''''' . . s«EP'tICAL LOOKS \Yere received by F. Ray Walker, drree:torof the 'l:asCruces Conveiltlon and Visitors' Sureau wflenhe spdke on behalf ,of .. the Sl1nCounky touds!" promt!lIo/,\ organization . \. . . , - · ' . ' , TIle, Federal Aviation Admlnistrllllon valved would stand' to gain (from the CONSISTENT WITH THE NEEDS OF (FAA) regional d1r1lCtor has requested the airport) and no party Involved would be THE DEPARTMENT [DOlj .' Secretary of the Interior to "reverse the significantly burt, If (the BLM decision) Is '. ThIs Is an effort to dfrectly answer to t!l: ---ddecilllonU-by--tbe--B1Jt"Oalr'Ot-band . stayed pendlng-fUrther---dlrect, candld- Management (BLM) refusing land on discussion of means to reasonably ae- I\lrport and Alnvay Development 4ct of wlllcb to build a jet capable airport to commodate all Interests Involved. 1970 (AAI!A). The factual basis In support serve the Ruidoso area. "We are convinced posltlveefforlsby aU of this conclusion Is weak, being based , TIle request by Henry L. Newman to parties win Ina dialog wblch will almost exclusively on the "prior" rlgbtsof SIlCretsry Cecil 4ndnlS for a "prompt Insure maxlmwn cOoperation and com· New MeXico Stilte University (NMSU) stll)''' and ultlmete reversal of the decision patlblllty of the multiple uses to wblch under lis 1970 memorant!wn of I\l1- lspartda "protest package" dlscussedat Fort Slanton reservaUon lands can and derstandlng with BLM. Benefits accruing the Sleml: B!lIn\'ll I\l.rport Co!nnlIsslo.n 'irbouldl!e put, including trensfer and use of to DOl from this research are nQt clearly (SBAC)-meethlgTbursdaY.F«tStlmton-alrportas1l'pl\bIIc'faclllty.". Identified. NMSU research- benefIts to Newman urged "a promplslay of the In addlUon to the'letter from Newman, catUe growers, to botanists, and wUdllfe slate-level decision and (a) remand to the package elso Includes Ii protest by experts, etc,! are Important, but are not to BLM for face-to-face negotiations with SBAC '(The Ruidoso News, Dec. 28), our knowleage statiJtorlly Identified as SBAP and this agency with a gOllI of numerous enclosures,and im ltem·by·ltem needs of DOl. TIle Slate-level decision, developing a plan ofmulUple uses for tbls rebuttslto objections and protests of the when viewed In tenus of A4DA's SecUon Fort Slanton Airport site and envIrons airport project. ZI(b) statutory test,lsqueslionable. which will acconunodata the area's needs ObjecUons and FAA rebuttals Usted TbIs alone should be sufficient grounds for a convenient, sofe, feasible, pubUc use Include: for stay of the Stote-Ievel decision and a ail'porl." BLM REPORT ST4TES THAT He added, the FAA felt "aU parties In· PROPOSED CONVEYANCE IS IN·

uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf

Mar 17, 2019



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Page 1: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf


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BY GW:¥N JONES spows II' l\1e pl'imllry ril8sen for tile.:: .SlIIlfWrlter . ''faUlng Qff"~of· permltsdurlng the I!I!lt few '

· . .' , . ' .' molJlba. 'rbe .DllCember total $l1owed II,~f!Qjldlng Pflnnltllls2ued!>y thevl11llge.o!· sMfp drllP,b~ lidded, lind was In 'fIlct tile

..• ltuldll!!o ul11178 shQWll!! lin IlIcre~,. of 10WI:SUQrlMtwo-yearperilld lit $186,140., $1~.6l!4 Ill. e~tlnll!ted Co/lStructlllll costs' ' .· overt~e 'Pf~lousye~,II. filet wblch Included "1lI·that Amount were ireven~ge llIIItIlI¥.erJIIn H1ne Il\lldlast Week sbtgle fl\lllny "weDlngs (8FD) Mdone

Is a sqrprtsl! tel 111m. IIddltion. TIle loclltlon,type andllmol\llls· H1ne-saldhe'expllCled the Pennlls to ofpennltsarellirted.below; .MOW II' decline for the past' year for a '.

· varlet!:' of rea30ns, but .partlcplarly. ad- P1necllff, SFD $20,160verse weather conditions. White Mounts{r; n, SFD, $41,740

He cited heavY fall ral/lS and early P1necllff, addition, $0,200,

." ,...,' .. ~. '" ..-, ~ . - . .. ... " -'

',_' _. .,'~:,?_",_<, ." ".:'.: .," .;.: .,.1._ ,",., _.' :._'.::.•... _ '\. _, .:'. _I _: _, .__ _ _ __ _ ~ • v·

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PlJle.cre3hSIi'Q, $15,000"-OWlIlInI!Counb'Y~rthII,SFP. $3J,OOO .~. ..GolfCoUl'lle ~.$tlItes, ~D, $~.OOO

.. GolfCeurseEstatelt,8\1'D;$32,400WI1lte MountlllJl Estates; 8\1'D, $G9,oooHoUdsy4c~, SF!?,$24,640

. .I\lthough Jljne·sllid l1e"Was pleliSed to see

.lIn lIl~rease of any kind In tile pennlts,lieeltplalned that "ordinarily. We sbow anIncrease much higher~lUl that," Belidded that be felt .tl!e IImoUl\t of Pennltswould begin to "level off," lind stay "Inabout the SlIme key as" tbe 197~ lolels.




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To Llntor..

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,.. ..•_l"I'-~.~.MetIt: ) ....~ '.,...t', ••• S.btllvldlftt '"!tCt'


Jt WInd.III.c:J Co"ol.

Solodo '0"""


" ..

position and herbage prOduction, (3) pinon'luniper study. (4) ferflllzation and burningstudy, (5) fourwing saltbush study, (6) grazingImpact study, (7) cholla cactus study, (8) her'blcldal control of -snakeweed,' (9) evaluation ofbroom snakeweed on grass productIon, (0) raingauge and weir, on plnon·lunlper ecologystudy, (13) windmill and well (14) water storagetank. (15) deer'proof exelosure, (16) cattle proofexclosure, (17) dEier pellet and browse transects.and (8) game watering units.

'. .• •.. .. .. .._.- - _. -·'-·~.r,o---'I1'-·~''''­.... , ....... " -,.' -

ApproximatePhase I enclosure(not to scale)

• . t,air ····or..... "" {

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N"odho~o.lI'••••• ".

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To I.ldo.o~?J

NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY prepareda map of their experiments being conducted onFort Stanton Mesa" on which ·the FederalAviation AdministratIon supe,rimposed thelayout of the proposed reglonar airport for In·elusion in the "protest package." Apparently thel,?xperlment effected Is "(2) an exclosure toevaluate .the effect of season of use and rest onvegetation" and also affected Is·"(2) a corraland storage shed," Other numbered Items In,c1ude 0) sampling vegetatIonal cover, com·

.........,...----1, .....r----' "'..,

r -.J \\\" ,,"" ,~.. ..'....... ", HOlpflal '.0

"",," ,,,",', .---..," ,-_...-- . .. -..,..." , .." t·" ",.t_ ..~ .. , L II

.....--.. .. ..," .. M.JO ; ..,,11(.. .. ro,turfll "a,'.. III. &I t ,., .. .. ." ----. ,. ,, ,, ,

~ '.

Is the vlllage of Ruidoso Downs quite said that from his standpoln\. "the Canyon, upper Brady Canyon, the areaUteraUy "going to the dogs?" If so, to meeting Is a step In the rigbtd1rect(on." bebInd the racetrack and tile area east ofwblch particular group of dogs is It going? "TherB-1s no doubt that tbe problem is a Ruidoso DoWllll known as the Palo Verde4nd most Important, hOw can sucb a trend significant one In Ruidoso and Ruldoso area•be reversed? Downs,': he said. "But il'salsoa slatewlde Fish and Game Fed~ratlon area

at Wednpsi!(Iv IlJPp(il1e


'I1lese are some Of DIe questions for Pt'oliIem,Ailirilal61teiarenowtlienlllllbi!r supervlslll" vnflllll Cllftll1llllilit WiD aliowblch answers will be sought during a one problem In publichealth." be present at the meeting, at Hemandez'pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY at tlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf BeIlvei'8 says that dogs invitation. The POSSIbility of employing IIDowns Village Han. have altackl!ll their horses In the field, and federal trapper to cIlspilse of the ilogs Will

Mayor Norman Wheeler stresses that that "some of the dogs we've been also be under dlscwislon.the officials need' "people with some an- bothered with were wearing collars; they "A lot 6f people don't rea1lte theswers on hOw to handle the problem. What are someone's pels." . problem Is tt'emml\C)lIIJ. The clogs aren'the doesn.'t need, he said,ls "people comlng Animal control officer Mike Hernandez afraid of hlliilansand they COl'De Into town,to ten us we have a problem -'- wealready .Jr. takes a sligh.t1ydifferent polntofview. do whateYer...t1Ie1 want l\Ild then go beck _know that." ''The meeting bas nothing to do with where lbey camefrom,"Hel'llllndeuald..

The basic problem, according to dogs In the vlllirge, (straya or petS)" he 'Wh'''_'~';;'''_'«o''''''''''W~''h''<'''m.'""v".Wheeler. the blgb rate of reproducUon of SIIld, "The maiJi concern is the wild dog :*,",:,:""",<,xw>:<<<<_X'>:"'T.,,<<o:::::"""'<~"""'>:':>~:

the animals, especlal\y wUd dog packsproble\ll" i:': Sk- t <.wblch reside In the area, He said the aerna~dez said there are five arellS m I repor ~:village bad heen "splnn1ng its wheels" In where the wild dbgs are particularly bad, f.~ ' . f:~fthfo~ troo cod90trolc\n·tfheast· 4ogs

tha, because Including Rhlnesto~e Canyon, PeEk'· #. D'~~""lcondltlonS at Bletta .~:

ey re pr u g it n we can C ff C :~ ....nca "" Area are on poWder S~dispose of them." . ···0 ee art :;:~. and .JIilCked \JOI'l'der wIth ap- ::;::

One ot the principalspeakers scheduled ::::: proll1INlkb' ,sIX lnches of new::::toappear altbetneetlng is Dr.O.J. Rollag, W.ed'o·e'.s·d'ay , . 1:~ snOWOVti't1leweeltend.. %.a .veterlilarilln employed by the state .::~ Undllltlltbed,snow depth at "~

'. public Health. DePllrtment. In a letter tel Wed/iaday's Ohambel' of~ ~ liiidwaY1S72lh'etid. .... . J~ .Rol1llg requesting hill jlnsenee,vlllilgv Coftee Cart w01 be at Caprlo, 2S4Z Sud. :::~ . .::~ .clerkVlrglnlaSpaUoutlined the problem. derlhDrive, tromIIto111:30 a.m. '. ~} !lldd~oSkI Al'ft( 1llI.iIltlli!cked ~

During theperlod.fromOctOber 1,1971to ... "Yrl\Il"'Chambel' of Ciltnmerce dlI'ectol'll ~:~ baseof,:lI) iii {G.ill(:haWithaUnttsiDecember 8,19'18, she Wrote, the village atlemHhese cofteeir" eitecutlvnecretllry t~ opemthllAlldlinl'llll8ll(lell. . ~~ 'l:s8uedlSdogUcensesfOrniJleinaleand siX Ji:d JlIllliblutli llIIld, :'anddeslteto.rec-elve ~~ SlIndayiltletllOOtl'sJililb'Was38 W. "female'dogs, none of wlUi:Il wete neutel'l!d ·lnputfl'Gll'l811Y citIZen witllilleai Ulh/IW'to - '». de~1!8 lUid lIt~day mommil'a ',,§., .orspayed. . .' . .' '\iromote tourlslJ1 Alid' e<:o.nom!il :~~ .1~wWAllI9degreel. . .' ~r',

Inthe$llmelleriod. thevl1\ageexpended de\'elojlllelltlnltuidoirllandthellll'eli, ~::: 't ikl'R~ ill I . : ,. . 'f} .. $0,293101' the Illl~ otanlmal OOrIl1'l!I, "I(youbavuilggesJlOl1S. uto wa~ \tl! ~ llUo~, ~'6 ctJll t IliIre~, .l~ '. dlap!lSlng Of~94 cIo~ Md cat.t.$PaILB!lld cM Ifijp1'OVeOli tb~ llet'iltilyollt'Cbalnbet ~, c ;><'rra II1aIIcaSkl Melli, 251. "~{

lllst .week tbilttltere.were prob8btr7001it6t(eting:orctl~cllll'lloUheh' OjlllntliJrr, .~ 9001,. ~nd Ruldoso,SkI A:te.,;__®..lJ1bro.unllcc,!sed dllg$ and caflllittheal:6l\.thllfswliat we IVanj; )leCJllle toWkto 1Ill'~ ~~. ..•.... ..*.. Rwdll!lO veterlnarllll1 1'. ~M~jUard Ilbllut at tIiese coffees." :::r.m;;~~~<.W*~Zi~':''*1~~~w.*-::-<,*:>':<{,*:::~~$*,:::;:;::$}!


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• ~:'",....- _.rlJ r.:.arrive by private car. He added that what •Ruidoso needed was to be In .a "bubsituation," with tourists staying here wbUevisiting adjacent areas,

The Sun Countty brochure, be said,tended to promote El Paso as a base fromwhich tourists might venture to otherareas, which he said meant the othercommunilies would just be "hoping tocatch hold of the coattails" of the EI Pasotourism.

Ed Jungbluth, executivesecretaryoftheRuidoso VaUey Chamber of Commerce,concurred that the brochure's concept was" a time of year when we're atfull velocity here.U TIle Sun Country menreplied that the 1970 brocbure bad not yetbeen planned, and that each communttypartlclpatlng would heve a voice In thatplanning,

The fact that the brochure will bedistributed In foreign countries was by committee member Ed Hynlan asthe "strongest point," of the progrAm. Headded tbl1t he felt that the "Old West"atmosphere of the area Is becomlng amajorattraction and would "bring toUrlstsIn faster" than some of the large com·merclal attractions.

Should the committee decide to fundpartlclpatlon, Hyman said he felt thatmore emphasis should be placed on thatatmosphere, perhaps by spotllgWng thetowrrnfL1JlclllntolI greaterdegrne.

, I

• •


~ . , '

at a Thursday meeting of the Ruidoso LOdgers'Tax Commltfee•. Fronileft above are Walker·and .committee m>erribefs Ollie CuddY and Pinky"Jones. . •


, •.• ' ."_'~·A 'd· -r ".... "e r •••

membel'll decided to study the budget tosee If sufficient money was available forpartlclpatlen again this year. They alsoagreed to act on the measure during thenest 30 dll)'S.

TIle committee will also be weighing thepurported benefits of partlclpaUon In theorganization. Benefits outlined by thethree represenlaUves Included promotionof the area on an internationalscale, sincethe brochure ·Is distributed overseas In8Ilch countries as Germany, Scotland,England and the Netherlands,

TIle three also emphasized that aregional tourism organization would helpsoUd)fytlle-infIuenceofthearea, giving Itmore •"clout" with tourist Industry of­ficials "north oflo4O."

They Indicated that lIIose officials hadsometimes failed to consider the needs oropinions of tourist industry represen­latlves In the southern halfof the slate.

Strahan also said federal and slategrants for tourist' promotions could beforthcomlng, wblch would tend tomulliplytheprogrAm's Influence and benefits,.

Committee member Bill Ulhlein reIsedthe objecUon that the brochure might tendto encourage more tourism ata time of theyear when Ruidoso could hardly handlethe visitors It bad. .

He also criticized the pamphlet as beinggeared to air travelers arrlvlni In EI Paso,wboreas The bU1I< !if'Riild0!6'!1 tll1lrIsts


,-'0-....... ~... ', .:.

Lodgers' Tax CODlDlitteetables Sun Country plan


TIle RuIdoso Lodgers' Tax committee,meeting Thursday, again tabled con­sideration of future participation In theSun Counlry regional tourism promotionefforts.

Speaking at the meeting In behalf of theSun Counb'Y organlzaUon were GeneStrahan, executive director of the EI PaaoConvenUon and Visitors' Bureau, F. RayWalker, director of the Las CrucesVlSllors' Bureau and Jack WhIle Jr., vicepresidentof WhIte's City, Incorporated.

The communlUes they rep~enled,

1llongwlth-earlsbad, Alambgordo,RosweUand Mescalero bad a1rel!dY agreed tosupport the promotlbn, theysaId.

The sopporl for tbe project comes In theform of yearly dues' of $2,000 to be paidquarterly, plus a maximum of two dollarsperbotel or motel room peryear.

Funds are used strictly for promotion oftourlstn In the area 'surroundlng the citiesmentioned, WhIte said, including theprinting and dIslrIbution ~ a promotionalbrochure which provides Infonnatlon onpoints of interest and available packagetours, wblch are beaked tllrougl1 travelagents,

The acUon to table came on a motionfrom Ollie Cuddy. and included a $!.8l! dl.!!!. for brRuitoso's~.2l~~cost of .he 1978 oc"ure. """UW''''''


s«EP'tICAL LOOKS \Yere received by F. RayWalker, drree:torof the 'l:asCruces Conveiltlonand Visitors' Sureau wflenhe spdke on behalf ,of

.. the Sl1nCounky touds!" promt!lIo/,\ organization. \. . .

, -· '

. ' ,TIle, Federal Aviation Admlnistrllllon valved would stand' to gain (from the CONSISTENT WITH THE NEEDS OF

(FAA) regional d1r1lCtor has requested the airport) and no party Involved would be THE DEPARTMENT [DOlj .'Secretary of the Interior to "reverse the significantly burt, If (the BLM decision) Is '. ThIs Is an effort to dfrectly answer to t!l:

---ddecilllonU-by--tbe--B1Jt"Oalr'Ot-band . stayed pendlng-fUrther---dlrect, candld- ~tatutory-tesHrom--section-23fbroH1ie---""Management (BLM) refusing land on discussion of means to reasonably ae- I\lrport and Alnvay Development 4ct ofwlllcb to build a jet capable airport to commodate all Interests Involved. 1970 (AAI!A). The factual basis In supportserve the Ruidoso area. "We are convinced posltlveefforlsby aU of this conclusion Is weak, being based,TIle request by Henry L. Newman to parties win ~ult Ina dialog wblch will almost exclusively on the "prior" rlgbtsof

SIlCretsry Cecil 4ndnlS for a "prompt Insure maxlmwn cOoperation and com· New MeXico Stilte University (NMSU)stll)''' and ultlmete reversalofthe decision patlblllty of the multiple uses to wblch under lis 1970 memorant!wn of I\l1­lspartda "protestpackage" dlscussedat Fort Slanton reservaUon lands can and derstandlng with BLM. Benefits accruingthe Sleml: B!lIn\'ll I\l.rport Co!nnlIsslo.n 'irbouldl!e put, including trensferand use of to DOl from this research are nQt clearly(SBAC)-meethlgTbursdaY.F«tStlmton-alrportas1l'pl\bIIc'faclllty.". Identified. NMSU research- benefIts to

Newman urged "a promplslay of the In addlUon to the'letter from Newman, catUe growers, to botanists, and wUdllfeslate-level decision and (a) remand to the package elso Includes Ii protest by experts, etc,! are Important, but are not toBLM for face-to-face negotiations with SBAC '(The Ruidoso News, Dec. 28), our knowleage statiJtorlly Identified asSBAP and this agency with a gOllI of numerous enclosures,and im ltem·by·ltem needs of DOl. TIle Slate-level decision,developing a plan ofmulUple uses for tbls rebuttslto objections and protests of the when viewed In tenus of A4DA's SecUonFort Slanton Airport site and envIrons airport project. ZI(b) statutory test,lsqueslionable.which will acconunodata the area's needs ObjecUons and FAA rebuttals Usted TbIs alone should be sufficient groundsfor a convenient, sofe, feasible, pubUc use Include: for stay of the Stote-Ievel decision and aail'porl." BLM REPORT ST4TES THAT

He added, the FAA felt "aU parties In· PROPOSED CONVEYANCE IS IN·

Page 2: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf

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·~t·.'" '., ,.,.>,' ~ .. ' . " .. , '. ,~' " ~~"~"' ..., '_'.:-~' "~', ';"_',', ""/~::'\'>.:"<~;'~~':'~ /:~F~~~;':~~·::·~·'.·':<~'_,-~ .-~'.~"'~ ~.'.:~> :"",:, .... '.:." ....~~., ''-~>,> •. :\':' .;"" '~-' ."'~~":.::~:.'~";~~:':."" .:~.".:_:;.,J.. '.,'.J)\';:::.~;:~\,<· ,. ,r~.ROM PAGE ON;I;] , ,AN ~ROV.liJO, Pl,iPtI(r.;USE, f:t: the F.Qrt Stllpi;1I $!le: Wll$ #iClimpilUhle "q):jglllllllywl'till,lrawn, •. ' • ··.e$t1AA !"t. stallton AirIlPI't: 'site. no 1;P(lAl.B AND. VISfJ'O:RS slfoI\!J,M1Sli1· .' S'l'ANTOl\l ':,Ul\PORT 'IS "NOT "IN 'wlth BLM' .pbllc:~. In .$hort. public: i·lil.ll1hVe~ IllJdl$euss~Jn Item (l,9 'junlper-Pjllon velNtlltion 'VIIS o\)ser\'ed pn . l\OSWELL .AND Al.liU!.QG2P~iiE'I\N)Eg;~ • ~ 'to' B..... '::':'. . .' \IIATIONAJ<.........D!!:sT, . ,'" prlll:eedJngs .IeadillS to flJIIII tIIl'll.OOWn" bt!loWd1n l.mpr!lved pulllic-usef.l!cllity lit the relliUvelr flat"areas I1OW,l!Sed Or ,ex- ~,"f,1R NIi1AlJJlYA1~p"lh~ ~"i.!!. , ,~T:~ents:f:'q'~'::: :~t~~°ton. WIllIe 'th\$';i;l;.';imt was JlIlIde several were ~pd"cted\1..a WilY III! to "alse. FI" SWotQ{l Nrwrt 31le ill !I~selltll!IlY pected to bIlll#d fQr alrnort cqnstrdctlQn ,.I\(,(')j;lfS'TC} AI~ T~~S:r0!l'l,' ~YliI'~~,\Vl\ak lIt!:PH!llIIIW)ill taken;thefoll~lilg plaCI!ll In,UlQ.recot4; it ill not eOfrect,.:r1le .qu@t!ollS,or.objectivity,·f,Um.;andcompallble,*lUlmo$t fes\1arlll! "\lemB: pUrposes. it llPpe<ll'$ tMt,mu¢h jf lI.otmlt 'nlls slll~l1\ent w~~:~rel~nrrer of,

· at.e.provilled, ckCWOll ohvbether a JIIIrtlcUlar AAwrt iii Jll:lleedllr~and su~te,iltlveaue prOCell$, cllI'iied:outbyNMSU.· " ,. . '. of tlte',u",quelJes,~ is'-ill arelpllwltlcb'h ~'i JII'· pl;lces III t"e rec~r"'l 't'hoe , f ".Bl!lnceos. '. ' Of ill not need\lll unller the MJ'JNs man- " In all evellta, curre/lt I.elllll!a!lve· pOlley. . . '. ..'..' ' " ...,. all .eyenl$ remiiin unllllltur~ed )'. rlln": may pot squlJ(\' g~eat 0 . lie ,0 • "" n nol)'

\ date/$,wJ,tldn tile Jurl$c!J~lon,'of tbeFA~, lI]Fl,fMA di~tesfull, (lI1JeCUV,1l eOp- • APUBUC AlRPORT I~JN(l()Im!A,'rUll!E. sfer/llJIjlroVelllenl pf,Ft. Sla,ntll\1 A\J:P.ol'l, mountl!inOll$~rllPS ,with fWlY,!l.evelQpe!l §'TRANSFER OF", srANTON ,AlRPORit. Tile FANs .NatlQIIBI ,Alrnorl System l'1alI .sld~rati9n Clf:, all.' \?rlor. mllAASement .' WITH .. III.M'S'., M"N,((l~Mli:NT Inall evenls•.asshllWp in Item e.g sheuperhlgbW¥, ~lsalte\1l$rt' the III~nhcestha·tOt "TRAcrI' IS INC'ONSISTEN'l' WITH .(as well as 'State and lOCal plans) Identlf" . deClsl~ns,· ellillSlficahdnS.· ~gJ1lllations,JntAMJjlWORK.Plu\l"I (MFP' ',' '" .'appearhtlJ~t NMSU's.. rese.arch an" a t ae . "neaf~)" ,rPo s lire QUe~;FLPMA POllCY TO RETAIN FEDERAL' ellilltlng alrpo\"tll' ilsiJlail~lI!Ile to seiiv~ an.d wlthdtawllls with the' lloatot~l!\Ial'f'• , .. '. ': ; . " ..~ •.~;, .. , .:pUblic WIll. IIIl'J1ort deV~OPed and opel'atedth~)"If lnterqosed b)~ WI. effectively block .'"'AND. the need$Of the NiltlQIIBISy$lem of PubUc' clnglot~ .beneflt to the Jl\lllUc from Ilk '. '1'11/$ olljectlon ,was heard Ill. several With an.eye to coopera on are cpmpallble tlli·i;en.tClav~.s permal\t~tIanI! sea~nalt'

· Tbilllltatement was made fu the State- AIrports. The Ruldoso-Slerra lIlanca area ,creased mUltiple lISes of public landll, Thill diBCUlISltllISof tl!~ niatt:,er as well as,helng and would Il!fdnge on 'one another only res uen s ,.rom·, .p~ae. lca. COllvemenleve) decision paper, 'l'l"I!IIsfer of Fort. has only two·posslble sites on which l\ slife, oblectlon to requested transfer illtould, ,meptloned severaltlme$.iIl. tlte r~ord~ ,sliMtlY,.· ~. access. to ,the. nations spfe, .fast''1l!r "jlstanton Airport to SBAC's members is l\otcmvenlent, adequate airport could be therefore, not bea~owed to lllock transfer. BLM'~ MFf wns developed mlOOP, qll1te . !rans.port B) ste~s, . ~incollSlstent with FLPMA's Section 102, buUt. One 1.9 the exl.9tJng Ft. Slanton ,. '. . clo~ III time to first publication of efforts J\lRPORT WIlJ, CUT ~,30tl ACRES, T E " . ~ •FAA's prior submlsalon contemplated Airport site. The other,atleastthreentlleos BLM-NMSU MEMORANDUM .S II- by tbe CItY, of Ruidoso anll iincolnCounty HEART, OUT OF NMSu'S RESEARCH EXISTING NEARBY RUIDOSO~.transfer of,ln essence, mly the rlghtto use west of Ft. stanton AIrport, was shown by BINDING AGREEMENT. CANNOT BE to lOCate a $tte tor a new'airpQrt (thed too AIlli1A AT F1'.STANTON, MVNIClJ>AL AIRPORT IS. ALL mE ;1,the surface as an airport for an mdeflnlle the local community and Its cmsultant CHANGED, GIVES NMSU PRIOR' at·Ft, swnton) to serve thearea, Ail In the. . ' . AREA NEEDS NOW:,NEW A1R:rORT' tperiod. Unfettered fee title transfer was (after Input by FAA) as slgnlflcalltly Ri@ltlTS, THUS EFFECTIVELY case of compatlblUty with NMSU's Thill statement was seen 'In NMSV's WILJ. SERVE ONLY VERY FEW "not recommended, A long·tenn lease or : unsllitable frOlll both envirolllllental B",OCKING TRANSFER OF' F'I'.· research, dlscUSlled In Item Ci below, prellentatlons and protesl$ of a nwnber of PEOpLE, . ~license to Ulle the land for airport purposes (~n and JIIItur/lll and eCOllorolc STANTON AIRPORT SI1'E. ' .' conversion/Improvement of. the lllllm1ng-, Its $lIppol'ters, This Is a, gross ..' ifwould be satisfactory. Subllurface rIgbt$, (acqillllition and early stage construction) Ft. Slanton· Airport Into ·8 fulHledge/i . Qlalggeratlon. The airport'ln Its ultlmale, In nor!"al, g~od weather conditions, the "as well as reverslollBry rights to the standpoint. NatlOJIIII Interest qUelltiollS Even though this statement was mIIde a pubUc lJIle. facl6ty can; when all parties 'optlmlstlc 1m configuration Iwhich may airport IS conSIdered less th~n optimally .,

_ =_ surface•. ,woulcL.remaln -lIated ~In=-the havJnll been,declded-bjI-EAA.the.only.llJh,· nwnber of plaCeli In the record. It h8ll adQjlt 8 C901leratl¥B' .s~e,.be 8Q- OI:"ma¥_noLbe.reacbedl,(Bqulres.aLmosl· safe for even eX!!l!rle!1c.Q!I.J!,-lo~...w..lthQllt 'Govenunent, An AADA Section23 transfer parent practical anll feasible alternative questIOrfllbTe basiS, F'irsE, a question elWlfB cqmplished with only mInUIUlI adaptation '2;200 IIcres. mucb of which will be mounfaln.!lYl'n,g expenel'!ce:Ounng much 1;,'Is therefore compatible with FLPMA's left appears to lIS to 1Je the tran- whether BLM bad In 1970 thl.l legal ofBLM's MFP. .' essentially und/$turbed clearance areas. of the time. wllld conditions majce use of iSectlonllrl, lifer/improvement of llXistlng Ft, Stanton authority to, by administrative actlOll, In all ~ventS, In FLfMA the Congress' ijowever, as stated In SBAC's appeal. the airport ~rglnally safe to hazardous, "

Airport slta, to be developed, of course, simply execute a loosely worMd had maniiate!l reconsJderlition of .aU prior Phase I needs (whlcb will accommodate Th~ existmg Blrporthas therefore claimed 'iWith due regard to the Interests of others memorandum of understalldlng with local use management decl.9lons, ,near,fllture develoPment) require fimce1l a high nwnber~f aircraft with a number of f

'BECAUSE BiM MAY NOT 1'IIANSFER so that tts overall Impact on all others and NMSU wblch would effectlve!y tie lip all claasificatlollll, segregatlOllll and wltll- enclosureos of less tha1l3QO acres, As shown human casulllhllS. ApproxJmately. 1,000'WITHDRAWN LAND FOR A PlIRPOlQi: the environment will bellliJilrlfu:ed, 27,000 acres of Ft. Stantm to exclqslon of,drawala with the view of ·ma:d!nJzlng by our freelu!nll sketch of Phase I boun. east of the existing ~unwa)' Is a 51!O+ .INCONSISTENT WITH WITHDRAWAL, BLM'. MULTIPLE 'USE ADVISORY all otlter uses for 20 years (pIllS a pllsllible mUltiple lISe of the public'S l'e$OIll'Ce!l. TbJil darit'll on the NMSU's pr(ijecllooatlon map' stUdent elementary/middle scltool'whlcbREQUESTED AIRPORT TRANSFER IS .BO~D CONSIDERED ALL FACJ'S AND OO-year renewal period), To effectiveiy ,objection should not be allowed toInterfere J (see attached September' 25, 1978, letter ~ould. in some unusual conditions, becom'l

B~E~tement was often bOOrd In :::t~:DA.::tR~F=D ~ ~:' :O~~~~ ~~u;,=e: c:~~~ratr.:~ , WI~U:-~~~~d~i:::r:b;uld be made. ~ll:v~::$Ua:a:~th~w~l~p:;er~~r~)~ ~':r~l~r~~~ii aa~~~:~~lr;~d~~;~ 10~:~i ~d1seusslons of alternatives 'avallable to PROVEMENTAS,lPUJlt.ICAIRPORT. allposslbleusewQuldrestrlctltsalllUtyto Becauseth\$lmprovedFt,StantonAJrport this will not "cut the heart out of" the life/property is to ,be avoided In the i'BLM. ThIs argument toWlly IgnOl't'll the This lltatement was malle In the State- eomplywlthmultlplelandusemandatesof would $er:ve the Jllltlona1ly Important NMSU'$rt'llearch project, On the con- RU!doso area and If scheduled aircraft are 5.faet that Ft, Stanton-AirpoJt.-baa--been--·~eveH:leclslon-paper..-lt,-.howevaI'rls-aJlFLPMA and, .In all proballlUty.·earller .publle recreaUOIUlreas..aU!.uJd0601Slel'm--kary,-lt-would.foree-adjustment-Jn.atmost to. aver safel)' provide this remole-a ~continuously In existence and lISed since It ovel'Slmplification and IJlllccurate, for It legislation. Blanca .as. well as the lJncoln National three of the 18 of NMSU's stUdy sites In the Wltb service, " I

was constructed In World War II. Land Is underpinned With ah asswnptlon that Next, a review of the document Jtself, Forest'area, liuthorIziJtlOIIlI contained In 16 lnunedlate airport area. f.comprising Ft Stanton was originally the proceedings were condueted properly. especially In llght of .eollllllents made by U.S.C. 7a~7e coulll provJde the. basis for That the new airport will normally serve I:Withdrawn for a m:I1Itary reservation In BLM's Mllitlple Use Aclvlsory Board BLM $taff and BLM'$ MUAB more than passive BLM cooperation In the SBACWANTS'TOBVI~ AJETPQRT, ollly very lew peopl~ 1.9 an inaccurate ~~859, In 1899, Prestdent McKInley with- (MOAB) did consider th\$ question. But spokespersons, raised questions whether ImprovemenVconver$ion of Ft. Stanton Some statements alOllgth\$ line allude to ststement. The Ruldoso-Slerra Blanca )dl'llW, land "for use of the Marine-Hospital based on the record IUU1 comments m both the memo's redactors Intended it to ex- Airport Into that facility 80 baeDy needed the jetport for the dch people. Statements area has a pennanent population of ap­service." Since then, the bospltal was sides of the tsaue. some question exl.9ts clude all'other !and USell, and whether the ,by area re$ldents and their taM of as these' are common In the record and proxlmstely 10,000, but' a normal,elosed and, In 1953, declared tl' GSA as whether the alrnort question Wllll con- memo Is cOllllldered, In nouse, In fact 1hollSands <If annllBI vJsltors. distort the question, WhIle a !ef.capallJe . ~e!!Sonal,I!QPl!IlItlon.l!LQl'er .2O,llOQ andexcess property. 'Since then somehow, sIdered and Jrilated.bkan: ·obJectlve binding, Whether thesl!' :arl!' valldol''-lIot .~.. ... --~~ . airport· '1.9 \needed' for' Ruldoso-Sterra ·multlplll'lleak$easOmnvlt!l''POpulatlornr1lf'BLM allowed NMSlJ to commence manner, The timing of the proceedings ,would be Irrelevant, particularly If It 15 NMSv's RESEARCH AREAS AT F1', Blanca area, more than 90% of the over 80,000, Many of these are highlyrange/ranch research/culminating In the was 'Such that SBAC studies then under noted that the Ft. Stanton Airport was In STANTON UNIQUE AND CANNOJ BE operatlOllll wUl1Je by single alld llght twin, moblle people traveling long d1stances to1970 memorandum of understanding for way coUld nol be completed before the existence and Wllll operated for many DUPLICATED. propeUer-driven aircraft flown by both enjoy the benefits oUhls natlonallyfamollS fOO-year period (with. OO-year renewal' submtttal Clltoff, thwl 'effectively ex- years before the BLM-NMSU memo IVlIll ThI.9 1.9 one of the vaglle overstatements local rellidents and villitolll, "recreation area, To fall to provide a new tclause). A question exists whether the lllllding seriOIlS disc1IllSion of the pros and signed. To give the memo full, bindlllg, often $een In the record. The only unique On the second point, safe, convenient, .aIrport would practically force botli localNMSU research Is compatible With cons of IUU1 alternatives to the IIBe of Fort' exclllSlve effect would deny the' "prior feature that has been clearly Identified 1.9 publlc transport by scheduled aircraft and these short·tenn residents to rely on. ~original WithdrawaL SWnton AIrport site. The MOAB's com- . dgHm" of or prior Iud lISe as the AJrport, that NMSU presently has no plnm-junlper (here they would probably. be llght to much stower. hlgh·cost, less~ff1clen1, auto •

That aside, BLM ill mandated by position Included 110 represenWtlve of area' which were created upon Its cOlllltructlm range which 1.9 Iloth presently unller Its medium twin. prqpeller-driven) 1.9 com. transport. 'Federal Lan<I Pollcy and Managemelt Act Intelllts, No thorough consilleratlon was In the 194O's and recmflnned by a cmtrol anll on which It has base-line data monplac:e to the maIlS of Americans of all To effectively deprive these citizens ofof 1978 (FLPMA) to reconsiller any prior given the social, economic, and en-. recorded deed without warranty from the accumUlated over the past 15+ years, Tbill economic groups, whether riclt or poor. Jet the benefits of last, safe, 20th century -'iwithdrawals,' segregations, or v.\rOC!lJlental iDlpact .of Ita. 4eclslon to U,S.dated January 15,1956. lltatementl.9·slso rnlsleacllng-ln~thatIt 15 mpabl1lty of the- airport d0e5"llot dictate travel is-Iess-than-deslrable, 'l\; promptclassifications. In all events sufficlelt refuse trllllSfer, making the decision at rooted In the idea' that an Improved, $Igltlflcant lteavy jet traUlc a major resolution of the matter Is needed so FAA FIstatutory authority exlsts lIDder AADA's least questionable under Natlollal In addition, a seriollS question exists publlc-use Ft Stsnton Airport' would oob, Except for occasional charter air- can proceed with final ellvlronmental iji,section 23 to authorize transfer of Ft, Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) whether an exclusive research agreement totally destroy all the Unlversity'$ craft and occasional biz jet activity, most processing which mllBt precede anyStanton lands If such conveyance ill not prlnclples, In at least one proceecllng, oral with NMSU Is consistent with the research program. In thilI regard, It ill traffic will be low-noise, propeller-drlven constrUction, Delays In this project are not •inconsistent with DOl's needS. comments made It clear that an airport at restrictlollll placed on the properly when interesting to note"that while visltlng the traffic for the'foreseeable future. In thenatlonal interest,

, .-

, 1




, ..~. .

• •

. . . \) ,...... "--'. -~ _ ~ ...... "'" ....".~,


. .

be adeqllBte for dISinfection of drinkingwater. Mix tpe bleach thoroughly In thewater and let stand for 30 mtnutes beforedrinking. For washillg, one capfUl ofbleach per sinkful of water wI1l beadeqllBte.

"nose persons who are near city waterms!ns may wish to COl1l1ect to the citywater system. The' 'problem of con­tamination may be "witIi \IS for severalmonths or longer. The Ruidoso WaterDepartment and the EnvironmentalImprovement Division will keep the publicadvJsed 01 any developments."

•, .. '


" .- ,••. "


. ,

BLM'to wait on WIPP withdrawal

Treat river ,wat(W"'lifused for drinkin f!.

Analyses of water laken from wella without first treating it Disinfection of thealong the Rio Ruidoso have ll110\VII bac- well Itself will not be an adequateterial contamination, the local Environ- protective measure because the watermental Improvement Division (EID) sun"01Illcling the well may also be' con-office has al1l1ounced. tamlnated.

. The local 1i:JD ollice released tIlli "The hest "my to dlslOfect water for11 drinking Js to boll It Five minutes of

fo owing Infonnatlm on precautlmary rol1lng boll III Rllidoso's altitude Will bemeasures for treating wate~.asguldellne$ sufflctent to destroy the pathogens.for persOJlS IISlng water originating from Another way to d\$lnfect the water forthe Rio Rllidoso: " . drInldng, bathing. d\$hwllllhing. clothes

"Any individual who has a well near the washing, and all domestic purposes Is toriver should not lISe thel1" water for 'use chlorine bleach, Two drops ofdrinking or any other domestic purpose household bleach per quart of water should

•~• I'.

, '

Processa -EnvJronmental Reqllirementsb - Location AUernatlvt'llc· LocationsSelection

3-Pollcy •a -Geometric Standardsb - By·pass versllS Through Routesc - Degree of Access Control

4- 'P'ubUc tnformationaJMeeUiiif$TIle publlc Is urged to attend these

meetings and to actively participate In allphases of the meeting,

hearings regarding .various aspects of U1eproject are being held so that the publicwI1l be ccmpletely Infonned of the project,Its plan$ and alternatives.

The tentative agenda for Tuesdoy'shearing Includell: .

1 - Explanation 01 Highway Tran-sportation Act of 1978

a •Fe1leralFuncllngb·TimIng of Fundsc·Matching ofFunds

2 - Outline of COrridor Planning

Apache Tribe'$ operatlOllll and plans bypresident Wendell Chino; commentson thestate level by SellBtor Jom Conway andRepretlentatlve John Conway andRepresentative John BIgbee wltb theootioJIIII "f1IIvor" being reported byUnitedSWtt'll Senator Pete DomenJcI,.Repl'eSelltln!! tJnco\n. County .at- tOO

... ., ,

. ,r........ _,



, '~ .

. '"

. ...

llighway 70 RrQpos~ls• ... (;;;>"" .. ·<l~O • .7'. 40.'.. ~[1 t\

a. ',,,, . ,:100... , , 0' "'•• .., ... -4' ,. •'1 ' .

airing set he~e Tuesday


Future boy's, {lirl's,

sufferinp from1{u.nda.lisrn

The annualState of the VJllage luncheon,spOllllored by the Rilidollo Valley Chamber'of ComIlIerce, wI1l begin at 12. noonWednesday at the Inn of the Moutaln Gods.

ThIs year's meeting wI1l offer, In ad­dltlm to an upclate of the local develop­ment situation by Ruidoso maYor Lloyd 1,.DavJs Jr~ comments .on the. Mescalero

The New Mexico State WgbwayDepartment, In conjunction with theRuidoso Valley Chamber of ComIlIercewill have a publlc meeting to dilIcussFederal LegIslation regarding U.S, 70, atthe Inn of the Mountain Gods, Tuesclay at 2p.m.

Under the Surface Transportatloo Act(Highway Bill) of 1978, U.s, 70, betweenAmarillo, Texas and Las Cruces, wasmentlooed as a "Connector PrimarybemonstraUon" projeCt, and publlc

'State of Village meeting

at Inn Wednesday noon'



The United States Bijleau of Land $torage. The land has been withdrawn for the DOE to delay issuing the draft en­Management (BLM) ha$ decided to walt the past two years from entry or leasing vIromnental lltatement on the WlPPuntil the Depllrtment of Energy (OOE) under the mineraI laws or other activitieS proposal until Mar;:b, theBLM will take no

luncheon wUl be COIlIJIl\s$lon chainnan has Issued s draft enVironmental whichwouldenCllJ}lbertheslta. actlm on the land withllrawal until the"Cotton" McKnIght. ~ommtssloner Ben slatemeilf1iefore acting on the renewal of drafi statement Is released I\J1dDoE \,IoldsHall and ex-conunlsslonerLee Straley,. DOli1's withdrawal of 17,:100 acres ofpubllc According to BLM associate state planned pubUc meetings. After the QOE

Aquesilon and allllWer pedod wUl follow land. director Larry Woodard, his' office had sponsored meetings and after personsthe remarlls of each oUhespeakers.,' received more than 400 signatures on have had an opportunity to review the

A limited number of tickets, at $7.50 The land, which ill soutlteast of Carlabell, petitions and IndlvldllBl letters from WIPP envlronmenWLsWtement, the BLMeach, are available at the lJhamber office had been proposed for lISe as a nUclear pel'llollS throughout the state demanding,a willsollctt publlc COI]Ullent and at that

.~ltSudderthBrlve..... . ._- ---PllIStluIisPO$aLsJte by tbe DOE Called the' public tbe w1tltdrawa1-mlewat.--1lme decide whether or not to recomrnend. .Waste Illolatlon PUot Project (WlPP) the Most .are against the project. WOodard allowance or rejection of the DOE ap-

Edwards sole $Ite WO~d be utllb:ed for. aton)l~ waste ,::~,~,.,:::=,:~.:,,:.~..~~~~,~:.'!~.I~~,~t,!:..~~~~~~~:::r:.!'~~::"...»~".<.<,,~.::~sch00I boa,rd Firemen ," ......,..."'''''.....'.<'.. •MW":"':"7fiJii;:fRepiiii ..:..:...~".-:,(....:.:,.,..~ ".<:.<>:«,:."-".,,

can.didate .. fl,l!g'h"··t' two A~pe~ before Judge JimWm!ellir;ln .. Jam~~'~~~~(1o~, ~~ SCh'OOI:', 1ft 'all f' M8glstr8le~ Court, recently on charges reckless driving, fine $110 Mth 90 days

Plan$ to bUild a camp for un- Only one candidate 0 CI Y hll$ ned lIsledWlth~ctiontakenwere: suspendelljailsentellce;lmrnedlatill1otice.derprivlldeged clilldren are being ham- p~r: are so many other plaCeli to "'0 for the FebrllBry 6 school board election~ h f.' Eddie Loar, Ruidoso DoWIIS, aggravated of accident, 90 dllys $USpended jail sen-pered by vanclaill and persons Ue$1lB.ISfng around Ruidoso,SegaJ $a\d. .'" liJcUlilbelit W.L. "Stormy" Edwardil, who . 0 me Ir'e'S' battery lind negligent' use of, a lIreann, tence1180 daySjlj'01l;it~ori,' .' '.OlItheproperty,Fred8egabaldFrlday. - "Thelle Iddll don't have an.y other pla.ce will seekanbtheral£year term. " ' $110 fine with 364 days of UIlSllpervised' Appearing ~fore,Judge SilnrNlliIllaUy.

segal, hill wife, R1W. and famtly are . Atlhe1 p,m~,,JallllBry9meetingofthe probatlon~otllecourt. . In MunIcipal clurt,-,recently 01\' ~liargesbUIlding "United· World of Unlvetlle to go ~ut the eatIIp," he salll, allding he RllJdoso BOard of Education, quaillication listed'Withaction !al(en wel'ir:" . . . ,Camp" on 80 serea neat the Gavilan :::tl.:it ~=~~ ~::a:::a::~ of Edwa!'ib wl11 be determined in addltlod Fallity flreplace.s anll 'Chiinneys·caused Joe Sanchez, R\lldoso Downs, Rock,/ Klrk,- RuidoSO, ,filled $3tlO 'OWl,Canyon burn-area,fOr jx))'$ anll girl8ftom aware Of thI!project. . ~ call!rig a special meeting concerning the property daMage by lire lit two Ruidoso aggravated battery, $000 fine' with' 11 $200. reckless dtlvlng and' $25 on allowll1g· •age6to14·years. . .. '. The News wilt soon pilbUsh a feature electIon. tlt· home$ Slilda,/ IIfternOOll alKl Monday IIIOnths ·aM 29 days of ulISullervlsed s'elttohesewed~ :.. '

From on oJWah8ge In MutCll,tbe' E1 .story Includltlg plclurt'll of the plan$ 'of =~~ting the:ree~ e~bo~WIll morning,. , • ~ probllt!oh tothe court.· . -DaVid WarwiCk, Ruidoso, fined $3li oJ!• Paso Boy's Clilb,EI Puo Girl'llClubillld the s'e 1$10 de I tbill f tlt re.· execu ve on /) ClI$ll' ~u1lloso Fire DeP.llrtlllent UDlta all- Beinilrd 'MlUer,RullIOIIo,criJhinal, cateless!lrivlrtg,' . .

, . other orgaillzatlODll, the-~_be- lIIIderp~triliged~n. ~ C8lllP or e ilUperiiltendentPatVaUlant~ilcontrlll!tan!l $l\'ered a .can about 3 p,llI. Sullday In' trespa~ lind; possellSlon.~ lellS than \lIle . Tetry· Wooe,T.oVlngton, fined,$50 ellilh . , ... . prOVided "Jth a free llJlorll ·and· '. ,." teacltermluatlOlls. ' ." P'llnderdilll Heights, ~8rtJllent head OUIlCllOlIillrnJuaoo,.$50fllle... 01) f.\'ocountllofallSault, $50ondlso~d!'tly. ;-. 8IP.:iauJ.tutaJC8Jiqi:. .' - . . W~.::fl.1::=~s:~.@':~.«:::r::E?:::s:.z::f.:::·::-X':::t:::::8:::~-:t.:::..~;~~-::::::::::::::-*:~~::::::::;} .."X::~:::=::::~:~*;:"-::::;~~::t; DaraId Waltrip estimated ·tJ{at 'l.~. ~avi$ 'I ~cDalJle)~ .Ruidoso ~ Downs,.. c:ondu~~an~.lOlhlt'a· reaiStihg an ofllcer~

;.' ..• al;l,Ut:I~'~ ~edbY"'-I~' AnotJt~rfirsf baby certificate v.'· ..~~ ~~ot dllJrtage wail!~e:utted at'lllll~=k~oro~=~ to 1I.liIIhor;.'bQ1::~::'n~gg~'::t:~r:d~:tf:';. ., AJUl.OIl.lIhSegallriul bw:illidtllit~. ,.,', . "'am'1.1'ft." .·.·o·! "\11'''0"''', ,in" . ilInlud.;. '.~':t..~· U-t of '''''-0'_ .- • I . Fitefightetllll~ lI!l!Out:1Ul bow: atfhe'.:.. ~Ji! P()wel1.kdjll.~o;pdsseilSlon Ofle'llS .refuse; .' , ." . ...~ , "

." . . (OIf;'A&oIit: j. ~,·1IJltlf~~IMUYr~.!<M . .. .. ~Q ... U QV • "" III 'Il>'" o.-'~ 'OIlI ..,lIbme. WaltrIp Bald, 'and were forced to . t1llinOlle'ounceo(jnal'ijuaJIII.~flne,' . Robert ¥~Cormrtk.ll.lIldOso,fined $50" .'1~~. slgljr Mel;nOl' tieeIt~. .,wiilcoll1lnll' tlli! tltIt b!i1:!1 born III the'bl\lly ,Cbllteat,. blitUlelt of· '~ tellrl'lllt'41bllle willis or the,llom1!to reach •,.~OIKl ;Burg~.· R1!ld08llpowns, ' 0ll~1I11;;:: .; ." ..• . .','.

,"'>' and"MllJlI6wmil~.tII_,.t~ ,*" . ·~I~!I,,·~~d,,~J!~Yl:ane(J·""X... tet1rtd]e~.lifheU,/;g!~t~!lifl~~."!~. ':::;.~,~. tI1uolitce. . •. ,. ',' tlll1ul'lltotagudeer.tp011I!e. '" ·.:'J.B.Jon!\S,RuldoSQ,.owrschooJ, .,',". '." .. " llreA,Jft tJiIl"p.• Ij8t',i 1.or...IUnlf..... .!IlI.'.','Ii.lkIili... ..~,.. ':.1' . ... .....rA

""'''''''' A. ..U' """ no; u..u ...... by'" "II: .i!-~ • .A ..arMy ~on lil!mll willi $lIghtJr' . ·PllItlly Abldley, MeliCilero, III1~li1(ated 19n1illio castillo, nOlldllrl!lill, tined$26 on. . ' . """"'eli.......:',.. .. .' ,,' " ..:a, . c.ertlffca~·.o, ~am.!!s .fell.e. lin.IIOtIJIl!I!mimtildln'l'heNews,. " .:~:. dalllllged Mqnday abOut 9 lU,'1• 'rhlIt flte .Ilatte"rfli$S10 fine, tltree dayS .to.. lie serve!l dtliJ)dfig lfipublic. . , '.. ". ' . ,.':16e VOi-k.iCllf'· - .'..,,,, ';' ......, WlIlilh, .illdOfMt. an~ lItts. fat . 'rite NewS rellret/l tb\$ettOr . .f::~, \VIIS under control wiUlfn 20 miliuM lit Wlcoln3Jotmty .jail wjtlt3(ll;days,c}I!' LIICjI.Sllva, Roswell, DWUllhOo). " ..' ~··w_, " :'~, W~ljUlto. :. ~'" .' . .' . . lind aJ)'/ InCllll'lenlence,to.~ '. '. ~Willtrill'lIIlld,.1\helItetY-entlind Pt\rt Ilf't~ . probt\llOtt under $upetvl$ion ill Mesc!Uero .' gergle!' Be,tmtlJldet.. Juaret; M~Klcb,~·:"."·'

.deve!9jler" . ',;"';" :;i~~~. to)IIiVA! bellit PlIl'lIercolICemed: . ,', '.. S~r.()(lf Were reMoved to elttlngulslit1liibl$til. .ft~~hll' ~tJbil, with flnU!Jspen4ec{ upon £lned$300itli tlWJ,;$2(I(t on'reckleSS' dtlving' ,:lJoije•. lei ,tfie .fi . • ~.{*,*,:x.<:&.w~~:?,~:~w&;,;m::Y&i".w.'*'t.;:;::~t~m:::''::>~:::>$@'::~..':::~l;:::~;~:$ He e!ltlnllllechllil'll8i1e1atllbli14$lllO.. ','-~1ill:torycOlllptetillnolprobatllln. ,'. , . aM $1& IllllloiltIVeI"i1 Iicehse.··";~ , '.' '" '-.'. ', .. Ii "".,":'. ".,~ '. . '\ '.',.;'. . .,,~; ," , ~.' ",. ." .', -~ .• .'1: :,...

·"j·t· .,."~ ""j -, .•. ; ~" .,''''' ·:tI.",-:~ , . ....

Page 3: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf



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Everyday Low Price'


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.FODD Kill'



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KOTEX ~ ' $1.09

. . .







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.-' Frank Chappell

SCIence News EdItorAMA

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USING DONATED nm- .teriul~ und discounls frumlIlerehllnls. 10 nlder persunsin Rulon. Nl!w Mexico hullttill IK' x 20' uddltipn 10 'heRmon Senl"r Celller .for

, J

The workers. wh" rungedin nge frulII 65 I" K2. did nilthe wnrk with thc exceptionuf the elec,rk'ul wlrlW lindcurpcling.

" . " .

IN SWEDEN. "..:r,·lcehuse!'" ure used lu meel theneeds of isolnted ruml el·derly. "[he "lIns .ure equip'pedl",J1.!U'td~ ~S~"!1..ul.,..ure. home recrem i,lnnlservices. uids 10 tinily Ii"in~

and u multitude "f uther·services.

The "I\IlS ure munned hyune ur (w() people ur insume ctlses by u group ttfup 1<1 elghl people. It hushl!fn (llund lhat line or ,wobuse~ eun <leul with 10 III25 percent of Ihe towldemand Cor s"r",ices inspur.;ely ~opululed arcus.


, . InfllCt.N1n;.CIUYsenr!l\lI~ .. lillit hqing cl) the . '.

key III her flingevi(y. . . ."Oh,ler ,p¢,oplesJmllldn',

he .!Ilsl:llurlllled,"she HlIid.­"ThIlY sh,lluld puilheir bestf"UI 'fllrwllnlllnd be cheer-.fullmd ncl;ve. Thill's wiMmnke~ ,PC"P'~ liv\! lonyer•WIlIIIJ hllVe mir lruuhles- 'yuti: just·!lllVe 10 fuce Ihemwith u lillie pmyer and con­fkltmce:.

Discovered early, heart disease can oftenbecontroUed., OIf you're overweight, take off thoseeldm pounds. Eat less In the hope you willllve longer toeat more.

°Exerc1:ll: regularly. If you have heartlro\J.Ille yo\lr physiCian will help you setyour activity IlmIls.

°Prevent infectious diseases if possible,and if one should occur, seek treatmentpromptly.

oAccept llfe's c~U~ges,come to termsWith thpse things yOli"caMot'cbange, andllve your llfe as thOiltb you elCJIect to llveforever.

... ' .


,;", -''-'' ',",'• .- .-'f '

, ",';,-' ,~.,

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" ; ,;'",

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puets IIml l)uuks un puelryIcehni"lul!s. She hc:gnn' wri,t­lng her uwn puelry simplyh<:cuuse she liked il.ullhuugh heredily l11uy pluya rule..

°'1 cnme frum U pltelie..·fUl11l1y:' she suid. "I huvc uhrUlhcr unc.l un ul1(.·I(." wh,')were puels. Uncle Henrywrulc u gretU illuny pulili"'ulpoems. in fue:l. und nne nf'hel11 Is un me 1Il Ihe Elsen-

- -liuwcrLihrury~ --Mrs. Cluusen's poems

sprin~ frum at \'urh:ly nfsuurces: rricnds. her child·reno pulitieS': t!vcn -un upcnl·Ilun she hud In 1'I5K.

"I IJluslly write uhuutpeuple I knuw :tIul things

.1 ~lllJ-hllPPY, Ihlngs:' she.suid. '" purtieulurl); like hu­I11nnlllS poems. hcuuusc urI,.'isnol wurlh mudi wilhoUI iI

few Iilu~h!'i:'

. .' IIy (Je,ry 'hhus;,"

'. .


, .. ,. ., .

--' - "'ctARKE'S ~

B.~.'\h::eIOfRose .X ,~, ~.,\~ '257·7303 -• CALL DA'y OR NIGHT



'f:!or You and Your F'amilV

·Understand heart disease, but don'tfl!ar It. Know about Ita causes and bow tocope with It.

"Learn your personal healtb status byperiodic medical examlnlltlons.

pottery,broken dlina or even graveL Addsome potting mix andsetthe bulbs on top.

The tips of the bulbs should be leVel with

:ed:l:.:~J~~:~~~~=~them down gently with lIIe tips pl)lnted up., If you're working with tullps, turn theDat side of the bulbs toward the side of thecontainer. Later the leaves will form asymmeltical border, the NMSU specialistsays.

After you've placed the bulbs, coverthem with potting mix until the tips arebarely vIaIble. Water thoroughly, let drainand IlIbel each container with the bulb~ and plantingdate.

Sloretheae newly .planted bulbs In therefrigerator or In a dark, cool place wherethe temperature Is 35 10 4B degreesFahrenhelL Cover the contaIners looselywith plastic wrap or tin foil to preventdrying. •

•Storage tjme depends -on the bulb.

Hyacinths IlDd tullpsneedatleast12weeksSimply combine ~un1parta of son; sand he' ICI! 1Jox or coM storage. DlIff~'

lUidpealmoss, Once you have gathered require 15 weeks or more. The lollger thestorage, thelongertheatemswlU be.

your IIIl!ler1als. you're ready to get down Bulbsni!ed water dur1llg the col!lstorageto thebusinessof planting thebulbi!. period, but too ilIuch lIlolsture invites


egInof planting by coverillg the drainage rotting and disease. 'therefore; keep theho e the container with a piece or CJay ~nmoistbut not soggy, .'

Leave the c!<lntalnm in the coldsiomge_. unUlthe sprouts· ate three 'lnches'illgiL

'"Then move the plalltno g seml-dark,warmer area $td hold Jot' ooe. or IWGweeks at 55 to 60 degrees Fahtenheit.WaterliS neceSilatY. ,'.

•Finally,. give the' bullissunltglit androomlemp"erature .of 65 to !lO degreesFahteithelt. The umela~ between theelld. ,ilfco1d storage lIJld the beitlMlng ofblllOOllnglsul(lla11)'about one month' .. 'toprolongblollnt life;.keep, the'IiWbsaWlly' frPDl heat IlDd the bot BUlL When the

. b1,llom fadY,Plnch ,oft, the seed Pod b'lltleiilve~fo1lllge:. . •.... .' .

way to fool mother nature tntopro\'ldlngawindow sill full of Dowers In the dead ofwinter.

TulIps, hyaciJltlls and narcissuil, In­cluding daffodils, are popular choices.However, there are scores of varietiesandscme work better than others. SUck tovarieties recommended for Indooruse.

When cboosln,gcontainers, the depth anddrainage are key factors. To aUow saf·ficlent room for .root growth, ae1ect a'container twlce as high as It Is wide. Youcan lise a coffee can, clay pot or woodenbox. Just make sure there Is a hole In theboUomfordralnage•.

Bu1Il9 look best wben they are planteddensely, so don't buy loo many cootalners.A six-incb pot - measurement- can bold abOut four byacfulbs or dar-fodlls 01' six tullps. .

When It comes to the pottln,g mix, don'the too fussy. Since plant nutrients atestored inside the bulbs, rich soUIsn'tessentiaL Try a packaged potting mix or

. ,. ,.' ....

" '""

. SHOPOFTHE BLUEGEM.ANb A"f-CALLERV,.Clime.. In"And 'Shop For The Utlusuaitombh'latlon .......'

, . ATouch Of Vt!~tefdav Wltli Today".' ,>' '*, '.', . ,

· .....A~tists On I)i~play-.:',,";', -.I'ttsdn .WeUM ·(;cnty. (~CI..e-.r~lu(,••ftl· Fox

, .tur~.IYi~1'(il!wlt:g" -"••r.c'.rt:ftel'klfifl':., '.., ...., ,., .. ' '·Thlldu Rheu.Ntlll.~yl.lIU',i.,~.e.A•. n,i.'I·H'Il:tft ....

. , . • ..• .', ~ ,:. i ~,' : ::'~.~d.rifd:"J!("jil4d:."j5;':. __. .f·,ii.....~...M:..,.ltstfi,m.~~~1i1f ,:.: .~:-~

... '"



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.She FigHt'" The .. ' AlIhnugh ~helml.l' wei)'l

BI ' 'W· "Ii p"llsfl'rl\Slbl111lltgru\lehl1fllf.e ,ue/.! It.. netry , .. lIlllu,!( 10' wllrl<fllr.l~~ ,ele-. ,,""'.'. " " phone C\J'11/lltny. Mrs. CIIIII-

HII~elC:;:I«lIse,t!IrFq"(ldl! sen hllSlllw<lYs he.elllleulelyLuc,' Wise,I'l1~ln hils. found.. observlI'n~,'rr· Ihl! world

"l(il,lInllsl!lllwIIy'll> CQmblil.. IIruund~l!r. '• . .. ". . '. " ",1 lhmk 'I'm prpbllhly

. more nI1Sl1rVlIn'. lhun mllSIpl1llpll1:' she suid, Then.with u smile. she mlded."S...nel imes /'m no,' suretftul's ~o guod:·

• After ,\uilling her ju" tn .~CI Illurrie-t!. Mrs. Cluusen'scurly intcrcNl in writ'ihg.'v\,.~rsc hud In he put 4,sidc-.t:spcL.·i~llIy sinL:t.· she rnilicLir,ulr duul:thlcrs.

BU1 nvcr Ihe y,,"urs ~hc r~­

Inincd her inh!rcsl in puclry.k<:<:ping 'th<: f1ulIle uliw hy

•• • I l) "

, ..

depre~siun. NUl lhllt sheuflen .finds herself In Ihnlstute. hu' when 'he K~e'llr·.'---'IiI,r '011-'1";<:-· olWiSeoiliiirifinds herself feeling n hithlue. she writes puelry.

.oll's u g:nud. wny Iu CX~

nminc ytmr cmulitms.·.. Mrs.ClnUM:n tultl it wrih:r frumThe NUlionul Cuuncil unIhe Aging. "If YnU wrir.eIIhoul your. ., _f,i:I:!II.I,ll,",c1mnccs nrc yuu11 emf upundeJ"!llllluling why yuu reelu parliculur wuy un u givendlly:' •

ORIENTAL FOODEvery Fridav Night



PHONE 257-2215

" f··- -,

" .



" ;

.'. "

Heart disease remains the leading cause Although no single factor will preventofdeath In America today. ' heart disease, good health,hablts are as

favorable to lIIe heart and circulatorysystem liS they are to all body functions.

If you already have some form of heartdisease, suitable medical managementand good llvlng habits can prolong fife andmake It more enjoyable,

The American Medical AlI8OcIaUoooflers 80IJIe suggesUons fOl' the healthfulliving liablts that will reduce the risk ofheart dlsellse. .

Mother Nature can be fooledwhen handling flower bulbs..

.. ...just JiesutiftHasm

Wlththehe1p ofarefclgeratolT youantrick flower bulbs Into blooming monthsahead or the schedule, says an ExtensIonhorticulturist at New Mexico StateUniversity (NMSU)-

The strategy Is simple. Simply put thebu1ll9 In the Ice box to make themthlnk It'switter. Then take them out of cold storageto make lIIem thlnk It's apring. TIlls Is one

. .

Good health habits ease risl", to heart



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DAR canceled

dinner meeting~ ..

~The Sierra Blanca chapte~ 'Of the

Daughters of the American Revolution(DAR) were forced to cancel their in­vitation to the White Sands Chapter InAlamogordo for dinner and a meetingDecember 19dueto the RIo RuldoooDood.

FrIday, December 29, the Sierra Blancachapter met In the home of Mrs. TllI1ILouden for a dinner and meeting, withtheirhusbands as guests.

A program was dellvered by PatDe1botalon the making ofapple helld dolls.The program WIllI enhanced by tbe use ofslides anda leetiJre. '

The next meeting of the D.A.R. will beJanuary 18 at the borne of DoroIhY,Par­nell The program that night will he onnational defense.


, --,SAVING&' .· ,UP TO '


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The time that the be1IY d8llcirlg class wI1lhe offered to the publlc bas been changed.

The new time for the cla!li!l will be from5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., Wednesday at theAdult RecresUon Center.

ClaIl5eS will nJII approximately eigIKmore weeks;

. '.':~., i':"'c :',,_




free mats with purchaseof framing 14" by IS"' or lessFramers for Peter Hurd and

Henriette Wyeth Hurd for overlO years.

" ,

exempUon, or fOIll" percent of the actual Moi-rls and Jooes to apply for tax I'!lhates.medical expense,s Incurred per Indlvldunl Ruld9So anet RuidOlllt Downs l'llsideD\8.qimUfyln,g for the rebate. ' In need of transportation to the Senior

- Property tslI rebates for pe1'8ons over Citizens Center, IIIl!Y telepbone 257-4565G5 only, with the amount varyln,g ac- January 16 and rides to and from the·.cording to the" total Income of the person Center willbeaval1Qble. , ..and/orcouple applying. . "This serVice Is offered to anyone (flUng

.".. LoW Income individuals and/or for a state tax rebate," Monissaid.coo lea andflimllles. "TIle low Income rebates permit a

. . e-of..$Il;ooo,.4hoi!gh-the----"'"'.......,,---,...;............Drive. wIU be Mary Morns and CharleneJones. ---provIslOlls for this rebate vary."

Applications for state tax rebates In· Senior citizens and other qualified ." -elude the following Items: personS, are being requested by the . The Altrusa Club Is advising aU persons

- Medical expenses for professional Altrusa Club to obtain worksheet forms at wbo may be ellglble for these rebates tocare from doctor's fees to therapy, dental • Jt&R BlllCk, 925 Sudderth Drive. contact Morris or Jones at H&R Block orand eye care, transportation expenses 8IId The work/lheets must be obtalned'8JId telephone either at 257-4223, as SOOll asdrugs. The a utomatic claim Is $5 per filled out by January 15 for presentation to ' possible.

The Ruidoso Altrusa Club Is offeringsenior citizens, and aU others not requiredto pay federal Income' taxes, freeassistance In preparing state income tslI[ormsto apply for a tax rebate.

This free service wIU be availableJanuary 16, from 9 a.m. -lIOon and 1:~p,m., In the Lincoln County Senior CitizensC~nter adjacent to the Ruidoso Public

Home HeolthSeNices VA schedules---.-- ' "meGk-el-c--eAtef-

endsyeor inthe b'l0 CI~ const~ctIon of a $865,000 educliUonbuilding at the Veterans Administration

In other business during the meeting, (VA) Medical Center at Albuquerque; luisprellident Barbara Duff told the group beel! approved tiy the VA.A1trusa Club members Mary Morris and The project Involves construction of aChard.~ Jonenes wlb·lll !l8S1st a~_O:!:_Cl~ 9jj33..."uare-!oot-buUdIn ~~·"..~·+eaan ..."",r gl e persons notfl1lng a' ..... _ .. - .- """~!........"..federal tax return In preparing state'tslI major portion ofthe educatfoillil acUvlUesreturns on January16. . and assocUlted a,dmlnlslrative [UhetlOIlB

Other Altrusans will provide an an- . needed at the medical center.

swering Rrvlce and transportation if [ncluded will be lin· -education'needed. . auditorium, conference rooms, offices and

For more information 00 the project caD classrooms. The auditorium wIU serveMary Morris at 257-4223. double dllty liS lin educaUon unit and a

The next Service Club CouncD meeting patient recreation area.will be at 1 p.m., February 1 at Nob HIlIRestaurant and will feature a presentation Cteland said the agency hopes to awardby Della Scholes and AIma Padilla, South- a construct1on contract in Marcil, ll1'l~ andwest Health care Corporation, on the area to have the buDding ready for occupancycancer SCreentng Cllntcs and cancer In May, 1980. .control programs.

AU Interested persons are invited toaUend.

l3elly dancinghours.'changed

, : !, Ok 0;= ,J



Home Health Services (HHSJ clll1lpletedIn 1978 with some funds rema1ntng In thebank, but the ltgency wIU continue to needfinancial assistance through 1978, directorVema Adams reported Thursday at theService Club Councll meeting.

"In the past fiscal year, our expenseswere $32,000 and Income was ~,ooo, soour finances areOK," she Bald,

"We have money In the bank and I'd liketo keep It that way so, we will cmtlnue toneed financial help" to continue heaIlIIcare In lIIe home.

Adams said home care Is "growingnationwide because lIIere's a cruunch tobring down hospital costsand one way Istouse home heallll agencies."

LIncoln County's HHS, which Is ad·ministered by lIIe state and uses feders!funds, Is required to chargs by each vIaItat a rate determined by the averagecostofvlslta over a 18 mmlll period.

The per visit cost has Increased anddecreased In small amounts, she said,adding "we are keeping costs down"·andlIIe county cbarge Is well belll)'l natjaoal

". avemg~~f~rur8l,~~'" ' . •

- Each person Is charged the full rate for ahome health visit, but In some cases !bepatient is asked to IlllY what be orshe canand lIIe dIfferel1ce Is written off.

"We had some write offs (In the fiscalreport), so our expenses really are more,"Adams said.

",' - ' ;,. , ' '-

'.," ',. ,1 ••,;:,_.//':'>.:....;)"'.'..,. ", ,

'AttfUSO Club:offetihg.· .

, . ,. " ~

'free'tax' rebate'se?rvfce


."• ;, .

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,, .




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.9VIET ROOMS deserve the IIIX1Iry of tldck carpetl. BedtoomiI, for lIuitauce,.

or any place where you go to escape lIIe baltle IiIId aolae aDd actlYlty offalilUyUle IutIJBOll1ellllngRnaeaDd relaldllg. . .

The more luxurious, 1IIlck alMl deue the earpet, lIIe· more pempered you'llfeeh,ben you retreat to your qaIetroom •••1IlId the mare,Iuvltliljtlil!l'OOll1Wi11be. Choose long deep shags'or thick cat-pue carpet, .. havltIQg ttl the tollCh IIIflnefut•

n's often illId that coollilld q1IIet are tbe wvtda rer eptora talledtooJllllllld{ • lltller qUIet rooms. Coolgt'eeJll UilbIuea,4lIl'llll)'bltbehatrlgu4l(.lNIIll"'ea;'. . <lUlmodany rolar, are very Bereue.Bnever.~~""·lUtdll!reVl!"d c'; , dO h!lrd-aod-fast ndel,.hleemlUl1 people eJljay wIhll16 .... IiIId• raIIge.1n:C:'.· thlli(bedroomsalMlfiadtheiJll'l'laslAl,,'

•'.' ~.' , '.. ".CjjqlBtB fJaveot~r qglet way.ti/ll!W yoathailltia.tehb~ 'l'heyiofteb .',F . .a1t.lIlUfd•• ge~"e-)'lllU'mOll4s.,Wd,IiCi!rGOtfll.~l!i4l*l!'ClIifIlIlllft~"'" .'('~'t--'" ,'. :~:'!O~..,.,,~. .~",. _ ',', .',.. i ..• " , "

~ ';'. ~. '. 'We can't keep qllll!hlJoaUlio_ H~llfililii_..tiI~·l!1l.-.i1l~l.. ,';,l1l1eJ!<l1l+.kadlJlgm.Jillfaefaretj...1illl1 the ~t~lllhliJ~"'~_;-l! ~;/.... .....'!"~ C/IIlle Iii IlJt,l iee .lilittJJe.·~.1IlIII 1iIiW~••••t ,yoar~''". '.. ' . illeadlpiarlel1l!' .. . ',' ". . .' .

ti? ":2', ,~. ',:;' L ' I. ,'.' .... ',';:~CtL"~~~~j t!n~~ ...," ,'... 1~.. ~ ',' ~ " "

Page 5: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf


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a deliCious .. e 0-,easy mea\,ser\l


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rn:ri~P~MICmm.,"',OtSBN , '~lI!Ier tribal, rililliatl~ 1lO~~: . 'I'M .UnJt.\l«l Sflltlll!, illliliPlcllIItrol liver reC\lllo~ tbl!~II\~IIIt",e@ $l!Vel:lllsnand . are •'d\$tln-ct. Illdepelldent·~~1ltlcia1. as .Mt:lljrleal~elt~!Js und~r the l;lws ur tile ,;;',.""......~."!\nr:..epannl!mt llfllllJlUlnities i'hl!lle 'l\tller Wlla:l\!lIvaJIl, cOlll!lI)9Unllerif, tile ~dJljM by ~ ~\lIl!lt Such lndepend~t~qm IlOlI'lo!llliO!l llmvlkl,. cOlOO\ui!ltlea•. r~btl!ig IMlrown "'lural (J1Iit~Sta~ea.lJu~not 1l~·trjballOcml)ers., "), ~ewllell@HlghhioosUIIlVllnlltY. : p,toJll,ll'lY withlll UM!' PII\llIJl!, 'Yet '\1bU~n C4!IIllQest sOIlletlmes' i!lvQlved' C:lashes COIl8eil~~lf .., IlJIder Ul1ItlldSt$tea,'Ia~, ! r.igllt,9,"JIlJi1IIttl!1'II orse~govern!nent. '" . Coogreas In 1968 Plisset! the Indiao eMI '.':

b QII!l3tlems of !lIdlan s~v~relgllty 'bave ,lIorn of I! SIlIltll Clllra fllther but a!;IQ't: beCween tile UIllIlid·~lllijll.MmY.and·llIe, Indlans!lo,f\ltllJnc@rt/1111 rl/l!lts fWII·tiJlij~, sb!C\l(l\tJIl'llhall's,tinl~ th\l'CQ!l.l:t ~ '" Rights Act. changing tbis situation ,',. een llOnkovenllal slil!:e -t~, Vcly~es ~ ~taClilramOtMr..IlOul4Jnberlt.· ., . Iilt\I,aIu.I. !Q!it8!1ceslhQeonqueriJig earlierpetlCMl.'l'Iieseri/l!lts g!!pcr/JUy haye • CO!ltlnlied tq Protect this' limited In!lllin sOPl~at. IJy this act Congress toltltrlbalCcIllU1lbll8and contlnue,~ ~. aotQday. 'A~ s~e lIerewll!l Ch\lqu!ll!tl4!n of who, :WPll done byl11u~n )Il)wel'l! ,lncll,\dlnfl. not bl!ijn,>tiiklln from them Wlthqllttl1l!lr ',' ;8OI'er,!!l~ty. 10 1886 th!l~I.1NJejl tilllt a llovernmellts tllat they now had to extlllJd .•' " ,

,• !it\l.cenU>'l..~l,l)tl!!aos, lIave Illll:l1re't"...ed ..~~ ,de~l'lnInesll!embel'll!llpillll t\1be•. :J!lVery ~m, .Fr!lnce andJ!)nll1iU\d, ,TIle Ulllted CQnseot,orwl!at Pl!S~d fw thl!li'(:~I1~ ,Siq~ Jndliln collldll\lt ·becharg~ liJ!der certl!llldg\lts spch as freedQm Qfspeecb, ' .•".;. concern.........·ey lire I'I!p,dly ~QS"'llt....,!' . AoVll!'elglll!lltlQn hl!1I tM~t 'q 4eclde. 'StiiW3 tMn l!cqllire4tl:\o bitrltory llIese . ~rhaJll' lie$t known,pt.t~. rtsbtsill federnllaW fgrmutd¢Hollan\\tber /iaQ\llt pr~~3 and religion, and the eqlla\ ..3ePIIl1!te: Identlty:~l1SlI Of ,li«llln~c" ~110 ere I!IJ Clltlzelllli,'l'beCoO!ltltlltiom (joos, I'OWerllMd "l<~n.ln. few Cl!lIli$, Indian' !Jccllpatloll of tile .1$\11. TIll,. fe4el'li\ on '1heir re$el"VaU\l1l bl!Cl!U$@·the/ilou(c protect,ion of)aw to individualmembers,pOUtl<;alulIOdS9Ct~~lnr!,!,ClIlb)'noIl'Indian3, thjll.fQrthe'peoP1'.qfllle,Ul!lted~tea.Ifa peopl~s lIs1<ec.! CoW .P!a~ lUI\ler llIe govenunent ha3 JIlilmtainedtllllt IndUlna relJl8\oed a' "separaWpeQple willltl1e Tbe Martintn Cilse originated under the .espeCU\ ·r tM ,,,,,eral gOVenunlil\t.· The . naUlIn IbseS U¢I right, It ha31os1 JI11lch bf proteCtipn lIf llIe Ilovenunent\lllil llIere have a right to, l1SlIthe land since they power of regulating llIelr internlll and provislQns '. of 'this act. Since it ,citedsove~ll!no/ issue affects nQlI'ln~ as Its lndependeri~~ some lltI1erpoUUclll werenQmllitaI')'CIllsMS.· occl!pledltfll'llt.'J'h1srightcaobeObtained 8Oe1l11 re\aIlOlls!' !lut Congreaslater discrimlll8tion by tbe tribal goverruncntwell. Thill ill ellP~1Iy true InlltllW with power wUl be tlIi1iling itsaffainl.'1biII, doctrine !If tl!e right of conquest frOm thelllonlY 1/)' treatY;" . asserted its lIuperlQr power and JI!lSSed1M on.the b!,sls o($e>l ;md/lncestry. The court.

, large Inlliall PllPllllltlQrnllikeN~w MC1!ICjI, In.tQe fl«atllon C_.theSupreme CQurt w!ls Allqlreased by tM Chilli JIUltI!:e of the The. Indiao's sepa~ate ,lJtlltll8 was first . "Seven Major Crime3'Act." .wmob made. "hQwever,PQinted out that the act extendedTM Indlao peoples Qf New Memco MY'e IIIeffect ul1heldtbe right of tl!esantll Clara SlIl1remeCclurt ml~. 8e' noted IlIat defb;aed legally by the /iupreme CcIurt in Indians liable to federal lawforille crimes these r~ghts to IndlvldU!l1 Indians only In

a sigoifl\lllnt Impact or. llIe stllte. 'They ta;bal ~uncll til lPl\1<e II!WII gQVernIoll' "power, war and ~!lue~t, 'give rights severnl calleS dealing wl\b tberemovlIl of of murder. manslaughter, rape,' assault " certain instances nQt Included In the CiT' , '.make l!P seven percent, of the state's tribal melObers!llp, ThiS Wl\1I a victol')' f!lr which, after posseaslon, are CQlICeded by the Cherokee from Qeorgla In lhe 1830's. with Intent to kill, anion, burglary and ewnstances of the Martinet case. , .PQpUlation and colltrol thrQ1lgh, re.I!C.... ' all Indians who are d~term.tnedto retain the world." This state had tried to elltend its own laW3 larceny. " Tribal 80vereignty wiD continue to be anlIaIlQns,elghtpe~ntofltal;l!}d. sovereignty. Pad' the 'CQurt decided Illtim;ate use of this power came over tile ~ero1lee. The Cherokee fought 10 recellt yeai'll too the eoul.1 has imp.~rtant issue. Fo,,: many Indill!ls lius

10 McKinley CcIunty. 61 percen~ of tbeotherwise, llIefederal government,and not Wltll the Indll;ln;\ppropriatiQns Act of1872, back by tllltmg their pleas to the llupreme maintained that tribal .llovernPlents are political lIutonomy. limited as it lB, stUJpeople are Indian and llIelr reservations llIe Indians tII_lves wQ1lld have whenCclngresll.(jecla@d."••.hereafterno Court. '. separate and Independent pQl.\tlcal unlt~. , Qffers their ~st ,hop~ for remaining •.cover 62 percent of the land. Over 35 determined who Is an "Indian." Indian Natlon or tribe within the territory Chief Jusllee JQho Marshall, In the ease For eXample. they were not bound to In- culturally distmct. If It II! lost, then theirpercen.tof San JuaoCcluntY's population is I dl " it b 'd d of the United States shaU be acknowledged of Cherokee Nation VA. Georgia, said that sure to their tribal membel'll many of the Identificallon as Sioux. Navajo or SenecaIndian. ReservattoO!l there Include 60 n ans ave een regar e aa as an independent nation, tribe CIt power. • the state CQllld not absorb the Cherokee in fundamental freedo/ps guaranteed to Is endangered. ."percent of the land. In Sandoval CQunly. sQverelgn and Independent peclp!es wlthJo . .. Fr9m this PQlnt on. CcIngreas was this IPBnner. He caUed them li"dependent citizens under the CcInstitutioo. These And for non-Indians the sovereIgntyIndians. CQmprise 39 percent of the r.: bounrmes Offth.::.Ye'::te~s:t;,1~ saying It WQuld decide what was best for domestic natllln," undlll' the protection of include due process of law under tile Issue affects various question,s includingpopulation and hold 'rl percent Clf the land fed CQF ~ was °t ' tte :tte wle:: thelndlan. tbe federal govemment. He furt\lered this Fourteenth' Amendment and freedom of land and, water l18e. taxation, legalill reservaIl9n8· I dfa · g enun: dIIlf theea s t ' , Despite these IIweeplng claims, the Idea in another declslQn. 'Worcell,ter vs. religion under the F'frst· Amendment. jurisdiction and education.. -

1-~-fleeeot1r.'these-lndI8lljleopl_Clo:an n anSI enCQTunh I;l! 'tr:a~tles il"::-rrn~ federal governlllent ~nll!r cll!ItlnUelno G"lf • . bell 1lllIMttOliI IhdlmJ$jljlSlli!lil!l!l1 ihese.tI!lIitF -j91l1;'New'MexlCO'HmnanltiClftlolmrcll---IImPQrtaot Supreme Court case upholding expans 00. ese " ' ,their sovereigntY. "SQVerelgotY" meallS ternatloolll standing, jlUlt 88 thCIse madethat they bave a right to goveru tbem- between the Unlted stalea and any Qtherselves Iri many ways apart from the laws country. VarlOII8 past supreme CcIul.1of the United states or the State of New .decisions alllo have continued to maintainMexlCQ. Over tbe yeaf8IPBny Indiansbave separate,soverelgll statnefor IndlaO!l.1oUghUo keepcontrolof their own kIbal ThIs does nQt mean that !ndlallS ataefall'll desplte'dlrect Interference by llIe present are .cO/Ppletely llOVerefgo.. IlIIfederal govenunent and 'tbe general RIISSIa or the United statea itself Is.prCS8l1re of American SQC!etY at large. IlIStead. llIeCclnstitutlon allSerls that the

The latest threat to llOVerelgotY In New federal .~Qvenunent bas jurisdiction. I~Mexico came In Ii lIult, Santa Clara Pueb\Q ststes. The CcIngreas shall have Power'

'~_ V8~_.M!It:t\!I~,~del;ld~!l.Y.!I!eUnlted Ststes '~~arTif~e Commerce. •. with theSupreme CQurt in May. 1978. In this suit a •Santa Clara woman asserted that herc1vU terpreted to mean that Congreas has totalrights were being violated. PQwer to detennlne the fate of Indians.

F"-~" ,. ,'-:"~'--' -;---' ,...""n__ ' " -''':''':', 7":~,-.o:"""?"",,,:t";-"''''';'''~::~_,~"A":') -':;, ~':~~'l'J;:;-" ~'i'~' ~. ": ':,~ ,"""C:,~;,-"""'- ;""; '7":,,,,-,~.: '~-":~";t:;,; ..'r~',l":'.,i~-·' ~ ......' :,""":'~';::",~",';~:':,~~.: :""-. ~'., ."!

"'_'/,~'I~, "_ .. ~,_-_ .~,'l.'.,,-"', .',"

.a _ servk:e of tOO

Ruidoso Board of Realtors

"lIB IIUIny Ifli)ne buyel'll. can attest, thefIrlll obstacle Illandlng between them andtbe purchase ofa home often is theEnglish

w," language • .• or at Jesst IlIat fonn of Itknown by real estate pracUtlQnel'll and

,.", Cltherslnthehouslng Industry.U". •

But, while tenos often are confualng to•, the Ia}'llllln. they serve a speCIal oom-• munlc:ations need in llIe housing indtmry.

The foUowIng quiz ts offered by theRuidoso Board of Realtors and theNatlooal Association ofRealtOl'8.



OSCAR MAYERVariety Pall.Lunch Meats

12-0z. $179Pkg. .

Square, RoundDr Beef



12:0z. $179Pkg.1 Lb; Pkg 11.89



Safeway Frankfurters,C

Beef DrMeat

Meat orBeef

'Safeway Sliced BolognaC


Let VOUI' imaginiition he YOUI' guide!('I'eate wondel'ful ~andwiche..; and salads,fl'llm our supel'h as.,;ol'tment of meat!-l.('hl1Clle, and !-lpal'kling fl'e!-lh fruit!-l and

\"I;'~(,tshle."at low pl'ice..;. The perfel't an!-lwel'fol' a c1elidoll!-lwsl'm weathel' meal!

SafewayWa'er Thin CS d "h WIC SA~'EWA"" •

Pkg. . Chicken.. Weiners, ~!r.-R?\.L'k,U"~99~.' .' ;Meats p " $1 89......;;;,,;,,;;,;,;,.- ------ Ham attles j:tb~~n~y . '

Chopped Ham 1~~~~~~ $1.22Braunschweiger ~~~~WAYLb. $1.29

,0 S I "Italian' 13·07.. $3 39rJ aami Verdi. Stick •••• Pkg. •

Chorizo ~~rYrr~~ ....~~:~.... Lb. 89C

Smoked Sausage·:eiK:~l~H LU.98Ring .Bologna-~tIT~f:hzM1fN$1.39

01"11 P·I"ck·les', Kosher. Claussen 32.01.·$1 29Whole or Halves Jar ' •

Cooked Salami ~IZ. Pkg. 82C

Smok·Y-Links fo~~Rwk~.$1.55

Bologna GLOVER'S 12·07.. $1 23Jalapeno••••••••••••Pkft. •

~ ~':""" ~n- e:c __ . _...........~. . .... .-'

a. True, a lender's PQIIcy aulomatlc:allyprotects the buyer.

b. faille, a separate polley mlJ8t bepurchased by the buyer If be desJresprotection.

6. Fannie Mae andGinny Maeare:a. SIslers. •b. Founders of a f8II1llus candy c0m­

pany.c. Popular names fQr the Feclel'lll.

National Mortgage Assoclatlon and theGovernment National MQrtgageAssoctstlon, two federally Cl'l\ated cor·porallQIIS which support the secondary

~ersall,altheendoflheq1!lZ. mortgage market. ,,l..vna.tlllaJ,l'l.~', ... ,' .J".'<. .. 1. TrueQr fa1se: A'geli~cq~ractcr

a. AdescriPf!OJ\Qf fsmoU'l B<:\WU. model' supervises aU construi:flon or deve!llp-"Twiggy." ment of property.

b.Thebest kind ofCQrned beef. a. True, hesupervises aU operatlOllll.c. Am1lllIpeWng of "lean." b. False. he sl!perv1sell CllI1y the mostcL A legal claJm against property 88 common elemenla.

securitY fora debt. 8. Aplat Ill:2. What Isa Realtor? a. A In Nebraska.

: a. Anybody whosells real estate. b.~ abbrevlatiOll fQr platoon.. b. A relll estste broker. c. A map of a lot, CQmmunltY or sub-

e. A real estate professional wbo Is a division showing boundaries. 1m­member of the NatlOllal AssoclatiOll of provemenlsandeasements.Realtors and subscribes to Its strict Code 9. eoocfamlnJlDllls:of Ethics. "Realtor" Is a registered a. A type ofhQus!tlg unit.trademark. , b. Atype of property owoel'llblp.

3. What Is a cloud? c. TIUeofa popularnoveLa. An atmospl!enc iiCcurteliC!e. d. A anile•b. An outstanding claim adversely af- e. BllIld C.

fectingthelPl\rIcetsblUtYof a title. 10. Whatisa dedication?c. Both ofthe ahQve. ' a. Somethingradio disc jockeysdo.d. Neitherof llIeabove. b. A volllJltary relinquishmentofprivate.. A preliminary ~reement to purchase property for.pubU~ IISC.

a property which Illates general tenos oftbe sale llIld Is secured by paymeJit of Answers:earnestmoney isknownas: 1. d

a. A binder. 2. cb. Anoffer to purchase. 3. cc. AgNomenttl!buy andsell .. ed. Salesdepositreceipt. 5. be. All oftheabove. 6. c5. True or fal$e: A lender's title In- 7. a

suranee poUey also protects the interests 8. c lof the home buyer In the went of atltte- '9. edefect. lO.b





t '

, II


---.... -



. .


•, '

RUlE a1EfSESalad



, 1979 AT YOUR: ,NEARBY'

SAF'EWAY", "',stORE·.

•+-- ,

•.,' ..;": -. '....... '.,

. ,"

Italian .:'Turnips ~gg.

Squash Plant,Purple Top, .

Extra Fancy Plump &full

45° 25C c~

. L1J; Lb. Lb..-"--- -~-- - -.-- -----.. .. ,

.~": "



'6 ·$1".' "For •


Large, ..Avoeados

Green Skin




Clothing' e~hances living

for nlJrsing home panen sYou can make the mQVe Intoanursing confined to a wbeelchalr or bed can 'be

home Aomew1lllt easier fQr an elderlY dressed more easily in garmentsthatopenparent or friend by carefU1IY selecting tbe Inllleback. "clothlng, SllSIII1 Wriglit, ExtenslOll clothloll U the resident's size ill changing. be sureijjeela1istatNewMexlcQStateUnlversltY. to ae1ect gannenla tbat can be easily,lllIid: C10thell are SQll1e of the few persOOa1 altered fol' proper Jjt. New clollllll! shouldbelongIngS a resident Is able to keep and be selected with abe chang~ in mind. Bethey are- Important In IPBlntainlng a suretoconslderchangesliishOel$ealao.pclBitiveself-imIlge. l!IUetY is anQther concern in clOthIng forIf the resident's wardrQbe ill attraCtIve nursing hOllle res1denb,. llIe specialist

and we1l-littlng. simplY dreSsinll up lJC- sald.carefu\l1HlldedelQthe$cantedlieeth. tonally mtlkell the day specIaL Bright baWdlll choose tUppel'll and moes wi ',:::rs and cheerful pl:lntS tend to'ralse iIolHlllp8OIeaandloW'Qrweclge-typliheels.

. IliQrale and give a degree ot control over Avoid IOIIg. f1QwinIl robes which CllJlrsonalllfe Wright said • tangle around tbe resident'a legll or in

peU U ar~ ae1eeting cli.tbmg fQr ,8 nur- wlleels of 8 wheel chair. LOng. 1!JOIle .sing ~Oille residenf. consider' the In- stoolies and lOllg ties can also be hliZar-

, dlvfdlial's lJkesanddlslikes.lf~b1e,let dim$. ,-. ' , • ' ,. -== MkI . iiiliJthe I'SlIiI IlUIke the final H1ectlon, If II 'rIghtelastlc blindS at . esB1to&itlg :frlp is (dlpraclkal; take two or waISt can b~ dtclda~IRl, Avoid fi:'Ul,ythree falihlolJil boniaon aPPl'OVal. nylon gowns, fm tur rotios and fuzzy flip'

TQ be slitelt Is uBetuJ, l\sk tile follo1Vlnll coverswhlcliburnrapf~. . ~uestlOll8 Wright said: Will. tile wearer AUclothlilgllllOulcIbemachln~wa8ltllble

roce it? Will It be easy to jjut,oolilll take' and dryable. p~,pteS&finlBheaor ,off? :ts'llIecQlorand dl!Slitil iJatt4!tWgto the" eally-care .knl.b are desltable cltoJces. .wearer? Pt!liS Ilflt.we1l? WlUltbnasy to. ~::~~=~~ mid "

; c:a!jl tor? " inhom~ r~denlllwll1 be···, clotlillag. shI)u1cfbematked~oldi!lllUy .", hiiM=::rrln~regu.1li1' clOlblng rather the OW)jer,Itli\lPlble,rotatet!l.eteal~~;a"ttJri ~ghlWclira1J thilt/Ille; U ~o. be wai:'drObli.,With ~~ ~soos. ,J<;eelJ llu"",,~ ," certain llIegannenb life easy to put OIl S4!!lsQliilelliS In iipeCIlll storagll areas,.·lllfd· .&lIsy to care for. Pel1lOllS whO are,1'di$8Wdght~d. " . '., ' .

Page 6: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf


.. ,

........'=>$'... -

, ., '

PIONEERSAVINGS&.TRUST··7····.. ·~ I '., ..'. ' . .

" .. .·.

The racing schedule for the RuidosoJUnJor Racers was released Wednesday.

The schedule covers all the variousclasslflcaUOIIs that the RuldOllO racers lallInto. These classes rah&e from "ABC""BCD", ~'DEFG" and l'Age Class" skiers.

RuidOIlo does have Oil\! "C" sider who Istrying tQearn a "a" claasIficatiOll,JlmmyRaudenbush. lie was In Vall, ColoradoSaturday and Sunday trying to earn the"a" classification. :

Other races for the "ABC" c1assillcaUonare set for January 20 aIId 21, atPurgatory,.Colorado lind February 10 lind

Plno. Strassburg was merely coocerned match In lhe nellt match. Ray Herrera,with holding out. another senior, pinned Castulo Aragoo In~'I didn't think I was going to make it:' the first period. Herrera pounced on

he said after the malch. Aragon like a hungry tiger. He pinned himBut he did make It. Behlnd In points withoneminute left In the flret period.

entering the final period, Strassburg From that match OII,It was all ROCIwell,roanagedtoeke,outanan:owwln. Warrior' although RlIlllQl!!!' did t!l!lY_IIIn~!l1orecoach 'Gerald Ames was exultant in vic- Points because of iI forfeiture; 1lI the 134tory aod It looked as If the Warriore were pound class, Ruidoso's Danny Racherto he a team of destlny this night. fought valiantly belore succumbing to the

"Strassburg did a helluva Job," Ames experience of Tracy Basler. Baslersaid. jumped out to a 2-0 lirst period lead and

Roswell quickly flexed Its muscles. held Racher olf in three, winning $-1.Wrestling In the lO7llOund class, Roswell's In the 140 pound class, Greg Lanelost toLupe Campos pinned MarUn Randall with CharUe Rodriques. Rodriques pinned Laneless than two minutes gone In the first with only three seconds left In the firstperiod. The pin gave' Roswell a 6-3 lead In period.thematch. • RllldQ30 forfeited In the 1~7Jl9I!nd claaa.

Ruldoso tied the match when, In the 114 . Robert Langston lost to Roawell'jMarkpoand c\ass, Wes Alklnson methodically Zamorainthethlrdperiodofthe157poWlddowned Roswell's Mark.McVay. After one match. Ruldoso's final three points cameperiod of play, dominated by Al1dnson, In the 169 pound class when ROllWell for­Atkinson held a 2-0 lead. He upped the felted to Doony Miner. 'count to (.0 entering the final period. The Warriors returned the favor to theAlklnson kept applying the pressure, Roswell, forfeiting In the 185 poWldclass.Il\!ver allowing McVay to gain an ad- One 01 the bright spots for Ruidosocamevantege. The final score read Alklnson In the Ilnal match when Ruldoso's RlXIII1dseven, McVay zero. J. Bell took the light to Roswell's mammoth

In the 121 pound Class, R/l$weU's Mark Tim-Cannon, a 26Ilpounc!er.·~ .-Nl!Ie WlIIltoo!l1llchlorKelthSuUivllll- Nine Earll! In- the firBt.P&od,BeU stllllDed.grabbed thl! adflanmge from the match's Cannoll by sweeplllg1lllll off IU feet lindoutset and kept Sullivan on the defensive. throwing blm off the mat. ThIs Ileemeil toN"me pinned Sullivan wltb If seconds InsplrelheRoswellstsrandhemade4hortremaining In the first period to give work of Bell, plnnlng him In the f1ratRoswell a 12 to sldead. period. The points gave, RosWell a con--

Ruidoso came roaring back to tle the vInclng 41>-18 victory over the Warriors.

Junior racers set schedule11 at LosAlamos. The Governor's Cupwillhe In AspenMarch3lind 4. Thelaat "ABC"clnssWcationmeet will be at Vall March 10andll.

'!'he ma10rity of. the RuldoaoJunlo!Racers will be racing In the "a" through"0" ra~. Tllat clasalflcatioo beginsJanuary 13 and 14atWolfCreek, Colorado.Two weeks later the same group willmeetInSunrise, Arizona. •. Tllat classiflcaUoo meets agl!in thelollowlng week, February 3 and tin Redrover. The RuIdoso racera will be at homelor their nengroupof racca. OnFebruary24 and 2li, the races will orlgInate fromSierra Blanca. The nat race ~ almost amonth later In Slmts Fe. The final raceswill be In tile LovelandDerby. Tllat set 01races will Include all the aforementionedalders from theJunior racers.

The remainder 01 the Junior racera·seeing acl!on are iii \lie "Age 0JUj"c1assiflcaUon.These aruldera that00 not •belong to a leiter clnsslflcation. Generally,

·theseare the YOWlgerstdera. _They begin In Purgatory Januar)'"27 and

28. Two weeks later they will be i1tSantaFe. Two weeks after that, Feb1'\!llry24and

~;=~====;::::::==~.~.~'::11=':. will be atBalldla Peak. nearThe age group champlonalllps 1rll1 be

held at Vall March 24 ad ts. The fintilevents for, the Junior racanl Will be at theLovelandDerbyAprl1711nd II;

",:. . ~'"


. ,

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Animas and Cloudcroft.In the opening round game against

Animas, the Warliors weren't ready toplay lhe kind 01 game necessary to defeatAnimas. ,

"We would just sit. there and watcheverything that happened," lorwah! LoriSwain said. "We wouldn't jwnp oranything." .

The next night against C1oudcrolt, theWarriors again came out on the short end01 the score. But they did play better thanthe previous night.

-.. "We did better against Cloudcroft,"Swainsaid.

The WarriorS resume actloo tomorrowagainst Carrizozo. Ruidoso has a.;Hi won­lost record following the tournamenl.

... '


" .


. " .~




CALL FOR TAKE OUT OPEN AT 11 AM257-5457' '". .


Cagerettes avoid las,t' placeo p .... _._ <j!_ 4. ""-!'-.c.T-.:;- .• .....,..~

with defeat of Quemado

hadloulld t1ie range alld tIIken a 28--27 lead.The thirll period lM!longed to the

Wamors. Paced by the outllide shooting of.B(lrde WlllJams and the insIde play 01StanCape;Rilldoso grabbed an eight point leadat ~ij. At the end 01 the third period,Ruidoso lead 4HO. ,

In the final period, ho~e~er, theWarriors were blown out of the tub. Four

. Warriors foilled out. Tularosa took ad­vantage of the fact and wallzed p;lStRuidoso 31-]0 in the linal period. WlliI'!orcoach Barry NelSon knew the reason lor

r~lfllllS'Seerrltbe&ror-"''e.....4~.Ls~",this season. . .

"n's the same old story," he said."Fouls ane! turnoverS burt us. Flela: goalpercentage didn't help."

The fouls really hurt the Warriors.Ruidoso committed 38 fouls compared to24 by Tularosa. In the final period, SeanMound, Rodney Thomason, BordeWilliams.and Stan Cape, all starters, wereOIl the bench with live· fouls. Only one . ' .

. starter remained on the court, Jeff Elliott. b trHe had four fouls. . y S

' . -Not only .do the louis. put.1ha.WarrIoc__ . __._starters on the be/lch where they are ofno, but it allows the otller-team to shootfree throws Instead 01 working for a shot. BY JOHN NEYLANDNelson attributes the louIs to The Ruidoso Warrior wrestling teamlostoVeraggreslve play and a lack of body 41>-18 Friday to a bigger and more ex­cootrol. He also thinks it Is due to a lack 01 perienced ROIlwell High School teamconcentratlon. before a crowdof50 at WarriorGym.

"We try to apply pressure, not reach," The evening began with the WarriorsNelson said. "n'snatural to reach. Alot of jwnplng out to a3-:0 lead of,!er.tI!.e.Ol'eningit is that they doo't have control of their match. Dirk Stralfllburg, wresllIng brthebodies. Sean Mound was Ilylng all ovel"the' 100 pound class, fought oU both a case ofplace. the fiu and Roswell's Joe Plnoto wlnall~

"Borde WJIlJams commits a lot of lIumb decision.fouls, and he knows It," Nelson cootinued. Almost from the beginning of the match,"I chew him out every week. Stan Cape It looked as If Plno was. going to downgets a lot of louis anderneath the basket. strassburg, one 01 three seniors 011 thePaulKJrkwood picks up dwnbfouls." ,team. The first period was a virtual draw,

The ooly way Nelson sees to combat the wllh both players leellng each otherout.foul problem is to fall back Into a ZOIl\! The tlde shifted In the second period,delense and run 11 patterned oflense. But bowever, when Plno had Strassburg on~hed~n't·want to do thllt. back for most ot the period. FortbBt entlri!

"I don't like that at aU." he said. "I'd period, with Roswell backers screamingrathergo for It." lor a pin, Strassburg lought to prevent the

In lhe JUnior varsity game, Tillarosa pin. ", downed the Warriors 63-51 despite James When the buzzer sounded signalling the

Wimberly's 20 points. GaryJonesadded 13 end 01 tbesecond period, Strassburgfor lheWarriors. showed apparent signs 01 faUgue. The

Roswell bench shouted encouragement to

'. .,'

• •• J •.

A crowd 01 100 watched the Warrior.:Wlldcllt battle. Althoughlloth te8msstarted slowly, the contestheated~lnthe~nd period. '. .

RuldOl'o lead at the end of one period 11­5; By halftime, the cold shooting Wildcats


': ...~ ,. "

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',- . ,".. , - ... "

i • " JOHN Nl§YI;-AN~ Sl!~or:~.t~i!.,:w~.~rlt.!.!i:e:!..r .........,..;.-~,,__.-.,. _

cagers, defeat~dbY';D"l11ing, Tulie.. . .'.

BY JoHNNEYLANDThe Tularosa Wlldcats dowll\!d the

RilldOllo Warriors Satur(lay 71-li7' atWarrior Gym, cOlllpletillg a dismalweekend lor the-Warriors. Friday, Demingknocked 011 the Warriors 95-72at Demlng.~.-;:r;.;J"~"'~Wi" . ,~,,,+t-r .'.

~ , :.-. - --. -r<"~.·-·~tr,lf.,;} I"" ~.' ...' •• ". ~ , • ,- "

HUIbosO's BORDE WILLIAMs AND TULlE'S Dllnlel8ec;lnoribattle for a rebound during Saturday'S game at Wahlor Gym.Tularosa won this baffle as well as the game, 71-51. Looking on forthe Warriors are Stan Cape (42) and Jeff Efllott. The loss droppedRuidoso's record to 3-6. The RuldOIlo Warriorcagereltesavolded• -f a last place IInlsh In lhe Weed InvltaUonal~ 7. basketball tournament this past week~nd, CJ ~ Y- -. '/)/~~.6.-..........., bydefeatillgQuemadoSaturday.

W/'Z0. J Vy~ t fn the previous tw~ rounds of the tour-I l\aJIlent, the Warriors fell to district foes





t.Open Qf 6 lI.m, - Close lit 9 p.m. , nRAY AND mELMA JENNINGS ,

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- FOOD. DRINKS. BEVERAGES. -ell !B~a.utlru{ ..Mountain cRuo.t

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Eacll guMt locl,ge Jo.eludes, ,Iwo bedrooms,Ilvlllg roOIIl with fireplace,TV, a complete Idtchenwith service UleDsdJ and afull.llJze balbroOm.

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RedWOOd Hot Tub. TemilsCourt




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An Important lIIInIuniZation "gap" baa Mann outlined tjle salient tllCtorS III the ' d1IIdren have prolectlOll agalnllt dlsllasesbeen foW'l4 In N~'Mweo prellchoolers, smtewldeprogram,tolne!ude;' liIte polio. meulea, diphtherin, temnus,

, aCCQrlllng to JOllllthan Mann~ M,D.• ChIef "~8 to our excellent sebool 1Jn,. whoopillgCoogb,rube1lllandmllJJlPS. tPublic 'Health Physlcl~ for the New mlilllzlltion law, we lmow that a\JQut 97'''Chedt your young d1II.dren's recordllMexico 'Haalth and Environment percent of klcb In ~hool are p1'Olecled caref1l1ly til make Bure he or lIhe 18 fuDyDe~rt!nent. against dlseallell I1ke polio, dlpbtb!!rIa, protected. ChiIlIhl!od· vaooinatioM are

•Ai ~I' t r.~tew1Ide lI1p'Vey. o! 1m- .W=lni eou~ IPelIs1e:l, IlItanus and aVailablethroughfi~oUHr Palrivate 'dClCtor!,~r t "mun ~... on ,eve, among presct:l' til .. • RecentlY. we 'II!ive ll!leil. Won- from your local ",d e th Office Of ..,eclJlIdren," M8IlIl !laid, ",howa t· derlng Just how weU protected til!! HealthServleeaDlvlslon."

, tho1llllllcb ofyoung New MWIlIII18 areaWl presChool New M~eans areagalnst thllall t. unpl'Qteeled egalnat diseaR8 liIte poUo, dlsellSell.· • .

measles" d1pbtlleria, Whooping eou&h, .' "In the last few months wa oonducted "7': " _ ".tetan\l8, tubeUaMdm1lDlPll!' the moat eomplete and ccmjlreheulve

.-~ El!8l1lJb.,-onlie cartIZOZo'lIW survey or rmmlllUZitlon levets Iri ViII ... ~. ~f."~ .office of the Health Se1'ville3 D1vlaIOn\" pre$cllool populaUonever dOlle In New

,B ~e~1nLtl!.B.~ Intbe ~unlzatlOll ,"gap" Mexleo. ThIs survey mows that we are-.nt ~~ '"",0, Coun'J' 'better immunized thall' the natlllllal . ' 'tIII "Tbe recent SU1VllY' which was the most average,. but that we aWl bave a t rusteesrr <:IlIDjl1ete and <:IlIDprelienslve ever con- algnlflc:ant 'ImmUQlzatlongap'wblchmust

ducted In New Meldco. g[v~ lIII In- bllCllIIled Ifwe are top~ctour youngest , ~

,Ii fO?,:tiODon~=County..... _t ~~awat~..~:f.O:' . 'E. =~l~J:t~~:Jf~~··~~=!=1==tliie~~~et='~~"=~-···t'Sf proteellllQ agalil8t Ibls dl8ease,",Engll8b tetanus and whooping cQUgh; Tl percent ' "l' ,lllIId. ImmUQlzalion levels among the are protected BgIIIn8t_1~116percent TIle Ruldoso DowlUl trusleea will meet·h" c:ounty's PreM!¥JoIel'll were also ctIeeked proteCted agallUlt rubella (German': tonight at 71n the Munlclpal BuUdlng and ,

Inthe.survey.3IIesald.· melSles) 8lId only. 40 percent against too Ruldosoolrus!ee3,will meetTuesday at0: "We,found that 43 percent are protected m'Umps, WhIle these lev~are better tllall 7:30p.m.,1n the RUIdoso Publk Llhrlll'Y.

against d1llhtheria, whoopillg cough and til!! national average (er;c:ept fill' mumps, Tbe RuIooao Downs agenda Includes!'s, tetBnUl." ~gll8b said. "71 percent are whereweareaUtt\libehllid),ltaWlleaves - Action on,O!'!linanc:e 79 cOncerning t$~ protected allllinat mellllles, 71 percent lIS with an,!lnmunlzalloo 'gaP'. About OooupalionalUceuSe.s. '

ll8B1n8t rubeUa end 0III,y.29 percentvac- 11,000 New Mexloo prescbool ailldren are -SuhmlsslllQ ofpark grant.". cinaledagalnatmlllllt-o .' ,. ,. ·unprolecled 'agalnllt·pOU&, -diphtheria,' . -RevlewilfbolldaysClII'l979. t

"OverB1j, IJncoln c:ounty has a felr level tetan\l8 and w:hooplng Cougb. About 17 000 'TheRuidosoagenda Inc:ludea:III Df immunlzatlDn In the to18,ooochl!drenarenotprolecledag~ ,- Considerallon of an ordinanCes~ pOJlIIIalll1ll, when COIIIpared with the ~le measl~ orrubella. amending the present ClvU Preparedness• everages!' . ' . ''The 11m step JJt tc> ,cl~ thill' 1Jn,. plans. t

' EqJU1b said tbllt pmnuniZaUon ClInIcs munlzallon 'gap'. The New Mexloo - Comlderallon of an ordinance an-"' ere regularly eonducted throu&hout the De)llll'iment of Health and EnvIronment nexlng approldmately two acres of land In

c:ounty and that the dates are pIIhllabed In began conducting an IntenJllve 1m- TractTwo III AirportTracts. . tadvance. TheY are also evallabte by mUllizatlcn prognm Betllember 1~, tc> - An update on the 81tuallon r~Ultlng~ Engllsli'. office et Carrizozo, M8- c:onl1lude I>eeember 15. Our goofs tc> close Irom thllDecember 19flood. .:uJ2. ~lJIlO'JII'"'' ' ,. " " the saP. and make wre that BU III 011I' ';"'Pel'llOflOOlaclion. •t




, ,','"

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, ' d~~:~n:;ltre':a~cr~~ .'WI!lI·tlU~iiltfuigfurorm.t1lil1onl~.H\l '~JliF~11~~WiJi911·fjfte.qul~When '

; , MeXlCO,:I#P!i)l~ aliel)~, ill~",~~ ,:1..J·:llr:~',&\:=~~~~q=' ,ftW~:~~f~~:Odl~pji)'ers In 'Q!:Owlft~ ';'~r1~ ,director ': ot 'Xllt#lIlil , ' 1abJl\.s~gjjS liP' Prll!:~1lIlt III· Plemwrm'•severlllwllYII~Flrlt, fl!IIJ11!yel'll shouldr~1I '",~~=J..rvl~' <l1JlM. BAWItt.SAid the: Mil i¢jJ~lleli l!liit!lm$lb.lllt,y pi ~rt!.. thlt*rucllQ113 In ,ibe tall:' padtalllla

:"""fl" ,,0 'I'" CDnll'ln ,ally !!lllnlfICllllt,,·,ww-ch llelnY rd,\i!!ltCbeQkII. ,', " ClI\'e.f\llly l!ln!:llJb!!yeolltllln theallil\Vers til

, :'l~~~~ last ~;r a~ldllh ""el"!" , ~ere ~II 1l9lll.e Import!!nt c/llinlles iii most qlleatlona. second, there aTe'rn:t .. -an easy, ow· ou~" flll'l, the tax lllyt'wlIlC!l:wm ~.IIeflt t!lll:pllYers, rIQnle~o~ (reePAl!I~UIIM 00 $PeQlfjc IlIx',,' ',.,.;, ,.,. " "BrIlW~j~llliOlleietil!lrellId!1l!tl$leli/lfBY. inIlttersl!va{\al!lell~ flU! !/ffleea. ',l'bll'l\; ,, ' , .. "tlllt!l!'p"I' f9r In1IblUlluOQ,Q( l,\\l!'t!IiJJ energy ma, l1!fers lloth telephone lind wl!l1t.In, ,

BtlIWt.~~rm;'JaXpayer$ tIIw:Ut U!!tU,m~~'~~'':v=~:I:':if~ ~=~:uer:::;:n,::\t~'f~ ~~,'~~I!I\'\l,etl~'F~l!lIRlt~~lIlnthllln!lll', Ilhl!.~II~;!lJ'll~llJl/alllr's <principal ,dlalJogl~27~.,Wa1k-jnfld$lStance13 .,i:~"~ ,~ "'to.l~ fl'til1lthema;TIt:II,re3Idfjne~:..1l11fPaYers ahoUl~ ClII\tlt:ll'llUl avallalll11 In Albuq"erque'and In aU other'" .Pa,c, II- Cll........ 11'!lelIlabel, ,fermore·"..0~1l11ll9ll~Ile~tw1l9ben~a'I\llIJ,~r,cltlllaofHewMWco.

·Pres·Chooie~s !OU'fl,a, . " .

,'to need .imrnuni~tion, , '


.- .-

.~~. .. ..~ , '.. ,

;, " " -, '. " . , ' ",. "..-w£' '_~ ,-,-,",,---,- ',.-,,,,,, , .....oiIl ......~ '.. .-. ....... """"' ..-'.-li-'"iii'--'"'lii ~ --,-".~ ""'" ..... e..o. .... ."...'--'» ~ -'--" ,.,

Page 8: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf


. ,


_.-.1- . __-"._




GWONLY TWO leftl Call now for 5 acres with

low down payment and good tenus. Callthe land men at Great Western 1\ealty257-4605 or AltoBranch office33Il-Ill32 orevenings Mel Glenn 378-4919 or LarryTillman 251-4305. .



257..4666:=iiililiiiiii·'i;':'i.. ill';'iililiiililili'j;i'i'.";;;'.'i·Iii·· .,; ,: . .:- ,,"


"THIS IS YOUR DREAM HOMEI"Unexcelled view/redwood

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nus Is ,one of the most at­· homes In the area.Pr~sentlV under COI"I­

. struetlon. Estimated finl!ilh intour weeki'. Bl.iV now andchoo~e yqurOWIi COlors•

...... $95,5011 and darn well worlh, •. it. .



R.C. WHEELER257-4575 336-4682

wen located bulldlng InpoHolfIc!tbloet, approzlmate1y 5Ibi sq. ft. Inopen 1JafIdIug. Would partltlOll Intotwo separate are.. of UOO and lIllGsq.ft.caD

., --

ASPEN ~ODGE APARTMENTS ­overlDoJdng Cree Meadows, 1 and 2bedrooms, furnished, utI1Itles and cablepaid. Adults. No pets. 257·2976. A-34-tfc

. .,

,. .. \

1974 FORD MAVERICKWhite/blue one-owner seifanwith automatic tran.smisslon, factory air con.dltloning, radio, powersteering and new tires. snowtires on rear. A smoothrunning quiet automobilepriceif below. book value foryour consideration. May beseen at.FRONTIER EXXONat the stoplight. Offers andtrailes c:anSlderBd, .. $1lP.50_

.call257-4122J davs,257-4153.

. .

MOBIW HOME SUPPL1ES - licensedand bended for mobile home repairs andset ups. Warranty Mobile Supply. lil3East TIlden Roswell, NM, 1~23-4552. W-9-tfc .• ' .____________ • to·

HOUDAY SPECIAL - several rebuiltwater softeners for sale. Reasonable.Culligan,378-4150 C-5u.:tfc.

•FREE TO GOOD HOME - 9 montb old ¥..

blood hound, ¥.. Great Dane. Phone 376­4347 after5p.m. G-67.2lc

FOR SALE - chains. extra heavy duty,for 625:120 dual wheel truck tires. Pblll1e257-4662. K.6IJ-2lc

23" USED COLOR TV - excellent working'condition, $150. call 257·7512. S-67.2lc

==-:::-:-:---------_.CUSTOM MADE - Draperies, pillows,

bedspreads, accessories. We measureand'make to order. Select from hundredsof beautiful fabrics atGambles. G.23-tfc

.FIREWOOD - pine, $65 plus tax, 257-5296exceptSundays,Jl!nWooldridge. W-47.trc





• ,..."'===."-~.l1a-..fb~~":~·· :l.i¥ti

. -....•_ tl.-

THE RUIDOSO DOWNS - Polleedepartment Is accepting applications f9rthe posltion.of dispatcher. Applicationsmay be obtillned from the pollc:edepartment between 6 a.m. and 4 p.rn.MOIIday !hrough Friday. V-67·tfc

HOUSEWIFE; STUDENT, RETIRED .,..anyone with their own transportationand looklng for a part time Job, pleasecall or come by Inn of the MountainGoda. 'JI>7-5141, Wednesday, Jsnuary 10,ask for Greg WbIttlnghW. M-6Il-ltc. ,

CUSTODIAN needed fuUtlme at thehospital. ApplicatiOM lfiay be obtainedat the Administrator's office. R-68-2tc

NEEDED WAITERS - and waitresses,part time and full, must be 21 years ofage or ov.... A.IlPIy atPIzza Hut. P.fili.2fc_..~

LAWN CARE - 336-4561. P.O. Box 13,Alto, New Mexlco. W·21-tfC

PAINtS & STAINSHIghest QualftyP1ttsbutJbStalid .

Interior"EsterJor, PrlIIierii",LIIrgeQUluJtlfy ofStaluB,Po1yureillUe

FOR JN1i'ORMA'1'lON Z51.-&



" '.-',- ,.," - .., J~.'•

",-' .




'Ul-,iJen FOR PROPOSAL .The Oepartment of HN"h Gnd EnvIronment rMlUUts

os praposel 10 opera'e the Fore~.'c evaluation Team toser~e the counUel of Dona Ana. Grant. Hldalvo. Luna.. ·Socorro, Sierra, Cllfron, Otero and LinCOln. This Teamwill ope-rate unde,. ttle overalf dlrecf(on of the statewideForen,lc Sntel". SerVice, InclUdel Dlegn9Stlcev.aluatlons- of IndIvidual going through tfle CriminalJUstice System and re'OO1mendatlons to tor dJspo~ltlon ba'H'd on men',.t ste'uSI par"IIclpallcn In 'he Forensic- Doto Mlnagement SYlt.mlorIhe monltQrlng and 'recJ"n; of offenders In trea'mentlind diversionary program.} end tr.lnlng and s.tillfdevelopment for crlmlnbl IUI"ce Per50llnei and freat-ment peraonnellhbt provide $lfrvlc., tor Qffencfers. .

Quallflcetlons: TlII$ Team must have 'Ihe ettPlclt", toprovlp" psVchllitrlc. P!oYChologlcal and socla'e:valU<!Itlon, and e knowledge Of "aft development aQdtraining techniques and data based compUlerlzedoPe-rallons. Funds AVell"ble:pl55.ooD. Deadline lor ap­pllcatlon submIssion: F.cbruery 1, 1979. Initiation otservices, JulV 1, 1979. For turther Informaflon and ap'plicaflons contact Or. \yUUem Matthews, Director,ForensiC Section. Health and environment Department.PO. Bolt 9.68. s."nta Fe. NewMeklco,7:503.827.S211.11063 1f-ll) 8, 11.

ADVEATISEMENTThe Otero County Electrlt CoOperative adve"lhd In

the RuldO!lO News on January 6, I'll flu., It planrted toreplace the ell.lsllng 34.5 KV tnnsmlnlon line lhat IIpresentlv owns and operal" from 'he USBR IU.bstJl"on(known as. the Hollywood sUbst<!ltlon) hi Glencoe wllh aneow 69 KV line and Ihat If anyone hod anv envlronmenta'commenls to make they lihoUld addresslhem to the OteroCQVnty Electric Cooperellve at CloudcrOft. New Mexico.88311 Within tlrlrty day... No comment1 were received a..II re$ulf of Ihlli Initial notlce_ 7he CooPerative propQ5e!o todo thIs- work III 1979. ShOuld anyone any envlronmental comments Ihey again have th8 opportunityto a(1dre!lS them 10 thl!' COOf)ff<7"ve <71 ClOUdcroft'. NewMextCO. 18317 by February 7. '979. The new Ifneli to~alltacent 10 the ul,tlng Itne .nd upon c:omplG1lon of rne­new line the old line WIll be' removed. A swltC:hlng".tIQflIs proposed al Ihe em:l 01 this line on .. lI.t 11m 4p'proxlmalely In mile norlh 01 hlg,hwey U.S. 10 (nonn Oftile Bonnell rock crusherll!lndellsr of stare road 21" 10 Fl.Stanlon The exlsllng IInlP norlh to· Ft, 5:1anton,. Capl1anand carrlUJZO and 10 Tlnnle.wlll require chanOOslorapproxfma'e-IV mand 1100 It. retpe(flvely.ln order thatttle., m.,., connect-to 'hl$ s.wI'chlng, 11allon.

Tnor rlPasons to,. Ihls conl'ruCflon .re: T. ThI- e»llstl~line t'!t near 'he limits 01 Ita lIe('lrlc load c.rrylng <!Iblllry,2. U Is .ppr.oxlma'ely 20f ",ears old ancr J. dOIIl'S not have1Moy~tt)lif!2wJte- tnal J~pt-G00Se4-bn.lbf:-new UtN::'or prolecllon "01'1') IIghlnJng.tOO 'el,fed'electric servlca. iI. Th.. s.wltchlng st.tlon will employcirculI Qreakers that wlllisoiale Il1orre<t"ne$Jrom,hostnol sno--ted and automatically restore 'hem 10 s.ervlce IIthe Short circuli II lemporary. and 5. the above can..trucflon will helpihe CooplNtlve to Improve M",lce tothe exlltlng Members. and provide u!yclly for grOWlh 01lneare".'106211 (IJI



JAN '.1"''' I:JOP.M. JUL't' 9. 1'1'JAN 2:3.1"9 JULY2A-lt7,FEB 5,197' IMONDAYJ AUG. t •• f97tFEB 21.1979 SePT. of. I"',MARCH 20.191' !EPT.1f, linAPRIL 10.1979 OCT. 1•• imMAY 1.1'79 NOV.•, I'"MAY 1'.1979 NQV.27.197,JUNE 12,1919 nEe_ 1'1 1119,rOU11 (1J1.1I

.,- --". - ,. . '..

LEGALNDTlCF~-,..~:: .,,< ""-'~~, .,",

!;,_c~";,b1l~.o;Uu•.NOTIGE IS hereby ol..,en the' on DKernblir \9, 191'.ltte

District COlI" 01 LIMoln County. New M..J~.ln C.UMNumb.,. .CV nt1•• DI¥'llion I. 11111'd "RUidoso StaleBonk y, LH A Walket end Jayce E .. Walker IlInd N.wMeKlCQ Mor1GDllt Flnanell Authority." enlerlfd IrsJudgmill:n, and Decree of FOrt'(.IQ1,Uf. In favor 01 U"Ru'dolO Sial. aanll. fhe P'elntu' In Ulld c..uu. andag.atmt thlt Defef'tdllntl L... A_ Walk'r and Joyce e.Wlttker In 'he Itmoun' "lu.lnferest thereon Inthe <!Imounl of 1121.23. al'or,.",,, fN" In the amount ofS8J1 1', COl" In Ih, amount Of .....7 ..cJ. fovet".r WIth In.I"rn' at the r.t. of 11 percent I»r annum fromDeclPmber 19, 1971, unlJJ tnJdi .,nd 'urthlfr dKr~forlPdO$ur. Of IhIP mortvao. of PlalntH' and Drdered Ihfrun~rllgned n Special Ma?l.r '0 Mil at public Hie tMproperty covereQ by Uld nul";_;. 10 ..tlsfy tr..atornald JUdgment, ..ld property beln; Sllualed InL.lncoln Covnly. New Mltxlco. and biting mou, pa;r­tlcular1v dtl'SC:rlbed n fOIlOW\:

LOT 1. of ElDoradO Haigh'" SubCIlYlslcn. RUld0t4,Lltitoln COunty. New Mnlco. as ShOWn tJY the- platItwreof IIIItd fn 1M Oftlce Of lhe Countv cr.r' and EJI- THE RUIDOSO POLICE DEPARTMENT::::::rder Of lolne-Oln County, April 27, 1913.1" Tube _ is accepting B :lJcations for the

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 1M 191hday Of position of amb:£lnce attendant.:::~:i;nl'.:~'I::'::.~J~::~~:iN~':,~~~= startln

daincLsalary is 1Ica$650 a manQl with a 90

uhd~"gMd. as Special Mas.terl wll1 Mil 1M abov~ y rease.. App ntsmust possess aducrlbeod pr~",. to 'hit hlDh"t bidder fer cash to minimum Of a 81 br NoM EMT cer-satisfy the ludgment at lhe Ruidoso State eank a01l111$1 tifI ' tI' .thltDefendantl L..'Illio. Walker and JOyCe E. Walker Inthe caUCJI]. nppUCa: 0118 may be picked"mounts. ab(l,ve Nt fO"h to which IhalllW added at the up at the PoUceDept. between 9Ume b1 tht! salt! the balance of I". c0511 m tIt. actton. If d 4 kda A Uany. and lite costs 01' .ale. '''dudl"", III SPKlal MIIs.t,.,.. am.. an pm.. wee ys. pp cationstH. The time of siII'd .al. ma,. b. postponed fn Ihe event will be accepted WlW 5p.m.. January 24

tII'\a1 the- Special Mas.t.r. In his I"dgmltnf. deem, It ad' 1979 V-63-ftc...Is.ab~, •

DATED thls.Ath dlllV Of Janu.,..,.. 191'. =-:::::--__=--=__.-------slp,VI' A. Wilson_ S..<I., ........ IMMEDIATE OPENING _ for qualified

.,.,.. .... II. 15.22. 29 booldteeper. Prefer munlelpal ez.. LEGAL NOTICE'" perience or 3 years /lc:tw experience.

AppllcatJons are available at RuidosoDowns eltyhaIL V.6IJ-tfc

.iI)OGGIE BATH.GriHlmlng-8atlliq'

..2.51-1782. .2S7~44111after5 .

CA'lA'.t:ONlACENTER. - . . ... ,. -, . . . ,. . . .. . -

,Every saturday Night

8·10p,l)1.American Legion Post 79

Proceeds to Charity

wsr - One black retrieVer with New .HampshIre tags. Box2911,Ruid05ll.61"2tll




~"pornten'"CIV'- No. DR·l$2-71



You ARE HEREBY NOTIFIEDtflatth••bovenamlldPetItioner hll' commenced iii prOCHdIr'tg aplnst you InIhe abOve entitled Court iIInd Cau.., the obl4'Ct therefOrbflng.ln absoJu'. D'v.orcl'. ~

YOU ARE FURTHEA NOTIFIED th.., unit.. YOUser¥1! and fll•• ,..spons'lfe pleading tH motion In-sal«ca\lle 1m or be'ore ttl. 15th d.y df January, 1979,ludgment will be renderllld agaJnit vallo In UhI C4UN by'

defaUlt.Is/Cetherl.,. AI)/"C' JoeobJ... ProS.

Pot.tOfflc, Bow463RuidOso Downa- New Mexico 11I34

I1D55-Atl(12J2.5(T ),1.11,1.5 I










I;Ii., .

------,~----~-----~--~~---~~~-~-~---~--~----.~.-----·-·-·---·~·~·-·~·---~·-·-~~·~.'.~~~'~~~~V":"'Y'~~'~ ...~ ...' '. . . • . -:·:-;·t·.·...·X·.·:·:·:.;.;·.·:·····;-;·';O:!··:·;:;S;::;»:::::;;;f6:.;:::.• .o;.:.:N·;.;...;o;>;·:

E"llll~1l~trnn,. WE P.IG ~ITCHES '~'dc1 e......aVlltJb..,· U:t~~e:;z:r~~::.~~~~~~;~; ~~~~J::g:b~~~f!:~af~~v~r R~LESTATE:" . ~. LIC(NSED,D~Y~RE· drlve~a)'s. rUnlted 1\en.t All,. 1» hOl!Se inside res~rvation. ~averne FrontMo/lll~Park. 371J.4e36. C>/1ij:tfc -:".. '., . , "~ n. . . ' ." , 'J

RUIDOSO 'SKI 'AND REC. ,'. . OverJookDrive. 2$1-2302or ~,7-4302. W9-YBarra. I' .. 6lKtp .. -, - ..,.---,-,"",,, -" ,.' -~ 2.7 ACRES - with 14'X10' mobile home,'.zat tf ' . , -+-__ , • ,_ TWO lIEDRQOM - furnished and un- miles south of callilan on Ruidoso hlgl\-'. .' AREA, . . -'AllI ,c --- - --....:..._ ... ,.. -' =c-u .;c SPECJ,u. -1960Ford van 2 furnished aPQl1ments. Call after 2 p.m. way. ~-354-2600 or-35f.258Ii. F.-45-Ul:7:45 ~ 5:45 .. ""II PERRY'S REPAm - and Mllintenant;e ..... . , 251-5461' '. V-64-tf~. ... ...,__~NO RESERVATIONSNEEDEIf! Service, washers, dryers. refrigerators englnes,all new pa~a for one that must . _--'-:.----,-_- . _..:.__~_ FOR SAI,.E BY OWNER ..,.,,1 }'ea~ q1iI, ~

"A"L 3""·4211 ., fill .andelee:trical, r.anges replllred. 257.2169. lie. assembled, .$150, tubular frame d~~. EFFiCIENCY APARTMIllNT -no pets, bedroom, 2 bath; ene~ efflclent,.~SK"IE·RS W~EL"OME lit 646Sudd.erth, N·tfc buggy,$250. Ptione~.. l:MI8'~... PInes Motel.620Sudderth. P-51·tfc· stOry country. home with cllrpol1.'" :I . ------------------ ~ ted ~ acre lot ill Enchanted

..... .,. .. D .......... sa sa' Protect and Beautlfy FURNIS8ED - 2 bedroom hOl!Se, located Fo':st T~~I1k.sq' ft. $61 500. 336-471:{.- .......--------. your home orblUdness behind HollywoOd .od Mart. $175 ' . . ,

. • with custom blJllt orll8menbll Iron month, water paid. call 257.2145 for 67-4tp . " _.' • ........SMITH BROS - Auctioneers, lIob and nI MATTRESSES' tf __ ,._Nell, t;Omp1ete auction service, "We sen .wlndowgoa 8' ., appointment. c.66- c FOR .SAW BYOWNl,1lR _ ~.2 acre~,

. anything," 111ll-M1-741l8, 65-8tp .::4~I~~D~- ' - BOX SPRINGS 1BEDBOO"M: _ small i;us;'.hed, no . mobile home, lo~ bam. Call 257,7802:,:HAWKINS National Bedding children, no p~, behlndWestem'QfflC\l 257.-4095,as!:fo~J~ "':'~:'s"'17:tf., . Wn:~,& SHEE,!S.P~~LC~WCA.SES., ~~'5t;~t.BilJap8ld.Pbone257.2089. F~~;.; ~;::~II~~e~l:~

• REMODEUNG lrs'. ~57'U61 4BEDROOMVACATION :':~bin b;day . insUlated: call days, 37&-4150; evenings,·NEW CONSTRUCTION '~"o:'~:A:1l~~._ GO GAMBLl;S . or week. Everything you need. For . 257·7435. _. _ C-59-tfc

'=;~~~~~~~·--;"';;,;;::77.:=r:.;:----~+·,,;S;;;Pi:rEg~. ~~L1ZING IN' ALL - ..,,>ARC .. nd.S' reServations call 251·7266/lfter5:00. H· E _ o. '. Ile or.:. ."LEGALilOTicE .", ..'w,... '""""" "" ."" . . c 3 bedrooms in Ruldos.o. Have lot in Bella .

CONSTRUCTION SIGNS - eommerc\al art vrorK, . " .. ~"""""'"''n''~Nm''N'':'''''«''' . L X Vista, Arkansas to trade in on It. JerrelPho~:~~m~ETON - ::S~:~~:::'~~te:v~m=.:AijfoM'f)ffgf:·""'·~·:<·f.:,,:~r.'""··Mr.r.:.~?r.:, ; -!d~Jo~, ~~~IVE, fur. ~:f0' Northfield Route, Tell, I;::After 5:00p.m.. lIobHu.dson,257.;.wl0. H-59-tfc. . nlshed. Men welcome or __'-- .__Comm.L1e~ • _ " '197lt FIAT - good condition. $119li. 257· skiers. No. pets.. THREE BEDROOM _ slin room, large

.15071 'BABYSIT'flNG - in my homs located 5718. W.fl3.tfcPhone 257-2066 utility rwm,<Ien, massive' fireplace.behind Modern Grocery. 1308 Sudderth. -' - Will trade equity for 3 bedroom. 2 bath

::::::~::::::::_r.::::>~:r.:>.::>.::::>.:::r."':::r.::::"':"':::::::::::r.r.,:r.:';::::::r.:>;::::,:::. caU 257-4ll43 or 257.7153. 68-~ 1960 MEHCEDEDS 190 B - 4door, black" SMALL TWO BEDROOM _ cabin wltli mobile or car. CliIl257.7512. ~7-2tc,

HELP WANTED' -, _. ' white Interior, elj:ce1lent coodltlon. MUllt fireplace Gateway area: Water and . _---:'------'--.------ ~LDO - sewing and alterations. Phone sell. $3,500. 257-7544. B-4~tfc electricity paid. FUrnlshed, no pels. 'JI>7. 1.65 ACRES - Big Country Subdivision, 2PAR'l' 'l'IME - -heln.·noedecHlt-B B~6-7lc ----097".P;:;:...."TH....;m....,Lh,..•--. '_", full .7186. R-67-tfc miles scuth capitan. Phone 251-5951 '

r , " ....UyWU ..a" u=..,.. ,.,.., after 6 p.m. 6'Nltp-.Family Restaurant. No phone calls Re'rlger'a'lon' power, AM·FM 8 track stereo, roll bar; THREE MOB~E HOMES _ for rllnt. _please, apply in person to Gary. B-65-4te , fully loaded,with extras. Have ordered Phone 37&-4740. R-67.-4tc waL SELL EQUITY _ in new mountain

-----.--.--.--- H.I" new vehicle and fflI!St sell. PrIced at cabin, biillt to sleep a lot of-people, bigOPENINGS for experienced ea ng an' $6950. Phone 257-4686 days, and 257.oo!lQ 2 OR 3 BEDROOM _ funtl:illed house, sun decks. Extra mountain view on four=;'::~:i of~~PC:~ebro~e:~f. Restauran. evenings. W-4J4.tfc washer, dryer and f1replace:'Electrlcity big lots. adjoins paved street. fireplace,257-2300. J-61·tfc E I. 1971 SUBARU -' station wagon, 4 wheel and water paid. '$300 montb. $200 priced to sell. call 251·7718. J:l-51·tfc----. i '. qu pmen with air. $3750; 1959 Ford pjckupwlth4 damage deposit. No pets. Call 257-7266or • •

E:L*!~~Fi~~{i:j:: --;~~ __E~IR-c--.~heel~!~~:~.. ,,c._~ ... H~c, ;~RoOM':'lbaUi..trallerfO::: F;~f~e~1I?=~h;~~7~~P~::~:f~:il:~:~tI!::~:;ce~U:~ 257.241'7 Call505.-437-16110r~!.7461. K:m-3tc FORSAW-BYOwNER:'-~xtra nice 3ability to enteract with people in a bedroom cabin, sltl!8ted OIl OIle of thetactful and diplomatic manner. Past . • most beautiful Wooded lots in Cedarexperience with personnel and payroll Creek near stream. Fireplace, new~~~O:d~~f~~ref:or~e::p~: MiscErlANEOUS~~r.~~::::~~~fl:::>.>.~~~ ~~:~gax~ n1~=:-. ~~:Call 257-7381, en. 16 for interview and 1974 CHEVY - Mallbu,1ollded, pll!S taDe. 257.7657 or 251-2990. J-66-4tc'apllt. . 'R-66-4tc HOUSEWIFE, STUDENT, RETIRED _. and new ski rack (optional). $1400. • •

- anyone with thetr own transportation l'IIone257~ll!'2li7-la47. . .ll8-2tp ·~""E ~1lL'I'O'S·_ -t-d"Sun LOT. WITH TAL~ l'lNERl:S lI"e.. lI;:~~e!DOUG BASS - & Associates, Realtors,1s kI f art tim J b I .....,,,'" ..,,, ...~"" utIJltles In Woodland d8 ...". "" ...takln U tl f f II tim II ed and 100 ng or ape a ,p ease 1974 DODGE MAXIVAN ~ power cruise Valley. Furnished 2 hedroom, with Par'"- •. , -tes Inc. 257-7373 or 257.New g:f~: :l

ores':ate :al=n. call or come by Inn of the Mollntaln COlltrol, AC. PrIced for quick SliJe. m. garage, deck. basement, central beat, 4073"'" .. P-lI8-1tC

Experience in Ruidoso 'lJrea market Gods, 257-1il41, Wednesday, January 10, 5288 or 257-9594. . W-66-4lc Immaculate. year round acCll$.9.. $400 • • .preferred. call Rlchanl Cothnm, sales ask for Greg WhIttinghilL M.6IJ-llc month, pll!S deposIt. 8lJ6.797-ooui. W-67· ButLDING SITE _ in Country ClubManagerat 257·7386. B-25-tfc FOR SAW BY OWNER -1979 Chevrolet, atc Estates. Only $12,000.00. Perteet-Parkll

RINSE AND VAC - Shampooet $12 a day 'f.o ton; 4 wheel drive pickup. Lcmg·wlde. ONE AND TWO _ bedroom furnished &AssoclatesInc.257-4073or257.7373. M1nlt Mart FoodStore.'257·2307. M-41. loaded. ~lke brand new, cn1y a few days 66.Itctfc old, very few miles. B/lrgaJpl 257·2990, efficiency apartmentlocated in'mldtown :-:=::-:===::-~-:---:-7-:--:::

257-7657. . J-66-4lc area. TruettBall Realty. 37l1-44M. 67-3tp I BUY EQUITIES _ in homes & lots, If

~LL TWO BEDROOM -house, '100 ~:25~i~=~~~~. month, water paid. '50 delloslt. 111-ttc .'

References required, 110 children or .......r-----------pets. 378-4990. B-67-tfc IJW

WE HAVB several good Alto lots for as1o,TWO BEDROOM - furnished mobile priced right too with good terms Call the

home, 12':172', located in lower Pon- land men at Great Western Re8Jty 257.derosa Heights. call 251-4111 and after 6 4605 or Alto Brancb office 338-4Il32 orp.m. 257-4883. . J.6IJ-2lc evenings Mel Glenn 378-4919 or Larry

. Tillman 251-4305.SMALL APARTMENT - needs a young ;.,.:..:=.:::::::::=:.------::_":':i,~

lady who likes to read, $100 per month. ·.I·HIS BUSINESS - we are offering inCall 257-4535. 88-2tp Ruidoso Is pledged to God's work forthe

City of Faith In 'Tulsa, Oklahoma. Wehave the tC!J) employee in Ruld.oso go towork for you and we wJllsMwyou bowto'nianage. The priCElIs m,OOOlower thantoday's Ruidoso asking price. Fullyequipped and loaded with suPPlies.Beautiful business to own. Call CCll1ect Ifinterested, Ms. Ayla, AM, 437-ool2, PM,437-ll998. (Alamogordo) U~12tc

· I

r· "\,-- ..,

,· _ I






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Page 9: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf


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" ~



.'. .. .

.'"' ."

•• •

, ,


, HOW SWEI!:T IT lSI This 10velfcClntrrllircla(priJpertyhas fOllr rental units. that are full all the time and lotsa'room flIr expansion. You need to see with DIck Woodul inorder to appreciate it.

• ALTO,YILLAGEbest,buy for the area..onlv l.yearscold.Let me show you this 3 bedr.oom,ll bath home With lovelyrock fireplace for only $69,1100; 0111 Sonia. .

BEEN LOOKING for a neat business? Local baby shopfor sale, good InventQl1l". current merchandise, nodistressl Marge WOcHJu1""asthe detaUs.' .~ BEbRQOMS,.I~ SATH, FIREPLACI;; furniShed for

$18,000. Owht.r wants to see all Offers and he will finance•call RichardOr Marge. .

ONLY 3 LEFT Innsbrook COndos .. 2:bed~m, 1~ bath,.' fireplace, .great view and only' $$1,500•. call Rlchant

COthrun.. ", c,. _~ . . '.. ..... .ali% :10 year fllHlilclng available on ·jnnsbrook VillageTownhous'tundeondos~ ...,. . •... ,'~ " •.



. ,

. '. ..- "


't, '

PHONE 257-4228 OR 25?-4291

."~ ,., :


" .

-,'~ <..L. L.. =, ~ "--- ~. "-.,,~ ,~_'_'. ""_

« ~'.•- -- ~,' ..~

.. '


• • •

" ;'~''l ' •

i. ,


W,' ,

RUIDOSO'S BEST. 1/2 Acre lot wlth all city utllllles aod jIlIving for$17;500.

BE CLOSE TO T8E SCHOOL AND SHOPPING CENTERS. In 'tblsBeautifullY landscaped home. Designed for large family aud gracfousDving, $7.,000. Good estabUsbed loan that Is assumable. •

JUST FINISHED. Alovely thl't!! bedroom home, In~ pines and ou allcity utlUtles. Exl!ellentyear rouud access for $8!l,5OO.

JUST LISTED! An extra large bome Wltb couutry living appeal. ODeBcreof land, dose In and Ideal for large family or company house.

lC X 70 MOBILE HOME. In Good Area, "" nlce wooded lot 81id hIlS, three bedrooms. OiIIY $2lI,5OO.

. SKI CABIN. With fantastic view. Estra large Uvlug room withfireplace. Two spacious bedrooms. Lovely "Modified"A" CGnstruCllob.


.' .


..',,\ , .•

, ,.,

( ,

-'- .'.

. ., '," :' .•

Z~~~fIiQ'rY; ,. ,~.. KARON PETTY257-7979 Phone 257-4344 257·2385'

800 Sudderth· Ruldoso,N.M. - P.O. Box 2773'


, ,


. '

, "We're Uncoln COt,IntY Nativ~$"


lB. . "COUNTRY RHODES cotTAGE;' -COMMERCIAL BUILDING mEALLY located for offices or small

retaU bu.lness. It'. ".lmost" dllWlltown. {acroo from KIngs], and ithManAlllc! Drive by-U'.nuder$80,000.00, or C!8n-25'l04344. [TERMS]

HORSE LOVERS!! Here's the plain .lmple tr!Jthl 8Li aens on somhedge of capitan. Good "en. goodmelalhRrn,n~fence. andcalllenard.and nmnlng water through property. Alllblsforaround $1toGperaere.



: '. I


GW2 ACRES for only $600 down and balanceat

$51.54 per month. Unrestricted, eIllIYareess, moderately sloped lot. can the

, Innd men at Great Western Realty 257.4IlOS or Alto Branch office at 336-4832 01'evenings LIIl'ry TIlImtm 257~305 IIr Mel .'Olemr37lF49lit.


SOME OF THE MOS'l'BEAUTIFl,lL acreage in AltO. 2 IN THE COUNTRY, but still crose In,cmly $28,SOO for thisto 6 acre traCts with fant.astic views and lotsof frees. Call' 2 bedroom, large loft home. With Wi! bath and freestandingPeter Strobel for ari inspectl~n; - . fireplace. (:an be bought with one or more extra lots•. Call

'. .MAKING MORTGA'GEcpAYME:N'I'SMEANSMAK'NG. Sonia.-.~_ .' . . .. ." ., .. ~"". '. . , investment as well as putting a roof overtme's head· OWN ..R WILL FINANCl:. Black Foresf Beauty 22Sosq.Mr. Buyer knows that th~ portiO~ of mortgafle paym~nt .";, only 2 years old, 4 bedrooms, 3M2 Ctath, garage & fullythat gol!!S toward a re~uctlon Inprmcipal builds up equity equipped with dishes and linens. Must see to apprecl~teIn his neW home. Renting a home Isagrellfpersonalloss to _ thls.beautifutfurnished home. 'tall Diana Isaacs. ,Mr.and)v\s. Buyer:~ithallllive..ageO!10%apprecfatlona " '.' 7-:\86 m$40,000 single familv home willappreC1,ate in 'llsfonev~ar"mls 25 7.. . v .~.Homeownin!! is one of ~he best ~vallablehedge$agall1st

. In'lationIAsprlcesspirall.llodopropertvvali/es.Wl!!have do'u'g' b·o·'55' &.. Q'S"soc'-Ia'·tes, mariv ~omesal\d ea" assls! YOUrfai1)nv;•.~all ~ff.yPa,.on." ..... . . ' . ,.,. . .' '., .'

~ .'fO~a comPleteto;~~:u:r~w~I~!}rtJ:ALGAs.'1SIlO , . ' . . ~16&lil'dClltlU'llii,saltiilMll~ger,,-m.ll1O$·· .. .

--:._~~~:~E::.e:cr~iroom$~·a"fln,shl!Jf"iJaril9* ana- iiwpers-' h • • ••--s:J~,::::ti:a=~~",~~e:.-;:~e:t··..·.........·cr ..., financing, at a price of $47,500 has gotta: ~o.This is one of . Mar llelfllodul-:,:251.J188!. , • '.e~efStrllllli _.........,.

, , the best values aroul\d tlfeseparts. Fi,rl1is~,eddown tUbe .. 'Dlnnallllfa~-UT-* ~;: , DlckW4!4ldul-~7.T~~ •

'. te~ Spocill,sl Va beffer (:liJl OI(c,qulckJ c . • . OfficeS .Locoted at:lnftsbrook VlUage Infot~Qtlon: Cen~~,..HighwQY 37-....'

• I


WHILE WE DISCUSS YOUR PLANS.Homes·Acreage-Lols·Basfness •

LeI lUi show you some of tbe opportunities in and about the Ruidoso Arell.81LLPIPPfN YOUR MIKEWALDf\tONRU.137'·4.H INDePENDENT ReLJ 157''''0CLIFFOWEiN IB HARRY RAYR.s.: 2'1-50" Rei.: 2sM7n



, ~ I l

". • ~TRA NICE MOBILIl)- BeautlfUl,llU'II~hed,It lr; SO, :I bedfllom, :Ibath;• flreplll.ce, stol'lllle blllldl.l1ll\ 10001I~d on two very lIIee levellotil. Pllsslble IIwner•.fi.llllllcJlI&, . .

O{)TSTANDING ".- Over 1700 sljWire feet IIf ooJilfI/J1h! IlQ f.1U'Jll.~~ 3bedroom, :I ball! dOllble Wlil.e. 'Lo\lllll!d on IIll1rselot Iiia "ery n.loo 'Il'ell, UtUityroom, front IInclhsCk deeks,.llke uow. Mu~t see to appreelate.

UJIIDER$20,llO\l...;'l'wo cabins tocbOllse from. .RIVIj:R PRO,PERTY - "¥<Iry nice 2' bedroom,. 2 bl\thhome overlOOking.the

. river. Utility room, porches and decks"les~ tbM 4y"ears IIld, Iarge-basemeut1Ii'ea for e:qlllosion. . . .. .' .

CONDOS I¥Two to cboose from. BIItb locllted onGoll Cpllrse. AU the. eJb'as•., . VERSATILE '- This 3 lJedroom, Il!lIth bome wUll\'IIIkii IIl)\ce yelll' round.or.vaclltlon home, as well as eJl:eeUonl renlal property. Fenced yard,located on

~ '" "pavemenl, IIreplllClf,-carport; ·lI.JIIIUanees-mcl,llded.-Don't-mIss4hJlHlnlHltI $33,$00.00 , . .

-+~,;JJ,!li.' 1:I....E""BEEN~ORlN6,FOR- 'Yerralee+1ledroDm,l\l, bat~ . home located In very. good llrea. L1v1ag room and deu, llreplaee, fenced. yal'll,~ucarport, all city utilities, paved slreel, ulllity room, Ilbd oliler extras. Under0$50,000.00,. .

q . .NEW - Very allractlve wIth Ruidoso atmosphere. Excellentview from.largo, Edeek, 2bedrooms, :I baths, ulllity area,lofl area wllb various posslbUitles. Good" location. Priced to sell. - " ...: " CAN'T SAy ENOUGH .:.. Fumlshed :I hedroom, .3 bllth home wllh den,1I fireplace, decks, aod other extras, .'~


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. ­,

Annual regular , 5.00AnnualSustaln1ng , 15.00LIfe Memberahfp $150.00 ormoreStudent . , 1.00Cluband AIlaoclaUon , 25.00If you are Interested In helping organize

&1IClIallWP or IfY~·Rf9i~ onlYIn IIIIIi1beriblp, P[Wll i:all me at tbilUbrary (257-4335).

, { ,

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Kathy Moore


Friends of the Library? The Library hallfriends I Whoare they? Whatdo they do?

A "Friends of the Library" organlUUonIs composed of people Interested Inpromotlng the library. They IIld Increating public llwareneu and un­derstandlngofthe library lIIId Illi servlcee.

Rllldoso PubUc Library Is In the p1'DCCSllof organizing an active "Friends". Thecost of memberships Isas follOll'B:

. '..~::::::::.::;*:::::::::;:::::;:::::::;::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::=::::X::::::::::::::::*::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*:X::::::::X~:::::::::::::*,(.::::::::1:::::::::~:;::::'-:.::::::

Wilderness Wisdomwith Wayne Calloway



." ';~~:~.. .,~ ..~. " i1\f7ff!'f+\'! • ~ _ '.0:" :V." '.'_, d_: :~ n _.' ,.,' •. :r;.'-:-~-,_."':".100,......0olo,....._ .. !"',..l..~.~......

'7.>.<:,~&:;:e:;o.;~:z.;::W*,*""'<m:~:{;:;:;;<:>.':'i'~lIrtlrln!llQWIlJg~iUt1!lJ-offiJltg\lCld:$no_-. .Th lJ' waWgolllg·!ntl/. the 1l1'Q1IIId, AIId tlIl.s. la· i rrd"ma'f spring.llI-wlnl!lrl/ily I!J II !J1$$e'lllJer of1hll. U 'I UQlllfiiJ wondel'f!l!lfg~nll!ld.fl$wel1 /!pring .

Bf llweltlng lit In t.lill iIIIYUbellll, ' . .DANNIESTOJW .. ' JlllD(lIHatvlll~~",

..< OUr praYllra go OIIt tlIthe lOved ones and .• SprlDg·Jn.WInWr friends IIfJ~ Harvey "Jim" Roberts

This is being sent to yoU on JanuB1')' .... who W/IlIcal1ed, bome to, 0\11' Lordand the west wind Is 1I10wlrlg warm down December ~9. JbfI.was botlI April 23, IIt!9the vale. It Is law a&moOll and 1hll In casper. Wyolllillg and Uved 23 yeai'lltbermomeler I'llads52 outside. here smOllg us In Lincoln Qlunl)'.Of a

~--'J!IliI!HB'f.What-yoll-C!81l-a-sprlg-ln-wintor sunshloypmonalily and bfJpOO nat~ __day. When there Is a lull In the' cold Jim brought much haPJ1:iC: Into me

-un'd:eJ.~';;:~e=~II~:::: =4;a';~!!~ti1=~8PP;'~-. • breath 'of the west wind, you can see the Lord InHeaven., "

snow melting from the mountain fields and TolD alldLolIiIil:lJaben'hillsIdes. TIny rlwlets and Iilkes are It seems onlyyesterday thaH u.sed to gos)Jlning everywhere. In the sbellel'l!d down to the San.PalrlclG Store and P/lStplal:l!S 01\ the ·sunny side of the world you Of!lcetovisit ourcheerful friends ofmanycan see the brinkt green bladelt of lIew Yllllrs, TQm and Louise Bab~. The Ilt~llrBss-growlnll. &iii If this wqther IMta ltfOte illllI}lIillt office Willi a1i!ndmark1iy ..another day Orso tiny mid-winter flowers the wayside In theearlydays.will be blooming. ' . Tom, and .Louise will celebrate their

Mostly these spr!nB-In-wlnter days gQ1den wedding ann!versal7 January 14arrive along In February. ThIs Is the with lin open house at their home In San~..."'lest-spring-lJlaHlay+e8lH'elllemller;--l!lltrldG....we....wJah this beloved couple'

and It seems likemaglctGarrlveJustafter many happy returns of the day and alla heavy snow and cold wave. Mother, God's blessings.

Dear Wayne - Can yoo give me any DeBT Wayne - My 'l'llfe lIIId I areInfonnatlon about the Allagasll Waterway planning to drive to Alaska this comingIn Maine? I hear It Is good canl)eiDg f!UII1mer. We haven't belln before lIIIdcountxy. LnmG••Ne",JCorL H -. •• k!JOWIItt!tCll.W~-..~!!.~'!.hai!2

Dear L)'DD - The Allagash Wl1derneIIl choose 0."" OIle CUUUA ...............w.....Waterway Is located In the northwestern WOII1dltbe? AluP.,OregOD

• quarter of Maine. It begins at Te10II .Landing and ends, lllI ntIIes to the north, on DearA1llll-TheMILEPOST IIIthe DIOlltthe St. John River at Allagash. The,water- completl\ guide to Alaska I have found. It

• way Is a blend of serene river. rapids, deacrlbes In detail all poIntll ri Interest.!akes and ponds, About four areas reqldrll facllllies. towns aloog Maska's highwayportage. lI)'Blem and pl'l!Videsa wealthof addlUcoal

• This area has been steadily increasingIn information valuable to the traveler. Thepopularltyforthepastfewyeara,llOitlsl:l~t MIl.EPOST Is avallable from: Maskalikely that yoo'll be alooe, but It·s big Northwest Publlsblng Ccl., Box ....EEE;country and the odds are pretty good that· Dept. 77, AnchOl.'age, U 9lI509you can stlH surprise a moose or startle IIheallerortwo. Dear Wayne - A cGUp!e of)'elll'S ago I

If you !Jeed lDore Infonnlltlon, and you took up fly fishing lIIId I find It vertshoUld, you illIIY write to: Department Ol f4scllUltlllg. It certainly offerll a newllCommerce and IndustrY. State Capitol, challenge. . jGAugusts.Malne~. I t1dnl!: I would like to begin tnng,my,D

lilt ........... In "'ft~ own'mes, but II few people have watned fDear Wayne - 1am ~.""..... emo~... that It Is a very meticulous art and tbat'Lmy own fish and bam. Could)'Ou descnbe there Isn't any monllY to be savedby doingbriefly bow this can be done at home? It tnylIelf. Can It really bethat lIlfftcultand },ArtburJ., DlInois _. .? YobDD .......--4 ·GDear Arthur- Smoking lDeat Is anything ••~-z"" 11but a brief process and you would need to Dear JoIm.:.. I think fly tying must be~1

owmore" .' -_. approac -as a- ·'.'aD -no 'Basically, the pleatmust fitlitbesoaked vI,SIoliS Qf'llllllletary gelD. It 1f0llld likely

In brine for' B tnInImum'Of two-weeks and take manyyeaRtosaveell_to I'R'OlJPsmoked tor six weeks or more. HIllns W!l1 )'Our iJl\l'estlXlent. but If it beeomes a :l,

require more tiiJie than fish. So 1011 cab rew8nlIng PllStbne.sowhat? , lLsee,patience Isa nee~ryvirtue. It wise to oo\1Ow equipment to, CG

The fire Is kindled a dIslm1ce away froID tl~ II few bel~ Investblg hea9Uy In')'01D' ;'~mellt. so itWill l\O\~l:l!C!~d.Cll'l!ealed.. 1lWJI. It ):oupolise8ll 0 J!Wlt tbwnbs.asI. .0and the smoke Is piped In throUgh a. tunnel . YGur tim ·effottil ~ht· t'eseDlble but- i.\lor metal pipe. An aromaU~ wOOd, such as 1:irlIle$1Ibit, but with PraCtice. they lIhilllld 1ll

. from a fruit tree or biekilry, Ia most often sbrink,blgger mes .q• . used. catchblggerflsh-don'fthey? 12

If, you are really serious about the . . . .' :qproject, there are SlWeral books available Send queiit1011S to: Wilderness WIsdOlll,wblChInclude S1Dokehuuse design and P.O,BIlJi237.P1ttsvlUe,Md218S0layout. . . .


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• ~ . by.,.' ,

Cale Dickey

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Stuph & Junk

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DIRTY HIGHWAY 37 don't mull the lanes ••• and It's a sad. .Ituatlon •••.and the vllllllle ClIn'tafford a

Possibly the solutlon to the~emol solution, •• but somewhere,somehllW •••keeping lane dividers. visible o. udo being's It's a ste1!J hlghway .•• we cand:ertWMechem Is 10 have every fee I,' cer1aInIy hope some OCtile lIIlfety dlvlslonstreet onto HighwllY :n bIlicklopped ••• people •.• orenglneel'll •• , « evenwilb dralnllge controlled to keep aide hill someone wbo doesn't do much but thInItwlltedrom running onto It ••• butbelng's ••• can do sllIIIethlng ••• "cause day byv1llsge orflclnlsaren'lbelugbese!gechritll day, it'. getting more like driving Inpetitions to create specIIll _ent Rome.paving· distrlets ••• and .seeing'. thevl11llge lacks the wherewlthaU to do It ••• THE RIVER WATER'S BAD ,.therejlllltba.lobeanolheraolutlon, . ~.

So ••••hortorwaliblngHlgbw.y37~ u-be" "-I:bo-".~"l># ....p .._..A. ..· • : wbIclf'jlMt Dil't too fWlble ••','&IId ; ."....~ibe~~7~~" >',polishing up the plOwablematkei'll diilly /lo feet of sewer maw ••• we're goona lu& • -,the reflectorsgleamat au timea ••• "bleb out •••andeveryOllemtbestdckenarea'nisn't too practical ••• or bavlng the atate slay lItaltbJ: • , • arnhnaybe even grow tostation a irtrlplng macblnehere fOl' weekly like the taste of bluch In their water ••.IlCrvlclng of SudderthlMecbem, •• whleb wbIch'lladdacettalnlangtoaglauollceIS without-the reaIm,olpossIbllJl)' .•• looks tea, .• or the flatneu of boiled water ••.like wegot to Dve wlUIUIe llad s11w1t1on. .• and may everyooe exercise due cautIonaud drive real careM 1I1le ••• and aU that .• , 'cause panlc and slclcneu we doo'tstuph and jlDlk. need. . •

But it'd certainly be moet he~uI It Way I hearIt" .everythlnethat canbesomCOlle . '.' £1'IlIII somewhere ••• could done II being done to expedite correctingcome up wltII an Idea to provide lane the water/.tewer sllUatlon In the Uppermllrkers lind dIviders on Sud· Can,ym • , • and other affected areaa •••derth/Mechem ••. thal'd stIlnd Ule mud, bat the flood happened at the worsesnow, traffle anol gaff. And, by jlnklu,lt'd possible time ••• wbat with Congreas Inbe a mighty nice JlIIrlI!f ncea H~ .and the.. bolldayslutederfngsomCOlle from the Highwa)'Department10 w1U1 speedy actIon on getting dIaste~. . Tcome down and IlnaIyze the situation ••• benefltllcomingourway.and IlllIke some recommendatlllllS ". But ••• oneof these days ••• tbere'U be­even do smne moreexperimenting ••• I.IKI news. ~. w:l1b someeoe fmm somewberekeep at It •.• aud stuff ••• until asolutlon telling us something that will be done •••to the woes or driving wbere YOllwuld on that can bedone ••• and,inthelaltercue,SuddertbIMechem Is solved. when •• • and where the lllOIley'U come

It certainly looks like lID impollldbletuk frem.· •. but, also, II's rapIdly reaching the Meantime ••• It'n your water CIlIDespoint where It'. next to Impos.slbte to cIrlve f1'lllIl the Rio Ruidoso ••• anollt \m't runon our main drag ••• let alone drag race tbrougb tilt vl1lage's treatlug' plaitts •••· •• wllb llJlYtbIng even vagQely ap- doll't drink It ••• unIelf8 you flavor It wlUIProaeblnlfpeace ofmind •.. especlally on bleach ••• or boU It ••• 'CAIIIC you mIgbta drizzly, overcast day ••• or soon's the. wind up with sometblng besides aSlUl sets ••• and after the moon's rIJen. •• bellyache.and other times.

It's not that Ule Higbway Department OUR 'S RET 'R""sn't trled •.• the)' put a'beautlful sur-· EMMA:. lING.fllCe on Hlgbway :ft, finally ..• and .they It Wll8 22 YeMs ago thet'"Our Emma orput tile ploWable-Inarkelllln ... and now tbe Chamber" ••• tbat's Emma Redmannand aglliu they strI~ the street •••maf\le ..• agreed to take up varied lIDd 8Ulldryeven oftener than m other towns ••• but datles w1U1 tile tIIem fledgling Ruidosothe paint don't last .... and tile markers Vauey Chamber or Commerce ... lIDd

. ~._._ .., '~~'." . . . wlthUle oltlle ars ..•herdutlesbecame IDOl'll and more Involved ..• and

· lJ1je becllme a ••. If uottlle ••. mawlay or·tDeoperatrOri ••• cajilIIrig, wbeed1lng lIDd

." COOPerating with an ever chamglng groap· ~~ lIDd manallel'll ••• plelllllng all

lllIke, • ,and slwayslilalntainiugher cool. . . ., .Today tIl.Our EIlIllllI'iIlast day at the • ~,'·_Chamber ••_ .lIIld .ahe'sllomla•.cut the .. :'1c:

umbllJcal cord ••• pennanently ••. she :.;;SlIYS ., • and rest 011 her laUrels . . . or .:::whatever She decldes to rest on ••. lIDd ~ y,deservedlyso. . I,.

· . E1mtn8.'s cheerful voIce on Ule telephone I'", . .." ber abllJty 10 cope undet jlressutll " .:

wJU be sotely missed , •• butBbe'sentitled :::; :';to bUIie'lli:'1_ relriJ: ••• lI/Id devote mOre

· tlInl!toheeldlngfriend hUbbyMorrill.· '.And U'll'yOil wllllt to elllJl'eIIS your .po .: ::',

.preclltion to Emma ~ , ..... JUnge's the . '.•'.·mart· to.se8 ••• he's llot sOII1ethlng up his :;.;'

',ll1etive ; •• In Ule way (It a millllellto for .:~,.· li:mDla....... .na· wanta· yoil to share hJlf- ..- • >~.

· ilnUlUsllllltll . . ' ,..::;. ." . £~"

So. '.; Emmll •• ,happy tetbiJlg , •• 1lDd .;-~,... teWlng••• ilndilnjOYlnltllHlgoodllfe... }

and .atclllng the lroiwlh ottbe Ch81nber ';~• that tou labored 10 long In tbeqWlrtles'lo ';L

· bnngW Its P\'4lJlllDt pcIs1tiOll of'pron1lnence .J·In oUl' "a1ley.Mld .. , IClMla: ... we're ... j

'. gOiDlItotnlaiayou,' '. .' <\,


Ricbard J. Perkins,Environmentalist



Washington haa been to)'lng for yearswith the Idea of llC11Ipplng the presentwelfare s)'stem.a\ld. rep1a<:llljI- 11 with'a(,ilgallve lneome tax, 01' guaranteed IlJJonual IlICome. Congres.s flnaUy autborlzedan experiment among 4,800 low looDmefamilies In SeattIe and Denver to onsweroneof the moIn questions:

Would it undermine the lucenUve towork if the government gullrllDtced peoplea minimum illCome whether they workedor not?

The experiment indicates that It would.The results now released show that thenumber of' hours worked each yeardeclined by 15 percent for ntale heads offlllJ\l1Ies, by~ percent for wives and b)' 11percent for fel11l1le heads of families whenthe government pr<lmlsed to make ullthedifference in Ulelr Income when they dldo'twork.

This should CORIO' Bli no surprISe to thosewho bave seen such a flaw aU along In agovemment-guanmt"!!d Income. Yet theexpertment brought onepleasantsurprise.Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the NewYork Democrat who has been a championof the neglltlve income tax, looked at tileresults and made this rentarkable eorn­ment:

"We must now be prepared to entertainthe possibility thaI we were wrong."

"That's as close liS we may ever get 10hellrlng a politician say f1at-ont Ulat hewas wrong. But whea a pillar oUhe Dberalestablishment even prepares to entertainthe pOssibility tbat haman nature JIUIkespcople behave In II different way frQl!lwhat social reformers orten think Uleywill, the millennium may be 'at banel. ­NewlloBuIleltu, Belen

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Clipped comment


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Ac:r CHANGES TVTen yeal'S ago four housewives -In the

smal1 town ol NewtonvllJe, M_chuselts.Bot tog~~e~ dIac~..1be !I!lluge .IlfhatInfiiI· commercild TV !h~ childrenwerll exposed todallY.. FrOll1 that beginning baa groll'l1 AC1'(Action for Cblldren's 'l'elevlslon),perhaps the Iiiost lUpecled Yoico fighting •for better children's televl.lon InAmerica. ACT now baa 11,000 memberslIDd a $iOO,OOO budget, thougb moet wboworicfor jJdo ItvoilUllarlly.

In the Iallt decade It has plnyed perhapsthe major role In gettlug the commercialnetwf1i"ks to reduce conunerclal tbne oncbIIdren's p~ogrsms by forty percent,and10 make oUler reroImll. The faUler andmother figure In children's programs nolonger tens children 10 buy certainllroductll. Vitamins are·1IO longer hawkedas candy (which can Ielid 10 overdoses,)etc.

Much Is yella be done. TIle bope is thetregulalory federal bureaucracies, wblehdidn't protect children In the beginning,will join tile ,parade. ACT haa forced theFederal TnICie Commistllon to begin anluqulry Inlo children's TV advertising. It'has likewise forced the Federal Com·munication Commission to begin a lrtudy tode\emllne whetber networlls &bould llervethe needs 'Of~ naUon's youth lIIl PIlrt oftbeir public service responsibllJIY (whichstems directly from their monopoly of all .thebf1atcbamels). .

There are other ol'lllllllzaUons fightingtl!e good fight. Meanwhile, t1)e example setbY four MIlssaclwsettll hOlllll!wives lendsenc:ouragment to all Ulooe wbo st111 bope tomake Alnerlcen soclel7 sllIIIetblng betterthan the end result of lID UJU'egulated, aU·out, b1gh·pressure corporate ]ll'ofitll8Cl'llJllble.~IaKotaNews . . .. '.


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····Sierra····BIa:nCBSki Re$c)rt


. - NEW THIS YEAR ..;...''''':'1200-PerH~Beginper-' ... ,.. -. "'-.. ··Double Chair .. : .

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We"ve Got Em!. -Test Drive One Today-

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,,;.wl!II·~.lJld.lIOm"'w~\r.ti>. ntmlber Qf .WQl!l!l\lome"plnJIlIlIDwe,Hl!W.IlI"or a, . . ..tJ . . • .':;'':;;':!'ol~,8l!lll'il"DemQlII'lltll,,,,llm InaI!&Iital .V<ltil~dUlUPlll1lill\'!l PI,' !IPJlPI!!'/lIll mJgbl . . .' ,. '. . . . • <1:

'.~- W\l1,'ll.Jt/!!ll. tilt ti'Q 'new KlnIl,fIJl4l11~veUlle9rtwov*uby.· .'.h 01 II"" oIn\u' -:'Tb da . .. '·r· ~:.~~UllJwellk, . .'. Inallld,t4lt'~,~walicertalnfo .'" .. ~.. ea~ Moa..../JI.... III,'. )'bYJlUIdo"New~,Juc.,J.KeuuetbGreea", .;f;:. 'lIOwl!f1be re.lolit timers got••pedal ~ for,. cllOllng off~ .liIId~t Il1QIUIt PI'!l"ldeat, Wlll~r". Greea, VIce Presldeat, at 171% SQdder!h Drive, aud eulered • ~l;· Iddr' 411!t I!f" tile t/cireeJlIlIlJ8UflIl blIlla held, a caDfor Alva Parker to plck lIP ilia fiddle U ,eeGlJd c.....lIattent tile Yo.tolflce at RQldoso,l\I.M. 883f$. ... "l:'. .. ~~""INl~te-4Iie_Hy~o d~g..ll~Ia;~;;;'';I . K,el! all!! Mal)' Grl:l:n .' •••.. :.::..::.::.::.:..::.::.:..:' .•. : .•..... , ............• ·.PlIbllShel1l ~...__~ ., • :. ;

. , Illllllber gr, ~opJ(l willi wanted to "d!IIlClll< JImmf PalennD to IltI'llP. m hJ8l1C@tdian~Je1)WleY ., ...•..•...... ' " " .. , .. , , , EilllOr edito~lal -",:', "l'.·In"UleIl!lW~Utm .. " - ~ 'Qre enl#f,.... Wltbln.JDlnuWs tile ClIl'l!leaJi:i1wanl , , Advel1lslagMgr. ' . :;

. ·.on.!iII!J.WliIh/!!llatllHleoDegeof8aJrta !,ower House <)I'QIIId be ~kIIIg to the KySCott .. • •··• .. · ·· .. ·· ClrcalatloaMgr. Itwasiust three dllYj;lntothe neWGQvernor St,lIce King.,:· ge l'lIY!II~lJil\IQC!.ItlonpQl!lplexand the .tralJ!$Of''T!lIteMIlBacktoYeso.'' $V6$CRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE '1'.' new IIWeq!QI.'WId flrlltJiJdT IecltlleGrjllld Wberi the maslellllJlterlud,e WlI/I over, It .. Slugle coPy, 2Oc; Single Copy b)' MaU, 40c; Gmonth. OQtof CoUUI)', $11; within administration when Lieutenant" Govern'or Rllbert9 :\ ..." ·Mmhlit 11 pm. . W4IS generaUy consIdered to be .enough <;oQId)', $9; 1 year '''II. of CollDl)'. $14; wlthlu Couul)', $12; Home-delivery, $2 per :." 'The- ne:d 11aUwSI !I¢ at UIe Sanla Fe tlJne ff1i" tbe bill sPIIIISOIll or detrlletollllo DlIIa1h, . . Mondragon's feathers becilme ruffled because King \:

Pl8b Scbool Acl.Jvity Center with lhe have their forces lined up lind Ule bwlioollS The RuiolOllo New. l'eIlerve. !h~ rigbt to rejed advertl.lng and edit COpy that II d' b • I t tf . d b Md""· Grilnd ,...rI; IltlOp.m.,w~UleUlIid oUheHouse wouid ClOIItlnllll. conslden objectloooble. Ltabllll)' for any error lu advertising .ball DOt el<ceed the change a ca Inet appo n men avore Y on ragon,. I'

· '..--.... .- - .._..... • ~,~ , .. _.... w;o"", 'M'""lng "m."nil, <OUl. be M ~ Mon· 'l• '1\'ItlIlflI:GrilJld.1'4srch led by Bl'\lce lI/Id sOllIe of tbe olcI t\Iners llRd ask tIIem how coITecllou In !he llext I••ue. CaD 257-4001 for Home Delivery.<. .1ltUp.m.· '.. '. theplaycallihlonwilhlheUpperHouse. dragon will have to live with, with one solotion beIng .::

, . rillflUlYQ!Wm\!lltlOiledUilitmllSlcff1i"-~t1lll1£be~"""OBlIirAld --- -,,---- ----. .. ... . ... ,. the lnalJB\U'l!\ function atUll! SlIIIla Fe Ibe benefilllof IIllttle COIIDtry and western :.;.,.;.:.:.;.;.,.:.;.:.,.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.,.:.,.;.,.:.,.,;.,.:.,.;:;:.:.::::",.,;":;;::::,;::,,:~,,,;,,;;.,.;';';':':';"':.:';::.;;,;":";",,:,,.:.:.>:.:,,.,:;:::., •..,.,.;:.;.;.:.,.:.;.,.:.:.,.;.,.".,.;.,..•;., that King could give him a stuffed "woodpecker" and 1 '

.....--..aJ.>llrke=~~::~~:l'=~~=~~ was'-' --'"~. "l:etrers..·to tlrlftiJl or Mondragon can ruffle Its teathers In attempting to gain . '~· A "bole IMmdJ· 0( 0111" readf11'l1 wIJl WblIt thehnelllll, ofClllllllll, ",thai when , . . the harmony he Is seeking. _ CD ~i

i'e11\e1111Hlr-Mva Pan:!ll' when he serveda. the Upper House ran Into a Sl1llrllb!lt Deareditor: . the time nor manpower to make more t""li il.a U\llIIIber lit the JI'ou4eI!fRepresenlallves . dellllllJded.1I Uttle more time for COlt" I would Uke to commend Ibe emergency an educllted gooss as to !he location and . 1.' "

· WIlY IIack in ~ . late fJft1e:I and earl)'cI1Jatory effort. a call wOUlol go out for the vobmteers, road crews, crews from the amolUll of damage. At this time, tIIere was·~es. '. . HouseCatstomarebdownthestllllllof.Ule WIlter lIDd sewer depllrtments, and from no basis for lin estimate on our Pllrt of.. JJl' filet, in -tbclae c1a)'s, tbe· House old CaIiPltol and join thelrcol1eague.TlIlO, .Ule=· power ·lIDd ga, compaules fol' lhelr danger to publlehealth. We knew~nl)'that

melllbel'l bltd 11Ielr.own "pIckup" western who, memory lien-os correct, Pla)'ed II Immediate and effective response to the there was a potential hazard.t1Bndca1leclUle"HoW!§Catsl'''l'helateHy .mean clarinet. , flood. I would lIke'also to ad1llse youllDd The press release given, )'OU on 20Overton was a mlllIi6er of the groap lI/I It's a part of New MezJco legislative the publlc of the IIctlvltles of the local December warned residents of this

. well alI.,JiDuny Palenno, then the House bIstorY that beCOQl,\Dg fOl'llotten - environmentaUstsduring the recent crisis. potential dange. and IIdvlsed users 01-J.-~I!lI~~~~g", jlwtllb~oJolDed In with hit! batJust Ileelng A!VII Parker'. uame on tile On the morning of the 20th, Brown well water of decontsmination methods.

~COl'dlllD. Pallll'IllO now devotes fuII·tbne IJi8ugurBl Da mIlS c was enOll WAI U llUrve)' e 00 ge, ce en, re ve een e a -· tolllaPGPutarSanIaFerestlllll'8llt. JOJl the memories of a few of the veterlUlll, working eut frmn the wllter treatment ditlonal release. and two public service :"::'::':;::::",:;::,:90'::,:::,:::::::,:::,::::::::::::::::,*:,:~,;,:*",::;::::,·~"*::>.'~w;;:>;m::;;;*:;«,».:*".>.':>;;:>>>,:xw*,,~*:;.;::>~

In rectnt yeara, Wblcb means since tl1e wbo m1g1lt ber wondel1ng If /lOOle new pillnt lu the Upper Can)'on, and down announcements on the radio. We also gllveLegl.!lIIture moved to tile Merry RolJlld ."cowboy" legllllatlon might' be eCllll!ng through Huldo.o. We 1I1s0 surveyed the notlces to the Lincoln ColUlty News and UleHOUH,ltb!isbecoillethepracllc:etobring down the pike. cectar Creek area. At'lIiat tbne we could EIPasoTimes.In varlCl" inUllca1 ltl'(lUP/l to enteliaJn tile Corridor Talk: The .election of a new only guess at tile extC/lt of dllmagc to the Since then. Edwards and I ""vedonefwoIawmakera Clf b«h RD.S, apectaD)' stIlte Demo ChaIrman of course Is by water lIDd sewer systems, lind the additional river-surveys eaeh. We haveduring tbe earW days before the blll election ••. bul~unoQrcessayBradHa)'ll potentllll bazard 10 pubUc health tbat It kept variOlls state offices abrea.t of Ibe

.. ~getaoverIOll~d, __.. _. . or the Big DlIke ell)' bad Ule governor's might repre.ent. We learned lnunedilltely .Itulltlon as It has Iieveloped. We relllllin In· .But;'Uat-WlI/I uotiiIw8fll..tbeccaae wlien IIlICI!II!g .au· t.I!!! WilY by tbell!!ddJgofibl/l . ft.Olll.MpaJrllreWllllllOJlt.lI1etass of Wllter communlclltlonwltb village JIlid state

tbe ''HOI\IlI Cata" were oJllll'8tlug at fuU week. from the Noisy Water wllter lank and the olflclats, and we remain In conlllct wIthcarrectlve mell.ure. being taken. the public. We have responded lind willRemaining dllll\llge to \he water s)'stem continue to respond to the requelll8 ofwas an unknown; citizens for Informatlon lind other services

DlIDl8ge to the sewer sy.lem wa. im- which are requested - to the best of ourposalble 10 e.tlmate becausemostdamage abilities.wu under water with no externaleVidence. Repllir crew. had hlld neither

Page 12: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf



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District Court .proceedings



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APPfA.NIAY. Regu~r.· , 12.5-lJz. 0 .:~~::~~~~~~b.•.P." ZaM~IX:; mIJX




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Tomato Sauce

0: Salad Dressing•

, .,


Totino's ClassicPizza ~ . (Save:.JDC)

-' .. ,' ......



);f " Pizza Mix~~t

&herm '.. '15.315.0Z. 88X89$Ie ·Ar·Dee &HfESE . .. .._iiiii.......~~~~~

.' I:~' . ,.~.. - If.. •

;.........:..-~....=__,:,,"'"'-.. --'"""- ,~__"'- '""""-...... '-"'-"Iii........ , .-·.. ·.... 4 ....· ~..·--ej·dlJ.·..".; ~-.:.Ii;••~.-.,'~•.- ..."•,.' • .c, _=.. "'-'.."'--""" ......"' .......' ""'- "__ ,_,-,-,.-'L " --,- ...... ,-0_

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Page 14: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf






This is Ruidoso, .,.


....... ,0" '..

., ., '

TbWYou,COIltmeDtalTelephoae oftbeWed

Ambulance 2$'1-7.



.. .



BilL flllOn ~PH~LSURY'EXPERT UPHOLSTERYtHorne "Restaurant·Office' "Etc.All WORK GUARANlfBJ

Samples Shown In Your Mom,_ -·fREE UIrMAUS- ,

PHON~ 257~4721

Peue mate the f,UtllIl, comctloll II yoar 1t'lI RIk1tH~. DIreetories





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is small

The cost


.'.1J~ WANT ADS.I ~. f

:, In api~~

.you' can ~pe~dl', . . ~

..-.......,.....--- ~ ~ ~- .. --~.-i'-.,.~------- ~~..,.--~~~~

.Jhe.r~tu,rn8 are great. _... Ambulance Z57.'l3I . ,"

We'll help you compose on ad, '\ .\ that will 800n have your

.\ phone a-jingling.


cosmetics, Rossell stov~ candy, greeting cards.and gifts, Employed altha pharmacy are DonnaBell, I~ft, Robin Burrows, right, LindaSwalander and W.E. Lewis, relief pharmacist.Hours are 9~.m. to 6p.mj, Monday throughFriday, 98,m, to noon Saturdays, closed Sun­days.- .


', .

.: .•.'.... ~~ Il' '

' .... \d 1,

, ..' \~. ' ."

" ,

'+, " ,

" .

. helps.


18'Er7 '

extra money

• , I

That~8 where

W~nt Ads caD help.

. When you're

.' ,, .' , :.


.~ .

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..., .

" f,' '.

., ,b\' V, V, ,. ', 1:' ..~, .')" __ ....... t.. ,




$12.00 ..• ,I , ••• , ••••1Year$9.00. "" ,.. ,"••6Months


, $2.00 Per Month


Propane Delivery - 378·4750

Ma!net~~1- QttM

Arti~~;t~'Phone 257·2626


RUIDOSO NEWSt---~l-J---.-..·g-to-cl~out 8 tiving in

these inflationary ,

times, every

little bit of

~' .. ~ t '.t J •

. \ "/', .,

" r 1,

,\0,", ,.', ..' ,"~il~ 'l' I"




Applianceites .fA-Phone: Day - 257·5128Night - 378·4633

.. '

ABSTRACT &' T'Tll' COiBOX 964 - PHONE 257·2091. OR 257·50.54


Owners: AI and Charlene WardAbstractor: Patt BeisSwlngert

. .' ~

••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,

I NOW NEW TO RUIDosoI . ': ..'~"t ,PONDEROSA BUS LINES, INC. t .~l: .. .. LOCA1Ep ~T1HI ¥lUi ~N IA01IL .. . :;~),!)• PROVIDING BUS SERVia10 ~ERRA BLAN~1 ." ,t,~; , : t- ..• '. \It. l ,'t


• CALL 378-4471 FOR INFORMATION tl> '-.:J'• , DON'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Is owned: OR RESERVATIONS'• by.pharmaclst Don Swalander, plcturecicenter,

who opened the business and 10lnOO the Ruidoso•••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Valley Chamber of Commerce In 1967. Located

at 238 Sudderth Drive, or ahalf block west of...-....~......,.............aI.-lllll.,.....IIIIIItlIl~. Nunley DrUB and three mll~ east of Ruidoso

Drug, Don's features Elizabeth Arden

Page 15: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf


• •

. (00... •


" ,-. ~.-


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~t(cI,*~t. WI·· Ole)~ (wortla watcWaa).Fatr (Us Itl me..u)PoOr (dlwIer)



. ,

,. ,

(PBS) MOYIE THEATRE: 10:30 AM E.S.T., P.S.T.· 9:30AM C.S.T., M.S.T. '"TClnMnt" 1944 Mal Zetterling. All KjeRin.· A teacherromantically involved with one of his students finds out sheis also haVIng an affair with one of the boys in his class.(R)

(0flS) Gt THEATER: 9:00 PM £.S.T., P.S.T. ·8:00 PMc.s:r., M.S.T."Champions: II Lovl Story" 1978 Shirley Knight, Tony LoBlanco. The poignant story of two adolescents whosepersonal relationship blossoms and whose professlomUrelationship matures as they work together towards acommon goal-the nat/onal figure skatingchampionships.

. . ,

.(HBC) SATUIl~A~ NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: 9:00 PM"t-S,T., P.S.T. 8.00 PM c.s:r., M.S.T.'~f:Wili'" 1917 Rol1ert ~orster. Fiona tllwJs. A Hollywood~tdnt(Nn becomes susp,clous when three other stuntmen.lneluding his brother. die in the course at their'work, andhe puts his own life on the line by attempting the same stuntthat took his brother's life•

(ABC) SUNDAY NIGHT MOYIE: 9:0D-PM E.S.T., I;».S.T•• 8:00 PM C.5.T., M.S.T. ."You Only Live Twlc"." 1967' Sean Connery. OemaIdPleasance. James Bond pursues missing Russian andAmerican space capsules through 8 d8ng~rous world ofpiranha fISh. a volcano primed to blow and arch villainBlo/e/d, (R)


(NBC) MONDAV NIGHT AT THE MOV'ES:I'9:00 PM~.S.T.• 8:00 PM C.S.T,··A01.tlur Nltht" 1978 Tanya Tucker. VIctor French. Adrama fOCUsing on the lives of the partICIpants In an amateurtalent contest at' a country roadhouse. .,."


(NBC) THE 81G EVENT: 8:00 PM-E.S.T., P.S.T. ·1:00PM C.S.T., M.S.T."The Se. Gyps,.... 1978 Robert Logan, Mikkl Jamison·Olson. A widower, his two children. a female photographerand a 12-year-old stowaway set out to sail around the worldbut are shipwrecked on an Alaskan island. where they Jearnabout love. danger and the need to work together In orderto survive.

(CBS) TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIES: 9:00 PM E.5.T.,p.s:r.. 8:00 PM C.S.T.• M.S.T."Rio Lobo" 1970 John Wayne. JennIfer O·Nelll. After tlieCivil War. a Union Colonel sets out to take revenge on twotraitors. In Rio Lobo. he findS one In a consPiracr with thetown shenll to force a rancher to Sign over al his land.(R)

(NBC) BIG EVENT MOVIE: 9:00 PM. £.5.T., P.S.T••8:00 PM C.S.T., M.S.T•"Airport '75" 1974 Charlto!) Heston, Karen Black. When asmall pnvate plane collide'S with a passenger-laden jumbo jet.a stewardess takes control until efforts can be made to placea pilot on board .Vla a mid·arr transfer. (R)


.. . , J .:0-••.


mmI:L ..' ..mOVieS




'. "". --~- .


ACROSS1 Ruey. wiJIln, and - •5 Twinkle. twinkle llltle ~

(elue to puzzle answer)9 Lona-

10 Sum (abbr.)12 Locations15 ~lhet together18 P.... of II boat20 Paln21 COnfederate S~jer

(abbl:.)22 Cord. fiber24 Montalban role --e25 ~'gear28 sailta's helper31 HawalLan roylll chief

U~36 To 'c31 'I~-'39 P.wt Of mind41 Arne,42 Lives in monestary

:2 FiSht (due to pumeanswer)

3 Sweater site..A~~

5 Biblical name (var.r- .6 Type of meditation

(aObr.)· .7 Fasten8Hurly

11 Usher In ~in13 Common suffIX14 To Involve In conflict16 Shopping place~17 Pr.noun19 Trick

. 23 In .disrepair26 Gorilla.27 Bea---29 Assignment .30 A.~lan or swine ­33 Jump35 Noticed36 •NeWSpaper article38 Boxing outcome40 ~top and' -


CABLEVISION 257.5191~for Information on ~

A LIMnED auantl', of SMALL ~

(ollYerten for racepllon iCof MId-band Channe', ~..

Networks nnd Stations reserve tbe rlgbtto ebsnge programming


Channe' 9 - WTCG - Atlanta [INO.1

Channel 2 - CBN - rReligious]

Channel 4 - KOB - Albuquerque [NBC)

Channel S- KNME ~ Albuquerque [Ed.]

Channel 3 - K ENW - Portales [Ed. J

Channel 6 - KVIA - EI Paso [ABCl

Channel 7- KOAT - Albuquerque rABCl

Channel 8 - KSWS - Roswell-Lubbock [NBCl

Channel 10 - KBIM - Roswell [CBS}

Channel 13 - KGGM - Albuquerque [gaS]


• , ," - - .•.•.••••••.• , ••• f , • 'I - .' " .. • .. • ' - , •• I , f .-,-•• j., 4 I' ••.'." t. I I ~ "-1 t • r ,.. , , , '. i, ~"-. ',"','" ~~"'~~':":.~-;-r-'.~,~-i'"i·i'i"-i?i~Q·~ol·~i"i·\""""""~··':;:'7U·~~"'T"-9'~T·:;-T·'Y:·3··~·:;:':;:.:::.~.~'!:hi':.~.~~~~" \ \ •• , , , • , ". . ." ,iI. 'II' • f f ." '..... t' -, ... , -, , .'• • • '.' .....", I , • • • • "" ~.. I I I l I • , , , ,.. '.. ' • , • , I " 'I" f 1 '. • • • I" , .., /' . , . '" '. . \• I ... • •. • • \ • • ,. 1"-- . • • •• I I , • • " ., .'.... .. '.' , .' ....... " ,.t ... -" .... " l." t. '.••••....+'., •

\'1' ' ••• ' II ., , ••••• '"., ••• ,., ,I.. . . ,. 1\• • • I I '- • , " ", ," '! ~ ... to • I »; , ,. " ., .. " ., ,r " .',• ' ••• , " ' " Iff • , •• ., • '. ., '. ',' . ',' -

'. -Page 2 - Ru,cIoso [N. M.] News




Page 16: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf

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)I'I,.\ I


•-,... -.- ....,..,...,..,-,...-.....


is presently set to appear onpackage Shows WIth LlrryGatlin and Johnny Duncan.Feb. 9-12 In Shreveport (9).Wichita (10). Omaha (1 I) and .

..SpttllgUeJd..Mg. (12\. In9.000-and . rl.(U:ffi -Jseaf - .,auditoriums. McClain 15 alsobooked to· do nine shows.scattered throughout thefirst SIX months of the year.with Glorae Jone, andJohn" Pa check. '

~ ,$~"'''(.i~0JIl'''

Gtotl'.JonnSince the end of October.

MeA artist Ronnie S..slonshas had no open weeke"ds inhis booking !\chedule. evenfor Christmas. He is now Ona tour of Texas and NewMexico. and played sevendays on the first week ot thetour. IOcludi"8 Huntsville.Tex.. Amarillo. Lubbock.Seven Points. EJ Paso. AI:buquerque and Portales. Ses.slons is enjoying hiS heaViestbooking schedule to date.

Razzy BaillY has just com·pleted a three·and-a-halfweek tour of the southwest.with appearances in most otthe moJor markets. The tourwas a great success. withseveral repeat bOokings al.ready confirmed. Rauy alsomade his debut at_the world.famous Palomino ClUb in-North.HoIL)lWODd. and 8vest·ed with Sammy Jackson on"CoHee With" at KLAC.


. Duril'/8 the normally sparsewinter months. many countryartists seem to be doing alandslide personal appear·()nCf;l business.

thry Sf••,rtG.ry Stewart. RCA artist, .

has had a sold.out calendarsince August. workfng 14dates in 'rexas· dUringNovember and December.Stewart is already booked for22 d\ltes In January, Fe-

, Chatty McChlihEpic artist Ch.,•.v McCI.ln

has had onl)/ one openweekend since Oct. 20th,when she began her label­supported tour. Charly show.caS-eo lor'DDJr 'Pmy. who­manages B.J. Thom•• at hisdub in FayeUevllle. N.C.. and



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TV ;IEtt'AlSalJWO$4) AT'l1II: .'Y"




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• flOVE!.lSCY -'-'~,----,---,-,-,"----I GUlOlNG U$1fT























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Jamel VIne_ill McNichol and Joy leDuc star as tWo teenagersWi'll' decide t~ try .to' skate as a pair, on the&o;gnant 'GETheate(' drama.· 'CHAMPIONS: A LOVE ST RV: to beprl!sehted 'on, Saturday, Jah. 'l3 on CBS-TV,

• •



. r



















. ., Ruidoso (N.M.] News'- Page3

Television Schedule f()r' the'Week of Jan. 8 through .Jan. 14

. ' l~d~V~imel



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. '. '



.'Il= .... '[ilka GII"$ fJt;ea QOplll1alfQn unleas he mlrJ1ea.U.S. e~llen, ao the oa9ll trlello come 10 hla rescueb~ pitching iii to lilre "WOIfd'ng girl' to lie hlb bride.

, () C1:!fIlTIAHI.IVWG .taG. lJCK~Y£tf~ ~'- .._.~. ". ,.

uta!: Actress tauren 8acaIJ, Part II.aNElrlA8HOWCA8E


hldHr,d.~ "'lgtrthllHulch C&II elU(leS.ylot In enUre weekend tum, Into, life or deathmreh When It Is learned thll Hulch lias4 hours 10live a~ercontracllng deJcjly botull$lll, (R; 60 mfnl.)




1HETOHIGHl'8HOWIIOfCaraon' Hll.I:JOllllny-cmon,GuUlJ: Lola

FaiallJ. DtvId S!elnbtrQ, MllmmanlChw, ErlU

:iiJ~~~OFTHEv.m~0Ity. caral.' 1m SIar.: llY Ullmann, EdwardAlbert. Aromanllc holldly In Greece IlSrn. Into abltlersweelloum~ 01 l4uglJler and teart when a~lStJrur .m:yur.:o/d di\'OfCH 'lfCCumbs to 1Mcharms of • young Anlerlcan neatly 20 y,m her

, junlor. .

10:451GtIHSMOf(E11:.01 H100UG'SOOHOSTAGE , .

• /ddrers Three' Three toP. vlollnlats - masterc~ssklst Itzhak Perlman, jatz....ock virtuoso Jeanlue-Ponly and counlry-rocker Doug Kershaw _perform separatefy and comblne Jor I lemJmbleensemble number wrlllen and arranged !SpecbJlyIOr~&~~mlns.)



• UOVlE-{SClE'.HCE FKmOH}"'TbeflllUfI1CllOftolZlclWrWh." 1m




90NAHZA1:3) NEWS1:50 . MOVlE-{lrlYSTERY)"~


- :-, 4 ~ \4 Ad U #. $£;: ; '-'i.*f4~ _(- Jif'p.


Telly .savali' Will bl! the host on "the ',",OHt£CARLO CIRCUS ~ESTIVAL." feaMing some of theworld's mo't spectaCular Circus eel!. Wednesday.

t Jan. 10 On CBS·TV,"" .

, , .• .." I I

:---'~''''.-;'."'W\IF ~'. if' ,'J i., t t"., ~ :,.... :;','~ J··.. ··:'r~,·;".'.' .. ',-';:,,".'.~T,,5\~~,\; ~f~i<"'~I~'''/.''~,': ~ '".• , ••. 1 • , f ~ ,,) • t • • • ',' " ,.; '". f ~.,,~ ~ if ~ ,.- _, ,• > I • •


;. - ... .EVENING


• lers Three' Three top vlO/(nlsts - muterclasslcl$t IlZhak Perlman, 1m-rock virtuoso JllIIIlue-Ponty and counUy....oclter Doug Kera",w ­perlorm seJllralely and combine lor a relnarkableensemble number wrlUen and arranged especiallyfor.F' (60 mlna.)




7:tO 710CU18tlNafA5HOWCASE .

, OIUIIQ: An Inquky Into Ihe Ule and Death of~lcoIm Lowry' 1m Thl4 lSot:umenlllY weavestogelher Inlervlewa with lowry'l retallons andIrtends, lmaqes of his work and natratlves to crelteI film portrIlI 01 till! creative artist bent on lell.destruClhlll. lils Iloolt 'Under the Volcano'JllfalleJed his perSOllll Odyuey thrOllQh guilt,paranoiaanduftlmatefy,lnWllty.12h,.,)II GRAHOI'AGOESTOWA8HlHGTOHsenator Kelley'a dw frtend geta hersell arrealedwhile IIyIng to help Kelley draw attenllon to IdomestJc security bill. Gue$! alar: Rue McClanahan.160 mlflS.)

DtCKCAVCTTSIiOWHAWfDAYSHAPP'(l)AYS 'en JWlJe Cllctles hel dare lor her aweet ~Ixleen

bJrlMilY bUh runnIng around, wIth another /Jlrl.FonDe oilers tOCOlne 10the reseue. (A)BUCMe-{WEST£RN)'""lhttkntSoldllll"Ir1

I TUESDAYHlGHTUOVIEPAPERCHASE~ srudy ijroup succumbS 10 Ihe symptoms 01 pIe­

midterm lillers. especially Jonathan. whosedesperallon leads him fo hire a Mar and then \0obtai" old Kingsllefd exam quesUons (60 mlns.)


lAVERIlE AND SHIRLEYlaverne lallslor aman with abig black lirM. bU1 shen~eds Shll1ey's help In ortJer to gel adale wllh him(R)

8:00 0 BlG EVENT MOYlE'Airport '75' 1975 Stars: Charllo" Heston. KarenBlaCk, When 8 small private plane collldes with apassenger.Jaden lumbo jet. a Slewardess. laJ(escontrol until efforts can be made 10 place It pIIlll onboard via amlNlr tranarer. (R; 2hm. t


, THREE'SOOMPANY ,OverprotectiVe Janet /lies Inlo arage when slle findsJack In file same bed wiI/Iller younger siSler (A)


, ... , ..


Charlton He",lon (p,! tUledl KarenBlack and George Kennedy head anall-star caGJ ,n Airport 1975, anactIon drama on NBC-TV's The BigEvent' Tuesday Jan 9

A pre5sured bUSInessman (DanAndrews) sulfers a heart attack atthe controls of hiS small plane andcrashes onto the cockpit 01 apassenger·laden Jumbo Jet Crewmembers 01 the Jet are eItherdisabled or kIlled .. bul the seriouslyInjured pilot (lfrem Z,mbahst Jr)manages to turn the contlols toautomatIC pilot The senior.stewardess fB'laCR) makes her wayto the cockpit. where a gaping holefrom the coJhSlon makes contra' atthe ,mcratf a penlous task, After makmg contact WIth theneares t control tower thestewarde\s plIo Is the plane until thedlrhne preSIdent (Kennedyl and acra< k pilot and lroubleshqoter{Ht>",lon) attempt the rnlncafemld'cl'r lr;lnsfer of il Qualifred pilotfrom an ;'J,r force helicopter to thelet

. . . ~ . ~


lams, Susan George. AblUer young man who basIlIsl served live years for marijuanaPO$se~lon Ilndsttl$ freedom and lile thrllItened once again when hereturns home to recilim hIs son and lIie woman heloves lrom the crooked shelill who sent him away. (2Ma.)



II $ Instant allractlon lor Hawkeye when abeauUlul,SWedish doclor arrives to observe combat surgery,unUI ahe upstiges him In the operaUng room with asupertor lechnlque and his ego Is bruised.


uest Actress lauren Bacall, Part I.

H~~HEOOES.~~=oI~m all high level COYerup oran· .

arson ring and while he'll Checking Ihe report,AnImal's apartmll'llt bulkllngls the nert Iirg"t lor theIlrebug.l60 mlna.)




JH£1'OHlGHTSHOWlIMt float: Don Rickles. Guest: Rip Taylor. (90

min••)II POtJCeSl'0flY "Acouple olill-laled delettlves are constantly In theshadow 01 two SUjlIll-«JPS. (R)

10;45 BAAETTA11:CO ACTS 21







... '. '''f.'-.''~.''.''1,\'.\'.~ ~~¢., •• \".t ", ...

• " • "". I ., '"


EVENING--'--.- ----_.._-----


, .' ,







ladles In WaJUno' Thl!<lrama concerns I group ofwomen In Ihe demand/noIlIll maddenIng profession01 waltressmg. Stllln the re$fiuranl locker room, lheaellon cenlera around the women's gossip and wl1as lI\ey conlemp!Jle who will laIIe over the luclIUvestallon of the reUrlng senior wallress. (00 mlns.)Q UTTlEHOUSEOHTHEPRAREYoung Albert InglJls IS hurt emoUonally andphYSically when some 01 his Irlends altaCk him lorrefusing to lum hiS tl3ck on the lonely old Jewishwoodcarver who Is trying 10 teath him pride 01 worll.manshlp·lSO mllll.,)


IT'S YOUR FIRST lOSS, CHARUe 8SlOWHal1lt! Bsown has been Chosen fO escort the

homocomrnll Queen 10 Ille cele~rallon dance and11,·e her 'he Iradll/Onal kiSS Illl\al were nOI enough." turns oul rhe queen IS the lillle red-l!alred girt/lamed Hearher, {RJ


8:00 loIOHOAYHIGHT AT THE IIOVlESAmaleur Hight Al The DIXIe Bar And Grill' 1979

SfalS Vlcfoll'Iench. louiSe la1ham Slory aboullhepersonal dlamas of Ihe Ollie Bal and Gnll's om.ployees. palrons and lhe contestants in acountryand weslern latent show ~lOg staged at Iheroadllouse (21119 )


A Small Town In Texas 19n Slars TImothy Bol.

, .. "" \ \

>-ra ,

-aenCD •,

• :J .,,

.IJ ,I

~- .- ••I

I I'






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....~, Ruidoso [N. M.l News -: Pag, 5


ti!! ' .,..

'1\ •-

. - .. ..,..........-






J all"JI4M llluU40r ·01RJlauedwe~ IIdasor .~

Whlllr~W PIMa ';pJOJ UU91t,1 ' i.

J9IIeaM sluuaQ9UI!U"q:JRg Je8P3· ·S

SUlIJl91S o1fJew '17,o(1I11UUcI:> SI .qO .£

'SqSJ)I '0 pJRUt(IW .~

JllliUllfJ. G'IJ. '1



J311pJe9 .(Il.ue~s sIJ3 'OZ'SIJ,jrij U9)f "$1

BJOOW JeaOH 'IHpuowpllH aSJ"W 'l1

'Jr sllleQ .(wweS '91. uew3eff hJIl. 'lit

8u01 pJeq:JIH '171'WBJer '£1

uo.seH uOllJrnl3 ·tt8UllOA UllS JOIOIA 'U

1. In front 0' what statue replica did Doble Gillis'requently -sIt? c .

2. What was the of his best friend?3. Who starred 'In the TV venlon of 'Paper

Moon?' .4. Who played the undercover agent In the mOille

'Street With No Name?'5. Who played Uncle Joe In 'Petticoat

Junction?'6. Who played Tom In 'Gentle Ben?'7. Who was the star of 'Cade County?'a. Who starred In the movie 'Hauser's

Memory?'9. Who played Brian In the lawyer episodes of 'The

Bold Ones?'10. Who played 'The Littlest Angel?'11. Who played Hop Sing on 'Bonanza?'12. Who starred In the movie 'Will Penny?'13. What character did Bos Sherman play In 'Here

Comes the Brides?' .14. -Who played Professor Everett In 'Nanny and the

ProfllSfol'?' .Who.played Albe.rt )!1'The Good Life?'Who starred as Zeke Smith In the movie 'TheTrackers?'

17. Who played Sr. Jacqueline In 'The FlyingNun l' .Who played Brett In 'The Persuaders?'Who played ,Festus on 'Gunsmoke7'Who authored the TV pilot 'The DA Draws aCircle?'



******************************** *# .CAPRI~O~N_ ... = _ ~ !,* (oec.rnbet 23 - January lSi) Your Vitality Is high. this Is ** an Ideal lime to pitch In and clear up thOse tuk$ ** you've been .shunning. , . *# ********************************


. ,


_5.O.N.NY'S.QAR-e-.'" '. The package store opeJ1S-at 10 a.m. apd'-." . ~ ". ----has-all~ou~av.otite..brilDdl...lod...QdIDg'i'a"-'.inc_0 I

'epii-Coobd~.8-Qj, excellent aelectlon of win~ ~d kn~orte~Upperl'.t()fffceBl~ beer. Dinner, served frorn S:30.p.m. untU,

, PhOllo%$1..s«5'1 10:30 p.m., offers steak.;a .of the finestSonny'll Bar-B-Qwelcomes ~ou to an old quaUty, lobster, shrimp, cb1cken and,

fashioned atmosphere of uwdUBt covered more. Live entertainment frOOl 8:30 p.m•floors 'and deUclolll bar-b-q with aU the .untlI1:311 a·m. invites ~Oll to Just sIt back .trln:unlngs. MenaaeleetloM Include a11ced and1lBten orenjoyan eyenJngofdancing.~t, ~Cfped beef, ham, ribls and PolJab NOTTINGHAM'S DELI .~UBl!. (lJlOose a gen~ helploB of . "~pfc:uriallDdfIhtI"beans, pqtato salad, coJe aJaw .. apring. 25!3Sudd~Drive

. ·salA'iJlQco.mP1e~jI~·' , . ._"~~~Ull'~·:·~" ','Pbme aheJd'l~ ·take out orders, 257- • A, delightful tute treat awal,t:J you at

5451, Order any day of the week: ~cept Ruidoso's newest! Located In D1Idtown,Monciaywben weare closed. Nottingham's Dell and Catering features

13 delectable dell .sandwfcbe,s and twodlffererJtlhot entreesdally, Take outordersare welcome lind their catering servicecan oller anything from formal dlnlngarrangements for 140 to breakfast for twoIn your condominium.

On Wednesdays they leature an aD-you­can.eaUdexiwlBuffetandonFrldaJlJ Mall-ydQ-ean-eat Oriental Feast; each .~rved from 5:30p.m. untn8:00pm.

Nottlnglwnts Ja open from 11:00 am.unW 9;00 p.m. TueJday thtough SaturdaysndclosedSundayand Monday•




i'orlaod;-servfce--anctatmQlPhere-you'tUnot soon forget; step into' the T.inrt1e time .macblne jlnd tum the clock bal:k to trtleidining pleuure.

LI LLI E'SR ESTA URANT"Everytbfng fs Cooked

In LI1Ue's Kitchen"Midtown Ruldo5()

Phone 257-9f5SEnjoy a touch of Old Mexico In midtown

Ruidoso! Lillie's Restaurant will giv~ youthe real south of the border feeling fromthe Spanish decor to the delicioushomemade Mexican food.

Open year around from 11 a.m. until 10p.m.• Lillie's specialiZes in superb serviceand a menu that features Guadalajaraween chile con queso. enchiladas andtacos along with sandwil'hes and steaks.


t»aebseStore.3MnesNortfioaHtgbway 31

1JhoM !S7-%HfDlnlng at CoUllims' is a unique, relaxed

experlence with courtesy and 15ervtce Jl1lrtIa partot theiroutstandingoffer.

You are' invited to relax W#b arefresblng cocktaU while contemplatingselections from a menu offeringeverything from great steaks, seafood,chicken and BBQ ribs. And there is dan­clngnJghUy.

And new to Ruidoso is Cousins' PackageStore, convenlenUy located next toCousins' Eating House and Saloon. Theircomplete stock ineludes all your favoritebeer, wines and party




TINNIE'S StLVER DOLLAR"Where'J'lmeTurned BactThe Clock"

Tinnie, N.M. .[tJ.S. '7b/380 between Roswell &RUidoso]

- Phone 1-653--4425. 'l'funie Mercantile Company takes youback toetegant, turn of th~ century dini~g.Leave the hectic world behind 3$ you enJoysizzling steaks, succulent lobst~, tender

• 'lambchops, trdllt and your £avorlte $piti~", tnopweht, authentl~Uy appointed.$81008,,,oryesteryear. •


'". . ~

"~~-.---DIXI·E-CREAM-»ON1Jf.SHGP---··'cDoll~.By"'" _er'.~zeu"

Loc&ted~rou From'l1Ie.'fekpboaeOffice

PhoQe %57-51S$ .DlxlpCreamDonutShopotfers the most

taste temptmg delJghts -available in theRuf\:f~ area. From 'blueberry donuts,cream fPled e~il1; to ~rumJ)t1o~c~namonroU$,~erymte f.!I mout4.waterlnR..

Ca)l In ahead ot time for Parties, and -. ';·-...... cates or'..-e.orders.-.....roo. ttl- " ,. ,~Cl'OI..F.t'oDlBl&bc.n.«ry~e,

~ ,;:r" speCfficat~~ -The b~~cream - .. .1JtlIfd~~to'LJte-'lIwy.-S7 .'))()nut SIlop- ~l1IJ ~rly early for your ' PJiOD!33H3%lconven!ence,so,romeby soon and enjoyall While everyone B alo~ Ruidoso,theJrvanaUon,ofgoodies escape to the calm of JUte> 8 Inn Credible. .~' • Restaurant) Saloon a~ ~.

INN OF THE MOUNTAIN GODS Locatedfive mUllS northd~OIOflcmssfrom" the High CQuntry Lodge, the· Inn.

"Ne"Mexlco'.OnJy Credible ,offers superb entertainment andComplete tuaryRe.od FacllJty" spe~Uzes iq fine fooel and your favoritetb~~::O<t:e:':be mixed drinks or package goods. John and

,.5MDet8OathofRaJdoCo oatlle Dottle Ha111nvJte you to bring the family-- HottIelMQllOt~ . om {lD'y evenlnge%C~tMqooay for a.'11IeMetcate~Apac&e'1'rlbe reaUyspecJaltreat-tfillthotcfderl

pbouemoSlQ'The lnn of the Mountain Gods provide!

,guest! every amenity of luxury Uving•sWTOWlded by 460,000 a~ of unspoUedforest.

Spacious accommodations offer afantastic view of the lake and Slet'l1lBlanea. Superb Vl'infng and dining in thelush dining room wiU delight the chooeteatof gounnets witha Wide se1ect!on of wInesand mixed drinks and fine tlU!aks andseafood. For an evening of danclng orl1stllning. there fs Disco Sights and Soundslike you've never seen In the lna-Da roomon the mezzanine level 'til 1:30a.m. HappyHour 1& (rom 8:30 to 9:30 p.m_ Two otherIOWlges are located for your convenience.Guests wUl enjoy swimmlng, boating,fishing, go1f, tenhls, horse1;lack riding andeverythlng elBe you wo¥la expect from agreat resort.


UHomemade Italian Food"I Block North of tile StopUght

on MechemDrivePhone--t5'102m

A touch of the old country and realItalian food await you at Mama Lena's Inthe Thunderbird Lodge. 1be entire familywill delight in a unique dining experiencewhen they select from such taste temptingspecialities as lasagna. ravioli, spaghettior pizza, The menu also lncIudes a varietyof sandwiches and something new •Mexican Food1Enjoy the rustic old worldatmosphere ot Mama Lena's from 5:00p.m. Thursday tbruSunday.



RUlcfoJlofg Most Cb.annlngSpot" "TheArea's WbmJDgestNightSpot"~a~t::::rkCanyOl1 - MldtowuRidoos6

Located in the quiet and beautiful Upper Phone2S1-5158canyon, the Whispering Pine Restaurant The all-new decor at The Winner's Circleis known for the best food around. recreates the exhUaratingatmosphere ofaFeatured is their Tuesday and Wed.lesday stakes race and you'U find di$tg andnoon buffet, also their Saturday night dancing among 'the ponies' a refreslUttg

.buff14. . new experierce. .'!'be Whispering Pine Coffee Shop and

. '....... -1testauranHs-'Open-h'fj~o-to-p.m..--------ainner--is-set'VeG4roffi-Js-:·oo..:p.n:l.-Untn~ __~Thelma and Ray Jennings are your hosts. 10: 30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and

, the varied menu Includes steaks, Chicken,bar-b-<j andspeciaIs for,the kiddies. cainein early and Cinjoy the cocktail hour in the

"fleW loung~ area which f"atutes ap­pointments in the "All-AmenC8n" theme.Music for your listening or dancipg ,pleasure is presented Frll1aval.1dSaturd8;ynights by Lynn. 'Martin and the Martin..Music CornJ:lany and there is.a Coun-try/Western ,Disco on Wednesday~ andThursdays. Old Western Movies' arefeatured' wety Tuesday starting at' 9:00p:m. and are preceded by a CountrySMorgasbOrd.



Page 19: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf

. .








-,ltdd'UPI)f V '9'SJOUIIlI 8lU .intr5Jg ~'lln8 ou pelf ~q "nl:»&g ·t

'IUIJOU!t uy 'S'f(lJ-qqwnp y 't

'owe! Ja'!:laq:) ,ul ·t

5. Why can't you keepsecrets In a bank?

6, Whatchild?

4.. Why wI11he skeleton acoward?

3. Whit II a stupid ant7

1. When can you Jumpover three mtn withoutit«""i up? '

2. What kind of bell. doesn·t rlne.?


'IV CllMi'\)lOO S£Il1IICl:S IketOllsliLT 011" listINGS Fall lAst MIHUt[

• N£TWOR1\ l:HANGts ANI). fOIl· fllACT Alit TIIoI£

A young sailor, bitter over his· ,paralYSIS from a" war. Injury. is· taken into the Walfon's home and

their hearts as the family tries topersuade him to start a new life,on 'The Waltons,' ThurSday. Jan,11 01'1 CBS-TV.

JOhn-Soy's Close friend is hal/'jng difficufty adjusting to hisb ndicap despite the Waltons'bElS e or S . H~ ~---'-~_.:.' _family he doesn't have. At the$~me time, Jason (Jon WalmsleYlpIctured) helps Bell (EriC Scott)and Ike Godsey (Joe Conley) puttpgethet a song and dance routinefor the USO.

Ralph Waite and Michaellearned star as· John and Olivia.

• Ellen Carby plays.Grantlrna. Judy.. N~rton.iaylo.r is. Ifary Ellen, Mary· McDcm?ugh IS Eflrt, David. Ha,.~er

plays Jlm·Bob and Kami Coffer is.Eli2!abeth•

.. Sill BUShnell directed ftom a., . script .wtitten by Curtis Dwight.


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• am Edison-lightning Slinger' D.1vld Huffmanplays Tom Edison who Invenled Ihe electric lightbulb. bUIll the first power generating plant and wasapioneer In lila development 01 the slorage ballery.motion pictures and .talkies.. Co-Slarrill1l AdamArkin. f60 mlns.l







• • •

t. t ' •.• _ t' •• f , I ; " "

•• ...' _ I •

" ." . .. ~

doug bassand associates


YOUR PRQPERTYII e".rythlnt We Touch

Turns to SOLD"Rlcbard Cothron, Sales Manager

257-2109Sonja Hartronft, Assoclate Broker

, 378-4312Betty Patton, Associate Broker I

257-2397Marge Woodul- 251·7881Diana Isaacs - 257-7083PeterStrobeJ -336-4896Dick WooduJ - 251-7881


... . ...


uge'l6 O'NedI's .Beyond the Horizon' deals wilhIhe dreams 01 three young people who ruin theirlives b~ making choices lor which llIey are basicallyUnsUited. The 1920 Puliller Prize-winning drama ISperlorme" by the McCarter Theatre Company 01Prmceton. NJ \2 hrs ) .'







• he Music For UNICEF Concert' The Boo Gees,ABSA. Ellon John. Olivia Newton-John and JohnDenver are some of lIle music stars who will performlorlhe benefil of needy chMren around the worl" Inltlis performance Irom Ihe United Nations GeneralAssembly In New Yor~ City. 190mlna.)



he cosl of hlgller educallon overwhelmesElizabeth. her dreams or an Eastern education andlIle Bradlord purse strings. 160 mlns.)mTHEJEFFERSONS .When louise finds out aboul a new clause InGeorge's will. She almosl gives hlmuuse 10 use /I


THE MONTE CARlO CIRCUSe gala event hoste" by Telly Savala!. presents

some 01 lhe world'S greatesl circus act5 In theculmination of alive (lay ClftUS extravaganza hel" InMonte Carlrf' In which the Winning acls performbefore an audience Ihat inclu"es !.Ionaco·s royalfamily !6Il mlna)


When lhe Angels go on a fIoliday vacation at amountaIn VIllage where Kns· uncle is sheri". Ihey· recOldly mel by c/llzens 111'/10 fear for the salety of townwomen who ha~e been kidnapped as barter lor acaplured syndicate leader 160 mins)


ndice Bergen BUCk Henry.-$evy Chase andStevl! Martin are among lhose who will be fealuredIn hIghlights from the more than three years oftelecasts 01 the popular lale-Rlghl series. fR: 90mlns I8:'51 COlLEGE BASKETBALL


uesl Journalist Russell Ba~erOVEGA$"VEGASDan beCOmes the target of a hit man hired by aVielnam veteran who hollis Dan responsible for awartime massacre (60 mins I



Page 6 - Ruidoso [N.M.} News

Television Schedul~ for the Week- of Jan. 8 th.rough, Jon.·14C~~d~~:B~ayJ 1t.CG ~~~~rTOCBS =£'1!= 9.eF=stlarryGaUln,~90mlns.1 ..~ : : ~ - . ~- - f&.UALGEOGRAPHIC ~ISRIGHT ISTAflSKYAtlDHUTC8-.ltAtlNIX

..__ 7:O'J 700ClUB ~r$kY!-1Id Hulch-'Terr~rOn Th".OQcks' SlarskySTRE£TSOfSANfAAHClSCO --- ~SE-AtDlOIJHcEo.. and Hulch .re tryillflto naillhe dQckwPlker who

10:~ MACHElLl.EHREJJJlEPORT DlCKOAVmSHOW-·-···~oOlI\IlVjercovetJl.ll!feHlflctfo:(A)-Mannb_ ...~_~_THE TONIGHTSHOW . MORKAND IAIIlDY 'UmlmreePeopJe'~R: 2h"..1$mI1l',)

ost: Johnny Caroon. Guests: JIm Fowler. Oavlll foIOflKANDMINDY 10:45 .fIOUCEWQIIAN..S,W.A,T.Horowltl, Charles Nelson Reilly. (90mlns.) ark, warnedby ayoung Russian lmmlgranlthat all 11:_ .fNTHllfATUYESo POLICe WOMAN-S,WA1. aliens In the UnlledStales must register, IIIrows the ONEDlNLIlEPOlice Woman-'Gllller With ABullet' Pepper goes lmmklrationbureau into confusion when he repom. OlCf(CAVETT$KlWlIndercover asa reporter 10 InYestlgale the drug lO1llNCY . TOMOFlflOWoverdose death of a'OC~ star. (A) S.W,A.T.-'Slrlke • UOVIE-{ORAMAJ'" ·F,BJ,Force' Hondo and his team ctash with a racist ' ourForT.xu"11G3 11:3Q tlOlJROFPOWeRparamllilary group led by·a (ellred general who has ~ SARHAllYJONES ASCCAPTiOH£ONEWSbeen markedfordesfrucllon by oilierpower seeking THEWAi,TONS 12;OOTOMOAflOWe~tremlsts. (A; 2fl15" I~mlns.l ' .~. younD sallor~.blller over his paralysis from a war HEWMaJOOAEPO/rr

10:e I POIJCESTOf'fr'· InjuryJdakehm!1I11l(f Watton',fIomnsthe ramllyHEWS.C',. ' .'. ~MOVIE iADVetmJRE)"1h Irles 10ptlrsuade him tostart II /lew Dre,tSOmlns.)t2:15- ~EWS ~-,... '. --.

OIllwKttamm"1157 • l:»'OCOU£G~flASm6AU' 12:%0 ~~llt)$UlabI2m!"""v-"CMIl1t5t

VISlOHS . . IMACHElLEHRERREPOltt it.!) ROSU8AGI.EYSIfOW• lea In WI/Uno' This drama concerns agroup 01 WHAfSJWl9EH1NG1 • SOHAHZA.women In the demandingand maddening profession WHAfSJtAPPENINGI. • 12:otS H£WSo,waltreaslllfl.SelinthereSlaul1ntroc~erroom, the th Raj and Rerun lake great care In arranging 2:OD ~ClUaaction cenlers around the women's gossIp and wit Jmportant $;lurday nfghllUles, !lUi their. stories t.2O MAVEflICKas Ihey conlllmp~te whet will take (IYer thelucr3tlve aflerwifdsare ~sterpleces of fiction. 3:20 WORlJ)ATlAAGEstatlonofthe retiring senior waitress. 190 mlns., lCG iJ JACOUESLlPCHIlZ 3~ MANNA

DICK CAVElTSHOW A<Iocumenlaryol Jacques lfpchllZ, Clnt! of the great ~:tG HEWS ;'TOMORAClW ' 20th century eculplors. Includes foo~e althe In- 4;» AOMPfRROOMFlU sllllallan 0/ hiS monumental sculpturtt al Columbia 5:M t1tREE$TOOOESjum.ERASCAl.S

11:1) REXHUtillARO University anl;l tlle Clullon of lheUpehlltMuseum _ .ABCCAP110HED HEWS In MiamI. (60mlns.1

GUNSMOKE I NOVATOMORROW BARNEY WUERNEW UElOCO REPORT 8ARNEYWUERHEWS eporta 01 polite corruption submll Bimer MillerROSS8AGI.EY SHOW .nel his delectlves to the probIngs ollnlerna Affairs90HAHZA Investlgators.II HEWS I N9CAEPORTS .ATlANTA HAWKS REPlAY BARHASYJONES7CI.l ClUB maby Jones, InvesUoaling the supposedWORlDATlAAGE desertion Of an Army caplJln from the Vietnam WarTHE AOCK ZOlle, uncovers a blUrre 13.000.000 wartime ooldNEWS robbery and finds hImself facing a manslaughterROMPER ROOM charge when h!J accidentally s/)ools and kills inTHREESTOOGES; UTTU RASCAlS Innocenlbyslinder.12bU.'


eTates and Campbells gather 10 eulogize Cheslerbut since hlsllody has nol been lound they decideto bum his layorite suit and scalier the asheS.


uesl: Violinlsllsaac Stern.


ale's fong·lime frtend. acelebrale" stage aclress.discovers Budlly anll is determined 10 Illre the girtl!dyqulIgster Irom home and Into the theatre. Gueslslar: RaChel Roberts. (60 mlns.)


"TrlpltCrosl"\tf1CBS tATE WOVlE




, , , ,


Offices Located at'nnsbrook Village ........

Information Center, , .Highway 37 •• ,.

"' <

257-1386 \. ,




~ ~



Page 20: uts, ,air• . t····or - · pUbUC meeUilg WedIlesdiiY attlie RUidoso TnlStee Loilf

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\I ,.,.. 4,


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. \ ..

WENDELL CHINO. Mescalero Apache tribal president, spokeduring an InformatIonal meeting with highway department of.ficlals Tuesday, cltlng safety as his number one priority In theupgrading of Highway 7010 afang distance four·lane facility.

, .

Warrior bani!I,


.~, .

-'~ I I .,...... ~




.,.. f"...

OVER 200 PE,RSQN attended the State of the . t~rnmerce president: statetepresentatl'veJohnVillage luncheon wh'ere legislators predlc~ed,a Bigbee, state senator John Conway 'and Ruidosodecre~se In, taxes tbls year, Pictured left t6 right mayor Lloyd L, Davis Jr. .are Dave Wilson, Ruldpso'Valley Chamber of

, j


d •

, .


" ,"

Downs eyes sewerproject cost

. ~ . ..




Pege8- Ruidoso [N. M.l News

letevision-schedule-foMhe-Week-~ . . .,.. .'Including his brother, dJe In Ihe COUrQ althelr warll '. . - .•••, •. -:. ,.- .~, ", .

so he puIs his own IIle on the line by aUemptlng the ~sunda ~~ ~=~~1E'8 EVHtB, .same stunt thattook his brothers life. (2 hra,) y N=~~ 'JI .


~~:~~~ MORNWG I 'llr8APmfCHUOOIf ltll,:r_ 'ree VlgneUes: 'Second TIme Arowld' Stars: Tina I88UESAHbAHSB ~_ Yankee'in King Arthu(s Co\Irt' Is

louise, Lyle Waogoner, 'The Now Marrlage' Slars: lXlUEGE8ASKEJBAU. 'JI Jdapltd trom~~Tw~n'lnovellboufl'lllneleenlhPeler Marshall, Barbara Rush. 'My Sister Irene' 4:00IWARREN ROBERTS PlESEtlTS 11:Sl =w:sms cenl1l~Jaetoryl»tnho,."eraufferlngHlQwtoSlars:Mart/1aRaye,AayBolge/.lOOmlns,) 5:1Xl THESTOIIY 'I lIIt~flndlblll\~UlnKlng' '.

~ QMOVJE~OOCUMENTARY}·'" 5:1 WOIII.D.cotmH Happy New Year PIIt II. Host louis RUkeyaer. I-'Man of Anti' 1134 Colman nger King Maggie NEWMEXKlOREPORT Guest LlJClen O. hooper, VIce President of NATIONALBEOG_

Oillane, Documentary about the ~y'll)fiy 5:45' SACREDHEAIlT Thompson McKlnnonSecurides,lno. • If/AII)\'OOYS'existence and the constant light lor survival, of a 1:00 'tHUSSON"" i=. -~EVEHT· -~,-._-- ..... -IIsherman In aremole Irlsh coastal communlly. (2 : JIMUYSWAGGART IIIWI e MOYIE~COMS1f~..hrs,) THllE£STOOGESANDFRlEHOO. nlllfl\oli _GootIQIM"l.


, FANTASY ISLAND AIIOUNDTHEWORLDIHIJDAYS CNhBI~ games SCM1hlwedUkles: NLew YOffl vs Kansas CI~, .:1 BONKERSFANTASY ISlAND UNDERDOG lIIago vs au ee, os Angeles ys Sealtle, ALtE

A woman see~lng the (ruth regarding her lwln ,OAYOFOlSCOVERY IReglon wlll datermlne game 10 be telewsed In your 7:OJ mCLUBT"'. "ru,',stele''s 'heldbrolher's dealh, and aman who wanls to ~ecome a 1:45 SOCIAL SECURITY SHOW area) WASHlHGTOHWEEK Wmmillionaire no matler what the sacrifice are Mr 7:00 HOUR OF POWER AFTERNOON THEBlGEVEHTRoarke's guesls Guesl stars Eve Plumb, George OEVUN ' njenn~l:TlieSlorm' SlarS:nmolhyDalton, LynnMaharis 160 mins,) ~ DAY OF DISCOVERY Radgrave. The Venne/ord Rancland Its lI1anager,gPORTEAWAGONERSHOW . ANIMALS,- ANIMALS, ANIMALS; SCHOOL. 12:00 WOBLD.OFwmcosr . Ol~el~~~ro~art~~t~nedb1!P)lizar~andL_~. ' Be r81~

~)J ti~:~ I' O~LROBERTS ~~:~A~'Iffi8~~~lm;:Olt/ShbOo1feepefl2hrs.r- ", .'. -~"';r'''-'0·'-U·''. 'II'n"".. e" 'S'~ -:-e'~S'~S"'IO·:"'n·~ .. , .... "".. "":"" ~~ " .'oROCKCONCERl ' LOST IN SPACE • BTHESUPERSTARS BATTlESTARGALACTICA. • , ' . , • .. .... ".lID IOOCLUB CHURCH OF GOD 12:00 DeAFHEAR BAmESTARGALACTlCA' \. ' .

10:00 fJ ROSS BAGLEY SHOW 7:))1 FREESIYLE Bl)CK PERSPECllVE ON THE HEWS nallen Slranger JoIns !he Ga/acllca Ileel allracl1ng . , .' , .(J ,00 NEWS ' ROMANHOUDAY , MOVlE~COMEDYI'" liS people wllh mySleriouspowersandpromls8iol a . ' TIle Ru!doIo~ Tuesday evening Tooknosc"oooo l..u....!rtftl DoUce f f""

IABC NflYS • JIMMY SWAGGART "Room S&rvlce"1938 successful end to their search lor Earth. Guest6Iar;' - ~ h;~1 UIJI 1'" BYGWYN JONF.S •ewer weral coostraints 00 th1s highway; SATURDAY NIGHT UVE 0 NAvAJO NATION REPORT 1:00 fJ AT HOME IYITH THE BlBLE Pal1lck Macnee. IPI.I 01 a Iwo-part episode; 60 PltUna routlneb.sueSslm wJthtbe, Cbief Paul Lukena dlsmIBIlng Palr_' StaffWdferJPhotograpber than any olher we'v~ worked ont" he

MOVIE 1nn.e UN4NNOUNCED) I' METHODIST CHURCH SERVICE 0 SPORTSWORLD minSI f't&wfngactton taken: . B1ll Cantu from the RuJdoao Pollee ltllJl assured the group that their ~gestlOM1015 i NEWS HOUR OF POWER IWASHINGTON weEK IN REVIEW ll1l KAZ -Approval of 'ReloluUon 79-1 De}m'tment, Cantu W85 advised by maylr "Iwe !::tOBHlgnlzln

bg the10tonehaneddIfOfr turefm. would beglvenconalderaUoo,

10;,J QNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 8:00 CHANGEDUVES ; CANADlANFISHINBAOYEHTURE @AllINTHEFAM'lY Ittllcliztng RIl1d~ Ambutance semce lloyd L. Davia Jr., to meet with Harris provemelll.ll 0 way eu,he Greal Whales People are ooly beginning 10 DO SESAME STREET ,:15 ) INtERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP IlOXlNG 7:~ ~ WALL STREET WEEK . dlrectcc' Ross Sclnrm to app1" for d'I'MIl andto f"Il"1II naanalpPMedures topr........ traffic demands, Ruld~o area resldents, [SEE P~GE TWO}J~derSland Ihe remarkable crealureswho Ie/line 0'R"EXHUMBARD INTERNATION4L CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ALICE y O....,~ uuu" '" ... ''''' 1o\1:o'l. In T ada eetJng with tate HIghland 10 dwell 10 the sea over 60 Imlhon years ago 10 0 KlDSARE PEOPLE TOO ABC Spons wllllelevlSe the WBC World Weller, AIce's boyfriend, ErIc, lands two et~a rIckets 10 a _elt'rom atale and f~ei'a1aotltC1, CG Iiadlam1uaL .a ue Ym 8 wayIhlS documenlary special the hfe of !he earth s 0 ARST AMERICANS weight Champlonsh~ boul belween lilleholder CeleDriI~ thaflly ball ana she must decide Who gets' i 25 percelt local partfdpaUCllD, to .~ -u."tt/l~t;;(<<'I/(N(.(~'Fllt.W.lllll.l/." DepaI'tmednt officials, also empM~ a ,largest and oidestlllmg mammal IS e~plored !5C ' HAZEL Carlos PalominO and challenger Wllfredo Benitez lIlem III!Itln~UoDclthellerv1ce. ' ~:':O:/./":W/:':':o'M..,:,:.:.::tII.0"~~7m.'."'~;<fIo~'·1 ealre to preserve 1henatural beautyand imrn! I I JIMMYSWAGGART heldln5anJuan,PuenoRicol75mlOsl 1;00 Q'EvENINGATSYMPHONY l th.......... the f .. rJ. F'- ~l l. tmlqueenvlrontnentoftooarea IoSTAR TREK Ul ATHLETES IN ACTION UlIWORLD CONCERN Selli Ozawa and the BasIon $ymphon, Orchestra ..~U \IIoijoW -10100 a "-0 ~~ Skt t ~:: !!tan chl • ( •9 SOUNDSTAGE PUE8LOV~S WALLITIlEETWEEK perlorm Haydn's 'S~mphon~ No, Bin BFlal Ma)o( Ccuttn1ss1on, tUb memberah1pcmabtJng ~* I repor :?: A&1 t ef highway admfnlstrator ~ ,QMOVlE,AOVENTURE)'" , REXHUMBARD ; PORTERWAGONERSHOW andconcludehisoralorio'TheSeasons,'T!leNew rUle _bent RuIlb40 Flre Depert. ij ~ John WhItman presided over the In· ttl,,"'"

'The Red Tent" jg71 Peler Finch Sean Connery • MOVIE~DRAMAI'" tOO HEUVES EnglandConselValoryChorus,PhYIiSsBryn~ulson, MIt cl1Itf, aU put ch1efI In rem~ ~~ " ~ fmUonalmeetlng, held attbe Inn of the , \~; ;,'.',The story 01 aGeneral'S dIsastrous IhghllO Ihe Sonmdlovm"l!I BtETHOVENFESllVAt Robert Tear an~ JOhn Shirley.(lulrk are also • and bile member ti the'vJ11sge i Sierra Blanca Ski Area_ ~~ Moutaln Grm. He said thep~ cltbJ '" .A'(,North Pole In 1928. Including acrash and Ihe crews IJAMES ROBISON PRESENTS 'Beethoven's Seventh Symphony' Maestro Antal featured, tOOmlns.) ~"'.l to be ......a.I by n.& mlvor and ~. the I111dJ1ttlrbed !M'ff d'"th at ~. me,etlng was to obtain dtlzen input to 'ji:eventual rescue, (00 mlns I HERALD OF TRUTH DoraU ollh& Detroit Symphony Orchestra and EG. iONCE UPON AClASSIC l&lIIKICll I.IfoIW.I we~:::: 'I' To'

lI!lMOVIE,MU5tAl)'¥J l45 USTEH Mar!hall lake ascenic lugbOalrldealoMlhe Delroit JOSUNDAYNIGHTWVlE ._ by 'the' trustetI, 'l11e ccm- ~~ midway fa 72/nches apd atfJDg ~~ detennlne what too local needs are rn '". :":'tlCountryMus~"1m t.00 ARST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ATlANTA River to discuss Beethoven's 'Sevenlh~ Delore the ; WEEKEND , nlJIsloo ~eated by fire ch!ef BID ~ eondltlOlUl are' OD powder and ~~ regard to Utehlghway. , : ,", _,',: (

10:45 OMOVI£-(DRAMA,...Yz 0 MtSTERROGEIIS perlormance,(60mlns.) , DRAGNET 1l;;..11....1, -e n...d~m ...t I.. ~." Mckedpowder, '.':.~. n,uidCl1o Mayor lloyd Davis Jr., drew , . , ,~.!' ~.'lifhe Letter" 1it) DAY OF DlSCtJVERY ITHEATREfN AMEI1tA I DALLAS ~m flWIU IPIiU lUV "t""- W 2 I'" < f.f" Ihhls that 1he ' T j

11:00 ~ 700CLUB WITNESS STAND • THATNASHVlLlEMU5t IKAZ I .~q~clt1.I:~ < ... , :z J~",JIIO'I9S~eF~yllieveu ~~. ap~use wl elll\1Il~rts.. Ii· .,' ~' •. ;:.THEATRE IN AMEIOCA JERRYfAlWEll ' MOYlE~COMEOY)1II 8:)) OIIALROBERTS , _~~~1, ~. ldehd.' , . cr'", ,~aeJIhet!nYalUt\,(d. tlleJ(ea)iI.~, ~~"~'Ji"'~?Ii'}t~'

. ugene O'Neill's 'Beyond Ihe Homon' dealSWIlh INOUIRY "The IJdle.'llan" 111 ... , RUFF HOUSE ci1U~code; andOl'lfkl'n&?g. ~ nllldllll.8kI Area report.. 40 ~ to 11&," He dted an ewn~e oralilgliway ." ~>:~,)I . .

Ihe dreams ollhree young people who rUin their t.)) STUDIOSEE ~ GRANDPIlIXMASTERSTENNLS t.00 MARANATHACOHCERTS '% .nue~K" '1IVI_lftI••af.. two acm ci p.?: ludI base with 1% I11c1les ohew f.~ through Valli Colorado, theCOll8tructionllf .,' .lives by making choices for which they are baSically NEWMEXICOOt1TDOOflS GRAND PRIX MASTERS TENNIS MASTER~ECETHEATRE ""l6 -&'I'l~ ;.:. de 11 th .. ~1 whlch had necessItated removal of '''Me'unsulletUlle 1920 PUlitzer Prize-winning dramu ELECTRlCCOMPAHY ghl male proswho have collec/ed !he most POints plsOde Thirteen,'The DuChess of Duke Street· 006 • 1and _ by Tnt Qlaw In TlJct Two ci ~ manma s ow 011 e expeu ~f. Wl6pertormed by the McCarter Thealre Company of • ANIMALS, ANIMALS, ANIMAlS; SCHOOL on the Grand Prix circuli during (he year WIll be tlighl'S Choice' Ayoung lady arrives allhe holel Al.rpMTradt· $~ run. ~ nwnbers rl trees. He said aslmiJarcoo.Princetonl.~J (2 hrs,l ROCK compellng In Ihls championship evenl from Madison askmg lor Lord Haslemere'loulsa discovers thai ' _ ReceIved 8letterfromJImGennany ~ AIllUts are opel'lltfng Ql aU i strucuon project here would llellmlnate"oJUKEtlUX REAlIlAOES DE NUEVO WEXKXl Square Garden. New York. 12hrs) thuyster/ou! woman Is Ch8Jlle'scousln .aGul, fea1d1ng 011 colllltyp~8U1TOund~ by :~:, trsllute open. ~ much of the picturesque appeal cl too

11:)) USATUROAYHIGKTUVE : lMHGYOURREWION ~IGOD'S NEWS BEHIND THE NEWS fragellewanledbylhepollce.16Dmlns) thevllIage1fmlts tWIueatingasa_In:~ Wednesday aflel'DOou'. flJgh ~ area.Host Art Garlunkel, Guest' Stephen Bishop. lR; 00 FAct THE NAOON C

ooBHOPE OESERTCtASSIC WEEKEND trwrl.lll'ltf ",... II~ i;;_ .....I e

l1NH-d ~:':~~ _. l1li degree- Illd .....1 ~":',,~ NlXTIIaI1 Wheeler, mayor of Ruidosomlns,) 10:00 ACTS! Sport! oilers coverage ollhe final round of the MASTERPlECETHEATRE IUUWUfj UI4UgIUI~IWUW 00""'" lUll nQ~ j' ~ u c(,

OllOVlE~DflAMA.SPEcrACIJLAII)" COMPOSITE 10th edillon 01 this PGA lournamentlrom Palm ; mNEWS bLtpropeny. Thematterwuieterredto f.~ morufJJg'sJowwad.degrtt f~ DoWh!l, said he would ,recommend wg11MlnotIur, TIlt WIld IleutOfCftte"11Sf /,lEfT THE PRESS Desert, California Bob Hope Is (he host and Arnold ' O'PEH UP tilla11' att«ney Roo Hartis asmtant~: For skiing cOlldltlon ~ Ihe present highway WIth the addition of

12:00 8. TO BE ANNOUNCED STUDIO SEE Palmer, Carol Mann and John BrotJJe wlll proYlde Ihe DALLAS" ~11.gO"e a"""t..'.......tor 'Cl.i.t..1. p'"u_ and :..~.·r,••· call Sierra BlanM Sid ....olIn 257. ~J, overpasses and underpasses at coogestedMOYIE~COUEDY)"'Yz ISSUESANDANSWE'RS commenlary,l2hrs,I ~)) ; NBClATEN~HTMOYlE 'WI I.IWIlll.:IIlI NIUA IMC!." loll 11&"1 r.-;

'Hmr GII'e ASucker An Em Break" 1841 Vi C WIlESTUNG !WIDE IYORLDOF SPORTS MOVIE1OllAMA)" ;illage clerk Jim Blne for lnvest1gaUon ?: tWI, and Ruldoso &1 Area,~ ~~ areas, such as the racetrack entrance, theFields, Gloria Jean, Azany tnes to promote amovie ; ABETTER UFE WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 'Pl.l~ HAlbLay,"lm iandactlon. *~ 4211. :~ I'V" and theSle~ Blanca turnoff.scrlpltoa film proaucer lOO mlnsl I FACETHENATlON ,oday's plograrn wjlliealure the clown princes 01 10:00 I) NOYA ~~:::!o:~Y;;:'$:}I.}'::::~:~~:*:::fI.:!o*::<::::~:::!o:'tZ::r~7,:5f.:: ::~::~( Because, as Whitman said, t'Th~e ~

It)) THE LESSOH I0flA1. ROBERTS basketball, the Hartem GlobelrOllers, (Season lh~ Lon~ Wal~ 01 Fred Youn{This Ue story 01KUP'S SHOW 10'.31 ORAl ROBERTS Premiere; 90 minS.l Dt. Frederick Young, aNavaJoln4ian who, 8mhtld,

• GUNSUOKE TURNABOUT I· BOBHOPEDESERTCLASSt hunted barelool and slept underthe slatS. loday hePTL PROGRAM ' hy Punish the Children?' This program goes 10 a 3:00 MIlE IYORLDOFTRUTH is anuclear phYSicist althe los Alamos SCientificNEWS women's prison 10 explore how the residents handle FIRING lINE LalloratotyinNeiMemo,ttDmins.1

tOO REX KUIIIWID their sep;ration Irom their children, Ayisills also 3~ JERRY FALWELL 18 NfHS1:)) Hews made 10 amlnimum-!ecuri~ facilily where inmates .:00 NOVA NOV"

• Mt'ME~IIUSK:AL.amRAPHtAI.l.. live with their pre-schoolers while ser'llng sell- ' he long Walk of Fred Young' Thl! is the story of • ABCNEWS"=~1loIt"1847 lences. Problems of sucl1 children are considered Dr. Fredenck Young, aNal'3jo Indian who. asacI1l1d, MOVIE-(COMEDY)"~ "

2:oo lalawverilSYChOIDgISI. hunledbarelootandsleplunderlbeslars, Today he ''Great r.tIler1ftt"114 Peler 0100le, Jeanne . ~~ ORALBJBERTS NEWSCONFEREHCE is anuclear physi~st althe Los Alamos SCientific Moreau, catherine Ihe Greal Mcomesalttactedtoa Ruidoso - trustees Mooday nJght village att«ney Richard Psrsoos, and wbich Ifmi~ ~ CO'St of occupaUooal pet')"eBr. unl 0rms3:(() LARRY I£A PRESEHTS ZOOM laboratory in New Mexico, (60mlns.) newly arr~ed MUsher wIlo keeps Irylng 10 escape, receivedpfHw1lcaUonformsforfundlng statements from Ruldcso Flowers and licenses to amaximtmui $iOO per year. _Tabled revIew of oolklays for village3:1 AGRICULTURE U,s.A. JlOIlQ\.lE ~FESTfiAl. She Imprlsonsandlortures him.12hts,) 'Of thePWm~ sewer prot.ld. Itwill bethe C1m11e .....1 Cowan,In" '!be license eM is based 00 one dblJar nIIr etDft10VPe:J for lW9, pelldlngfurtherstooy.4:(() PUMPOUCY FORUM 11 QUES'OONS 1,IIIll;\/1Ml¥ 1G:151 NEWS ~ un WU ... .,.. .. J"

5:(() CARtOOHOOINIVAL • lIOVIEo(8IOORAPIDl..oRAlIA)"~ AOONEWS 1~1 STARTREK task If t~ trmteea to ccme up \Ylth~ tOOusand dollars gross reteipts of eaeb -Grantedanoocupationalllcenseto~ •5:1 OOISTFOR THE WOflD "El GrICO"1. .VilESMG TOBeAHt/OUNCEIl. eatlmates f«o coostructtoo <i the vfIlsge's - Gave final approval to Ordinance 79, OOsiness, wllh aminimum of five doUars Domino Club.


~TO~MAKE~CHANG~ES~~~~~~11~:CO~COIlAL~m~FUYTEJWj~~~~~ ~ PEvmw~ isr:e~=r~;~~Downs committee named 0 y oarNEWS afilm pOItra~ of the C1ealiYe artist binl'on sel~ ~..u_ ..,~ of t1 O/IM I... te .\;,&CB$NEWS aeMn. His bOOK 'UIilI.t IIle VolCanO' ~IC ,~~ .VIJ 'If. J!.III_ I 1lI1ll ' , .

LErSGOTOTH£1IACES paraJleIed hi! peraQrW Odytuy ItJrdUgh guUl, 'lI1Id, because large $ectlons of the v!Uage . TOO RuidosoBoardofEdooatioovlted to tbeoolylifidalcandidate.5:1 ltOUROFPOWEII . paranolaandultinale~,lnsanl~.12hrs.1 'weren~Jnclud& "'t ' h.It d hI ; accept the bId of Sol Frank, Clayton, tf .

I F'~"in America' Tblt progllm examJnt. tile I=~ AcqUlsiUon of laM was also JIKllIDplete, 0 com a 0gpro ems $14,96z.00 for,75 Warrl~ band unllorms at ~~ted the revised board polley ., •ex1enlolthtdrugproblemslnlh~country,andhow mMY~tl~ abe addoo. and would have tq be reVised ' .. tbelrTuesdayevenlngli1eet!ng. 'll .~.tile FedtralGovernmentconlrlbutes to lhe problem. "1.11'1Q Utdi'j111 ~ 00ca1ie the recent 6000 bad changed the " • The clIDpany, which will provide 75 '-Ac/ltlnted the low'"l~ cl g 5M from :~ c

HDo -.. IIlI paIIoIIo ~ Pie~ 11* IIItlAlllllllllllJlE ;lIiIIlIe Ii IbniYer, aJlI COOIIlIIIeIt1y. mareNng and 11dell"• PerteetPam to ..."..age.~-d!lJO-JbuIa .. ~_.. ' I· I , '1liDeL ~~rty.lfntJ...--~·-_~ __~ A five~ erson committee formed of an effective animal control system, said he would like ·to investigate thl makeslmemOOlficationstbtheoverlay<l i>i1'''mob·U t1~I....~ n prt8ent"~(f1lflY '::::=Scott Jf~,~1ft:~ .·__~_ .. u ·~ttll8tee88JaodlJcussed~ne.ty Wednesday n at RUIdrso1'JOWn.f liiClUiIfng"--cooperatlorr:'~ betlfeen ·.bttltYlfhavfngfederaftraAlemnter--~bingtlnlfOl'lll-:a~ l1li111 eu~ulllW:lWl.'ef)) r:j.~n'. K~I Sin: Orren 'JkGavln, MICkey mus~1an who Was r~ected bj Iht Whit. ,sb· t ql appoInthlg aliew member Ii til Jo1Jt. "dog problem meeting" Wll1 soon begin mun1cipalltles in the COllll~, monetary intotbat problem. . , pUotuniformto tbe boardinFelrU81'1.-Accepted tbe resl~Uoo Of l'awany. AqulCk.fh1l1k/!lo con arIIst 8I1QaOfs In , • eslabllsllrnel\t wb~h' could not acceplhllll or ~~ ""'\Vse (Sewer) Board, because of the nlcent wlll'k on what they l10pe will be practical Investment and trained animal control There was StIne dlsagreement arnoog other bids were received ll'tUl De- Stlnnen, NobHlll SC~ohecreta'ty1 whoIs,=h:g:o~=:~~~~~,i::JmMltlldJff=:r:OIIllUI~.12hta.J , .., ~hcI Jim ttoberts, woo bad served 00 means to solve the anIInal control trouble pIlrsoonel, preferably with theauthorltyto t1tl$e. present as to w~etoor cmtrol Moulin, }12,a.,1.75,Fruhauf,$15,46U5,and stOO)'iri for ,8 re~ estate salesman

fRNGlME ,'.' .. tbltlxlatlL ' fnthatvillage'8Ddsllttoondfngaress, ~ue citations and enter private prOpertyl programs should deal, fiist with strays Meda1lst-stanb\l1'Y,$16,,491. _, 'UUPPETSHOW 1:1 lIOYEo(COll£DY)flYl . 'I AfeMral grant appUcadOllfortlindfng The comttllttee, formed at the though notrestdences, to collect lUItagged Inside the village or with the 'lrild dog Also durlng the meeting, the boanl ' -Hlitd Janet GestIng JS Nob ron I,'

=If:LMJII.DOFIlISN£Y t.GO I'W~,TIlIrtIl1. "of bnJ,tOYematfs to tli ftlJ-Amerlcan suggestioncipub~chealthveterinarlanO, otUlll'e8lticteddogs,. packs. By the close 'of the bleetlng, retired hili) etecuUve session for routine secretary, and T~ Yallg as ,high I .

.MINUTES 3~ WOllDAT1AAGE ;1rfwUdpal Park was also 8Wroved for J. Rollag, wII1 COJIS1st Ii animal control ' The problem of Wild dog ~cUln areas however, lhe _nsus was tlJtbecause coosidetatlm of superhtendeJt Pa~ schlotscienceandmathteacher. \?cas NEWS ~:» ROMPERIlOOM' .. sitbmfSsllll. Tbahplilcatloo had a1teady tiflcer MIke Hernanilez Jr" yeter1narlan StI1TOunding tlte'vll1ages will be another the problems were Interrelated, both· Vaillant's contract ,and teacher -Acceptea.,~ from fanner county

&.1 fe:sews5:1 THIlEESTOOGES: UTTlfllASOAlS . ;been awroved In lta)l'elhnlnary form by ~.LyIIn Wl1Iard, Don Harrlson, horse and concern of the CWUllittee. Mayor Wheeler would f1ave to.bedealtwitb equally. evaluaUoo$, . " . aidBlDiUo" ftf lie inadtlIg abuse

'hstaWI ,dogtralnetBtidcarpenter,A1IstclWatsfad , 'I: AftertlM!twohourclosedaloo,board ed.P'~anL· ~',:'¢'J'We've just·scratched the sUrface 00, and VIcki Niederhauser, both animal V . fi' . " chaIi1nan Dave ParU reported 8lmply ....Reedled • ''thank Yb~' frOOl mayit' ~. : .

, tbIsj (par~ Improvements)" mayor ~hlIiclans, T senes' Ilm'Jug: set V~fsCOJdta(:t.urellwedmlj'we UoYdL,oavi.tJr~lfcttbeacl1oolsystem'sNan~elet.I'mlUrecanBet I RoUag/lloowastheprJnclpllBpeakerat "Ii bave8g00d61U1ch~leacliers/· h~pd~~~, ~,t1Ur")ii'Ube'great/', l tberneetlngreco_dedthe_ttee , . rnothetbtlsim8S,the~:. -Al'Proved., .' .'.'~U from ~nlted Statesl use an awroach Utatbas .~edb\ New . . . ", ~ ~ , j -Was notified' bYJMnard De Layo, TbeIi~.lboardmeetlitg\flJlbeat

,.~taUf4 llat'Otd 'Rbets and Mexico Clti~l Key areas ofcootemfor the ~ences In a new tel~Vlslon series, Idealfort~ segments we have Inmindfor' state;superlt1tend~t lIlPuWC Instrudiol\ ,7pJD",February 13 ht the tdlniJllstraUve •'•. . '_r~elefioli'lenlcfliegardlngtbef1odd' gr.oUP wlll be ,hnprovement of O~ IIPresldent's Secret Senice/' are thlslitea.",· December 19 aM 20 woUld beCOiIsidered oIDces. . '. " ". . ~'.

was revIewed' by the tnWes. Spall Blrengtherth1g of anhnsl cootrol or~llCheduledtobefllmedlntheRuld~area, , 'as full 'teachbt days althollgh classes . ,~,~'tbata.' dIce had also dJnancu, advishlg oil budgeting matterS Bheridan DI Rdd, locaUon manager for '.., , , weresuspendedbeCaUSlloft'-OOtldl.' S hfa' "

, tfleplJm~ tJj ViJIIge. 8tAh lifidals Said flf ananlmalcont~I~~~gUidlng' QM Prooucllons ci Hollywoodr CalJfomla, Ma=dSC~~ullIlg.~1Js for fn at -Heard ~ report 'tOm T~~ JOIS, earc eseue' ."••kh"rWhatthe1~toasslattil"tbe~tlon.oftlie.p~, '... , ,,~~annQun~., , , s~aWl~J nelU' So, ,.N~.J~~;,~~~l.tBs!rlctbQiJget1'IlI. '. '. .;,. :, ,'~ recov~ ~tfl&.Itei·~~~ ~r~r;~ltel1!!li~ .. . '. :=I"J~~ ~.~~~t.iIirrdtltm··-·· e"'e";'t''-'''S'''-rt1:u"'e''s""la-'-y"":' ""---'''_A",·.. ",c·,

UfQt JlO ~p~ ftad been tee Veu &111M \!01Il.IIl:~Uca ,~C\llllW t/ ReId who wasreferred to Ruidoso by scetiJiloltWlllbeused 'Jill fIImlnit~ aCC,\lIIlAU'6PII~m&ure~~: , . _ J,I U, ..' .",Seilat(tHa1'tison~ff, ' ." . responsible ~tO\Vl1e.rshlpln selecUOttola the E{ Paso Tew Bush1i!ss and COn-· "~/, ", coW e ., o· / • Jonessald, the~nt:ot,.,. . ,. .." 'i }:_, .

, ·,.:J8ld,federaldlBastetfullding -pet, care alid trahllftgj and legal ~spon- ventlooSure4U tQutidtlJesreaandSlerra sequence~~ottheYe~~AAseri~. J' andA~Uonatkltbntatuudikt 'Wb1teMOUIItalnsearclt~.qe Will . ~'t •

'11JJ tJdeIlithe govemtt lUle declareS mbillUes., Bfli.....~ tlIJD.. ort'i"oJ IIItlIdlbl em ' ...,' '"".l' . . livedUterentaCCOlDltblg~ "Welt. ,tftai.f jJ, 1I,t11 '~ . 'I'I,liMtliri I", d....

:, 'tbe_« i'dSaltei lrea, 'we'll ,get .EdJl1llgbluth,exec~vesectefaryflthe U1111ahwm:S ,WYle.1MW es, 'i1telJ!w»hllW,Reldtald~f8bJsel1~l'the causes. prooleuund "li1most reqlllrti, ;rlclo.r~~~mJ~' .:'... 'Met.rrlllidS~~ftOt"e.oo't}t . ~uldoso Vallet ~ber Of COtntnerd'. " • 'f dev~.Dtot.,,.yB1lltbahtllll'il$we twoacl.'OJJDtltIg~,1I . fil1.1iiltlob; 'Of the: ,communfcaUohs ..~ .; ~ "1Dbtfier,bus_,tbetrllstees:, ." w.a&a$ked 'bYRuld~ ~ mayor . Portions rl the series requite~g tnofstureJtonHl~ds, and;lfturned 00 ~noon Fe~ruatya asa .aPeClB1 ~ulpiJ1entti1'(jj~t. r ~' ,:" - Approved' accounts ,payable" With N_WJjeeIer to help tile _tw and steep roadS, aI1d ~nerysln1l1at to hlltlWllill1g$;,:tJ#1i them lrtt6 mummies; school board ~ectlOn meetfng til,canvass" Fr.. ,'.. ,!

, "three ~ieeptrofiSl '~ayment wilt be. IIgetstarted/'irrftswork. , ".,'. thatittSwifterlnndMd.ReldsaId,''IflIId llItb/fb&sa(d,l!fobeanalaJamesBondthetesuIts, '~." AUpersi;c1s:lI1~~stedi",attendlngare "~'::.', Wlthb~d,pertdlnglrtltetnlUdWUngftoo1'. Rol~gUstedseveralother~~nellts thero,ads.blll1dingsanirgeneralscenery serifS.'· .. ':,' • . _be!itWjR,ClstormyIiEdwardS~ we!wtned, ., . ~" .. , ... ,:. ~',' " .", ~ ••" f ~.


, •. t4!
