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D3 & SVG Jason Madsen

Utahjs D3

Jan 27, 2015




Getting started presentation on using D3
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D3 & SVGJason Madsen

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$ whoami@jason_madsen

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What is D3?JS library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS.


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What is it doing?Create and bind data to DOM elements

Add, remove data, update DOM w/transitions

Map domain data to display data (scales)

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D3 and Me

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"You'll need a modern browser to use SVG and CSS3 Transitions. D3 is not a compatibility layer, so if your browser doesn't support standards,

you're out of luck. Sorry!"**

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Getting Started

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Creating SVGsvg  ="#chart").append("svg")

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.append(element)add a child tag

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.attr(prop [,value])setter / getter for attribute values

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lots `o chainingsvg  ="#chart").append("svg")    .attr("width",  w)    .attr("height",  h);svg  =  svg.append("g")    .attr("transform",  "translate(20,20)");

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Margin Conventions

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.data(array)bind data to the selection

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Joinsseparate into sections: existing, enter, exit

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.exit()selection of no longer needed elements

.enter()selection of new elements

generally gets an `append()`

generally gets a `remove()`

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.enter()selection of new elements

generally gets an `append()`

data  =  [50,  50,  50];


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.enter()selection of new elements

generally gets an `append()`

data  =  [50,  50,  50];

element in enter selection

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data  =  [50,  50];

.exit()selection of no longer needed elements

generally gets a `remove()`

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data  =  [50,  50];

element in exit selection

.exit()selection of no longer needed elements

generally gets a `remove()`

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simple barssvg.selectAll(".bars")    .data(dataset)    .enter().append("svg:rect")        .attr("class",  "bars  bright")        .attr("height",  function(d,i){  return  d})        .attr("width",  50)        .attr("y",  function(d,i){  return  h  -­‐  d})        .attr("x",  function(d,i){  return  i  *  100  })

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scalesyScale  =  d3.scale.linear()                    .domain([  0,  d3.max(dataset)  ])                    .range([  0,  h  ]);

domain 890

range 5800

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bar height.attr("width",  (w  /  dataset.length)  -­‐  3).attr("height",  function(d,i){  return  yScale(d)})

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scales for color

colorScale  =  d3.scale.category20c();

colorScale  =  d3.scale.linear()                            .domain([0,  d3.max(dataset)])                            .range(["blue",  "green"]);


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transition.transition()    .delay(  ms  )    .ease("cubic-­‐in-­‐out")    .duration(  ms  )        .attr(“prop”,  “value”);

** could also use CSS3 transitions

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transitions.transition()    .delay(  function(d,i){  return  i  *  250  })    .ease("cubic-­‐in-­‐out")    .duration(  300  )        .attr("height",  function(d,i){  return  yScale(d)})        .attr("y",  function(d,i){  return  h  -­‐  yScale(d)})

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axisyAxis  =  d3.svg.axis()                    .scale(yScale)                    .orient("left")                    .ticks(5)                    .tickSize(1);

function  drawAxis  ()  {    svg.append("g")        .attr("class",  "axis")        .call(yAxis);}

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Rethink height and y for bars.

Swap yScale range

.attr("height",  function(d,i){  return  h  -­‐  yScale(d)})

.attr("y",  function(d,i){  return    h  -­‐(h  -­‐  yScale(d))})

.range([  h,  0  ]);

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Plus lots moreCircles Arcs Lines Paths

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