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Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1 Manual

Oct 16, 2015



Randall Hall

Training manual for Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1
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  • 5/26/2018 Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1 Manual




  • 5/26/2018 Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1 Manual


    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    No part o this pu!li"ation #ay !e reprodu"ed$ stored in a retrie%al syste#$ or

    trans#itted in any or# or !y any #eans$ ele"troni"$ #e"hani"al$ photo"opyin&$

    re"ordin&$ s"annin&$ or other'ise$ 'ithout prior 'ritten per#ission o the Pu!lisher(



    Reiki is an an"ient or# o healin& that is pra"ti"ed !y the authors and nu#erous

    pra"titioners around the 'orld( The inor#ation and te"hni.ues in this !ook do not

    "onstitute #edi"al ad%i"e( Healin& and #edi"ine are t'o %ery dierent dis"iplines( You

    should al'ays re#e#!er to seek #edi"al ad%i"e ro# a .ualiied do"tor or pra"titioner

    in the "ase o serious illness( /hile all su&&ested treat#ents are oered in &ood aith$the author and pu!lisher "annot a""ept responsi!ility or any illness arisin& out o the

    ailure !y the reader0indi%idual to seek #edi"al ad%i"e ro# a .ualiied do"tor or #edi"al



    The purpose o this !ook is to &i%e the reader a "o#prehensi%e &uide to the tea"hin&s

    and dis"iplines asso"iated 'ith Shoden o Usui Reiki Ryoho( /e ha%e purposely kept

    the inor#ation "on"ise so the reader "an .ui"kly and easily understand and apply


    /here%er possi!le 'e ha%e a%oided addin& personal !elies that #ay dier ro# the

    traditional tea"hin&s o Mikao Usui( The kno'led&e and inor#ation "ontained in this

    !ook is !ased on the ori&inal Shiki Ryoho Method o Healin& de%eloped !y Usui1sensei

    o%er one hundred years a&o(

    I you desire to use the tea"hin&s "ontain 'ithin this !ook to heal yoursel and others

    you #ust irst ha%e re"ei%ed the ne"essary attune#ents ro# a Reiki Master either in

    person or %ia distant attune#ent(

    "I am real!#$ I e%&e# mra#le!$" ' Dr$ (a)*e D)er

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 2

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    ,esson 4; Reiki the Uni%ersal ,ie :or"e(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5

    ,esson 2; /hat is Reiki; Ho' Reiki /orks(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?

    ,esson 5; The History o Reiki(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((44

    ,esson @; The @ Reiki Prin"iples(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((4A

    ,esson =; Preparin& :or Reiki 4((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((2>

    ,esson A; )nato#i" Illustrations or Reiki((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((2?

    ,esson ?; Reiki Sel Treat#ent((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>4

    ,esson B; Preparin& To Treat Others 'ith Reiki((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>A

    ,esson 43; Treatin& Others 'ith Reiki(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((54

    ,esson 44; )dditional Reiki Te"hni.ues(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5=

    ,esson 42; Sel1Puriyin& and Sel1-e%elop#ent Te"hni.ues(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5?

    ,esson 4>; Group Reiki Treat#ent((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((@4

    ,esson 45; Reiki and Pre&nan"y$ +a!ies * Children((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((@5

    ,esson 4@; Reiki +rin&s Co#ort to Those Souls Crossin& O%er((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((@A

    ,esson 4=; Use Your I#a&ination((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((=4

    ,esson 4A; :inal Thou&hts((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((=@

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 >

  • 5/26/2018 Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1 Manual


    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    ,ESSON4; REI6ITHEUNIERS),,I:E:ORCE+O,r !-rr-. a*/ .-,*/! are eale/ -*l) .e* .e -,# em . #-m&a!!-*


    There is a non physi"al u!i.uitous ener&y that &i%es lie to e%ery li%in& or&anis#( :or

    #any thousands o years 'e ha%e kno'n o this ener&y and ha%e sou&ht to de%elop

    'ays to harness its po'er to heal and inluen"e our li%es( The Dapanese "all this ener&y

    6i( It is also kno'n as Chi !y the Chinese$ Prana !y a nu#!er o )sian "ultures and the

    Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost !y #ost o the 'estern 'orld(

    /e "arry this ener&y in and around our !odies ro# the #o#ent 'e are "on"ei%ed(

    S"ien"e has esta!lished its eisten"e$ and 'ith the aid o 6irlian photo&raphy 'e are

    a!le to see this ener&y that en"o#passes all li%in& thin&s( )n"ient Eastern "ultures

    ha%e harnessed and applied this ener&y or healin& sin"e !eore the !irth o Desus


    Many su""essul dis"iplines su"h as Reiki$ Tai Chi$ :en& Shui$ Meditation$ Yo&a and

    )"upun"ture ha%e !een de%eloped to "ontrol and &reatly enhan"e the lo' o this

    ener&y in and around the !ody( The ener&y itsel is pure and has o#nis"ient 'isdo#(

    43 THINGSTH)T/E)6ENTHE,I:EGIINGENERGY Too #u"h al"ohol

    ) poor diet ,a"k o eer"ise



    Ne&ati%e ha!its

    Stress Poor !reathin&

    ,a"k o sleep and rest

    Ne&ati%e psy"hi" a"ti%ity

    Hu#anity has !e"o#e raented and hollo'F 'e are only a shado' o 'hat 'e "ould

    !e( /e need to &o !a"k to &o or'ard on"e #ore( +y pra"ti"in& the dis"ipline o Reiki

    you re&ain your natural a!ilities to heal yoursel and others and the kno'led&e you

    re.uire to lead a happier #ore ulillin& lie(

    Natures lie &i%in& ener&y is a &reat and 'ise tea"her$ !y pursuin& its 'isdo# throu&hReiki you 'ill &ro' to ne' hei&hts o understandin& and lie 'ill lo' at a #ore enoya!le

    and e"itin& pa"e( Re#e#!er al'ays that this lie &i%in& ener&y is a &it ro# God 8

    your +irthri&ht( E%eryone possesses this &it and uses it daily e%en thou&h they pro!a!ly

    do not reali7e they are doin& so(

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 5

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    /hen a "hild or instan"e alls and hurts their knee$ instin"ti%ely they pla"e their hand

    on the sore spot and the pain is relie%ed as they un"ons"iously 'ork 'ith this ener&y to

    heal the#sel%es( ,ike'ise$ a parent 'ill kiss their "hilds hurt or inured li#! !etter and

    pla"e their hand on top( Unkno'in&ly !oth the parent and the "hild are 'orkin&

    un"ons"iously 'ith this healin& ener&y( The parent sendin& and "hannelin& the ener&yF

    the "hild re"ei%in& and dra'in& the ener&y(

    This 'onderul ener&y is ree( There are no patents or "opyri&hts atta"hed( )ll you need

    is the desire and the dis"ipline to attune yoursel to the ener&y and its lie "han&in&


    Re ! 56ra-*7 Re ! l87 a*/ Re ! ,*5er!al e*er8)$Re'- ! e !)!em7 -r e me-/7 9-r ,!*8 Re e*er8)$

    Y-, .ll 6e#-me a #lear &a -9 Re 56ra-*7 a*/ ,!e Re -eal e 6-/) a*/ m*/ a*/ - 8r-. !&r,all)$

    Re .ll re,r* )-,r 6-/)7 m*/7 a*/ !&r - ! *a,ral !ae -9 eal7.ell'6e*87 a*/ arm-*)$

    ' Hr-! D-

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 @
  • 5/26/2018 Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1 Manual


    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    ,ESSON2; /H)TISREI6I; HO/REI6I/OR6SY-, /-*

  • 5/26/2018 Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1 Manual


    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    The #iddle dia#ond is in the heart and in /estern anato#y is asso"iated 'ith the

    thy#us &land( The ener&y in this "entre is "onne"ted 'ith e#otions( It is hu#an ener&y

    "onne"ted 'ith hu#an eperien"e( Throu&h this "entre you learn your lies pro"ess 8

    ro# "hildhood throu&h to adulthood and !a"k to !ein& a "hild( /hen you are a "hild

    you are 'ithout eperien"e and as you &ro' older you !e"o#e a "hild 'ith eperien"e(

    This is the sy#!oli" ener&eti" "entre or Heart 6i(

    The lo'er dia#ond is lo"ated 41> in"hes$ or > in&er 'idths$ !elo' the na%el and is also

    "alled the &olden sto%e( In Dapanese$ this dia#ond is reerred to as Hara and is not a

    ied anato#i"al lo"ation in the !ody$ !ut the "enter o &ra%ity( In this "enter$ Ori&inal

    Ener&y is stored( This is the ener&y you are !orn 'ith$ the ener&y that is the essen"e o

    your lie and &i%es you your lies purpose( The Ori&inal Ener&y is not only the ener&y

    you re"ei%e ro# your parents 'hen you are "on"ei%ed !ut #ost i#portantly it is the

    ener&eti" "onne"tion !et'een you and the uni%ersal lie or"e( This is the sy#!oli"

    ener&eti" "entre or Earth 6i(

    ) ull Reiki treat#ent reopens the dia#onds and re1!alan"es the lo' o the uni%ersal

    lie or"e around the !ody( The treat#ent sti#ulates the !odys i##une syste# and

    natural healin& a!ilities( Nor#ally the !ody 'ill !e&in !y "leansin& itsel o toins( )s the

    poisons are re#o%ed$ the !ody !e"o#es re1!alan"ed and the healin& pro"ess "an


    Many "ultures ha%e de%eloped te"hni.ues and dis"iplines that sti#ulate the lo' o 6I

    ener&y around the !ody( Ho'e%er$ Reiki is the easiest to learn and ad#inister( The

    te"hni.ues are si#ple to #aster( The results are proound(

    Reiki is e%er1present in our !odies( This #eans anyone "an harness this proound

    in!uilt intelli&ent ener&y or healin&(

    Ho'e%er$ 'ithout !ein& attuned to the uni%ersal lie or"e you 'ill only !e usin& a!out

    43123 o its "apa"ity or healin&(

    Mada# Takata eplained it !est 'hen she des"ri!ed Reiki as !ein& si#ilar to radio

    'a%es( /e "annot see the# !ut 'e kno' they are e%ery'here around us( /hen 'e

    turn on a radio and tune into the radio 'a%es 'e "an pi"k up a si&nal( That si&nal isturned into a radio pro&ra#( Si#ilarly the uni%ersal lie or"e is e%ery'here$ althou&h 'e

    "annot see it unless 'e use 6irlian photo&raphy(

    /hen 'e are tuned into the ener&y !y a Reiki Master 'e are a!le to harness Reiki to

    heal oursel%es and others( This &it o healin& re#ains 'ith us or the rest o our li%es(

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 B

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    /e "an only lose it i 'e use it or ne&ati%e or destru"ti%e purposes( Reiki is pure and it

    needs to !e treated as su"h(

    Reiki is "hannelled throu&h the hands( /hen you pla"e your hands on your o'n !ody$

    or the !ody o another person or the purpose o healin& you "onne"t 'ith the uni%ersal

    lie or"e( The 'isdo# o Reiki then &oes to 'ork to !rin& a!out healin&$ !alan"e and

    'hate%er is needed on a holisti" le%el(

    The best way to understand how Reiki works is to experience it.

    God !e in #y head$ and in #y understandin&(God !e in #y eyes$ and in #y lookin&(

    God !e in #y #outh$ and in #y speakin&(God !e in #y heart$ and in #y thinkin&(

    God !e at #y end$ and at #y departin&( 1 )non

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 43
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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    ,ESSON5; THEHISTORYO:REI6ITe 6e! a*/ m-! e99#e* &arma#) ! .* )-,r -.* !)!em$ = R-6er C$ Peale

    The Dapanese like #any an"ient "ultures used 'ord o #outh to pass their history andpra"ti"es do'n ro# &eneration to &eneration( Unortunately this led to a &reat deal o

    kno'led&e and 'isdo# !ein& 'atered do'n and lost( Many people in%ol%ed 'ith Reiki

    !elie%e that the te"hni.ues 'e use today or healin& 'ere irst used in India !y +uddha

    and later !y Desus(

    Others look !a"k e%en urther to the "i%ili7ations o Mu and )tlantis or the !irth and

    de%elop#ent o Reiki( O "ourse 'ithout 'ritten proo 'e "an only spe"ulate ho'

    hu#anity learnt to harness and de%elop the uni%ersal lie or"e(

    /hat 'e "an !e "ertain o and "onir# is that it 'as redis"o%ered at the end o the

    nineteenth "entury !y Mikao Usui(

    Until "o#parati%ely re"ently apart ro# the to#! o

    Mikao Usui in Tokyo$ there has !een %ery little

    #aterial e%iden"e o his lie and 'ork( Most 'ritten

    a""ounts on the history o Reiki de"lare that Usui1

    sensei 'as a Christian #onk 'ho le"tured at

    -oshisha Uni%ersity in 6yoto( One day a student

    asked Usui1sensei i he !elie%ed the tea"hin&s o

    the !i!le to !e true( Could Desus 'alk on 'ater

    and heal people !y tou"h( )uda"iously he

    .uestioned i Usui1sensei hi#sel "ould heal the

    si"k like Desus(

    Usui had to ad#it that this 'as !eyond his "apa!ilities(

    E#!arrassed at !ein& asked su"h .uestions and

    una!le to de#onstrate an ans'er$ the story &oes on to

    say that -o"tor Usui i##ediately resi&ned his post and !e&an a personal .uest to

    dis"o%er ho' he "ould heal in the 'ay that Desus had( The le&end !e"o#es e%en #oredou!tul 'hen it re"ounts ho' Usui1sensei de"ided to !e&in his sear"h or the se"rets o

    healin& like Desus$ in )#eri"a 8 na#ely the Uni%ersity o Chi"a&o(

    Reiki Master /illia# Rand has !een a!le to dispro%e the le&end o Usui1senseis

    sear"h or enli&hten#ent in )#eri"a( Chi"a&o Uni%ersity has no re"ord o Usui1sensei

    e%er attendin& as a student( :urther#ore there is no re"ord o Usui1sensei e%er

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 44

    Mikao Usui:ounder o Usui Reiki R oho

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    attendin& or le"turin& at the -oshisha Uni%ersity( This 'ork !y /illia# Rand "onir#s

    'hat #any people !elie%e( The history o Usui1senseis lie had !een "han&ed and

    "olored to suit 'estern so"iety( ,o&i"ally there are ar too #any holes in the le&end(


    Mikao Usui 'as !orn into a a#ily that had !een pra"ti"in& en +uddhis# or ele%en

    &enerations( )s a youth Usui de%eloped a as"ination or all thin&s /estern( Ho'e%er$

    he ne%er tra%elled outside Dapan( )ter lea%in& s"hool he 'ent on to study allopathi"

    #edi"ine 'ith se%eral 'estern allopathi" physi"ians 'ho had &raduated ro# Yale and

    Har%ard Uni%ersity(

    /hen a "holera epide#i" spread throu&h Tokyo$ Usui 'as stru"k do'n 'ith the

    disease( -urin& his hospitali7ation as he 'as "lose to death he had a spiritual

    eperien"e( This inspired Usui to study the an"ient tea"hin&s o his an"estors( He oined

    a en #onastery and !e&an readin& the an"ient Sanskrit and Sutras(

    )ter #any years o study Usui ound reeren"es to an an"ient or# o healin&( :urther

    study re%ealed #ethods$ or#ulas and sy#!ols that detailed ea"tly ho' to pra"ti"e and

    #aster this art o hands on healin&( Ho'e%er$ althou&h he had the te"hni"al kno'led&e

    to pra"tise healin&$ he la"ked the 'isdo# to turn the tea"hin&s into reality( He needed

    the key to turn on and a"ti%ate the po'er( Usui de"ided to seek the inal pie"e o the

    i&sa' throu&h #editation(

    Takin& lea%e ro# the #onastery$ Usui set o or the holy #ountain o 6ura#a( /hen herea"hed the top he pi"ked up t'enty1one pe!!les and pla"ed the# in ront o hi#sel(

    He sat do'n and !e&an his #editation( Ea"h day he thre' a'ay one pe!!le( :or

    t'enty1one days he prayed$ #editated$ san& and read the Sutras(

    On the last day as he prayed he ask God to sho' hi# the li&ht( Suddenly$ a !ri&ht li&ht

    appeared in the sky and "a#e rapidly to'ards hi#$ hittin& hi# on his orehead$ at the

    third eye "hakra( Usui 'as kno"ked un"ons"ious$ and 'hilst in this altered state he sa'

    a %ision o the sa#e sy#!ols he had earlier ound in the Sutras(

    This %ision 'as the "onir#ation Usui1sensei needed( He no' kne' that he had oundthe keys to the an"ient or# o healin& used !y +uddha and Desus( /hen Usui re&ained

    ull "ons"iousness$ he pro"eeded to return do'n the #ountain( On his des"ent$ he

    stu!!ed and "ut his toe$ he instin"ti%ely pla"ed his hand on the toe and the !leedin&

    and pain stopped(

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    On arri%al at a near!y %illa&e he stopped to eat and rest( He 'as a!le despite ha%in&

    asted or 24 daysF eat a healthy #eal 'ithout any sto#a"h pain( The &irl 'ho ser%ed

    Usui the #eal 'as in &reat pain suerin& ro# a tootha"he( Usui asked i he "ould pla"e

    his hands on her s'ollen a"e$ she a&reed$ and he 'as a!le to ease the s'ellin& and

    the pain( Rested$ Usui returned to the #onastery( On )rri%al he ound his riend$ the

    )!!ot in !ed suerin& 'ith se%ere arthritis( On"e a&ain Usui 'as a!le to alle%iate the

    pain and suerin&( Usui "alled this &it ro# God 8 Reiki$ the Dapanese 'ord or

    uni%ersal lie or"e(

    These eperien"es !e"a#e kno'n as the our #ira"les( Ha%in& de#onstrated his

    kno'led&e and ne' a!ility to heal the )!!ott ad%ised Usui to take this spe"ial &it into

    the slu#s o 6yoto to heal the !e&&ars( He 'as re#inded that it is not enou&h to heal

    the !odyF it is o e.ual i#portan"e to heal the spirit and #ind also( This lesson 'as

    !rou&ht ho#e to hi# %ery a!ruptly se%en years later( Ha%in& spent the ti#e &i%in& Reiki

    to !e&&ars in the slu#s o 6yoto to &et the# 'orkin&$ he ound the# returnin& to hi#'ith the e"use that it 'as easier to !e&(

    Usui had or&otten a !asi" do"trine( Mortiied he retreated to #editate on"e a&ain( This

    ti#e he 'as enli&htened 'ith the i%e prin"iples o Reiki( The rest o Usuis lie 'as

    spent healin&$ tea"hin& and de%elopin& the Usui Shiki Ryoho #ethod o healin&( Usui

    had nineteen #aor students 'ho 'ere all either 'estern allopathi" or traditional

    Dapanese in their pra"ti"e( He kne' he 'ould ha%e to de%elop a #ethod that "ould !e

    understood and a""epted !y any reli&ion or "ulture( Reiki 'as ashioned !y Usui to

    ha%e no doa or reli&ious !elies atta"hed to it( This #ade Reiki uni%ersal(

    Tenno$ the E#peror o Dapan honored Usuis 'ork !y

    a'ardin& hi# a do"torate( +y the ti#e o his death in 4B>3$

    Mikao Usui had initiated all nineteen o his students to the

    le%el o Reiki Master0Tea"her( -r Chuiro Hayashi 'as

    "hosen as the net Grand Master( It is i#portant to note that

    Usui1sensei tau&ht all three de&rees to&ether( Usui1sensei

    'as "re#ated and his ashes pla"ed in a en Monastery in


    Upon the death o Usui1sensei$ Hayashi took o%er the role oGrand Master( He 'as responsi!le or trainin& a urther

    siteen Reiki Masters and "reatin& a set or#ula or trainin&(

    Chuiro Hayashi 'as !orn into an upper "lass Dapanese a#ily$ and 'as a .ualiied

    physi"ian and retired Marine "o##ander(

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 4>

    -r Chuiro Hayashi

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    He set up a "lini" near the E#perors pala"e in Tokyo "alled Shina No Ma"ha( Ea"h day

    his students held healin& sessions at the "lini"$ or %isited people in their ho#es in they

    'ere una!le to tra%el(

    Hayashi 'ent on to 'rite #any report on the syste#s he had de%eloped to treat %arious

    ail#ents( Spe"ial diets 'ere in"orporated into his treat#ents to assist the healin&

    pro"ess( Pro!a!ly his &reatest ad%an"e#ent or Reiki 'as to dis"o%er the i#portan"e o

    'hole !ody treat#ent and ho' the uni%ersal lie or"e 'ould &o 'here%er it 'as needed

    to heal( Pro%idin& o "ourse you applied the ull !ody treat#ent( This 'as needed to

    re#o%e any e#otional or physi"al !lo"ks(

    Ha'ayo 6a'a#uru 'as !orn on the Island o Ha'aii on

    25th -e"e#!er 4B33( )t the a&e o se%enteen she

    #arried Sai"hi Takata(

    They had a happy #arria&e 'ith t'o dau&hters(

    Tra&i"ally$ her hus!and died at the youn& a&e o thirty1

    t'o( )ter thirteen years o #arria&e Ha'ayo Takata 'as

    let to raise t'o s#all "hildren on her o'n(

    The stress and pressure o the situation took toll on her

    health( /ithin i%e years o her hus!ands death she 'as

    dia&nosed to !e suerin& ro# ner%ous ehaustion( Her

    health deteriorated to the point 'here she re.uired sur&ery or a diseased &all !ladder(

    Ho'e%er$ she 'as also suerin& ro# respiratory pro!le#s that #eant the use o ananestheti" durin& sur&ery "ould kill her(

    This 'as an etre#ely depressin& and tryin& ti#e in her lie( Unortunately there 'as

    #ore pain and suerin& to "o#e 'hen her sister died( )s her parents had returned to

    li%e in Tokyo$ it 'as Ha'ayo Takata traditional responsi!ility to !rin& the ne's to the# in


    )ter her arri%al in Dapan$ she sou&ht help at a hospital in )kasaka( It 'as dis"o%ered

    that she no' had a tu#or and appendi"itis to add to her diseased &all!ladder and

    respiratory pro!le#s( Her 'ei&ht dropped dra#ati"ally and her do"tor ad%ised her toha%e i##ediate sur&ery(

    That ni&ht as she lay in !ed she heard a %oi"e sayin&$ The sur&ery is not ne"essary(J

    The net day as she 'as !ein& prepared or sur&ery she heard the %oi"e a&ain sayin&$

    The sur&ery 'as not ne"essary$ ask 1 ask(J Takata asked the sur&eon i there 'as

    another 'ay she "ould !e healed and he told her o the Reiki "lini" run !y -r( Hayashi(

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    The sur&eon had a sister 'ho had !een there hersel and had re"o%ered ully ro# an


    Mada# Takata 'ent to the "lini" and re"ei%ed treat#ents re&ularly or our #onths and

    'as "o#pletely healed( She de"ided that she also 'anted to learn Reiki and set up her

    o'n pra"ti"e in Ha'aii( )&ainst all tradition$ she 'as e%entually a!le to persuade -r(

    Hayashi to allo' her to 'ork and train at the "lini" or t'el%e #onths( )t the end o this

    ti#e it 'as elt that she had earned the pri%ile&e o re"ei%in& the se"ond de&ree in Reiki

    8 the ad%an"ed pra"titioners le%el(

    In the su##er o 4B>A Mada# Takata returned to Ha'aii and set up her o'n Reiki

    "lini"( She spent her ti#e healin& and tea"hin& Reiki( -r Hayashi %isited Mada# Takata

    in :e!ruary 4B>? and in%ited her to !e"o#e a Reiki Master( He said that she had &one

    throu&h tests and had li%ed up to the Reiki Ideals and prin"iples( She 'as the irst

    'o#an and the irst orei&ner to !e &i%en this honor( Hayashi returned to Dapan(

    )t the !e&innin& o 4B53 Dapan 'as "lose to 'ar 'ith )#eri"a( -r Hayashi 'as a'are

    he 'ould !e "alled up to i&ht( )s a #an o healin& and pea"e he de"ided the only

    honora!le thin& to do 'as to pre"ipitate his transition( He put his aairs in order( Mada#

    Takata 'oke up one #ornin& and sa' a %ision o -r Hayashi at the oot o her !ed( She

    realised she #ust tra%el i##ediately to Dapan( On arri%al in Dapan she #et 'ith -r

    Hayashi and he eplained his de"ision to lea%e this 'orld( They spent #any days

    plannin& the uture(

    /hen Hayashi 'as satisied he had sae&uarded the uture oReiki he "alled all his students and riends to&ether( )t this

    point he de"lared Mada# Takata his su""essor and the third

    Grand Master o Reiki( -ressed in traditional Dapanese attire

    he lay do'n and allo'ed his spirit to lea%e his !ody( Mada#

    Takata installed as the net Grand Master returned to Ha'aii

    to "ontinue her tea"hin& and healin&(

    This is 'hen the history o Reiki 'as "han&ed to portray

    Mikao Usui as a Christian( Mada# Takata realised that the

    )#eri"an people and the /estern 'orld in &eneral 'ouldhold "ertain !i&otry to'ards the Dapanese( So soon ater the

    /ar it 'ould !e i#possi!le to pro#ote a #ethod o healin&

    'ith its roots ir#ly in +uddhis# and Dapan(

    Mada# Takata 'ent on to train a urther t'enty t'o Reiki Masters !eore her death in

    -e"e#!er 4B?3( There 'ere t'o Grand Masters installed to "ontinue Takatas 'ork(

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    Phyllis ,ei :uru#oto

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    Phyllis ,ei :uru#oto$ the &randdau&hter o Mada# Takata and -r +ar!ara /e!er( This

    partnership 'as to run or only a year until or personal reasons they split up to "ontinue

    the 'ork separately(

    The Reiki )llian"e 'as or#ed !y Phyllis ,ei :uru#oto$ 'hile -r /e!er set up the

    )(I(R()( KThe )#eri"an International Reiki )sso"iationL(

    Unortunately$ like #any spe"ial thin&s in this 'orld the hu#an e&o has taken hold(

    There are no' se%eral dierent asso"iations throu&hout the 'orld all i&htin& a#on&st

    ea"h other( Ea"h "lai#in& to ha%e the only "orre"t 'ay o tea"hin& Reiki(

    There is e%en a syste# o Reiki no' !ein& tau&ht in ele%en de&rees( The latest ru#ors

    o an appli"ation to Copyri&ht Reiki see# to sho' ho' ar this 'onderul &it ro# God

    "an !e tainted(

    There is only one Reiki( No1one has the ri&ht to "lai# it as their o'n$ it !elon&s to

    hu#anity and the uni%erse( Our only 'ish or the uture o Reiki is that instead o i&htin&

    and !i"kerin& e%eryone in%ol%ed 'ith Reiki "an a&ain "o#e to&ether in the true spirit o


    ,ets share our eperien"es and skills so Reiki "an !e a""epted uni%ersally as a natural

    treat#ent or the #ind !ody and spirit( /e need to 'ork to&ether to pro#ote this "ause(

    It is %ital in our in"reasin&ly harsh and %iolent 'orld that 'e "han&e the 'hole psy"he o


    To&ether 'e "an !rin& this &it o healin& to the 'orld( /e need Reiki pra"ti"ed and

    used in e%ery hospital and "lini" in the 'orld( ,ets spread the 'ord positi%ely( ,ets

    #ake a dieren"e( ,ets #ake Usui1sensei$ -r Hayashi and Mada# Takata Proud( ,ets

    honor their 'ork and their #e#ory( ,ets li%e and internali7e the Reiki Prin"iples(

    Al-,8 e .-rl/ ! 9,ll -9 !,99er*87 ! al!- 9,ll -9 e -5er#-m*8 -9 $ ' Hele* Keller

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    Te !e#re ar -9 *5*8 a&&*e!!Te .-*/er9,l me/#*e 9-r all /!ea!e!

    :,! 9-r -/a)Relea!e a*8erRelea!e .-rr)

    3e 8rae9,l(-r . *e8r)

    3e */ - -er!;-r**8! a*/ e5e**8!7 ! * 8a!!- &-!-*

    A*/ re&ea e!e .-r/! -, l-,/ a*/ * )-,r ear>-r e m&r-5eme* -9 6-/) a*/ !-,l7 ?!, Re R)--

    Te >-,*/er7 ?!, ;a-

    The Reiki prin"iples are spiritual ideals( +y adoptin& these pre"epts you 'ill add

    !alan"e and su!stan"e to your lie( It is i#portant that you realise that you are not

    epe"ted to li%e e%ery #o#ent o your lie 'ithin the ra#e'ork o these ideals( )s

    hu#ans 'e are all i#pere"t$ and that is 'hy ea"h prin"iple !e&ins 'ith Dust or today(J

    You "an 'ithout pressure or stress 'ork on i#pro%in& yoursel daily( I you slip up today$you "an al'ays !e&in a&ain to#orro'( The #ore you 'ork 'ith the prin"iples$ the #ore

    you 'ill "ondition yoursel to adopt the# as a 'ay o lie(

    To !e"o#e #ore a#iliar 'ith the Reiki prin"iples it is ad%isa!le to read the# aloud at

    least t'i"e a day( You #ay 'ish to pla"e a lar&e "opy o the ideals in a pi"ture ra#e(

    Then you "ould position the "opy in a pro#inent pla"e 'here you are sure to see it ea"h

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    day$ or i you are &oin& to pra"tise Reiki proessionally$ pla"e it in your healin& roo#(

    The :i%e Reiki prin"iples #ean dierent thin&s to ea"h one o us( Meditation 'ill help to

    unlo"k your o'n per"eptions(

    Si#ply sit or lie do'n in a "o#orta!le position and "lose your eyes( Repeat one o the

    ideals se%eral ti#es aloud usin& it as a #antra( )s you drit into a #editati%e state

    !e"o#e a'are o 'hat happenin& inside your #ind and !ody( You #ay eperien"e

    #any dierent eelin&s$ e#otions and thou&hts( I you do this eer"ise in a &roup share

    your eperien"es and 'rite do'n e%erythin& that happened durin& the #editation( It is

    interestin& to look at your notes on this eer"ise on a re&ular !asis to see ho' you ha%e

    &ro'n !y adoptin& these pre"epts( Repeat the eer"ise o #editatin& on ea"h prin"iple

    annually and "o#pare notes or i in a &roup settin& dis"uss the dieren"es that ha%e

    taken pla"e(


    )n&er is an e#otion( /hen 'e &et an&ry 'e lose "ontrol o that e#otion(

    In order to li%e !y the a!o%e prin"iple 'e #ust understand 'hat tri&&ers

    our an&er and ho' 'e "an "hoose to re#o%e this destru"ti%e e#otion

    ro# our !ein&(

    In e%ery "onrontation that leads to an&er the person or thin& pushin&

    your an&er !utton has "o#plete po'er and "ontrol o%er you(

    This si#ple realisation allo's you to take !a"k "ontrol o your e#otionsand as su"h you "an no' "hoose to respond to a situation in a positi%e

    'ay rather than rea"t to a situation in a ne&ati%e 'ay(

    E%ery ti#e you #eet so#eone there is an e"han&e o ener&y( I you are !oth happy

    and ind the #eetin& 'as enoya!le then the ener&y e"han&e is neutral( Ho'e%er$ i

    you lose "ontrol o your e#otions and !e"o#e an&ry$ the other person steals your

    ener&y( ,ike'ise$ i so#eone &ets an&ry at you then you are stealin& their ener&y(

    /ith this si#ple philosophy you "an "ounter the endless situations or people that in the

    past ha%e tri&&ered your an&er and "aused you to rea"t in an unhealthy #anner( Netti#e so#eone honks their "ar horn at you or "riti"ises you or no apparent reason s#ile

    and say to yoursel I a# not &oin& to let you steal #y ener&y(

    Dust i#a&ine ho' #u"h !etter you 'ill eel 'hen you "hoose not to rea"t to ne&ati%e

    people or situations( Ho' #any ti#es in the past ha%e you shouted a!use at another

    "ar dri%er and still elt the an&er in your sto#a"h an hour or so later( That person stole

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 4?


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    your ener&y( They pro!a!ly dro%e on lau&hin& at ho' silly you looked 'hen you lost

    your "o#posure( You allo'ed the# to "ause you stress$ an&er and pro!a!ly indi&estion(

    Only one person "a#e out o this "onrontation 'ith their ener&y inta"t and it 'asnt


    )n&er is a "hoi"e response( -e"ide ea"h day not to allo' your ener&y to !e stolen ro#

    you !y ne&ati%e people or situations( On a physi"al le%el an&er "an "ause sto#a"h and

    di&esti%e disorders( Choose to li%e a healthier lie ree ro# an&er(

    Use Reiki to assist the re1!alan"in& pro"ess( Pla"e one hand on the third eye "hakra

    and the other hand on the root "hakra( 6eep your hands there or as lon& as you

    intuiti%ely eel is ne"essary( This Reiki te"hni.ue 'ill help you "ontrol and eli#inate this

    destru"ti%e e#otion( It "an !e used or sel1healin& or on another person(


    /orry "auses stress and aniety leadin& to an i#!alan"e o the #ind

    !ody and spirit and !lo"ka&e to the root "hakra(

    The !est 'ay to o%er"o#e 'orry is to a""ept that all o us are a"ed 'ith

    dii"ulties and set!a"ks in our li%es( Ho' 'e respond to the#

    deter#ines ho' 'e ulti#ately lead our li%es(

    I you "hoose to respond ne&ati%ely !y &ettin& upset and anious

    to'ards one o lies set!a"ks you ha%e "hosen to da#a&e the

    !alan"e o your #ind !ody and spirit(

    I you respond positi%ely !y a""eptin& the set!a"k as an opportunity to learn you "an

    li%e a happier and #ore ulillin& lie(

    )llo' yoursel ti#e ea"h day to really lau&h and ha%e un( /at"h a unny #o%ie or

    tele%ision sho'( Read a hu#orous !ook or #a&a7ine( /hate%er it takes to #ake you

    lau&h do it( Ralph /aldo E#erson said$ Man surrounds hi#sel 'ith i#a&es o

    hi#sel(J This 'onderul pearl o 'isdo# tea"hes us that i you 'ant to !e happy #i

    'ith happy people( ,ike'ise i you 'ant to !e ne&ati%e and "onstantly 'orryin& yousi#ple need to asso"iate 'ith people 'ho are ne&ati%e and 'orriso#e(

    ,au&hter is a 'onderul healer( It has !een pro%en throu&h nu#erous studies that

    lau&hter "an heal and in so#e "ases pre%ent lie threatenin& illnesses( Use this

    kno'led&e to li%e a healthier and lon&er lie( Take responsi!ility or ho' you deal 'ith

    lies set!a"ks( Ha%e un lies too short to 'aste it 'orryin&(

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 4B

    :eel at ease

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    Use Reiki to re1!alan"e your #ind !ody and spirit and !oost your resol%e( Pla"e one

    hand on the root "hakra and the other hand on the heart "hakra( Reiki 'ill !rin& your

    #ind !ody and spirit into e.uili!riu#( 6eep your hands o%er these "hakra points or as

    lon& as you intuiti%ely eel you need to( This Reiki te"hni.ue 'ill re#o%e the !lo"ka&es

    "aused !y stress$ 'orry and aniety( It "an !e used or sel1healin& or on another



    ,ie tends to &i%e us 'hat 'e need$ it #ay not !e 'hat 'e 'ant !ut it 'ill

    !e 'hat 'e need( 6ar#i"ly throu&hout our li%es 'e re"ei%e 'hat 'e

    need to &ro' and learn in this lieti#e(

    I 'e &rasp these lessons and &ro' a""ordin&ly 'e 'ill !e"o#e

    spiritually enli&htened( Instead o 'astin& your lie "o#plainin& o the

    thin&s that ha%e happened to you$ and the pro!le#s you a"e(

    Step !a"k or a #o#ent on a re&ular !asis and dis"o%er and appre"iate

    the #any !lessin&s in your lie(

    Make a list o all your !lessin&s( You 'ill !e a#a7ed at ho' #any 'onderul thin&s

    there are to &i%e thanks or( ,ea%e the #aterialisti" thin&s aside( They are shallo' and

    #eanin&less( Pay attention to$ and o"us on the thin&s that are ree and !rin& oy and

    hu#ility to your lie( :or ea#ple$ your #ind$ !ody$ spirit$ health$ a#ily$ riends$ lo'ers$

    trees$ sea$ sun$ lo%e$ aith$ kno'led&e$ the "ountryside$ ani#als$ !irds$ et"($ the list isendless(

    /hen you appre"iate the true 'onders o lie and let &o o the #aterialisti" thin&s you

    are !ound to enoy your lie #ore(

    Pla"e one hand on the third eye "hakra and the other hand on the

    o""ipital rid&e( Use Reiki to re1!alan"e this prin"iple in your lie or in the

    lie o another person(


    Honesty #eans dierent thin&s to dierent people( Many people eel it is

    ine to take ho#e a e' pens ro# the oi"e$ the "o#pany turn o%er

    #illions in proit ea"h year so they "an aord to lose a e' ite#s o


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    /hile another person 'ill ud&e the sa#e in"ident as an a"t o thet and !elie%e that

    anyone ound stealin& stationery should !e dis#issed and "har&ed 'ith thet and e%en


    E%eryone at so#e point is dishonest( You #ay not steal ro# another person or

    "o#pany$ !ut instead steal ro# yoursel(

    :or ea#ple i you a ha%e a talent to help people and you "hoose not to then you are

    stealin& ro# yoursel !y denyin& your &it(

    You are also stealin& ro# the people 'ho "ould !eneit ro# your talents( /astin& your

    ti#e on #eanin&less pursuits su"h as 'at"hin& tele%ision or hours ea"h day is stealin&

    ro# your sa"red and spe"ial ti#e on Earth( Try to li%e your lie to the !est o your a!ility

    as honestly as you "an( Honesty li%es inside o you and doesnt "are a!out !ein& pla"ed

    'here others "an %ie' it(

    :inally$ in your pursuit o a happier lie I ur&e you to en"apsulate the 'ords ro# Mi"hael

    ,andon Kthe ather in the tele%ision series ,ittle house on the PrairieJL in his last

    inter%ie' !eore he died pre#aturely o "an"er( He ur&ed us to ,i%e E%ery Se"ondJ(

    Pla"e one hand on the third eye "hakra and the other hand on the solar pleus "hakra

    to use Reiki to assist in the re1!alan"in& o this prin"iple( 6eep your hands there or as

    lon& as you intuiti%ely think they need to re#ain on these "hakra points( This additional

    hand position "an !e used or healin& yoursel or other people(

    +H-*e!) ! e 6e! &-l#)$' R#ar/ (ael)7 Ar#6!-& -9 D,6l*


    The la' o kar#a states that 'hat &oes around "o#es around( Send out

    lo%e and you 'ill re"ei%e lo%e !a"k in return( Send out kindness and you

    'ill re"ei%e kindness( Send out healin& and you re"ei%e healin&( Send

    out positi%e thou&hts and you 'ill re"ei%e positi%e results(

    6ar#a is a t'o ed&e s'ord( Send out ne&ati%e thou&hts and you 'ill &et

    ne&ati%e results( ,i%in& 'ithin this pre"ept 'ill &i%e you a happier and

    less stressul lie ull oy pea"e and lo%e(

    To !rin& !alan"e to this prin"iple or yoursel or others irst pla"e one

    hand on the third eye "hakra and the other hand on the root "hakra(

    /hen you eel you are ready$ #o%e your hand ro# the third eye "hakra to the throat

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    "hakra$ and #o%e your hand ro# the root "hakra to the heart "hakra keepin& it there

    until you intuiti%ely eel you ha%e inished(

    It is important to remember that the Reiki principles are only guides for a happier

    and more fulfilling life. Use meditation to unlock the true meaning of these

    precepts and incorporate them into your life. They will transform your life.

    The 5 Reiki Principles are not commandments; they are simply gifts of wisdom.

    Heal*8 )-,r!el9 ! #-**e#e/ . eal*8 -er!$ ' Y-- O*-

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    ,ESSON=; PREP)RING:ORREI6I4Te ar -9 eal*8 #-me! 9r-m *a,re7 *- 9r-m e &)!#a*$ Tere9-re e &)!#a*

    m,! !ar 9r-m *a,re7 . a* -&e* m*/$ ' Pl&,! A,re-l,! Para#el!,!


    People ro# all 'alks o lie are dra'n to Reiki or #any dierent reasons( Many people

    "o#e to Reiki ater a personal re"o##endation ro# a riend 'ho has already attended

    a 'orkshop( They noti"e positi%e "han&es in their riend and de"ide to eperien"e it or

    the#sel%es( ) lar&e #aority o people si#ply need healin& and 'ant to take

    responsi!ility and "ontrol o their o'n treat#ent and 'ell1!ein&( The #ost "o##on

    a"tor see#s to !e that people are sear"hin& or hope and &uidan"e( Oten people eel

    e#pty and are lookin& or a 'ay o illin& that %oid(

    Many students !e&in as s"epti"s ust "urious to ind out #ore a!out it$ and lea%e as

    Reiki enthusiasts( The se"ret to &ettin& the #ost ro# Reiki is to !e open to Reiki(

    Instead o !ein& ne&ati%e and s"epti"al let the oy o Reiki en%elop you( ,ea%e your

    ears and dou!ts !ehind and u#p head irst in to a lie "han&in& eperien"e( Reiki

    dra's you to itsel( I you are attendin& a se#inar 0 'orkshop on irst de&ree Reiki$ you

    are there or a reason you need it( Trust in the o#nis"ient 'isdo# o Reiki(

    Re#e#!er you 'ill only need the :irst -e&ree attune#ent on"e in your lie$ so #ake it

    a "ele!ration you 'ill ne%er or&et( Its up to you(


    In order to 'ork 'ith$ and !e"o#e a "hannel or Reiki you need to &o throu&h the irst

    de&ree initiation "ere#ony$ 'hi"h "onsists o our attune#ents( These attune#ents are

    nor#ally done o%er the "ourse o a t'o day 'orkshop( I preer to do the our

    attune#ents at the sa#e ti#e as I !elie%e it is !enei"ial to the student( The ener&y is

    stron&er and the student is a!le to 'ork and pra"ti"e at their ull "apa"ity throu&hout the

    'orkshop( This pro"ess also allo's the student to eel sense and eperien"e #ore o

    the Reiki ener&y(

    The our attune#ents are &i%en on !oth days o the 'orkshop$ to super"har&e the

    student and raise their ener&y %i!ration to the peak le%el possi!le 'ith irst de&ree Reiki(

    /e also oer a distant attune#ent ser%i"e as part o this ho#e study "ourseF please

    "li"k here or #ore inor#ation(

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    +eore attendin& the irst de&ree 'orkshop there are a e' !asi" thin&s you should do in

    preparation( These &uidelines 'ill ena!le you to &et the #ost ro# the 'orkshop and

    the Initiation "ere#ony(

    )%oid takin& al"ohol or any other or# o dru& or at least orty1

    ei&ht hours !eore the 'orkshop( These su!stan"es slo' and

    hinder the lo' o Reiki throu&hout the !ody(

    )%oid eatin& #eat$ ish$ pro"essed oods or any other unk ood

    or at least t'enty1our hours( I possi!le ha%e a day o resh ruit$

    salad and %e&eta!les( The di&estion o ood takes #ore ener&y

    than any other !odily un"tion( Proteins and hi&hly pro"essed

    oods take #ore ti#e to di&est and 'ill steal %ital ener&y ro# your !ody(

    I possi!le #editate ea"h day or a 'eek

    !eore attendin& the 'orkshop( This 'ill

    help to o"us your thou&hts$ epe"tations

    and #ind on !e"o#in& a Reiki "hannel or


    THEMORNINGO:THE/OR6SHOP Get up earlier than nor#al so you ha%e plenty o ti#e to prepare or the day

    ahead( You 'ill then ha%e ti#e to rela and not !e"o#e rushed or stressed(

    I possi!le take a 'alk or a &entle o& to ener&ise your syste#(

    )%oid tea or "oee( Ho'e%er$ naturally "aeine ree her!al tea is ine(

    Eat only ruit or !reakast( You 'ill ha%e #ore ener&y or the 'orkshop(

    Mentally prepare yoursel 'ith a short #editation(

    Gi%e yoursel plenty o ti#e to rea"h your destination( The stress o !ein& late

    "an upset your day and your enoy#ent(

    Co#e to the 'orkshop 'ith an open #ind !ody and spirit( You 'ill &et out only

    'hat you put into the 'orkshop(


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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    There is no ri&ht or 'ron& 'ay to 'ork 'ith Reiki on onesel( )s you !e"o#e #ore

    eperien"ed 'ith the Reiki ener&y you 'ill intuiti%ely #o%e your hands to 'here%er it

    eels ri&ht( Ho'e%er$ i you are a'are o a spe"ii" pro!le# su"h as an inury or pain$

    then you should pla"e your hands dire"tly o%er that area to !e&in 'ith$ and ollo' up

    'ith a ull sel treat#ent(

    In the !e&innin&$ it is al'ays !est to ollo' a set pro"edure as sho'n in the ollo'in&

    illustrations #arked Sel Treat#ent Hand PositionsJ(

    /hen you ha%e #astered the hand positions you "an then lea%e ea"h sel treat#ent up

    to your o'n intuition( You #ay 'ish to 'ork 'ith #usi" to add the ri&ht relain& #ood(

    :ind a pla"e 'here you 'ont !e distur!ed i possi!le( Nor#ally you 'ould spend three

    to i%e #inutes on ea"h position(

    Ho'e%er ti#e is oten shortF !ut re#e#!er a little Reiki is better than no Reiki( On

    "o#pletion o the sel treat#ent drink a lar&e &lass o puriied 'ater( Close your eyes

    and &o inside and pay attention to the thou&hts and e#otions that ha%e arisen durin&

    the session( You #ay eel li&ht headed$ and i you need to rest$ or sit do'n or a short

    ti#e$ allo' yoursel this ti#e(

    I you eel you need to "ontinue to 'ork on a spe"ii" area o the !ody$ e%en i you ha%e

    "o#pleted a ull sel treat#ent$ then &o 'ith your intuitionF al'ays listen to your #ind

    and !ody(

    Remember the following hand positions are only a guide

    Use your intuition

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 >>

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    The ollo'in& positions are dierent than those sho'n in the %ideo( These are a !it

    easier to peror# and rele"t the t'el%e hand positions ori&inally tau&ht !y Haya'o

    Takata( :eel ree to use either set or #i and #at"h(


    Cup your hands &ently and rest the# o%er your eyes$

    "heek!one$ and orehead Kthird eye "hakraL

    Good or stress$ eye pro!le#s$ asth#a$ head "olds$

    aller&ies$ sinuses$ pituitary &land$ pineal &land$ and

    "ere!ral ner%es


    Hands on either side o head 'ith in&ers "o%erin&


    Good or !rains$ tinnitus$ hearin& and ear pro!le#s$"olds$ lu$ and !alan"in& the un"tionality !et'een the

    ri&ht and let !rain


    Hands on the !a"k o your head

    Good or heada"hes$ eye pro!le#s$ stress$ hay e%er$sinuses$ di&esti%e disorders$ ears$ pho!ias$ sho"k$

    depression$ and stroke

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    Hands around your ne"k 'ith the heels "o%erin& the

    throat Kthroat "hakraL

    Good or sel epression$ "o##uni"ation$ !reathin&$

    %oi"e and spee"h pro!le#s$ !ron"hitis$ lu "olds$ and



    Hands o%er "hest$ "o%erin& heart and thy#us &land

    Kheart "hakraL

    Good or heart$ an&ina$ lun&s$ thyroid$ 'ei&ht pro!le#s$

    i##une syste#$ li#!i" syste#$ e#otional pro!le#s$

    and stress


    Hands are positioned hori7ontally ust !elo' the ri!s 'ith the in&er tips tou"hin&( Mo%e

    the hands do'n as sho'n$ "o%erin& ust !elo' the !elly !utton$ and then endin& in a

    inside the hip !one(

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    Good or all #aor or&ans and &lands$ disease$ ine"tions$ sto#a"h$ intestines$

    reprodu"ti%e syste#$ an&er$ and e#otions


    Hands irst positioned on shoulders$ then hori7ontally 'ith the in&ertips tou"hin& at the

    !otto# o the ri!s$ the area opposite the !elly !utton$ and endin& in a at the !ase othe spine(

    Good or all #aor or&ans and &lands$ disease$ ine"tions$ !a"k and spine pro!le#s$

    and stress

    Te #,re 9-r &a* ! * e &a*$ ' R-8er (--l8er

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    ,ESSONB; PREP)RINGTOTRE)TOTHERS/ITHREI6IL-5e -*e a*-er a*/ el& -er! - r!e - e 8er le5el!7 !m&l) 6) &-,r*8 -,

    l-5e$ L-5e ! *9e#-,! a*/ e 8reae! eal*8 e*er8)$ ' Sa 3a6a


    It is i#portant to "reate the ri&ht settin& 'hene%er possi!le or a Reiki healin& session(

    You #ay 'ork ro# ho#e and !e a!le to use a spare roo# ust or healin&( I this is not

    pra"ti"al you #ay 'ant to look at the %ia!ility o oinin& your lo"al therapy0healin& "enter(

    In #ost "ases you 'ill !e a!le to rent a healin&0therapy roo# at a reasona!le

    hourly0daily0'eekly !asis(

    The roo# should !e li&ht and "lean$ and eel sae( +ri&ht pastel "olors su"h as 'hite$

    yello' or purple "an !e used to "reate the desired ee"t( Make sure you 'ill not !einterrupted !y internal or eternal distra"tions$ so unplu& the telephone and dis"onne"t

    the door!ell( I youre 'orkin& ro# ho#e let your a#ily or riends kno' your s"hedules

    so they do not distur! you(

    I possi!le al'ays use a therapy ta!le( )lternati%ely$ you "ould use a stron& ta!le 'ith

    thi"k !lankets on top( You 'ill need t'o pillo's$ one or the "lients head and other or

    their eet( Make sure the roo# is heated to a "o#orta!le le%el( So#e people #ay &et

    "old ust lyin& still on your treat#ent ta!le so al'ays ha%e a 'ar# !lanket a%aila!le(

    )dd a plant to the roo# and so#e "rystals under the ta!le to help 'ith the ri&ht ener&y(

    So#e people like to 'ork in total silen"e durin& a session( Personally 'e preer to

    al'ays 'ork 'ith therapeuti" #usi" su"h as "lassi"al$ a#!ient or ne' a&e to help our

    "lients rela( Musi" also "an help the therapist rela and allo' the# to o"us on healin&(

    Natural sounds su"h as 'hales$ dolphins and runnin& 'ater are %ery therapeuti" and


    )s part o our -istant )ttune#ent ser%i"e 'e also pro%ide you 'ith our o'n spe"ially

    "o#posed #usi" or healin& and #editation "alled Heart!eat 'hi"h is etre#ely

    relain& and therapeuti"$ and a !eautiul &uided #editation !ased on the an"ient li&ht


    /e re"o##end you play this #usi" 'hile you treat other people and yoursel 'ith Reiki(

    There are also a 'ide ran&e o "o#pa"t dis"s and tapes a%aila!le that ha%e !een

    "reated spe"ii"ally or Reiki( They ha%e !een desi&ned to run or the len&th o a ull

    treat#ent 'ith a !ell or "hi#e added at three or i%e #inute inter%als to let the therapist

    kno' 'hen to #o%e their hands to another position(

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    +urnin& in"ense or oils "an add a pleasin& aro#a to your roo#( Ho'e%er$ !e "areul as

    so#e people are sensiti%e to "ertain s#ells and it #ay "ause the# to eperien"e an

    unpleasant therapy session( To pre%ent this happenin& ask your "lient !eore you li&ht

    your oils or in"ense sti"ks( -urin& a Reiki session you #ay ind your "lient !e&ins to "ry

    as they release !lo"ked e#otional issues$ so al'ays keep a !o o tissues handy or

    these o""asions(

    :or a inishin& tou"h to your roo# you #ay 'ant to pla"e photo&raphs o Usui1sensei$

    -r( Hayashi$ Mada# Takata$ +uddha or Desus$ dependin& on 'ho you "all upon durin&

    your in%o"ation 0 prayer(


    Reiki "an tra%el throu&h all #aterials su"h as stone$ !ri"k$ "on"rete and #etal(

    Ho'e%er$ the #etal and stones used in the #anua"ture o e'elry "o#e into "onta"t

    'ith and attra"t "ertain types o ne&ati%e ener&y( To ena!le you to 'ork 'ith Reiki ree

    ro# all su!tle ener&y distur!an"es it is ad%isa!le to re#o%e all e'elry su"h as rin&s$

    'at"hes$ earrin&s$ "hains and ne"kla"es(

    Pra"titioners 'ho 'ork 'ith pre"ious stones and "rystals or healin& re"o&ni7e that

    these #aterials "an !e"o#e saturated 'ith ne&ati%e ener&y( That is 'hy they "leanse

    the# on a re&ular !asis(


    To allo' Reiki to lo' reely throu&h you and your "lient it is i#portant that you !oth

    re#o%e ti&ht "lothin& su"h as !elts$ ties and shoes( This 'ill also #ake you eel #ore

    "o#orta!le and relaed( Reiki "an tra%el throu&h "lothes so there is no need to re#o%e

    any other or#s o "lothin&( You #ay ind it #ore "o#orta!le i you 'ear loose i&htin&

    "lothes 'hen you are 'orkin& 'ith Reiki su"h as a tra"ksuit(


    )l"ohol dissipates ener&y( )l'ays rerain ro# "onsu#in& al"ohol i you kno' you are

    &oin& to !e 'orkin& 'ith Reiki or at least t'enty1our hours !eore a session(


    Ensure you s#ell and appear "lean and resh( )%oid 'earin& stron& peru#es or ater

    sha%es( I you s#oke #ake sure you !rush your teeth or use a #outh reshener( Rerain

    ro# eatin& &arli"$ onions or any other ood that #ay lea%e a s#ell on your !reath(

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 >?

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    /ash your hands !eore a Reiki session usin& a li&htly s"ented or neutral soap( Your

    hands "o#e into "onta"t 'ith your "lients a"e and skin so it is i#portant or hy&iene

    purposes and the pea"e o #ind o your "lient to ha%e "lean hands(


    It is i#portant to re#e#!er that as a Reiki pra"titioner you are not healin& your "lients(

    The people re"ei%in& Reiki are in a"t healin& the#sel%es( You are #erely the "hannel

    that ena!les the# to dra' the Reiki ener&y throu&h your hands to the pla"e it is

    needed( The in%o"ation is a token that sy#!olises you are &i%in& up any "lai#s to

    po'er( You are si#ply the "onduit in 'hi"h the ininite po'er o the uni%ersal lie or"e


    )lthou&h the in%o"ation is not ne"essary to turn on the Reiki ener&y I eel it ena!les the

    therapist to disasso"iate the#sel%es ro# their e&o and pay respe"t to the uni%ersal lie

    or"e and the person they are a!out to 'ork 'ith(

    Your prayer should !e personal and in line 'ith your o'n !elies( )sk or per#ission to

    !e used as a "hannel or Reiki healin&( /e ha%e listed !elo' our o'n personal

    in%o"ation 'hi"h #ay help you de%elop a prayer that is suita!le or your o'n use(

    On"e your "lient is lyin& do'n on the healin& ta!le$ relaed and ready to re"ei%e Reiki

    #o%e to the top the ta!le Kthe "lients headL( Close your eyes and oin your hands

    to&ether in a prayer like position in ront o your heart "hakra( )lternati%ely$ i your "lient

    is seated$ pla"e your hands on their shoulders or the in%o"ation(


    /e al'ays like to take a e' #o#ents !eore 'e !e&in a treat#ent to #entally prepare

    oursel%es or 'orkin& as a "hannel or Reiki( This .uiet ti#e is pere"t or &ettin& in

    tou"h 'ith our &uides$ #entors and assistants( It allo's us a !rie #o#ent o rele"tion

    and o"uses our thou&hts on healin&( It is i#portant to !e&in the treat#ent 'ith the ri&ht

    #ental attitude( Your 'ish should !e to pass on un"onditional lo%e and healin& in the

    purest or# and sense(

    +I #all ,&-* Re e ?*5er!al L9e >-r#e7 all e A*8el# 6e*8!

    .- a5e .-r . Re * e &a! e!&e#all) ?!,'!e*!e7 Dr$

    Ha)a!7 ;a/am Taaa7 m) 8,/e! a*/ all e Re ;a!er!

    &a!7 &re!e* a*/ 9,,re - /ra. *ear a*/ ae &ar * ! eal*8


    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 >B

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    I a! a e & a*/ .!/-m -9 Re &erm! me - 6e#-me a

    #a**el 9-r Re

    -9JJJJJJ *!er #le*! *ame ma) Re

    e%a#l) .ere ! *ee/e/ m-!7 !-,l/ 6e 9-r er 8er 8--/$;a) .e all 6e em&-.ere/ 6) )-,r /5*e l-5e a*/ 6le!!*8



    Prior to "o##en"in& the Reiki treat#ent run your hands in your "lients aura a!out siin"hes a!o%e their !ody ro# their head ri&ht do'n to their eet in a slo' s#ooth #otionat least three ti#es to re#o%e any superi"ial ener&y !uild ups( This 'ill also !rin&

    har#ony to your "lients aura and or# a positi%e rapport !et'een you and your "lient(Pay attention to your hands$ use your intuition$ sense or possi!le !lo"ka&es or hotspots to o"us on durin& your healin& session(

    ou are now ready to begin the treatment.

    I9 )e a5e 9a a! a 8ra* -9 m,!ar/ !ee/7 )e !all !a) ,*- ! m-,*a*7Rem-5e e*#e - )-*/er &la#eM a*/ !all rem-5e ' S$ ;ae. 1B20

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    ,ESSON43; TRE)TINGOTHERS/ITHREI6ITe -*l) .-r a .ll ,lmael) 6r*8 a*) 8--/ - a*) -9 ,! ! e .-r -9 #-*r6,*8

    - e eal*8 -9 e .-rl/$ ' ;ara**e (llam!-*

    +eore you !e&in a ull !ody treat#ent on another person there are a e' i#portant

    points to re#e#!er(

    Ne%er &i%e a Reiki treat#ent to a person 'ho has a pa"e#aker as Reiki "an alter

    its rhyth#(

    Ne%er &i%e a Reiki treat#ent to a person 'ho suers ro# -ia!etes Mellitus and

    are takin& insulin ine"tions$ unless they are prepared to "he"k their insulin le%els

    e%ery day as Reiki redu"es the a#ount o insulin they re.uire(

    )l'ays eplain to a person 'ho is %isitin& you or the irst ti#e or a Reiki treat#ent

    ea"tly 'hat you are &oin& to do and the type o rea"tions that #i&ht o""ur( Stress that

    any one o these rea"tions are nor#al( They #ay eperien"e one or t'o o these

    rea"tions$ all o the# or none o the#( It #akes no dieren"e( Reiki 'ill &o 'here%er it is


    TYPESO:RE)CTIONSTH)TM)YOCCUR ) sensation o heat

    ) sensation o "old

    See "olors Past lie lashes

    In%oluntary Mo%e#ents

    :all )sleep


    E#otional Responses

    Ru#!lin& Sto#a"h Me#ory :lashes

    Pins and Needles

    Sense Your Hands Mo%in&

    Oten the "lient 'ill eperien"e etre#e "old at the position o your hands 'hile you eel

    intense heat(

    I the "lient eperien"es nothin& eplain to the# that the Reiki ener&y oten 'orks on a

    su!tle le%el yet has proound results 'hi"h nor#ally !e"o#e apparent in the ollo'in&

    days or 'eeks(

    Ne%er or&et the "lient is dra'in& Reiki throu&h you( They are doin& the healin& on a

    su!"ons"ious le%el( You are only the "hannel(

    Reiki always tra!els to the place it is needed most.

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    No kno'led&e o the hu#an anato#y or physiolo&y is re.uired to 'ork 'ith Reiki(

    ,ea%e your e&o aside and Reiki 'ill do the 'ork(

    "orget the symptoms treat the whole person.

    ,isten to your "lients !ody throu&h your hands( Sense the dierent types o ener&y( Ithe ener&y is stron& keep your hands in that position until your sense a shit in the

    ener&y le%el( Use your intuition(

    ,ook or non1%er!al "o##uni"ation ro# your "lients !ody( -eep si&hs or hand and le&

    #o%e#ents are &ood indi"ators that so#ethin& positi%e is takin& pla"e(

    The nor#al ti#e re.uired or a ull !ody treat#ent is !et'een sity to ninety #inutes(

    )t the end o a treat#ent al'ays oer your "lient a &lass o "old 'ater to aid &roundin&(

    )l'ays 'ash your hands under "old runnin& 'ater ater ea"h treat#ent(


    Ensure your "lient is lyin& lat on the therapy ta!le 'ith their ar#s do'n !y their sides(

    Their le&s should also !e lat a&ainst the ta!le and #ust not !e "rossed as this #ay

    !lo"k the lo' o Reiki(

    Gently lay your hands on your "lients !ody( 6eep the# in ea"h position or !et'een

    three to i%e #inutes( )s you !e"o#e #ore eperien"ed use your intuition(

    Your hands should !e "upped 'ith your in&ers ir#ly "losed as thou&h you 'ere tryin&

    to hold 'ater( This keeps the "hannel stron& !et'een your "lient and the uni%ersal lie

    or"e( I your in&ers are open Reiki "an es"ape ust as 'ater 'ould slip throu&h your

    open in&ers(

    In the "ase o !urnt skin or a "lients &enitals and !reasts hold your hands ust a!o%e

    their !ody(

    #on$t forget the box of tissues.

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    Remember the following hand positions are only a guide.

    Use your intuition%


    Cup your hands &ently and rest the# o%er your eyes$

    "heek!one$ and orehead Kthird eye "hakraL

    Good or stress$ eye pro!le#s$ asth#a$ head "olds$

    aller&ies$ sinuses$ pituitary &land$ pineal &land$ and

    "ere!ral ner%es


    Hands on either side o head 'ith in&ers "o%erin&


    Good or !rains$ tinnitus$ hearin& and ear pro!le#s$

    "olds$ lu$ and !alan"in& the un"tionality !et'een the

    ri&ht and let !rain


    Hands on the !a"k o your head

    Good or heada"hes$ eye pro!le#s$ stress$ hay e%er$

    sinuses$ di&esti%e disorders$ ears$ pho!ias$ sho"k$

    depression$ and stroke

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    Hands around your ne"k 'ith the heels "o%erin& the

    throat Kthroat "hakraL

    Good or sel1epression$ "o##uni"ation$ !reathin&$

    %oi"e and spee"h pro!le#s$ !ron"hitis$ lu "olds$ and



    Hands o%er "hest$ "o%erin& heart and thy#us &land

    Kheart "hakraL

    Good or heart$ an&ina$ lun&s$ thyroid$ 'ei&ht pro!le#s$

    i##une syste#$ li#!i" syste#$ e#otional pro!le#s$ and



    Hands are positioned hori7ontally ust !elo' the ri!s 'ith the in&er tips tou"hin&( Mo%e

    the hands do'n as sho'n$ "o%erin& ust !elo' the !elly !utton$ and then endin& in a

    inside the hip !one(

    Good or all #aor or&ans and &lands$ disease$ ine"tions$ sto#a"h$ intestines$

    reprodu"ti%e syste#$ an&er$ and e#otions

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    Hands irst positioned on shoulders$ then hori7ontally 'ith the in&ertips tou"hin& at the

    !otto# o the ri!s$ the area opposite the !elly !utton$ and endin& in a at the !ase o

    the spine(

    Good or all #aor or&ans and &lands$ disease$ ine"tions$ !a"k and spine pro!le#s$

    and stress

    "eel free to include the arms and legs as necessary


    /hen all the positions ha%e !een treated$ pla"e your let hand on your "lients "ro'n

    "hakra and your ri&ht hand at the !ase o their spine( This inal position !alan"es the

    ener&y in your "lients !ody(

    Co#plete your treat#ent !y "o#!in& your "lients aura( Stroke the !ody ir#ly ro# the

    "ro'n do'n to the eet in a s'eepin& #otion( Continue past the eet until you tou"h the

    loor or &roundin&( Repeat or a se"ond ti#e li&htly tou"hin& the !ody( :inally "o#! the

    aura a e' in"hes a!o%e the !ody(

    3ele9 #reae! e a#,al 9a#$ ' (llam :ame!

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    ,ESSON44;)--ITION),REI6ITECHNIQUESTe e) - #a*8e$$$ ! - le 8- -9 9ear$ R-!a**e Ca!

    The ollo'in& te"hni.ues are used durin& Reiki treat#ents or at other opportunities(


    )ura Cleansin& should !e done !eore and ater a Reiki session( Pre1healin& aura

    "leansin& drains the e"ess ener&y and adusts the aura to !alan"e the ener&y( )s the

    eel o your hands i#pro%e$ you 'ill !e"o#e a!le to eel the pla"es o ener&y 'ith a !ad


    Post1healin& aura "leansin& is "riti"al( )s the ener&y o the 'hole !ody is puriied ater

    healin&$ the lo' is a""elerated and it is in a sensiti%e "ondition so that it easily a""eptsany 'a%e( Thereore it #ust !e adusted not to &et any lo' or rou&h 'a%e(

    Stroke the air a!o%e the 'hole !ody o the re"ei%er 'ith !oth hands$ or 'ith a sin&le

    hand$ a!out 43 "enti#eters a'ay ro# the !ody( It is done ro# head to toe or ro# let

    to ri&ht o the !ody$ and in one "ontinuous #o%e#ent( I you are usin& one hand$ do one

    side o the !ody and then &o around to the other side and do that side(

    :or post1healin& aura "leansin&$ let the re"ei%er rest in pea"e or a 'hile K#ore than i%e#inutesL ater'ards(


    This is a te"hni.ue or &ettin& a silent #essa&e a"ross to the re"ipients su!"ons"ious

    'ith the Reiki %i!ration trans#itted throu&h your hands( There is a 'ide ran&e o use or

    it$ su"h as !reakin& !ad ha!its$ &ettin& a"ross Usui1senseis i%e Reiki prin"iples to

    people in serious disease$ et"( K-o not &et this #ied up 'ith the "on"ept o healin&

    'ith #ind po'er(L

    4( Hold your hands up as hi&h as possi!le$ and eel the %i!rations o Reiki

    sho'erin& into the 'hole o the !ody(

    2( +rin& the hands do'n and pla"e one hand on the orehead KhairlineL and the

    other on the !a"k o the head( Think the thou&ht that they ha%e asked you to help

    the# 'ith( Make sure it is positi%e and in their hi&hest interest( The i#portant part

    is to keep the intent "lear$ pure and "onident(

    >( Re#o%e your hands( I this is part o a nor#al treat#ent$ then pro"eed(Other'ise$ Gassho and inish( Shake your 'rists 'ell(

    Copyri&ht 2345 6ai7en Reiki8 )ll Ri&hts Reser%ed Pa&e9 5=

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    This te"hni.ue is used to puriy or transor# ne&ati%e ener&y( Daki #eans ne&ati%e

    ener&y and kiri #eans to "ut( This te"hni.ue is supposed to re#o%e ne&ati%e ener&y

    or %i!ratory pro!le#s ro# o!e"ts$ puriy the# 'ith Reiki %i!rations and ener&y and to

    ill the# 'ith Reiki positi%e ener&y( It is tau&ht that this te"hni.ue should not !e used

    'ith people( This is interestin& as it is a "o##on ne' a&e te"hni.ue to "ut "ords(

    4( Usin& the hand 'ith in&ers to&ether$ pal# lat and stret"hed out$ "hop

    hori7ontally "uttin& the air 'ith your hand a!out 2 in"hes a!o%e the o!e"t K@ to =

    "# or you #etri" peopleL and stop the "hop a!ruptly and deinitely at the end o

    the ran&e o #otion as i doin& a karate "hop( This turns the %i!rations into &ood


    2( Hold your !reath and stay "entered and o"used and keep the o"us on thetantien Ktanden$ dantien$ danden$ et"(L as you do this te"hni.ue(

    & little Reiki is better than no Reiki at all.

    Ha&&*e!! re!/e! *- * &-!!e!!-*!M a*/ *- * 8-l/7a&&*e!! /.ell! * e !-,l$ Dem-#r,!

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual



    Heal ! e 8reae! &-!!e!!-*$ C-*e*me* ! e 8reae! rea!,re$C-*9/e*#e ! e 8reae! 9re*/$ N-*'6e*8 ! e 8reae! @-)$ ' La- T,

    Usui Reiki Ryoho is a!out de%elopin& yoursel( /e treat others$ !ut 'e need to treat

    oursel%es irst( The ollo'in& te"hni.ues are or pra"titioners to puriy and heal

    the#sel%es( This also #akes the# !etter healers(


    6enyoku1ho Kdry !athin&L is a te"hni.ue to "lear and stren&then the ener&y "hannels(

    This is a te"hni.ue is part o healin& or sel purii"ation and &ro'th(

    4( Pla"e your ri&ht hand on the let shoulder so that the ri&ht in&ertips are on the

    let shoulder( The hand is open$ the in&ers held to&ether all point up'ards( The

    hand Kpal# do'nL is a&ainst the !ody(

    2( Slide the hand do'n'ard to'ard the ri&ht hip( Mo%e the hand$ &oin& a"ross the

    "hest and endin& up in&ers do'n at the ri&ht hip( The hand Kpal# do'nL stays in

    li&ht "onta"t 'ith the !ody the entire #o%e#ent(

    >( Repeat this pro"ess startin& 'ith the let hand on the ri&ht shoulder and &oin&

    do'n to the let hip(

    5( Repeat 'ith the ri&ht hand on the let shoulder &oin& do'n to the ri&ht hip ase"ond ti#e(

    @( Pla"e the ri&ht hand a&ain on the let shoulder( Slide the ri&ht hand do'n the let

    ar# Kinside or outside$ ea"h 'ill "o%er dierent #eridians 1 see !elo'L all the 'ay

    to the in&er tips(

    =( Repeat this 'ith the let hand on the ri&ht ar#(

    A( Repeat a&ain 'ith the ri&ht hand on the let ar#(

    ?( Gassho a&ain$ then inish( Shake the 'rists 'ell(


    Doshin 6okyu1ho #eans the +reathin& o the ,i&ht Te"hni.ue( This is a #ethod or

    redu"in& your stress and puriyin& your #ind and !ody(

    4( +e&in in a "o#orta!le standin& or sittin& position( Close or hal "lose the eyes(

    +reathe slo'ly$ throu&h you nose( ,et &o o any tension(

    2( -o Gassho$ and "al# the #ind(

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    >( Hold your hands up as hi&h as possi!le$ and eel the %i!rations o Reiki

    sho'erin& into the 'hole o the !ody(

    5( Slo'ly #o%e your hands do'n'ards to your lap$ pal#s a"in& up and keepin&

    the hands relaed as i you 'ere holdin& e&&s( +rin& your #ind to the Tanden K>

    1 @ "#( !elo' the na%elL and listen to your !reathin&(

    @( /hile you are !reathin& in$ %isuali7e that Reiki 'hite ener&y is illin& your head$

    and do'n the "enter KHaraL line throu&h the !ody to the Tanden( -urin& the

    pause !et'een inhalation and ehalation$ the ener&y spreads to all parts o your

    !ody( :eel that the healin& pro"ess is happenin&(

    =( )s you !reathe out$ %isuali7e that the li&ht illin& your !ody is e#anatin& in all

    dire"tions$ out to ininity(

    A( Continue these eer"ises or a 'hile(

    ?( Gassho a&ain$ then inish( Shake the 'rists 'ell(


    Gassho is a "o##on pra"ti"e in #any eastern traditions( It is "alled Na#aste in the

    Indo1Ti!etan traditions( Gassho is holdin& the hands "lasped in a prayer position at

    a!out the le%el o the "hest(

    4( Sit do'n$ "lose your eyes and pla"e hands to&ether in ront o your "hest Kprayer


    2( :o"us your attention at the point 'here the t'o #iddle in&ers #eet(

    >( ,et &o o e%erythin& else( I your #ind 'anders$ a"kno'led&e the thou&ht$ let it

    &o and ust reo"us returnin& to the point 'here your #iddle in&ers #eet(5( Repeat the i%e Reiki prin"iples either aloud or internally(

    @( I you ind it un"o#orta!le to hold your hands in Gassho or @123 #inutes$ si#ply

    let your hands Kkept to&etherL slo'ly drop do'n onto your lap indin& a #ore

    "o#orta!le position to "ontinue the #editation(

    =( You #ay o!ser%e ener&y in the or# o heat$ "old or i#a&es$ ust let it &o and

    return your o"al point to the tips o your t'o #iddle in&ers(

    A( I you need to adust your postureF #o%e slo'ly$ deli!erately and "ons"iously( It is

    easier and !etter to #editate 'ith a strai&ht spinal "olu#n$ keepin& your head


    I you suer ro# !a"k pro!le#s or ind it dii"ult to sit stillF try sittin& on a strai&ht !a"k

    "hair 'ith a e' pillo's or "o#ort(

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    Seishin Toitsu1ho #eans to "on"entrate the #ind( This is a te"hni.ue or "learin& your

    #ind and keepin& your "ons"iousness hi&h and sta!le(

    4( +e&in in a "o#orta!le standin& or sittin& position( Close or hal "lose the eyes(

    +reathe slo'ly$ throu&h you nose( ,et &o o any tension(

    2( -o Gassho$ and "al# the #ind(

    >( Hold your hands up as hi&h as possi!le$ and eel the %i!rations o Reiki

    sho'erin& into the 'hole o the !ody(

    5( Slo'ly #o%e your hands do'n'ards to Gassho( +rin& your #ind do'n to the

    Tanden K> 1 @ "# !elo' the na%elL and try to keep your #ind still(

    @( /hile !reathin& in$ %isuali7es the Reiki ener&y runnin& do'n to your Tanden ro#

    your pal#s$ and eel the ener&y in your Tanden(

    =( /hile !reathin& out %isuali7e that the ener&y "o#in& out ro# your Tanden and#o%in& up into the pal#s$ then release the ener&y out in a !urst(

    A( Continue these eer"ises or a 'hile(

    ?( Gassho a&ain$ then inish( Shake the 'rists 'ell(

    :,/8e ea# /a) *- 6) e ar5e! )-, rea&

    6, 6) e !ee/! )-, &la*$ ' R-6er L-,! Se5e*!-*

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    ,ESSON4>; GROUPREI6ITRE)TMENTL-5e a*/ /e!re are e !&r

    ro# dierent Reiki pra"titioners(

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual


    Reiki Ma'ashi is a Dapanese #ethod o sharin& Reiki in a "ir"le$ used to "ir"ulate Reiki(

    Ma'ashi #eans "ir"le or "ir"ulation

    E%eryone in the &roup or#s a "ir"le( Raise your hands up hi&h a!o%e the head$ "allin&

    in the Reiki ener&y$ and eel the %i!rations o Reiki into the 'hole o the !ody( Ea"h

    person pla"es their ri&ht hand a"in& do'n o%er the net persons let handF 'hile their

    o'n let hand is a"in& up underneath the net persons ri&ht hand( The hands should

    !e a e' in"hes apart( )llo' Reiki to lo' "ounter1"lo"k'ise( +y doin& so$ you re"ei%e

    Reiki ener&y ro# your let hand and send it out ro# your ri&ht hand(


    Shudan Reiki is tau&ht as the traditional #ethod o a Reiki Group Treat#ent( It is a

    &roup o pra"titioners 'orkin& to&ether( This te"hni.ue is "o##on to #any s"hools o

    Reiki( The idea is that the ener&y is intensiied as you add #ore pra"titioners to the

    treat#ent( )s its #ost !asi" pra"ti"e it is a &roup o pra"titioners 'orkin& to&ether( :irst

    "onne"t to Reiki( +e&in 'orkin& the standard hand positions or use Reii to spot areas to

    treat( treat the person as a &roup(

    This #ethod has se%eral pra"titioners 'ork at on"e$ usin& the 42 hand positions and

    three pra"titioners Ki(e($ ea"h o the three pra"titioners do our positionsL( The person

    'orkin& on the head position is the desi&nated the leader and dire"ts the &roup( Ea"h

    ti#e the person at the head "han&es hand position$ ea"h o the others also "han&eposition(

    )s a &uideline$ a treat#ent should take a!out 42 to 23 #inutes K5 #o%e#ents at > to @

    #inutes ea"hL( 42 to 4@ #inutes Ki(e($ i%e #inutes or the i%e #inutes or the ront$ i%e

    or the !a"kL(


    )n alternati%e to the standard &roup treat#entF i there are too #any hands or the

    points$ the healers "an send Reiki ener&y indire"tly$ pla"in& the hands on the shoulderor !a"k o the healers 'ho ha%e their hands on the "lient(

    Remember to ha!e a box of tissues a!ailable.

    This is a 'onderul 'ay to treat #any people in a short spa"e o ti#e and ideal or

    therapy days( Ho'e%er$ re#e#!er to 'ash your hands !eore and ater ea"h treat#ent

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    under "old runnin& 'ater to dissipate any ne&ati%e ener&y and assist &roundin& or

    ea"h #e#!er o the tea#(

    Spend ti#e sharin& eperien"es( Group treat#ent is a &reat 'ay to learn and &ro'


    L-- .*$ (* ! e 9-,*a* -9 8--/7 a*/ .ll e5er 6,66le ,&79 -, .l e5er /8$ ' ;ar#,! A,rel,!

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    ,ESSON45; REI6I)N-PREGN)NCY$ +)+IES* CHI,-RENN-*8 ! m&-!!6leM e .-r/ !el9 !a)! I

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    I the ather o an un!orn !a!y is a Reiki pra"titioner he "an also help durin& the

    pre&nan"y !y treatin& his partner( The i#portant !ond !et'een ather and "hild

    'ill also !e sti#ulated ea"h ti#e he pla"es his hands on his partners pre&nant

    tu##y( The ather "an "o##uni"ate throu&h his hands 'ith his "hild(

    Reiki "an help "ouples 'ho are indin& it dii"ult to "on"ei%e a "hild !y redu"in&

    stress and sti#ulatin& !oth the e#ales natural reprodu"ti%e "y"le and the #ales

    produ"tion o sper#( In #any "ases 'hen a "ouple are desperate or a "hild they

    pla"e etre#e stress on the#sel%es "ausin& an i#!alan"e o their #ind !ody

    and spirits( So oten the #o#ent they &i%e up and or&et a!out tryin& to ha%e

    "hildren$ and the pressure and stress a"tor is re#o%ed #any "ouples ind their

    prayers are ans'ered and a pre&nan"y is dis"o%ered(

    +)+IES Reiki "an a""elerate the re"o%ery ti#e o the #other and !a!y ater the !irth( It is

    espe"ially &ood or "aesareans se"tions and healin& the %arious s"ars and

    stit"hes oten asso"iated 'ith "hild!irth(

    Reiki "an !e used to heal the !a!ies u#!ili"al "ord(

    Reiki "an !e used to %itali7ed and nourish the #others #ilk i the !a!y is !reast

    eed( )lternati%ely$ i the !a!y is to !e !ottled eed the or#ula "an !e treated

    'ith Reiki( Treatin& and enri"hin& the !a!ies ood "an help nourish and satisy

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    the !a!ies hun&er( This 'ill help the# su"kle until they are "ontent and ull(

    Re&ular illin& eeds lead to less sleepless ni&hts( So#ethin& all parents pray or(

    Reiki sti#ulates !alan"e in the ne' !orn !a!y( It "an easily !e "hanneled to the

    !a!y 'hene%er the #other or ather Kdependin& on 'ho has !een attuned to the

    ener&yL tou"hes their "hild(

    Reiki "an !e used to help treat "radle "ap$ "oli" and 'ind(

    Important Note:)l'ays "onsult your do"tor no #atter ho' tri%ial it #ay see# i you are

    "on"erned a!out your !a!y(

    CHI,-REN Reiki "an !e used to treat your "hildren throu&hout their li%es( :ro# the early

    days and #onths throu&h pu!erty$ adoles"en"e and into adulthood(

    Reiki is 'onderul or all their a"hes and pains( Instin"ti%ely 'e tou"h or kiss our

    "hildren !etter 'hen they all or inure the#sel%es( /ith Reiki 'e speed up thehealin& pro"ess and !oost their o'n natural healin& a!ilities(

    Reiki is a spe"ial &it you "an share 'ith your "hildren( /e re"o##end you tea"h

    your o'n "hildren the i%e prin"iples o Reiki and ha%e the# in"orporate the#

    into their li%es(

    Children lo%e Reiki( I possi!le you should introdu"e and attune your "hildren to

    Reiki( It 'ill help the# o"us and ind their o'n path in lie(

    Use Reiki at !edti#e to help your "hildren drit o to sleep(

    Reiki !alan"es your "hilds #ind !ody and spirit leadin& to a "learer #ore

    o"used approa"h to lie at s"hool and at ho#e(

    /hen a "hild has an a""ident they oten "ry !e"ause o the sho"k( Treat your"hild !y pla"in& one o your hands on their solar pleus and the other at the !ase

    o the spine(

    Tere are .- .a)! -9 !&rea/*8 l8B - 6e e #a*/le

    -r e mrr-r a re9le#! $ ' E/ (ar-*

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    Dea ! *- e 8reae! l-!! * l9e$ Te 8reae! l-!! ! .a/e! *!/e ,! .le .e l5e$ ' N-rma* C-,!*!

    There is only one "ertainty in lie and that is that death "o#es to us all( :a"in& our o'n

    #ortality is oten dii"ult( /e ha%e t'o #ain "hoi"es in "o#in& to ter#s 'ith our o'n

    death or the death o a a#ily #e#!er or riend( /e "an "hoose to %ie' death as inal

    and !e"o#e "onsu#ed in &rie or 'e "an en%isa&e lie ater death and "ele!rate the

    transition to eternal lie( Our !elies and personal eperien"es shape ho' 'e deal 'ith

    this etre#ely e#oti%e issue(

    ,osin& a lo%ed one "an !e a de%astatin& !lo' to any a#ily( Espe"ially i It is the irstti#e they ha%e had to eperien"e losin& so#eone "lose( ,ookin& !a"k in hindsi&ht and

    throu&h #y o'n resear"h and su!se.uent eperien"es 'ith people 'ho "a#e to #e or

    help !eore dyin&$ I ound #any "o##on attitudes and #istakes asso"iated 'ith death(

    The 'estern 'orld in &eneral treats the su!e"t o dyin& as ta!oo( So#ethin& 'e

    shouldnt talk a!out(

    )s a stark "ontrast$ Eastern philosophy and the tea"hin&s and !elies o #any an"ient

    "ultures %ie' death as a natural part o lie( They !elie%e that our souls are eternal( The

    !ody is only a te#porary %essel that allo's the soul a""ess to Earth( 6ar#i"ly 'e are

    here to learn and &ro'(

    /hen a person !e"o#es #ore spiritually a'are they &ro' to understand and a""ept

    these an"ient !elies( /hen you look at the t'o "hoi"es it should !e easy to !elie%e in

    lie ater death$ rather than !elie%e that death is inal and 'e all ha%e nothin& else to

    look or'ard to( )ll reli&ions are !uilt on the pre#ise that to o!tain eternal lie you #ust

    !e &ood in this one(

    Thanatolo&y Kthe study o death and the dyin&L has &i%in& hu#anity the insi&ht into lie

    ater death( People 'ho ha%e had near death eperien"es !rin& hope and reports o a

    !etter pla"e( +ooks su"h as Sa%ed +y The ,i&ht !y -annion +rinkley oer inspiration

    and "o#ort to us all(

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    Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Manual

    In 4BA@ -annion 'as stru"k !y li&htnin& as he #ade a telephone "all to a !usiness

    partner durin& a thunderstor#( He 'as pronoun"ed dead in the a#!ulan"e on the 'ay

    to hospital( :or a little o%er t'enty #inutes he eperien"ed 'hat #any people ear the

    #ost what really happens to you when you die(

    -annion +rinkley tells ho' his ethereal soul lea%es his earthly !ody and loats hi&ha!o%e lookin& do'n at the s"ene o his death( He elt no pain or sadness at lea%in& his

    !ody or his lie !ehind( ) tunnel o !ri&ht li&ht appears in ront o hi# and he is .ui"kly

    en&uled !y it(

    )s he pro&resses into the li&ht he eels an o%er'hel#in& sense o pea"e and lo%e( He

    &oes on to tell o #eetin& spiritual !ein&s and !ein& sho'n a !eautiul spiritual real#(

    This lie "han&in& eperien"e is not uni.ue to -annion +rinkleyF thousands o other

    people 'ho ha%e died on the operatin& ta!le or ater an a""ident only to "o#e !a"k

    ro# the !rink ha%e reported si#ilar eperien"es(

    I -annion had !een the only person to proess to su"h a proound eperien"e then 'e

    "ould dis#iss it as i"tion or antasy( ) #an 'ith a 'ild i#a&ination 'ho suered

    hallu"inations perhaps ater a serious and al#ost atal a""ident(

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