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USSC 2012_NM

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


    Paul West has been the administrator o national and global surfng events or over thirty-two years, including theUS Surfng Championships, East Coast Surfng Championships, and the Pan Am Surfng Championships. Havingmanaged over our hundred contests in Hawaii, Caliornia, Texas, East Coast, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Peru,South Arica, Venezuela, Chile and more, he has consistently gained experience and has mastered the developmentand production o a myriad o successul events in the industry. Previously, West acted as Vice-President o theInternational Surfng Association. He currently serves the sur community as the President o the Florida SurfngAssociation and the Director o the United States Surfng Federation, where he works diligently to deliver regionaland state-level contests, as well as to support non-proft programs including Silent Surers/Florida School or theDea and the Blind, Wounded Warrior Project and the Special Olympics.

    October 1-9, 2012 marks the 45th Anniversary o the US Surfng Championships. The board eels that there is truly

    no more appropriate location than the leader o the East Coast surfng world Florida the state which has always been the ront-runner in theEast Coast surfng world. Event dates all right in prime hurricane season or the South Atlantic, and with Jacksonville being tucked into the coast,protection rom the actual storms is provided, while great sandbars or ground swells are produced. The weather at this time typically trunks withthe beach being around 85 degrees and the water right around 76 degrees.As a current resident o Neptune Beach just one mile rom the proposed event contest site Director, Paul West, believes that this event will bethe largest event in Florida in 2012, helping not only to grow the surfng community o Jacksonville, but also aiding in the creation o a core buzzor surfng around the nation. By util izing a nine-day permit, this will help ensure proper sur conditions or the higher profle divisions. Additionally,it enables event partners to enjoy extended exposure and benefts, due to its duration and national promotion.

    The US Surfng Federation is a non-proft oundation committed to the sport o surfng within a competitive environment which oers contests orevery skill level and encourages good sportsmanship. USSF ocuses on giving back to local communities by supporting organizations through aseries o national competitions, educational training and scholarship programs which help the sport o surfng progressively develop within itsmarket. The Federation also upholds a strong commitment to environmental conservation and protection o our oceans.This is an excellent opportunity or organizations to participate in a frst-class, proessional event in the State o Florida while appealing to a wide

    range o demographics. With riends, amilies and other spectators traveling to see contestants young andold take to the water, there is unlimited potential in the reach that your brand will achieve through thesecompetitions. We look orward to orming strong and lasting partnerships with brands whose visions alignwith those o our Foundation, while oering an environment which embraces sport, the sur community, amily

    and the environment in one unique cumulative experience or contestants, event partners and spectators alike.

  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


    Ph cresy

  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM



    33.8 $46,312


    medn resden ge medn ncme


    Statistics taken in 2010 by US Bureau of Economic & Business Research

    Jacksonville BeachPopulatio: 23,077

    mal: 47.1 %Fal: 52.9%

    mia it a: 39.8 amia ouol io: $65,068

    Nearby Florida Citiesnptu Ba: 2.3 iltlati Ba: 3.6 il

    Pal vall: 5.4 ilsaa: 6.5 il

    jaoill: 18.3 il

  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


    Ph cresy Frd srFng sscn

  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


    Hotel 400+ atlt oi ito to it fail a fi. 800+ popl ill oo/boa fo fo t i a of t ott. exuti ta of poo ill pla to ta.Food/Beverage t i a of t t, atlt, ptato a ott taff ill foo ultipl

    ti ail, i ill ia loal tauat a ba u ui t off-ao.Employment ssc ill poi xta plot oppotuiti fo loal o a opai

    ui t i a of t. i i tpiall a lo ti fo t it a it off-ao.*Amenities/Highlights of City: coptito, faili, a ptato ill a xta f ti at it a o a ot

    patiipati i t ott, bii aitioal bui to oi tat, olf ou, oppit a loal uf op u a tu ai, koa sat Pa a Fbi i.

    spooi opai o oaizatio ill at to ol piat a publi aft-pati at

    aiou ba alo t ba a tauat aou to lai fut oo fo o obo xta o oppotuiti fo t 11,209 popl plo i t at, ttait a

    atio iut.

    Transportation: la ub of popl tali ito t it ill qui o of tapotatio tou

    t u of : aipot, taxi, tal a a/o bil i ill ai i ati aitioalplot fo t 34,613 popl plo i tapotatio iut aou dual cout,alo pui t aout of a pua at a tatio ui ti ti fa.

    Long-Term Monetary Funding: Folloi a i a lo ta, faili fo all o t out a ol a o

    ba to jaoill to aatio, tu iai t touit at fo t it a tat.*According to Duval county has 41,070 people employed in the accommodationand food services.

    Ph cresy

  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM



    CONTEST DETAILS 30+ atu diiio 4 Pofioal diiio

    of ssc capio fo t 60, 70, 80, 90

    suf waio natioal capioip, wou waio Pot

    spial lpi su exibitio

    micro-menehune (9 & under m/F) menehune (11 & under m/F)

    Boy (12-14 year of ae)junior men (15-17 year of ae) men (18-24 year of ae) mater (25-34 year of ae) senior men (35-44 year of ae) grandater (45-54 year of ae) eend (55 and older) wahine (14 & under)

    girl (15 17)junior woen (18-29) woen (30 year & older) menehune onboard

    (14 yr & under)

    junior onboard (15-17) men onboard

    (18-29 year of ae)

    mater onboard

    (30-39 year of ae)

    senior onboard(40-49 year & older)

    eend onboard (50 +) girl onboard (17 & under)junior woen onboard (18 -39) woen onboard (40 +) menehune Bodyboard

    (14 year & under)

    junior Bodyboard(15-17 year of ae)

    men Bodyboard(18-29 year of ae)

    senior Bodyboard(30 year and older)

    woen Bodyboard (all ae) kneeboard (all ae) pen shortboard (all ae) pen onboard (all ae) stand p Paddleboard (all ae)

  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


    vo villa

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    Foo u villa

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    wax Boot

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    oal sufboa sap Boot

    mitatio a yoa Boot

    ciopati a maa Boot

    oal Floia safoo expo

    millaou spot ouat Ba vollball, co hol,

    5 ru, Bo Ball

    i wbat

    vt rap

    Faio so

    i cot at saal Pailio

    Performances by artists such as: doao Fait B hap jj g a mofo

    Bli mlo ial collti

    o ol Bo

  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


    The USSC provides a marketing platform that will connect your brand with

    active consumers before, during and after the event.

    VIP Passes /Hospitality

    On Site Exposure& Engagement



    Media &




  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


    ssc et poi i polxpou a t oppotuit to aaui b o-it. u xpilopt ta ill o o-o-o itou oaizatio to itif ou piati a oal, a iplta uiqu a ati atiatio apai.


    sta s Ba F si

    Inclusion in the Event Collateral et map so sul sa Ba

    CONSUMER ENAEMENT Expansive On-site Activation

    Opportunities Within Event Footprint mb quiitio o data captu sapli Pootioal cott o ga illa ff-it et

  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


    Ph cresy Frd srFng sscn

  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


    saal Pailio i ettait Pti rit

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    multipl coptitio diiio

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    mobil Po ra a

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    vP cabaa

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    eiotal villa

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    fial Ba statu/cato exluiit

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    nitti o-t

    cottat ra gua

    cottat sa Ba Poi

    Current 2012 inventory includes:

    Custom packages available

  • 7/31/2019 USSC 2012_NM


    Kristi Finigan-GeskeHype Promotions, [email protected]


    For customized packages andpricing options, contact: