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USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    ~- ,I




    The Japanese Construction Industry

    Construction Section

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry




    The Japanese Construction Industry

    Construction Section

    Capital Equipment and Construction Branch

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    FOREWORDTIJe.United Stlll,c1!Strategic B o mb in g S U l" \'e 'Y

    w as e sl.ab lilihe d b y the S ee J1 el& :ry o ~ W ilt o n:IN ove m bo r 1 9H ,pUJSuont to n DireeLive Iro m Lhe1M" President Roosevelt , I ts mission W,QS to can-d ur t a n i m pa rt ia l a nd c X'p Q! ,~ tu dy o f ~ hc ut re

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    fbis l'IIpO't was 'IIl"it\ft J < " " " ' U ,' -01 '\ftQ \l.lli Qf \ :~@Y. S. SU.t.831~ ltllllb1q suw.y lrI. \l\il. ~nnl'@.Uon Qt f\Y'\:hft"


    Jnt.oduo!io" __ . -Sllmm&rlY'Slid .Oonc-lu.'fi(ul:$& ~ r ~- ~- - .&~~-_.V dl uroc a nd E ro ploym~nt .. _ .: ~- . _ -- - - - . .. . - -. --

    V olum e :::::_: ::::_::::::Elr,nJlloym""t nn d Lab or P r .bJ." ,. _. __~:1l I , ) 'CooS lrnot!on__ _ _ __ "Y Com.truehell __

    NomniIi'tary. Gor l~~rno [ion ~_~ , .h _ . . ~.(Joll6lructiCll Millt erial~. .. . ~ . . __. ~.. .. ._l'hc l,)d"-'!lry 'U"d~r Bombing . _0 'ga" "8 li oT l a nd COn.r"bJ _Ai".!~~;~ f F;"din~. __ : :::_Exhibit 1 . . Apl"'l\di~ !Tnblo,, _

    LIST OF ' I'ADLES'I'.~",

    J. Est i a te d A _rIB U Il lEm . . ..O J o ' T I J - cLOr C a n S tr l Le ..t im. Labo:r;crs by Ciivi1itm COPI mcto~.JlIJ>"n P.roI 'O'. 1 1);!7 -1 5__ _ _ . _.

    2. " O r l l m e o r J n r m a u M ( . l A n n y C ' O . I S lru 11 11 L O n ,ln 37 -l5 - - - ---

    3., E"m])lo~~~.l.lIc'lllon A'nny COl):!nm~lion Wor'k b)'T)'I)c oJ BJn 'p tQ) 'Cl"eS[n J' P'IO.I}C'l '.1 937 -1 1 ; ---- -.- --.

    . I J~ E(:I.Iill1E1.1edrOIU.lll~ of .t1apufl~1 Nn,~~ C( ' ln~1:ruc--t:ion ,jn J n pn n P rn pc t ,i;ifld 0\10 r.'ieD!:t nU l7-~6 ---- - ---- - - -- --

    ft, . t\ ~r e t: o .g o E m l d, O l' !H Q n l o n , ~ n . ..J. Cun,. . t t l l( l l i t . .~b. .vT~I p e o f b)rIplo~'.(:(1~ i II J31,Ji1 I) P ' J i tl p o D r : t i n t t

    o \lcr""I"!l..'4:1 .[0,10-1 6 - ~11 . ~tironl(Jri V, u h n l \ l ' i-o f ~ I o li ] li j lh a ry C l W I 'l ' lt l le - -

    l iOl i in J npnn ItnllJ(ir. 1037 - Ifi.. -7 ' . ~ \ :I } li n C' pl io n l! l : r o r U l Ii ld ll l, R: P o :r m il ! i I I I ' 22 : "1 , 'l lI ' I. ju l "

    CIII... I" J.p'''' ['' ' '1'' ' '.W3'1-!~8. Woud.'u 81 ru cr III"! l ? " i"f ' l-rQLll'NJ in J ennu

    J'Wr"', U... I I~





    ~":i,~b5 , . C O I " !S l l' n c ti o nP.m l Jl oy m en t f nJ I P Z U Pt(l~

    &;1.011 D.'. , . ,1 9 M . 19 -l~ "rl I!l-II . _:6 , A Jr Il lY C O 'M t tl lC ltie n . Ex pe rt W Ul m i n I Zh 'r ,r .

    "" '" .\. "" '., 1 1 1 3 1 --1 5 _

    7 . E sU me .' ~, l 1\ n. lr uw V'olumt, lorArmy 'CClMUUc.-'ion: b ) ! T, ) '; - p< ! 8,0 '[ CO[]St.n.rCHOil jill J,p:~11Pto~r,t 1 93 7: _, S. _ _ _ _ &_ , ___ _

    s .. All n u[ 1. 1 Vo 'h ,l m( > o r A rm y C .o n lit r u ,CHVD Ill"n~pll Df Wnl':kerEnl,plu.,~d in J'p.i.fl ~,pe;.1 937 ....;(5_-. __ _

    9 . t ;; ,! ;m~[1 "olumo 01 1li,;p."".1 ('o.. !",,,;ooby Ar my by P, ,"o ip ll Type s in ~p&

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    .'~~'" '.'2 1 P la ,u wd 0 \1 I0 03 ho ," o f I>Uhll:>.,'to 1 ' ,11 \0 ' " . ,

    Itcelplents by Pt , i11 t t l ) )o l 1)p~ in JapsilP",por. 11>t3-H. . _ .

    2 ~ r . li "" l! ~d I nv en to ry o f S til c" ,t ed [ ,e ", ,, ol("'ol1!!fjlr;UCliOliE qu ip lll ClIl in P mC ',ssi ,o n o f. . ~ l AT ge Ct1n~t\J{)"lioli C O I lt r ll a t o' r .s i n Jap9l tP" ~"r. J9310nd I D~5_ ._ . . __.. __.. _

    29 P ' r o d l J o C , l i o nOr T-rH-():~s an d 'Tr,aohJ~ ill J6JHlil1 '' '' 1' '' ' 1 987- ,15 . _ . _ .

    30 E>(imalcd b"'",",IQryor Sclcot"d rl:n{-mlHendquartcrs, Mn1'Qh l 'k-AuSll.L 1,5, 19~'5__

    (i;onstruol; 00 Brd p 10)'111 nr, in PI n ilt D1apc"",nl('l,dbrnd by Pro"inolai Headquarters _

    f i; r' I bi d S hc it cl \l !' Ol ls t, ,\ ot ;o n in Jap nuPzo per, L9I!I-'1 5_ .

    J11 l000 'i o1l8 o r S loetn nd Lumbe r fer A i, R ni dShe ll ", C onst rl lc ti on I " < fS I' '' '' p ro pe r, ~ I. !n ""1",Il'. 1 OH-45 .. __ -. __ ~ _






    d I


    "' 1 36



    INTRODUCTIONSil)cu I~ COUll!,!,:}, d op un rls u po n i kl ~ OI JS ( r un t i nn

    imlus~ry to build nnd J'cpl~ir ils jildustril}1 plant,1-0Sl tPpiy it,with houses, tfll!)Sllortll.l,iOll fno1Jitres,nlld I)lil)(.ury inslulinl,iOllS, this I' ! Ih"

    < ]l II > 11 t il 1l ,t iv em e n su re s i ll t he r ep o rt m l ls t b e ! 8a s n p pr ox im nte r ut he r til OJ WiOct.

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry



    A. ThQ J n l' ll n eS e u n de l 'o $ t im a t l the eonsteuc-I ion needs of 8 mujor war, A~ 0 result, t hey werer O f 1 ) ~ dwrx)Jnnd their const ruct ion indlls~1)' tomeet unexpected wartime demunds. In 1940,eonsrruot io produced sHght ly I .. .s thau 4 ]1et'cont, of t he g ro ss - ua ri ou al product, but in 1944 thisp erc en ta ge h udrisen 10 a lm o st 1 3,; ;, M C lI ,$ ur ru : o fvolume and IJmp!O~Tmenl'confi rm this r is ing t rrnd01 eonstructien 1I1l1;I'it, 'I'.

    I , From dIll oUI,breok of ~h c C hi na I nci de nt i n1937 UIl!';! L h~ last m on llis o f the Pn eificWa.r inH l4 5. t he a e lh j t~, Q f Ihe J apenese eon s t ruc t iouin (11.131v slcadilv ineri' in volum e. T h"rapid'Oxpl!.I!Qi",no f il1 {lu slrio 'l c apa ciL y an d th e iue re as-

    ing need for bm;Q~,, ,Iepols, and 10J'li l lcl).-lion 9 ror the ,8 rmy II n d n u v y , . rea t-edsuch 0 dernnudfo r NIHBlruclillH work I hr< t fro m 1 94 ,2on, nL least,IIIl1StC(lnelruu(.; 011 un i S , hOI IJ ci ilia nund fIlilil .o r y ,hAd !\lo rp wo rk thun Ihl'Y could hn ndle , T het oht l v olum e of MHlItruminn in ,1fl:)Jllflproper is'ihov,c r is " ,! ! f ro m s li l: 'h t lyIpssthull I b il Jion :VPI\ ill 1937 to a .'" Ie "I IIboul i ,5bini'''l Y"11 in 'I\14.;, Qr II Pllroxirnn.lply lIi,,1 Ii,nr',II", m~i r ul " , A r (' lu !, 1I 1I lh l< ' n dj ua lHI,,'ul ror (I...f"i~( ill w ! )r li m p J lr i~ p , w f }l ll df ll u~ ethe IlH5 mLcIII ullfJu~ IUJlt lilll"" lh~ HIH,1 rul,' 01 IINivily.

    2. ' 1'h e f ir m) ' l in d r ", ,'y he'l:(m10 fig"r, ~i~lIifl-cuu'l iy iu lh" i'.fuud r lH 't : iou l t i (' tu '. "ill 1040" wb:"nII",ir""Ml rlll'litH! "~hvily (ill"III,lilll: work ,,(O!lC [IIt md"I", ~

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    [",'1 1!l r ,, "y it o fIhoso111'0 Ih~III!;. m ill' b egn.il1~d from Lho I'twt ~bli1l'm lllo ym l! ul (ho th o ivilie n u ud m ilitary) o n n rm )'PWJ"Chl ill ~II i, h or ne i sl antis rO T t h II fl.",[, lin If o[1 9 45 I w o < rl y , 'l lu u .l I l' dumpioYilll 'nl. on m m y pro-j,'~I" for theent i'll yenr of 194~ ((n hie 3) . Sta tis-tic s o n to tu l ,.i" iliu ll P l'n pln ym ~" t [o r1 1 1 4 &IIl'1' no t

    ( I\ '" il ul ll ". 1 ,, ,1 u " in gernployrneul by tlw Iorty-0(1

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry



    VolumeT he m onsure men t o f prrfo rruunc e of,Ibe eo n-

    struoticn industry, L i k e .m un y oth ot 'S, dependsprimarily 1> 0 n e n rc l ul c , ," 11 [I l ti o :m"rif .!)e n d p ro d uc t-in this vnse, corupleted srru etu re s I 1m [projeetsreq u i ri n g til e se rv ic es o f ,c n~l'l1I.eont ra ct011:J, h o t hp ri vat e a nd p ub li c. A s ec on dar y me asu re (I f theindustry's evor-nl] per formance can b e d ~ t{ l rm i D e dfrtrm Ib~ in pu t o f ln ho r, UnrortuDll.tdy, in theenso 0) 1,J"pJln n~itlwr of Ih il! 'c m easu re s hu s e ve rheen 11l1~'I'' ' 'I'p[y made by tll~.Jllllllhl!Sll themselves,n od th e r~con[s to p r o vi d e ~ o :m p l e l, Q l ysatisfautoryappraisa[s ure not n vuiln hle , Co rtu in tren ds,

    1 " , W C " C T,oun ] ,e dispernctl (mill the limi{.ed docu-melll"ry e . . .d~nve 11011, f ro m i nl lt fr ol l' nl iO I ! o f p u: bl ie .un d pri "'0 t e o fh e i o i ~ u ss oe i ut ae lwi th Co "S l ru C lion"p"rnlio"s.

    Tiop , J ' ,p , r" I>! e.,, ~ 1pro!:,""Ill,, , , ,oJ,m 1 I!lp) 'c cm io nt cd d OH !> llld lo r m ilit ur\' " "n -~Ir,u ' t ;f , l1J wo>rll~Qmhined 10 P(lsl:\ udivlt.,,: !onn,,[[.Ii,ne high.

    .\ " uu J, :1 r" dju~ Ln wu t I f> ~th e i!lnll"~NI , ' i~o ,illIJI! i' it [inl :' , 'o~l6I h~8 he~" ":,,,d(' o n th.. II!l~i 'so(P.111111,lell " "h m i: lI c dby 1' 2 o f I h o ll i' rW > ~ I.Mil l I 'M -t" r, in .r"I'''''' On: ,J,),n b,,"iH nf I h~~,' ~~I :IIII'I< 111 ,il "1'1"'11"'; 11m' 1:11 '1t , ~ , ,' .~~ w,"" ,,10,,"1 fh'o I' ! I ,e .II. lri~h I!~ I h"~,, ill I'llill. I,I,,[\,,~ I'hr ""I u,,[ i , , ,-r'fPH'"I.p:1U t'ffIlHll'lIrtj(~ln VO!UUWI in Hillfl "'JI~ prO}Jllhl.vtI hunl 'lJUr t iulI'ol. 1,\11" Hut1 f luh n ~11( 'I ur udi~'PlI' hHIut ,'11'1~"1111~. rnl., ,11,1 1~Icln.;d'IIPI h.o i:III(II"'l.~,l' t'n"ll~hI , .1 IlY iu iJ l l I : l l iu)C,In ilUUUluili t h l ' !lu!inuul Wullf '~ '. I I IIUI I~~ ,

    i[11I1 11)fIUY arul .W _11 fw.:uu i!~1n~Ulii ~iJ!uiUllnnl'IJUI du' 4tJlllIIj'lrnN lUll P 1 ( ; 'm 'p IU I;n I U. u h .. .. , hp j; 'r~111" IofrlU ll'I'11111,11\j,11 4 ItIIU!'\III~I~fl~1 oIIIl[IJII,ll,VIIUllt'

    Ihn'll hUllf 11., ,luIIt! ,,4Imi4IIIH~1 . jot,v~lurnll III ,hqmn'IUt',111 I h'll~lll'IJlW; fj~llr.II'\ ~.II pj, ,IIIIIU (j~llf ~1!11'~11

    "' ht tn'11i1 1'1illl'l}lUIIl r hllu U,"U lIIuU!,HflU jll' nInri' !,,!,ulll"II, till' 111111\ HUt! .m\,' W.-U' ,1'fll'I"IU_I:hh,

    foJ' a bO ll t ~ wo -l hi rd s of tain I .o,,(il1ity in t!wb orn e islan ds f:< co m19H In the unol 0 1 thewu, .('Chis propen tio n in dludc llo t h tl,e so-eullcd"indirect" and " tl ir ce t" m n il ,, !, ], e o ns tr ue ti on ." In dire ct" m ilit.Q ,'YcOHstn ,, , ,{ io l l ra r~ l ! st o \ \I or k

    dO )1 )) f or t he u rm y " nil n u ,.y h ye i ,.iJ inn e o nt r o c t or s,w hile " dire ct" ro fe rsto thur , lone hI' arm y lm lln nv y C O ll Bt I' UO t, io >l u ni ts n lo no .)jl.lthouglr UI'Ol)o'eonsteuet ion in Japan proper played "10rgor portth un I !" 'vy c on s't ~u:c L;o n in ~ hc c nrly,"COl'S o f (heWH , by the wnrs end the totul '''!'VY censtructiunvolume l in d ris en to a b ou t f iv e- si xt hs of thenrmy total.

    W i t h tl Je IIC'" c l e r na n ds " ,h ie 1 01\ re s ein responset o " ', )r ~i ne pressures, there were deafly definedsh if ts ill ~ hctypo of eonsrrueticn donn. _\s mightbc Il)< pac t c il inn sit 11 0I io n ~ hn rJ l r t o ri x edbyd co ru as in g s up pl ie s o f r nu te ri nl s01 1 the o ne h,m dan d lucrensing d or na nd s I or i nd ust riu l a rn l m ili tu ry[Ife ili~ i~s o n t he o the r,CO" " Lrue t ion (O fr e s i de n e e s,eummerc iu l buildings. I I IH I i u o :p"N," [Alli. .rl lu ru l i m " . i . . "As /I mlul l o f I h" ", ' I w o s p, > do [" l id l l i) :{h 'p r inr il "I)Illgnuns , (!":ompllrurivolv liulv rnnstrur-rlun firo th er l yp os w as ,1,,,,,, i; , iJ,~! "'''Ill hs "Ithe war.

    E m p[o yn lc nl a nd L af lil r P ro b le m s

    .In[lnn' '8{,e on strue t io n wurk II", "[~'''Y _ ')"-IIc'"I"1I"POll !nhor hI [III.~I"IJI UlJrrlllall,,[In mo,l0 1 !lOr indu.stri:ll c ountries; m nnpownr hJI'"hl"'1JSo pleutilul and WflfH~ so ;In\\' I hfl,f il rJl~ n"\-"I'r

    I"'~u profituble f or " ,, !! Ir u~ IOl" I " m ak r- ""Y 1,, , ,tll~ minimum "P of I!!o'[~rn ",,,d,;'III.Y 1'1"",[ n h o r i s " < I ,, " I1 , 'din imroorl, , ' ' ' ' 'ouly , loy thr- , , ,ppl.o f b u lid in g ru nkri" ls us u 1[0'1er tmning [,,,'1 "' r InII,. eonstruetiou ior!IJ.1ry, ';iM ~ n ot unul l.ullin lhll,'w nr did lIlililnl'\ ' lrnn~U'HIi~lif'ln rIJnpl.5 ll4'4"Olnl t

    nunu-rous, thu rnuinmhurd11ilr

    JHuh ,1j.. l in n u .J II I

    militur v wor k ~'"" ~Jlrfi",1 by . i, , I0 "" [ "bur em-J)10\ , . ,, 1 ~bv ...h" iii uu 'PI! t rnr t .or- - : 1.It'nn~ UI 'Ill's ! " ~ I y o f "{lll"t rurtum ""lpl"J ' II11'JlI , I i, lh,"i"iIi,,,, [,(hOT f"...., wl,id. i" ,,( p'lI'm nQ""( un-f>!lrlllll{'lt . \hll()llgh tJw .'In~lr,ulinn Ir'~I" rtln'.~~t'm,:; o ~1" 1~1 IU"'II R . l t u t M yjUI,~,lJrI! I' lmrjl d1fIM I y

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    1", ill, J: I............!Ii m altd t , lnnIm l ,m,p '(]'U'm~,rl() J t.O .!nll(.;l i j1 U1~1),o,."".by'il;Ii"" ,"Ii 'r lIrJo .. rn .lap"" prop.,.1f187-.16

    I ' ll ~t w J . L t Q n d s .e ~ TlD.!l-tJIaJ. &1



    !~~l 1912.1943~

    b."rlpltJif,~t.ll.u !ilr,,~con


    oLO,3J94.1.ICllU024>i t13~46,978.'i2.~86ijol,50n6~,22~


    S O . 2 3 2'_ _ ._ _ ._ . S S , ,7 Q G

    _.. ~_.~~ .~. _. 109.270102.217

    _~_._.__~. 9:; .141.~._ ._._~ ~._ 119,36.]

    1'26,575_ 1 2i !l ,6 B2 '~44. ."~

    19~5__.~ ~".~" nl

    : ~= : ! ' . ; ~~J~~r~~ n' '\:Itril I.I PID! t "O roaD!M"rlr-"S(d ..T.Hi.""~kWQ. A r ll o r- . lI I ! h: ' I" . .b~26nd il.

    .\t tinll glunce I he l igu resill table I would8 P11QUrIt! m iu im iz o t he im p ort un eeof !JUl l.nrgccon~ra(ltul'iiill Il,r .]"]IRIIS(. constrnetion indllSLYy, bU~8dllllllyu Illirl~' llJ.stHlllinl. number of the smaller ecntrac-1o" , ,wn,d, l'il11.l'oiully in \hr war yeul'll, us sub-

    " on tr ul' lo r> ; o f,t,(, lnrge on\,. It i s al so p os si bl e, II " I rh e , li fT " r{ ', le l' m u y i m li cn .[ r'lull' the lowerproduetivity o[ small low I, huildors and eon-t nW("I1l" "PI](J~cd 10 IIII' bt'l(I'r "'luiP11(,II: II lid" '1 " I: ,, "i ?~ ,I :l or )( ,. r 1 1 l" O, ij . A f ,, "! .] wf i rl lJ r. !( ( PI IJ ( Y('Xlijl,.ill lh~ nlJ(" '~ s tnriat ios in thnt tl:II..)' do IIot.!Ilk.- 1 IJ, t , , " ,1 :" , 111 6 11 < 1b: t" h I . .2 "h" WR O H ~"I ub.mL 22 p~r",.,,!

    J\ I I h,, "~ I, " "" ~I1"11:"LiuH""II1I(1),I1I.

    , I I I ' ,.".,'I~nl i f ll : ;: ~ \ 1 'f 1. ' UIP)'WI:nlm(!l~l JII:IUS1 t , , ...- ,",.lIkil.,,1 II"t! i l l thi'11I1I1, ' TIII'lr "10, , ,1 "NI\"I1\" I .1 I '1111;"" nl "llItlllll~

    ' l ' 4 !P t - ,m!1 .'I thlL\"~1 Iw..n ! w ul~ rl, - ,I t ud MU.kl) In Illhul'1'l~ i u 1 1 1 1 "'l!H"lulI.h I I I"1 , rp ,ltu"p'I~h'll~ Wlihl l h i' . .. I ll ,, '" 1111' ) n ll lJ , ~u l 1 I1 t~ II "" tI .. .. ..

    , . t I d ll lr 1 ", ,,1 II", h, ." '" ,illl.lil.I,d 1111' 1 t 1111 ' 11 lrill' tun I , ': ", rIdu~~I, m!llrkI'~ liIul t ' I . .~ p wr m:h UIII I II II III)U 0,

    I II . flUI UHL~ thlil1rt~lIIlI~lIII n lml " tH}lnlni'~I'1 1U Io t U II ..." I i t I .1nf (lIP J''\' lin"" h.I~I'1 frill II n lid m 'lI~n'lt' wr ..

    ~I... rl nll'p '111I11~til ltu~1 1 1 1 _ '1'11111\. 11 I " ull ,,\ d,,,, hhu ~

    petition 1M lnhor, "'".!:'' ' '~kYrt"'k,u'{1 I hI" IM"~~rontrocior s ll bm i tt ~d M a li alk ltowillg' thut p"r.p e m e rs ' \ l' B g ~o ; l i ll rlrisen [ "o m " !w 1l1 :1 o rl~ VN'pCI' doy in H,:li to 10 Or 13 yon ill I!In, 1i!]!1finully 1.0 2.0 Or ~ O y rn in 1913. ' Hnllr3 "'"llli.,,'''roughly th~ some d,rnllghQut til" wnr, lit," ind,'IabouT ~hift bning 5 \u nd nr 1";1 '1"-rCIISOllS such ~f' lVe [oOOr ,,1\$ mlH'1I l es s , [ 6.remthun nutive .T np!l:n e luber. nnd tln -ip""'lL"lngdependonce "r ("llll nucrurs u po n f on .' i: ;n tubu rput a~6nil

    lin' t. ' . )1 0 1 1 , uI I t"~I,. h TlI~\I" h, I K I "I

    W I -. q. :: t 'IL~

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    l imi! ntioll u po n I hr d is ]1 0 11 j1 l1program is no t elcnr.(>!'to;"lyIlw ~fT'Cdol'I'lw,rnirls U~OI! I"bOI,' morale

    nnd d 1 l. ci NH )I 1 W I ISnotnblc, bllt I,L wns nJrnFly oflesser imporinnrc us a lim il,;IIg" luM or ~hoII I eshortage ,o f building mMerillla. .~(','cl,t.liolrss,tI ,e b lo lC k m nrke t I h(' P(lO " n dm m lstrn L"o no l

    I lo oc 'I 'J "t 'm , 'U ( ,1 1 1< 1dislribut iCln'lg"!1ei~s, nnd ~ ieincreased 1]~(>. of f (>J'u ;[ !n s lavelabor, n o t t o f II (1 l1 ,t IO J!in ad l'q uu {,' fo o,1 a nd pO Ol'Ir!lnSportrllioll, n i l, C O I l-lriblltf'tl til t h (> p rQ g r c! I l! iv l' w e n kt .n i n g01 ~b r 11,1)1),1'lorur. 1rI I he r yel l o I ! III ' i 'o nst rn cl io n e nnt ru r-I(lno, thomselves, ' if n O 'I i llactlnll fnel, In toorwns ud if fi cu lt p ro b le m w hi ch r ~st ri (" tu cl l ho c on st ru ct io neffort in lhe Inltcl'pnl'~ n[ th e war.

    Army C'oDsltllctioDTh(> .lo,PfllIQS~ {trw,I' p!",ycd an inereusingly

    d om in n n~ , ", ol e in'"~:msl~lIel,io.ll wonk ,1l1ril ')l-1tit" Will"vonrs. It, RlmreiJ wit 1 0Ihe n a v yI,},V jo h 01 blli!diug~VCrEloua~1I1)pl~'Ilud op-rnt irlll8 b ll ll rs i ntl!~ Pndfi(>D ud !lIU A811l1i(' m nin illluj "" "",II M uum oro usin..luUnliof!ft in JllpUII (U"opM a nd Ih " uN,r!.y ureaso f K or"H and I"(trm.rj~o" U ~ . "i d" q i n "" p n qi ll g tIl!'"'U1nh~roJ .ill!ow n troops rnployerl in "0 l i st rue t ionwnrk, il drew l\I 'n I ,l l) ! 1111lh~ ~.'rvirc~ und workrrn-n1 1 eivilinn eom mHo",.

    'f.... . " t ; .2~- , .. . nulmrttl ,Ja fH)nllU" Jh' 'bill Ct}IIoUl'-rAiI"iIm, I'1ld'f-/J1iI I , ., WUU' ,1 ' l f t r) lnl

    I'Lm,n.! ~. hfl I ,\,1Ji1li"l:ulbr

    J"I~ tJ U"I I'}\""',, 'l 1 .~ . 4/ j U ~ r- '[r,IIUl'f'I 'l'I"" Irfr'l" 'r

    ," '" " l:i~ I ~, " ,"v, . , ' I'H V~ I '" HJ y"" . ,. " /~ "" iIJ.Ji1 ,..'IH'J ~,. '" .., . . . '".., ". I,~IIII "'j ; U . " I,:ilill!,. ., ,r. :~,l ( , ' . ~1 I~I' .' M ' 11,(', '" t , ...,. ., I j{", f~U I 11 ' J U " " ' t " 'nU , " ,~ U I,~~, ... "'''1 ,. , til,.. r,~ iI

    , ~ "I L ' II, '11h

    f4: ' - tU l lf o ll ' 1 > 41t'l'lll fIIl-turl IlJ,..,ltrUl~ mm 11 1I i'llhi) u f.,n YIlt. t... 'u 'IUJI.u14,.I .. . t II I.. I 2. ~'IhH. t'luhlIJlI.111.1 t I", lI'n", mn.t,. "1,, I", h .,,,,,nII", t ""fit'" "11" f"r I h , ".~r .. , Ii i I : ", ," " "I"d, I" ~ I I" '"July IU.H \hu h i(r~.. I.'f In j Iliit 1 11 1U U " " dl l4 lund..,."II} I" 10", II" ~ IIw ' " ''''I 1 '" " , IIIMI,,,, I , ,, 1 '1 I I.Utl r, J . . . ul'UIIU",J IU II~I f'IUh~ II{ 'I II. III ....tJ, t ' . l Ittl1rh'lll uf ' ! t II t :Hk~ 'UIIVh .utluu Jill

    I U

    Oltll m g,' I l'IOllln uti nnd iu ~h,' Pil t ;10 prineipnl ~ypl", 0 1 " o n" 1rod '''"b UI , 01 Jg loeslim,HQs p"'II~... d I. )' II,,' ,f,.p""'"'~Nnvy Dep"rlm ~n l's CivilEn~;n",'ring [iu,"""imlk,,!~ tj,llt lli.rrmf! ],I!S{!, "orl IIiNori, , ,were fir-I

    in importunee, Jolloworl i: n nrd-r b) ' rump" III"!S I IT, p .l y d ~p O U l , n n d w it h o f S l" m l~ a u t! " rt i~ ,' ut i' m .r nu o h s m al le r in amount .

    ' l' lle dula on eonatruet ion ~mployment uml-rsu pe rv is io n o f I he 1 1 0V Ya re a ls nill t o ug l , f o rm ,1",1it is e vid en t M m t L L~ urro rtIrJ pro\-id~ buildi"!:,,n n d lo rt if ic fJ ,t i on s o ln U k in ds\ \"113 m ui nt ai ne d a nr lin ere asc d rig hL upI" the en d 01 the Will'. Thi,,.sho \\ ,11 i I to b ll ' ; ;, in elOJding, . O ! . gain, hoi h I ~ '" hom-islands ~Q,J o , v~ " ," a l! U r l '6 S ,

    '1""';[111,01"15.-... r.Ml~r" I ' lJIpl.o,st",IJ",j ,f(,I"~vG"fI mdl''''II~Wn t: ,f 1~J"r{Jj , mpt(J / lI II ' ~" J,fJ'ptJ,. pr(j,(Jfr , rid ,fKrffJ.~. mV' . ~

    r'un)' m~1I

    ,,,,I l\ II I ~

    I, ,

    ,," 1 1M .. .IJMI

    I . ~ I~ ~ , , , ,~, l im 1m h Uloj.~jtW, "" J , , 1 1 1 1 I I r.UfI:JU M Il :.I '". ~ll ~,U.1I~U '~II.... PI,.IiJ : :1

    MI,III'~" I,"U" Il,J'oIIi '111 11 ',.. I~Will , I'ftllj j l "A I I " .

    rl.,l , oJ. \ I~. I I"J ~ 1 IV, U t il l ~

    I'ur t l II UV " 1111 I1 II I1 II Uh Ul l \ HH h I, n .h l~w u. fUnJI I11I"II~,.,II; It,',1 JUI~h'l 11~ldlli :111,11\ ,t~ .r nl ' I U il .1 t ~III~

    'UIt'!I r1 "II ' IIIUI.lp.1I! rm.tul ' Ihu. .", rhl' 1:"11111111'117 Ii., , , , , , I i , , , , ,o . I ~ ,1 , , ', , ","~htl, "I ..I", (0,1,,1' Y I o " ,k UII Ii ,,",fl.1 m C1~111I u,r "nh" , ,j U t . lw~1!h\ 'I uhl r

    N : Q V YCons!rll~lioD' J' ll Q ug l i g l lt t iu ! :uuder w uy lu to r llio lltlw nrfjlY

    'ill lIs W"I'ti_mc~O!lst'I'uclioll I l f t lgmm, 111(,""")',,{',rel'~I"'le"" ,w

    I in . 1

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    winter of 11 '14JllptO:ximutely 1.2 billion yen fort his PUf'-P()!II'. ;1l\ 'olvint,; n u ol J~ 1 l0 0 0 ,I JO OOlIUl-doS.Sof work,' I' l li ' peuk of Ihill ec t ivity w as r ea ch ed III U w IO SL:I m o nt hs o f ti le ' w ar ( o. p] )" Il !l ix to .h lr- 1 2 ) . .

    N o nm i li ta ry C o ns lr uc li oo

    Uot l l brfQfI' nnrl durin g I II ,.Wile tllO bulk ofc'lnslruI I""r 11",..j"ilIUII "'JII"II'III~,,,,,, I "d " I r. ' ~, II ~(""1' "f r ," ly . .. .ld 1JlrW'~~IIn.rl\"Vlr '" ~ll'h ,l..li4!1 II, ~WI;IrIHlh'j fUf UUrl' i lui'llI",U "f I I I, 1 ,, 1~I ''11; I," , 1lIm w',rk t lo", ' i,lI:ltqlJlIIll W1 ' W~4.1I 1 'IiH n tu l Ihll j lut 41J Ilui .... U", Th,'" ti"".,. d \~lll1uh ~ir I,uu hllftum 4hHlf4 hrflh 'ur, , ,,10.11 HII, I l I> lh 'ftrl 1' 1 ,,1 I" II". 1-[""'1 "",I I h".JI h. r .i\-.lllUI t ~l II t . . H '~n' h., WIIt'Ii IWfj:' m ill I U 4r;" .1 1" "' 11 11 11 ..11 1.1 1 I', , ,I I , 11 '1 < \1"",I""', Iii""I IMl fUII (.d . . 1 'WI . . . , .1111 )11 " r ~ 1 Ilif n.~ I&lul .1 1 " \tlf1J'ftUnt ..

    'J In ' ....I' I"". ,1",,,ly Ih~ n 1 11 11 Y I II "" . .."f


    'I' ~G 0 -E,'i",al.J ,",clum" .0 '',"Rm,'W~l"Y ,""nal'~ : iI -deuces bulle in I!H2, botl! p "h !i ~ a nd private,probably "~uOUUk,1 t o ~ on ~i de r:' bl y m o ~, lb~lha"'IIlII.;I'r bull t by I h e 110 lI~mg ( or po rn lI O Il , b ,1Ih~In~1 )'rllr ef Ih~ war ;1

    : o i i'IIC0 110n pon ~Lr l! { )Li )n i o! I I~t!'y 11'1111pro!,;TC~'~iYQ!y Ii III i ,l .( !J h ,l ' ~ hD rL '\ Il CB o f b n ih li ll gIlInl ~I'illl9"!II! til " h.~".r ~>;t01JL by II: Hho~Lu.~O< If ~kjjL(;,1ulld 8 1 'f IJ iH k iH "d l"L I" , n llIlMin~I'!1(tor 11111 1111>1"'~I loll" I"dl 11". wllrk I I , ., , ,, . hy Il.ivililll! 1'(111 Lnu)I,(>flI' 11M (!lr 11 ) 1 'ur'.I1y lind ,,,,vy, i: 1 i R H I lL " " "l Ir i~ i ll l(II,,,! Imf

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry



    Wi.1n o ut n il o d~ q\ lu tc snpplyo l b uilding m ute-OOll!no ~oll.trllelitm i l1 f! lI sh 1' c o nnJlcJ"nt~succ~ss-fuUy. Tlw progr~ssh:"1' deeline in the , product ion(If bui ld ing mater ia ls after 1942 was undoubtedlyth ~ gru3t-cs~ single hundicnp under \1Ij\ich tIleJOPD!lC5~ cOHolrud io .n i nd ust ry h ad 10 s~ruggl~.AIl"r 1M2, prodllC1ioIJ 01 c~m~nt und structura l"i~d rell ~Ilurp 1y 0uti stea dil~c, nud tlli s ailortngeor TIlII\Njuls,w hi ch g 'o w mo t" a cu te n s l ime W(J)lt011, w as t lu - c hi ef rCl1S011 for \1 10 fuilllrc 0 1tber en st rc et io n i ml ust ry t o me et t he , ;t c hl ll n ds t l1 l 'u sbUpUIl it b~r tlu- grwt displ'l'sol program o f 1 94 5 ..Lumber OJOIW 01 Ih~ csseminl hui ld ing mater ie ls\1'"" b \l ffi ci ul I~ , o r m' ll ri y s o, t o Ui() increasing

    'VIl rl ;mr d em 61 1II , uu II "fiN 11143!umber itself Wns~,.,-efel)r ra ti an cd . E~ hi bi l I u nd a 'Pl 'wml iJ. : t.. bleI~ ill" trntc tlu-se production t rnuds.

    '1'1'0 I,if,r'cl (If thi 8l,nrtng~or n ll ,w ri nl s W il lll"ill~.ollLof i,rrp!nue,l\Jlr ,", , , ,hinery.lind tho (,tilUL"I'o f (hu Irnnspor\( , l in " Y$ t. 'm 'PhnllCllc shipmtollt-s tu ~Ol'~I, """". 'rl", ["II" prj.od,l.y ,) f t I " , ;UdllSII'~' " lh}w\ , : 1hill'll' 'I"" Il'iili , , , ,$I,Ol:IIl., -j lll i 1 0 I lI f m "k il l~ oI , "' .11 ", " 1, 1 < > 1 - ", ~ 1\ ,p I nlHl ..l.l

    UI~)r... p,r,-' "UI" III"" t l . ..Tlw I .I.I~ ,Jw~\ Lrl rll' U"I tlUll" ~II , - , rI ~

    'J ... ..I ft In! .rt 1 - " , , ' I ( ) I I lIwl \. u rIud ... , tlu1 l . ~il

    I. '11


  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    t he w er (! IP po ndi'l: t ab le17). III 1 940 nn d 1 941mil i1ury nnd indus te ia l consumption W01"0 dis-tincrlv ubordinatc to ivi lian nonindust r ia I II C,w hi el; L oo k u p l igbMy Ie ~hl1n hoU bbctolnlcement consumed. B y 1 94 .3 , w he n l ot .a l c on st ru e-t ion volume had r isen ,1In.ply, th pr e s ing ne ed sof the m ilitarv lo ok ab ou 50pereent of th to tal:an d by- t he f u. sbh al f o f 1945 l igbUy on. half 01tbe ~m ~n t c on sum ed in Japan pr ope r was goingi n to m i li ln t ') ' projects. Thus the consumption ofcement indicates tbe dominanu role in t be c o ns tr ue -tion picture which the army and nary bod as-umrd by 1943 lUl! m ain tained until the endof

    the WilT" It also uggests the extent to whichindllStrial and other const ruct ion WIlS lorcad tofely up on o tlll'r m m erie ls nftor 1942; il1terrogo.-lion o f num erous con n-acto rs un dersco re thefaaLU lnt e r-m sn t wa ulm est im posihle (0 o bt ain fo ranything but military const rues ion a f~r 1943.

    T 1w mcrcnsing shol '~ag ('o f e em en t "owed upmo I dramatica lly in tbe a ir flcld construction andunderground fo e tory I l rogrnm~. Thn hortagc of

    ade quate I)rlo ~in g m ntc rin l fo r ain tripsWilliocul( ' ; less tlrun hn lf t ho u irf i Id in Jnpan WIlT r)10 vr-d, n nd o ftbi~ n u m b e r many w m . . (lllower!IIthin surfac o f { ' o nf rc L ! 'rmll' to 10 cen t imel rsthick in to ad o f tlH' 1 5 " '~ Dlim ('t ..,! 'lIcOlIJ!id l i lih t , l ll l lanr. ,. " uirerllft.' On e ofl Il e p ri JI I ip ol r eO ! lo n ~ f o r I hl > ' ,I il ll '"(.f t ll f' u o .d . .r -j . .' l "oUl ld I I I ( ' to r) , p rOKff i J ll ,1)lIslJl'dfin < I, rll'rollliv ill1 1 1 45 " " p ll rl ttf t i ll J{ rl ' ll t d i'W . . n l 1 ,l Im ,WfU! Ihehw k o r I'f'lI\pl1l linilJg. L l k, w iM f , I 1 WN II'li 0littl'"'lfWIIIIlVlJilhbl",fl 1"'1-1u,,,11U~j I!tOIIl",,\,r ] ), 11 '11 , . O " 'l I' fI ll 11 , .. .I,lu"rl .... H P flu M 1 11 .1nll"t ~1II1!1., 1011lo t l!t,. r im I rl Jrt io ll I lf U lf r ou l ~ II !' HN l\ ,\ \~ lH 'r l' \ N "~'n1t 'nl W UI oI iU 'l il f, d I U u ;r I 'u id 'Wj h ~ . h . . .it"U (urll l h"d lo y I Mf d If r" up 11111 "I ~hll"k.n."; 'IIUUJlh'~'d ff., "U:Unt, flllnr flUrf1{}'1Il.I!.

    C'm enl (0 erU

    '1'1... ""hl.'nnl "~ll'''1 i"" .. :'01.1111"1101. " "",IRut,. ft: IIIU l Iu ' f l . \~' ; I (" ) lUt .u th. rf' fm rrf ..lJrh' "III.i.,~ ('IIIIUt ",u .'d tl... tl\t , ~U "HUH'Utr'''f,JUU.IIfUI .. r ~btlJ'1tt hf ilU~nlt I 14' lul'h' i I( '"r1 \ 1. 17 . . ", I",tI.1 1,, ",. "1 "I II nr II Ilh 11.. 1 l . il " ,1. tut . 1111 dl 1111 r d ,n I o Il lH lJ ll ,, ~IUU 1 ) 1 ) 1 ' _~Inlu huu. und 1(41tf It luut I .h 'u t ~ ' Ir I I' '' ' ,. . ,'uulU ~..._II..' huh ' "',,' I,ut II~ uNhlr I-q ,.mk. rl"'If:~ 11 , d' . . 11111 nr Iii auh 'I 111 I J Il l III 'UIHht; Ilu". .. .. t h . 11 b 1 ,11 . . 1.. ( .,f (;Iullt I I..." IH, .. ~ t "S ' IIIIM,It. Il., \\ lilt II" 1 , 1. I I .. "III "I : 11 , 11 ' " 1It onst I'll Lioll inchlsL"l' w ere b eil lgo ho nn elle d illt Othe di p el 'l Iu l l in d u n de rg r ou n df nc to .y pro grn ms, n nd JlO ape h l1 o llo lm cn ls ofmn bll~iuls or co n la1uoLioD I o. bo l' f or I h purposeof rePlliring b . ..n li ) dn n:H \{ l~ w ore T no deby thegovurnDlonL. '1 'h o h ul f. he ar te d '1 1 ,! .i tm le of th~ll ,wemm811l ww,nd "QPoil ' is jllus!.J'utliu hy lhef oe L ~ hu e\1OI1 ~hosc l'epoi,' jn1J~ dool! by t,\w J\ irDd~n~,' S ( 'c l; O ll w u rl 'p .. id lor hl' tJhc t l n l 1 H 1 G c d"oll1pnlli , '~ ~!u'IllB(,IV"!I.Foetor;), 0\\,111"8 lIn d toIIMI mu~eri,ds pn,.iOURI;)' Il\lol,l,ld l o r e ~ pn n ~i ol l Q"d i~ p6 n lU l O r [ or ~ or m ' o th ,'"pU~(l08C i oiJ1J!\VII I '' ' t 1 IMJ)"r I' "Iwn itO IIII'orl,\'11",1",11, ,1 ' "0\1 ,. of uclion, I/.... y 11111. rlIP";" ",orkun llllrn.j~Nt rIH'hl)li,1 \',,0'" dOII~.

    Om. "f I I" , f l' w , . , uM i J 4l l' n l, H ll "I l\ I II .I" "'r air"1 " " , , 1 0 . , 11 , " 11111 " ( \f""\III'II "' l l l l ' 'rultvn ",.,." \\"'~11 " , , 1< 'ILl' O klll" \)uhu\1 II KIe,' ,m ",; f1111'1Ilf!l"~'"41:n1 r~lfllll '~ Ih'I'M.It I ! IJI~~.fllu,II'V. ~"li t ' l~ W.''IiI 1 '1111 . , . 1i" lo n'I"'lr II... Nllltnjilllll l\'IIIH""lmln '\11",.",1t1 '11 " ,1 h , I , .il L lI!1,1 C'" '"IPIII , 1>1"'"",n~I)' , , 1 \1 ,11" ,1Ihl' "'''''1''''') I . . , ,II 1 11 ,, 1 il,,l\llhly 10 tl,, ,1.11~","fL 1.1-lul I t. ,) " Ut i. ! 1I \1" l luh l~"In 11,,11111' 11111dJUli

    (2) '1 'hc a uto S h O l' !I l. g :' o fb u il di ug m a t: cr ia ls11Imlcit im po ib le to CIll'ry ou t bo h n COtlS'Sl6nt.ropnir p r Q r ; : r n l f luud the lLllclllrground fll.Qh)I"Y pro-( !" rf tm w hi oh W I IS e l lv ig O I lC d!IS Lbe only reul ?llswl)r1~ hetw)' bombing01 in(\uslrinL conc

    r\~ t il l' r n'1 I1~;nlrIlHil\NI uHf" t ,I ,p 1. lnb!i~IHncnLII{ \l 21 1 b", ,... ",,:-lull'''"' (lUOIll. t I Il ll ' I' ll li ll 'l l, i l" ,, d ~" II I" d' n pll"h I I ", < 1 i ~l '~ n m l[11'0(:1'11111u n, L U lill'" i, 1111'" M Irip, I:; nl \ " " , . . i.llfiictcd by Ih" n lY l'lic r r aids, b uL nIb ~ .-aidsc on lllm Q d, t lwCCl~ n gnve out. nn d on ly torn o-l '~ lr Y w e c de n r cp m rsoollhl be mnde , kuru te , ' -SlsLOd, JIOly r, C\ 'CIl o fLo r ~ n oTlmm pln nt lm dbeen l\bon~lollu'l.n n d '. I' ic (1 t o r ep nir t he i \l ul ID sh ip l. un t, w lr ie hklIP~ goillg 011n re duc ed scnle.Filla \I)" o f to r the ,."/lid o f 1 9'1 5, tho jo bWII" gi"ellup as h(1) oless.

    u ch o flo nt s, ho we ve r, w ere thecxurp~ionrolheruhun U lC rul " a ru l in m ost c ast 's( I l l thul wn douew us to c lo nn"I' debris. ' Fo r such work l oc al u n-S K ille d lab or w nssuflici('nt. so l ll ll t t he bombingeann of b e sn id (0 1 1 1 1" 0 f o rc e d 1 1 lr g9 n u m be rsofCl)llsLl1uction wo~"(""Sto d ev ot e t he irt im " t o r ep ai rwonk IlOI' 10 IUI\'c caused skille d w orke rs intil.d llJ nn g Qd p ln n t s t o I Cl\ I' c t he ir j obto help in rapuir,

    I n u a ... . . asc s, t ht ar my an d ,111\'1 'Hll r~p 111111 , , 1II~I' ' ' 'J ' " , , '1,'1\1",1i,uhl~(I;r, "1 ' . . ""rI) ' , ,", II,,' ""I"" ,IIII 'l ' l ,ulml ('",III"" I'IIIl1l1ill~ 1I~", , , , , , , , rh ' ' ' ':: f1",-

    , ( 1 '1 - -: " , ,,"lint" I "I,ukll, II I, .t lon , ,, . . I 1)1'1','11",' ,11)1' - I(,1I11l1 11""11,, ,11111" "'" III' ill lh,' ~ I"m' lilli' . \ ,u-

    I I ,.. U -IIU"I~ ~\ n'" \11 \1,1 .!...ullUnlll\ I 11.111."11,11,, 11 . , M , a .I i " t ! . . . I1t I ~ - 1 H

    hi .. ~.-Il II I I ,rIll" I. 'IlL- tl ru .) 111I1 h. \t, I I ",~ , . IUI I ~ It "nl11,.. f' .I~ I In III "1 .

    is lry o n I~ : - 'f l \II 1 9'1 5, T lli .nrg lUl i?l l .l in l l " , . . ..10 d tcnmllQ Iumlumentnl IlOI;oi. f~r'" .t I v .... ~p.TlIInn l 10 (;o p lavel, n nd 1 0 handle the , 1i "p . . .. , ,1 . . Ithe In':ll".t and m ost im portan t pl,ml" It .composmon was us f ldIDIV~:

    ]i)IflIlCTon-iBlIsincss OWe"lrrr( M un it io n :" Ii ni "t ~r )

    RtIJ I I l r : r " rUl'li" Dlf" ...or

    l. Plnnnlug2. DI.""n-ion3. unrplele EtVlipmi'ut4. .pilillS . 1 1 > or .

    C'otr.l . 'rlj" ' loI 'ffl 'f'~t~1l. fmli"'lIJrl

    3 . A lh mn i . .. mlhf!4 . P h m n il !, K5. Lah#Jto . M : : \ t. t tn l )l ~; , l n ~t t ;' rg . n ; H un f 'o e . .1m..

    hen (11 . \' IUEnl ll ! tn ! ' . .r'tj~

    tI. Al e h ih ' eI~II;

    nlLIr.4unh 111l11u'llu41J.\III rut) tHIII! u.t\\\ .,....1,..1..hut \Hi'" hi nu'hulll nlh,ir lIulKlrf HI pt tn ': - .. -41",hH '" ' ! iI 'N I U! 1 11 4u .b uw n. H lu l p n " '' 'ln UIAdl IUht r\

    ftU't[lru'" 11. . . . "1 11tl~). d l! 'l !J N; NI I 1 1 11.):nun ,til ,d1" It d I I.. C


    http. r~lr Ihl' ur\ 1\ , Ilr ~ ll p4 JI u" ' "I1.j(lIWu\ "'11 J,illn rd ,._1hi , .1'(!nru\ Hl~'t UHIIIII ItIllMIU 1I~.l~ tlltl IIItl htlJUI.,iBf::

    "" , hu rd 'II' ,I ' '' '' 'I"' '~ '' " m " B"" " ~ 1'1" .1II" , 11" . , , I , ,[ ,to I'" ,,,,, " ". 1 , " ,I""" f .~lI!IIh n J '\ I~til h r . . .. - lrnu lu ! ' l l o !I



  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    qll~IIIIJ' Sl'l'iOIiSly i ll 'l pe d~ tL A ,p OI ,L io n , o f tJ~le1" '111," supply of bui ld ing matenin ls availab le III

    Japan 11'llSnlIon.,d (.0 the flnl di$persnl p lnn, butnone \1"1 s~t aside fo t the second,

    onstruetion 111 l l>191 ' i a l swere so scarce ~ll l l t forIh" caol ld t l iSl l t' l 'S t l lt be c or np nn ie would ho. ...eto

    shifl for Ib , , 1 , , 1 " " "I,,' (','ulml1I,.IIII'Og'I'IU]1 o f tho P I' OI 'I lI t' lI I (1 ~) 1I '1 "" ' . C ,~1'

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    ""'; II 1 0 "u l u m l p ri va teIIIlltl!, lind ] 71 ,615 m eters o fIunnel-typ shelters 11'01'1' p ln nn erl, 0 11 (1about 67I ons o f sll'~l, 1 1 1 1 1 11 ,(J~O,U(jOboard f~e~ of 11l1l1bc,,'" 'I 'ro ' t o hI 'l,lloLwd fo r tho wo rk (uppon dix tn bhs36 B ud 37 ). O f 1 ,I ,r" p nhout . (10 percen t werenl'llJillly built, iuw l ine !"tho ,\[Ily I'nius, the gov-r-rrnnent g ll \'Q l ip ruo t of it. "jviJitm fI"f,," C jll'o-~'1'Ilm, 11 i8 " otn b! t, lhu! 110 'Nfli'nl WOI! o[loLLNIf" r Imbli, ' air 1 'lIi,1 ~ ll~ IL ~r c on st ruo tio n in"iII,,,'IIlH ur 194;.,

    Allholll:h m i l l; 1 " l" i, ,1and pr..fN,jllrul Ngul,.Iill' 10 ncure II W m n .b (l J1 ir il s s ue h a slumberIIn< l nail 10be used ill the ( !O n st l' ll cb io ll o f ~ he sl '

    hulter It m il , 1I pln u is 1I0W un d rwn y 10 utllizlin LItis f i "

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry



    Organization. and Central Control'Th r h ist oz y o f t he pr og re ss iv e o rg nn iz ut io n a nd

    jC("lrg!mip,n.tio.n,of the ,Iop!lll~Sl! eonetrnct ton indus-I rs d ur in g the war is a good Index of the growillgrt'!!lizution on the j l! l~b of tIm government of theimpo rt nI I C (> ( If censtru ~ I io n to thl> notiollitl ceon-()IDV and th~ w ar e lT o rl. . Before the war, con-structiou occupied 01 1 unobbrusive plece in tho.Jalls!IMe pcon())nY ;9l nndnrd survey" oI ~hcnu l icon's ,"lIonomic liJe seldom induded "onstruc-I io n e s o ne o f t l ,e Oi)UIItIYS irultls~lics, and beyondII ["lI' 1'01'08r(>slrieting 1,ln' cn su rn pt i ono re.c~Laili[miMing materials, "onatru"lio,, ' 1109 "ir~1.!llllyi'b'lJOfl'd b~I' go vvm m eut bureaus andeconomic~X P~ J'I ,,; o !ik ~. T his n Hit udr w asnMurnl enough,~i,, ,"onstructiun ut M onttinl" Willi .o du q u at e li nd""I'I!I".] 10 present flO spedal problems. As thewar p r n ,: " '! O S l ,d , h o w o vo r,/Iud d~mrLHd~ for COil'~ITlJf ' l i" ' .1r x,", r l!!1 ull IUj ' , io I lS I '>Xl l l' " lul io r ts ,Ihol!' '' '' '' 'n!lWU( earn.. 10 rCIIIiZi' (I,~ iruportanee of" O Il M \ n H' 1 i O Ilf lI ,d (rie d 1 .0ruM k,' tit!' i uc i m il r ymorro"fIj "Ie " , by Iorirrginj! i.t IInd,'r .,,1,,". 1 j!"""rmn!'nt!'''UI "" I n l i l l gOlI',r,isinn.

    ' ) : '11

    T he Will" d mm l\ bi zc d b il ebasic iI lo lT Jc ie no y o fthis 'siLlin tro [l, T he In 'rg ecompanies which hadmonopoliaed bhe business boron ~bc Wlli' eonuinuedto do 8 0, s in ce o n l y bhey hed [he rCAily CApacityto undo rtn k e the large cons tru e~lon pro] eo ts de-manded by the war, Because :mi l ' i to . : ryeonsuruc-tloll lmils were small in the carly yent'S,it f oi l U P O !!~!i~, 8 GornpQllics to car!".l 'out no t o!lly the vasti nd ust ri ul e xp an si on p ro gra m b ut . n chr;,'gepa]'~ ofdiT()e~military conatruetiou as wei!. HIlnCO, mostof the 48 companies were dl'1ug'utl ol'dlll'S, asci v ilian government nnd nri1i( a ry agencies com-p~ted with each OM1Cl' 1:0 plaee ordel'S with ~Iw

    rllw.. ~d lew. 1n oruol' to e n su re I ,l w p l' i. oi "l L) ioftl".ir o w n (' o n s~ r :l l cL i o nprojecta, tho H m .I ', J IU " Y,alld !lite Millis!,!"yof '] ' rn l l$pOl" I il :t~ i( l1 l ! l lldOommUlli.."Iions JII.rrl'd LhQ lu rge aorupnutes to organizusped RIcoQPumti \'0 ussooi 1).t , iOIIS' 1 '1 r e sn nsslld.ati on s';'Brc (lompo"ed of Jondlllg , 'o n 6 fi l1 , ul '; J' ii , I ll lJ m b e l" s o f0 1 1 ' Oi l"I ,f('liI'I'a biou, ""iIWCl'u r0 r IIII' d to n5S" reI IIf ' ",gOI1"il'~ iIlVQI\'I"[ of "I < O H s t I U I . L l y""11illlhic(lons1'nl(~ti'OJI It'II-,aoI shw(I Lh(~il' owu won! nlwll!Ysv"ry BIDUU! lml . i " l I .I I " I I"u!r 1 -0 ~ hr n uc ds 01 tnl, ,]WU r. ' .I 'I , , ! \ O"I"Y('ul!sbl'''~1lO I! COOPCI"!1 l iw, l~rrOl'tA"~JI"j"lioll (GlllIk"ll J{OI,"yolh, K ui )" fl nl l f,],~,n " il m 'l ll ( 10 H ~1m "1 j l lu WOI, lh ,C f Jm . r' ol C ,"'prm! i" '01FlITor l A ' ~ ' W I" i"ti lU ( '1 '111' ."""t ion " l lJ r, (;~n"'''' :'I1"hili:11 0 , , 1l I'I- g O \f ,. m ;l lI ' nl \~ 1:0;hl't'OII I in~ Inurt!' ,rW~ t rnuft \eo . . rem", I "i I II 1 10 "1 ' 1 ', ( "no ,ulln' "f II,I ' r " . .. , l ru - Ii"" iw[U .IJ')-, .

    Tiliu ltll' rur-IH.~. n~~ ur~.nJni,;,:tld..~)u( Ilw l I u l .u . .rr."t~Wll"i, sti ll inh'rt(lrin.: : "nil i t . . .(11F i( ,I I. ' 111 j lp l n dh 1 U L '". tir"lh'tl In UIt' .1"oIi!Jlhli~hmNlt LU :"!t'f'h~ndnlr jlr111" , .. f rl t' trwIH,.I..(, iu thl' \hUlUiutl!oo. . \ Jl lu . . l ry u n, ~~LL"'i 1_~Lofl l"nUllOrUIIl rl" jn tf tt Jurl.~ uhIlT. ,I tIlI~.!w~1r41 l'lilililll.llt,. I hr n,\ ( lnL! ~If ttll rlllll!l' 'l1.II!.).d~~U.b.\' t]i.,.1nhutiJl~ I'{lnlnil~~" ,,!fIn ~~.~ h{;"lUII111It~lllm P~tllltil ii .U I r. 1'I.n"Nt~"'" JJro~ n. I'r. Ilr.,di, ,I tunu1\tlr 1"11If 'U. rIu I II ,"1' (If rlli' lIp~ "l-I ~ \ \ \' IUIII Kllih~ 1 "' " ( 'hn.. 1rlH'1 till!tllill f, rrln' _tlil\. ~~ I r I

    \ t ""llttwn",~ t UI h ( 1I Ud . . 1I 11 ' I IU p I I

    l ,,"l1.lJHftJtJ\ t ' ..... J[ I l'

    l l hl~lr.. upnlIlJ i' ".. t Ulllt'I'r:tu ,jlhl U tll ' I I!... ~II II.

    ,'hl t hu . .. ,~n,:nlll Ililtil td I I f! Itl' ~ r\ I , I'H" , L !llIUllh ... I,jr tJ.~ .,tlll 11 1 f l1

    ~I" ~II I! III "I " JHU Illh. Irr."! t \ l ,.tl!",( . , . "01 J f,li ru j b\ 11111llllil, h W H ll n .. . l.. tr\ "t \~ l aU u

    I t ~ \\ IU"'UWt (11 l r'u ~jVUI I' "I ~ . 11f 1 I I t t.l ",h~1 Th m I~

    """UI h:. ~~"tt"III~ /1 : '11 '1 \ :it C I L I . . .rlUllitat ~ tf1II.I! 111'" ~u" .,

    j Ijll I. jl1l( rl r I ~

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    loading o( tile large eontrncters , t o eliminate titcompetition bet.ween militoI')' and civilianindustrial demands hy doing awn~' with the specialArmy. Navy Hod RflilwR, o ns tr u t io n ~OOpOrR-rive A.ssocintions, and to mobilize the industry toe Ar T) ' o ut the d is pe r saI program, (,be repair ofbomb damage, a nd e me rg en cy ho usin g.

    T h W ll rl -i mu C ons to uc ti on A ss oc i a LioJI OI'g'IJl-i ze d n il Qonalructionfirms, I nr go n nd s ma ll ,01 1 11see t, ionnl bas is , with ~he I O ~ 1 I 1a o ci at io ns n es pco -s ibl e t o t he n nt ion a] o rg an iz at io n, L oca l a ss or -i a-t ions were to be establlshcd in IIIH:U of the ninedistric ts of the c oun tr y, b \l t ill I l< IL uo l f n cl . o n lythe Kanto-Shinyetsu distlfict ol'gllnization Iune-t ioned. 1 'he n .. t ional f) elation remuiued UJldQI'I h e Construct iem S ecLi0,. 0 f (.1 1u ;"'10 h ili ? n t io nBureau in the M u nitio ns :\Jin ;sL ry u ntilJune of) 94 5 wh en t be co ns tm r- ti on s ec ti on 118 shiftedto the . \d ju st m eo .t B u re au .

    In theory, tbe new assoelation was to havebroad powers. H Willi t o conti I sud allocate t,beg ivin g o ut 01 eontraets fOT n il b ut d il "c m t m il it ar y

    " onstm ction w ork,and to hove the legal powerto for~p m emb er s t o un da rt nk w bo Le v~ r p ro jeo tw~rl l 0 igned. It also "ould order membersto provide !P I" Ilo rn e . Il. d H m ~.OI\~ Hnill(;;. '1'lw fJl '(t5ollJWr'liVi' (l\\III.I (If t Iw p,n..1'"'''''' 11 ' 1 , , ' 1111 ' "hlll( 1 " I II > ll ly f(" hi .. m ute riul IuI I .. . . ,. "' ; '"I ill Ih .. lIlilli~II".v",hiI'll iJllllfll,.tI iI. IIlulIII l'l~turn r p f' f~ iv N I u I w l w t{IUfl~liuJ.{ h ll [l t u h 1l .\ 11111Ill ll i'h "" 111f'Illllli~[ .. rilll "", '1; , , , ,Mil\\' HI 1 " "lInlTl., miluKIHriul IU~"Iion 1li"I'IHIf,!;!'d \\ il h ,1.11- rflllll"ulJ I o I !t I' il ll i 41 1 ~1 : 111 'il*t! j 11],liHl'i~1 rm n\~l,r I I I~I nll t l~r'j llill 'lUI hll,. It, urtl!l~1 II rUmhwl'I' 1 (1 d "I r\' l' f l Iu ~IU i .),lr .. turnlut In II J.(OV p UU\fHlI .. t'4ml 1Id , I i" , .Irll.llilltll JJI!,np," PI", l )r ~' ~l lj 'f I i\11 n\\"IU.1 tl' Illi'Illt1Im"id l" w'lu rj tu ,..1 ..1 . 1 " ' -Ill'k~1 I.. 1 1 1 1 ' dl~, ,, 1 ,111 , , , , ,, " 1""" lfh! I.. ..II,,! IId h'll'l'!lr tI...

    1l11lrtl)~ioJ.H ' ? 1 \1; seen lim such a )'S lcm WASpec tiho riy ubje et, to de lays an d misbaps. ALM r c b e st , d el iv er ie swok at least t wo m o nt hs enrlus the war outinu d th pro es took even I~ngeraud Ir equcntly inter fcr red with the progres s ofeonsteuction' work.

    Needless to say, Llli o fficin l system wasIre-q ucn Vl y b y- pa ss ed , f in d the resultiug barter orh ln e k m l ll 'k o L o p en . L io n s s CI 'i ou sl yiflledorcd withthe normal and intended llow of materials. Forexam ple, ucement. pro duc in g co mpan y, un ab le to

    ge l uffiaienie o nl , w o ul d o C CM i ol lo lh ' l ." rU > r"i!1In con lpn llY w hie h b ol lCOllIbu t no r; n ll 'l ll .' T heIII'",Y lind nil\'Y co n i sl rl lt l y i l; :l lO f f d"'glll,,rc bflrU lQ I , 0 1),1 up se t 0 .1 1 . lI ora lJ on sya tl'lJl~ b ygoi l lg ( ( iree l! ; .'10 prodl!oir.g eompanles (~t,."l. (orexam ple) and taking whnt they np"d~d. 1 '1 ,,army ~CD IV{'nt into the (orll5l:i 81,,1rllt i owntimber.'

    I U. s. i l l . B .~ , I nI Ul O P UI )a ~ . \ Ir. ' Tm t . .. . . " " . . .. .u cu oo ' 1' n II I f lJ IWIIi~n t Co 30 (M obi or \ IU! i"

    I U.S, S . 8 . ~ laccr ro .o tlon .or" run Lu='lH o.~." (jt(t4 f"I~".


  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry



    1. lDcreasingCoDslruction A.ctivity 193'1-45Th e constant clI:ps!1sion o~ t . . IJeJnpUJlCSe eon-

    struetion industry !IS m en sured by both volum ea nd emp lo yme nt t hro ug ho ut rh e p eri od 1 93 7-- 4' 5,a n d p n l" ! ,i c ul n rl y till' rapid increase in the In tle rhalf of the war (l!l43--45), affords an u1stru!l!Jh'eeons m M 10 the COUl'S!!.of German c.onstruetionAClivit:y i n t he E ur op ca ll L he a\ OfoJ Wilr. "Yl,crense on st ru et io n i n , }J 1. pv ;nron fro m slig htly le ssuhan4 percent oJ the gross national product ill 1940, 10Almost 6.S percent in 1944,' the German construe-t io n i nd us tr y declined from uhOIH ro percent oflhe gross norional p1"(l(llJet i ll { ! lS ! )1 ' (1about 3 per-< ll'n t in 1 9U . Japanese civilian c on stru ctio n e rn -p!oymum irlCr"ns~d Il.ppro:>cimatol'y 2 2 p or co n. ~

    'between 19'1.0I ll ld J!l44; German civillnn oonstmc-~ Io n e mp lo ymen t d ro pp ed sl rn rp ly b et we en 1 93 9IIInI 1 94 0 , a fh 'r wl,illh tb e decJine w us ve ry slig hLhU I n~'''~rtb"I,'S~ al,clldy.

    Th e c ont ra st is aij!;nificilot. Ti m G ermu nss L u. ru d I I I0 wa r so w~JJ ~q ui P p~ d f ro m tlw eon-ahuot;oJ' PDjJL of viewtllut L l w : ywore II b le tod"l1rrnNp the sill" and ", J)jo ~i.t.y pl'O jue ls. Lum ber to o, b e-Clim e n:shortage', u nd ill I I l, * < l d . ! l Is b i u l nws I"( 'sll 'iuirin g IIOMI,rl!cL]OIlto IlpprovClL esseIl t i m l Pl"ojc~tsWMe Iml lch' Ii . The ovo.I ' lolltlod tl'IIUSP(}rlllt,j(l1l8'yslQU1 rl ,n, l l ' rcd I'ht' ! [i tu ll ti ou C I' Cl lm O l o nelll,,;sc"r' ,> 11l ,~t"dnIB"'('Iu IOllg d o l o , : l ' w din delivl'l'Y,HI"] wOI'k Ot] PMlIsLrU~Lionsit{'s \VIIS "ft~1L alo,wdup. ~Lhr n!IJI~riHls~rI"lfill~1 for < '~"ml l l c - l l Iu lIL1l1'L1J'l lrm~Ilf ' '"'llJipml'lI.l, WfOl,' nlse ahc.,,I,. Lnll!( "I m r~ kIIJ'iIIH, wn ~ LL d,'llLyi:[~~ ,":rI'Qr in tn " NIH-sin"'" t . I ~ , I ) ( J r,.III

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    increasing,>' unable (0 SII~i sry total W"~'bimct h. mn nd s b ne au se o f i t i nh ere nt l imi ta ti ou s, i ~ "' lISnc\ 't lr lbel rss able to meet minimum requirementsup to 1945 wi~bout undue atrain upon the totaleconomy.

    4, Failure of Construct ion in 1945

    Because of i ts inherent l imitat ions , the JaplI lJcseco n t ~u l io n indu try 11'11 a n instrumen of ex-trem ly limited re up nuive 1)0"'0)1'; 1\01''Iy sde-qual' during the wurtime years preceding thebombing, it WIIS totally incapnble (If maiutumingthe product ive clI .pneity of ( ,be

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    I fndlldl.ll,. Kt;Iri'.. Pon:no.. and f U I& rU ( o Ih .dud ln , KOI" f II I I . I ' o- tmO$l .1I Indf{&nI(U(o,I Ap,,",:lIm'l~l,. ftM ~f'tn montm QO,-'I 'l\orlr do"" 'O JInn{ i } Mr:r l IOunl hr (li\'Hilu nrm5.nIo N f) t : . .. . u .. M t b u l iI 'i ~ m f ll 't ;l .s I C It 'R H it lb k '.

    .\rl~E-~bU( 'T \DLE 2 . -J 1 nr . . , .. tl e " ,j '( l IO Vr rt C 'J l I o fl'abo,,", by Clivili(w Cms(rtl,UOIJ C(Ju'' '(lGlQr~I by' tn/If [, IWf}"~~,iii JWlIfHI JiTOp." ""1 I 17,"01101 . .. . . u . I,JIII!i1

    ' '' ,Wl,'at. tl.~1 I~''''. ~1.D'"nf I. 4" 1 I..., ' ) ~. t o l! - 1~ . \t il '1 ' ,2:,-" 7.:J1/I: ~I fJJI, , . . , , ( ,1 ,1 .0" '10 1 , ',(;1'3r,a . , i l~ '~I, II 1 'l.Ur.l ',311't o . .. ' )" ~I(,f 1.m n,li'

    Ditto TOlij I )1, FtrQ;l~,'''''':

    ff{: . i i lJ . i1t : : :...... . . . . . . - .. . :101 m : ~ WZl.,.,.....' 1 1 1 0 :

    .-..,~ ............. :m.1'l3 0 :1 .001Ju_n~_____ 3W.~ 3l1 l .G>l ......

    '1I l1~'""11l"" ' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : us.:n~1;'(1

    '1:.11:Jl.Hl-O.~ ...~........... .rioi.~l ~"" i K \ , . , .OPQlttl~t

    ' 9 1 2 ,1"" . . . . . . ............. .. .-.... 117.~

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    APJ'JItIPIX TABU lO.-VoIume oj Na~v Glan_lru.U.n bl}NMtIl Dill"""'. J,J" 1961-0doblJr 1946

    1In ",nn.", 01 ) 'On )

    Rood m.u 1101. D,pl", _ _ _ t'I~y._ .._ _ _ ._ ...........1i'j:lJCure._~~... ~_.__ 0 _+ - ..~ ~ . _ ~.r...... J.lr4

    ~ ~ : : . :: :: : : .: : : :: :. :: :: :: :; :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :- :. ' mA~ _ _ _................ . . - J l0.1

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    ~'~"id~!I_ij@iIo'IR";",c,,,,.,"mIJlllrD~.f ~rruQlAral.'e~ 1> u prinDipal M"fIj;!ilnry r~cipi~I)I~' in J op a" p ro p." , 1 11 87 -.j I;(lD mettle 1 0 " " 1

    '1 l3l i 'lj.IO IU'lI 1~;S.1


    11 m '038 1 1 < 1 0 , III . .NI' 1~'3, 1 1 1 1 8 1~1I ~1jJ11: li

    ':1.00(1 'MOl' 18),OO) I W. O O O ~ O O D 16MB) l t M ~ 11 9 & , ' O O O " " , < 0 0, M O O I~OOJ !3~lOl, 11.000 lMOl l~ 1:1.000 ' 8,'0 00 ,1;000' 0 0 0

    ' ' U l i Q O ; l '>0,00(1, ' ~ O O O 20;000 1

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry


    .bpr,""fl( T "BIoE 3a.-Bfll"l~. "1 p l,m( d i~p" ,. .a l . . D r"" ,d ., tiJ by P""vincidl ll.~dqlmrl~',.. PeFf;,,,,lffQO oj C"n'I" '~ .NQ", OQ/ lJJl lt l / (I oj 18 11' lI9" .1 /946.

    I.'H~. .,MI~3b72,:II



    """Vl1 1 < '


    i~~f~t~": :~:~: ; ; :~: :~~~~;~:~: : : ::A lr l r 1 { J 1 1 W ,;Iu] LHfjoj:Dt. r' ~

    ~'S::~:: ' : : ' ' ' : : ':;:.:':::.'P'~~1Iw..,..l _ ! ' k 1 L a u b . . 1rnad'l1.!lrTf.~~~:'Oat.h1~

    1 ' 0 0 0 A}lfilt ID~rdrl"l.

    '1'_ ..


    ApP!!ND!1!: TAUhV. 34..-, ." ,1"'"bh .m_so , l It I u il l _ rt l 'CJ1L __~_ ~

    "' "1i2 ~Il 'pr.n"" ._ '. . . .. . 1 0 . 0 " " UI.> 0:0

    A r r rl J . .n ) . :r l e q U T P I J I~ . 't . . _ ~ .~ ~ : ~ ~ :.r.~~,e

    ',mUII 1,5l1 " " ;'13g~~~I.f1~,_~:::::::::::.~:~.::t.4~ : 1 ; 0 1 1 11~ 3 '~:;;~~J~cr~~e:~:~:.:::::::::::

    ;II " '" " ,1";1'.m 1.6Jr Hl ~J,::,: : u . . ."UI(II.~____ c _ __ _ __ __ _ r ~ &~._ ~ '" " ." ~ '27

    r;8~~~~1'~i~~&~:fj . : ~ ,.~ I~.JM 'ji?' ' 1 0 1ow ; ,~ I>~~:;rn~tll~~-.~:-:::~::~_:::::::::,' 1' rol 3 : 1 'm ,.. _ r j~ ;!~'rff~I~O~~!~:h_r~trY:::~:::::~::~ :a.[ll~ 1 .1

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry



    European War


    Tbc lal lo~' il lg 1;,1 of ,["d;"" i. n l)ilJlingrnllill' of com-pleted fC[}L1rl:s r e = : 1 l U 1 L 1 . 11 g ,ro O m I heCerUllul s u rv e y . I le ap or ts n um b e rs I, 2~ .. IOrl3 "an bo pmclrEll!"d from theSI11 } r io 1 cn d c. -. .1 o r]J{H:':I~mcnts. GO"'CrllffiiJnt Printingo Iliee, W g , ." o 1hington, n. c. Pc rHli~iOII to exemiu . 1 . ~hef'C'>mn!['Iil\~[;QPurt mll~ b e 'lin d by wril lug to the h'Cilrlr

    f)IJM1C~ u r t lu Sunre.y Rt G:r.o ' \ !c lly l l"oiut>,\V,a~hi!lgtml

    25. 'Ill. C.T h\' U ni te ,1 S I" ,I ", S tr ale gi~ llomhinG ,su.vey:

    ;s,Imllllu) Doport (EUl:\f}jWo.n \\~ !!lTl2 The l"ltcdSlale. St'~I~,gjc [tombing S",'\I~)":

    ove .al l neporl m"",p","" War)

    3 Th~ EiJ "o l~ "I 51 ""I o gic lJ~m h i" g Oil 1he Q urmanWar ECOnOIlI)'

    A IR OR AM ' D .I VI SI ON

    (B)' Oiv i , ; o n ,IUd I !mnoh)

    4 A ir Qf Uf ! D l e l . . IndnUr-y lh':J)orih lUllp,.'tlt i (11! Vi.iiuo!. to \~.nriIl)US ru . r lo l . ' ,u t t l i(Spc,~ilJ,':


    n J un k e.... Ah:c raft O,Htl A(!ro T~ngiu( t \ \' I )r il :: II Ij Dessnu IGontlnl~)'

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    77 G nrm 41 i :M en or Vehicle . . . l I idu.: - t ry RIt :ru j , J, t:78 Tank hd,,'''y R.po,t8 n Ua.ilnler IJeol2. A o . r. .molcdurl ibeim,Gt;'nn.a.u)"SO n""uuu ~lojM V.hid", Pleet . li ll ll ll

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction Industry




    O il D iv is io n P inal He""r~Oil Di, 'i~ion Final l tcpor~, AI'oodi,"Pow de r E ~p lOl' i Ve'I. Spelll81 l !bckcl . . and ' Jet Pro-

    ",,1I8~;', War G"""" lind Stooke Aoid {Milli"WrinlReport In

    e nd [' !rt =; r' tn m d a ud D il 'l )lC :r s- BIPlIU!.t,...'II in Ur:c:;:iH!.!rIll!b.c:rlllan~

    113 Th~ Genu"" Oil Ind".H)'. Millj"lc"inl Hepo,"'r~n'" 78

    l l~ ; \1,j"i ,,'J 'ta".~l. Germn"y.

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    1 & \101 IIRoundhouse i~ MIlr.Jl1aUing Yerd, l1Jm, O(!r.JHIlUYI G,Fm!)oninduil, ," . Lcverkusen, Germa",)' 2(lSChehUSohQ-W.,kn, HUela, Gorman)c 206Grerll\J",g ~lar!ll"'lIing Yard, Orcn~berg, G".rll'u ~)' 207Looo moti,,'e iihop and Brid ges "1 Her em, C.nnull) " 208

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