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1 Henry L. Stimson - Statesman, Leader, Diplomat (Sept.21, 1867-Oct.20, 1950) Submitted by LT Jim Kinney, G/Weps 67-69 Recently I read an excellent book, America’s Warlords, describing the relationships between Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War, General George C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, and Admiral Ernest King, Commander U.S. Naval Forces and CNO, during the war years of WWII, 1940 to 1945. It led my delving into the personality and character of the namesake of our boat, USS HENRY L. STIMSON (SSBN-655), so here is some of what I learned. First, we are all aware that Stimson served four Presidents of the United States, and, in fact, the four stars on the Stimson seal signify this service. All of these offices were Presidential Cabinet appointments, but in addition, he served as Governor-General of the Philippines before Philippine independence. He was born September 21, 1867, the son of a surgeon, in New York City. He graduated from Yale University and Harvard Law School, and had a distinguished law career before his first cabinet appointment as Secretary of War in 1911. During WWI, he served in the U.S. Army, and rose to the rank of Colonel as an Artillery Officer. He ran for political office in 1910, seeking to be elected Governor of New York, but was defeated. Although a Republican, President Roosevelt, a Democrat, appointed him Secretary of War in 1940, at 73 years of age. Many doubted that a man of his age could tackle a job this enormous, but he plunged into the job with “an energy that men 20 years younger could not muster.” He, along with General Marshall and Admiral King, were the principal advisors to President Roosevelt in conducting U.S. efforts in WWII. He and Marshall had offices, side by side, in the War Department, but Stimson was careful to allow Marshall full authority to command all Army and Army Air Corps operations in fighting the war, while Stimson directed the country’s efforts to build the resources and assets to fight the war. During the war, Stimson directed the expansion of the military, from an Army of just over 1 million men to over 13 million soldiers and airman. He was charged with building an immense transportation and military base infrastructure, and took direct personal control for the development of the atom bomb. To give you a perspective, the U. S. moved from building 25 bomber aircraft a year to 50,000 per year by 1944. As the war VOL. 2015 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2015 USS HENRY L. STIMSON ASSOCIATION SSBN655 NEWSLETTER Association Officers & Board of Directors 2013—2016 PRESIDENT Ray [Rita] Kreul VICE PRESIDENT Tom [Marie] Krauser SECRETARY Nick [Linda] Nichols TREASURER Ken [Diane] Meigs OUTGOING PRESIDENT Chuck [Joyce] Hladik HISTORIAN / MEMORABILIA Loree [Carolyn] Riggs WEBMASTER / NEWSLETTER Nick [Linda] Nichols CHAPLAIN J.B. Helms STOREKEEPER / SHIPS STORE Rita [Ray] Kreul Other Positions 2013—2016

USS HENRY L. STIMSON ASSOCIATION SSBN655 NEWSLETTER … › newsletter › 1509 Stimson Draft.pdf · 2016-09-11 · Air Corps operations in fighting the war, while Stimson First,

Jun 27, 2020



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Page 1: USS HENRY L. STIMSON ASSOCIATION SSBN655 NEWSLETTER … › newsletter › 1509 Stimson Draft.pdf · 2016-09-11 · Air Corps operations in fighting the war, while Stimson First,


Henry L. Stimson -

Statesman, Leader, Diplomat

(Sept.21, 1867-Oct.20, 1950) Submitted by LT Jim Kinney,

G/Weps 67-69

Recently I read an excellent

book, America’s Warlords,

describing the relationships

between Henry L. Stimson,

Secretary of War, General George

C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, and Admiral Ernest

King, Commander U.S. Naval Forces and CNO, during

the war years of WWII, 1940 to 1945. It led my delving

into the personality and character of the namesake of

our boat, USS HENRY L. STIMSON (SSBN-655), so

here is some of what I learned.

First, we are all aware that Stimson served four

Presidents of the United States, and, in fact, the four

stars on the Stimson seal signify this service. All of

these offices were Presidential Cabinet appointments,

but in addition, he served as Governor-General of the

Philippines before Philippine independence.

He was born September 21, 1867, the son of a

surgeon, in New York City. He graduated from Yale

University and Harvard Law School, and had a

distinguished law career before his first cabinet

appointment as Secretary of War in 1911. During

WWI, he served in the U.S. Army, and rose to the rank

of Colonel as an Artillery Officer. He ran for political

office in 1910, seeking to be elected Governor of New

York, but was defeated.

Although a Republican, President Roosevelt, a

Democrat, appointed him Secretary of War in 1940, at

73 years of age. Many doubted that a man of his age

could tackle a job this enormous, but he plunged into

the job with “an energy that men 20 years younger

could not muster.” He, along with General Marshall

and Admiral King, were the principal advisors to

President Roosevelt in conducting U.S. efforts in

WWII. He and Marshall had offices, side by side, in the

War Department, but Stimson was careful to allow

Marshall full authority to command all Army and Army

Air Corps operations in fighting the war, while Stimson

directed the country’s efforts to build the resources

and assets to fight the war.

During the war, Stimson directed the expansion of

the military, from an Army of just over 1 million men to

over 13 million soldiers and airman. He was charged

with building an immense transportation and military

base infrastructure, and took direct personal control for

the development of the atom bomb. To give you a

perspective, the U. S. moved from building 25 bomber

aircraft a year to 50,000 per year by 1944. As the war


U S S H E N R Y L . S T I M S O N A S S O C I A T I O N S S B N 6 5 5 N E W S L E T T E R

A s s o c i a t i o n O f f i c e r s & B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s 2 0 1 3 — 2 0 1 6

PRESIDENT Ray [Rita] Kreul

VICE PRESIDENT Tom [Marie] Krauser

SECRETARY Nick [Linda] Nichols

TREASURER Ken [Diane] Meigs






O t h e r P o s i t i o n s 2 0 1 3 — 2 0 1 6

Page 2: USS HENRY L. STIMSON ASSOCIATION SSBN655 NEWSLETTER … › newsletter › 1509 Stimson Draft.pdf · 2016-09-11 · Air Corps operations in fighting the war, while Stimson First,


ended, Stimson was careful to ensure that Nazi war

criminals were punished, but that the German people

would be given the political and industrial leadership to

rebuild their country.

He retired in September of 1945, and suffered two

heart attacks, finally succumbing on October 20, 1950

at 83 years of age. He sought no recognition for his

tremendous service to our country, and his last act in

service was to lead a Cabinet discussion on the need

for multi-national control of nuclear weapons. (He had

this nuclear deterrence thing before we did!) He, and

his wife, Mabel, had no children. He is buried in the

cemetery of St. John’s Church in Cold Springs, NY.

During his years of government service, he

meticulously kept a diary, amounting to 170,000

pages, now in the Yale University library. He published

an autobiography in 1948 entitled, On Active Service

in Peace and War.

Submitted: Jim Kinney


From the Editor:

It’s getting close to time to send out the registration

form for the 2016 Reunion. Plans are to send it out the

middle of October since no one can register at the

hotel until 13 October. Hope you’re making your plans

to share this special time with your shipmates and their


2016 Stimson Reunion News!

1. The committee has signed a contract with the

same hotel where we held the 2011 reunion. At the

2016 reunion it will be the Marriott.

2. Dates are October 13-16.

3. Room rates are $129+13.5% = $146.42 / night

4. Hotel registration will be available beginning

October 13, 2015. Individuals will be responsible for

making their own reservations.

5. Expect to see registration forms available on the

website and in this newsletter in October 2015.

The hospitality room will be open beginning at

1600 on Wednesday 12 October for early arrivals.

The reunion committee working hard to make the

2016 Commissioning + 50 Years Reunion the best!!!


From the Association President & Storekeeper:

Ray & Rita Kreul

The Association Ship’s Store will be closed from

mid August until 1 Jan 2016.


From the Association Historian: Loree Riggs

Shipmates you have come through again. After a

couple of months of running the pictures we now have

just about all the names for those in the pictures.

Check out the pics with names at the end of this

newsletter and help us finish up picture 2 names.

Next month I’ll be putting in a couple of more

pictures that you can help identify those in the


If you have pictures that you need names for send

them to the webmaster and to me. I’ll ask him to put

them in the newsletter, then I’ll use the completed

pictures to keep our Stimson history updated. Send

them to Nick Nichols, Webmaster,

([email protected]) and to Loree Riggs,

Historian ([email protected])




MM1(SS) James N. ‘Hank’ Ford, B 73-76

Departed on Eternal Patrol 19 March 2001

[reported by Linda Ford, wife]

FTCM(SS) Carl T. White, B 73-77

Departed on Eternal Patrol 8 August 1998

[reported by FTB1(SS) Vic Engle]

- - - -

ETCS(SS) David B. Hill, B 70-74

Departed on Eternal Patrol 7 September 2015

[reported by]

- - - -

Page 3: USS HENRY L. STIMSON ASSOCIATION SSBN655 NEWSLETTER … › newsletter › 1509 Stimson Draft.pdf · 2016-09-11 · Air Corps operations in fighting the war, while Stimson First,


MM1(SS) Peter Melvin Eichten, B ??-??

Departed on Eternal Patrol 31 March 1983

[reported by ET1(SS)Tom Vaughn/MM1(SS) Roy


- - - -

IC1(SS) Walter A. Lewis, B 65-67 Plank Owner

Departed on Eternal Patrol 4 September 2015

[reported by]

- - - -

RM1(SS) Charles E. Corbin Jr., G 65-67

Departed on Eternal Patrol 7 July 2015

[reported by]

- - - -

MT1(SS) William C. Wilson, B 89-92

Departed on Eternal Patrol 10.10.1992

[reported by]

- - - -

CSC(SS) Darin Angelo, G 65-66

Departed on Eternal Patrol 1990s

[reported by]



(View on the web at:

chaplain.html. if you would like to be placed on our

Association Binnacle List please send an email to

[email protected])


Carolyn Linhart, wife of Chuck, QM1(SS) G 68-74

9.3.15 I personally want to extend a great big thank

you to my fellow submariner family on behalf of me

and my wife. Your response has brought this old man

to tears. I haven’t been on board the Stimson in over

40 years and yet you folks of the submarine force

continue to amaze me. I was in Costco the other day

and bumped into a fellow Stimson crew member that

took her into the Washington docks for scrapping and

decommissioning. It is truly a small world. He came up

to me even though he was much younger because I

was wearing my Stimson hat and the discussion

started from there. Again, any contributions you folks

can manage will be sent an email to thank you

personally. Sorry I can’t come to each of you and

shake your hands and thank you in person, but alas

my wife will not be able to travel for some time yet. But

believe me when I say this….”The Stimson crew

(regardless of when you served on her) is truly a family

and will remain so long after I am gone”. For those

that wish they could contribute, but just can’t manage,

I understand and I am still thankful for your prayers. I

truly believe that prayer has brought my wife this far

and we still have a long way to go. She was just

hospitalized for 10 days due to malnutrition from her

many surgeries and we hope this has changed her

recovery in a positive way. She checked in and weight

76 lbs and checked out at 87lbs. When she reaches

100 lbs, the doctor wants to remove the feeding tube

and if she can maintain her weight, then our battle with

malnutrition will be over. If not, they will surgically

insert a tube through her stomach wall for a more long

term tube feeding attempt.

Again, to my entire Stimson family, Thank You So

Much for your help. It will go a long way towards

helping us get back on the road to recovery and hope

to see more of you in the future. Who knows, maybe

we will rub elbows at a reunion…. Just look for the

guy looking like Santa (which I do volunteer to perform

at hospitals, schools, and other charity organizations).

Charles (Chuck) Linhart

8.2.15 Chuck has a request for his wife. Since 2010

Carolyn’s health has been steadily deteriorating. This

has caused them severe financial difficulties. Chuck

has started a GoFundMe page in hopes to pay for the

required medical procedures Carolyn has had to have.

Go to this link to better understand Carolyn’s situation

and to assist if possible:


Larry Hall, STS3(SS) B 65-69:

6.10.15 Still awaiting a kidney and can’t travel to the

reunions. They say that my kidney failure was caused

by high blood pressure and diabetes though I'm not

sure about that. In 2009 I had prostate cancer and had

48 radiation treatments. In 2010 my kidneys failed.

Since my diabetes is well under control and my blood

pressure hasn't been high for 20 years, it seems a bit




(Shipmate has contacted us to be added or have info

updated on our Sailing List. Please check the online

Sailing List to access the shipmates email address.)


RM1(SS) Steve Mauldin G 76-80; 84-86

MM1(SS) Russ Kearney G 80-82



STS3(SS) Robert ‘Bob’ P. Featheran, Jr. (G 81)

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[ [email protected] ] I would like to get in

contact with STS2 Robert P. Cooley.


EM1(SS) Paul Murray (G 65-69)

[ [email protected] ] I am looking for former

shipmates Ken Luken IC2(SS) 65-68? and Joe Carter

MM1(SS) 65-68.


QM2(SS) Robert Frizzola (G 82-86)

[ [email protected] ] I was on from 82-86 Gold.

I’m looking for a few shipmates and maybe you can

help. MM1/SS Mike Alegretto and MM2/SS Willy

Wilson, both Gold crew.


YNC(SS) James Maddox (B 83-86)

[ [email protected] ] is looking for YN2(SS) Mark

Jackson (B). Also what has happened to MMCM(SS)



STS3(SS) Steve Searight (B 70-71)

[ [email protected] ] is looking for STS3 Eugene

Manning who served during the same period as me.

As I recall, he was from New York (Brooklyn).


MM2(SS) Joe Civiletti (G 79-81)

[ [email protected] ] Does anyone

remember/ know what happened to an MMCS/SS

Golightly or MM3/SS Dennis LaPalme (all A-Div Gold

crew in 1979 when I came on board). All could have

made rate after I knew them.




YN2(SS) 67-8B, James Maratta

When I was with the sea cadets a few years ago, I

had a two week training at Kings Bay, I gave the COB

my qual card (the sailors there said it was a piece of

history) lol, also a soviet sub clock and a WW2 poster

to be displayed, but most of all received salutes from

the sailors, (as an Ensign in the sea cadets) it felt like I

got qualified all over again. I highly recommend this

experience, u can serve again, to build tomorrows

leaders today, go to a great youth



FTB1(SS) Vic Engle, B 75-80

Carl (White) was one of the first guys I met on the

655 when I arrived in Rota in November 1975. I left

Sub School about a month before and had been

assigned to the James K Polk. When I arrived in

Charleston, I was waiting to join the Polk crew when

they returned from patrol, and while I was waiting, two

FTBs in Rota were busted for drugs, so I was given

about 24 hours notice that I was flying out to Rota. I

actually got to fly commercial and the flight was from

Charleston to JFK to Madrid to Seville and someone

picked me up in Seville and drove me to Rota.

Chief White was the first guy I met when I reported

to the Stimson. At least he's the first guy I remember.

He was a mentor and a friend. We were both from

Alabama and both football fans so we had a lot in

common. He gave me a check out on my qual card

once and asked me the difference between flooding

and a controlled leak or some such. He liked this

answer, If Bear Bryant is out on the lake fishing and

his boat springs a leak, if he can bail water and keep

afloat, that's a controlled leak, but if the boat sinks and

he has to walk to shore, that's flooding. I regret I didn't

keep track of Carl and visit him before he passed



MM2(SS) Brett Dellinger, G 96-90

I was very sad to see (my COB) MMCM Blough has

passed away. I have a nice nick in my ear from a

haircut in the crew's lounge when he was paying

attention to the movie instead of my head and I can

never forget refit reveilles with his small statured deep

voice rumbling through berthing: "If you're gonna

scream with the eagles you better be able to crow with

the roosters".

My time on the Henry L. Stimson and the men I

served with had some bearing on the man I am today.

In some ways, I wish I had retired from the service

(although I wouldn't have the awesome kids I have).

He (COB Cal Blough) was respected by all

crewmembers and very well liked. Another memory I

have is during one offcrew we went on a fishing

charter as a crew. Mostly just a bunch of sea bass on

our stringers and EVERYONE just dropped them off in

the bed of his truck. Of course as an avid fisherman,

he utilized the fish, I am sure. But I bet he was cussing

us as he cleaned them. There were at least 200 lbs of

fish in that truck!



(all links from “The Draft” will be on the website)


655 Association Website


Page 5: USS HENRY L. STIMSON ASSOCIATION SSBN655 NEWSLETTER … › newsletter › 1509 Stimson Draft.pdf · 2016-09-11 · Air Corps operations in fighting the war, while Stimson First,


Drone Submarine



Puttin' Up the Flag...

A time to listen and think, you will be glad you did.


Military Pics Taken at Just the Right Moment.


Nostalgia - Click on the Artists and Listen

A site you may want to bookmark


Your Computer at Night (When Left On)



Charleston, 1934

Step back in time to 1930's Charleston



Animated History Map of the US

An excellent, entertaining and short history of the US



When you understand...

When the hatch closes over your head, the OOD

says last man down and the COW says green board,

you understand the meaning of adventure.

When the only thing between you and millions of

gallons of seawater is a steel hull and some closed

valves, you understand the meaning of courage.

When sonar calls out to the conn “high speed

screws in the water” in hostile waters, you understand

the meaning of fear.

When the messenger passes out the only family

grams the satellite could catch and yours isn’t one, you

learn the meaning of loneliness.

When hissing water in the overhead turns from a

slight annoyance to a terrifying rushing cascade

bouncing off the hull and equipment, you understand

the meaning of survival.

When you hear the quick sound that a curtain

makes on your rack that indicates your watch is about

to begin, you understand the meaning of irritation.

When you see a brother stand at attention while the

Captain pins on the Dolphins he worked so hard to

earn, you understand the meaning of pride.

When you retire and they pipe you over the side for

the very last time, you learn the meaning of great


When your eyes grow dim and your strength ebbs

with age, you understand the meaning of envy every

time you see submarine getting underway.

When a shipmate from a time so long ago passes

on and people say so many things they wish they had

said before they departed, you understand regret.


Navy Gets Mileage Out Of Its Guided-Missile

Submarines ­“ While It Can

(STARS AND STRIPES 30 JUL 15) ... Erik Slavin


Michigan and three others like it can pack more

conventional missile firepower than any other

submarines - and in about a decade, they’re probably

going away.

Guided-missile submarines like Michigan can also

stay at sea longer and deploy larger groups of Navy

SEALs than the service’s more plentiful fast-attack


For all their advantages, Navy officials

acknowledge they are luxury items in a fiscal

environment that doesn’t support building


As the Navy’s submarine fleet shrinks over the next

13 years due to the retirement of its Cold War-era

subs, it will look toward less expensive technology to

offset the loss of boats like Michigan, service officials

told Stars and Stripes.

However, as long as the Navy has its guided

missile subs, they are getting plenty of use. USS

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Michigan had been on deployment for 21 months

when it pulled in to Yokosuka Naval Base for a port

visit earlier this month.

“My operational commander would like us to be at

sea every minute that I can be,”’ said Capt. Joe Turk,

Michigan’s Blue Crew commanding officer. “The only

thing that limits sustainability is food.”

Michigan’s separate Blue and Gold crews typically

fly from Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor, Wash., to Guam

every four months or so, where they swap out

command of the boat.

Michigan entered service as one of the Navy’s 18

Ohio-class nuclear trident missile submarines, known

colloquially as “boomers.”

When the Navy cut the number of nuclear-missile

subs to 14, it converted four of them to carry up to 154

Tomahawk missiles.

The four submarines began global deployments

during the past decade. In 2011, the USS Florida took

part in a guided-missile submarine’s largest-scale

conventional combat operation when it fired 90

Tomahawks in the effort to defeat former Libyan leader

Muammar Gaddafi’s forces.

When a guided-missile submarine isn’t firing

Tomahawks, it functions much more like a smaller fast

-attack submarine, though it retains the typically higher

-ranking captain and crew structure of a boomer.

Both the guided-missile subs and fast-attacks

conduct surveillance, train to fight ships and other

subs, and conduct special operations.

Guided-missile subs have multiple lockout

chambers to deploy SEALs and their vehicles

underwater. They also have an extra 200 feet of length

and a little more width than fast-attack subs, meaning

special operators have more room to get comfortable,

said Capt. Brian Humm, commodore of Submarine

Squadron 19.

“[Special operations] is physically intensive - they

work hard,” Humm said. “It’d be nice if they had own

racks, it’s nice that they have tons of gear to work out

with and ... larger facilities.

However, those are amenities that aren’t likely to

last into the long term.

The current 30-year Navy shipbuilding plan calls for

guided-missile subs to be decommissioned between

2025 and 2027.

By October 2028, the total number of attack and

guided-missile subs would drop to 41, down from 57

today, before climbing back to 48 boats in 2036.

As those numbers drop, the Navy will also ask

Congress to fund an Ohio-class replacement in order

to preserve what the Pentagon considers the most

survivable leg of its nuclear deterrent.

It will cost the Navy $96 billion to acquire the 12

ballistic missile submarines slated to replace the 14

Ohio-class subs carrying nuclear payloads., according

to a 2015 General Accountability Office estimate.

At that price, no one has pushed hard to build four

more as guided-missile subs. Instead, many in the

Navy and Congress are backing an addition that would

add more armament to the latest class of fast-attack


The Virginia Payload Module would lengthen the

mid-section of Virginia-class subs and allow them to

carry 76 percent more torpedoes and Tomahawks.

The addition would increase cost of the $2.8 billion

subs by 13 percent, according to a Congressional

Research Service report in June.

That figure doesn’t include the Tomahawks

themselves, which cost about $1 million each,

depending on what cost factors are included.

For now, multiple sailors aboard USS Michigan said

they were happy to serve aboard a boat that combines

fast-attack missions with Ohio-class dimensions.

There are a few more systems aboard a guided-

missile sub than on a fast-attack version; however,

most of what gets learned to earn “dolphins” the

distinctive pin worn by a submarine-qualified sailor -

transfers seamlessly to any of the Navy’s boats, said

Chief of the Boat Jason Puckett, of Columbus, Ohio.

“The basics of being a submariner are the same, no

matter the platform,” Puckett said.




This is for all you construction/engineer types

Here's a construction technique that would be

handy to know. Read the calculations below then click

on the link at the bottom of the article to see this

technique in action. It’s something to cheer up any

engineer. It will put you in the picture and keep you up-

to-date with the latest construction developments.

Below is a link to a short video of a Pakistani pile

driving construction technique. Notice that the pile

driving becomes effective when the extra man jumps

on. Very finely tuned! The chant is also catchy.

Now, let's analyze the Engineering here:

6 men x 180 lbs. = 1080 lbs. static force jumping up

and down will create a 3 times dynamic effect = 3240

Page 7: USS HENRY L. STIMSON ASSOCIATION SSBN655 NEWSLETTER … › newsletter › 1509 Stimson Draft.pdf · 2016-09-11 · Air Corps operations in fighting the war, while Stimson First,


lbs./jump = 1.6-ton thumps if the pile is tapered to 2 in.

x 2 in., cross section at the tip = sq. in. So, dynamic

press "Add a man" feature will increase to 950 psi, so

buy the option!

Increase the chant and dynamic force goes up to 5

times to bring maximum pressure/thump to 1600 psi

for a 7-man team.

Quite good and it will penetrate hard clay and

sandy soil but not hard rock!

We figure the foreman is the guy on the'll probably watch this twice because

you won't want to believe your eyes the first time...




Don't wash your hair in the shower. It's so good to

finally get a health warning that is useful!!!

It involves the shampoo that runs down your body

when you shower with it. WARNING TO US ALL!!!

I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner! I

use shampoo in the shower! When I wash my hair, the

shampoo runs down my whole body, and printed very

clearly on the shampoo label is this warning: "FOR


No wonder I have been gaining weight!!

Well! I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am

going to start showering with Dawn dish soap instead.

Its label reads: "DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS


Problem solved! Whoo Hoo!


The Affordable Care Act, Your Taxes and You

This article is written for those who are retirees or

receive a disability retirement from the Armed Services

and who use DFAS (Defense Finance and Accounting

Service) for their retired pay.

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), all

Americans including all military members (active duty,

retired, Selected Reserve, or Retired Reserve) and

their eligible family members must have health care

coverage that meets a minimum standard called

minimum essential coverage or pay a fee. Your

TRICARE coverage meets the minimum essential

coverage requirement under the ACA.

"The term "active duty" means full-time duty in the

active service of a uniformed service for more than 30

consecutive days".

Beginning in January 2016, DFAS will be providing

IRS Form 1095-C to all U.S. military members, and

IRS Form 1095-B to all Retirees, Annuitants, former

spouses and all other individuals having TRICARE

coverage during all or any portion of tax year 2015. An

IRS Form 1095 documents you (and your family

members, if applicable) have the minimum essential

coverage. More information will be forthcoming about

the delivery method of these forms.

These forms will document the information that

DFAS will provide to the IRS on yourself and your

authorized family members. The forms will be required

to be reported with your 2015 federal tax return. DFAS

will provide you with IRS Form 1095 series forms no

later than Jan. 31, 2016

You can find more information about the impact of

Page 8: USS HENRY L. STIMSON ASSOCIATION SSBN655 NEWSLETTER … › newsletter › 1509 Stimson Draft.pdf · 2016-09-11 · Air Corps operations in fighting the war, while Stimson First,


the Affordable Care Act on your federal income tax at:, or http://

You can act now to make sure your forms remain

secure once they are available using myPay. Just look

for the link to "Turn On/Off Hard Coy of IRS Form

1095" in your account and select Electronic Delivery

Only. Your information will remain safe until you need



I've learned....

That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of

an elderly person.

That when you're in love, it shows.

That just one person saying to me, 'You've made

my day!' makes my day.

That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one

of the most peaceful feelings in the world.

That being kind is more important than being right.

That you should never say no to a gift from a child.

That I can always pray for someone when I don't

have the strength to help him in some other way.

That no matter how serious your life requires you to

be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.

That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to

hold and a heart to understand.

That simple walks with my father around the block

on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for

me as an adult.

That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it

gets to the end, the faster it goes.

That we should be glad God doesn't give us

everything we ask for.

That money doesn't buy class.

That it's those small daily happenings that make life

so spectacular.

That under everyone's hard shell is someone who

wants to be appreciated and loved.

That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

That when you plan to get even with someone, you

are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

That love, not time, heals all wounds.

That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is

to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted

with a smile.


We all need one of these!!!

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Page 10: USS HENRY L. STIMSON ASSOCIATION SSBN655 NEWSLETTER … › newsletter › 1509 Stimson Draft.pdf · 2016-09-11 · Air Corps operations in fighting the war, while Stimson First,



If you have contact with one of these shipmates please send their contact info

to me at my email address. Let’s set a goal to find everyone on this list!

Adkins, William Dreiss, Ray Laughlin, Brian Scoville, Scott

Banfield, Ron Duell, Paul Lawrence, Marshall Seelinger, James

Barker, Paul Dyal, Don W. 'Gomer' Liles, Michael Shantz, Denton

Barker, Thomas Edmiston, Ken Lizana, Rick Shepherd, Charles

Barrett, James Ehlers, Joseph Lothrop, Sherlock, Martin

Beck, Roger Ellard, Bryon Lubbs, Larry Shields, Vaden

Blouse, Dan Findlater, Doug Mason, John Sikora, Gregory

Blue, Matthew Flannery, Aaron Matherly, David Siler, Dennis

Bluestone, Edward Fleming, Benjamin Mauk, Elam Silvestri, Henry

Bollman, Stephen Fleming, Denvery McCarney, Clifford Smith, Charles

Borenko, Stephen Fonda, Carl McConnell, Mark Stewart James

Bowser, James Jr. Futral, Dave McCord, Oliver Stine, Gene

Bricker, Michael Gallagher, Gilbert 'Skip' McMillan, Donald Stockton, N. Bradley

Brill, Doug Geisenburg, Nick Miller, Donald Stortroen, Keith

Bullard, Patrick Glover, Ron Miller, Tony Taylor, Jim

Bullington, Scott Graves, Richard Milton, Jay Thomas, Larry

Burmeister, Wayne Green, Earsel Neubecker, Andrew Tomasi, Max

Busteed, Bob Gutierrez, James Neuman, Mark Tomren, Gerald

Canup, Richard Habermas, Thomas Nolen, John Trotter, Daniel

Cardin, Joseph Harris, WIlbur Ochsner, Patrick Twiselton, Brown Michael

Carey, Bill Hatchell, John Parham, Bryan Walenga, Craig

Carlson, Hugh Hayes, Robert Pastiva, Stephen Jr. Watson, Herb

Carr, Don Herbert, Randy 'Bear' Peterson, David Wenzel, Paul

Champagne, Brian Herzog, Willie Petrak, David Wesley, Mike

Claussen, Stephen Hinds, George Phipps, Mitchell White, Don

Cool, Arnold Hogan, Tom Porterfield, Glenn Williams, Brian

Cooper, Denny Holler, Eugene Pruitt, Michael Wimmer, Peter Thomas

Cooper, Doug Hollingsworth, Paul Putnam, Bobby Jo Wolk, Dennis

Cooper, John F. Holtman, Bruce Putt, William Wright, David

Cope, Allan Hupe, Bill Ralston, David Young, Ron

Couser, David Johnson, Anthony Rasmussen, Aaron Youngman, David

Crawford, Christopher Johnston, Paul K. Rasmussen, Bill

Cruden, David Kearney, Russ Rathsam, Richard

Cullum, Ray Kee, Kerby Raven, Donald

Czarnecki, Anthony Keller, Terry J. Reppert, Kevin

Davidson, Dickie Keiningham, Thomas Rhodes, Ronald

Debisschop, Timothy Kinney, Wayne Robinson, Warren

Degon, Vince Kirkpatrick, Steven Rowan, William

Delano, Ken Klaiber, William Rubright, David

Dewitt, David Kohankie Robert Ruiz, Luiz