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Tight Budgets & Election Politics Status of FY 2013 Budget and Education Legislation March 30, 2012

US Federal Update 2012

Nov 29, 2014



John Segota

Legislative update presentation for TESOL International Association at 2012 TESOL International Convention in Philadelphia, PA
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Page 1: US Federal Update 2012

Tight Budgets & Election Politics

Status of FY 2013 Budget and Education Legislation

March 30, 2012

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•  Ellen Fern, Senior Vice President, Washington Partners, LLC

•  John Segota, Associate Executive Director for Public Policy & Professional Relations, TESOL International Association

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•  Department of Education

•  Congress –  Congressional  Leadership  and  Commi1ee  Membership  –  Issues  

•  Federal FY 2013 Budget –  Process  –  Overview  of  Themes  

•  Congressional Education Agenda –  ESEA  –  WIA  –  Dream  Act  

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Department of Education Leadership

  Office  of  the  Undersecretary  –  Martha  Kanter  Oversees  policies,  programs  and  acDviDes  related  to  vocaDonal  and  adult  educaDon,  postsecondary  educaDon  and  college  aid.      

–  Office  of  VocaDonal  and  Adult  EducaDon       Dr.  Brenda  Dann-­‐Messier,  Assistant  Secretary    

–  Office  of  Community  Colleges  •  Frank  Chong  Ed.D.,  Deputy  Assistant  Secretary  

–  Division  of  Adult  EducaDon  and  Literacy  (DAEL)   Cheryl  Keenan,  Director  

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Congress – Democratic MajorityU.S. Senate Leadership

•  Majority Leader – Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) 51:47:2

•  Minority Leader – Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

•  Appropriations Committee •  Chairman  –  Senator  Daniel  Inouye  (D-­‐HI)  •  LHHS  Subcommi1ee  Chairman  –  Senator  Tom  Harkin  (D-­‐IA)  

•  Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee

•  Chairman  –  Senator  Tom  Harkin(D-­‐IA)  •  Judiciary Committee

•  Chairman  –  Senator  Pat  Leahy  (D-­‐VT)  

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Congress – Republican MajorityU.S. House Leadership

  Republican Majority – Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) 242:190 (3 vacancies)   Minority Leader – Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)   Appropriations Committee

  Chairman - Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY)   LHHS Subcommittee Chairman – Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT)

  Education and Workforce Committee   Chairman – Rep. John Kline (R-MN)

  Judiciary Committee   Chairman – Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX)

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DC Environmental Assessment

•  Partisanship has impacted all debate and legislative schedule.

•  Unprecedented dysfunction in the legislative process.

•  Issue landscape changing rapidly – has evolved from stimulus, job creation, war in Afghanistan and financial reform to huge emphasis on the deficit and 2012 elections.

•  Super Committee failed. Sequestration to go into effect January 2, 2013.

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Overview of President’s FY 2013 Budget Request

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Budget Process

•  Annual timeline –  State  of  the  Union  –  PresidenDal  budget  request  release  –  Congressional  budget  resoluDon  –  Annual  appropriaDons  process  –  Floor  debate  –  PresidenDal  approval  

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President’s FY2013 Budget Proposal

•  An Economy Built to Last.

•  Overall budget requests $3.8 trillion in discretionary spending.

•  Adheres to the Budget Control Act spending limits, although it ignores sequestration.

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President’s FY2013 Budget Proposal

•  Four Pillars:

1.  EducaDon  and  Skills  for  the  American  Workforce  

2.  InnovaDon  and  Manufacturing  3.  Clean  Energy  4.  Infrastructure  

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Education and Skills for theAmerican Workforce

•  Department of Education (ED) requested $69.8 billion. – $1.7  billion  or  2.5  percent  increase  from  FY2012  – Largest  increase  in  funding  of  any  non-­‐security  agency  

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Education and Skills for theAmerican Workforce

•  ED Proposal Has Five Core Areas:

1.  Increasing  College  Affordability  and  Quality  2.  ElevaDng  the  Teaching  Profession  3.  Aligning  Job  Training  and  EducaDon  Programs  

with  Workforce  Demands  4.  ProtecDng  Formula  Programs  for  At-­‐Risk  

PopulaDons  5.  ConDnue  on  the  Path  of  Reform  and  InnovaDon    

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Increasing College Affordability and Quality

• $1 billion in Race to the Top for states to improve postsecondary education.

• $55 million First in the World Fund. (like i3 grant program)

• Development of College Scorecard and Financial Aid Shopping Sheet.

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Elevating the Teaching Profession

•  $5 billion in one-time funds for states and districts targeted at all aspects of the teacher profession.

•  25 percent set-aside in Title II for Effective Teachers and Leaders state grant funds.

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Aligning Job Training andEducation with Workforce

•  $8 billion over three years in Community College to Career Fund.

•  $1 billion over three years to expand Career Academies.

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Continue on the Path of Reform and Innovation

•  $850 million for Race to the Top (increase of $301 million from FY2012).

•  $150 million for i3 – new round. •  $100 million for Promise Neighborhoods

(increase of $40 million).

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FY2013 Budget: Programs of Interest

Department of Education FY2012 Final President’s FY2013 Request

English Learner Education (Title III)

$732.1 $732.1

Assessing Achievement $389.2 $389.2

Adult Basic and Literacy Education

$595 $595

National Leadership Activities (Adult Ed)

$11.3 $11.3

EL/Civics (Adult Ed) $74.7 $74.7

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Overall Philosophy at ED

•  At the core, Race to the Top [and other competitive grants] are about spurring reform; especially at a time of tight budgets, when we need to make every dollar count . . . formula funds alone cannot drive the transformational reforms our system needs.”

-­‐  Secretary  Arne  Duncan  

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•  Congress has eliminated funding for 49 programs from FY2010-FY2012. – Savings  of  $1.2  billion  

•  President proposes 21 additional program eliminations and consolidations.

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Budget Control Act

•  What is it? –  Passed  in  August  of  2011  –  Allocated  spending  caps  that  will  lower  deficit  by  $1.2  trillion  over  ten  years  

–  Spending  caps—FY2013  =  $1.047  trillion  in  discreDonary  spending  

–  FY2013—$536  billion  security/$501  billion  non  security  –  Super  commi1ee  failure  triggered  sequestraDon  –  January  2013    

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Caps and Cuts

•  Sequestration triggers automatic cuts for each of the nine years FY13-21.

•  For FY2013 – fixed percentage of across-the-board cuts projected at 9.1 percent (OMB key player in this process).

•  FY2014 to 2021 – No across-the-board cuts but the discretionary cap is lowered further.

•  Estimated at a $4 billion cut in FY2013 to ED programs.

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End Game

•  Congress Decides –  Budget  resoluDon  

•  House  Budget  Commi1ee  Chairman  Paul  Ryan’s  (R-­‐WI)  budget  –  Cuts  $19  billion  in  discreDonary  spending  from  BCA    

•  Senate  will  sDck  with  BCA  cap  for  FY2013   Everyone ignoring sequestration.  Hearings going on now to prepare for

appropriations process.  A continuing resolution—or “CR” is the

likely outcome until after the November elections.

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Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary

Education Act

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ESEA Reauthorization: Senate

•  Senate – Waivers  prompted  acDon  – BiparDsan  bill  – Passed  out  of  Commi1ee  on  biparDsan  vote  in  October  

– Unlikely  to  be  on  the  floor  

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Highlights of Senate Bill

•  Consensus bill – product of compromise and negotiation

•  Career and college readiness standards

•  Closing loophole on comparability

•  Providing incentives to improve teacher and principal quality

•  Focus on bottom 5% of low-performing schools

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Differs from Current Law

•  Standards – Requires  states  demonstrate  college  and  career  ready  standards    and  create  assessments  in  reading,  math  and  science.  

– NO  requirement  to  join  Common  Core  Standards  IniDaDve.  

•  Accountability –  Same  tesDng  but  eliminates  AYP.  

–  DisaggregaDon  of  data  NO  achievement  targets  

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Differs from Current Law

•  Teachers – Let’s  states  decide  how  to  evaluate  teachers.  – Requires  states  that  receive  TIF  grants  to  crak  evaluaDons  based  at  least  in  part  on  student  growth.  

•  Low-performing schools – For  bo1om  5%  of  schools  choice  of  8  intervenDons  based  on  SIG  regulaDons.  

– Bo1om  5%  of  high  schools  and  elem/middle  schools  AND  dropout  factories.  

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Reaction from Administration

•  Appreciate effort but objects to elimination of mandatory teacher/principal evaluation requirements.

•  Critical of lack of required performance targets for subgroups.

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Reaction from Stakeholders

•  Support from Chiefs, administrators and teacher organizations

•  Lack of support from civil rights groups, disability groups and business community. –  Lack  of  strong  accountability  measures.  –  Lack  of  performance  targets  for  subgroups.  –  Too  much  lek  up  to  States.  

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ESEA Reauthorization: House

•  House of Representatives – Last  year  •  TerminaDon  bill  •  Charter  school  expansion  bill  •  Flexibility  bill  

– This  year  •  Student  Success  Act  •  Encouraging  InnovaDon  and  EffecDve  Teachers  Act  •  Both  approved  February  28  on  party  line  votes  •  Might  make  it  to  the  floor  

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ESEA Overview of Proposed Changes

•  House bill merges Title III into subpart Title I. •  Professional development for teachers of ELLs,

is not maintained as a national priority. •  House bill eliminates HQT requirements. •  House bill requires SEA/LEAs to develop

teacher evaluation systems; Senate only requires it for those applying for competitive grants.

•  House bill includes significant expansion of funding flexibility.

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Reaction from Stakeholders

•  Support from Chiefs and administrators.

•  Lack of support from TESOL, civil rights groups, disability groups and business community. – Merging  Title  III  into  Title  I  –  Lack  of  strong  accountability  measures.  –  Lack  of  performance  targets  for  subgroups.  –  Too  much  lek  up  to  States.  

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ED’s ESEA Agenda

•  “We can’t wait” •  Waivers –  States  must  adopt  and  have  a  plan  to  implement  college  and  career-­‐ready  standards  

–  States  must  create  comprehensive  systems  of  teacher  and  principal  development,  evaluaDon  and  support  that  include  factors  beyond  test  scores  

–  States  no  longer  have  to  meet  2014    targets  but  must  set  new  performance    targets  for  improving  achievement  and    closing  achievement  gaps  

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•  11 states applied in the first round –  Approved  in  February  –  Colorado,  Florida,  Georgia,  Indiana,  Kentucky,  Massachuse1s,  

Minnesota,  New  Jersey,  Oklahoma,  and  Tennessee….and,  New  Mexico  

•  26 states and DC applied in second round –  Alabama,  Alaska,  California,  Hawaii,  Maine,  Montana,  Nevada,  

New  Hampshire,  North  Dakota,  Pennsylvania,  Texas,  West  Virginia,  and  Wyoming  siqng  out  

•  Third round of applications due September 6 •

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Reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act

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•  Long overdue – hasn’t been reauthorized since 1998. – Title  II  –  Adult  Educa*on  and  Family  Literacy  Act  .  

•  Senate HELP Committee drafted bipartisan draft. – Never  introduced.  

•  House – Democrats  introduced  Workforce  Investment  Act  of  2012  •  Authorizes  ELL/Civics  Program  •  Increased  investment  in  technology  and  digital  literacy  •  Supports  integrated  adult  ed  and  training  

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The Dream Act - Status

•  Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA) introduced in House – 80 cosponsors.

•  Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced in Senate – 34 cosponsors.

•  President has expressed support for bill in past.

•  Election year politics.

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•  What will get done? – Will  House  Republicans  introduce  WIA  bill?    – ESEA  or  Waivers?  – ElecDon  results  – Lame  Duck  

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• •  18-19 June 2012, Washington, DC