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. . Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts. pod crops. potatoes. safflowers. grarn or forage sorghum. soybeans. stone fruits and tree nuts Active Ingredient: Metolachlor: 2·chloro·N·(2·ethyl· 6·methylphenyl)·N·(2·met hoxy·l· methylethyl) acetamide ... 86.-l° 0 Inert Ingredients: 13.6 0 0 100.0 0 0 Total: 2112 Gallons u.s. Standard Measure .... ""1· .... '. <' . , '"", ' 1 ..... '. • • . " ,., ,,' ' .• f' .' "! ..... "."., : ... , 1 0' " •• (, iliA (.f 1(, Y <.' t. ,", "0) "_p'''''''' f}l :-j ('rl .... ,ul.ln'.,. 01 f d'l,",', 'If -.4"f( tl,In!.lh,',!V ,,' In" ',! •. ,., .'.p .... ,'. n, .... ,". "'1, ',' ,·rl (,1',1' '.11<111 (iHf, (,f :"'1' r 11.,'-· "'1',,, !"'. I.,tt,,,. I ,,·qu.-IlI.11 '. p .... , ,\1 'If .,'" 'f'" ILI"""I'",,,,,.,,ll'O\'j!r "'1"" 'J"" ,., h.l"'I"JHI "I P'''. p,r,-hH , . -. , ...... '. I lEST AYAILAILE COPY J BE Dual 8E contarns 8 Ibs. active ingredient per gallon. Keep Out of Reach of Children. CAUTION See additional precautionary statements insIde booklet. See directions for use insIde booklet. EPA Reg. No. 100·597 Dual' trademark of CIBA-GEIGY for metolachlor U.S. Patent No. 3.937.730 . 1989 CIBA-GEIGY Corpcratlon Agricultural DiviSIon CIBA-GEIGY CorporatIOn Greensboro. North Carolina 27-l19 CGA -l9L 12Z 069 elBA-GEIGY , A ...: I '. , t :',' I .,, !. ,,', .' " .'" .> II ."l ",',: "', ;1"l'lllf'l ',1,1"-"10"'1 ."- .. ' .

U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

Aug 13, 2020



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Page 1: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.


. Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts. pod crops. potatoes. safflowers. grarn or forage sorghum. soybeans. stone fruits and tree nuts

Active Ingredient: Metolachlor: 2·chloro·N·(2·ethyl· 6·methylphenyl)·N·(2·met hoxy·l· methylethyl) acetamide ... 86.-l° 0


Inert Ingredients: 13.6 0 0

100.0 0 0 Total:

2112 Gallons u.s. Standard Measure

.... ""1· .... • '. <' . , '"", ' ,,~

1 ..... ,,~"., '. • •

. " ,., ,,' ' .• f' .' "! ..... ".".,

: ... , 1 ,-~, • 0' " ••

(, iliA (.f 1(, Y <.' t. ,",

"0) 'd~H'" "_p'''''''' f}l :-j ('rl .... ,ul.ln'.,. 01 f d'l,",', 'If

-.4"f( tl,In!.lh,',!V ,,' In" ',! •. ,., .'.p .... ,'. n, ,'l>pl".,~ .... ,". "'1, ',' ,·rl (,1',1' '.11<111 (iHf, (,f :"'1' r 11.,'-· "'1',,, !"'. I.,tt,,,. I

,,·qu.-IlI.11 '. p .... , ,\1 'If .,'" 'f'" ILI"""I'",,,,,.,,ll'O\'j!r "'1""

'J"" ,., h.l"'I"JHI "I P'''. p,r,-hH ,

. -. , ...... '.


BE Dual 8E contarns 8 Ibs. active ingredient per gallon.

Keep Out of Reach of Children.

CAUTION See additional precautionary statements insIde booklet.

See directions for use insIde booklet.

EPA Reg. No. 100·597

Dual' trademark of CIBA-GEIGY for metolachlor U.S. Patent No. 3.937.730

. 1989 CIBA-GEIGY Corpcratlon

Agricultural DiviSIon CIBA-GEIGY CorporatIOn Greensboro. North Carolina 27-l19 CGA -l9L 12Z 069


, A ...: I '. , t :',' I .,, !. • ,,',

.' " .'" .> II ."l ",',: "',

;1"l'lllf'l ',1,1"-"10"'1

."- .. ~.". ' .

Page 2: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.


... rn,"'9' ,anfl(lll be unde~ood by~,. Wr~n ... rn'nQ' mus' OI\{"I~ "". 1oI..,....rog ,nk;lfmahon CAUTlQt,. A ... 'reaa.o .... ,'1'1 (Jua) al on Id.l'a 01 appi"a lo()nl Do llCIIant .. wolhout approprlata Pf1J'tIC'I' .... CIOII",ng urcll SP<iI~ " ..... aroed , .. case of aoCcldenl.alallp()'lu' •. flus" ..,.SOf Sll,n .'11'1 pienlW ()I ... n", C .. II ph~l(.l.n ,I "' ,'a,,,,,, pers'Sts AefftOYot al\O .. a'" contammal..:j clO1rliny t>elOfe 'au,..

To avood sptay drift 00 noI appI., una.< _N11 tondrtlOf1S "''''loci '!oPf.l, ....... ,'0lP, .!II ('OP ,nJu!), ma., , •• un

A. Generllllnform.Uon

Obw,..... III prKau'hons.n<: IImlt.llO.,., (,n lI"e I.dbr''1 vI i'oiII, r> ;"')o.J.." ~ u"""" In '.Ink

""' •• luras T.n~ m,l('Iur.s a'. perm'lIlId onl~ .n 11\(.'1. '\ot .. T., ..... ,,""'" Ine '.tn. m ••

P4""'" '. reoQ'sta.'Ml 0 ..... 81: IS • & ..... "'.'biLla. r.comman<'lltd iI,,, p'ttp'ilnl ,u,I.c. IPD"~, p'apllnl,ncOfporall!d or p ..... m.'Qenc. "e.,ment tn .. i!II' or l1uo{lI"r1t1'l.' lor contrOl of!T1oV$f .nm ... ' gl.SM •• no certAIn bto..d .... I-.&<:a., flOt'Dea"n(j '-"'us COtn Cot1011 nonDeAl"''Of;J Q'..,..s. peanuts pod craps P'''"OIIS w"~rs Q"'" Of lOf.goe loOfQl'lu,," 1OYbN ..... MIlne fruits and 1_ nuta

Ilk"- Do 001 uw on nurwf",. lurl. Of I.r.ascape pI''''''''9' W ...... (I'ftK100n' ,~,ty • Ou~1 8E I.nk m,.lu' • • ,m AA'",,.. '()(muliill'O'" 0(".' o •• "o,otll'&l,".m..,. ~useo fou"",,'t\4I ,.Ie' 'Mommef'O(1 ... ,on~ ilrxll,m"iiI(o()'" on:t\e I.~''''' pIOl"luC1Ii1Clo1I ,I OIr.!!U ~~rxI' cl iiI(f~,ne 01'" u .. .o

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D<y _II,..' tollCJrolr.nq prMmttrgttl'"l(". 'PCJI~.hon 01 Ouiill ~f rY iI 'iI". m'.'Uf. m.,. 'e<l...c •• "K\" ......... U Cull' .... '."~, r:le'w'81op

W"'.ftI f.'.ftlne. 'S mao. 'O~, c:r--m.!iy CO<"IIfl.,U"CI partlill CQnlfoj r ...... llI,lhe' me." 1lI"IIK: (0"111)11,00"'1 900d 10 poo" 0# con,>,s • .,,,, '''''If 01 ii' iii Ifo ... I tie'(J'IIIr II'! .. ' fje ...... Uy CO!\'!.o( 'CC."".tlooIt'Of com ..... n:' ... ~ ((ff'1!r{~

~'vroOf'l ''''rv'''' m.y OrIXur IoIIOw"'q rl'!e uu 01 Du., rjf "now 80f'Or'm.II',. "'9" sod !TI(;"" COtXWfICVl' aunng.any fJII&o.'9~ 01 rroe trop

1, SOil Textures end Herbicide Rates ....... e •• 'lIe' 'f. ba5lld 0" COol..,. meo:l'um Of "nt! ,,..'..0' .... , <,0,1, ,I '~u"~I"!.'ood !fliil' 1<)11 11lI"u,ii/ (:iiI~S a'. Qflf\e'ilU~ Ci.I@oqC>"leoiil'!.IolI ..........

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s ..... {l, ,o"m S II loam •. IV' 'd\' l.:.1,

"',,1'1," 'ill" 'anQl"~ ,n '!'\e 'dI't' '''t>,r'~ iI"d"'~_I'I .. , .. (." ',.,', ,.,:"", ,,\ .. ", .. I ........ ' .. I,.

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.. Afl.' edd,1"rg •• ) 'flI,j'e{jIlll"" pul h(h 011 .,>(l )'y"'I." .In(] ,n"'ll.~I'II&' ,."I'me, 10 !'fl'. lal ,he !o~ncl 1~ ""ou,a, .ncJlhe'" IIX* lor w~.eIlO" I"~ nil .... pl'K,polilll'$ QeIS ..... ....,(I .. yl,lmon''''.)iI' (}fDl""Sl<,JnloflO"l(",",plt'tl,Io

I, O"".,m'ned I'" compil',b!hly IIQfInl '5 ~ on I,.,. ~p'.Y "" .. !u'. by (On'tpal '"'9 I"" rwo laf$ II ",lhtI' m •• lur. wp.rllle, [ju' te" De '1lI"""eoj •• edoly lhe "' .• '1.1'. (a" be sprll.,...:le~ Iony iiIS!JIXKl elJ'tltlOl1 " u!>eO )' Ih. m,.tu'.' IIf. ,"c 0"'

Pilhtlle '.SIIt\ rneoItlOO::l!o of ","p'o...,nQ (om~I'b'hly (AI ~h."'y ,"'" d'y toll'b!(.o(IfI(S) ,n .... 1'" tlt"f[.ofe .d{l,Ioon Of Ill) iilfld '/101'1'\fI (o",poI),tl,I"y ilyl!!"llU ''''IlII.n.hlttl" ilnC! 'I'01ll ulIle.. '-'2 lu Ille eml I'!.i',.ble conc."',"" U' lIow",bItt lOlli' [j,e ,(Ie befOle iild{l"o()n to It\e m'.'u'e II 'fl(omp .... t> .. ,I, 's S1,Ol O[j~fve(l dO "'l! u!o.e ,he m,.lu'"

3. Appllcetion Procedures Applk:eUon TIming

Ouil"1Of"oe 0' on sornre 'il"k "',.Iu,,,, .. ,11'1 {lIN .. 100MltK'Ille'b<Code~ "'lIy tile appl,@'<'j lor _0 COfllfol ,!'\ ~niil'!'\ C'OP~ ill •• 'o()U\ I,mtt~ H"le' 10 I .... 1lI (j'ven ('OP sfOCI,on 01 ,,,.I .. t-.I10 d",.m • .,. , • .app\"."on hm,ng~ 1'~'llIll bekMo ••• '1(.{)fn .... nCleCI 5 ... "- ApPtMd· Fat IfttNmurn-l'lti91 01 no-tlll.-gre e'( onl, Ou,1 tiE .tone lno::l some Dull fiE I ....... m .. ,,,,,,s may tile IPp"eo uD'O "''I C!a ..... btI!or. pl .. nUrlQ CIInil,n "OP$ Usa onl~ Spltl .pph<lI00ns lor !le,'m.nIS m.oe )() .. ~ (I,ys [JeIOf. ptiilnl,"9 ..... 11'1 l!:t lhe '~om ..... nCI«I [jfOilllXe$l r.,. lOt ,I'Ie crOD .nd SO,1 IIlI"UIIll ilPplo.(I ,n'I'illly iI"d Ir.llI 'em.,n'''q '() ill p.a",·ng T'''illmtt''IS "'SS lIl.n 30 diilys. t>o8lore pl,rf,nQ ma ... be mll(le .. 'her as • spl" 0'

" ~.n911l1 eppl'CiiI"O" nt'I •• ,o .,,('l,~,d ...... 1 ('OP 10 d.le,m"'e .1 eil,ly P'IlI(JI"", Su,IilCIll iilpp .. ~al,on ... '8(O'''~t'Ide(l II ~~ iI'llI p'e5Il1n' ill1!"1'" I,mlll 01 "flill me,,1 .PPly ,,, .. t.". f"l,.lurecomr:"niill,O" *,'Il .I (Of1lii1(1 I'I",[jo(.!Oe Ilur eIiI"'Ole G'ilma-o". Supt!l, Of ROUMupl Ob''_ rl,'M1o()n~ J()f use p,eo:::ilu'oQflS OI"d fIllSI,tC1o()ns on ,~ IIICII!tI 01 ,r.llI (On!.C1 "flftJ,{ 'd" To '1'>I(IIlIollll'" OOSS,tlle dC' no')! mao.oe 1'''iI'l>d so.1 0V1 01 llIe 'OW Ot mo.. un!f".'fICl 50('1,1 10 'he '!.url.[e au"nfJ p'.""'''9 Of -0 Cor>l'Q4 *dl be r:'l,m,n'~hed

1 P"pl.nt tnCOfp0t8led "'pply 01,1.1 tIE 10,10. ,f">(Xj'PQfil'e ,010 '111l1 roo ? ,"cIl"s 01' $.0,1 *,II'I,n 14 cays. tlel",. pl.1f'l,.'lq us'ng .I !<n'stl,nq {l,~~ ".'·OW 'Ollo"q O::u'''~lIlof e, S"."'ilr ,mplem,,"! {ilPilo.e 01 P'O\oo(l,"q un,te'." 1 "[" ,"< p.(.>O'OIhon U<,e iI p' 'neo'por.lfIC epplo(II'O"! ,llu"""'" "''9''''0''' '5 ,-,Sfltl O ... he" ,1 f"I!I'OO(! 01 C'y _iillhe' iii"*, ilDD"(."O" t~ IlIIOfIC1p(j "rroo .. "I t>f' ~1"n!llI'" U" t>e{l'!. a;Jpl~ a"d '"(O'DO'.''' D.;al 8( iiltle, bed '0,",.1,0" ... .,,"~'!. ~CW'( ,ltI(Io(I OI"llIrw,'ioIlI

3 P .... merg.nce "'(1rl~ (luill 6t du"tX; C·.OI'''Q (D'!''''f'I{l1l'l" pIOl'lIfOf) 0' .... ~, ~);a ... I· ... 9 bu' t>fo'Uf" ... ft""~ 0' l'OP~ e..-.,p'q"

<;{~I.I Apnl!(.,,,,nl''":>o. .. ",,'111· (<I ,~" (",.~ ,( ·Y" ';d"~~' ,.'" ( "('5,

P",,{)IlJf>I !IXO'CIIX •• rt(] H'o.O(<l~1 Du'" III Ie .~ .. ">U" ilndltou·c",'." , ,"l (,':"' .... "

.. ,!'1 iI rl ~_ 0' \ . ....,.' .. ' ... ", .. " fI'·' ., .. 1 In " • t>. ~flfOC' I,., .... , '''' ,~., ., ~.'

"(:J'pu'."{'" '''1 ;!'\" "", ,n , ... ro rl "f""~'" ... (: ""~ :("\'>' '" (, ; ~ - .1. t,.. (..'."'1'(] on 1',11 Sco .... ' .. (jt 0<'1 ~~ (. ,lul,(.,"""0 ... 0(] ~ '~~"d ... 1'1 .. " ',.'<T. n " "'f'

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Ground Apphc.t.on "':'(',. " .. 1''''1 .1" ...... , " ... ~. ~ .'w·"\ t'\' •. ,._~c: "'Ju , .... ,.,,'

" a ,...,,, ......... rrt 01 1'; <}t'"> u! ~ ... , .. , ~ .. I ~'r' ,,,, ,\, 'r' .. "'''~'S ('!"{'h. < "'v-<." I'..:l

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'" ""(ollo()n~ ill. "",,·rrt;J'" """Gil, 01 '0., ,,' "q If'M' d"" "011''''~''' 01 "'-.1.,..,,,...­:,"·\~u'" ,.! .1) p" a"d '''~;''C1 iilDP11( ",~n 1(0 P'I'''od~ .. I'Ifin ... ,f\(j \,~ (J{"'\ ",,'

.... .... r ,(, ..... ,,~ '., .~~u." "'ill ~D'.y _""'01 iI(hrlll''''''", iI"f!t(:1 ,,{l,.(enl ~ .. r~ "~"

.. n·iI'·)'" D'~"'5 a;:'D', D""II'![ iI'on" at 0"' .. 1!lf. • AAI,,,,_ b'!' ."('01" iii' iii .... n."'" ,,,,", ,I .... '''nr! ~la"( .. ('."'O: ... hn...,~""""",pldnl'\ O<ilD(j'yDu.l"r .. ["'0n<ll c-,"""'.'

", l , .. , •• ' .. ,..,.n·""um ,,"'" nd {l,Slilrxe r:I 300 to hO'" Mn5'!'~ "I."'~

... ... , • ., ~:)('''( ol"'!"'] ",",..,d" .. 0< ,.",mil" r'oiIQ"''''' ~f\(] lOarlll'~ ~""'" 1 .. ~(".,~ ~' ... l

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ern'I" P'"nllfflq.hon "'ppIICeho., ~'u~' At .. "." ...... , ,,, '''''''' " , ..... ~ ....... , ...

•. " .••. " .... ~ r·'! .. ~ ... n· .. .. '"", .. ' .. "· ..... 01''''· .. '. ~'"'''''l'''''.''''''''''.''' 'I '. ' .... i - ... ' ... .1;1(' ,_l·n """.1""" ... ", .. , (' ... "'..,""'l"' .... { .. , all,., ,".1' ',nG :,.·!t .. ·', .' ....... · .. '1\ '''. l

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... ''''1· ....... " ..... ,~. ~ PI'" '" ....... _., ,~ • . ,· ..... '.oro "~, .. ...,, .'. ,( .

Page 3: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

( D .. al~ 8E ( .. T,.,. .."t~ l'i'i0.i111 cOl'U,t'I IvflOoon. 1~1!;1"9 (:OI'IIrots a;, avtom_oeally ."ul

on "- pMllIC1de.....,.aoon pi,lmp ....." tM • .., pump mdof ~

~ The "'oQaloOl:'l J". Of .alef pump mUll ""tiu(M .. lunc.1lOnai po'euure $wIlen .l'Hcn .. II "op"'" wale' p",mp m(JIOf IfI'f\etIIM .... , PIaU,,"'. decl •• M' to the poont "',._ pn'IlICode (hslnl)uhon IS ~ a n lK1ecl

6 S~ muIIIII ~ .. ~ng p!..omp audlu" posI1 .... dltplaoe~nt II'IfIJt"IOn P"''''P tag. Chl()l'IraQm pvmpl allael,,,.I, oel'gn.,O 4."d ron5.lru(l.a of ~ ,"'.,.,. compallbW w(ll'\ pMllC:des.rod ~ 0: be .... g l.fIed .,In •• '(t'emln~

7 Do /'>OIl apply ... !'Ien w,1'\d ~p"d 'a"cor'll d .. 1'! Cl"'IyonO ,r.e oil' •• ""."'11'.0 '0'


8. P~re .. mo.'u" .,It ... mln,mum 011 paf\ Of .... to 1 ~rt he,";. • ..:odtoI.) and ,n,.ct ,1"1" mI.""" onlo II'>e canla' p'..oI \~lem In,.o,ng" '01'9" >t(lIIu~ 01. ~ ".h,,'. ""Iti.J'. per 1\0\.11 .011 ""Sl.JaU., prtJOt'1de moo. ~(u •• '" ,al,bl.hon Of ,,*.,mg IoQ~M "", ... ntaon sunlClef'III aogrtalo()t1 10 Io..MoP 1!'Ie l'Iarbot.da


9 ... .-r Into IMg.oon walef dunng enare PI'OOd d....., lIDI;JhcalhOn

10 Appty In It')" 01 .... ' Use , .... ~ *eta'..oI~ "I} ,nc"'l on Co.~l· '''''u'..:I SOlis .rw:I'I'Ie nogtlel ¥<)o'ul'ftle f 1 mch) on fIrlet' lel1'ulld SO'" Motam." 1 .nch Of •• ,ar. ~loC.'o()n m~, 18duc1l -e(I eoolrOl by mo .. "ng lhe "'·bW::.d. betI;M 1M .t'f~ 101141 on ft.e ~I

Pr.cautkln ~~pNOI ~IC.hOnl ~,. ~ • .., a.slntlLlOOrI ~nems 00n04 CJt4t'fap ,...."....~ urwcceptliblllt ~ cnmrnl ,.,~ "sulT ~,. $.CJfJfI~'" (l,S""­MO'I PIII"-m.ll ~ • .:ess.....,. Crop ...... 1)' m-r "sult

4. Dry Bulk Granular Fertilizers u~ dry butll glAnulM leftll<,..~ m .. y t.. tmPfloqnAled f}i/ (X)OIU'IIO _It, O ... ;tJ!!IE .~ or ~1eod Dual Sf I..,... m.I'U'~ ,,"1(1l ~A 'II!'9.Sle,,~(l1ot p,.,p101nlln(OIPQfillled 01 ~.II'I'I 'urtOllC. ~~hon wllocn .II. u!.te(I 10 eonlrol....edS on el~ on lhe Du.l SE loiIbe-I ilnd " .. I'\()( pr1)I'IltJrte<llrom u~1II on dry bul. g'.Inulil' '-n,111111!'1i

Wt-,en ~"9 Dual 01 Ou~ mlw,u," W"ttI dry OUI. 9'.Inul.l1 lerhllll!'!'1i 10iI0t0tw aU C!".c"hons lor uM _I'd p'ec:.Iu'lOI"\ on ,,,.. '~pec1've pr1)(lVCI'~'5 .~.a'dlnq ~.91!1'1 :.ops ... II'S Pt' .. e .. ~I'II.'u,e "PP'l(aoOll rt>elf\OC$(,nclvdong "m,ngOI app'" •. Iq" &nc!1l;UI1IfJ/'I,IJ oops

AI' ,f\d ..... odu .. ' sl.'. '\"9ul';lII",n5 11!'1.I'f'IQ 10 C"I' butlt g, .. nul.lf 'enlLllII bl.",QlnQ. ,~,~,,,!o()tl (.Itof1'I"'9 .lI'>(j .PP,,,.ll(Yl 01'" 'I're IMpo"S,t),llfV ot IrltIlna,~,du.' .na I 01

,Qn"tp~ 5oe1ltng 'he Ile'o,codllli f~f1,hle. m .. : ... 'e

P'''DiI'' .IW Q.olf1ul. ~rtl"ode I'en,hle' mIO!UI~S [)¥ us'ng al'i' clO'i.t!'d d,u"" tw!rl' 'r,t>on Of ('lI .. .,. (o ..... '·'only u,>1!'(] ':I ..... f'u'~ '1'r1"'/pI O'pnoe' """NIP'S ..... e-a TO ~P'.1 :::uolJ BE OI.-..:l 0 .... ' BE ..... ,.t,,' .. s 0"10 1"" I",",hlp, ..... uSl Doe pliII~ '0 r""'''OP u",'O'I""\

scw.v '~'i1Q1!1 'f'~ .... rt>+I:>Oe I '.~"'1.' "",,'ve <'S '00 _, use ill "oq~'Y .lIOo;.otr>!"'f! "'.1,,,,,,.1 ~V<. .. ,

illS "'~~OfO .. ';' .. ",,;t!!> ... C"Xpl l 1';')"'f'IS ~OI"~"'" P'OCULT~ COI~O'OI!'(l"l e .. ..atom-=-.ou~ •• .,n Ot " .... 'V ~fll(l CUly 10 oOl.lI.,n. cry "I!'I!' hO,*,.ng m'.I .. ," ""''1 ''''e olbSOfpfl'" m.ll11".' $ftPoil<'''I • ..,. .an" un.IQlmly '0 !he h.r~'C!Oellll"oI'I'" -"'..r'p • .-..:l blpnd'o 'Ot"" 01 SuraDle ,._ II(.M,I""Q m,.,u'. e • .,..." ... " ... ~S~ H1.l1n ;><ot> tlv -'G~ of .lI~"""" milTp"., ... f! tIoI! ~

-:: ..... ul., •• "'-'OUf'tsQIIDuillIB[ M!' ... """'fOr + P"ncep B'.IClp. P""c"p ~"'(O' ~t!.one Of Son_'.n to. !I'Ie1ollCt¥.''''9 'C''''''ulil

)I{ rots '.ut! of lo(j .. od _ PtS 01 "QUod Of i'Iowoilt,!. ;:)f 'IJIIo.H"e P'OOvC'l - p'odvc1 DIl,Ion 01 [email protected],1",_

~ at !pn,I"llllpe' .lIC'1II

)I{ 0.., P'00uCl

Pn....,~tlC ICom~.-d .," Ap('>l".IIQft (ou.,.E Alone, .... -q" "'u"',\1,ly '"'qh u'poll to<Xen",,"()t\~ ~ Ipr1 "1f1' u". 'iiteS .n::l1usty 111''''1,111.,. "'.a, c.u .... 'pr1 '·1.' """u'. '0 Ou,1d uO 01 Plug 11'1111 d,\",roUIOI nflilld .', 'u/)<ltS Ot nail·" dp"f'(101 O·OI'.~ fO """"'''''1. Ou.l!lup t:'I11'''''' 0 .... , BE ... ,n, .. "IoncomOusl,trl.I"on" ....... ii1b'. ...,' ........ OOf ., 1 10 '} p''''~ 0' ,.".,.,.1 001 pe' K" • .-..:l ~P'.y ...... u'. un,lotmlV 0"10

'11''''1'101111' """fI •• 1 0,1 .00,1, ... ""'V De us.fl(l .'1"" ". 'ert,I",,,,, O'.ndlll' Ot ""0'.":;1" '! '11'(' ,"."noOn ~""""""\ U~ 0 .... ,1·"":>'I.e o .. s ,e-::om""tl''''''''''' by CIBA e.£ IGy 'II • (f'lI,llA(. ~' .. ';oI .. ,..,cy ... , ... ' •• Sa;tJ 0.11 Dryl"'9 ~nt5 ,,1'1O\.o'd f"IOII Doe u'ioe'd

........... u",~ o-I,,<XI I .... '

"'01'91 11, So ..... a s.[);I'.'oo" 01 !h. O".al SF + ..,.n., .. ' 001 ""'.'u'. "',y <Xtu' ,n Ip .... pe",U'.'trelO'lll..:J-I' T""""UI.U,,·IO""'.W'''.'1()t'I .... s.I!'.~"""" '." •• Q,I.!'On '0"-0 ,''' 0'00"1:15 .... ,.",.., Of 'flooeO '''0Ovct5 ,.....lII~ .lIbOYe> "O-r befOre .., ...... Q ?I .,...,.... ... l .... prllQn.I''"1q 0 .... , "E ,n I troII"OIt' helot • .;app!oCOIII()t'I , a ... , """U'~ (.lin

~>4' .11,.".0 0, ""t,~, I,,' "Q • ~'y "Q "QI'r' '0' """t".' 0" T",,, u~" <), "1~f)'tJ \ '_c"..,..~fI(j ""'"' '~"'~' 1,,,,,,5 r:-' "~\<.YDf·'" "'.'fI'·.'~ . " {1'.,nq .lQ.nl5 .I'. ",J{

'1"<.0'"""">4'''''''''' 10' .......... ', .. U" T~ (,,., .'"'(l' .... n.'rOr ...-:Iu'p,.,..'"

t'-';'uIIC , '1) __ A::c-.,."!II''':>I ...... )~...,., '·'Dunol."..~.e{)u.'8f OI'{"'.'R£ ""'~""'t on ,In'T>Onr"tn ,q'.'e PIJI.n,UfT' ".I_.r. ()I ,0(1,,,"'" "':·.f" P"/'o#ll' ... _ O' n~, •. ,,, ,~""" "''!''.l.~ 'h ( ..... , "01 (~,...,., .," ... , ()/ [).,.' ~E "'"s ...... "'''''' .... -two::..,. _" .. t''''Q'' ,_.( ... fr"<>~''''.'' ,I).],) 0, Of 1.....-- suC-tOh(af)l"'" If]~'" r. ,1,:~,.,.." .. s. ( ..... " "1 -)( :' .• ' "f """'"_'",,, 1/"'9"'1 """""".'" \,",. 'V"",,,. ....... _.or.-..;wi"".' "'_1 t .. '! Ie' """0'1 r~."""'fJ"~t~ ell"r ... '''''''""?,,,''IIId


"C.I"' ..... JI') ~ P"""'~~ ."'. " .. '! " .. ~ .. , ... ".1 If" .... 1>.'" poo ••• ,. • ". :-." , .. ~" I~

.;t·,," .. ..,.',·.. ~',' .~ .. " 1 ... • ... r"~' .. ",c.'f'.I' .. 1·I,l~ .. " ~'-.-, .'''''1' , .... '! ... ': c", I, . t ... ,... .I,o{'''' 01'"'''' II ' .... ".'tl .... lf1t' ''''''''1.'''' .1 .. '.

~ .. ,,""",.., .' ", ,,, .......... ;. \\ f'.' '"'C - .. ,'. '0 ." "n '''' ..... "t"" ~' .... n ~ ~ • .1"..-.' "'I. .. '

" , ..... 01' ,' ..... ,". _, ",,_ ~ .' .... , ........ " - ,,.-._,,,,,..... ''''.'' ~ •..•.. , .. ' • '''.I ,,_ "''''' •. ,., 'o',' I "1!1 ~ .',,'" . 'n '"'' v .. , "'oil. --O( ,.", ......... , .""

r,n' __ r~ ~ .... l . ...., ..... ,'e.~ .. _" ~ A'eol' .. ~ •.• ", I ,.,.., .. , ........ "." ,n .• , ..

• ,...,,,ao1' ·011~,.,.,.t.'.n" .. ......... ',.~ ... r'." .. ' .. ,~".#' .,~ ...... . · ·,r,.: (''',f .......... ~. 'Af" .",,' "" ... , -

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~u.1 BE Applle~!,lone _._

1 WHCb; Con/roI*,



C'lIbQIa&S ttowbOCgo ....

'.11 pAnteum lo.ta,l mIllet 9, .. nt 10., •• 1


9, .. n to.,&/! p''''". (upg,.IU .eO ,oe. ,>,q" .. IqI.SS

(R'acl'll"".' ,>oulrrw.Sl.,n

CUP'Q'''!.S WIIChgfU'

tJ./ac. n'gl'l~lloid. ("'~ ~ 100'10. puSIII,

9"I"~og8 P....-~J "'-1fI."r (A:)ntrulle<1· common pulSllIn. F'olld. begg .. ..-.o·· n.,P, nlgl'l'~I'l.O. s.ndOul See<:lhng JOl'lnsor>g •• U ~I'IA".'C.n. 1 .... s p.,,>cum···

If'()ju"'''' SOfg"'Ym Mkl prO$O ",111M

• SM G.roenUlntorm.11on MChon Conlf()l o/lheM! weeas C.n o. .... ,.C dull p .. I1I&Jty1O "._I.DIe _.1 .... ' con(htoons Conlrol moly DIIlmo'~ try IoIlOooo lng I""'~~,

1 TtlOfOUOtlly 1111 "'0,.1 WoOII 10 des'fOy gAI",I"."ng IIInd .m~'91!'(] _&ot1'!. 1/ Dual eE 1110 t.. p'.pl8nt .nco_pot.ted '1'11$ I,Uao- m .. y t.. uslKI 10 ,"COlpOl.'. liE II un,lolm 2 .nell OflCOfPO'."O" IS .. , Il'.".d .. ~

I~ommert<l&d tiro., A~11on Pror;II'dtlNlL

2 Ptilnl (to(l .nlO mo,!.1 SOl' '",,,,II<II.tety .h.t ,11'.0. II Ou;ll' BE '5 10 bill

u~ ° "'rne't;IIIflCe apply 8' P'.I<"""9 0' "''1meol~'~'" ." ... pl~"".f'I<;J

3 1/ ."",I"bIe. s.prlrMl;!er If'IigIIIl ..... 111'1." 2 doll'!. .".' &pp'"aoO" ADP'¥ '·'1 I ,nch Olw.llI.f U~ ICJtI¥M W.lI.' wo/ume ('/2 ,n.clllon coaf1.e ''''u'e<l '-CHiS • .-..:l "«1"'" ~I'u"'" (I ""ochl on I,~ re.rufl!ld SOliS ",,50 'fI!'ello /I'e M'{I-on 0'1 <AnI*, PIW'OI IlTlgtiltorI APJMiCIIIUon 10. 1"'5 methOd al.l<~Y""9ll ... a' BE

" ""I'9."on 15 ro:)f pos~tbIe and f.on 0Qe5 n.otI oceu' wl'~m2 d.~ ~"'.I P1il"!'f'I<;J .. nd olOC'I(."en ..--l conlrol tn..Iy bII Oe<:IIII.I<seod Undl'!' ,,,.,se eO"a,I.Ons

• unl\ofm. ,"ill"""" Cun''''.II>Ot'I ,5 l",omrnendeO as soon .. s ~s e"'f"g"

'-Foo- O .. rt,.1 Canfrol oll""....ed .... M. m,n,m ... .." 012 PIS fA ."d .POly p~

f'mp'qene. • •• Fof' eonlrOl 01 IIl.S weed us..iII m,n,mum 012 pIS J A .nd .PDly ''''Cu~''

~ C.nle, PI ":II "'09,IlOn system

2 Rot8Uona' Crop. OU81 AIOn.· (11 " CfOP " •• 'I!(] *'1" Du.' Sf S IO!>~ .n:.- ,'O(IQn 1!"1.~ '.ilt.oI!'l"' •• ~ IPo'.nltK1 'mm.e<l'OIll!1ly Do no, ""a.e.l ~""ono ~'C OIl)

(ollo' .0P'".I,(,n 01 Dua' S[ 1\ ,,.,,, ('fIg'"'''' ilpP'oC.!,on .... s b.i."C~ ~ ... o "'I!' ~f'o( ( ~cJ

"00 15 Ol.llnlf!l(j ," II'II!' "nl'~.IIIK1'CM m,(l(:les • "ofI(:{.<>C: D""O&O lIe.ll:..,.,,,1 ~,j~ (-II

a(lploed ~'}l BiI"ev W\~ '1f' O •• Il#lloill mOly be ..,'OI"!IIIO"· 2 '"X.o"'1"~ 'O,L:- rq "1'.11

... ",,1 .lI:IOIII ..... aV OoItplan,ood" ... " ... 1"\ /o1:o-'f'IQ .lIPO'o(."G" 'JJ ...... , C'JC ( ... ,~,~

"Df!1 .n .od,I,un Ie '001 crops o."e¥ t..J( ...... f'0I1 ..... ·'0 ~'d~ '(II' III' "'~I'.'

ma~ t.. pl .. nlll(l '" lrae SP""9 tOUOW'"9 !'eOllme,,' C,(»tI!t, ~ •• twI ~.IIIC9C 9 "'C""', ''''''o-,nq 0I0P"(.lI!,0'1 Dc; nOlI}'.lJe 0_ l-.l I:_"dqe (;' 'Cl><7:::p' ., ....... L( "C'''') .~,.~..-.

A" 011'1111' 'O!.',ond' ~'UPs m,jy De o'iII"'P<l'E! "''''''I's a~f" a~,.,c.'·~" ,4, ~'.' ( ..... ,~." .lI '.a¥ by" •• 'menl QI ""'Ul{,pl. 1' •• ,mllntS .lIpp,,1ta t". "'fI!'oOO"S ,>"" ... 0n a"~ ('O(J ~'r

t",s 1.lDe1 ""'.y tre pl.."Ied ,n Ihf! sP""g At! Olr-e, fOl.',on.' (''l(llo """"1 tot! ~ 0I-'~ ·s ""onl"5 ." ••• '.y tJ'y OI"p"(OI"on oU.1 T.nlo; W'.Iu,.. ~')< Rol.IIO"" Crop. ,,.,IIl('1lOnS 100 OuOl' 6f u\eo<1ln I." .... ,.Iu'l'~ 'f"P' to ~~p "·"'tp"'(lM~. '''\'',," Q' ~

.\t\ovII'O' 0,,01: B( iII"IC 10'"'' ,p\ptIC\'_ ptOClu'1 .Itw!r" oI.lI"', "" "I} ~d"'"\f"'S' ':' ,IQd.,oonar ,at.menI5! le'l.'fl(~tOoS

J"'POnll"l ""n,.,5 To .. ~o'a In,U')' 10 lOI.i~'{'' 11"01"01 c-,' "0~' ., ~.:;, ~,:. a::.·. n'IO'. ,..,.n) 'OS .' QII melO'.(t1l0' 13 pts 8~.I' FIE I "'M"'f"~n(p ',"e ... ,~ "q ~'P p'OInl ~u"iII('" p'pp'.nt ,"CO ..... 'OI!eo 1Y'~'r'iI"'! "'r"'·;\('~·1'C (I'~ I : r

"'.r.e (.'1' by Of 0(""" posllll"'fl<qe .•• POr.C<I~,C1"S ('I 0_ .. , Of

C. Citrus - Nonbearmg - Oual8E Alone and CombmatlOns

::'I'ul ,"('u",r1 .. · .. ~#11·'" " 1 .. ,"",,,'1. ~I'" ('d"<lt" ·d~.e':~ ,,_~ .'-:.0"1

• ~mQuill'S '''0 ,,~O< CIS (" ... ., ....

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$'""" ... , .. ", [).(> n", ;l()P'Y 'e 1'_, I'OI"'P'OI"'.c;"·''';'''i ,;.y.. 'I/IO;S ''''olin ' .. 1 ... >-,~...., "'-1. 01"'" ., .. ~" .. \\.,."s OI'Oun., '!"If! T'eeS ...... " !""'I'~' "11(' ". '{ .('{l ".,-,'~'" ".. ~.

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n,.t. '.~"'!

o Corn - Dual 8E Alone

... ". .t. ~! , ..,,) .~ .. ~.'~" "''-'. u, ,'" ~ .... ' ... , .. ~'e, .t.~ ,.

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.' ......... , t,' .... '0 t" .. ",o"~

Page 4: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

( Dual' BE ( On ....:l'um .ndl, ..... ' •• '",'-.d SOtI •• "r..,..n...,.,ul't'l 00 no h~.rslllr."'lin Of: ~O MI N¥ ()t-I, PA IIA and WV ~.p;artI .urt~ ~1Cat1Ot'Olt mtI, D<t ~ 1oMow1"9 'he OII'-.c100nS lot UN aoo.-. II 'he amou",c;J r.,n/WI,....,.tn un"'~ "-nqI1'I of -.d control 'DI~nQ ,"'- •• rl .. , 1~'lmenr .• potIII~. ~oonOl.n ~'I' I,o...a broaOlea'anc:l/Of O' .... .....-d 1'IIefboode",., tM used, " o\.AI •••. BICep 1 " 0 a,,.,,,..'. B'"aQ<'I't'~ Of b~f'III !8rgm.n.,....()f 8uc1n!4f) II th. posl.,.,.rganca !1 •• lmanl ,"cluda. 11'1, harb,c"" USed pr,planl , aw4«<:l 00 f\OIallCI'«I I .... 100a"lbe'-d la. tot com 01'11 ~ ~i 1'.1~ Obser ... all O • ...cI'oOflIliI;)l uN ptkauloons al10d hrrwLatoonS on lhe label of 'he P05M~f9*flII .... 'bocw:M

P.-.p.", !nc~~01 ~rne'P8""'C' foIl(J,.. ,n\I,I.JoC'fIOtlS 10< uN 01 Dual 8£ "c~nl! unolf' AppUcaUo" Proc:.(h.l,.. On coww S(lOjs ~ I ~ "1 prt I II OIIliutJ tlf " OIlJa,uc mana_ con''''' IS leSS ,"'.n J'Mo Of 2 pI:S I A ,. orQAFllC m8net COI"IIef'IC., J~

01 gr ...... Onrne.:J""'"~I.'Ppl'l''2 '2~pe IAOIDuall!l£ Onf_soofs.apoty2 '2~ ptS I AdDu,'I!IE ,I CJ1IoAnoc mana/coni .... LI..-ss'han~.Ot '15 Jpcs l/It.lorganl( "'lIna' COfI •• f'lt ,I J~ ()I g'.",., LAIr '"" l:l •• tendl .... du'.!oon~we.(lttJntrollncom amu,mum'-*lOIIJjXS II. Of 0\161 8E may be app..a art •• COt" ""'geI.c. Ul"lhllTW t:otn p.atD r.«f'I 4()

,not".' ,1"1 heogM IoIlow,"'9 I"y prl;:.!a"' surf ..... &4)pI..a ()qpI.nI '1"ICOI'pOf.led Of

p ... .,...'9'ttX. he'bocoOe I+lplK..II01'1 ,rodua,rog Ouel 8t: F'OI ~SI l'*iuRS. applo<:" 10Qtl' s.hould be madill 10 50<1 'riM Ol • ..".~ -.b and d,~eo::IIOWetd's Ina tlas. 01 co." p4.nts," •• (~01 ~ ,nches 'all ,'",& I~I DuaJBE '.lIleappl-:!oocor" ou"1lQ

."~ one ('oc rea' ,nC1J1d .-.o! e.ceed 6 ~ I A depend''"'9 on s.ooll •• 1~ and WIIoJ Pf"O~ Mm.t - P.rhal Control· f.or more conSfSMnf p."';l1 rontrOl 01 SI1;1nerca .... Of ... Id p'o..o "",II« .lIpply 1 ~ "} ta I A 01 Du.lIl IE p'''p,ant ,"CO'PO'II." tollo ... ed t:~ \ ~ "l P's IA 01 Du.' elE D' •• ""II.genc. M;lle 11'111 ~ltHm.'g.n.c •• PD',UI,on du"ng 01 ;Itteo' p'olnl'NJ bul be'Of • ....-H.lIoeI co." a""'Qe Avp!y Ihe;> ~s I A 'dle 01 O".'Bf ....... ". he...., ."I.'il.11()n ()I $t''c ..... 0< "',Id prow m,U" 's e'Df'W"1&<l A sna,1CM (I.',,...a,,o<> m." be ~ bKcJt,..'''g ,,,,.

p'Hme'Q8nc. &j.)p"UlI"'" :0 conlrOllny ,., •• merq'NJ s!'I.nerc ..... Of ... ,Id PfO">O m,I"-I !=W.ntS

~I I') Do 1"10( ~y '""O'.ln.n I""" 'lbeled.llpploo:::a'lOf"I fall b 1 ~5O<IIe.tu,e pel l4al ."he, a.s. S.onqll 0' o;pl'll'e.\I .... 1"III Of "'''9aJ ~ues m.ay ,esult I"}) In (011"1 Dull Bf m.y be us-ed ... p 10 '" pts I A as .'t~1 • ~p4Arl1 surfac. ptlOl.n' ,nco< DO','ed Ql pl"~'9t'not. l'III'''''l'Inl on SOLS ~"'9 "n 0IG.nlC mane, CONe,,", ~·.I .. e.n 6~ Ina"}()~ 131 '" ,ne e ... nl 01 e$CIDI 01 1..,1"1 .... 1 brO .... II .. eed'l 1oI1CM'rl9 a p'«I'anl $,,"'.' •. p'epla", 'I'o";.O/'PO'ated, Of PI..-nef1}lt"lCe tle.lmenl 01 OUI' BE 'OHOW ... ," a POS'l!'rner9ft~ II,DPUC.IOO"I Of an ilCP'OD"'1Ieiv tit>f'lf'd b·(,oId'IJ.' .Ina I o. 0;'015-$ ~ re't"e,de ,e AAlrf," BICep Blom,na' P,,,,l'''' 8an_, o. '). D ",''" r..o<;tj',,",O!ttq.efXlI'I 1~<I'me"l .IX'lude .... 1~ I'\ertJ-c,oe ~ ," '''e e." ... ~'e.\""oen ;1C ~CJI e .. ~ I~ '01.' iaboi!'.eod 'ille lor COIn on a \1''''"'''

.. 0·1 '"''u''' I~I 8'om,nal c'. ~'-("" m .. y toe app'-:l po<;lem''''Qt'tXe ,.("In .. 0' ," 'oil". "' .• (0"""''''.''0/"1 .. ,'" •• :'18' lio "C" e"eed 1 ') it!!. a .. '" 01 I<AI .... ,n ' .. ,~. "',. v:. ... ~,"<I"O,., .. ,I" B':'T1,·'.i 'Y Huc"" P051e,....I!"q~nro., ~e·t'. '0 "., .. B·O ..... "OIII t:I"l~' 1."'CA,A1't'1 'a~'5IQl"",-:,'-C ,a, .. s,an<jp'I!'(;I ... Io(l"S, ''»Oo'''(",,~ rl~.' Sf 0" DII.' ,",' ""u-(. <;(, t<;

E. Corn - Oual8E Combinatlon5

G~., 8~ ,n .,,~ tan~ """.,,,'''I'Ot eo.~ 'e'c"p! ltuoiI' + A..AJ't:!. p'.Jo<o·t'me-<~ .. n(e tlr><l 8~ .. ' + BiI~"'" ~",,",e,·~ .... (t!I"'iI~~"" ."Ioc ... fIo("j • ., .. ,weI 0' .' ..... (1 t .. "., It'. u',@o",..'~

.... '.,." Ine S,,<ll + A..k, ... c" 'f"l0!' G~a. + O""rt" po<iIP~'qt'n.:."I ...... "'· ... s

1, Tank Mixture With AAtrex or Princep. or AAtrex plU5 Prlncep - Preplant Surface. Preplan! Incorporated. or Preem.!rgence

~d"tOn '0 'I'>I!! ~s [0"1'!"!11ft(j by 0".' B~ .~ D".' BE. + AA1.I!" Of P"Nf't' . D~,'I!tE + Mlfp. + p. "'top ot;>pl.,.,1 o~" ... nl \ur1oi1f"e C,' .... "' .. N .f"l(0IP0'~1""1'"

;.,_m"'ql!'l"IC" .'<;0 ~(")I"OI'''''~ '"'' to:'~'''q --:r~ I'''_''''>{> ; ... ndu"" r .... '''~'u' ~o .... mon pUfS'anl!! "'oil'" ~'9"'sn.rl" ' .... t\q".n .. f .. "Hj''''''''11'0', fdq .... O!'f"l \,.,.rr...-c .nd w1Il~"

"pply 0 ..... , Sf + A,Ar' •• 0' P','lf'I!'P ~ O .... ,ef + A.Al'I!!. + P·'''~f'Of'·l'f>er D'"O'.l''''' ~"""K. p'epl."" ,na.><pot.'f'd 0' pf_ ...... 'V"'"><: 18

P"!'{>I.'" Surf.C. ADOIIft<J F-;,!'OW .nS'fu<:I.O"'\ 10/ u". 01 Du'" iIf .10". '· ... 0 ... Appt.caU(M'l Procl'dU,.... .nrJ "f\Qe' ... r· ... c ,II-on '''oo;l'vc100n~ '''''' {':...<I' M ' .. ('n (Of" "'Wy Ou" elE. + A.At ••• Of PrnulP Of 0",,'8t • ~'P. + P'.n(l!'t! 0" ... "."· .... '"~OOI'(').,~\I,,,oI~;lJaI8f + 1;.pI'IIIC)l ........ • ..... '-(·.~··f"l(" .. c4, c·. A.AJ·p •• l + P"n(..D4ll:0fT'!J·n"'<lI.f\(jQt\f'''''SOoISI;~ 30'" ,IIuIOu.''''! • 4'" D'S'A 0' "''''I,p. <ilL O. P. nCeO.l Of II ... '·e <ilL + P,,"""0 4l (O ... ~ ~ .. " ," __ .r ..... ",., 1'''.Ql'Ir><lno ,.II'QI S~le'T1''''CO 'l ,'~ ' ... "S .Y ",o."j \lie ... , '.1 "0 <;0 T.., ..... , oIf"1od 'NY IIO)Oly 1'"1& !.,,~ "'''·,,' \P',I Of \,"Q'-'f ... ',... ... ",." ''''--'"'1 ".',,, aM.5 ,ncllC"..-:l.n!". Ou"l'il' • ..,,,.. P ... pI.", Su"'~c" ",~,D' I!'<:I \!"ct.nn ~ •• ". 'U". I,,. (0<" 0 ... ~00I'1. SQo'S .pp', l C'·\ I'" "I i..,,0I' Pf 6""'}; ~,'\ • A,'

....... p,. •• l 'J' p""'.P.l Of ",,!f"'''l + .''' ....... 0.' ,.,,...,,.,,...,

&''?'~a'''' I<>(,O'fW"J'I'~()t P_">fII'?"'" • f""'_ ~'''u' ,."n" ".' ., .. '01 :,,, .. ' k( ." ... "':fI· "'OOIO<II,on Proca-du ... "0(.', (; -' .... ' flf + "A ..... c·, ~ , ", .. :- "': .,1' ,,' • Ii ........ + I" n~ 10 ""."'~ "'I!! ",-,,","o{l' "'fI"'"" ......... T~I,'e'

"~ r,') "01 'CI{"y .....,,-, ••• ~ .......... '.t.of"...-:t ,~ ... ">' • (1'_'" \""' ..... ,'" C ... , V., .. • ....... .

., • \~.,.,..,., \'nq" ..... '--..'" 'J< _ .. <I' ....... .-:" .. , .... , ' .. ~ .... ,' and WIld Pro50 MIII~t - PartIal Control I", '""'" (n"\ <;1 .... " ...... , 'l""'" _,I \" ..... , •• -.... of ... <0, r"' ..... _ , ............ '.. ~, ~!

, Il',,,.fIo"] ,r- ... ~. "-"1',-,'"'' , .... J"."' .... ,.. , .... ' ..... ~ ~ .... .., .'~ '.,.' ' ..... .... ,''- "(J .. ".,',.. 10<."" "-1. t"" ..... ':'"

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. ~, .. , , '~""." ,'" ... ') ...... ,. "' .... ~ .. ,.l .. ~' .. "i C ,~, ,'" ,! " j" ••• ~ •• .t"' •• , ' ....... ,." ., .t'

... " 18--""'/*

'AI"",. II~~ ... '.~'· ", , ... : .... .;, ........ ,n ,,' , ••• "" ...... ' ,. •• , .. • ".'_r·· ... f .... • .. ... ,', .. .., .. ' .... >"'~ ... ·..,.,l·,.·""r'l' __ - .. , .... ,,' ..... , .... ~ ..... · ... f •

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.. , .... ~ ...... , '""1>("1 .... n'·'·C .. ,,~·..., ", .• ~ '.., • ,._ ....... ,...." •• ;, ".1'.

'[!" .. ,.IIf "~1'" ,'~, A:~ "'If .\.f·".·" ..... """'.I"',n~,.>o''''''''''''';'' 'l.~·.(fl·.r" ..... t_" ,,,,_,,,,, ,w, ." ... .1." '"'' , ......... ".1 ........ , {" "',,.,.

1 .. ' "'OJ ()O" ."'" "' ...... ,"9 ~,~, r .... Irtr"~' • ....., "Y"."""""

• f--oI pal1'''' (OO4,ot oI"'Hdpl'ot.Om,tIeI onl, apply Du.'8E ~fOItX.a. I!> "} ptS ,,,, ~ by. post.mer~fl( • .,Ph<:<I.Ioon of Prowl pillS BI.doIi. allaOeI~

'I'.' H.I •• 10'''. P,o.t ana St.d •• I.bltt' 101 applo(l"O" ''',,'uCl·ons Pn" apphcaTlOnl of p'( t:llad •• may ca<A4 «(>In ,n)Ur..,

Pr.caulOOfl ~lOIbM.or"IQl""appl1C.rtto::wYraogorMtlllflVtl"lblo", I <II~ .·"'II/owlt l utr"'.11On m.., 0. r-aao an.r rha ~rpoenc. N OXIs~e .,DP"J(;./ltll1 I'I"l """P COftfIU;.fly j" .m.rptnl1.,'llr..tUI'" 0' ""lid prose m~'-f pI.n/5

1W{)ffJ Do~fI.(eed~tQ(,,'oI3pts 1"",otD"aI8f ,ntl'!lp'~"""noc{)<wfa'ft(j,·I ... ' Of •• me'Qen(1I .,)pr,e al,on On SO,,' ... ,11"1 '18$' ,nan f:,~ 0'<;;"1"1" mOIl"'" " ". D ,','''')" rna, OCCUf

TIb'. 1 Dual IE + AA,,.. Ot Prtne.p. Of oua' IE + AAt,.. + Punce-P.

__ ~~~~~tMl_"_P_~~!...rvenc. - Ccwnc... ____ _

SO" TI'I'u~

CO ... RSE



• .. ,c.· ..

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BlOoIdcas' Rat .. ~ A.c,.

i U .. TI't., 1'" ---T---l~ o'Va~~ M..~.r , O'Vanlc ... n., h Of G .... t., t-------- - ---.---~.

, ou., elf ou., elE Dual IE Du.1IlE + +

AAI,... AAI~.

N,ne·O'· OR Nln.·O··

+ PlIf'Cep Pnncl'p

CI"beor' go' CahtJol!'of90" . "--r-

l:'S,<.pts 11iS'~p,~

; . I , ;>.' 'u$ If:," It><;

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, ., .. : ~

+ ~ " ~.~

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+ + AAt,.. AAltiU

NI".·O· OR NIn, 0" o.

Prlncep CI"bPot 90'

, J 2 ;> '~""

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• P"n(pr

C,I,ber 90'·

. , , ~~ , :' ..

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..... ~,,,,,, u~ -." .~,. ... " .... '!,,'I' "';~ ,<I ~f + AA"'" '. " .. 0) + '" "'''., Cd .....

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V" ... ;.. ...~ .. .., ~"d" ·,.V,,'·."" (' ('4~'r"'\~' '01' 'J~ '~~ I'''' ... (_:to-": y , .. 01 • ;:. ,1 0" ..... " ... + ;', r,,.:.: ""'!'oi'::: r' ." .. 1 , 'd',,", ~ .t" ••

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:, A ' .. ,",: .,' A",pf>. C '." ~ 't> ,,! I, "'''p ''''~r-:''''''' .......... ~ .. .. d~'''' \. "'0\:.'''''' •..• lili' ..... , ~,\. .",., fj'!'N a"., 1'· ........ p.L d"oj ~ ... ..


'" I , ~ ... '"'' j' .... , ....... ~".~ ... :., .. <I.or: ........ " .... ! {.,n" .... ' on t ". ' .... ,,"": •• .,

o\:~"'''' J'~ ',P"V" ~d1"'f" ";',", .. ;", t'~ I A,.,' A.A!·el ... ," .. n CO' "'j.'.,1 ""I • ...... " f .... : ... , ~~ --I: ( ',I\·V" ,.v·...,. ~iI""''' ',~ ... , .""100.. .... 0' " .... 1."'. + p.,~. fop ......... l .', C'~ ,. ,':', ... , hf

2. Tank MIxture wI1h AAtrex Post£'mergence

'.,'",,,,·','.1',', ................ ,' · ,:",""~

•• I~· ""J ' ".,.", .'.1 ..... ' .. '~ , ..""" ...... ,'

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',,, ... ' .. ,., ...... "",1· .. ,.'o,' ...... '".. ...... ·' ••• l .,{ ... ''',..'~l'' .. .' ~,


Page 5: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

( Dual"' BE ( T.n~ ", •• tu'" 01 Oual8t plus AAI,.. may N ~oIod 'OI~ uN 01 an, reqrt,'ared P'eptal'll Surtac.-aw...-l PfWP'anl inCOIpOrale(J Of PfW~. com I'>e'bocode ,nch~ o....I8E pllM AAll'tr.

NoIrI TN klIAI Dual liE r."~noI-':....:Je ptI . r\Of , ... AAlr •• ,ate morw than .. 1M ao .... ''"'0'«1..,..' Pt' lie,.. du""V any one crop "".,, Ot 11~.II"od~t may I.sull Ra'a' to 11'1. ""Ira. I.batlo. Qa04il'aph,( SOoi , •• Iuf. and 1011l1,ona. reslrlC'hl)o"d

3. link Mbture with Bllde. (Field Com ond 51109e Com Only)

In .ad.hC", kllt>O -', C'O'1lru1l11d by evalll£ 11I0I'>4l D".,8f • Ill.;)!!o .. , ,,',e.:! p •• plant u'IoCOtpor.ted 0_ p'_me'gence, .,to CO,.,IIOI, I"'. IOliow,nQ t"oaalt!la' -n ,..-nsonwe.ed l.mbtQv.~. mu .. ~, reg.Md. ,,,,~ ~ ...... ~>fKIUI6 motnmQQk'JI)·. and ... ""'-'1, •• ,0 • Partial". u)rl'lroU~

SpIo"' .. 'M'11ni Inalruc1lOna f "Ihe,.".,. tank 0I'"ItI burth lui WII,II'I ""'.,., al'ld start .-1Of'I W,*" USM'IQ BIIodeII "" IAI'IIl rrut-.",.., , .... edd. tompIIIobIMy~. auc.l'l U Unrta Of Compes. 2 J trts. 11009111t' ('f 1Df1, "'.llu'" Tl'\en aoolne Blade.ano allo_ It 10 D«'ome o<s~ The" aou , ..... I'oerbotldes f.-qo~I.fl<'l kw Ian" m,. .,ttl 81adoro, allOrt'ng akl'l 10 tully (I,&petY blifrore aoa1ng ,,,.. reS'! of ,he ",.,.r Of

l'Iul(l lert,I'lef Add lhe a'- hert>oc~ on 'he toIlOw""'Q ~ (1)' nowables <II1'ld •• n.tlie poweI.''S I,,~, '''." tlo-atlles, IQllo-ed by .muII",.bl. conc.n".'e, AQd COt'ltK1 herboC.:IH 1.&51 I •. G •• mean .... Supel 01 ROI,Indup )lqlla'e du"r.g m,.,ng Ind IpphC~lon 10 ""<II,n'a.n I un.IO''''' SuspenSIOn Tank m,.,u'.s .. ,'" BI*," sr.ovld '101 be al~ 10 stana •• thOut <IIQ.t~tQn E mDl)rtl'le ''''Iy tank Ou""'9 I~ s.pt1'l""'O (· ..... '1On II lIuod lertll'l.f'S 11. us.ed a, CI""f'S.. c"ec-' lhe (QInjia" blilty of taN; !'"',Uu'M (0<>11>"'''9 Bla.cID by uS'!"log 1M (OITIpellblllfy r •• t ," I .... c.r..,.llnlQnn.Uon MtCIoor: (]I. Ih,S IIOeI

P .... pl.,~1 Incorpor.'.d or P .... m.' Apply Dua' fiE • BI.ele_ p'ep'anl .t"I("OIDOfIl80 Of p'Mm.'qel1ot:. us,ng the 'POIQPlllt. 1.1'. Table 2 rolloww '"~fucaons trot ute 01 Dual 8E i:iOOe ~ "'pPlleluon Proce04Jre ..

T~ 2' Dual tE + B~I - Field Com .ncl511~ Com Onty - 8Ioadca.t RI'" ~ Ac:.~"=-______ _ -----·f P9t"clt'lt OrQank WI""" in 50rr

Lao .. Than l~i t-2 5-' ! 25·"'" ,

COARSE ::' .. n<l ..... m' , .. 'Xl




~~',~'~~'~;;': ! :J'qa".( .... ~'~efl I

- ------------------+~------ ..

I Pta. : pta I Pt.. . ! Du.11E I Du.llE. : Dual.E .

"'. • " ..

Bled~1 oil •

~)() .... en '.,

Duar IE.

• • • a .. a .. a ..

B'ld~. oil • oil • BI,de. oil •

12515.0 ~51:o:..

• • • 6 1" , 4 1 6 ' ·s

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; I 1/14 I '" ~ ~... ;

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----_ .. - ~-• "'''en "s.f'lQ Br.ilde. !!.O'N 01" B'oIIC!PI %Of ... ~P 1!''l,,'.oII,e',1 '.illt>~ (1~",,, ~,I 4l

lIKIuolll, 1 }!> ItI' ol8(J\lol Ot 1 , :t>~ 01 BI,j<1PI 4CDJ

... Tar.k Mixture!! With AAtrl!x plus Blade. Formulations (Fll!ld Corn and Silage Corn Only)

".~ See T.n/l Mlrtu,. ••• 11'11 ~e<.I,"'., 'J' t", 10II~ I", ~V"" '0<: """"q "'~.Hu(;"on,

AppI,Duall!l£ + fIJu·e •• A'0II,1 ... ["fI,,"'''' '''''''D<'''''''''l 0' D'_ ...... "J ..... ' '" ,~" Of" . \"q "'II ".' .. \ I'~ ... '~~." 1 ;''''''''C' ''' ........ ,' ... ,,~,~~. 0II~'" H', .. ~ ,." ... ".,t~ · ... e G."I •• I Inlo.m.'lon \" "~ •. ~ ~ ... r ", ',~,.1'·· .", •. , ~ ; ''', ~," ,., .1"<1

.., '011'.",,·\

Aoquon.1 C~: ,..... kI the (fOP f~oQn ~~ b" 0....1 fit .1Ona on Ih ... libel .nd lOt AAlI"ft a:ncI 8Ieo.. ItIonI QI1 thew ,....,.a,~ IabIII

Tao" 3 Dulr IE + ............. - F~ Com.".., Sliage Com Onl, Ikvedc ... "-II ~I ~le<I Of Pr--venc •

~~t ~attk ".n.t" In So,r

Lao .. ThM 1~ ~;-S-.-- T -- 2 S--4~ - 0 .... '4'" ~--.--- ---.-- --

Pt, Pt, PI. PIa Ouar 'E Dull IE 0.....1 If DUIIIE


COARSE ,,,'"

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filiE Sanoy c 0I~ Io.ilm ~.II~ (I •. 10 .. ",

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"'0(')(11 ,ro .. ,.,."fr<I.b " ""dtlf"1

• lbL ......


• lb.

...... t .... Nln.·O·

• .... AAII' ••

,.. .... ·0'

• • "'" fttecle. oil·

all 01. at..d ••• l· B'-de. "l •

\ 25 15

• . " •

1 S I 7~ ;>

• • 7 1 ~ ; T S

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• ., , 75

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, , ;;> ?

........... " ","~'q """lfer "ll"lC; "At·.,,> fl~ B' ... ~ ... .., Yo -., h'd ; .... : f ~\6

l"'Qu''''''ent'iII!IIS ()->e't) cj A.A/.fO> .... ,"" 0 fO':h,.1.' ~ ~ '~'" " '" (: .. " • ;"Jlo"". 4, C',

'1 'OS o'AA:'e'6(1'I'V O'le~f o!\j'iI<le'''l ......... '5' .'<,'!'~ ". " ..•• '", ...... " .t'~ o! B'ilIC". 9C()f Use 1Owf" 'l.'," o! AAl'el ,.., ~ ........ ',,'f' .... p.p ~. -," .. ,j'

*t!'f'o1~ ,a'fO "01" ..... .,,0' p,,:>tI'e'"" u .. e 1'j.t.;"fO' '.ItP~;)' V"". _f"f" ~".I" ., ...... .1

• ;\f'I~ ('! ~~C'" t"oa< .. eflOS as ("C"f'~U' ..,c' .. , .... ,c; F.', ~~.! ....... ,,-: .! .... j

,,,,_",,, .. ! "'18 e.peo:::t8d!o t>oI '"fI <lom,na'" -.,.os (I, ....... ",

5. Tank Mhr:tur'l! with Banvel ;>.....,~'Vt''>Ce U\e TI'.~ '.Ink m";u'e OOlyO,"" '."\C (V'" ","',(r> • I,,,: , < ~) ,n l .N '''' VN Nf OH SO .,nd WI

"",~C! !,O" 10 I"" ~s (onlr{"orl~ by 0".1' fl,f ~ , ...... _.I' t<f • ,. t'.,.. "''''

; '''#''''''":jll,,'e .i''>O ~:J""O'~ ·d ... t' .. a".1 ..... ·~ ,~,;"",,'j s~ ., ....... .,: .,.,,~~.

"''>t'''-.c· .... ,yn"'QqIO<,· .""oj Vjlol-.e!II!'."

"I'CI~ D".11 Sf + A .. f1VtO' p·""t',"",jIo'9f!"ce f:j.O"Cl( "~1 I.,.. A,' !,~ ....... , .. ,t. .- ;., ...

." Deoolll "if on "'-"um So.lS Qf .. ,tl';;> l., pis I A cI OUoll 8l 0" 1'1"11 ),)." ().' "l'" ","",

.,,, ( 0.'''" '()lIS ()< on SQ.IS ... m "SS fh.n 2!>~ (WQ"no( ...... 11 .. A,p~" , .... ·.or, ~ .' ~ 'fl

'0 ,t>e SOoi svr1a( •• 1 ~an'."Q Of .1""1 pI""'.nq but 0.1001 (0"" e .... p·(lto\ .~'.1'" (:}""'

.. I' ....... '''' ......... " .. _n "t"V1 ",no!, 1'Iofo"'1'II1 OIa""onQ &o:;u'P"'I'nIi .. VO ~ "q '''(Q'DO>.,

'''''~' !"e pl ..... te'~' Ot 01".' SHd C:C-""Q 0.--"-;11 Orl '"11""1( '''(0:;'00'0111'' t>IO'f""

'C)oI" ..... "'qen~1 ",1,\ ne<:ISUrv '0 101.11)' no. 10 tI,P'. ''''1D1' (' _$I 00 "at C ~: ,,' b '''p \.)" "'0'" '''an one ".n .nc" dMj;I

Po.llmerv-"C.fotConlrolo'PIV--ad!Mo(! -.,1.1"'1( SI",~,fl( 'ul""!'~'l :)f .... (~~. ' .... oII""<lVY'w, "'f'[l'~' ~ '} C'~pl~ OIOu.,lflE DI ... ~O" I pi '.::lII~d~ ... ". i .','1 ... .1 I'~"~'" 't t,~ 'l' ...... nd e<:ru'o"'e'" ....... " P'q-.-:l p.,."I! "II -'5 ,,- i" • ,. ' .. ~ 1,1" 1"'1 t~'()I" '0'''' flor_h" .n("e,.n !'leG'" .n,,.., ",,..,v .... n' ,'.' ,.1 ..... \ 1 ~~ ... .

;"'.1"18 ',~."'''''_'''''"on(n ...... "., ... 't'(\ .. n(]~o' • ..I~" "' ...... "\ \ .. " ... " • '."'" ',jle on I,ne tll"u'..:! .,nO"'Qn O'QoV'''-; "' .. tiP, \.0<"

,' __ a,.r.,-,.", "i A.-o<.1'1','" I,; ~e",.""" "17".1'9'" p."" 'v'''' .I, \'''1-,,,'''''.' '" ;"J jjO(_~"'o()I"' :Y''',u''''~-I\-tX(v'lh{"lQntJ#""", .. lft'''t1 I.

6 Tank Milrture wi1h AA1rex end U;rox fo,;":ontrol of •

Lamb,.qu'r1e~ .nd Prgwe~' • I,., I"'~{)"'l-J r c,,,locO 01 ,,."'by:),,'''P'',n<! ".qtoootI.6 : ~ f' 11..-<) '.; ' •• , ...... "'. 1

.. ,~ ~',"'''I ·~ ... r",~",·,·f't<j"''''''''-''''JfI'Y.I "'..I"."'~-' ,~I ~d"'''''''''A'''.''' •• I • '. ""("Y ('"oil' /If ","I] .... ,'" • .I'«("ol~ nQ ,.-. '''e'. Ii"' • '.~" ... rI·tl.,_ ,,' ",.' "G --, "." 'ot ..... t ... •• ...

'>0,1 r •• lu,..

,. ', ... ~. ,'." j""" ~ot" .. "

........ ,'" .t" 1 • "" ' ... , .... '...-:0 .... .t\

• • •<-,\I R" .. Pe. A.::r

,. .. · .. ,·.",,' ...... 1 ""I '''l''''H('~ .. 'IofI~ju"."'''''~'.I' "" .. ;,' -l"" ,

.... 'r> ,-"I"",.(lf

• .... ,_ ... 1"''''''-'''' " ... ..,u f"fI(all'-on' ....... , •. ,.., ... ,o0"'Iron· .... l' """ "'011'">01 ~, .. , .. rooo'l _""n .ac>r>"t'''f,I '-"'- l"'O(Ju(tI on I,.,," ... ,. (Of"'t>o .... '" ......

Page 6: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

( DuaP~ 8E (

7. Tank Mixture with AA.rex or Prlncep Plus Prowl for Prolonged Control of t.mbaquarters and Pigweed In Field Com Only (Northe.s. U.S., Including MI, IN, KY .nd SIa ••• en. 01 Th ... ,

For prokltlged control of lambaqulrtar, _rod p.g ••• a ,n aacl-hon 10 • bload ~PIC'II\.I"" OIant\uaJ br'oedleal and g'.50S"""O~ 01,1.16£ ,n , ........ m •• comb,n.,!oun .,ttl A,AI,... 0' Pn~ plus Prowl 4E ml'y be appI,.;:Iana, plant'''"" bu! belo< ~ (0'" eN -.d:S amef91 Applyby' ground eql,llpmolnf ,n I mon,mum 01 10 !,oo!llOn!. 01 .... , ••

01 Xl gaMorls ()I "quod .."oI!J'lr Appl, by All In I m,n,mum 01., ~,IO"\ 0' .. oiIl,,' Ilf"II'

10 T.~ , OIlh •• taDtl tor fMM 01 Dual at AAir •• Of I-'"n( fOp to t ... IPl)4o&<j AI.'I.'I,

Prowl .E ":con:l'nliJlo ,"- r.,es be~ on Table ..

°00 noll appty Du. 8£ In t.nll mol COl'TClU'lI!.on w'll'I MI ••• BON pl"" PrOWlI ., "u, comb,"e'","" noll comPAl,trla ()I1'ot. AAllfI. 'cwm,,,.l.',ons mily t;e u~lId

M'I""V "'alrueUonl.: foil 1l'1li sp.a.,. tlnll. on.tourth 1 ... 11 .. ,11'1 Wi.ll' Of 111,10(1 _"'101.' oiIno start ag".'001'1 b Il(I,n {Of'lp."[)'loty olddo1 (omp.,1 tl,loly .Q."I SU(n ,n U",I. Ot .x TT', at 4 pis 1100 gAls of Iopfl.,. m,llu'. 101M Splay I."" '''ST l!\en 800 1!'Ie A.AI ••• Of P"nceo -xl I'~ IT TO t-=~ dlsperwd 'hen .dd Ou.' I'JE 111(1 p~ "f. lnoel "fI.U.,. l!\e f'.sIt ~ I'" .aM'

MEDIUM 10ptS. --J~ 10p\$ .~. __ +. __ ]~_ fiNE ;oOpa. I ]Op~ I ]Opts ------------.~--.-------

Otlser-vw .In el"eC!lO'" lor U!>e p,er..u"o'" .. "" IImll."0"5 on HI'" le\~(! ,. OfOOUCIl.tJOI!tS *nen .pP'ylnq Ir.e-!.e OfOOucts ,n 100nk m,l (omo,n."on A@ltll101htl P'ow14E l.oel 101 ~DI~lng ,n'51ruc1'()I"IS In U'. ~'" 01 (rap toss

8. Tank Mixture with AAtrex, Bladex·, or Princep, AAtrex piUS 81adex or AAtrex plus Pnncep, with Gramoxone Super or Rour.jup tor Minimum- Tillage or NO-Tillage Systems

• ~ .. k(j (0'" .. M S,tolQf' co ... , ":>"'y S""" T.n" MlIlu,. .Iltt BLadel <,t!.' "I (" ~",~

'abttl 101 .. ..-;,., m"'ng ,n""lX1,al"'~

... .."n,,..,u,., '''1.19'1' 01 '10 1,iI.Qt' $'r>le."s ... " .. ," ('''n'~ 1."01"'+"\: ,: '\''-1'~ ," :,. (~,."". C"'" $',a.tI ~ .. ect>o"d e\I.D,,~n .. Cl ~..a ,-' ",to"ous (rCI' ' ..... ,r::u .... ,,, .. r(,"'ac' ~", ~ ~ >Of'S \.,f.mol()('le SuP'!"' 0< RO<."duP m., t ... "OOf'(l '0 01 :a ..... m •• 01' l!.J'" fi! + "-AI'''' 8,,,,,., 01 P""ceo Dual Elf + A.A. ..... + !:l ;t~P' 0' Dual sr + .... ·'P. + p.,~,( .. p .... ".n ".,pel a'!. r. 'f'CIr-j I"'" G'a""'."r" ',,,t' .. , pn" 0'" (>11"" la"~

- '~u'e U){'\1'OIS..--.oe.1 e ..... 'Qe(l .n"u4I""-O~ .1'0 ~u8"''''>-$es ~."'y ~'''''''''dl ...-lS AOVr1oOuP (omC,I'olloOo'lS *,11 (onl,oI erT\p~ ol""u.1 ."C: pro'!"""'''; _~s ."."iI.Opl...c::l.~d·ftICTtl'dr""1'>eRuunduo'atloel Tl'1eOuolltlE: + A)q,,,.or P""'c,.p 0' Ou.lSE + A,Jo.J'el + P"n<:eppOt'l>O<l ~ I .... Y ... k """r..'" ,--""".d"~ '''f'O!'m'''fl" ... rP "'.'''!'~ 01 "'I"~" "S't!'<) 0'" ,., ..... ~ ... , "!I". .... ".1'""" .... '··on 'nf 0".1' Elf + lIt"'I.~. ". P"n(:I"t' or OUill Sf + ....... ,''''' + P'""CI"O P'.Olan! 5".'.ire j.>''"C''.I'''' ,- (C'PO'.'f!'O 0< P'lIWm.,9I!''Xti!' T/'I",,,,,,.I tiE: + B'ola.,. 0' 0,,011 bf .. -'Al"," + Blae,.. 101"" m,.lu'. 0'0\1<11"" P'_'"'P,q ..... , .. (onl'QI o· .. toed., "~'pd on 1"'5 I.totol ,n "". 1oiln. ml""'. !o«;100ns .'I1'l AAJ'~. oI/'ld B'.ce.

.IpphC-oluon "'Wy DelO'e aU""9 0' .... '" t-' .... , "G Ou' ~IO'" 11' .. C')'" Pf'l("4t'~

.II Ill'" loll"'S SPf'C"1f'd 00e1Ow Add G, .. mo..o". S ... Dol'" o. Rouno ... O '" tl">e I~IeM'''q t-'o"oCoI'!.l '.11,.5

G •• mo.on. Super I!> I 5 p'~ 1 A ;"u' e" (11 e' 'If 17 ' :- ' .. ;tr'J'" [.P' ' ,J g"'S 01 SP'.y m,o'u'r U ... I~'" ,.-' ''''. "J' ronl'l)' 0' a"" •• I"f]~ , .. ~~ I~ ,," ",<V~SI.II.I"I(I!I'oe"><:;i"I".,.''''' ...... 6,ox"e\I.l11 .~. · .... lm"' ... I .. '''rrM

C(>n\,,, ..... ,,y (onllQl --', , .... "., '''oil'' f> ,'>( ",.s Nth Do not .. ~y comO,noillo()n\ CO"".·"'''.'1 G' .. mo.,\~p' .... ' ,I'. \u\Pt'''s,on ',ptIoQuoO 'en,hlP~ b<e<.uS4Ir-", oiIct'lo',ly 01 P"'olC""'." '""" 'educe<]

Roundup 15 <)!S / _ lOt,.. \l,ng .nnu.1 _f"!o(!, III 7 .. !:l'S .... ' ,,~'I'I 10' "o'~I'''q ~r."n'oIl _,.dS Se,o '''. Rou"'ouO , .. 0.1 1" ..... el, (f)<',III,I'.(1 .·.d '''' r,f'l "',ond4'<J 'oiIll'" lor ~Pf'C ,'>< ..-:l,

~',Dly.n}() 60 1;1.1" 011 *.,,,,1 or l1u~j I,.n~·l"" Dol'" .( ' ... ,1" g'Cu ... (J ,.,)".pm •• ""

I~., co."'. 100<'1 oIIfltl'v I 'I pI'!. I"'~' Du.' ~f .. ", I J 'r~ ...... p,.. '"",0 O· ", p •• r" .. o (~"D<!" 90· ()t ... ,1'\0 1 '0 N,np 0'· C"'-'" 0 r·tl Lol","",,' 'K)" 0" "'ffl'"f'r! 'f',~ .:to{>'yltlt' I"'QlOu ... ~f .... ,,,. ~'M "",""'''' ". O·,.j.>',,,r"'QC.I'be,90,-,' .... " :) l'tl .... n. OP'u,O'l't1 Col' r-oo' :jI'1 ()" , . ...,. JD."··· ",-,I".";' ~!" ,_ "1:._,., ~t .... ," I 877 '0' A,AJ'" N'n" '<:"" I'.,'X"pC .. "fMo' '10 ',' .,'" (,"I I' '!,\ c' '.j'"'' u ~'Js09 II,tJ, l,.,t)te,9Q

'w~" """9 AAl ... 4,1 'P·'fl(.C 4(, ,I."'!,~. "lC IC' ~A:'''. ~'¥lI'" p. "{PO f'oJ.Ml " ... f"1,,".'.'" 'ol~' , roe '0 "I r, "'" .) 'J' lol ~ ... , ~.' ~ '~iI'\ 'I;l ('\ ,,1 ,,~ '''le, 01 1 • 'tI-. ro'~' \J'" p, rv.p ,n ","'tI'",-.c"",, ... ", ........ ~." .' ..... ~ "·""'.!o()"S 01 C'~t>Q' .. <,S C>< '~ , :, .. n'~u"" .. '. ,o.~ If'tl

•• "" .... " u"'''q "'I'IIA~ ...... ' ... '" " ~oI'''f + "',.r, ... '; "tI U + p, "f., : ,I ,~ .. ~ u">fO "'lu'" ,.,.~ r.f ... .AI ',. ... ",., ,'. ,I"'("P.' \ ..... " .. ".'" ........... "" II'T" .. 1 ....... ': ~'tI\!.h()o·" .. " ....... ,"'" >IV ..... " r. ... ". , .... "'I.'-on' ,,' ('''r'''-l'''~'' ' I~I.; ;t, ., ,,"', ~·"".r-'''''' ,\". ·l'.'oO,,,/I/I.J,,,. + '" " .. ,) ,,\''''''(,',''. \ ''''''', ... " dl,,"''' ,[ •• ~I"" IoU' &.Al'". " "fI ,J • 1'. N,,~ I,,, r, .. , 'i'_' :: 'H', \ A

r,., ,(, "I ...... 1· .. ' t .• ','. \ 1 I" "'''P '''~'_' ... ,. ', .. ' ... ,. " ... "".~. . ~'''~,. " , ........... 4: ~,( <I"'ll'''l.; .. - ~ I '_: 4, ~. : 1'.,. "r" ,', c,,,·,_r,oO""

···Ir"[f".'.~,., ,.,_~ ~"'1'." .n" ... ' ... ' .... ' ", ",' ...... ','.", ... .. ~w,..... ._ f'";''' ~~ .... , ,'.,.. ' ... ;.' .. _ .... ..... . ", .~ •• , "f .......... 111· .... " ...... "_, ~ 4, , .... ~~"" '" ~, .,' 'l"" •

, • -, .. " .. ,., .... ;'~ lit ,~ A" f


9. T.nk Mixture with AAtrex or AAtrex plua 2,"~D or AAlrex pluo 2,4-0 plus Banvellor Minimum-TIII.g. or No-Tillage Svo'emo

In ""nlmum-hllaq.e or no 1,11.91 s ...... ms ....".1. (Oln 's plan'le<l a'ladly INO. Cow.l Clop, 510, .. 'Meodtr.d, .!II.oIISI'\ed so(I, Of pr .... ,OU' (lOP ,.-s.c"'"" Dual SE ~., ,n comD'nilltOJl ",'In A.A!I •• .,..0111,,11 mQ!o' e".,.,QeC! ''''0111 .nnu"'~' AppI.,. Ou.1 8t:. + AAI.",. belOf. dul'ng, Of aft., ol.nhng Cui c-elol. COl" .m.'QeS KCOfa,f'lQ 10 lhe ,.1 .. ,n T.b'e 1

W""",,. I'!ttolvy [fOCI • .-st<lu.S """ iI;;td 08 16 Pb I A "I I. \PP"DP"oiIl",l., lolblle(! lei It. .,IQill 7" 0 .m,n. ISuO'l .!to ~., &01 W~.r bU. 0"'''' .. Htlrtl,c.o. 01

FQ'mula~) 10 ,he !Optay Ian" '.'1 aM apply If, a m,o,mum of"~ 1jI.'S 01 Col" .. , 1 A

As c."'." nrllogen !oOIultOn,.nd compl ... loQuod f.,M,non, appIoeCI befor. COfn .IT'Ie'9enc::e tlu"'down OI •• 'Sllng _~S .In(! 1"Ie'.Ior •• /tIII!lCOm"'."dOl!'O ,n5lelo of *., •• Aod X·ll 5u,t.c1lnl • 10 .. 0 QIS/l00 gollJs 01 dlluleO ~p'.y 01 ill'\()\'hel olWop',iII. "ur1~ilnl al ,~ lecomrneMKI '.il. APOI., belOlI weedS tll(~ ] ,r'I(l"MIs In "'09"" 11011101.11. OS pI.,..nt .• dd Barw.I 10 In. '!.pt'.y 1T'I'.'ul. ill O.3J O!l PI ,'" andappl.,. belor. allanl • .IC-MdI6 Inc"'" W"ll'MlogN

r Of f'eldS .,..,In e"SIlng SOd Qla'M' Ie 9 . bromegl." o,(P't.aldglau rye or IlmOfh~ ) "'''en e.,5III'IQ.....,S .. cMd 3 'fICheS ," heoghl QI .. f\fOn "'''1 dry conr::llloons ",x,st oldd G,.mo.~ S ... pel alll'l. 'il'. of ;0 ~ pits I A ,n plil(. of Of In 10<I"'Ofl to '2 .. D ... S ,n(J'("'ed .t:>ov. Do nO( ilPP'''' GloImc.on. Super ,,, su~pen,,()fI type "QUId l.rl,l./fI' Ut'~.'Io'. a" a"8cl'On, 10' u~. p'.C.U"ons ano l,m'l.l,ons on I"'e 'ti!'Speq,vt!! P'OOu("!loltleolS when olpply'ng II'"'' P·OOuC'.s ,n 100nk m,. COmQ'''.IIQI't

10. Tank Mixture with Bladex· or Blader: plus AAtrex plus 2.4·0 or 81adex plus AAtrex plus 2,4·0 plus Banvel 'or Minimum- Tillage or No- Tillage Systems (Field corn and Silage corn only)

• Stl. T." .. 1II1.lut. With Blad •• '!.t'CI,on 01 I~'S 100tl.1 lor \pec,.1 '"".'''9 ,n!tolluCt,ons

I" m,n,mum 1"'.1qtl 011"10 'oI10lqfl S'('!ol,om'!. """e,e co<n'~ pi ..... 't!I<:'l O"eoCt1y ''''0. (~, (fOP sr"lf! ~eetJLoI"<I eSl.tllts"P<I S-iXl (II Pfti!'Io'IO"S ('CO fe\oOUeS D".I Sf ilr:C,,8(l ,n (omtJ' ...... '.on .,1'" Blade. 0' Bl.itee. + A./IJ'e. *," [":h,de tonl'oI o! ,o"",,'ql"<J ~milU oilnn ... al *,ol"as .net e.ltlnOtla (on"ol 01 1"0'!.. 100f!('eS 0" In. [iu.' .. na Blad"" lilt)l1l,'

"DOl" G"al8f ,n 1" .... m,. (omt;,n.'oC'" .'1" BI_elP' oiIC«,"Cl'I'Q 10m. 'T.n" ""ltU'" WIHI d"'rj ·T.n" """Iures ""Ih "'At,.. ,>""'!O,on.<; 0' '''',s ,,.tlf'1 (" T""

.,·( ... m.,'q\·"Ctl "'-':-',01'1 o! 'tie h!ac{' ...... 0 MlfP. :.U,..'5 .... "e'", "eoil", """ 'e5·d"'''$

... ,q JI :"t" ..,,. (,I I'p;tlm"", tc";'"",~ 'f""'0"~ " ' ,,'e ," tntl 8t." •• Plus Du.1 '.!.,,~ "'·"U,t'·" .~ .. MlfI""U"" 0' No· I ,It ...... P-d COfliral ">f'(1,on 0' '~e tl'ol(]l'l '.t'fl' l,' I"'t; d ,."" "',,'" J' ;''> Q..J ~ , ... ()I (a" to' ~':1 J'" ..... r'c~' alf". 'ajo-,p<J" .. [, J .... ",.

Jr 'eM ",)Ial,.,o ,0,>1'" 10 '1'1f' .,p;ty Ian. ,"~I

A.<, (.1''''''\ I""!"~ pn ~o'ut,(I"~ d'1(] ~r,~'~.I"I'<Jr..'" 1(>,"" / .. ,., dC' ,fOe t'tt-'()I" (:""

(>'T"·'QU"C r' ,."r.<I"( tI t'u"'C,-""," '~I ". \1,,,", .... -':::5 ;tnc [n(>''''OI'' ;t',",'f'>( {)mm~"''-:I:"(l ''1~IP''d 01 ",,,I .. ' ..... ]")( 17 \""oldol"I.: 1 0 to '/0,<'5 i '00 q...1~ ('I C"u!f!'r::I '>~'.I • 01 .. "Of"e, dI,)p'r>(l"iII" ~"r1ac1 ... nl .It '1' 'l!'(()t"Ome"'co!'<J '.II", APO', t>o:"O',", ~, !".("~] '''l''r's.n ''''1f''1 II ,a"alla.~ , .. " ..... ,,' itO(J t<."~"" '0 ..... '>"' .. ~ 1",.1,,',",

~' (\ 3] 0 ~ "I I'" .l~d ol:'P'~ 0010'" a '.1"01 f',:ef'r::I'> 1) "( " .. ~ ,r, l't"q~1

F 0' ',,.IC5 .. ""'" \I,nq ~OCI q'oiI~H''I (t" Q JcO"'I"<;'_"S ~'( ... ·cq'oI's rye 0' t' .... O' .. ¥1 .. I'\P".' """9 ~\ ,o.ceed] '''C'''''·'' ""'14"11" .. n ..... .,pry O'y (onO"oon!O,.. ,>t .dd G'dm(,oO"'" :"~:>f>1 .. 1'1'11'1 'a!,o l";,o 5 {)'\ ,A ,'1 [,,.Ctl 01 QI·n 01 1t:! 1'0'1 10 l" ,) ~s ,nC'(olIP" ~N ... Do "ot .r·ply G'.,......-;;.o". :'u~' ,I' ~",!>QI!I"~'O" '.Pf' "Q .. ,d '''''''''P' Ct\,., •• ;tIl O .... CI'CnS I.." I..~,o ~'ti!'(~u!,,,~~ ol"ll I '" 1~1'0"~ 0" 1"-'''

'1"~pe<1'10'1!1 t!'oc,,("!la~IS _hen olppl¥, ... ~ I"e,,o P'oc;uc'S ,n ,.,.. m,. COmn,n~!'On

F. Cotton - Dual8E Alone - AR, LA, MS, NM. OK, TN, TX. and Boolheel or MO

ApplrC.llon ... ~.,'~ ~u .. , 1'IE ,0 l"fI' r'''p',,~' ,"(O'....--'.'....:l 0' Wr'p,""r,c: .. n'r'.I1 ,,, .. ,,',. ... 1 I '>, '\ ,I.,~, .. a"(J, Ic,a,",\· ",.':'\ ,I.." ""PO'v"" ~o"S C" 7 ,.,\ ,lit 'C., ' ...... so", Uo "01 ~ HI,,,, ~."G\ .no -' ,..,nos

• U\f1 en S .. nc. ";.'" ~O"\ O ... ly ,., ',j~ 0" .. n'1 T ..

".,. .... ." 'n(D'C-YIIr.d ,,,,1,,1 n~ .n(l r. ("I11I~1 _Dply 'O'~ ~I."" ..... O'OO'.'I'I.n'o ("P "-.0 ,nf" ", ~'--',I '''''"'''Cl,olf!"ly ~'ef. P'''''!'''Q '" P'."·'''Q 0<' .II"'" pl .. n •• nq tlul ~,,'O'" ("'P 0' ",pe"\ fOmfl'qe u\e. ,,)1, "q {",'I'''.'or (', \''''''.' 'mpl ......... I.O u--' '0'''-''' '''<')';:O-J'''~. "00 rnO'", H'oln 0". ,,>(n CfO~L' L.S4 01 ",.p,a"l ,f'(O'pO'.'ti!'(! itl'''''' ,,"('On ,I '''''''''"' ''''q;t''O'' '\ uS...:1 O. ,...,...." • D"",Qd 01 elry _.III"'" ."tI' ol{,pl,C" ,.<'" '5 "'~ll"d .......... '. ! ... "OW ""q .. hOn.'I u\.oeCl _"!"Ie 100 01 "'" ~ 'a< t>e1>1 , .. \",.\ :1 '''" r" [l .~ to (,. PII"'P<:) On !1"0~ "~D' •• "'0 ,1)(0'0<>'.'" ... "., !'~..,

n," "", " .. \." • dn.: , ., ,n;: " .. , or l' d· .... -t"el .... ,.(~ ... ""' ,.,-,,'\ ,1 '" "'t"}rd'...-: IJ'OO<

, ~ .-t' ""Q " .... d" .11"'" I' .II .... ., ' .. ~ ... 'I ~ .. - "'~ ,,"-'" v,·1 J \',,'l:~r, ..

"_rn .. ',~,,(1" ,I. •••• In 1"1'1 Sl'" 'u".Ctl .. , ,"""""Q (>' ...... t,'."1 ',,,,~.! [:",1°'. ..... O~ , • ('~'D .. ~'P''1'' • ••

',,'11'1 .,-., f.~t (.,,', .... ,' ,-,110'."'_ "1.1"" ~ .'\Ij~ ilt,t<\{" c,1 ~_; If,f"""'~YJ" ,'~~' "I't'·, Cu.' "fOt-"ol"" ''''()'r>0'.I'fI'1.t1 ,,, .. r •• ,"! ,'"' ..... "" ''' ......... II'.lu' • .""'~'" of., -..1 ""Y". '." '"", • ..., .... 1" ( Al ~ .• ~ "l. •

1'_ .U'~"'\ -, .,...,>{1, ""(l'''IU" ,', ~"'''''''Il'''''" '" '. -/ ... ", .. ...,,, ... , ....... ""~,.. t ," ..... , ... " .. "" ..... ',., S .""I'rl ;","(1 ..... " ... '''1 Jr ·''''-''l.·d,·,,,, .. ,·,,· •. , ~'''8~-.,' " ... "_'",,' .... '''' ... :,-,/1 •• ''_,-/' •. , .. ',''' "."l.~t '''' .. ·"I •• ~· .... J ... ',,'''_\ .. , ...... " ..... _, .r" ,., .. \ '_P t ........ ,: 4Iot"-' •• " Jo, ." .... r ... ...- ............ '''", , .. ~, .. , " , .,,-, "_[NO' I"",., , .... ' .... ,., r.,' [If"!' "1"" , ..... ,""' ..- .... r ' ... I:" • ... ,1'''' ," .... :.,. ~." ",,. ',." ....... "(' ! ."""'''''1'''' .. oy .... , I ... ...

G CoHon - Dual 8E Comblnlltlon'5

Tank Mulure With Caparol 4L A' ~f '.,,'. - ".'~''''''{'';ol'('''' '"~~f"'~I"'''''''''~'~' ,. '-'11 .. _,

.''''', .',""A~.(","_" ~ I'f ,. ..... 'A-"'.'J A A. r ,,'.,,-•

.. • , "". I'. ~'~, ., ... ," .... , .... \1".''''' n 'lI".' ; .... '"1.,.:~-.. fi" .. 'WI

Page 7: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

( Duali!'i BE <. In aadIOOn 10 thoM ~ C.ontlUl~ tr,' 01.1011' at aione, OvallE ... Caparol .l. ~ ~ lO(.orp..x..-o Of p/MfMtQenca. a'lO C-ontroill~ 1o'kIwlnQ-.dII lung.aIlCa, .IId o.~. annual mOfmnQglO,y groundcl'larry. l'Ia"y n~I'II.I'I.o. I.~"""'. ", ...... mull.,d, puc",,,, slda (t .. ·.....:!,. pursl ..... r~ and .1\aIIoIII~tng M«Illngs 04 (OUIe()u' Ind con.-.<!

""'pi.'" Inc~NId Of P"'"".rp-.nca A~pl.,. ella' 8£ + C.-parol 4l 11111'1., p.,.panl tnC'Of'lX)(afed 01 prHmerqtln<:a us'no ,,..,. apfJfClPf ••• 1~1.I'om Tabla ~ Conot'I ~Id be planllKl belcNr ,,,,, "m8 o!'r.((>fpora"ol'l I. 1,IeUI 10 ,ncn on t,"a 1011.1 and I ~ Il'I(:h., on co.,,& "no 1"'I<iKl'um "Od, II In(orpOIalad boI'IIOf. plal'lt'"O. UM. pia,..., Ina, .,I! '11" ... u., iii m,n,mum at "-0_ diSturb.",.

Tm&e 5 O!.t.'I£ ... CII~rvI 4l _ Canon, ...... OK. T Xl

~--- - 1_~~~··'~~·'fllHAI::""

UM A_a Soli T •• tu'" ~ Oil.: ~f'4l

~~__ __ __ !>iii"Q ~.m. \.,0'\11 I DO NCJf US[

~~=:: 1-~~'-- -- r -~-~;~-~-~~-~-~~= GuIICoa3lart.a.u ,Iii..,.,. i ---:pI~---t--~~-

~:~f~~ -+j_~::~_. -:'_~:.;~ ~_~~~; __ _ ,~ .. u ... :.o and ~nf1. Ir'dr" 1 ;-~ 1 ~ 1)1.5 I ' 6 Pt~ 1-1'9'1 Pia,,,!. RoU'rog r r P'I.,nS,t:d'wr.rds 'Oims .;>~ 1 [liS ''t---.~~ p'.,.au oIleus ,and.,. (1,1.,. l('Iam, .. PI~ I ] ~ Pt5 .noeI Sov1"-S1 ~-- ---- --_ .. + _. '- -~-+, --~----

T.u.s ~ OHler,:~"'_?~I.S __ i ____ :!~~ ____ ~]D'!S ~-... tJon.l (I) To...u.a CO/"II(enrlllrlOn In Ir.e s~ ft.m:M- 00 noI ma .. app'"a/.Q'l.l 01 Ov~ 8t ..."" "L 10 (o/'fOn , ... arrw:1 '1'1 ,,,,,tM'$ mar. /.,an two ""'<,..., OIN() B.nd .DCJtIoca/l()f'I$ m"l be maO. ro C(){!fY1 panrea on I'u"""", t:»eper ~".n fwoo tIOC:.,., bvl bana ... 0<11/'1 sl'>O<-d not f'2(_1 r~ ... ..."" 01 I/'If! /')()('10m 01 r,.,." ..... r>tM' kl rO'CJIO e rop Ir'/U'Y ,;.' 1)0 nell.ncrr on sana ()( klamy ~nd sDIII$. (N tI't .~as

... ".,.. .... ,... IS I.~ f\';I oon<J ~r"'" '-' (3) Do r>Ol4IppIy In luI _as (]I ~I"

-..dr~s (Ntn ''' • .1 oIlI':IIH Sjlll (.·OOnolllX"rlOg,.nt:JI.H ~otft)n w."""" ./'>0 ,5j Do not.ppIy Ofl r.j()jt:a ~.IIIO.m

"Olr- ('leo 1'I(If I"f>rl "f>il't'O lo'aq .. 10 h ..... ,N~ ,)I <j'.tlfl I'f'.tlf'(! .. ' ...... l" ,Ii .. qill 't'~.<J~mOl.,.,,,, .. ,,11

2 Tank fJhxture With Cotoran OF :I·.lill!!If m;l.,. t"I ap()j<8d ,'1 I;ln. m,.!U'f' ..... ,'1 C ,'II,,, .. ., D~ ;,'e-em .. ,,~'l(1I 10' ((I",rol

:"'Xr".It ~5 co""'rr'i~ :'.,. 0 ...... t<l olJr>rt" .. -,,: ",,'<, ...... I .... ' ... ~ l'" , .... { ('I"'iI" :::.-f 1.oIl.ei T".scomb", .. ,.or .... ,jl.'SO(0""'~ .... "1M"! "P""'-lt' " ....... 0( ... ~·u'' "...,.}.J.nq s",",<Qe aM ~lalt8 ,pu'ge .ooly Ie 1'"'e:'>Oo1 "U".(I! o!l r'a""""Q 0' .lilt .. , r'.1t"""Q tuft t>e'ot. ~~ Of c:op II"""I~ l,;!oI"9'!'>e app'Op"<l11I14I11I, I,ol'Tl l.lhlll 6 beQo,to

MIU"9 'n_'ruclton.· IrxomDdllb.l"y 1'TI.1'{ on u' .,.f-oIon l.l"~ 1Tl0l''''Q 0",,1 fir ,j"d ~~'·::Jof.Il [,f To ... .,..p O\III(,)l'1fO II'1.~ (O"<j1,(>Il '.: ~I'!!, ~P',l¥ '." .. onO!' '0<..,11" •• 11 ",1"

... ' •• 0< Ituod 'lind"", .,,<1 ~I.n .Q,',lhon .. ..:l'1 ,"!!' ("'llI..l.n or .11lc1 illOoo'u btt-'.o,..,e

C'~~ A.o<I)( 77 ill a ~~ lI'()lul'TIlI/yOjulTl@'I,,., .. I"r'olI.,.,,,,IS 1100 C;.lI' ) II'1 .. n ",J<I

:1"041 DuiiJ et: anO I.f\ilily I~ '.SI 01 ,"e ..... ,e. Of 1I"O(j 1!!"l.h/tl. Aq'l.lIle <lu""g ml •• "g .nd IWtC~oon 10 ma,nl ...... a un"UlIT' '",S"'''StOofl

Tab'. ,. 0 .... ' eE + COIOnln OF - CoUon (AR, LA MS. [a.I.," OK. TN. Boolhe-e4 o'MO .• nd Culf Co •• I. RIO Gnmd. V.II.,. and f .. ,.m TXI

Colonn Of'-

, '. ,~."~

S,I'~CI • .,.I().,I"" ~arw.l.,.(I;I.,.IO.n-

~ ".,. (' • .,. ,.nd.,. CI~ Cl.~ ..-".,.... lily' I • ':j 1. 'I ,

"!) ... on Ulll('Iy 1o.lllTl '\.0.1, on'''''n .... ~" .. n' ," "n,' (,,,I' ( "iI'I: ., f) (""",) .. ""'''P". ilnd .ast.,,, 1)(

•• ""' ..... " USlt"oQ COIo,.n.l l.'~" ""J",y;ll"'''1 'iI' .. ' ... c.~ [", .tJ~ ... , ( ..... ";,,, Cf ", 1 7 'C' QII4 P'" 01 COm •• n .,

" __ 1..,''''''' ('I {On ~ IUM ('"II' ~t .. ( ,-'''''.''' ,,,", ' .• n" ," •• '""10 , .. "" <, 1 (" ,..

1I'W1I1 .".'" "'111"" ~ '- .. ~!Q p<,'''CJ ,....., ,""1_1 '''' n·C' " •. f. "'<f"o , ••• ' '. , •

-""J (,-"'(S'nPIlIr(l(l1l1 ''>8 S~ ""~ 00 nOl -a.,,:~ 1,1( II~' " ...... ~ 111"-"",, "r! 'Laf

F[ .. : Ofor,,, to (<.>/"I'Ot"Ipa"/ff(J'" '."", .... ,......-:>11!' ~~lIr."*'o .", "p~ ,,..../" IL,n""I"." •

'00'"" ... ..,.. {"lJ '"I"" '11, OI'l'On ("1"1"" ,n ~.'''''''~ ,_''" I~"" r_ n. Il .. t f'I.': ""~ .. ~JI''' ,,,....,'" ~ IUt -:1 rf-olo .. ~flIl 01 ,,..,, r.,/:1"f .., (II '''p '",~ ..... I ,~ .. ~l" ,'t/, "I(l.'<fn ..... to....r>Q ' .... v,. (fl. ,..,1.,.." .n,,,,,, I .. ,<?tJ ifl .,.11'" "q ... ".. .... "tll.n: ".(l .... "',-., 4.,1<)

"01 "',.. on rlllO~1 t.,t " •• n- N r "'f) .n,c. ')' ... ..,., ", .. ~,

.. ,.". T') htOod ... ·"".t·'" """J'" ''''"1,, .. , ':., "," • .... '1 ....... ,." '".~.j" ,;" .. IV

..... "rx. 0I1,l' .... "" .. :.<1 "'''III' Rollll,on.tCrop. I ... • .. ,." ...... ,.,.[" ..• ~.,." .~ ••. '\""~ HI

"~,,,,'.II"" ''-'' ((~o·.n <I"'C'" 'J" I"" ,"'''.1'' ,~~, ~

H Grapes - Nonb,.artnq - Dual at Alone .nd Combln8h()n~

!·' ..... I1I.', 1 .. ; •• ," O. [), ... ' 1<1 r'~ 'j " .... } .. ; ; "'P""" , ........ ,: '" ... ~ , • ',,"" 1,1 'n 'J.II" ,,' ... .t' .. ,!, .', ......... r)~ , , .... ~' ... Ou"l!lf ,,~ .•• d Alon • • , .... .f~I\" .... ~ <t ...... Alt",·~ .. ,"_""",,,\,,,, .• , ...... ' ....... '\ .... .,,_ ',.I'" - ...... ' '''t1 ... " ................. ,., ....... ,' ... ,," , ... ,_ ' ... : .......... ". (d, "'.' ',"'" '"',,,

.... ,,,. '.",,'.<1 ,(",, ,n·" "'<.l" .'l o-t.l""'~ .... , .... , .... '1 •• • .. ' ........ ".Y ..... '1 ~, ... ,.II,....." ' ••• """C I"" ! I ..... { .... ' ,." ."11" Apr'. "Q 'n __ p ' ...... ~, .... , .ott· ..... ""'"<.l'''

'("' .11..000 prJt,.tl!e """" ,1'1",,..,

When~. al. plllS.m all"'- I,,,,,, of ' ......... nl Dual Sf ~y tie appt40 on tank m,. (OI"IbonlltOn .,th GI'moIIQflII SUpei' 01 Roundup Gt~ Supel m.y t» atlPoed It 1.les 01 3 5 pi, I A. RQuodup m.y bit appf4d. ,,,,,, "rl9"'Q lrom I 5 Qtw. I A depencl'"Q OI'II"a.-.d lP«"s DlfK' appIlCllitOnSCOIItit'rIIIlQG'arno:o:ona SupelOl ROUndup DYe' "' • ...:Is. ma~,nog certa.n 10 -.0 lP'.y off 9'1iPII1o!'.QII iln<I w ...... R.tallO the G,.mo.o .... Supe' and Aoundl,lp ~11(.t lun,..., d"k1M)fl~ p,.auhonl end Im"lahon, 'el .. , .... to lhe" UM

P-.c:11.I'1Ot" 00 not apply 10 wtM, e"Iablls/'lllod 'n I .... ""l'IlIy'afd ta" ,"an 30 <la.,., ana only .tt., Clepre~s,ons ;)Iound "'. ""~, 1'1.1\<'8 ~n 1111e<l In Of C 'UP I .... U'V ma.,. CJ(C",I

NOM DO 1'101 apply 10 ~Ine' 11'1.111 ... ,11 ~a. "'a._~ .. b+a "u.I ... '1"'" I. mOn''', 01 .lIppllCa't()t'"I. Of I!I~.III 11I',duM may '.Sul!

I. Peanuts - Ouel8E Alone

A.opt.,. DUII16E e •• hfl'f plepl.IIf11 IflCOIpOI'al1ld poS'plilnl 'I'ICOfpotllllld p'Mme'gence o. til.,. D.,. U'Ioln9 Ihe applop"II'. , ••• 5~("'ed billow Pl't'p/l'" l'!CO/DOr ••• d or A_I., ..... .,.. f-.oIlOw In~ll'VC1o()/'1l h')f uw 04 0 .... , 8E atone U~I AppllcaUOl1 p, f" .... ~/o""""W*" Apiplyand~ft:OfP(If"'Oual8t~ , .... $0<1 .ft.f"g 0,,1 tlt!10I. ~a"ut 9a'"U"atoQfl Irn;OIp(J'I"on depl" ;I"d .1"O(000000.IIltog ,mpMI..,.nts mu~, be •• p' ItboYIIc I"" s.ttoe>d Of ~ •• N bII ailm.~ LI'( toy ApC".,. Dua' BE- 10.he 50<1 ,mm&d ••• !y aft., 1I'l0l LaSl nonn;ll cunrval'Dn

"ppl~ Ou.' Hf: ilion", "''''Dill''' tfl<OtPOfllllld ~'!oID'a'" 'r>CorCJO'OI'fod p'Mmttn:J",n( P QlI.~ Dy al. D.Q.,I(}Ca.. .. , '.'C'! oj , ~ 2 DIS I A." I.,. ~ihf<.II"· .'1><1 1 <'~ ] pI'!. I. ,n (JI'( 1 X "nd I.M

'1" lI'1e Sou'''e.~' u ... :2 J P.S III. and OIDDI.,. 0:'Pprnll'qII"(1I lu' pOIn·., (On',OI

01 f 10lt<lil bfIoqQII~

~011 Du.ll' 6£ alone m • .,. De .WI,ed as ClllfIC1ed iI""' an.,. (If ~ IOIIOw,/1oQ t)If'{.lolI"l ItXO<pO'illfIod r:,.,tltCtCP'l ... 1'1",'1 used .IICCCl,fj,nq 10 ~""" I.DfIO It!!(OlTlm,,"'c.,.ons I::!.'."., J "QIS ,A T,,.'lan f ': .1 t pt ,,I,. 0' \!f""ilm· ilI~' lJ 3 PI!> J A

J. Peanuts - Dual 8E Combinations

1. Tank Mixture With Dalan L.C, Ow" Sf" + B.lIl.IIn I~" m,.,,,,.;t.pOl4oc1 p'ep!iI"I 1n(0'~1Id COlll'OI'!o tho'!.e...-dS 1,'IoI..a undel Dual 8E Appllid AIOf1' .an<I'~ -..,os;as I,~'f!od on ,"'' H .. ,.n '."bt'l

Ap["llyl ~ 2pt:s ;Au'O"".lbf + ) lIal" I "olB.llln,".II,.., • ."lTlurnol l(\qal .. ol\[>'a.,. VGO..Im" De' .lie'" 'C' "( '~":1 .IDD"C.II'.nn 0' '".11''' " ...... " .... 01 ~ G-'i,'Io C'! <CO'it. Y, ",'''''f' ~, .e'" 10' .,.,.al iI.,,"" <f' un lOIle- I ...... '~~0n'''-'''''nf'O ""Xf'll"' .... ',)I HiI,.1·\

'I'\e H"'a" I,,!'>to'!' ...... '. ' .. 1;"'<1110 ... .1"0:: '''(Q'PO''''-O'' 01 '''·\'d~.'''''' A"I'~ .. ",} ·'''-O'DO'.le l),,,' EH + 11<.,,t1l ",I '1, ,. CiI,t:I ""(>' I.;; >"."1."...

2. Multiple ~.ppllcattons (Southeast Only: AL, Fl. GA. NG. SC, VA)

\lit.,. • ., -.tid DI."SU'I!I'!i " ... J ....... 0' ... !'>e'I!! SPf'C~" 0,"..;:,," to (onl'~ "'I!IP.,,,,,,,,O!!>CI :Ju.lll fit .$0 f"nO">! e"I'It'1,'<"tt ... h .. " ... o,e<1.'10 !(lIlOWS

'.1 Appltc.hon A.-'{. ... ;"1"d IH ;-'f'C"d"i "( .)'{)(J'illlkl., 0 'f!O:.'~CI -<"oJO''' ~lInul •.

01.0.1 8f AIO"I f" .It r'.,. ['"", 1'If- .. f'al.ll" O't-pl,n, "~OIrl'Y!'''.(l II ... <::,'''(',,"0 "'pwl()u'loly ,r. ,,,,~ ~f'~',u" P .. ,!!,,!O ''"'e .t8'SDI!IC1'''' ~oOIllQt -...<I .. lOn,.C'·"';

2nd Appheilion A.,",",I¥ (1, .. .111 I:I~ OI"~ ',..,'" II!'1Tl p',,,"'elqence up 10 t;tr.u'--',1

{'''(.,'''~ d"" t r"" 1 A'", P"""d~ (on:'o' ol~" not .,.,..e"""geo ~t'I .. , ~(! '''e Dulll It Apphr<! Alon. ~f'~ 'o(j'--' lot .. "~I ('! ~O~ (onUOIia(I

lrd Appllc.IIDn '-'t.<-'I, O~ ... I Af CIlia. r:., 41'10 d '11(1...0 ,,"(low p."nuls-Qu.' a[

Alo"'_ U~e ""', .. ~ .. " '<f'P QI"m'''ill'''g .... "()~ ii'"'~ iO I ..... 'OPt" .. ..., ~If"'" ,:) .",. 0",.1 IE Appl,ed Alan. ~f'( 100" '0' • ·,SI ol~. (0",.t:'''f'{J

'linot", (I) 00 nell at., • .,. fT1t"III" .... If" ft<J ... ,~.,o!,nI 0' 6 PIS 01 0,,411 f\~ A 0-.""'1 ""~ ,'"'' Y".lI' 0' 'II*Q.' '"~·(Juf''' rnoll~ 'I!I'I" I T" ~ 'n(I",d'" bell" 0 ... .11' !If ,'''0 D'}'I' ,"", I. 'r>~ 01 (Ju"" .,r, PQ",.1'~ , ;'1 0' D ... ;I' af I ,,11 Dc' "01 q' ...... or ~ POO""u' IO'.l" .. 0' "..-10 .... '0 .. .,.~HX. 't)< )(l C.l~ !OIIOw,oq .PP"c."'.>" .111)(11)) 00 "01 ilDD'.,. ... ","

'''J ;::."" 01 " ...... ~I G' 1·'fOQ.oII 'fI'Iod>lf!' IT'.IIy .e ..... 11

Rol."oroe' CroP' ~ ..... iI "'''<llt!! ilfl(lj,(iI'oOIl 'P'~'" T" ... 'OUT"",.! ('OP '1"0''''''''00'' 0.,'·,1"" Ou.' 1£ A.pp~1'd 1..100. rot mult~I_ .lIpphC<ltlO"S of o....'l'If ~()'" U'"C" ",',1)4Oiln \ p".o"ul'lo puldlCle'lo S;I""""f"! "0IQ"".-. Of '''fI ro:: (tOO~ "~lt!!O 0" I"" ;It,,,, ma", t'll l"dl'11'<j ''>fO ~Df'''" ·(.,h:,....,r.q .. ,t''',pq Ad ,,JI"fI' ,(\,,,',on.' {'()(J'

'"'<t.,. t ... ['1.01" ...... 'B ...... ",,,, .. 'III' .. pp'.{a, ... ·

K. POd (reps - Dual DE Alone

p.~ r'''r, '" 'u'~ nq '~a"'.1~IQ Q'''&' no.., ..... ,,, (fO.'" • ..:T""'", roPJ'" ~.II t 1'''''\

"',.'''. : .... ,,~ ,,~~.,. '·"iI'-'~ ,,@o.ll~ ,f,,'1' ~." ~",,~""'" pp.II' ~, ..... , ~ ',., .,. ... • ........ "1 .... ·' .. ' "'{ I r. ""0 hll.ll"i t>II"", '<l't'@o" .... \" "'4' .,"<.1 ''-;' ... \ I~_' .. n., .. "'''''e'lo_T&''<1q'.,nl

App'.,. [)""'.'If e,I",., r·"pl.'" ,n(o'OO'.'''' 0' ['·H'"'.'QtI ...... u~'''a '''t' ~{~'W,r ."" '.I·f"'~ ,.,....., ... ",... ""'n-.f'·I"((o'OtI"a~1r" ~''''' •• "1" .. • .. ~k_ "\_ .. "'4\ "" ... , .. ", (' ... .11 'If ~I{-,"" u""'" A"puc.'lon Po,:,c.d I,.. (J '(' i"" S<., .. , .. ,,, .. '. ' .. <t" 1"'" ""'iI'''( ....... 1· .. ' "('("'" 1 ') ;> P'\ ,A 0' [j .. r.. ftf"" ,,{ .. , 'I. ,(,,~ ..... , ~it"" , . ~ ,,~, .... '''' • '" .-.-J,,,'" ~,..," "P{".,."l 1 ~~~ . A 'tc,,;1I'1f , " .... ". " ~ (''_, ," ," A o' :)"", !If " (r,", •• ",1 "-"!III~.' (0"".'" , 11"~~"pr J"; {"; <, I,', ...... ' ~ •• -< " .. "",: ~'''''' , )' .... v ,;' .... ' .. ,

'. ,I .. ( ,,, ~. ,,' •• " ~.1 .... ,"., ','0 ~"'('II, .. ,.,...,"'9 ..... ,,,,,,~, .V{·'"'''''' '.,,,\ "'''. '0'\,,11

L Pod Crops - Dual 8E C'),"b.natlons

• "'.'"

'. I .. "I"."""~' I"~. "'~:' .. '>'''! .n,,,...,,.,.,, •• ,,,,,, "NoJr.n(t1 110"'.{ ." " ....... ,""

.-:",.,. ' •. "_'''<1 .I.'c"" .. ""'" '" ''''''"QII ' .. ".,,, ...... .11.,. .~t.u<1 f •

1. Tank Mtwture and Sequential Applic.,'on, wlth'E::."~,am_ Beans (Green or Dry)

'"", m .!",~ {oni'{!'S aU ........" (Ot""<ll~ h (,,,.J 8£ IIQne ar1(] r-.,. f pl''''' &1O<'>e

11 .. 1",. '0'''' OUIII If AppliN AJone 1I!IC'I>Qrl (JI ''"', ............ -.a, (onIouIle(I tpy : 'lJ4I1 AI' .ll1One • ....,.n ' ..... [p'alTll.t"IIIOI ___ ~. (onIJOIIII(\ b.,. f pl ......

Page 8: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

( Dual' BE ( ~ .~I<I:~1k1 follow ..,SfluC'UOns foI' UM ~ Dual' 4f .~ undeol Apph. caUon ~ • .u •• ~.nt'" AvPIt frllaf1l .~ Preplan! lncOl'pOla'.-a, as 'OeC.foe(l on lhal 'abeol folio. \l1li',1" • pr_nwrg.r1Ce CWtca!o()n 01' Dual. a' ra,a, ~It.eod 101 Du.leE .one (lu"l'W,I pl."!II'Io~lIbotl\lnd t~ lIIan1"'fOf .:'ta' po:an',nIW bul ~ t~ ~ Of crop .""'ro-R ... , 10 the GMl ..... 'ntom\aUoi'l MCtIOn 01' Ih .. la.beI and kI lhe £ ptam 'abel 'of _a""', cullUla. p.1ltt1ca, arxt an 01 ....... p,-cauIIOf'lJ and hM,'a,1OI\S Iha' .,,"'" p..bmaflOl of theM products

~.,. 350 ... 50~ I "'of [pia", 7f' "",'11'1 [lval tI£ as t{*lfoed On c;~rl. 5001, IIlpply , }~ pes I A of Dual Bl •• (),gant( mlln., con'ant IS ItIU '''an J~ Of 1 ., piS I J.. ,I mllanoC man.' c()ntenl ,s J .... n. 911'1.111., ()on""'um-'Oll!' .W'~ I "0" I A olD",.! !'I' " (JIr,;aJ'IlC malUH' C~ffnr ., ""'I !han J~ 01;> prJ I A .t org~,," m.~ (onlOnl ,s 3~ Of gr •• I., 01"1 I't,.. 50'/1 aDply"1 piS '.01 Dual 8E "Ofganoc "'an ••• , 'an tha ... JCiot., 0< "1 '2!l pt1. J A ,I Ofoal'lK: mat1ef IS 310\ Of orwaleof

• Rala' 10 It.,. [plam label lOf ''II'. IIm,I" del)4tnd'l\9 on QII'OQ'aphl(al " ..... nt1 101 ~ .. t.nd .... '0IIII.1 fIlS!rI(.'.on~

~ DoIlOl....a.l5{14IA t;Dm If Q'I' ~*,.,.ONn'«grwnllrHRl liI",,"",n Oil c~,se ,.,.fVWC '1lO1S

2. Tank Mixture with TreUan - Be.ns (Dry - Kidney. Navy. Pinto, etc .• Lima and Snap)

OU., !It: + Tftl'I;U'l I ..... m, •• ppllfl(l ",,,pI.,,1 'ncO![lOf.11KI tonl'O/S!~~"

I,'U.-d uAd&< Ou./ IE A,ppl'eod Alon •• nd IIl0"4 -.cis h~IIl(lIOf r,,,tliin oillont!< (n "'. 1,.I1.n I:: C l.t"w<II Ou.' + ",,11." I:: C may De apphfl«l by gfound 0' Olel,al equ, and 'nCOfpwiilllI'(] up 10 , .. Cl~y$ p"o, 10 p'.nl,i'lq follow I .... 'totom I'TIoIf)(j#I(] p!'U('lKIu.I'!!o on Ill" Idtlotl.rod on th. Tltll1an I:: C la~ uilomg I"a' P'U'Yod&S u",form i' ,r.::~, IncolDOlahon

~ D'~./ + Tf.N.n tilnl< ", .• u;s,n9'~ approp.'.I'. Du.1 til: ~ft! ,poec,'...:1'Of Ou.' 8l oIovn4O olin., I"'''' T,I!Ilan '.lIe !rom II'Ie Dry,tnd'n., lll'l1 •• ~ Sn.p a..n. \""I()ns 01 !"e T.pllan F C Ilt.el Chi)(Z\,. lhll p'()('Iur;1 .al. '0' Ill. ,p"'OI,( ,o,1 1 •• Iu,.IOfgilnoC ",.n"" (I"-·.!oll..: .11011 arxl ~ SptK_ t..p«:II'Od

"fO(W fOlIoooo- .. U 'eslIO("!lonS.n.. ").I!K .. ultonSonl .... ' •• ,. .. n E. C lilt08'.ndonlll., OU.l1 "Iona ~1(Vl 01 Ih,s label

3. Tank Mill:ture With Amiben - Beens(Wtlite. Navy. Kidney. Pinto. and lima)

O".ISf + Am'bI!In Idnk m,. dr:'I,f'(! ""h'" p'"pldnl 'ncorP(HiI~'J 0' t)lI"f>""I".q~n(1!I :''''!'(>4, I~ ~SI ~If"<l "n,I." Du,/IIE AppU.c:I Alone OIno lho\.,-=1S 1,\I1"ct '~Am,l '01")(\1\ on Ifle Arn,bttn J "''''.,(;fIn OS labe'S

'~Ilil!ln! 1.-..: Oo'j"lOf.""' .... .. ~me~n,-,. AN)ly D L'0I18F ilnd A.'T1,t>fon \",Ih", f),,,"o'.nr

"''''roo, .. !f''d '" ""_<TIf"Qt'n(e u\.nQ 11'\11 ('Ill .. 1 'dll!"~ !o1)t!o<..,1,...., fe)! Ou ... 1 t<t iI,,..,,,\,,

.. roc~...., A.,m.t..,,, '''''I! ~ ~VO!< d.ed On II.,. Am,blln 1 A"'"boIn OS lar,.IS .k(Co'ct,n410 Trt.,

""d I,,",U'II' I "'qOin,r ""'dl'I" \ Id~!.,I.e.l'on ... nOw"A(J ",1." ,"\ """II'c'''11 f',II...,w '''''''u(''1oon, IOf u...., ~ 0", .. 1 fjl:: .lIOn., un<1P' AppUr;.!,on P~U~'

RI!'lI( ro ",. GoIon .... 'nIOf"l"l.l~ "IiIK1t(Jn 01 11'1" labll( arx110 It," Am,t>I!In liI~" 10< _.iilI,.,.. I:nCl (un", ... 1 t1'."'oe.S 1"'.1 ."!K1 D8,I{'<"'.nt:1! 0( 11'>8\8 PIOOu(15

M. Potatoes - DualBL Alone

APPly (\u ... IS( l!I,I"", ,nco'p<.""!fHj t""""n"'~n(e ...... " •• t1,II,nq II .. , by"{,nq 10 11"flCllon" "IiP!II(,I'f!d tol!'IQW 10' enn"ol 01 "".tKI, (''!o1.0 una.' Ill' G.n.,.1 Inlorm'lIon !o""',(Wl ..... ,Ihln. '/III' 'a"Ge u~. !". (OW,., '01'111 C"l ~II' ,p'ill'vt'''1 ((. .. "e leII",to(\ 0' Ic_,n ("q .. n,( "''lll''', u58 Ihl!' "'q"'8' q,,!O (,n SodS ''''iI'''''''' I,na 'fn!ul.o Of /)'ql'lln J""lInoC mOlnl!l' l """"', .... ~" .... "1 bI! 'tKXJelWllll"'i8' Cullu'OII P'.C'''" \!'IpC·.,. vnU" .. ,1!od ,><»1

In<:Ofpof1ll.c:l Apply [)u1I18f .II 1 -') 3 pi .. I A 10 Ihe !lO,I'rxI "(("'OO''''I! '"10 t"' .. loo 1 11'0(""''''' t">f'tn'", p,,,f'III'"Q u ... nQ.I l,n,\h."'1 rl'''~ l'Iol"o... 'OI""G {U",,,.I1Ot 0' ... """.1' 'mpl<i! .... nt f'1."t,nq .i.n(1 1",," ( , ... (1",., "1'>Oul<j n(" """Q un!' .... lfKl !o{,.1 10 lhl!' ,,,,.t.(1! P':'~lt.>I'" 'I 'f'l{.n'PQ' .. '8(i ""I"'(.i.!,on "'.i.J to., mold" an .... I""", ,.""" p'"nl'nq '0 a,aq ~,tt ov hflIO·,. [)n!oIIIO "'"""QI!I"<:" U!otI ... '''''r,I''''.1,Jnl '''.i.1 _n,y (1,\",0 ... 1." Duel 8[ .n I"tI lOP i' ,n\ ... ", 04 ~I Do noc (I;Io"".9f1 r--,IOIIO ~P'f'IO( "':I- ()<1

~P'Oo.Jts wII'" ,no(Otpo'OIll()n II'Q"'P""''''

P""""'' Aptlly Ou,,' S( ., 1 !l ) Pi" I A ,.,I"e' I'te' pl""'lnq ~s • p'. ....... 'qencfl C1i!1.'rI!I'CI D'_""""QI!Irn:I!' .i.I1 .... (j'.Q oN Ot h.lI.nql, ... tmenl bul bolito,. ........,,, ...... ,91!1 UD 10 oil D'~ I A 01 0".1 fit alone "".y till u"lifOo(l .. ",,'. so., 0' '?'o.n., It ~n b~ Ind ~

A"" HUHnv/l.ey by Appl~ pl'S IA Oull18l .tI., ""I'''qldt 'OIr I>v 10 (0',,"0;

llu,1 MnS'tl .... \pe.: '''''0' 'flm.,n(j.' 01 ,,,., q'ow."q !otI.i.'\.Qn 1 rt" .00'.<<:I,un .'., nOi (on!fol .. me'~ ~S II ""lIr t>e .,..:,H'(j <:rYe,. p.,...,ou, Uu .. 1 at .IOWI'" OII,on t'ul 'l:J n()II ACt:J·, ""-,.,. t ..... n !l ~ >ll, I A ,'I ('",.i.1 II! ,n. ~I"'Q'. r"'D 5 ... 1oOn

t·"'C I"fl()f'l /'I(lo~u~ .. nn "">J( ~ IY..,..I ~')o.'s II, UOI _I S(l;'(O"(l,fOOlH 0('( oJf .. """

• I'P'« 11<Jn IJrv.'fn~"""~ "".1,,'.,,; ."(1,0"",,-11.., • t ... -a,)/ 'w,""lOt'end{)I ..... ' tI,"r "".fu,""Q' POlito ~.,""'.S ~u w..u.11 (~"~/"') ,.'1 Lto >'>(If ,,\00!1 or' ,_, ~-'/.loeS 0' tamJ iJll"" t>(J141""~ /.,,"'., ......... """'<J"'''I. •• n11tH'" ,n,,,,,.,,.,..o ' ..... 1..-.'" •. '>11 /.) Do ~ ,,~e ,n "1I'n ' ,)u"r"r (.,.1')1 .....

/0,;,,.,. f-'o:JI.'OII!I1o 1' •• 1110<1 ... " .. ()"oI' HI ""01.<,,1 ""or t ... h.i. ..... I1"~l .. ·.';'n hlldil~ .Ill", II" • 1 0'."""9 10 1"01'.;1 v" oIID(J"( oI'o(ln n, .,tIV" 4l' 'J .. "" ",;", • :d~ "y .. "..,"{ oil,,,,, '"

"I~,I! '."od .... ' "'Iy .,.",I!

N. Potatoes - Dual BE Comblniltions

1. Tank Mixture with Sencor or uJI"oneo I'" .. ,j('IoI...,..,IQ'''' .,... ... _l ... r(>""n"""'l r-.. ~'u'" P.I "',"e 0".1 Fof .. 1'1''' .... ·1 "' .. ~,~ '" I

(e·"'tl·nl'oOn .... ', ... Of \"''1" .. "t .• ", ....... "y pI '"'' ''''<.j·,I.'.rl """"0' ,,, l II., "" 'C''Tlv'",on, ."1'1 (0"1101, '''. loHo .... 'nQ tHO'Cl,,,,.1 ,,".<1S ~O' OI.Ou'· ~."v "",."11",,11.· "."'" , .. \tJ .... ·• 1· .... 'n" ... ""(1· ' .. mt'l\riu.'I",~ D"'." ~ ':.i. .,,0.,1~ " .... ,._J ""."",·,,,.1 '.,,"~. ,.,,, ....... nd ... .,., ..... " ..... "1

,1,,11 !'If .1 ,., 1 "', • I" ... , ~'; .. 'M ... '....., ',,,,no; '" Il ... ' ...... , ..... " ... "'.or t ..... "",1

1. ............ 1)11 ...... I"'r.,-'<I" .i.".' 10111 "',,' ~ AL't", ' .. l "~ ," ,i (,,, .. , III ",.. .'.'\" ""., .nd i' ) pl'1 • A on ot ....... ...--,,1 !",.tu''''' .... ,''',,' ,''',, '111 ' .... ~ u\. I"e ' _.

''''. (>1'\ 10-11 ."'., ........ y r".,,.. 1".'u'fIhj ~ '( ... 'n o.Q ....... m,,"'" " .... '''II "'1"11' '.'. or> tor~ "'".',_, ', .... , •• t ... ·ed ,.,. "'IJ" ,n t}f'q.noe "'lit .. f .. lIf",...' .... , .,11 t:4' 'ecu(ed "(.", ell'u,.1 p'K'loe.1 •• po:!II.I! ,-,'\I ••• t.o soot Ou.ll IIf "",II noll (0<'11'00 1!I ....... geod~,


Relll, 10 II'l. Se'X('lI Of t •• ona l.beI" for prlK.uloeonary .a."..,., ~roctoon. ~IC a!oon ,ntQrm.lo;)tl ,n(! -.a. tontrtrt..a

~ .u'a:WIJ I!) A:I,"~. epJ)IK:-.onlll;i pof.toa, Jhoull1 e.. .... eo. t)o'1"r .t • r!'fYK~(" s.m' d'lW(.f'lI(JS;X~I('..-o dcflk'fOSll, m,fIOt n«""US/JCI' .. III <l<JIOfTI(>fl

Tv..-old rrr.ltJ ""'J'Y /lJ 00 nof U~. Dual .,. Ser>..'o.- (K { Of! poll!ltOe,,,, ~m

C.-v"I'V C.,~, •• noiJ![)l ........ ~ot~ns ...... ~I .. It.!(I( ... '"' 14/llo, ·!.IJ,/r", r.n, m,ra, '? J" • .,.,.,.~ <)1 (wo4/ ,r ... t,

hlOflI, (I) PulIIOt.I 1,.,1<1<1 .... Ih 0".' 81: rn 1.,,10. m"·,,I •• ,tI'I SantO' 01 I eIon. (a"n~ bfJ hill",,"Itt(l ... t!h,n t;.(l \1 • ." .tle, ~'It(II>Of\ Of Ille<.,all.,.oue, ... ,.y , ...... " ~i') l'O'OIloe' m,y 11:J! M hltve"li!eCl wlII'I,n "0 d.,s ." •• , I,y by • ..,l.l.e .",'Il al O"',II/:.. Of "IlIfij,1 'es,I1.,." m .. y IlI\ul!

2. Ou.1 BE ... loro. Tank Mixture (East of Rocky Mountains)

DU.i.18t ",ay till" ,~d 11'1. liI·,k m," (ombon .. oon "",n', .n, 01 lhe '~I .. !""~ll Of,... t("<TIuldh()"'~ .IS. ''It''tome'QflrI(.bIO.d(aslliJl,llot .. ,,ontopol ... kJ'U A""'r lu 'I,to .. {,,!

,uI1'l' 0111 •• pl .. n,,"9 and t:>e10l •• m.,~',c. oIlh<1 ClOP c- ",tI •• I,nll dllg ott .C"C"OfdI"Q to rtle 1".PlI('ihId In llIbN 1 l' Du.1 IE • lDr,;,. - Poilioe. (E...t 0' Rock, .. ourrtalnll r--- ---- -----

I, , 10 UtU T:::I~ ~il I .. ~ Ac)~D!I.'" Org.nlc ... "" <>r-v ..... c .. 'tie'

SOIlT~.tU"!.._. ___ j_-~D~-~-J .~~:. _ ~~I __ Lorn.'

~~nA(i~~m. __ ... _l_.'~PI" -1.' I~lbs i . __ l~~_ 1!l?''' ..

.. EDIUM I I lOllm $llIlOam ... !I I lpts 1~ i'l~ i'!:. 3p" ~ 7~1I, ..

'W".,n lJ .nQ l O'CD l 0' loro_ (""I~ ... ..." 1I'Q"'".I.,nt ,,,It'S One PI 01 L O'OI l "':'JoI'!o ~ 10 01 L Of(.JI ~)r

h .... :.u'f()(l$ To A'IrU<d ~'rop "'!U') (I' Vo nOluSf! {In ... nets Olio"".... ~Ina~ ."a (l) ()Q no4 ~"KO'PO>"e1'll 0' 5pf" ~ 1"'- /flpd.tn8rqt'd ~"ross

ReI,,,, 10 Ill,. Ge"'.rel Inlo,,,.,.IIO,1 S8(I,on Olll'l'$ I.i.Oe' lu I"P 1("0> 'M!('I

10' D'''C.ul'(.J'''''' 51;1, .. ...,!!!nl$ If<!ol"cllon, .i.ppl«.i.I,on ,n'O''''dl <)n anrl .... P"


O. Safflowers - Dual BE Alone

1·'l'(')/"'''I! ..... O,.p.)·.I\'Oo':'',ri __ ''' ... n..' .. n~e I{;;ILIW,"',I ...... • ",,'L"u\""" ",. t<! "" '" "nCl." App'Ir;,IIOI\ Proc.du~.

0., ( {.It"''' 'v' ~ dl>(.I~ , '. ;o:'~ , .c. "I ['''''I H! "("';An'i ..... '1 .. ' i ro,"'" t .~ , ... ~~ '"\ ... )"-t Of i ;'!" ,A ,t {",<Ml,{ ,"",tll"',~ j~ ,1' Ii'''''',., (;" "'('HI." .... ~,,\ "I;:'," . ' ~lt .. ' '" 01 0" .. 1 8f ",'" Ime ~, <IS dppl~ i' l ~ n$ J A "I [)u~1 Ht ,I (''';iln., ~,111 .. , (u"l .. n' 'S , .. ~, IIl ... n)~ 0'"'' j ('1< I A" «'ll"''''' 1"-"1"" ron!f<n!,~ J _ (., '"" ........ '

P. Gram or Forage Sorghum (Seed treated With Concep·) - Dual8E Alone

Ant", [}".I Sf '" I' .. , [l'N, "u,t.e .. p'"pI.ln' ,'', V'P<""'!fI<J o. r'_"""".)"'r;, e "~'''4 Ille ""t"~>(" • .I'e • ... If! '.{II!('!,fo,l tlof>lo...

"'"01''''' :;. .. -t"" !'I ~(lp __ f~,,'''' If) 'n~tn>( ~,on, 10' ..... " (' ,1udll'lf "no"" Apohc.I.on P'OCpdUfP. I (H ,""" '",,''' J,'1"".+ (>I no I,,)~' .. '" "\~""'S "nJr U ..... ' /-Of "'-of. [>f!I

.II OJI.Mod up to 4~ <:l.V'\ ""'0'" P .. m'nQ ,n CO IliA .. .., 1,,10 I~l .i.n(1 ~,{J U.,,, '''''v

.. ,",I ".'~"'< ill,(+'" "" ""'.1''''''''1' "",01;1," ](I .. ., 0011"'; ["~,nO 'n nl.1n:,,,,, .. ,I" .'.'1 ot "'" t,'Ooll<)( .i.~1 '.i.!11 .i."DI''''l n,!'d' , ilnO 1"8 'ft'T'.''''nq , 1 .II p'"n"""'--I A,'PI,.' ,'< ,'~ ," (" D ... .I' 8t on ,",toll.u"" '1.,).1,(., " ., l'1'> I A on ',roe ,..,.1\ l'''.i.'rn''''''~ I ...... t~,.n >oJ; '101."'1

P"O' 10 "I.n',ng """'t!"" "".i.0" ",I""'.IS. \1"" 0' ,."<.j'. oI"ph( .t,,)on ""''''v.' .,I~ . A 01 Du"'l SI:: on I 0.1'\" ... ,.1, n(>I mn'e II'!.n) _ .. , "''''' III L" '''"''''9

Ijn(1",. df, ("n(J.\oO'">, ""G.'lon """' appl't.'>Qn " 'fI'{omlTll!l"""'fo(J 10 ""~ U" .. I ~t .,to lrte \0"

P-' 11"l(00'--"'.hO(J 0' P--""'"9"nc. n .. ,., If) '"~I',,(''f''''' I'J' ,~",,..I [;~ili 1'1 "rxle' AwHeel'on Procedure. tl'O.i.Cll .... l I ~ '} DI, I A 01 Ou<ll8[ on (OrIr!oe !>Od, ;' l 2~ pt, ; A on ml!l(}.um ~,I, 0') ;0 ~PlS 1 A ()t\ I.". :1-0.1,

P..w: .Uloor>t (II II s<Yq',,,m S..,.-, " I"l(JI CJf'OCW"'r I.,..,." ... ,,, r ...... '1l {~., "I ","I

~_""Ir' ""tv'" Ina (l'OtJ Ii! Un,Mt "'9".:001 tnOot/u'" (tY>""~""S P''''''' 10 1l"V~'" ."I'!#I!~r>(" '!'<l1r;-~ (Xc ... ' 1("', ..... ".,"1 '''''' u1. ( .. [lu.1 ~I r""" t "-'[l ..... ,.,. .. .., ...... (ILr<}rvtIo r"" ",,"1. I f J. Do 1'01 ",\(0 (1u.,lll on ~Ot!)"'u'" Q ....... " ......... , '/')0' ~" .... ' ItQfl '" ''''ur;- ...,"'" f~' .,f r4' (10 "01 ...... ., tro()'W '''1'' J"" .,,, ....... '" I ... • ...... , ......... .

..... S"''''''i ",~. ",,\,,'f

O. Gnun or Forage Sorghum (S~ed tr~8t~d with Concep) - Dual BE Combln~""Jn(.. .. _ ...

[' ,~, flf I.r~ .. '"I""., .. ,I" ."I"U ",oily t"" f"pJ,,ot .": .... J." 'J' f' ..... ,' "", ".'I" .11'1'" L'u'" fH ." ...... 0' ,n I"'" l.1n ........ 1.,' .. ' 0"', .... "n,." y,'"''u''' ?""" "Oil ~ ... ",.. :1""""", Ir .. .i.,""'; by '"'' ~IHKI U)"'PI"y ... ,'" (011 ttl , , , •• , I •• " .... It"r"'''' /.) AIOf'''' .''''''1 of ['".' ~( + A"r'.i,"" l"l'r .,.,..~~ s.' , .. ' " ..... I<f>d .... ,.., ........... \ ...... ~,' ,,,,.,,,,,1,.,,, "I~H" r",,' ... t. l''f'I'' ~""")

.~);, !'"!,I''''''''' ~_(1 " "", ,,""""'1 If?O.r.t:l ."" (.>'" "S) i"'~ Ill .... "' ....... 11\

,_ .... ' •• ,,~, ... ,'''', i!'" ,I) U"''''' "'!J" " ... ~ t,v II ... " HI!Y'~ I"~"" , .... ~ .. ~, • ...., .. ,!J,,'" '" ,"«' ...... "',.., '"' 'u' ,..'~ ...... nQ r"", '-',. aI ",,1 fl~ + AAI .... r .... , ~ I .. ~I ~'''"' •• ,~ i'. roJ'T_ ''''''t f!I"fOCl 141 {I" .. ",r ", .. {"",I,lIt ,., J., .... {"'I ~'''V'',,'" OJ" ... " "",,,",, "~ """~ "r ""1'" 01 .n,.'r;-,.., .... {J{' If' (~Il~' '>(>1 ,.. ••• 1t't<'lnI1" .... '''l('' r:¥"f •. ~ '" .... , 1"'.' <" "'''Q.' ... ",[1u,,' "'r,- "" ... 11'

1. Tank Mixture With AAff'f'X 'n ;\,.,,.,,1 on.",,,,, _wl, rnnl·nll...-1l,y (h.1 'If .1'''''111 ()" •• If + AA •• ( ..... ,. '11' >'\

'"'' '.,", .... "q [>"'.,.,/,, .. 1 _".ItH """" .wl,"'rl {"I~"II' p.",,'.nl \~"" .. , ... 1 "~I '"'' "'''''01'...:1 ,II .""'''''''Q''"' II ,,0( .'''bo., ("...,"" ..... ~ .... ' .. ,._ "01 '. " ~ ••• ~,., .. J ..

·""'''W".'ll1'' mo'''''''J{jI()f, ,.~ 1I"'t.,,~ lno::I ""_,111'.1

Page 9: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

( fluaP' BE ( ~~~t f( ... IOIn.rn .... :fIOn.bruwolOu ... st un(flef"ppUctlNon ~ for m .. u- lUf"! IIfIaViI CIt 1'1()- Ii_ .. ~ onty D"," SF -+ MI .... ml, ~ .pph.d UPI04~ d..,..po>Ol1O pI.nll""" on 'L.IA .",n KS, MO, NE and so UMon1y apMI appIlC.oonSIof' ,raatmencsmaa. 30 .~d.'(I prlOllOplanrong. "",t1l.,) 01 the broedCut Ilta appI...:I ,"""-II, andlNl ,.""..nong '" a' plantIng Appty 2 }') pIS I A ~ Dual 81:: .. 1 1 '2 1M I" 01 A.Atrea No,.,. o· on ~m kJII'1 ..... th 1 ~'ItI OIQamc ~ 01 QI .. let A(JnIy 2 ~ pQ I A of Ou~ IE -+ I 7 2 I0Il .. (II Mlr •• NI~ 0 on Me JI(lIft ...... ttl Ins ,1'1.1'1 ,!>,,- or,.lnK ""ar»l, (" apply '2 ~ pta 1/11.. 01 (Jual M + '2 2 2 It. I A, AN,'R N,ne-u 0I"i ''''''I00I1 .. th 1 ~'" ()f~I\O(' ~~ 01' tlrel'a' T •• at., loIu Ihan JO da"" ptOOf to plat Itng ma.,. be m..:to. e,I'-,.S. ~pI" 01 ,,1'1'1'8 apoIlCIuon Uoo.r.".., (nodl'IOI'lS. '''"iI_hon Il'Ia, IWh':I"Ofl ,\ 'fKommtlO'ldad to mcJIr4 Dual Sf:. .. AAI,.. ,",0 In. .001

Ptecamonl ro~CI' (1IDottOl~·,.CW"Icoer. aoo/$, Indl}/OoI'lQ' .. Mort I!'IOt()um ..".,,,,,,,,, _,., ~ , 5~ Oo' mlllMr

~ llICOI'J)Ot'1INO 01 P _ ............ R.~ to IfIllrUC100ns fro< us. 01 Dua' 8f .. Ma' Appllcallon Pr,x.ckJ,.. On mtIOIum SoH! w'l'" 1 ':J"'t> OIQlnoe mllMI' or g~aJ~ ~., I~ tItS. I" d D0..I61 SE .. lJ Ibs IAOIM'· .. Nlne O· On r ...... sws with,"" ,han 1!lIIt> 00'V ... ..c manet. appy '~pIII lit d 01.'111 M plu. I.J IDa IA (}4

AAI ... NI~ 0 on ftne $OfI, .... Ih 15-'orvat'lC m.I!Mf til 0'."" aw-. 11!1 2pt1 fA 01 00,;.&18£ pi". 16 1 .!lIDS I A 01 AAI ... ""ntI IJ

"W~n u,"'Q I.AJ,. f¥W MI,.. •• l .JI A.A/r •• 'lC uN ~u, .... Ie"" "Ie, One 'tI aI ;J.J, •• ,~, ... 08'Qu.l. I 1 Ib r., ANr •• 8('M,J or,S pts aI "'"", •• oil ('l()

Pfw,c.<lhon, ; .. ~,~rn,uf} {!JDonnl".s'flnc{).'· ·.~",/S /})DoftlJlv.s.on ~msc.-twlffllle'""'" ~"'DI'9at'1l(m."., (' :~, -"".\8 ,n III"" DIo. exTK • .-~.,norr,.,..s,~.,.. ,,.. "~s('ulfeo.t"nah·"" 'GS''''''' 'i>CJ(4IDoIlOf ~ rx-fJlWW..-.c()j'JY' '1'80" A2 01"" Imr-,., ...... ~ d .....

2. Tank Mb.ture of Oual8E or Oual8E + .lAtrex. with t:,.r-.oxone Supe 9 or Roundup 'or Minimum· Tillage 0' System.

" .. "n,,,,mu"" "U'I)" 0' roo "It'Qo8 Sy!,I.""S Wh'f, SOfQh"m a •• a lfo8iI,.a ..... h (.OI'I(.PI " pl,n'e-.:! d"ed'y ,nlO • c~, (10(1 Siille ~be(l ft~llIbI'Snea SO(] 01 p' ..... oou, r,OQ ,MI(.,U8'l! 'I\fI c00IAC1 .... rb">de' G"mooone Supe, Of HOUnclup mily 0. f.,,", "',.8'0::1' .... "n Ou.1 'f 1)( 0"., 8£ • A.A.I' •• When uS8'Q .S a.rec1ftd 'he G'.ff'IOlona Supe' porIK)fl 01'''' ~n",.. conlft)ls moosl .fT'ftrqacJ .nnulll ~S .. "a suppress" fTI.ny per.nn'.1 ...... .clS Rolul"laup comb",."ons •• 11 conl,( ."...rqtK1 Annu.' 'n(] P'" ""n,a' ~I ........ n ,\0"h8(1 as (11,.08>(1 on I~ Rn .... nl"1'Jp lilOotI r",,' ..J.I aE co L ...... af • " ... " •• pon'!)n 01 'h. ,.n" IT".I",,, P'O~'Il .. ~ p'l'",m,.r(~,., {. (onl,ol ot tl1" .... ,,!1S 1o~I .. d 0" II1'! l.b81 .... nd"" '''. '''SP'''UI~H ~1""'S

fI~'tI, 10 '''ft '.t>!!', 01 ,.de 11 ",,'JdoJ("l vVWl ,,, (OMr"" ... hOI1 iln.r1 ('f"\~"'''''' '''fO : 'dn!'''q ~tI''''1S ,t'su ... ,'O"s, .ncl." ("I(hfO' p'...::.o..r..on! .. nd I,,,.,,: ... I,ons,

AppjlC.8hon ADp', hIt'OfIt du',nq Of .. l"IfIf pI.n''''q tlu! tJ,e1(,<" SO"l"um .. m .. ,Qf's, ii' '''11 """'OD".!II ' ... I",~ I ~'!'(. ~'''H'' C ... ,n Of Foraq. Sorghum - ou.18f A'on .. ," . Due/a£ CombInallO<'l. ~ Du./at ........ " •.. t'~i.-:l'_" "'I(; 1""<""loJ.c·"e ~,,,"j' (W Hounau,," at lhe 'oiIcMo''''9 b'~UI r •• !

C ... '"'to.(Iot'Ie SupM I!> l!> pt., pe' '0" plu, II" or (,')( 77 <;,,, .. M'" (W'" I()() ~"'S 01 'I"".Y m"l ... ,,, U4I ,roe~, '''';'' 10< {or1l'OI at iI"n,"\I~" "'~ .. ·1",An. "( "t!~ !,j0l ."d I"e I'l,'';'''!', , ... ,. '0< _1~ .. h .",{ ~~ ~,"I T ~,' ... '"'011''''',''''' ... ,11 "01

(011"".nlly COf'l'f\." _oio(l.';: I.1.II.r ,1"I.n l ';X""'S

R.;aoundup '" QB pft, aue II)< (on"(>1 01 ".,,',nq .. <'." ..... 1 _"0" <)f? • <:l!~ ~, .c,.!of ,."I,"Q p@',.nn,a! ~":. ~ ,he Ao,,'"Idvp Ilne', I;,), _fOd~ conl'oI1f1o(!

.'.., 'ftCommtlf\(]ed '.,,,, lor "~,,O( ~S

R. Sovber.ns - Dual8F ".'en..!

"'PPly ~~'.lil II! ","'.r prepl."1 surl.e. IIppl ... O:: p' ,,,r Uq)("A'''(l ",.

•. , '.""'.'9 .. nc •. j "'nq ,1"1 •• pp,oP' '01'. '.'f'! Spi {,', .. <1 t',!,,,,,... f""I".'" ,>,. "II, ~ A(>C>Ioe<f p,.pI."t,,,,, ntpOf.ted (>I Pi _ , .. 98''''. ~ oII<:Jo,oo '''~I' cH 1«:·" I, .. ., .... 01 ['v,jll

8l '!O". uf'\de' AppUc.llol'i Procotd ......

Pr-fiJ{)J'''' Surf.c. AfIOI..o Us. on! f,,.. ,not, ... ,'1'1 ......... , ..... .,"1 1,llilQtI 0' "0 "'I"QII5~' ..... "nc.O Of 'l !N IA ~ 1<, 1040"" ... ~~ 1040 '.AT N( ,~() I,y n.~ P ... ':.0 TN " ... WI WoI.,..., >NY AoPI, ~ lha '~ommenO""1"1 '.1' ~ Du.1 8f (~ ~ t,JI"" i ... on ~u,., ~, .f>(] ) PIS l/It on~'" SOfISI.,. ~P"I""o!Il ..... nl Xl • ., '1 .. ..., t.><"" 10 ""."\'''1.1 'ncl'l'Ia ,."".,naa,., ,.'.n,""9 Appl'::'''Ofl~ m_ If'<\, In.n 30 "iI_ ~ t>fI't:>rfIOJ.nI)~m.yhe.s.,'''''' '.101" '~,..nog"''' •• lnwn/ APD'Y.''''S ,,II 0"( (16'1"

~, no! mor.I"'.n '}~ prOOl \0 pl.nlrw;J

Po-.,D'.nt'ncorpot1I . ...,OI~"./II(". OnCGefSllS(l<l, .pply' ~ '}~, I'" 0' tl-J<I' fll ,I O'q.noC l"1.n .. =",."" " IIOU '".".1''''' o'l pi .. I'" ,I "")iln,r "'At1fO' (""I~r.1 ' .. 1<\ot, {)I Q' .... ' 0, .....".""' .... S()I/S .II""",yl :I ~ p!~ J A aI [luA' ~( ()" , .... ",,'s "I'r-I~ '} :I ~ r"lt 1 A cl ( Lo.18t ,'nrQ.nK ..... n.' ((>"'8'" ,. 1fJ~,!'..t .. j~ "' ..... J L"" I'" '.

Of'll."" ...... n.r (l"f~ " J .... or II'''.'.' IIIOfe On 1O"(bII."1' 0"., !!If m.~ be uWd "p 10" "', , .... ~ .. D'~("."'~ '1""'.(' 'PP"..a ,,'.pl,"1 '''''0'(><''''''''''' or p''''e~'g.n('''Pdt"''''' "n v"" """"«~'" orO."" m.n" (onl8'" ~n 6"" ,n!) 7()Qot, 1"81,-" .. 1 ""d' Mf ''''ft.( L"""'!U soybe.n, d ... ,,"9 ,n, 0f'4 ('O(J ttx>...1(l nUl •• (_1. p" I A

........ ,.' o. fI ... ,a · .... ""1111' ..... , floe "s"a., ( • .,' .. ' "" P, • .l' PI ,n "l'.,r,·"~·'''",''"'

... ""toen ~'"''(''' l'''''''' l 0'01 lu" •• 'IV' l'''''''n, ( .. r"I'Y 1',,, •. _ f' "'''''

"" "pr.' -,.o" •.• n 01 C(, ..... m .. ""

'wnfe ' ...... IIcofl .... "'...--,'""Q{C',..,b,n .. ' ..... n' [)' ... 'Pf ,.., .... r ... ~ .. ",_' •• " I~l" ... " '""',1I., .... ,"'Il.nor9."Il ......... '(0I"" .. ",toro_""' ...... .."i',-... T ..... ',~ .. ,r, ,.'1<1 ... ' .. ~>P'..c! 10 IO'\'tot."S o\"'''Q .n. or>41 ('to(. "".' ~rv',.'<1 rrJ! ,.., _~ ~'" . A

1. TAnk Mixture with Senc:or or LUone 'n '(I,(J,11()t'\ '0 !I\(,s,.a .. ~, f ""!I, ...... , f" [>o,~, liE "'",,. (" .• 1 <# ' ... ", '" ,.- I "" '.,

,,".n "",1010<1., (1""",.<1 .. '"...,',.....1',.>1'1 , .. 'r "'-""1 :,,{. .. {l."~' ........ , .. ( , •• ' •. 1"'"

"II '. <"QN'II"I.a_ ",."..o ... ."n."" ",.., .... ," ... "' .. ". ! ...... , \.)" .. " ..... I'" I., .! ..

'.Q~ ,,.,,..,,'~ ... ' ... " ..... 1 .... ".rfl ...... "'_ ''''-: .... '1 - ,.~ • ..t"1

• p.""."y (ont'OIle;:I


AWIy Oua' 4E an4 Senrot Of lA.~ ~.r,1 ,ncOfpot"aI'9d or ~nce VIofliiiiI .,.,. ~ r~ trum Tabfe Ii ~ IncQfPOo'1l1k1 Of 1'_,.98'IC. f-oIlow ,,,lIr!JCt1OnS Iof LIM d Dual 8t: ak.W\l ',r.Jl8f Applbuon Proc~ ~ Apply Oual8E Incoorpoi"''''' as '()a(.,I~ ,n tahOe.!l ':)f 111'll.Inll. .... ,.

'u'" FOIIcMo ... "1'1. ~rvenc. 'ppllUlllOt'l of Sencor I)f l .. one a,,""O I .n"f"IQ lbehll"ld 1M pI."""JOt .Pt •• pI."I'~ bel{:w • ......a. Of wytoeans ."""QfI n.r., 10 II'l4I SencOt or l •• one l.beIS~' P"nT'ng ""1111, .. n.: ~,-,~1'8.n ~",.tJ

''''''OCIoOf"I' TabI4i. Ou.II.!IE + S.ncor or lalon. - SOVW.".

.--.~- --·f -o~;.~~~=:~lR·~·~;~::~~c .. ~n_ ~.n.c ... ner or G,...'.r

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S",COfI : S .. nCOfI

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u'Q."o( m.ner) !> .. nd'l'IOllm I

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• ..... hen us"'9 Serxo. 4 O. l ~.on~.l fl"'"I'.L-', !t·S (,' ['~ t 1 , ., 10 l,ot" D!~ l/It

··On .Uland S."O "",111 ".. .. S I .... n ~ o'r,"''' (,..,"", do nul us.''''~ 'an" "" .. 1u'", D'~rr·tHQ":X~ <11! .... ~~ut'n! A' l'f'a''''''''''' ~"''''''''~ I .... I.~k m,.'ur. pi"P",I .. '" 'rxo'p<"dl~ a .... "ys.n<..l '04m, ~4"d OJ ., ... ..,c, I'J-i'Tl :.0' ('00 ,n,ur, "'., OC(UI

••• U~4't 05 It! I A ,j .ppl,"'" P'@,",'''''' n( ()t:~",1~"O

I'"", ao"I>Oo"S (I' ilo ( .• : .. ~ .. 'fie Illn. "",,. 0' \"'Ju"~"II' ", ),.0( d·."V" ...... ~ ,,' ... "" ... ~} .... "" <' ~ ~ cvvsntC "'ijr!81 (lr (0" II." ,ne S'-'''' .,'" ',I ...... ' ... ,> • ,.; -, ... ,) '"".#y

,~ 'uf I.', ,,~,. r""O< ( ... ~ ~von8"'t'f'!IJ:o.,{ ... '(", , ,\," ,,' , " ~d). ""~u,r "1'_ ,;, .. ., "J.-""~ "f.,,.., ."..s .... ,,1'''' ..... r"f $"no:J~ , .' ........ '. ';d.·

2. Tank Mi.tu~ With Lomx I~ Add,loon lol~ -..3S ((>nl,OI'ftCl tl~ 0" .. ' /oIf .tW'", .. '-~t.." "t . ,~"-:: ••• 'C·'~l "'t'@"''''Qft''C ... 'so rOnlfOiS ",,. t, II('''''''Q ~ ,e II ;' .... ' ........ ,.\ : .:!,~,,'

"",<"('n-:l· 'dm!"6Qu ... rl .. r!> .,.,r '''''''~~I'".. . •• ', .. .t ·.1<; ....... <..1 ~~ .. f1"....-.c ... ' .... 11 ... ,· ""'nO(. IT"\,III(M .. M ... , l ""'~"!d'"

1~"",,"9'l""'C • ...... ply d""nQ 1,1,\", ~~ IJot't\ "c : •• It· (' ,1"""": "-""'. [ .. , r--o-'c'~ .... ·<><.1'> 0< sC"'fhol''''''' t' ..... ,,,,,)t" fl .. lf" '. '''1 .. l (, ,,1 ",1"" ".' •• 1" "0:; ,· .. t •• ,~ ... ~,'.', ]"fI "'~""OD' .1. , .. tft~ fr, ..... '.Llt! 9

So,1 '''.'U,," COARSE ••


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o !I""" 10 l ••• T .... n 1""" Org.nlC .... n.,

• lora. OF " ••

• , ." • , , .) .t-,

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1-'" Org.n,c .... n" 0' (,,..,.'

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;> ,)11 ' , , "' ;' " ;!~ .'!, ) ·tl~

""r. '''~u ..... ''',II.,..l'''.~ .. ''a """(" n~·'" ''''''..l'''8''·,1' •• ' ".., ""';i1n,( "'i"' .. '

. "w" .. " ... ~'nQl('m.I,)fI,"',.{)~ vW"'l .... ~ .... :'.' .. ~ ';' .. '" ·'l~·(.l,",";.J'R' on" ,t> "J! l 0)'0' U~ ., ,

3. Tank Mlxlure wllh Amlben ~ .. , ' .. ". ·.".Tv'," '.''''''~'' it" _1'<:' (C, .... '·,,·"'" fl' rI, ...... ,."'r "'"...,.,., '1'. i"i:tI" ""'"'' I ... , .. • '(, ." .. 0 ..... liE Appll.d Alo". \." ." "( ',,. , <It"., ', ....... \, ......

t,"" ... /l! ""'''fOAn,j',''· .. I>"', ... "'.t·,,,,',' .... ,..\C' .. '''' ... ,,'.'' ... ' , . I''''r_/l'', ''V ,"p"'.""',,,, J' ...... "" .. "VfI"'. ,,",,'1,1, \ ',I.. I "nl I. ..,.tw!t". [l' ... , ... _ .... ;" • I> ", Ju"". 'If"~ r"". , .... ,' 1', :I P~ .... , ,,--a l'"' 'n ~,." "M', '''. /., !.,\ .... "I ['v.' HI ,..n ',tlfI ~o", U,. I ~ Q.''': ,I ",,,,,lte"'" ' .... ' ......... ~~~~ , "J."~ -r" .... ,.)J, '" """'". ,~ .. "SII' ,'.I"'" ", ~,''',," ... 'I '0 ',.".."01 ~,·..,j'!t'f'~' . '" .. , f,'", • ""~"''''41''' , .. '" ....... ' '"'' ,,; ..,,, '· .. ·a ,fU!>'I'< """ 'e ,. ( " ~''''''.'tI '", '''I.'''."...., ... "pI, , .... ,,\". """'u" '0 ,'''' "...", ."<, '1'I('0'[)Of'. '''IQ '''C" '''(1''''' " .. , •. , ~'''' 1"\' h"""III~.~'·nQ JOliOOlo '''''''1..1'' C'''' I,.,' .... M .)I ..... ''' ..... " .. p'.C>& .... , "'"".' .. [) .... ,!If .. "."" ,,"Ofl' Apphc"I'on Pnx:e.du,... ~.,f~ """'"

'I,. ,"',.._ ",·.,u'. 0 .... ""(,0 P'oI"!'''r;J 1'>41"''''1 , .... p'."'." '" ."., """"''''Q tootlor.~' ,,' ''' .... hfI • .,' ....... "oe ~,fOQu • .,f •• 1 """''101..1.' ~f '/o::Ine ~.'" I ..... ~..., a, \Iof'< ".J .~ In. ''',' ,.". ", .. ,U'. J ,,,...,,., .... ,"'. p,_ ..... ..,.no::. IWIC~oon aI ....... ,!lfIn "v"l"\Q pI'''''''Q IbII,""nd 11"1. planl.1) Of .'1 .. pllnl'''9 tMllor"e ..... ~

""Yto".". 'fO'Ie'ge

Page 10: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

( Dual"" 8E ( lef1 uwog ~ os. mu"~ g4Wlc:W-. 01 Arnbtn by 2 "kit rbt ,.".,.,., OS I A

~ to the ~ InfonNtioft MC:ttOtl 01 tI'Ifs Label ,Ad to ChII Ambn ~Is b ... ,.,.....-d CullUl'aI ~ lhat perlotmW'C. of ,.,.. produ..:;ts

4. T.nk Mixture with Amlben .nd Sencor or T~ taN;1THJ1U1'11.nect,..,.,.,C'OI1trQI.l t~ -.ciS as listed on I"" CUlfent ou.' 8f A.m.NnJA.Ir!.obIoI\OS antjL ... or!e .. l/DF Of s."CO# 4/0f J~r.),

Apply DUI' • "'ml~n + ll.ona 01 SantOI p'.p'ant on~Olpor.'.CI Of p,a l"-1Jenca U.'F1Q , ..... "",otI".'. 'I'es Irom TIDIe 10 PrTlpI.,>! '''(OI~'O')!.'.O ,II H_.*g:eo ... f.()Iluw "'SUuC1IOflS foI UM of Dull 8E lion. "Mal "'Wltilion --~ 10 DuM IE + AmlbM .. S~ ~ l.-~ - SortNIMI

r---=---=-~II~." R~;~P.~ ~,.-. ---=-S_C~f'·

.......... C-____ ~-CDC":·~I:.:.--+~-=.:"':~::n~---~+--C .. ~LA::.on:c.~DF COARSE Lo.arrry I.&Ild f ~ ~~~...,

• 3 .. Qts +

.. ""'_ ...... _----!----------- -- -- - --- ------- --MEDIUM + .. 5 QIS • FlNE 2!> 3pts. ... S6Q!S ...

----j------ - -- -- ---------t.4ucll or Plloll S£lots (SO<I, with ~, 00 NOT uSf ~~ __ "'C·~nM~I_L. __


~ €7 It> •••

·R ••"'Am,[)jtnDS .. Du,18f .. S.ncor/Le.o,..~onOllh. Amoben t.oe~ Iof dll'llnr.,n,"'9 product U$e 'lite .,,!F'I.n '.,. '."qe' ..... "en u~'''Q Al'1'Io()eft OS munlP .... quarts 01 Amlboen by 06101' 10' Am.ben (lSI"

··v",*" I,ISIflg s."IC0I' -4 01' l~ eL. mulllply Ib$ 01 OF b~ I ~ 10 QoI' [)'IS : A

••• On Clanon·,., 01' ,'1'1'1,11.' .I~&llne tt.jc.'lou~1 ~Ool' .'1'" • DH N 75 Of a~. at)pty the OF al 033 Itl I" on SO"S ... na 03J 0 ~o 't1 ," QI"I hnoe SOIlS

SPK~ ~alll'lllns Reier 10 11'1. 01.1'" eE. + S.ncOf Ile.en. 'e<1.<)fl C'I 1"''11,,0.' '''t!' .... m'ben + 01.1.1 ef + Sftncor II t!'.one '\.8<..1>()l\ 01 ,r>e A",.tole" l,lt>e·~ .. na ~"'e <:""<:01' Ile.()1'14 , ... t.oeoIS 'Of pl ... nl"'Q at't .... I~ .... "fI'V 1·'T1,T.1IIlon~ ... ~ ." ( .... "(H'., OInO 't!'stro(:'to(lflS conc~ml'lQ I.IWII at '''''s. f'IOOuC1'1 0'1 ..a~~.ns

5. Tank Mixture with T~fl8n D •• Al8E + Trf'~ l<ln" m" APtIloed p .. p,.n, If'lCOft)OI'illed ({.>nl,"'S IMY .~s i'SIP(! undel'E Appll4'd Alon. "nd ",~ --', h .... l*"<J tIr" 1, .. ,,-, .t'G"6 on I"" T'jlIIOIn E C ,~ D~I eE + T'e".n m..,. 0.1'1 ..... ,,00(] b~ Q'O. r •• ,jl .le' .' .. (lu'D"' ..... ! anCl IfIco,por.TI'CI up 10 14 .,arJ p"01:0 PI",."",'] . 01'"", I"e '.(o,..,m,.nC~d p<U(4(lures on 11"41 T''''' .. n l C ilnd 01.1. eE 1''),11' u"n", eq..Jlp ...... "nl'''ill P'O'wo(l", Un,gm 2 II'*CI'1 tf\(.)IpOf.'oQ<'I

A.UP'V 01.1.1 SE .. T'e"iln tan • ...,,_ us'"g II'", "PC"op"a" ',l'" I,nm •• .. I1 .... a' "f "",r~ '>Id0Qn 01 11'1"" :r.e Tn!TIOIn .lOne SMhon 011"11'1 T''''·a''! C i •• ~'t" ,,_, ,n .. so.:.lhc $001 !.e.\o...-.,I OI'g.""oC mOlIne' tl ......... ,OCilhon .. nd..-l ~~ 'tiS eopoo(le..l

~Cft iV'",,", ilil "11'10100' OlIn(! p'ec.'Jloon!o Qf1'Ioe T,,," .... [ C l,lr ... , ."1 nn '"'' [l .... dl 8f_ .~ porh()f' of It'll' ,~

6, T!lnk Mil~ure With Scepter Th., l.IInk "' •• lu" (Oni'OI"l all ~s (onlh)l1ed by Ou.' eE ,v'''1" <I"a t,. "or .. ,,...,

.~ Rftlftf rOI'" DIMI.f ApflIINAIC)I! • .loftn...,n'o'w~S<'-''''·'j''l'</h. D"d' 1"/ 0Irt(! '0 I". s.::epil~ la~IIOI'....-os c{)f'Il'OIIed "Y S<~ "'Ie' Hf"'" to .~," ~eple' ''''( ... , 'or yeoo:p"""'~ loI:alOO' -""I" I"'" I.n~ m 0'",. rna . ~ .L>~ tfj

"POly OuOll' eE • Sooopillf ptepta"'l ,ncOtr-:,'.'e.:I Of p'_ .... ~'Q""'~ e ~s'''(j' 01·"" .n t"" 'OlD .. bekM fQlIoo. LrSI d"f'(1IQ1'1, u"ClIt' "'pph'''I()O''t I .. , .. _ (1'0'" ,," t"8 '>' flI"'" '.bIoI JOf P'W""I '''ICOfg.o<.11Kl .ppl><:.I>o"S .POly.1ld ,n(o't""'.I·" ... ,1"''' JI) (!"1'0

bl1orept.nI."Q OOW ..... "II 0("'" P'I'I(OIIU'!,onS.nd ",.,."Iill-on\,,,, 'f, .. '-,;:t!l'"'' la,.,.. '!.

T-. 11 0uaJ I( • Sc:'9Iet' - SoyW .....

lA.' hwn 3-' 3'"001' Mon O~r"c Mett., 0"'9,n" ... n.r r-

--- -- 8n).a~C~'1 R., •• PPf Ac..,.

Sotl T_rlu,. Du-;I IE -T - 5~'~'" 01.1.1 IE SU'p'.' - -- ----~- - - - -+-

Coe~ I I;~ [1'\ (,' pI , ':> r'~ • ' ;:~ -----4-___ _

f,,.,. lI"'::k Of PPM

~" I»" _,,'" '"nOI, 1"'"n ~

""'lJan < rrl"r!.'1 L

1.1;1 ,'( , .. ~ . -.'.,' :.~

1)1) ~4( Tf I ",1

... ~, I'IOo~aOP ..... ·,,,,n9C',, • .,.,,-,j"A, .... 't ,,"<1', ':")'''. ;·,1: .. ·"''' .. ·1··.' .. • .. ·~

\",toean IOf."'" "h v \t'<I ... !rJ ', .... ',,,. "." P',d , .. ~ 'J,,"'" '. "'"

7. Tank Mixture With lorol Plus r .. " ,.n. m'., .... '. (yO",...',;I" _11<1, ,,,n,,, ',<11'1 fl. d''''f A no.; " •. '" I '>On4! R"." •• o· .... Du., IE /lpp"'" ""on1 "pc I, ." '." ."",1', ,"'1 r.! , . .-1, .. ,

.·",'o, ... L"'<)."·,,'1' .. ' ... ,I,,, ........ ),,·.'···, .. ,.,'.1 · •• I~ ~

"'l{)ly [lu.1 8£ + \ n",. P •. " r" .. " ....... ·'-lP", tI ,,~ .. , • ' .... , "'. r .' , ... ' , ..... '91' v\ "'Q 'al., " !~! ' .. 'I

'."", 'nl'..,.. •. 'L\ .. '1' .. ","'''~ ~.,J','~ I - " ," ."fl'.r,'oOn ,0 100" .... ." .',f! ,,'~, r ",I' '''\1' , ... , n '~'" .'~'~' (t,

Ou.' IE

l 0 pl~

; I I

Lora_ Plu. t60DF)

,< 1<1101

1" 1<; 01

16 11:101

P'fI<:.ufOU'l Do nOof 'P(J/Y to s.nd or to.".,. ~I\,I ""m ... H /flan 0 5~ DI1;"nl( m.ffer Of Io./'IV s~ lIIIoM pH gntll'" man 6 6

8. Tank Mixture with Gemini ~~., I.n. fT'I'II ... I' COI"II'()" .. 11..eeds f.ont'O'16<1 Oy Du'" 8t dlOf\€, ilnd Oy (",tlm,n. .'0 .... H,,", 10 ,,.. t:N.'IE AppU..., AloM .. fK'tOn 'u, ~~(onl101led tly Du.' BE­ant:IlQ 1M u.m..... Iabe' k:H ......." (~fOlIl<l tl~ Glitnl!\l

Apply o .... 'eE + (',em,nlp'Hm"Qln<:II."e, p'.nl,ngt>ul belo'l .... U'l'De.n~ @mt!I'ge us,ng ,.,,' ,n faollJ 1]

NOlI f011OW.lII Lo .... e d,'"r1,ons Iom""'lon,, (" .. f ..... "O"\ ,,,IO"'''OII,on,eQa'Q.nQ ,ppl,~.I,on 10 soyOf1.n!o ana '(lI.I"m .. 1 11!'11"<~'(\r.\ u'" Int!' D .... , S[ and (,;t'm,n, I<lDoeI~

--------, L_ I 05·3'- Of9.n,c ..... tlif - -------,-I OualaE

------------ -+--_.-Co.... I· .".tnd, [0<1'" Onl~l 1;'':0 ;,1',.

M.dlu.... 1 '; '.'<'

(I '>~ ()~,,,< fTltn~ 0' fa ,,..,. so" ... ,.. I,,.m.,,,IIt{>t><

'f, ;>0, 1

."0 1<1 r'

" U'" '""'!w'" f(l<,tr()'~,ld "'f>"d~ {[)f'T," ,." t ~ ['" .. l-f .. ,( ..... d"'):" ' •• 'O' r~"",.'Tot~O'Du.18E ... pp".cJ/llon"'.> .. ,''"',,!cl ...... ,--:~t.· ''''l~.; ... !:'f

'>'''1 'e I ..... C.n.. '1:' .. ',i:",1 t,,,, "'t'f'O$ (·'n",. ..... " t , C -,jr','1 '.

""; ,'1, >,,~r"OI"I '" f)fD<'\'d'~" (" [1'f'O.m,.'t; .. ,..., ~ ~~,,,') '''1 .. ''':·'''~:'',.ll .. '.1.,,~ .... "', ~Jr,." 14 P,,,I"."" /"( or(H"lfttlC/ • ..,(',~ ,",,!-' '1.' ........ '!. I"" .In,.",.. t;., ",',r,. ,nCOlpC'''' ,nlO ml!! !UP T ." c,1 ~Oll !)f>'O'~ I-I'.t"'I'''~ .... '-,~t*'tl"S i'~mt''?(''''' t' A. ','¥

J""" ."."I,nQ t,,,1 1:'.f"'Ol", ~~t"'.In .. f'~ ~Iy~

·r~,. ~,.,"~ .. 1I ~~&d""'{' ,).,~ ""'-,"'d' · •. ~1·,(' ('r,> ,.. ·,jt.""~ ~ ... {"t,,' ,"', ",.

~ _'\'0" ' .... ~<lId nq ~"I'("t"(Jn TO ~\J~[H;Ia"'o ,Jro IC>!"tT ' ".I' .~".,(' ,W''> on ,~ .. ~ ~ .. ~t

,'·'1C.nOPy 1.tM"'\

05l.nTtl ... 3'" Of/jlllnll: M.1I1Pf

C4Tnopy r,>Of

.... "'1.1"" T ., [1''1 1;' (I

I'm. ~-:-• .,-~;~- -r- -'l' 14 c:l

, HJ "1

l ••..

1'..,.,- ",,!-rY' [X> "nl Itppl,,' Sd"d' O. 10 1Jf'V ~'H ... '" '''~1 ' '<I" oj ~"'" (l'Qlfn ... "".1'1(>, (\I . .., a"\l ~O" '"' r" (,H ~.Ier ."." IO~oC-O""~ 'Ie rt'o IV' r ... • ( at'l<JV, ,.{>tol

TO. Tank Mixture With P~view rl'1" ,.". "",011.1'1'1 C,)nI!'O'S <It! """""" (0""0"1'1'0 by Oual fI: I.kJn • • "0 f. I"~"'''' .l.nn .. f1t'p' 1(' I"t! DUIII IE Appilld Alone 'fOCI·on 'c" ...... '~CO"'''C'''''('!:-;, l .. A. ~I I"d '0 ~"e P'P~_ 'ane, '0' ... et>K1'!. conl'OI'f'd tl, f',,.~,_

"['[l', t"P; '.nT ''''fC)'pO'alowl O. P'N''''~'<.Je''''' w'>'''<:l ,n" ol:or""r" .t'tI •. ,.~ .. '""'" ·.1"" ," r, .. (1 •• ,.,rlr1(O'''<Jf.rt'I1 .... pp'V ... ,'',''.' ........ ,~lr.,l .. ln,~ I,' """ •

'l( (.,t".,-,j'!! n !,) " .. !tT"O 1 ;.- (.1 W" t""O'II(:'."· "q \l"!"!'''''~ '""-,.. .. '1;fl '" t:'t· , .1'"1'" L <I~,! "'0 nul t>@'cwe "iI..ybooil"5 emll'9" • •

"'0'. f')·'o_.11 IJU CI""cl,(>ns "."ftl.' ,p~"ir',";~~' ~'lal'0"5 ""~II"f'·_\ ~" "",.t,N' '''''«ol'd''''o1 .",pll( .Io()n 10 ""'/'I' ... a'''100 tnd If ~ol' ..... .11 ,,·,11,( ~"''-'10 ".'. :' "a, 11[ .-'<:1 P'I!~'_ '.!>I'.

O~l ... T"'-n3'"o Org ..... c "'UII'


r"Ily', 0....11£ P .... ,_1.,Of 01.1" IE P .. ", ...... O~

(0 .... , . ". ('.~ '. "I .. .. ' "'~d'y"" I', r'" 1 ('1 .' n r" , .

• F '''. .' ,11"1 fII"t .' '> P" j • .. I.,.... "",.,n (1.-. r,,, '(l{l'y ,,, ,,,"'r1 Of ,.., ''''t ~,,,, .... ,1'1 ""1 .",,, (' '.~ .,...,J." .. ~ .... _ ·, .. "'I"." ... , .. C' .. ~" .. ', .... nl'ilJ

: ~E:T ~~AIU~LE ;:'(1;-" l ____________ .

Page 11: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

Dual" 8E

11. T.nk MiKturw with Comm.nd· n. .. rnGI\n IXII'Wr, ..... ..".,.,. ~~ by Dual aE alof'le and by eom",.na ~ ReIIof kl the ~ aE AppMM Akine MChon tor ~t >:nOtron.d by OU" 8E IInO ID the ~ Iat* tot ..".,.,. COt'Itt*ec:I by eom",.n(!

~ Ouat 8E + ~ ~ oroc.:orpoteMd USII'Q ' .. el.., Table 16 FoiI(lllllr.1I CQI'I\l'ft&nd appftcelOl In,'rucloon, e, 10 ,ncOfPO'II.on '''''''''11 oeoo'lprhe., 1oc.1Ofl. eQ\.IopmetI' opel_ott, lIOII rl'K)4lLle cona<1lDflt Me;: 0

.~ 8eklorw "'1.'''9 epploc."ons. " "'ICI'" IOIl~ .lIuSol a.flct.o"s l,m".hOOI. prec.UhOfll ,,,IOIm.,,o" ~.'( 'PP"(."()I1 '0 \0.,t>efl"1 .na IO(IIoOr\&I r-anChO,,, Otll~ 0 ... .11 aE &nO Commlnd IM'I

___ ''!:_''""' __ u + CoOf'IIP\WIICI-~ __________ _

1" lank Mixture with Sonala" Thrs tAnk m'nl,IIII C(lI'IIf'OI'S .11 -.os ~'Of"ro.iea tJ", Ou'" B£ .. 100ft .. nd tty $on;III,)n

IIOnot A .... ID the 0uaI1E Appj...:J A'onl SfOdI()fl lOt -01 wnlrOIl.d r,., Ou .. 1 8E end ID the.sorw....l.oiLbeI b' --as c:onr~ by Son.,." Aop/y Ou" aE &nCI ""eplant ,no.orpot"e.] ",s,ng IF'll apP'CIP" .. I. , .. Ies lrom TIbIoI17

p .. pllnl rr:corporaM<1 FOllOw""naed so., rHIIIlI .. t,on p.ocltdu'fI~ 10' 501'1"." 1=I.le, 10 'h. Son".",O"I' Tlnk Mhl",. l .. tlP' '0' .neo,po, .. I,o,", n:oec rfGaloOOll.

~ A,ppty'tPPI.nt 'flCOItlOIlled U WI':,I...:! onlhe Son",." libel Follow W'fIh. pr~nc. ... ~>Ull"'" 01 au"ng D,.;anl'ng (tlet"r.d Ihe pI.iIt1t"j Of .n.. pI.-w'ng o.tore -eeoJ1 Of, e""l1)11

T~ \7· 0\01"£ + s.on.tan _ s.o.~n,

L--- &ro..dc.Ii., R,t ... "., Ac.~

1. ___ ~n:C~,!:' Sod l .. ..,vlll • Ov.I.E SOOII'n Ou.IIE

ec-.. I 152ptS -;-",-,-",,--~-2~· -i-,-;~ 7p1~ "'1td1lJ~o ___ 1~2~ I l~ 2 ~ tItS _...!-_,_,_,_~~= L~ ~0~~1~

:~~::',;':"n I ''c''C'--_ "" "" L,,-' '" ""<)1', Illart ~ DO NOT uSE

0'Q~no( m')n .. --------

0FQ< p.s!.,..n black n.ghtst'l¥J4or> I"P'Of! '!.0' '!. "W, So".!I,!",;1I _' :"'\. I A on """"c,,,m and l~ ptS I A on ', ..... leolu''''' Wo,'!.,n(! ono ........ ,h t>oooQ .n(O.~·,.;aI,(\fl p,,!.'!o@'\.

Iw,. FoIk7,~ .. " uY a ... cloons l,m"'~lo:)rI' P'IC.;auhOn'!. 10M "'.GI ..... ,!11Qt' 1000(j""(l,ng ~o("hon 10 toy'tJe.InS OtlIF'll DuAl liE .rd Son .. , .. n 'atlOll,s

13. Tank Mixture with PUrsUit To", I.nlo m,lrt .. re c:oroImoiS aJl-ea, r-Qf"""1e(I by Dua) liE: ,,!()n~ And t'f Pu~ ... " .1One H .... 10''''' ~ IE AppI,~ AlorLe HClOO'lIol-:lS (onl'O"fOo(l Dv O".;a' fit .'\CIIO' .... P"".,.,tllat.l~ ~I Cf)(t'!'oI"1o(l toy P\J~""" Apfel 10 '1)11 ~'''f'liu'' I .. t.!!, ·c' \joIOQI'aoft<&I LOC.hO .... S.'"- ""s tanII; ",,"tV" m.,. o.apoIleoJ

A..Doi'f Dual + p""... 'ar!, p'.pI.nt P" JoI,", uxorpo.aled Of P,,,,ml"Qen(, ''''"", r'.""'''9 uStnQ .......... T~ 111 A,pplo(.A"Ot'I c." e.. "".a. ," ."Ie' 0< 1,0uo<l''''''',1 I'"

l'oI~ all uN a"Ktl()ns u.-.a.< Sot. Appllc.llho", ()t\ ' ..... P~u" I.()tl 1'-<)' ",,'I. p,ppl.", .f\d p'epl.", ,<x0<pt;'.'1IKI .;a.lID'><:"'oO<>S apCI' • ..-,'h,,, 30 o::I.~ b"'c.'e pj&n(,f"OCJ

'w",.. '0110:_ ",, u~ a"iI"("1o(Y" """Ia'",.." P'IK • .,11()"5 • ...., .r'0'~"·~)t'I '",,<d'C "-1 "~'''''''''oOn 10 '-Oy"-ns '''<:1 'oI<I'oon.1 , .. \!ood·O"I n" 1"111 O,.ol' fiE ""d P "~., I '''!>e''

feb'. " Ou.l. PI..,.....I'I _ Soybf.,.., r 8,.,.6<-.11 R"., Pw-f 0\(.,...

I -~~ ..... 1.... ) .... Of 101" .. I 0'9'noc WIM.. 0rvl"'C .... ".r

Sool T.lrturw Oull'E

... ., ;'~ , .. [', 0:<'; ,

. ',C''!. .' I'

J ,". .-' - .. ',. " .' :'

14. T.nk Mixture with lallone, Sencor, Scepler, lOroll, lorox Plus. Gemini, canopy, Preview or Pursuit plua Gr8moxone Super or Roundup for or No-Tillage Syatema

In mlnlf'l'lum ''''IQI Of no 1''''9' Iystems wnel. soybli.ns.,. pilrued o::Iorectly onto. (OYef ('op ,ta .. " •• (II:*, .SIIOhSt\tl(j ~ or p' .... OOus (ffJQ .. ,ICI".S lhe COt I.ct hertloCdes Gllmo"on' Su(»' Of l=loundup m~y be iI'1dltd 1o I 1.,,10 m,. of l"hItl Dull 8f + "AOCOt 0' L •• o .... [l"".'8£ + s.c.p(e. (\u~I:if: + loroo Ou" aE • lom. PluS, Du" 8f: + Gemon, 0 .... 11 BE + C."op, DU,)161:. + P,,,-_ or Dull aE • Purs. ... " w .... n vsed,,$ d,rected 'he G,.mo.on. S",~,,' poflottol ...... , ....... m .. lur.

«()I"\ItOiS mo'SI ''''''g«] ....-:I, lor>(] Svpp"S'!.I!' m.ny ~.""'.I.....-:II Rounaup combo"lfoons .,W eonilOlamer'Qed In"UI( II'W) ~ .. "m" .-"'len apph.d u Il".ned ')11 'F'II R~up label T hit D .... aI 8f + Ser'\('O! I l •• )I'Ie Sc"9t.'. LOfO« lorwo Plu, ,-~m'nt C.nopy P ..... ,_ Of F>v" ... " [lOf11(Wl Of lhe WnIl mlllu'. ~s p, .. ",-. ~ .. ,. conlrol of ,r.e ~s "Iled 0" Ih,s l.t>eI ," lhe link m,.!ul. IoeCtlOf'l'or Ou.;al 8E + S4ncor Ile.on. Du,1 BE + 5( ept •• , Ou .. ' af: + lOlQll Dull aE: + loroa r~h.s. 0....'8E: + Gem,n, Oual8E + :."op." Du.1 &E ... P'..,_.nd Ou.l SE + PuraufI. 1'MtIk1tYef"

R.I.r 10 If\e l.abel oI • .I<.t. p.oauct I.<!.ed ,r> comb,n."o' .nd o! !!'Ie pll"''''9 o::Ittl.,I'!. SOyhe." ".ll>I!tty1eS"'(1o()ns . .,Io.mll,e.n ,,,,,".;a, J nq "WlCilloOf'

(}I'OQ'&pl' "~'ICI.::In' ;1,0(1 all aU'''. prec.l..loOnS an." l~n'I'hOI"I'!.

Ret,,,bekM-k>r, .. 'esc:Jr,, Super 01 AOl,;n,Jup l 1"8£ • S-enCQf/ C ... .;a151:. + s..::eP'er o....;al Bl .. loroz Dudl fit + Lo'o. PluS 0 .... 18£ + Gllm,,,. Du~1 eE • C.nopy Uuoll.6J- + P."",_ ..,,,d Dual Bt • Pur-su,' "t5DttC1",II., Appllcltton' Apply be'o,e du""g, o •• 11 .. , pl.;a"""g ~ wi Deto,e '''e !.o~be'''1 em'lf98 .. , ,,,,. ,,,'es !lpec,hed be'o. AoXl (J,,)rr.uzone - J~ 0< Roundup ., ''14 'OllO.HlQ tJ,~~ '.."el

Grwmo.oneSupet 1 ~ 2~~ IAph-,IB1I 01 oil( PSp.e~".rtt. 'OO~.''!. 01 Ipr.~ m,llu" UM 'he IOwel '''e '-:If (ont.Oi cf ~nnu.I_~!o iell Ih .. n., ·(~I l.;all .;and I". h'ghe' , .... la, •• ea'!.. 6 ''''(''~S I~I: T",s I ".lm",nl .. nOI COf'IS,!.lenll., (00"01 Wf'fMl5.I.;alle, 'h.;an 6 ,.-.:::"111

Note 00 r'I(l( apply co ..... o'''aloOfl'!. eO"la.""''l G,.mozon. ~ '(l4I' ," 5.uSpol!lr~oO" 'V~ l>Quod I~1f1'\.1"" ~'\. me an" .. "", 01 pa'ilQuill ... ,11 ()t 1&Vu<iII>lI

Rovndup 1 5 (II'!. I A !Ol e.,sl'''Q 01"" ... 1 .... ea!. 01 2 <II a's I A 10' 181'1' "g pe.en", ••• ee<:l!. ~e .t'I. Rou"CluD I .. bei 10' ... e .. as (0,,1'.;)11,,(1 .. na 'ee( '" rnende<lI~le!. 10< SDP(,he _8(J'!.

Dual8E + Le .. one/S~ncor + Gramoxone Super or Roundup ,)n ".-;"my !.I>i1..-"h 0'-' .. , 7'-l '''Q'''''( ,..,,,,r~t" "~'''''' ' ~ .. "~ ,J. ,]ll ,oi' ~t + C j) d ~ ,t! I Au' S"n,.>l O. lplO"" [,~ "" "'..-0'1.1"" ~", S "':;"'W. ;;'!. . ,. "c' ".l, til + G '" ~ ':,1 r. I A (>1 ';;""CO' C1 l ..... o,.·(1 ['I ()., • ~fI Ho,~ d~I",.'"'' CO''\. .~, ~Jv.l' H~ •. t"

.t, I A 01 5encOl Of l8lo0l'fI Uf

·W .... " us'ng SencOf 4 0< l ... one.l m",'!,pl,ltJI 0' Of ~.., I!. Ie ~tcOt pI~ I'"

1''t'C ..... 'oons 10 9\IOOOc 'Up .,.,,......, II, Do roc'! uS" :t'.s '.n. "''''!.J'''t' (Ii' S()·/ .. <I"'!@oS! ''''''1

~~ '.0.;, orq.noe tr.n-., 0'" ."."" Sud ... "" II ,'M ,...." 14 Of on ... / S."<1 <Ina 0'" oo.!II""'I'

s."'d .. "., ""ss ,"."."...." 0'f)''''':: "'.f1'I!I' f 2, " ",. .... ~ 'II'''' oc ( .... ,... i{)()I'1 ."rel #OolO'f( '1101"

c"OO "'IU'" m..,. '?sun P\,-, ,""t;.- ." paoli.,.. C'I''''"''3 .'?S .......-e~ .. ",~r i""OS fel

S_'.' a"YS C1' .. ". ... I~ s""'''9 1'" ".S "eM b_,. 0'l'''''11)- (lOS"'"

Dual qE + Scepter + Gramoxone Super or Roundup 0n(OI~'SO«! "ClP"'" 1 !I['!s ,A Cl [)LdlBte + '51 :." . II 0' '" pP!p, On ..... 1'<J'''m S(,,:!

"'PO'.2~'!. IAOtUv.;aISE + '-:'lr>' '''(JfS('''~\!t'' On'''esJo,S .;a"~"J;>"f1S .AG' 8,alf!£ + 67D1/iA.0t~{t'(Jle'

'.Inr,.! I II 00 "O! .;a00', ""I",n'f(l 'Ja~-. ,,' ".V.,,~, .. "-:! ,." Do "<)fQ·-.:e"" '~I,,,,,.;a!?d ...,..",bfo.n 'o,.;age "". or I" .... 10 " ...... !...:. C' p<o.;al "',oOu.I ...... ,,,',,,11

Dual8E + Lorax + Gramoxon~ Sup~r fIr Roundup On ((I.,Irs. $Oo". aDD', 1 ~. P'S I A al Uu.iIJ Sf + 1 ,., Ito, I A 01 lO'o. D~ 00 ()n ......,'u'" SO-'S "pr'Y) p" I A 0' Ou,)' Ate • I 2 'ti, ,II of lom. OJ:" (II'> ', .... S(JolS lDP1y 2 )., P'li ,A 01 Uv.1 e~ + ; J'Os ,A "'lO'O' Uf

• Do naI .... ~ on '0",", 'oinc .Z{"P' ," , .... 111 no" ...... .a',e'n U S 0" 10."". '!..nCl _ .Ih :NP' ,~ O'Q""" .... 011'18. 0< ,n,u'y m,., tX (u' Do ~ "w 0'1 '."<:1 <0' ..... "., 5{.J,I, p, po~ 5 .... 0s0', 0' ''',u,.., "'.y OC'C,,'

•• w ..... " """'Q LO'e- l ;.;< l 0'0. 01' US'IQ"· • .;aI".,, ' .. !es o---.e P' lI'lo'o. l eo ..... " .,.,. 10 oil 0'0. Of

I''P{"'"I.I'~)''' :I.J ~~ ,,~. nn V,,, ,,'1'" ." rII."."·"c Cl'V''''''C ......... ' "', 'T'O '~ .. LJ')­

~1\< 0(, J'

Dual8E + Lorox Plu~ + Gramoxon~ Super or Roundup • ;, .. ",.,,~ ...... "' .. 10'" ,,_ 0" 1"", .'1'<0."'( ,..,~ .... , U" ("."18 lot .. ,! """'i ,'" Dt' A ·,'[J .. .;al!!f .·i '4'11 "';'l""Jol·.J,.~,:-,1 1,,,,..,ftfl'vmSOo'S "j)I, .. ,;,,~ to'

;",,,'8f + '& If:>(11 '."'l( .. ,.~lu' Un'~'O""lt'-'''·.~''pIS ,A,It'), .... f • ' .. 'e 8: ,. -. l~""z u'_S

P __ ."r'lY' ,10-,) ",II .",1I~ 10 slIna (JI to e"Y S;>.-' "'"' "rM V~I .' '"'"" f Ii . . Dual BE + G~m.n, + GI1!I"'OXone'3~~1 p Rou~.1J',J" •• ,~ .. n"', """'11 0,..,," "' ... " (,., )a.., "''''''''f .... 11' .. ,· ~ (.,.,. \" J '\ ''''''1. ' 4~

..... t,".·, A4~:,,,'~f .'.'·f I. 't ... ' , ..,.-.,r ,,.,-.. ,"' ....... , ',I'.,t·~ .to "',,,,~I +" ,'001 A,' ".~,,' ("··""'-"',.;,-,,,,,"t' '('".,)of • '·').'&'1 .r,'I, .... ,.",

,'- .. ,,'"'~ .~: "." "'''''' 'to ,."" ", ~,~ ,.n'l f ~''.II;'I'''''"'. ,., "H '"''''~'''''' '.'.~'" ~d"'" ,W .,J ..... \' .... ," {>.IJ __ 'fI' '~"" ,"" flt"" ",,-.... '" '-''\ ..... " .... f'

uual BE .. Canopy + Gl1!Imol'one Super or Round~p . . . '.> .. "., ....... "~"'.~.,, ',01., ""J.".( ~,If""lln(''''''''''J'''.'HII''''.''' ,,(',";" .to .,. ,,,,"1 •• ·rJ'.1 A," d".(vl,(lIIr-",..,., .... .,. .... [';.y

, C " ,A ,I (,,,,,, 'H • ;., ':. I '. , '( .iI-~n.'~ ~ ',,.. St"" .iICl(J'" .. ') ,::11 ' A 01

:",,'~r • ',) '_01 .... ",(_.","""'

I' ..... ,,'o,v, [..,,....,,8i .. ""..,~.""fV...., • ..,.'{]o .,I ... SS.'1 ... 0~-.~."IC .... I..,...~ "'.~ S( .. · .. ''''pM''''''' .... , ... ,., 'r:IIIK.'''.t''hl,..''''''' .... r.,c:opo,-~


Page 12: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUAL 8E HERBICIDE, 08 ...€¦ · 16/08/1989  · Dual" Herbicide For weed control in corn. cotton. nonbearing citrus. nonbearing grapes. peanuts.

Dual" BE ( Du.18E + Prevtew + Gramo}lone Super or Roundu~ UM only"""" ~ h ..... U-,"J' org&l"lOC man., On «*'W lOlls I.~ &af\d) appfy 15po '''01 0....1 8f ... 6" 701 /AoIP ...... _ ~I- Onlnltdum.o«t apply

2 pts 114. 01 Du.aI et + ," 801 l/Ii cl P, .... '_ 0 .... ,..... .. 1~' 1 2"J ptS IA iA Ov-,Sf + S·lOa·tOOl/AofP ....... _

• Uu rr. 'aN """""'tn. 10001 o~ .... >{. mill ... , ,n , ..... O"J 10 IiMS '''an )~ f~

Prwca.A1OfI Donot~ III ,aoorx 1'0'"" 9OII","h." "'.n O~~ OIIO'fIy'" .... 11'1 pH~thanl!54

Ou.IIE + PtJrsuil + Gntmoxone Super or Aound:Jp On c:-_____ ~s. ~t 1"J p'S IA {,, ~I" .. 8t .. C"" PI' I" 01 Pursuot Un ~,.1 SOItI. appty 2 PtS I A 01 Oual 8£ ... 0 ~ P' I A 04 Purl-v,1 On.on. WIll. appiy 2 b po IAOI'DuaJ8E ... 02<,plIAoI'P ... ~ .... t

T. Stone Fruits - Oual8E. Alone and Combinations

S"'INM~ ~. '''.1'11_1_. ~~,..,.... pelCflea.PIWfnI; !(I'lllt~ damson JAPar>fl,..j ana ptu ..... ~

Broadcas' 2 • D's I A of Duat 8f 0.,. Q.o,md ~u,pm ... r 10 .. .cI ,,_ SOIl,,., • ..... 1f'I'mum 0110 gilts ol ... III&' 10 i~)!'C(U ,""'me'!! r...:u,n .. ,'l&S plums Of

{)TU""" 10 conr~ -..:15 /,"410 ,n In.t DuM IE IippJ"«J AI~ Mdoon olIn" loiI~

~y!he ~ f"" ()r'l (OI'~ \'Ulurl!Kl !>t'oIS .,Ih I(Mo orglnlC m.lltI&< lroo .he'. I"e -:lonles:!illhOon "'.~1Kl 10 [)tI '0'00 Appj, U". "oql"" lillie" ()fl', .... 1e.!u'l!'(! ~'IS SOIl" hogh In CWYlnlC mine' .<XI""",,, I "r ...... y -=:l,nteS!luon '$ .'rected U'!.e (iII",11OI"I wn.n aw"""O 10 k8eD 'htl SOIl.,. 011 !". 101,.191 01 1"- ,,_ crops 'O.\o'(.>o(l •• CM.$ ..... I'I'Sldul'S or po'!.'!"[}I,, 100'iII' nlury

Rw conIl'()II of bfOWI'lt(,Cl D."'Cu'" CtX~IIeOu' common pu.,ll....., h."'Y ntQl'It~hllCl" Iillm~ulrt~ Inl'lua/lTI()I'n,nq<}la.r-,. ,.~ ~m."""'~Ie .. ll.n."" •• Dull BE 11 '11M ,1"1(10,,,,'1<1 .DOve ""'1'0 1 I !o •• It:r!. , A oeP8....::t'''Q on Ille crap oj

p,,,·'C~e.,.be'90for 1 2!> ~ 1M I A o'P.rncep 80 ...... or 1 .Q~ I A()I'P"nc"p.l)illrwj ~.,. 100 -=! ., .. 5rOI' ,n. m,n,mum oj lO ... 's of .al .. 1I.eI\)'''9,roe SDlay oM Il1e 'CW • .-g. of ,,..,. "M (roos HflI", '0 'h. 'a., )' P"'xep C"i,bIIf 90 p,,'Xltp 80 ...... 0<

Pm'l:."p "L 'Of .. g' ___ croo on~"" If''!.pect .... P"fl,(eo lillDeI

W ..... " wtoeds II. Pf_nI .""" 11 ...... '4 loealm"n! Du.'8E OII~ or ' .... 'illnl< """'u'll ... ·Ih PI,ncep CahDior 90 1';/ 80 ..... 0/ "l) (T"I., oo.eQ~nl:oIl1., fo;6ooo ill'" .POhca'oQn 01

G,oIfT1oCJJ1Qf'14 Supe' ()tROurlCuD 01 OU.11 ilur", 0< onlill,"", ml"urtl.""P"nCltpmay Of! .~...:I ,n 'illnll m,. como,"'a';on .... '" C".ilfT",o.onf' ~uP81 Of I-Iovf\(1uD G'illmo>onr ':> ... pe, moll' e. .OP'-' ., '.I'''!> nl J ., ~S J A RfN'lCIup m~ t>e .U>"M .1 'AI .. S

'."Q'''Q III)'Tl I ~ Qts. I A af';: .. r;cor'Q on ttr. _<1 ~O@''!. ;..wol", 10 I"" Rou .... " ... p '.1t"1f'l!o< .~I. lor ".'000.., -=: ~r"""""iE" OIff'C1 .ilPP'..:::"'oQn!> COf""I •• nlJ\Q r.;'a'TI(J'("Inti S~~r 01 Houn'lup~, '''f' ~'!. ,.... ...... q cef1 ... " '0 '_r> <,("01., ",,,ha\.jf' .I",) \'erT'ls 01 trM'1 R~'e, '["~ ""'~lt';' Ld ,r_"/C! IfIt/.)". Of ",' l"ilmu.",'e :.. .... ptI • .il .... ,:) HOVrxt .... p I.e.!!. IOf 01,....' o"u,· !> '~'.iI:'''' 10 lroe·' ...... '.lOu.1 u!>ll

"~$ 1') Do,.,~ t.;' ...... 11_!>!t)(. ,n :<f.'iI:e<1 iI'''.!..n{I (;'1:)0 no;:( t~.-,r q"""," u ....... , C"O(!'!o g.~n on :'eAlfIIJ V( "d'<l'!. or .,.Wotoill ,f.'S'C .... 'l'~ m .. ~ 'f.'Su" I II To • ..-o,d ct"{)~ '"Iu,..,. do not .pply tin'" m,.Iu,.. •• 1'1'1 Pnnc.p on nactlon •• 01 .puce:, .1 .... 0

''''Do 1"101 oapoly DU.ilI8t. !(>nonoe.',nQu-s,'an'!.Dl.n'e<1.n II"\e()tC,... .. 'O 'I!''!.'!. t".n Xl a.~ Of bratore Of'pr.!'~rOn, .'0<.onO me '1_5 " .... ~" tol~ .n

U. Tree Nuls - Dual8E Alone an~ Combinations

T,,,. "u!s ,nc'~O.nq .,monOS t)lll"C" n"" B'oI/.1 f'~I!> bu1!",nu'S (iI""'f'.~

cI'.!., ... u's CI"I'''O,,,lI,,,n, '''be,",'' ''"'.11"el -ulSI "·{~Ol.,. "'v" .• "br.~I""". nu'~ .,ecilln'!. iIInd *.,nul'!.lbl.C ...... c f "CO'rS")

B'"" OIlS 110. 01 OvAI8E: b, ground .. qu'pm!'n! 10 ...... 0" 1'06" sod • .,.1 ""'''''''''um 01 'e q.''; 01 ... ,.,. 10 """, "u~ 10 CO""01 ~, 1o.,1tW:! ,n ! .. " Ou.' at Apph.-d A.1on. '!.fK100n e>/I"''!. •• D@I "O(l'y 1r.1I ' .......... 1 '.'"'!. on (l,,"'S-tI'..o ~ ..... .... 1" I(Mo 0'9.i1no< ''''.!If'' .f\(J ... ~ .. It 1"" .-:I ,n'''''!.IO()I"I I'!. ".(WI(''''110 be I000Io "" •• , 1 1 ..... l"Ioq,,-' 'iIIIH on \'0 ... le_lu'l'O "0,0, y:.,'. ".,.n.n OIQ.n.c "".1"<., .""0 ,.,n .. '", " ,., • ......., IIIretId '''''eS'oIlo{)'"1 " ", pe<:.1&d Use { ... ,'O,., ... '>tIn .. pp'~'''9'0 """'D '''''' S"'~~ " .. I,.,. '0I1aqf1 011"" ' .... {fOCI to ~..o".1 (II'CMS,.,. '.S...:1 ...... , or pc>"'-$ .. b,. ,,>i.~f ""'",ry

f""OI' C0l11ro1 oI0fownlCIP DlnICU"" (Cl<.~~!)lo' (om"'Oll Dv~'.""'" """Y"'·'1nts".<1 .. l .. rnto'!oQv.""~ .. nn~1 '"'O",.nQQlGry 'aQ_fOd ,,.,.~ • ...., _,_ ..... ' , ....... fT1 ••

0 .... 1 8E..l IiII·." ,MI(..lI.o.[)<..Ivto ... ·1,., I 11(". OeS ," dl!'r-....,'nQ...,.,·"'" l'U" "I

P"n(.pC.'~'90'or 1 2!> ~ It>, 110.01 Pr""'''D' OW Of I ~ Q'"S I An. ,",'·("I(IIO"i. '."'1 .uroI.,.'O'-' "" too •• n. ,.".,..m .... m 01 109.1" 01 .... '.1 oeeOO"<:1 'r>fi Splilly'" '''06 '01."'91 011"- "" clOQ. R.'., '0 'n. '.111 cl P"I1r<:.O (."0.' ':Kl p •. 'X1t(! 80W '" P"n(.p 'l lor • Q' ___ ('op Of' I". 'I!I!>Di'O'''' P"n(" IP .",bel

........... n -....ds a'. p'M.n!., ...... I.mll 01'1.,1' ..... "", Du.' @IE .. \t7!<t". • .., 1."~ ... ,.1 .... , ..

• ·,11 PI'f\(.O m • ., ~ oIp~~.n I~nk .... ,. cO""O'''a'oon .... ~,., c.''''"''O'0''" '>~~' '.' '';,''''''<'Iuo G' ..... ".o ..... ~"DtI' m.y De dp(ll.f'd.l 'a'ft, 0' 3., .. , ,A n, u~'h." - ... ·-'"'''POhft(l.I'iII!''S'~·''"Q''O'''' 1"')'5 110. ::l"p"'>(J,n{'()'"II~""-:!~"'S P .. '.,

'0 "'. "Ot,"""'uO ·a!>rlo ,')<' '.'" ',,, '."l~' -:I ... ,_ ·ft, " "fIo('''; " .... "' ..... ,,., (. "'" " .... Q G,."' • on. S ... ~ ':JI 'l"u"':~P ':-<'" 1 ..... _1' ""iII~ "Q ("~iII"" I. '_p ~;- .. ~v .... '(>1,., ... -..::) ..... ,." 'J' """S 11 .. '", '(, , ... ", P,."(,,O ( .I'""" ..ji"J."I-"; ..... '" .ll .• '.1" )'()c ...

'::·upot. an<' P"ul)(!"D 'iI.bIO" 10< 0If"1I' ""'~I"".'", 1(">1"'''''' ''''~·''')u'"'''''''

"K>I'I, rllf .. n • ..,·.r ... "" ("""u.".n~ p, "r~ ..... y "",., OIl ",O!IQ"' .., .. " ...... .....,' ',r ... ,,~ "".1<:." ........ "ua POO' ...,,. .. U' .. I'n<,', .?: (}IJ ", ... ·~'lt/" I._~''' •• ., '· .. .-\1 ... 1. Ifr .... l'.:~ """"Q .. o,,,,.d·J"'!.~.·'·"" I '(")n<"II:, ,,'~~'" ' .. ,.' ..... 'n'l'· .. "~ ".n'l.p •• n,ea.n ',""" ~"J'< ...... , .. ,~ If. '1i11.,.,'" \ ... , " .. ,.,..l· .... '~ .... , ."~ .. ,,,' .. ~ ........ , " .... r-n'.'Ied.n fJ(",",,' ,,,', - O(lV

v. Storage and Dbpo~ll ~.I'c'd~ Of.po .... 1 ["10 ">I:lI (>",.,...", "'II .. "·fI' ', __ 1 ,,' ' .... <1 ". ~. C're' .... ·O.'.r1 ........ " .. , ~, " .............. " ',," "' 'r~".' of u"u'''' p"",'., "'1" """, - ".,," P"""_MJ. 'D'" -.' ,' •• ~., \01'" .. .-\·, .-\~.., .•.• . r.~, .... ,,~. p .. ,. ~p . .., ... , " •. ' ...... ; '" '" ......

" ... - ..... ,.' (ron"..." "'-'/""'" ' .. , •• ""101'''''''", ... ,,'. f PAII~ ......... '( ""It

[}(I"""'" '."". .""'''' '(")1"& "II' ", . .,.. n\fI' '," 06'1 , .• ~ .. . ". """"y ,.~:, .• , ... !. ~ ~" ... , ,,'"' ...... , ........

• ......,IO ... ,.,,'t\()I·· .• ,. "_(>'>vl ,J ..... , ••• '"', • ..., •.•• ' '''J'

. ~ ...... , ... ' ......

TI1" ptQ(Iu<1 m., to. $IOfed allllll'lplf.lurws oo-n to JO~ .... 0II1(Mo O"'f

f"Ol' mlllOl spill, I •• ",. Itt:. 101100-.. eli pr..:.a.U'l1()tI1 ondlCat.e<l on II"" "bel .<XI (I •• n up OITImeoQ" •• ,,,I, rIO'. ~I.I C.'.'Of!WOOdconl.m,nl'oon 01 eQ",~rnenl .na '01( "·T·.5 dUl'ng cl •• nup pI(.I(fllJure".nd aospos.alol ...... In lhe .... nlol a m"'fO' ,poll ..... ()( QIII"loI .1'flre11)t1X)' (." I 800-888-8J71 day 0< f"l'Q'"

w. Precautionary Statements Haatdil to Human •• nd Dom •• tlc

CAUTION 1 roe .1<'1"'''' Ingf8(j,.n'. mItlCiiC"IOt. milly cau~ .~,n !>en"I'I"'On ,,,.Chon,'n (~nol,n md,,,,Ou.ll,. W.II P,olIClIY. riiJ,l"I,l'oQ (CoY.'OII"" .nd 9'CtvIl~! .,.,.1" ".nd""9 Of us'ng Ih,s p'or:Iuct C.uMS ,llIn Snd..,. ''',liII,o()n 00 '"'~ QtI! In 1Iyv'!. ()I"I sll,n Of on cloth'"9 ..... ,mlul ,I ,n"ateo A'fOOd bl@"U'.nq!>p'" ml.,!

11.,rnlul ,I s .... ,lowforl o. aD'!.orbed Il1fOUgh lhe ,,_,n WillS" ItHl'Ou<;"ly • A'

h....ailll(il A,.pod Cool.ilmm • .rOn 0I1(loO"

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Ground WIlier .nd Suri1lce WItter AdvIsory

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