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From Heaven To You

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First published in the United States of America in2007 by

Alnilam Publishing Co.Sterling Heights, MI

Copyright © 2007 and 2nd Edition 2009by Brian J. Piccolo, BA., MA.

All Rights ReservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in

any form by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, withoutthe prior permission of the author or publisher.

Reviewers may quote brief passages.

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The Gospel of Co-Creation has been a spiritual idea in

the mind of humanity all of its existence. More than just an

idea, it is a spiritual fact. We have been co-creating reality

with our God since our apparent emergence out of the great

Unity of true existence eons ago.

In the most ancient cave paintings, we see depictions

of hunting parties successfully hunting their prey. These

pictographs are neither historical events nor prayers on the

cave walls of ancient Europe. No, these are the image boards

of a co-creating shaman of a future event. This successful hunt

is what will happen!

It would appear that what the ancient shaman knew

how to do consciously, we still do unconsciously. We still co-

create our own reality, only now we are unaware of this

hidden mechanism within us. With ego development, self-

awareness of higher principles was sacrificed for the

emergence of the “I” principle. Many esoteric philosophers

such as Helena P. Blavatsky and Dr. Rudolph Steiner support

this historical development as being intentional and of iron


The personality is the lower ego, while the

spiritualized individualized ego is what we commonly call the

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“Higher Self” or true self. The true self is the great “I Am”

that Moses confronts on Mount Sinai. Moses, by the

omniscient power of the Higher Self, was able to turn a

wooden staff into a serpent at the court of Pharaoh. The

Egyptian court magicians of Pharaoh were able to duplicate

the phenomena themselves with two of their staffs. Of course,

we know that Moses’ serpent swallowed up the other two

serpents, symbolizing the rise of the Higher Ego or

individualized spark of Deity in all of humanity, not just for

initiates of secret knowledge or the initiate king Pharaohs of


Jumping ahead to modern physics, we find that

quantum physics experiments have shown that at a subatomic

level, the observer of an experiment by intention influences

the outcome of the experiment. In simple terms, our intention

or attention guides the creation, manifestation, and

configuration of sub atomic particles. For materialist

scientists, this is a dilemma, since it implies that consciousness

and mind must precede atomic particle emergence and

configuration. Simply put, mind precedes matter. Thus, if one

is a materialist and is not upset at the findings of quantum

physics, then one has not truly understood it.

In this work The Gospel of Co-Creation, I use the Holy

Bible or the Western scriptures as an underlying unifying

principle and reference. It is not by accident that the West was

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built upon this Book, it was intentional. It allowed for the

development of ego consciousness, which has now happened

worldwide. This does not mean that the Bible is superior to

Bhagavad-Gita, or the Hindu Vedas, or the Quran, just to

mention a few. All the holy scriptures of the world tell the

same story, the same truth, just in different ways.

All the holy scriptures of the world taken together are,

in reality, sealed books. They are not understood except by

inner divine revelation. There was a time in history when most

people could not read the Bible for themselves, due to lack of

education and lack of mass publication. This is no longer the


The Masters say that we have to turn the lock seven

times with seven keys to truly unlock the messages hidden in

the holy scriptures of all cultures. There are seven seals or

locks on all esoteric knowledge. One key is astronomical,

another mathematical, and another astrological, and so forth.

All of the keys to these seven seals have not been given out

publicly. However, we read in the Revelation of John that

Christ has opened all seven seals. Our Christ Consciousness

(our Higher Self) has the knowledge already, as Jesus the

Christ has demonstrated biblically and has imparted to all of

humanity through grace.

Hopefully in this work, I will enable the turning of

those esoteric locks and their tumblers a few clicks forward. It

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is my greatest hope that the reader not only comprehends what

is said in this work, but also actually applies it to their life.

The principles presented in this work will prove themselves

true, and there is no religion or science higher than truth.

1 The Endless Supply

One of the first things we must understand is that the

reality of scarcity and lack is an illusion that has come about

since the descent of humanity into a denser form of physical

matter. Spiritual substance itself has descended over time and

has condensed. We see this reflected in the materialist

Periodic Table of Elements. Each proceeding element is

heavier and denser than the one preceding it on the Periodic

Table. We see, reflected in the Periodic Table of Elements on

the earth plane, the progression of what has happened in

higher planes of existence.

The density of physical matter is still yet another

illusion in itself. Astrophysicists claim that the whole physical

universe is mostly space. They claim that all the matter in the

universe could be condensed into a pinhead! If this is so, then

the reproduction of anything should not be that big of a deal.

In fact, the theory of the Big Bang universe asserts just this:

everything as we know it now all physically extrapolated out

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of a point. How big is a point? I will tell you, a point is

dimensionless, and it is zero in size.

So, what brought about this point of creation? What

brought it all about was the conscious intention from a Divine

Resource Energy, better known as God. Intention is the key.

Intention is defined as an act or instance of determining

mentally upon some action or result. It is interesting that

modern day quantum physics has shown that the intention of

the observer will determine the outcome of the experiment.

Subatomic particles will configure themselves in accordance

with the observer’s intention as to how they should behave.

Quantum physics has shown on a small scale that humanity

does everyday what the Creator has done on a grand scale.

We are in the exact image and likeness of the Creator

and are creators ourselves. This has always been God’s

intention for humanity. Jesus said in the Gospel of John 10:34,

Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? Here in the

New Testament Jesus is quoting the Old Testament truism

about humanity’s true nature.

Esoterically speaking, in the Garden of Eden story we

see the race of Adam. Adam is a race of people, not one

individual. In the garden, Adam names all the animals, and

consequently, the sounds he uses actually call them forth into

existence. Adam is speaking with intention, and the intended

Word is manifesting as the animal Adam names. Adam is co-

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creating the Garden of Eden’s inhabitants with and for God as

a little god. Since the Adamic Race, which is the chosen race

after the demise of Atlantis, humanity has become

progressively unconscious that they are co-creators with God.

Does that mean we do not co-create? No, we co-create all the

time whether we are conscious of it or not. We are no longer

deliberate co-creators through our own ignorance. We now co-

create by default unconsciously.

We unconsciously co-create the lack, the scarcity of

food, the disease, and the wars that plague our world. We co-

create the laws of physics that we are discovering by creating

the machines that will prove our intended theories to be

correct and thereby precondition the results! Eventually

through grace, when someone else is born to challenge that

current conventional theory, they are able to manifest a whole

new reality and recreate the whole cycle all over again, and

this is ironically called scientific progress. Thus, an old adage

correctly states, “All the whole world has been deceived.”

This is why the Gods periodically incarnate to help correct a

wayward humanity by gently nudging us into a better


So, what is the real nature of reality proper? What are

the real laws of physics? Absolute God transcended is the only

non-conditioned reality there is and no one can share it as IT

is, however, we have to start just below that with the intended

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conditions of God. One intended condition of God is that all

the energy there ever was or ever will be is here now! There is

no limit. By analogy, it is just like downloading a free

software program off the Internet. You can download that

software forever and never run out.

We see several examples of scarcity versus the endless

supply of energy in the Bible with both Elijah and Jesus. In the

first encounter (1Kings 17:7-15), Elijah is sent to the home of

the widow who has barely enough food to feed herself and her

son. In fact, she only has enough food for one more meal

before her and her son die of starvation. Elijah asks her to

make him something to eat and not to worry about the

apparent scarcity. He assures her that her oil and her flour will

not run out.

In 1Kings 17:15-16, we read, And she went and did

according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and her

house, did eat many days. And the barrel of meal wasted not,

neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the

LORD, which he spake by Elijah.

Elijah was able to manifest an endless supply of flour

and oil for the widow, her family, and for him. There was only

an apparent lack, based on the widow’s ignorance of how the

mechanism of co-creation really works. She, like many of us,

let the circumstances reinforce our ego’s historical

understanding of reality. She had a hard life and this

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conditioned her present situation. The lower ego only knows

what it experiences. Thus, she believed in scarcity and co-

created it for herself. It was the higher vibration of Elijah’s

spirit that gave her the expectant faith needed to act in

accordance with Elijah’s request. She gave him all the food

she had left. What a surprise it must have been to find that no

matter how many meals she made, her flour canister was

always full.

Esoterically, Elijah is a symbol of the widow’s Higher

Self; her Higher Self has the endless supply of power and

energy we have been talking about. Symbolically, she is a

widow, one who has lost her mate, or in this case, the Higher

Self. The term widow represents the lower ego’sdisconnect

from the reality of the Higher Self. When she came into

alignment with her Higher Self, she was able to believe in the

Higher Self’s reality more than her lower ego’s memory of

reality. The widow was no longer a widow; she was now a co-

creator of prosperity. This is what this scripture truly means,

though many preachers use it to urge people to give offerings

out of faith to their ministries when the people are low on

funds themselves. I believe that when this happens, it is a

misuse of the principle of giving and receiving. We reinforce

peoples’ sense of lack with such practices, even if they are

well intended. These types of practices keep people focused

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on their lack, rather than visualizing that they already have an

endless supply of whatever they need.

Another example of endless supply takes place in the

New Testament (Mark 6:35-39) with Jesus the Christ. After a

long day of teaching and preaching to a crowd of over five

thousand people, the disciples realize that the masses were

parched from thirst and weakened with hunger. Amazingly,

when they reported this fact to Jesus, he instantly asked them

to feed the masses. This response seemed to have puzzled the

disciples since they knew that Jesus was aware of the

situation. What they did not understand is that Jesus knew that

the disciples had the ability to feed the crowd; only they were

unaware of it. They did not know that they were also co-

creators with God.

In Mark 6:39-44 we read, And he commanded them to

make all sit down by companies upon the green grass. And

they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties. And when

he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to

heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to

his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he

among them all. And they did all eat, and were filled. And they

took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.

And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand


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Jesus, being at one with his Higher Self, took the five

loaves and two fishes, blessed them, and handed them back to

the disciples to distribute among the crowd. Interestingly, the

disciples never ran out of loaves and fishes. There was an

endless supply coming from Christ through them to the five

thousand or plus recipients. When it was all over, there were

twelve baskets full of pieces of fish and bread. The twelve

baskets represent the twelve signs of the zodiac. Everyone is

born under one sign or another; so therefore, this blessing of

endless supply is for everyone. The message here is that all the

world of humanity can be fed, not just a privileged few. The

twelve baskets were also an outward message to each of the

twelve disciples, but they did not understand it. Like Elijah

and the widow, Jesus acted as the disciples’ Higher Self.

The five loaves and two fishes esoterically represent

the seven chakras of Eastern spiritual anatomy and the seven

sacred planets that symbolically rule them. Only the first

lower five chakras were functioning in the disciples at this

point in time, but the higher two chakras in the brow and

crown of the head were not.

We read further on in the scriptures that the disciples

did not understand the significance of the co-creation of the

loaves and the fishes by Jesus. Mark 6:52 states, For they

considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was

hardened. The disciples did not see that they helped to co-

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create the loaves and the fishes with Jesus. They were not

functioning at the higher levels of spiritual perception at this

point in history. This is why, in the Book of Acts 1:3, we see

Jesus, after his resurrection from the dead, teaching the

disciples for over forty days about the mysteries of the

Kingdom of God. It was during this time that Jesus the Christ

initiated the twelve in higher consciousness, and this initiation

activated and opened their higher organs of spiritual

perception. After this, their higher chakras were open and they

understood the mysteries of co-creation with God. Co-creation

with God and the endless supply are just some of the mysteries

of the true Kingdom of God. How great is our Creator, by

whose love for us, has decided to make us all equal to Him?

2 No Immutable Laws

There are many laws in the universe that are

collectively agreed upon and accepted as immutable by

humanity. In actuality, all laws are mutable and alterable

except one, of which I will discuss later.

Many of these so-called laws are not always

understood clearly or properly with the right amount of

resolution and perspective. For example, historically, Japanese

sword makers would temper their metal swords by plunging

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them into the body of a living human being. This tempered the

sword to a harder standard so it would not break or bend in

combat. This practice went on for centuries and it worked

every time. Therefore, it was believed that this ritual killing

was the reason behind the metal temperance of the sword

itself. Psychologically, it became an immutable law so to

speak. However, it was later discovered that it was the

nitrogen in the blood of the victims that tempered the swords

and not the life force of the victims themselves. Today we

temper metals with the gas nitrogen without having to kill

anyone. The better law working here was one of the laws of

metallurgy based on the use of the gas nitrogen. The lesson

here is that results do not always prove the theory of the law

being practiced as true.

The law of Tithing is comparable by analogy to this

law of tempering swords through ritual killings, as practiced

by the Japanese sword makers. The reason this is so is that the

law of Tithing is based upon a Jewish covenant between them

and Yahweh. It is not a universal law that applies to everyone.

This is why, in the New Testament, the apostle Paul in the

Book of Colossians 2:14 states about the work of Christ that,

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against

us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way,

nailing it to his cross.

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The Greek word for ordinances in this Bible text is

dogma and it means the whole Jewish law, written,

ceremonial, and oral traditions was ended with the crucifixion.

However, the universal act of giving or the law of reciprocity

was never done away with at the crucifixion of Christ, only

the Jewish law. This is why Jesus states in Luke 6:38, Give,

and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down,

and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into

your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it

shall be measured to you again.

Another way of saying this is if you want your

business to grow, then help someone else grow his or her

business. If you want to make more money, help someone else

make more money. If you do this steadily, you will reap what

you sow. This is a universal law, but it is not a pure act of co-

creation anymore than is using the laws of physics to fly a


It is the law of reciprocity that is at work here and not

the covenant law of Tithing between Yahweh and the Jews.

Like the Japanese sword makers of old, many of the people

who still tithe today do so because they think they owe God

ten percent of their income. They clearly have not understood

the true process in any case. The blessings, if any, that are

received by modern day tithing is based on the law of

reciprocity and giving. The misunderstanding of this truth

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about tithing has caused many not to fully reach their full

potential in co-creating wealth, rather than trying to buy it

through tithing. Those who are successful at all through tithing

are really successful by the law or reciprocity, even if thinly

veiled behind the so-called Jewish law of tithing.

So how much should you give? The answer is all,

some, or nothing. The act of co-creating can create wealth or

health without any giving whatsoever. However, if you

believe that giving is the mechanism by which wealth is

created, then it will be. You are the co-creator of your wealth.

By limiting your ability to co-create wealth by accepting the

act of tithing as the only mechanism you have, you are

limiting the unlimited process of co-creation to certain

channels and conditions that are unnecessary. The ability,

ways, and means of your Higher Self to create wealth are


You only need to learn how to manifest it, not how it

should manifest. Giving is important and I fully support it.

However, you may not have anything to give at this moment.

That is okay because the mechanism of co-creation is not

limited to the law of reciprocity, sometimes mistakenly called


There are many laws in the universe that have

universal application like gravity, magnetism, and electricity.

Gravity is everywhere there is some kind of mass in the

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universe. Statements like, “If God wanted us to fly he would

have given us wings,” are defeatist statements. Had the Wright

brothers followed such a line of thinking they might never

have invented the airplane. So just by understanding the

effects of the law of gravity, the Wright brothers were able to

create the Kitty Hawk airplane and formulate the very first

laws of aerodynamics. What a piece of work is man, how like

an angel.

The law of gravity may be universal, but it is not

immutable. It can be conquered by science or it can be

canceled out completely by the Higher Self. Jesus and Peter

walking on the water clearly show this. The reason why this is

so is because the law of gravity is really the result of a

creation. The law of gravity, like all universal laws, is a

creation. Let me give you a simple example. When you dream

at night, do you not experience gravity in your dreams? Do

you not sometimes in your dreams begin to fly when all of a

sudden you remember that you cannot and begin to tumble to

the ground? Your dream is a very basic experience as to how

the collective universe operates in your waking state. Matthew

shows us a similar experience in Matthew 14:25-31:

And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto

them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him

walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit;

and they cried out for fear. But straightway Jesus spake unto

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them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. And

Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come

unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter

was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go

to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid;

and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And

immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him,

and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou


This is a fabulous example from the Bible in that it

shows that a so-called universal law of gravity can be

suspended. Even Peter was able to walk a few feet till he

doubted himself. Jesus did not suspend the law of gravity

everywhere, only locally at the particular spot where he was in

the Sea of Galilee. To suspend the law of gravity everywhere

would have caused chaos and suffering to others. For Peter

and for us, what we focus on consciously as being true will

manifest before us. When Peter knew he could walk on the

water, he could; when he doubted he could, he sank.

You may not be ready to walk on the water, but you

are still co-creating reality with God whether you know it or

not. The other disciples never left the boat because they

believed in the everyday laws of physics as immutable, and for

them they are! Had they gotten out the boat with those beliefs,

they would have most certainly perished.

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You see, the physical universe is God’s dream, and He

allows you to dream it with Him everyday. He allows you to

co-create something new or to accept whatever comes your

way. Every law is a creation by God and by you. All creations

are subject to mutability, except one, your divine spark,

because it is not created. It is the part of God you always were

and always will be.

There is only one law in the universe that is not created

and therefore cannot be transcended or defeated. It is the law

of Divine Love. It is out of Divine Love that God has allowed

you to experience duality and separateness, joy and sorrow,

birth and death. Through these opposites, you individualize

your divine spark so as to receive a self-conscious awareness

of your own existence. Our true self is God individualized in

us. Eternal unending joy is our destiny and purpose.

Therefore, Jesus says for all time in Matthew 17:20, If

ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this

mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove;

and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

3 The Iron Truth

It is very important at this point that we accept some

very hard realities about our true nature and the true nature of

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the universe around us. Everything that has ever happened to

us, good, bad, or indifferent has been partially or fully co-

created by us. This may be a very hard pill to swallow.

However, if you can accept this, you can change your life

completely. Paul makes this point in Galatians 6:7, Be not

deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth,

that shall he also reap.

Another example of facing this iron truth is from the

book of Job, which is the oldest book in the Bible. In this

book, we see that all of Job’s greatest fears came upon him.

Symbolically, Satan is Job’s unconscious fears, beliefs, and

prejudices. God represents Job’s Higher Self creating without

prejudice whatever Job desires, even if those desires are

unconscious. Job loses his entire family, his real estate, and his

health all within a short amount of time. Job’s friends abandon

him completely. In Job 2:9, his wife finally says to him, Are

you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!

Job’s mistake, we find out later, was his pride. His pride was

his blind spot.

Job’s pride blinded him from seeing that his

unconscious attention was always on trying to outwardly

please God out of fear of what would happen to him if he did

not. He was trying to pay God off like tithing. As time went

by, his lower ego believed its own press and he began to feel

self-righteous and prideful. Satan was the anti-virus for this

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situation. Satan was the wakeup call to Job and had God’s

permission to bring all these disasters against Job, showing

that God, our Higher Self, is the creator of all our situations.

The Higher Self co-creates with us whatever we focus on.

If you feel like Job, the first thing you must do is to

admit to your ignorance. Admit that you did not know all this

time that your unconscious focus has been negative. Take

responsibility for the situations in your life, and like Job,

forgive all those who have trespassed against you. We read in

Job 42:10, And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he

prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much

as he had before.

Job’s story should show us that any given situation is

never hopeless. We only have to turn our mental radio

attention button to a positive setting or different station. As

soon as Job was able to get past his pride and forgive his

friends for judging him, he was able to be truly thankful. Out

of this feeling of thankfulness, rather than fear, his Higher Self

was free to restore not only what Job had lost but actually

doubled his original holdings!

In one sense, what we have been showing thus far is a

little bit of the law of karma. The “sowing and reaping” motif

is universal and every culture has a version of it. A complete

and true understanding of karma is extremely too deep and

complex to reduce it to a cause and effect description. Such a

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description is too reductionistic in nature. The good news is

that you do not have to master karma to erase it and transcend

it. Karma does not seek revenge. Karma seeks balance and

enlightenment. We can take the hard road or we can take the

easy road to enlightenment. Either way we are on that road,

ready or not. Karma is not a blind force as much as it is an

action by your Higher Self. In the long haul, our goal is for our

personality to finally become one with our Higher Self. This

may not happen in this lifetime, but when it does, we will be

like Jesus the Christ and the Buddha. This is the true meaning

of Colossians 1:27 which states, Christ in you, the hope of


To sum it up then, in order to become experts at co-

creating wealth and health in our life, we must start by

accepting the iron truth. That iron truth is just this: we are

responsible, at least in part, for everything that has ever

happened to us—past, present, and future. We play an active

role in our own destiny. We must resolve any non-forgiveness

towards those who we feel have mistreated us. We must be

thankful for our life and now be ready to take responsibility

for our thoughts and intentions. Then we will be ready and

able to become truly conscious co-creators of our destiny,

rather than unconscious co-creators and victims to our

ignorance and fear. For as man thinketh in his heart, so is he

(Proverbs 23:7).

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4 The Two Realities

As human beings, we share duplicity in consciousness.

We have two main centers of consciousness: the Higher Self

and the lower ego. Isaiah 55:9 states, For as the heavens are

higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways,

and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. This is the

situation as it stands today for most of us. We share two


For the lower ego or personality, we only know what

we have experienced. We are outgrowths of our experiences.

Our history has made us what we are today. Our egos have

experienced pain, loss, competition, war, joy, peace, lack,

marriage, divorce, happiness, and disappointment just to name

a few. Some mystics believe that the ego must be destroyed to

reach happiness, but they are sadly mistaken. The lower ego

must be won over through reeducation.

The physical brain is the organ of the personality and

what I call the personal unconscious. This personal

unconscious remembers everything that has ever happened to

you and your ego. It will keep every presupposition you

believe religiously without judgment. If you believe that life

on earth is a dog eat dog life, then that is just the life you will

observe. Once you have conditioned the synapses in your

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brain, it takes time to rewire them. Until then, you are a

product of your sensory experience and this is reality for you.

By analogy, you will see the world through either black or

rose-colored sunglasses. The sunglasses here represent the

perceptual grid of your past experiences that you now filter all

your current experiences through.

The reality of the Higher Self seems as a dream to the

lower ego. Conversely, the reality of the lower ego being the

so-called physical world is as a dream under the power of the

Higher Ego, who weaves its plot and characters together

effortlessly. Yes, our everyday life is only a dream from the

point of view of our Higher Self. The lower self is born and

either dies or is reabsorbed back into the Higher Self at the

end of its journey on the earth plane. The Higher Self is

eternal, being an individualized spark of the Divine Essence of


The Higher Self needs you, or you would not still be

here. The Higher Self develops its individuality through your

experiences here on earth. Yet, you are not here without a life

purpose. You have a contract between your Higher Self and

you. You have a specific task to do that no one else can do the

way you will do it. You are necessary for everyone’s evolution

as well as your own. You have a right to be here and a right to

be happy.

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The reality of the Higher Self is permanent by

comparison to the lower self. Yet, the relationship is symbiotic

and interdependent for both their evolutionary journeys. The

dynamics between the lower self and the Higher Self are the

mechanisms of co-creation that create what we experience as

the physical world. It is these dynamic mechanisms that we

must become conscious of in our lower ego so that we can

become conscious co-creators with our Higher Self. Our

Higher Self has the power and is our silent partner in life.

Mystics have referred to our Higher Self as the “silent


Even though each human being can experience these

two realities, there is in truth only one Unity between all the

so-called independent minds of the universe itself. At the level

of Universal Mind, we are one mind.

Quantum physics demonstrates that the universe comes

into manifestation by the act of observation. All matter is the

collapse of the potential wave function into the atomic

particle, by observation of a sentient mind. In other words, if a

tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it fall, does it

still make a noise? According to quantum physics, the answer

is no. In fact, according to quantum physics, the forest will not

even exist unless there is someone there to manifest it by

observation. Even then, there has to be someone there who is

manifesting the falling of a tree for it to even happen.

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How does this mechanism work and how can

understanding it improve our life? Is there a way we can

consciously co-create a better life? Yes, we can create a better

life for ourselves by understanding this mechanism in a

practical way. Remember, we co-create the physical world

with our Higher Self all the time, either by deliberate design or

by default. How do we do this with our Higher Self? We do it

through our thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions.

It must be remembered that there are security valves in

place that keep every thought and desire from instantly

manifesting. If this barrier were not in place, we could

manifest a million dollars in ten seconds or an elephant in our

back yard trashing our lawn furniture. For our own safety and

the safety of others, temporary stops exist between your ego

and the Higher Self. Now, until those stops are totally

removed, and they can be, we must manifest through the

Higher Self by being persistent and habitual about our

thoughts, goals, and desires. What we are talking about here is

the truth. In John 8:31-32 Jesus stated, If ye continue in my

word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the

truth, and the truth shall make you free.

At one level of existence, the whole universe exists as

wave energy or mind potential. It is through the use of thought

forms or visual imaginations that the universe comes into

being. Like a mustard seed that becomes a tree, the shape and

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character of that tree is not only in the information contained

in the mustard seed’s DNA. In fact, there is not enough

information in the DNA molecule to explain the form the tree

takes. It is the thought form of the full-grown tree itself that

pre-exists its formation in time. The tree’s formation in time is

only because we agree that things need time to grow. This is

not actually true. Yogis in the East can hold a flower’s seed in

their hand and then plant it, and within minutes, the flower

fully forms and blooms. They do this through a process known

in the East as Kryia Shakti. This Sanskrit term simply means

Mind Power.

Yes, our thoughts eventually do manifest as the

situations and events in our life. We are in the image and

likeness of God and we create the way God creates, by the

Word or the Greek term Logos. Hebrews 11:3 states that,

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by

the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made

of things which do appear. In other words, God created the

whole universe by the Word/Thought form, which is invisible

to the physical senses. A word is a sound that vibrates, and a

thought form in your mind is a sound that vibrates. The

vibration level of your thought form is its sound or word;

therefore, they are the same thing.

Does this all seem a little overwhelming? It is actually

quite simple. Whatever thoughts you dwell on repeatedly,

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whether they are conscious or unconscious, whether they are

positive or negative, will manifest in your life as situations and

circumstances around you. You cannot help to co-create your

reality with your Higher Self and the rest of the Universal

Mind. The point being made here is simple: do you want to

co-create your life consciously or unconsciously? If you do

want to master your destiny, then you must take an active role

in creating your destiny. This can be done by having a

conscious relationship with your Higher Self.

5 The Law of Laws

To manifest or create your own life intentionally, you

must become aware of a certain unfailing law. This is the law

of all laws for co-creators. It is the law of attraction. The

dynamics of the law is simple: like attracts like. We were told

that only opposites attract each other, like in the magnetic

poles of a magnet in which the North Pole is attracted to South

Pole. If this were true in the higher realms of existence, then

people with negative attitudes would be attracting the opposite

realties into their lives, but they do not. Do you know of

anyone who is grumpy all the time attracting positive people

and situations into their life? I certainly do not because it does

not work that way.

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The master teacher Jesus the Christ demonstrates this

principle of attraction when he states in Matthew 7:12,

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do

to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the

prophets. This is often called the Golden Rule. Could this be

any plainer?

Later on, Jesus demonstrates this law of attraction

again when he corrects Peter’s wrong action, which was to cut

off the ear of a servant of the High Priest in order to defend

Jesus from being wrongly arrested. Matthew 26: 51-52 states,

And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out

his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high

priest's, and smote off his ear. Then said Jesus unto him, Put

up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the

sword shall perish with the sword.

Jesus was teaching about the law of attraction in these

biblical scriptures noted above. There are countless examples

of this law of attraction all over the world in every religion or

spiritual path. These are further examples of the sowing and

reaping motif we mentioned earlier.

Now, another way to see this law of attraction

demonstrated is with a few musical tuning forks. Each tuning

fork has a specific vibration. For example, when struck with

some force, the “A” tuning fork vibrates at 440 cycles per

second and creates the “A” note sound. By the process of

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entrainment and sympathetic vibration, this vibrating “A”

tuning fork, when brought into proximity of another non-

vibrating “A” tuning fork, will cause that tuning fork to also

vibrate. These sympathetic vibrations cause these two tuning

forks to interact and be attracted to each other’s vibration. In

much the same manner, our feelings, thoughts, and emotions

sympathetically attract their twin, so to speak. Like attracts

like, so those who live by the sword attract others who live by

the sword, who will take their life as they have taken the life

of others.

This is how it all works from the side of the lower ego.

The part we play in the intentional co-creation of our lives

with our Higher Self is by what we focus our attention on. We

are literally like radio transmitter towers that broadcast

twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Just like radio

stations that have programming managers, we are our own

program manager. We are responsible for the thoughts and

feelings we are broadcasting to the universe. Our thoughts are

the first cause and the events that happen in our lives are the

effects of such thoughts.

If we constantly worry that we never have enough

money for our bills, we are directing the universe to make sure

that we do not. The universe does not judge what we have our

attention on and always interprets it as what we desire. The

Higher Self will try at times to send positive messengers to

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you out of grace, but if you ignore their messages, then there

is nothing your Higher Self can really do about your situation.

You can be told that the stove is hot all your life, but until you

burn your own fingers on the stove, you do not know what hot

really is. God can give everything but one thing and that one

thing is called experience. We must become conscious of our

negative thoughts and emotions, which are causing the

negative effects in our life. The goal here is conscious co-

creation by intention and design, rather than by unconscious


Now that you understand how powerful your thoughts

and emotions really are, what should you do about them?

First you must identify for yourself what you really desire for

your life. I suggest you make a list of twelve different things

that you desire for your life. They should range from simple

things like wanting your mailman to close your mailbox when

it is raining, to receiving that new promotion you applied for

at work. Now it is very important not to try to understand how

the universe will bring these things to you. That is not the part

you play in the equation.

The part you play in this co-creation equation is the

correct formation of the desire-infused thought forms that will

be physically manifesting in your life soon enough. You may

find it helpful to review your list multiple times every day.

You must visualize the mailman closing your mailbox as if it

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has already been happening for weeks now. You must ask

yourself how you would feel if you just got a phone call

saying that your promotion has been approved. The feeling

that such a phone call would give you must be the feeling you

have now. You must see all the things on your list as already

fulfilled, and then forget about them till you review the list

again and repeat this process. You may supplement your

visualizations with positive affirmations such as “thanks for

my promotion” or “I have such a thoughtful mailman who

always closes my mailbox.”

This may sound crazy, but you will see for yourself

that it works. In fact, everything you desire is ninety percent

already pre-formed in the spiritual realms before you even ask

for it. It is the final ten percent that will manifest as an effect

in your life in the physical world. In Matthew 6:7-8 Jesus

states, And in praying do not heap up empty phrases as the

Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their

many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what

you need before you ask him.

Jesus makes the point for us that it is important as to

how you ask or express your desires to God. He also points

out that the Higher Self already knows what you need before

you visualize it and affirm in faith that you already have

received it. Yes, this is how it is done. Now once something is

fulfilled on your list, then cross it off and replace it with

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something else. This way you are always working on different

co-creations, which will be faith-building exercises for you.

As the little things come in first, you are able to accept that the

larger ones spiritually have already happened and their effects

in your physical world can be expected at any time.

Finally, do not use phrases such as “I want” or “I

need” because these are negative universals. You will be

creating more want and need with these kinds of phrases.

Rather, say, “I have” and “I am so thankful to you God for all

that you have and continue to give me.”

Finally, being thankful for all that you have is

important. Accept your current outer situation, no matter what

it is, and do not judge it. Replace any lack or need with the

positive desire thought forms that are reflected on your list.

Whenever a negative doubt or fear comes across your mind or

heart, stop it immediately. For example, hate is not the

opposite of love. If you have hate in your life, do not stop

hating but start loving. This is how you cancel out the

negative. Love is not the opposite of hate; love stands alone

and cancels out hate. You must flip the switch in your mind

and heart to love if you want to cancel out hating.

Consequently, do not dwell on fear and do not try to stop

fearing; rather, start loving. In time you will reprogram your

inner map of reality to be in line with your Higher Self or

Christ consciousness. As St. Paul states in Romans 12:2, And

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be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the

renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,

and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

God has made us to be both His children and equal to

Him at the same time. Paul again states this spiritual irony

esoterically in Philippians 2:5-6, Let this mind be in you,

which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of

God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. What a

glorious long-term future awaits us as we spiritually evolve

back into the Godhead, the place we originally started from.

The renewing of our minds as to how the universe really

works—that it is the effect of our thoughts—is the beginning

of this wonderful journey to fullness. Eventually, we will be

conformed to this image of Deity, and the difference between

the Higher Self and the lower self will disappear. Yet, our

unique individuality will eternally remain. This is the glorious

mystery, Christ in us, the hope of glory.

6 Collective Co-Creation (Past,

Present, and Future)

We not only co-create the physical world with our

Higher Self, we also co-create the physical world collectively

with all of humanity and the Universal Mind. This is quite a

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staggering reality if you really stop to think about it. The late

Dr. Carl G. Jung first documented the collective unconscious

of humanity for the Western culture. He was a student of

Freud, and Freud is accredited with the discovery and

documentation of the personal unconscious. Social conditions

and wars are not necessarily one person’s creation. They are

actually collective co-creations of whole groups of people.

Even storms, hurricanes, famines, and earthquakes are

the co-creation of whole groups of people who share the same

ideologies and focus. Imagine how powerful the media really

is if they can shape the opinion of millions of people. This

implies that they could create whatever they put their mind to.

Remember the biblical story of the tower of Babel. All the

people of the world at that time spoke the same language and

could work as a team. Collectively, they could accomplish

anything they put their minds to, good or bad.

The story in Genesis 11:1-9 conveys, And the LORD

came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of

men built. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and

they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and

now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have

imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound

their language, that they may not understand one another's

speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon

the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

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Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD

did there confound the language of all the earth: and from

thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all

the earth.

In this story from Genesis, the collective Higher Self

of all the people together is referred to here as the Lord. The

people in the city spoke the same language and shared the

same “imagination” or vision. So collectively, they could

manifest anything they wanted. This is true for several

reasons. First, their individual lower ego development was

hardly existent. They were more like a group mind, like a huge

cluster of ants rather than strong individuals working in

community. Second, esoterically the tower that reaches all the

way to heaven was the attempt of collective humanity to

return to their spiritual realm of origin. Had they been allowed

to be successful at this, their return would have been

permanent, premature, and without the development of the

human ego.

The Higher Self needs you to develop its individuality.

This is part of the Cosmic Divine Plan. The lesson here is that

we can collectively, as well as individually, manifest anything

we want if it does not go against the cosmic evolution of the

Divine Plan for humanity. Remember, the God of Moses was

the great “I AM”.

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Dividing humanity against itself with a division in

language did not stop them from being co-creators, which

would be impossible. What this did do was limit their co-

creating collective abilities, and as a whole race, keep them

from manifesting something too dangerous prematurely. Such

a disaster would seriously skew their development.

By having different countries, tribes, and cultures, we

experience the illusion of the duality. This illusion that I am

not you helps to create the sense of “I” in the lower ego. At the

end of each individual life, the “I” of the lower ego returns

with its experiences back to the arms of the true ‘I Am” or

Higher Self/Ego.

The situation is this: our Higher Self sends down a new

personality at every new lifetime to have new experiences as a

limited self or lower ego. The lower ego is starring in its own

movie while the Higher Self is the Producer, Writer, and

Director of the film story itself. This is why most people

cannot remember their past lifetimes, which would only get in

the way of this new present lifetime. Each new lifetime has a

new personality that has never existed before. The Higher Self

remembers every lifetime, but the lower ego does not. Like

“Jacob’s coat of many colors”, each new lifetime adds a new

dimension of individuality to the Higher Self. The Higher Self

is our partner and is the only God we as lower egos will ever

really know.

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Great enlightened leaders like Mahatma Gandhi did

not free India from British rule by himself. He was able to co-

create his position as a leader, for sure, however, it was only

when a significant amount of people from diverse

backgrounds were able to share the vision that they were able

to collectively co-create India’s independence. This is an

example of how the division that was started at the tower of

Babel is now being rescinded for a greater cause of spiritual


Gandhi himself was the star in his Higher Self’s script.

It was the contract, the role he agreed to play before he came

to earth. He may have not understood in the beginning why, as

a lawyer and British citizen, he would be attracted to the needs

of the Indian people, however, later on he did. Therefore,

leaders like Gandhi and Martin Luther King are born to the

roles they play in life. This is their contract with the Higher

Self. You also have a contract or life’s purpose to fulfill.

In regards to the great collective’s co-creational

abilities to create war or independence, real change will only

come in the world when each individual realizes that at the

highest level of existence, we are one being. Each individual

must be able to resist the collective’s negative co-creations by

not supporting them internally within their minds. Each person

must not let the media program their lives for them. We must

take control of our own co-creations. Only then will we create

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an even better world, one person at a time, beginning with our


When this happens, the Kingdom of God will be

established on earth and we again will be one community of

individuals who are able to act for the good of all. Then

humanity will become a completed hierarchy of gods just

below the angels and the archangels. At that point, we will be

ready to co-create a greater reality with the Higher Gods

whose individuality and community has been intact for eons.

As they have watched over our evolution, we will then guard

and protect the evolution of the new humanity who will be

under our care. In a sense, we will be their connection to their

Higher Selves.

In this regard, Revelation 21:1-3 reveals, And I saw a

new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first

earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I

John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from

God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her

husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying,

Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell

with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall

be with them, and be their God.

The final conscious union of collective humanity with

their Higher Selves is the great Marriage in heaven. The New

Jerusalem will be the new earth that we will collectively co-

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create for the new evolving humanity under our care. This will

be our new sacred contract, between us and the Higher Gods,

and the baby gods under our care.

7 The Heart of the Matter

Being co-creators by default, we must now

master being co-creators by deliberate intention. As previously

stated, we have a life’s mission. That mission is imprinted in

our hearts at birth. We came into the world with an innate

understanding of this purpose. As we grew older, this desire

became steeped within our bones and became the unconscious

drives within our will. This is why some of us are driven to

play an instrument or become a teacher.

It is true that we can create anything if we put our

mind to it, but are we creating what we really want? Even if

we get fame and fortune, will that really make us happy? If we

can understand our heart’s greatest desire, we will most likely

be able to accomplish it no matter what the obstacles and

experience great joy at the same time. All the masters teach

that the purpose of existence is joy. If we are not happy with

our present situations, then we are not following our life’s true

purpose. There are enough sad people in Hollywood to prove

this point.

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The biblical example of Moses being a prince in Egypt

and still not knowing his true heart’s desire should speak to all

of us. He was at the top of the food chain and yet there was

something missing from his life. Until he realized that he was

the chosen leader to free the Jews from their captivity, he had

not known his heart’s true desire and mission. Like the young

Moses, when our lower ego discovers the heart’s true desires,

it tries to manifest them based on its own experience and

ability. That is the formula for certain failure. The lower ego

needs re-education before it can become the working partner

of the Higher Self.

Moses made many mistakes because of his lower ego,

was consequently driven out of Egypt, and became a shepherd.

He married a non-Jewish Cushite woman. Moses spent many

years in this foreign land till the day he decided to climb Mt.

Sinai. Here Moses has the symbolic encounter with the

burning bush. We read in Exodus 3:2-5, And the angel of the

LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of

a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire,

and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now

turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.

And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God

called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses,

Moses. And he said, Here am I.

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The Burning Bush is a metaphor for the Higher Self.

Moses finally hears the call his heart’s desire for a second

time. Only this time he no longer thinks he himself is capable

of fulfilling the mission of freeing the Jews from their

captivity on his own. This is the turning point in the

partnership between Moses and his Higher Self.

Now Moses responds to his Higher Self’s mission in

humility when he says in Exodus 3:11, And Moses said unto

God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I

should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? Moses’

lower ego now sings a different song and allows the great “I

AM” to lead the way. Therefore, God is made to say in

Exodus 3:12, Certainly I will be with thee. Thus Moses goes

from saying “Here am I” to “Who am I” which shows the

proper relationship to the Higher Self. The lower ego must

visualize and act in faith; and the Higher Self makes it

materialize. This is a hard lesson for the lower ego and in this

case, it took Moses decades to make the transition.

Following your heart’s desire does not mean shirking

your responsibilities. We have responsibilities to our families,

employers, and the government. We may have to do some

things in life that we do not enjoy doing because we know that

they are the right things to do. Karma is karma. Remember

that your Higher Self is a god, a powerful god who will fulfill

your heart’s desire no matter what the challenge or apparent

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difficulty in your way. In fact, your heart’s true desire comes

from the agreement you made with your Higher Self before

you came to earth. The Higher Self is on your side whether

you can understand it or not.

The heart of the matter is to identify your heart’s

greatest and truest desire. The one desire that gives you the

most joy is your heart’s true desire, and it will be the most

powerful force in your mental-emotional make up. The reason

that this is so is because your heart, as a physical beating

organ and as an energy turning chakra, is directly connected to

your Higher Self in a highly energized manner. As powerful as

mental thoughts alone can be, when they are aligned with

feeling and form, they are unstoppable.

Masters and mystics have described this union of

feeling and thought as a kind of “heart thought.” Women, by

culture and nature, have this facility more developed than

many men. By identifying your heart’s desire, your life’s true

purpose, a joy begins to fill your soul. When you visualize

your desire with this kind of energy, the Higher Self will move

heaven and earth to fulfill it. After all, your heart’s desire is

the Higher Self’s desire also.

There is some flexibility here also. There are many

pathways to the same goal or purpose. The Higher Self, who is

the Director and Producer of your life’s movie, will allow for

diversity and interpretation of the script you are starring in.

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However, if you get too far aside, the Higher Self will,

because of its contract with you, start to nudge you back on

the right path. This is why we do not have to figure out the

ways and means as to how we are going to achieve our

purpose. We only have to start to do it. Everyone who has ever

succeeded never knew how he or she was going to succeed;

they only knew that they would!

Edison did not know how he was going to create a

light bulb; he only knew that he would. The Wright brothers

did not know exactly how they were going to fly through the

sky like a bird; they only knew that they eventually would.

The picture here should be clear. You do not need to know all

the facts and data involved in how your life’s purpose will

manifest; you only need to know that it will.

In order to be successful with our endeavors, we must

have hearts that are filled with kindness and compassion to be

effective co-creators. If our heart is full of grief, pain,

resentment, and non-forgiveness, then our hearts will wax

hard and our ability to consciously co-create will be seriously

inhibited and impaired. We read in Exodus 9:12, And the

LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not

unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses. Pharaoh’s

hardening in his heart was from his own pride and arrogance.

God does not create the hardness in Pharaoh’s heart directly.

God already knows how Pharaoh will react ahead of time to

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the manifestations being made by Moses. In this way, Pharaoh

crippled himself for two reasons.

The first reason being that Pharaoh’s co-creative

manifestation of keeping the Jews as his free laborers is not in

alignment with the Cosmic Divine Plan for the Jews and the

universe. The second reason is that in order to correct

Pharaoh, his own Higher Self has to work against him in order

to try to realign his understanding of God’s Cosmic Divine


Pharaoh’s true life’s purpose was actually to set the

Jews free, as a gesture to the whole world, when the time was

right. The Jews were a symbol that humanity had reached a

point of maturity and were ready to take on a more conscious

relationship to their own “I AM” higher consciousness, and

Pharaoh, rather than assisting this, was resisting it. Pharaoh

was manifesting from his mind alone, not his heart. Pharaoh’s

lower ego took over; he became prideful and feared that there

would not be enough workers to create the bricks for his great

building projects. Fear always paralyzes the positive creativity

of the mind and heart.

Here we have the dual example of Pharaoh resisting

hisown life’s purpose, while Moses is following his true life’s

purpose. Moses is unstoppable. He is in alignment with his

contract with his “I AM” or Higher Ego. Moses does not know

how he will free the people of Israel; he only knows that he

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will. Moses only has to show up; the Higher Self will control

the outcome in accordance with the Divine Cosmic Plan.

Our life’s mission may not be as grandiose as Moses’

was, but I assure you it is just as important, and the joy it will

give you is absolute. So ask yourself, “What would you do if

you had all the money you will ever need?” What brings you

the greatest joy in your life so that you do not even notice the

time passing? If you were to die in twenty-four hours, what

would be your greatest regret? Answering these questions may

help you identify your life’s purpose. Once you discover this

purpose, a full one hundred percent of your heart should be

excited and/or at peace. That is the Joy of the Lord, the Joy of

the Higher Self in your heart. To be able to co-create your

life’s purpose is a gift from God to you. He put it in your


King Solomon states in Ecclesiastes 5:19 –20, Every

man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath

given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to

rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God. For he shall not

much remember the days of his life; because God answereth

him in the joy of his heart.

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8 Eternal Duration and Local Time

Duration and time are not the same thing. Time

is a local phenomenon and thus an illusion, whereas duration

is eternal. Duration is the eternal now. As far as time is

concerned, there are different time zones all over the globe of

the earth. While it is sunset in one part of the world, it is at the

same time sunrise in another. One could argue that this is just

a measurement of physical astronomical relationships and

nothing else; however, such an argument would be flawed.

Einstein showed that time is relative to location and ultimately

an illusion. The discovery of black holes in the universe now

demonstrates this clearly.

A black hole is a dimensionless vortex beyond space

and time. Scientists believe that when a star goes supernova

and blows up, it can become a pulsar or a black hole that

begins to suck all matter, time, gravity, light, and space into

non-local non-existence. Even the light of the universe is bent

and sucked into this black hole. My book, Essential Healing:

Therapy and Consciousness, covers this phenomenon in

greater depth than we can go into here. I would recommend

this reading for those who are interested in such subjects.

Suffice it to say that there are black holes everywhere

in space. There is a black hole at the center of every

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phenomenon, from sub-atomic particles of potential, to the

center of a planet, star, galaxy, and the universe itself. Only

when the intention of the observer changes does the black hole

collapse the phenomena it has manifested out of the quantum

soup of potential. Ultimately, the Hindu’s speak about both the

creation and destruction of all there is as the great out-

breathing and final in-breathing of God. Thus, the universe is

out-breathed and then in-breathed eternally by God. All that

remains constant is the eternal duration of God, and that is

what our true Self shares with God, the eternal now.

The reality of the black hole is non-local existence;

non-space, no time, and all black holes are connected as a

singularity. If you could stick your finger into one black hole

without crushing it into non-existence, you would find your

one finger sticking out of every black hole in the universe all

at the same time. This underlying reality, reflected in the black

holes themselves, is what exists as the potential quantum soup,

which can manifest in whatever form a human, angel,

archangel, diva, cherubim, seraphim, or God desires. Many of

the things we manifest are in time and space, but their origins

are beyond this three-dimensional reality. As we mentioned

previously in this writing, Hebrews 11:3 states that, Through

faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word

of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things

which do appear.

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Now, when we manifest something on the earth such

as health, tragedy, wealth, or poverty, the origins of these

effects are invisible to the senses. The physical universe is the

effect and not the cause of its own existence. The universal

mind is the cause of everything and we are part of that mind

and have access to it.

Having found our true heart’s desire, we must do our

part to bring it to fruition. The lower ego lives in the world of

time and space, but the Higher Ego does not. For the Higher

Ego, there is no gap between our desire and its fulfillment. It

is our own lower ego that delays this process. Our lower ego is

the victim of its experiences. A wonderful biblical example of

this is found in Mark 3: 12-14, And on the morrow, when they

were come from Bethany, he was hungry: And seeing a fig tree

afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any

thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but

leaves; for the time of figs was not yet. And Jesus answered

and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever.

And his disciples heard it.

In this passage sited from Mark, Jesus is hungry and

sees a fig tree in the distance reflecting many fruit bearing

leaves. He approaches the tree assuming to find some fruit

there to relieve his hunger. Upon arriving, he finds no fruit

whatsoever and curses the fruit tree for being barren so that it

may never bare fruit again. Of course, like many Bible

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passages, there are multiple reasons and meanings to this act

of Jesus. The one we shall emphasize here is only one layer of

understanding. Jesus did this act as he and his disciples were

entering the city gates, and every one of them heard and saw

him perform this action.

The next morning, when Jesus and the twelve were

now leaving the city, Peter noticed the fig tree’s condition.

Mark 3: 20-23 states, And in the morning, as they passed by,

they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter calling

to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree

which thou cursed is withered away. And Jesus answering

saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you,

that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed,

and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart,

but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to

pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Peter noticed that the fig tree had withered in less than

twenty-four hours. He was somewhat surprised at this. What

Peter did not realize is that when the Master Jesus the Christ

cursed the fig tree, the roots had instantly stopped working.

However, it took several hours to see the effect of this in time.

Many times, when we visualize our heart’s desires, we think

that nothing is happening fast enough, if at all, and we lose

hope or faith. This is because the ego lives in time and space.

It only knows what it has perceived in the past to be reality.

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The ego is either thinking of the future or thinking of the past.

The ego hardly ever is here in the eternal now.

The reason for this ego behavior is that the ego

believes its job is to protect you and to help you get your

needs filled, and it does this based solely on its own

experiences. What is even worse is that the subconscious mind

remembers these experiences and programs the synapses in

the brain to adhere to them. These synaptic pathways become

our conditioning and reflexes. This phenomenon is not

necessarily ominous, but it can become that way when we

want to take control of our destiny.

The answer here is not to annihilate the ego as some

mystics have taught. Rather, the answer is to re-educate the

ego to the greater reality that, up to this point in time, has been

out of its scope of experience. The first thing we must learn to

do is to notice when our ego is worrying about the future or

lamenting over the spilt milk of the past. As long as our egos

are doing these types of practices, they are co-creating the

future to be a repeat of the past. This circle of co-creation

repetition is how we lock ourselves into what we see as

repeating patterns in our life. We keep marrying the same type

of person. We are always short of funds for our bills. Nothing

ever seems to work for us like it does for other people. We are

afraid of new situations that the ego cannot relate to a known

past experience.

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We must train ourselves to notice when our ego is

practicing these types of negative behaviors and flip the switch

in our minds to a higher, different thought. Also, we must root

out and become aware of the origin of these negative

experiences that have happened to us over our personal

history. We must face them, accept them for what they are,

and then forgive all who were involved in these past

experiences, including ourselves. Self-forgiveness is very

important. God does not condemn nor judge you, you judge


The benefit of this type of psychic house cleaning is

that you are able to stop your unconscious from sabotaging

your conscious efforts at co-creation. Yes, when you begin to

have fear and doubt about your future, your subconscious is

doing it. Some of the more subtle signs are that you have lost

your drive, you have writer’s block, and life seems empty and

blah. You must review what you have been taught by your

church, your government, your parents, your teachers, and

your friends. Then you must ask yourself if these learned

beliefs still serve your best interest.

Once you have identified these non-serving beliefs,

you must erase them and change them by integrating them into

the greater whole truth. Spoken positive affirmations, as to

what you really believe now, will help to overwrite and

integrate these negative conditionings within your brain and

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mind. This way your subconscious will not sabotage your

efforts at co-creation.

What should the ego do next? The ego should not

worry, it should be happy. The ego needs to get into the now

and place its order with the Higher Self. When we meditate, it

is to bring the ego to the point of stillness and clarity. When

we are at this place of stillness and clarity, when all thought

about the future and the past ceases, the ego is in the eternal

duration of now and is in harmony with the nature of the

Higher Self. When this happens, we are in the now. Now is the

only reality, and it is from here we can ask aright and receive

all that we ask for. Like the fig tree Jesus cursed, our request is

filled right now, even if we do not see the effects till later.

By freeing our subconscious from its wrongful

conditioning, by flipping the switch to a positive thought

whenever the negative ones come up, we are able to keep our

co-creation manifestations on course. We are able to plant our

seed thoughts and desires in good ground, from which they

will grow and manifest when and how they should.

In Mark 4:3-8 we read, Hearken; Behold, there went

out a sower to sow: And it came to pass, as he sowed, some

fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and

devoured it up. And some fell on stony ground, where it had

not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had

no depth of earth: But when the sun was up, it was scorched;

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and because it had no root, it withered away. And some fell

among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it

yielded no fruit. And other fell on good ground, and did yield

fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some

thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred.

The Parable of the Sower, as taught by Jesus to his

disciples, clearly illustrates all that has been said up to now.

The seed being planted by Jesus is The Gospel of Co-Creation.

The fowls of the air are the lies we have been taught about the

nature of reality, which now live in our subconscious and

manifest as negative thoughts and emotions.

The shallow ground is a metaphor for people with

shallow perceptions of reality who cannot allow any more

room for change in their life. When the negative feelings come

up, they are not able to flip the switch, and all that they would

consciously co-create is burned up. They create by default.

The stony ground is a metaphor for people who are

hard-hearted and unyielding to anything not in alignment with

their past experiences. There is no place for the good news of

co-creation to take root and grow in their hearts and minds.

They also create by default. The thorns are the negative

messages from our media, our professors, our teachers, and

our parents that squash our beliefs in our true heart’s desires

so we cannot fulfill them.

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The good ground is the people who are willing to do

the work. They are willing to change, to try something new,

and they have the depth to understand the reality of The

Gospel of Co-Creation. Consequently, they yield back in their

lives even more than they originally planted and have

consciously co-created their lives.

As I have said before, The Gospel of Co-Creation is

the hidden gospel of God to humanity. It has always been

there in the scriptures, as well is in all the holy books of the

world. This gospel is a hidden gospel whose time has now

come to be made public. Thus, we read in Mark 4:10-11, And

when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve

asked of him the parable. And he said unto them, Unto you it

is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto

them that are without, all these things are done in parables.

These mysteries are being shared with you as you read

this. Are you aware of this? I believe that you are, especially

since you helped to bring this writing into your life. You are

the good ground this gospel was meant to grow in. Welcome

to the Kingdom of God, here now.

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9 Psychological Reversal and the Inner


Do you ever find yourself getting fatigued, being out

of energy and drive, or having writer’s block? There are many

possibilities for feeling this way. Many times, we start out on a

project with great energy and drive, and then halfway through

it we tend to lose interest. In Mark 14:38 Jesus remarks, Watch

ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is

ready, but the flesh is weak. This can be the inner child within

us blocking our creativity because our inner child’s needs have

not been met. When everything is functioning without effort in

our lives, our inner child and the adult in us are one, and their

individual parameters are seamless. This unity of

consciousness does not last forever because we are not yet

perfected beings. Yet this unity of consciousness is God’s

intention for you.

Jesus comments in Matthew 6:22-23, The light of the

body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body

shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body

shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be

darkness, how great is that darkness! The eye being referred

to here is the mind’s eye, sometimes known as the third eye by

the Eastern mystics. This is why Jesus is referring to the single

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eye of the spirit and not the pluralistic eyes of the physical

body. The physical body can contain what is called cellular

memory, and if it is toxic, then the body can be said to be full

of darkness or ignorance. If left unresolved, this darkness or

ignorance can lead to negative creations in our life. When the

inner child is in harmony with the rest of our constitution, then

it can be said that our body, as well as our soul and spirit, is

full of light. We are whole.

I am reminded of the story about a certain therapist, the

innovator of the modern version or Myofascial Release

(MFR). MFR is a bodyworker type practice that allows the

fascia or connective tissues in our body to rehydrate and

release all of the toxins that are resting there. Many of these

toxins have an emotional component known as cellular

memory. It is pretty common knowledge now that the body is

also a part of the mind. Thus, many memories of the inner

child are stored right in the cellular makeup of our body’s

connective tissues. These unresolved memories can inhibit our

lives and our abiltity to succeed in life by setting up

psychological reversals of what we really desire to do with our


In this therapist’s case, all of a sudden one day there

was hardly any money coming into his clinic. He was nervous

about this. They were barely paying the overhead cost of the

clinic on a monthly basis. One of his co-workers approached

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him and said, “Look, you need some bodywork done on you.”

After a few more days, this therapist agreed and allowed the

other therapist to release and unwind his myofascial system.

Shortly into the session, a cellular memory came up in which

the therapist was in school as a young boy. It was the day

when all the other children brought their father to school with

them. The problem was that he did not have a father in his life

at that time. He was quite embarrassed and full of self

loathing. Durning the MFR session, his spirit guide or Higher

Self spoke to him and said, “You must accept this event, lean

into the wind and move on with your life.” He did this and his

inner child cellular memory was healed. Immediately the

phone at the clinic was ringing off the hook. People were

booking appointments and seminars with him all over the


The lesson here is that no matter how much your

conscious mind affirms positive affirmations, the inner child

can reverse all that positive energy into a stronger negative

force that will actually block the very manifestation you are

trying to bring into your life. This is a pschological reversal

with metaphysical power. This is not a bad thing. In fact, it is

in aligment with the goal of our Higher Self, which is to make

us fully whole, healthy, and conscious.

Wholeness is absolute good, while duality consists of

only relative good and relative evil or darkness. When we are

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in total unity with our nature, we are in unity with God. There

is only one presence, one reality, and one being. Anything

other than this unity is less than perfect and leads to illusion

and darkness. The lower ego has to be reintegrated and re-

educated to reality. It must humble itself as a little child to

connect to the inner child. The male disciples of Christ had a

problem tuning in to this truth.

In Luke 18:15-17 it is written, And they brought unto

him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his

disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto

him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and

forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I

say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God

as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. Unless we heal

and redeem the inner child, we shall not enter the Kingdom of

Heaven and experience for ourselves The Gopel of Co-

Creation right here on earth.

In the end, our goal is to be happy. The things we want

to bring into our life we think will make us happy. However,

even if you get all the things you want, if the inner child has

not healed, then your soul is not balanced, and you will not be

happy no matter how much you accomplish. The answer is to

be happy now, heal the inner child by self awareness and

acceptance, and all these other things you desire for your life

will just show up effortlessly. Pretty neat, huh?

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The final result of this unity of consciousness is joy.

Yes, the “Joy of the Lord” is the result. The Creator is in a

state of bliss and joy eternally. All the things we create and

manifest in our lives consciously are attempts at finding the

ultimate happiness and joy in our life. Nehemiah 8:10 advises

us, Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your

strength. Be whole, be happy, and all that you desire will

come to you, for like is attracted to like.

10 Detachment, Ego, and Co-Creation

Many times when I teach others about flipping the

switch from a negative thought to a positive one, they think

that I am teaching them to go into denial about reality. This

could not be further from the truth. What I am really teaching

is a metaphysical principle, namely that whatever we give our

attention to now will co-create our future immediately, if not

later. If you think you are having a bad day, and you keep

dwelling on it, your bad day will get progressively worse as

time goes on. As the Psalmist says in Proverbs 23:7, For as

man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

When we say that our day is good or bad, we are

actually making a judgment or interpretation of the sequence

of events that happened to us. We do not have to deny the

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existence of these events. What we need to do is to stop

attaching a value to them. We need to detach ourselves from

the meaning of these events so they do not dominate our

attention. Dwelling on an event we do not like does nothing

for us but to perpetuate more events of the same nature. Thus

the saying, “When it rains, it pours.”

One old classic Beatle song says, “When the rain

comes, they run and hide their heads, they might as well be

dead.” In a sense this is true. If we close our eyes and hide

from the fact that we co-create our reality, then judge it good

or bad, we are killing our very own future. Being detached

from the events that approach us in our lives does not mean

ignoring them or being irresponsible. We must always take

care of business as it happens. If our alarm clock’s alarm does

not go off on time, we do not judge it. We mentally flip the

switch and say with belief and conviction, “Everything that

happens, happens by design from God’s point of view and

works for my ultimate good always.” Romans 8:28 also states,

And we know that all things work together for good to them

that love God, to them who are the called according to his


Our little ego’s abilities to comprehend our Higher

Self’s ways of bringing to us what we desire are beyond its

ken. This is why we should not judge the events in our life as

good or bad. The human brain can only process about 1026

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thoughts per second, while the Higher Self processes trillions

of thoughts all at once. There is no way the lower ego can

know the way in which the Higher Self or God will fulfill our

needs. At that level of existence, we are one cosmic mind, a

singularity that helps all people everywhere all at once. Isaiah

55:8-9 further reinforces this duality of divine human nature

by stating, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are

your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are

higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways,

and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. The nature of the

Higher Self and the nature of the lower ego are not the same.

You may ask, “Why is it that the lower ego has so

much influence if the Higher Self is so omnipotent?” The

answer can be demonstrated by analogy. Imagine the Higher

Self as a large clipper ship with three masts and many sails

sitting on an infinite ocean. The infinite ocean is the universal

consciousness of God. The clipper ship is the Higher Self, and

the wind in its sails is the Spirit and Will of God for our lives.

We might now ask, “Where is the lower ego in all this?” The

lower ego is the rudder of the clipper ship. Turning the rudder

to the right, to the left, or just maintaining a neutral loose

position influences the direction the clipper ship takes. The

rudder or lower ego is really a very important part of the

whole Divine structure and a very necessary part of the


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The tongue is an extension of the rudder of the lower

ego. What we say to others and ourselves can influence the

direction of our lives. James, the brother of Jesus, states in

James 3:4-5, Behold the ships also, though they are so great

and are driven by strong winds, are still directed by a very

small rudder, wherever the inclination of the pilot desires. So

also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of

great things. Behold, how great a forest is set aflame by such

a small fire!

The lower ego is the rudder of our destiny’s direction.

There is no purposeless action or existence in the universe.

The ego is not to be destroyed; it is to be re-educated to the

real nature of reality. Once the lower ego is re-educated, the

Captain of our clipper ship will be the Higher Self, and the

lower ego will be an obedient rudder, a true Son or Daughter

of God. So let us draw up our anchor of non-compliance, loose

our rudder from its judgmental habits, unfurl the sails of our

Higher Self and let the Spirit of God move upon our lives and

bring us to enlightenment and fulfillment. Cast off onto the

ocean of detachment, and receive all that you have been

denying yourself by judgment and negative focus. Think with

your heart, feel with your mind, hear with your eyes, see what

you hear, and be ready to receive all.

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Like most primal people, the ancient Maya had great

wisdom, and yet they did not have it all. This is because it is

never meant for one people to have total enlightenment alone.

It is meant for all of humanity to receive this ultimate


As wise as the Maya (like most primal people) were in

astronomy, they unwisely believed in scarcity and lack. They

were not aware of their current ability to co-create reality with

God, which is why they had such a despotic priesthood. They

had many wars over these beliefs, all grounded in material

limitations. Ultimately they manifested their own starvation

and lack. This happened because they themselves are co-

creators of reality with God, as are all the other members of

humanity. They created their own ultimate demise. They were

not unlike many other primal people who believed in

sacrifices, whether they are human, animal, or vegetable.

The sacrifices of Cain and Able to their God reflect

similar types of concepts. The sacrifice of Christ on the cross

of Calvary is another example, but with a twist. His sacrifice

was both human and divine. As Dr. Carl Jung noted in primal

peoples: in the beginning mankind died for God, and in post-

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Christian times, God had died for mankind. This event marked

a developmental change in human consciousness worldwide

for those who could receive it. Not everyone grows spiritually

at the same rate of speed.

Originally, only the initiates and high priests knew that

all of humanity co-created reality with God, especially here on

earth. It was their job to keep this knowledge from us until we

matured enough to handle it without destroying each other.

The suppression of this fact by orthodox religions was part of

the reason for their existence. They were supposed to help the

common person safely integrate their co-creative powers,

unconsciously and collectively, through liturgy, ritual, and

ceremony. This is the real purpose of orthodox religion.

However, as human organizing institutions, they were not

meant to last forever. In fact, they were eventually supposed to

lead us to spiritual self-reliance and community

simultaneously. They are apparently now failing to fulfill their

final mission, as many now seem to exist for themselves as

institutions, rather than as caretakers of humanity. They have

become as Paul states in 2Timothy 3:5, as, Having a form of

godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn


Legend tells us that prior to our current historical era,

there was an Atlantean era of existence. In that era, humanity

was supposedly more conscious of this ability to co-create,

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and they were dominated by a powerful priesthood who were

well practiced in the art of co-creation. Eventually, they

destroyed themselves with thought power and life-force

power. It is hard to say just how true this is. Furthermore, the

legend tells us that the fall of humanity into blind materialism

was our punishment for such abuse. We became strangers in a

strange land of materialism. We became alienated and afraid

in a world we did not know was our own creation. However,

this Atlantean adventure does not have to be literally true to

make the point that, when it comes to wielding real creative

power, we can be like children playing with a box of matches.

We have now reached the point where, like the Maya

or the Atlanteans, we might destroy ourselves because of our

undoubting belief in materialism. Thus, we collectively co-

create the reality of materialism and its implication of scarcity

and lack. We fight wars over oil, food, and territory. These are

our creations. We are the gods of this planet earth. We prove

to ourselves everyday, with self-fulfilling creations, just how

true to reality materialism is.

With the development of the implications of quantum

physics, we can no longer suppress our true nature, without

creating mutual annihilation through nuclear war or biological

warfare. Yes, because of the lack of knowledge about our true

nature, we are unconsciously manifesting our materialistic

dream/nightmare with its demons of scarcity and war. We are

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still co-creating materialistic ways to annihilate each other.

This is why the orthodox religions, scientific materialism,

greedy capitalism, socialism, communism, and all other

material based “isms” are failing.

The failure of these systems is accelerating. Old

solutions are not working. Wars do not make us money

anymore. The “guns for butter” mentality of WWII by the

military complex is no longer ringing true. Statements like

“greed is good” by blind and twisted capitalists are now being

shown to be false. Like the Maya, these foolish “platitudes”

will cost us our own security, and in a deeper sense, our very


Most religions, excluding the Mayan, foresee

apocalyptic type visions at the culmination of our

development as a species. Yes, you can find it in certain forms

of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Dr.

Carl Jung protested against this, believing that humanity could

avoid such a catastrophe through awareness of our deep,

collective unconscious tendencies.

Even if the world as a whole were nothing more than a

dream, the suffering within the soul of our species (trapped

within that endless dream-like prison) is still considered very

real by the Buddhist. Some suffering is beneficial and helps us

to correct our mistakes, but much of our current suffering is

unnecessary and is due to our ignorance. This latter type of

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suffering is self-perpetuating and destructive. It turns our true

dream of Eden into a nightmare.

When we can accept our destiny to become conscious

co-creators with God and the other gods, we can start to Co-

Create for the benefit of others. We can then be as the

Buddhist Bodhisattvas who seek enlightenment and Nirvana

for the sake of all sentient life, and not for just themselves.

Since even the minerals have a form of consciousness, this

means all of creation must be redeemed from suffering. All of

creation is sentient.

Begin today to seek enlightenment for the sake of all

others. Do not worry about how to obtain it. All this will be

given to you, as you need it. Right motivation will lead to

right action. As the Masters have said, “The act of meditation

will teach you how to meditate.” It is my greatest hope, that

out of being able to manifest for yourself what you choose for

your life, you will realize that not only is there an endless

supply of whatever you want, but that you will also see the

greater purpose as to why God created us as Gods in His/Her


We are to overcome the world system and the world

itself. The world is our schoolroom. We will even eventually

overcome reincarnation. At that point in time, we will

consciously unite with the Godhead through our Higher Self,

and we shall remain free from suffering forever more. Thus, it

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The Gospel of Co-Creation-68

is written in Revelation 3:12, To him who overcomes I will

make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he

leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name

of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming

down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him

my new name.

It is my hope that by choice you will choose the path

that leads to light. It is my hope that when you reach full

enlightenment, and you will reach it, that you choose to be a

Buddha of Compassion. It is my belief and hope that you will

forsake Nirvana/Heaven and choose to return to Earth for the

sake of all those who may still be suffering here unnecessarily.

Let us co-create an apocalypse of compassion and redemption

together, rather than one of war and suffering. The choice is

now yours. You are at the age of accountability. I believe in

you. Believe in yourself. Let the spiritual sun shine from your

Higher Self into your heart and out to others. Finally, do not

judge, just accept, and above all things, be kind. You are a

God; please be a compassionate God. This is truly The Gospel

of Co-Creation.

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